1      subroutine rel_input(rtdb)
3* $Id: rel_input.F 21948 2012-02-03 19:27:57Z niri $
5      implicit none
6#include "rtdb.fh"
7#include "context.fh"
8#include "global.fh"
9#include "mafdecls.fh"
10#include "inp.fh"
11#include "util.fh"
12#include "stdio.fh"
13#include "rel_consts.fh"
14#include "errquit.fh"
15#include "zora.fh"
16#include "modelpotential.fh"
18c     Read input for the relativistic block
20      integer rtdb ! [input] handle to database
21      integer slc_spinpolAO ! for selecting spin-density matrix contrib
23      character*255 test
24      double precision clight
25      logical dk_run              ! Douglas-Kroll
26      logical dmd_run             ! Dyall modified Dirac
27      logical zora_run            ! ZORA
28      integer mpoption
30      logical status
31      integer irelKey            ! Relativistic method keys
32      logical do_prntNMRCS
33      logical skip_csAOev,skip_gshiftAOev,
34     &        skip_hypAOev,skip_efgz4AOev,
35     &        Knucl
36      logical skip_cphf_ev_shield,
37     &        skip_cphf_ev_gshift,
38     &        skip_cphf_ev_hyp
40      irelKey = 0
42c     Set the available relativistic approaches to .false.
44c     Douglas-Kroll
45      dk_run = .false.
46      if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb, 'doug_kroll', mt_log, 1, dk_run))
47     $   call errquit('rel_input: rtdb_put failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
49c     Dyall Modified Dirac
50      dmd_run = .false.
51      if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb, 'dyall_mod_dir', mt_log, 1, dmd_run))
52     $   call errquit('rel_input: rtdb_put failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
54c     ZORA
55      zora_run = .false.
56      if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb, 'zora', mt_log, 1, zora_run))
57     &  call errquit('rel_input: rtdb_put failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
59c     Set some relativistic variables we could need later on
61   1  if (.not. inp_read()) call errquit('rel_input: inp_read failed',0,
62     &       INPUT_ERR)
63      if (.not. inp_a(test))
64     $     call errquit('rel_input: failed to read keyword', 0,
65     &       INPUT_ERR)
67      if (inp_compare(.false.,'clight', test)) then
69         if (.not. inp_f(clight)) then
70            call errquit('rel_input: failed reading clight', 0,
71     &       UNKNOWN_ERR)
72         else
73           if(.not.rtdb_put(rtdb,'relativistic:clight',mt_dbl,1,clight))
74     $        call errquit('rel_input: rtdb_put failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
75         endif
76         write(luout,10) clight
77  10        format(/,'The speed of light used in the relativistic ',
78     $               'calculations is ',F16.10, 'au.'/)
80      elseif (inp_compare(.false.,'douglas-kroll', test)) then
81         dk_run = .true.
82         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb, 'doug_kroll', mt_log, 1, dk_run))
83     $     call errquit('rel_input: rtdb_put failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
84         call dk_input(rtdb)
86      elseif (inp_compare(.false.,'dyall-mod-dirac', test)) then
87         dmd_run = .true.
88         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb, 'dyall_mod_dir', mt_log, 1, dmd_run))
89     $     call errquit('rel_input: rtdb_put failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
90         call dmd_input(rtdb)
92      elseif (inp_compare(.false.,'zora', test)) then
93         call zora_input(rtdb)
95      elseif (inp_compare(.false.,'modelpotential', test)) then
96        use_modelpotential = .true.
97        if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb, 'modelpotential', mt_log, 1,
98     &  use_modelpotential))
99     &     call errquit('rel_input: rtdb_put failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
100        if (.not. inp_i(mpoption)) mpoption = 1 ! default is modbas.4c
101        if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'modelpotential:option',
102     &                      mt_int,1,mpoption))
103     &     call errquit('rel_input: rtdb_put failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
104        call modelpotential_input(rtdb)
106      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:cutoff',test)) then
107         if(.not. inp_f(zoracutoff)) zoracutoff = 1.0d-15  ! set a default cutoff
108         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:cutoff',mt_dbl,1,zoracutoff))
109     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed',0, RTDB_ERR)
111c     zoracutoff_EFG, used in get_rhoS() from dft_zora_utils.F
112      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:cutoff_EFG',test)) then
113         if(.not. inp_f(zoracutoff_EFG)) zoracutoff_EFG = 1.0d-04 ! set dflt cutoff
114         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:cutoff_EFG',
115     &                      mt_dbl,1,zoracutoff_EFG))
116     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed',0, RTDB_ERR)
118c     zoracutoff_NMR, used in get_NMR() from dft_zora_utils.F
119      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:cutoff_NMR',test)) then
120         if(.not. inp_f(zoracutoff_NMR)) zoracutoff_NMR = 1.0d-08 ! set dflt cutoff
121         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:cutoff_NMR',
122     &                      mt_dbl,1,zoracutoff_NMR))
123     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed',0, RTDB_ERR)
125      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:do_NonRel',test)) then
126         do_NonRel = .true.                                  ! set do_NonRel
127         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:do_NonRel', mt_log,1,do_NonRel))
128     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed',0, RTDB_ERR)
130      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:do_prntNMRCS',test)) then
131         do_prntNMRCS = .true.                            ! set do_prntNMRCS
132         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:do_prntNMRCS',
133     &                      mt_log,1,do_prntNMRCS))
134     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed',0, RTDB_ERR)
136      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:not_zora_scale',test)) then
137         not_zora_scale = .true.                               ! set not_zora_scale
138         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:not_zora_scale',
139     &                     mt_log,1,not_zora_scale))
140     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed',0, RTDB_ERR)
142c ------- SKIP ev. AO matrices for NMRCS or gshifts or hyperfine
143c Note.- It will read instead data from a file, if the file does not
144c        exist it will stop calc. with a warning message.
145      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:skip_csAOev',test)) then
146         skip_csAOev = .true.
147         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:skip_csAOev',
148     &                     mt_log,1,skip_csAOev))
149     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed skip csAOev',
150     &                  0, RTDB_ERR)
151      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:skip_gshiftAOev',test)) then
152         skip_gshiftAOev = .true.
153         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:skip_gshiftAOev',
154     &                     mt_log,1,skip_gshiftAOev))
155     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed skip gshiftAOev',
156     &                  0, RTDB_ERR)
157      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:skip_hypAOev',test)) then
158         skip_hypAOev = .true.
159         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:skip_hypAOev',
160     &                     mt_log,1,skip_hypAOev))
161     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed skip hypAOev',
162     &                  0, RTDB_ERR)
163      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:skip_efgz4AOev',test)) then
164         skip_efgz4AOev = .true.
165         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:skip_efgz4AOev',
166     &                     mt_log,1,skip_efgz4AOev))
167     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed skip efgz4AOev',
168     &                  0, RTDB_ERR)
170c     definitions for skip-cphf flags
171      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:skip_cphf_ev_shield',test)) then
172         skip_cphf_ev_shield = .true.
173         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:skip_cphf_ev_shield',
174     &                     mt_log,1,skip_cphf_ev_shield))
175     &    call errquit('rel_input-1: rtdb put failed skip cphf shield ',
176     &                  0, RTDB_ERR)
177      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:skip_cphf_ev_gshift',test)) then
178         skip_cphf_ev_gshift = .true.
179         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:skip_cphf_ev_gshift',
180     &                     mt_log,1,skip_cphf_ev_gshift))
181     &    call errquit('rel_input-2: rtdb put failed skip cphf gshift',
182     &                  0, RTDB_ERR)
183      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:skip_cphf_ev_hyp',test)) then
184         skip_cphf_ev_hyp = .true.
185         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:skip_cphf_ev_hyp',
186     &                     mt_log,1,skip_cphf_ev_hyp))
187     &    call errquit('rel_input-3: rtdb put failed skip cphf hyp',
188     &                  0, RTDB_ERR)
190      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:Knucl',test)) then
191c      Knucle purpose: For including ONLY nuclear part in evaluation of K ZORA
192         Knucl = .true.
193         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:Knucl',
194     &                     mt_log,1,Knucl))
195     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed Knucl',
196     &                  0, RTDB_ERR)
197      elseif(inp_compare(.false.,'zora:slc_spinpolAO',test)) then
198c   For selecting spin-density matrix (A-B means total spin density matrix)
199c   0=A-B,1=A,2=-B selecting spin-density matrix
200         if (.not. inp_i(slc_spinpolAO)) slc_spinpolAO= 0  ! set a default
201         if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb,'zora:slc_spinpolAO',
202     &                      mt_int,1,slc_spinpolAO))
203     &    call errquit('rel_input: rtdb put failed',0, RTDB_ERR)
204      else if (inp_compare(.false.,'end', test)) then
206c        end will be catched in while loop structure
208      else
209         call errquit('rel_input: unrecognized directive', 0, INPUT_ERR)
210      endif
212c     End of while loop over the input
214      if (.not. inp_compare(.false.,'end', test)) goto 1
216c     User could have set multiple relativistic approaches in the input file by accident.
217c     Check if this is the case, stop if multiple methods are set to true.
219      irelKey = 0
220      status = rtdb_get(rtdb, 'doug_kroll', mt_log, 1, dk_run)
221      if (dk_run) irelKey = irelKey + 1
223      status = rtdb_get(rtdb, 'dyall_mod_dir', mt_log, 1, dmd_run)
224      if (dmd_run) irelKey = irelKey + 1
226      status = rtdb_get(rtdb, 'zora', mt_log, 1, zora_run)
227      if (zora_run) irelKey = irelKey + 1
229c     Check if multiple approaches have been set
230      if (irelKey .gt. 1) then
231         if (ga_nodeid() .eq. 0) then
232           write(luout,20)
233  20       format(/'Input error relativistic:'/,
234     & 'Multiple relativistic methods have been specified
235     & in the input!')
236         endif
237         call errquit('rel_input: input error',0, INPUT_ERR)
238      endif
240      return
241      end