1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2    LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
3    http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
4    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
6    Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
7    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
8    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
9    the GNU General Public License.
11    See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
13 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
14    Contributing author: Aidan Thompson (SNL) - original Tersoff implementation
15                         David Farrell (NWU) - ZBL addition
17    Modified for use with KIM by Tobias Brink (2020).
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
20 #include "pair_tersoff_zbl.hpp"
22 #include <cmath>
23 #include <fstream>
24 #include <sstream>
25 #include <iomanip>
27 using namespace model_driver_Tersoff;
28 using namespace std;
30 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PairTersoffZBL(const string & parameter_file,int n_spec,map<string,int> type_map,double energy_conv,double inv_energy_conv,double length_conv,double inv_length_conv,double charge_conv)32 PairTersoffZBL::PairTersoffZBL(const string& parameter_file,
33                                int n_spec,
34                                map<string,int> type_map,
35                                // Conversion factors.
36                                double energy_conv,
37                                double inv_energy_conv,
38                                double length_conv,
39                                double inv_length_conv,
40                                double charge_conv)
41   : PairTersoff(n_spec, type_map),
42     kim_params_zbl(n_spec),
43     params_zbl_2(n_spec, n_spec),
44     global_a_0(0.529 * length_conv),
45     global_epsilon_0(0.00552635
46                      * charge_conv * charge_conv
47                      * inv_energy_conv * inv_length_conv),
48     global_e(1.0 * charge_conv),
49     global_e_sq(global_e * global_e)
50 {
51   // Read parameter file.
52   std::fstream f(parameter_file.c_str(), std::ios_base::in);
53   read_params(f, type_map, energy_conv, length_conv, inv_length_conv);
54 }
~PairTersoffZBL()56 PairTersoffZBL::~PairTersoffZBL() {}
58 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
60 /* Read parameters.
62    Reads the parameters from an input file and stores
63    them. Automatically calls prepare_params() to check validity of
64    parameters and pre-compute some values.
66    This is a bit of a copy-paste from pair_tersoff.cpp, but this way
67    is still easiest.
68  */
read_params(istream & infile,std::map<string,int> type_map,double energy_conv,double length_conv,double inv_length_conv)69 void PairTersoffZBL::read_params(istream& infile, std::map<string,int> type_map,
70                                  double energy_conv,
71                                  double length_conv,
72                                  double inv_length_conv) {
73   // Strip comment lines.
74   stringstream buffer;
75   string line;
76   while(getline(infile, line))
77     buffer << line.substr(0, line.find('#'));
78   // Read in parameters.
79   Array3D<bool> got_interaction(n_spec,n_spec,n_spec);
80   got_interaction = false;
81   Params2 temp_params2;
82   Params3 temp_params3;
83   ParamsZBL2 temp_params_zbl_2;
84   double m; // m is an integer but some input files use floating point
85             // notation, so we need to read into a double variable,
86             // otherwise the C++ standard library chokes on the input.
87   string type_i, type_j, type_k;
88   double c, d; // Those are only stored in the published KIM parameters
89                // since they are not needed for computation, we use
90                // precomputed c², d² and c²/d² instead.
91   double Z_i, Z_j; // Equivalent for these.
92   while (buffer >> type_i
93                 >> type_j
94                 >> type_k
95                 >> m
96                 >> temp_params3.gamma
97                 >> temp_params3.lam3
98                 >> c
99                 >> d
100                 >> temp_params3.h // costheta0
101                 >> temp_params2.n
102                 >> temp_params2.beta
103                 >> temp_params2.lam2
104                 >> temp_params2.B
105                 >> temp_params3.R
106                 >> temp_params3.D
107                 >> temp_params2.lam1
108                 >> temp_params2.A
109                 >> Z_i
110                 >> Z_j
111                 >> temp_params_zbl_2.ZBLcut
112                 >> temp_params_zbl_2.ZBLexpscale) {
113     // Convert m to integer.
114     temp_params3.m = m;
115     if (abs(m - temp_params3.m) > 1e-8)
116       throw runtime_error("m must be an integer");
117     // Unit conversion.
118     temp_params2.A *= energy_conv;
119     temp_params2.B *= energy_conv;
120     temp_params2.lam1 *= inv_length_conv;
121     temp_params2.lam2 *= inv_length_conv;
122     temp_params3.lam3 *= inv_length_conv;
123     temp_params3.R *= length_conv;
124     temp_params3.D *= length_conv;
125     temp_params_zbl_2.ZBLcut *= length_conv;
126     temp_params_zbl_2.ZBLexpscale *= inv_length_conv;
127     // Get the atom type indices.
128     std::map<std::string,int>::const_iterator it;
129     int i,j,k;
130     it = type_map.find(type_i);
131     if (it != type_map.end())
132       i = it->second;
133     else
134       throw runtime_error("Unknown species: " + type_i);
135     it = type_map.find(type_j);
136     if (it != type_map.end())
137       j = it->second;
138     else
139       throw runtime_error("Unknown species: " + type_j);
140     it = type_map.find(type_k);
141     if (it != type_map.end())
142       k = it->second;
143     else
144       throw runtime_error("Unknown species: " + type_k);
145     // Check if parameters were given twice.
146     if (got_interaction(i,j,k))
147       throw runtime_error("Interaction " + type_i +
148                           "-" + type_j +
149                           "-" + type_k +
150                           " is defined twice!");
151     // All OK, store.
152     got_interaction(i,j,k) = true;
153     if (j == k) {
154       temp_params2.R = temp_params3.R;
155       temp_params2.D = temp_params3.D;
156       params2(i,j) = temp_params2;
157       params_zbl_2(i,j) = temp_params_zbl_2;
158       kim_params_zbl.Z_i(i,j) = Z_i;
159       kim_params_zbl.Z_j(i,j) = Z_j;
160     }
161     params3(i,j,k) = temp_params3;
162     kim_params.c(i,j,k) = c;
163     kim_params.d(i,j,k) = d;
164   }
165   if (!got_interaction.all())
166     throw runtime_error("Not all interactions were set!");
167   // Check parameters and pre-compute values.
168   prepare_params();
169   // Copy to KIM-published data.
170   kim_params.from_params(params2, params3);
171   kim_params_zbl.from_params(params_zbl_2);
172 }
update_params()174 void PairTersoffZBL::update_params() {
175   kim_params.to_params(params2, params3);
176   kim_params_zbl.to_params(params_zbl_2);
177   prepare_params();
178 }
prepare_params()180 void PairTersoffZBL::prepare_params() {
181   PairTersoff::prepare_params();
183   for (int i = 0; i != n_spec; ++i) {
184     const string type_i = to_spec.at(i);
185     for (int j = 0; j != n_spec; ++j) {
186       const string type_j = to_spec.at(j);
187       ParamsZBL2& temp_params_zbl_2 = params_zbl_2(i,j);
188       if (kim_params_zbl.Z_i(i,j) < 1)
189         throw runtime_error("Parameter Z_i ("
190                             + type_i +
191                             "-" + type_j +
192                             ") may not be smaller than one.");
193       if (kim_params_zbl.Z_j(i,j) < 1)
194         throw runtime_error("Parameter Z_j ("
195                             + type_i +
196                             "-" + type_j +
197                             ") may not be smaller than one.");
198       if (temp_params_zbl_2.ZBLcut < 0)
199         throw runtime_error("Parameter ZBLcut ("
200                             + type_i +
201                             "-" + type_j +
202                             ") may not be smaller than one.");
203       if (temp_params_zbl_2.ZBLexpscale < 0)
204         throw runtime_error("Parameter ZBLexpscale ("
205                             + type_i +
206                             "-" + type_j +
207                             ") may not be smaller than one.");
208       // Pre-compute values.
209       temp_params_zbl_2.a =
210         0.8854 * global_a_0 / (pow(kim_params_zbl.Z_i(i,j), 0.23)
211                                + pow(kim_params_zbl.Z_j(i,j), 0.23));
212       temp_params_zbl_2.premult =
213         (kim_params_zbl.Z_i(i,j) * kim_params_zbl.Z_j(i,j) * global_e_sq)
214         /
215         (4.0 * pi * global_epsilon_0);
216     }
217   }
218 }
write_params(ofstream & outfile)220 void PairTersoffZBL::write_params(ofstream& outfile) {
221   // Set maximum precision.
222   outfile << setprecision(16);
223   // Write.
224   for (int i = 0; i < n_spec; ++i) {
225     const string type_i = to_spec.at(i);
226     for (int j = 0; j < n_spec; ++j) {
227       const string type_j = to_spec.at(j);
228       for (int k = 0; k < n_spec; ++k) {
229         const string type_k = to_spec.at(k);
230         outfile << type_i << " " << type_j << " " << type_k << " ";
231         outfile << kim_params.m(i,j,k) << " ";
232         outfile << kim_params.gamma(i,j,k) << " ";
233         outfile << kim_params.lam3(i,j,k) << " ";
234         outfile << kim_params.c(i,j,k) << " ";
235         outfile << kim_params.d(i,j,k) << " ";
236         outfile << kim_params.h(i,j,k) << " ";
237         if (j == k) {
238           // Two-body parameters are only taken from j == k, so in
239           // order to make that clear, we write zeros otherwise.
240           outfile << kim_params.n(i,j) << " ";
241           outfile << kim_params.beta(i,j) << " ";
242           outfile << kim_params.lam2(i,j) << " ";
243           outfile << kim_params.B(i,j) << " ";
244         } else {
245           outfile << "0 0 0 0 ";
246         }
247         outfile << kim_params.R(i,j,k) << " ";
248         outfile << kim_params.D(i,j,k) << " ";
249         if (j == k) {
250           // Two-body parameters are only taken from j == k, so in
251           // order to make that clear, we write zeros otherwise.
252           outfile << kim_params.lam1(i,j) << " ";
253           outfile << kim_params.A(i,j) << " ";
254           outfile << kim_params_zbl.Z_i(i,j) << " ";
255           outfile << kim_params_zbl.Z_j(i,j) << " ";
256           outfile << kim_params_zbl.ZBLcut(i,j) << " ";
257           outfile << kim_params_zbl.ZBLexpscale(i,j) << endl;
258         } else {
259           outfile << "0 0 0 0 0 0" << endl;
260         }
261       }
262     }
263   }
264 }
267 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
repulsive(double r,double fc,double fc_d,int itype,int jtype,bool eflag,double & eng) const269 double PairTersoffZBL::repulsive(double r, double fc, double fc_d,
270                                  int itype, int jtype,
271                                  bool eflag, double &eng) const
272 {
273   const double lam1 = params2(itype,jtype).lam1;
274   const double A = params2(itype,jtype).A;
276   // Tersoff repulsive portion
278   const double tmp_exp = exp(-lam1 * r);
279   const double eng_ters = fc * A * tmp_exp;
280   const double fforce_ters = A * tmp_exp * (fc_d - fc*lam1); // note, will be multiplied with -1/r at the end.
282   // ZBL repulsive portion
284   const double a_ij    = params_zbl_2(itype,jtype).a;
285   const double premult = params_zbl_2(itype,jtype).premult;
286   const double ZBLexpscale = params_zbl_2(itype,jtype).ZBLexpscale;
287   const double ZBLcut = params_zbl_2(itype,jtype).ZBLcut;
289   const double r_over_a = r / a_ij;
290   const double exp1 = 0.1818  * exp(-3.2    * r_over_a);
291   const double exp2 = 0.5099  * exp(-0.9423 * r_over_a);
292   const double exp3 = 0.2802  * exp(-0.4029 * r_over_a);
293   const double exp4 = 0.02817 * exp(-0.2016 * r_over_a);
294   const double phi = exp1 + exp2 + exp3 + exp4;
295   const double dphi = (1.0/a_ij) * (-3.2   * exp1 -
296                                     0.9423 * exp2 -
297                                     0.4029 * exp3 -
298                                     0.2016 * exp4);
299   const double eng_ZBL = premult * (1.0/r) * phi;
300   const double fforce_ZBL = premult * -phi / pow2(r) + premult * dphi / r;
302   // combine two parts with smoothing by Fermi-like function
304   const double f_F = F_fermi(r, ZBLexpscale, ZBLcut);
305   const double f_F_d = F_fermi_d(r, ZBLexpscale, ZBLcut);
307   if (eflag) {
308     eng = (1.0 - f_F) * eng_ZBL + f_F * eng_ters;
309   }
311   return -(-f_F_d * eng_ZBL +
312            (1.0 - f_F) * fforce_ZBL +
313            f_F_d * eng_ters + f_F * fforce_ters) / r;
314 }
316 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ters_fa(double r,double fc,int itype,int jtype) const318 double PairTersoffZBL::ters_fa(double r, double fc,
319                                int itype, int jtype) const
320 {
321   if (fc == 0.0) return 0.0;
323   const double B = params2(itype,jtype).B;
324   const double lam2 = params2(itype,jtype).lam2;
325   const double ZBLexpscale = params_zbl_2(itype,jtype).ZBLexpscale;
326   const double ZBLcut = params_zbl_2(itype,jtype).ZBLcut;
328   return -B * exp(-lam2 * r) * fc * F_fermi(r, ZBLexpscale, ZBLcut);
329 }
331 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ters_fa_d(double r,double fc,double fc_d,int itype,int jtype) const333 double PairTersoffZBL::ters_fa_d(double r, double fc, double fc_d,
334                                  int itype, int jtype) const
335 {
336   if (fc == 0.0) return 0.0;
338   const double B = params2(itype,jtype).B;
339   const double lam2 = params2(itype,jtype).lam2;
340   const double ZBLexpscale = params_zbl_2(itype,jtype).ZBLexpscale;
341   const double ZBLcut = params_zbl_2(itype,jtype).ZBLcut;
343   const double f_F = F_fermi(r, ZBLexpscale, ZBLcut);
344   const double f_F_d = F_fermi_d(r, ZBLexpscale, ZBLcut);
346   return B * exp(-lam2 * r) * (lam2 * fc * f_F - fc_d * f_F - fc * f_F_d);
347 }
349 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
350    Fermi-like smoothing function
351 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
F_fermi(double r,double ZBLexpscale,double ZBLcut) const353 double PairTersoffZBL::F_fermi(double r, double ZBLexpscale, double ZBLcut) const
354 {
355   return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-ZBLexpscale * (r - ZBLcut)));
356 }
358 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
359    Fermi-like smoothing function derivative with respect to r
360 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
F_fermi_d(double r,double ZBLexpscale,double ZBLcut) const362 double PairTersoffZBL::F_fermi_d(double r, double ZBLexpscale, double ZBLcut) const
363 {
364   return ZBLexpscale * exp(-ZBLexpscale * (r - ZBLcut)) /
365          pow2(1.0 + exp(-ZBLexpscale * (r - ZBLcut)));
366 }