2* $Id$
5c     Defintions of /ctropt/ and /ctropt/
7c     The contents of /ctropt/ are mostly read-only and are
8c     initialized by driver_initialize().  The zmatrix info must be
9c     updated if the internal coordinates regenerated
11c     /ctropt/ is dynamically updated
13c     These parameter definitions from geomP.fh and soon to be from
14c     a standard include file
15      integer max_cent, max_nzvar, max_izmat
16      parameter (max_cent      = nw_max_atom)
17      parameter (max_nzvar     = 3*max_cent)
18      parameter (max_izmat     = 4*max_nzvar)
20      integer max_cart
21      parameter (max_cart = 3*max_cent)
22      integer max_nvar
23*     parameter (max_nvar = max(max_nzvar,max_cart))  ! max function call cannot be used in a parameter statement
24*note:  max_nvar should be .eq. max(max_nzvar,max_cart)
25      parameter (max_nvar = max_cart)
27c     zmatrix info will only be set if zcoord is true
29c     nvar is the no. of variables in the optimization which
30c     is performed in one of
31c     .   cartesians
32c     .   redundant internals
33c     .   non-redundant user-specified internals
35      double precision
36     $     eprec,               ! [user|auto] precision in the energy
37     $     trust,               ! [user] trust radius for spectral step
38     $     gmax_tol,            ! [user] tolerance for max internal gradient
39     $     grms_tol,            ! [user] tolerance for rms internal gradient
40     $     xrms_tol,            ! [user] tolerance for rms cartesian step
41     $     xmax_tol,            ! [user] tolerance for max cartesian step
42     $     sadstp,              ! [user] step in search for saddle point
43     $     zvarsign(max_nzvar), ! sign of zmatrix variables
44     $     maxdr,
45     $     opt_tol,
46     $     slength
47      integer
48     $     nptopt,              ! [user] max no. of steps
49     $     inhess,              ! [user] guess hessian option
50     $     linopt,              ! [user] max. no. of steps for line search
51     $     modupd,              ! [user] update mode for hessian
52     $     moddir,              ! [user] +/- mode for initial saddle step
53     $     vardir,              ! [user] +/- var  for initial saddle step
54     $     modsad,              ! [user] 0=minim, 1=saddle
55     $     nat,                 ! no. of atoms (+ 3 pretend if ostress, or + 2 pretend if ostress2)
56     $     nat_real,            ! no. of real atoms (i.e., no cell param)
57     $     ncart,               ! no. of cartesians = 3*nat
58     $     nzmat,               ! no. of zmatrix integers
59     $     nzvar,               ! no. of zmatrix variables
60     $     nvar,                ! no. of redundant or cartesian variables
61     $     nzfrz,               ! no. of frozen zmatrix variables
62     $     isystype,            ! system type (mol, poly, slab, crys)
63     $     nactive,             ! no. of active atoms (cartesian constraints)
64     $     izmat(max_izmat),    ! zmatrix integers
65     $     izfrz(max_nzvar)     ! list of frozen variables
67     $     ,hfollow
70      logical
71     $     ofirstneg,           ! [user] take the first negative mode
72     $     opcg,                ! [user] use conjugacy
73     $     oqstep,              ! [user/auto] step in internal coords
74     $     zcoord,              ! autoz/zmatrix being used
75     $     zmatrix,             ! user specified zmatrix being used
76     $     oprint,              ! print information
77     $     odebug,              ! print debug data
78     $     ostress,             ! include stress
79     $     ostress2,            ! include lattice gradients
80     $     ocheckgrad,          ! verify the gradient
81     $     oactive(max_cent)    ! active atom flags
82     $     ,redostep
84      character*8
85     $     zvarname(max_nzvar) ! name of user specified zmatrix variables
86      character*60
87     $     xyz                  ! [user] prefix for xyz files or blank
89      common/cdrv_tropt/
90c     doubles
91     $     eprec, trust, gmax_tol, grms_tol, xrms_tol, xmax_tol,
92     $     sadstp, zvarsign, maxdr, opt_tol, slength,
93c     integers
94     $     nptopt, inhess, linopt, modupd, moddir, vardir, modsad,
95     $     nat, nat_real, ncart, nzmat, nzvar, nvar, izmat, nzfrz,
96     $     izfrz, isystype, nactive , hfollow,
97c     logicals
98     $     ofirstneg, opcg, oqstep, zcoord, zmatrix, oprint, odebug,
99     $     ostress, ostress2, ocheckgrad, oactive, redostep
100c     characters
101      common/ccdrv_tropt/
102     $     zvarname, xyz
104c     Contents of /ctropt/
106      double precision
107     $     gmax,                ! maxmimum gradient element in opt. var.
108     $     grms,                ! rms gradient element in opt. var.
109     $     smax,                ! maximum step in opt. var.
110     $     srms,                ! rms step element in opt. var.
111     $     xmax,                ! maxmimum first-order cartesian step
112     $     xrms,                ! rms element in first-order cart. step
113     $     energy,              ! Current energy
114     $     alpha,               ! Current step in current search direction
115     $     gx(max_nvar),        ! Current cartesian gradient
116     $     gq(max_nvar),        ! Current internal coord gradient
117     $     g(max_nvar),         ! Current gradient in optimization variables
118     $     ds(max_nzvar),       ! Current search direction in opt. var.
119     $     energyp,             ! Previous energy
120     $     alphap,              ! Previous alpha
121     $     sp(max_nvar),        ! Previous values of optimization variables
122     $     dsp(max_nvar),       ! Previous search direction
123     $     gp(max_nvar)         ! Previous gradient in optimization variables
125     $     ,saddir(max_nvar)
128      character*8 lsmode        ! Action taken by previous line search
130      common /ctropt/ gmax, grms, smax, srms, xmax, xrms,
131     $     energy, energyp, alpha, alphap, gx, gq, g, gp, ds, dsp, sp,
133     $     saddir
136      common /cctropt/ lsmode