1C $Id$
3*                                                                      *
4      subroutine ecp_local1 (mem_max,DryRun,
5     &    R_AC,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,l_a,n_prim_a,n_cont_a,coef_a,zeta_a,
6     &    R_BC,X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC,l_b,n_prim_b,n_cont_b,coef_b,zeta_b,
7     &    n_prim_c,n_coef_c,zeta_c,coef_c,p_min,p_max,
8     &    tol,sphcart,tmp,l_tmp,
9     &    csco,lcsco,
10     &    ecp_ints,n_int,transpose,ibug)
11*                                                                      *
12*   Calculate Type 1 local integrals for a given ECP centre            *
13*                                                                      *
14*   Argument (status) - description                                    *
15*                                                                      *
16*   mem_max (out) - maximum scratch memory required                    *
17*   DryRun (inp) - logical to only return memory if true               *
18*   R_AC (inp) - distance between centres A and C                      *
19*   X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC (inp) - cartesian coordinates of centre C relative  *
20*                          to centre A, X_AC = X_C - X_A, etc.         *
21*   l_a (inp) - (maximum) angular momentum of functions on centre A    *
22*   n_prim_a (inp) - number of primitive functions on centre A         *
23*   n_cont_a (inp) - number of contracted functions on centre A        *
24*   coef_a (inp) - centre A contraction coefficients                   *
25*   zeta_a (inp) - centre A exponents                                  *
26*   R_BC (inp) - distance between centres B and C                      *
27*   X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC (inp) - cartesian coordinates of centre C relative  *
28*                          to centre B, X_BC = X_C - X_B, etc.         *
29*   l_b (inp) - (maximum) angular momentum of functions on centre B    *
30*   n_prim_b (inp) - number of primitive functions on centre B         *
31*   n_cont_b (inp) - number of contracted functions on centre B        *
32*   coef_b (inp) - centre B contraction coefficients                   *
33*   zeta_b (inp) - centre B exponents                                  *
34*   n_prim_c (inp) - number of primitive functions for each power of r *
35*                    in ECP expansion                                  *
36*   n_coef_c (inp) - number of coefficients/exponents for local potl.  *
37*   zeta_c (inp) - ECP exponents                                       *
38*   coef_c (inp) - ECP contraction coefficients                        *
39*   p_min (inp) - minimum power of r in ECP expansion                  *
40*   p_max (inp) - maximum power of r in ECP expansion                  *
41*   tol (inp) - maximum relative error in bessel functions             *
42*   sphcart (inp) - 0 for cartesian integrals, 1 for spherical         *
43*   tmp (scr) - work array                                             *
44*   l_tmp (inp) - length of tmp                                        *
45*   ecp_ints (out) - integrals over ECP                                *
46*   n_int (inp) - number of ECP integrals                              *
47*   transpose (inp) - true if centres A and B are to be transposed.    *
48*   ibug (inp) - debug flag. 0 for no debug, 1 for address printing,   *
49*           2 for array printing, 3 for both.                          *
50*                                                                      *
51*   Notes:                                                             *
52*   -----                                                              *
53*                                                                      *
54*   The ECP centre is centre C. Centre B is assumed to coincide with   *
55*   centre C.                                                          *
56*   The integrals come out in the order cont_a, cont_b, cmpt_a, cmpt_b *
57*      where cont = contracted functions, cmpt = cartesian components  *
58*   The integrals are added to the array ecp_ints, i.e. ecp_ints is    *
59*   incremented by the integrals from this routine.                    *
60*                                                                      *
61*   Written by K. G. Dyall                                             *
62*                                                                      *
64      implicit none
65#include "stdio.fh"
66#include "ecp_consts.fh"
67#include "util.fh"
68#include "errquit.fh"
69      integer l_a,n_prim_a,n_cont_a,l_b,n_prim_b,n_cont_b,n_coef_c,
70     &    l_tmp,n_int,p_min,p_max,sphcart,mem_max,ibug
71      integer n_prim_c(p_min:p_max)
72      integer i,i_a,i_b,i_c,i_ai,i_ang,i_ang_a,i_ca,i_Ga,i_free,i_ind,
73     &    i_int_a,i_k,i_t,i_x,i_y,i_z,i_Q_int,i_Qa,
74     &    i_Qabc,i_gam,i_alp,i_pre,i_tmp,i_wrk,k,l,l_c,l_c_min,
75     &    l_c_max,l_sa,l_max,l_min,ll,l_lo,m_count,m_skip,n,n_na,n_nsa,
76     &    n_ta,n_all_a,n_nb,n_all_b,n_abc,n_ab,nc_ab,ncab,n_rad,n_l,
77     &    n_l_c,n_ang_a,n_ang_t,n_Qa
78      integer lcsco
79      logical DryRun,transpose,debug_gen,debug_addresses,debug_arrays
80      double precision zeta_c(n_coef_c),coef_c(n_coef_c),
81     &    coef_a(n_prim_a,n_cont_a),coef_b(n_prim_b,n_cont_b),
82     &    zeta_a(n_prim_a),zeta_b(n_prim_b),
83     &    tmp(l_tmp),ecp_ints(n_int),
84     &    R_AC,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,R_BC,X_BC,Y_BC,Z_BC,
85     &    tol,fac,log_prefactor
86      double precision csco(lcsco)
88      logical ecp_skipint
89      external ecp_skipint
91      debug_gen = ibug .gt. 0
92      debug_addresses = mod(ibug,2) .eq. 1
93      debug_arrays = (mod(ibug,10)/2 .eq. 1) .and. .not.DryRun
95      if (DryRun) mem_max = 0
97      if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,'(//A,/)') 'Entering ecp_local1 ...'
98      if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'ibug =',ibug
99      if (debug_addresses) then
100        write (LuOut,*) 'Scratch memory l_tmp = ',l_tmp
101        write (LuOut,*) p_min,p_max
102        write (LuOut,*) (n_prim_c(i),i = p_min,p_max)
103      end if
105*     Check magnitude of integrals
107      if (.not.DryRun) then
108        if (ecp_skipint (
109     &      l_a,n_prim_a,n_cont_a,coef_a,zeta_a,R_AC,
110     &      l_b,n_prim_b,n_cont_b,coef_b,zeta_b,R_BC,
111     &      n_coef_c,zeta_c,coef_c)) return
112      end if
114*   Allocate memory for ecp-independent quantities
116      n_na = (l_a+1)*(l_a+2)/2
117      n_all_a = n_na*(l_a+3)/3
118      l_sa = l_b+l_a
119      n_nsa = (l_sa+1)**2
120      n_ta = (l_sa+1)*(l_sa+2)/2
121      n_nb = (l_b+1)*(l_b+2)/2
122      if (debug_addresses)
123     &    write (LuOut,*) 'n_na,n_all_a,l_sa,n_nsa,n_ta,n_nb',
124     &    n_na,n_all_a,l_sa,n_nsa,n_ta,n_nb
126      n_ab = n_prim_a*n_prim_b
127      nc_ab = n_prim_a*n_cont_b
128      ncab = n_cont_a*n_cont_b
129      n_abc = n_ab*n_coef_c
130      if (debug_addresses)
131     &    write (LuOut,*) 'n_ab,nc_ab,ncab',n_ab,nc_ab,ncab
133      i_ca = 1
134      i_Ga = i_ca+n_na*n_all_a
135      i_x = i_Ga+n_nsa
136      i_y = i_x+l_sa+1
137      i_z = i_y+l_sa+1
138      i_t = i_z+l_sa+1
139      i_free = i_t+n_ta
140      if (debug_addresses) then
141        write (LuOut,*) 'i_ca,i_Ga,i_x,i_y,i_z,i_t,i_free',
142     &      i_ca,i_Ga,i_x,i_y,i_z,i_t,i_free
143      end if
144      if (DryRun) then
145        mem_max = max(mem_max,i_free-1)
146        if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*) 'mem_max',mem_max
147      else
148        if (i_free-1 .gt. l_tmp) call errquit(
149     &      ' Insufficient memory in ecp_local1',99, MEM_ERR)
151*     Expand cartesian basis about ECP centre in spherical tensors
153        if (debug_arrays)
154     &      write (LuOut,*) 'X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC',X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC
155        call ecp_cart_xpd (l_a,n_na,n_all_a,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,
156     &      tmp(i_x),tmp(i_y),tmp(i_z),tmp(i_t),tmp(i_ca),1,
157     &      csco,lcsco)
158        if (debug_arrays) call ecp_matpr(tmp(i_ca),1,n_na,1,n_all_a,
159     &      1,n_na,1,n_all_a,'Cartesian expansion','E',78,4)
161*    Set up spherical tensors which multiply bessel functions
163        call ecp_sph_tens (l_sa,n_nsa,n_ta,R_AC,X_AC,Y_AC,Z_AC,
164     &      tmp(i_x),tmp(i_y),tmp(i_z),tmp(i_t),tmp(i_Ga),
165     &      csco,lcsco)
166        if (debug_arrays) call ecp_matpr(tmp(i_Ga),1,n_nsa,1,1,
167     &      1,n_nsa,1,1,'Spherical tensors','E',78,4)
168      end if
171*   Set up argument values for radial integrals
173      i_ai = i_free
174      i_gam = i_ai+n_abc
175      i_alp = i_gam+n_abc
176      i_pre = i_alp+n_abc
177      i_free = i_pre+n_abc
178      if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*) 'i_ai,i_gam,i_alp,i_pre',
179     &    i_ai,i_gam,i_alp,i_pre
180      if (DryRun) then
181        mem_max = max(mem_max,i_free-1)
182        if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*) 'mem_max',mem_max
183      else
184        if (i_free-1 .gt. l_tmp) call errquit(
185     &      ' Insufficient memory in ecp_local1',99, MEM_ERR)
186        i = 0
187        do i_c = 1,n_coef_c
188          do i_b = 1,n_prim_b
189            do i_a = 1,n_prim_a
190              tmp(i_gam+i) = one/sqrt(zeta_c(i_c)+zeta_b(i_b)
191     &            +zeta_a(i_a))
192              tmp(i_alp+i) = R_ac*zeta_a(i_a)*tmp(i_gam+i)
193              tmp(i_ai+i) = one/(two*R_ac*zeta_a(i_a))
194              log_prefactor = tmp(i_alp+i)**2-zeta_a(i_a)*R_ac**2
195              tmp(i_pre+i) = exp(log_prefactor)
196              i = i+1
197            end do
198          end do
199        end do
200      end if
202*     Loop over on-centre angular momenta
204      l_max = l_a+l_b
205      l_min = l_b
206      if (sphcart .eq. 0) then
207        l_c_min = mod(l_b,2)
208      else
209        l_c_min = l_b
210      end if
211      l_c_max = l_b
212      if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*) 'l_c_min,l_c_max',
213     &    l_c_min,l_c_max
214      do l_c = l_c_max,l_c_min,-2
216*   Set up array dimensions for integrals
218        ll = min(l_a,l_c)
219        n_rad = (ll+1)*(l_a+1)-ll*(ll+1)/2
220        if (sphcart .eq. 0) then
221          m_count = (l_a+l_b)/2
222          ll = max(l_a-l_c,0)
223          l = ll/2
224          n_rad = n_rad+l*(ll-l)
225        else
226          m_count = ll
227        end if
228        m_skip = (l_b-l_c)/2
229        l_lo = l_min-m_skip
230C        write (LuOut,*) 'm_count',m_count
231        n_Qa = l_a+m_skip+1
233*   Allocate scratch memory for integrals
235        i_Q_int = i_free
236        i_Qa = i_Q_int+ncab*n_rad
237        i_Qabc = i_Qa+n_ab*n_Qa
238        i_tmp = i_Qabc+n_abc
239        i_ind = i_tmp+n_abc*6
240        i_wrk = i_ind+n_abc
241        i_free = i_wrk+n_ab
242        if (debug_addresses) then
243          write (LuOut,*) 'i_Q_int,i_Qa,i_Qabc,i_ai,i_gam,i_alp,i_pre,',
244     &        'i_tmp,i_ind,i_wrk,i_free'
245          write (LuOut,*) i_Q_int,i_Qa,i_Qabc,i_ai,i_gam,i_alp,i_pre,
246     &        i_tmp,i_ind,i_wrk,i_free
247        end if
248        if (DryRun) then
249          mem_max = max(mem_max,i_free-1)
250          if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*) 'mem_max',mem_max
251        else
252          if (i_free-1 .gt. l_tmp) call errquit(
253     &        ' Insufficient memory in ecp_local1',99, MEM_ERR)
255*   Calculate radial integrals
257          call ecp_radint1 (p_min,p_max,
258     &        l_lo,l_min,l_max,m_count,m_skip,
259     &        n_prim_a,n_cont_a,coef_a,n_prim_b,n_cont_b,coef_b,
260     &        n_coef_c,n_prim_c,1,coef_c,
261     &        tmp(i_ai),tmp(i_gam),tmp(i_alp),tmp(i_pre),tol,sphcart,
262     &        n_ab,nc_ab,n_abc,n_rad,tmp(i_tmp),tmp(i_ind),tmp(i_wrk),
263     &        tmp(i_Qabc),tmp(i_Qa),tmp(i_Q_int),transpose,ibug/10)
264        end if
266*   Allocate memory for the contraction of radial and angular parts
268        n_l_c = 2*l_c+1
269        ll = min(l_a,l_c)
270        n_ang_a = (ll+1)*(l_a+1)**2-ll*(ll+1)*(2*ll+1)/6
271        n_ang_t = n_ang_a*n_l_c
272        if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*) 'n_ang_a',n_ang_a
273        i_ang = i_Qa
274        i_ang_a = i_ang+max(n_ang_a*n_nb,n_ang_t)
275        i_z = i_ang_a
276        i_free = i_ang_a+max(n_ang_t,n_na*n_nb)
277        if (DryRun) then
278          mem_max = max(mem_max,i_free-1)
279          if (debug_addresses) write (LuOut,*) 'mem_max',mem_max
280        else
281          if (i_free-1 .gt. l_tmp) call errquit(
282     &        ' Insufficient memory in ecp_local1',99, MEM_ERR)
284*       Set up angular coefficients for centre A and contract over
285*       components of spherical tensors (sum over q).
287          i = i_ang_a
288          do l = 0,l_a
289            n_l = 2*l+1
290            do k = l+l_c,abs(l-l_c),-2
291              i_k = k**2
292C              write (LuOut,*) i,loc(tmp(i))
293              call ecp_angint (tmp(i),l,k,l_c,tmp(i_Ga+i_k))
294              i = i+n_l_c*n_l
295            end do
296          end do
297          if (debug_arrays) call ecp_matpr (tmp(i_ang_a),-l_c,l_c,1,
298     &        n_ang_a,-l_c,l_c,1,n_ang_a,'Angular integrals','E',78,4)
300*       Perform sum over m. This involves transformation of the
301*       cartesian functions to a spherical basis on centre B, followed
302*       by evaluation of an overlap integral, which  gives a factor of
303*       4\pi/(2\ell+1). This factor cancels with the factor from the
304*       projector, and the cartesian to spherical transformation
305*       transfers to the other angular integral, leaving a factor of
306*       2\pi(1+\delta_{m,0}).
308          call dscal (n_ang_a,two,tmp(i_ang_a+l_c),n_l_c)
309          fac = pi+pi
310          call dscal (n_ang_t,fac,tmp(i_ang_a),1)
311          if (debug_arrays) call ecp_matpr (tmp(i_ang_a),-l_c,l_c,1,
312     &        n_ang_a,-l_c,l_c,1,n_ang_a,'Scaled angular integrals',
313     &        'E',78,4)
314          call ecp_cstrans (l_b,n_nb,n_ang_a,l_c,l_c,l,tmp(i_ang),
315     &        n_nb,tmp(i_ang_a),n_l_c,csco,lcsco,csco,-1,-1,1)
316          n_ang_t = n_ang_a*n_nb
317          if (debug_arrays) call ecp_matpr (tmp(i_ang),1,n_nb,1,n_ang_a,
318     &        1,n_nb,1,n_ang_a,'Ang ints summed over m','E',78,4)
320*       Now loop over angular momenta of expanded function a and
321*       perform contraction of angular intgrals with radial integrals
322*       and expansion coefficients
324          i_a = i_ca
325          i_c = i_Q_int
326          do n = 0,l_a
327            i_Qa = i_c
328            if (sphcart .eq. 0) then
329              l_lo = mod(n,2)
330            else
331              l_lo = n
332            end if
333            do l = n,l_lo,-2
334              if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'n,l',n,l
335              ll = min(l-1,l_c)
336              i_ang_a = i_ang+n_nb*((ll+1)*l**2-ll*(ll+1)*(2*ll+1)/6)
337              n_l = 2*l+1
338              i_int_a = i_Qa
339              do k = l+l_c,abs(l-l_c),-2
340                if (debug_addresses) then
341                  write (LuOut,*) 'ang coef',i_ang_a-i_ang+1
342                  write (LuOut,*) 'cart exp',i_a-i_ca+1
343                  write (LuOut,*) 'integral',i_int_a-i_Q_int+1
344                end if
345                fac = 2*k+1
346                if (transpose) then
347                  call dgemm ('N','T',n_nb,n_na,n_l,fac,
348     &                tmp(i_ang_a),n_nb,tmp(i_a),n_na,zero,
349     &                tmp(i_z),n_nb)
350                  if (debug_arrays) call ecp_matpr (tmp(i_z),1,n_nb,
351     &                1,n_na,1,n_nb,1,n_na,'Completed angular ints',
352     &                'F',78,4)
353                  call ecp_angrad (n_nb,n_cont_b,n_na,n_cont_a,
354     &                tmp(i_z),tmp(i_int_a),ecp_ints)
355                else
356                  call dgemm ('N','T',n_na,n_nb,n_l,fac,
357     &                tmp(i_a),n_na,tmp(i_ang_a),n_nb,zero,
358     &                tmp(i_z),n_na)
359                  if (debug_arrays) call ecp_matpr (tmp(i_z),1,n_na,
360     &                1,n_nb,1,n_na,1,n_nb,'Completed angular ints',
361     &                'F',78,4)
362                  call ecp_angrad (n_na,n_cont_a,n_nb,n_cont_b,
363     &                tmp(i_z),tmp(i_int_a),ecp_ints)
364                end if
365                i_ang_a = i_ang_a+n_l*n_nb
366                i_int_a = i_int_a+ncab
367              end do
368              i_a = i_a+n_l*n_na
369              i_Qa = i_Qa+ncab
370            end do
371            if (sphcart .eq. 0) then
372              i_c = i_c+(min((n+l_c)/2,n)+1)*ncab
373            else
374              i_c = i_c+(min(n,l_c)+1)*ncab
375            end if
376          end do
377        end if
378      end do ! loop over l_c
380      if (debug_arrays) then
381        n_all_a = n_na*n_cont_a
382        n_all_b = n_nb*n_cont_b
383        call ecp_matpr (ecp_ints,1,n_all_b,1,n_all_a,
384     &      1,n_all_b,1,n_all_a,'ECP integrals','E',78,4)
385      end if
386      if (debug_gen) write (LuOut,*) 'Exiting ecp_local1'
388      return
389      end