1C> \ingroup nwdft_xc
2C> @{
4C> \file dft_utilmap.F
5C> Various routines that build or use mappings between atoms, matrix
6C> elements and what not.
8      subroutine build_maps(basis, cntoce, cntobfr, cetobfr, natoms,
9     &                      nshells)
11* $Id$
13      implicit none
14#include "errquit.fh"
15      integer basis, natoms, nshells
16      integer cntoce(nshells), cntobfr(2,nshells), cetobfr(2,natoms)
18#include "bas.fh"
20      integer ish, iat
22c     Build maps (for speed).
24      do ish = 1, nshells
25         if (.not. bas_cn2ce(basis, ish, cntoce(ish)))
26     &        call errquit('build_maps: bad basis', 0, BASIS_ERR)
27      end do
29      do ish = 1, nshells
30         if (.not. bas_cn2bfr(basis,ish,cntobfr(1,ish),cntobfr(2,ish)))
31     &        call errquit('build_maps: bad basis', 0, BASIS_ERR)
32      end do
34      do iat = 1, natoms
35         if (.not. bas_ce2bfr(basis,iat,cetobfr(1,iat),cetobfr(2,iat)))
36     &        call errquit('build_maps: bad basis', 0, BASIS_ERR)
37      end do
39      return
40      end
41      subroutine util_ga_mat_reduce(n, nr, map, g_a, n_a, r, op,
42     &                              scr, mxmap,lfirst)
43      implicit none
45#include "global.fh"
46#include "msgids.fh"
47      integer n                         ! Original size [input]
48      integer nr                        ! Reduced size  [input]
49      integer map(2,nr)                 ! map(1,*)=lo, map(2,*)=hi [input]
50      integer n_a                       ! number of GAs to reduce
51      integer g_a(n_a)                  ! Original GA handle(s) [input]
52      double precision r(nr,nr,n_a)     ! Reduced matrix [output]
53      integer mxmap                     ! max size of map vector
54      double precision scr(mxmap,*) ! scratch
55      character*(*) op                  ! Reduction operation
56      logical lfirst
58c     R(i,j) <= R(i,j) op A(map(1,i):map(2,i),map(1,j):map(2,j))
60c     where op is one of 'abssum', 'absmax', 'rms' (extend as necessary)
62      integer ir, jr, k, ielems, jelems
63      double precision sum
64      integer me,nproc,itask
65      double precision util_matops
66      external util_matops
67      integer ityp, ndim, dims(3)
68      integer lo(3),hi(3),ld(2),ld12,offs
69      integer distr_lo(3),distr_hi(3)
70      integer get_lo(3),get_hi(3)
71      logical l3d,getdone
73      call nga_inquire(g_a, ityp, ndim, dims)
74      l3d=.false.
75      if(ndim.gt.2) then
76#ifdef DEBUG
77         write(6,*) ' matreduce: ndim gt 2!, =',ndim
78         write(6,*) ' na ',n_a, ' dims1 ',dims(1),dims(1)/n_a
79         write(6,*) '  dims ',dims
81         l3d=.true.
82         offs=dims(1)/n_a
83      endif
84      me=ga_nodeid()
85      nproc=ga_nnodes()
86      itask=0
87      if(lfirst)
88     A     call dfill(n_a*nr*nr, 0.0d0, r, 1)
89      call nga_distribution(g_a,
90     .           ga_nodeid(), distr_lo, distr_hi)
91      if (distr_lo(1).gt.0 .and. distr_lo(1).le.distr_hi(1)) then
93      do k = 1, n_a
95c         write(6,*) ' util_mat_reduce: input matrix '
96c         call ga_print(g_a(k))
98         do jr = 1, nr
99cedo            do ir = 1, nr
100            do ir = 1, jr
101c               itask=itask+1
102c               if(mod(itask,nproc).eq.me) then
103                  ielems = map(2,ir) - map(1,ir) + 1
104                  jelems = map(2,jr) - map(1,jr) + 1
105                  if (ielems.gt.0 .and. jelems.gt.0) then
106                     getdone=.false.
107                     if(l3d) then
108                        ielems=ielems*offs
109                        lo(1)=1+(k-1)*offs
110                        hi(1)=lo(1)+offs-1
111#if 0
112                        lo(2)=map(1,ir)
113                        hi(2)=map(2,ir)
114                        lo(3)=map(1,jr)
115                        hi(3)=map(2,jr)
117                        lo(2)=max(map(1,ir),distr_lo(1))
118                        hi(2)=min(map(2,ir),distr_hi(1))
119                        lo(3)=max(map(1,jr),distr_lo(2))
120                        hi(3)=min(map(2,jr),distr_hi(2))
122                        ld(1)=offs
123                        ld(2)=mxmap
124                        getdone=(get_lo(2).le.get_hi(2)).and.
125     A                       (get_lo(3).le.get_hi(3))
126                        if(getdone)
127     G                   call nga_get(g_a, lo,hi,
128     .                       scr, ld)
129                        ld12=ld(1)*ld(2)
130                     else
131c                        call ga_get(g_a(k), map(1,ir), map(2,ir),
132c     .                       map(1,jr), map(2,jr), scr, mxmap)
133                        get_lo(1)=max(map(1,ir),distr_lo(1))
134                        get_hi(1)=min(map(2,ir),distr_hi(1))
135                        get_lo(2)=max(map(1,jr),distr_lo(2))
136                        get_hi(2)=min(map(2,jr),distr_hi(2))
137                        getdone=(get_lo(1).le.get_hi(1)).and.
138     A                       (get_lo(2).le.get_hi(2))
139                        if(getdone)
140     G                  call ga_get(g_a(k), get_lo(1), get_hi(1),
141     .                       get_lo(2), get_hi(2), scr, mxmap)
142                        ld12=mxmap
143                     endif
144                     if(getdone) then
145                     sum=util_matops(op,ielems,jelems,scr,ld12)
146                     r(ir,jr,k) = max(r(ir,jr,k),sum)
148c     copy upper triangle of r(ij) to upper triangle
150                     if(ir.ne.jr) r(jr,ir,k)=r(ir,jr,k)
151                     endif
152                  endif
153cc               endif
154            end do
155         end do
156c         write(6,*) ' util_mat_reduce: reduced matrix '
157c         call output(r(1,1,k), 1, nr, 1, nr, nr, nr, 1)
158      enddo
159      endif
161c     global sum
163c      write(6,*) ' length ',nr*nr*n_a
164      call ga_dgop(msg_gop_rdens,r,nr*nr*n_a, 'absmax')
166      end
167      double precision function util_matops(op,ielems,jelems,scr,ld)
168      implicit none
169#include "errquit.fh"
170      character*(*) op
171      integer ielems,jelems
172      integer ld
173      double precision scr(ld,*)
175      integer i,j
176      double precision sum
177      sum=0d0
178      if (op .eq. 'abssum') then
179         do j = 1, jelems
180            do i = 1, ielems
181               sum = sum + abs(scr(i,j))
182            end do
183         end do
184      else if (op .eq. 'absmax') then
185         do j = 1, jelems
186            do i = 1, ielems
187               sum = max(sum, abs(scr(i,j)))
188            end do
189         end do
190      else if (op .eq. 'rms') then
191         do j = 1, jelems
192            do i = 1, ielems
193               sum = sum + scr(i,j)*scr(i,j)
194            end do
195         enddo
196         sum = sqrt(sum)
197      else
198         call errquit('util_ga_mat_red: unknown op',0, UNKNOWN_ERR)
199      end if
200      util_matops=sum
201      return
202      end
203      subroutine util_irreg_mat_reduce(n_row, n_col, nr_row, nr_col,
204     &                                 row_map, col_map, a, r, op)
205      implicit none
206#include "errquit.fh"
208      integer n_row                      ! Original row size [input]
209      integer n_col                      ! Original col size [input]
210      integer nr_row                     ! Reduced row size  [input]
211      integer nr_col                     ! Reduced col size  [input]
212      integer row_map(2,nr_row)          ! map(1,*)=lo, map(2,*)=hi [input]
213      integer col_map(2,nr_col)          ! map(1,*)=lo, map(2,*)=hi [input]
214      double precision a(n_row, n_col)   ! Original matrix [input]
215      double precision r(nr_row, nr_col) ! Reduced matrix [output]
216      character*(*) op                   ! Reduction operation
218c     R(i,j) <= R(i,j) op A(map(1,i):map(2,i),map(1,j):map(2,j))
220c     where op is one of 'abssum', 'absmax', 'rms' (extend as necessary)
222      integer ir, jr, i, j
223      double precision sum
225      do jr = 1, nr_col
226         do ir = 1, nr_row
227            sum = 0.0d0
228            if (op .eq. 'abssum') then
229               do j = col_map(1,jr), col_map(2,jr)
230                  do i = row_map(1,ir), row_map(2,ir)
231                     if (i.ne.0.and.j.ne.0)sum = sum + abs(a(i,j))
232                  end do
233               end do
234            else if (op .eq. 'absmax') then
235               do j = col_map(1,jr), col_map(2,jr)
236                  do i = row_map(1,ir), row_map(2,ir)
237                     if (i.ne.0.and.j.ne.0)sum = max(sum, abs(a(i,j)))
238                  end do
239               end do
240            else if (op .eq. 'rms') then
241               do j = col_map(1,jr), col_map(2,jr)
242                  do i = row_map(1,ir), row_map(2,ir)
243                     if (i.ne.0.and.j.ne.0)sum = sum + a(i,j)*a(i,j)
244                  end do
245               enddo
246               sum = sqrt(sum)
247            else
248               call errquit('util_irreg_mat_reduce: unknown op', 0,
249     &       UNKNOWN_ERR)
250            end if
251            r(ir,jr) = max(r(ir,jr),sum)
252         end do
253      end do
255c      write(6,*) ' util_irreg_mat_reduce: input matrix '
256c      call output(a, 1, n_row, 1, n_col, n_row, n_col, 1)
258c      write(6,*) ' Row map begin: ',(row_map(1,ir),ir = 1,nr_row)
259c      write(6,*) ' Row map end: ',(row_map(2,ir),ir = 1,nr_row)
260c      write(6,*) ' Col map begin: ',(col_map(1,ir),ir = 1,nr_col)
261c      write(6,*) ' Col map end: ',(col_map(2,ir),ir = 1,nr_col)
263c      write(6,*) ' util_irreg_mat_reduce: reduced matrix '
264c      call output(r, 1, nr_row, 1, nr_col, nr_row, nr_col, 1)
266      end
268C> \brief Compute the root-mean-square value of the basis functions
269C> or basis function gradients for each atom
271C> Compute the root-mean-square value of basis functions or basis
272C> function gradients for each atom. This data is usefull for screening
273C> purposes and is a measure for the size of the basis functions on
274C> a particular atom at the grid points.
276C> The exact quantity computed depends on the inputs for `chi` and
277C> `nqsmall`. If `chi` represents basis functions then `rchi` will
278C> be computed to be
279C> \f{eqnarray*}{
280C>   \mathrm{rchi}(i_{at})
281C>   &=& \sqrt{\sum_{j\in\{\chi(i_{at})\}}\sum_q\chi_j^2(r_q)}
282C> \f}
283C> If `chi` represents the gradients of the basis functions then `rchi`
284C> will be computed to be (the number of components in the gradient is
285C> in practice encoded in `nqsmall`)
286C> \f{eqnarray*}{
287C>   \mathrm{rchi}(i_{at})
288C>   &=& \sqrt{\sum_{j\in\{\chi(i_{at})\}}\sum_q\sum_{c\in\{x,y,z\}}
289C>             \nabla_c\chi_j^2(r_q)}
290C> \f}
291C> where \f$\{\chi(i_{at})\}\f$ designates the set of all basis
292C> functions on atom \f$i_{at}\f$.
294      subroutine util_rmsatbf(nqsmall, natoms,iniz,ifin,
295     .     chi,rchi)
296      implicit none
297      integer nqsmall !< [Input] The number of data points
298                      !< - the number of grid points, `nq`, for basis
299                      !< functions
300                      !< - `3*nq` for gradients of basis functions
301      integer natoms  !< [Input] The number of atoms
302      integer iniz(*) !< [Input] The initial basis function on each
303                      !< atom
304      integer ifin(*) !< [Input] The final basis function on each atom
305      double precision chi(nqsmall,*) !< [Input] The basis function
306                                      !< (gradient) amplitudes
307      double precision rchi(*) !< [Output] The root-mean-square of
308                               !< of all amplitudes on each atom
310      integer q,iat,jf
311      double precision sum,mxsum
313      mxsum=0d0
314      do iat=1,natoms
315        if(iniz(iat).eq.0) then
316          rchi(iat)=0d0
317        else
318           sum=0d0
319           do jf=iniz(iat),ifin(iat)
320              do q=1,nqsmall
321                 sum=sum+chi(q,jf)*chi(q,jf)
322              enddo
323           enddo
324           rchi(iat)=max(mxsum,sqrt(sum))
325        endif
326      enddo
327      return
328      end
330C> @}