2      block data feffbd
4      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
6      character*72 header
7      common /header_common/ header
9      character*10 shole(0:9)
10      character*8 sout(0:6)
11      common /labels/ shole, sout
14      character*12 vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
15      common /vers/ vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
17c     character*12 vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
18c     common /vers/ vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
20      data shole /'no hole',    'K shell',
21     1            'LI shell',   'LII shell',
22     2            'LIII shell', 'MI shell',
23     3            'MII shell',  'MIII shell',
24     4            'MIV shell',  'MV shell'/
25      data sout /'H-L exch', 'D-H exch', 'Gd state',
26     1           'DH - HL ', 'DH + HL ', 'HLnoimag', 'Gs HL   '/
28c                   123456789012
29      data vfeff  /'  Feff 6.01l'/
30      data vpotph /'  potph 4.12'/
31      data vpaths /'  paths 3.05'/
32      data vgenfm /' genfmt 1.44'/
33      data vff2ch /' ff2chi 2.01'/
35c     6.01l EXAFS only lite version 10/02 jjr
36c     5.05a is current working version
37c     5.05j is jjr's version 6/93
38c     6.00 Alexey's polarization and XANES
39c     6.01 Release version of FEFF6 including bug fixes ala and jjr
40c     4.04 Major code reorganization.  Muffin tin finder modified -- now
41c     uses average of all possible muffin tin radii instead of minimum.
42c     26 March, 1991   Steven Zabinsky
43c     4.05 Yet another improvement to muffin tin finder, now averages
44c     based on volume of lense-shaped overlapping region, April, 1991
45c     4.06 Bug fix in sumax, april 1991
46c     4.07 Several minor changes involving non-standard F77 6/6/91, siz
47c     4.08 ION card added 7/24/91, siz
48c     4.08a, bug in header for ION card fixed 9/10/91, siz
49c     4.09, quinn correction added to imhl, interstitial calculation
50c           corrected, rmt modified to handle too few neighbors and
51c           error msg in phase about hard test in fovrg modified,
52c           folp card added
53c     POTPH 4.1  Same as feff4.09, but version hacked to work with
54c     module potph of feff5, Mar 1992, siz
56c     new version common added, siz, Mar 1992
57c     feff 5.03, first 'real' release, lots of little changes.
58c                4 criteria added is the big change.  siz, April 1992
59c     feffx 5.04, intermediate intermittent version of code with
60c                 background, xsect, xmu, timereversal, lots
61c                 of input cards, xanes, etc.  July 1992, siz
62c     e REQUIRE card removed, Oct 92, siz
63c     f, and paths 3.04, new crits, 9 points. Oct 92
64c     g: major bug in xsect -  ixc not passed to xcpot, beginning with
65c        5.04g, it's fixed.
66c     h use gs for xsect (hard coded)
67c     i fixed init and final state mixup in xsect
68c     Feff 5.05, release version with all of the above in it.  XANES
69c        is turned off in RDINP for the release -- turn it back on
70c        there for development.
71c     Feff 6 includes polarization (Alexey) and XANES (Steve Z.)
72c     Feff 6.01 is the first release version of FEFF6.
73c     Feff 6.01l EXAFS only lite version 10/02 jjr
75      end
76c     code: relativistic atom code (relativistic hartree fock slater)
77c     modified desclaux code -- partially translated from the french
79c     modified by: r. c. albers (from previously modified code from
80c                  j. e. muller who in turn got it from the danes)
81c                  j. j. rehr and s. i. zabinsky for inclusion in feff
83c     special features:  renormalizes charge density at wigner-seitz
84c                        radius
86c     version 2 (30 september 87): renormalized coulomb potential and
87c     renormalized charge density are produced to be used in XAFS
88c     calculations by cphase program. j.j. rehr, j. mustre  university
89c     of washington., a.djaoui university of essex.
90c     please acknowledge use. r. c. albers  (los alamos national lab)
91c     j.j. rehr (university of washington),
93c     Subroutine calling hierarchy siz 1/8/90
94c     ATOM
95c        INDATA
96c           GETORB
97c           FPOT
98c        DIRAC
99c           INOUH
100c           INTH
101c        POTSL
102c        SOMM
103c        TOTALE
104c           SOMM
105c        CDSLD
106c           SOMM
107c           YKDIR
108c        RENORM
109c           POTSLW
111c     Version 1/11/90:  Input and output re-organized to work
112c                       easily with overlapped potential code
113c                       in FEFF.
115c     Version Aug 1990: Minor modification to work more easily with
116c                       FEFF4, cluster version.  SRHO no longer has
117c                       factor of r**2.  INDATA uses rr function to
118c                       set r grid.
119c     Version Dec 1990: Writes to atom.dat restored
120c     Version Feb 1991: Unit 16 opened in atom if necessary
121c     June 1992  dirac upper and lower components and total energy
122c                passed out for use with matrix element calculations
124c     Input:   title    title, max 40 characters
125c              ifr      index of free atom, used for output labels
126c              iz       atomic number of atom
127c              ihole    location of electron hole
128c              rws      Wigner-Seitz radius
129c              ionin    ionicity
130c              iprint   print flag, passed through commom /print/
131c              ispinr   0, do not save dirac spinors, else save for
132c                       orbital ispinr
134c     Output:  vcoul(251)  coulomb potential (no factor r**2)
135c              srho(251)   electron density in form
136c                          4*pi*density (formerly 4*pi*density*r**2)
137c              dgc0(251)   large component (set if ispinr.ne.0)
138c              dpc0(251)   small component (set if ispinr.ne.0)
139c              eatom       total energy in rydbergs
141c     All data is on a grid r(i) = exp (-8.8 + (i-1)*0.05)
143      subroutine feff_atom(title,ifr,iz,ihole,rws,ionin,vcoul,srho,
144     1                 ispinr, dgc0, dpc0, eatom)
146      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
147      save
149c     Save central atom dirac components, see comments below.
150      dimension dgc0(251), dpc0(251)
152      character*(*)  title
153      dimension vcoul(251)
154      dimension srho(251)
155      common /print/ iprint
157      common /atomco/ den(30), dq1(30), dfl(30), ws, nqn(30), nql(30),
158     1                nk(30), nmax(30), nel(30), norb, norbco
160      common /dira/ dv(251), dr(251), dp(251), dq(251), dpas, tets,
161     1              z, nstop, nes, np, nuc
163      common /ps2/ dexv, dexe, dcop, test, teste,
164     1             testy, testv, niter, ion, icut, iprat, irnorm
166      common /deux/ dvn(251), dvf(251), d(251), dc(251), dgc(251,30),
167     1              dpc(251,30)
169      character*40 ttl
170      character*2  titre
171      common /char2/ titre(30), ttl
173      dimension tden(30)
174      character*30 fname
176      data harryd /2./
177      character*72 header
178      common /header_common/ header
181      if (iprint .ge. 3)  then
182c        prepare file for atom output
183         write(fname,14)  ifr
184   14    format('atom', i2.2, '.dat')
185         open (unit=16, file=trim(header)//fname,
186     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
187         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//fname, 'atom')
188c        call head (16)
189         write(16,*)  ' Free atom ', ifr
190      endif
192      ttl = title
194      nstop=1
195      mark=0
197      call indata (iz, ihole, rws, ionin)
198      iter=1
199      do 30 i=1,np
200      do 30 j=1,norb
201         dgc(i,j)=0.0
202         dpc(i,j)=0.0
203   30 continue
205      if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,40) ttl
206   40 format (1h1,40x,a40)
207      n=-(ion+1)
209   60 continue
210      do 70 i=1,np
211         d(i)=0.0
212   70 continue
213      tets=test
214      ymax=0.0
215      vmax=0.0
216      emax=0.0
218c resolution of the dirac equation for each orbital
219      do 150 j=1,norb
220         de=den(j)
221   80    call feff_dirac (nqn(j),nql(j),nk(j),imax,den(j),
222     D        dfl(j),dq1(j),j)
223            if (nstop.eq.0) go to 110
224            if (nstop.ne.362.or.iter.ge.10.or.tets.gt.test) go to 90
225            tets=testv
226         go to 80
227   90    if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,100) nstop,nqn(j),titre(j)
228  100    format ('  nstop=',i4,'  for the orbital',i3,a2)
229         write(77,*) ' Fatal error.'
230         write(77,*) ' Wigner-Seitz or muffin tin radius may be',
231     1              ' too small.'
232         go to 999
234  110    val=abs((den(j)-de)/de)
235         if (val.gt.emax) emax=val
236         nmax(j)=imax
237         do 140 i=1,np
238            val=dgc(i,j)-dp(i)
239            if (abs(dp(i)).gt.1.0d0) val=val/dp(i)
240            if (abs(val).lt.abs(ymax)) go to 120
241               ymax=val
242               y=dp(i)
243               yn=dgc(i,j)
244  120       val=dpc(i,j)-dq(i)
245            if (abs(dq(i)).gt.1.0d0) val=val/dq(i)
246            if (abs(val).lt.abs(ymax)) go to 130
247               ymax=val
248               y=dq(i)
249               yn=dpc(i,j)
250  130       dgc(i,j)=dp(i)
251            dpc(i,j)=dq(i)
252  140    d(i)=d(i)+nel(j)*(dp(i)*dp(i)+dq(i)*dq(i))
253  150 continue
255c     dgc and dpc are set in loop above, only referenced in remainder
256c     of code, so save them into dgc0 and dpc0 here.  Note: np=251,
257c     set in indata.  dgc0 is large component
258c                     dpc0 is small
259      if (ispinr .ne. 0)  then
260         do 152  i = 1, np
261            dgc0(i) = dgc(i,ispinr)
262            dpc0(i) = dpc(i,ispinr)
263  152    continue
264      endif
266      if (mark.eq.0) go to 280
268c  This is case mark .ne. 0
269c  d is the core electron density resulting from the renormalized pot.
270      dval=0.0
271      do 160 j=1,norb
272  160    dval=dval+nel(j)*den(j)
274      dval=dval*2.0
275c jm-- core charge density commented away in unit 6 appears in unit 3--
276      if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,170) dval
277  170 format (1h ,' core energy = ',e15.8)
279c jm- renormalized potential
281c     note conversion to rydbergs using constant harryd
282c     passvt is part of old system to pass data directly from
283c     ATOM to PHASE
284c      do 200 ixx=1,251
285c  200    passvt(ixx)=harryd*dr(ixx)*dr(ixx)*dv(ixx)
288c  d is the core electron density resulting from the renormalized pot.
290c  next write renormalized electron density for each shell
291      do 270 j=1,norb
292         do 240 i=1,np
293            d(i)=dgc(i,j)*sqrt(12.56637062d0)
294  240    continue
295  270 continue
296      go to 750
298c     mark .eq. 0 case
299  280 continue
301      call potsl (dc,d,dp,dr,dpas,dexv,z,np,ion,icut,dvn)
302      if (nuc.le.0) go to 300
303         do 290 i=1,nuc
304            dc(i)=dc(i)+z/dr(i)+z*((dr(i)/dr(nuc))**2-3.0d0) /
305     1            (dr(nuc)+dr(nuc))
306  290    continue
307  300 continue
308      do 310 i=1,np
309         dval=abs(dc(i)-dv(i))
310         if ((dr(i)*dc(i)).le.n) dval=-dval/dc(i)
311         if (dval.le.vmax) go to 310
312            vmax=dval
313            j=i
314  310 continue
316c     print 320, iter,vmax,dr(j),dv(j),dc(j),emax,ymax,yn,y
317c 320 format (i5,1pe11.2,3(1pe16.6),2(1pe11.2),2(1pe16.6))
319      if (tets.le.test.and.emax.le.teste.and.vmax.le.testv.and.ymax.le
320     1 .testy) go to 430
321      if (mark.eq.1) go to 430
322      iter=iter+1
323      if (iter.le.niter) go to 340
324      if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,330) niter
325  330 format (' number of iterations greater than',i4)
326      nstop=2
327c      print*, ' ATOM-Fatal error, too many iterations.'
328c      print*, '   iter, niter ', iter, niter
329      write(77,*) ' ATOM-Fatal error, too many iterations.'
330      write(77,*) '   iter, niter ', iter, niter
331      go to 999
332c potential for the following iteration
334  340 continue
335      if (iter.eq.2) go to 350
336      if (iprat) 350,390,350
337  350 dval=1.0-dcop
338      do 360 i=1,np
339      dvn(i)=dv(i)
340      dvf(i)=dc(i)
341  360 dv(i)=dval*dv(i)+dcop*dc(i)
342      go to 60
344  390 continue
345      do 400 i=1,np
346      dval=dalp(dvn(i),dvf(i),dv(i),dc(i))
347      dvn(i)=dv(i)
348      dvf(i)=dc(i)
349  400 dv(i)=dval*dv(i)+(1.0d0-dval)*dc(i)
350      go to 60
352  430 if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,40) ttl
353      if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,460)
354  460 format (12x,'energie',12x,'(r4)',14x,'(r2)',14x,'(r)',15x,'(r-1)',
355     1 13x,'(r-3)'/)
357c valeurs moyennes de r
358      do 470 i=1,np
359      dvf(i)=dc(i)
360  470 dq(i)=0.0
361      dval=0.0
362      do 560 i=1,norb
363      im=nmax(i)
364      dval=dval+nel(i)*den(i)
365      do 480 j=1,im
366  480 dc(j)=dgc(j,i)*dgc(j,i)+dpc(j,i)*dpc(j,i)
367      l=5
368      if (iabs(nk(i)).eq.1) l=l-1
369      do 550 j=1,l
370      dp(j)=dfl(i)+dfl(i)
371      if (j-2) 490,500,510
372  490 n=4
373      go to 550
374  500 n=2
375      go to 550
376  510 if (j-4) 520,530,540
377  520 n=1
378      go to 550
379  530 n=-1
380      go to 550
381  540 n=-3
382  550 call somm (dr,dc,dq,dpas,dp(j),n,im)
383  560 if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,570) nqn(i),titre(i),
384     1                                   den(i),(dp(j),j=1,l)
385  570 format (i3,a2,6(1pe18.7))
387      if (dexv.eq.0.0) go to 650
389c energie totale en moyenne spherique
390      do 580 i=1,norb
391  580 tden(i)=-2.0d0*den(i)
393      dc(1)=1
394      do 600 i=1,np
395  600 dp(i)=d(i)/dr(i)
396      if (nuc.le.0) go to 620
397      do 610 i=1,nuc
398  610 dp(i)=d(i)*(3.0d0-dr(i)*dr(i)/(dr(nuc)*dr(nuc)))/(dr(nuc)+dr(nuc))
399      dc(1)=4
400  620 call somm (dr,dp,dq,dpas,dc(1),0,np)
401      do 630 i=1,np
402      dp(i)=d(i)*dvf(i)
403  630 d(i)=d(i)*((d(i)*dr(i))**(1.0d0/3.0d0))
404      dc(2)=3
405      dc(3)=1
406      if (nuc.ne.0) dc(3)=4
407      call somm (dr,dp,dq,dpas,dc(3),0,np)
408      call somm (dr,d,dq,dpas,dc(2),-1,np)
409      dc(2)=-3.0d0*dc(2)/(105.27578d0**(1.0d0/3.0d0))
410      dc(1)=-z*dc(1)
411      dc(4)=dval-dc(3)
412      dval=dval+(dc(1)-dc(3)+(dexe-dexv)*dc(2))/2.0d0
413      dc(3)=(dc(3)-dc(1)-dexv*dc(2))/2.0d0
414      dc(2)=dc(2)*dexe/2.0d0
415      if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,640) dval,dc(4),dc(3),dc(2),dc(1)
416  640 format (1h0,5x,'et=',1pe14.7,5x,'ec=',1pe14.7,5x,'ee=',1pe14.7,5x,
417     1 'ex=',1pe14.7,5x,'en=',1pe14.7)
418      go to 660
419  650 call totale (dval)
420  660 continue
422c     pass out eatom (total energy) (factor of 2 is to put energy in
423c     rydberg units)
424      eatom = 2 * dval
426      if (norb.eq.1) go to 710
427      if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,40) ttl
428      if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,670)
429  670 format (1h0,47x,'overlap integrals         '/)
431c overlap integrals
432      do 700 i=2,norb
433      k=i-1
434      do 700 j=1,k
435      if (nql(i).ne.nql(j).or.nk(i).ne.nk(j)) go to 700
436      im=nmax(j)
437      if (nmax(i).lt.im) im=nmax(i)
438      do 680 l=1,im
439      dq(l)=dpc(l,i)*dpc(l,j)
440  680 dc(l)=dgc(l,i)*dgc(l,j)
441      dval=dfl(i)+dfl(j)
442      call somm (dr,dc,dq,dpas,dval,0,im)
443      if (iprint .ge. 3)  write(16,690) nqn(i),titre(i),
444     1                                   nqn(j),titre(j),dval
445  690 format (34x,i1,a2,i3,a2,f19.7)
446  700 continue
447  710 call cdsld
450      if (irnorm.eq.1) then
451         call renorm (dexv, vcoul, srho)
452      endif
453      do 720 i=1,np
454  720 dc(i)=harryd*dv(i)*dr(i)**2
455      if (irnorm.ne.1) stop 0000
456      norb=norbco
457      if (norbco.eq.0) go to 750
458      if (mark.eq.1) go to 750
459      mark=1
460      go to 60
462  750 continue
464c     return srho as 4*pi*density instead of 4*pi*density*r**2
465      do 760  i = 1, 251
466         srho(i) = srho(i) / (dr(i)**2)
467  760 continue
469      if (iprint .ge. 3)  close(unit=16)
471      return
474  999 continue
475      stop 'ATOM-1'
476      end
477      subroutine besjn (x, jl, nl)
481c     purpose:  to calculate the spherical bessel functions jl and nl
482c               for l = 0 to 30 (no offset)
484c     arguments:
485c       x = argument of jl and nl
486c       jl = jl bessel function (abramowitz conventions)
487c       nl = nl bessel function (abramowitz yl conventions)
488c            Note that this array nl = abramowitz yl.
489c       jl and nl must be dimensioned
490c            complex*16 jl(ltot+2), nl(ltot+2), with ltot defined in
491c            dim.h.
493c     notes:  jl and nl should be calculated at least to 10 place
494c             accuracy for the range 0<x<100 according to spot
495c             checks with tables
497c     error messages written with PRINT statement.
499c     first coded by r. c. albers on 14 dec 82
501c     version 3
503c     last modified: 27 jan 83 by r. c. albers
504c     dimension of jl,nl changed from 31 to 26  (10 aug 89) j. rehr
505c     modified again, siz, June 1992
509      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
511      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
512      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
513      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
514      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
515      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
516      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
517      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
518      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
520      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
521 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
522      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
523      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
524      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
525				!finder, NOT in genfmt
528      complex*16 x
529      complex*16 jl(ltot+2), nl(ltot+2)
530      complex*16 cjl(ltot+2), sjl(ltot+2), cnl(ltot+2), snl(ltot+2)
532      complex*16 xjl,xnl,asx,acx
533      complex*16 xi,xi2,xi3,xi4,xi5,xi6,xi7,xi8,xi9,xi10,xi11
535      parameter (xcut = 1.0d0, xcut1 = 7.51d0, xcut2 = 5.01d0)
537      if (dble(x) .le. 0)  stop 'Re(x) is .le. zero in besjn'
539      lmaxp1 = ltot+2
541      if (dble(x) .lt. xcut)  then
542c        case Re(x) < 1, just use series expansion
543         do 10 il = 1,lmaxp1
544            l = il-1
545            ifl = 0
546            call bjnser (x,l,xjl,xnl,ifl)
547            jl(il) = xjl
548            nl(il) = xnl
549   10    continue
551      elseif (dble(x) .lt. xcut1)  then
553c        case 1 <= Re(x) < 7.5
555         call bjnser (x,lmaxp1-1,xjl,xnl,1)
556         jl(lmaxp1) = xjl
558         call bjnser (x,lmaxp1-2,xjl,xnl,1)
559         jl(lmaxp1-1) = xjl
561         if (dble(x) .lt. xcut2)  then
562c           Re(x) < 5
563            call bjnser (x,0,xjl,xnl,2)
564            nl(1) = xnl
565            call bjnser (x,1,xjl,xnl,2)
566            nl(2) = xnl
567         else
568c           Re(x) >= 5
569            asx = sin(x)
570            acx = cos(x)
571            xi = 1.0d0 / x
572            xi2 = xi**2
573            nl(1) = -acx*xi
574            nl(2) = -acx*xi2 - asx*xi
575         endif
577c        Use recursion relation 10.1.19 to get nl and jl
578         do 50 lp1 = 3, lmaxp1
579            l = lp1 - 2
580            tlxp1 = 2*l + 1
581            nl(lp1) = tlxp1 * nl(lp1-1) / x  -  nl(lp1-2)
582   50    continue
584         do 60 lx = 3,lmaxp1
585            lp1 = lmaxp1+1-lx
586            l = lp1-1
587            tlxp3 = 2*l + 3
588            jl(lp1) = tlxp3 * jl(lp1+1) / x  -  jl(lp1+2)
589   60    continue
591      else
592c        case Re(x) > 7.5
593c        Use AS 10.1.8 and 10.1.9, sjl=P, qjl=Q, note that AS formulae
594c        use cos (z - n*pi/2), etc., so cos and sin terms get a bit
595c        scrambled (mod 4) here, since n is integer.  These are hard-
596c        coded into the terms below.
597         xi = 1.0d0 / x
598         xi2  = xi*xi
599         xi3  = xi*xi2
600         xi4  = xi*xi3
601         xi5  = xi*xi4
602         xi6  = xi*xi5
603         xi7  = xi*xi6
604         xi8  = xi*xi7
605         xi9  = xi*xi8
606         xi10 = xi*xi9
607         xi11 = xi*xi10
609         sjl(1) = xi
610         sjl(2) = xi2
611         sjl(3) = 3.0d0*xi3 - xi
612         sjl(4) = 15.0d0*xi4 - 6.0d0*xi2
613         sjl(5) = 105.0d0*xi5 - 45.0d0*xi3 + xi
614         sjl(6) = 945.0d0*xi6 - 420.0d0*xi4 + 15.0d0*xi2
615         sjl(7) = 10395.0d0*xi7 - 4725.0d0*xi5 + 210.0d0*xi3 - xi
616         sjl(8) = 135135.0d0*xi8 - 62370.0d0*xi6 + 3150.0d0*xi4
617     >             - 28.0d0*xi2
618         sjl(9) = 2027025.0d0*xi9 - 945945.0d0*xi7 + 51975.0d0*xi5
619     1            - 630.0d0*xi3 + xi
620         sjl(10) = 34459425.0d0*xi10 - 16216200.0d0*xi8 +945945.0d0*xi6
621     1            - 13860.0d0*xi4 + 45.0d0*xi2
622         sjl(11) = 654729075.0d0*xi11 - 310134825.0d0*xi9
623     >            + 18918900.0d0*xi7
624     1            - 315315.0d0*xi5 + 1485.0d0*xi3 - xi
625         cjl(1) = 0.0d0
626         cjl(2) = -xi
627         cjl(3) = -3.0d0*xi2
628         cjl(4) = -15.0d0*xi3 + xi
629         cjl(5) = -105.0d0*xi4 + 10.0d0*xi2
630         cjl(6) = -945.0d0*xi5 + 105.0d0*xi3 - xi
631         cjl(7) = -10395.0d0*xi6 + 1260.0d0*xi4 - 21.0d0*xi2
632         cjl(8) = -135135.0d0*xi7 + 17325.0d0*xi5 - 378.0d0*xi3 + xi
633         cjl(9) = -2027025.0d0*xi8 + 270270.0d0*xi6 - 6930.0d0*xi4
634     >            + 36.0d0*xi2
635         cjl(10) = -34459425.0d0*xi9 + 4729725.0d0*xi7 - 135135.0d0*xi5
636     1             + 990.0d0*xi3 - xi
637         cjl(11) = -654729075.0d0*xi10 + 91891800.0d0*xi8
638     >             - 2837835.0d0*xi6
639     1             + 25740.0d0*xi4 - 55.0d0*xi2
640         do 80 ie = 1,11
641            snl(ie) = cjl(ie)
642            cnl(ie) = -sjl(ie)
643   80    continue
644         do 90 lp1 = 12,lmaxp1
645            l = lp1-2
646            tlxp1 = dble(2*l+1)
647            sjl(lp1) = tlxp1*xi*sjl(lp1-1)-sjl(lp1-2)
648            cjl(lp1) = tlxp1*xi*cjl(lp1-1)-cjl(lp1-2)
649            snl(lp1) = tlxp1*xi*snl(lp1-1)-snl(lp1-2)
650            cnl(lp1) = tlxp1*xi*cnl(lp1-1)-cnl(lp1-2)
651   90    continue
652         asx = sin(x)
653         acx = cos(x)
654         do 110 lp1 = 1,lmaxp1
655            jl(lp1) = asx*sjl(lp1)+acx*cjl(lp1)
656            nl(lp1) = asx*snl(lp1)+acx*cnl(lp1)
657  110    continue
658      endif
660      return
661      end
662      subroutine bjnser (x, l, jl, nl, ifl)
666c     subroutine: bjnser (x,l,jl,nl,ifl)
668c     purpose:  to calculate the spherical bessel functions jl and nl
670c     arguments:
671c       x = argument of jl and nl
672c       l = l value calculated (no offset)
673c       jl = jl bessel function (abramowitz conventions)
674c       nl = nl bessel function (abramowitz yl conventions)
675c       ifl = 0 return both jl and nl
676c             1 return jl only
677c             2 return nl only
679c     notes:  jl and nl are calculated by a series
680c             expansion according to 10.1.2 and 10.1.3
681c             in abramowitz and stegun (ninth printing),
682c             page 437
684c             error msgs written with PRINT statements.
686c     first coded by r. c. albers on 26 jan 83
688c     version 2
690c     last modified: 27 jan 83 by r. c. albers
694      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
696      complex*16 x,u,ux,del,pj,pn
697      complex*16 jl,nl
699      parameter (niter = 20, tol = 1.d-15)
701      if (l .lt. 0) then
702         write(77,*) 'l .lt. 0 in bjnser'
703         stop 'bjnser 1'
704      endif
705   20 if (dble(x).lt. 0.0d0) then
706         write(77,30) x
707   30    format (/, ' x = ', 1p, 2e14.6, ' is .le. 0 in bjnser')
708         stop 'bjnser 2'
709      endif
711      lp1 = l+1
712      u = x**2 / 2.0d0
714c     make djl = 1 * 3 * 5 * ... * (2*l+1),
715c          dnl = 1 * 3 * 5 * ... * (2*l-1)
716      djl = 1
717      fac = -1
718      do 50 il = 1, lp1
719         fac = fac + 2
720         djl = fac * djl
721   50 continue
722      dnl = djl / (2*l+1)
725      if (ifl .eq. 2)   goto 90
726c     make jl
727c     pj is term in { } in 10.1.2, del is last factor in the series
728c     convergence test is (last factor)/(total term) <= tol
729      pj = 1
730      nf = 1
731      nfac = 2*l + 3
732      den = nfac
733      sgn = -1
734      ux = u
735      do 60 il = 1, niter
736         del = sgn*ux / den
737         pj = pj + del
738         trel = abs (del / pj)
739         if (trel .le. tol)  goto 80
740         sgn = -sgn
741         ux = u*ux
742         nf = nf+1
743         nfac = nfac+2
744         den = nf * nfac * den
745   60 continue
746      stop  'jl does not converge in bjnser'
747   80 jl = pj * (x**l) / djl
749   90 if (ifl.eq.1) return
750c     make nl
751c     pn is term in { } in 10.1.3, del is last factor in the series
752c     convergence test is (last factor)/(total term) <= tol
753      pn = 1
754      nf = 1
755      nfac = 1 - 2*l
756      den = nfac
757      sgn = -1
758      ux = u
759      do 100  il = 1, niter
760         del = sgn * ux / den
761         pn = pn + del
762         trel = abs (del / pn)
763         if (trel .le. tol) goto 120
764         sgn = -sgn
765         ux = u*ux
766         nf = nf+1
767         nfac = nfac+2
768         den = nf * nfac * den
769  100 continue
770      stop  'nl does not converge in bjnser'
771  120 nl = -pn * dnl / (x**lp1)
773      return
774      end
775      subroutine ccrit(npat, ipat, ckspc,
776     1    fbetac, rmax, pcrith, pcritk, nncrit, ipotnn, ipot,
777     2    rpath, lheap, lkeep, xcalcx)
778      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
780c     lheap to add to heap, lkeep if keep path at output.
781c     NB, if lheap is false, lkeep is not used (since path
782c     won't be in the heap).
785      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
786      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
787      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
788      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
789      complex*16 coni
790      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
791c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
792      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
794      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
795      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
796c     fine structure alpha
797      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
798c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
799      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
802      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
803      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
804      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
805      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
806      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
807      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
808      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
809      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
811      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
812 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
813      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
814      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
815      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
816				!finder, NOT in genfmt
818      logical lheap, lkeep
819      dimension ipat(npatx)
820      dimension ipot(0:natx)
821      parameter (necrit=9, nbeta=40)
822      dimension fbetac(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,necrit), ckspc(necrit)
824c     local variables
825      dimension ri(npatx+1), beta(npatx+1), indbet(npatx+1)
827c     mrb is efficient way to get only ri and beta
828c     note that beta is cos(beta)
829      call mrb (npat, ipat, ri, beta)
831      rpath = 0.0d0
832      do 300  i = 1, npat+1
833         rpath = rpath + ri(i)
834  300 continue
836c     If we can decide only on rpath, do it here...
837      if (rpath .gt. rmax)  then
838         lheap = .false.
839         lkeep = .false.
840         return
841      endif
843c     If last atom central atom, do put in heap, don't use it
844c     as an actual path at output
845      if (ipat(npat).eq.0)  then
846         lheap = .true.
847         lkeep = .false.
848         return
849      endif
851c     Make index into fbetac array (this is nearest cos(beta) grid
852c     point, code is a bit cute [sorry!], see prcrit for grid).
853      do 290  i = 1, npat+1
854         tmp = abs(beta(i))
855         n = tmp / 0.025d0
856         del = tmp - n*0.025d0
857         if (del .gt. 0.0125d0)  n = n+1
858         if (beta(i) .lt. 0.0d0)  n = -n
859         indbet(i) = n
860  290 continue
862c     Decide if we want the path added to the heap if necessary.
863c     (Not necessary if no pcrith in use.)
864      if (pcrith .gt. 0)  then
866         call mcrith(npat, ipat, ri, indbet,
867     1                ipot, nncrit, fbetac, ckspc, xheap)
869c        xheap = -1 if not defined for this path (too few legs, etc.)
870         if (xheap .ge. 0  .and.  xheap .lt. pcrith)  then
871c           Do not want path in heap
872            lheap = .false.
873            lkeep = .false.
874            return
875         endif
876      endif
877c     Keep this path in the heap
878      lheap = .true.
880c     We may want path in heap so that other paths built from this
881c     path will be considered, but do not want this path to be
882c     written out for itself.  Decide that now and save the flag
883c     in the heap, so we won't have to re-calculate the mpprm
884c     path parameters later.
886c     Skip calc if pcritk < 0
887      if (pcritk .le. 0)  then
888         lkeep = .true.
889         return
890      endif
892c     Make xout, output inportance factor.
893      call mcritk (npat, ipat, ri, beta, indbet,
894     1             ipot, nncrit, fbetac, ckspc, xout, xcalcx)
896c     See if path wanted for output
897c     Do not want it if last atom is central atom (xout = -1) or
898c     if xout is too small
899      lkeep = .false.
900      if (xout .ge. pcritk)  lkeep = .true.
902      return
903      end
904      subroutine cdsld
906      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
907      save
908      common /print/ iprint
909      common /atomco/ den(30), dq1(30), dfl(30), ws, nqn(30), nql(30),
910     1                nk(30), nmax(30), nel(30), norb, norbco
912      common /dira/ dv(251), dr(251), dp(251), dq(251), dpas, tets,
913     1              z, nstop, nes, np, nuc
914      common /deux/ dvn(251), dvf(251), d(251), dc(251), dgc(251,30),
915     1 dpc(251,30)
917c titre = identification of the wave functions  s,p*,p,........
918      character*40 ttl
919      character*2  titre
920      common /char2/ titre(30), ttl
922c  -- This read commented out to make input easier, not used for
923c     PHASE calculations
924      irm  = 0
925      ins  = 0
926      npun = 0
927      nmfg = 0
928      nmrk = 0
929c     read (5,10) irm,ins,npun,nmfg,nmrk
930   10 format (8i3)
932c valeurs moyennes de r**j  if irm non-zero
933c tabulation of the wave functions if ins non-zero
934c the potential multiplied by r is perfore if npun non-zero
935      if (irm.eq.0) go to 200
936      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,20) ttl
937   20 format (1h1,40x,a40,/)
938   30 read (5,10) j,l,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2
939      if (l.eq.0) go to 200
941c valeur moyenne of (p1*p2+q1*q2)*r**j  if l positive
942c valeur moyenne of (p1*q2+p2*q1)*r**j  if l negative
943      if (n1.gt.0) go to 40
944      if (((n1+1)*(n1+2)).ne.0) go to 60
945      i1=1
946      i2=1
947      go to 80
948   40 i1=0
949      i2=0
950      do 50 i=1,norb
951      if (nqn(i).eq.n1.and.nql(i).eq.l1.and.(j1-1).eq.(-nk(i)/iabs(nk(i)
952     1 ))) i1=i
953      if (nqn(i).eq.n2.and.nql(i).eq.l2.and.(j2-1).eq.(-nk(i)/iabs(nk(i)
954     1 ))) i2=i
955   50 continue
956      if (i1.ne.0.and.i2.ne.0) go to 80
957   60 if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,70) j,l,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2
958   70 format (1h0,'    error for the card     ',8i3)
959      go to 30
960   80 dval=dfl(i1)+dfl(i2)
961      if ((dval+j).gt.-1.0) go to 90
962      if (n1) 170,170,60
963   90 im=nmax(i1)
964      if (nmax(i2).lt.im) im=nmax(i2)
965      if (l.lt.0) go to 110
966      do 100 i=1,im
967      dv(i)=dgc(i,i1)*dgc(i,i2)
968  100 dq(i)=dpc(i,i1)*dpc(i,i2)
969      go to 130
970  110 do 120 i=1,im
971      dv(i)=dgc(i,i1)*dpc(i,i2)
972  120 dq(i)=dgc(i,i2)*dpc(i,i1)
973  130 call somm (dr,dv,dq,dpas,dval,j,im)
974      if (l.lt.0) go to 150
975      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,140) j,nqn(i1),titre(i1),nqn(i2),
976     1                                   titre(i2),dval
977  140 format (24x,'(p1p2+q1q2)r**',i2,' for  ',i1,a2,i3,a2,5x,'=',1pe14.
978     1 7,/)
979      go to 170
980  150 if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,160) j,nqn(i1),titre(i1),nqn(i2),
981     1                                   titre(i2),dval
982  160 format (24x,'(p1q2+q1p2)r**',i2,' for  ',i1,a2,i3,a2,5x,'=',1pe14.
983     1 7,/)
984  170 if (n1+1) 190,180,30
985  180 i1=i1+1
986      i2=i1
987      if (i1-norb) 80,80,30
988  190 i2=i2+1
989      if (i2-norb) 80,80,180
990  200 if (ins.eq.0) go to 260
991      do 250 i=1,norb,3
992      j=i+2
993      if (j.gt.norb) j=norb
994      im=0
995      do 210 l=i,j
996      if (nmax(l).gt.im) im=nmax(l)
997  210 continue
998      do 230 k=1,im
999      if (((k-1)*(k-48*(k/48))).ne.0) go to 230
1000      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,20) ttl
1001      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,220) (nqn(l),titre(l),nqn(l),
1002     1                                     titre(l),l=i,j)
1003  220 format (9x,'r',14x,3(i1,a2,'g.c.',i11,a2,'p.c.',10x))
1004  230 if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,240) dr(k),
1005     1                                   (dgc(k,l),dpc(k,l),l=i,j)
1006  240 format (7(1pe17.7))
1007  250 continue
1008  260 if (npun.eq.0) go to 300
1009      do 270 i=1,np
1010  270 dp(i)=dvf(i)*dr(i)
1011c     write(8,280) ttl
1012  280 format (a40)
1013c     write(8,290) (dp(i),i=1,np)
1014  290 format (8f9.4)
1015  300 do 310 i=1,np
1016  310 d(i)=0.0
1017      nag=1
1018      if (nmfg.eq.0) go to 470
1019      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,20)
1020      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,320)
1021  320 format (/,30x,'integrales magnetiques directes et d echange'//)
1022  330 read (5,10) i1,i2,n1
1023      if (i1.le.0) go to 470
1024      if (i2.gt.0) go to 350
1025      if (((i2+1)*(i2+2)).ne.0) go to 340
1026      if (n1.le.0) n1=1
1027      i1=n1
1028      n1=i2
1029      i2=i1
1030      go to 360
1031  340 if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,70) i1,i2,n1
1032      go to 330
1033  350 if (i1.gt.norb.or.i2.gt.norb) go to 340
1034      n1=1
1035  360 j1=2*iabs(nk(i1))-1
1036      j2=2*iabs(nk(i2))-1
1037      kma=min0(j1,j2)
1038      nm=nmax(i2)
1039      do 380 j=1,kma,2
1040      call ykdir (i1,i1,j,nag)
1041      do 370 i=1,nm
1042  370 dp(i)=dq(i)*dgc(i,i2)*dpc(i,i2)
1043      dval=j+1
1044      call somm (dr,d,dp,dpas,dval,-1,nm)
1045  380 if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,390) j,nqn(i1),titre(i1),nqn(i2),
1046     1                                   titre(i2),dval
1047  390 format (20x,'fm',i2,' (',i1,a2,',',i1,a2,') =',1pe14.7)
1048      if (i1.eq.i2) go to 440
1049      j1=(iabs(1-2*nk(i1))-1)/2
1050      j2=(iabs(1-2*nk(i2))-1)/2
1051      kma=max0(nql(i1)+j2,nql(i2)+j1)
1052      j1=iabs(nql(i2)-j1)
1053      j2=iabs(nql(i1)-j2)
1054      kmi=min0(j1,j2)
1055      j1=kmi+nql(i1)+nql(i2)
1056      j1=j1-2*(j1/2)
1057      if (j1.eq.0) kmi=kmi+1
1058      nm=min0(nmax(i1),nmax(i2))
1059      do 420 j=kmi,kma,2
1060      call ykdir (i1,i2,j,nag)
1061      do 400 i=1,nm
1062      dp(i)=dq(i)*dgc(i,i1)*dpc(i,i2)
1063  400 dc(i)=dq(i)*dgc(i,i2)*dpc(i,i1)
1064      dval=j+1
1065      dvalp=dval
1066      dvalm=dval
1067      call somm (dr,d,dp,dpas,dvalp,-1,nm)
1068      call somm (dr,d,dc,dpas,dval,-1,nm)
1069      call ykdir (i2,i1,j,nag)
1070      do 410 i=1,nm
1071  410 dp(i)=dq(i)*dgc(i,i2)*dpc(i,i1)
1072      call somm (dr,d,dp,dpas,dvalm,-1,nm)
1073  420 if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,430) j,nqn(i1),titre(i1),nqn(i2),
1074     1                                   titre(i2),dvalm,dval,dvalp
1075  430 format (' gm',i2,' (',i1,a2,',',i1,a2,')',5x,'(-1)=',1pe14.7,5x,'(
1076     10)=',1pe14.7,5x,'(+1)=',1pe14.7)
1077  440 if (n1+1) 460,450,330
1078  450 i1=i1+1
1079      i2=i1
1080      if (i1-norb) 360,360,330
1081  460 i2=i2+1
1082      if (i2-norb) 360,360,450
1083  470 if (nmrk.eq.0) go to 530
1084      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,20)
1085      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,480)
1086  480 format (/,20x,'integrales magnetiques rk=integrale de p1(1)*q2(1)*
1087     1uk(1,2)*p3(2)*q4(2)'//)
1088  490 read (5,10) i1,i2,i3,i4,k
1089      if (i1.le.0) go to 530
1090      if (i1.le.norb.and.i2.gt.0.and.i2.le.norb.and.i3.gt.0.and.i3.le
1091     1 .norb.and.i4.gt.0.and.i4.le.norb.and.k.ge.0) go to 500
1092      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,70) i1,i2,i3,i4,k
1093      go to 490
1094  500 call ykdir (i1,i2,k,nag)
1095      do 510 i=1,np
1096  510 dp(i)=dq(i)*dgc(i,i3)*dpc(i,i4)
1097      dval=k+1
1098      call somm (dr,d,dp,dpas,dval,-1,np)
1099      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,520) k,nqn(i1),titre(i1),nqn(i2),
1100     1              titre(i2),nqn(i3),titre(i3),nqn(i4),titre(i4),dval
1101  520 format (20x,'rm',i2,' (',i1,a2,',',i1,a2,',',i1,a2,',',i1,a2,') ='
1102     1 ,1pe14.7)
1103      go to 490
1104  530 return
1105      end
1106      subroutine chopen (ios, fname, mod)
1107      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
1108c     Writes error msg and stops if error in ios flag from open
1109c     statement.  fname is filename, mod is module with failed open.
1110      character*(*) fname, mod
1112c     open successful
1113      if (ios .le. 0)  return
1115c     error opening file, tell user and die.
1116      write(77,100) fname, mod
1118  100 format (' ERROR opening file, ', /,
1119     1        ' filename:  ', a, /,
1120     2        ' in module: ', a)
1122      write(77,*) 'Fatal error'
1123      stop 'CHOPEN'
1124      end
1125      subroutine cpl0 (x, pl0, lmaxp1)
1126      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
1130c     cpl0:  Calculate associated legendre polynomials p_l0(x)
1131c            by recursion.
1132c            Adapted from aslgndr.
1134c     first written: (25 june 86) by j. j. rehr
1136c     version 1 (25 june 86) (aslgndr)
1137c     version 2 (March, 1992) siz
1141      dimension pl0 (lmaxp1)
1143      lmax = lmaxp1-1
1145c     calculate legendre polynomials p_l0(x) up to l=lmax
1146      pl0(1) = 1.0d0
1147      pl0(2) = x
1148      do 10  il = 2, lmax
1149         l = il-1
1150         pl0(il+1) = ( (2*l+1)*x*pl0(il) - l*pl0(l) ) / il
1151   10 continue
1153      return
1154      end
1155c Copyright Notice: FEFF6 is copyright protected software and users must
1156c obtain a license from the University of Washington Office of
1157c Technology Transfer for its use; see section V of FEFF document.
1159c Main Authors of FEFF5: please contact us concerning problems.
1160c A. L. Ankudinov, alex@phys.washington.edu      (206) 543 0435
1161c S. I. Zabinsky, zabinsky@phys.washington.edu   (206) 543 0435
1162c J. J. Rehr,     jjr@phys.washington.edu        (206) 543 8593
1163c R. C. Albers,   rca@nidhug.lanl.gov            (505) 665 0417
1165c Citations: Please cite at least one of the following articles if
1166c FEFF is used in published work:
1167c    1) Multiple scattering
1168c       J.J. Rehr and R.C. Albers, Phys. Rev. B41, 8139 (1990).
1169c       J.J. Rehr, S.I. Zabinsky and R.C. Albers,
1170c          Phys. Rev. Let. 69, 3397 (1992).
1171c    2) General reference
1172c       J.J. Rehr, J. Mustre de Leon, S.I. Zabinsky, and R.C. Albers,
1173c          J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113, 5135 (1991).
1174c    3) Technical reference
1175c       J. Mustre de Leon, J.J. Rehr, S.I.  Zabinsky, and R.C. Albers,
1176c          Phys. Rev. B44, 4146 (1991).
1179      subroutine csomm (dr,dp,dq,dpas,da,m,np)
1180c Modified to use complex p and q.  SIZ 4/91
1181c integration by the method of simpson of (dp+dq)*dr**m from
1182c 0 to r=dr(np)
1183c dpas=exponential step;
1184c for r in the neighborhood of zero (dp+dq)=cte*r**da
1185c **********************************************************************
1186      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1187      dimension dr(*)
1188      complex*16  dp(*),dq(*),da,dc
1189      mm=m+1
1190      d1=da+mm
1191      da=0.0d0
1192      db=0.0d0
1193      do 70 i=1,np
1194      dl=dr(i)**mm
1195      if (i.eq.1.or.i.eq.np) go to 10
1196      dl=dl+dl
1197      if ((i-2*(i/2)).eq.0) dl=dl+dl
1198   10 dc=dp(i)*dl
1199      da=da+dc
1200      dc=dq(i)*dl
1201      da=da+dc
1202   70 continue
1203      da=dpas*da/3.0d0
1204      dd=exp(dpas)-1.0d0
1205      db=d1*(d1+1.0d0)*dd*exp((d1-1.0d0)*dpas)
1206      db=dr(1)*(dr(2)**m)/db
1207      dd=(dr(1)**mm)*(1.0d0+1.0d0/(dd*(d1+1.0d0)))/d1
1208      da=da+dd*(dp(1)+dq(1))-db*(dp(2)+dq(2))
1209      return
1210      end
1211      subroutine cubic (xk0, wp, alph, rad, qplus, qminus)
1213c     input:  xk0, wp, alph
1214c     output: rad, qplus, qminus
1216      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
1217      complex*16 s1,s13
1218      parameter (three = 3.0d0)
1219      parameter (third = 1.0d0/three)
1221c     this subroutine finds the roots of the equation
1222c     4xk0 * q^3  +  (alph-4xk0^2) * q^2  +  wp^2 = 0
1223c     see abramowitz and stegun pg 17 for formulae.
1225      a2 = (alph / (4.0d0*xk0**2)  -  1.0d0) * xk0
1226      a0 = wp**2 / (4.0d0*xk0)
1227      a1 = 0.0d0
1228      q = a1/3.0d0 - a2**2/9.0d0
1229      r = (a1*a2 - 3.0d0*a0)/6.0d0  -  a2**3/27.0d0
1230      rad = q**3 + r**2
1231      if (rad .gt. 0.0d0) then
1232         qplus = 0.0d0
1233         qminus = 0.0d0
1234         return
1235      endif
1237      s13 = dcmplx (r, sqrt(-rad))
1238      s1 = s13 ** third
1239      qz1 = 2.0d0*s1 - a2/3.0d0
1240      qz2 = -(s1 + sqrt(three)*dimag(s1) + a2/3.0d0)
1241      qz3 = -(s1 - sqrt(three)*dimag(s1) + a2/3.0d0)
1242      qplus = qz1
1243      qminus = qz3
1245      return
1246      end
1247      double precision function dalp (d1,d2,d3,d4)
1248      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1249      save
1251c procedure of pratt to accelerate the convergence
1252c d1=initial (n-1);   d2=final (n-1);   d3=initial (n);   d4=final (n);
1253c **********************************************************************
1254      if ((d1+d4).eq.(d2+d3)) go to 10
1255      d=(d4-d2)/((d1+d4)-(d2+d3))
1256      if (d.lt.0.0d0) go to 20
1257      if (d.lt.0.5d0) go to 30
1258   10 d=0.5d0
1259      go to 30
1260   20 d=0.0d0
1261   30 dalp=d
1262      return
1263      end
1264      subroutine feff_diff(v, dx, n, vm)
1265      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1266      complex*16 v(n), vm(n)
1267      vm(1)=((6.0d0*v(2)+6.66666666667d0*v(4)+1.2d0*v(6))-(2.45d0*v(1)
1268     > +7.0d0
1269     1 5*v(3)+3.75d0*v(5)+.166666666667d0*v(7)))/dx
1270      vm(2)=((6.0d0*v(3)+6.66666666667d0*v(5)+1.2d0*v(7))-(2.45d0*v(2)
1271     > +7.0d0
1272     1 5*v(4)+3.75d0*v(6)+.166666666667d0*v(8)))/dx
1273      nm2=n-2
1274      do 10 i=3,nm2
1275   10 vm(i)=((v(i-2)+8.0d0*v(i+1))-(8.0d0*v(i-1)+v(i+2)))/12.0d0/dx
1276      vm(n-1)=(v(n)-v(n-2))/(2.0d0*dx)
1277      vm(n)=(v(n-2)*0.5d0-2.0d0*v(n-1)+1.5d0*v(n))/dx
1278      return
1279      end
1280      subroutine feff_dirac (nqn,nql,nk,imax,de,dfl,dq1,jc)
1282c solution of the dirac equation
1283c nqn=principal quantum number; nql=orbital quantum number
1284c nk=kappa quantum number;  imax=the last tabulated point of the
1285c wave function; de=energy;   dfl=power of the first term of the
1286c developpement limite; dq1=slope at the origin of dp or dq
1287c **********************************************************************
1288      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1289      save
1290      common /dira/ dv(251), dr(251), dp(251), dq(251), dpas, test,
1291     1              z, nstop, nes, np, nuc
1293c dv=potential in a.u. and negative;  dr=radial mesh
1294c dp=large component;    dq=small component;    dpas=exponential step;
1295c nes=number of attempts to adjust the energy
1296c z=atomic number; nstop controls the numeric integration
1297c test=precision obtained in the energies; np=maximum number of points
1298c finite nuclear size if nuc is non-zero
1299c **********************************************************************
1300      common /ps1/ dep(5), deq(5), db, dvc, dsal, dk, dm
1302c dep,deq=derivatives of op and dq;  db=energie/dvc;
1303c dvc=speed of light in a.u.; dsal=2.*dvc;  dk=kappa quantum number
1304c dm=exponential step/720., dkoef=1./720.
1305c **********************************************************************
1306      common /trois/ dpno(4,30), dqno(4,30)
1307      data dkoef /0.1388888888888888d-2/
1308      nstop=0
1309      dvc=137.0373d0
1310      dsal=dvc+dvc
1311      imm=0
1312      ies=0
1313      dk=nk
1314      lll=(nql*(nql+1))/2
1315      nd=0
1316      noeud=nqn-nql
1317      if (lll.ne.0) go to 10
1318      elim=-z*z/(1.5d0*nqn*nqn)
1319      go to 40
1320   10 elim=dv(1)+lll/(dr(1)*dr(1))
1321      do 20 i=2,np
1322      val=dv(i)+lll/(dr(i)*dr(i))
1323      if (val.le.elim) elim=val
1324   20 continue
1325      if (elim) 40,30,30
1326   30 nstop=17
1327c 2*v+l*(l+1)/r**2 is everywhere positive
1328c **********************************************************************
1329      return
1330   40 if (de.le.elim) de=elim*0.5d0
1331   50 if (imm.eq.1) go to 80
1332      do 60 i=7,np,2
1333      imat=np+1-i
1334      if ((dv(imat)+lll/(dr(imat)*dr(imat))-de).le.0.0d0) go to 70
1335   60 continue
1336   70 if (imat.gt.5) go to 80
1337      de=de*0.5d0
1338      if (de.lt.-test.and.nd.le.noeud) go to 50
1339      nstop=28
1340c 2*v+l*(l+1)/r**2-2*e is everywhere positive
1341c **********************************************************************
1342      return
1343c initial value for the outward integration
1344c **********************************************************************
1345   80 db=de/dvc
1346      call inouh (dp,dq,dr,dq1,dfl,dv(1),z,test,nuc,nstop,jc)
1347      if (nstop) 310,90,310
1348c     nstop=45
1349c the expansion at the origin does not converge
1350c **********************************************************************
1351   90 nd=1
1352      do 110 i=1,5
1353      dval=dr(i)**dfl
1354      if (i.eq.1) go to 100
1355      if (dp(i-1).eq.0.0d0) go to 100
1356      if ((dp(i)/dp(i-1)).gt.0.0d0) go to 100
1357      nd=nd+1
1358  100 dp(i)=dp(i)*dval
1359      dq(i)=dq(i)*dval
1360      dep(i)=dep(i)*dval
1361  110 deq(i)=deq(i)*dval
1362      k=-1+2*(noeud-2*(noeud/2))
1363      if ((dp(1)*k).gt.0.0d0) go to 130
1364  120 nstop=53
1365c error in the expansion at the origin
1366c **********************************************************************
1367      return
1368  130 if ((k*nk*dq(1)).lt.0.0d0) go to 120
1369      dm=dpas*dkoef
1370c outward integration
1371c **********************************************************************
1372      do 140 i=6,imat
1373      dp(i)=dp(i-1)
1374      dq(i)=dq(i-1)
1375      call inth (dp(i),dq(i),dv(i),dr(i))
1376      if (dp(i-1).eq.0.0d0) go to 140
1377      if ((dp(i)/dp(i-1)).gt.0.0d0) go to 140
1378      nd=nd+1
1379      if (nd.gt.noeud) go to 150
1380  140 continue
1381      if (nd.eq.noeud) go to 160
1382      de=0.8d0*de
1383      if (de.lt.-test) go to 50
1384      nstop=206
1385c the number of nodes is too small
1386c **********************************************************************
1387      return
1388  150 de=1.2d0*de
1389      if (de.gt.elim) go to 50
1390      nstop=210
1391c the number of nodes is too big
1392c **********************************************************************
1393      return
1394c initial values for the inward integration
1395c **********************************************************************
1396  160 dqm=dq(imat)
1397      dpm=dp(imat)
1398      if (imm.eq.1) go to 180
1399      do 170 i=1,np,2
1400      imax=np+1-i
1401      if(((dv(imax)-de)*dr(imax)*dr(imax)).le.300.0d0) go to 180
1402  170 continue
1403  180 dd=sqrt(-de*(2.0d0+db/dvc))
1404      dpq=-dd/(dsal+db)
1405      dm=-dm
1406      do 190 i=1,5
1407      j=imax+1-i
1408      dp(j)=exp(-dd*dr(j))
1409      dep(i)=-dd*dp(j)*dr(j)
1410      dq(j)=dpq*dp(j)
1411  190 deq(i)=dpq*dep(i)
1412      m=imax-5
1413c inward integration
1415      do 200 i=imat,m
1416      j=m+imat-i
1417      dp(j)=dp(j+1)
1418      dq(j)=dq(j+1)
1419  200 call inth (dp(j),dq(j),dv(j),dr(j))
1420c joining of the large components
1421c **********************************************************************
1422      dval=dpm/dp(imat)
1423      if (dval.gt.0.0d0) go to 210
1424      nstop=312
1425c error in the sign of the large component
1426c **********************************************************************
1427      return
1428  210 do 220 i=imat,imax
1429      dp(i)=dp(i)*dval
1430  220 dq(i)=dq(i)*dval
1431c calculation of the norm
1432c **********************************************************************
1433      dsum=3.0d0*dr(1)*(dp(1)**2+dq(1)**2)/(dpas*(dfl+dfl+1.0d0))
1434      do 230 i=3,imax,2
1435  230 dsum=dsum+dr(i)*(dp(i)**2+dq(i)**2)
1436     > +4.0d0*dr(i-1)*(dp(i-1)**2+dq(i-
1437     1 1)**2)+dr(i-2)*(dp(i-2)**2+dq(i-2)**2)
1438      dsum=dpas*(dsum+dr(imat)*(dqm*dqm-dq(imat)*dq(imat)))*0.3333333333
1439     1 333333d0
1440c modification of the energy
1441c **********************************************************************
1442      dbe=dp(imat)*(dqm-dq(imat))*dvc/dsum
1443      imm=0
1444      val=abs(dbe/de)
1445      if (val.le.test) go to 260
1446  240 dval=de+dbe
1447      if (dval.lt.0.0d0) go to 250
1448      dbe=dbe*0.5d0
1449      val=val*0.5d0
1450      if (val.gt.test) go to 240
1451      nstop=345
1452c energie nulle
1453c **********************************************************************
1454      return
1455  250 de=dval
1456      if (val.le.0.1d0) imm=1
1457      ies=ies+1
1458      if (ies.le.nes) go to 50
1459      nstop=362
1460c number of iterations too big
1461c **********************************************************************
1462      return
1463  260 dsum=sqrt(dsum)
1464      dq1=dq1/dsum
1465      do 270 i=1,imax
1466      dp(i)=dp(i)/dsum
1467  270 dq(i)=dq(i)/dsum
1468      do 280 i=1,4
1469      dpno(i,jc)=dpno(i,jc)/dsum
1470  280 dqno(i,jc)=dqno(i,jc)/dsum
1471      if (imax.eq.np) go to 300
1472      j=imax+1
1473      do 290 i=j,np
1474      dp(i)=0.0d0
1475  290 dq(i)=0.0d0
1476  300 nstop=0
1477  310 return
1478      end
1479      double precision function feff_dist(r0, r1)
1480c     find distance between cartesian points r0 and r1
1481      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
1482      dimension r0(3), r1(3)
1483      feff_dist = 0.0d0
1484      do 10  i = 1, 3
1485         feff_dist = feff_dist + (r0(i) - r1(i))**2
1486   10 continue
1487      feff_dist = dsqrt(feff_dist)
1488      return
1489      end
1492c     this subroutine calculates the ' energy dependent
1493c     exchange-correlation potential' (or 'dirac- hara potential')
1494c     ref.: paper by s.h.chou, j.j.rehr, e.a.stern, e.r.davidson (1986)
1496c     inputs:    rs in a.u.
1497c                xk momentum in a.u.
1498c                vi0 constant imaginary part in rydbergs
1499c     outputs:   vr --- dirac potential (Hartrees)
1500c                vi --- constant imag part of the potential (Hartrees)
1501c     written by j. mustre 8/31/87
1504      subroutine edp (rs, xk, vi0, vr, vi)
1505      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
1507      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
1508      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
1509      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
1510      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
1511      complex*16 coni
1512      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
1513c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
1514      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
1516      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
1517      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
1518c     fine structure alpha
1519      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
1520c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
1521      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
1524      xf = fa / rs
1526c     p = sqrt (k^2 + kf^2) is the local momentum, and x = p / kf
1527c     Reference formula 23 in Role of Inelastic effects in EXAFS
1528c     by Rehr and Chou. EXAFS1 conference editted by Bianconi.
1529c     x is local momentum in units of fermi momentum
1531      x = xk / xf
1532      x = x + 1.0d-5
1533c     set to fermi level if below fermi level
1534      if (x .lt. 1.00001d0) x = 1.00001d0
1535      c = abs( (1+x) / (1-x) )
1536      c = log(c)
1537      vr = - (xf/pi) * (1.0d0 + c * (1.0d0-x**2) / (2*x))
1539c     Note vi=vi0/2 to have both real and imaginary part in hartrees
1540c     to be consistent with  other subroutines.
1541      vi = vi0 / 2.0d0
1542      return
1543      end
1544      double precision function exchan (d,dr,dexv)
1545      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1546      save
1547c  dexv=0.0, hedin-barth corr. and exch. potential
1548c  dexv.ne. 0.0, dexv*slater exchange potential
1549c  d=4pi*rho*r^2 , radial density for r=dr
1550c  this function calculates exch=-r*Vexch
1551c  105.27578=32*(pi^2)/3
1552c  comments added by j. mustre 8/27/87
1553      if (dexv.eq.0.0d0) go to 10
1554      exchan=3.0d0*dexv*((dr*d/105.27578d0)**(1.0d0/3.0d0))
1555      return
1556   10 continue
1557      rrs=(d/(3.0d0*dr**2))**0.33333333333d0
1558      exchan=+0.5d0*(1.22177412d0*rrs
1559     >        +0.0504d0*log(30.0d0*rrs+1.0d0))*dr
1560      return
1561      end
1562      double precision function exchee (d,dr)
1563      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
1564      save
1565c jm if density= 0,make exchange energy equal to zero
1566      if (d .eq. 0.0d0) then
1567      exchee=0.0d0
1568      else
1569      x=(3.0d0*dr**2/d)**0.333333333333d0/30.0d0
1570      rx=1.0d0/x
1571      exchee=0.02520d0*(x**3*log(1.0d0+rx)+x*0.50d0
1572     > -x**2-1.0d0/3.0d0-0.2020129d0
1573     1 2*rx)
1574      endif
1575      return
1576      end
1577      subroutine exjlnl (z, l, jl, nl)
1579c     purpose:  to calculate the spherical bessel functions jl and nl
1580c               for l = 0, 1, 2 or 3 using exact analytic expression
1582c     arguments:
1583c       z = argument of jl and nl
1584c       l = integer order of spherical bessel function
1585c       jl = jl bessel function (abramowitz conventions)
1586c       nl = nl bessel function (abramowitz yl conventions)
1587c            Note that this nl = abramowitz yl.
1589c       analytic expressions from abramowitz 10.1.11 and 10.1.12
1590c       recurrence relation to get analytic j4,n4  eqns 10.1.19-22
1592      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
1594      complex*16 z, jl, nl
1596      complex*16 cosz, sinz
1598c     Exact formulae unstable for very small z, so use series
1599c     expansion there.  Limit of .3 chosen for 9 digit agreement.
1600      if (abs(z) .lt. 0.3d0)  then
1601         call bjnser (z, l, jl, nl, 0)
1602      else
1603c        use analytic formulae
1604         cosz = cos(z)
1605         sinz = sin(z)
1607         if (l .eq. 0)  then
1608            jl =  sinz / z
1609            nl = -cosz / z
1611         elseif (l .eq. 1)  then
1612            jl =  sinz/z**2 - cosz/z
1613            nl = -cosz/z**2 - sinz/z
1615         elseif (l .eq. 2)  then
1616            jl = ( 3.0d0/z**3 - 1.0d0/z)*sinz - 3.0d0*cosz/z**2
1617            nl = (-3.0d0/z**3 + 1.0d0/z)*cosz - 3.0d0*sinz/z**2
1619         elseif (l .eq. 3)  then
1620            jl = ( 15.0d0/z**4 - 6.0d0/z**2)*sinz
1621     >          + (-15.0d0/z**3 + 1.0d0/z)*cosz
1622            nl = (-15.0d0/z**4 + 6.0d0/z**2)*cosz
1623     >          + (-15.0d0/z**3 + 1.0d0/z)*sinz
1625         else
1626            stop 'exjlnl, l out of range'
1628         endif
1629      endif
1631      return
1632      end
1633      subroutine fermi (rhoint, vint, xmu, rs, xf)
1635      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
1638      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
1639      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
1640      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
1641      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
1642      complex*16 coni
1643      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
1644c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
1645      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
1647      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
1648      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
1649c     fine structure alpha
1650      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
1651c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
1652      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
1655c     calculate fermi level of the system (mu) according to formula
1656c     mu=vcoulomb(interstitial)+vxc(interstitial)+kf(interstitial)^2
1657c     formula  2.13 in lee and beni, phys. rev. b15,2862(1977)
1659c     note that vint includes both coulomb and ground state
1660c     exchange-correlation potentials
1662c     den is the interstitial density
1663c     rs is the density parameter
1664c     xf is the interstital fermi momentum
1665c     xmu is the fermi level in rydbergs
1667      den = rhoint / (4.0d0*pi)
1668      rs = (3.0d0 / (4.0d0*pi*den)) ** third
1669      xf = fa / rs
1670      xmu = vint + xf**2
1672      return
1673      end
1674      subroutine ff2chi (ipr4, critcw, s02, tk, thetad, icsig,
1675     1                   vrcorr, vicorr)
1676c     modified for feff6l by jjr
1677      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
1680      character*12 vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
1681      common /vers/ vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
1684      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
1685      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
1686      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
1687      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
1688      complex*16 coni
1689      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
1690c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
1691      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
1693      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
1694      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
1695c     fine structure alpha
1696      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
1697c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
1698      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
1701      parameter (delk = 0.05d0)
1702      parameter (eps = 1.0d-10)
1703      parameter (eps4 = 1.0d-4)
1704c     e (eV) = bohr**2 * ryd * k**2 (k in invA), b2r ~=3.81
1705      parameter (b2r = bohr**2 * ryd)
1707c     This is set in dim.h for other parts of the code
1708      parameter (nex = 100)
1710c     Max number of points on fine k grid for chi output
1711      parameter (nfinex = 601)
1713      dimension achi(nex), achix(nex)
1714      dimension xk(nex), cdelta(nex), afeff(nex), phfeff(nex),
1715     1          redfac(nex), xlam(nex), rep(nex)
1717      dimension emxs(nex), omega(nex), xkxs(nex), xsec(nex)
1719      complex*16 p2, pp2
1720      complex*16 ck(nex), dw
1721      complex*16 cchi(nfinex), ccc, ccpath(nfinex)
1723c     head is headers from files.dat, hdxs is headers from xsect.bin
1724      parameter (nheadx = 30)
1725      character*80 head(nheadx), hdxs(nheadx)
1726      dimension lhead(nheadx), lhdxs(nheadx)
1728      parameter (nlegx = 10)
1729      dimension rat(3,0:nlegx), iz(0:nlegx)
1731      character*80  line
1732      parameter (nwordx = 4)
1733      character*50  words(nwordx), fname
1735c     do (or don't) correlated debye model dw factor
1736      logical dwcorr
1737c     write xmu file only if xsect.bin exists
1738      logical wxmu
1739      character*72 header
1740      common /header_common/ header
1743c     icsig 0, use real    momentum for debye waller factor
1744c           1, use complex momentum for debye waller factor
1746c     NB: code units for this module are Ang, Ang**-1, eV, etc.
1747      vrcorr = vrcorr * ryd
1748      vicorr = vicorr * ryd
1750      do 22  i = 1, nfinex
1751         cchi(i) = 0
1752   22 continue
1754c     Keep stats on total paths and paths used to make chi
1755      ntotal = 0
1756      nused = 0
1758c     open files.dat
1759      open (unit=2, file=trim(header)//'files.dat',
1760     >      status='old', iostat=ios)
1761      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'files.dat', 'ff2chi')
1762      nhead = nheadx
1763      call rdhead (2, nhead, head, lhead)
1764c     header from rdhead includes carriage control
1765c     skip a label line
1766      read(2,*)
1768      dwcorr = .false.
1769      if (tk .gt. 1.0d-1)  dwcorr = .true.
1771c     Open chi.dat and xmu.dat (output) and start header
1772      open (unit=3, file=trim(header)//'chi.dat',
1773     >      status='unknown', iostat=ios)
1774      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'chi.dat', 'ff2chi')
1775c      open (unit=8, file='xsect.bin', status='old', iostat=ios)
1776      wxmu = .false.
1777      if (ios .le. 0)  wxmu = .true.
1778      if(wxmu) then
1779c        read xsect.bin
1780         nhdxs = nheadx
1781c        skip label
1782         edge0 = (emxs(1)/ryd + xkxs(1)**2*bohr**2)*ryd
1784      endif
1786      do 14  ihead = 1, nhead
1787         if (lhead(ihead) .gt. 0)  then
1788            write(3,12) head(ihead)(1:lhead(ihead))
1789         endif
1790   12    format ('#',a)
1791   14 continue
1792      if (dwcorr)  then
1793         write(3,800)  s02, tk, thetad, vfeff, vff2ch
1794  800    format ('# S02', f7.3, '   Temp', f8.2, '  Debye temp', f8.2,
1795     1           t57, 2a12)
1796      else
1797         write(3,801)  s02, vfeff, vff2ch
1798  801    format ('# S02', f7.3, t57, 2a12)
1799      endif
1801      if (abs(vrcorr).ge.eps4 .or. abs(vicorr).ge.eps4)  then
1802         write(3,802) vrcorr, vicorr
1803         write(77,802) vrcorr, vicorr
1804      endif
1805  802 format ('# Energy zero shift, vr, vi ', 1p, 2e14.5)
1808      if (critcw .gt. 0)  write(3,15) critcw
1809   15 format ('# Curved wave amplitude ratio filter ', f7.3, '%')
1810      write(3,16)
1811   16 format ('#    file           sig2  cw amp ratio   deg',
1812     1        '  nlegs  r effective')
1814c     Open sig2.dat if necessary (output) and start header
1815      if (ipr4 .ge. 1)  then
1816         open (unit=4, file=trim(header)//'sig2.dat',
1817     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
1818         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'sig2.dat', 'ff2chi')
1819         do 514  ihead = 1, nhead
1820            if (lhead(ihead) .gt. 0)
1821     1            write(4,12) head(ihead)(1:lhead(ihead))
1822  514    continue
1823         if (dwcorr)  then
1824            write(4,800)  s02, tk, thetad, vfeff, vff2ch
1825         else
1826            write(4,801)  s02, vfeff, vff2ch
1827         endif
1828         write(4,16)
1829      endif
1830      write(77,515) critcw
1831  515 format ('    Use all paths with cw amplitude ratio', f7.2, '%')
1832      if (dwcorr)  then
1833         write(77,516) s02, tk, thetad
1834      else
1835         write(77,517) s02
1836      endif
1837  516 format('    Use correlated Debye model.  S02', f7.3,
1838     1        '  Temp', f8.2, '  Debye temp', f8.2)
1839  517 format('    Use Debye-Waller factors from files.dat.  S02', f7.3)
1841   10 continue
1842         read(2,11,end=399)  line
1843   11    format (a)
1844         call triml (line)
1845         nwords = nwordx
1846         call bwords (line, nwords, words)
1847c        if line was blank, skip it and go on to next line
1848         if (nwords .lt. 1)  goto 10
1850         ntotal = ntotal+1
1851c        word 1 - feff.dat file name
1852c             2 - sig2 for path
1853c             3 - amplitude ratio, full k range
1855         read(words(2),40,err=900)  sig2
1856         read(words(3),40,err=900)  crit
1857   40    format (bn, f15.0)
1858c        Skip un-important path
1860c        Write output if path is important enough (ie, path is
1861         if (crit .lt. critcw)  then
1862            write(77,17) words(1)(1:15), crit, '   (not used)  '
1863   17       format (4x, a, f10.4, a)
1864            goto 10
1865         endif
1867c        Read feff.dat file
1868         nused = nused+1
1869         write(77,17) words(1)(1:15), crit
1870         fname = words(1)
1871         open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//words(1),
1872     >         status='old', iostat=ios)
1873         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//words(1), 'ff2chi')
1874         nhead = nheadx
1875         call rdhead (1, nhead, head, lhead)
1876         read(1,*)  nleg, deg, reff, rs, edge
1877         if (abs(vrcorr) .gt. eps4) edge = edge-vrcorr
1878         if (nleg .gt. nlegx)  stop 'too many legs'
1879c        skip label
1880         read(1,*)
1881         do 30  ileg = 0, nleg-1
1882            read(1,*) (rat(j,ileg),j=1,3), ipot, iz(ileg)
1883   30    continue
1884c        skip label
1885         read(1,*)
1886         do 20  j = 1, 3
1887            rat(j,nleg) = rat(j,0)
1888   20    continue
1889         iz(nleg) = iz(0)
1891c        Get sig2 from correlated debye model if required
1892         if (dwcorr)  then
1893c           replace sig2 from files.dat
1894            call sigms (tk, thetad, rs, nlegx, nleg, rat, iz, sig2)
1895         endif
1897c        Put path into chi.dat header, sig2.dat as required
1898         write(3,110)  words(1)(1:15), sig2, crit,
1899     1                 deg, nleg, reff
1900         if (ipr4 .ge. 1)  then
1901            write(4,110)  words(1)(1:15), sig2, crit,
1902     1                    deg, nleg, reff
1903         endif
1904  110    format('#',1x, a, f8.5, 2f10.2, i6, f9.4)
1906c        read data
1907         i = 1
1908  120    read(1,*,end=130)  xk(i), cdelta(i), afeff(i),
1909     1             phfeff(i), redfac(i), xlam(i), rep(i)
1911c           make complex momentum
1912c           add correction to imag part of energy to xlam here
1914c           use atomic units for this
1915            viryd = vicorr / ryd
1916            preal = rep(i) * bohr
1917            xlamb = xlam(i) / bohr
1918            pimag = 1 / xlamb
1919c           p2 is p**2, pp2 is p' **2 (p prime squared, new p)
1920            p2 = (preal + coni*pimag)**2
1921            pp2 = p2 + coni*viryd
1922            ck(i) = sqrt (pp2)
1923            xlam(i) = 1 / dimag(ck(i))
1924            rep(i) = dble(ck(i))
1925c           put everything back into Ang and invAng
1926            ck(i) = ck(i) / bohr
1927            xlam(i) = xlam(i) * bohr
1928            rep(i) = rep(i) / bohr
1930            npts = i
1931            i = i+1
1932         goto 120
1933  130    continue
1934         close(unit=1)
1936c        Make chi, note that |feff| at k=0 is zero.  Must interpolate
1937c        or extrapolate to find it.  Can interpolate when we have
1938c        data for k<0, but just extrapolate for all cases for now.
1939         iextr = 0
1940         do 300  i = 1, npts
1942c           extrapolate chi when k=0, otherwise calculate it
1943c           achi has no 2kr term
1944            dw = exp(-2*sig2*ck(i)**2)
1945            phdw = atan2 (dimag(dw), dble(dw))
1946            if (abs(xk(i)) .lt. 0.01d0)  then
1947               iextr = i
1948            else
1949               achi(i) = afeff(i) * deg * abs(dw) *
1950     1             exp(-2*reff/xlam(i)) * redfac(i) * s02 /
1951     2             (abs(xk(i))*reff**2)
1952            endif
1953            achix(i) = cdelta(i) + phfeff(i) + phdw
1954  300    continue
1955c        fill in achi where extrapolation necessary
1956         if (iextr .gt. 0)  then
1957            achi(iextr) = 2*achi(iextr+1) - achi(iextr+2)
1958         endif
1960c        make sure no 2pi jumps in phase
1961         do 310  i = 2, npts
1962            call pijump (achix(i), achix(i-1))
1963  310    continue
1965c        Decide on fine grid -- need k' if vrcorr /= 0
1966         if (abs(vrcorr) .gt. eps4)  then
1967            xkpmin = xk2xkp (xk(1), vrcorr)
1968            n = xkpmin / delk
1969c           need 1st int ABOVE xkpmin/delk
1970            if (xkpmin .gt. 0.0d0)  n = n+1
1971c           First k grid point moved by vrcorr
1972            xkmin = n * delk
1973         else
1974c           Use unmodified grid
1975            xkmin = xk(1)
1976         endif
1978c        sum chi on fine k grid
1979         nkx = nfinex
1980         do 330  i = 1, nfinex
1981c           xkout is k value for output, xk0 is k value used for
1982c           interpolation and reconstruction of chi with original grid.
1983c           If vrcorr=0, xk0 and xkout will be the same.
1984            xkout = delk * (i-1) + xkmin
1985            xk0 = xkp2xk (xkout, vrcorr)
1987c           find end of data, eps4 is to handle round-off (we've been
1988c           reading files with limited precision)
1989            if (xk0 .gt. xk(npts)+eps4)  then
1990               nkx = i-1
1991               goto 331
1992            endif
1993            call terp (xk, achi,  npts, xk0, achi0)
1994            call terp (xk, achix, npts, xk0, achix0)
1995            cchi(i) = cchi(i) + achi0 *
1996     1                exp (coni * (2*xk0*reff + achix0))
1997            ccpath(i) = achi0 * exp (coni * (2*xk0*reff + achix0))
1998  330    continue
1999  331    continue
2001c        write out a chinnnn.dat for this path, if necessary.  Headers
2002c        later...
2003         if (ipr4 .ge. 2)  then
2004c           Assume file is form  feffnnnn.whatever, change it to
2005c                                chipnnnn.whatever.  Other filenames
2006c           will turn out wierdly
2007            fname(1:4) = 'chip'
2008            open (unit=9, file=trim(header)//fname, status='unknown')
2009            do 370  ihead = 1, nhead
2010               if (lhead(ihead) .gt. 0)  then
2011                  write(9,12) head(ihead)(1:lhead(ihead))
2012               endif
2013  370       continue
2014            if (dwcorr)  then
2015               write(9,800)  s02, tk, thetad, vfeff, vff2ch
2016            else
2017               write(9,801)  s02, vfeff, vff2ch
2018            endif
2020            if (abs(vrcorr).ge.eps4 .or. abs(vicorr).ge.eps4)  then
2021               write(9,802)  vrcorr, vicorr
2022            endif
2023            write(9,*) 'Debye-waller factor ', sig2
2025            write(9,407)
2026            write(9,338)
2027  338       format ('       k         chi           mag          ',
2028     1              'phase        phase-2kr  @#')
2029            do 340  i = 1, nkx
2030               xk0 = delk * (i-1) + xkmin
2031               ccc = ccpath(i)
2032               phase=0
2033               if (abs(ccc) .gt. 0)  phase=atan2(dimag(ccc), dble(ccc))
2034               if (i .gt. 1)  call pijump (phase, phase0)
2035               phase0 = phase
2036               write(9,410)  xk0, dimag(ccc), abs(ccc), phase,
2037     1                       phase-2*xk0*reff
2038  340       continue
2039         endif
2041      goto 10
2042  399 continue
2043      close (unit=2)
2045c     Write it out
2046      write(3,405)  nused, ntotal
2047  405 format ('#',1x, i4, '/', i4, ' paths used')
2048      write(3,407)
2049  407 format ('#',1x, 79('-'))
2050      write(3,406)
2051  406 format ( '#     k          chi          mag           phase @#')
2052      do 420  i = 1, nkx
2053         xk0 = delk * (i-1) + xkmin
2054         ccc = cchi(i)
2055         phase=0
2056         if (abs(ccc) .gt. 0)  phase=atan2(dimag(ccc), dble(ccc))
2057         if (i .gt. 1)  call pijump (phase, phase0)
2058         phase0 = phase
2059         write(3,410)  xk0, dimag(ccc), abs(ccc), phase
2060  410    format (1x, f10.4, 3x, 4(1pe13.6,1x))
2061  420 continue
2062      close (unit=3)
2065      write(77,500) nused, ntotal
2066  500 format (' ff2chi done, ', i4, '/', i4, ' paths used.')
2067      return
2069  900 stop 'Error reading files.dat importance factors'
2070      end
2072c     following functions use invA and eV as input and output,
2073c     internal workings in atomic units
2075      double precision function xk2xkp (xk, vrcorr)
2076      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
2078      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
2079      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
2080      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
2081      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
2082      complex*16 coni
2083      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
2084c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
2085      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
2087      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
2088      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
2089c     fine structure alpha
2090      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
2091c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
2092      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
2094      xk0 = xk*bohr
2095      vr = vrcorr / ryd
2096      xksign = sign (one, xk0)
2097      e = xksign*xk0**2 + vr
2098      xk2xkp = getxk(e) / bohr
2099      return
2100      end
2102      double precision function xkp2xk (xkp, vrcorr)
2103      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
2105      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
2106      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
2107      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
2108      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
2109      complex*16 coni
2110      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
2111c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
2112      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
2114      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
2115      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
2116c     fine structure alpha
2117      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
2118c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
2119      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
2121      xkp0 = xkp*bohr
2122      vr = vrcorr / ryd
2123      xkpsgn = sign (one, xkp0)
2124      e = xkpsgn*xkp0**2 - vr
2125      xkp2xk = getxk(e) / bohr
2126      return
2127      end
2128      double precision function ffq(q, ef, xk, wp, alph)
2129      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
2131c     input:  q, wp, alph, ef, xk
2132c             q is dimensionless, normalized to fermi momentum
2133c             xk is momentum in invBohrs
2134c     output: ffq only
2136      wq = sqrt (wp**2 + alph*q**2 + q**4)
2137      ffq = (wp+wq)/(q**2) + alph/(2.0d0*wp)
2138      ffq = ((ef*wp) / (4.0d0*xk))  * log(ffq)
2140      return
2141      end
2142      subroutine fixvar (rmt, edens, vtot,
2143     1                   vint, rhoint, nr, dx, x0, ri,
2144     2                   vtotph, rhoph)
2146      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
2148      character*72 header
2149      common /header_common/ header
2153      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
2154      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
2155      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
2156      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
2157      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
2158      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
2159      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
2160      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
2162      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
2163 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
2164      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
2165      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
2166      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
2167				!finder, NOT in genfmt
2170      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
2171      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
2172      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
2173      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
2174      complex*16 coni
2175      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
2176c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
2177      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
2179      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
2180      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
2181c     fine structure alpha
2182      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
2183c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
2184      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
2187      dimension edens(nrptx), vtot (nrptx)
2188      dimension vtotph(nr), rhoph(nr)
2189      dimension ri(nr)
2191c     PHASE needs
2192c     vtot = total potential including gs xcorr, no r**2
2193c     edens = rho, charge density, no factor of 4*pi, no r**2
2194c     From overlapping, vtot = potential only, ok as is
2195c                       edens = density*4*pi, so fix this here.
2197c     If new grid is different from old one, be sure to interpolate
2198c     somehow...
2200c     Only values inside the muffin tin are used, except that XCPOT
2201c     (in PHASE) uses values at imt+1 and requires these to be the
2202c     interstitial values.  So set the last part of the arrays to
2203c     interstitial values...
2205      imt = ii(rmt)
2207      do 190  i = 1, imt
2208         vtotph(i) = vtot(i)
2209         rhoph(i) = edens(i)/(4.0d0*pi)
2210  190 continue
2211      do 200  i = imt+1, nrptx
2212         vtotph(i) = vint
2213         rhoph(i) = rhoint/(4.0d0*pi)
2214  200 continue
2216      return
2217      end
2218      subroutine fmtrxi (lam1x, lam2x, ie, iterm, ileg, ilegp)
2219      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
2221      character*72 header
2222      common /header_common/ header
2225c     all commons except for /fmat/ are inputs
2227c     inputs:
2228c       lam1x, lam2x:  limits on lambda and lambda'
2229c       ie:  energy grid points
2230c       iterm = 1 if we're doing the termination matrix M,
2231c              -1 otherwise
2232c       ileg, ilegp: leg and leg'
2234c     Inputs from common:
2235c        phases, use ph(ie,...,ilegp), and lmax(ie,ilegp)
2236c        lambda arrays
2237c        rotation matrix for ilegp
2238c        clmz for ileg and ilegp
2239c        path data, eta(ilegp) and ipot(ilegp)
2240c        xnlm array
2242c     Output:  fmati(...,ilegp) in common /fmatrx/ is set for
2243c              current energy point.
2245c     calculate scattering amplitude matrices
2246c     f(lam,lam') = sum_l tl gam(l,m,n)dri(l,m,m',ileg)gamt(l,m',n')
2247c                 *cexp(-i*m*eta),  eta = gamma+alpha'
2248c     lam lt lam1x, lam' lt lam2x such that m(lam) lt l0, n(lam) lt l0
2249c     gam = (-)**m c_l,n+m*xnlm, gamt = (2l+1)*c_ln/xnlm,
2250c     gamtl = gamt*tl
2253      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
2254      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
2255      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3)
2256      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
2257      complex*16 coni
2258      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
2259c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
2260      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
2262      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
2263      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
2264c     fine structure alpha
2265      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
2266c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
2267      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
2270      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
2271      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
2272      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
2273      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
2274      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
2275      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
2276      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
2277      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
2279      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
2280 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
2281      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
2282      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
2283      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
2284				!finder, NOT in genfmt
2287      save /nlm/
2288      common /nlm/ xnlm(ltot+1,mtot+1)
2291      common /lambda/
2292     4   mlam(lamtot), 	!mu for each lambda
2293     5   nlam(lamtot),	!nu for each lambda
2294     1   lamx, 		!max lambda in problem
2295     2   laml0x, 	!max lambda for vectors involving absorbing atom
2296     3   mmaxp1, nmax 	!max mu in problem + 1, max nu in problem
2299      save /clmz/
2300      complex*16 clmi
2301      common /clmz/ clmi(ltot+1,mtot+ntot+1,legtot)
2304      complex*16 fmati
2305      common /fmatrx/ fmati(lamtot,lamtot,legtot)
2308      save /rotmat/
2309      common /rotmat/ dri(ltot+1,2*mtot+1,2*mtot+1,legtot+1)
2312c     Note that leg nleg is the leg ending at the central atom, so that
2313c     ipot(nleg) is central atom potential, rat(nleg) position of
2314c     central atom.
2315c     Central atom has ipot=0
2316c     For later convience, rat(,0) and ipot(0) refer to the central
2317c     atom, and are the same as rat(,nleg), ipot(nleg).
2319c     text and title arrays include carriage control
2320      character*80 text, title
2321      character*6  potlbl
2322      common /str/ text(40),	!text header from potph
2323     1             title(5),	!title from paths.dat
2324     1             potlbl(0:npotx)	! potential labels for output
2326      complex*16 ph, eref
2327      common /pdata/
2328     1 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:npotx),	!complex phase shifts,
2329     1					!central atom ipot=0
2330     1 rat(3,0:legtot+1),		!position of each atom, code units(bohr)
2331     1 eref(nex),		!complex energy reference
2332     1 em(nex),		!energy mesh
2333     1 ri(legtot), beta(legtot+1), eta(0:legtot+1), !r, beta, eta for each leg
2334     1 deg, rnrmav, xmu, edge,	!(output only)
2335     1 lmax(nex,0:npotx),	!max l with non-zero phase for each energy
2336     1 ipot(0:legtot),	!potential for each atom in path
2337     1 iz(0:npotx),	!atomic number (output only)
2338     1 ltext(40), ltitle(5),	!length of each string
2339     1 nsc, nleg,	!nscatters, nlegs (nleg = nsc+1)
2340     1 npot, ne,	!number of potentials, energy points
2341     1 ik0,		!index of energy grid corresponding to k=0 (edge)
2342     1 ipath, 	!index of current path (output only)
2343     1 ihole,	!(output only)
2344     1 l0, il0,	!lfinal and lfinal+1 (used for indices)
2345     1 lmaxp1,	!largest lmax in problem + 1
2346     1 ntext, ntitle	!number of text and title lines
2349      complex*16 cam, camt, cterm, tltl
2350      complex*16 gam(ltot+1,mtot+1,ntot+1),
2351     1           gamtl(ltot+1,mtot+1,ntot+1), tl
2353c     calculate factors gam and gamtl
2354      iln = 1
2355      ilx = lmax(ie,ipot(ilegp)) + 1
2356      if (iterm .gt. 0)  then
2357         iln = il0
2358         ilx = il0
2359      endif
2360      do 30  il = iln, ilx
2361         tltl = 2.0d0*il - 1.0d0
2362         if (iterm .lt. 0)  then
2363            tl = (exp(2.0d0*coni*ph(ie,il,ipot(ilegp))) - 1.0d0)
2364     >           / (2.0d0*coni)
2365            tltl = tltl * tl
2366         endif
2367         lam12x = max (lam1x, lam2x)
2368         do 20  lam = 1, lam12x
2369            m = mlam(lam)
2370            if (m .lt. 0)  goto 20
2371            im = m+1
2372            if (im .gt. il)  goto 20
2373            in = nlam(lam) + 1
2374            imn = in + m
2375            if (lam .gt. lam1x)  goto 10
2376            cam = xnlm(il,im) * (-1)**m
2377            if (imn .le. il)  gam(il,im,in) = cam * clmi(il,imn,ileg)
2378            if (imn .gt. il)  gam(il,im,in) = 0
2379   10       if (lam .gt. lam2x) goto 20
2380            camt = tltl / xnlm(il,im)
2381            gamtl(il,im,in) = camt * clmi(il,in,ilegp)
2382   20    continue
2383   30 continue
2385      do 60 lam1 = 1,lam1x
2386         m1 = mlam(lam1)
2387         in1 = nlam(lam1) + 1
2388         iam1 = abs(m1) + 1
2389         do 60  lam2 = 1, lam2x
2390            m2 = mlam(lam2)
2391            in2 = nlam(lam2) + 1
2392            iam2 = iabs(m2) + 1
2393            imn1 = iam1 + in1 - 1
2394            cterm = 0.0d0
2395            ilmin = max (iam1, iam2, imn1, in2, iln)
2396            do 40  il = ilmin, ilx
2397c              skip terms with mu > l (NB il=l+1, so mu=il is mu>l)
2398               if (abs(m1).ge.il .or. abs(m2).ge.il)  goto 40
2399               m1d = m1 + mtot+1
2400               m2d = m2 + mtot+1
2402               cterm = cterm + gam(il,iam1,in1)*gamtl(il,iam2,in2)
2403     1                         *dri(il,m1d,m2d,ilegp)
2405   40       continue
2406            if (eta(ileg) .ne. 0.0d0) then
2407               m1 = mlam(lam1)
2408               cterm = cterm * exp(-coni*eta(ileg)*m1)
2409            endif
2410c           Above was org coding, change to use eta(ilegp) as test
2411c           based on algebra check.  July 20, 1992, siz&jjr
2412c           Changed back with redifinition of eta(see rdpath.f)
2413c           which is more convinient in polarization case.
2414c           August 8,1993, ala.
2415c           if (eta(ilegp) .ne. 0.0) then
2416c              m1 = mlam(lam1)
2417c              cterm = cterm * exp(-coni*eta(ilegp)*m1)
2418c           endif
2419            fmati(lam1,lam2,ilegp) = cterm
2420   60 continue
2422c     test of fmati(lam,lam',ileg)
2423c     plot fmat(lam,lam') = csqrt((z/2)**(m1-m2))*fmat
2425      return
2426      end
2427      subroutine fovrg (il, ihard, rmt, xmt, jri, e, nr, dx, ri, v, dny,
2428     1                  pu, qu, p, q, ps, qs, vm)
2429      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
2431      character*72 header
2432      common /header_common/ header
2435c     Input:
2436c        il      ang mom number + 1
2437c        ihard   number of times convergence test fails
2438c        rmt     muffin tin radius
2439c        xmt     x such that rmt = exp ((x-1)*dx - 8.8)
2440c        jri     first interstitial grid point (imt + 1)
2441c        e       current complex energy
2442c        nr      number of points in r grid
2443c        dx      dx in Loucks' grid (usually .05)
2444c        ri(nr)  Loucks' position grid, r = exp ((i-1)*dx - 8.8)
2445c        v(nr)   total complex potential including energy dep xc
2446c                v is in the form  pot*r**2
2448c     Work space:
2449c        complex*16 p(nr), q(nr), ps(nr), qs(nr), vm(nr)
2450c        Must be dimensioned in calling program.  Coded like this
2451c        to make using different r-grids with different nrmax easy.
2453c     Output:
2454c        ihard   incremented each time convergence test fails
2455c        dny     r*g'/g, see loucks (4-85), q/p = cf/g (eq 4-86)
2456c        pu, qu  upper and lower components at muffin tin
2457c        q and q arrays  upper and lower components (see comments)
2459      complex*16 v(nr), e
2460      dimension ri(nr)
2461      complex*16 dny, pu, qu
2462      complex*16 p(nr), q(nr), ps(nr), qs(nr), vm(nr)
2465      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
2466      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
2467      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
2468      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
2469      complex*16 coni
2470      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
2471c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
2472      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
2474      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
2475      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
2476c     fine structure alpha
2477      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
2478c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
2479      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
2481      parameter (c = clight)
2482      parameter (csq = c**2)
2484      double precision lp1, ldcsq
2485      complex*16 c1,c2,c3,pc,qc,dp1,dq1,dp2,dq2,dp3,dq3,dp4,dq4
2486      complex*16 vh,vmh,vmnp1,psn,qsn,psnm1,qsnm1,psnm2,qsnm2
2487      complex*16 psnm3,qsnm3,psnm4,qsnm4,pp,qp,psnp1,qsnp1,prel,qrel
2488      complex*16 psu,vu,dummy
2489      complex*16 vn,vmn
2491c     test=1.e+04 value in loucks
2492      test=1.d+05
2493      nrk=6
2495      expdxh=exp(dx/2.0d0)
2496      dxd4=dx/4.0d0
2497      dxd8=dx/8.0d0
2498      a1=dx*3.30d0
2499      a2=-dx*4.20d0
2500      a3=dx*7.80d0
2501      a4=dx*14.0d0/45.0d0
2502      a5=dx*64.0d0/45.0d0
2503      a6=dx*24.0d0/45.0d0
2504      call feff_diff (v,dx,jri,vm)
2505      twoz=-dble (v(1))/ri(1)
2506      l=il-1
2507      lp1=l+1.0d0
2508      ldcsq=l/csq
2509      ie=1
2510      r=ri(1)
2511      vn=v(1)
2512      vmn=vm(1)
2513cv    p(1)=1.0
2514      p(1)=1.d-20
2515      q(1)=-e/(2.0d0*l+3.0d0)*r*p(1)
2516      beta=lp1
2517      if (twoz.eq.0.0d0) go to 10
2518      beta=sqrt(lp1*l+1.0d0-(twoz/c)**2)
2519      sb0=(beta-lp1)*csq/twoz
2520      sa1=(3.0d0*beta-(twoz/c)**2)/(2.0d0*beta+1.0d0)
2521      sb1=csq/twoz*((beta-l)*sa1-1.0)-sb0
2522      sa2=((beta+3.0*lp1)*sa1-3.0d0*l+twoz/csq*(beta+lp1+3.0d0)*sb1)/
2523     1 (beta+1.0d0)/4.0d0
2524      sb2=(csq/twoz*(2.0d0*l*(beta+2.0d0-lp1)-l-(twoz/c)**2)*sa1-3.0d0*l
2525     1 *csq/twoz*(beta+2.0d0-lp1)
2526     > +(beta+3.0d0-2.0d0*lp1-(twoz/c)**2)*sb1)/
2527     2 (beta+1.0)/4.0d0
2528      delta=r*csq/twoz
2529      q(1)=(sb0+delta*(sb1+delta*sb2))/
2530     >     (1.0d0+delta*(sa1+delta*sa2))*p(1)
2531   10 continue
2532c     runge kutta method  (see loucks)
2533      c1=vn/r**2-e
2534      c2=1.0d0-c1/csq
2535      c3=(vmn-2.0d0*vn)/c2/c2*ldcsq
2536      ps(1)=r*c2*q(1)+lp1*p(1)
2537      qs(1)=-lp1*q(1)+(r*c1-c3/r**3)*p(1)
2538      n=1
2539   20 continue
2540      pc=p(n)
2541      qc=q(n)
2542      dp1=dx*(r*c2*qc+lp1*pc)
2543      dq1=dx*(-lp1*qc+(r*c1-c3/r**3)*pc)
2544      pc=pc+0.50d0*dp1
2545      qc=qc+0.50d0*dq1
2546      r=r*expdxh
2547      vnp1=v(n+1)
2548      vmnp1=vm(n+1)
2549      vh=(vn+vnp1)*0.50d0+(vmn-vmnp1)*dxd8
2550      vmh=(1.50d0*(vnp1-vn)-(vmn+vmnp1)*dxd4)/dx
2551      c1=vh/r/r-e
2552      c2=1.0d0-c1/csq
2553      c3=(vmh-2.0d0*vh)/c2/c2*ldcsq
2554      dp2=dx*(r*c2*qc+lp1*pc)
2555      dq2=dx*(-lp1*qc+(r*c1-c3/r**3)*pc)
2556      pc=pc+0.50d0*(dp2-dp1)
2557      qc=qc+0.50d0*(dq2-dq1)
2558      dp3=dx*(r*c2*qc+lp1*pc)
2559      dq3=dx*(-lp1*qc+(r*c1-c3/r**3)*pc)
2560      pc=pc+dp3-0.50d0*dp2
2561      qc=qc+dq3-0.50d0*dq2
2562      n=n+1
2563      r=ri(n)
2564      c1=vnp1/r/r-e
2565      c2=1.0d0-c1/csq
2566      c3=(vmnp1-2.0d0*vnp1)/c2/c2*ldcsq
2567      dp4=dx*(r*c2*qc+lp1*pc)
2568      dq4=dx*(-lp1*qc+(r*c1-c3/r**3)*pc)
2569      p(n)=p(n-1)+(dp1+2.0d0*(dp2+dp3)+dp4)/6.0d0
2570      q(n)=q(n-1)+(dq1+2.0d0*(dq2+dq3)+dq4)/6.0d0
2571      ps(n)=r*c2*q(n)+lp1*p(n)
2572      qs(n)=-lp1*q(n)+(r*c1-c3/r**3)*p(n)
2573      vn=vnp1
2574      vmn=vmnp1
2575      if (n-nrk) 20,30,30
2576   30 if (n.ge.jri) go to 120
2577      psn=ps(nrk)
2578      qsn=qs(nrk)
2579      psnm1=ps(nrk-1)
2580      qsnm1=qs(nrk-1)
2581      psnm2=ps(nrk-2)
2582      qsnm2=qs(nrk-2)
2583      psnm3=ps(nrk-3)
2584      qsnm3=qs(nrk-3)
2585      psnm4=ps(nrk-4)
2586      qsnm4=qs(nrk-4)
2587c     milne method
2588   40 r=ri(n+1)
2589      c1=v(n+1)/r/r-e
2590      c2=1.0d0-c1/csq
2591      c3=(vm(n+1)-2.0d0*v(n+1))/c2/c2*ldcsq
2592      pp=p(n-5)+a1*(psn+psnm4)+a2*(psnm1+psnm3)+a3*psnm2
2593      qp=q(n-5)+a1*(qsn+qsnm4)+a2*(qsnm1+qsnm3)+a3*qsnm2
2594      nit=0
2595   50 psnp1=r*c2*qp+lp1*pp
2596      qsnp1=-lp1*qp+(r*c1-c3/r**3)*pp
2597      pc=p(n-3)+a4*(psnp1+psnm3)+a5*(psn+psnm2)+a6*psnm1
2598      qc=q(n-3)+a4*(qsnp1+qsnm3)+a5*(qsn+qsnm2)+a6*qsnm1
2599      if (abs(test*(pc-pp))-abs(pc)) 60,60,70
2600   60 if (abs(test*(qc-qp))-abs(qc)) 110,110,70
2601   70 if (nit-40) 100,80,100
2602c  70 if (nit-5) 100,80,100 value in loucks
2603   80 prel=(pc-pp)/pc
2604      qrel=(qc-qp)/qc
2605c     count times hard test fails
2606      ihard = ihard + 1
2607c     print90, il,ie,n,prel,qrel
2608   90 format (' hard test in fovrg il=',i2,' ie=',i1,' n=',i3,' prel='
2609     1 ,e16.8,' qrel=',e16.8,' **********')
2610      go to 110
2611  100 nit=nit+1
2612      pp=pc
2613      qp=qc
2614      go to 50
2615  110 n=n+1
2616      p(n)=pc
2617      q(n)=qc
2618      ps(n)=psnp1
2619      qs(n)=qsnp1
2620      psnm4=psnm3
2621      psnm3=psnm2
2622      psnm2=psnm1
2623      psnm1=psn
2624      psn=psnp1
2625      qsnm4=qsnm3
2626      qsnm3=qsnm2
2627      qsnm2=qsnm1
2628      qsnm1=qsn
2629      qsn=qsnp1
2630c     introduce scale factor to prevent overflow on vax jjr
2631      if(abs(pc).lt.1.d+20) go to 119
2632      scale=1.d-20
2633      do 112 mm=1,6
2634      nm=n-mm+1
2635      p(nm)=scale*p(nm)
2636      q(nm)=scale*q(nm)
2637      ps(nm)=scale*ps(nm)
2638      qs(nm)=scale*qs(nm)
2639  112 continue
2640      psnm4=scale*psnm4
2641      psnm3=scale*psnm3
2642      psnm2=scale*psnm2
2643      psnm1=scale*psnm1
2644      psn=scale*psn
2645      qsnm4=scale*qsnm4
2646      qsnm3=scale*qsnm3
2647      qsnm2=scale*qsnm2
2648      qsnm1=scale*qsnm1
2649      qsn=scale*qsn
2650  119 if (n-jri) 40,120,120
2651  120 jm=jri-1
2652      x=dx*(xmt-jm)
2653      call intpol (zero,dx,p(jm),p(jri),ps(jm),ps(jri),x,pu,psu)
2654      call intpol (zero,dx,q(jm),q(jri),qs(jm),qs(jri),x,qu,dummy)
2655      call intpol (zero,dx,v(jm),v(jri),vm(jm),vm(jri),x,vu,dummy)
2656      dny=rmt*(1.0-(vu/rmt**2-e)/csq)*qu/pu+l
2657c dny is r*g'/g, see loucks (4-85), q/p = cf/g (eq 4-86)
2658c (watch for factors of rmt)
2659      return
2660      end
2661      double precision function fpot(r,z,wa)
2662      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
2663      save
2665c thomas fermi potential at the point r; z=atomic number
2666c wa=number of electrons-z-1
2667c **********************************************************************
2668      wc=sqrt((r*(z+wa)**(1.0d0/3.0d0))/0.88530d0)
2669      wd=wc*(0.601120d0*wc+1.810610d0)+1.0d0
2670      we=wc*(wc*(wc*(wc*(0.04793d0*wc+0.21465d0)+0.77112d0)+1.39515d0)
2671     > +1.81061d0)+1.0d0
2672      wc=(z+wa)*(wd/we)**2-wa
2673      fpot=-wc/r
2674      return
2675      end
2676      subroutine frnrm (rho, iz, rnrm)
2677      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
2679      character*72 header
2680      common /header_common/ header
2682      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
2683      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
2684      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
2685      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
2686      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
2687      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
2688      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
2689      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
2691      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
2692 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
2693      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
2694      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
2695      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
2696				!finder, NOT in genfmt
2698      dimension rho(nrptx)
2700      real*8 sum,fr,fl
2702c     finds norman radius
2704c     Need overlapped densities.  We'll get them in the form
2705c     4*pi*density = rho.  Also need z of atom
2707c     Then integrate out to the point where the integral of
2708c     4*pi*density*r**2 is equal to iz
2709      sum = 0.0d0
2710      do 10  i = 1, nrptx-1
2711         fr = rho(i+1) * rr(i+1)**3
2712         fl = rho(i)   * rr(i)**3
2713         sumsav = sum
2714         sum = sum + 0.025d0*(fr+fl)
2715         if (sum .ge. iz)  then
2716            inrm = i+1
2717            goto 20
2718         endif
2719   10 continue
2720      write(77,*) ' FRNRM Could not integrate enough charge to reach'
2721      write(77,*) '       required z.'
2722      write(77,*) "error sum,iz=",sum,iz
2723      stop 'FRNRM-1'
2724   20 continue
2725c     inrm is too big, subtract one from irnm and interpolate
2726c     to get correct value
2727      inrm = inrm - 1
2728      deltaq = iz - sumsav
2729      fr = rho(inrm+1) * rr(inrm+1)**3
2730      fl = rho(inrm)   * rr(inrm)**3
2731c     dipas is delta i * 0.05
2732      dipas = 2*deltaq / (fl + fr)
2733      rnrm = rr(inrm)*(1.0d0 + dipas)
2735      return
2736      end
2737      subroutine genfmt (ipr3, critcw, sig2g, iorder)
2738      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
2740      character*72 header
2741      common /header_common/ header
2744      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
2745      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
2746      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
2747      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
2748      complex*16 coni
2749      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
2750c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
2751      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
2753      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
2754      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
2755c     fine structure alpha
2756      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
2757c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
2758      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
2761      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
2762      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
2763      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
2764      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
2765      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
2766      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
2767      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
2768      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
2770      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
2771 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
2772      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
2773      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
2774      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
2775				!finder, NOT in genfmt
2778      save /clmz/
2779      complex*16 clmi
2780      common /clmz/ clmi(ltot+1,mtot+ntot+1,legtot)
2783      complex*16 fmati
2784      common /fmatrx/ fmati(lamtot,lamtot,legtot)
2787      common /lambda/
2788     4   mlam(lamtot), 	!mu for each lambda
2789     5   nlam(lamtot),	!nu for each lambda
2790     1   lamx, 		!max lambda in problem
2791     2   laml0x, 	!max lambda for vectors involving absorbing atom
2792     3   mmaxp1, nmax 	!max mu in problem + 1, max nu in problem
2795c     Note that leg nleg is the leg ending at the central atom, so that
2796c     ipot(nleg) is central atom potential, rat(nleg) position of
2797c     central atom.
2798c     Central atom has ipot=0
2799c     For later convience, rat(,0) and ipot(0) refer to the central
2800c     atom, and are the same as rat(,nleg), ipot(nleg).
2802c     text and title arrays include carriage control
2803      character*80 text, title
2804      character*6  potlbl
2805      common /str/ text(40),	!text header from potph
2806     1             title(5),	!title from paths.dat
2807     1             potlbl(0:npotx)	! potential labels for output
2809      complex*16 ph, eref
2810      common /pdata/
2811     1 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:npotx),	!complex phase shifts,
2812     1					!central atom ipot=0
2813     1 rat(3,0:legtot+1),		!position of each atom, code units(bohr)
2814     1 eref(nex),		!complex energy reference
2815     1 em(nex),		!energy mesh
2816     1 ri(legtot), beta(legtot+1), eta(0:legtot+1), !r, beta, eta for each leg
2817     1 deg, rnrmav, xmu, edge,	!(output only)
2818     1 lmax(nex,0:npotx),	!max l with non-zero phase for each energy
2819     1 ipot(0:legtot),	!potential for each atom in path
2820     1 iz(0:npotx),	!atomic number (output only)
2821     1 ltext(40), ltitle(5),	!length of each string
2822     1 nsc, nleg,	!nscatters, nlegs (nleg = nsc+1)
2823     1 npot, ne,	!number of potentials, energy points
2824     1 ik0,		!index of energy grid corresponding to k=0 (edge)
2825     1 ipath, 	!index of current path (output only)
2826     1 ihole,	!(output only)
2827     1 l0, il0,	!lfinal and lfinal+1 (used for indices)
2828     1 lmaxp1,	!largest lmax in problem + 1
2829     1 ntext, ntitle	!number of text and title lines
2832      save /nlm/
2833      common /nlm/ xnlm(ltot+1,mtot+1)
2836      save /rotmat/
2837      common /rotmat/ dri(ltot+1,2*mtot+1,2*mtot+1,legtot+1)
2841      character*12 vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
2842      common /vers/ vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
2845c     global polarization data
2846      logical  pola
2847      double precision evec,ivec,elpty
2848      complex*16 ptz
2849      common /pol/ evec(3), ivec(3), elpty, ptz(-1:1,-1:1), pola
2852      complex*16  rho(legtot), pmati(lamtot,lamtot,2)
2853      complex*16  pllp, ptrac, srho, prho, cdel1, cfac
2854      complex*16  cchi(nex), cfms, mmati
2855      dimension   mmati(-mtot:mtot,-mtot:mtot)
2856      dimension   t3j(-mtot-1:mtot+1,-1:1)
2857      dimension   xk(nex), ckmag(nex)
2858      complex*16  ck(nex)
2859      dimension   ffmag(nex)
2861      character*12 fname
2863      logical done
2865c     Input flags:
2866c     iorder, order of approx in f-matrix expansion (see setlam)
2867c             (normal use, 2.  Do ss exactly regardless of iorder)
2869c     used for divide-by-zero and trig tests
2870      parameter (eps = 1.0d-16)
2872c     Read phase calculation input, data returned via commons
2873      open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'phase.bin', status='old',
2874     1      access='sequential', form='unformatted', iostat=ios)
2875      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'phase.bin', 'genfmt')
2876      call rphbin (1)
2877      close (unit=1)
2879c     Open path input file (unit in) and read title.  Use unit 1.
2880      ntitle = 5
2881      open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'paths.dat',
2882     >      status='old', iostat=ios)
2883      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'paths.dat', 'genfmt')
2884      call rdhead (1, ntitle, title, ltitle)
2885      if (ntitle .le. 0)  then
2886         title(1) = ' '
2887         ltitle(1) = 1
2888      endif
2890c     cgam = gamma in mean free path calc (eV).  Set to zero in this
2891c     version.  Set it to whatever you want if you need it.
2892c     cgam = 0
2893c     cgam = cgam / ryd
2894c     add cnst imag part to eref
2895c     do 20  ie = 1, ne
2896c        eref(ie) = eref(ie) - coni*cgam/2
2897c  20 continue
2899   50 format (a)
2900   60 format (1x, a)
2901   70 format (1x, 79('-'))
2903c     Save filenames of feff.dat files for use by ff2chi
2904      open (unit=2, file=trim(header)//'files.dat',
2905     >      status='unknown', iostat=ios)
2906      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'files.dat', 'genfmt')
2907c     Put phase header on top of files.dat
2908      do 100  itext = 1, ntext
2909         write(2,60)  text(itext)(1:ltext(itext))
2910  100 continue
2911      write(2,70)
2912      write(2,120)
2913  120 format ('    file        sig2   amp ratio    ',
2914     1        'deg    nlegs  r effective')
2916c     Set crit0 for keeping feff.dat's
2917      if (ipr3 .le. 0)  crit0 = 2*critcw/3
2918c     Make a header for the running messages.
2919      write(77,130) critcw
2920  130 format ('    Curved wave chi amplitude ratio', f7.2, '%')
2921      if (ipr3 .le. 0)  write(77,131) crit0
2922  131 format ('    Discard feff.dat for paths with cw ratio <',
2923     1         f7.2, '%')
2924      write(77,132)
2925  132 format ('    path  cw ratio     deg    nleg  reff')
2927c     Set nlm factors in common /nlm/ for use later
2928      call snlm (ltot+1, mtot+1)
2930      if (pola) then
2931c        Make 3j factors in t3j  (multiplied by sqrt(3*(2l0+1)) for
2932c        further convinience - the same expression for chi)
2933c        l0 - final momentum, initial momentum = l0-1.
2934         do 140  m0 = -l0+1,l0-1
2935            t3j(m0, 1) = (-1)**(l0+1+m0)*sqrt(3.0d0*(l0+m0)*(l0+m0+1)
2936     1                /(2*l0)/(2*l0-1))
2937            t3j(m0, 0) = (-1)**(l0+m0)*sqrt(3.0d0*(l0*l0-m0*m0)/
2938     1                l0/(2*l0-1))
2939  140    continue
2940         do 145  m0 = -l0+1,l0-1
2941            t3j(m0,-1) = t3j(-m0,1)
2942  145    continue
2943      endif
2945c     While not done, read path, find feff.
2946      open (unit=4,file=trim(header)//'nstar.dat',
2947     >      status='unknown', iostat=ios)
2948      write(4,198, iostat=ios) evec
2949  198 format('polarization  ',3f8.4)
2950      write(4,199, iostat=ios)
2951  199 format('npath  nstar')
2952      npath = 0
2953      ntotal = 0
2954      nused = 0
2955      xportx = -1
2956  200 continue
2958c        Read current path
2959         call rdpath (1, pola, done,xstar)
2960         icalc = iorder
2961         if (done)  goto  1000
2962         npath = npath + 1
2963         ntotal = ntotal + 1
2965         write (4,201,iostat=ios) npath, xstar
2966  201    format (i5, f8.4)
2968c        Need reff
2969         reff = 0
2970         do 220  i = 1, nleg
2971            reff = reff + ri(i)
2972  220    continue
2973         reff = reff/2
2975c        Set lambda for low k
2976         call setlam (icalc, 1)
2978c        Calculate and store rotation matrix elements
2979c        Only need to go to (il0, il0, ...) for isc=nleg and
2980c        nleg+1 (these are the paths that involve the 'z' atom
2981         call rot3i (il0, il0, nleg)
2982         do 400  isc = 1, nsc
2983            call rot3i (lmaxp1, mmaxp1, isc)
2984  400    continue
2985         if (pola) then
2986c           one more rotation in polarization case
2987            call rot3i (il0, il0, nleg+1)
2988            call mmtr(t3j,mmati)
2989         endif
2992c        Big energy loop
2993         do 800  ie = 1, ne
2995c           real momentum (k)
2996            xk(ie) = getxk (em(ie) - edge)
2998c           complex momentum (p)
2999            ck(ie) = sqrt (em(ie) - eref(ie))
3000            ckmag(ie) = abs(ck(ie))
3001c           complex rho
3002            do 420  ileg = 1, nleg
3003               rho(ileg) = ck(ie) * ri(ileg)
3004  420       continue
3006c           if ck is zero, xafs is undefined.  Make it zero and jump
3007c           to end of calc part of loop.
3008            if (abs(ck(ie)) .le. eps)  then
3009               cchi(ie) = 0
3010               goto 620
3011            endif
3013c           Calculate and store spherical wave factors c_l^(m)z^m/m!
3014c           in a matrix clmi(il,im,ileg), ileg=1...nleg.
3015c           Result is that common /clmz/ is updated for use by fmtrxi.
3017c           zero clmi arrays
3018            do 440  ileg = 1, legtot
3019            do 440  il = 1, ltot+1
3020            do 440  im = 1, mtot+ntot+1
3021               clmi(il,im,ileg) = 0
3022  440       continue
3024            mnmxp1 = mmaxp1 + nmax
3026            lxp1 = max (lmax(ie,ipot(1))+1, l0+1)
3027            mnp1 = min (lxp1, mnmxp1)
3028            call sclmz (rho, lxp1, mnp1, 1)
3030            lxp1 = max (lmax(ie,ipot(nsc))+1, l0+1)
3031            mnp1 = min (lxp1, mnmxp1)
3032            call sclmz (rho, lxp1, mnp1, nleg)
3034            do 460  ileg = 2, nleg-1
3035               isc0 = ileg-1
3036               isc1 = ileg
3037               lxp1 = max (lmax(ie,ipot(isc0))+1, lmax(ie,ipot(isc1))+1)
3038               mnp1 = min (lxp1, mnmxp1)
3039               call sclmz (rho, lxp1, mnp1, ileg)
3040  460       continue
3042c           Calculate and store scattering matrices fmati.
3044            if (pola) then
3045c              Polarization version, make new m matrix
3046c              this will fill fmati(...,nleg) in common /fmtrxi/
3047               call mmtrxi (laml0x, mmati, ie, 1, nleg)
3048            else
3049c              Termination matrix, fmati(...,nleg)
3050               iterm = 1
3051               call fmtrxi (laml0x, laml0x, ie, iterm, 1, nleg)
3052            endif
3054            iterm = -1
3055c           First matrix
3056            call fmtrxi (lamx, laml0x, ie, iterm, 2, 1)
3057c           Last matrix if needed
3058            if (nleg .gt. 2)  then
3059               call fmtrxi (laml0x, lamx, ie, iterm, nleg, nleg-1)
3060            endif
3061c           Intermediate scattering matrices
3062            do 480  ilegp = 2, nsc-1
3063               ileg = ilegp + 1
3064               call fmtrxi (lamx, lamx, ie, iterm, ileg, ilegp)
3065  480       continue
3067c           Big matrix multiplication loops.
3068c           Calculates trace of matrix product
3069c           M(1,N) * f(N,N-1) * ... * f(3,2) * f(2,1), as in reference.
3070c           We will (equivalently) calculate the trace over lambda_N of
3071c           f(N,N-1) * ... * f(3,2) * f(2,1) * M(1,N), working from
3072c           right to left.
3073c           Use only 2 pmati arrays, alternating indp (index p)
3074c           1 and 2.
3076c           f(2,1) * M(1,N) -> pmat(1)
3077            indp = 1
3078            do 520  lmp = 1, laml0x
3079            do 520  lm = 1, lamx
3080               pllp = 0
3081               do 500  lmi = 1, laml0x
3082                  pllp = pllp + fmati(lm,lmi,1) * fmati(lmi,lmp,nleg)
3083  500          continue
3084               pmati(lm,lmp,indp)=pllp
3085  520       continue
3087c           f(N,N-1) * ... * f(3,2) * [f(2,1) * M(1,N)]
3088c           Term in [] is pmat(1)
3089            do 560 isc = 2, nleg-1
3090c              indp is current p matrix, indp0 is previous p matrix
3091               indp = 2 - mod(isc,2)
3092               indp0 = 1 + mod(indp,2)
3093               do 550  lmp = 1, laml0x
3094               do 550  lm = 1, lamx
3095                  pllp=0
3096                  do 540 lmi = 1, lamx
3097                     pllp = pllp +
3098     1                      fmati(lm,lmi,isc)*pmati(lmi,lmp,indp0)
3099  540             continue
3100  550          pmati(lm,lmp,indp) = pllp
3101  560       continue
3103c           Final trace over matrix
3104            ptrac=0
3105            do 580  lm = 1, laml0x
3106               ptrac = ptrac + pmati(lm,lm,indp)
3107  580       continue
3109c           Calculate xafs
3110c           srho=sum pr(i), prho = prod pr(i)
3111            srho=0
3112            prho=1
3113            do 600  ileg = 1, nleg
3114               srho = srho + rho(ileg)
3115               prho = prho * rho(ileg)
3116  600       continue
3117c           Complex chi (without 2kr term)
3118c           ipot(nleg) is central atom
3119            cdel1 = exp(2*coni*ph(ie,il0,ipot(nleg)))
3120            cfac = cdel1 * exp(coni*(srho-2*xk(ie)*reff)) / prho
3122            cchi(ie) = ptrac * cfac/(2*l0+1)
3124c           When ck(ie)=0, xafs is set to zero.  Calc above undefined.
3125c           Jump to here from ck(ie)=0 test above.
3126  620       continue
3128c        end of energy loop
3129  800    continue
3131c        Make importance factor, deg*(integral (|chi|*d|p|))
3132c        make ffmag (|chi|)
3133c        xport   importance factor
3134         do 810  ie = 1, ne
3135               ffmag(ie) = abs(cchi(ie))
3136  810    continue
3138c        integrate from edge (ik0) to ne
3139         nemax = ne - ik0 + 1
3140         call feff_trap (ckmag(ik0), ffmag(ik0), nemax, xport)
3141         xport = abs(deg*xport)
3142         if (xport .gt. xportx)  xportx = xport
3143         crit = 100 * xport / xportx
3145c        Write output if path is important enough (ie, path is
3147c        Write feff.dat if we need it.
3148         if (ipr3 .ge. 1  .or.  crit .ge. crit0)  then
3149c           Prepare output file feffnnnn.dat (unit 3)
3150            write(fname,241)  ipath
3151  241       format ('feff', i4.4, '.dat')
3152            open (unit=3, file=trim(header)//fname,
3153     >            status='unknown', iostat=ios)
3154            call chopen (ios, trim(header)//fname, 'genfmt')
3155c           put header on feff.dat
3156            do 245  itext = 1, ntext
3157               write(3,60)  text(itext)(1:ltext(itext))
3158  245       continue
3159            write(3,250) ipath, icalc, vfeff, vgenfm
3160  250       format (' Path', i5, '      icalc ', i7, t57, 2a12)
3161            write(3,70)
3162            write(3,290)  nleg, deg, reff*bohr, rnrmav, edge*ryd
3163  290       format (1x, i3, f8.3, f9.4, f10.4, f11.5,
3164     1              ' nleg, deg, reff, rnrmav(bohr), edge')
3165            write(3,300)
3166  300       format ('        x         y         z   pot at#')
3167            write(3,310)  (rat(j,nleg)*bohr,j=1,3), ipot(nleg),
3168     1                    iz(ipot(nleg)), potlbl(ipot(nleg))
3169  310       format (1x, 3f10.4, i3, i4, 1x, a6, '   absorbing atom')
3170            do 330  ileg = 1, nleg-1
3171               write(3,320)  (rat(j,ileg)*bohr,j=1,3), ipot(ileg),
3172     1                       iz(ipot(ileg)), potlbl(ipot(ileg))
3173  320          format (1x, 3f10.4, i3, i4, 1x, a6)
3174  330       continue
3176            write(3,340)
3177  340       format    ('    k   real[2*phc]   mag[feff]  phase[feff]',
3178     1                 ' red factor   lambda      real[p]@#')
3180c           Make the feff.dat stuff and write it to feff.dat
3181            do 900  ie = 1, ne
3182c              Consider chi in the standard XAFS form.  Use R = rtot/2.
3183               xlam = 1.0d10
3184               if (dabs(dimag(ck(ie))) .gt. eps)
3185     >            xlam = 1.0d0/dimag(ck(ie))
3186               redfac = exp(-2 * dimag (ph(ie,il0,ipot(nleg))))
3187               cdelt = 2*dble(ph(ie,il0,ipot(nleg)))
3188               cfms = cchi(ie) * xk(ie) * reff**2 *
3189     1              exp(2*reff/xlam) / redfac
3190               if (abs(cchi(ie)) .lt. eps)  then
3191                  phff = 0
3192               else
3193                  phff = atan2(dimag(cchi(ie)), dble(cchi(ie)))
3194               endif
3195c              remove 2 pi jumps in phases
3196               if (ie .gt. 1)  then
3197                  call pijump (phff, phffo)
3198                  call pijump (cdelt, cdelto)
3199               endif
3200               phffo = phff
3201               cdelto = cdelt
3203c              write 1 k, momentum wrt fermi level k=sqrt(p**2-kf**2)
3204c                    2 central atom phase shift (real part),
3205c                    3 magnitude of feff,
3206c                    4 phase of feff,
3207c                    5 absorbing atom reduction factor,
3208c                    6 mean free path = 1/(Im (p))
3209c                    7 real part of local momentum p
3211               write(3,640)
3212     1            xk(ie)/bohr,
3213     2            cdelt + l0*pi,
3214     3            abs(cfms) * bohr,
3215     4            phff - cdelt - l0*pi,
3216     5            redfac,
3217     6            xlam * bohr,
3218     7            dble(ck(ie))/bohr
3219  640          format (1x, f6.3, 1x, 3(1pe11.4,1x),0pe11.4,1x,
3220     1                               2(1pe11.4,1x))
3221  900       continue
3223c           Done with feff.dat
3224            close (unit=3)
3226c           Put feff.dat and stuff into files.dat
3227            write(2,820) fname, sig2g, crit, deg,
3228     1                   nleg, reff*bohr
3229  820       format(1x, a, f8.5, 2f10.3, i6, f9.4)
3231c           Tell user about the path we just did
3232            write(77,210) ipath, crit, deg, nleg, reff*bohr
3233  210       format (3x, i4, 2f10.3, i6, f9.4)
3234            nused = nused+1
3236         else
3237c           path unimportant, tell user
3238            write(77,211) ipath, crit, deg, nleg, reff*bohr
3239  211       format (3x, i4, 2f10.3, i6, f9.4, ' neglected')
3240         endif
3242c        Do next path
3243         goto 200
3245c     Done with loop over paths
3246 1000 continue
3247c     close paths.dat, files.dat
3248      close (unit=1)
3249      close (unit=2)
3250      close (unit=4)
3251      write(77,1010) nused, ntotal
3252 1010 format (1x, i4, ' paths kept, ', i4, ' examined.')
3254      return
3255      end
3256      subroutine getorb (iz, ihole, ion, norb, norbco,
3257     1                  den, nqn, nk, nel)
3259      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
3261      character*72 header
3262      common /header_common/ header
3265c     Save internal variables in case this gets re-entered
3266      save
3268c     Gets orbital data for chosen element.  Input is iz, atomic number
3269c     of desired element, other arguments are output.
3271c     Written by Steven Zabinsky, July 1989
3273c     last modified (20 aug 1989)  table increased to at no 95
3275c     Table for each element has occupation of the various levels.
3276c     The order of the levels in each array is:
3278c     element  level     principal qn (nqn), kappa qn (nk)
3279c           1  1s        1  -1
3280c           2  2s        2  -1
3281c           3  2p1/2     2   1
3282c           4  2p3/2     2  -2
3283c           5  3s        3  -1
3284c           6  3p1/2     3   1
3285c           7  3p3/2     3  -2
3286c           8  3d3/2     3   2
3287c           9  3d5/2     3  -3
3288c          10  4s        4  -1
3289c          11  4p1/2     4   1
3290c          12  4p3/2     4  -2
3291c          13  4d3/2     4   2
3292c          14  4d5/2     4  -3
3293c          15  4f5/2     4   3
3294c          16  4f7/2     4  -4
3295c          17  5s        5  -1
3296c          18  5p1/2     5   1
3297c          19  5p3/2     5  -2
3298c          20  5d3/2     5   2
3299c          21  5d5/2     5  -3
3300c          22  5f5/2     5   3
3301c          23  5f7/2     5  -4
3302c          24  6s        6  -1
3303c          25  6p1/2     6   1
3304c          26  6p3/2     6  -2
3305c          27  6d3/2     6   2
3306c          28  6d5/2     6  -3
3307c          29  7s        7  -1
3309      dimension den(30), nqn(30), nk(30), nel(30)
3310      dimension kappa (29)
3311      dimension iocc (95, 29)
3312      dimension nnum (29)
3313c     dimension ncore(95)
3315c     kappa quantum number for each orbital
3316c     k = - (j + 1/2)  if l = j - 1/2
3317c     k = + (j + 1/2)  if l = j + 1/2
3318      data kappa /-1,-1, 1,-2,-1,   1,-2, 2,-3,-1,   1,-2, 2,-3, 3,
3319     1            -4,-1, 1,-2, 2,  -3, 3,-4,-1, 1,  -2, 2,-3,-1/
3321c     principal quantum number (energy eigenvalue)
3322      data nnum  /1,2,2,2,3,  3,3,3,3,4,  4,4,4,4,4,
3323     1            4,5,5,5,5,  5,5,5,6,6,  6,6,6,7/
3325c     number of core orbitals for z = 1 to 95
3326c     data ncore
3327c    1  /0, 0, 1, 1, 1,  1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  4, 4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
3328c    2   4, 4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 9, 9,  9, 9, 9, 9, 9,  9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
3329c    3   9, 9, 9, 9, 9,  9, 9, 9, 9, 9,  9, 9, 9, 9, 9,  9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
3330c    4   9, 9, 9, 9, 9,  9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 16,16,16,16,16, 16,16,16,16,16,
3331c    5  16,16,16,16,16, 16,16,16,16,16, 16,16,16,16,16/
3333c     occupation of each level for z = 1, 95
3334      data (iocc( 1,i),i=1,29)  /1,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3335     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3336      data (iocc( 2,i),i=1,29)  /2,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3337     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3338      data (iocc( 3,i),i=1,29)  /2,1,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3339     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3340      data (iocc( 4,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3341     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3342      data (iocc( 5,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,1,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3343     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3344      data (iocc( 6,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3345     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3346      data (iocc( 7,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,1,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3347     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3348      data (iocc( 8,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,2,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3349     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3350      data (iocc( 9,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,3,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3351     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3352      data (iocc(10,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3353     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3354      data (iocc(11,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,1,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3355     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3356      data (iocc(12,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3357     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3358      data (iocc(13,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  1,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3359     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3360      data (iocc(14,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3361     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3362      data (iocc(15,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,1,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3363     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3364      data (iocc(16,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,2,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3365     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3366      data (iocc(17,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,3,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3367     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3368      data (iocc(18,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,
3369     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3370      data (iocc(19,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,0,0,1,  0,0,0,0,0,
3371     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3372      data (iocc(20,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,0,0,2,  0,0,0,0,0,
3373     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3374      data (iocc(21,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,1,0,2,  0,0,0,0,0,
3375     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3376      data (iocc(22,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,2,0,2,  0,0,0,0,0,
3377     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3378      data (iocc(23,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,3,0,2,  0,0,0,0,0,
3379     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3380      data (iocc(24,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,1,1,  0,0,0,0,0,
3381     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3382      data (iocc(25,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,1,2,  0,0,0,0,0,
3383     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3384      data (iocc(26,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,2,2,  0,0,0,0,0,
3385     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3386      data (iocc(27,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,3,2,  0,0,0,0,0,
3387     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3388      data (iocc(28,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,4,2,  0,0,0,0,0,
3389     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3390      data (iocc(29,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,1,  0,0,0,0,0,
3391     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3392      data (iocc(30,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  0,0,0,0,0,
3393     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3394      data (iocc(31,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  1,0,0,0,0,
3395     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3396      data (iocc(32,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,0,0,0,0,
3397     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3398      data (iocc(33,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,1,0,0,0,
3399     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3400      data (iocc(34,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,2,0,0,0,
3401     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3402      data (iocc(35,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,3,0,0,0,
3403     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3404      data (iocc(36,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,0,0,0,
3405     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3406      data (iocc(37,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,0,0,0,
3407     1                           0,1,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3408      data (iocc(38,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,0,0,0,
3409     1                           0,2,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3410      data (iocc(39,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,1,0,0,
3411     1                           0,2,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3412      data (iocc(40,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,2,0,0,
3413     1                           0,2,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3414      data (iocc(41,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,0,0,
3415     1                           0,1,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3416      data (iocc(42,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,1,0,
3417     1                           0,1,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3418      data (iocc(43,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,1,0,
3419     1                           0,2,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3420      data (iocc(44,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,3,0,
3421     1                           0,1,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3422      data (iocc(45,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,4,0,
3423     1                           0,1,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3424      data (iocc(46,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3425     1                           0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3426      data (iocc(47,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3427     1                           0,1,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3428      data (iocc(48,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3429     1                           0,2,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3430      data (iocc(49,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3431     1                           0,2,1,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3432      data (iocc(50,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3433     1                           0,2,2,0,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3434      data (iocc(51,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3435     1                           0,2,2,1,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3436      data (iocc(52,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3437     1                           0,2,2,2,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3438      data (iocc(53,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3439     1                           0,2,2,3,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3440      data (iocc(54,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3441     1                           0,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0/
3442      data (iocc(55,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3443     1                           0,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,1,0,  0,0,0,0/
3444      data (iocc(56,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3445     1                           0,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3446      data (iocc(57,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,0,
3447     1                           0,2,2,4,1,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3448      data (iocc(58,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,2,
3449     1                           0,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3450      data (iocc(59,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,3,
3451     1                           0,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3452      data (iocc(60,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,4,
3453     1                           0,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3454      data (iocc(61,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,5,
3455     1                           0,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3456      data (iocc(62,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3457     1                           0,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3458      data (iocc(63,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3459     1                           1,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3460      data (iocc(64,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3461     1                           1,2,2,4,1,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3462      data (iocc(65,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3463     1                           3,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3464      data (iocc(66,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3465     1                           4,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3466      data (iocc(67,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3467     1                           5,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3468      data (iocc(68,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3469     1                           6,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3470      data (iocc(69,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3471     1                           7,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3472      data (iocc(70,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3473     1                           8,2,2,4,0,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3474      data (iocc(71,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3475     1                           8,2,2,4,1,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3476      data (iocc(72,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3477     1                           8,2,2,4,2,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3478      data (iocc(73,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3479     1                           8,2,2,4,3,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3480      data (iocc(74,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3481     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  0,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3482      data (iocc(75,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3483     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  1,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3484      data (iocc(76,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3485     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  2,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3486      data (iocc(77,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3487     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  3,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3488      data (iocc(78,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3489     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  5,0,0,1,0,  0,0,0,0/
3490      data (iocc(79,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3491     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,1,0,  0,0,0,0/
3492      data (iocc(80,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3493     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,0,  0,0,0,0/
3494      data (iocc(81,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3495     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,1,  0,0,0,0/
3496      data (iocc(82,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3497     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,2,  0,0,0,0/
3498      data (iocc(83,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3499     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,2,  1,0,0,0/
3500      data (iocc(84,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3501     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,2,  2,0,0,0/
3502      data (iocc(85,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3503     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,2,  3,0,0,0/
3504      data (iocc(86,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3505     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,2,  4,0,0,0/
3506      data (iocc(87,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3507     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,2,  4,0,0,1/
3508      data (iocc(88,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3509     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,2,  4,0,0,2/
3510      data (iocc(89,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3511     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,2,  4,1,0,2/
3512      data (iocc(90,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3513     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,0,0,2,2,  4,2,0,2/
3514      data (iocc(91,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3515     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,2,0,2,2,  4,1,0,2/
3516      data (iocc(92,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3517     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,3,0,2,2,  4,1,0,2/
3518      data (iocc(93,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3519     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,4,0,2,2,  4,1,0,2/
3520      data (iocc(94,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3521     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,6,0,2,2,  4,0,0,2/
3522      data (iocc(95,i),i=1,29)  /2,2,2,4,2,  2,4,4,6,2,  2,4,4,6,6,
3523     1                           8,2,2,4,4,  6,6,1,2,2,  4,0,0,2/
3525      if (iz .lt. 1  .or.  iz .gt. 95)  then
3526         write(77,*)  ' Atomic number ', iz, ' not available.'
3527         stop
3528      endif
3530      index = iz - ion
3531      if (ihole .gt. 0)  then
3532         index = index + 1
3533c        remove an electron from the level specified by ihole
3534         if (iocc(index,ihole) .lt. 1)  then
3535            write(77,*) ' Cannot remove an electron from this level'
3536            stop 'GETORB-1'
3537         endif
3538         iocc(index,ihole) = iocc(index,ihole) - 1
3539      endif
3541      norb = 0
3542      do 10  i = 1, 29
3543         if (iocc(index,i) .ne. 0)  then
3544            norb = norb + 1
3545            nqn(norb) = nnum(i)
3546            nk(norb)  = kappa(i)
3547            nel(norb) = iocc(index,i)
3548            den(norb) = 0.0d0
3549         endif
3550   10 continue
3552c     restore iocc array for neatness
3553      if (ihole .gt. 0)  then
3554         iocc(index,ihole) = iocc(index,ihole) + 1
3555      endif
3557      norbco = norb
3559      return
3560      end
3561      double precision function getxk(e)
3562      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
3564c     Make xk from energy as
3565c          k =  sqrt( e)  for e > 0  (above the edge)
3566c          k = -sqrt(-e)  for e < 0  (below the edge)
3568      getxk = sqrt(abs(e))
3569      if (e .lt. 0.0d0)  getxk = - getxk
3570      return
3571      end
3572      subroutine sthead (ntitle, title, ltitle, nph, iz, rmt, rnrm,
3573     1                  ion, ifrph, ihole, ixc,
3574     2                  vr0, vi0, rs0, gamach, xmu, xf, vint, rs,
3575     3                  nhead, lhead, head)
3577c     SeT HEAD
3578c     This routine makes the file header, returned in head array.
3579c     header lines do not include a leading blank.
3580c     Last header line is not --------- end-of-header line
3582c     title lines coming into sthead include carriage control, since
3583c     they were read from potph.dat
3585      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
3587      character*72 header
3588      common /header_common/ header
3591      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
3592      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
3593      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
3594      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
3595      complex*16 coni
3596      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
3597c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
3598      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
3600      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
3601      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
3602c     fine structure alpha
3603      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
3604c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
3605      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
3608      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
3609      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
3610      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
3611      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
3612      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
3613      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
3614      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
3615      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
3617      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
3618 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
3619      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
3620      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
3621      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
3622				!finder, NOT in genfmt
3625      dimension ifrph(0:nphx)
3626      dimension ion(0:nfrx)
3627      dimension iz(0:nfrx)
3628      dimension rmt(0:nphx)
3629      dimension rnrm(0:nphx)
3631      character*80 title(ntitle)
3632      parameter (nheadx = 30)
3633      character*80 head(nheadx)
3634      dimension lhead(nheadx), ltitle(ntitle)
3636      character*80 heada(nheadx)
3637      dimension lheada(nheadx)
3638      save nheada, lheada, heada
3639c     heada, etc., are saved for use by entry wthead
3641      character*10 shole(0:9)
3642      character*8  sout(0:6)
3643      common /labels/ shole, sout
3645      character*12 vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
3646      common /vers/ vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
3648c     character*12 vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
3649c     common /vers/ vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
3651c     FiLl head array with HEADer
3652c     Fills head arrray, n = number of lines used.
3653c     Does not include line of dashes at the end.
3655      nhead = 1
3656      if (ntitle .ge. 1  .and.  ltitle(1).gt.1)  then
3657         write(head(nhead),100)  title(1)(2:), vfeff, vpotph
3658      else
3659         write(head(nhead),102)  vfeff, vpotph
3660      endif
3661  100 format(a55, t56, 2a12)
3662  102 format(t56, 2a12)
3663      do 120  ititle = 2, ntitle
3664         if (ltitle(ititle).le.1)  goto 120
3665         nhead = nhead+1
3666         write(head(nhead),110) title(ititle)(2:)
3667  110    format(a79)
3668  120 continue
3669      if (ion(0) .ne. 0)  then
3670         nhead = nhead+1
3671         write(head(nhead),130)  iz(0), rmt(0)*bohr,
3672     1                    rnrm(0)*bohr, ion(0), shole(ihole)
3673      else
3674         nhead = nhead+1
3675         write(head(nhead),140)  iz(0), rmt(0)*bohr,
3676     1                    rnrm(0)*bohr, shole(ihole)
3677      endif
3678  130 format('Abs   Z=',i2,' Rmt=',f6.3,' Rnm=',f6.3,' Ion=',i2,1x,a10)
3679  140 format('Abs   Z=',i2,' Rmt=',f6.3,' Rnm=',f6.3, 1x,a10)
3681      do 150  iph = 1, nph
3682         ifr = ifrph(iph)
3683         if (ion(ifr) .ne. 0)  then
3684            nhead = nhead+1
3685            write(head(nhead),160)  iph, iz(ifr),  rmt(iph)*bohr,
3686     1           rnrm(iph)*bohr, ion(ifr)
3687         else
3688            nhead = nhead+1
3689            write(head(nhead),170)  iph, iz(ifr),  rmt(iph)*bohr,
3690     1           rnrm(iph)*bohr
3691         endif
3692  150 continue
3693  160 format('Pot',i2,' Z=',i2,' Rmt=',f6.3,' Rnm=',f6.3,' Ion=',i2)
3694  170 format('Pot',i2,' Z=',i2,' Rmt=',f6.3,' Rnm=',f6.3)
3695      if (abs(vi0) .gt. 1.0d-8 .or. abs(vr0) .gt. 1.0d-8)  then
3696         nhead = nhead+1
3697         write(head(nhead),180)  gamach*ryd, sout(ixc), vi0*ryd,
3698     1                           vr0*ryd
3699      else
3700         nhead = nhead+1
3701         write(head(nhead),190)  gamach*ryd, sout(ixc)
3702      endif
3703      nhead = nhead+1
3704  180 format('Gam_ch=',1pe9.3, 1x,a8, ' Vi=',1pe10.3, ' Vr=',1pe10.3)
3705  190 format('Gam_ch=',1pe9.3, 1x,a8)
3706  200 format('Mu=',1pe10.3, ' kf=',1pe9.3, ' Vint=',1pe10.3,
3707     x        ' Rs_int=',0pf6.3)
3708      write(head(nhead),200)  xmu*ryd, xf/bohr, vint*ryd, rs
3709      if (ixc .eq. 4)  then
3710          nhead = nhead+1
3711          write(head(nhead),210)  rs0
3712  210     format ('Experimental DH-HL exch, rs0 = ', 1pe14.6)
3713      endif
3714      do 220  i = 1, nhead
3715         lhead(i) = istrln(head(i))
3716         heada(i) = head(i)
3717         lheada(i) = lhead(i)
3718  220 continue
3719      nheada = nhead
3721      return
3723      entry wthead (io)
3724c     Dump header to unit io, which must be open.  Add carraige control
3725c     to head array, which doesn't have it.
3727      do 310 i = 1, nheada
3728         ll = lheada(i)
3729         write(io,300)  heada(i)(1:ll)
3730  300    format (1x, a)
3731  310 continue
3732      end
3733c     These heap routines maintain a heap (array h) and an index
3734c     array (array ih) used to keep other data associated with the heap
3735c     elements.
3737      subroutine hup (h, ih, n)
3738      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
3739c     heap is in order except for last element, which is new and must
3740c     be bubbled through to its proper location
3741c     new element is at i, j = index of parent
3742      integer  n,i,j
3743      integer  ih(n)
3744      dimension h(n)
3747      i = n
3749   10 j = i/2
3750c     if no parent, we're at the top of the heap, and done
3751      if (j .eq. 0)  return
3752      if (h(i) .lt. h(j))  then
3753         call swapfeff (h(i), h(j))
3754         call iswapfeff (ih(i), ih(j))
3755         i = j
3756         goto 10
3757      endif
3758      return
3759      end
3761      subroutine hdown (h, ih, n)
3762      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
3763c     h is in order, except that 1st element has been replaced.
3764c     Bubble it down to its proper location.  New element is i,
3765c     children are j and k.
3767      integer  n,i,j,k
3768      integer  ih(n)
3769      dimension h(n)
3771      i = 1
3773   10 continue
3774      j = 2*i
3775      k = j + 1
3777c     if j > n, new element is at bottom, we're done
3778      if (j .gt. n)  return
3779c     handle case where new element has only one child
3780      if (k .gt. n)  k = j
3782      if (h(j) .gt. h(k))  j = k
3783c     j is now index of smallest of children
3785      if (h(i) .gt. h(j))  then
3786         call swapfeff (h(i), h(j))
3787         call iswapfeff (ih(i), ih(j))
3788         i = j
3789         goto 10
3790      endif
3792      return
3793      end
3795      subroutine swapfeff (a, b)
3796      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
3797      t = a
3798      a = b
3799      b = t
3800      return
3801      end
3803      subroutine iswapfeff (i, j)
3804      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
3805      integer  i,j,k
3806      k = i
3807      i = j
3808      j = k
3809      return
3810      end
3811      subroutine imhl (rs, xk, eim, icusp)
3812      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
3814c     what is xk?  k**2 - mu + kf**2?
3816c written by j. mustre (march 1988)
3817c code is based on analytical expression derived by john rehr.
3818c it leaves the real part, calculated in rhl unchanged.
3820c modified by j. rehr  (oct 1991) - adds quinn approximation for
3821c losses due to electron-hole pairs below the plasmon turn on
3822c see new subroutine quinn.f, which incorporates r. albers coding of
3823c j.j. quinn's approximations for details.
3826      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
3827      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
3828      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
3829      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
3830      complex*16 coni
3831      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
3832c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
3833      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
3835      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
3836      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
3837c     fine structure alpha
3838      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
3839c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
3840      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
3842c     alph is Hedin-Lundquist parameter
3843      parameter (alph = 4.0d0 / 3.0d0)
3844      external ffq
3846      integer icount
3847      save icount
3848      data icount /0/
3850      icusp=0
3851      xf = fa / rs
3852      ef = xf**2 / 2
3854c     xk0 is xk normalized by k fermi.
3855      xk0 = xk/xf
3856c     set to fermi level if below fermi level
3857      if (xk0 .lt. 1.00001d0) then
3858         xk0 = 1.00001d0
3859      endif
3861c     wp is given in units of the fermi energy in the formula below.
3862      wp = sqrt (3 / rs**3) / ef
3863      xs = wp**2 - (xk0**2 - 1)**2
3865      eim = 0
3866      if (xs .lt. 0.0d0)  then
3867         q2 = sqrt ( (sqrt(alph**2-4*xs) - alph) / 2 )
3868         qu = min (q2, (1+xk0))
3869         d1 = qu - (xk0 - 1)
3870         if (d1 .gt. 0)  then
3871            eim = ffq (qu,ef,xk,wp,alph) - ffq (xk0-1,ef,xk,wp,alph)
3872         endif
3873      endif
3874      call cubic (xk0, wp, alph, rad, qplus, qminus)
3876      if (rad .le. 0) then
3877         d2 = qplus - (xk0 + 1)
3878         if (d2 .gt. 0)  then
3879            eim = eim + ffq (qplus,ef,xk,wp,alph) -
3880     1                  ffq (xk0+1,ef,xk,wp,alph)
3881         endif
3882         d3 = (xk0-1) - qminus
3883         if (d3 .gt. 0)  then
3884            eim = eim + ffq (xk0-1,ef,xk,wp,alph) -
3885     1                  ffq (qminus,ef,xk,wp,alph)
3886c           beginning of the imaginary part and position of the cusp x0
3887            icusp = 1
3888         endif
3889      endif
3891      call quinn (xk0, rs, wp, ef, ei)
3892      if (eim .ge. ei)  eim = ei
3894      icount = icount+1
3895      return
3896      end
3897c     major revision, input now comes from main program feff
3898c     input data is passed here to indata for processing
3900      subroutine indata (iz, ihole, wsin, ionin)
3902      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
3903      save
3905c     logical unit from which to read input
3906      parameter (linp = 1)
3908      common /print/ iprint
3909      common /atomco/ den(30), dq1(30), dfl(30), ws, nqn(30), nql(30),
3910     1                nk(30), nmax(30), nel(30), norb, norbco
3912      common /dira/ dv(251), dr(251), dp(251), dq(251), dpas, tets,
3913     1              z, nstop, nes, np, nuc
3914      common /ps2/ dexv, dexe, dcop, test, teste,
3915     1             testy, testv, niter, ion, icut, iprat, irnorm
3917      character*40 ttl
3918      character*2  titre
3919      common /char2/ titre(30), ttl
3921      character*2  ttire(9)
3922      data ttire /'s ', 'p*', 'p ', 'd*', 'd ', 'f*', 'f ','g*', 'g '/
3924c following variables fixed as data by jm 4/20/87
3925      data i /0/
3926      data j /0/
3927      data k /0/
3928      data l /0/
3930      idep   = 0
3931      icut   = 0
3932c     Normal use, iprat = 1
3933      iprat  = 1
3934      irnorm = 1
3935      iex    = 1
3936      nuc    = 0
3938c idep=0 starting potential = thomas-fermi potential
3939c idep=1 starting potential read in from cards
3940c if icut is zero one corrects the potential by -(ion+1)/r
3941c if iprat is zero the pratt procedure is used
3942c if iex is zero one uses the unmodified slater exchange
3943c l=0 standard option for the bloc ofs points and their precision
3944c finite nuclear size option if nuc is positive
3945c if irnorm=1 renormalize potential to wigner-seitz radius
3947      dvc=137.0373d0
3948      dsal=dvc+dvc
3949      iz1=0
3950      ion1=0
3951      nuc1=-1
3952      dpas=0.05d0
3953      dr1=0.01d0
3954      nes=15
3956      niter=50
3958c     orig values:  teste 5.e-6, testy 1.e-5, testv 1.e-5, test 1.e-7
3959c     JM used teste 5.0e-5 to treat negative ion,
3960c     SZ changed teste to 1.0e-4 for selenium only to avoid convergence
3961c     problems with this particular atom.
3962c     teste set to 1.0e-4 to reduce run time (sz and jjr)
3963      teste = 1.0d-4
3964      testy=1.d-04
3965      testv=1.d-04
3966      test=1.d-07
3968      np=251
3969      nstop=30
3971c     Set dexv to zero for use with exafs model
3972      dexv = 0.0d0
3974      dexe=1.5d0
3975      dcop=0.3d0
3977c     i, j, k set to zero when old read statements removed
3978      i=0
3979      j=0
3980      k=0
3982c iz     = atomic number
3983c ion    = iz-number of electrons
3984c norb   = number of orbitals
3985c idep   = should be either 0 or 1
3986c i      = number of points for the integration = 251 by default
3987c j      = number of attempts to adjust the energy = 15 by default
3988c k      = number of iterations = 50 by default
3989c norbco = number of core orbitals
3991c put input data passed from feff into the necessary variables
3992      ws  = wsin
3993      ion = ionin
3994c     given iz, find norb, norbco, then den, nqn, nk and nel for
3995c     each orbital.
3996      call getorb (iz, ihole, ion, norb, norbco,
3997     1            den, nqn, nk, nel)
3999      if (norb .gt. nstop)  then
4000         if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,44) norb
4001         write(77,44) norb
4002   44    format (' norb=',i3,'too big')
4003         goto 999
4004      endif
4006c dexv = exchange coefficient for the potential: dexv=1. for slater
4007c dexe = exchange energy coefficient
4008c dexv should be equal to 2.*dexe/3. in order to satisfy the virial theo
4009c dexv=0.0 and iex=1, hedin-barth exchange and correlation is used
4011c dpas  = exponential step;  dr1 defines the first point = dr1/iz
4012c test  = energy precision criteria in dirac
4013c teste = self-consistency criteria for the energies of all the electron
4014c testy = self-consistency criteria for the wavefunctions
4015c testv = self-consistency criteria for the potential
4016      z=iz
4018      if (nuc .gt. 0)  then
4019         write(77,118)
4020  118    format(' enter atomic mass ')
4021         read (linp,*,end=900) dval
4022c        dval = atomic mass if nuc positive
4024         dval=z*(dval**(1.0d0/3.0d0))*2.267700d-05/exp(4.0d0*dpas)
4025         if (dval .le. dr1)  then
4026            dr1=dval
4027            nuc=5
4028         else
4029            dval=dval*exp(4.0d0*dpas)
4030            do 170 i=6,np
4031               d1=dr1*exp((i-1)*dpas)
4032               if (d1.ge.dval) goto 190
4033  170       continue
4034            write(77,180)
4035            if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,180)
4036  180       format (' error for the atomic mass')
4037            goto 999
4039  190       nuc=i
4040            dr1=dr1*dval/d1
4041         endif
4042      endif
4044      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,210) ttl,niter,teste,testy,testv
4045  210 format (1h1,40x,A40,//,5x,'number of iterations',i4,//,
4046     1        5x,'precision of the energies',1pe9.2,//,
4047     2        23x,'wave functions  ',1pe9.2,//,
4048     3        23x,'potential',1pe9.2,/)
4050      xtmp = 8.8d0
4051      dr1=z*exp(-xtmp)
4053      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,220) np,dr1,iz,dpas
4054  220 format (' the integration is made on ', i3,
4055     1        ' points-the first is equal to ' ,f7.4, '/', i2,/,
4056     2        ' and the step-size pas = ',f7.4,/)
4057      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,230) test,nes,idep,icut,iprat
4058  230 format (' dans le sous programme resld la precision relative a',
4059     1        ' obtenir sur l energie est ', 1pe9.2,
4060     2        ' et le nombre d essais ',i3, //,
4061     3        'idep=', i3, 5x, 'icut=', i3, 5x, 'iprat=', i3, /)
4062      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,240) dexv,dexe
4063  240 format ('  dexv=', 1pe14.7, '     dexe=' ,1pe14.7,
4064     1        ' if dexv=0.0 hedin-barth corr. and exchan. is used'/)
4065      k=0
4066      dval=z*z/(dvc*dvc)
4069      if (nuc.gt.0) then
4070         if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,250)
4071  250    format (1h0,30x,'finite nucleus case used'/)
4072      endif
4074      do 350 i=1,norb
4075c        den = orbital energy in atomic units and negative
4076c        nqn = principal quantum number; nk = kappa quantum number
4077c        nel = occupation of the orbital
4079         k=k+nel(i)
4080         if (den(i) .ge. 0.0)  den(i) = -z*z / (4.0*nqn(i)*nqn(i))
4082         nql(i)=iabs(nk(i))
4084         if (nk(i).lt.0) nql(i)=nql(i)-1
4085         if (nuc .le. 0)  then
4086            dfl(i)=nk(i)*nk(i)
4087            dfl(i)=sqrt(dfl(i)-dval)
4088         else
4089            dfl(i)=iabs(nk(i))
4090         endif
4091         l=2*iabs(nk(i))
4094         if (nql(i).lt.nqn(i)  .and.  nel(i).le.l  .and.
4095     1       nqn(i).gt.0       .and.  nql(i).le.4)   goto 340
4096            write(77,330) den(i),nqn(i),nql(i),j,nel(i)
4097            if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,330) den(i),nqn(i),nql(i),
4098     1                                         j,nel(i)
4099  330       format (' error in the card    ',e15.8,i2,3i2)
4100            goto 999
4101  340    continue
4102         j=nql(i)+iabs(nk(i))
4103         titre(i)=ttire(j)
4104         if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,345) nqn(i),titre(i),nel(i),
4105     1                                      den(i)
4106  345    format (7x,i1,a2,i16,1pe23.7)
4107  350 continue
4109      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,370) norbco
4110  370 format (' no. of core orbitals=',i3)
4111      if (k.eq.(iz-ion)) goto 390
4112         write(77,380)
4113         if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,380)
4114  380    format (' error for the number of electrons')
4115         goto 999
4116  390 continue
4118      if (iprat .eq. 0)  then
4119         if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,410)
4120  410    format (1h0,'  the pratt procedure is used'/)
4121      else
4122         if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,430) ws
4123  430    format (1h0,'  wigner-seitz radius = ',0pf10.6,/)
4124      endif
4126      if (nuc .eq. nuc1)  then
4127         if (iz.eq.iz1.and.ion.eq.ion1) goto 600
4128         if (iz.eq.iz1) goto 470
4129      endif
4131c     dr(1)=dr1/z
4132c     do 460 i=2,np
4133c        dr(i)=dr(1)*exp((i-1)*dpas)
4134c 460 continue
4135c     Let's make this consistant with grid in other routines
4136c     dr array commeted out above
4137c     SIZ  December 1990
4138      do 461  i = 1, 251
4139         dr(i) = rr(i)
4140  461 continue
4142c starting potential
4144  470 val=-ion-1
4146c     Following code is a block, block ends at line 600
4147      if (idep .eq. 1)  then
4149c        read in starting potential (in a.u. and negative) if idep=1
4150         read (linp,480,end=900) (dv(i),i=1,np)
4151  480    format (8f9.4)
4153         if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,490) TTL,(dv(i),i=1,np)
4154  490    format (1h1, 40x, A40, //,
4155     1           5x, 'starting potential multiplied by r ' /,
4156     2           10(2x, f9.4))
4157         dval = -z/dv(1)
4158         if (nuc.gt.0)  dval = 1.0d0
4159         do 500 i=1,np
4160            dv(i)=dv(i)*dval/dr(i)
4161  500    continue
4163      else
4165         if (idep .ne. 0)  then
4166            write(77,510)
4167            if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,510)
4168  510       format (' error for idep')
4169            goto 999
4170         endif
4172         if (iz.ne.iz1  .or .  ion.le.ion1  .or.   nuc.ne.nuc1)  then
4173            do 520 i=1,np
4174               r=dr(i)
4175               dv(i)=fpot(r,z,val)
4176  520       continue
4177            if (nuc .gt. 0)  then
4178               do 530 i=1,nuc
4179                  dv(i) = dv(i) + z/dr(i) +
4180     1                    z*((dr(i)/dr(nuc))**2-3.0)/(dr(nuc)+dr(nuc))
4181  530          continue
4182            endif
4183            goto 600
4184         endif
4185      endif
4186      if (icut .eq. 0)  then
4187         do 540 i=1,np
4188            if ((dr(i)*dv(i)).gt.val)  dv(i)=val/dr(i)
4189  540    continue
4190      endif
4191      val=z+dv(1)*dr(1)
4192      if (nuc.gt.0)  val=z+dv(nuc)*dr(nuc)
4193      if (abs(val) .ge. 0.1d0)  then
4194         write(77,550)
4195         if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,550)
4196  550    format (' error for the potential ')
4197         goto 999
4198      endif
4200  600 continue
4201c     End of block above
4204      if (norb .ne. 1)  then
4205         do 620 i=2,norb
4206            k=i-1
4207            do 620 j=1,k
4208            if (nqn(i).eq.nqn(j)  .and. nk(i).eq.nk(j))   then
4209               write(77,610)
4210               if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,610)
4211  610          format (' standard configuration')
4212               goto 999
4213            endif
4214  620    continue
4215      endif
4217  630 iz1=iz
4218      ion1=ion
4219      nuc1=nuc
4220      do 660 i=1,norb
4221         nmax(i)=np
4222         l=1
4223         j=nqn(i)-nql(i)
4224         if ((j-2*(j/2)).eq.0) l=-l
4225         dq1(i)=l*nk(i)/iabs(nk(i))
4226         if (nuc .ne. 0  .and.  nk(i) .lt. 0)  then
4227            dq1(i)=dq1(i)*(nk(i)-dfl(i))*dvc/z
4228         endif
4229  660 continue
4232c  -- Normal return
4233      return
4236c  -- Error condition, stop program
4238c     Unexpected end of file during read -- stop program
4239  900 continue
4240      write(77,910)
4241  910 format (' Unexpected end of file')
4243c     Fatal error, stop gracefully (sic)
4244  999 continue
4245      stop 'INDATA-1'
4246      end
4247      subroutine inouh (dp,dq,dr,dq1,dfl,dv,z,test,nuc,nstop,jc)
4249c initial values for the outward integration
4250c dp=large component;     dq=small component;     dr=radial mesh
4251c dq1=slope at the origin of dp or dq;  dfl=power of the first term
4252c du=developpement limite;  dv=potential at the first point
4253c z=atomic number      test=test of the precision
4254c finite nuclear size if nuc is non-zero
4255c nstop controls the convergence  du developpement limite
4256c **********************************************************************
4257      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
4258      save
4259      common /ps1/ dep(5), deq(5), dd, dvc, dsal, dk, dm
4261c dep,deq=derivatives of dp and dq; dd=energy/dvc;
4262c dvc=speed of light in a.u.;
4263c dsal=2.*dvc   dk=kappa quantum number
4264c dm=exponential step/720.
4265c **********************************************************************
4266      common /trois/ dpno(4,30), dqno(4,30)
4267      dimension dp(251), dq(251), dr(251)
4268      do 10 i=1,10
4269      dp(i)=0.0
4270   10 dq(i)=0.0
4271      if (nuc) 20,20,60
4272   20 dval=z/dvc
4273      deva1=-dval
4274      deva2=dv/dvc+dval/dr(1)-dd
4275      deva3=0.0
4276      if (dk) 30,30,40
4277   30 dbe=(dk-dfl)/dval
4278      go to 50
4279   40 dbe=dval/(dk+dfl)
4280   50 dq(10)=dq1
4281      dp(10)=dbe*dq1
4282      go to 90
4283   60 dval=dv+z*(3.0d0-dr(1)*dr(1)/(dr(nuc)*dr(nuc)))/(dr(nuc)+dr(nuc))
4284      deva1=0.0d0
4285      deva2=(dval-3.0d0*z/(dr(nuc)+dr(nuc)))/dvc-dd
4286      deva3=z/(dr(nuc)*dr(nuc)*dr(nuc)*dsal)
4287      if (dk) 70,70,80
4288   70 dp(10)=dq1
4289      go to 90
4290   80 dq(10)=dq1
4291   90 do 100 i=1,5
4292      dp(i)=dp(10)
4293      dq(i)=dq(10)
4294      dep(i)=dp(i)*dfl
4295  100 deq(i)=dq(i)*dfl
4296      m=1
4297  110 dm=m+dfl
4298      dsum=dm*dm-dk*dk+deva1*deva1
4299      dqr=(dsal-deva2)*dq(m+9)-deva3*dq(m+7)
4300      dpr=deva2*dp(m+9)+deva3*dp(m+7)
4301      dval=((dm-dk)*dqr-deva1*dpr)/dsum
4302      dsum=((dm+dk)*dpr+deva1*dqr)/dsum
4303      j=-1
4304      do 130 i=1,5
4305      dpr=dr(i)**m
4306      dqr=dsum*dpr
4307      dpr=dval*dpr
4308      if (m.eq.1) go to 120
4309  120 dp(i)=dp(i)+dpr
4310      dq(i)=dq(i)+dqr
4311      if (abs(dpr/dp(i)).le.test.and.abs(dqr/dq(i)).le.test) j=1
4312      dep(i)=dep(i)+dpr*dm
4313  130 deq(i)=deq(i)+dqr*dm
4314      if (j.eq.1) go to 140
4315      dp(m+10)=dval
4316      dq(m+10)=dsum
4317      m=m+1
4318      if (m.le.20) go to 110
4319      nstop=45
4320  140 do 150 i=1,4
4321      dpno(i,jc)=dp(i+9)
4322  150 dqno(i,jc)=dq(i+9)
4323      return
4324      end
4325      subroutine inth (dp,dq,dv,dr)
4327c integration by the 5-point method of adams for the large
4328c component dp and the small component dq at the point dr;
4329c dv being the potential at this point
4330c **********************************************************************
4331      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
4332      save
4333      common /ps1/ dep(5), deq(5), db, dvc, dsal, dk, dm
4335c dep,deq the derivatives of dp and dq; db=energy/dvc;
4336c dvc=speed of light in atomic units; dsal=2.*dvc; dk=kappa quantum numb
4337c dm=exponential step/720.
4338c dkoef1=405./502., dkoef2=27./502.
4339c **********************************************************************
4340      data dkoef1 /0.9462151394422310d0/, dkoef2 /0.5378486055776890d-1/
4341      dpr=dp+dm*((251.0d0*dep(1)+2616.0d0*dep(3)
4342     > +1901.0d0*dep(5))-(1274.0d0
4343     1 *dep(2)+2774.0d0*dep(4)))
4344      dqr=dq+dm*((251.0d0*deq(1)+2616.0d0*deq(3)
4345     >   +1901.0d0*deq(5))-(1274.0d0
4346     1 *deq(2)+2774.0d0*deq(4)))
4347      do 10 i=2,5
4348      dep(i-1)=dep(i)
4349   10 deq(i-1)=deq(i)
4350      dsum=(db-dv/dvc)*dr
4351      dep(5)=-dk*dpr+(dsal*dr+dsum)*dqr
4352      deq(5)=dk*dqr-dsum*dpr
4353      dp=dp+dm*((106.0d0*dep(2)+646.0d0*dep(4)
4354     >   +251.0d0*dep(5))-(19.0d0*dep(1
4355     1 )+264.0d0*dep(3)))
4356      dq=dq+dm*((106.0d0*deq(2)+646.0d0*deq(4)
4357     >  +251.0d0*deq(5))-(19.0d0*deq(1
4358     1 )+264.0d0*deq(3)))
4359      dp=dkoef1*dp+dkoef2*dpr
4360      dq=dkoef1*dq+dkoef2*dqr
4361      dep(5)=-dk*dp+(dsal*dr+dsum)*dq
4362      deq(5)=dk*dq-dsum*dp
4363      return
4364      end
4365      subroutine intpol (a,b,fa,fb,fma,fmb,x,fx,fmx)
4366      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
4367c     Only output is fx, fmx
4368      complex*16 fa,fb,fma,fmb,fx,fmx
4369      dx=b-a
4370      d=(x-a)/dx
4371c     if (d*(1.0-d).lt.0.0) stop 'Died in intpol'
4372      if (d*(1.0d0-d).lt.0.0d0) then
4373         write(77,*) 'a, b, dx'
4374         write(77,*) a, b, dx
4375         write(77,*) 'x, x-a'
4376         write(77,*) x, x-a
4377         write(77,*) 'd, d*(1-d)'
4378         write(77,*) d, d*(1-d)
4379         stop 'Died in intpol'
4380      endif
4381      c2=3.0d0*(fb-fa)-(fmb+2.0d0*fma)*dx
4382      c3=2.0d0*(fa-fb)+(fma+fmb)*dx
4383      fx=fa+d*(dx*fma+d*(c2+d*c3))
4384      fmx=fma+d*(2.0d0*c2+3.0d0*c3*d)/dx
4385      return
4386      end
4387      subroutine ipack (iout, n, ipat)
4388      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
4390c     Input:  n          number of things to pack, nmax=8
4391c             ipat(1:n)  integers to pack
4392c     Output: iout(3)    packed version of n and ipat(1:n)
4394c     Packs n and ipat(1:n) into 3 integers, iout(1:3).  Algorithm
4395c     packs three integers (each between 0 and 1289 inclusive) into a
4396c     single integer.  Single integer must be INT*4 or larger, we assume
4397c     that one bit is wasted as a sign bit so largest positive int
4398c     is 2,147,483,647 = (2**31 - 1).
4399c     This version is specifically for the path finder and
4400c     degeneracy checker.
4402      dimension iout(3), ipat(n)
4403      dimension itmp(8)
4404      parameter (ifac1 = 1290, ifac2 = 1290**2)
4406      if (n .gt. 8)  stop 'ipack n too big'
4408      do 10  i = 1, n
4409         itmp(i) = ipat(i)
4410   10 continue
4411      do 20  i = n+1, 8
4412         itmp(i) = 0
4413   20 continue
4415      iout(1) = n       + itmp(1)*ifac1 + itmp(2)*ifac2
4416      iout(2) = itmp(3) + itmp(4)*ifac1 + itmp(5)*ifac2
4417      iout(3) = itmp(6) + itmp(7)*ifac1 + itmp(8)*ifac2
4419      return
4420      end
4421      subroutine upack (iout, n, ipat)
4422      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
4424c     retrieve n and ipat from iout
4425c     Input:  iout(3)  packed integers
4426c             n        max number to get, must be .le. 8
4427c     Output: n        number unpacked
4428c             ipat(1:n) unpacked integers
4430      dimension iout(3), ipat(n)
4431      dimension itmp(8)
4432      parameter (ifac1 = 1290, ifac2 = 1290**2)
4434      nmax = n
4435      if (nmax .gt. 8)  stop 'nmax .gt. 8 in upack'
4437      n = mod (iout(1), ifac1)
4438      if (n .gt. nmax)  stop 'nmax in upack too small'
4440      itmp(1) = mod (iout(1), ifac2) / ifac1
4441      itmp(2) = iout(1) / ifac2
4442      itmp(3) = mod (iout(2), ifac1)
4443      itmp(4) = mod (iout(2), ifac2) / ifac1
4444      itmp(5) = iout(2) / ifac2
4445      itmp(6) = mod (iout(3), ifac1)
4446      itmp(7) = mod (iout(3), ifac2) / ifac1
4447      itmp(8) = iout(3) / ifac2
4449      do 10  i = 1, n
4450         ipat(i) = itmp(i)
4451   10 continue
4453      return
4454      end
4455      subroutine istprm(nph, nat, iphat, rat, iatph, xnatph,
4456     1                   novr, iphovr, nnovr, rovr, folp, edens,
4457     2                   vclap, vtot, imt, inrm, rmt, rnrm,
4458     2                   rhoint,
4459     3                   vint, rs, xf, xmu, rnrmav, intclc)
4461c     Finds interstitial parameters, rmt, vint, etc.
4462      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
4465      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
4466      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
4467      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
4468      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
4469      complex*16 coni
4470      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
4471c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
4472      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
4474      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
4475      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
4476c     fine structure alpha
4477      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
4478c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
4479      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
4482      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
4483      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
4484      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
4485      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
4486      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
4487      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
4488      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
4489      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
4491      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
4492 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
4493      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
4494      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
4495      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
4496				!finder, NOT in genfmt
4499      dimension iphat(natx)
4500      dimension rat(3,natx)
4501      dimension iatph(0:nphx)
4502      dimension xnatph(0:nphx)
4503      dimension novr(0:nphx)
4504      dimension iphovr(novrx,0:nphx)
4505      dimension nnovr(novrx,0:nphx)
4506      dimension rovr(novrx,0:nphx)
4507      dimension folp(0:nphx)
4508      dimension edens(nrptx,0:nphx)
4509      dimension vclap(nrptx,0:nphx)
4510      dimension vtot (nrptx,0:nphx)
4511      dimension imt(0:nphx)
4512      dimension inrm(0:nphx)
4513      dimension rmt(0:nphx)
4514      dimension rnrm(0:nphx)
4516c     intclc = 0, average evenly over all atoms
4517c              1, weight be lorentzian, 1 / (1 + 3*x**2), x = r/rnn,
4518c                 r   = distance to central atom,
4519c                 rnn = distance of near neighbor to central atom
4521c Find muffin tin radii.  We'll find rmt based on norman prescription,
4522c ie, rmt(i) = R * folp * rnrm(i) / (rnrm(i) + rnrm(j)),
4523c a simple average
4524c based on atoms i and j.  We average the rmt's from each pair of
4525c atoms, weighting by the volume of the lense shape formed by the
4526c overlap of the norman spheres.
4527c NB, if folp=1, muffin tins touch without overlap, folp>1 gives
4528c overlapping muffin tins.
4530c rnn is distance between sphere centers
4531c rnrm is the radius of the norman sphere
4532c xl_i is the distance to the plane containing the circle of the
4533c    intersection
4534c h_i  = rnrm_i - xl_i is the height of the ith atom's part of
4535c    the lense
4536c vol_i = (pi/3)*(h_i**2 * (3*rnrm_i - h_i))
4538c xl_i = (rnrm_i**2 - rnrm_j**2 + rnn**2) / (2*rnn)
4540      do 140  iph = 0, nph
4541         voltot = 0
4542         rmtavg = 0
4543         if (novr(iph) .gt. 0)  then
4544c           Overlap explicitly defined by overlap card
4545            do 124  iovr = 1, novr(iph)
4546               rnn  = rovr(iovr,iph)
4547               inph = iphovr(iovr,iph)
4548c              Don't avg if norman spheres don't overlap
4549               if (rnrm(iph)+rnrm(inph) .le. rnn)  goto 124
4550               voltmp = calcvl (rnrm(iph), rnrm(inph), rnn)
4551               voltmp = voltmp + calcvl (rnrm(inph), rnrm(iph), rnn)
4552               rmttmp = rnn * folp(iph) * rnrm(iph) /
4553     1                  (rnrm(iph) + rnrm(inph))
4554               ntmp = nnovr(iovr,iph)
4555               rmtavg = rmtavg + rmttmp*voltmp*ntmp
4556               voltot = voltot + voltmp*ntmp
4557  124       continue
4558         else
4559            iat = iatph(iph)
4560            do 130  inat = 1, nat
4561               if (inat .eq. iat)  goto 130
4562               rnn = feff_dist(rat(1,inat), rat(1,iat))
4563               inph = iphat(inat)
4564c              Don't avg if norman spheres don't overlap
4565               if (rnrm(iph)+rnrm(inph) .lt. rnn)  goto 130
4566               voltmp = calcvl (rnrm(iph), rnrm(inph), rnn)
4567               voltmp = voltmp + calcvl (rnrm(inph), rnrm(iph), rnn)
4568               rmttmp = rnn * folp(iph) * rnrm(iph) /
4569     1                  (rnrm(iph) + rnrm(inph))
4570               rmtavg = rmtavg + rmttmp*voltmp
4571               voltot = voltot + voltmp
4572  130       continue
4573         endif
4574         if (rmtavg .le. 0.0d0)  then
4575            write(77,132) iat, iph
4577     1              i5, ',  UNIQUE POT', i5, '!!', /,
4578     2              '          Rmt set to Rnorman.  May be error in ',
4579     3              'input file.')
4580            rmt(iph) = rnrm(iph)
4581         else
4582            rmt(iph) = rmtavg / voltot
4583         endif
4584  140 continue
4586c     Need potential with ground state xc, put it into vtot
4587      do 160  iph = 0, nph
4588         call sidx (edens(1,iph), 250, rmt(iph), rnrm(iph),
4589     1              imax, imt(iph), inrm(iph))
4590         do 150  i = 1, imax
4591            rs = (edens(i,iph)/3)**(-third)
4592c           vhedbr from Von Barth Hedin paper, 1971
4593            vhedbr = -1.22177412d0/rs - 0.0504d0*log(30.0d0/rs + 1)
4594            vtot(i,iph) = vclap(i,iph) + vhedbr
4595  150    continue
4596  160 continue
4598c     What to do about interstitial values?
4599c     Calculate'em for all atoms, print'em out for all unique pots along
4600c     with derivative quantities, like fermi energy, etc.
4601c     Interstitial values will be average over all atoms in problem.
4603c     rnrmav is averge norman radius,
4604c     (4pi/3)rnrmav**3 = (sum((4pi/3)rnrm(i)**3)/n, sum over all atoms
4605c     in problem
4606      rnrmav = 0.0d0
4607      xn = 0.0d0
4608      rs = 0.0d0
4609      vint   = 0.0d0
4610      rhoint = 0.0d0
4611c     volint is total interstitial volume
4612      volint = 0
4614      do 170  iph = 0, nph
4615c        Use all atoms
4616         call istval(vtot(1,iph), edens(1,iph), rmt(iph), imt(iph),
4617     2                rnrm(iph), inrm(iph), vintx, rhintx, ierr)
4618c        if no contribution to interstitial region, skip this unique pot
4619         if (ierr .ne. 0)  goto 170
4620         call fermi (rhintx, vintx, xmu, rs, xf)
4621c        (factor 4pi/3 cancel in numerator and denom, so leave out)
4622         volx = (rnrm(iph)**3 - rmt(iph)**3)
4623         if (volx .le. 0)  goto 170
4624         volint = volint + volx * xnatph(iph)
4625         vint   = vint   + vintx * volx * xnatph(iph)
4626         rhoint = rhoint + rhintx* volx * xnatph(iph)
4627  170 continue
4628c     If no contribution to interstitial from any atom, die.
4629      if (volint .le. 0)  then
4630         write(77,*) ' No interstitial density.  Check input file.'
4631         stop 'ISTPRM'
4632      endif
4633      vint   = vint   / volint
4634      rhoint = rhoint / volint
4635      call fermi (rhoint, vint, xmu, rs, xf)
4636      do 180  iph = 0, nph
4637         rnrmav = rnrmav + xnatph(iph) * rnrm(iph)**3
4638         xn = xn + xnatph(iph)
4639  180 continue
4640      rnrmav = (rnrmav/xn) ** third
4643      return
4644      end
4646      double precision function calcvl(r1, r2, r)
4647      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
4649      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
4650      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
4651      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
4652      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
4653      complex*16 coni
4654      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
4655c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
4656      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
4658      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
4659      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
4660c     fine structure alpha
4661      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
4662c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
4663      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
4665      xl = (r1**2 - r2**2 + r**2) / (2*r)
4666      h = r1 - xl
4667      calcvl = (pi/3) * h**2 * (3*r1 - h)
4668      return
4669      end
4670      subroutine istval (vtot, rholap, rmt, imt, rws, iws, vint, rhoint,
4671     1                   ierr)
4673c     This subroutine calculates interstitial values of v and rho
4674c     for an overlapped atom.  Inputs are everything except vint and
4675c     rhoint, which are returned.  vtot includes ground state xc.
4676c     rhoint is form density*4*pi, same as rholap
4678c     ierr = 0, normal exit
4679c          =-1, rmt=rws, no calculation possible
4681      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
4684      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
4685      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
4686      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
4687      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
4688      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
4689      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
4690      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
4691      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
4693      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
4694 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
4695      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
4696      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
4697      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
4698				!finder, NOT in genfmt
4700      parameter (delta = 0.050000000000000d0)
4702      dimension vtot (nrptx)
4703      dimension rholap (nrptx)
4705c     Integrations are done in x (r = exp(x), see Louck's grid)
4706c     Trapezoidal rule, end caps use linear interpolation.
4707c     imt is grid point immediately below rmt, etc.
4708c     We will integrate over spherical shell and divide by volume of
4709c     shell, so leave out factor 4pi, vol = r**3/3, not 4pi*r**3/3,
4710c     similarly leave out 4pi in integration.
4712c     If rmt and rws are the same, cannot contribute to interstitial
4713c     stuff, set error flag
4714      vol = (rws**3 - rmt**3) / 3.0d0
4715      if (vol .le. 0.0d0)  then
4716         ierr = -1
4717         return
4718      endif
4719      ierr = 0
4721c     Calculation of vint including exchange correlation
4722c     Trapezoidal rule from imt+1 to iws
4723      vint = 0.0d0
4724      do 100  i = imt, iws-1
4725         fr = rr(i+1)**3 * vtot(i+1)
4726         fl = rr(i)**3   * vtot(i)
4727         vint = vint + (fr+fl)*delta/2.0d0
4728  100 continue
4729c     End cap at rws (rr(iws) to rws)
4730      xws = log (rws)
4731      xiws = xx(iws)
4732      g = xws - xiws
4733      fr = rr(iws+1)**3 * vtot(iws+1)
4734      fl = rr(iws)**3   * vtot(iws)
4735      vint = vint + (g/2.0d0) * ( (2.0d0-(g/delta))*fl + (g/delta)*fr)
4736c     End cap at rmt (rmt to rr(imt+1))
4737      xmt = log (rmt)
4738      ximt = xx(imt)
4739      g = xmt - ximt
4740      fr = rr(imt+1)**3 * vtot(imt+1)
4741      fl = rr(imt)**3   * vtot(imt)
4742      vint = vint - (g/2.0d0) * ( (2.0d0-(g/delta))*fl + (g/delta)*fr)
4743      vint = vint / vol
4745c     Calculation of rhoint
4746c     Trapezoidal rule from imt+1 to iws
4747      rhoint = 0
4748      do 200  i = imt, iws-1
4749         fr = rr(i+1)**3 * rholap(i+1)
4750         fl = rr(i)**3   * rholap(i)
4751         rhoint = rhoint + (fr+fl)*delta/2.0d0
4752  200 continue
4753c     End cap at rws (rr(iws) to rws)
4754      xws = log (rws)
4755      xiws = xx(iws)
4756      g = xws - xiws
4757      fr = rr(iws+1)**3 * rholap(iws+1)
4758      fl = rr(iws)**3   * rholap(iws)
4759      rhoint = rhoint + (g/2.0d0)
4760     >       * ( (2.0d0-(g/delta))*fl + (g/delta)*fr)
4761c     End cap at rmt (rmt to rr(imt+1))
4762      xmt = log (rmt)
4763      ximt = xx(imt)
4764      g = xmt - ximt
4765      fr = rr(imt+1)**3 * rholap(imt+1)
4766      fl = rr(imt)**3   * rholap(imt)
4767      rhoint = rhoint - (g/2.0d0)
4768     >   * ( (2.0d0-(g/delta))*fl + (g/delta)*fr)
4769      rhoint = rhoint / vol
4771      return
4772      end
4773      subroutine mcrith (npat, ipat, ri, indbet,
4774     1                   ipot, nncrit, fbetac, ckspc, xheap)
4775      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
4778      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
4779      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
4780      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
4781      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
4782      complex*16 coni
4783      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
4784c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
4785      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
4787      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
4788      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
4789c     fine structure alpha
4790      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
4791c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
4792      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
4795      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
4796      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
4797      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
4798      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
4799      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
4800      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
4801      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
4802      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
4804      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
4805 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
4806      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
4807      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
4808      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
4809				!finder, NOT in genfmt
4811      dimension ipat(npatx)
4812      dimension ri(npatx+1), indbet(npatx+1)
4813      dimension ipot(0:natx)
4814      parameter (necrit=9, nbeta=40)
4815      dimension fbetac(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,necrit), ckspc(necrit)
4817c     Decide if we want the path added to the heap.
4819      if (ipat(npat) .eq. 0 .or. npat.le.2)  then
4820c        Partial path is used for xheap, not defined for ss and
4821c        triangles.  Special case: central atom added to end of path
4822c        necessary for complete tree, but not a real path, again,
4823c        xheap not defined.  Return -1 as not-defined flag.
4824         xheap = -1
4825      else
4826c        Calculate xheap and see if we want to add path to heap.
4827c        Factor for comparison is sum over nncrit of
4828c        f(beta1)*f(beta2)*..*f(beta npat-2)/(rho1*rho2*..*rho npat-1).
4829c        Compare this to sum(1/p), multiply by 100 so we can think
4830c        in percent.  Allow for degeneracy when setting crit.
4831         xheap = 0
4832         spinv = 0
4833         do 340  icrit = 1, nncrit
4834            x = ckspc(icrit) ** (-(npat-1)) * ri(npat-1)
4835            do 320  i = 1, npat-2
4836               ipot0 = ipot(ipat(i))
4837               x = x * fbetac(indbet(i),ipot0,icrit) / ri(i)
4838  320       continue
4839            spinv = spinv + 1/ckspc(icrit)
4840            xheap = xheap + x
4841  340    continue
4842         xheap = 100 * xheap / spinv
4844c        Factor for comparison is sum over nncrit of
4845c        New xheap:
4846c        Full chi is
4847c f(beta1)*f(beta2)*..*f(beta npat)cos(beta0)/(rho1*rho2*..*rho nleg).
4848c Some of this stuff may change when the path is modified --
4849c we can't use rho nleg or nleg-1, beta0, beta(npat) or beta(npat-1).
4850c We DO want to normalize wrt first ss path, f(pi)/(rho nn)**2.
4852c So save f(pi)/(rho nn)**2,
4853c calculate
4854c f(beta1)*f(beta2)*..*f(beta npat-2)/(rho1*rho2*..*rho npat-1).
4855c divide nn ss term by stuff we left out -- beta(npat), beta(npat-1),
4856c cos(beta0), rho nleg, rho nleg-1.
4858c Sum this over nncrit and try it out.
4860c        Sum over nncrit of
4861c        1/(rho1+rho2+..+rho npat-1).
4862*        reff = 0
4863*        do 350  i = 1, npat-1
4864*           reff = reff + ri(i)
4865* 350    continue
4866*        xss = 0
4867*        do 360  icrit = 1, nncrit
4868*           rho = ckspc(icrit) * reff
4869*           xss = xss + 1/rho
4870* 360    continue
4871*        xheap = 100 * xheap / xss
4872      endif
4874      return
4875      end
4876      subroutine mcritk (npat, ipat, ri, beta, indbet,
4877     1                   ipot, nncrit, fbetac, ckspc, xout, xcalcx)
4878      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
4881      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
4882      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
4883      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
4884      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
4885      complex*16 coni
4886      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
4887c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
4888      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
4890      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
4891      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
4892c     fine structure alpha
4893      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
4894c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
4895      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
4898      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
4899      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
4900      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
4901      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
4902      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
4903      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
4904      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
4905      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
4907      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
4908 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
4909      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
4910      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
4911      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
4912				!finder, NOT in genfmt
4914      dimension ipat(npatx)
4915      dimension ri(npatx+1), beta(npatx+1), indbet(npatx+1)
4916      dimension ipot(0:natx)
4917      parameter (necrit=9, nbeta=40)
4918      dimension fbetac(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,necrit), ckspc(necrit)
4920c     xcalcx is max xcalc encountered so far.  Set to -1 to reset it --
4921c     otherwise it gets passed in and out as mcritk gets called.
4923c     We may want path in heap so that other paths built from this
4924c     path will be considered, but do not want this path to be
4925c     written out for itself.  Decide that now and save the flag
4926c     in the heap, so we won't have to re-calculate the mpprm
4927c     path parameters later.
4929c     Do not want it for output if last atom is central atom,
4930c     use xout = -1 as flag for undefined, don't keep it.
4931      if (ipat(npat) .eq. 0)  then
4932         xout = -1
4933         return
4934      endif
4936c     Make xout, output inportance factor.  This is sum over p of
4937c     (product of f(beta)/rho for the scatterers) *
4938c                                 (cos(beta0)/rho(npat+1).
4939c     Compare this to xoutx, max xout encountered so far.
4940c     Multiply by 100 so we can think in percent.
4941      xcalc = 0
4942      do 460  icrit = 1, nncrit
4943         rho = ri(npat+1) * ckspc(icrit)
4944c        when beta(0)=90 degrees, get zero, so fudge with cos=.2
4945         x = max (abs(beta(npat+1)), 0.2d0) / rho
4946         do 420  iat = 1, npat
4947            rho = ri(iat) * ckspc(icrit)
4948            ipot0 = ipot(ipat(iat))
4949            x = x * fbetac(indbet(iat),ipot0,icrit) / rho
4950  420    continue
4951         xcalc = xcalc + x
4952  460 continue
4953      if (xcalc .gt. xcalcx)  xcalcx = xcalc
4954      xout = 100 * xcalc / xcalcx
4955      return
4956      end
4957      subroutine mkptz
4958c     makes polarization temsor ptz if necessary
4959      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
4961c     all input and output through common area /pol/
4963c     global polarization data
4964      logical  pola
4965      double precision evec,ivec,elpty
4966      complex*16 ptz
4967      common /pol/ evec(3), ivec(3), elpty, ptz(-1:1,-1:1), pola
4970      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
4971      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
4972      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
4973      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
4974      complex*16 coni
4975      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
4976c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
4977      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
4979      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
4980      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
4981c     fine structure alpha
4982      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
4983c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
4984      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
4987c     addittonal local stuff to create polarization tensor ptz(i,j)
4988      real*8 e2(3)
4989      complex*16  e(3),eps,epc
4990      dimension eps(-1:1),epc(-1:1)
4993c     Begin to make polarization tensor
4994c     Normalize polarization vector
4995      x = sqrt(evec(1)**2 + evec(2)**2 + evec(3)**2)
4996      if (x .eq. 0.0d0) then
4997         write(77,*) 'STOP  Polarization vector of zero length'
4998         stop
4999      endif
5000      do 290  i = 1, 3
5001         evec(i) = evec(i) / x
5002  290 continue
5003      if (elpty .eq. 0.0d0) then
5004c        run linear polarization code
5005         do 291 i = 1, 3
5006            ivec(i) = 0.0d0
5007  291    continue
5008      endif
5009      x = sqrt (ivec(1)**2 + ivec(2)**2 + ivec(3)**2)
5010      if (x .gt. 0) then
5011c        run elliptical polarization code
5012         do 293  i = 1, 3
5013            ivec(i) = ivec(i) / x
5014  293    continue
5015         x = evec(1)*ivec(1)+evec(2)*ivec(2)+evec(3)*ivec(3)
5016         if (abs(x) .gt. 0.9d0) then
5017            write(77,*)
5018     1         'STOP polarization almost parallel to the incidence'
5019            write(77,*) ' polarization',(evec(i), i=1,3)
5020            write(77,*) ' incidence   ',(ivec(i), i=1,3)
5021            write(77,*) ' dot product ', x
5022            stop
5023         endif
5024         if (x .ne. 0.0d0) then
5025c          if ivec not normal to evec then make in normal, keeping the
5026c          plane based on two vectors
5027           do 294 i = 1,3
5028              ivec(i) = ivec(i) - x*evec(i)
5029  294      continue
5030           x = sqrt (ivec(1)**2 + ivec(2)**2 + ivec(3)**2)
5031           do 295  i = 1, 3
5032              ivec(i) = ivec(i) / x
5033  295      continue
5034         endif
5035      else
5036         elpty = 0.0
5037      endif
5039      e2(1) = ivec(2)*evec(3)-ivec(3)*evec(2)
5040      e2(2) = ivec(3)*evec(1)-ivec(1)*evec(3)
5041      e2(3) = ivec(1)*evec(2)-ivec(2)*evec(1)
5042      do 296  i = 1,3
5043        e(i) = (evec(i)+elpty*e2(i)*coni)
5044  296 continue
5045      eps(-1) =  (e(1)-coni*e(2))/sqrt(2.0)
5046      eps(0)  =   e(3)
5047      eps(1)  = -(e(1)+coni*e(2))/sqrt(2.0)
5048      do 297  i = 1,3
5049        e(i) = (evec(i)-elpty*e2(i)*coni)
5050  297 continue
5051      epc(-1) =  (e(1)-coni*e(2))/sqrt(2.0)
5052      epc(0)  =   e(3)
5053      epc(1)  = -(e(1)+coni*e(2))/sqrt(2.0)
5054      do 298 i = -1,1
5055      do 298 j = -1,1
5056c        ptz(i,j) = ((-1.0)**i)*epc(-i)*eps(j)/(1+elpty**2)
5057c       above - true polarization tensor for given ellipticity,
5058c       below - average over left and right in order to have
5059c       path reversal simmetry
5060        ptz(i,j) = ((-1.0d0)**i)*(epc(-i)*eps(j)+eps(-i)*epc(j))
5061     1               /(1+elpty**2)/2.0d0
5062  298 continue
5063c     end of making polarization tensor
5065      return
5066      end
5067      subroutine mmtr(t3j,mmati)
5068c     calculates the part of matrix M which does not depend on energy
5069c     point.( see Rehr and Albers paper)
5071      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
5073c     all commons are inputs
5074c     inputs:
5075c        t3j: appropriate table of the 3j symbols
5076c     Inputs from common:
5077c        rotation matrix for ilegp
5078c        path data, eta(ilegp) and ipot(ilegp)
5079c        mtot,l0
5080c     Output:  mmati(...)
5083      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
5084      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
5085      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
5086      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
5087      complex*16 coni
5088      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
5089c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
5090      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
5092      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
5093      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
5094c     fine structure alpha
5095      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
5096c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
5097      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
5100      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
5101      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
5102      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
5103      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
5104      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
5105      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
5106      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
5107      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
5109      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
5110 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
5111      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
5112      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
5113      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
5114				!finder, NOT in genfmt
5117c     global polarization data
5118      logical  pola
5119      double precision evec,ivec,elpty
5120      complex*16 ptz
5121      common /pol/ evec(3), ivec(3), elpty, ptz(-1:1,-1:1), pola
5124      save /rotmat/
5125      common /rotmat/ dri(ltot+1,2*mtot+1,2*mtot+1,legtot+1)
5128c     Note that leg nleg is the leg ending at the central atom, so that
5129c     ipot(nleg) is central atom potential, rat(nleg) position of
5130c     central atom.
5131c     Central atom has ipot=0
5132c     For later convience, rat(,0) and ipot(0) refer to the central
5133c     atom, and are the same as rat(,nleg), ipot(nleg).
5135c     text and title arrays include carriage control
5136      character*80 text, title
5137      character*6  potlbl
5138      common /str/ text(40),	!text header from potph
5139     1             title(5),	!title from paths.dat
5140     1             potlbl(0:npotx)	! potential labels for output
5142      complex*16 ph, eref
5143      common /pdata/
5144     1 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:npotx),	!complex phase shifts,
5145     1					!central atom ipot=0
5146     1 rat(3,0:legtot+1),		!position of each atom, code units(bohr)
5147     1 eref(nex),		!complex energy reference
5148     1 em(nex),		!energy mesh
5149     1 ri(legtot), beta(legtot+1), eta(0:legtot+1), !r, beta, eta for each leg
5150     1 deg, rnrmav, xmu, edge,	!(output only)
5151     1 lmax(nex,0:npotx),	!max l with non-zero phase for each energy
5152     1 ipot(0:legtot),	!potential for each atom in path
5153     1 iz(0:npotx),	!atomic number (output only)
5154     1 ltext(40), ltitle(5),	!length of each string
5155     1 nsc, nleg,	!nscatters, nlegs (nleg = nsc+1)
5156     1 npot, ne,	!number of potentials, energy points
5157     1 ik0,		!index of energy grid corresponding to k=0 (edge)
5158     1 ipath, 	!index of current path (output only)
5159     1 ihole,	!(output only)
5160     1 l0, il0,	!lfinal and lfinal+1 (used for indices)
5161     1 lmaxp1,	!largest lmax in problem + 1
5162     1 ntext, ntitle	!number of text and title lines
5165      complex*16 mmati
5166      dimension mmati(-mtot:mtot,-mtot:mtot),t3j(-mtot-1:mtot+1,-1:1)
5168      do 10 i = -mtot,mtot
5169      do 10 j = -mtot,mtot
5170         mmati(i,j)=0
5171  10  continue
5172      li = l0-1
5173c     l0 is final orb. momentum. Thus here we need to change code
5174c     in case when initial momemtum larger than final one.
5175      lx = min(mtot,l0)
5177      do 60 mu1 = -lx,lx
5178         mu1d = mu1+mtot+1
5179         do 50 mu2 = -lx,lx
5180            mu2d = mu2+mtot+1
5181            do 35  m0 = -li,li
5182               do 34 i = -1,1
5183               do 34 j = -1,1
5184                  m1 = m0-j
5185                  m2 = m0-i
5186                  m1d = m1 + mtot+1
5187                  m2d = m2 + mtot+1
5188                  if (abs(m1).gt.lx .or. abs(m2).gt.lx)  goto 34
5189                  mmati(mu1,mu2) = mmati(mu1,mu2) +
5190     1              dri(il0,mu1d,m1d,nsc+2)*dri(il0,m2d,mu2d,nleg)
5191     2              *exp(-coni*(eta(nsc+2)*m2+eta(0)*m1))
5192     3              *t3j(-m0,i)*t3j(-m0,j)*ptz(i,j)
5194c           dri(nsc+2)  is angle between z and leg1
5195c           dri(nsc+1)  is angle between last leg and z
5196c           eta(nsc+3)  is gamma between eps and rho1,
5197c           eta(nsc+2)  is alpha between last leg and eps
5198c           t3j(m0,i)    are 3j symbols multiplied by sqrt(3)
5199   34          continue
5200   35       continue
5201            mmati(mu1,mu2) = mmati(mu1,mu2)*exp(-coni*eta(1)*mu1)
5202   50    continue
5203   60  continue
5205      return
5206      end
5207      subroutine mmtrxi (lam1x, mmati, ie, ileg, ilegp)
5208c     calculates matrix M in Rehr,Albers paper.
5209c     in polarization case
5210      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
5212c     all commons except for /fmat/ are inputs
5214c     inputs:
5215c       lam1x:  limits on lambda and lambda'
5216c       ie:  energy grid points
5217c       ileg, ilegp: leg and leg'
5219c     Inputs from common:
5220c        phases, use ph(ie,...,ilegp), and lmax(ie,ilegp)
5221c        lambda arrays
5222c        rotation matrix for ilegp
5223c        clmz for ileg and ilegp
5224c        path data, eta(ilegp) and ipot(ilegp)
5225c        xnlm array
5227c     Output:  fmati(...,ilegp) in common /fmatrx/ is set for
5228c              current energy point.
5230c     calculate scattering amplitude matrices
5231c     f(lam,lam') = sum_l tl gam(l,m,n)dri(l,m,m',ileg)gamt(l,m',n')
5232c                 *cexp(-i*m*eta),  eta = gamma+alpha'
5233c     lam lt lam1x, lam' lt lam2x such that m(lam) lt l0, n(lam) lt l0
5234c     gam = (-)**m c_l,n+m*xnlm, gamt = (2l+1)*c_ln/xnlm,
5235c     gamtl = gamt*tl
5238      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
5239      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
5240      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
5241      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
5242      complex*16 coni
5243      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
5244c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
5245      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
5247      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
5248      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
5249c     fine structure alpha
5250      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
5251c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
5252      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
5255      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
5256      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
5257      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
5258      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
5259      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
5260      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
5261      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
5262      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
5264      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
5265 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
5266      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
5267      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
5268      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
5269				!finder, NOT in genfmt
5272      save /nlm/
5273      common /nlm/ xnlm(ltot+1,mtot+1)
5276      common /lambda/
5277     4   mlam(lamtot), 	!mu for each lambda
5278     5   nlam(lamtot),	!nu for each lambda
5279     1   lamx, 		!max lambda in problem
5280     2   laml0x, 	!max lambda for vectors involving absorbing atom
5281     3   mmaxp1, nmax 	!max mu in problem + 1, max nu in problem
5284      save /clmz/
5285      complex*16 clmi
5286      common /clmz/ clmi(ltot+1,mtot+ntot+1,legtot)
5289c     global polarization data
5290      logical  pola
5291      double precision evec,ivec,elpty
5292      complex*16 ptz
5293      common /pol/ evec(3), ivec(3), elpty, ptz(-1:1,-1:1), pola
5296      complex*16 fmati
5297      common /fmatrx/ fmati(lamtot,lamtot,legtot)
5300      save /rotmat/
5301      common /rotmat/ dri(ltot+1,2*mtot+1,2*mtot+1,legtot+1)
5304c     Note that leg nleg is the leg ending at the central atom, so that
5305c     ipot(nleg) is central atom potential, rat(nleg) position of
5306c     central atom.
5307c     Central atom has ipot=0
5308c     For later convience, rat(,0) and ipot(0) refer to the central
5309c     atom, and are the same as rat(,nleg), ipot(nleg).
5311c     text and title arrays include carriage control
5312      character*80 text, title
5313      character*6  potlbl
5314      common /str/ text(40),	!text header from potph
5315     1             title(5),	!title from paths.dat
5316     1             potlbl(0:npotx)	! potential labels for output
5318      complex*16 ph, eref
5319      common /pdata/
5320     1 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:npotx),	!complex phase shifts,
5321     1					!central atom ipot=0
5322     1 rat(3,0:legtot+1),		!position of each atom, code units(bohr)
5323     1 eref(nex),		!complex energy reference
5324     1 em(nex),		!energy mesh
5325     1 ri(legtot), beta(legtot+1), eta(0:legtot+1), !r, beta, eta for each leg
5326     1 deg, rnrmav, xmu, edge,	!(output only)
5327     1 lmax(nex,0:npotx),	!max l with non-zero phase for each energy
5328     1 ipot(0:legtot),	!potential for each atom in path
5329     1 iz(0:npotx),	!atomic number (output only)
5330     1 ltext(40), ltitle(5),	!length of each string
5331     1 nsc, nleg,	!nscatters, nlegs (nleg = nsc+1)
5332     1 npot, ne,	!number of potentials, energy points
5333     1 ik0,		!index of energy grid corresponding to k=0 (edge)
5334     1 ipath, 	!index of current path (output only)
5335     1 ihole,	!(output only)
5336     1 l0, il0,	!lfinal and lfinal+1 (used for indices)
5337     1 lmaxp1,	!largest lmax in problem + 1
5338     1 ntext, ntitle	!number of text and title lines
5341      complex*16 cam, camt, tltl,mmati
5342      dimension mmati(-mtot:mtot,-mtot:mtot)
5343      complex*16 gam(ltot+1,mtot+1,ntot+1),
5344     1           gamtl(ltot+1,mtot+1,ntot+1)
5346c     calculate factors gam and gamtl
5347      iln = il0
5348      ilx = il0
5349      do 30  il = iln, ilx
5350         tltl = 2*il - 1
5351         do 20  lam = 1, lam1x
5352            m = mlam(lam)
5353            if (m .lt. 0)  goto 20
5354            im = m+1
5355            if (im .gt. il)  goto 20
5356            in = nlam(lam) + 1
5357            imn = in + m
5358            if (lam .gt. lam1x)  goto 10
5359            cam = xnlm(il,im) * (-1)**m
5360            if (imn .le. il)  gam(il,im,in) = cam * clmi(il,imn,ileg)
5361            if (imn .gt. il)  gam(il,im,in) = 0
5362   10       if (lam .gt. lam1x) goto 20
5363            camt = tltl / xnlm(il,im)
5364            gamtl(il,im,in) = camt * clmi(il,in,ilegp)
5365   20    continue
5366   30 continue
5368      do 60 lam1 = 1,lam1x
5369         m1 = mlam(lam1)
5370         in1 = nlam(lam1) + 1
5371         iam1 = abs(m1) + 1
5372         do 50  lam2 = 1, lam1x
5373            m2 = mlam(lam2)
5374            in2 = nlam(lam2) + 1
5375            iam2 = iabs(m2) + 1
5376            imn1 = iam1 + in1 - 1
5377            fmati(lam1,lam2,ilegp) = mmati(m1,m2)*
5378     1                       gam(il0,iam1,in1)*gamtl(il0,iam2,in2)
5379   50    continue
5380   60 continue
5382      return
5383      end
5384      subroutine mpprmd (npat, ipat, ri, beta, eta)
5385      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
5386c     double precision version so angles come out right
5387c     for output...
5389c     Used with pathsd, a single precision code, so BE CAREFUL!!
5390c     No implicit, all variables declared explicitly.
5392c     make path parameters, ie, ri, beta, eta for each leg for a given
5393c     path.
5395c     Input is list of atoms (npat, ipat(npat)), output is
5396c     ri(npat+1), beta, eta.
5398      dimension ipat(npat)
5400      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
5401      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
5402      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
5403      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
5404      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
5405      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
5406      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
5407      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
5409      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
5410 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
5411      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
5412      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
5413      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
5414				!finder, NOT in genfmt
5417c     /atoms/ is single precision from pathsd
5418      common /atoms/ rat(3,0:natx), ipot(0:natx), i1b(0:natx)
5420      complex*16  coni
5421      parameter (coni = (0,1))
5423      complex*16  alph(npatx+1), gamm(npatx+2), eieta
5424      double precision beta(npatx+1)
5425      double precision ri(npatx+1), eta(npatx+1)
5427      double precision x, y, z
5428      double precision ct, st, cp, sp, ctp, stp, cpp, spp
5429      double precision cppp, sppp
5431      n = npat + 1
5432      do 100  j = 1, n
5434c        get the atoms in this path
5435c        we actually have them already via the ipat array
5436c        remember that we'll want rat(,npat+1)=rat(,0) and
5437c                                 rat(,npat+2)=rat(,1) later on
5438c        make alpha, beta, and gamma for point i from 1 to N
5439c        NB: N is npat+1, since npat is number of bounces and N is
5440c            number of legs, or think of N=npat+1 as the central atom
5441c            that is the end of the path.
5443c        for euler angles at point i, need th and ph (theta and phi)
5444c        from rat(i+1)-rat(i)  and  thp and php
5445c        (theta prime and phi prime) from rat(i)-rat(i-1)
5447c        Actually, we need cos(th), sin(th), cos(phi), sin(phi) and
5448c        also for angles prime.  Call these  ct,  st,  cp,  sp   and
5449c                                            ctp, stp, cpp, spp.
5451c        We'll need angles from n-1 to n to 1,
5452c        so use rat(n+1) = rat(1), so we don't have to write code
5453c        later to handle these cases.
5455c        i = ipat(j)
5456c        ip1 = ipat(j+1)
5457c        im1 = ipat(j-1)
5458c        except for special cases...
5459         if (j .eq. n)  then
5460c           j central atom, j+1 first atom, j-1 last path atom
5461            i = 0
5462            ip1 = ipat(1)
5463            im1 = ipat(npat)
5464         elseif (j .eq. npat)  then
5465c           j last path atom, j+1 central, j-1 next-to last atom
5466c              unless only one atom, then j-1 central
5467            i = ipat(j)
5468            ip1 = 0
5469            if (npat .eq. 1)  then
5470               im1 = 0
5471            else
5472               im1 = ipat(npat-1)
5473            endif
5474         elseif (j .eq. 1)  then
5475c           j first atom, j+1 second unless only one,
5476c           then j+1 central, j-1 central
5477            i = ipat(j)
5478            if (npat .eq. 1)  then
5479               ip1 = 0
5480            else
5481               ip1 = ipat (j+1)
5482            endif
5483            im1 = 0
5484         else
5485            i = ipat(j)
5486            ip1 = ipat(j+1)
5487            im1 = ipat(j-1)
5488         endif
5490         x = rat(1,ip1) - rat(1,i)
5491         y = rat(2,ip1) - rat(2,i)
5492         z = rat(3,ip1) - rat(3,i)
5493         call strigd (x, y, z, ct, st, cp, sp)
5494         x = rat(1,i) - rat(1,im1)
5495         y = rat(2,i) - rat(2,im1)
5496         z = rat(3,i) - rat(3,im1)
5497         call strigd (x, y, z, ctp, stp, cpp, spp)
5499c        cppp = cos (phi prime - phi)
5500c        sppp = sin (phi prime - phi)
5501         cppp = cp*cpp + sp*spp
5502         sppp = spp*cp - cpp*sp
5504c        alph = exp**(i alpha)  in ref eqs 18
5505c        beta = cos(beta)
5506c        gamm = exp**(i gamma)
5507         alph(j) = st*ctp - ct*stp*cppp - coni*stp*sppp
5508         beta(j) = ct*ctp + st*stp*cppp
5509c        Watch out for roundoff errors
5510         if (beta(j) .lt. -1)  beta(j) = -1
5511         if (beta(j) .gt.  1)  beta(j) =  1
5512         gamm(j) = st*ctp*cppp - ct*stp + coni*st*sppp
5513         ri(j) = sdist (rat(1,i), rat(1,im1))
5514  100 continue
5516c     Make eta(i) = alpha(i) + gamma(i+1).  We only really need
5517c     exp(i*eta)=eieta, so that's what we'll calculate.
5518c     We'll need gamm(N+1)=gamm(npat+2)=gamm(1)
5519      gamm(npat+2) = gamm(1)
5520      do 150  j = 1, npat+1
5521         eieta = alph(j) * gamm(j+1)
5522         call sargd(eieta, eta(j))
5523  150 continue
5525c     Return beta as an angle, ie, acos(beta).  Check for beta >1 or
5526c     beta <1 (roundoff nasties)
5527      do 160  j = 1, npat+1
5528         if (beta(j) .gt.  1)  beta(j) =  1
5529         if (beta(j) .lt. -1)  beta(j) = -1
5530         beta(j) = dacos(beta(j))
5531  160 continue
5533      return
5534      end
5535      subroutine strigd (x, y, z, ct, st, cp, sp)
5536      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
5537      double precision x, y, z, ct, st, cp, sp, r, rxy
5538c     returns cos(theta), sin(theta), cos(phi), sin(ph) for (x,y,z)
5539c     convention - if x=y=0, phi=0, cp=1, sp=0
5540c                - if x=y=z=0, theta=0, ct=1, st=0
5541      parameter (eps = 1.0d-6)
5542      r = sqrt (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
5543      rxy = sqrt (x**2 + y**2)
5544      if (r .lt. eps)  then
5545         ct = 1
5546         st = 0
5547      else
5548         ct = z/r
5549         st = rxy/r
5550      endif
5551      if (rxy .lt. eps)  then
5552         cp = 1
5553         sp = 0
5554      else
5555         cp = x / rxy
5556         sp = y / rxy
5557      endif
5559      return
5560      end
5561      subroutine sargd (c, th)
5562      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
5564      double precision x, y, th
5565      complex*16  c
5566      parameter (eps = 1.0d-6)
5567      x = dble(c)
5568      y = dimag(c)
5569      if (abs(x) .lt. eps)  x = 0
5570      if (abs(y) .lt. eps)  y = 0
5571      if (abs(x) .lt. eps  .and.  abs(y) .lt. eps)  then
5572         th = 0
5573      else
5574         th = atan2 (y, x)
5575      endif
5576      return
5577      end
5578      subroutine mpprmp (npat, ipat, xp, yp, zp)
5579      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
5581c     make path parameters,  xp, yp,zp for each atom for a given
5582c     path.
5584c     Input is list of atoms (npat, ipat(npat)), output are
5585c     x,y,z coord. of path in standard frame of reference
5586c     (see comments in timrep.f or here below)
5589      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
5590      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
5591      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
5592      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
5593      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
5594      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
5595      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
5596      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
5598      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
5599 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
5600      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
5601      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
5602      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
5603				!finder, NOT in genfmt
5606c     global polarization data
5607      logical  pola
5608      double precision evec,ivec,elpty
5609      complex*16 ptz
5610      common /pol/ evec(3), ivec(3), elpty, ptz(-1:1,-1:1), pola
5612      double precision  ro2, norm, zvec, xvec, yvec, ri, xp1, yp1, zp1
5613      dimension ipat(npatx+1), zvec(3), xvec(3), yvec(3)
5615      common /atoms/ rat(3,0:natx), ipot(0:natx), i1b(0:natx)
5617      dimension xp(npatx), yp(npatx), zp(npatx)
5618      dimension xp1(npatx), yp1(npatx), zp1(npatx)
5619      dimension ri(3,npatx)
5621      parameter (eps4 = 1.0E-4)
5623c        get the atoms in this path
5624c        we actually have them already via the ipat array
5626c     initialize staff
5627      do 10 j = 1, npatx
5628         xp(j) = 0
5629         yp(j) = 0
5630         zp(j) = 0
5631         xp1(j) = 0
5632         yp1(j) = 0
5633         zp1(j) = 0
5634   10 continue
5635      nleg = npat + 1
5636      do 20  j = 1, npat
5637      do 20  i = 1, 3
5638         ri(i,j) = rat(i,ipat(j)) - rat(i,0)
5639   20 continue
5640      do 30  j = nleg, npatx
5641      do 30  i = 1, 3
5642         ri(i,j) = 0
5643   30 continue
5644      do 40 i =1, 3
5645         xvec(i) = 0.0
5646         yvec(i) = 0.0
5647         zvec(i) = 0.0
5648   40 continue
5650      if (.not. pola) then
5651c        z-axis along first leg
5652         norm = ri(1,1)*ri(1,1)+ri(2,1)*ri(2,1)+ri(3,1)*ri(3,1)
5653         norm = sqrt(norm)
5654         do 140 i = 1, 3
5655           zvec(i) = ri(i,1)/norm
5656  140    continue
5657      else
5658c        z-axis in direction of polarization
5659         do 120 i = 1, 3
5660           zvec(i) = evec(i)
5661  120    continue
5662      endif
5664      do 160 j = 1,npat
5665      do 160 i = 1, 3
5666        zp1(j) = zp1(j) + zvec(i)*ri(i,j)
5667  160 continue
5669      num = 1
5670      if (.not. pola) then
5671c        first nonzero z-coord. is already positive
5672         goto 240
5673      endif
5674  200 continue
5675      if (abs(zp1(num)) .gt. eps4) then
5676         if (zp1(num) .lt. 0.0) then
5677c           inverse all z-coordinates and zvec, if
5678c           first nonzero z-coordinate is negative
5679            do 210 j = 1, 3
5680               zvec(j) = - zvec(j)
5681  210       continue
5682            do 220 j = 1, npat
5683               zp1(j) = - zp1(j)
5684  220       continue
5685         endif
5686         goto 240
5687      endif
5688      num = num +1
5689      if (num .lt. nleg) then
5690         goto 200
5691      endif
5692c     here first nonzero z-coordinate is positive
5693  240 continue
5695      num = 1
5696  300 continue
5697      ro2 = 0.0
5698      do 310 i =1, 3
5699         ro2 = ro2 + ri(i,num)*ri(i,num)
5700  310 continue
5701c     looking for first atom which is not on z-axis
5702      ro2 = ro2 - zp1(num)*zp1(num)
5703      ro2 = sqrt(abs(ro2))
5704      if (ro2 .ge. eps4) then
5705c     if atom not on the z-axis then
5706         if (elpty .eq. 0.0) then
5707c           if not elliptical polarization then
5708c           choose x-axis so that x-coord. positive and y=0.
5709            do 320 i = 1, 3
5710               xvec(i) = ri(i,num) - zvec(i)*zp1(num)
5711  320       continue
5712            do 330 i = 1, 3
5713               xvec(i) = xvec(i)/ro2
5714  330       continue
5715         else
5716c           if elliptical polarization then
5717c           choose x-axis along incident beam
5718            do 350 i =1, 3
5719               xvec(i) = ivec(i)
5720  350       continue
5721         endif
5722         yvec(1) = zvec(2)*xvec(3) - zvec(3)*xvec(2)
5723         yvec(2) = zvec(3)*xvec(1) - zvec(1)*xvec(3)
5724         yvec(3) = zvec(1)*xvec(2) - zvec(2)*xvec(1)
5725         goto 390
5726      endif
5727      num = num + 1
5728      if (num .lt. nleg) then
5729         goto 300
5730      endif
5731  390 continue
5733c     calculate x,y coord for each atom in chosen frame of reference
5734      do 400 j = 1, npat
5735      do 400 i =1,3
5736         xp1(j) = xp1(j) + xvec(i)*ri(i,j)
5737         yp1(j) = yp1(j) + yvec(i)*ri(i,j)
5738  400 continue
5740      if ( elpty .ne. 0.0) then
5741c        if no polarization or linear polarization then first nonzero
5742c        x-coordinate is already positive, no need to check it.
5743         num = 1
5744  500    continue
5745         if (abs(xp1(num)) .ge. eps4) then
5746            if (xp1(num) .lt. 0.0) then
5747               do 510 j = 1, npat
5748                  xp1(j) = - xp1(j)
5749  510          continue
5750            endif
5751            goto 520
5752         endif
5753         num = num + 1
5754         if (num .lt. nleg) then
5755            goto 500
5756         endif
5757  520    continue
5758      endif
5760      num = 1
5761  570 continue
5762c     inverse all y-coordinates if first nonzero y-coord is negative
5763      if (abs(yp1(num)) .ge. eps4) then
5764         if (yp1(num) .lt. 0.0) then
5765            do 580 j = 1, npat
5766               yp1(j) = - yp1(j)
5767  580       continue
5768         endif
5769         goto 590
5770      endif
5771      num = num + 1
5772      if (num .lt. nleg) then
5773         goto 570
5774      endif
5775  590 continue
5777      do 595 j = 1, npat
5778        xp(j) = xp1(j)
5779        yp(j) = yp1(j)
5780        zp(j) = zp1(j)
5781  595 continue
5782c     now xp,yp,zp represent the path in standard order
5783      return
5784      end
5785      subroutine mrb (npat, ipat, ri, beta)
5786      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
5788c     Make ri, beta and rpath path parameters for crit calculations.
5790c     Input is list of atoms (npat, ipat(npat)), output is
5791c     ri(npat+1), beta, eta.
5794      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
5795      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
5796      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
5797      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
5798      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
5799      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
5800      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
5801      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
5803      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
5804 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
5805      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
5806      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
5807      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
5808				!finder, NOT in genfmt
5810      dimension ipat(npatx)
5812      common /atoms/ rat(3,0:natx), ipot(0:natx), i1b(0:natx)
5814      dimension beta(npatx+1), ri(npatx+1), ipat0(npatx+1)
5816      nleg = npat+1
5817c     central atom is atom 0 in rat array
5818c     need local ipat0 array since we use ipat0(npat+1), final atom
5819c     in path (final atom is, of course, the central atom)
5820      do 10  i = 1, npat
5821         ipat0(i) = ipat(i)
5822   10 continue
5823      ipat0(nleg) = 0
5825      do 30  ileg = 1, nleg
5826c        make beta and ri for point i from 1 to N
5827c        NB: N is npat+1, since npat is number of bounces and N is
5828c            number of legs, or think of N=npat+1 as the central atom
5829c            that is the end of the path.
5831c        We'll need angles from n-1 to n to 1,
5832c        so use rat(n+1) = rat(1), so we don't have to write code
5833c        later to handle these cases.
5835c        Work with atom j
5836c        jp1 = (j+1)
5837c        jm1 = (j-1)
5838         j = ileg
5839         jm1 = j-1
5840         jp1 = j+1
5841c        Fix special cases (wrap around when j is near central atom,
5842c        also handle ss and triangular cases).
5843         if (jm1 .le.    0)  jm1 = nleg
5844         if (jp1 .gt. nleg)  jp1 = 1
5846         jat = ipat0(j)
5847         jm1at = ipat0(jm1)
5848         jp1at = ipat0(jp1)
5850         ri(ileg) = sdist (rat(1,jat), rat(1,jm1at))
5852c        Make cos(beta) from dot product
5853         call dotcos(rat(1,jm1at), rat(1,jat), rat(1,jp1at),
5854     1               beta(ileg))
5855   30 continue
5857      rpath = 0
5858      do 60  ileg = 1, nleg
5859         rpath = rpath + ri(ileg)
5860   60 continue
5862      return
5863      end
5864      subroutine dotcos (rm1, r, rp1, cosb)
5865      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
5866      dimension rm1(3), r(3), rp1(3)
5868      parameter (eps = 1.0d-8)
5870      cosb = 0
5871      do 100  i = 1, 3
5872         cosb = cosb + (r(i)-rm1(i)) * (rp1(i)-r(i))
5873  100 continue
5875c     if denom is zero (and it may be if 2 atoms are in the same place,
5876c     which will happen when last path atom is central atom), set
5877c     cosb = 0, so it won't be undefined.
5879      denom = (sdist(r,rm1) * sdist(rp1,r))
5880      if (denom .gt. eps)  then
5881         cosb = cosb / denom
5882      else
5883         cosb = 0
5884      endif
5885      return
5886      end
5887      subroutine outcrt (npat, ipat, ckspc,
5888     1    nncrit, fbetac, ne, ik0, cksp, fbeta, ipotnn, ipot,
5889     1    xport, xheap, xheapr,
5890     1    xout, xcalcx)
5891      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
5893c     This make pw importance factor for pathsd, also recalculates
5894c     pathfinder criteria for output.  Pathfinder recalculation
5895c     is hacked from ccrit, so be sure to update this if ccrit
5896c     is changed.
5899      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
5900      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
5901      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
5902      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
5903      complex*16 coni
5904      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
5905c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
5906      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
5908      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
5909      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
5910c     fine structure alpha
5911      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
5912c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
5913      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
5916      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
5917      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
5918      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
5919      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
5920      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
5921      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
5922      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
5923      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
5925      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
5926 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
5927      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
5928      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
5929      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
5930				!finder, NOT in genfmt
5932      dimension ipat(npatx)
5933      dimension ipot(0:natx)
5934      parameter (necrit=9, nbeta=40)
5935      dimension fbetac(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,necrit), ckspc(necrit)
5936      dimension fbeta(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,nex), cksp(nex)
5938c     local variables
5939      dimension ri(npatx+1), beta(npatx+1), indbet(npatx+1)
5940      dimension xporti(nex)
5941      parameter (eps = 1.0d-6)
5943c     Space for variables for time reversed path (used in xheapr
5944c     calculation below)
5945      dimension ipat0(npatx)
5946      dimension ri0(npatx+1), indbe0(npatx+1)
5948c     mrb is 'efficient' way to get only ri and beta
5949c     note that beta is cos(beta)
5950      call mrb (npat, ipat, ri, beta)
5952c     Make index into fbeta array (this is nearest cos(beta) grid point,
5953c     code is a bit cute [sorry!], see prcrit for grid).
5954      do 290  i = 1, npat+1
5955         tmp = abs(beta(i))
5956         n = tmp / 0.025d0
5957         del = tmp - n*0.025d0
5958         if (del .gt. 0.0125d0)  n = n+1
5959         if (beta(i) .lt. 0)  n = -n
5960         indbet(i) = n
5961  290 continue
5963c     Make pw importance factor by integrating over all points
5964c     above the edge
5965c     Path importance factor is integral d|p| of
5966c        (product of f(beta)/rho for the scatterers) * cos(beta0)/rho0
5967      do 560  ie = ik0, ne
5968         rho = ri(npat+1) * cksp(ie)
5969         crit = max (abs(beta(npat+1)), 0.2d0) / rho
5970         do 520  iat = 1, npat
5971            rho = ri(iat) * cksp(ie)
5972            ipot0 = ipot(ipat(iat))
5973            crit = crit * fbeta(indbet(iat),ipot0,ie) / rho
5974  520    continue
5975         xporti(ie) =  abs(crit)
5976  560 continue
5977c     integrate from ik0 to ne
5978      nmax = ne - ik0 + 1
5979      call strap (cksp(ik0), xporti(ik0), nmax, xport)
5981c     Stuff for  output.
5982c     Heap crit thing (see ccrit and mcrith for comments)
5983c     If a path got time reversed, its xheap may be smaller than
5984c     it was before it got time-reversed.  So calculate it both
5985c     ways.
5986c     xheap for path, xheapr for time-reversed path
5988      xheap  = -1
5989      xheapr = -1
5990      call mcrith (npat, ipat, ri, indbet,
5991     1             ipot, nncrit, fbetac, ckspc, xheap)
5993c     Prepare arrays for time reversed path and make xheapr
5994c     See timrev.f for details on indexing here.
5996      nleg = npat+1
5997c     ri
5998      do 200  i = 1, nleg
5999         ri0(i) = ri(nleg+1-i)
6000  200 continue
6001c     indbet  and ipat
6002      indbe0(nleg) = indbet(nleg)
6003      do 210  i = 1, nleg-1
6004         indbe0(i) = indbet(nleg-i)
6005         ipat0(i) = ipat(nleg-i)
6006  210 continue
6008      call mcrith(npat, ipat0, ri0, indbe0,
6009     1             ipot, nncrit, fbetac, ckspc, xheapr)
6011c     Keep crit thing (see mcritk for comments)
6012      call mcritk (npat, ipat, ri, beta, indbet,
6013     1             ipot, nncrit, fbetac, ckspc, xout, xcalcx)
6014c     print*, npat, xout, xcalcx
6016      return
6017      end
6018      subroutine ovrlp (iph, iphat, rat, iatph, ifrph, novr,
6019     1                  iphovr, nnovr, rovr, iz, nat, rho, vcoul,
6020     2                  edens, vclap, rnrm)
6022c     Overlaps coulomb potentials and electron densities for current
6023c     unique potential
6024      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
6027      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
6028      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
6029      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
6030      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
6031      complex*16 coni
6032      parameter (coni = (0,1))
6033c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
6034      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
6036      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
6037      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
6038c     fine structure alpha
6039      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
6040c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
6041      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
6044      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
6045      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
6046      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
6047      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
6048      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
6049      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
6050      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
6051      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
6053      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
6054 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
6055      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
6056      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
6057      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
6058				!finder, NOT in genfmt
6061      dimension iphat(natx)
6062      dimension rat(3,natx)
6063      dimension iatph(0:nphx)
6064      dimension ifrph(0:nphx)
6065      dimension novr(0:nphx)
6066      dimension iphovr(novrx,0:nphx)
6067      dimension nnovr(novrx,0:nphx)
6068      dimension rovr(novrx,0:nphx)
6069      dimension iz(0:nfrx)
6070      dimension rho(251,0:nfrx)
6071      dimension vcoul(251,0:nfrx)
6072      dimension edens(nrptx,0:nphx)
6073      dimension vclap(nrptx,0:nphx)
6074      dimension rnrm(0:nphx)
6076c     find out which free atom we're dealing with
6077      ifr = ifrph(iph)
6079c     start with free atom values for current atom
6080      do 100  i = 1, 250
6081         vclap(i,iph) = vcoul(i,ifr)
6082         edens(i,iph) = rho  (i,ifr)
6083  100 continue
6085      if (novr(iph) .gt. 0)  then
6086         do 104  iovr = 1, novr(iph)
6087            rnn  = rovr(iovr,iph)
6088            ann  = nnovr(iovr,iph)
6089            infr = ifrph(iphovr(iovr,iph))
6090            call sumax (250, rnn, ann, vcoul(1,infr), vclap(1,iph))
6091            call sumax (250, rnn, ann, rho  (1,infr), edens(1,iph))
6092  104    continue
6093      else
6094c        Do overlapping from geometry with model atom iat
6095         iat = iatph(iph)
6097c        overlap with all atoms within r overlap max (rlapx)
6098c        12 au = 6.35 ang  This number pulled out of a hat...
6099         rlapx = 12
6100c        inat is Index of Neighboring ATom
6101         do 110  inat = 1, nat
6102c           don't overlap atom with itself
6103            if (inat .eq. iat)  goto 110
6105c           if neighbor is too far away, don't overlap it
6106            rnn = feff_dist(rat(1,inat), rat(1,iat))
6107            if (rnn .gt. rlapx)  goto 110
6109            infr = ifrph(iphat(inat))
6110            call sumax (250, rnn, one, vcoul(1,infr), vclap(1,iph))
6111            call sumax (250, rnn, one, rho  (1,infr), edens(1,iph))
6112  110       continue
6113      endif
6115c     set norman radius
6116      call frnrm (edens(1,iph), iz(ifr), rnrm(iph))
6118      return
6119      end
6120      subroutine paths(ckspc, fbetac, pcritk, pcrith, nncrit,
6121     1                  rmax, nlegxx, ipotnn)
6123      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
6125c     finds multiple scattering paths
6126c     This is single precision, units are Angstroms.  BE CAREFUL!
6128c     pcrith is cut-off fraction used when building paths
6129c            (path criterion for heap)
6130c     pcritk is cut-off fraction used on output
6131c            (path criterion for keeping)
6133c     ipotnn is output, used by pathsd to duplicate paths criteria,
6134c     which are used only for diagnostic output.
6137      character*72 header
6138      common /header_common/ header
6141      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
6142      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
6143      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
6144      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
6145      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
6146      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
6147      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
6148      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
6150      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
6151 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
6152      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
6153      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
6154      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
6155				!finder, NOT in genfmt
6157      parameter (necrit=9, nbeta=40)
6158      dimension fbetac(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,necrit), ckspc(necrit)
6161      character*12 vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
6162      common /vers/ vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
6165c     This common in pathsd, mpprm
6166      common /atoms/ rat(3,0:natx), ipot(0:natx), i1b(0:natx)
6168      dimension m(-1:natx,0:natx)
6169      dimension mindex(natx+1)
6170c     Used for packed integers
6171      dimension iout(3)
6173c     ok true if all paths to rmax found.  If heap full, npx exceeded,
6174c     etc., last general shell may be incomplete, set ok=.false.
6175      logical ok
6177c     Heap data structure:
6178c     index is the pointer to the element of the data structure.
6179c     Each element contains
6180c        r        total path length
6181c                 Note that r is sorted along with index -- this keeps
6182c                 the heap maintenance routines fast.
6183c        mi, mj   m matrix elements used to place last atom in this path
6184c        npat     number of atoms in this path
6185c        ipat(npatx) indices of atoms in this path
6186c     next is the index of the next data structure element available.
6187c     If an element is freed, npat is the index of the free element
6188c     to use after using current next element.
6189c     nx is max number in heap
6190      integer    nx
6191      parameter (nx = 10000)
6192c     parameter (nx = 60 000)
6193c     r also used in making m matrix, must have nx >= natx+1
6194      integer   index(nx), npx, np, n, ip, i
6195c     parameter (npx = 100 000)
6196      parameter (npx = 4000000)
6197      dimension r(nx), mi(nx), mj(nx)
6198      dimension npat(nx)
6199      dimension ipat (npatx,nx)
6200c     Keep this path on output
6201      logical keep1(nx), kp1tmp
6203c     Used with ipack, so need ipat(8)
6204      dimension ipat0(8)
6206c     paths are typically about 10 or 20 Ang
6207      parameter (big = 1.0d3)
6209      parameter (nheadx = 30)
6210      character*80  head(nheadx)
6211      character*80  title
6212      dimension lhead(nheadx)
6214c     Returned from criterion checker, false if path fails criterion
6215      logical keep
6217c     read input
6218c     header...
6219c     i, x, y, z, ipot, i1b   of nat+1 atoms (i=0 is central atom)
6220      open (1, file=trim(header)//'geom.dat', status='old', iostat=ios)
6221      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'geom.dat', 'paths')
6222      nhead = nheadx
6223      call rdhead (1, nhead, head, lhead)
6224c     header from geom.dat includes carriage control...
6225c     nlegxx is max number of legs user wants to consider.
6226c     nlegs = npat+1, so set npatxx = min (npatx, nlegxx-1)
6227      npatxx = min (npatx, nlegxx-1)
6228c     Input rmax is one-way distances
6229      rmax = rmax*2
6230      nat = -1
6231c     ratx is distance to most distant atom, used to check rmax
6232      ratx = 0
6233   10 continue
6234         nat = nat+1
6235         if (nat .gt. natx)  then
6236            write(77,*) ' nat, natx ', nat, natx
6237            stop 'Bad input'
6238         endif
6239         read(1,*,end=20)  idum, (rat(j,nat),j=1,3), ipot(nat), i1b(nat)
6240         rtmp = sdist(rat(1,nat),rat(1,0))
6241         if (rtmp .gt. ratx)  ratx = rtmp
6242      goto 10
6243   20 continue
6244      nat = nat-1
6245      close (unit=1)
6247c     Warn user if rmax > dist to most distant atom
6248      if (rmax/2.0d0 .gt. ratx+0.02d0)  then
6249        write(77,*) '   WARNING:  rmax > distance to most distant atom.'
6250        write(77,*) '             Some paths may be missing.'
6251        write(77,*) '             rmax, ratx ', rmax/2, ratx
6252      endif
6254c     Count number of 1st bounce atoms (at least 1 required).
6255      n1b = 0
6256      do 30  i = 1, nat
6257         if (i1b(i) .gt. 0)  n1b = n1b + 1
6258   30 continue
6259      if (n1b .lt. 1) stop 'At least one 1st bounce atoms required.'
6261      if (rmax .ge. big)  stop 'Hey, get real with rmax!'
6263c     Make title for this run, include carriage control because head
6264c     (read above) includes carriage control.
6265      write(title,32)  rmax/2, pcritk, pcrith, vfeff, vpaths
6266   32 format(' Rmax', f8.4, ',  keep limit', f7.3,
6267     1       ', heap limit', f7.3, t57, 2a12)
6269      write(77,34) rmax/2, pcritk, pcrith
6270   34 format ('    Rmax', f8.4,
6271     1        '  keep and heap limits', 2f12.7)
6273      write(77,36) '   Preparing neighbor table'
6274   36 format (1x, a)
6275c     prepare table telling distance from atom i to atom j and then
6276c     back to central atom
6277c     First bounce is m(-1,...), m(0,...) is bounces from central
6278c     atom that are not first bounces.
6279      do 60  i = -1, nat
6280         ir = i
6281         if (i .eq. -1)  ir = 0
6282         do 40  j = 0, nat
6283c           r begins with element 1 so sort routine later will work
6284            r(j+1) = sdist (rat(1,ir), rat(1,j))
6285            r(j+1) = r(j+1) + sdist (rat(1,j), rat(1,0))
6286c           we don't need m(i,i), since this will be = shortest
6287c           of the r(j), so just set it to something very big,
6288c           it will sort to the end of this row and it won't
6289c           bother us
6290            if (j .eq. ir)  r(j+1) = big
6291c           If we're doing first bounce, use only the allowed first
6292c           bounce paths.
6293            if (i .eq. -1)  then
6294               if (i1b(j) .le. 0)  r(j+1) = big
6295            endif
6296   40    continue
6298c        prepare row i of m table
6299c        m is a distance table ordered such that distance from
6300c               i to m(i,0) to 0 <
6301c               i to m(i,1) to 0 <
6302c               i    m(i,2)    0 <
6303c               :    :    :
6304c               i    m(i,nat)  0
6306c        That is, m(i,0) is index of atom that gives shortest path,
6307c                 m(i,1)                        next shortest path, etc.
6308c        Note that m(0,0) is shortest single bounce path.
6310c        Again, r and mindex go from 1 to nat+1, m goes from 0 to nat
6311         call sortir (nat+1, mindex, r)
6312         do 50  j = 0, nat
6313            m(i,j) = mindex(j+1)-1
6314   50    continue
6315   60 continue
6317      write(77,61)
6318   61 format ('    nfound  nheap  nheapx  nsc    r')
6320c     initialize heap data space next pointers
6321      do 70  i = 1, nx-1
6322         npat(i) = i+1
6323   70 continue
6324      npat(nx) = -1
6325c     initial condition:  make the first path
6326c     n    number in heap
6327c     nna  number skipped counter
6328c     nhx  number used in heap max, a counter
6329      n = 1
6330      nna = 0
6331      nhx = n
6332      nwrote = 0
6333      index(n) = 1
6334      ip = index(n)
6335      next = 2
6336      mi(ip) = -1
6337      mj(ip) = 0
6338      npat(ip) = 1
6339      ipat(npat(ip),1) = m(mi(ip),mj(ip))
6341c     near neighbor is atom ipat(npat(ip),1) for first path into heap
6342      ipotnn = ipot(ipat(npat(ip),1))
6344c     Someday change keep and keep1 to lkeep and lheap to match
6345c     ccrit variable names.
6346c     Initialize keep criterion
6347      xcalcx = -1
6348      call ccrit(npat(ip), ipat(1,ip), ckspc,
6349     1    fbetac, rmax, pcrith, pcritk, nncrit, ipotnn, ipot,
6350     2    r(n), keep, keep1(ip), xcalcx)
6352      open (file=trim(header)//'paths.bin', unit=3, access='sequential',
6353     1      form='unformatted', status='unknown', iostat=ios)
6354      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'paths.bin', 'paths')
6355c     These strings are all char*80 and include carriage control
6356      write(3) nhead+1
6357      do 88  ihead = 1, nhead
6358         write(3) head(ihead)
6359         write(3) lhead(ihead)
6360   88 continue
6361      write(3) title
6362      write(3) istrln(title)
6363      write(3)  nat
6364      do 90  i = 0, nat
6365         write(3) (rat(j,i),j=1,3), ipot(i), i1b(i)
6366   90 continue
6368c     r is the heap, index is the pointer to the rest of the data
6369c     np is the number of paths found and saved
6370      np = 0
6371c     nbx  mpat max (Number of Bounces maX)
6372      nbx = 0
6374c     done if path at top of heap is longer than longest path we're
6375c        interested in
6376c     done if max number of paths we want have been found
6377c     begin 'while not done' loop
6378      ok = .false.
6379  800 continue
6380         if (r(1) .gt. rmax  .or.  np .ge. npx .or. n.le.0)  then
6381c           n=0 means heap is empty
6382            if (n.le.0)  ok=.true.
6383c           if (n.le.0)  print*, '   Heap empty'
6384            goto 2000
6385         endif
6387c        save element at top of heap in arrays labeled 0
6388c        dump to unit 3 (unformatted)
6389         ip = index(1)
6390         npat0 = npat(ip)
6391         do 100  i = 1, npat0
6392            ipat0(i) = ipat(i,ip)
6393  100    continue
6394         r0 = r(1)
6396c        Don't write out path if last atom is central atom, or
6397c        if it doesn't meet pcritk
6398         if (ipat0(npat0).eq.0 .and. keep1(ip)) then
6399            write(77,*) ipat0(npat0), keep1(ip), ' odd case...'
6400         endif
6401         if (ipat0(npat0).ne.0 .and. keep1(ip))  then
6402            np = np+1
6403c           pack integers
6404            call ipack (iout, npat0, ipat0)
6405            write(3)  r0, iout
6406            nwrote = nwrote+1
6407c           write status report to screen
6408            if (mod(np,1000) .eq. 0)  then
6409               write(77,132) np, n, nhx, nbx, r0/2
6410  132          format (4x, i6, i7, i8, i4, f10.4)
6411            endif
6412         endif
6414         if (np .ge. npx)  then
6415            write(77,*) np, ' paths found.  (np .ge. npx)'
6416            goto 2000
6417         endif
6419c        Make new path by replacing last atom in path from top of heap,
6420c        put this path on top of heap and buble it down.  If row is
6421c        finished, or new path is too long, don't add it, instead
6422c        move last path in heap to the top.
6423c        If working on row mi=-1 (first bounce atoms), don't
6424c        use them if not allowed 1st bounce atoms.
6425         mj(ip) = mj(ip) + 1
6426         if (mi(ip).eq.-1  .and.  i1b(m(mi(ip),mj(ip))).le.0)  then
6427c           not allowed first bounce atom
6428            r(1) = big
6429            keep = .false.
6430c           print*, '1st bounce limit!'
6431         elseif (mj(ip) .ge. nat)  then
6432c           we've finished a row of m matrix
6433            r(1) = big
6434            keep = .false.
6435         else
6436c           new path has same indices, etc.  Only need to replace
6437c           last atom.
6438            ipat(npat(ip),ip) = m(mi(ip),mj(ip))
6439            call ccrit (npat(ip), ipat(1,ip), ckspc,
6440     1                  fbetac, rmax, pcrith, pcritk, nncrit,
6441     1                  ipotnn, ipot,
6442     2                  r(1), keep, keep1(ip), xcalcx)
6443         endif
6445c        If r is bigger than rmax or keep=false, remove element from
6446c        heap by taking the last element in the heap and moving it to
6447c        the top.  Then bubble it down.  When removing an element
6448c        from the heap, be sure to save the newly freed up index.
6449c        r(1) and index(1) are new path, set above
6450         if (r(1).gt.rmax .and. keep)  then
6451            write(77,*) 'odd case rmax...'
6452         endif
6453         if (r(1).gt.rmax .or. .not.keep)  then
6454            index(1) = index(n)
6455            r(1) = r(n)
6456c           use npat as pointer to next free location
6457            npat(ip) = next
6458            next = ip
6459            n = n-1
6460c           nna is Number Not Added to heap
6461            nna = nna + 1
6462c           Maybe heap may be empty here, but that's alright
6463         endif
6464         if (npat(index(1)).gt.nbx .and. n.gt.0)  nbx = npat(index(1))
6466c        If heap is empty, don't call hdown.
6467         if (n.gt.0)  call hdown (r, index, n)
6469c        and make a new path by adding an atom onto the end of the path
6470c        we saved, put this at the end of the heap and bubble it up.
6471c        Do this only if it won't be too many bounces.
6472         if (npat0+1 .le. npatxx)  then
6473            ip = next
6474            if (ip .lt. 0)  then
6475c              print*, '   Heap full'
6476               goto 2000
6477            endif
6478            next0 = npat(ip)
6479            do 200  i = 1, npat0
6480               ipat(i,ip) = ipat0(i)
6481  200       continue
6482            mi(ip) = ipat0(npat0)
6483            mj(ip) = 0
6484            npat(ip) = npat0+1
6485            ipat(npat(ip),ip) = m(mi(ip),mj(ip))
6486            call ccrit (npat(ip), ipat(1,ip), ckspc,
6487     1                  fbetac, rmax, pcrith, pcritk, nncrit,
6488     1                  ipotnn, ipot,
6489     2                  rtmp, keep, kp1tmp, xcalcx)
6490            if (rtmp .gt. rmax  .and.  keep)  then
6491               write(77,*) 'odd case rmax and tmp...'
6492            endif
6493            if (rtmp .gt. rmax  .or.  .not.keep)  then
6494               npat(ip) = next0
6495               nna = nna+1
6496            else
6497c              add it to the heap
6498               next = next0
6499               n = n+1
6500               if (n .gt. nhx)  nhx = n
6501               index(n) = ip
6502               r(n) = rtmp
6503               keep1(ip) = kp1tmp
6504               if (npat(index(n)) .gt. nbx)  nbx = npat(index(n))
6505               call hup (r, index, n)
6506            endif
6507         endif
6509      goto 800
6510 2000 continue
6511c     end of 'while not done' loop
6512      if (.not. ok)  then
6513         write(77,*) '   Internal path finder limit exceeded -- ',
6514     1           'path list may be incomplete.'
6515      endif
6516      close (unit=3)
6517      write(77,2010) np, nhx, nbx
6518 2010 format ('    Paths found', i9, 3x,
6519     1        '(nheapx, nbx', i8, i4, ')')
6521      end
6522      subroutine pathsd(ckspc, fbetac, ne, ik0, cksp, fbeta,
6523     1                   critpw, ipotnn, ipr2,
6524     1                   pcritk, pcrith, nncrit, potlbl)
6526      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
6527c     New degeneracy checker, cute and hopefully fast for large
6528c     problems
6530c     pcritk and pcrith used only for analysis after outcrt
6532      character*72 header
6533      common /header_common/ header
6536      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
6537      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
6538      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
6539      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
6540      complex*16 coni
6541      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
6542c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
6543      parameter (fa = 1.919 158 292 677 512 811)
6545      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
6546      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
6547c     fine structure alpha
6548      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
6549c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
6550      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
6553      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
6554      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
6555      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
6556      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
6557      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
6558      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
6559      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
6560      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
6562      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
6563 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
6564      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
6565      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
6566      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
6567				!finder, NOT in genfmt
6570c     global polarization data
6571      logical  pola
6572      double precision evec,ivec,elpty
6573      complex*16 ptz
6574      common /pol/ evec(3), ivec(3), elpty, ptz(-1:1,-1:1), pola
6576      common /atoms/ rat(3,0:natx), ipot(0:natx), i1b(0:natx)
6578c     np1x  number of paths to consider at 1 time
6579      parameter (np1x = 12 000)
6580c     parameter (np1x = 60 000)
6581      dimension iout(3,np1x), iout0(3)
6583      dimension index(np1x)
6584      double precision dhash(np1x), dcurr, ddum
6585      dimension rx(npatx), ry(npatx), rz(npatx), ipat(npatx+1)
6586      dimension rx0(npatx), ry0(npatx), rz0(npatx), ipat0(npatx+1)
6587      double precision rid(npatx+1), betad(npatx+1), etad(npatx+1)
6589      parameter (nheadx = 40)
6590      character*80 head(nheadx)
6591      dimension lhead(nheadx)
6593      character*6  potlbl(0:npotx)
6595c     eps5 for rtotal range, eps3 for individual leg parameters.
6596c     eps3 large since code single precision and don't want round-off
6597c     error to reduce degeneracy.
6598      parameter (eps5 = 2.0d-5)
6599      parameter (eps3 = 2.0d-3)
6601      logical ldiff, last
6602      parameter (necrit=9, nbeta=40)
6603      real*8 fbetac(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,necrit), ckspc(necrit)
6604      real*8 fbeta(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,nex), cksp(nex)
6606      write(77,30) critpw
6607   30 format ('    Plane wave chi amplitude filter', f7.2, '%')
6609c     Read atoms info
6610      open (file=trim(header)//'paths.bin', unit=3, access='sequential',
6611     1      form='unformatted', status='old', iostat=ios)
6612      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'paths.bin', 'pathsd')
6613      read(3) nhead
6614      do 40  ihead = 1, nhead
6615         read(3)  head(ihead)
6616         read(3)  lhead(ihead)
6617   40 continue
6618c     Header lines above include carriage control
6619      read(3)  nat
6620      do 50  i = 0, nat
6621         read(3) (rat(j,i),j=1,3), ipot(i), i1b(i)
6622   50 continue
6624c     Initialize stuff...
6625c     nptot  number of total paths, incl all degeneracies
6626c     nuptot number of unique paths for which must calc xafs
6627c     ngs    number of generalized shells (unique distances)
6628      nptot = 0
6629      nuptot = 0
6630      ngs = 0
6631      xportx = eps5
6632      ndegx = 1
6633      c0lim = 1.0d10
6634      c1lim = 1.0d10
6635c     Initialize keep criterion
6636      xcalcx = -1
6638c     write output to paths.dat
6639      if (ipr2 .ne. 5)  then
6640         open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'paths.dat',
6641     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
6642         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'paths.dat', 'pathsd')
6643         do 60  ihead = 1, nhead
6644            write(1,58)  head(ihead)(1:lhead(ihead))
6645   58       format(a)
6646   60    continue
6647         write(1,61)  critpw
6648   61    format (' Plane wave chi amplitude filter', f7.2, '%')
6649         write(1,62)
6650   62    format (1x, 79('-'))
6651      endif
6653c     Write crit.dat (criteria information)
6654      if (ipr2 .ge. 1)  then
6655         open (unit=4, file=trim(header)//'crit.dat',
6656     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
6657         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'crit.dat', 'pathsd')
6658         do 65  ihead = 1, nhead
6659            write(4,58)  head(ihead)(1:lhead(ihead))
6660   65    continue
6661         write(4,61)  critpw
6662         write(4,62)
6663         write(4,80)
6664   80    format (' ipath nleg ndeg     r       pwcrit    ',
6665     1           'xkeep   accuracy   xheap    accuracy')
6666      endif
6668c     Read path data for each total path length range
6670c     Prepare for first path.
6671      read(3,end=999)  r0, iout0
6673c     Begin next total path length range
6674      last = .false.
6675  100 continue
6676      ngs = ngs+1
6677      rcurr = r0
6678      np = 1
6679      do 110  i = 1,3
6680         iout(i,np) = iout0(i)
6681  110 continue
6682  120 read(3,end=140)  r0, iout0
6683         if (abs(r0-rcurr) .lt. eps3)  then
6684            np = np+1
6685            if (np .gt. np1x) then
6686               write(77,*) ' np, np1x ', np, np1x
6687               stop 'np > np1x'
6688            endif
6689            do 130  i = 1, 3
6690               iout(i,np) = iout0(i)
6691  130       continue
6692         else
6693c           r0 is the rtot for the next set
6694c           iout0 is the packed atom list for the first path of the
6695c           next set
6696            goto 200
6697         endif
6698      goto 120
6699  140 continue
6700c     Get here only if end-of-file during read
6701      last = .true.
6703  200 continue
6705      nupr = 0
6706c     variable nuprtt was nuprtot, changed to be six chars, SIZ 12/93
6707      nuprtt = 0
6709c     Hash each path into an integer
6710      iscale = 1000
6711      do 230  ip = 1, np
6713         npat = npatx
6714         call upack (iout(1,ip), npat, ipat)
6716c        Get hash key for this path.
6717c        If two paths are the same, except time-reversed, the xafs
6718c        will be the same, so check for this type of degeneracy.
6719c        We do this by choosing a 'standard order' for a path --
6720c        if it's the other-way-around, we time-reverse here.
6721         call timrep (npat, ipat, rx, ry, rz, dhash(ip))
6723  230 continue
6725c     Do a heap sort on these things
6726      call sortid (np, index, dhash)
6728c     Find beginning and end of range with same hash key
6729c     i0 is beginning of hash range, i1 is end of the range
6731      i0 = 1
6732  300 continue
6733         i1 = np + 1
6734         dcurr = dhash(index(i0))
6735         do 310  ip = i0+1, np
6736            if (dhash(index(ip)) .ne. dcurr)  then
6737c              end of a hash range
6738               i1 = ip
6739               goto 311
6740            endif
6741  310    continue
6742  311    continue
6743         i1 = i1-1
6745c        At this point, i0 is the first path and i1 the last
6746c        of a hash range.  Do whatever you want with them!
6748c        Sum degeneracy, including degeneracy from 1st bounce atom.
6749c        Check this range to see if all of the paths are actually
6750c        degenerate.  Make sure time-ordering is standard.
6751         npat0 = npatx
6752         call upack (iout(1,index(i0)), npat0, ipat0)
6753         call timrep (npat0, ipat0, rx0, ry0, rz0, ddum)
6755         ndeg = 0
6756         do 430  ii = i0, i1
6757            npat = npatx
6758            call upack (iout(1,index(ii)), npat, ipat)
6759c           Note that if path gets time-reversed, we lose 1st bounce
6760c           flag (since first atom is now last...), so save path deg
6761            ndpath = i1b(ipat(1))
6762            call timrep (npat, ipat, rx, ry, rz, ddum)
6763c           Sum degeneracy here.
6764            ndeg = ndeg + ndpath
6765c           Check for hash collisons begins here.
6766            ldiff = .false.
6767            if (npat .ne. npat0)  then
6768               ldiff = .true.
6769               goto 430
6770            endif
6771            do 320  iat = 1, npat
6772               if (ipot(ipat(iat)) .ne. ipot(ipat0(iat)))  then
6773                  ldiff = .true.
6774                  goto 400
6775               endif
6776  320       continue
6777            do 330  ileg = 1, npat
6778               if (abs(rx(ileg)-rx0(ileg)) .gt. eps3  .or.
6779     1             abs(ry(ileg)-ry0(ileg)) .gt. eps3  .or.
6780     2             abs(rz(ileg)-rz0(ileg)) .gt. eps3)  then
6781                  ldiff = .true.
6782                  goto 400
6783               endif
6784  330       continue
6785  400       continue
6786            if (ldiff)  then
6787              write(77,*) 'WARNING!!  Two non-degenerate paths hashed ',
6788     1                 'to the same hash key!!'
6789               write(77,*) dhash(index(i0)), dhash(index(ii))
6790               write(77,*) npat0, npat, '  npat0, npat'
6791               write(77,*) ' iat, ipot0, ipot, ipat0, ipat'
6792               do 410  iat = 1, npat
6793                  write(77,*) iat, ipot(ipat0(iat)), ipot(ipat(iat)),
6794     1                         ipat0(iat), ipat(iat)
6795  410          continue
6796               write(77,*) 'ileg, rx0,ry0,rz0,  rx1,ry1,rz1'
6797               do 420  ileg = 1, npat
6798                  write(77,*) ileg, rx0(ileg), rx(ileg)
6799                  write(77,*) ileg, ry0(ileg), ry(ileg)
6800                  write(77,*) ileg, rz0(ileg), rz(ileg)
6801  420          continue
6802               stop 'hash error'
6803            endif
6804  430    continue
6806c        Find path pw importance factors, and recalculate
6807c        pathfinder crits for output
6808         call outcrt (npat0, ipat0, ckspc,
6809     1                nncrit, fbetac, ne, ik0, cksp, fbeta,
6810     1                ipotnn, ipot,
6811     1                xport, xheap, xheapr, xkeep, xcalcx)
6813         if (xport*ndeg .gt. xportx*ndegx)  then
6814            xportx = xport
6815c           ndegx is degeneracy of path that makes xportx, used for
6816c           testing new path keep crit
6817            ndegx = ndeg
6818         endif
6819c        frac is fraction of max importance to use for test
6820         frac = 100*ndeg*xport/(ndegx*xportx)
6822c        Write output if path is important enough (ie, path is
6823c        at least critpw % important as most important path found
6824c        so far.)
6825         if (frac .ge. critpw)  then
6826            nupr = nupr+1
6827            nuprtt = nuprtt+ndeg
6828            nptot = nptot + ndeg
6829            nuptot = nuptot + 1
6831c           Write path info to paths.dat
6832c           mpprmd is double precision, used to get angles
6833c           180.000 instead of 179.983, etc.
6834            call mpprmd (npat0, ipat0, rid, betad, etad)
6835c           skip paths.dat if not necessary
6836            if (ipr2 .eq. 5)  goto 576
6837            write(1,500) nuptot, npat0+1, real(ndeg),
6838     1              rcurr/2
6839  500       format (1x, 2i5, f8.3,
6840     1             '  index, nleg, degeneracy, r=', f8.4)
6841            write(1,502)
6842  502       format ('      x           y           z     ipot  ',
6843     1              'label      rleg      beta        eta')
6844            do 510  i = 1, npat0
6845               iat = ipat0(i)
6846               write(1,506)  rat(1,iat), rat(2,iat),
6847     1                  rat(3,iat), ipot(iat), potlbl(ipot(iat)),
6848     1                  rid(i), betad(i)*raddeg, etad(i)*raddeg
6849  506          format (3f12.6, i4, 1x, '''', a6, '''', 1x, 3f10.4)
6850  510       continue
6851            write(1,506)  rat(1,0), rat(2,0), rat(3,0), ipot(0),
6852     1         potlbl(ipot(0)),
6853     1         rid(npat0+1), betad(npat0+1)*raddeg, etad(npat0+1)*raddeg
6854c           End of paths.dat writing for this path
6856c           Write to crit.dat here (unit 4, opened above)
6857  576       continue
6859c           cmpk is degeneracy corrected xkeep, should equal frac
6860            cmpk = xkeep*ndeg/ndegx
6861c           cmpk is accuracy of xkeep, 100 is perfect
6862            cmpk = 100.0d0 - 100.0d0*(abs(frac-cmpk)/frac)
6864c           cmph is same thing for xheap
6865            if (xheap .lt. 0.0d0)  then
6866               cmph = 100.0d0
6867            else
6868               cmph = xheap*ndeg/ndegx
6869               cmph = 100.0d0 - 100.0d0*(abs(frac-cmph)/frac)
6870            endif
6872            if (ipr2 .ge. 1)  then
6873               write(4,560)  nuptot, npat0+1, ndeg, rcurr/2, frac,
6874     1             xkeep, cmpk, xheap, cmph
6875  560          format (i6, i4, i6, 3f10.4, f8.2, f10.4, 1pe14.3)
6876            endif
6878c           write out fraction error between xkeep and critpw
6879         endif
6881c        And do next ihash range
6882         i0 = i1+1
6883      if (i0 .le. np)  goto 300
6885c     print 600,  ngs, rcurr, nupr
6886  600 format (1x, i5, f12.6, i7, ' igs, rcurr, nupr')
6887c     write(80,601)  ngs, rcurr/2, nupr, nuprtt
6888  601 format (1x, i8, f12.6, 2i9)
6890      if (.not. last) goto 100
6892      if (ipr2 .ne. 5)  close (unit=1)
6893c     delete paths.bin when done...
6894      close (unit=3, status='delete')
6895      close (unit=4)
6897      write(77,620) nuptot, nptot
6898  620 format ('    Unique paths', i7, ',  total paths', i8)
6900c     Do not let user accidently fill up their disk
6901      if (nuptot .gt. 3200)  then
6902      write(77,*) 'You have found more than 1200 paths.  Genfmt'
6903      write(77,*) 'could require a lot of time and more than 6 meg of'
6904      write(77,*) 'storage.  Suggest a larger critpw to reduce number'
6905      write(77,*) 'of paths.  To continue this calculation, restart'
6906      write(77,*) 'with current paths.dat and module genfmt (3rd module'
6907      write(77,*) 'on CONTROL card).'
6908      stop 'User must verify very large run.'
6909      endif
6910      return
6911  999 stop 'no input'
6912      end
6913c     Periodic table of the elements
6914c     Written by Steven Zabinsky, Feb 1992.  Deo Soli Gloria
6916c     atwts(iz)  single precision fn, returns atomic weight
6917c     atwtd(iz)  double precision fn, returns atomic weight
6918c     atsym(iz)  character*2 fn, returns atomic symbol
6920      double precision function atwtd(iz)
6921      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
6922      double precision weight
6923      save /atwtco/
6924      common /atwtco/ weight(103)
6925      atwtd = weight(iz)
6926      return
6927      end
6929      real*8 function atwts(iz)
6930      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
6931      double precision weight
6932      save /atwtco/
6933      common /atwtco/ weight(103)
6934      atwts = weight(iz)
6935      return
6936      end
6938      character*2 function atsym (iz)
6939      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
6940      character*2 sym
6941      save /atsyco/
6942      common /atsyco/ sym(103)
6943      atsym = sym(iz)
6944      return
6945      end
6947      block data prtbbd
6948c     PeRiodic TaBle Block Data
6950c     Atomic weights from inside front cover of Ashcroft and Mermin.
6952      double precision weight
6953      save /atwtco/
6954      common /atwtco/ weight(103)
6956      character*2 sym
6957      save /atsyco/
6958      common /atsyco/ sym(103)
6960      data weight /
6961     1   1.0079d0, 4.0026d0, 6.941d0,  9.0122d0, 10.81d0,  12.01d0,
6962     2   14.007d0, 15.999d0, 18.998d0, 20.18d0,  22.9898d0, 24.305d0,
6963     3   26.982d0, 28.086d0, 30.974d0, 32.064d0, 35.453d0, 39.948d0,
6964     4   39.09d0,  40.08d0,  44.956d0, 47.90d0,  50.942d0, 52.00d0,
6965     5   54.938d0, 55.85d0,  58.93d0,  58.71d0,  63.55d0,  65.38d0,
6966     6   69.72d0,  72.59d0,  74.922d0, 78.96d0,  79.91d0,  83.80d0,
6967     7   85.47d0,  87.62d0,  88.91d0,  91.22d0,  92.91d0,  95.94d0,
6968     8   98.91d0,  101.07d0, 102.90d0, 106.40d0, 107.87d0, 112.40d0,
6969     9   114.82d0, 118.69d0, 121.75d0, 127.60d0, 126.90d0, 131.30d0,
6970     x   132.91d0, 137.34d0, 138.91d0, 140.12d0, 140.91d0, 144.24d0,
6971     1   145.0d0,  150.35d0, 151.96d0, 157.25d0, 158.92d0, 162.50d0,
6972     2   164.93d0, 167.26d0, 168.93d0, 173.04d0, 174.97d0, 178.49d0,
6973     3   180.95d0, 183.85d0, 186.2d0,  190.20d0, 192.22d0, 195.09d0,
6974     4   196.97d0, 200.59d0, 204.37d0, 207.19d0, 208.98d0, 210.0d0,
6975     5   210.0d0,  222.0d0,  223.0d0,  226.0d0, 227.0d0,   232.04d0,
6976     6   231.0d0,  238.03d0, 237.05d0, 244.0d0, 243.0d0,   247.0d0,
6977     7   247.0d0,  251.0d0,  254.0d0, 257.0d0, 256.0d0,    254.0d0,
6978     8   257.0d0/
6980      data sym /  'H', 'He','Li','Be','B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ne',
6981     1            'Na','Mg','Al','Si','P', 'S', 'Cl','Ar','K', 'Ca',
6982     2            'Sc','Ti','V', 'Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni','Cu','Zn',
6983     3            'Ga','Ge','As','Se','Br','Kr','Rb','Sr','Y', 'Zr',
6984     4            'Nb','Mo','Tc','Ru','Rh','Pd','Ag','Cd','In','Sn',
6985     5            'Sb','Te','I', 'Xe','Cs','Ba','La','Ce','Pr','Nd',
6986     6            'Pm','Sm','Eu','Gd','Tb','Dy','Ho','Er','Tm','Yb',
6987     7            'Lu','Hf','Ta','W', 'Te','Os','Ir','Pt','Au','Hg',
6988     8            'Tl','Pb','Bi','Po','At','Rn','Fr','Ra','Ac','Th',
6989     9            'Pa','U', 'Np','Pu','Am','Cm','Bk','Cf','Es','Fm',
6990     x            'Md','No','Lw'/
6992      end
6993      subroutine phase (iph, nr, dx, x0, ri, ne, em, edge,
6994     1                  index, rmt, xmu, vi0, rs0, gamach,
6995     2                  vtot, edens,
6996     3                  eref, ph, lmax)
6998      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
7000      character*72 header
7001      common /header_common/ header
7004c     INPUT
7005c     iph          unique pot index (used for messages only)
7006c     nr, dx, x0, ri(nr)
7007c                  Loucks r-grid, ri=exp((i-1)*dx-x0)
7008c     ne, em(ne)   number of energy points, real energy grid
7009c     edge         energy for k=0 (note, edge=xmu-vr0)
7010c     index        0  Hedin-Lunqist + const real & imag part
7011c                  1  Dirac-Hara + const real & imag part
7012c                  2  ground state + const real & imag part
7013c                  3  Dirac-Hara + HL imag part + const real & imag part
7014c                  4, 5, 6, see rdinp or xcpot
7015c     rmt          r muffin tin
7016c     xmu          fermi level
7017c     vi0          const imag part to add to complex potential
7018c     rs0          user input density cutoff, used only with ixc=4
7019c     gamach       core hole lifetime
7020c     vtot(nr)     total potential, including gsxc
7021c     edens(nr)    density
7023c     OUTPUT
7024c     eref(ne)     complex energy reference including energy dep xc
7025c     ph(nex,ltot+1) complex scattering phase shifts
7026c     lmax         max l (lmax = kmax*rmt)
7029      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
7030      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
7031      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
7032      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
7033      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
7034      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
7035      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
7036      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
7038      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
7039 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
7040      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
7041      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
7042      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
7043				!finder, NOT in genfmt
7045      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
7047      dimension   ri(nr), em(nex), vtot(nr), edens(nr)
7048      complex*16  eref(nex)
7049      complex*16  ph(nex,ltot+1)
7051c     work space for xcpot
7052      dimension   vxcrmu(nrptx), vxcimu(nrptx)
7053c     work space for fovrg
7054      complex*16 p(nrptx), q(nrptx), ps(nrptx), qs(nrptx), vm(nrptx)
7056      complex*16  p2, xkmt, temp, dny, pu, qu
7057      complex*16 jl(ltot+2), nl(ltot+2)
7058      complex*16 v(nrptx)
7059      external besjn
7061      ihard = 0
7062c     zero phase shifts (some may not be set below)
7063      do 100  ie = 1, ne
7064         do 90  il = 1, ltot+1
7065            ph(ie,il) = dcmplx(0.0d0,0.0d0)
7066   90    continue
7067  100 continue
7069c     limit l, lmax = kmax * rmt
7070c     lmax = rmt * sqrt(em(ne)-edge)
7071c     Use kmax = 20 so we get enough l-points even if kmax is small
7072      lmax = rmt * (20 * bohr)
7073      lmax = min (lmax, ltot)
7075c     set imt and jri (use general Loucks grid)
7076c     rmt is between imt and jri (see function ii(r) in file xx.f)
7077      imt = (log(rmt) + x0) / dx  +  1
7078      jri = imt+1
7079      if (jri .gt. nr)  stop 'jri .gt. nr in phase'
7080c     xmt is floating point version of imt, so that
7081c     rmt = (exp (x-1)*dx - x0).  xmt used in fovrg
7082      xmt = (log(rmt) + x0) / dx  +  1
7084      ifirst = 0
7085c     calculate phase shifts
7086      do 220 ie = 1, ne
7088         call xcpot (iph, ie, nr, index, ifirst, jri,
7089     1               em(ie), xmu, vi0, rs0, gamach,
7090     2               vtot, edens,
7091     3               eref(ie), v,
7092     4               vxcrmu, vxcimu)
7094c        fovrg needs v in form pot*r**2
7095         do 120  i = 1, jri
7096            v(i) = v(i) * ri(i)**2
7097  120    continue
7099c        p2 is (complex momentum)**2 referenced to energy dep xc
7100         p2 = em(ie) - eref(ie)
7101         xkmt = rmt * sqrt (p2)
7102         call besjn (xkmt, jl, nl)
7104         do 210  il = 1, lmax+1
7105            l = il - 1
7107            call fovrg(il, ihard, rmt, xmt, jri, p2,
7108     1                  nr, dx, ri, v, dny,
7109     1                  pu, qu, p, q, ps, qs, vm)
7112            temp = (jl(il)*(dny-l) + xkmt*jl(il+1))  /
7113     1             (nl(il)*(dny-l) + xkmt*nl(il+1))
7114            xx = dble (temp)
7115            yy = dimag(temp)
7116            if (xx .ne. 0)  then
7117               alph = (1 - xx**2 - yy**2)
7118               alph = sqrt(alph**2 + 4*xx**2) - alph
7119               alph = alph / (2 * xx)
7120               alph = atan (alph)
7121            else
7122               alph = 0
7123            endif
7124            beta = (xx**2 + (yy+1)**2) /
7125     1             (xx**2 + (yy-1)**2)
7126            beta = log(beta) / 4
7128            ph(ie,il) = dcmplx (alph, beta)
7130c           cut phaseshift calculation if they become too small
7131            if (abs(ph(ie,il)) .lt. 1.0d-6)  goto 220
7133  210    continue
7135  220 continue
7138c     Warn user if fovrg failed ihard test.
7139      if (ihard .gt. 0)  then
7140         write(77,*) ' Hard test failed in fovrg ', ihard, ' times.'
7141         write(77,*) ' Muffin-tin radius may be too large;',
7142     1               ' coordination number too small.'
7143      endif
7145      return
7146      end
7147      subroutine phash (npat, ipat, rx, ry, rz, dhash)
7148c     hashes a path into double precision real dhash
7149      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
7152      character*72 header
7153      common /header_common/ header
7156      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
7157      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
7158      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
7159      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
7160      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
7161      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
7162      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
7163      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
7165      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
7166 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
7167      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
7168      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
7169      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
7170				!finder, NOT in genfmt
7172      double precision dhash
7173      dimension rx(npatx), ry(npatx), rz(npatx), ipat(npatx+1)
7175      common /atoms/ rat(3,0:natx), ipot(0:natx), i1b(0:natx)
7177      double precision xx
7179      parameter (iscale = 1000)
7180      parameter (factor = 16.12345678d0)
7182c     Hashing scheme: Assume about 15 significant digits in a double
7183c     precision number.  This is 53 bit mantissa and 11 bits for sign
7184c     and exponent, vax g_floating and probably most other machines.
7185c     With max of 9 legs, 47**9 = 1.12e15, so with a number less than
7186c     47, we can use all these digits, scaling each leg's data by
7187c     47**(j-1).  Actually, since our numbers can go up to about 10,000,
7188c     we should keep total number < 1.0e11, 17**9 = 1.18e11, which means
7189c     a factor a bit less than 17.  Choose 16.12345678, a non-integer,
7190c     to help avoid hash collisions.
7192c     iscale and 'int' below are to strip off trailing digits, which
7193c     may contain roundoff errors
7195      dhash = 0
7196      do 210  j = 1, npat
7197         xx = factor**(j-1)
7198         dhash = dhash + xx * (nint(rx(j)*iscale) +
7199     1               nint(ry(j)*iscale)*0.894375 +
7200     2               nint(rz(j)*iscale)*0.573498)
7201  210 continue
7202      do 220  j = 1, npat
7203         xx = factor**(j-1)
7204         dhash = dhash + xx * ipot(ipat(j))
7205  220 continue
7206      dhash = dhash + npat * 40 000 000
7208      return
7209      end
7210c     make e and r mesh for phase
7211c     input:  nr, dx, x0, nemax, iprint,
7212c             ixanes, edge, xmu, vint, vr0, imt, edens, nph
7213c             edge, xmu... used only with ixanes = 1
7214c     output: ri(nr), ne, em(ne), ik0 [grid point with k=0]
7216c     set nemax = nex (from dim.h) for max number of points
7218      subroutine phmesh (nr, dx, x0, nemax, iprint,
7219     1                   ixanes, edge, xmu, vint, vr0,
7220     1                   imt, edens, nph,
7221     2                   ri, ne, em, ik0)
7222      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
7224      character*72 header
7225      common /header_common/ header
7228      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
7229      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
7230      parameter (third = one/3)
7231      parameter (raddeg = 180 / pi)
7232      complex*16 coni
7233      parameter (coni = (0,1))
7234c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
7235      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
7237      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
7238      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
7239c     fine structure alpha
7240      parameter (alphfs = 1 / alpinv)
7241c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
7242      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
7245      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
7246      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
7247      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
7248      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
7249      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
7250      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
7251      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
7252      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
7254      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
7255 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
7256      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
7257      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
7258      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
7259				!finder, NOT in genfmt
7261      dimension ri(nr), em(nex)
7263c     edens       overlapped density*4*pi
7264c     imt         r mesh index just inside rmt
7265c     see arrays.h
7266      dimension edens(nrptx,0:nphx)
7267      dimension imt(0:nphx)
7269c     r mesh
7270      do 100  i = 1, nr
7271         ri(i) = rr(i)
7272  100 continue
7274c     xkmin needed only with ixanes
7275      if (ixanes .gt. 0)  then
7276c        Need xf**2 min for all unique potentials, take rho(imt) as
7277c        min rho
7278         xf2int = xmu-vint
7279         xf2min = xf2int
7280         do 400  i = 0, nph
7281            rs = (3 / edens(imt(i),i)) ** third
7282            xf2 = (fa / rs) ** 2
7283            if (xf2 .le. xf2min) xf2min = xf2
7284  400    continue
7286         xkmin2 = xf2min - vr0
7287         if (xkmin2 .lt. 0)  then
7288            write(77,*) ' xf2min, vr0, xkmin2'
7289            write(77,*) xf2min, vr0, xkmin2
7290            write(77,*) 'bad vr0 in phmesh'
7291            stop 'bad vr0 in phmesh'
7292         endif
7294         delk = bohr/5.0d0
7295         xkmin = sqrt (xkmin2)
7296         n = int(xkmin/delk) - 1
7297      else
7298         xkmin = 0.0d0
7299         n = 0
7300      endif
7302c     energy mesh
7303c      n pts (-2 le k lt 0,  delk=0.2 ang(-1) ) (only if xanes)
7304c     30 pts (0 le k le 5.8, delk=0.2 ang(-1) )
7305c      9 pts (6 le k le 10., delk=0.5 ang(-1) )
7306c     10 pts (11 le k le 20.0, delk=1.0 ang(-1) )
7307      ne = 0
7308      delk = bohr/5.0d0
7309      if (ixanes .gt. 0)  then
7310         xkmin = n*delk
7311         do 110 i=1,n
7312            tempk=-xkmin+(i-1)*delk
7313            ne = ne+1
7314            em(ne)=-tempk**2+edge
7315  110    continue
7316      endif
7317      delk = bohr/5
7318      do 112 i=1,30
7319         tempk=(i-1)*delk
7320         ne = ne+1
7321         em(ne)=tempk**2+edge
7322         if (i.eq.1)  ik0 = ne
7323  112 continue
7324      delk = bohr/2
7325      do 113 i=1,9
7326         tempk=6.*bohr + (i-1)*delk
7327         ne = ne+1
7328         em(ne)=tempk**2+edge
7329  113 continue
7330      delk=bohr
7331      do 114 i=1,10
7332         tempk=11.0d0*bohr + (i-1)*delk
7333         ne = ne+1
7334         em(ne)=tempk**2+edge
7335  114 continue
7337c     print*, 'phmesh: ne, nex, nemax before setting ne ',
7338c    1                 ne, nex, nemax
7339      ne = min (ne, nemax)
7340c     print*, 'phmesh: ne, nex, nemax after  setting ne ',
7341c    1                 ne, nex, nemax
7344      if (iprint .ge. 3)  then
7345         open (unit=44, file=trim(header)//'emesh.dat')
7346         write(44,*) 'edge, bohr, edge*ryd ', edge, bohr, edge*ryd
7347         write(44,*) 'ixanes, ik0 ', ixanes, ik0
7348         write(44,*) vint, xkmin, n, ' vint, xkmin, n'
7349         write(44,*) 'ie, em(ie), xk(ie)'
7350         do 230  ie = 1, ne
7351            write(44,220)  ie, em(ie), getxk(em(ie)-edge)/bohr
7352  220       format (i5, 2f20.5)
7353  230    continue
7354         close (unit=44)
7355      endif
7357      return
7358      end
7359      subroutine pijump (ph, old)
7360      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
7363      character*72 header
7364      common /header_common/ header
7366c     removes jumps of 2*pi in phases
7368c     ph = current value of phase (may be modified on output, but
7369c          only by multiples of 2*pi)
7370c     old = previous value of phase
7373      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
7374      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
7375      parameter (third = one/3)
7376      parameter (raddeg = 180 / pi)
7377      complex*16 coni
7378      parameter (coni = (0,1))
7379c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
7380      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
7382      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
7383      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
7384c     fine structure alpha
7385      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
7386c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
7387      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
7389      parameter (twopi = 2 * pi)
7390      dimension xph(3)
7392      xph(1) = ph - old
7393      jump =  (abs(xph(1))+ pi) / twopi
7394      xph(2) = xph(1) - jump*twopi
7395      xph(3) = xph(1) + jump*twopi
7398      xphmin = min (abs(xph(1)), abs(xph(2)), abs(xph(3)))
7399      isave = 0
7400      do 10  i = 1, 3
7401         if (abs (xphmin - abs(xph(i))) .le. 0.01)  isave = i
7402   10 continue
7403      if (isave .eq. 0)  then
7404         write(77,*) 'isave ', isave
7405         write(77,*) xph(1)
7406         write(77,*) xph(2)
7407         write(77,*) xph(3)
7408         stop 'pijump'
7409      endif
7411      ph = old + xph(isave)
7413      return
7414      end
7415      subroutine potph (isporb)
7417c     Cluster code -- multiple shell single scattering version of FEFF
7418c     This program (or subroutine) calculates potentials and phase
7419c     shifts for unique potentials specifed by atoms and overlap cards.
7421c     Input files:  potph.inp    input data, atoms, overlaps, etc.
7422c     Output:       phases.bin   phase shifts for use by the rest of the
7423c                                program
7424c                   xxx.dat      various diagnostics
7426      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
7428      character*72 header
7429      common /header_common/ header
7432      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
7433      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
7434      parameter (third = one/3)
7435      parameter (raddeg = 180 / pi)
7436      complex*16 coni
7437      parameter (coni = (0,1))
7438c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
7439      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
7441      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
7442      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
7443c     fine structure alpha
7444      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
7445c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
7446      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
7449      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
7450      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
7451      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
7452      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
7453      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
7454      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
7455      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
7456      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
7458      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
7459 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
7460      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
7461      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
7462      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
7463				!finder, NOT in genfmt
7467c     Notes:
7468c        nat	number of atoms in problem
7469c        nph	number of unique potentials
7470c        nfr	number of unique free atoms
7471c        ihole	hole code of absorbing atom
7472c        iph=0 for central atom
7473c        ifr=0 for central atom
7475c     Specific atom input data
7476      dimension iphat(natx)	!given specific atom, which unique pot?
7477      dimension rat(3,natx)	!cartesian coords of specific atom
7479c     Unique potential input data
7480      dimension iatph(0:nphx)	!given unique pot, which atom is model?
7481				!(0 if none specified for this unique pot)
7482      dimension ifrph(0:nphx)	!given unique pot, which free atom?
7483      dimension xnatph(0:nphx)	!given unique pot, how many atoms are there
7484				!of this type? (used for interstitial calc)
7485      character*6 potlbl(0:nphx)	!label for user convienence
7487      dimension folp(0:nphx)	!overlap factor for rmt calculation
7488      dimension novr(0:nphx)	!number of overlap shells for unique pot
7489      dimension iphovr(novrx,0:nphx)	!unique pot for this overlap shell
7490      dimension nnovr(novrx,0:nphx)	!number of atoms in overlap shell
7491      dimension rovr(novrx,0:nphx)	!r for overlap shell
7493c     Free atom data
7494      dimension ion(0:nfrx)	!ionicity, input
7495      dimension iz(0:nfrx)	!atomic number, input
7497c     ATOM output
7498c     Note that ATOM output is dimensioned 251, all other r grid
7499c     data is set to nrptx, currently 250
7500      dimension rho(251,0:nfrx)		!density*4*pi
7501      dimension vcoul(251,0:nfrx)	!coulomb potential
7503c     Overlap calculation results
7504      dimension edens(nrptx,0:nphx)	!overlapped density*4*pi
7505      dimension vclap(nrptx,0:nphx) 	!overlapped coul pot
7506      dimension vtot (nrptx,0:nphx)	!overlapped total potential
7508c     Muffin tin calculation results
7509      dimension imt(0:nphx)	!r mesh index just inside rmt
7510      dimension inrm(0:nphx)	!r mesh index just inside rnorman
7511      dimension rmt(0:nphx)	!muffin tin radius
7512      dimension rnrm(0:nphx)	!norman radius
7514c     PHASE output
7515      complex*16 eref(nex)		!interstitial energy ref
7516      complex*16 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:nphx)	!phase shifts
7517      dimension lmax(0:nphx)		!number of ang mom levels
7519      common /print/ iprint
7521      parameter (nheadx = 30)
7522      character*80 head(nheadx)
7523      dimension lhead(nheadx)
7525c     head0 is header from potph.dat, include carriage control
7526      character*80 head0(nheadx)
7527      dimension lhead0(nheadx)
7529      dimension em(nex)
7530      dimension dgc0(251), dpc0(251)
7531      dimension xsec(nex), xsatan(nex)
7533c     nrx = max number of r points for phase r grid
7534      parameter (nrx = 250)
7535      dimension ri(nrptx), vtotph(nrx), rhoph(nrx)
7537   10 format (4x, a, i5)
7539c     Read input from file potph.inp
7540      open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'potph.dat',
7541     >       status='old', iostat=ios)
7542      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'potph.dat', 'potph')
7543      nhead0 = nheadx
7544      call rpotph (1, nhead0, head0, lhead0, nat, nph,
7545     1             nfr, ihole, gamach, iafolp, intclc,
7546     1             ixc, vr0, vi0, rs0, iphat, rat, iatph, ifrph,
7547     1             xnatph, novr,
7548     2             iphovr, nnovr, rovr, folp, ion, iz, iprint,
7549     2             ixanes, nemax, xkmin, xkmax, potlbl)
7550      close (unit=1)
7552c     Free atom potentials and densities
7553c     NB wsatom is needed in SUMAX, if changed here, change it there
7554      wsatom = 15
7555c     do not save spinors
7556      ispinr = 0
7557      do 20  ifr = 0, nfr
7558         itmp = 0
7559         if (ifr .eq. 0)  itmp = ihole
7560         write(77,10) 'free atom potential and density for atom type', ifr
7561         call feff_atom(head0(1)(1:40), ifr, iz(ifr), itmp, wsatom,
7562     1              ion(ifr), vcoul(1,ifr), rho(1,ifr),
7563     2              ispinr, dgc0, dpc0, et)
7564c        etfin is absorbing atom final state total energy
7565c        etinit is absorbing atom initial state (no hole)
7566         if (ifr .eq. 0)  etfin = et
7567   20 continue
7568      if (ixanes .gt. 0)  then
7569         write(77,10) 'initial state energy'
7570c        save spinor for core hole orbital
7571         ispinr = ihole
7572c        if no hole, use orbital from isporb
7573         if (ihole .eq. 0)  ispinr = isporb
7574         itmp = 0
7575         call feff_atom (head0(1)(1:40), 0, iz(0), itmp, wsatom,
7576     1              ion(0), vcoul(1,nfr+1), rho(1,nfr+1),
7577     2              ispinr, dgc0, dpc0, etinit)
7578      endif
7579c     Need etfin if xanes and no hole, use K shell for this
7580      if (ixanes .gt. 0 .and. ihole .eq. 0)  then
7581c        K hole
7582         itmp = 1
7583         ispinr = 0
7584         call feff_atom (head0(1)(1:40), 0, iz(0), itmp, wsatom,
7585     1              ion(0), vcoul(1,nfr+1), rho(1,nfr+1),
7586     2              ispinr, dgc0, dpc0, etfin)
7587      endif
7589c     Overlap potentials and densitites
7590      do 40  iph = 0, nph
7591         write(77,10)
7592     1    'overlapped potential and density for unique potential', iph
7593         call ovrlp (iph, iphat, rat, iatph, ifrph, novr,
7594     1               iphovr, nnovr, rovr, iz, nat, rho, vcoul,
7595     2               edens, vclap, rnrm)
7596   40 continue
7598c     Find muffin tin radii, add gsxc to potentials, and find
7599c     interstitial parameters
7600      write(77,10) 'muffin tin radii and interstitial parameters'
7601      call istprm (nph, nat, iphat, rat, iatph, xnatph,
7602     1             novr, iphovr, nnovr, rovr, folp, edens,
7603     2             vclap, vtot, imt, inrm, rmt, rnrm, rhoint,
7604     3             vint, rs, xf, xmu, rnrmav, intclc)
7606c     Automatic max reasonable overlap
7607      if (iafolp .eq. 1)  then
7608         write(77,10) 'automatic overlapping'
7609         write(77,*) 'iph, rnrm(iph)*bohr, rmt(iph)*bohr, folp(iph)'
7610         do 400  iph = 0, nph
7611            folp(iph) = 1 + 0.7*(rnrm(iph)/rmt(iph) - 1)
7612            write(77,*) iph, rnrm(iph)*bohr, rmt(iph)*bohr, folp(iph)
7613  400    continue
7614         call istprm (nph, nat, iphat, rat, iatph, xnatph,
7615     1                novr, iphovr, nnovr, rovr, folp, edens,
7616     2                vclap, vtot, imt, inrm, rmt, rnrm, rhoint,
7617     3                vint, rs, xf, xmu, rnrmav, intclc)
7618      endif
7620c     Initialize header routine and write misc.dat
7621      call sthead (nhead0, head0, lhead0, nph, iz, rmt, rnrm,
7622     1             ion, ifrph, ihole, ixc,
7623     2             vr0, vi0, rs0, gamach, xmu, xf, vint, rs,
7624     3             nhead, lhead, head)
7625      if (iprint .ge. 1)  then
7626         open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'misc.dat',
7627     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
7628         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'misc.dat', 'potph')
7629         call wthead(1)
7630         close (unit=1)
7631      endif
7633      if (iprint .ge. 2)  then
7634         call wpot (nph, edens, ifrph, imt, inrm,
7635     1              rho, vclap, vcoul, vtot)
7636      endif
7638c     Phase shift calculation
7639c     Make energy mesh and position grid
7640      nr = 250
7641      dx = .05
7642      x0 = 8.8
7643      edge = xmu - vr0
7644      call phmesh (nr, dx, x0, nemax, iprint,
7645     1             ixanes, edge, xmu, vint, vr0,
7646     1             imt, edens, nph,
7647     2             ri, ne, em, ik0)
7649c     Cross section calculation, use phase mesh for now
7650c     remove xanes calculation in feff6l
7652      do 60  iph = 0, nph
7653         write(77,10) 'phase shifts for unique potential', iph
7654c        fix up variable for phase
7655         call fixvar (rmt(iph), edens(1,iph), vtot(1,iph),
7656     1                vint, rhoint, nr, dx, x0, ri,
7657     2                vtotph, rhoph)
7659         call phase (iph, nr, dx, x0, ri, ne, em, edge,
7660     1               ixc, rmt(iph), xmu, vi0, rs0, gamach,
7661     2               vtotph, rhoph,
7662     3               eref, ph(1,1,iph), lmax(iph))
7663   60 continue
7665      if (iprint .ge. 2)  then
7666         call wphase (nph, em, eref, lmax, ne, ph)
7667      endif
7669c     Write out phases for genfmt
7670c     May need stuff for use with headers only
7671      open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'phase.bin', access='sequential',
7672     1      form='unformatted', status='unknown', iostat=ios)
7673      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'phase.bin', 'potph')
7674      write(1) nhead
7675      do 62  i = 1, nhead
7676         write(1) head(i)
7677         write(1) lhead(i)
7678   62 continue
7679      write(1) ne, nph, ihole, rnrmav, xmu, edge, ik0
7680      write(1) (em(ie),ie=1,ne)
7681      write(1) (eref(ie),ie=1,ne)
7682      do 80  iph = 0, nph
7683         write(1) lmax(iph), iz(ifrph(iph))
7684         write(1) potlbl(iph)
7685         do 70  ie = 1, ne
7686            write(1)  (ph(ie,ll,iph), ll=1,lmax(iph)+1)
7687   70    continue
7688   80 continue
7689      close (unit=1)
7691      return
7692      end
7693      subroutine potsl (dv,d,dp,dr,dpas,dexv,z,np,ion,icut,dvn)
7695c coulomb potential uses a 4-point integration method
7696c dv=potential;  d=density;  dp=bloc de travail; dr=radial mesh;
7697c dpas=exponential step; dexv=multiplicative coefficient for the exchang
7698c z=atomic number;  np=number of points; ion=z-number of electrons
7699c if icut is zero one corrects the potential by -(ion+1)/r
7700c **********************************************************************
7701      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
7702      save
7703      dimension dv(251), d(251), dp(251), dr(251), dvn(251)
7704      das=dpas/24.0d0
7705      do 10 i=1,np
7706   10 dv(i)=d(i)*dr(i)
7707      dlo=exp(dpas)
7708      dlo2=dlo*dlo
7709      dp(2)=dr(1)*(d(2)-d(1)*dlo2)/(12.0*(dlo-1.0))
7710      dp(1)=dv(1)/3.0-dp(2)/dlo2
7711      dp(2)=dv(2)/3.0-dp(2)*dlo2
7712      j=np-1
7713      do 20 i=3,j
7714   20 dp(i)=dp(i-1)+das*(13.0*(dv(i)+dv(i-1))-(dv(i-2)+dv(i+1)))
7715      dp(np)=dp(j)
7716      dv(j)=dp(j)
7717      dv(np)=dp(j)
7718      do 30 i=3,j
7719      k=np+1-i
7720   30 dv(k)=dv(k+1)/dlo+das*(13.0*(dp(k+1)/dlo+dp(k))-(dp(k+2)/dlo2+dp
7721     1 (k-1)*dlo))
7722      dv(1)=dv(3)/dlo2+dpas*(dp(1)+4.0*dp(2)/dlo+dp(3)/dlo2)/3.0
7723      dlo=-(ion+1)
7724      do 40 i=1,np
7725      dvn(i)=dv(i)/dr(i)
7726      dv(i)=dv(i)-(z+exchan(d(i),dr(i),dexv))
7727      if (icut.ne.0) go to 40
7728      if (dv(i).gt.dlo) dv(i)=dlo
7729   40 dv(i)=dv(i)/dr(i)
7730      return
7731      end
7732      subroutine potslw (dv,d,dp,dr,dpas,np)
7734c coulomb potential uses a 4-point integration method
7735c dv=potential;  d=density;  dp=bloc de travail; dr=radial mesh
7736c dpas=exponential step;
7737c np=number of points
7738c **********************************************************************
7740      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
7741      save
7742      dimension dv(251), d(251), dp(251), dr(251)
7743      das=dpas/24.0d0
7744      do 10 i=1,np
7745   10 dv(i)=d(i)*dr(i)
7746      dlo=exp(dpas)
7747      dlo2=dlo*dlo
7748      dp(2)=dr(1)*(d(2)-d(1)*dlo2)/(12.0*(dlo-1.0))
7749      dp(1)=dv(1)/3.0d0-dp(2)/dlo2
7750      dp(2)=dv(2)/3.0d0-dp(2)*dlo2
7751      j=np-1
7752      do 20 i=3,j
7753   20 dp(i)=dp(i-1)+das*(13.0d0*(dv(i)+dv(i-1))-(dv(i-2)+dv(i+1)))
7754      dp(np)=dp(j)
7755      dv(j)=dp(j)
7756      dv(np)=dp(j)
7757      do 30 i=3,j
7758      k=np+1-i
7759   30 dv(k)=dv(k+1)/dlo+das*(13.0d0*(dp(k+1)/dlo+dp(k))-(dp(k+2)/dlo2+dp
7760     1 (k-1)*dlo))
7761      dv(1)=dv(3)/dlo2+dpas*(dp(1)+4.0d0*dp(2)/dlo+dp(3)/dlo2)/3.0d0
7762      do 40 i=1,np
7763   40 dv(i)=dv(i)/dr(i)
7764      return
7765      end
7766      subroutine prcrit (neout, nncrit, ik0out, cksp, fbeta, ckspc,
7767     1                   fbetac, potlb0)
7768      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
7770      character*72 header
7771      common /header_common/ header
7774c     Prepare fbeta arrays, etc., for pathfinder criteria
7776c     Note that path finder is single precision, so be sure that
7777c     things are correct precision in calls and declarations!
7778c     See declarations below for details.
7780c     Inputs:  Reads phase.bin
7781c     Output:  neout   'ne', number of energy grid points
7782c              ik0out  index of energy grid with k=0
7783c              cksp    |p| at each energy grid point in single precision
7784c              fbeta   |f(beta)| for each angle, npot, energy point, sp
7785c              ckspc   |p| at each necrit point in single precision
7786c              fbetac  |f(beta)| for each angle, npot, nncrit point, sp
7787c              potlb0  unique potential labels
7790      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
7791      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
7792      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
7793      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
7794      complex*16 coni
7795      parameter (coni = (0,1))
7796c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
7797      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
7799      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
7800      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
7801c     fine structure alpha
7802      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
7803c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
7804      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
7807      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
7808      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
7809      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
7810      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
7811      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
7812      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
7813      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
7814      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
7816      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
7817 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
7818      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
7819      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
7820      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
7821				!finder, NOT in genfmt
7824c     Note that leg nleg is the leg ending at the central atom, so that
7825c     ipot(nleg) is central atom potential, rat(nleg) position of
7826c     central atom.
7827c     Central atom has ipot=0
7828c     For later convience, rat(,0) and ipot(0) refer to the central
7829c     atom, and are the same as rat(,nleg), ipot(nleg).
7831c     text and title arrays include carriage control
7832      character*80 text, title
7833      character*6  potlbl
7834      common /str/ text(40),	!text header from potph
7835     1             title(5),	!title from paths.dat
7836     1             potlbl(0:npotx)	! potential labels for output
7838      complex*16 ph, eref
7839      common /pdata/
7840     1 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:npotx),	!complex phase shifts,
7841     1					!central atom ipot=0
7842     1 rat(3,0:legtot+1),		!position of each atom, code units(bohr)
7843     1 eref(nex),		!complex energy reference
7844     1 em(nex),		!energy mesh
7845     1 ri(legtot), beta(legtot+1), eta(0:legtot+1), !r, beta, eta for each leg
7846     1 deg, rnrmav, xmu, edge,	!(output only)
7847     1 lmax(nex,0:npotx),	!max l with non-zero phase for each energy
7848     1 ipot(0:legtot),	!potential for each atom in path
7849     1 iz(0:npotx),	!atomic number (output only)
7850     1 ltext(40), ltitle(5),	!length of each string
7851     1 nsc, nleg,	!nscatters, nlegs (nleg = nsc+1)
7852     1 npot, ne,	!number of potentials, energy points
7853     1 ik0,		!index of energy grid corresponding to k=0 (edge)
7854     1 ipath, 	!index of current path (output only)
7855     1 ihole,	!(output only)
7856     1 l0, il0,	!lfinal and lfinal+1 (used for indices)
7857     1 lmaxp1,	!largest lmax in problem + 1
7858     1 ntext, ntitle	!number of text and title lines
7861c     Output variables SINGLE PRECISION for use with path finder.
7862c     BE CAREFUL!!
7863      parameter (necrit=9, nbeta=40)
7864      real*8 fbetac(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,necrit), ckspc(necrit)
7865      real*8 fbeta(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,nex), cksp(nex)
7866      character*6  potlb0(0:npotx)
7868c     Local variables
7869      complex*16 cfbeta, tl
7870      dimension dcosb(-nbeta:nbeta)
7871      dimension pl(ltot+1)
7872      dimension iecrit(necrit)
7875c     Need stuff from phase.bin
7876c     Read phase calculation input, data returned via commons
7877      open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'phase.bin', status='old',
7878     1      access='sequential', form='unformatted', iostat=ios)
7879      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'phase.bin', 'prcrit')
7880      call rphbin (1)
7881      close (unit=1)
7882c     Pass out ne, ik0, potlbl (from rphbin via /pdata/)
7883      neout = ne
7884      ik0out = ik0
7885      do 40  i = 0, npotx
7886         potlb0(i) = potlbl(i)
7887   40 continue
7889c     |p| at each energy point (path finder uses invA, convert here)
7890      do 100  ie = 1, ne
7891         cksp(ie) = abs (sqrt (em(ie) - eref(ie))) / bohr
7892  100 continue
7894c     Make the cos(beta)'s
7895c     Grid is from -40 to 40, 81 points from -1 to 1, spaced .025
7896      do 200  ibeta = -nbeta, nbeta
7897         dcosb(ibeta) = 0.025d0 * ibeta
7898  200 continue
7899c     watch out for round-off error
7900      dcosb(-nbeta) = -1
7901      dcosb(nbeta)  =  1
7903c     make fbeta (f(beta) for all energy points
7904      do 280  ibeta = -nbeta, nbeta
7905         call cpl0 (dcosb(ibeta), pl, lmaxp1)
7906         do 260  iii = 0, npot
7907            do 250  ie = 1, ne
7908               cfbeta = 0
7909               do 245  il = 1, lmax(ie,iii)+1
7910                  tl = (exp(2.0d0*coni*ph(ie,il,iii)) - 1.0d0)/(2*coni)
7911                  cfbeta = cfbeta + tl*pl(il)*(2*il-1)
7912  245          continue
7913               fbeta(ibeta,iii,ie) = abs(cfbeta)
7914  250       continue
7915  260    continue
7916  280 continue
7918c     Make similar arrays for only the icrit points
7920c     Use 9 points at k=0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12 invA
7921c     See phmesh for energy gid definition.  These seem to work fine,
7922c     and results aren't too sensitive to choices of k.  As few as 4
7923c     points work well (used 0,3,6,9), but time penalty for 9 points
7924c     is small and increased safety seems to be worth it.
7925      iecrit(1) = ik0
7926      iecrit(2) = ik0 + 5
7927      iecrit(3) = ik0 + 10
7928      iecrit(4) = ik0 + 15
7929      iecrit(5) = ik0 + 20
7930      iecrit(6) = ik0 + 30
7931      iecrit(7) = ik0 + 34
7932      iecrit(8) = ik0 + 38
7933      iecrit(9) = ik0 + 40
7935c     make sure that we have enough energy grid points to use all
7936c     9 iecrits
7937      nncrit = 0
7938      do 290  ie = 1, necrit
7939         if (iecrit(ie) .gt. ne)  goto 295
7940         nncrit = ie
7941  290 continue
7942  295 continue
7943      if (nncrit .eq. 0) stop 'bad nncrit in prcrit'
7944      write(77,*) ' nncrit in prcrit ', nncrit
7947      do 320  icrit = 1, nncrit
7948         ie = iecrit(icrit)
7949         ckspc(icrit) = cksp(ie)
7950         do 310  ibeta = -nbeta, nbeta
7951            do 300  iii = 0, npot
7952               fbetac(ibeta,iii,icrit) = fbeta(ibeta,iii,ie)
7953  300       continue
7954  310    continue
7955  320 continue
7957      return
7958      end
7959      subroutine quinn (x, rs, wp, ef, ei)
7960      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
7962c     input  x, rs, wp, ef
7963c     output ei
7967c     quinn: calculates low energy gamma (approx. proportional to e**2)
7968c             formula taken from john j. quinn, phys. rev. 126,
7969c             1453 (1962); equation (7).
7970c             a cut-off is set up at quinn's cutoff + ef = ekc; it is a
7971c             rounded inverted step function (a fermi function)
7972c             theta = 1/( 1 + exp((e-ekc)/gam)) )
7973c             where the rounding factor gam is set to be about 0.3 ekc.
7974c     modified by j. rehr (oct 1991) based on coding of r. albers
7975c     subroutines quinn.f and quinnc.f
7977c     variables:
7978c        x  = p/pf
7979c        rs = ws density parameter
7980c        ei = imaginary self energy
7981c        pfqryd = quinn's prefactor in atomic-rydberg units
7982c        wkc = quinn's plasmon threshold
7986      character*72 header
7987      common /header_common/ header
7990      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
7991      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
7992      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
7993      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
7994      complex*16 coni
7995      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
7996c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
7997      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
7999      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
8000      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
8001c     fine structure alpha
8002      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
8003c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
8004      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
8007      parameter (alphaq = 1.0d0/ fa)
8009c     calculate quinn prefactor in atomin Hartree units
8010      pisqrt = sqrt(pi)
8011      pfq = pisqrt / (32.0d0 * (alphaq*rs)**1.5d0)
8012      temp1 = atan (sqrt (pi / (alphaq*rs)))
8013      temp2 = sqrt(alphaq*rs/pi) / (1 + alphaq*rs/pi)
8014      pfq = pfq * (temp1 + temp2)
8016c     calculate quinn cutoff
8017c     wkc = quinn's plasmon threshold
8018c     wkc is cut-off of quinn, pr126, 1453, 1962, eq. (11)
8019c     in formulae below wp=omegap/ef
8020      wkc = (sqrt(1+wp) - 1)**2
8021      wkc = (1 + (6.0d0/5.0d0) * wkc / wp**2) * wp * ef
8023c     we add fermi energy to get correct energy for
8024c     plasma excitations to turn on
8025      ekc = wkc + ef
8027c     calculate gamma
8028c     gamryd = 2 * (pfqryd/x) * (x**2-1)**2
8029      gam = (pfq/x) * (x**2-1)**2
8031c     put in fermi function cutoff
8032      eabs = ef * x**2
8033      arg = (eabs-ekc) / (0.3d0*ekc)
8034      f = 0
8035      if (arg .lt. 80)  f = 1.0d0 / (1.0d0 + exp(arg))
8037      ei = -gam * f / 2.0d0
8039      return
8040      end
8041      subroutine rdhead (io, nhead, head, lhead)
8042      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
8045      character*72 header
8046      common /header_common/ header
8048c     Reads title line(s) from unit io.  Returns number of lines
8049c     read.  If more than nheadx lines, skips over them.  End-of-header
8050c     marker is a line of 1 blank, 79 '-'s.
8051c     lhead is length of each line w/o trailing blanks.
8052c     header lines returned will have 1st space on line blank for
8053c     carriage control
8055      character*(*) head(nhead)
8056      dimension lhead(nhead)
8057      character*80  line
8059      n = 0
8060      nheadx = nhead
8061      nhead = 0
8062   10 read(io,20)  line
8063   20    format(a)
8064         if (line(4:11) .eq. '--------')  goto 100
8065         n = n+1
8066         if (n .le. nheadx)  then
8067            head(n) = line
8068            lhead(n) = istrln(head(n))
8069            nhead = n
8070         endif
8071      goto 10
8072  100 continue
8073      return
8074      end
8075      subroutine rdinp(mphase, mpath, mfeff, mchi, ms,
8076     1                  ntitle, title, ltit,
8077     2                  critcw,
8078     1                  ipr2, ipr3, ipr4,
8079     1                  s02, tk, thetad, sig2g,
8080     1                  nlegxx,
8081     1                  rmax, critpw, pcritk, pcrith, nncrit,
8082     2                  icsig, iorder, vrcorr, vicorr, isporb)
8084c     Read input for multiple scattering feff
8085      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
8087      character*72 header
8088      common /header_common/ header
8091      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
8092      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
8093      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
8094      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
8095      complex*16 coni
8096      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
8097c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
8098      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
8100      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
8101      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
8102c     fine structure alpha
8103      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
8104c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
8105      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
8108      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
8109      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
8110      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
8111      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
8112      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
8113      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
8114      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
8115      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
8117      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
8118 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
8119      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
8120      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
8121      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
8122				!finder, NOT in genfmt
8125c     global polarization data
8126      logical  pola
8127      double precision evec,ivec,elpty
8128      complex*16 ptz
8129      common /pol/ evec(3), ivec(3), elpty, ptz(-1:1,-1:1), pola
8132c     Following passed to pathfinder, which is single precision.
8133c     Be careful to always declare these!
8134      real*8 rmax, critpw, pcritk, pcrith
8136c     Data for potph (see arrays.h for comments)
8137      dimension iphat(natx)
8138      dimension rat(3,natx)
8139      dimension iatph(0:nphx)
8140      dimension ifrph(0:nphx)
8141      dimension xnatph(0:nphx)
8142      dimension folp(0:nphx)
8143      dimension novr(0:nphx)
8144      dimension iphovr(novrx,0:nphx)
8145      dimension nnovr(novrx,0:nphx)
8146      dimension rovr(novrx,0:nphx)
8147      dimension ion(0:nfrx)
8148      dimension iz(0:nfrx)
8150      character*6  potlbl(0:nphx)
8152c     Local stuff
8153      character*150  line
8154      parameter (nwordx = 12)
8155      character*15 words(nwordx)
8157      parameter (ntitx = 10)
8158      character*79  title(ntitx)
8159      dimension ltit(ntitx)
8160      dimension ionph(0:nphx), izph(0:nphx)
8161      logical iscomm
8162      parameter (nssx = 16)
8163      dimension indss(nssx), iphss(nssx)
8164      dimension degss(nssx), rss(nssx)
8165      logical nogeom
8167   10 format (a)
8168   20 format (bn, i15)
8169   30 format (bn, f15.0)
8171c     initialize things
8173      ihole = 1
8174      ntitle = 0
8175      ixc = 0
8176      vr0 = 0
8177      vi0 = 0
8178      rs0 = 0
8179      rmax = -1
8180      tk = 0
8181      thetad = 0
8182      sig2g = 0
8183      rmult = 1
8184      s02 = 1
8185      mphase = 1
8186      mpath = 1
8187      mfeff = 1
8188      mchi = 1
8189      ms = 0
8190      ipr1 = 0
8191      ipr2 = 0
8192      ipr3 = 0
8193      ipr4 = 0
8194      nlegxx = 10
8195      xkmin = 0
8196      xkmax = 20
8197      critcw = 4.0d0
8198      critpw = 2.5d0
8199      pcritk = 0
8200      pcrith = 0
8201      nogeom = .false.
8202      icsig = 1
8203      iorder = 2
8204      ixanes = 0
8205      vrcorr = 0
8206      vicorr = 0
8207      iafolp = 0
8208      intclc = 0
8209      nemax = nex
8210      isporb = -1
8212c     average over polarization by default
8213      pola = .false.
8214      elpty = 0
8215      do 50 i = 1, 3
8216         evec(i) = 0
8217         ivec(i) = 0
8218  50  continue
8220c     nncrit is number of necrit points to use.  necrit is
8221c     currently 9, this was at once an input used for testing.
8222      nncrit = 9
8224      nat = 0
8225      do 100  iat = 1, natx
8226         iphat(iat) = -1
8227  100 continue
8229      nss = 0
8230      do 102  iss = 1, nssx
8231         indss(iss) = 0
8232         iphss(iss) = 0
8233         degss(iss) = 0
8234         rss(iss) = 0
8235  102 continue
8237      nph = 0
8238      do 110  iph = 0, nphx
8239         iatph(iph) = 0
8240         ifrph(iph) = -1
8241         xnatph(iph) = 0
8242         folp(iph) = 1
8243         novr(iph) = 0
8244         ionph(iph) = 0
8245         izph(iph) = 0
8246         potlbl(iph) = ' '
8247  110 continue
8249      nfr = 0
8250      do 120  ifr = 0, nfrx
8251         ion(ifr) = 0
8252         iz(ifr) = 0
8253  120 continue
8255c     Open feff.inp, the input file we're going to read
8256      open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'feff.inp',
8257     >      status='old', iostat=ios)
8258      call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'feff.inp', 'rdinp')
8260c     tokens  0 if not a token
8261c             1 if ATOM (ATOMS)
8262c             2 if HOLE
8263c             3 if OVER (OVERLAP)
8264c             4 if CONT (CONTROL)
8265c             5 if EXCH (EXCHANGE)
8266c             6 if ION
8267c             7 if TITL (TITLE)
8268c             8 if FOLP
8269c             9 if RMAX
8270c            10 if DEBY (DEBYE)
8271c            11 if RMUL (RMULTIPLIER)
8272c            12 if SS
8273c            13 if PRIN (PRINT)
8274c            14 if POTE (POTENTIALS)
8275c            15 if NLEG
8276c            16 if REQU (REQUIRE), now dead
8277c            17 if KLIM (KLIMIT)
8278c            18 if CRIT (CRITERIA)
8279c            19 if NOGEOM
8280c            20 if CSIG
8281c            21 if IORDER
8282c            22 if PCRI (PCRITERIA)
8283c            23 if SIG2
8284c            24 if XANE (XANES), disabled for current release
8285c            25 if CORR (CORRECTIONS)
8286c            26 if AFOL (AFOLP)
8287c            27 if NEMA (NEMAX)
8288c            28 if INTCALC
8289c            29 if POLA (POLARIZATION)
8290c            30 if ELLI (ELLIPTICITY)
8291c            31 if ISPO (ISPORB)
8292c            -1 if END  (end)
8293c     mode flag  0 ready to read a keyword card
8294c                1 reading atom positions
8295c                2 reading overlap instructions for unique pot
8296c                3 reading unique potential definitions
8298      mode = 0
8299  200 read(1,10,iostat=ios)  line
8300         if (ios .lt. 0)  line='END'
8301         call triml (line)
8302         if (iscomm(line))  goto 200
8303         nwords = nwordx
8304         call bwords (line, nwords, words)
8305         itok = itoken (words(1))
8307c        process the card using current mode
8308  210    continue
8310         if (mode .eq. 0)  then
8311            if (itok .eq. 1)  then
8312c              ATOM
8313c              Following lines are atom postions, one per line
8314               mode = 1
8315            elseif (itok .eq. 2)  then
8316c              HOLE     1  1.0
8317c                   holecode s02
8318               read(words(2),20,err=900)  ihole
8319               read(words(3),30,err=900)  s02
8320               mode = 0
8321            elseif (itok .eq. 3)  then
8322c              OVERLAP iph
8323c                  iph  n  r
8324               read(words(2),20,err=900)  iph
8325               call phstop(iph,line)
8326               mode = 2
8327            elseif (itok .eq. 4)  then
8328c              CONTROL  mphase, mpath, mfeff, mchi
8329c               0 - do not run modules, 1 - run module
8330               read(words(2),20,err=900)  mphase
8331               read(words(3),20,err=900)  mpath
8332               read(words(4),20,err=900)  mfeff
8333               read(words(5),20,err=900)  mchi
8334               mode = 0
8335            elseif (itok .eq. 5)  then
8336c              EXCHANGE  ixc  vr0  vi0
8337c              ixc=0  Hedin-Lunqvist + const real & imag part
8338c              ixc=1  Dirac-Hara + const real & imag part
8339c              ixc=2  ground state + const real & imag part
8340c              ixc=3  Dirac-Hara + HL imag part + const real & imag part
8341c              ixc=4  DH below rs0 + HL above rs0 + const real
8342c                     & imag part, form is
8343c                     EXCHANGE  4  vr0  vi0  rs0
8344c              vr0 is const imag part of potential
8345c              vi0 is const imag part of potential
8346c              Default is HL.
8347               read(words(2),20,err=900)  ixc
8348               read(words(3),30,err=900)  vr0
8349               read(words(4),30,err=900)  vi0
8350               if (ixc .eq. 4) read(words(5),30,err=900)  rs0
8351               if (ixc .ge. 3)  call warnex(1)
8352               mode = 0
8353            elseif (itok .eq. 6)  then
8354c              ION  iph ionph(iph)
8355               read(words(2),20,err=900)  iph
8356               call phstop(iph,line)
8357               read(words(3),20,err=900)  ionph(iph)
8358               mode = 0
8359            elseif (itok .eq. 7)  then
8360c              TITLE title...
8361               ntitle = ntitle + 1
8362               if (ntitle .le. ntitx)  then
8363                  title(ntitle) = line(6:)
8364                  call triml (title(ntitle))
8365               else
8366                  write(77,*) 'Too many title lines, title ignored'
8367                  write(77,*) line(1:79)
8368               endif
8369               mode = 0
8370            elseif (itok .eq. 8)  then
8371c              FOLP iph folp (overlap factor, default 1)
8372               read(words(2),20,err=900)  iph
8373               call phstop(iph,line)
8374               read(words(3),30,err=900)  folp(iph)
8375               mode = 0
8376            elseif (itok .eq. 9)  then
8377c              RMAX  rmax (max r for ss and pathfinder)
8378               read(words(2),30,err=900)  rmax
8379               mode = 0
8380            elseif (itok .eq. 10)  then
8381c              DEBYE  temp debye-temp
8382c                   temps in kelvin
8383c                   if tk and thetad > 0, use these instead of sig2g
8384               read(words(2),30,err=900)  tk
8385               read(words(3),30,err=900)  thetad
8386               mode = 0
8387            elseif (itok .eq. 11)  then
8388c              RMULTIPLIER  rmult
8389c              Multiples atom coord, rss, overlap and rmax distances by
8390c              rmult (default 1).  DOES NOT modify sig2g
8391               read(words(2),30,err=900)  rmult
8392               mode = 0
8393            elseif (itok .eq. 12)  then
8394c              SS index ipot deg rss
8395               nss = nss + 1
8396               if (nss .gt. nssx)  then
8397                  write(77,*)
8398     >             'Too many ss paths requested, max is ', nssx
8399                  stop 'RDINP'
8400               endif
8401               read(words(2),20,err=900)  indss(nss)
8402               read(words(3),20,err=900)  iphss(nss)
8403               read(words(4),30,err=900)  degss(nss)
8404               read(words(5),30,err=900)  rss(nss)
8405               mode = 0
8406            elseif (itok .eq. 13)  then
8407c              PRINT  ipr1  ipr2  ipr3  ipr4
8408c              print flags for various modules
8409c              ipr1 potph  0 phase.bin only
8410c                          1 add misc.dat
8411c                          2 add pot.dat, phase.dat
8412c                          5 add atom.dat
8413c                          6 add central atom dirac stuff
8414c                          7 stop after doing central atom dirac stuff
8415c              ipr2 pathfinder  0 paths.dat only
8416c                               1 add crit.dat
8417c                               2 keep geom.dat
8418c                               3 add fbeta files
8419c                               5 special magic code, crit&geom only
8420c                                 not paths.dat.  Use for path studies
8421c              ipr3 genfmt 0 files.dat, feff.dats that pass 2/3 of
8422c                            curved wave importance ratio
8423c                          1 keep all feff.dats
8424c              ipr4 ff2chi 0 chi.dat
8425c                          1 add sig2.dat with debye waller factors
8426c                          2 add chipnnnn.dat for each path
8427               read(words(2),20,err=900)  ipr1
8428               read(words(3),20,err=900)  ipr2
8429               read(words(4),20,err=900)  ipr3
8430               read(words(5),20,err=900)  ipr4
8431               mode = 0
8432            elseif (itok .eq. 14)  then
8433c              POTENTIALS
8434c              Following lines are unique potential defs, 1 per line
8435               mode = 3
8436            elseif (itok .eq. 15)  then
8437c              NLEG nlegmax (for pathfinder)
8438               read(words(2),20,err=900)  nlegxx
8439               mode = 0
8440            elseif (itok .eq. 16)  then
8441c              REQUIRE rreq, ipot (for pathfinder, require than ms paths
8442c                            length >rreq contain atom ipot)
8443               write(77,*) 'REQUIRE no longer available'
8444               stop
8445            elseif (itok .eq. 17)  then
8446c              KLIMIT xkmin, xkmax
8447               write(77,*) 'KLIMIT no longer available, run continues.'
8448               mode = 0
8449            elseif (itok .eq. 18)  then
8450c              CRIT critcw critpw
8451               read(words(2),30,err=900)  critcw
8452               read(words(3),30,err=900)  critpw
8453               mode = 0
8454            elseif (itok .eq. 19)  then
8455c              NOGEOM (do not write geom.dat)
8456               nogeom = .true.
8457               mode = 0
8458            elseif (itok .eq. 20)  then
8459c              CSIG (use complex momentum with debye waller factor)
8460c              note: this is always on anyway, so this card unnecessary
8461               icsig = 1
8462               mode = 0
8463            elseif (itok .eq. 21)  then
8464c              IORDER  iorder (used in genfmt, see setlam for meaning)
8465               read(words(2),20,err=900)  iorder
8466               call warnex(2)
8467               mode = 0
8468            elseif (itok .eq. 22)  then
8469c              PCRIT  pcritk pcrith
8470c                     (keep and heap criteria for pathfinder)
8471               read(words(2),30,err=900)  pcritk
8472               read(words(3),30,err=900)  pcrith
8473               mode = 0
8474            elseif (itok .eq. 23)  then
8475c              SIG2  sig2g   global sig2 written to files.dat
8476               read(words(2),30,err=900)  sig2g
8477               mode = 0
8478            elseif (itok .eq. 24)  then
8479c              XANES
8480c              Use extended k range for xanes
8481               ixanes = 1
8482c              to avoid problems with debye waller factors below the
8483c              edge, always use complex p for debye waller
8484               icsig = 1
8485               call warnex(3)
8486               write(77,212)
8487  212          format ( ' CORRECTIONS and other cards may be needed.',
8488     1            '  See FEFF6 document for', /,
8489     2            ' details and a discussion of approximations.')
8490               mode = 0
8491            elseif (itok .eq. 25)  then
8492c              CORRECTIONS  e0-shift, lambda correction
8493c              e0 shift is in eV, edge will be edge-e0
8494c              lambda corr is a const imag energy in eV
8495c              e0 and lambda corr same as vr0 and vi0 in EXCH card
8496               read(words(2),30,err=900)  vrcorr
8497               read(words(3),30,err=900)  vicorr
8498               mode = 0
8499            elseif (itok .eq. 26)  then
8500c              AFOLP use generalized automatic folp
8501               iafolp = 1
8502               mode =0
8503            elseif (itok .eq. 27)  then
8504c              NEMAX  nemax for energy grid
8505               read(words(2),20,err=900)  nemax
8506               call warnex(4)
8507               if (nemax .gt. nex)  then
8508                  write(77,*) 'nemax too big, nemax, nex, ', nemax, nex
8509                  nemax = nex
8510                  write(77,*) 'nemax reset to ', nemax
8511               endif
8512               mode = 0
8513            elseif (itok .eq. 28)  then
8514c              INTCALC  intclc
8515c              0  use average over all atoms
8516c              1  use current experimental method 1
8517c              2  use current experimental method 2
8518c              read(words(2),20,err=900)  intclc
8519               write(77,*) 'INTCALC not implemented -- card ignored.'
8520               mode = 0
8521            elseif (itok .eq. 29)  then
8522c              POLARIZATION  X Y Z
8523               pola = .true.
8524c              run polarization code if 'pola' is true
8525c              run usual feff otherwise
8526               read(words(2),30,err=900)  evec(1)
8527               read(words(3),30,err=900)  evec(2)
8528               read(words(4),30,err=900)  evec(3)
8529               mode = 0
8530            elseif (itok .eq. 30)  then
8531c              ELLIPTICITY  E incident direction
8532               read(words(2),30,err=900)  elpty
8533               read(words(3),30,err=900)  ivec(1)
8534               read(words(4),30,err=900)  ivec(2)
8535               read(words(5),30,err=900)  ivec(3)
8536               mode = 0
8537            elseif (itok .eq. 31)  then
8538c              ISPORB  isporb
8539               read(words(2),20,err=900)  isporb
8540               write(77,*) ' isporb set ', isporb
8541               mode = 0
8542            elseif (itok .eq. -1)  then
8543c              END
8544               goto 220
8545            else
8546               write(77,*) line(1:70)
8547               write(77,*) words(1)
8548               write(77,*) 'Token ', itok
8549               write(77,*) 'Keyword unrecognized.'
8550               write(77,*) 'See FEFF document -- some old features'
8551               write(77,*) 'are no longer available.'
8552               stop 'RDINP-2'
8553            endif
8554         elseif (mode .eq. 1)  then
8555            if (itok .ne. 0)  then
8556c              We're done reading atoms.
8557c              Change mode and process current card.
8558               mode = 0
8559               goto 210
8560            endif
8561            nat = nat+1
8562            if (nat .gt. natx)  then
8563               write(77,*) 'Too many atoms, max is ', natx
8564               stop 'RDINP-3'
8565            endif
8566            read(words(1),30,err=900)  rat(1,nat)
8567            read(words(2),30,err=900)  rat(2,nat)
8568            read(words(3),30,err=900)  rat(3,nat)
8569            read(words(4),20,err=900)  iphat(nat)
8570         elseif (mode .eq. 2)  then
8571            if (itok .ne. 0)  then
8572c              We're done reading these overlap instructions.
8573c              Change mode and process current card.
8574               mode = 0
8575               goto 210
8576            endif
8577            novr(iph) = novr(iph)+1
8578            iovr = novr(iph)
8579            if (iovr .gt. novrx)  then
8580               write(77,*) 'Too many overlap shells, max is ', novrx
8581               stop 'RDINP-5'
8582            endif
8583            read(words(1),20,err=900) iphovr(iovr,iph)
8584            read(words(2),20,err=900) nnovr(iovr,iph)
8585            read(words(3),30,err=900) rovr(iovr,iph)
8586         elseif (mode .eq. 3)  then
8587            if (itok .ne. 0)  then
8588c              We're done reading unique potential definitions
8589c              Change mode and process current card.
8590               mode = 0
8591               goto 210
8592            endif
8593            read(words(1),20,err=900)  iph
8594            if (iph .lt. 0  .or.  iph .gt. nphx)  then
8595               write(77,*) 'Unique potentials must be between 0 and ',
8596     1                 nphx
8597               write(77,*) iph, ' not allowed'
8598               write(77,*) line(1:79)
8599               stop 'RDINP'
8600            endif
8601            read(words(2),20,err=900)  izph(iph)
8602c           No potential label if user didn't give us one
8603c           Default set above is potlbl=' '
8604            if (nwords .ge. 3)  potlbl(iph) = words(3)
8605         else
8606            write(77,*) 'Mode unrecognized, mode ', mode
8607            stop 'RDINP-6'
8608         endif
8609      goto 200
8610  220 continue
8612c     We're done reading the input file, close it.
8613      close (unit=1)
8615c     Fix up defaults, error check limits, figure out free atoms, etc.
8617      if (pola) then
8618c        make polarization tensor
8619         call mkptz
8620      endif
8622c     Find out how many unique potentials we have
8623      nph = 0
8624      do 300  iph = nphx, 0, -1
8625         if (izph(iph) .gt. 0)  then
8626            nph = iph
8627            goto 301
8628         endif
8629  300 continue
8630  301 continue
8631c     Must have central atom
8632      if (izph(0) .le. 0)  then
8633       write(77,*) 'Absorbing atom, unique potential 0, is not defined.'
8634       stop 'RDINP'
8635      endif
8637c     Then find model atoms for unique pots that have them
8638      do 330  iph = 0, nphx
8639c        Use first atom in atom list that is of unique pot iph
8640         do 320  iat = 1, nat
8641            if (iph .eq. iphat(iat))  then
8642               iatph(iph) = iat
8643               goto 321
8644            endif
8645  320    continue
8646  321    continue
8647  330 continue
8648c     if iatph > 0, a model atom has been found.
8650c     No gaps allowed in unique pots.  Make sure we have enough
8651c     to overlap all unique pots 0 to nph.
8652      do 340  iph = 0, nph
8653         if (iatph(iph) .le. 0  .and.  novr(iph) .le. 0)  then
8654c           No model atom, no overlap cards, can't do this unique pot
8655            write(77,*) ' No atoms or overlap cards for unique pot ', iph
8656            write(77,*) ' Cannot calculate potentials, etc.'
8657            stop 'RDINP-'
8658         endif
8659  340 continue
8661c     Need number of atoms of each unique pot, count them.  If none,
8662c     set to one.
8663      do 350  iph = 0, nph
8664         xnatph(iph) = 0
8665         do 346  iat = 1, nat
8666            if (iphat(iat) .eq. iph)  xnatph(iph) = xnatph(iph)+1
8667  346    continue
8668         if (xnatph(iph) .le. 0)  xnatph(iph) = 1
8669  350 continue
8671c     Do the free atom shuffling, do central atom as special case
8672      iz(0) = izph(0)
8673      ion(0) = ionph(0)
8674      ifrph(0) = 0
8675      nfr = 0
8676      do 390  iph = 1, nph
8677         ifrph(iph) = -1
8678         do 380  ifr = 1, nfr
8679            if (iz(ifr).eq.izph(iph) .and. ion(ifr).eq.ionph(iph)) then
8680               ifrph(iph) = ifr
8681               goto 381
8682            endif
8683  380    continue
8684  381    continue
8685c        add free atom type if necessary
8686         if (ifrph(iph) .lt. 0)  then
8687            nfr = nfr+1
8688            if (nfr .gt. nfrx)  then
8689               write(77,*) ' Too many free atoms, max is ', nfrx
8690               stop 'RDINP10'
8691            endif
8692            ion(nfr) = ionph(iph)
8693            iz(nfr) = izph(iph)
8694            ifrph(iph) = nfr
8695         endif
8696  390 continue
8698c     Find central atom (only 1 permitted)
8699      iatabs = -1
8700      do 400  iat = 1, nat
8701         if (iphat(iat) .eq. 0)  then
8702            if (iatabs .lt. 0)  then
8703               iatabs = iat
8704            else
8705               write(77,*) 'More than one absorbing atom (potential 0)'
8706               write(77,*) 'Only one absorbing atom allowed'
8707               stop 'RDINP'
8708            endif
8709         endif
8710  400 continue
8712c     Find distance to nearest and most distant atom (use overlap card
8713c     if no atoms specified.)
8714      if (iatabs .lt. 0  .or.  nat .lt. 2)  then
8715         ratmin = rovr(1,0)
8716         ratmax = rovr(novr(0),0)
8717      else
8718         ratmax = 0
8719         ratmin = 1.0d10
8720         do 412  iat = 1, nat
8721c           skip absorbing atom
8722            if (iat .eq. iatabs)  goto 412
8723            tmp = feff_dist(rat(1,iat), rat(1,iatabs))
8724            if (tmp .gt. ratmax)  ratmax = tmp
8725            if (tmp .lt. ratmin)  ratmin = tmp
8726  412    continue
8727      endif
8729c     Set rmax if necessary
8730      if (rmax.le.0 .and. nss.le.0)  then
8731c        set to min (2+ times ratmin, ratmax)
8732         rmax = min (2.001 * ratmin, ratmax)
8733      endif
8735c     Set core hole lifetime (central atom quantity)
8736      ifr = ifrph(0)
8737      call setgam (iz(ifr), ihole, gamach)
8739c     Set s02 if necessary
8740      if (s02 .le. 1.0d-10)  s02 = 1
8742c     Convert everything to code units, and use rmult factor
8743c     rmax is for pathfinder, so leave it in Ang.
8744      rmax = rmax * rmult
8745      vr0 = vr0 / ryd
8746      vi0 = vi0 / ryd
8747      vrcorr = vrcorr / ryd
8748      vicorr = vicorr / ryd
8749      xkmin = xkmin * bohr
8750      xkmax = xkmax * bohr
8751      do 430  iat = 1, nat
8752         do 420  i = 1, 3
8753            rat(i,iat) = rat(i,iat) * rmult / bohr
8754  420    continue
8755  430 continue
8756      do 460  iph = 0, nph
8757         do 450  iovr = 1, novr(iph)
8758            rovr(iovr,iph) = rovr(iovr,iph) * rmult / bohr
8759  450    continue
8760  460 continue
8761      do 462  iss = 1, nss
8762c        rss used only to make paths.dat, so leave it in Angstroms.
8763         rss(iss) = rss(iss) * rmult
8764  462 continue
8766c     Check if 2 atoms are closer together than 1.75 ryd (~.93 Ang)
8767      ratmin = 1.0d20
8768      do 480  iat = 1, nat
8769         do 470  jat = iat+1, nat
8770            rtmp = feff_dist(rat(1,iat),rat(1,jat))
8771            if (rtmp .lt. ratmin)  ratmin = rtmp
8772            if (rtmp .lt. 1.75d0)  then
8773c           if (dist(rat(1,iat),rat(1,jat)) .lt. 1.5)  then
8774               write(77,*) 'WARNING:  TWO ATOMS VERY CLOSE TOGETHER.',
8775     1                 '  CHECK INPUT.'
8776               write(77,*) ' atoms ', iat, jat
8777               write(77,*) iat, (rat(i,iat)*bohr,i=1,3)
8778               write(77,*) jat, (rat(i,jat)*bohr,i=1,3)
8779               write(77,*) 'Run continues in case you really meant it.'
8780            endif
8781  470    continue
8782  480 continue
8784c     default to k shell
8785      if (isporb .lt. 0)  isporb = 1
8787c     Clean up control flags
8788      if (mphase .ne. 0)  mphase = 1
8789      if (mpath  .ne. 0)  mpath = 1
8790      if (mfeff  .ne. 0)  mfeff = 1
8791      if (mchi   .ne. 0)  mchi = 1
8792      if (nss    .le. 0)  ms = 1
8794      if (ntitle .le. 0)  then
8795         ntitle = 1
8796         title(i) = 'No title input'
8797      endif
8798      do 490  i = 1, ntitle
8799         ltit(i) = istrln (title(i))
8800  490 continue
8802c     Write output files
8804c     For potph...
8805      if (mphase .eq. 1)  then
8806         open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'potph.dat',
8807     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
8808         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'potph.dat', 'rdinp')
8809         do 705  i = 1, ntitle
8810            write(1,700)  title(i)(1:ltit(i))
8811  700       format (1x, a)
8812  705    continue
8813         write(1,706)
8814  706    format (1x, 79('-'))
8815         write(1,709) ihole, gamach, ipr1, iafolp, intclc
8816  709    format(i5, 1p, e14.6, 3i4,
8817     1         ' ihole, gamach, iprint, iafolp, intclc')
8818         write(1,702)  ixc, vr0, vi0, rs0
8819  702    format (i5, 1p, 3e14.6, ' ixc, vr0, vi0, rs0')
8820         write(1,701)  ixanes, nemax, xkmin, xkmax
8821  701    format (2i5, 1p, 2e14.6,
8822     1           ' ixanes, nemax, xkmin, xkmax (inv bohr)')
8823         write(1,707) nfr, '  nfr'
8824  707    format (i5, a)
8825         do 710  ifr = 0, nfr
8826            write(1,708)  ifr, iz(ifr), ion(ifr)
8827  708       format (3i5, ' ifr, iz, ion')
8828  710    continue
8829         write(1,707) nat, '  nat.   iat, iph, x, y, z'
8830         do 720  iat = 1, nat
8831            write(1,715) iat, iphat(iat), (rat(j,iat),j=1,3)
8832  715       format (2i5, 3f12.6)
8833  720    continue
8834         write(1,707) nph, '  nph'
8835         do 740  iph = 0, nph
8836            write(1,722) iph, iatph(iph), ifrph(iph), xnatph(iph),
8837     1                   folp(iph), novr(iph),
8838     2                   ' iph, iat, ifr, xnat, folp, novr'
8839  722       format (3i5, 2f12.6, i5, a)
8840            write(1,723) potlbl(iph)
8841  723       format (' ''', a6, '''  potlbl')
8842            do 730  iovr = 1, novr(iph)
8843               write(1,724) iphovr(iovr,iph), nnovr(iovr,iph),
8844     1                      rovr(iovr,iph),
8845     2                      ' ovr...  iph, n, r'
8846  724       format (2i5, f12.6, a)
8847  730       continue
8848  740    continue
8849         close (unit=1)
8850      endif
8852c     Single scattering paths for genfmt
8853      if (nss .gt. 0  .and.  mpath .eq. 1)  then
8854         open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'paths.dat',
8855     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
8856         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'paths.dat', 'rdinp')
8857         do 750  i = 1, ntitle
8858            write(1,748)  title(i)(1:ltit(i))
8859  748       format (1x, a)
8860  750    continue
8861         write(1,751)
8862  751    format (' Single scattering paths from ss lines cards',
8863     1           ' in feff input')
8864         write(1,706)
8865         do 760  iss = 1, nss
8866            if (rmax.le.0  .or.  rss(iss).le.rmax)  then
8867c              NB, rmax and rss are in angstroms
8868               write(1,752) indss(iss), 2, degss(iss),
8869     2              rss(iss)
8870  752          format ( 2i4, f8.3,
8871     1             '  index,nleg,degeneracy,r=', f8.4)
8872               write(1,766)
8873  766          format (' single scattering')
8874               write(1,754) rss(iss)*bohr, zero, zero, iphss(iss),
8875     1                      potlbl(iphss(iss))
8876               write(1,753) zero, zero, zero, 0, potlbl(0)
8877  753          format (3f12.6, i4,  1x, '''', a6, '''', '  x,y,z,ipot')
8878  754          format (3f12.6, i4,  1x, '''', a6, '''')
8879            endif
8880  760    continue
8881         close (unit=1)
8882      endif
8884c     Atoms for the pathfinder
8885      if (nss.le.0  .and.  mpath.eq.1  .and.  nat.gt.0)  then
8886         if (iatabs .le. 0)  then
8887            write(77,*) 'Absorbing atom coords not specified.'
8888            write(77,*) 'Cannot find multiple scattering paths.'
8889            stop 'RDINP'
8890         endif
8891c        if user doesn't want geom.dat, don't do it
8892         if (nogeom)  goto 792
8893         open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'geom.dat',
8894     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
8895         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'geom.dat', 'rdinp')
8896c        Echo title cards to geom.dat
8897         do 770  i = 1, ntitle
8898            write(1,700)  title(i)(1:ltit(i))
8899  770    continue
8900         write(1,706)
8901c        Central atom first
8902         ii = 0
8903         write(1,780)  ii, (rat(j,iatabs)*bohr,j=1,3), 0, 1
8904c        Rest of the atoms (skip central atom)
8905         do 790   iat = 1, nat
8906            if (iat .eq. iatabs)  goto 790
8907            ii = ii+1
8908            write(1,780)  ii, (rat(j,iat)*bohr,j=1,3), iphat(iat), 1
8909  780       format (i4, 3f12.6, 2i4)
8910  790    continue
8911         close (unit=1)
8912      endif
8913  792 continue
8915      return
8917  900 continue
8918      write(77,*) 'Error reading input, bad line follows:'
8919      write(77,*) line(1:79)
8920      stop 'RDINP fatal error.'
8922      end
8924      function itoken (word)
8925      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
8926c     chars in word assumed upper case, left justified
8927c     returns 0 if not a token, otherwise returns token
8929      character*(*) word
8930      character*4   w
8932      w = word(1:4)
8933      if     (w .eq. 'ATOM')  then
8934         itoken = 1
8935      elseif (w .eq. 'HOLE')  then
8936         itoken = 2
8937      elseif (w .eq. 'OVER')  then
8938         itoken = 3
8939      elseif (w .eq. 'CONT')  then
8940         itoken = 4
8941      elseif (w .eq. 'EXCH')  then
8942         itoken = 5
8943      elseif (w .eq. 'ION ')  then
8944         itoken = 6
8945      elseif (w .eq. 'TITL')  then
8946         itoken = 7
8947      elseif (w .eq. 'FOLP')  then
8948         itoken = 8
8949      elseif (w .eq. 'RMAX')  then
8950         itoken = 9
8951      elseif (w .eq. 'DEBY')  then
8952         itoken = 10
8953      elseif (w .eq. 'RMUL')  then
8954         itoken = 11
8955      elseif (w .eq. 'SS  ')  then
8956         itoken = 12
8957      elseif (w .eq. 'PRIN')  then
8958         itoken = 13
8959      elseif (w .eq. 'POTE')  then
8960         itoken = 14
8961      elseif (w .eq. 'NLEG')  then
8962         itoken = 15
8963      elseif (w .eq. 'REQU')  then
8964         itoken = 16
8965      elseif (w .eq. 'KLIM')  then
8966         itoken = 17
8967      elseif (w .eq. 'CRIT')  then
8968         itoken = 18
8969      elseif (w .eq. 'NOGE')  then
8970         itoken = 19
8971      elseif (w .eq. 'CSIG')  then
8972         itoken = 20
8973      elseif (w .eq. 'IORD')  then
8974         itoken = 21
8975      elseif (w .eq. 'PCRI')  then
8976         itoken = 22
8977      elseif (w .eq. 'SIG2')  then
8978         itoken = 23
8979      elseif (w .eq. 'XANE')  then
8980         itoken = 24
8981      elseif (w .eq. 'CORR')  then
8982         itoken = 25
8983      elseif (w .eq. 'AFOL')  then
8984         itoken = 26
8985      elseif (w .eq. 'NEMA')  then
8986         itoken = 27
8987      elseif (w .eq. 'INTC')  then
8988         itoken = 28
8989      elseif (w .eq. 'POLA')  then
8990         itoken = 29
8991      elseif (w .eq. 'ELLI')  then
8992         itoken = 30
8993      elseif (w .eq. 'ISPO')  then
8994         itoken = 31
8995      elseif (w .eq. 'END ')  then
8996         itoken = -1
8997      else
8998         itoken = 0
8999      endif
9000      return
9001      end
9002      logical function iscomm (line)
9003      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
9004c     returns true if line is a comment or blank line, false otherwise
9005      character*(*) line
9006      iscomm = .false.
9007      if (istrln(line).le.0  .or.  line(1:1).eq.'*')  iscomm = .true.
9008      return
9009      end
9010      subroutine phstop (iph,line)
9011      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
9012      character*(*) line
9014      character*72 header
9015      common /header_common/ header
9018      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
9019      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
9020      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
9021      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
9022      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
9023      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
9024      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
9025      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
9027      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
9028 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
9029      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
9030      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
9031      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
9032				!finder, NOT in genfmt
9034      if (iph .lt. 0  .or.  iph .gt. nphx)  then
9035         write(77,10) iph, nphx, line
9036   10    format (' Unique potential index', i5, ' out of range.', /,
9037     1           ' Must be between 0 and', i5, '.  Input line:', /,
9038     2           1x, a)
9039         stop 'RDINP - PHSTOP'
9040      endif
9041      return
9042      end
9043      subroutine warnex (i)
9044      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
9045c     This prints a warning message if the user is using an
9046c     expert option.
9047c     i    expert option card
9048c     1    EXCHANGE with code >= 3
9049c     2    IORDER
9050c     3    XANES
9051c     4    NEMAX
9052c     5    INTCALC
9054c     message max of 22 characters to keep warning on 80 char line.
9055  100 format (1x, a,
9056     1   ': Expert user option, please read documentation', /,
9057     2   ' carefully and check your results.')
9059      if (i .eq. 1)  then
9060         write(77,100) 'EXCHANGE code >= 3'
9061      elseif (i .eq. 2)  then
9062         write(77,100) 'IORDER'
9063      elseif (i .eq. 3)  then
9064         write(77,100) 'XANES'
9065      elseif (i .eq. 4)  then
9066         write(77,100) 'NEMAX'
9067      elseif (i .eq. 5)  then
9068         write(77,100) 'INTCALC'
9069      endif
9070      return
9071      end
9072      subroutine rdpath (in, pol, done,xstar)
9073      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
9074      logical done, pol
9077      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
9078      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
9079      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
9080      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
9081      complex*16 coni
9082      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
9083c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
9084      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
9086      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
9087      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
9088c     fine structure alpha
9089      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
9090c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
9091      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
9094      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
9095      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
9096      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
9097      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
9098      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
9099      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
9100      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
9101      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
9103      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
9104 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
9105      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
9106      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
9107      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
9108				!finder, NOT in genfmt
9111c     Note that leg nleg is the leg ending at the central atom, so that
9112c     ipot(nleg) is central atom potential, rat(nleg) position of
9113c     central atom.
9114c     Central atom has ipot=0
9115c     For later convience, rat(,0) and ipot(0) refer to the central
9116c     atom, and are the same as rat(,nleg), ipot(nleg).
9118c     text and title arrays include carriage control
9119      character*80 text, title
9120      character*6  potlbl
9121      common /str/ text(40),	!text header from potph
9122     1             title(5),	!title from paths.dat
9123     1             potlbl(0:npotx)	! potential labels for output
9125      complex*16 ph, eref
9126      common /pdata/
9127     1 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:npotx),	!complex phase shifts,
9128     1					!central atom ipot=0
9129     1 rat(3,0:legtot+1),		!position of each atom, code units(bohr)
9130     1 eref(nex),		!complex energy reference
9131     1 em(nex),		!energy mesh
9132     1 ri(legtot), beta(legtot+1), eta(0:legtot+1), !r, beta, eta for each leg
9133     1 deg, rnrmav, xmu, edge,	!(output only)
9134     1 lmax(nex,0:npotx),	!max l with non-zero phase for each energy
9135     1 ipot(0:legtot),	!potential for each atom in path
9136     1 iz(0:npotx),	!atomic number (output only)
9137     1 ltext(40), ltitle(5),	!length of each string
9138     1 nsc, nleg,	!nscatters, nlegs (nleg = nsc+1)
9139     1 npot, ne,	!number of potentials, energy points
9140     1 ik0,		!index of energy grid corresponding to k=0 (edge)
9141     1 ipath, 	!index of current path (output only)
9142     1 ihole,	!(output only)
9143     1 l0, il0,	!lfinal and lfinal+1 (used for indices)
9144     1 lmaxp1,	!largest lmax in problem + 1
9145     1 ntext, ntitle	!number of text and title lines
9148c     global polarization data
9149      logical  pola
9150      double precision evec,ivec,elpty
9151      complex*16 ptz
9152      common /pol/ evec(3), ivec(3), elpty, ptz(-1:1,-1:1), pola
9155      complex*16  alph, gamm
9156      dimension  alpha(0:legtot), gamma(legtot)
9158      read(in,*,end=200)  ipath, nleg, deg
9159      if (nleg .gt. legtot)  then
9160         write(77,*) 'nleg .gt. legtot, nleg, legtot ', nleg, legtot
9161         write(77,*) 'ERROR'
9162         goto 200
9163      endif
9164c     skip label (x y z ipot rleg beta eta)
9165      read(in,*)
9166      do 20  ileg = 1, nleg
9167         read(in,*,end=999)  (rat(j,ileg),j=1,3), ipot(ileg),
9168     1                       potlbl(ipot(ileg))
9169c        convert to code units
9170         do 10  j = 1, 3
9171            rat(j,ileg) = rat(j,ileg)/bohr
9172   10    continue
9173         if (ipot(ileg) .gt. npot)  then
9174            write(77,*) 'ipot(ileg) too big, ipot, ileg, npot ',
9175     1               ipot(ileg), ileg, npot
9176            write(77,*) 'ERROR'
9177            goto 200
9178         endif
9179   20 continue
9180      nsc = nleg-1
9182c     We need the 'z' atom so we can use it below.  Put
9183c     it in rat(nleg+1).  No physical significance, just a handy
9184c     place to put it.
9185      if (pol) then
9186         rat(1,nleg+1) = rat(1,nleg)
9187         rat(2,nleg+1) = rat(2,nleg)
9188         rat(3,nleg+1) = rat(3,nleg) + 1.0d0
9189      endif
9191c     add rat(0) and ipot(0) (makes writing output easier)
9192      do 22 j = 1, 3
9193         rat(j,0) = rat(j,nleg)
9194   22 continue
9195      ipot(0) = ipot(nleg)
9197c     beginnnig of calculating nstar=deg*cos(eps r1)*cos(eps rN)
9198      x1 = 0.0
9199      do 23 j = 1,3
9200         x1 = x1 + evec(j) * ( rat(j,1) - rat(j,0) )
9201   23 continue
9202      xnorm = 0.0
9203      do 24 j = 1,3
9204         xnorm = xnorm + (rat(j,1) - rat(j,0))**2
9205   24 continue
9206      x1 = x1/sqrt(xnorm)
9207      x2 = 0.0
9208      do 25 j = 1,3
9209         x2 = x2 + evec(j) * ( rat(j,nleg-1) - rat(j,0) )
9210   25 continue
9211      xnorm = 0.0
9212      do 26 j = 1,3
9213         xnorm = xnorm + (rat(j,nleg-1) - rat(j,0))**2
9214   26 continue
9215      x2 = x2/sqrt(xnorm)
9216      xstar = deg* abs(x1*x2)
9217c     end of calculating nstar
9219      nangle = nleg
9220      if (pol) then
9221c        in polarization case we need one more rotation
9222         nangle = nleg + 1
9223      endif
9224      do 100  j = 1, nangle
9226c        for euler angles at point i, need th and ph (theta and phi)
9227c        from rat(i+1)-rat(i)  and  thp and php
9228c        (theta prime and phi prime) from rat(i)-rat(i-1)
9230c        Actually, we need cos(th), sin(th), cos(phi), sin(phi) and
9231c        also for angles prime.  Call these  ct,  st,  cp,  sp
9233c        i = (j)
9234c        ip1 = (j+1)
9235c        im1 = (j-1)
9236c        except for special cases...
9237         ifix = 0
9238         if (j .eq. nsc+1)  then
9239c           j+1 'z' atom, j central atom, j-1 last path atom
9240            i = 0
9241            ip1 = 1
9242            if (pol) then
9243               ip1 = nleg+1
9244            endif
9245            im1 = nsc
9247         elseif (j .eq. nsc+2)  then
9248c           j central atom, j+1 first path atom, j-1 'z' atom
9249            i = 0
9250            ip1 = 1
9251            im1 = nleg+1
9252            ifix = 1
9253         else
9254            i = j
9255            ip1 = j+1
9256            im1 = j-1
9257         endif
9259         x = rat(1,ip1) - rat(1,i)
9260         y = rat(2,ip1) - rat(2,i)
9261         z = rat(3,ip1) - rat(3,i)
9262         call trig (x, y, z, ctp, stp, cpp, spp)
9263         x = rat(1,i) - rat(1,im1)
9264         y = rat(2,i) - rat(2,im1)
9265         z = rat(3,i) - rat(3,im1)
9266         call trig (x, y, z, ct, st, cp, sp)
9268c        Handle special case, j=central atom, j+1 first
9269c        path atom, j-1 is 'z' atom.  Need minus sign
9270c        for location of 'z' atom to get signs right.
9271         if (ifix .eq. 1)  then
9272            x = 0
9273            y = 0
9274            z = 1.0
9275            call trig (x, y, z, ct, st, cp, sp)
9276            ifix = 0
9277         endif
9279c        cppp = cos (phi prime - phi)
9280c        sppp = sin (phi prime - phi)
9281         cppp = cp*cpp + sp*spp
9282         sppp = spp*cp - cpp*sp
9283         phi  = atan2(sp,cp)
9284         phip = atan2(spp,cpp)
9286c        alph = exp(i alpha)  in ref eqs 18
9287c        beta = cos (beta)
9288c        gamm = exp(i gamma)
9289         alph = -(st*ctp - ct*stp*cppp - coni*stp*sppp)
9290         beta(j) = ct*ctp + st*stp*cppp
9291c        watch out for roundoff errors
9292         if (beta(j) .lt. -1) beta(j) = -1
9293         if (beta(j) .gt.  1) beta(j) =  1
9294         gamm = -(st*ctp*cppp - ct*stp + coni*st*sppp)
9295         call feff_arg(alph,phip-phi,alpha(j))
9296         beta(j) = acos(beta(j))
9297         call feff_arg(gamm,phi-phi,gamma(j))
9298c       Convert from the rotation of FRAME used before to the rotation
9299c       of VECTORS used in ref.
9300         dumm = alpha(j)
9301         alpha(j) =  pi- gamma(j)
9302         gamma(j) =  pi- dumm
9304         if (j .le. nleg)  then
9305            ri(j) = feff_dist(rat(1,i), rat(1,im1))
9306         endif
9307  100 continue
9309c     Make eta(i) = alpha(i-1) + gamma(i).
9310c     We'll need alph(nangle)=alph(0)
9311      alpha(0) = alpha(nangle)
9312      do 150  j = 1, nleg
9313         eta(j) = alpha(j-1) + gamma(j)
9314  150 continue
9315      if (pol) then
9316         eta(0) = gamma(nleg+1)
9317         eta(nleg+1) = alpha(nleg)
9318      endif
9320c     eta and beta in radians at this point.
9321      done = .false.
9322      return
9324c     If no more data, tell genfmt we're done
9325  200 continue
9326      done = .true.
9327      return
9329c     If unexpected end of file, die
9330  999 continue
9331      write(77,*) 'Unexpected end of file'
9332      stop 'ERROR'
9333      end
9334      subroutine trig (x, y, z, ct, st, cp, sp)
9335      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
9336c     returns cos(theta), sin(theta), cos(phi), sin(ph) for (x,y,z)
9337c     convention - if x=y=0 and z>0, phi=0, cp=1, sp=0
9338c                  if x=y=0 and z<0, phi=180, cp=-1,sp=0
9339c                - if x=y=z=0, theta=0, ct=1, st=0
9340      parameter (eps = 1.0d-6)
9341      r = sqrt (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
9342      rxy = sqrt (x**2 + y**2)
9343      if (r .lt. eps)  then
9344         ct = 1
9345         st = 0
9346      else
9347         ct = z/r
9348         st = rxy/r
9349      endif
9350      if (rxy .lt. eps)  then
9351         cp = 1
9352         if (ct .lt. 0) cp = -1
9353         sp = 0
9354      else
9355         cp = x / rxy
9356         sp = y / rxy
9357      endif
9358      return
9359      end
9360      subroutine feff_arg(c,fi,th)
9361      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
9362      complex*16  c
9363      parameter (eps = 1.0d-6)
9364      x = dble(c)
9365      y = dimag(c)
9366      if (abs(x) .lt. eps) x = 0
9367      if (abs(y) .lt. eps) y = 0
9368      if (abs(x) .lt. eps  .and.  abs(y) .lt. eps) then
9369        th = fi
9370      else
9371        th = atan2(y,x)
9372      endif
9373      return
9374      end
9375      subroutine renorm (dexv, vcoul, srho)
9377      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
9378      save
9380      common /print/ iprint
9381      common /atomco/ den(30), dq1(30), dfl(30), ws, nqn(30), nql(30),
9382     1                nk(30), nmax(30), nel(30), norb, norbco
9383      common /dira/ dv(251), dr(251), dp(251), dq(251), dpas, tets,
9384     1              z, nstop, nes, np, nuc
9385      common /deux/ dvn(251), dvf(251), d(251), dc(251), dgc(251,30),
9386     1 dpc(251,30)
9388c     vcoul is the coulomb potential (no factor of r**2) (output)
9389      dimension vcoul(251)
9390c     srho is charge density in form 4*pi*density*r**2 output)
9391      dimension srho(251)
9392c jm  9/23/87 added srho renormalized charge density to be used
9393c     in cphase
9395      do 10 i=1,np
9396         dv(i)=0.0
9397         d(i)=0.0
9398   10 continue
9399      ddjri=log(ws/dr(1))/dpas
9400      jri=1.0+ddjri
9401      jr1=jri
9402      ddjr1=ddjri-jr1+1.0
9404      if (jri-2*(jri/2).ne.0) go to 20
9405         jri=jri+1
9406   20 continue
9408      ddjri=ddjri-jri+1.0
9409c  ddjri = (log(ws)-dri)/dpas
9410c  dri  =  log(dr(jri))
9412      da=0.0
9413      do 30 j=1,norb
9414      do 30 i=1,np
9415   30    d(i)=d(i)+nel(j)*(dgc(i,j)**2+dpc(i,j)**2)
9417      do 50 i=jri,np
9418         dl=dr(i)
9419         if (i.eq.jri.or.i.eq.np) go to 40
9420            dl=dl+dl
9421            if ((i-2*(i/2)).eq.0) dl=dl+dl
9422   40    dd=d(i)*dl
9423         da=da+dd
9424   50 continue
9426      da=dpas*da/3.0
9427      dfo=dr(jri-1)*d(jri-1)
9428      df1=dr(jri)*d(jri)
9429      df2=dr(jri+1)*d(jri+1)
9430      dcor=-dpas*(df1*ddjri+(df2+dfo-2.0*df1)*ddjri**3/6.0+(df2-dfo)
9431     1 *ddjri**2*.25)
9432      da=da+dcor
9433      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,60) da
9434   60 format (1h ,' no. of electrons outside the ws-radius',e16.8)
9435      db=0.0
9437      do 80 i=jri,np
9438         dl=1.0
9439         if (i.eq.jri.or.i.eq.np) go to 70
9440            dl=dl+dl
9441            if ((i-2*(i/2)).eq.0) dl=dl+dl
9442   70    dd=d(i)*dl
9443         db=db+dd
9444   80 continue
9446      db=dpas*db/3.0
9447      df0=d(jri-1)
9448      df1=d(jri)
9449      df2=d(jri+1)
9450      dcor=-dpas*(df1*ddjri+(df2+df0-2.0*df1)*ddjri**3/6.0+(df2-df0)
9451     1 *ddjri**2*.25)
9452      db=db+dcor
9453      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,90) db
9454   90 format (1h ,' db= ',e16.8)
9456      call potslw (dvn,d,dp,dr,dpas,np)
9458      du=da*3.0/(ws**3)
9460      do 120 i=1,np
9461         if (i.gt.jr1+1) then
9462            srho(i)=0.0
9463            go to 100
9464         endif
9465            d(i)=d(i)+du*dr(i)**2
9466            srho(i)=d(i)
9467  100    continue
9468         dumm=-exchan(d(i),dr(i),dexv)/dr(i)
9469         dvf(i)=dumm
9470         if (i.gt.jr1) go to 110
9471            dvn(i)=dvn(i)-z/dr(i)+da*(1.50/ws-.50*dr(i)**2/ws**3)-db
9472            go to 120
9473  110    continue
9474            dvn(i)=0.0
9475  120 dv(i)=dvn(i)+dumm
9477c ad1 write the mt index and radius
9478      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,55)jr1,dr(jr1)
9479  55  format(' jr1 = ',i10,10x,'wigner-seitz radius = ',e16.8)
9481c ad1 output 2.*dvn*r**2 for use in phase (dvn = normalised coulomb)
9482c     write(17,200)((2.0*dvn(i)*dr(i)*dr(i)),i=1,np)
9483c 200 format(1p5e16.8)
9484c      passvc formerly used to pass data directly to PHASE
9485c      do 151  i = 1, np
9486c         passvc (i) = 2.0 * dvn(i) * dr(i) * dr(i)
9487c  151 continue
9489c     passvc above is vcoul*r**2
9490      do 151  i = 1, np
9491         vcoul(i) = 2 * dvn(i)
9492  151 continue
9495c jm  output renormalized charge density for use in cphase
9496c                                          (d=4pi*rho*r^2)
9497c     write(18,200) srho
9499cjm write out rs as function of r
9500c     do 8934 i=1,jr1
9501c     xxrs=(3*dr(i)*dr(i)/srho(i))**.33333333
9502c8934 write(29,140) dr(i), xxrs
9503      return
9504      end
9505      subroutine rhl (rs, xk, erl, eim)
9506      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
9508c     input:  rs, xk
9509c     output: erl, eim
9511c     This is a new hl subroutine, using interpolation for the
9512c     real part while the imaginary part is calculated analytically.
9513c     It uses hl to calculate values at the mesh points for the inter-
9514c     polation of the real part. The imaginary part is calculated
9515c     using subroutine imhl.
9517c     written by jose mustre
9518c     polynomial in rs has a 3/2 power term. j.m.
9521c     for the right branch the interpolation has the form:
9522c     hl(rs,x) = e/x + f/x**2 + g/x**3
9523c     where e is known and
9524c        f = sum (i=1,3) ff(i) rs**(i+1)/2
9525c        g = sum (i=1,3) gg(i) rs**(i+1)/2
9528c     lrs=number of rs panels, in this case one has 4 panels
9529c     nrs=number of standard rs values, also order of rs expansion
9530c     if you change nrs you need to change the expansion of hl
9531c     in powers of rs that only has 3 terms!
9532c     nleft=number of coefficients for x<x0
9533c     nright=number of coefficients for x>x0
9535      parameter (lrs=4, nrs=3, nleft=4, nright=2)
9537      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
9538      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
9539      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
9540      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
9541      complex*16 coni
9542      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
9543c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
9544      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
9546      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
9547      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
9548c     fine structure alpha
9549      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
9550c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
9551      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
9554      dimension cleft(nleft), cright(nright)
9556      save rcfl, rcfr
9557      dimension rcfl(lrs,nrs,nleft), rcfr(lrs,nrs,nright)
9558      data rcfr/-0.173963d+00,-0.173678d+00,-0.142040d+00,-0.101030d+00,
9559     1     -0.838843d-01,-0.807046d-01,-0.135577d+00,-0.177556d+00,
9560     2     -0.645803d-01,-0.731172d-01,-0.498823d-01,-0.393108d-01,
9561     3     -0.116431d+00,-0.909300d-01,-0.886979d-01,-0.702319d-01,
9562     4      0.791051d-01,-0.359401d-01,-0.379584d-01,-0.419807d-01,
9563     5     -0.628162d-01, 0.669257d-01, 0.667119d-01, 0.648175d-01/
9564      data rcfl/ 0.590195d+02, 0.478860d+01, 0.812813d+00, 0.191145d+00,
9565     1     -0.291180d+03,-0.926539d+01,-0.858348d+00,-0.246947d+00,
9566     2      0.363830d+03, 0.460433d+01, 0.173067d+00, 0.239738d-01,
9567     3     -0.181726d+03,-0.169709d+02,-0.409425d+01,-0.173077d+01,
9568     4      0.886023d+03, 0.301808d+02, 0.305836d+01, 0.743167d+00,
9569     5     -0.110486d+04,-0.149086d+02,-0.662794d+00,-0.100106d+00,
9570     6      0.184417d+03, 0.180204d+02, 0.450425d+01, 0.184349d+01,
9571     7     -0.895807d+03,-0.318696d+02,-0.345827d+01,-0.855367d+00,
9572     8      0.111549d+04, 0.156448d+02, 0.749582d+00, 0.117680d+00,
9573     9     -0.620411d+02,-0.616427d+01,-0.153874d+01,-0.609114d+00,
9574     1      0.300946d+03, 0.109158d+02, 0.120028d+01, 0.290985d+00,
9575     2      -0.374494d+03,-0.535127d+01,-0.261260d+00,-0.405337d-01/
9578c     calculate hl using interpolation coefficients
9579      rkf = fa/rs
9580      ef  = rkf**2/2
9581      wp  = sqrt (3/rs**3)
9582      call imhl (rs, xk, eim, icusp)
9584c     eim already has a factor of ef in it j.m.
9585c     eim also gives the position of the cusp
9587      xx = xk / rkf
9588c     set to fermi level if below fermi level
9589      if (xx .lt. 1.00001) then
9590          xx = 1.00001
9591      endif
9592c     calculate right hand side coefficients
9593      if (rs .lt. 0.2) then
9594         mrs=1
9595      elseif (rs .lt. 1.0) then
9596         mrs=2
9597      elseif (rs .lt. 5.0) then
9598         mrs=3
9599      else
9600         mrs=4
9601      endif
9603      do 210 j=1,nright
9604         cright(j) = rcfr(mrs,1,j)*rs + rcfr(mrs,2,j)*rs*sqrt(rs)
9605     1               + rcfr(mrs,3,j)*rs**2
9606  210 continue
9607      eee=-pi*wp/(4*rkf*ef)
9609      if (icusp .ne. 1) then
9610         do 230 j=1,nleft
9611            cleft(j) = rcfl(mrs,1,j)*rs + rcfl(mrs,2,j)*rs**1.5
9612     1                 + rcfl(mrs,3,j)*rs**2
9613  230    continue
9614         erl=cleft(1)
9615         do 250 j=2,nleft
9616            erl=erl+cleft(j)*xx**(j-1)
9617  250    continue
9618      else
9619c        right branch
9620         erl=eee/xx
9621         do 280 j=1,nright
9622            erl=erl+cright(j)/xx**(j+1)
9623  280    continue
9624      endif
9626      erl = erl * ef
9628      return
9629      end
9630      subroutine rot3i (lxp1, mxp1, ileg)
9631      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
9633c     input:  lxp1, mxp1, ileg (lmax+1, mmax+1)
9634c             also beta(ileg) used from common /pdata/
9635c     output: dri(...ileg) in common /rotmat/
9637c     subroutine rot3 calculates rotation matrices for l = 0,lxp1-1
9639c     subroutine rot3 calculates the beta dependence of rotation
9640c     matrix elements using recursion of an iterated version of
9641c     formula (4.4.1) in edmonds.
9643c     first written:(september 17,1986) by j. mustre
9644c     version 2  (17 sep 86)
9645c     version 3  (22 feb 87) modified by j. rehr
9646c     version for genfmt, modified by s. zabinsky, Sept 1991
9647c     Initialized dri0.  Some elements may be used before being
9648c        initialized elsewhere -- rot3i needs to be carefully
9649c        checked.  S. Zabinsky, April 1993
9651c******************** warning******************************************
9652c     ltot must be at least lxp1 or overwriting will occur
9653c     nmax must be at least nm or overwriting will occur
9655c     notation dri0(l,m,n) =  drot_i(l'm'n')
9656c     l = l'+1, n' = n-l, m' = m-l, primes denoting subscripts
9657c     thus dri0(1,1,1) corresponds to the rotation matrix with
9658c     l' = 0, and n' and m' = 0; dri0(3,5,5) : l' = 2,n' = 2,m' = 2.
9662      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
9663      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
9664      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
9665      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
9666      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
9667      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
9668      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
9669      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
9671      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
9672 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
9673      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
9674      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
9675      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
9676				!finder, NOT in genfmt
9679      save /rotmat/
9680      common /rotmat/ dri(ltot+1,2*mtot+1,2*mtot+1,legtot+1)
9683c     Note that leg nleg is the leg ending at the central atom, so that
9684c     ipot(nleg) is central atom potential, rat(nleg) position of
9685c     central atom.
9686c     Central atom has ipot=0
9687c     For later convience, rat(,0) and ipot(0) refer to the central
9688c     atom, and are the same as rat(,nleg), ipot(nleg).
9690c     text and title arrays include carriage control
9691      character*80 text, title
9692      character*6  potlbl
9693      common /str/ text(40),	!text header from potph
9694     1             title(5),	!title from paths.dat
9695     1             potlbl(0:npotx)	! potential labels for output
9697      complex*16 ph, eref
9698      common /pdata/
9699     1 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:npotx),	!complex phase shifts,
9700     1					!central atom ipot=0
9701     1 rat(3,0:legtot+1),		!position of each atom, code units(bohr)
9702     1 eref(nex),		!complex energy reference
9703     1 em(nex),		!energy mesh
9704     1 ri(legtot), beta(legtot+1), eta(0:legtot+1), !r, beta, eta for each leg
9705     1 deg, rnrmav, xmu, edge,	!(output only)
9706     1 lmax(nex,0:npotx),	!max l with non-zero phase for each energy
9707     1 ipot(0:legtot),	!potential for each atom in path
9708     1 iz(0:npotx),	!atomic number (output only)
9709     1 ltext(40), ltitle(5),	!length of each string
9710     1 nsc, nleg,	!nscatters, nlegs (nleg = nsc+1)
9711     1 npot, ne,	!number of potentials, energy points
9712     1 ik0,		!index of energy grid corresponding to k=0 (edge)
9713     1 ipath, 	!index of current path (output only)
9714     1 ihole,	!(output only)
9715     1 l0, il0,	!lfinal and lfinal+1 (used for indices)
9716     1 lmaxp1,	!largest lmax in problem + 1
9717     1 ntext, ntitle	!number of text and title lines
9719c     dri0 is larger than needed for genfmt, but necessary for
9720c     this calculation algorithm.  Copy result into smaller
9721c     dri arrays (in common) at end of this routine.
9722      dimension  dri0 (ltot+1, 2*ltot+1, 2*ltot+1)
9724c     initialize dri0
9725      do 200 il = 1, ltot+1
9726         do 200 im = 1, 2*ltot+1
9727            do 200 in = 1, 2*ltot+1
9728               dri0(il,im,in) = 0
9729  200 continue
9731      nm = mxp1
9732      ndm = lxp1+nm-1
9733      xc = cos(beta(ileg)/2)
9734      xs = sin(beta(ileg)/2)
9735      s = sin(beta(ileg))
9736      dri0(1,1,1) = 1
9737      dri0(2,1,1) = xc**2
9738      dri0(2,1,2) = s/sqrt(2.0d0)
9739      dri0(2,1,3) = xs**2
9740      dri0(2,2,1) = -dri0(2,1,2)
9741      dri0(2,2,2) = cos(beta(ileg))
9742      dri0(2,2,3) = dri0(2,1,2)
9743      dri0(2,3,1) = dri0(2,1,3)
9744      dri0(2,3,2) = -dri0(2,2,3)
9745      dri0(2,3,3) = dri0(2,1,1)
9746      do 30  l = 3, lxp1
9747         ln = 2*l - 1
9748         lm = 2*l - 3
9749         if (ln .gt. ndm)  ln = ndm
9750         if (lm .gt. ndm)  lm = ndm
9751         do 20  n = 1, ln
9752            do 10  m = 1, lm
9753               t1 = (2*l-1-n) * (2*l-2-n)
9754               t = (2*l-1-m) * (2*l-2-m)
9755               f1 = sqrt (t1/t)
9756               f2 = sqrt ((2*l-1-n) * (n-1) / t)
9757               t3 = (n-2) * (n-1)
9758               f3 = sqrt(t3/t)
9759               dlnm = f1 * xc**2 * dri0(l-1,n,m)
9760               if (n-1 .gt. 0) dlnm = dlnm - f2*s*dri0(l-1,n-1,m)
9761               if (n-2 .gt. 0) dlnm = dlnm + f3*xs**2*dri0(l-1,n-2,m)
9762               dri0(l,n,m) = dlnm
9763               if (n .gt. (2*l-3))
9764     1            dri0(l,m,n) = (-1)**(n-m) * dri0(l,n,m)
9765   10       continue
9766            if (n .gt. (2*l-3)) then
9767               dri0(l,2*l-2,2*l-2) = dri0(l,2,2)
9768               dri0(l,2*l-1,2*l-2) = -dri0(l,1,2)
9769               dri0(l,2*l-2,2*l-1) = -dri0(l,2,1)
9770               dri0(l,2*l-1,2*l-1) = dri0(l,1,1)
9771            endif
9772   20    continue
9773   30 continue
9774   40 continue
9776c-----test sum rule on d
9777c     open (29,file='rotmat.dat',status='new',carriagecontrol='list')
9778c     write(29,*)  ' l, m, sum'
9779c     write(29,*) ' (dri0(il,im,in),in = 1,ln)'
9780c     do 70 il = 1,lxp1
9781c        l = il-1
9782c        ln = 2*l+1
9783c        if(ln.gt.ndm) ln = ndm
9784c        do 37 im = 1,ln
9785c           sum = 0
9786c           do 50 in = 1,ln
9787c              m = im-il
9788c              term = dri0(il,im,in)
9789c  50       sum = sum+term**2
9790c           write(29,60) l,m,sum
9791c           write(29,62) (dri0(il,im,in),in = 1,ln)
9792c  60       format(2i3,e30.20)
9793c  62       format(5e14.6)
9794c  70 continue
9795c     close(29)
9796c-----end test------------------------
9798c     Copy result into dri(...ileg) in /rotmat/ (zero it first...)
9799      do 90  il = 1, ltot+1
9800         do 90  m1 = 1, 2*mtot+1
9801            do 90  m2 = 1, 2*mtot+1
9802               dri(il,m1,m2,ileg) = 0
9803   90 continue
9805      do 120  il = 1, lxp1
9806         mx = min (il-1, mxp1-1)
9807         do 110  m1 = -mx, mx
9808            do 100  m2 = -mx, mx
9809               dri(il,m1+mtot+1,m2+mtot+1,ileg)=dri0(il,m1+il,m2+il)
9810  100       continue
9811  110    continue
9812  120 continue
9814      return
9815      end
9816      subroutine rphbin (in)
9817      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
9819c     Reads input from unit in.  Returns (via /pdata/)
9820c       energy mesh (ne, em and eref),
9821c       ph (npot, lmax, lmaxp1, ph),
9822c       final state (l0, il0)
9824c     phmin is min value to use for |phase shift|
9827      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
9828      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
9829      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
9830      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
9831      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
9832      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
9833      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
9834      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
9836      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
9837 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
9838      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
9839      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
9840      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
9841				!finder, NOT in genfmt
9844c     Note that leg nleg is the leg ending at the central atom, so that
9845c     ipot(nleg) is central atom potential, rat(nleg) position of
9846c     central atom.
9847c     Central atom has ipot=0
9848c     For later convience, rat(,0) and ipot(0) refer to the central
9849c     atom, and are the same as rat(,nleg), ipot(nleg).
9851c     text and title arrays include carriage control
9852      character*80 text, title
9853      character*6  potlbl
9854      common /str/ text(40),	!text header from potph
9855     1             title(5),	!title from paths.dat
9856     1             potlbl(0:npotx)	! potential labels for output
9858      complex*16 ph, eref
9859      common /pdata/
9860     1 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:npotx),	!complex phase shifts,
9861     1					!central atom ipot=0
9862     1 rat(3,0:legtot+1),		!position of each atom, code units(bohr)
9863     1 eref(nex),		!complex energy reference
9864     1 em(nex),		!energy mesh
9865     1 ri(legtot), beta(legtot+1), eta(0:legtot+1), !r, beta, eta for each leg
9866     1 deg, rnrmav, xmu, edge,	!(output only)
9867     1 lmax(nex,0:npotx),	!max l with non-zero phase for each energy
9868     1 ipot(0:legtot),	!potential for each atom in path
9869     1 iz(0:npotx),	!atomic number (output only)
9870     1 ltext(40), ltitle(5),	!length of each string
9871     1 nsc, nleg,	!nscatters, nlegs (nleg = nsc+1)
9872     1 npot, ne,	!number of potentials, energy points
9873     1 ik0,		!index of energy grid corresponding to k=0 (edge)
9874     1 ipath, 	!index of current path (output only)
9875     1 ihole,	!(output only)
9876     1 l0, il0,	!lfinal and lfinal+1 (used for indices)
9877     1 lmaxp1,	!largest lmax in problem + 1
9878     1 ntext, ntitle	!number of text and title lines
9881      parameter (phmin = 1.0d-8)
9883c     These header lines do not include carriage control
9884      read(in) ntext
9885      do 62  i = 1, ntext
9886         read(in) text(i)
9887         read(in) ltext(i)
9888   62 continue
9889      read(in) ne, npot, ihole, rnrmav, xmu, edge, ik0
9890      read(in) (em(ie),ie=1,ne)
9891      read(in) (eref(ie),ie=1,ne)
9892      lmaxp1 = 0
9893      do 80  iph = 0, npot
9894         read(in) lmax0, iz(iph)
9895         read(in) potlbl(iph)
9896         do 70  ie = 1, ne
9897            read(in)  (ph(ie,ll,iph), ll=1,lmax0+1)
9898            lmax(ie,iph) = 0
9899c           Set lmax to include only non-zero phases
9900            do 60  il = 1, lmax0+1
9901               if (abs(ph(ie,il,iph)) .lt. phmin)  goto 61
9902               lmax(ie,iph) = il-1
9903   60       continue
9904   61       continue
9905            if (lmax(ie,iph)+1 .gt. lmaxp1)  lmaxp1 = lmax(ie,iph)+1
9906   70    continue
9907   80 continue
9909c-----l0 is angular momentum of final state
9910c     Selection rule says that final state has angmom = l_init+1
9911c     ihole  initial state from ihole         final state
9912c     1      K    1s      L=0 -> linit=0   L0=1 -> lfinal=1
9913c     2      LI   2s      L=0 -> linit=0   L0=1 -> lfinal=1
9914c     3      LII  2p 1/2  L=1 -> linit=1   L0=2 -> lfinal=2
9915c     4      LIII 2p 3/2  L=1 -> linit=1   L0=2 -> lfinal=2
9916c     5+     M -- think about this later...
9917      if (ihole .le. 2)  then
9918c        hole in s state (1s or 2s)
9919         linit = 0
9920         lfinal = 1
9921      elseif (ihole .le. 4)  then
9922c        hole in p state (2p 1/2  or  2p 3/2)
9923         linit = 1
9924         lfinal = 2
9925      else
9926c        some m hole, n=3, could go to d state
9927         stop 'Can not handle M shell.'
9928      endif
9929      l0 = lfinal
9930      il0 = l0 + 1
9932      return
9933      end
9934      subroutine rpotph (io, nhead0, head0, lhead0,
9935     1             nat, nph, nfr, ihole, gamach, iafolp, intclc,
9936     1             ixc, vr0, vi0, rs0, iphat, rat, iatph, ifrph,
9937     1             xnatph, novr,
9938     2             iphovr, nnovr, rovr, folp, ion, iz, iprint,
9939     2             ixanes, nemax, xkmin, xkmax, potlbl)
9940      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
9942c     Notes:
9943c        nat   number of atoms in problem
9944c        nph   number of unique potentials
9945c        nfr   number of unique free atoms
9946c        ihole hole code of absorbing atom
9947c        iph=0 for central atom
9948c        ifr=0 for central atom
9949c        xkmin, xkmax  min and max energy mesh points to consider
9952      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
9953      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
9954      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
9955      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
9956      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
9957      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
9958      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
9959      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
9961      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
9962 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
9963      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
9964      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
9965      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
9966				!finder, NOT in genfmt
9969      character*(*) head0(nhead0)
9970      dimension lhead0(nhead0)
9972c     End of line comments removed -- see include file arrays.h for
9973c     comments.
9974c     Specific atom input data
9975      dimension iphat(natx)
9976      dimension rat(3,natx)
9978c     Unique potential input data
9979      dimension iatph(0:nphx)
9980      dimension ifrph(0:nphx)
9981      dimension xnatph(0:nphx)
9982      character*6  potlbl(0:nphx)
9984      dimension folp(0:nphx)
9985      dimension novr(0:nphx)
9986      dimension iphovr(novrx,0:nphx)
9987      dimension nnovr(novrx,0:nphx)
9988      dimension rovr(novrx,0:nphx)
9990c     Free atom data
9991      dimension ion(0:nfrx)
9992      dimension iz(0:nfrx)
9994c     read and save header from old file, has carriage control char
9995      head0(1) = ' '
9996      call rdhead (io, nhead0, head0, lhead0)
9997      read(io,*) ihole, gamach, iprint, iafolp, intclc
9998      read(io,*) ixc, vr0, vi0, rs0
9999      read(io,*) ixanes, nemax, xkmin, xkmax
10000      read(io,*) nfr
10001      do 710  ifr = 0, nfr
10002         read(io,*)  index, iz(ifr), ion(ifr)
10003  710 continue
10004      read(io,*) nat
10005      do 720  iat = 1, nat
10006         read(io,*) index, iphat(iat), (rat(j,iat),j=1,3)
10007  720 continue
10008      read(io,*) nph
10009      do 740  iph = 0, nph
10010         read(io,*) index, iatph(iph), ifrph(iph), xnatph(iph),
10011     1                folp(iph), novr(iph)
10012         read(io,*) potlbl(iph)
10013         do 730  iovr = 1, novr(iph)
10014            read(io,*) iphovr(iovr,iph), nnovr(iovr,iph),
10015     1                   rovr(iovr,iph)
10016  730    continue
10017  740 continue
10019      return
10020      end
10021      subroutine sclmz (rho, lmaxp1, mmaxp1, ileg)
10022      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
10024c     Set CLM(Z) for current leg.
10025c     Makes clm(z) (eq B11).  Fills array clmi in /clmz/ for ileg,
10026c     elements clm(0,0) -> clm(lmax+1,mmax+1).
10027c     If mmaxp1 > lmaxp1, fills m only to lmaxp1.
10029c     calculates energy dependent factors
10030c     c(il,im) = c_l^(m)z**m/m! = c_lm    by recursion
10031c     c_l+1,m = c_l-1,m-(2l+1)z(c_l,m-c_l,m-1, l ne m
10032c     c_m,m = (-z)**m (2m)!/(2**m m!) with z = 1/i rho
10034c     To test pw approx, set z = 0
10037      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
10038      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
10039      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
10040      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
10041      complex*16 coni
10042      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
10043c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
10044      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
10046      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
10047      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
10048c     fine structure alpha
10049      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
10050c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
10051      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
10054      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
10055      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
10056      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
10057      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
10058      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
10059      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
10060      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
10061      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
10063      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
10064 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
10065      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
10066      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
10067      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
10068				!finder, NOT in genfmt
10071      save /clmz/
10072      complex*16 clmi
10073      common /clmz/ clmi(ltot+1,mtot+ntot+1,legtot)
10076      complex*16 rho(legtot)
10077      complex*16 z, cmm
10079      cmm = 1
10080      z = -coni / rho(ileg)
10082      clmi(1,1,ileg) = (1,0)
10083      clmi(2,1,ileg) = clmi(1,1,ileg) - z
10085      lmax = lmaxp1-1
10087      do 10  il = 2, lmax
10088         clmi(il+1,1,ileg) =
10089     1           clmi(il-1,1,ileg) - z*(2*il-1)*clmi(il,1,ileg)
10090   10 continue
10091      mmxp1 = min (mmaxp1, lmaxp1)
10092      do 20  im = 2, mmxp1
10093         m = im-1
10094         imp1 = im+1
10095         cmm = -cmm * (2*m-1) * z
10096         clmi(im,im,ileg) = cmm
10097         clmi(imp1,im,ileg) = cmm * (2*m+1) * (1-im*z)
10098         do 20  il = imp1, lmax
10099            l = il-1
10100            clmi(il+1,im,ileg) = clmi(l,im,ileg) -
10101     1          (2*l+1) * z * (clmi(il,im,ileg) + clmi(il,m,ileg))
10102   20 continue
10104      return
10105      end
10106      double precision function sdist(r0, r1)
10107      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
10108c     find distance squared between cartesian points r0 and r1
10109c     single precision
10110      dimension r0(3), r1(3)
10111      sdist = 0
10112      do 10  i = 1, 3
10113         sdist = sdist + (r0(i) - r1(i))**2
10114   10 continue
10115      sdist = sqrt(sdist)
10116      return
10117      end
10118      subroutine setgam (iz, ihole, gamach)
10120c     Sets gamach, core hole lifetime.  Data comes from graphs in
10121c     K. Rahkonen and K. Krause,
10122c     Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, Vol 14, Number 2, 1974.
10124      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
10126      dimension gamk(6), zk(6),  famk(6)
10127      dimension gaml1(6), zl1(6),faml1(6)
10128      dimension gaml2(6), zl2(6),faml2(6)
10129      parameter (ryd  = 13.6058)
10131      save ienter
10133c     Note that 0.99 replaces 1.0, 95.1 replaces 95.0 to avoid roundoff
10134c     trouble.
10135c     Gam arrays contain the gamma values.
10136c     We will take log10 of the gamma values so we can do linear
10137c     interpolation from a log plot.
10139      data  zk   / 0.99d0,  10.0d0, 20.0d0,  40.0d0,  60.0d0,   95.1d0/
10140c      data  gamk / 0.07,   0.3,  0.75,  5.0,  20.0,  100.0/
10141      data  famk / 0.07d0,   0.3d0,  0.75d0,  5.0d0,  20.0d0,  100.0d0/
10143      data  zl1   / 0.99d0,  20.0d0, 35.0d0, 50.0d0,  75.0d0,  95.1d0/
10144c      data  gaml1 / 0.07,   4.0,  7.0,  4.0,   8.0,  19.0/
10145      data  faml1 / 0.07d0,   4.0d0,  7.0d0,  4.0d0,   8.0d0,  19.0d0/
10147      data  zl2   / 0.99d0,  26.0d0, 31.0d0, 60.0d0,  80.0d0,  95.1d0/
10148c      data  gaml2 / 0.001,  1.7,  0.8,  3.5,   5.0,  10.0/
10149      data  faml2 / 0.001d0,  1.7d0,  0.8d0,  3.5d0,   5.0d0,  10.0d0/
10151      data ienter /0/
10153c     Call this only once, if it gets called a second time the gamma
10154c     values will be messed up by repeated taking of log10
10156c      if (ienter .gt. 0)  then
10157c         write(77,*) ' Re-entered SETGAM'
10158c         stop 'SETGAM-1'
10159c      endif
10160c      ienter = 1
10162      if (ihole .le. 0)  then
10163         gamach = 0
10164         write(77,*) 'No hole in SETGAM, gamach = ', gamach
10165         return
10166      endif
10167      if (ihole .gt. 4)  then
10168         write(77,*) ' This version of FEFF only handles through L III',
10169     1              ' shell absorption.'
10170         stop 'SETGAM-2'
10171      endif
10173      zz = iz
10174      if (ihole .le. 1)  then
10175         do 10  i = 1, 6
10176c            gamk(i) = log10 (gamk(i))
10177            gamk(i) = log10 (famk(i))
10178   10    continue
10179         call terp (zk, gamk, 6, zz, gamach)
10180      else if (ihole .le. 2)  then
10181         do 20  i = 1, 6
10182c            gaml1(i) = log10 (gaml1(i))
10183            gaml1(i) = log10 (faml1(i))
10184   20    continue
10185         call terp (zl1, gaml1, 6, zz, gamach)
10186      else if (ihole .le. 4)  then
10187c        note that LII and LIII have almost exactly the same
10188c        core hole lifetimes
10189         do 30  i = 1, 6
10190c            gaml2(i) = log10 (gaml2(i))
10191            gaml2(i) = log10 (faml2(i))
10192   30    continue
10193         call terp (zl2, gaml2, 6, zz, gamach)
10194      endif
10196c     Change from log10 (gamma) to gamma
10197      gamach = 10.0 ** gamach
10199c     Table values are in eV, code requires atomic units
10200      gamach = gamach / ryd
10202      return
10203      end
10204      subroutine setlam (icalc, ie)
10205      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
10207c     Set lambda array based on icalc and ie
10208c     icalc  what to do
10209c      0     i0, ss exact
10210c      1     i1, ss exact
10211c      2     i2, ss exact
10212c     10     cute algorithm
10213c     <0     do exactly as told, decode as:
10214c               icalc = -(nmax + 100*mmax + 10 000*(iord+1))
10215c               Note that iord=0 <=> nmax=mmax=0, so use
10216c                  icalc = -10 000 for this case.
10217c               iord = 2*nmax + mmax, so if you want iord to control,
10218c               set nmax and mmax large enough-- if you want nmax and
10219c               mmax to control, set iord = 2*nmax + mmax...
10221c     inputs: ie used for cute algorithm
10222c             nsc used from /pdata/ to recognize ss paths
10223c     output: variables in /lambda/ set
10226      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
10227      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
10228      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
10229      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
10230      complex*16 coni
10231      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
10232c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
10233      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
10235      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
10236      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
10237c     fine structure alpha
10238      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
10239c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
10240      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
10243      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
10244      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
10245      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
10246      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
10247      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
10248      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
10249      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
10250      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
10252      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
10253 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
10254      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
10255      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
10256      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
10257				!finder, NOT in genfmt
10260      common /lambda/
10261     4   mlam(lamtot), 	!mu for each lambda
10262     5   nlam(lamtot),	!nu for each lambda
10263     1   lamx, 		!max lambda in problem
10264     2   laml0x, 	!max lambda for vectors involving absorbing atom
10265     3   mmaxp1, nmax 	!max mu in problem + 1, max nu in problem
10268c     Note that leg nleg is the leg ending at the central atom, so that
10269c     ipot(nleg) is central atom potential, rat(nleg) position of
10270c     central atom.
10271c     Central atom has ipot=0
10272c     For later convience, rat(,0) and ipot(0) refer to the central
10273c     atom, and are the same as rat(,nleg), ipot(nleg).
10275c     text and title arrays include carriage control
10276      character*80 text, title
10277      character*6  potlbl
10278      common /str/ text(40),	!text header from potph
10279     1             title(5),	!title from paths.dat
10280     1             potlbl(0:npotx)	! potential labels for output
10282      complex*16 ph, eref
10283      common /pdata/
10284     1 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:npotx),	!complex phase shifts,
10285     1					!central atom ipot=0
10286     1 rat(3,0:legtot+1),		!position of each atom, code units(bohr)
10287     1 eref(nex),		!complex energy reference
10288     1 em(nex),		!energy mesh
10289     1 ri(legtot), beta(legtot+1), eta(0:legtot+1), !r, beta, eta for each leg
10290     1 deg, rnrmav, xmu, edge,	!(output only)
10291     1 lmax(nex,0:npotx),	!max l with non-zero phase for each energy
10292     1 ipot(0:legtot),	!potential for each atom in path
10293     1 iz(0:npotx),	!atomic number (output only)
10294     1 ltext(40), ltitle(5),	!length of each string
10295     1 nsc, nleg,	!nscatters, nlegs (nleg = nsc+1)
10296     1 npot, ne,	!number of potentials, energy points
10297     1 ik0,		!index of energy grid corresponding to k=0 (edge)
10298     1 ipath, 	!index of current path (output only)
10299     1 ihole,	!(output only)
10300     1 l0, il0,	!lfinal and lfinal+1 (used for indices)
10301     1 lmaxp1,	!largest lmax in problem + 1
10302     1 ntext, ntitle	!number of text and title lines
10304      dimension mlam0(lamtot), nlam0(lamtot)
10306c     one degree in radians
10307      parameter (onedeg = .01745329252d0)
10309c     Set iord, nmax and mmax based on icalc
10310      if (icalc .lt. 0)  then
10311c        decode it and do what user wants
10312         icode = -icalc
10313         nmax = mod(icode,100)
10314         mmax = mod(icode,10000)/100
10315         iord = icode/10000 -1
10316      elseif (nsc .eq. 1)  then
10317         mmax = il0-1
10318         nmax = il0-1
10319         iord = 2*nmax + mmax
10320      elseif (icalc .lt. 10)  then
10321         iord = icalc
10322         mmax = iord
10323         nmax = iord/2
10324      elseif (icalc .eq. 10)  then
10325c        do cute algorithm
10326c        set mmax = L0 if straight line path, otherwise set mmax = 3
10327         mmax = il0-1
10328         do 10  ileg = 1, nleg
10329            mag1 = abs(beta(ileg))
10330            mag2 = abs(mag1 - pi)
10331c           if beta is not 0 or pi, path is non-linear
10332            if (mag1.gt.onedeg .and. mag2.gt.onedeg) mmax = 3
10333   10    continue
10334c        Set nmax based on ie and l0.
10335c        k <= 12 invA (ie=41)  nmax = L0
10336c        k >= 13 invA (ie=42)  nmax =  9
10337         nmax = il0-1
10338         if (ie .ge. 42)  nmax = 9
10339         iord = 2*nmax + mmax
10340      else
10341         write(77,*) 'undefined icalc ', icalc
10342         stop 'setlam'
10343      endif
10345c-----construct index lambda (lam), (mu, nu) = mlam(lam), nlam(lam)
10346c     lamtot, ntot, mtot are maximum lambda, mu and nu to consider
10347c     Use ...0 for making indices, then sort into arrays with no
10348c     trailing 0 so laml0x is minimimized. (note: this is a crude
10349c     n**2 sort -- can 'improve' to nlog_2(n) if necessary)
10350      lam = 0
10351      do 20 in = 1, nmax+1
10352         n = in - 1
10353         do 20  im = 1, mmax+1
10354            m = im-1
10355            jord = 2*n+m
10356            if (jord .gt. iord)  goto 20
10357            if (lam .ge. lamtot)  then
10358               write(77,*) 'Lambda array filled, some order lost'
10359               goto 21
10360            endif
10361            lam = lam+1
10362            mlam0(lam) = -m
10363            nlam0(lam) = n
10364            if (m .eq. 0)  goto 20
10365            if (lam .ge. lamtot)  then
10366               write(77,*) 'Lambda array filled, some order lost'
10367               goto 21
10368            endif
10369            lam = lam+1
10370            mlam0(lam) = m
10371            nlam0(lam) = n
10372   20 continue
10373   21 continue
10374      lamx=lam
10375c     lamx must be less than lamtot
10376      if (lamx .gt. lamtot) stop 'SETLAM lamx > lamtot'
10378c     laml0x is biggest lam for non-zero fmatrix, also set mmax and nmax
10379c     Sort mlam0 and nlam0 to use min possible laml0x
10380      lam = 0
10381      do 30  lam0 = 1, lamx
10382         if ((nlam0(lam0).le.l0) .and. (iabs(mlam0(lam0)).le.l0)) then
10383            lam = lam+1
10384            nlam(lam) = nlam0(lam0)
10385            mlam(lam) = mlam0(lam0)
10386            nlam0(lam0) = -1
10387         endif
10388   30 continue
10389      laml0x = lam
10390      do 40  lam0 = 1, lamx
10391         if (nlam0(lam0) .ge. 0)  then
10392            lam = lam+1
10393            nlam(lam) = nlam0(lam0)
10394            mlam(lam) = mlam0(lam0)
10395         endif
10396   40 continue
10398      mmaxp1 = 0
10399      nmax = 0
10400      do 50  lam = 1, lamx
10401         if (mlam(lam)+1 .gt. mmaxp1)  mmaxp1 = mlam(lam)+1
10402         if (nlam(lam) .gt. nmax)  nmax = nlam(lam)
10403   50 continue
10405      if (nmax.gt.ntot .or. mmaxp1.gt.mtot+1)  then
10406         write(77,*) 'mmaxp1, nmax, mtot, ntot ',
10407     1            mmaxp1, nmax, mtot, ntot
10408         write(77,*) 'icalc ', icalc
10409         stop 'setlam'
10410      endif
10412      return
10413      end
10414      subroutine sidx (rholap, npts, rmt, rnrm, imax, imt, inrm)
10415      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
10416      dimension rholap (npts)
10418      imt = ii (rmt)
10419      inrm = ii (rnrm)
10421c     Set imax (last non-zero rholap data)
10422      do 220  i = 1, npts
10423         if (rholap(i) .le. 1.0d-5)  goto 230
10424         imax = i
10425  220 continue
10426  230 continue
10428c     We need data up to the norman radius, so move norman
10429c     radius if density is zero inside rnrm.
10430      if (inrm .gt. imax)  then
10431         inrm = imax
10432         rnrm = rr (inrm)
10433         write(77,*) ' Moved rnrm.  New rnrm (au) ', rnrm
10434      endif
10435      if (imt .gt. imax)  then
10436         imt = imax
10437         rmt = rr (imt)
10438         write(77,*) ' Moved rmt.  New rmt (au) ', rmt
10439      endif
10440      return
10441      end
10443c     program sigms.f
10445c     calculates debye-waller factors for each multiple
10446c     scattering path using Debye-Model correlations
10448c     files:  input  pathd_all.dat  multiple scattering path data
10449c             output fort.3  sig**2 vs path
10450c                    fort.2  long output
10452c     version 1  (29 july 91)
10454c     coded by j. rehr
10455c     path data from s. zabinsky
10457c     modified to use pdata.inp, Dec 1991, siz
10458c     Subroutine version, Dec 1991, siz
10462      subroutine sigms (tk, thetad, rs, nlegx, nleg, rat, iz, sig2)
10463c               tk temperature in degrees K
10464c               thetad debye temp in degrees K
10465c               rs=wigner seitz or norman radius in bohr, averaged
10466c                  over entire problem
10467c                  (4pi/3)*rs**3 = sum( (4pi/3)rnrm**3 ) / N
10468c                  (sum is over all atoms in the problem)
10469c               nlegx used in dimensions of rat and iz
10470c               nleg nlegs in path
10471c               rat positions of each atom in path (in bohr)
10472c               iz atomic number of each atom in path
10473c               NB Units of distance in this routine
10474c                  are angstroms, including sig**2
10475c               sig2 is output, debye waller factor in bohr**-2
10477      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
10480      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
10481      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
10482      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
10483      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
10484      complex*16 coni
10485      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
10486c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
10487      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
10489      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
10490      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
10491c     fine structure alpha
10492      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
10493c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
10494      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
10497c     nlegx is max number of atoms in any one path
10498      dimension rat(3,0:nlegx)
10499      dimension iz(0:nlegx)
10501c      parameters
10502c               x = k_d*R   (distance parameter)
10503c               R distance in angstroms
10504c               y = hbar omegad/kT = thetad/t
10505c               thetad debye temp in degrees K
10506c               tk temperature in degrees K
10507c               k_d = (6*pi**2 N/V) = debye wave number
10508c               N/V=1/(4pi/3rs**3)
10509c               rs=wigner seitz or norman radius in bohr
10510c               ami, amj masses at sites i and j in amu
10511c               I = int_0^1 (y/x) dw sin(wx)coth(wy/2)
10513c     Note:  There are nleg atoms including the central atom
10514c            index 0 and index nleg both refer to central atom,
10515c            which makes special code unnecessary later.
10516      sum = 0.0d0
10517      ntot = 0
10519      sigtot=0
10520      do 800 il=1,nleg
10521      do 800 jl=il,nleg
10523c        calculate r_i-r_i-1 and r_j-r_j-1
10525         rij = feff_dist (rat(1,il), rat(1,jl))
10526         call corrfn (rij, cij, thetad, tk, iz(il), iz(jl), rs)
10527         sig2ij=cij
10529         rimjm = feff_dist (rat(1,il-1), rat(1,jl-1))
10530         call corrfn (rimjm, cimjm, thetad, tk, iz(il-1), iz(jl-1), rs)
10531         sig2ij=sig2ij+cimjm
10533         rijm = feff_dist (rat(1,il), rat(1,jl-1))
10534         call corrfn (rijm, cijm, thetad, tk, iz(il), iz(jl-1), rs)
10535         sig2ij=sig2ij-cijm
10537         rimj = feff_dist (rat(1,il-1), rat(1,jl))
10538         call corrfn (rimj, cimj, thetad, tk, iz(il-1), iz(jl), rs)
10539         sig2ij=sig2ij-cimj
10541         riim = feff_dist (rat(1,il), rat(1,il-1))
10542         rjjm = feff_dist (rat(1,jl), rat(1,jl-1))
10544         ridotj=(rat(1,il)-rat(1,il-1))*(rat(1,jl)-rat(1,jl-1))+
10545     1          (rat(2,il)-rat(2,il-1))*(rat(2,jl)-rat(2,jl-1))+
10546     2          (rat(3,il)-rat(3,il-1))*(rat(3,jl)-rat(3,jl-1))
10547         ridotj=ridotj/(riim*rjjm)
10549c        double count i .ne. j  terms
10550         if(jl.ne.il) sig2ij=2*sig2ij
10551         sig2ij=sig2ij*ridotj
10552         sigtot=sigtot+sig2ij
10554  800 continue
10555      sig2=sigtot/4.0d0
10557c     sig2 is in bohr**2, just as we wanted for ff2chi
10558      return
10559      end
10563      subroutine corrfn(rij,cij,thetad,tk,iz1,iz2,rsavg)
10564c     subroutine calculates correlation function
10565c     c(ri,rj)=<xi xj> in the Debye approximation
10567c             =(1/N)sum_k exp(ik.(Ri-Rj))(1/sqrt(mi*mj))*
10568c              (hbar/2w_k)*coth(beta hbar w_k/2)
10569c             = (3kT/mu w_d**2)*sqrt(mu**2/mi*mj)*I
10571c      parameters
10572c               x = k_d*R   (distance parameter)
10573c               R distance in angstroms
10574c               y = hbar omegad/kT = thetad/t
10575c               thetad debye temp in degrees K
10576c               tk temperature in degrees K
10577c               k_d = (6*pi**2 N/V) = debye wave number
10578c               N/V=1/(4pi/3rs**3)
10579c               rs=wigner seitz or norman radius in bohr
10580c               ami, amj masses at sites i and j in amu
10581c               I = int_0^1 (y/x) dw sin(wx)coth(wy/2)
10583c      solution by numerical integration
10585      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
10586      common /xy/ x, yinv
10589      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
10590      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
10591      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
10592      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
10593      complex*16 coni
10594      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
10595c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
10596      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
10598      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
10599      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
10600c     fine structure alpha
10601      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
10602c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
10603      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
10606c     con=hbar**2/kB*amu)*10**20   in ang**2 units
10607c     hbar = 1.054 572 666 e-34, amu = 1.660 540 e-27,
10608c     kB = 1.380 6581 d-23
10609      parameter (con = 48.508459393094d0)
10611c     external fn
10612c     rij=2.55
10613c     tk=295
10614c     thetad=315
10615c     ami=amj=63.55 at wt for Cu
10616c     rs=2.7
10618      ami=atwtd(iz1)
10619      amj=atwtd(iz2)
10620      rs=rsavg
10621c     thetad in degrees K, t temperature in degrees K
10622c     y=thetad/tk
10623      yinv=tk/thetad
10624      xkd=(9.0d0*pi/2.0d0)**(third)/(rs*bohr)
10625      fac=(3.0d0/2.0d0)*con/(thetad*sqrt(ami*amj))
10626      rj=rij
10627      x=xkd*rj
10628c     call numerical integration
10629      call bingrt (grater, eps, nx)
10630      cij=fac*grater
10631      return
10632      end
10633      double precision function fn(w)
10634      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
10635      common/xy/x,yinv
10636c     fn=(sin(wx)/x)*coth(wy/2)
10637c     change code to allow t=0 without bombing
10638c     fn=2/y
10639      fn=2.0d0*yinv
10640      if(w.lt.1.d-20) return
10641      fac=w
10642      if(x.gt.0.0d0) fac=sin(w*x)/x
10643      emwy=0.0d0
10644      if(yinv.gt.0.0125d0) emwy=exp(-w/yinv)
10645      emwy=exp(-w/yinv)
10646      fn=fac*(1.0d0+emwy)/(1.0d0-emwy)
10647      return
10648      end
10650      subroutine bingrt (b, eps, n)
10651c     subroutine calculates integrals between [0,1]
10652c      b = int_0^1 f(z) dz
10653c     by trapezoidal rule and binary refinement
10654c     (romberg integration)
10655c     coded by j rehr (10 Feb 92)
10656c     see, e.g., numerical recipes for discussion
10657c     and a much fancier version
10659c     del=dz  itn=2**n tol=1.e-5
10660c     starting values
10661      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
10662      common /xy/x,yinv
10663c     external fn
10664c     error is approximately 2**(-2n) ~ 10**(-.6n)
10665c     so nmax=10 implies an error of 1.e-6
10666      parameter(nmax = 10, tol = 1.d-5)
10667      parameter(zero=0, one=1)
10668      n=0
10669      itn=1
10670      del=1.0d0
10671      bn=(fn(zero)+fn(one))/2.0d0
10672      bo=bn
10673 10   continue
10674c     nth iteration
10675c     b_n+1=(b_n)/2+deln*sum_0^2**n f([2n-1]deln)
10676      n=n+1
10677      if(n.gt.nmax) go to 40
10678      del=del/2.0d0
10679      sum=0.0d0
10680      do 20 i=1, itn
10681      zi=(2*i-1)*del
10682 20   sum=sum+fn(zi)
10683c     bnp1=b_n+1 is current value of integral
10684      bnp1=bn/2.0d0+del*sum
10685c     cancel leading error terms b=[4b-bn]/3
10686c     note: this is the first term in the
10687c     neville table - remaining errors were
10688c     found too small to justify the added code
10689      b=(4*bnp1-bn)/3.0d0
10690      eps=abs((b-bo)/b)
10691      if(eps.lt.tol) goto 60
10692      bn=bnp1
10693      bo=b
10694      itn=itn*2
10695      goto 10
10696 40   write(77,50) n,itn, b,eps
10697 50   format(' not converged, n,itn,b,eps=',
10698     1  2i4,2e14.6)
10699      return
10700 60   continue
10701c     print70, n, itn, b, eps
10702c70   format(' n,itn,b,eps=' 2i4,2e16.8)
10703      return
10704      end
10705      subroutine snlm (lmaxp1, mmaxp1)
10706      implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
10708c     Set nlm, legendre normalization factors, xnlm in common /nlm/
10709c     Calculates legendre norm factors
10710c     xnlm= sqrt ((2l+1)(l-m)!/(l+m)!)
10713      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
10714      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
10715      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
10716      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
10717      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
10718      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
10719      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
10720      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
10722      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
10723 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
10724      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
10725      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
10726      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
10727				!finder, NOT in genfmt
10730      save /nlm/
10731      common /nlm/ xnlm(ltot+1,mtot+1)
10734c     flg(i) = i! * afac**i, set in factst
10735      dimension flg(0:210)
10737      call factst (afac, flg)
10739c     initialize xnlm explicitly
10740      do 5  il = 1, ltot+1
10741      do 5  im = 1, mtot+1
10742         xnlm(il,im) = 0
10743    5 continue
10745      do 10  il = 1, lmaxp1
10746         mmxp1 = min (mmaxp1, il)
10747         do 10  im = 1, mmxp1
10748            l = il-1
10749            m = im-1
10750            cnlm = (2*l+1) * flg(l-m) / flg(l+m)
10751            cnlm = sqrt(cnlm) * afac**m
10752            xnlm(il,im) = cnlm
10753   10 continue
10755      return
10756      end
10757      subroutine factst (afac, flg)
10758      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
10760c     FACTorial SeT, flg(i) = i! * afac**i
10761      dimension flg(0:210)
10763c     afac = 1/64 works with double precision on a VAX
10764      afac = 1.0d0/64.0d0
10766      flzero = 1
10767      flg(0) = 1
10768      flg(1) = afac
10770      do 10  i = 2, 210
10771   10 flg(i) = flg(i-1) * i * afac
10773      return
10774      end
10775      subroutine somm (dr,dp,dq,dpas,da,m,np)
10777c integration by the method of simpson of (dp+dq)*dr**m from
10778c 0 to r=dr(np)
10779c dpas=exponential step;
10780c for r in the neighborhood of zero (dp+dq)=cte*r**da
10781c **********************************************************************
10782      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
10783      save
10784      dimension dr(251), dp(251), dq(251)
10785      mm=m+1
10786      d1=da+mm
10787      da=0.0d0
10788      db=0.0d0
10789      do 70 i=1,np
10790      dl=dr(i)**mm
10791      if (i.eq.1.or.i.eq.np) go to 10
10792      dl=dl+dl
10793      if ((i-2*(i/2)).eq.0) dl=dl+dl
10794   10 dc=dp(i)*dl
10795      if (dc) 20,40,30
10796   20 db=db+dc
10797      go to 40
10798   30 da=da+dc
10799   40 dc=dq(i)*dl
10800      if (dc) 50,70,60
10801   50 db=db+dc
10802      go to 70
10803   60 da=da+dc
10804   70 continue
10805      da=dpas*(da+db)/3.0d0
10806      dc=exp(dpas)-1.0d0
10807      db=d1*(d1+1.0d0)*dc*exp((d1-1.0d0)*dpas)
10808      db=dr(1)*(dr(2)**m)/db
10809      dc=(dr(1)**mm)*(1.0d0+1.0d0/(dc*(d1+1.0d0)))/d1
10810      da=da+dc*(dp(1)+dq(1))-db*(dp(2)+dq(2))
10811      return
10812      end
10813      subroutine sortir (n, index, r)
10814      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
10816c     SORT by rearranges Indices, keys are Real numbers
10817c     Heap sort, following algorithm in Knuth using r as key
10818c     Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming,
10819c     Vol 3 / Sorting and Searching, pp 146-7
10820c     Array r is not modified, instead array index is returned
10821c     ordered so that r(index(1)) is smallest, etc.
10822c     rr is temporary r storage (Knuth's R), irr is index of stored r
10824      dimension r(n), index(n)
10826c     Initialize index array
10827      do 10  i = 1, n
10828         index(i) = i
10829   10 continue
10830c     only 1 element is already sorted
10831      if (n .eq. 1)  return
10833c     H1: initialize
10834      l = n/2 + 1
10835      ir = n
10837c     H2: Decrease l or ir
10838   20 continue
10839      if (l .gt. 1)  then
10840         l = l-1
10841         irr = index(l)
10842         rr = r(irr)
10843      else
10844         irr = index(ir)
10845         rr = r(irr)
10846         index(ir) = index(1)
10847         ir = ir-1
10848         if (ir .eq. 1) then
10849            index(1) = irr
10850            return
10851         endif
10852      endif
10854c     H3: Prepare for sift-up
10855      j = l
10857c     H4: Advance downward
10858   40 continue
10859      i = j
10860      j = 2 * j
10861      if (j .eq. ir)  goto 60
10862      if (j .gt. ir)  goto 80
10864c     H5: Find larger son of i
10865      if (r(index(j)) .lt. r(index(j+1)))  j = j+1
10867c     H6: Son larger than rr?
10868   60 continue
10869      if (rr .ge. r(index(j)))  goto 80
10871c     H7: Move son up
10872      index(i) = index(j)
10873      goto 40
10875c     H8: Store rr in it's proper place
10876   80 continue
10877      index(i) = irr
10878      goto 20
10880      end
10881      subroutine sortii (n, index, k)
10882      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
10884c     SORT by rearranges Indices, keys are Integers
10885c     Heap sort, following algorithm in Knuth using r as key
10886c     Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming,
10887c     Vol 3 / Sorting and Searching, pp 146-7
10888c     Array r is not modified, instead array index is returned
10889c     ordered so that r(index(1)) is smallest, etc.
10890c     rr is temporary r storage (Knuth's R), irr is index of stored r
10892      dimension k(n)
10893      dimension index(n)
10895c     Initialize index array
10896      do 10  i = 1, n
10897         index(i) = i
10898   10 continue
10899c     only 1 element is already sorted
10900      if (n .eq. 1)  return
10902c     H1: initialize
10903      l = n/2 + 1
10904      ir = n
10906c     H2: Decrease l or ir
10907   20 continue
10908      if (l .gt. 1)  then
10909         l = l-1
10910         irr = index(l)
10911         kk = k(irr)
10912      else
10913         irr = index(ir)
10914         kk = k(irr)
10915         index(ir) = index(1)
10916         ir = ir-1
10917         if (ir .eq. 1) then
10918            index(1) = irr
10919            return
10920         endif
10921      endif
10923c     H3: Prepare for sift-up
10924      j = l
10926c     H4: Advance downward
10927   40 continue
10928      i = j
10929      j = 2 * j
10930      if (j .eq. ir)  goto 60
10931      if (j .gt. ir)  goto 80
10933c     H5: Find larger son of i
10934      if (k(index(j)) .lt. k(index(j+1)))  j = j+1
10936c     H6: Son larger than kk?
10937   60 continue
10938      if (kk .ge. k(index(j)))  goto 80
10940c     H7: Move son up
10941      index(i) = index(j)
10942      goto 40
10944c     H8: Store kk in it's proper place
10945   80 continue
10946      index(i) = irr
10947      goto 20
10949      end
10950      subroutine sortid (n, index, r)
10952c     SORT by rearranges Indices, keys are Double precision numbers
10953c     Heap sort, following algorithm in Knuth using r as key
10954c     Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming,
10955c     Vol 3 / Sorting and Searching, pp 146-7
10956c     Array r is not modified, instead array index is returned
10957c     ordered so that r(index(1)) is smallest, etc.
10958c     rr is temporary r storage (Knuth's R), irr is index of stored r
10960      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
10961      dimension r(n), index(n)
10963c     Initialize index array
10964      do 10  i = 1, n
10965         index(i) = i
10966   10 continue
10967c     only 1 element is already sorted
10968      if (n .eq. 1)  return
10970c     H1: initialize
10971      l = n/2 + 1
10972      ir = n
10974c     H2: Decrease l or ir
10975   20 continue
10976      if (l .gt. 1)  then
10977         l = l-1
10978         irr = index(l)
10979         rr = r(irr)
10980      else
10981         irr = index(ir)
10982         rr = r(irr)
10983         index(ir) = index(1)
10984         ir = ir-1
10985         if (ir .eq. 1) then
10986            index(1) = irr
10987            return
10988         endif
10989      endif
10991c     H3: Prepare for sift-up
10992      j = l
10994c     H4: Advance downward
10995   40 continue
10996      i = j
10997      j = 2 * j
10998      if (j .eq. ir)  goto 60
10999      if (j .gt. ir)  goto 80
11001c     H5: Find larger son of i
11002      if (r(index(j)) .lt. r(index(j+1)))  j = j+1
11004c     H6: Son larger than rr?
11005   60 continue
11006      if (rr .ge. r(index(j)))  goto 80
11008c     H7: Move son up
11009      index(i) = index(j)
11010      goto 40
11012c     H8: Store rr in it's proper place
11013   80 continue
11014      index(i) = irr
11015      goto 20
11017      end
11018C FUNCTION ISTRLN (STRING)  Returns index of last non-blank
11019C                           character.  Returns zero if string is
11020C                           null or all blank.
11023      CHARACTER*(*)  STRING
11025C  -- If null string or blank string, return length zero.
11026      ISTRLN = 0
11027      IF (STRING (1:1) .EQ. CHAR(0))  RETURN
11028      IF (STRING .EQ. ' ')  RETURN
11030C  -- Find rightmost non-blank character.
11031      ILEN = LEN (STRING)
11032      DO 20  I = ILEN, 1, -1
11033         IF (STRING (I:I) .NE. ' ')  GOTO 30
11034   20 CONTINUE
11035   30 ISTRLN = I
11037      RETURN
11038      END
11039C SUBROUTINE TRIML (STRING)  Removes leading blanks.
11042      CHARACTER*(*)  STRING
11043      CHARACTER*200  TMP
11045      JLEN = ISTRLN (STRING)
11047C  -- All blank and null strings are special cases.
11048      IF (JLEN .EQ. 0)  RETURN
11050C  -- FInd first non-blank char
11051      DO 10  I = 1, JLEN
11052         IF (STRING (I:I) .NE. ' ')  GOTO 20
11053   10 CONTINUE
11054   20 CONTINUE
11056C  -- If I is greater than JLEN, no non-blanks were found.
11057      IF (I .GT. JLEN)  RETURN
11059C  -- Remove the leading blanks.
11060      TMP = STRING (I:)
11061      STRING = TMP
11062      RETURN
11063      END
11068C     Breaks string into words.  Words are seperated by one or more
11069C     blanks, or a comma and zero or more blanks.
11071C     ARGS        I/O      DESCRIPTION
11072C     ----        ---      -----------
11073C     S            I       CHAR*(*)  String to be broken up
11074C     NWORDS      I/O      Input:  Maximum number of words to get
11075C                          Output: Number of words found
11077C                          Contains words found.  WORDS(J), where J is
11078C                          greater then NWORDS found, are undefined on
11079C                          output.
11081C      Written by:  Steven Zabinsky, September 1984
11083C**************************  Deo Soli Gloria  **************************
11085C  -- No floating point numbers in this routine.
11091      PARAMETER (BLANK = ' ', COMMA = ',')
11093C  -- BETW    .TRUE. if between words
11094C     COMFND  .TRUE. if between words and a comma has already been found
11097C  -- Maximum number of words allowed
11098      WORDSX = NWORDS
11100C  -- SLEN is last non-blank character in string
11101      SLEN = ISTRLN (S)
11103C  -- All blank string is special case
11104      IF (SLEN .EQ. 0)  THEN
11105         NWORDS = 0
11106         RETURN
11107      ENDIF
11109C  -- BEGC is beginning character of a word
11110      BEGC = 1
11111      NWORDS = 0
11113      BETW   = .TRUE.
11114      COMFND = .TRUE.
11116      DO 10  I = 1, SLEN
11117         IF (S(I:I) .EQ. BLANK)  THEN
11118            IF (.NOT. BETW)  THEN
11119               NWORDS = NWORDS + 1
11120               WORDS (NWORDS) = S (BEGC : I-1)
11121               BETW = .TRUE.
11122               COMFND = .FALSE.
11123            ENDIF
11124         ELSEIF (S(I:I) .EQ. COMMA)  THEN
11125            IF (.NOT. BETW)  THEN
11126               NWORDS = NWORDS + 1
11127               WORDS (NWORDS) = S(BEGC : I-1)
11128               BETW = .TRUE.
11129            ELSEIF (COMFND)  THEN
11130               NWORDS = NWORDS + 1
11131               WORDS (NWORDS) = BLANK
11132            ENDIF
11133            COMFND = .TRUE.
11134         ELSE
11135            IF (BETW)  THEN
11136               BETW = .FALSE.
11137               BEGC = I
11138            ENDIF
11139         ENDIF
11141         IF (NWORDS .GE. WORDSX)  RETURN
11143   10 CONTINUE
11146         NWORDS = NWORDS + 1
11147         WORDS (NWORDS) = S (BEGC :SLEN)
11148      ENDIF
11150      RETURN
11151      END
11152      subroutine strap (x, y, n, sum)
11153      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11155c     Trapeziodal integration of y(x), result in sum
11158      dimension x(n), y(n)
11160      sum = y(1) * (x(2) - x(1))
11161      do 10  i = 2, n-1
11162         sum = sum + y(i) * (x(i+1) - x(i-1))
11163   10 continue
11164      sum = sum + y(n) * (x(n) - x(n-1))
11165      sum = sum/2.0d0
11167      return
11168      end
11170c This is a version of the subroutine sumax found on page 110 of
11171c Louck's book.  It performs eq 3.22, using simpson's rule and
11172c taking advantage of the logarithmic grid so that sum f(r)*dr becomes
11173c sum over f(r)*r*(0.05).  Linear interpolation is used at the end
11174c caps.  This version does not sum over 14 shells of identical
11175c atoms, instead it averages the contribution of one or more atoms
11176c of type 2 at the location of atom 1.  Louck's description (except
11177c for his integration algorithm) is very clear.
11179c input:  npts      number of points to consider
11180c         rn        distance from atom 1 to atom 2 in au
11181c         ann       number of type 2 atoms to add to atom 1, can
11182c                   be fractional
11183c         aa2(i)    potential or density at atom 2
11184c output: aasum(i)  spherically summed contribution added into this
11185c                   array so that sumax can be called repeatedly
11186c                   and the overlapped values summed into aasum
11188c Note that this routine requires that all position data be on a
11189c grid  rr(j) = exp (-8.8d0 + (j-1)*0.05d0), which is the grid
11190c used by Louck, and also used by ATOM if nuclear options not used.
11192c Coded by Steven Zabinsky, December 1989
11193c Modified for FEFF cluster code, August 1990, siz
11194c Bug fixed, May 1991, SIZ
11195c Another bug fixed, Mar 1992, SIZ
11197c T.L.Louck, Augmented Plane Wave Method, W.A.Benjamin, Inc., 1967
11199      subroutine sumax (npts, rn, ann, aa2, aasum)
11200      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11201      parameter (nptx=250)
11202      dimension aa2(nptx), aasum(nptx)
11203      dimension stor(nptx)
11205c     jjchi     index beyond which aa2 is zero
11206c     jtop      index just below distance to neighbor
11207c               aasum is calculated only up to index jtop
11209c     Wigner-Seitz radius is set to 15 in ATOM.
11210      rws = 15.0d0
11211      jjchi = ii(rws)
11212      jtop  = ii(rn)
11214      topx = xx(jjchi)
11216      do 120  i = 1, jtop
11217         x = xx(i)
11218         xint = 0.0d0
11219         et = exp(x)
11220         blx = log(rn-et)
11221         if (blx .ge. topx)  goto 119
11222         jbl = 2.0d0+20.0d0*(blx+8.8d0)
11223         if (jbl .lt. 1)  jbl=1
11224         if (jbl .ge. 2)  then
11225c           use linear interp to make end cap near center of neighbor
11226            xjbl = jbl
11227            xbl = 0.05d0 * (xjbl-1.0d0) - 8.8d0
11228            g = xbl-blx
11229            xint =xint+0.5d0*g*(aa2(jbl)*(2.0d0-20.0d0*g)*exp(2.0d0*xbl)
11230     1             +20.0d0*g*aa2(jbl-1)*exp(2.0d0*(xbl-0.05d0)))
11231         endif
11232         tlx = log(rn+et)
11233         if (tlx .ge. topx)  then
11234            jtl = jjchi
11235            go to 90
11236         endif
11237         jtl = 1.0d0 + 20.0d0*(tlx+8.8d0)
11238         if (jtl .lt. jbl)  then
11239c           handle peculiar special case at center of atom 1
11240            fzn = aa2(jtl)*exp(2.0d0*(xbl-0.05d0))
11241            fz3 = aa2(jbl)*exp(2.0d0*xbl)
11242            fz2 = fzn+20.0d0*(fz3-fzn)*(tlx-xbl+0.05d0)
11243            fz1 = fzn+20.0d0*(fz3-fzn)*(blx-xbl+0.05d0)
11244            xint = 0.5d0*(fz1+fz2)*(tlx-blx)
11245            go to 119
11246         endif
11247         xjtl = jtl
11248         xtl = 0.05d0*(xjtl-1.0d0)-8.8d0
11249         c = tlx-xtl
11250         xint = xint+0.5d0*c*(aa2(jtl)*(2.0d0-20.0d0*c)
11251     1         *exp(2.0d0*xtl)+aa2(jtl+1)*20.0d0*c
11252     2         *exp(2.0d0*(xtl+0.05d0)))
11254   90    if (jtl .gt. jbl)  then
11255  100       xint = xint+0.5d0*(aa2(jbl)*exp(2.0d0*xbl)+aa2(jbl+1)
11256     1             *exp(2.0d0*(xbl+0.05d0)))*0.05d0
11257            jbl = jbl+1
11258            if (jbl .lt. jtl) then
11259               xbl = xbl+0.05d0
11260               go to 100
11261            endif
11262         endif
11263  119    stor(i) = 0.5d0*xint*ann/(rn*et)
11264  120 continue
11266      do 190  i = 1, jtop
11267         aasum(i) = aasum(i) + stor(i)
11268  190 continue
11270      return
11271      end
11272c     Linear interpolation and extrapolation.
11273c     Input x and y arrays, returns y value y0 at requested x value x0.
11274c     Dies on error.
11276      subroutine terp (x, y, n, x0, y0)
11277      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11279      dimension x(n), y(n)
11281c     Find out between which x points x0 lies
11282      i = locat (x0, n, x)
11283c     if i < 1, set i=1, if i > n-1, set i=n-1
11284      i = max (i, 1)
11285      i = min (i, n-1)
11287      if (x(i+1) - x(i) .eq. 0)  stop 'TERP-1'
11289      y0 = y(i) +  (x0 - x(i)) * (y(i+1) - y(i)) / (x(i+1) - x(i))
11291      return
11292      end
11294      integer function locat(x, n, xx)
11295      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11296      double precision x, xx(n)
11297      integer  u, m, n
11299c     Binary search for index of grid point immediately below x.
11300c     Array xx required to be monotonic increasing.
11301c     Returns
11302c     0            x <  xx(1)
11303c     1            x =  xx(1)
11304c     i            x =  xx(i)
11305c     n            x >= xx(n)
11307      locat = 0
11308      u = n+1
11310   10 if (u-locat .gt. 1)  then
11311         m = (u + locat) / 2
11312         if (x .lt. xx(m))  then
11313            u = m
11314         else
11315            locat = m
11316         endif
11317         goto 10
11318      endif
11320      return
11321      end
11322      subroutine timrep (npat, ipat, rx, ry, rz, dhash)
11323      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11325c     subroutine timrev(...) is modified for polarization case
11326c     Time-orders path and returns path in standard order,
11327c     standard order defined below.
11328c     Input:  npat, ipat
11329c     Output: ipat in standard order (time reversed if necessary)
11330c             rx, ry, rz   contain x,y,z coordinates of the path atoms,
11331c             where z-axis is along polarization vector or first leg, if
11332c               running usual feff,
11333c             x-axis is chosen so that first atom, which does not lie on
11334c               z-axis, lies in xz-plane,
11335c               for elliptically polarized light, x-axis is along the
11336c               incidence direction
11337c             y-axis is cross product of two previos unit vectors
11338c             Standarrd order is defined so that first nonzero x,y and z
11339c             coords are positive.(Otherwise we use the inversion of
11340c             the corresponding unit vector)
11341c             dhash double precision hash key for path in standard
11342c                order
11345      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
11346      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
11347      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
11348      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
11349      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
11350      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
11351      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
11352      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
11354      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
11355 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
11356      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
11357      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
11358      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
11359				!finder, NOT in genfmt
11361      common /atoms/ rat(3,0:natx), ipot(0:natx), ilb(0:natx)
11362      dimension ipat(npatx+1), rx(npatx), ry(npatx), rz(npatx)
11363      dimension ipat0(npatx+1), rx0(npatx), ry0(npatx), rz0(npatx)
11365      double precision dhash, dhash0
11367c     Time reverses path if time reversing it will put it
11368c     in standard order.  Standard order is defined by min hash
11369c     number, using path hash algorithm developed for the path
11370c     degeneracy checker.  See subroutine phash for details.
11371c     Symmetrical paths are, of course, always standard ordered.
11372c     Also returns hash number for standard ordered path.
11374c     Use suffix 0 for (') in variable names
11376c     If no time-reversal standard ordering needed, make hash number
11377c     and return.  No timrev needed if 2 leg path (symmetrical).
11378      nleg = npat + 1
11379      ipat(nleg) = 0
11380      do 10 i = 1, npatx
11381         rx(i)   = 0.0d0
11382         ry(i)   = 0.0d0
11383         rz(i)   = 0.0d0
11384         rx0(i)   = 0.0d0
11385         ry0(i)   = 0.0d0
11386         rz0(i)   = 0.0d0
11387   10 continue
11388      call mpprmp(npat, ipat, rx, ry, rz)
11389      call phash (npat, ipat, rx, ry, rz, dhash)
11391      if (npat .le. 1)  then
11392         return
11393      endif
11395c     Make time reversed path
11397      ipat0(nleg) = ipat(nleg)
11398      do 210  i = 1, npat
11399         ipat0(i) = ipat(nleg-i)
11400  210 continue
11401      call mpprmp(npat, ipat0, rx0, ry0, rz0)
11402      call phash (npat, ipat0, rx0, ry0, rz0, dhash0)
11404c     Do the comparison using hash numbers
11405c     Want representation with smallest hash number
11406      if (dhash0 .lt. dhash)  then
11407c        time reversed representation is smaller, so return
11408c        that version of the path
11409         dhash = dhash0
11410         do 300  i = 1, npat
11411            ipat(i) = ipat0(i)
11412            rx(i)   = rx0(i)
11413            ry(i)   = ry0(i)
11414            rz(i)   = rz0(i)
11415  300    continue
11416      endif
11418      return
11419      end
11420      subroutine totale (dval)
11421      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
11422      save
11423      common /print/ iprint
11424      common /dira/ dv(251), dr(251), dp(251), dq(251), dpas, tets,
11425     1              z, nstop, nes, np, nuc
11426      common /deux/ dvn(251), dvf(251), d(251), dc(251), dgc(251,30),
11427     1 dpc(251,30)
11428      dc(1)=1.0d0
11429      do 10 i=1,np
11430   10 dp(i)=d(i)/dr(i)
11431      if (nuc.le.0) go to 30
11432      do 20 i=1,nuc
11433   20 dp(i)=d(i)*(3.0d0-dr(i)*dr(i)/(dr(nuc)*dr(nuc)))/(dr(nuc)+dr(nuc))
11434      dc(1)=4.0d0
11435   30 call somm (dr,dp,dq,dpas,dc(1),0,np)
11436      dc(1)=-z*dc(1)
11437      do 40 i=1,np
11438      dp(i)=d(i)*dvf(i)
11439      dvn(i)=d(i)*dvn(i)
11440   40 d(i)=d(i)*exchee(d(i),dr(i))
11441      dc(2)=2.0d0
11442      dc(3)=1.0d0
11443      dc(5)=2.0d0
11444      if (nuc.ne.0) dc(3)=4.0d0
11445      call somm (dr,dp,dq,dpas,dc(3),0,np)
11446      call somm (dr,dvn,dq,dpas,dc(5),0,np)
11447      call somm (dr,d,dq,dpas,dc(2),0,np)
11448      dc(4)=dval-dc(3)
11449      dval=dval-0.50d0*dc(5)-dc(2)
11450      dc(2)=dc(3)-dc(1)-dc(5)-dc(2)
11451      dc(3)=0.50d0*dc(5)
11452      if (iprint .ge. 5)  write(16,50) dval,dc(4),dc(3),dc(2),dc(1)
11453   50 format (1h0,5x,'et=',1pe14.7,5x,'ec=',1pe14.7,5x,'ee=',1pe14.7,5x,
11454     1 'ex=',1pe14.7,5x,'en=',1pe14.7)
11455      return
11456      end
11457      subroutine feff_trap (x, y, n, sum)
11458      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11460c     Trapeziodal integration of y(x), result in sum
11462      dimension x(n), y(n)
11464      sum = y(1) * (x(2) - x(1))
11465      do 10  i = 2, n-1
11466         sum = sum + y(i) * (x(i+1) - x(i-1))
11467   10 continue
11468      sum = sum + y(n) * (x(n) - x(n-1))
11469      sum = sum/2
11471      return
11472      end
11473      subroutine wphase (nph, em, eref, lmax, ne, ph)
11475c     Writes phase data to file PHASExx.DAT for each shell
11477      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11479      character*72 header
11480      common /header_common/ header
11483      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
11484      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
11485      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
11486      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
11487      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
11488      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
11489      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
11490      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
11492      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
11493 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
11494      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
11495      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
11496      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
11497				!finder, NOT in genfmt
11500      complex*16 eref(nex)
11501      complex*16 ph(nex,ltot+1,0:nphx)
11502      dimension em(nex)
11503      dimension lmax(0:nphx)
11504      character*30  fname
11506c     Dump phase data, eref and complex phase for each shell
11507      do 260  iph = 0, nph
11508c        prepare file for shell's phase data
11509         write(fname,242)  iph
11510  242    format('phase', i2.2, '.dat')
11511         open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//fname,
11512     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
11513         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//fname, 'wphase')
11514         call wthead  (1)
11515c        write out unique pot and lmax
11516         write(1,244)   iph, lmax(iph), ne
11517  244    format (1x, 3i4, '   unique pot,  lmax, ne ')
11518c        for each energy
11519c        ie, em, eref, p=sqrt(em-eref)
11520c        ph array to ltot+1, 5 values per line
11521         do 250  ie = 1, ne
11522            xp = sqrt(em(ie) - eref(ie))
11523            write(1,246)  ie, em(ie), eref(ie), sqrt(em(ie)-eref(ie))
11524  246       format ('   ie        energy      re(eref)',
11525     1              '      im(eref)',
11526     2              '         re(p)         im(p)', /,
11527     3              1x, i4, 1p, 5e14.6)
11528            write(1,248)  (ph(ie,ll,iph), ll=1,lmax(iph)+1)
11529  248       format (1x, 1p, 4e14.6)
11530  250    continue
11531         close(unit=1)
11532  260 continue
11534      return
11535      end
11536      subroutine wpot (nph, edens, ifrph, imt, inrm,
11537     1                 rho, vclap, vcoul, vtot)
11539c     Writes potentials to file name POTxx.DAT for each unique pot.
11541      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11543      character*72 header
11544      common /header_common/ header
11547      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
11548      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
11549      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
11550      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
11551      complex*16 coni
11552      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
11553c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
11554      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
11556      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
11557      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
11558c     fine structure alpha
11559      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
11560c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
11561      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
11564      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
11565      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
11566      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
11567      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
11568      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
11569      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
11570      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
11571      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
11573      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
11574 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
11575      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
11576      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
11577      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
11578				!finder, NOT in genfmt
11581      dimension ifrph(0:nphx)
11582      dimension rho(251,0:nfrx)
11583      dimension vcoul(251,0:nfrx)
11584      dimension edens(nrptx,0:nphx)
11585      dimension vclap(nrptx,0:nphx)
11586      dimension vtot (nrptx,0:nphx)
11587      dimension imt(0:nphx)
11588      dimension inrm(0:nphx)
11590      character*30 fname
11592c     note units --
11593c     potentials in rydbergs, so that v * 13.6 -> eV
11594c     density in #/(bohr)**3, so rho * e / (.529)**3 -> e/(Ang)**3
11596      do 180  iph = 0, nph
11597         ifr = ifrph(iph)
11598c        prepare file for unique potential data
11599         write(fname,172)  iph
11600  172    format('pot', i2.2, '.dat')
11601         open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//fname,
11602     >         status='unknown', iostat=ios)
11603         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//fname, 'wpot')
11604         call wthead(1)
11605         write(1,173)  iph, imt(iph), inrm(iph)
11606  173    format (1x, 3i4, '  Unique potential, I_mt, I_norman.',
11607     1          '    Following data in atomic units.')
11608         write(1,*) ' ifr ', ifr
11609         write(1,174)
11610  174    format ('   i      r         vcoul        rho',
11611     1           '     ovrlp vcoul  ovrlp vtot  ovrlp rho')
11612         do 178  i = 1, nrptx
11613            write(1,176) i, rr(i), vcoul(i,ifr), rho(i,ifr)/(4*pi),
11614     1                vclap(i,iph), vtot(i,iph), edens(i,iph)/(4*pi)
11615  176       format (1x, i3, 1p, 6e12.4)
11616  178    continue
11617         close(unit=1)
11618  180 continue
11620      return
11621      end
11622      subroutine xcpot (iph, ie, nr, index, ifirst, jri,
11623     1                  em, xmu, vi0, rs0, gamach,
11624     2                  vr, densty,
11625     3                  eref, v,
11626     4                  vxcrmu, vxcimu)
11628      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11630      character*72 header
11631      common /header_common/ header
11634c     INPUT
11635c     iph, ie used only for debug and labels.
11636c     nr          number of points in current Loucks r-grid
11637c     index       0  Hedin-Lunqvist + const real & imag part
11638c                 1  Dirac-Hara + const real & imag part
11639c                 2  ground state + const real & imag part
11640c                 3  Dirac-Hara + HL imag part + const real & imag part
11641c                 4  See rdinp for comment
11642c     ifirst      first entry flag, set to zero before first call for
11643c                 each unique potential, see vxcrmu and vxcimu below
11644c     jri         index of first interstitial point in current
11645c                 Loucks r grid
11646c     em          current energy grid point
11647c     xmu         fermi level
11648c     vi0         const imag part to subtract from potential
11649c     rs0         user input density cutoff, index=4 only
11650c     gamach      core hole lifetime
11651c     vr(nr)      total potential (coulomb and gs exchange corr)
11652c     densty(nr)  electron density
11654c     OUTPUT
11655c     eref        complex energy reference for current energy
11656c     v(nr)       complex potential including energy dep xc
11658c     WORKSPACE
11659c     vxcrmu and vxcimu are calculated only on first entry for a
11660c     particular unique potential, re-used on subsequent entries.
11661c     vxcrmu(nr)  real part of xc at fermi level
11662c     vxcimu(nr)  imag part of xc at fermi level
11664c     This subroutine uses atomic (hartree) units for energy,
11665c     phase uses rydbergs.  All inputs to and outputs from xcpot are
11666c     in rydbergs.  (Factor of 2 to convert from one to the other.)
11670      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
11671      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
11672      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
11673      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
11674      complex*16 coni
11675      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
11676c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
11677      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
11679      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
11680      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
11681c     fine structure alpha
11682      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
11683c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
11684      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
11687      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
11688      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
11689      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
11690      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
11691      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
11692      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
11693      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
11694      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
11696      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
11697 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
11698      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
11699      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
11700      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
11701				!finder, NOT in genfmt
11704      dimension   vr(nr), densty(nr)
11705      complex*16  eref, v(nr)
11706      dimension   vxcrmu(nr), vxcimu(nr)
11708      complex*16  delta
11710c     First calculate vxc to correct the local momentum dispersion
11711c     relation, delta = vxc(e,k) - vxc(mu,k), and
11712c               p^2 = k^2 -mu + kf^2 - delta.
11713c     In jr theory, v(e,r) = vcoul(r) + vxc(e,r) =
11714c                          = vcoul(r) + vxcgs(r) + delta(e,r).
11716      if (index .eq. 2)  then
11717c        Ground state exchange, no self energy calculation
11718         do 10  i = 1, jri
11719            v(i) = vr(i)
11720   10    continue
11721      else
11722c        Add the self energy correction
11723         do 20  i = 1, jri
11724            rs = (3 / (4*pi*densty(i))) ** third
11725c           xf = 1.9191.../rs
11726            xf = fa / rs
11728c           xk2 is the local momentum squared, p^2 = k^2 - mu + kf^2,
11729c           k^2 represents energy measured from vacuum.
11730c           See formula 2.15 in Lee and Beni's paper with the last 2
11731c           terms neglected.  (complete reference?)
11732            xk2 = em + xf**2 - xmu
11734            if (xk2 .lt. 0)  then
11735               write(77,*) 'i, jri'
11736               write(77,*) i, jri
11737               write(77,*) 'rs, densty(i)'
11738               write(77,*) rs, densty(i)
11739               write(77,*) 'xf, fa'
11740               write(77,*) xf, fa
11741               write(77,*) 'em, xmu, xk2'
11742               write(77,*) em, xmu, xk2
11743               stop 'XCPOT-1'
11744            endif
11745            xk = sqrt(xk2)
11746            if (index .eq. 0)  call rhl(rs,xk,vxcr,vxci)
11747            if (index .eq. 1)  call edp(rs,xk,vi0,vxcr,vxci)
11748            if (index .eq. 3)  then
11749               call edp(rs,xk,vi0,vxcr,vxci)
11750               call imhl(rs,xk,vxci,icusp)
11751            elseif (index .eq. 4)  then
11752               rstmp = (1.0d0/rs**3 - 1.0d0/rs0**3) ** (-third)
11753               call edp(rstmp,xk,vi0,vxcr1,vxci1)
11754               call rhl(rs0,xk,vxcr2,vxci2)
11755               vxcr = vxcr1 + vxcr2
11756               vxci = vxci1 + vxci2
11757            endif
11759            if (ifirst .eq. 0)  then
11760c              vxc_mu indep of energy, calc only once
11761c              Calculate vxc at fermi level e = mu, j.m. 1/12/89
11762               xk = xf * 1.00001d0
11763               if (index .eq. 0) call rhl(rs,xk,vxcrmu(i),vxcimu(i))
11764               if (index .eq. 1) call edp(rs,xk,vi0,vxcrmu(i),vxcimu(i))
11765               if (index .eq. 3) then
11766                  call edp(rs,xk,vi0,vxcrmu(i),vxcimu(i))
11767                  call imhl (rs,xk,vxcimu(i),icusp)
11768               elseif (index .eq. 4)  then
11769                  rstmp = (1.0d0/rs**3 - 1.0d0/rs0**3) ** (-third)
11770                  call edp(rstmp,xk,vi0,vxcr1,vxci1)
11771                  call rhl(rs0,xk,vxcr2,vxci2)
11772                  vxcrmu(i) = vxcr1 + vxcr2
11773                  vxcimu(i) = vxci1 + vxci2
11774               endif
11775            endif
11777            delta = dcmplx (vxcr-vxcrmu(i), vxci-vxcimu(i))
11779c           Correct local momentum according to the formula
11780c           p^2 = k^2 - mu + kf^2 - delta.  Note that imag part
11781c           of delta is ignored, since xk2 is a real quantity.
11782            xk2 = em + xf**2 - xmu - delta
11783            if (xk2 .lt. 0)  then
11784               write(77,*) xk2, i, ie, iph, ' xk2, i, ie, iph'
11785               write(77,*) 'em, xf**2, xmu, delta'
11786               write(77,*) em, xf**2, xmu, delta
11787               stop 'XCPOT-2'
11788            endif
11789            xk = sqrt (xk2)
11791c           recalculate vxc(e,k) and vxc(mu,k) with the corrected
11792c           local momentum
11793            if (index .eq. 0)  call rhl(rs,xk,vxcr, vxci)
11794            if (index .eq. 1)  call edp(rs,xk,vi0,vxcr,vxci)
11795            if (index .eq. 3)  then
11796               call edp(rs,xk,vi0,vxcr,vxci)
11797               call imhl (rs,xk,vxci,icusp)
11798            elseif (index .eq. 4)  then
11799               rstmp = (1.0d0/rs**3 - 1.0d0/rs0**3) ** (-third)
11800               call edp(rstmp,xk,vi0,vxcr1,vxci1)
11801               call rhl(rs0,xk,vxcr2,vxci2)
11802               vxcr = vxcr1 + vxcr2
11803               vxci = vxci1 + vxci2
11804            endif
11806c           delta corrected calculated with new local momentum
11807            delta = dcmplx (vxcr-vxcrmu(i), vxci-vxcimu(i))
11809c           Note multiplication by 2 in the exchange correlation part to
11810c           to convert it to rydberg units.
11811   19       continue
11812            v(i) = vr(i) + 2*delta
11814   20    continue
11815      endif
11817c     Reference the potential with respect to mt potential, ie,
11818c     first interstitial point.  v(jri) = 0
11820c     Note that the reference does not contain the core hole lifetime
11821c     since the total atomic potential should have it. However in the
11822c     perturbation  deltav = v - vmt it cancels out.
11823c     ( deltav = vat - igamma - (vatmt-igamma) ).
11825      eref = v(jri)
11826      do 11  i = 1, jri
11827         v(i) = v(i) - eref
11828   11 continue
11830c     igamma added to the reference so that k^2 = E - Eref, where
11831c     Eref = Vat(mt) - igamma / 2
11832      eref = eref - coni * gamach / 2
11834c     Add const imag part
11835      eref = eref - coni * vi0
11837      ifirst = 1
11838      return
11839      end
11840      double precision function xx (j)
11841      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11842c     x grid point at index j, x = log(r), r=exp(x)
11843      parameter (delta = 0.050000000000000d0)
11844      parameter (c88   = 8.800000000000000d0)
11845c     xx = -8.8 + (j-1)*0.05
11846      xx = -c88 + (j-1)*delta
11847      return
11848      end
11850      double precision function rr(j)
11851      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11852c     r grid point at index j
11853      rr = exp (xx(j))
11854      return
11855      end
11857      integer function ii(r)
11858      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11859c     index of grid point immediately below postion r
11860      parameter (delta = 0.050000000000000d0)
11861      parameter (c88   = 8.800000000000000d0)
11862c     ii = (log(r) + 8.8) / 0.05 + 1
11863      ii = (log(r) + c88) / delta + 1
11864      return
11865      end
11866      subroutine ykdir (ia,ib,nk1,nag)
11868      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
11869      save
11870      common /atomco/ den(30), dq1(30), dfl(30), ws, nqn(30), nql(30),
11871     1                nk(30), nmax(30), nel(30), norb, norbco
11872      common /dira/ dv(251), dr(251), dp(251), dq(251), dpas, tets,
11873     1              z, nstop, nes, np, nuc
11874      common /deux/ dvn(251), dvf(251), d(251), dc(251), dgc(251,30),
11875     1 dpc(251,30)
11876      common /trois/ dpno(4,30), dqno(4,30)
11877      dimension dpn1(4)
11878      dpah=exp(dpas)
11879      dpyk=dpas/24.0d0
11880      id=min0(nmax(ia)+2,nmax(ib)+2,np)
11881      idm1=id-1
11882      if (nag.ne.0) go to 30
11883      do 10 i=1,id
11884   10 dq(i)=dr(i)*(dgc(i,ia)*dgc(i,ib)+dpc(i,ia)*dpc(i,ib))
11885      do 20 i=1,4
11886      dpn1(i)=0.0d0
11887      do 20 j=1,i
11888   20 dpn1(i)=dpn1(i)+dpno(j,ia)*dpno(i+1-j,ib)+dqno(j,ia)*dqno(i+1-j,ib
11889     1 )
11890      go to 60
11891   30 do 40 i=1,id
11892   40 dq(i)=dr(i)*dgc(i,ia)*dpc(i,ib)
11893      do 50 i=1,4
11894      dpn1(i)=0.0d0
11895      do 50 j=1,i
11896   50 dpn1(i)=dpn1(i)+dpno(j,ia)*dqno(i+1-j,ib)
11897   60 di=dfl(ia)+dfl(ib)+nk1
11898      dp(1)=0.0d0
11899      dp(2)=0.0d0
11900      do 70 i=1,4
11901      di=di+1.0d0
11902      dp(1)=dp(1)+(dr(1)**di)*dpn1(i)/di
11903   70 dp(2)=dp(2)+(dr(2)**di)*dpn1(i)/di
11904      dm=dpah**(-nk1)
11905      dim2=-dpyk*dm*dm
11906      dim1=13.0d0*dpyk*dm
11907      di=13.0d0*dpyk
11908      dip1=-dpyk/dm
11909      do 80 i=3,idm1
11910   80 dp(i)=dp(i-1)*dm+dim2*dq(i-2)+dip1*dq(i+1)+dim1*dq(i-1)+di*dq(i)
11911      dq(id-2)=dp(id-2)
11912      do 90 i=idm1,np
11913   90 dq(i)=dq(i-1)*dm
11914      i=nk1+nk1+1
11915      dm=dm/dpah
11916      dim2=i*dim2/(dpah*dpah)
11917      dim1=i*dim1/dpah
11918      di=i*di
11919      dip1=i*dip1*dpah
11920      i=id-3
11921  100 dq(i)=dq(i+1)*dm+dim2*dp(i+2)+dip1*dp(i-1)+dim1*dp(i+1)+di*dp(i)
11922      i=i-1
11923      if (i-1) 110,110,100
11924  110 dq(1)=dq(3)*dm*dm+8.0d0*((di*dp(1)
11925     >  +4.0d0*dim1*dp(2))/13.0d0-dim2*dp(3))
11926      return
11927      end
11930      subroutine feff6(header_in)
11931c     EXAFS only lite version of FEFF6
11932c     see LICENSE for copying details
11933      implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
11934      character*(*) header_in
11937      character*12 vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
11938      common /vers/ vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
11941      parameter (nphx = 7)	!max number of unique potentials (potph)
11942      parameter (npotx = nphx)	!max number of unique potentials (genfmt, paths)
11943      parameter (nfrx = nphx)	!max number of free atom types
11944      parameter (novrx = 8)	!max number of overlap shells
11945      parameter (natx = 250)	!max number of atoms in problem
11946      parameter (ltot = 24)	!max number of ang mom (arrays 1:ltot+1)
11947      parameter (nrptx = 250)	!Loucks r grid used through overlap
11948      parameter (nex = 100)	!Number of energy points genfmt, etc.
11950      parameter (lamtot=15)	!Max number of distinct lambda's for genfmt
11951 				!15 handles iord 2 and exact ss
11952      parameter (mtot=4, ntot=2) !vary mmax and nmax independently
11953      parameter (legtot=9)	!matches path finder, used in GENFMT
11954      parameter (npatx = 8)	!max number of path atoms, used in path
11955				!finder, NOT in genfmt
11958      parameter (pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433d0)
11959      parameter (one = 1, zero = 0)
11960      parameter (third = 1.0d0/3.0d0)
11961      parameter (raddeg = 180.0d0 / pi)
11962      complex*16 coni
11963      parameter (coni = (0.0d0,1.0d0))
11964c     kf = fa/rs with fa = (9*pi/4)**third, see Ash&Merm, pg 37
11965      parameter (fa = 1.919158292677512811d0)
11967      parameter (bohr = 0.529177249d0, ryd  = 13.605698d0)
11968      parameter (alpinv = 137.03598956d0)
11969c     fine structure alpha
11970      parameter (alphfs = 1.0d0 / alpinv)
11971c     speed of light in louck's units (rydbergs?)
11972      parameter (clight = 2 * alpinv)
11975      parameter (ntitx = 10)
11976      character*79  title(ntitx)
11977      dimension ltit(ntitx)
11978      character*12 tmpstr
11979      character*30 fname
11981c     Following passed to pathfinder, which is single precision.
11982c     Be careful to always declare these!
11983      parameter (necrit=9, nbeta=40)
11984      real*8 fbetac(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,necrit), ckspc(necrit)
11985      real*8 fbeta(-nbeta:nbeta,0:npotx,nex), cksp(nex)
11986      real*8 rmax, critpw, pcritk, pcrith
11987      character*6  potlbl(0:npotx)
11989      character*72 header
11990      common /header_common/ header
11992   10 format (1x, a)
11994      header = header_in
11996      open (unit=77,file=trim(header)//'feff.stdout',status='unknown')
11998      tmpstr = vfeff
11999      call triml (tmpstr)
12000      write(77,10) tmpstr
12001      call rdinp(mphase, mpath, mfeff, mchi, ms,
12002     1            ntitle, title, ltit,
12003     2            critcw,
12004     1            ipr2, ipr3, ipr4,
12005     1            s02, tk, thetad, sig2g,
12006     1            nlegxx,
12007     1            rmax, critpw, pcritk, pcrith, nncrit,
12008     2            icsig, iorder, vrcorr, vicorr, isporb)
12010      do 20  i = 1, ntitle
12011         write(77,10) title(i)(1:ltit(i))
12012   20 continue
12014      if (mphase .eq. 1)  then
12015         write(77,10) 'Calculating potentials and phases...'
12016         call potph (isporb)
12017         open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'potph.dat',
12018     >         status='old', iostat=ios)
12019         call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'potph.dat', 'feff')
12020         close (unit=1, status='delete')
12021      endif
12023      if (ms.eq.1  .and.  mpath.eq.1)  then
12025         write(77,10) 'Preparing plane wave scattering amplitudes...'
12026         call prcrit(ne, nncrit, ik0, cksp, fbeta, ckspc,
12027     1                fbetac, potlbl)
12029c        Dump out fbetac for central atom and first pot
12030         if (ipr2 .ge. 3 .and. ipr2.ne.5)  then
12031            do 260  ipot = 0, 1
12032               do 250  ie = 1, nncrit
12033                  write(fname,200)  ie, ipot
12034  200             format ('fbeta', i1, 'p', i1, '.dat')
12035                  open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//fname)
12036                  write(1,210)  ipot, ie, ckspc(ie)
12037  210             format ('# ipot, ie, ckspc(ie) ', 2i5, 1pe20.6, /
12038     1                    '#  angle(degrees), fbeta/|p|,  fbeta')
12039                  do 240  ibeta = -nbeta, nbeta
12040                     cosb = .025 * ibeta
12041                     if (cosb .gt.  1)  cosb =  1
12042                     if (cosb .lt. -1)  cosb = -1
12043                     angle = acos (cosb)
12044                     write(1,230)  angle*raddeg,
12045     1                  fbetac(ibeta,ipot,ie)/ckspc(ie),
12046     2                  fbetac(ibeta,ipot,ie)
12047  230                format (f10.4, 1p, 2e15.6)
12048  240             continue
12049                  close (unit=1)
12050  250          continue
12051  260       continue
12052         endif
12054         write(77,10) 'Searching for paths...'
12055         call paths(ckspc, fbetac, pcritk, pcrith, nncrit,
12056     1               rmax, nlegxx, ipotnn)
12058         write(77,10) 'Eliminating path degeneracies...'
12059         call pathsd(ckspc, fbetac, ne, ik0, cksp, fbeta,
12060     1                critpw, ipotnn, ipr2,
12061     1                pcritk, pcrith, nncrit, potlbl)
12063         if (ipr2 .lt. 2)  then
12064            open (unit=1, file=trim(header)//'geom.dat', status='old')
12065            call chopen (ios, trim(header)//'geom.dat', 'feff')
12066            close (unit=1, status='delete')
12067         endif
12068      endif
12070      if (mfeff .eq. 1)  then
12071         write(77,10) 'Calculating EXAFS parameters...'
12072         call genfmt (ipr3, critcw, sig2g, iorder)
12073      endif
12075      if (mchi .eq. 1)  then
12076         write(77,10) 'Calculating chi...'
12077         call ff2chi (ipr4, critcw, s02, tk, thetad, icsig,
12078     1                vrcorr, vicorr)
12079      endif
12081      write(77,500)
12082  500 format (1x, 'Feff done.  Have a nice day.')
12084      close(77)
12086      return
12087      end
12090      character*2 function upperlower(string)
12091      implicit none
12092      character*2 string
12093      character*2 item
12094      character t1,t2
12095      integer uca,ucz,lca,lcz,shift
12096      uca = ichar('A')
12097      ucz = ichar('Z')
12098      lca = ichar('a')
12099      lcz = ichar('z')
12100      shift = lca - uca
12101      item = '  '
12102      t1 = string(1:1)
12103      t2 = string(2:2)
12104      if ((ichar(t1).ge.lca).and.(ichar(t1).le.lcz))
12105     >   t1 = char(ichar(t1)-shift)
12106      if ((ichar(t2).ge.uca).and.(ichar(t2).le.ucz))
12107     >   t2 = char(ichar(t2)+shift)
12108      item(1:1) = t1
12109      item(2:2) = t2
12110      upperlower = item
12111      return
12112      end
12115      logical function str_compare(a,b)
12116      implicit none
12117      character*(*) a
12118      character*(*) b
12119      character t1,t2
12120      integer la,lb,uca,ucz,lca,i,shift
12121      str_compare = .false.
12122      la = len_trim(a)
12123      lb = len_trim(b)
12124      if (la.eq.lb) then
12125         uca = ichar('A')
12126         ucz = ichar('Z')
12127         lca = ichar('a')
12128         shift = lca-uca
12129         do i=1,la
12130            t1 = a(i:i)
12131            t2 = b(i:i)
12132            if ((ichar(t1).ge.uca).and.(ichar(t1).le.ucz))
12133     >         t1 = char(ichar(t1)+shift)
12134            if ((ichar(t2).ge.uca).and.(ichar(t2).le.ucz))
12135     >         t2 = char(ichar(t2)+shift)
12136            if (t1.ne.t2) return
12137         end do
12138         str_compare = .true.
12139      end if
12141      return
12142      end
12146      subroutine feff_codeversion(version)
12147      implicit none
12148      character*(*) version
12150      character*12 vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
12151      common /vers/ vfeff, vpotph, vpaths, vgenfm, vff2ch
12153      version = vfeff
12154      return
12155      end
12159      subroutine feff_serial(dict_in,outtype,dict_out,nkf,kf,chi)
12160      implicit none
12161      character*(*) dict_in
12162      integer outtype
12163      character*(*) dict_out
12164      integer nkf
12165      real*8 kf(*),chi(*)
12168*     **** local variables ****
12169      character*2 symbols(112)
12170      data symbols/
12171     $     'H ', 'He', 'Li', 'Be', 'B ', 'C ', 'N ', 'O ', 'F ', 'Ne',
12172     $     'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P ', 'S ', 'Cl', 'Ar', 'K ', 'Ca',
12173     $     'Sc', 'Ti', 'V ', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn',
12174     $     'Ga', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', 'Rb', 'Sr', 'Y ', 'Zr',
12175     $     'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'In', 'Sn',
12176     $     'Sb', 'Te', 'I ', 'Xe', 'Cs', 'Ba', 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd',
12177     $     'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb',
12178     $     'Lu', 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W ', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg',
12179     $     'Tl', 'Pb', 'Bi', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn', 'Fr', 'Ra', 'Ac', 'Th',
12180     $     'Pa', 'U ', 'Np', 'Pu', 'Am', 'Cm', 'Bk', 'Cf', 'Es', 'Fm',
12181     $     'Md', 'No', 'Lr', 'Rf', 'Db', 'Sg', 'Bh', 'Hs', 'Mt', 'Ds',
12182     $     'Rg', 'Cn'/
12184      logical done,found
12185      character*100 buf
12186      character*80 header
12187      character*80 spectroscopy
12189      integer      nedge
12190      character*80 edge
12192      integer nabsorber
12193      character*80 absorber
12194      character*2 item
12195      integer ncenter
12196      integer center(20)
12197      character*12 cnum
12199      real*8 rmax
12201      integer nkatm
12202      integer katm(1000)
12203      integer ipot(50),zkatm(50)
12204      integer nion
12205      character*30 cnum1
12206      real*8  x,y,z,dist,rion(3,1000)
12207      integer zi,zion(1000)
12209      integer ind,ind0,ind1,ind2,ind3,ind4,ind4a,ind4b
12210      integer i,j,ii,ia,ip
12212*     **** external functions ****
12213      character*2 upperlower
12214      external    upperlower
12215      logical  str_compare
12216      external str_compare
12219c     **** parse "scratch_dir": json item****
12220      header = ' '
12221      ind = index(dict_in,"""scratch_dir"":")
12222      if (ind.gt.0) then
12223         ind2 = ind+16
12224         ind3 = ind+14+index(dict_in(ind+16:),"""")
12225         header = dict_in(ind2:ind3)
12226      else
12227         header = ' '
12228      end if
12231c     **** parse "spectroscopy": json item ****
12232      spectroscopy = ' '
12233      ind = index(dict_in,"""spectroscopy"":")
12234      if (ind.gt.0) then
12235         ind2 = ind+17
12236         ind3 = ind+16+index(dict_in(ind+18:),"""")
12237         spectroscopy = dict_in(ind2:ind3)
12238      else
12239         spectroscopy = "exafs"
12240      end if
12243c     **** parse "edge": json item ****
12244      edge = ' '
12245      ind = index(dict_in,"""edge"":")
12246      if (ind.gt.0) then
12247         ind2 = ind+9
12248         ind3 = ind+7+index(dict_in(ind+9:),"""")
12249         edge = dict_in(ind2:ind3)
12250      else
12251         edge = "k"
12252      end if
12254c     **** parse "rmax": json item ****
12255      ind = index(dict_in,"""rmax"":")
12256      if (ind.gt.0) then
12257         ind1 = ind + 7
12258         ind4a = index(dict_in(ind1:),",")
12259         ind4b = index(dict_in(ind1:),"}")
12260         if ((ind4a.lt.ind4b).and.(ind4a.gt.0)) then
12261            ind2 = ind1+ind4a
12262         else
12263            ind2 = ind1+ind4b
12264         end if
12265         cnum1 = trim(adjustl(dict_in(ind1:ind2-2)))
12266         read(cnum1,*) rmax
12267      else
12268         rmax = 10.0d0
12269      end if
12272c     **** parse "absorber": json item ****
12273      absorber = repeat(' ',80)
12274      nabsorber = 0
12275      ind0 = index(dict_in,"""absorber"":")
12276      if (ind0.gt.0) then
12277         ind1 = ind0 + index(dict_in(ind0:),"[")
12278         done = .false.
12279         do while (.not.done)
12280            ind2 = ind1 + index(dict_in(ind1:),"""")
12281            ind3 = ind2 + index(dict_in(ind2:),"""")-2
12282            item = '  '
12283            item = dict_in(ind2:ind3)
12284            absorber(1+2*nabsorber:2+2*nabsorber) = item
12285            nabsorber = nabsorber + 1
12287            ind4a = index(dict_in(ind3:),",")
12288            ind4b = index(dict_in(ind3:),"]")
12289            if ((ind4a.lt.ind4b).and.(ind4a.gt.0)) then
12290               ind4a = ind4a + ind3
12291               ind1 = ind4a
12292            else
12293               ind4b = ind4b + ind3
12294               ind1 = ind4b
12295               done = .true.
12296            end if
12297         end do
12298      end if
12301c     **** parse "center": json item ****
12302      ncenter = 0
12303      ind0 = index(dict_in,"""center"":")
12304      if (ind0.gt.0) then
12305         ind1 = ind0 + index(dict_in(ind0:),"[")
12306         done = .false.
12307         do while (.not.done)
12308            ind4a = index(dict_in(ind1:),",")
12309            ind4b = index(dict_in(ind1:),"]")
12310            if ((ind4a.lt.ind4b).and.(ind4a.gt.0)) then
12311               ind4a = ind4a + ind1
12312               cnum = trim(adjustl(dict_in(ind1:ind4a-2)))
12313               ind1 = ind4a
12314            else
12315               ind4b = ind4b + ind1
12316               cnum = trim(adjustl(dict_in(ind1:ind4b-2)))
12317               ind1 = ind4b
12318               done = .true.
12319            end if
12320            ncenter = ncenter + 1
12321            read(cnum,'(I12)') center(ncenter)
12322         end do
12323      end if
12324      if (ncenter.lt.1) then
12325         ncenter = 1
12326         center(1) = 1
12327      end if
12329c     **** parse "geometry": json item ****
12330      nion = 0
12331      ind0 = index(dict_in,"""geometry"":")
12332      if (ind0.gt.0) then
12333         ind0 = ind0 + index(dict_in(ind0:),"[")
12334         done = .false.
12335         do while (.not.done)
12336            ind0 = ind0 + index(dict_in(ind0:),"[")
12338            ind1 = ind0 + index(dict_in(ind0:),",")
12339            ind2 = ind1 + index(dict_in(ind1:),",")
12340            ind3 = ind2 + index(dict_in(ind2:),",")
12341            ind4 = ind3 + index(dict_in(ind3:),"]")
12343            item = '  '
12344            item = dict_in(ind0+1:ind1-3)
12345            item = upperlower(item)
12346            zi = -1
12347            do ii=1,112
12348               if (item.eq.symbols(ii)) zi = ii
12349            end do
12351            cnum1 = trim(adjustl(dict_in(ind0:ind1-2)))
12353            cnum1 = trim(adjustl(dict_in(ind1:ind2-2)))
12354            read(cnum1,*) x
12356            cnum1 = trim(adjustl(dict_in(ind2:ind3-2)))
12357            read(cnum1,*) y
12359            cnum1 = trim(adjustl(dict_in(ind3:ind4-2)))
12360            read(cnum1,*) z
12363            ind4a = index(dict_in(ind4:),",")
12364            ind4b = index(dict_in(ind4:),"]")
12365            if ((ind4a.lt.ind4b).and.(ind4a.gt.0)) then
12366               ind0 = ind4+ind4a
12367            else
12368               ind0 = ind4+ind4b
12369               done = .true.
12370            end if
12371            nion = nion + 1
12372            rion(1,nion) = x
12373            rion(2,nion) = y
12374            rion(3,nion) = z
12375            zion(nion)   = zi
12376         end do
12377      end if
12379      nkatm = 0
12380      do ii=1,nion
12381         found = .false.
12382         do j=1,nkatm
12383            if (zion(ii).eq.zkatm(j)) then
12384               found = .true.
12385               ia = j
12386            end if
12387         end do
12388         if (found) then
12389            katm(ii) = ia
12390         else
12391            nkatm = nkatm + 1
12392            zkatm(nkatm) = zion(ii)
12393            katm(ii) = nkatm
12394         end if
12395      end do
12397      do ia=1,nkatm
12398         ipot(ia) = -1
12399      end do
12400      ip = 1
12401      do ii=1,nion
12402         if (ii.ne.center(1)) then
12403            ia = katm(ii)
12404            if (ipot(ia).eq.-1) then
12405               ipot(ia) = ip
12406               ip = ip + 1
12407            end if
12408         end if
12409      end do
12411      nedge = 1
12412      if (str_compare(edge,"k"))   nedge = 1
12413      if (str_compare(edge,"l1"))  nedge = 2
12414      if (str_compare(edge,"l2"))  nedge = 3
12415      if (str_compare(edge,"l3"))  nedge = 4
12416      if (str_compare(edge,"m1"))  nedge = 5
12417      if (str_compare(edge,"m2"))  nedge = 6
12418      if (str_compare(edge,"m3"))  nedge = 7
12419      if (str_compare(edge,"m4"))  nedge = 8
12420      if (str_compare(edge,"m5"))  nedge = 9
12423      open (unit=76,file=trim(header)//'feff.inp',status='unknown')
12424      write(76,'("TITLE ...")')
12425      write(76,*)
12426      write(76,'("HOLE ",I2," 1.0")') nedge
12427      write(76,*)
12428      write(76,*) "*   mphase,mpath,mfeff,mchi"
12429      write(76,'("CONTROL  1   1   1   1")')
12430      write(76,'("PRINT    1   0   0   0")')
12431      write(76,*)
12432      write(76,'("RMAX  ",F10.3)') rmax
12433      write(76,*)
12434      if (nkatm.gt.0) then
12435         write(76,'("POTENTIALS")')
12436         write(76,*) "*  ipot       Z    element"
12437         write(76,100) 0,zion(center(1)),symbols(zion(center(1)))
12438         do ia=1,nkatm
12439            if (ipot(ia).ne.-1)
12440     >         write(76,100) ipot(ia), zkatm(ia),symbols(zkatm(ia))
12441         end do
12442  100 format(I8,I8,9x,A2)
12443      end if
12444      if (nion.gt.0) then
12445         write(76,*)
12446         write(76,'("ATOMS")')
12447         write(76,200) 'x','y','z','ipot','tag','distance'
12448         do ii=1,nion
12449            ia = katm(ii)
12450            ip = ipot(ia)
12451            if (ii.eq.center(1)) ip = 0
12452            x = rion(1,ii)-rion(1,center(1))
12453            y = rion(2,ii)-rion(2,center(1))
12454            z = rion(3,ii)-rion(3,center(1))
12455            dist = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
12456            write(76,201) rion(1,ii),rion(2,ii),rion(3,ii),
12457     >                   ip,symbols(zion(ii)),dist
12458         end do
12459 200  format('*',A19,2A20,A5,2x,A4,A20)
12460 201  format(3E20.9,I5,2x,A4,E20.9)
12461      end if
12462      close(76)
12464      !*** call feff6 ****
12465      call feff6(header)
12467*     **** just cat "chi.dat" to dict_out ****
12468      if (outtype.eq.1) then
12469         dict_out  = " "
12470         open(15,file=trim(header)//'chi.dat')
12471         do
12472            read(15,'(A)',end=311,err=311) buf
12473            !dict_out = trim(dict_out)//trim(buf)//NEW_LINE('A')
12474         end do
12475 311     close(15)
12476      else
12477         nkf = 0
12478         open(15,file=trim(header)//'chi.dat')
12479         do
12480            read(15,'(f10.4,3e13.6)',end=411,err=410) x,y,z,dist
12481            nkf = nkf+1
12482            kf(nkf)  = x
12483            chi(nkf) = y
12484 410        continue
12485         end do
12486 411     close(15)
12487      end if
12489      return
12490      end
12495      subroutine feff_fortran(header,spectroscopy,absorption,edge,
12496     >                        center,rmax,e0,s0,
12497     >                        nkatm,katm,zkatm,nion,zion,rion,
12498     >                        nohydrogen,
12499     >                        nkf,kf,chi)
12500      implicit none
12501      character*(*) header
12502      character*(*) spectroscopy
12503      character*(*) absorption
12504      character*(*) edge
12505      integer center
12506      real*8  rmax,e0,s0
12507      integer nkatm
12508      integer katm(*)
12509      integer zkatm(*)
12510      integer nion
12511      integer zion(*)
12512      real*8  rion(3,*)
12513      logical nohydrogen
12515      integer nkf
12516      real*8 kf(*),chi(*)
12518*     **** local variables ****
12519      real*8 autoang
12520      parameter (autoang = 0.529177d0)
12522      character*2 symbols(112)
12523      data symbols/
12524     $     'H ', 'He', 'Li', 'Be', 'B ', 'C ', 'N ', 'O ', 'F ', 'Ne',
12525     $     'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P ', 'S ', 'Cl', 'Ar', 'K ', 'Ca',
12526     $     'Sc', 'Ti', 'V ', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn',
12527     $     'Ga', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', 'Rb', 'Sr', 'Y ', 'Zr',
12528     $     'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'In', 'Sn',
12529     $     'Sb', 'Te', 'I ', 'Xe', 'Cs', 'Ba', 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd',
12530     $     'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb',
12531     $     'Lu', 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W ', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg',
12532     $     'Tl', 'Pb', 'Bi', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn', 'Fr', 'Ra', 'Ac', 'Th',
12533     $     'Pa', 'U ', 'Np', 'Pu', 'Am', 'Cm', 'Bk', 'Cf', 'Es', 'Fm',
12534     $     'Md', 'No', 'Lr', 'Rf', 'Db', 'Sg', 'Bh', 'Hs', 'Mt', 'Ds',
12535     $     'Rg', 'Cn'/
12537      logical done,found
12538      integer nedge
12539      integer ipot(50)
12540      real*8  x,y,z,dist
12541      integer i,j,ii,ia,ip
12543*     **** external functions ****
12544      character*2 upperlower
12545      external    upperlower
12546      logical  str_compare
12547      external str_compare
12550      if (rmax.le.0.0d0) rmax   = 10.0d0
12551      if (center.lt.1)   center = 1
12553      if (str_compare(edge,"k"))   nedge = 1
12554      if (str_compare(edge,"l1"))  nedge = 2
12555      if (str_compare(edge,"l2"))  nedge = 3
12556      if (str_compare(edge,"l3"))  nedge = 4
12557      if (str_compare(edge,"m1"))  nedge = 5
12558      if (str_compare(edge,"m2"))  nedge = 6
12559      if (str_compare(edge,"m3"))  nedge = 7
12560      if (str_compare(edge,"m4"))  nedge = 8
12561      if (str_compare(edge,"m5"))  nedge = 9
12564      do ia=1,nkatm
12565         ipot(ia) = -1
12566      end do
12568      if (nohydrogen) then
12569         do ia=1,nkatm
12570            if (zkatm(ia).eq.1) ipot(ia) = -2
12571         end do
12572      end if
12574      ip = 1
12575      do ii=1,nion
12576         if (ii.ne.center) then
12577            ia = katm(ii)
12578            if (ipot(ia).eq.-1) then
12579               ipot(ia) = ip
12580               ip = ip + 1
12581            end if
12582         end if
12583      end do
12585      open (unit=76,file=trim(header)//'feff.inp',status='unknown')
12586      write(76,'("TITLE ...")')
12587      write(76,*)
12588      write(76,'("HOLE ",I2,F10.3)') nedge,s0
12589      write(76,*)
12590      write(76,*) "*   mphase,mpath,mfeff,mchi"
12591      write(76,'("CONTROL  1   1   1   1")')
12592      write(76,'("PRINT    1   0   0   0")')
12593      write(76,*)
12594      write(76,'("RMAX  ",F10.3)') rmax
12595      if (dabs(e0).gt.1.0e-3) write(76,'("CORRECTIONS  ",F10.3)') e0
12596      write(76,*)
12597      if (nkatm.gt.0) then
12598         write(76,'("POTENTIALS")')
12599         write(76,*) "*  ipot       Z    element"
12600         write(76,100) 0,zion(center),symbols(zion(center))
12601         do ia=1,nkatm
12602            if (ipot(ia).gt.-1)
12603     >         write(76,100) ipot(ia), zkatm(ia),symbols(zkatm(ia))
12604         end do
12605  100 format(I8,I8,9x,A2)
12606      end if
12607      if (nion.gt.0) then
12608         write(76,*)
12609         write(76,'("ATOMS")')
12610         write(76,200) 'x','y','z','ipot','tag','distance'
12611         do ii=1,nion
12612            ia = katm(ii)
12613            ip = ipot(ia)
12614            if (ii.eq.center) ip = 0
12615            x = rion(1,ii)-rion(1,center)
12616            y = rion(2,ii)-rion(2,center)
12617            z = rion(3,ii)-rion(3,center)
12618            dist = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
12619            if (ip.gt.-1) then
12620               write(76,201) rion(1,ii)*autoang,
12621     >                       rion(2,ii)*autoang,
12622     >                       rion(3,ii)*autoang,
12623     >                       ip,symbols(zion(ii)),dist*autoang
12624            end if
12625         end do
12626 200  format('*',A19,2A20,A5,2x,A4,A20)
12627 201  format(3F20.9,I5,2x,A4,E20.9)
12628      end if
12629      close(76)
12631      !*** call feff6 ****
12632      call feff6(header)
12634*     **** read chi.dat to generate nkf, kf, and chi ****
12635      nkf = 0
12636      open(unit=15,file=trim(header)//'chi.dat')
12637      do
12638         read(15,*,end=411,err=410) x,y,z,dist
12639         nkf = nkf+1
12640         kf(nkf)  = x
12641         chi(nkf) = y
12642 410     continue
12643      end do
12644 411  close(15)
12646      return
12647      end