1# DATE: 2015-10-22 CONTRIBUTOR: Nicolas Salles, nsalles@laas.fr CITATION: N. Salles, O. Politano, E. Amzallag and R. Tetot, Comput. Mater. Sci. 111 (2016) 181-189
2# SMTBQ parameter for AlO interaction with a limit length 'rc2sm=dc2**2'.
3# Edited by N. Salles from Univ Bourgogne and E. Maras from Aalto Univ.
5# Presentation atom : nature
6#                     q, qmin, qmax, masse
7# parameter QEq     : Chi, J, R_eff
8# Parameter SM      : A, p, Ksi, q
9# CutOff SM         : dc1, dc2, r0
10# =========================================================================
11# -------------------------- Begin's parameters ---------------------------
12' Number.of.atoms.type............:'  2
13' ====== atomic parameters ======= '
14' 1st.element.(Oxygen).Stoechio...:'  'O'   3
15' Qform.....mass..................:'  -2.0    16.00
16' Param.QEq.(ne,.Chi0,.JiO).......:'  2  6.57    10.22
17' coordBB.coordB.coordS.rBB.rB.rS.:'  6. 4.  3.00   0.529  0.529   0.529
18' Number.of.shared.state.by.ions..:'  3
19' -------------------------------- '
20' 2nd.element.(metal).Stoechio....:'  'Al'   2
21' Qform.....mass..................:'  3.0    26.98
22' Param.QEq.(ne,.Chi0,.Ji0,.R_eff):'  3  1.19009   11.1903 0.56619
23' Number.of.shared.state.by.ions..:'  4
24' ===== potential Parameter  ======'
25' Atom1..atom2..potential..mode....'  'Al'  'O'  'second_moment' 'oxide'
26' Pot.CatOx.(A,.p,.Ksi(ref=O),.q).:'  0.18176  8.80041  0.26044  1.58851
27' Pot..Cat-Ox.(rc1,.rc2,.r0)......:'  4.     5.6    1.91
28' -------------------------------- '
29' atom1..atom2..potential..........'  'O'  'O'  'buck'
30' Potentiel.O-O...(C,.Rho)........:'  580.440  0.3540
31' ======== Parametre tab ========= '
32' Rcoul=a*rc(SMASH)...............:'  11.1714
33' rmin...dr.......................:'  1.18845  0.001
34' ======== IFQM Parameter ======== '
35' Nevery.charge.calculation........'  1
36' loopmax....precision.............'  7000    0.000001
37' ==== Coordination parameters ===='
38' .r1n................r2n..........'  2.5 3.2
39' ========== QInitMode   ========= '
40' QInitMode....QInit(if.needed)....'  'false'  -1.8
41' ======== Mode for QEq   ======== '
42' mode(see.end.of.this.file.)......'  'QEqAll'
43' parameters.for.mode..............'
44' ========== Verbose  ============ '
45' Verbose(true.or.false)...........'  'false'
46' Print.Energy.components..........'  'false'   300.0
47' Print.electroneg...components....'  'false'   300.0
48# =========================== FIN des parametres =========================
50#Possible  QInit modes
51#  true (then initialize all the oxygen charges to QOxInit and set the cation charge in order to keep the charge balance (neutrality of the box)
52#any other name would lead to either 0 charges or charge read from the lammps atomic position file
53#Possible QEq  modes    |   parameters
54#  QEqAll      		|   no parameters
55#  QEqAllParallel	|   no parameters
56#  Surface		|   zlim   (QEq only for z>zlim)