1#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
5#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11#   limitations under the License.
13import abc
14import itertools
15from typing import (cast, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union)
17import numpy as np
18import scipy.linalg as la
19import sympy
20import cirq
22import openfermion.ops as ops
23from openfermion.transforms import get_interaction_operator
24from openfermion.linalg import jordan_wigner_sparse
25from openfermion.utils import hermitian_conjugated
28    import openfermion
31def _arg(x):
32    if x == 0:
33        return 0
34    if cirq.is_parameterized(x):
35        return sympy.arg(x)
36    return np.angle(x)
39def _canonicalize_weight(w):
40    if w == 0:
41        return (0, 0)
42    if cirq.is_parameterized(w):
43        return (cirq.PeriodicValue(abs(w), 2 * sympy.pi), sympy.arg(w))
44    period = 2 * np.pi
45    return (np.round((w.real % period) if (w == np.real(w)) else
46                     (abs(w) % period) * w / abs(w), 8), 0)
49def state_swap_eigen_component(x: str, y: str, sign: int = 1, angle: float = 0):
50    """The +/- eigen-component of the operation that swaps states x and y.
52    For example, state_swap_eigen_component('01', '10', ±1) with angle θ returns
53        ┌                               ┐
54        │0, 0,           0,            0│
55        │0, 0.5,         ±0.5 e^{-iθ}, 0│
56        │0, ±0.5 e^{iθ}, 0.5,          0│
57        │0, 0,           0,            0│
58        └                               ┘
60    Args:
61        x: The first state to swap, as a bitstring.
62        y: The second state to swap, as a bitstring. Must have high index than
63            x.
64        sign: The sign of the off-diagonal elements (indicated by +/-1).
65        angle: The phase of the complex off-diagonal elements. Defaults to 0.
67    Returns: The eigen-component.
69    Raises:
70        ValueError:
71            * x and y have different lengths
72            * x or y contains a character other than '0' and '1'
73            * x and y are the same
74            * sign is not -1 or 1
75        TypeError: x or y is not a string
76    """
77    if not (isinstance(x, str) and isinstance(y, str)):
78        raise TypeError('not (isinstance(x, str) and isinstance(y, str))')
79    if len(x) != len(y):
80        raise ValueError('len(x) != len(y)')
81    if set(x).union(y).difference('01'):
82        raise ValueError('Arguments must be 0-1 strings.')
83    if x == y:
84        raise ValueError('x == y')
85    if sign not in (-1, 1):
86        raise ValueError('sign not in (-1, 1)')
88    dim = 2**len(x)
89    i, j = int(x, 2), int(y, 2)
91    component = np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=np.complex128)
92    component[i, i] = component[j, j] = 0.5
93    component[j, i] = sign * 0.5 * 1j**(angle * 2 / np.pi)
94    component[i, j] = sign * 0.5 * 1j**(-angle * 2 / np.pi)
95    return component
98def fermionic_simulation_gates_from_interaction_operator(
99        operator: 'openfermion.InteractionOperator'):
100    r"""
101    Given $H = \sum_{I \subset [n]} H_I$, returns gates
102    $\left\{G_I\right\} = \left\{e^{i H_I\right\}$.
104    Each term $H_I$ is the sum of all terms in $H$ that involve exactly the
105    orbitals $I$.
107    Args:
108        operator: The interaction operator ($H$).
110    Returns: A dict from tuples of mode indices to gates.
111    """
112    n_qubits = operator.n_qubits
114    gates: Dict[Tuple[int, ...], cirq.Gate] = {}
116    if operator.constant:
117        gates[()] = operator.constant
118    for p in range(n_qubits):
119        coeff = operator.one_body_tensor[p, p]
120        if coeff:
121            gates[(p,)] = cirq.Z**(coeff / np.pi)
122    for modes in itertools.combinations(range(n_qubits), 2):
123        gate: Optional[InteractionOperatorFermionicGate] = (
124            QuadraticFermionicSimulationGate.from_interaction_operator(
125                operator=operator, modes=modes))
126        if gate:
127            gates[modes] = gate
128    for modes in itertools.combinations(range(n_qubits), 3):
129        gate = CubicFermionicSimulationGate.from_interaction_operator(
130            operator=operator, modes=modes)
131        if gate:
132            gates[modes] = gate
133    for modes in itertools.combinations(range(n_qubits), 4):
134        gate = QuarticFermionicSimulationGate.from_interaction_operator(
135            operator=operator, modes=modes)
136        if gate:
137            gates[modes] = gate
138    return gates
141def sum_of_interaction_operator_gate_generators(
142        n_modes: int,
143        gates: Dict[Tuple[int, ...], Union[float, cirq.Gate]],
144) -> 'openfermion.InteractionOperator':
145    """The interaction operator that is the sum of the generators of the
146    specified fermionic simulation gates.
148    The gates are specified as a dictionary whose items are (indices, gate),
149    where
150        * indices is a tuple of ints specifying the modes on which the gate
151          acts;
152        * gate is one of type
153          - float, which is interpreted as a constant, regardless of the
154            indices,
155          - cirq.ZPowGate, which is interpreted as a "linear" fermionic
156            simulation gate,
157          - openfermion.InteractionOperatorFermionicGate.
159    Args:
160        n_modes: The number of modes.
161        gates: The gates.
163    Returns:
164        The interaction operator.
165    """
166    # assumes gate indices in JW order
167    operator = ops.InteractionOperator.zero(n_modes)
169    for indices, gate in gates.items():
170        if not indices:
171            operator.constant += gate
172        elif isinstance(gate, cirq.ZPowGate):
173            coeff = gate._exponent * np.pi
174            operator.constant += gate._exponent * gate._global_shift * np.pi
175            operator.one_body_tensor[indices * 2] += coeff
176        elif isinstance(gate, InteractionOperatorFermionicGate):
177            gate.interaction_operator_generator(operator=operator,
178                                                modes=indices)
179        else:
180            raise TypeError(f'Gate type {gate} not supported.')
182    return operator
186class ParityPreservingFermionicGate(cirq.Gate, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
187    r"""The Jordan-Wigner transform of $\exp(-i H)$ for a fermionic
188    Hamiltonian $H$.
190    Each subclass corresponds to a set of generators $\{G_i\}$
191    corresponding to the family of Hamiltonians $\sum_i w_i G_i +
192    \text{h.c.}$, where the weights $w_i \in \mathbb C$ are specified by
193    the instance.
195    The Jordan-Wigner mapping maps the fermionic modes $(0, \ldots, n -
196    1)$ to qubits $(0, \ldots, n - 1)$, respectively.
198    Each generator $G_i$ must be a linear combination of fermionic
199    monomials consisting of an even number of creation/annihilation operators.
200    This is so that the Jordan-Wigner transform acts only on the gate's qubits,
201    even when the fermionic modes are offset as part of a larger Jordan-Wigner
202    string.
203    """
205    def __init__(
206            self,
207            weights: Optional[Tuple[complex, ...]] = None,
208            absorb_exponent: bool = False,
209            exponent: cirq.TParamVal = 1.0,
210            global_shift: float = 0.0,
211    ) -> None:
212        """A fermionic interaction.
214        Args:
215            weights: The weights of the terms in the Hamiltonian.
216            absorb_exponent: Whether to absorb the given exponent into the
217                weights. If true, the exponent of the return gate is `1`.
218                Defaults to `False`.
219        """
220        if weights is None:
221            weights = (1.,) * self.num_weights()
222        self.weights = weights
224        self._exponent = exponent
225        self._global_shift = global_shift
226        self._canonical_exponent_cached = None
228        if absorb_exponent:
229            self.absorb_exponent_into_weights()
231    @staticmethod
232    @abc.abstractmethod
233    def fermion_generator_components() -> Tuple['openfermion.FermionOperator']:
234        r"""The FermionOperators $(G_i)_i$ such that the gate's fermionic
235        generator is $\sum_i w_i G_i + \text{h.c.}$ where $(w_i)_i$
236        are the gate's weights."""
238    @abc.abstractmethod
239    def fswap(self, i: int):
240        """Update the weights of the gate to effect conjugation by an FSWAP on
241        the i-th and (i+1)th qubits."""
243    @classmethod
244    def num_weights(cls) -> int:
245        """The number of parameters (weights) in the generator."""
246        return len(cls.fermion_generator_components())
248    @property
249    def qubit_generator_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
250        """The matrix G such that the gate's unitary is exp(-i t G) with
251        exponent t."""
252        return jordan_wigner_sparse(self.fermion_generator,
253                                    self.num_qubits()).toarray()
255    @property
256    def fermion_generator(self) -> 'openfermion.FermionOperator':
257        """The FermionOperator G such that the gate's unitary is exp(-i t G)
258        with exponent t using the Jordan-Wigner transformation."""
259        half_generator = sum((
260            w * G
261            for w, G in zip(self.weights, self.fermion_generator_components())),
262                             ops.FermionOperator())
263        return half_generator + hermitian_conjugated(half_generator)
265    def _diagram_exponent(self,
266                          args: cirq.CircuitDiagramInfoArgs,
267                          *,
268                          ignore_global_phase: bool = True):
269        if not isinstance(self._exponent, (int, float)):
270            return self._exponent
271        result = float(self._exponent)
272        if args.precision is not None:
273            result = np.around(result, args.precision)
274        return result
276    @classmethod
277    def wire_symbol(cls, use_unicode: bool):
278        """The symbol to use in circuit diagrams."""
279        return cls.__name__
281    def _resolve_parameters_(self, resolver, recursive: bool = True):
282        resolved_weights = cirq.resolve_parameters(self.weights,
283                                                   resolver,
284                                                   recursive=recursive)
285        resolved_exponent = cirq.resolve_parameters(self._exponent,
286                                                    resolver,
287                                                    recursive=recursive)
288        resolved_global_shift = cirq.resolve_parameters(self._global_shift,
289                                                        resolver,
290                                                        recursive=recursive)
291        return type(self)(resolved_weights,
292                          exponent=resolved_exponent,
293                          global_shift=resolved_global_shift)
295    def _value_equality_values_(self):
296        return tuple(
297            _canonicalize_weight(w * self.exponent)
298            for w in list(self.weights) + [self._global_shift])
300    def _is_parameterized_(self) -> bool:
301        return any(
302            cirq.is_parameterized(v)
303            for V in self._value_equality_values_()
304            for v in V)
306    def absorb_exponent_into_weights(self):
307        period = (2 * sympy.pi) if self._is_parameterized_() else 2 * (np.pi)
308        new_weights = []
309        for weight in self.weights:
310            if not weight:
311                new_weights.append(weight)
312                continue
313            old_abs = abs(weight)
314            new_abs = (old_abs * self._exponent) % period
315            new_weights.append(weight * new_abs / old_abs)
316        self.weights = tuple(new_weights)
317        self._global_shift *= self._exponent
318        self._exponent = 1
320    def permute(self, init_pos: Sequence[int]):
321        """An in-place version of permuted."""
322        I = range(self.num_qubits())
323        if sorted(init_pos) != list(I):
324            raise ValueError(f'{init_pos} is not a permutation of {I}.')
325        curr_pos = list(init_pos)
326        for i in I:
327            for j in I[i % 2:-1:2]:
328                if curr_pos[j] > curr_pos[j + 1]:
329                    self.fswap(j)
330                    curr_pos[j:j + 2] = reversed(curr_pos[j:j + 2])
331        assert curr_pos == list(I)
333    def permuted(self, init_pos: Sequence[int]):
334        """Returns a gate with the Jordan-Wigner ordering changed.
336        If the Jordan-Wigner ordering of the original gate is given by
337        init_pos, then the returned gate has Jordan-Wigner ordering
338        (0, ..., n - 1), where n is the number of qubits on which the gate acts.
340        Args:
341            init_pos: A permutation of (0, ..., n - 1).
342        """
343        gate = self.__copy__()
344        gate.permute(init_pos)
345        return gate
347    def __copy__(self):
348        return type(self)(self.weights,
349                          exponent=self.exponent,
350                          global_shift=self._global_shift)
352    def _circuit_diagram_info_(self, args: cirq.CircuitDiagramInfoArgs
353                              ) -> cirq.CircuitDiagramInfo:
354        wire_symbols = [self.wire_symbol(args.use_unicode_characters)
355                       ] * self.num_qubits()
356        wire_symbols[0] += f'{tuple(self.weights)}'
357        exponent = self._diagram_exponent(args)
358        return cirq.CircuitDiagramInfo(wire_symbols=wire_symbols,
359                                       exponent=exponent)
362class InteractionOperatorFermionicGate(ParityPreservingFermionicGate):
363    r"""The Jordan-Wigner transform of $\exp(-i H)$ for a fermionic
364    Hamiltonian $H$, where $H$ is an interaction operator.
366    See openfermion.ParityPreservingFermionicGate and
367    openfermion.InteractionOperator for more details.
368    """
370    @classmethod
371    @abc.abstractmethod
372    def from_interaction_operator(
373            cls,
374            *,
375            operator: 'openfermion.InteractionOperator',
376            modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
377    ) -> Optional['ParityPreservingFermionicGate']:
378        """Constructs the gate corresponding to the specified term in the
379        Hamiltonian."""
381    def interaction_operator_generator(
382            self,
383            *,
384            operator: Optional['openfermion.InteractionOperator'] = None,
385            modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None
386    ) -> 'openfermion.InteractionOperator':
387        """Constructs the Hamiltonian corresponding to the gate's generator."""
388        if modes is None:
389            modes = tuple(range(self.num_qubits()))
390        if operator is None:
391            n_modes = max(modes) + 1
392            operator = ops.InteractionOperator.zero(n_modes)
393        else:
394            n_modes = operator.n_qubits
395        fermion_operator = self.fermion_generator
396        return get_interaction_operator(fermion_operator, n_qubits=n_modes)
399class QuadraticFermionicSimulationGate(InteractionOperatorFermionicGate,
400                                       cirq.InterchangeableQubitsGate,
401                                       cirq.EigenGate):
402    r"""``(w0 |10⟩⟨01| + h.c.) + w1 |11⟩⟨11|`` interaction.
404    With weights $(w_0, w_1)$ and exponent $t$, this gate's matrix
405    is defined as
407    $$
408        e^{-i t H},
409    $$
411    where
413    $$
414        H = \left(w_0 \left| 10 \right\rangle\left\langle 01 \right| +
415                \text{h.c.}\right) -
416            w_1 \left| 11 \right\rangle \left\langle 11 \right|.
417    $$
419    This corresponds to the Jordan-Wigner transform of
421    $$
422        H = (w_0 a^{\dagger}_i a_{i+1} + \text{h.c.}) +
423             w_1 a_{i}^{\dagger} a_{i+1}^{\dagger} a_{i} a_{i+1},
424    $$
426    where $a_i$ and  $a_{i+1}$ are the annihilation operators for
427    the fermionic modes $i$ and $(i+1)$, respectively mapped to the
428    first and second qubits on which this gate acts.
430    Args:
431        weights: The weights of the terms in the Hamiltonian.
432    """
434    @classmethod
435    def num_weights(cls):
436        return 2
438    def _num_qubits_(self) -> int:
439        return 2
441    def _decompose_(self, qubits):
442        r = 2 * abs(self.weights[0]) / np.pi
443        theta = _arg(self.weights[0]) / np.pi
444        yield cirq.Z(qubits[0])**-theta
445        yield cirq.ISwapPowGate(exponent=-r * self.exponent)(*qubits)
446        yield cirq.Z(qubits[0])**theta
447        yield cirq.CZPowGate(exponent=-self.weights[1] * self.exponent /
448                             np.pi)(*qubits)
450    def _eigen_components(self):
451        components = [(0, np.diag([1, 0, 0, 0])),
452                      (-self.weights[1] / np.pi, np.diag([0, 0, 0, 1]))]
453        r = abs(self.weights[0]) / np.pi
454        theta = 2 * _arg(self.weights[0]) / np.pi
455        for s in (-1, 1):
456            components.append(
457                (-s * r,
458                 np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, s * 1j**(-theta), 0],
459                           [0, s * 1j**(theta), 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) / 2))
460        return components
462    def __repr__(self):
463        exponent_str = ('' if self.exponent == 1 else ', exponent=' +
464                        cirq._compat.proper_repr(self.exponent))
465        return ('openfermion.QuadraticFermionicSimulationGate(({}){})'.format(
466            ', '.join(cirq._compat.proper_repr(v) for v in self.weights),
467            exponent_str))
469    @property
470    def qubit_generator_matrix(self):
471        generator = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.complex128)
472        # w0 |10><01| + h.c.
473        generator[2, 1] = self.weights[0]
474        generator[1, 2] = self.weights[0].conjugate()
475        # w1 |11><11|
476        generator[3, 3] = self.weights[1]
477        return generator
479    @staticmethod
480    def fermion_generator_components():
481        return (
482            ops.FermionOperator(((0, 1), (1, 0))),
483            ops.FermionOperator(((0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)), 0.5),
484        )
486    @classmethod
487    def wire_symbol(cls, use_unicode: bool):
488        return '↓↑' if use_unicode else 'a*a'
490    @classmethod
491    def from_interaction_operator(
492            cls,
493            *,
494            operator: 'openfermion.InteractionOperator',
495            modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
496    ) -> Optional['QuadraticFermionicSimulationGate']:
497        if modes is None:
498            modes = (0, 1)
500        p, q = modes
501        tunneling_coeff = operator.one_body_tensor[p, q]
502        interaction_coeff = (-operator.two_body_tensor[p, q, p, q] +
503                             operator.two_body_tensor[q, p, p, q] +
504                             operator.two_body_tensor[p, q, q, p] -
505                             operator.two_body_tensor[q, p, q, p])
506        weights: Tuple[complex, complex] = (-tunneling_coeff,
507                                            -interaction_coeff)
508        if any(weights):
509            return cls(weights)
510        return None
512    def interaction_operator_generator(
513            self,
514            *,
515            operator: Optional['openfermion.InteractionOperator'] = None,
516            modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None
517    ) -> 'openfermion.InteractionOperator':
518        if modes is None:
519            modes = (0, 1)
520        if operator is None:
521            n_modes = max(modes) + 1
522            operator = ops.InteractionOperator.zero(n_modes)
524        weights = tuple(w * self._exponent for w in self.weights)
525        operator.constant += self._exponent * self._global_shift
526        operator.one_body_tensor[modes] -= weights[0]
527        operator.one_body_tensor[modes[::-1]] -= weights[0].conjugate()
528        operator.two_body_tensor[tuple(modes) * 2] += weights[1]
529        return operator
531    def fswap(self, i: int = 0):
532        if i != 0:
533            raise ValueError(f'{i} != 0')
534        self.weights = (self.weights[0].conjugate(), self.weights[1])
537class CubicFermionicSimulationGate(InteractionOperatorFermionicGate,
538                                   cirq.EigenGate):
539    r"""``w0|110⟩⟨101| + w1|110⟩⟨011| + w2|101⟩⟨011|`` + h.c. interaction.
541    With weights $(w_0, w_1, w_2)$ and exponent $t$, this gate's
542    matrix is defined as
544    $$
545        e^{-i t H},
546    $$
548    where
550    $$
551        H = \left(w_0 \left| 110 \right\rangle\left\langle 101 \right| +
552                \text{h.c.}\right) +
553            \left(w_1 \left| 110 \right\rangle\left\langle 011 \right| +
554                \text{h.c.}\right) +
555            \left(w_2 \left| 101 \right\rangle\left\langle 011 \right| +
556                \text{h.c.}\right)
557    $$
559    This corresponds to the Jordan-Wigner transform of
561    $$
562        H = -\left(w_0 a^{\dagger}_i a^{\dagger}_{i+1} a_{i} a_{i+2} +
563                   \text{h.c.}\right) -
564            \left(w_1 a^{\dagger}_i a^{\dagger}_{i+1} a_{i+1} a_{i+2} +
565                  \text{h.c.}\right) -
566            \left(w_2 a^{\dagger}_i a^{\dagger}_{i+2} a_{i+1} a_{i+2} +
567                  \text{h.c.}\right),
568    $$
570    where $a_i$, $a_{i+1}$, $a_{i+2}$ are the annihilation
571    operators for the fermionic modes $i$, $(i+1)$ $(i+2)$,
572    respectively mapped to the three qubits on which this gate acts.
574    Args:
575        weights: The weights of the terms in the Hamiltonian.
576    """
578    @classmethod
579    def num_weights(cls):
580        return 3
582    def _num_qubits_(self) -> int:
583        return 3
585    @classmethod
586    def wire_symbol(cls, use_unicode: bool):
587        return '↕↓↑' if use_unicode else 'na*a'
589    def _eigen_components(self):
590        components = [(0, np.diag([1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]))]
591        nontrivial_part = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.complex128)
592        for ij, w in zip([(1, 2), (0, 2), (0, 1)], self.weights):
593            nontrivial_part[ij] = w
594            nontrivial_part[ij[::-1]] = w.conjugate()
595        assert np.allclose(nontrivial_part, nontrivial_part.conj().T)
596        eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eigh(nontrivial_part)
597        for eig_val, eig_vec in zip(eig_vals, eig_vecs.T):
598            exp_factor = -eig_val / np.pi
599            proj = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.complex128)
600            nontrivial_indices = np.array([3, 5, 6], dtype=np.intp)
601            proj[nontrivial_indices[:, np.newaxis], nontrivial_indices] = (
602                np.outer(eig_vec.conjugate(), eig_vec))
603            components.append((exp_factor, proj))
604        return components
606    def __repr__(self):
607        return ('openfermion.CubicFermionicSimulationGate(' + '({})'.format(
608            ' ,'.join(cirq._compat.proper_repr(w) for w in self.weights)) +
609                ('' if self.exponent == 1 else
610                 (', exponent=' + cirq._compat.proper_repr(self.exponent))) +
611                ('' if self._global_shift == 0 else
612                 (', global_shift=' +
613                  cirq._compat.proper_repr(self._global_shift))) + ')')
615    @property
616    def qubit_generator_matrix(self):
617        generator = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.complex128)
618        # w0 |110><101| + h.c.
619        generator[6, 5] = self.weights[0]
620        generator[5, 6] = self.weights[0].conjugate()
621        # w1 |110><011| + h.c.
622        generator[6, 3] = self.weights[1]
623        generator[3, 6] = self.weights[1].conjugate()
624        # w2 |101><011| + h.c.
625        generator[5, 3] = self.weights[2]
626        generator[3, 5] = self.weights[2].conjugate()
627        return generator
629    @staticmethod
630    def fermion_generator_components():
631        return (
632            ops.FermionOperator(((0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0))),
633            ops.FermionOperator(((0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (2, 0)), -1),
634            ops.FermionOperator(((0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 1), (2, 0))),
635        )
637    @classmethod
638    def from_interaction_operator(
639            cls,
640            *,
641            operator: 'openfermion.InteractionOperator',
642            modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
643    ) -> Optional['CubicFermionicSimulationGate']:
644        if modes is None:
645            modes = (0, 1, 2)
646        i, j, k = modes
647        weights = tuple(
648            sgn * (operator.two_body_tensor[p, q, p, r] -
649                   operator.two_body_tensor[p, q, r, p] -
650                   operator.two_body_tensor[q, p, p, r] +
651                   operator.two_body_tensor[q, p, r, p])
652            for sgn, (p, q,
653                      r) in zip([1, -1, 1], [(i, j, k), (j, i, k), (k, i, j)]))
654        if any(weights):
655            return cls(cast(Tuple[complex, complex, complex], weights))
656        return None
658    def interaction_operator_generator(
659            self,
660            *,
661            operator: Optional['openfermion.InteractionOperator'] = None,
662            modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None
663    ) -> 'openfermion.InteractionOperator':
664        if modes is None:
665            modes = (0, 1, 2)
666        if operator is None:
667            n_modes = max(modes) + 1
668            operator = ops.InteractionOperator.zero(n_modes)
670        weights = tuple(w * self._exponent for w in self.weights)
671        operator.constant += self._exponent * self._global_shift
672        p, q, r = modes
673        operator.two_body_tensor[p, q, p, r] += weights[0]
674        operator.two_body_tensor[p, r, p, q] += weights[0].conjugate()
675        operator.two_body_tensor[p, q, q, r] += weights[1]
676        operator.two_body_tensor[q, r, p, q] += weights[1].conjugate()
677        operator.two_body_tensor[p, r, q, r] += weights[2]
678        operator.two_body_tensor[q, r, p, r] += weights[2].conjugate()
679        return operator
681    def fswap(self, i: int):
682        if i == 0:
683            self.weights = (-self.weights[1], -self.weights[0],
684                            self.weights[2].conjugate())
685        elif i == 1:
686            self.weights = (self.weights[0].conjugate(), -self.weights[2],
687                            -self.weights[1])
688        else:
689            raise ValueError(f'{i} not in (0, 1)')
692class QuarticFermionicSimulationGate(InteractionOperatorFermionicGate,
693                                     cirq.EigenGate):
694    r"""Rotates Hamming-weight 2 states into their bitwise complements.
696    With weights $(w_0, w_1, w_2)$ and exponent $t$, this gate's
697    matrix is defined as
699    $$
700        e^{-i t H},
701    $$
703    where
705    $$
706        H = \left(w_0 \left| 1001 \right\rangle\left\langle 0110 \right| +
707                \text{h.c.}\right) +
708            \left(w_1 \left| 1010 \right\rangle\left\langle 0101 \right| +
709                \text{h.c.}\right) +
710            \left(w_2 \left| 1100 \right\rangle\left\langle 0011 \right| +
711                \text{h.c.}\right)
712    $$
714    This corresponds to the Jordan-Wigner transform of
716    $$
717        H = -\left(w_0 a^{\dagger}_i a^{\dagger}_{i+3} a_{i+1} a_{i+2} +
718                   \text{h.c.}\right) -
719            \left(w_1 a^{\dagger}_i a^{\dagger}_{i+2} a_{i+1} a_{i+3} +
720                  \text{h.c.}\right) -
721            \left(w_2 a^{\dagger}_i a^{\dagger}_{i+1} a_{i+2} a_{i+3} +
722                  \text{h.c.}\right),
723    $$
725    where $a_i$, ..., $a_{i+3}$ are the annihilation operators for
726    the fermionic modes $i$, ..., $(i+3)$, respectively
727    mapped to the four qubits on which this gate acts.
730    Args:
731        weights: The weights of the terms in the Hamiltonian.
732    """
734    @classmethod
735    def num_weights(cls):
736        return 3
738    def num_qubits(self):
739        return 4
741    def _eigen_components(self):
742        # projector onto subspace spanned by basis states with
743        # Hamming weight != 2
744        zero_component = np.diag(
745            [int(bin(i).count('1') != 2) for i in range(16)])
747        state_pairs = (('0110', '1001'), ('0101', '1010'), ('0011', '1100'))
749        plus_minus_components = tuple(
750            (-abs(weight) * sign / np.pi,
751             state_swap_eigen_component(state_pair[0], state_pair[1], sign,
752                                        np.angle(weight)))
753            for weight, state_pair in zip(self.weights, state_pairs)
754            for sign in (-1, 1))
756        return ((0, zero_component),) + plus_minus_components
758    def _with_exponent(self, exponent: Union[sympy.Symbol, float]
759                      ) -> 'QuarticFermionicSimulationGate':
760        gate = QuarticFermionicSimulationGate(self.weights)
761        gate._exponent = exponent
762        return gate
764    def _decompose_(self, qubits):
765        """The goal is to effect a rotation around an axis in the XY plane in
766        each of three orthogonal 2-dimensional subspaces.
768        First, the following basis change is performed:
769            0000 ↦ 0001        0001 ↦ 1111
770            1111 ↦ 0010        1110 ↦ 1100
771                               0010 ↦ 0000
772            0110 ↦ 0101        1101 ↦ 0011
773            1001 ↦ 0110        0100 ↦ 0100
774            1010 ↦ 1001        1011 ↦ 0111
775            0101 ↦ 1010        1000 ↦ 1000
776            1100 ↦ 1101        0111 ↦ 1011
777            0011 ↦ 1110
779        Note that for each 2-dimensional subspace of interest, the first two
780        qubits are the same and the right two qubits are different. The desired
781        rotations thus can be effected by a complex-version of a partial SWAP
782        gate on the latter two qubits, controlled on the first two qubits. This
783        partial SWAP-like gate can  be decomposed such that it is parameterized
784        solely by a rotation in the ZY plane on the third qubit. These are the
785        `individual_rotations`; call them U0, U1, U2.
787        To decompose the double controlled rotations, we use four other
788        rotations V0, V1, V2, V3 (the `combined_rotations`) such that
789            U0 = V3 · V1 · V0
790            U1 = V3 · V2 · V1
791            U2 = V2 · V0
792        """
794        if self._is_parameterized_():
795            return NotImplemented
797        individual_rotations = [
798            la.expm(0.5j * self.exponent *
799                    np.array([[np.real(w), 1j * s * np.imag(w)],
800                              [-1j * s * np.imag(w), -np.real(w)]]))
801            for s, w in zip([1, -1, -1], self.weights)
802        ]
804        combined_rotations = {}
805        combined_rotations[0] = la.sqrtm(
806            np.linalg.multi_dot([
807                la.inv(individual_rotations[1]), individual_rotations[0],
808                individual_rotations[2]
809            ]))
810        combined_rotations[1] = la.inv(combined_rotations[0])
811        combined_rotations[2] = np.linalg.multi_dot([
812            la.inv(individual_rotations[0]), individual_rotations[1],
813            combined_rotations[0]
814        ])
815        combined_rotations[3] = individual_rotations[0]
817        controlled_rotations = {
818            i: cirq.ControlledGate(
819                cirq.MatrixGate(combined_rotations[i], qid_shape=(2,)))
820            for i in range(4)
821        }
823        a, b, c, d = qubits
825        basis_change = list(
826            cirq.flatten_op_tree([
827                cirq.CNOT(b, a),
828                cirq.CNOT(c, b),
829                cirq.CNOT(d, c),
830                cirq.CNOT(c, b),
831                cirq.CNOT(b, a),
832                cirq.CNOT(a, b),
833                cirq.CNOT(b, c),
834                cirq.CNOT(a, b),
835                [cirq.X(c), cirq.X(d)],
836                [cirq.CNOT(c, d), cirq.CNOT(d, c)],
837                [cirq.X(c), cirq.X(d)],
838            ]))
840        controlled_rotations = list(
841            cirq.flatten_op_tree([
842                controlled_rotations[0](b, c),
843                cirq.CNOT(a, b), controlled_rotations[1](b, c),
844                cirq.CNOT(b, a),
845                cirq.CNOT(a, b), controlled_rotations[2](b, c),
846                cirq.CNOT(a, b), controlled_rotations[3](b, c)
847            ]))
849        controlled_swaps = [
850            [cirq.CNOT(c, d), cirq.H(c)],
851            cirq.CNOT(d, c),
852            controlled_rotations,
853            cirq.CNOT(d, c),
854            [cirq.inverse(op) for op in reversed(controlled_rotations)],
855            [cirq.H(c), cirq.CNOT(c, d)],
856        ]
858        return [basis_change, controlled_swaps, basis_change[::-1]]
860    @classmethod
861    def wire_symbol(cls, use_unicode: bool):
862        return '⇊⇈' if use_unicode else 'a*a*aa'
864    def _apply_unitary_(self,
865                        args: cirq.ApplyUnitaryArgs) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
866        if cirq.is_parameterized(self):
867            return NotImplemented
869        am, bm, cm = (la.expm(-1j * self.exponent *
870                              np.array([[0, w], [w.conjugate(), 0]]))
871                      for w in self.weights)
873        a1 = args.subspace_index(0b1001)
874        b1 = args.subspace_index(0b0101)
875        c1 = args.subspace_index(0b0011)
877        a2 = args.subspace_index(0b0110)
878        b2 = args.subspace_index(0b1010)
879        c2 = args.subspace_index(0b1100)
881        cirq.apply_matrix_to_slices(args.target_tensor,
882                                    am,
883                                    slices=[a1, a2],
884                                    out=args.available_buffer)
885        cirq.apply_matrix_to_slices(args.available_buffer,
886                                    bm,
887                                    slices=[b1, b2],
888                                    out=args.target_tensor)
889        return cirq.apply_matrix_to_slices(args.target_tensor,
890                                           cm,
891                                           slices=[c1, c2],
892                                           out=args.available_buffer)
894    def __repr__(self):
895        return ('openfermion.QuarticFermionicSimulationGate(({}), '
896                'absorb_exponent=False, '
897                'exponent={})'.format(
898                    ', '.join(
899                        cirq._compat.proper_repr(v) for v in self.weights),
900                    cirq._compat.proper_repr(self.exponent)))
902    @property
903    def qubit_generator_matrix(self):
904        """The (Hermitian) matrix G such that the gate's unitary is
905        exp(-i * G).
906        """
908        generator = np.zeros((1 << 4,) * 2, dtype=np.complex128)
910        # w0 |1001><0110| + h.c.
911        generator[9, 6] = self.weights[0]
912        generator[6, 9] = self.weights[0].conjugate()
913        # w1 |1010><0101| + h.c.
914        generator[10, 5] = self.weights[1]
915        generator[5, 10] = self.weights[1].conjugate()
916        # w2 |1100><0011| + h.c.
917        generator[12, 3] = self.weights[2]
918        generator[3, 12] = self.weights[2].conjugate()
919        return generator
921    @staticmethod
922    def fermion_generator_components():
923        return (
924            ops.FermionOperator(((0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 1)), -1),
925            ops.FermionOperator(((0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 0))),
926            ops.FermionOperator(((0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 0), (3, 0)), -1),
927        )
929    @classmethod
930    def from_interaction_operator(
931            cls,
932            *,
933            operator: 'openfermion.InteractionOperator',
934            modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
935    ) -> Optional['QuarticFermionicSimulationGate']:
936        if modes is None:
937            modes = (0, 1, 2, 3)
938        i, j, k, l = modes
939        weights = tuple(
940            (operator.two_body_tensor[p, q, r, s] -
941             operator.two_body_tensor[p, q, s, r] -
942             operator.two_body_tensor[q, p, r, s] +
943             operator.two_body_tensor[q, p, s, r])
944            for p, q, r, s in [(i, l, j, k), (i, k, j, l), (i, j, k, l)])
945        if any(weights):
946            return cls(cast(Tuple[complex, complex, complex], weights))
947        return None
949    def interaction_operator_generator(
950            self,
951            operator: Optional['openfermion.InteractionOperator'] = None,
952            modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None
953    ) -> 'openfermion.InteractionOperator':
954        if modes is None:
955            modes = (0, 1, 2, 3)
956        if operator is None:
957            n_modes = max(modes) + 1
958            operator = ops.InteractionOperator.zero(n_modes)
960        weights = tuple(w * self._exponent for w in self.weights)
961        operator.constant += self._exponent * self._global_shift
962        p, q, r, s = modes
963        operator.two_body_tensor[p, s, q, r] += weights[0]
964        operator.two_body_tensor[q, r, p, s] += weights[0].conjugate()
965        operator.two_body_tensor[p, r, q, s] += weights[1]
966        operator.two_body_tensor[q, s, p, r] += weights[1].conjugate()
967        operator.two_body_tensor[p, q, r, s] += weights[2]
968        operator.two_body_tensor[r, s, p, q] += weights[2].conjugate()
969        return operator
971    def fswap(self, i: int):
972        if i == 0:
973            self.weights = (self.weights[1].conjugate(),
974                            self.weights[0].conjugate(), -self.weights[2])
975        elif i == 1:
976            self.weights = (-self.weights[0], self.weights[2], self.weights[1])
977        elif i == 2:
978            self.weights = (self.weights[1], self.weights[0], -self.weights[2])
979        else:
980            raise ValueError(f'{i} not in (0, 1, 2)')