3*                      cpsdv5-mpi  (MPI code)                         *
4*                                                                     *
5*     This is a developing cpsdv5 parallel code for the SP2           *
6*       + mpi message passing library used                            *
7*       + ngp is used instead of nfft in this proceudure              *
8*       + error checking is based on aimd.h parameters                *
9*         then control file                                           *
10*       + my own slap-decomposed parallel 3d-FFT(real->complex) used  *
11*                                                                     *
12*                                                                     *
15      logical function cpsdv5(rtdb)
17* $Id$
19      implicit none
20      integer rtdb
22#include "global.fh"
23#include "bafdecls.fh"
24#include "stdio.fh"
25#include "util.fh"
26#include "btdb.fh"
27#include "errquit.fh"
28cccc#include "frac_occ.fh"
30*     **** parallel variables ****
31      logical  omaster
32      integer  taskid,np,np_i,np_j
33      integer  MASTER
34      parameter(MASTER=0)
36*     **** timing variables ****
37      real*8   cpu1,cpu2,cpu3,cpu4
38      real*8   t1,t2,t3,t4,av
40*     **** lattice variables ****
41      integer ngrid(3),nwave,nfft3d,n2ft3d,ngrid_small(3)
42      integer npack1
43      real*8  a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma
46*     **** electronic variables ****
47      logical first_iteration
48      real*8  icharge
49      integer ispin
50      integer ne(2),n1(2),n2(2),nemax,neq(2),nemaxq
51      real*8  en(2),en1(2),en2(2)
52      real*8  dipole(3)
54*     complex*16 psi1(nfft3d,nemax)
55*     complex*16 psi2(nfft3d,nemax)
56*     real*8     dn(n2ft3d,2)
57*     complex*16 Hpsi(nfft3d,nemax)
58*     complex*16 psir(nfft3d,nemax)
59      integer psi1(2),psi2(2)
60      integer occ1(2),occ2(2)
61      integer dn(2)
62      integer Hpsi(2),psir(2)
65*     ***** energy variables ****
66      real*8  E(60),Egas
68*     real*8  eig(2*nemax)
69*     real*8  hml(2*nemax*nemax)
70*     real*8  lmd(2*nemax*nemax)
71      integer eig(2),hml(2),lmd(2),lmd1(2)
73*     **** psi smearing block ****
74      logical fractional
75      integer smearoccupation,smeartype
76      real*8 smearfermi(2),smearcorrection,smearkT
81*     **** error variables ****
82      integer ierr
84*     **** local variables ****
85      logical oprint,lprint,hprint,mparallelized
86      integer ms,mapping,mapping1d
87      real*8  deltae,deltac,deltar
88      real*8  gx,gy,gz,cx,cy,cz,sum1,sum2
89      real*8  EV,pi
90      integer i,j,k,ia,n,nn
91      integer ii,jj,indx,indx1
92      integer icount,it_in,it_out
93      real*8 w,sumall,virial,dv
94      integer nfft3
95      parameter (nfft3=32)
96      character*255 full_filename
97      integer tmp1(2)
99      logical value,psi_nogrid,field_exist
100      integer hversion,hnfft(3),hispin,hne(2)
101      real*8 hunita(3,3)
102      integer ind
103      character*50 filename
104      character*50 control_input_psi
105      external     control_input_psi
106      logical  wvfnc_expander
107      external wvfnc_expander
112*     **** external functions ****
113      real*8      psp_zv,psp_rc,ewald_rcut,ion_amass,nwpw_cosmo_qc0
114      real*8      ewald_mandelung,lattice_omega_small
115      real*8      lattice_omega,lattice_unita,lattice_ecut,lattice_wcut
116      real*8      lattice_unitg,lattice_unitg_small,lattice_unita_small
117      integer     ewald_ncut,ewald_nshl3d
118      integer     psp_lmmax,psp_lmax,psp_locp
119      character*4 ion_aname,ion_atom
120      external    psp_zv,psp_rc,ewald_rcut,ion_amass,nwpw_cosmo_qc0
121      external    ewald_mandelung,lattice_omega_small
122      external    lattice_omega,lattice_unita,lattice_ecut,lattice_wcut
123      external    lattice_unitg,lattice_unitg_small,lattice_unita_small
124      external    ewald_ncut,ewald_nshl3d
125      external    psp_lmmax,psp_lmax,psp_locp
126      external    ion_aname,ion_atom
128      character*50 control_cell_name
129      external     control_cell_name
131      real*8   control_tole,control_tolc,control_tolr,ion_rion
132      external control_tole,control_tolc,control_tolr,ion_rion
133      real*8   control_time_step,control_fake_mass
134      external control_time_step,control_fake_mass
135      logical  control_read,control_move,ion_init,ion_q_FixIon
136      external control_read,control_move,ion_init,ion_q_FixIon
137      logical  ion_q_xyzFixIon
138      external ion_q_xyzFixIon
139      character*14 ion_q_xyzFixIon_label
140      external     ion_q_xyzFixIon_label
142      integer  pack_nwave_all
143      integer  control_it_in,control_it_out,control_gga,control_version
144      integer  control_ngrid,pack_nwave
145      integer  ion_nion,ion_natm,ion_katm,ion_nkatm,ion_nkatm0
146      integer  ion_nion_qm,ion_nion_mm,ion_nion_q
147      external pack_nwave_all
148      external control_it_in,control_it_out,control_gga,control_version
149      external control_ngrid,pack_nwave
150      external ion_nion,ion_natm,ion_katm,ion_nkatm,ion_nkatm0
151      external ion_nion_qm,ion_nion_mm,ion_nion_q
153      character*12 control_boundry
154      external     control_boundry
156      logical  pspw_HFX_localize2,pspw_charge_found,pspw_Efield_found
157      external pspw_HFX_localize2,pspw_charge_found,pspw_Efield_found
158      logical  pspw_SIC,pspw_SIC_relaxed,pspw_qmmm_found
159      logical  pspw_HFX,pspw_HFX_relaxed,psp_pawexist
160      logical  psp_semicore,control_Mulliken
161      real*8   psp_rcore,psp_ncore,psp_rlocal
162      external pspw_SIC,pspw_SIC_relaxed,pspw_qmmm_found
163      external pspw_HFX,pspw_HFX_relaxed,psp_pawexist
164      external psp_semicore,control_Mulliken
165      external psp_rcore,psp_ncore,psp_rlocal
166      logical  control_check_charge_multiplicity
167      external control_check_charge_multiplicity
168      real*8   nwpw_timing
169      external nwpw_timing
170      integer  control_np_orbital,control_mapping,control_mapping1d
171      external control_np_orbital,control_mapping,control_mapping1d
173      logical  control_translation,control_rotation,control_balance
174      external control_translation,control_rotation,control_balance
176      logical  Dneall_m_allocate,Dneall_m_free,control_parallel_io
177      external Dneall_m_allocate,Dneall_m_free,control_parallel_io
179      real*8   Dneall_m_value
180      external Dneall_m_value
181      character*9 ion_amm
182      external    ion_amm
183      logical  psp_U_psputerm,meta_found,ion_disp_on
184      external psp_U_psputerm,meta_found,ion_disp_on
185      integer  ion_nconstraints,ion_ndof
186      external ion_nconstraints,ion_ndof
187      logical  control_print,ion_makehmass2,control_has_ngrid_small
188      external control_print,ion_makehmass2,control_has_ngrid_small
189      integer  control_ngrid_small
190      external control_ngrid_small
191c#include "Parallel.fh"
192      integer  Parallel_threadid,Parallel_nthreads,Parallel_maxthreads
193      external Parallel_threadid,Parallel_nthreads,Parallel_maxthreads
194      integer tid
196      logical  control_mparallelized
197      external control_mparallelized
198      logical  nwpw_cosmo_on,nwpw_born_on
199      external nwpw_cosmo_on,nwpw_born_on
200      real*8   nwpw_cosmo_screen,nwpw_born_screen
201      external nwpw_cosmo_screen,nwpw_born_screen
202      logical  pspw_V_APC_on
203      external pspw_V_APC_on
204      real*8   control_gas_energy
205      external control_gas_energy
207      logical  control_fractional
208      external control_fractional
209      integer  control_fractional_smeartype
210      external control_fractional_smeartype
211      real*8   control_fractional_temperature
212      external control_fractional_temperature
213      real*8   control_fractional_kT
214      external control_fractional_kT
215      real*8   control_fractional_alpha
216      external control_fractional_alpha
218      integer  pspw_Efield_type
219      external pspw_Efield_type
223*                            |************|
224*****************************|  PROLOGUE  |****************************
225*                            |************|
227      value = .true.
228      pi = 4.0d0*datan(1.0d0)
230      call nwpw_timing_init()
231      call dcopy(60,0.0d0,0,E,1)
234*     **** get parallel variables ****
235      call Parallel_Init()
236      call Parallel_np(np)
237      call Parallel_taskid(taskid)
239      value = MA_set_hard_fail(.true.)
241      tid = Parallel_threadid()
242      omaster =  (taskid.eq.MASTER).and.(Parallel_threadid().eq.MASTER)
244      if (omaster) call current_second(cpu1)
245      if (omaster) call current_second(cpu1)
247*     ***** print out header ****
248      if (omaster) then
249         write(luout,1000)
250         write(luout,1010)
251         write(luout,1020)
252         write(luout,1010)
253         write(luout,1030)
254         write(luout,1010)
255         write(luout,1035)
256         write(luout,1010)
257         write(luout,1040)
258         write(luout,1010)
259         write(luout,1041)
260         write(luout,1042)
261         write(luout,1043)
262         write(luout,1010)
263         write(luout,1000)
264         call nwpw_message(1)
265         write(luout,1110)
266      end if
268      value = control_read(1,rtdb)
271      mparallelized = control_mparallelized()
272      call Parallel2d_Init(control_np_orbital())
273      call Parallel2d_np_i(np_i)
274      call Parallel2d_np_j(np_j)
276      ngrid(1) = control_ngrid(1)
277      ngrid(2) = control_ngrid(2)
278      ngrid(3) = control_ngrid(3)
279      nwave = 0
280      mapping = control_mapping()
282      oprint = omaster.and.control_print(print_medium)
283      lprint = omaster.and.control_print(print_low)
284      hprint = omaster.and.control_print(print_high)
287*     **** initialize psi_data ****
288      call psi_data_init(100)
290*     **** initialize D3dB data structure ****
291      call D3dB_Init(1,ngrid(1),ngrid(2),ngrid(3),mapping)
292      call D3dB_nfft3d(1,nfft3d)
293      n2ft3d = 2*nfft3d
295*     ***** Initialize double D3dB data structure ****
296      if (control_version().eq.4)
297     >   call D3dB_Init(2,2*ngrid(1),2*ngrid(2),2*ngrid(3),mapping)
299      if (control_has_ngrid_small()) then
300         ngrid_small(1) = control_ngrid_small(1)
301         ngrid_small(2) = control_ngrid_small(2)
302         ngrid_small(3) = control_ngrid_small(3)
303         call D3dB_Init(3,ngrid_small(1),ngrid_small(2),ngrid_small(3),
304     >                  mapping)
305      end if
308*     **** initialize lattice and packing data structure ****
309      call lattice_init()
310      call G_init()
311      call mask_init()
312      call Pack_Init()
313      call Pack_npack(1,npack1)
314      call D3dB_pfft_init()
315      !call ga_sync()
317*     **** read ions ****
318      value = ion_init(rtdb)
319      call center_geom(cx,cy,cz)
320      call center_mass(gx,gy,gz)
321      first_iteration = .true.
323*     **** allocate psp data structure and read in psedupotentials into it ****
324      call psp_init()
325      call psp_readall()
326      if (psp_semicore(0)) call semicore_check()
328*     **** initialize G,mask,ke,and coulomb data structures ****
329      call ke_init()
330      if (control_version().eq.3) call coulomb_init()
331      if (control_version().eq.4) call coulomb2_init()
332      call strfac_init()
333      call phafac()
334      if (control_version().eq.3) call ewald_init()
336*     **** generate initial wavefunction if it does not exist ****
337      if (.not.control_check_charge_multiplicity()) then
338        call psi_new()
339      end if
341*     ***** allocate psi2,and psi1 wavefunctions ****
342      call psi_get_ne_occupation(ispin,ne,smearoccupation)
343      if (smearoccupation.gt.0) then
344         fractional = .true.
345      else
346         fractional = .false.
347      end if
348      smearcorrection = 0.0d0
349      smeartype = control_fractional_smeartype()
350      smearkT   = control_fractional_kT()
352      mapping1d = control_mapping1d()
353      call Dne_init(ispin,ne,mapping1d)
354      call Dneall_neq(neq)
355      nemaxq = neq(1)+neq(2)
357      value = BA_alloc_get(mt_dcpl,npack1*(neq(1)+neq(2)),
358     >                     'psi2',psi2(2),psi2(1))
359      value = value.and.
360     >        BA_alloc_get(mt_dcpl,npack1*(neq(1)+neq(2)),
361     >                     'psi1',psi1(2),psi1(1))
362      if (fractional) then
363         value = value.and.
364     >        BA_alloc_get(mt_dbl,(ne(1)+ne(2)),'occ1',occ1(2),occ1(1))
365         value = value.and.
366     >        BA_alloc_get(mt_dbl,(ne(1)+ne(2)),'occ2',occ2(2),occ2(1))
367      end if
368      if (.not. value) call errquit('out of heap memory',0, MA_ERR)
371*     *****  read initial wavefunctions into psi2  ****
372      if (.not.btdb_get(rtdb,'nwpw:psi_nogrid',
373     >                  mt_log,1,psi_nogrid))
374     >   psi_nogrid = .true.
376      if (psi_nogrid) then
378        call psi_get_header(hversion,hnfft,hunita,hispin,hne)
380        if ( (hnfft(1).ne.control_ngrid(1)) .or.
381     >       (hnfft(2).ne.control_ngrid(2)) .or.
382     >       (hnfft(3).ne.control_ngrid(3)) ) then
384        hnfft(1) = control_ngrid(1)
385        hnfft(2) = control_ngrid(2)
386        hnfft(3) = control_ngrid(3)
387        call Parallel_taskid(taskid)
389        call ga_sync()
390        value = btdb_parallel(.false.)
391        call ga_sync()
392        if (oprint) then
394          filename =  control_input_psi()
396          ind = index(filename,' ') - 1
397          if (.not. btdb_cput(rtdb,'xpndr:old_wavefunction_filename',
398     >                    1,filename(1:ind)))
399     >     call errquit(
400     >     'wvfnc_expander_input: btdb_cput failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
402          if (.not. btdb_cput(rtdb,'xpndr:new_wavefunction_filename',
403     >                    1,filename(1:ind)))
404     >     call errquit(
405     >     'wvfnc_expander_input: btdb_cput failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
407          if (.not. btdb_put(rtdb,'xpndr:ngrid',mt_int,3,hnfft))
408     >     call errquit(
409     >     'wvfnc_expander_input: btdb_put failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
411          write(*,*)
412          write(*,*) "Grid is being converted:"
413          write(*,*) "------------------------"
414          write(*,*)
415          write(*,*) "To turn off automatic grid conversion:"
416          write(*,*)
417          write(*,*) "set nwpw:psi_nogrid .false."
418          write(*,*)
419          value = wvfnc_expander(rtdb)
421        end if
422        call ga_sync()
423        value = btdb_parallel(.true.)
425      end if
427      end if
429*     *****  read psi2 wavefunctions ****
430      call psi_read(ispin,ne,dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),
431     >              smearoccupation,dbl_mb(occ2(1)))
432      if (smearoccupation.gt.0)
433     >   call Parallel_shared_vector_copy(.true.,ne(1)+ne(2),
434     >                                    dbl_mb(occ2(1)),
435     >                                    dbl_mb(occ1(1)))
438      n1(1) = 1
439      n2(1) = ne(1)
440      n1(2) = ne(1)+1
441      n2(2) = ne(1)+ne(2)
442      nemax = ne(1)+ne(2)
444*     **** Ortho Check ****
445      if (psp_pawexist()) then
446      call psp_overlap_S(ispin,neq,dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),dcpl_mb(psi1(1)))
447      call Grsm_gg_trace(npack1,(neq(1)+neq(2)),
448     >                        dcpl_mb(psi1(1)),
449     >                        dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),
450     >                        sum2)
451      else
452      call Grsm_gg_trace(npack1,(neq(1)+neq(2)),
453     >                        dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),
454     >                        dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),
455     >                        sum2)
456      end if
457      call D1dB_SumAll(sum2)
459      sum1 = dble(ne(1) + ne(2))
460      if (dabs(sum2-sum1).gt.1.0d-10) then
461         if (oprint)
462     >      write(*,*) "Warning: Gram-Schmidt being performed on psi2"
463         if (psp_pawexist()) then
464            call Dneall_f_Sortho(0,dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),
465     >                             dcpl_mb(psi1(1)),npack1)
466         else
467            call Dneall_f_GramSchmidt(0,dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),npack1)
468         end if
469c         call Dneall_f_ortho(0,dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),npack1)
470c         call Grsm_g_MakeOrtho(npack1,ne(1),dcpl_mb(psi2(1)))
471c         if (ispin.gt.1) then
472c           call Grsm_g_MakeOrtho(npack1,ne(2),
473c     >                           dcpl_mb(psi2(1) + ne(1)*npack1))
474c         end if
475      end if
477*     **** allocate other variables *****
478      value = BA_alloc_get(mt_dbl,(2*nemax),'eig',eig(2),eig(1))
479      value = value.and.Dneall_m_allocate(0,hml)
480      value = value.and.Dneall_m_allocate(0,lmd)
481      value = value.and.Dneall_m_allocate(0,lmd1)
483      value = value.and.
484     >        BA_alloc_get(mt_dbl,(4*nfft3d),
485     >                     'dn',dn(2),dn(1))
486      value = value.and.
487     >        BA_alloc_get(mt_dcpl,npack1*(neq(1)+neq(2)),
488     >                     'Hpsi',Hpsi(2),Hpsi(1))
489      value = value.and.
490     >        BA_alloc_get(mt_dcpl,nfft3d*(neq(1)+neq(2)),
491     >                     'psir',psir(2),psir(1))
493      if (.not. value)
494     >   call errquit('cpsdv5:out of heap memory',0,MA_ERR)
498*     **** initialize two-electron Gaussian integrals ****
499*     **** initialize paw ncmp*Vloc ****
500      if (psp_pawexist()) then
501         call nwpw_gintegrals_init()
502         call nwpw_gintegrals_set(control_move())
503         call psp_dE_ncmp_vloc_Qlm(ispin,.false.,hunita)
504      end if
507*     **** initialize SIC and HFX  ****
508      call pspw_init_SIC(rtdb,ne)
509      call pspw_init_HFX(rtdb,ispin,ne)
511*     **** initialize DFT+U ****
512      call psp_U_init()
514*     **** initialize META GGA ****
515      call nwpw_meta_gga_init(control_gga())
517*     **** initialize vdw ****
518      call vdw_DF_init()
520*     **** initialize rho_symmetry  ****
521      call rho_symmetrizer_init()
523*     **** initialize metadynamics ****
524      call meta_initialize(rtdb)
526*     **** initialize QM/MM ****
527      call pspw_init_APC(rtdb)
528      call pspw_qmmm_init(rtdb)
529      call pspw_charge_init(rtdb)
530      call pspw_Efield_init(rtdb,ispin,ne)
531      !call pspw_cdft_init(rtdb)
532      field_exist = pspw_charge_found().or.pspw_Efield_found()
534*     **** initialize frac_occ data structure ****
535c      call frac_occ_init(rtdb,ispin,ne)
537*     **** initialize FixIon constraint ****
538      call ion_init_FixIon(rtdb)
542*                |**************************|
543******************   summary of input data  **********************
544*                |**************************|
546      if (oprint) then
547         write(luout,1111) np
548         write(luout,1117) np_i,np_j
549         if (mapping.eq.1) write(luout,1112)
550         if (mapping.eq.2) write(luout,1113)
551         if (mapping.eq.3) write(luout,1118)
552         if (control_balance()) then
553           write(luout,1114)
554         else
555           write(luout,1116)
556         end if
557         if (control_parallel_io()) then
558           write(luout,1119)
559         else
560           write(luout,1122)
561         end if
562         write(luout,1123) Parallel_maxthreads()
565         write(luout,1115)
566         IF(control_move()) THEN
567           write(luout,1120) 'yes'
568         ELSE
569           write(luout,1120) 'no'
570         ENDIF
571         write(luout,1121) control_boundry(),control_version()
572         if (ispin.eq.1) write(luout,1130) 'restricted'
573         if (ispin.eq.2) write(luout,1130) 'unrestricted'
575         call v_bwexc_print(luout,control_gga())
577         if (fractional) write(luout,1132)
578         call pspw_print_SIC(luout)
579         call pspw_print_HFX(luout)
580         call nwpw_meta_gga_print(luout)
581         if (ion_makehmass2()) write(luout,1135)
582         write(luout,1140)
583         do ia = 1,ion_nkatm()
584           call psp_print(ia)
585c           write(luout,1150) ia,ion_atom(ia),
586c     >                    psp_zv(ia),psp_lmax(ia)
587c           write(luout,1152) psp_lmax(ia)
588c           write(luout,1153) psp_locp(ia)
589c           write(luout,1154) psp_lmmax(ia)
590c           if (control_version().eq.4) write(luout,1156) psp_rlocal(ia)
591c           if (psp_semicore(ia))
592c     >         write(luout,1155) psp_rcore(ia),psp_ncore(ia)
593c           write(luout,1151) (psp_rc(i,ia),i=0,psp_lmax(ia))
594         end do
596         icharge = -(ne(1)+ne(ispin))
597         en(1)     = ne(1)
598         en(ispin) = ne(ispin)
599         if (fractional) then
600            icharge = 0.0d0
601            do ms=1,ispin
602            en(ms) =0.0
603            do i=n1(ms),n2(ms)
604              icharge = icharge - (3-ispin)*dbl_mb(occ1(1)+i-1)
605              en(ms) = en(ms) + dbl_mb(occ1(1)+i-1)
606            end do
607            end do
608         end if
610         do ia=1,ion_nkatm0()
611           icharge = icharge + ion_natm(ia)*psp_zv(ia)
612         end do
613         write(luout,1159) icharge
615         write(luout,1160)
616         write(luout,1170) (ion_atom(K),ion_natm(K),K=1,ion_nkatm())
617         write(luout,1180)
618         do I=1,ion_nion()+ion_nion_q()
619           if (I.gt.ion_nion()) then
620           write(luout,1195) I,ion_aname(I),(ion_rion(K,I),K=1,3),
621     >                       nwpw_cosmo_qc0(I-ion_nion()),ion_amm(i)
622           else if (ion_q_FixIon(I)) then
623           write(luout,1191) I,ion_aname(I),(ion_rion(K,I),K=1,3),
624     >                   ion_amass(I)/1822.89d0,ion_amm(i)
625           else if (ion_q_xyzFixIon(I)) then
626           write(luout,1194) I,ion_aname(I),(ion_rion(K,I),K=1,3),
627     >                   ion_amass(I)/1822.89d0,ion_q_xyzFixIon_label(I)
628           else
629           write(luout,1190) I,ion_aname(I),(ion_rion(K,I),K=1,3),
630     >                   ion_amass(I)/1822.89d0,ion_amm(i)
631           end if
632         end do
633         write(luout,1200) cx,cy,cz
634         write(luout,1210) gx,gy,gz
635         write(luout,1211) ion_nconstraints(),ion_ndof()
637         call pspw_charge_Print(luout)
638         call pspw_Efield_Print(luout)
640         if (fractional) then
641           write(luout,1219) en(1),en(ispin),' (   fractional)'
642           write(luout,1221) ne(1),neq(1),
643     >                   ne(ispin),neq(ispin),' (Fourier space)'
644         else
645           write(luout,1220) ne(1),neq(1),
646     >                   ne(ispin),neq(ispin),' (Fourier space)'
647           write(luout,1221) ne(1),neq(1),
648     >                   ne(ispin),neq(ispin),' (Fourier space)'
649         end if
650         write(luout,1230)
651         write(luout,1241) lattice_unita(1,1),
652     >                 lattice_unita(2,1),
653     >                 lattice_unita(3,1)
654         write(luout,1242) lattice_unita(1,2),
655     >                 lattice_unita(2,2),
656     >                 lattice_unita(3,2)
657         write(luout,1243) lattice_unita(1,3),
658     >                 lattice_unita(2,3),
659     >                 lattice_unita(3,3)
660         write(luout,1244) lattice_unitg(1,1),
661     >                 lattice_unitg(2,1),
662     >                 lattice_unitg(3,1)
663         write(luout,1245) lattice_unitg(1,2),
664     >                 lattice_unitg(2,2),
665     >                 lattice_unitg(3,2)
666         write(luout,1246) lattice_unitg(1,3),
667     >                 lattice_unitg(2,3),
668     >                 lattice_unitg(3,3)
669         write(luout,1231) lattice_omega()
670         write(luout,1250) lattice_ecut(),ngrid(1),ngrid(2),ngrid(3),
671     >                 pack_nwave_all(0),pack_nwave(0)
672         write(luout,1251) lattice_wcut(),ngrid(1),ngrid(2),ngrid(3),
673     >                 pack_nwave_all(1),pack_nwave(1)
674         if (control_version().eq.3) then
675         write(luout,1260) ewald_rcut(),ewald_ncut()
676         write(luout,1261) ewald_mandelung()
677         end if
679         if (control_has_ngrid_small()) then
680            write(luout,1229)
681            write(luout,1233) control_cell_name()
682            write(luout,1241) lattice_unita_small(1,1),
683     >                    lattice_unita_small(2,1),
684     >                    lattice_unita_small(3,1)
685            write(luout,1242) lattice_unita_small(1,2),
686     >                    lattice_unita_small(2,2),
687     >                    lattice_unita_small(3,2)
688            write(luout,1243) lattice_unita_small(1,3),
689     >                    lattice_unita_small(2,3),
690     >                    lattice_unita_small(3,3)
691            write(luout,1244) lattice_unitg_small(1,1),
692     >                    lattice_unitg_small(2,1),
693     >                    lattice_unitg_small(3,1)
694            write(luout,1245) lattice_unitg_small(1,2),
695     >                    lattice_unitg_small(2,2),
696     >                    lattice_unitg_small(3,2)
697            write(luout,1246) lattice_unitg_small(1,3),
698     >                    lattice_unitg_small(2,3),
699     >                    lattice_unitg_small(3,3)
700            call lattice_small_abc_abg(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma)
701            write(luout,1232) a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma
702            write(luout,1231) lattice_omega_small()
703            write(luout,1250) lattice_ecut(),
704     >                 ngrid_small(1),ngrid_small(2),ngrid_small(3),
705     >                 pack_nwave_all(2),pack_nwave(2)
706            write(luout,1251) lattice_wcut(),
707     >                 ngrid_small(1),ngrid_small(2),ngrid_small(3),
708     >                 pack_nwave_all(3),pack_nwave(3)
709         end if
711         call rho_symmetrizer_print(luout)
713         write(luout,1270)
714         if (.not.control_translation()) write(luout,1271)
715         if (.not.control_rotation())    write(luout,1272)
716         write(luout,1280) control_time_step(),control_fake_mass()
717         write(luout,1290) control_tole(),control_tolc(),control_tolr()
718         write(luout,1281) control_it_in()*control_it_out(),
719     >                 control_it_in(),control_it_out()
721        if (control_fractional()) then
722           write(6,1297)
723           if (control_fractional_smeartype().eq.-1)
724     >       write(6,1298) "fixed occupation"
725           if (control_fractional_smeartype().eq.0)
726     >       write(6,1298) "step function"
727           if (control_fractional_smeartype().eq.1)
728     >       write(6,1298) "Fermi-Dirac"
729           if (control_fractional_smeartype().eq.2)
730     >       write(6,1298) "Gaussian"
731           if (control_fractional_smeartype().eq.4)
732     >       write(6,1298) "Marzari-Vanderbilt"
733           if (control_fractional_smeartype().ge.0)
734     >       write(6,1299) control_fractional_kT(),
735     >                     control_fractional_temperature(),
736     >                     control_fractional_alpha()
737         end if
739         write(luout,1300)
740         write(luout,1305)
741         call util_flush(luout)
742      end if
744*                |***************************|
745******************     start iterations      **********************
746*                |***************************|
748      if (oprint) call current_second(cpu2)
749      if (oprint) call nwpw_message(14)
751      it_in  = control_it_in()
752      it_out = control_it_out()
753      icount = 0
754   1  continue
755         icount = icount + 1
757         call inner_loop(ispin,neq,
758     >             npack1,nfft3d,nemaxq,
759     >             dcpl_mb(psi1(1)),dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),dbl_mb(dn(1)),
760     >             it_in,E,deltae,deltac,deltar,
761     >             dbl_mb(hml(1)),dbl_mb(lmd(1)),dbl_mb(lmd1(1)),
762     >             first_iteration,
763     >             dcpl_mb(psir(1)),dcpl_mb(Hpsi(1)),
764     >             fractional,dbl_mb(occ1(1)),dbl_mb(occ2(1)))
765         if (fractional) E(1) = E(1) + smearcorrection
767         if (oprint) then
768           write(luout,1310) icount*it_in,E(1),deltae,deltac,deltar
769           call util_flush(luout)
770         end if
771         if ((deltae.gt.0.0d0).and.(icount.gt.1)) then
772            if ((icount.ge.it_out).or.(.not.fractional)) then
773               if (oprint)
774     >          write(luout,*)
775     >          ' *** Energy going up.  iteration terminated.'
776               go to 2
777            end if
778         end if
779         deltae = dabs(deltae)
780         if ((deltae.lt.control_tole()).and.
781     >       (deltac.lt.control_tolc()).and.
782     >       (deltar.lt.control_tolr())) then
783            if (oprint)
784     >       write(luout,*)
785     >       ' *** tolerance ok.     iteration terminated.'
786            go to 2
787         end if
789*        ***** define fractional occupation ****
790         if ((icount.lt.it_out).and.fractional.and.
791     >       (smeartype.ge.0)) then
793            call Dneall_m_diagonalize(0,dbl_mb(hml(1)),
794     >                                  dbl_mb(eig(1)),.true.)
795c            call Dneall_fmf_Multiply(0,dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),npack1,
796c     >                                 dbl_mb(hml(1)),  1.0d0,
797c     >                                 dcpl_mb(psi1(1)),0.0d0)
799            call psi_0define_occupation(-1.0d0,.false.,
800     >                               ispin,ne,
801     >                               dbl_mb(eig(1)),dbl_mb(hml(1)),
802     >                               dbl_mb(occ2(1)),
803     >                               smeartype,smearkT,
804     >                               smearfermi,smearcorrection)
805c            write(*,*) "definefrac smearfermi=",smearfermi
806c            do i=1,ne(1)
807c               write(*,*) "i,occ=",i,dbl_mb(eig(1)+i-1),
808c     >                               dbl_mb(occ1(1)+i-1)
809c            end do
810         end if
814      if (icount.lt.it_out) go to 1
815      if (oprint)
816     > write(luout,*)
817     > '*** arrived at the Maximum iteration.   terminated.'
819*::::::::::::::::::::  end of iteration loop  :::::::::::::::::::::::::
821   2  continue
822      if (oprint) CALL nwpw_message(3)
823      if (oprint) call current_second(cpu3)
825*         |****************************************|
826*********** produce CHECK file and diagonalize hml *****************
827*         |****************************************|
829*     **** produce CHECK FILE ****
830      if (oprint) then
831         call util_file_name('CHECK',.true.,
832     >                               .false.,
833     >                        full_filename)
834         open(unit=17,file=full_filename,form='formatted')
835      end if
837*     **** check total number of electrons ****
838      do ms =1,ispin
839         call D3dB_r_dsum(1,dbl_mb(dn(1)+(ms-1)*n2ft3d),sumall)
840         en1(ms) = sumall*lattice_omega()
841     >             /dble(ngrid(1)*ngrid(2)*ngrid(3))
842      end do
844      if (psp_pawexist()) then
845         if (.not.BA_push_get(mt_dbl,n2ft3d,'tmp1',tmp1(2),tmp1(1)))
846     >   call errquit(
847     >        'cgsdv5: out of stack memory',0,MA_ERR)
849         call psp_qlm_atom(ispin,neq,dcpl_mb(psi1(1)))
850         do ms=1,ispin
851           call nwpw_compcharge_gen_dn_cmp_smooth_ms(ms,dbl_mb(tmp1(1)))
852           call Pack_c_unpack(0,dbl_mb(tmp1(1)))
853           call D3dB_cr_fft3b(1,dbl_mb(tmp1(1)))
854           call D3dB_r_Zero_Ends(1,dbl_mb(tmp1(1)))
855           call D3dB_r_dsum(1,dbl_mb(tmp1(1)),sumall)
856           en2(ms) = sumall*lattice_omega()
857     >              /dble(ngrid(1)*ngrid(2)*ngrid(3))
858         end do
859         if (.not.BA_pop_stack(tmp1(2)))
860     >   call errquit(
861     >        'cgsdv5: popping stack memory',0,MA_ERR)
862      else
863         en2(1) = 0.0d0
864         en2(2) = 0.0d0
865      end if
866      en(1) = en1(1)+en2(1)
867      en(2) = en1(2)+en2(2)
868      if (omaster) then
869         write(17,1320) (en(ms),ms=1,ispin)
870         if (psp_pawexist()) then
871            write(17,1322) (en1(ms),ms=1,ispin)
872            write(17,1323) (en2(ms),ms=1,ispin)
873         end if
874      end if
878*     **** comparison between hamiltonian an lambda matrix ****
879      if (omaster) write(17,1330)
880      do ms=1,ispin
881         do j=1,ne(ms)
882         do i=1,ne(ms)
883            w      = Dneall_m_value(0,ms,i,j,dbl_mb(hml(1)))
884            virial = Dneall_m_value(0,ms,i,j,dbl_mb(lmd(1)))
886            if (omaster)
887     >      write(17,1340) ms,i,j,w,virial,w-virial
888         end do
889         end do
890      end do
893*     **** check orthonormality ****
894      if (omaster) then
895         write(17,1350)
896      end if
897      call Dneall_ffm_Multiply(0,dcpl_mb(psi1(1)),
898     >                           dcpl_mb(psi1(1)),npack1,
899     >                           dbl_mb(lmd(1)))
900      do ms=1,ispin
901         do j=1,ne(ms)
902         do i=j,ne(ms)
903            w  = Dneall_m_value(0,ms,i,j,dbl_mb(lmd(1)))
904            if (omaster) write(17,1360) ms,i,j,w
905         end do
906         end do
907      end do
909*     **** close check file ****
910      if (omaster) then
911         close(17)
912      end if
914*     ***** do not diagonalize the hamiltonian matrix *****
915      if (pspw_SIC().or.mparallelized) then
916        call dcopy(2*npack1*nemaxq,
917     >             dcpl_mb(psi1(1)),1,
918     >             dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),1)
920*     ***** diagonalize the hamiltonian matrix but don't rotate ****
921      else if (fractional) then
922         n = ne(1)
923c         call Dneall_m_HmltimesSA(0,dbl_mb(hml(1)),dbl_mb(fweight(1)))
924         call Dneall_m_diagonalize(0,dbl_mb(hml(1)),
925     >                              dbl_mb(eig(1)),.false.)
926c         do ms=1,ispin
927c         do ii=1,ne(ms)
928c            dbl_mb(eig(1)+(ii-1)+(ms-1)*n)
929c     >      =dbl_mb(eig(1)+(ii-1)+(ms-1)*n)
930c     >      /dbl_mb(fweight(1)+(ii-1)+(ms-1)*n)
931c         end do
932c         end do
933         !*** reverse the occupation ***
934         do ms=1,ispin
935            do i=1,ne(ms)
936                 dbl_mb(occ1(1)+(ms-1)*ne(1) + i-1) =
937     >           dbl_mb(occ2(1)+(ms-1)*ne(1) + ne(ms)-i)
938            end do
939         end do
940         !call dcopy(ne(1)+ne(2),dbl_mb(occ2(1)),1,dbl_mb(occ1(1)),1)
941         call dcopy(2*npack1*nemaxq,
942     >             dcpl_mb(psi1(1)),1,
943     >             dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),1)
945*     ***** diagonalize and rotate the hamiltonian matrix ****
946      else
947        call Dneall_m_diagonalize(0,dbl_mb(hml(1)),
948     >                              dbl_mb(eig(1)),.false.)
950*       **** do not rotate if wannier localization ***
951        if (.not.pspw_HFX_localize2())
952     >      call Dneall_fmf_Multiply(0,dcpl_mb(psi1(1)),npack1,
953     >                                 dbl_mb(hml(1)),  1.0d0,
954     >                                 dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),0.0d0)
955      end if
957*                |***************************|
958****************** report summary of results **********************
959*                |***************************|
960      call center_geom(cx,cy,cz)
961      call center_mass(gx,gy,gz)
963      if (oprint) then
964         write(luout,1300)
965         write(luout,1410)
966         write(luout,1420)
967         do I=1,ion_nion()+ion_nion_q()
968           if (I.gt.ion_nion()) then
969           write(luout,1195) I,ion_aname(I),(ion_rion(k,i),K=1,3),
970     >                   nwpw_cosmo_qc0(I-ion_nion()),ion_amm(i)
971           else if (ion_q_FixIon(I)) then
972           write(luout,1191) I,ion_aname(I),(ion_rion(k,i),K=1,3),
973     >                   ion_amass(I)/1822.89d0,ion_amm(i)
974           else if (ion_q_xyzFixIon(I)) then
975           write(6,1194) I,ion_aname(I),(ion_rion(k,i),K=1,3),
976     >                   ion_amass(I)/1822.89d0,ion_q_xyzFixIon_label(I)
977           else
978           write(luout,1190) I,ion_aname(I),(ion_rion(k,i),K=1,3),
979     >                   ion_amass(I)/1822.89d0,ion_amm(i)
980           end if
981         end do
982         write(luout,1200) cx,cy,cz
983         write(luout,1210) gx,gy,gz
984         write(luout,1211) ion_nconstraints(),ion_ndof()
986         call pspw_charge_Print(luout)
988         write(luout,*)
989         write(luout,1320) en(1),en(ispin),' (real space)'
990         if (psp_pawexist()) then
991            write(luout,1322) en1(1),en1(ispin),' (real space)'
992            write(luout,1323) en2(1),en2(ispin),' (real space)'
993         end if
995*       **** write APC potential and charges ***
996        if (pspw_V_APC_on()) call pspw_shortprint_APC(luout)
999         write(luout,1430) E(1),E(1)/ion_nion()
1000         if (pspw_qmmm_found()) then
1001            write(luout,1431)
1002            write(luout,1432)
1003            write(luout,1433) (E(1)-E(11)),
1004     >                    (E(1)-E(11))/ion_nion()
1005         end if
1007         if (field_exist) then
1008            write(luout,1431)
1009            write(luout,1432)
1010            if (pspw_Efield_type().eq.0) then
1011               write(luout,1433) (E(1)-E(49)-E(51)),
1012     >         (E(1)-E(49)-E(51))/ion_nion()
1013            else
1014               write(luout,1433) (E(1)-E(49)-E(50)-E(51)),
1015     >         (E(1)-E(49)-E(50)-E(51))/ion_nion()
1016            end if
1017         end if
1019         !*** print out total paw energy including core energies ****
1020         if (psp_pawexist())
1021     >      write(luout,1434) (E(1)+E(36)+E(45)),
1022     >                        (E(1)+E(36)+E(45))/ion_nion()
1024         write(luout,1440) E(2),E(2)/n2(ispin)
1025         write(luout,1450) E(3),E(3)/n2(ispin)
1026         write(luout,1460) E(4),E(4)/n2(ispin)
1027         if (pspw_SIC()) then
1028           write(luout,1455) E(16),E(16)/n2(ispin)
1029           write(luout,1456) E(17),E(17)/n2(ispin)
1030         end if
1031         if (pspw_HFX()) then
1032           write(luout,1457) E(20),E(20)/n2(ispin)
1033         end if
1034         if (psp_U_psputerm()) then
1035           write(luout,1458) E(29),E(29)/n2(ispin)
1036         end if
1037         if (meta_found()) then
1038           write(luout,1459) E(31),E(31)/ion_nion()
1039         end if
1040         if (pspw_V_APC_on()) then
1041           write(luout,1505) E(52),E(52)/ion_nion()
1042         end if
1045         write(luout,1470) E(5),E(5)/ion_nion()
1046         write(luout,1480) E(6),E(6)/n2(ispin)
1047         write(luout,1490) E(7),E(7)/n2(ispin)
1048         write(luout,1495) E(8),E(8)/n2(ispin)
1049         write(luout,1496) E(9),E(9)/n2(ispin)
1050         write(luout,1497) E(10),E(10)/n2(ispin)
1051         if (pspw_SIC().and.pspw_SIC_relaxed())  then
1052           write(luout,1499) E(18),E(18)/n2(ispin)
1053           write(luout,1501) E(19),E(19)/n2(ispin)
1054         end if
1055         if (pspw_HFX().and.pspw_HFX_relaxed())  then
1056           write(luout,1502) E(21),E(21)/n2(ispin)
1057         end if
1058         if (psp_U_psputerm()) then
1059           write(luout,1503) E(30),E(30)/n2(ispin)
1060         end if
1061         if (meta_found()) then
1062           write(luout,1504) E(32),E(32)/n2(ispin)
1063         end if
1064         if (pspw_V_APC_on()) then
1065           write(luout,1506) E(53),E(53)/n2(ispin)
1066         end if
1068         virial = (E(10)+E(9)+E(8)+E(7))/E(6)
1069         write(luout,1498) virial
1071c        **** paw energies ****
1072         if (psp_pawexist()) then
1073         write(luout,1680) E(35),E(35)/n2(ispin)
1074         write(luout,1681) E(36),E(36)/ion_nion()
1075         write(luout,1682) E(37),E(37)/n2(ispin)
1077         write(luout,1683) E(38),E(38)/n2(ispin)
1078         write(luout,1684) E(39),E(39)/n2(ispin)
1080         write(luout,1685) E(40),E(40)/n2(ispin)
1081         write(luout,1686) E(41),E(41)/n2(ispin)
1082         write(luout,1687) E(42),E(42)/n2(ispin)
1083         write(luout,1688) E(43),E(43)/n2(ispin)
1084         write(luout,1689) E(44),E(44)/ion_nion()
1085         write(luout,1690) E(45),E(45)/ion_nion()
1086         end if
1088      if (pspw_qmmm_found()) then
1089            write(luout,1700)
1090            write(luout,1701)
1091            write(luout,1702) E(11)
1092            write(luout,1703) E(12)
1093            write(luout,1704) E(13)
1094            write(luout,1705) E(14)
1096c            write(luout,1703) E(14)+E(15)
1097c            write(luout,1710) E(14)
1098c            write (luout,1711) E(15)
1100c            write(luout,1704) E(16)
1101c            write(luout,1705) E(17)
1102c            write(luout,1706) E(18)
1103        end if
1104        if (ion_disp_on()) then
1105            write(luout,1720) E(33)
1106        end if
1108        if (field_exist) then
1109           write(luout,1800)
1110           write(luout,1801)
1111           if (pspw_Efield_type().eq.0) then
1112              write(luout,1805) E(49)+E(51)
1113              write(luout,1806) E(49)
1114              write(luout,1807) E(50)
1115              !write(luout,1804) E(51)
1116              call dipole_Efield_print(luout)
1117           else
1118              write(luout,1805) E(49)+E(50)+E(51)
1119              write(luout,1802) E(49)
1120              write(luout,1803) E(50)
1121              write(luout,1804) E(51)
1122           end if
1123        end if
1127         if (.not.mparallelized) then
1128*        **** write out diagonal <psi|H|psi> matrix ****
1129         if (pspw_SIC()) then
1131          n = ne(1)
1132          nn = n*n
1133          do ms=1,ispin
1134             if (ms.eq.1) write(luout,1331)
1135             if (ms.eq.2) write(luout,1332)
1136             !*** call Gainsville matrix output ***
1137             call output(dbl_mb(hml(1)+(ms-1)*nn),
1138     >                    1,ne(ms),1,ne(ms),
1139     >                    n,n,1)
1141           end do
1143*        **** write out KS eigenvalues ****
1144         else
1145         EV=27.2116d0
1146         if (control_fractional()) then
1147            if (ispin.eq.1) then
1148               write(luout,1507) smearfermi(1),smearfermi(1)*EV
1149            else
1150               write(luout,1507) smearfermi(1),smearfermi(1)*EV,
1151     >                           smearfermi(2),smearfermi(2)*EV
1152            end if
1153         end if
1154         write(luout,1500)
1155         NN=NE(1)-NE(2)
1156         if (fractional) then
1157           do i=1,NN
1158             write(luout,1511) dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1),
1159     >                     dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1)*EV,
1160     >                     dbl_mb(occ1(1)+i-1)
1161           end do
1162           do i=1,ne(2)
1163             write(luout,1511) dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1+NN),
1164     >                     dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1+NN)*EV,
1165     >                     dbl_mb(occ1(1)+i-1+NN),
1166     >                     dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1+n1(2)-1),
1167     >                     dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1+n1(2)-1)*EV,
1168     >                     dbl_mb(occ1(1)+i-1+n1(2)-1)
1169           end do
1170         else
1171           do i=1,NN
1172             write(luout,1510) dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1),dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1)*EV
1173           end do
1174           do i=1,ne(2)
1175             write(luout,1510) dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1+NN),
1176     >                     dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1+NN)*EV,
1177     >                     dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1+n1(2)-1),
1178     >                     dbl_mb(EIG(1)+i-1+n1(2)-1)*EV
1179           end do
1180         end if
1182         end if
1183         end if
1184      end if
1186*     **** write out COSMO energies ****
1187      if (nwpw_cosmo_on()) then
1188         Egas = control_gas_energy()
1189         if (oprint) then
1190            write(luout,1730)
1191            write(luout,1731) nwpw_cosmo_screen()
1192            write(luout,1732) E(46)
1193            write(luout,1733) E(47)
1194            write(luout,1734) E(48)
1195            write(luout,1735) E(46)+E(47)+E(48),
1196     >                        (E(46)+E(47)+E(48))*27.2116d0*23.06d0
1197            if (dabs(Egas).gt.1.0d-6)
1198     >         write(luout,1736)  E(1)-Egas,
1199     >                           (E(1)-Egas)*27.2116d0*23.06d0
1200            call nwpw_cosmo_print(luout,Egas,E(1))
1201         end if
1202      end if
1204*     **** write out extended Born solvation energies ****
1205      if (nwpw_born_on()) then
1206         Egas = control_gas_energy()
1207         if (oprint) then
1208            write(luout,1740)
1209            write(luout,1741) nwpw_born_screen()
1210            write(luout,1745) E(52),E(52)*27.2116d0*23.06d0
1211            if (dabs(Egas).gt.1.0d-6)
1212     >         write(luout,1746)  E(1)-Egas,
1213     >                           (E(1)-Egas)*27.2116d0*23.06d0
1214            call nwpw_born_print(luout,Egas,E(1))
1215         end if
1216      end if
1219      if (mparallelized) then
1220          do ms=1,ispin
1221             if ((ms.eq.1).and.(oprint)) write(luout,1333)
1222             if ((ms.eq.2).and.(oprint)) write(luout,1334)
1223             do i=1,ne(ms)
1224                w = Dneall_m_value(0,ms,i,i,dbl_mb(hml(1)))
1225                if (oprint) write(luout,1510) w,w*EV
1226             end do
1227          end do
1228      end if
1230      if (oprint) then
1231*        ***** extra energy output for QA test ****
1232         write(luout,1600) E(1)
1233      end if
1237*                |***************************|
1238******************         Prologue          **********************
1239*                |***************************|
1241*     **** calculate spin contamination ****
1242      call Calculate_psi_spin2(ispin,ne,npack1,dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),
1243     >                         fractional,dbl_mb(occ2(1)),w)
1245*     **** calculate the Dipole ***
1246      call Calculate_Dipole(ispin,ne,n2ft3d,dbl_mb(dn(1)),dipole)
1248*     **** perfom Lubin and Mulliken analysis ***
1249      if (control_Mulliken()) then
1251*       **** Lubin Water Analysis ***
1252        call pspw_Lubin_water_analysis(rtdb,ispin,ne,n2ft3d,
1253     >                                 dbl_mb(dn(1)))
1255*       **** Analysis ***
1256        call pspw_analysis(0,rtdb,ispin,ne,dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),
1257     >                                   dbl_mb(eig(1)))
1259*       **** generate APC *****
1260        call pspw_dngen_APC(ispin,ne,dbl_mb(dn(1)),.false.)
1261        call pspw_print_APC(luout)
1263      end if
1265*     ***** write psi2 wavefunctions ****
1266      call psi_write(ispin,ne,dcpl_mb(psi2(1)),
1267     >               smearoccupation,dbl_mb(occ2(1)))
1269*     **** write geometry to rtdb ****
1270      call pspw_charge_write(rtdb)
1271      call ion_write(rtdb)
1274*     **** deallocate heap memory ****
1275      if (control_version().eq.3) call ewald_end()
1276      call strfac_end()
1277      if (control_version().eq.3) call coulomb_end()
1278      if (control_version().eq.4) call coulomb2_end()
1279      call ke_end()
1280      call mask_end()
1281      call Pack_end()
1282      call G_end()
1283      call psp_U_end()
1284      call vdw_DF_end()
1285      call nwpw_meta_gga_end()
1286      call rho_symmetrizer_end()
1287      call pspw_end_SIC()
1288      call pspw_end_HFX()
1289      call pspw_end_APC()
1290      call pspw_qmmm_end()
1291      call pspw_charge_end()
1292      call pspw_Efield_end()
1293      call meta_finalize(rtdb)
1294      if (psp_pawexist()) call nwpw_gintegrals_end()
1296      call ion_end()
1297      call psp_end()
1298      call ion_end_FixIon()
1300c      call frac_occ_end()
1302      value = BA_free_heap(psir(2))
1303      value = BA_free_heap(Hpsi(2))
1304      value = BA_free_heap(dn(2))
1305      value = BA_free_heap(eig(2))
1306      value = Dneall_m_free(hml)
1307      value = Dneall_m_free(lmd)
1308      value = Dneall_m_free(lmd1)
1309      value = BA_free_heap(psi1(2))
1310      value = BA_free_heap(psi2(2))
1311      if (fractional) then
1312         value = BA_free_heap(occ1(2))
1313         value = BA_free_heap(occ2(2))
1314      end if
1315      call D3dB_pfft_end()
1316      call D3dB_end(1)
1317      if (control_version().eq.4) call D3dB_end(2)
1318      if (control_has_ngrid_small()) call D3dB_end(3)
1319      call Dne_end()
1320      call psi_data_end()
1322*                |***************************|
1323****************** report consumed cputime   **********************
1324*                |***************************|
1325      if (oprint) then
1326         CALL current_second(cpu4)
1328         T1=CPU2-CPU1
1329         T2=CPU3-CPU2
1330         T3=CPU4-CPU3
1331         T4=CPU4-CPU1
1332         AV=T2/dble(icount*it_in)
1333         write(luout,*)
1334         write(luout,*) '-----------------'
1335         write(luout,*) 'cputime in seconds'
1336         write(luout,*) 'prologue    : ',T1
1337         write(luout,*) 'main loop   : ',T2
1338         write(luout,*) 'epilogue    : ',T3
1339         write(luout,*) 'total       : ',T4
1340         write(luout,*) 'cputime/step: ',AV
1341         write(luout,*)
1342         call nwpw_timing_print_final(.true.,(icount*it_in))
1343         CALL nwpw_MESSAGE(4)
1344      end if
1347      call Parallel2d_Finalize()
1348      call Parallel_Finalize()
1349      cpsdv5 = value
1350      return
1353*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::  format  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1354 1000 FORMAT(10X,'****************************************************')
1355 1010 FORMAT(10X,'*                                                  *')
1356 1020 FORMAT(10X,'*     Car-Parrinello microcluster calculation      *')
1357 1030 FORMAT(10X,'*     [     steepest descent minimization   ]      *')
1358 1035 FORMAT(10x,'*     [ NorthWest Chemistry implementation ]       *')
1359 1040 FORMAT(10X,'*            version #5.00   06/01/99              *')
1360 1041 FORMAT(10X,'*    This code was developed by Eric J. Bylaska,   *')
1361 1042 FORMAT(10X,'*    and was based upon algorithms and code        *')
1362 1043 FORMAT(10X,'*    developed by the group of Prof. John H. Weare *')
1363 1100 FORMAT(//)
1364 1110 FORMAT(10X,'================ PSPW input data ===================')
1365 1111 FORMAT(/' number of processors used:',I10)
1366 1112 FORMAT( ' parallel mapping         :      1d-slab')
1367 1113 FORMAT( ' parallel mapping         :   2d-hilbert')
1368 1114 FORMAT( ' parallel mapping         :     balanced')
1369 1115 FORMAT(/' options:')
1370 1116 FORMAT( ' parallel mapping         : not balanced')
1371 1117 FORMAT( ' processor grid           :',I4,' x',I4)
1372 1118 FORMAT( ' parallel mapping         :    2d-hcurve')
1373 1119 FORMAT( ' parallel io              :        on')
1374 1120 FORMAT(5X,' ionic motion         = ',A)
1375 1121 FORMAT(5X,' boundary conditions  = ',A,'(version', I1,')')
1376 1122 FORMAT( ' parallel io              :       off')
1377 1123 FORMAT( ' number of threads        :',I10)
1378 1130 FORMAT(5X,' electron spin        = ',A)
1379 1131 FORMAT(5X,' exchange-correlation = ',A)
1380 1132 FORMAT(5X,' using fractional occupation')
1381 1135 FORMAT(/' The masses of QM H atoms converted to 2.0 amu. ',
1382     >       /' To turn off this default',
1383     >       /' nwpw',
1384     >       /'    makehmass2 off',
1385     >       /' end')
1386 1140 FORMAT(/' elements involved in the cluster:')
1387 1150 FORMAT(5X,I2,': ',A4,'  core charge:',F4.1,'  lmax=',I1)
1388 1151 FORMAT(5X,'        cutoff =',4F8.3)
1389 1152 FORMAT(12X,' highest angular component      : ',i2)
1390 1153 FORMAT(12X,' local potential used           : ',i2)
1391 1154 FORMAT(12X,' number of non-local projections: ',i2)
1392 1155 FORMAT(12X,' semicore corrections included  : ',
1393     >       F6.3,' (radius) ',F6.3,' (charge)')
1394 1156 FORMAT(12X,' aperiodic cutoff radius        : ',F6.3)
1395 1159 FORMAT(/' total charge=',F8.3)
1396 1160 FORMAT(/' atomic composition:')
1397 1170 FORMAT(7(5X,A2,':',I5))
1398 1180 FORMAT(/' initial position of ions:')
1399 1190 FORMAT(5X, I4, A5, ' (',3F11.5,' ) - atomic mass= ',F7.3,' ',A)
1400 1191 FORMAT(5X, I4, A5, ' (',3F11.5,
1401     >       ' ) - atomic mass= ',F7.3,' - fixed ',A)
1402 1193 FORMAT(5X, I4, A5, ' (',3F11.5,
1403     >       ' ) - atomic mass= ',F7.3,' - z fixed')
1404 1194 FORMAT(5X, I4, A5, ' (',3F11.5,
1405     >       ' ) - atomic mass= ',F7.3,A)
1406 1195 FORMAT(5X, I4, A5, ' (',3F11.5,' ) -      charge= ',E13.6,' ',A)
1407 1200 FORMAT(5X,'   G.C.  ',' (',3F11.5,' )')
1408 1210 FORMAT(5X,'   C.O.M.',' (',3F11.5,' )')
1409 1211 FORMAT(5X,'   number of constraints = ', I6,' ( DOF = ',I6,' )' )
1410 1219 FORMAT(/' number of electrons: spin up=',F6.2, 16x,
1411     >                               '  down=',F6.2,A)
1412 1220 FORMAT(/' number of electrons: spin up=',I6,
1413     >        ' (',I4,' per task)',
1414     >        '  down=',I6,
1415     >        ' (',I4,' per task)',
1416     >        A)
1417 1221 FORMAT( ' number of orbitals : spin up=',I6,
1418     >        ' (',I4,' per task)',
1419     >        '  down=',I6,
1420     >        ' (',I4,' per task)',
1421     >        A)
1422 1229 FORMAT(/' small supercell:')
1423 1230 FORMAT(/' supercell:')
1424 1231 FORMAT(5x,' volume : ',F12.1)
1425 1232 FORMAT(5x,' lattice:    a=    ',f8.3,' b=   ',f8.3,' c=    ',f8.3,
1426     >      /5x,'             alpha=',f8.3,' beta=',f8.3,' gamma=',f8.3)
1427 1233 FORMAT(5x,' cell_name:  ',A)
1428 1241 FORMAT(5x,' lattice:    a1=<',3f8.3,' >')
1429 1242 FORMAT(5x,'             a2=<',3f8.3,' >')
1430 1243 FORMAT(5x,'             a3=<',3f8.3,' >')
1431 1244 FORMAT(5x,' reciprocal: b1=<',3f8.3,' >')
1432 1245 FORMAT(5x,'             b2=<',3f8.3,' >')
1433 1246 FORMAT(5x,'             b3=<',3f8.3,' >')
1435 1250 FORMAT(5X,' density cutoff=',F7.3,'  fft=',I3,'x',I3,'x',I3,
1436     &       '( ',I8,' waves ',I8,' per task)')
1437 1251 FORMAT(5X,' wavefnc cutoff=',F7.3,'  fft=',I3,'x',I3,'x',I3,
1438     &       '( ',I8,' waves ',I8,' per task)')
1439 1260 FORMAT(5X,' Ewald summation: cut radius=',F8.2,'  and',I3)
1440 1261 FORMAT(5X,'                   madelung=',f14.8)
1441 1270 FORMAT(/' technical parameters:')
1442 1271 FORMAT(5x, ' translation constrained')
1443 1272 FORMAT(5x, ' rotation constrained')
1444 1280 FORMAT(5X, ' time step=',F10.2,5X,'fictitious mass=',F10.1)
1445 1281 FORMAT(5X, ' maximum iterations =',I10,
1446     >           ' ( ',I4,' inner ',I6,' outer )')
1447 1290 FORMAT(5X, ' tolerance=',E9.3,' (energy)',E12.3,
1448     &        ' (electron)',E12.3,' (ion)')
1449 1297 FORMAT(/' fractional smearing parameters:')
1450 1298 FORMAT(5X, ' smearing algorithm   = ',A)
1451 1299 FORMAT(5X, ' smearing parameter   = ',E9.3,' (',F7.1,' K)'/,
1452     >       5X, ' mixing parameter     =',F7.4)
1453 1300 FORMAT(//)
1454 1305 FORMAT(10X,
1455     >       '==================== iteration =========================')
1456 1310 FORMAT(I8,E20.10,3E15.5)
1457 1320 FORMAT(' number of electrons: spin up=',F11.5,'  down=',F11.5,A)
1458 1321 FORMAT(' total charge of system:',F11.5,A)
1459 1322 FORMAT('     plane-wave part:         ',F11.5,'       ',F11.5,A)
1460 1323 FORMAT('      augmented part:         ',F11.5,'       ',F11.5,A)
1462 1330 FORMAT(/' comparison between hamiltonian and lambda matrix')
1463 1331 FORMAT(/' Elements of Hamiltonian matrix (up/restricted)')
1464 1332 FORMAT(/' Elements of Hamiltonian matrix (down)')
1465 1333 FORMAT(/' Diagonal Elements of Hamiltonian matrix(up/restricted)')
1466 1334 FORMAT(/' Diagonal Elements of Hamiltonian matrix(down)')
1467 1340 FORMAT(I3,2I3,' H=',E16.7,', L=',E16.7,', H-L=',E16.7)
1468 1341 FORMAT(I3,2I3,' H=',E16.6)
1469 1350 FORMAT(/' orthonormality')
1470 1360 FORMAT(I3,2I3,E18.7)
1471 1370 FORMAT(I3)
1472 1380 FORMAT(' ''',a,'''',I4)
1473 1390 FORMAT(I3)
1474 1400 FORMAT(I3,3E18.8/3X,3E18.8)
1475 1410 FORMAT(10X,'=============  summary of results  =================')
1476 1420 FORMAT( ' final position of ions:')
1477 1430 FORMAT(//' total     energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1478 1431 FORMAT(/' QM Energies')
1479 1432 FORMAT( '------------')
1480 1433 FORMAT( ' total  QM energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1481 1434 FORMAT(//' total paw energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1482 1440 FORMAT( ' total orbital energy:',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1483 1450 FORMAT( ' hartree   energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1484 1455 FORMAT( ' SIC-hartree energy  :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1485 1456 FORMAT( ' SIC-exc-corr energy :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1486 1457 FORMAT( ' HF exchange energy  :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1487 1458 FORMAT( ' DFT+U     energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1488 1459 FORMAT( ' Metadynamics energy :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1489 1460 FORMAT( ' exc-corr  energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1490 1470 FORMAT( ' ion-ion   energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1491 1480 FORMAT(/' K.S. kinetic energy :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1492 1490 FORMAT( ' K.S. V_l  energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1493 1495 FORMAT( ' K.S. V_nl energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1494 1496 FORMAT( ' K.S. V_Hart energy  :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1495 1497 FORMAT( ' K.S. V_xc energy    :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1496 1498 FORMAT( ' Virial Coefficient  :',E19.10)
1497 1499 FORMAT( ' K.S. SIC-hartree energy  :',E19.10,
1498     >        ' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1499 1500 FORMAT(/' orbital energies:')
1500 1501 FORMAT( ' K.S. SIC-exc-corr energy :',E19.10,
1501     >        ' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1502 1502 FORMAT( ' K.S. HFX energy     :',E19.10,
1503     >        ' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1504 1503 FORMAT( ' K.S. DFT+U energy   :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1505 1504 FORMAT( ' K.S. Metadynamics energy :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1506 1505 FORMAT( ' APC energy          :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1507 1506 FORMAT( ' K.S. V_APC energy   :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1508 1507 FORMAT(/' Fermi energy =',2(E18.7,' (',F8.3,'eV)'))
1511 1510 FORMAT(2(E18.7,' (',F8.3,'eV)'))
1512 1511 FORMAT(2(E18.7,' (',F8.3,'eV) occ=',F5.3))
1513 1600 FORMAT(/' Total PSPW energy   :',E19.10)
1515 1680 FORMAT(/' kinetic (loc. basis):',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1516 1681 FORMAT( ' kinetic       (core):',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1517 1682 FORMAT( ' valence-core        :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1518 1683 FORMAT( ' ncmp*V_local        :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1519 1684 FORMAT( ' V_lpaw  (loc. basis):',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1520 1685 FORMAT( ' coulomb (loc. basis):',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1521 1686 FORMAT( ' coulomb  (ncmp-ncmp):',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1522 1687 FORMAT( ' coulomb    (ncmp-pw):',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1523 1688 FORMAT( ' exc-cor (loc. basis):',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1524 1689 FORMAT( ' pxc-cor (loc. basis):',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1525 1690 FORMAT( ' ion-core            :',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/ion)')
1526 1691 FORMAT( ' V_local PAW residual:',E19.10,' (',E15.5,'/electron)')
1528 1700 FORMAT(/' QM/MM-pol-vib/CAV Energies')
1529 1701 FORMAT( ' --------------------------')
1530 1702 FORMAT( ' LJ energy              :',E19.10)
1531 1703 FORMAT( ' Residual Coulomb energy:',E19.10)
1532 1704 FORMAT( ' MM Vibration energy    :',E19.10)
1533 1705 FORMAT( ' QM/MM coupling energy  :',E19.10)
1534 1706 FORMAT( ' (QM+MM)/Cavity energy  :',E19.10)
1536 1720 FORMAT(/' Dispersion energy   :',E19.10)
1538 1730 FORMAT(/' COSMO energies:')
1539 1731 FORMAT(5x,' screen=(epsilon-1)/(epsilon+1/2):',F11.6)
1540 1732 FORMAT(5x,' screen*Qelc*B*q energy  :',E19.10)
1541 1733 FORMAT(5x,' screen*Qion*B*q energy  :',E19.10)
1542 1734 FORMAT(5x,' screen*0.5*q*A*q energy :',E19.10)
1543 1735 FORMAT(5x,' solvation energy (w/o QM polarization) :',E19.10,
1544     >   ' (',F8.3,' kcal/mol)')
1545 1736 FORMAT(5x,' solvation energy (w/  QM polarization) :',E19.10,
1546     >   ' (',F8.3,' kcal/mol)')
1548 1740 FORMAT(/' extended Born solvation energies:')
1549 1741 FORMAT(5x,' screen=(epsilon-1)/(epsilon):',F11.6)
1550 1745 FORMAT(5x,' solvation energy (w/o QM polarization) :',E19.10,
1551     >   ' (',F8.3,' kcal/mol)')
1552 1746 FORMAT(5x,' solvation energy (w/  QM polarization) :',E19.10,
1553     >   ' (',F8.3,' kcal/mol)')
1556 1800 FORMAT(/' Charge+Electric Field Energies')
1557 1801 FORMAT( ' ------------------------------')
1558 1802 FORMAT( ' - Charge+Electric Field/Electron    :',E19.10)
1559 1803 FORMAT( ' - Charge+Electric Field/Ion         :',E19.10)
1560 1804 FORMAT( ' - Charge+Electric Field/Charge Field:',E19.10)
1561 1805 FORMAT( ' Charge+Electric Field Energy        :',E19.10)
1562 1806 FORMAT( ' - Electric Field/Resta_Dipole       :',E19.10)
1563 1807 FORMAT( ' - K.S. Electric Field/Resta_Dipole  :',E19.10)
1565 9010 FORMAT(//' >> job terminated due to code =',I3,' <<')
1567 9000 if (omaster) write(luout,9010) ierr
1568      call Parallel2d_Finalize()
1569      call Parallel_Finalize()
1571      cpsdv5 = value
1572      return
1573      END