1* $Id$
2      logical init_rel        ! relativistic integral initialization
4      character*32 small_cmpt_name,large_cmpt_name
5      character*32 auto_small_cmpt_name,auto_large_cmpt_name
7      integer rel_dbg    ! debug flag for relativistic routines
8      integer rel_typ    ! type of relativistic integral: 1 for sf, 3 for so,
9c                        ! 4 for both, 9 for derivatives
10      integer ao_to_ls   ! pointer from ao basis to large/small basis
11      integer ls_to_ao   ! pointer from large/small basis to ao basis
12      integer level_SSSS ! level for calculation of SSSS integrals
13c                        ! 0 = none
14c                        ! 1 = one-centre
15c                        ! 2 = one- and two-centre
16c                        ! 4 = full
18c  Note: this routine needs nwc_const.fh
20      common /c_rel_nwc/ init_rel,small_cmpt_name,large_cmpt_name,
21     &    auto_small_cmpt_name,auto_large_cmpt_name
22      common /c_rel_ptr/ ao_to_ls(nw_max_shells),ls_to_ao(nw_max_shells)
23      common /c_rel_ctl/ level_SSSS, rel_typ, rel_dbg