1from collections import OrderedDict
2from collections.abc import Mapping, Callable
3from copy import deepcopy
4from io import StringIO
5from math import pi
6from numbers import Integral, Real
7import os
9import h5py
10import numpy as np
11import pandas as pd
12from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
14import openmc.checkvalue as cv
15from openmc.mixin import EqualityMixin
16from . import HDF5_VERSION
17from .ace import Table, get_metadata, get_table
18from .data import ATOMIC_SYMBOL, EV_PER_MEV
19from .endf import Evaluation, get_head_record, get_tab1_record, get_list_record
20from .function import Tabulated1D
23# Constants
24MASS_ELECTRON_EV = 0.5109989461e6  # Electron mass energy
25PLANCK_C = 1.2398419739062977e4  # Planck's constant times c in eV-Angstroms
26FINE_STRUCTURE = 137.035999139  # Inverse fine structure constant
27CM_PER_ANGSTROM = 1.0e-8
28# classical electron radius in cm
31# Electron subshell labels
32_SUBSHELLS = [None, 'K', 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'M4', 'M5',
33              'N1', 'N2', 'N3', 'N4', 'N5', 'N6', 'N7', 'O1', 'O2', 'O3',
34              'O4', 'O5', 'O6', 'O7', 'O8', 'O9', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4',
35              'P5', 'P6', 'P7', 'P8', 'P9', 'P10', 'P11', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']
38    501: ('Total photon interaction', 'total'),
39    502: ('Photon coherent scattering', 'coherent'),
40    504: ('Photon incoherent scattering', 'incoherent'),
41    515: ('Pair production, electron field', 'pair_production_electron'),
42    516: ('Total pair production', 'pair_production_total'),
43    517: ('Pair production, nuclear field', 'pair_production_nuclear'),
44    522: ('Photoelectric absorption', 'photoelectric'),
45    525: ('Heating', 'heating'),
46    526: ('Electro-atomic scattering', 'electro_atomic_scat'),
47    527: ('Electro-atomic bremsstrahlung', 'electro_atomic_brem'),
48    528: ('Electro-atomic excitation', 'electro_atomic_excit'),
49    534: ('K (1s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'K'),
50    535: ('L1 (2s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'L1'),
51    536: ('L2 (2p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'L2'),
52    537: ('L3 (2p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'L3'),
53    538: ('M1 (3s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M1'),
54    539: ('M2 (3p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M2'),
55    540: ('M3 (3p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M3'),
56    541: ('M4 (3d3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M4'),
57    542: ('M5 (3d5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'M5'),
58    543: ('N1 (4s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N1'),
59    544: ('N2 (4p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N2'),
60    545: ('N3 (4p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N3'),
61    546: ('N4 (4d3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N4'),
62    547: ('N5 (4d5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N5'),
63    548: ('N6 (4f5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N6'),
64    549: ('N7 (4f7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'N7'),
65    550: ('O1 (5s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O1'),
66    551: ('O2 (5p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O2'),
67    552: ('O3 (5p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O3'),
68    553: ('O4 (5d3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O4'),
69    554: ('O5 (5d5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O5'),
70    555: ('O6 (5f5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O6'),
71    556: ('O7 (5f7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O7'),
72    557: ('O8 (5g7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O8'),
73    558: ('O9 (5g9/2) subshell photoelectric', 'O9'),
74    559: ('P1 (6s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P1'),
75    560: ('P2 (6p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P2'),
76    561: ('P3 (6p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P3'),
77    562: ('P4 (6d3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P4'),
78    563: ('P5 (6d5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P5'),
79    564: ('P6 (6f5/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P6'),
80    565: ('P7 (6f7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P7'),
81    566: ('P8 (6g7/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P8'),
82    567: ('P9 (6g9/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P9'),
83    568: ('P10 (6h9/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P10'),
84    569: ('P11 (6h11/2) subshell photoelectric', 'P11'),
85    570: ('Q1 (7s1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'Q1'),
86    571: ('Q2 (7p1/2) subshell photoelectric', 'Q2'),
87    572: ('Q3 (7p3/2) subshell photoelectric', 'Q3')
90# Compton profiles are read from a pre-generated HDF5 file when they are first
91# needed. The dictionary stores an array of electron momentum values (at which
92# the profiles are tabulated) with the key 'pz' and the profile for each element
93# is a 2D array with shape (n_shells, n_momentum_values) stored on the key Z
96# Scaled bremsstrahlung DCSs are read from a data file provided by Selzter and
97# Berger when they are first needed. The dictionary stores an array of n
98# incident electron kinetic energies with key 'electron_energies', an array of
99# k reduced photon energies with key 'photon_energies', and the cross sections
100# for each element are in a 2D array with shape (n, k) stored on the key 'Z'.
101# It also stores data used for calculating the density effect correction and
102# stopping power, namely, the mean excitation energy with the key 'I', number
103# of electrons per subshell with the key 'num_electrons', and binding energies
104# with the key 'ionization_energy'.
108class AtomicRelaxation(EqualityMixin):
109    """Atomic relaxation data.
111    This class stores the binding energy, number of electrons, and electron
112    transitions possible from ioniziation for each electron subshell of an
113    atom. All of the data originates from an ENDF-6 atomic relaxation
114    sub-library (NSUB=6). Instances of this class are not normally instantiated
115    directly but rather created using the factory method
116    :math:`AtomicRelaxation.from_endf`.
118    Parameters
119    ----------
120    binding_energy : dict
121        Dictionary indicating the binding energy in eV (values) for given
122        subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., 'K',
123        'L1', 'L2', etc.
124    num_electrons : dict
125        Dictionary indicating the number of electrons in a subshell when neutral
126        (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as
127        strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc.
128    transitions : pandas.DataFrame
129        Dictionary indicating allowed transitions and their probabilities
130        (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as
131        strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc. The transitions are represented as
132        a DataFrame with columns indicating the secondary and tertiary subshell,
133        the energy of the transition in eV, and the fractional probability of
134        the transition.
136    Attributes
137    ----------
138    binding_energy : dict
139        Dictionary indicating the binding energy in eV (values) for given
140        subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as strings, e.g., 'K',
141        'L1', 'L2', etc.
142    num_electrons : dict
143        Dictionary indicating the number of electrons in a subshell when neutral
144        (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as
145        strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc.
146    transitions : pandas.DataFrame
147        Dictionary indicating allowed transitions and their probabilities
148        (values) for given subshells (keys). The subshells should be given as
149        strings, e.g., 'K', 'L1', 'L2', etc. The transitions are represented as
150        a DataFrame with columns indicating the secondary and tertiary subshell,
151        the energy of the transition in eV, and the fractional probability of
152        the transition.
154    See Also
155    --------
156    IncidentPhoton
158    """
159    def __init__(self, binding_energy, num_electrons, transitions):
160        self.binding_energy = binding_energy
161        self.num_electrons = num_electrons
162        self.transitions = transitions
163        self._e_fluorescence = {}
165    @property
166    def binding_energy(self):
167        return self._binding_energy
169    @property
170    def num_electrons(self):
171        return self._num_electrons
173    @property
174    def subshells(self):
175        return list(sorted(self.binding_energy.keys()))
177    @property
178    def transitions(self):
179        return self._transitions
181    @binding_energy.setter
182    def binding_energy(self, binding_energy):
183        cv.check_type('binding energies', binding_energy, Mapping)
184        for subshell, energy in binding_energy.items():
185            cv.check_value('subshell', subshell, _SUBSHELLS)
186            cv.check_type('binding energy', energy, Real)
187            cv.check_greater_than('binding energy', energy, 0.0, True)
188        self._binding_energy = binding_energy
190    @num_electrons.setter
191    def num_electrons(self, num_electrons):
192        cv.check_type('number of electrons', num_electrons, Mapping)
193        for subshell, num in num_electrons.items():
194            cv.check_value('subshell', subshell, _SUBSHELLS)
195            cv.check_type('number of electrons', num, Real)
196            cv.check_greater_than('number of electrons', num, 0.0, True)
197        self._num_electrons = num_electrons
199    @transitions.setter
200    def transitions(self, transitions):
201        cv.check_type('transitions', transitions, Mapping)
202        for subshell, df in transitions.items():
203            cv.check_value('subshell', subshell, _SUBSHELLS)
204            cv.check_type('transitions', df, pd.DataFrame)
205        self._transitions = transitions
207    @classmethod
208    def from_ace(cls, ace):
209        """Generate atomic relaxation data from an ACE file
211        Parameters
212        ----------
213        ace : openmc.data.ace.Table
214            ACE table to read from
216        Returns
217        -------
218        openmc.data.AtomicRelaxation
219            Atomic relaxation data
221        """
222        # Create data dictionaries
223        binding_energy = {}
224        num_electrons = {}
225        transitions = {}
227        # Get shell designators
228        n = ace.nxs[7]
229        idx = ace.jxs[11]
230        shells = [_SUBSHELLS[int(i)] for i in ace.xss[idx : idx+n]]
232        # Get number of electrons for each shell
233        idx = ace.jxs[12]
234        for shell, num in zip(shells, ace.xss[idx : idx+n]):
235            num_electrons[shell] = num
237        # Get binding energy for each shell
238        idx = ace.jxs[13]
239        for shell, e in zip(shells, ace.xss[idx : idx+n]):
240            binding_energy[shell] = e*EV_PER_MEV
242        # Get transition table
243        columns = ['secondary', 'tertiary', 'energy (eV)', 'probability']
244        idx = ace.jxs[18]
245        for i, subi in enumerate(shells):
246            n_transitions = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[15] + i])
247            if n_transitions > 0:
248                records = []
249                for j in range(n_transitions):
250                    subj = _SUBSHELLS[int(ace.xss[idx])]
251                    subk = _SUBSHELLS[int(ace.xss[idx + 1])]
252                    etr = ace.xss[idx + 2]*EV_PER_MEV
253                    if j == 0:
254                        ftr = ace.xss[idx + 3]
255                    else:
256                        ftr = ace.xss[idx + 3] - ace.xss[idx - 1]
257                    records.append((subj, subk, etr, ftr))
258                    idx += 4
260                # Create dataframe for transitions
261                transitions[subi] = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
262                    records, columns=columns)
264        return cls(binding_energy, num_electrons, transitions)
266    @classmethod
267    def from_endf(cls, ev_or_filename):
268        """Generate atomic relaxation data from an ENDF evaluation
270        Parameters
271        ----------
272        ev_or_filename : str or openmc.data.endf.Evaluation
273            ENDF atomic relaxation evaluation to read from. If given as a
274            string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ENDF file.
276        Returns
277        -------
278        openmc.data.AtomicRelaxation
279            Atomic relaxation data
281        """
282        if isinstance(ev_or_filename, Evaluation):
283            ev = ev_or_filename
284        else:
285            ev = Evaluation(ev_or_filename)
287        # Atomic relaxation data is always MF=28, MT=533
288        if (28, 533) not in ev.section:
289            raise IOError('{} does not appear to be an atomic relaxation '
290                          'sublibrary.'.format(ev))
292        # Determine number of subshells
293        file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[28, 533])
294        params = get_head_record(file_obj)
295        n_subshells = params[4]
297        # Create data dictionaries
298        binding_energy = {}
299        num_electrons = {}
300        transitions = {}
301        columns = ['secondary', 'tertiary', 'energy (eV)', 'probability']
303        # Read data for each subshell
304        for i in range(n_subshells):
305            params, list_items = get_list_record(file_obj)
306            subi = _SUBSHELLS[int(params[0])]
307            n_transitions = int(params[5])
308            binding_energy[subi] = list_items[0]
309            num_electrons[subi] = list_items[1]
311            if n_transitions > 0:
312                # Read transition data
313                records = []
314                for j in range(n_transitions):
315                    subj = _SUBSHELLS[int(list_items[6*(j+1)])]
316                    subk = _SUBSHELLS[int(list_items[6*(j+1) + 1])]
317                    etr = list_items[6*(j+1) + 2]
318                    ftr = list_items[6*(j+1) + 3]
319                    records.append((subj, subk, etr, ftr))
321                # Create dataframe for transitions
322                transitions[subi] = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
323                    records, columns=columns)
325        # Return instance of class
326        return cls(binding_energy, num_electrons, transitions)
328    @classmethod
329    def from_hdf5(cls, group):
330        """Generate atomic relaxation data from an HDF5 group
332        Parameters
333        ----------
334        group : h5py.Group
335            HDF5 group to read from
337        Returns
338        -------
339        openmc.data.AtomicRelaxation
340            Atomic relaxation data
342        """
343        # Create data dictionaries
344        binding_energy = {}
345        num_electrons = {}
346        transitions = {}
348        designators = [s.decode() for s in group.attrs['designators']]
349        columns = ['secondary', 'tertiary', 'energy (eV)', 'probability']
350        for shell in designators:
351            # Shell group
352            sub_group = group[shell]
354            # Read subshell binding energy and number of electrons
355            if 'binding_energy' in sub_group.attrs:
356                binding_energy[shell] = sub_group.attrs['binding_energy']
357            if 'num_electrons' in sub_group.attrs:
358                num_electrons[shell] = sub_group.attrs['num_electrons']
360            # Read transition data
361            if 'transitions' in sub_group:
362                df = pd.DataFrame(sub_group['transitions'][()],
363                                  columns=columns)
364                # Replace float indexes back to subshell strings
365                df[columns[:2]] = df[columns[:2]].replace(
366                              np.arange(float(len(_SUBSHELLS))), _SUBSHELLS)
367                transitions[shell] = df
369        return cls(binding_energy, num_electrons, transitions)
371    def to_hdf5(self, group, shell):
372        """Write atomic relaxation data to an HDF5 group
374        Parameters
375        ----------
376        group : h5py.Group
377            HDF5 group to write to
378        shell : str
379            The subshell to write data for
381        """
383        # Write subshell binding energy and number of electrons
384        group.attrs['binding_energy'] = self.binding_energy[shell]
385        group.attrs['num_electrons'] = self.num_electrons[shell]
387        # Write transition data with replacements
388        if shell in self.transitions:
389            df = self.transitions[shell].replace(
390                 _SUBSHELLS, range(len(_SUBSHELLS)))
391            group.create_dataset('transitions', data=df.values.astype(float))
394class IncidentPhoton(EqualityMixin):
395    r"""Photon interaction data.
397    This class stores photo-atomic, photo-nuclear, atomic relaxation,
398    Compton profile, stopping power, and bremsstrahlung data assembled from
399    different sources. To create an instance, the factory method
400    :meth:`IncidentPhoton.from_endf` can be used. To add atomic relaxation or
401    Compton profile data, set the :attr:`IncidentPhoton.atomic_relaxation` and
402    :attr:`IncidentPhoton.compton_profiles` attributes directly.
404    Parameters
405    ----------
406    atomic_number : int
407        Number of protons in the target nucleus
409    Attributes
410    ----------
411    atomic_number : int
412        Number of protons in the target nucleus
413    atomic_relaxation : openmc.data.AtomicRelaxation or None
414        Atomic relaxation data
415    bremsstrahlung : dict
416        Dictionary of bremsstrahlung data with keys 'I' (mean excitation energy
417        in [eV]), 'num_electrons' (number of electrons in each subshell),
418        'ionization_energy' (ionization potential of each subshell),
419        'electron_energy' (incident electron kinetic energy values in [eV]),
420        'photon_energy' (ratio of the energy of the emitted photon to the
421        incident electron kinetic energy), and 'dcs' (cross section values in
422        [b]). The cross sections are in scaled form: :math:`(\beta^2/Z^2) E_k
423        (d\sigma/dE_k)`, where :math:`E_k` is the energy of the emitted photon.
424        A negative number of electrons in a subshell indicates conduction
425        electrons.
426    compton_profiles : dict
427        Dictionary of Compton profile data with keys 'num_electrons' (number of
428        electrons in each subshell), 'binding_energy' (ionization potential of
429        each subshell), and 'J' (Hartree-Fock Compton profile as a function of
430        the projection of the electron momentum on the scattering vector,
431        :math:`p_z` for each subshell). Note that subshell occupancies may not
432        match the atomic relaxation data.
433    reactions : collections.OrderedDict
434        Contains the cross sections for each photon reaction. The keys are MT
435        values and the values are instances of :class:`PhotonReaction`.
437    """
439    def __init__(self, atomic_number):
440        self.atomic_number = atomic_number
441        self._atomic_relaxation = None
442        self.reactions = OrderedDict()
443        self.compton_profiles = {}
444        self.bremsstrahlung = {}
446    def __contains__(self, mt):
447        return mt in self.reactions
449    def __getitem__(self, mt):
450        if mt in self.reactions:
451            return self.reactions[mt]
452        else:
453            raise KeyError('No reaction with MT={}.'.format(mt))
455    def __repr__(self):
456        return "<IncidentPhoton: {}>".format(self.name)
458    def __iter__(self):
459        return iter(self.reactions.values())
461    @property
462    def atomic_number(self):
463        return self._atomic_number
465    @property
466    def atomic_relaxation(self):
467        return self._atomic_relaxation
469    @property
470    def name(self):
471        return ATOMIC_SYMBOL[self.atomic_number]
473    @atomic_number.setter
474    def atomic_number(self, atomic_number):
475        cv.check_type('atomic number', atomic_number, Integral)
476        cv.check_greater_than('atomic number', atomic_number, 0, True)
477        self._atomic_number = atomic_number
479    @atomic_relaxation.setter
480    def atomic_relaxation(self, atomic_relaxation):
481        cv.check_type('atomic relaxation data', atomic_relaxation,
482                      AtomicRelaxation)
483        self._atomic_relaxation = atomic_relaxation
485    @classmethod
486    def from_ace(cls, ace_or_filename):
487        """Generate incident photon data from an ACE table
489        Parameters
490        ----------
491        ace_or_filename : str or openmc.data.ace.Table
492            ACE table to read from. If given as a string, it is assumed to be
493            the filename for the ACE file.
495        Returns
496        -------
497        openmc.data.IncidentPhoton
498            Photon interaction data
500        """
501        # First obtain the data for the first provided ACE table/file
502        if isinstance(ace_or_filename, Table):
503            ace = ace_or_filename
504        else:
505            ace = get_table(ace_or_filename)
507        # Get atomic number based on name of ACE table
508        zaid, xs = ace.name.split('.')
509        if not xs.endswith('p'):
510            raise TypeError("{} is not a photoatomic transport ACE table.".format(ace))
511        Z = get_metadata(int(zaid))[2]
513        # Read each reaction
514        data = cls(Z)
515        for mt in (502, 504, 515, 522, 525):
516            data.reactions[mt] = PhotonReaction.from_ace(ace, mt)
518        # Get heating cross sections [eV-barn] from factors [eV per collision]
519        # by multiplying with total xs
520        data.reactions[525].xs.y *= sum([data.reactions[mt].xs.y for mt in
521                                         (502, 504, 515, 522)])
523        # Compton profiles
524        n_shell = ace.nxs[5]
525        if n_shell != 0:
526            # Get number of electrons in each shell
527            idx = ace.jxs[6]
528            data.compton_profiles['num_electrons'] = ace.xss[idx : idx+n_shell]
530            # Get binding energy for each shell
531            idx = ace.jxs[7]
532            e = ace.xss[idx : idx+n_shell]*EV_PER_MEV
533            data.compton_profiles['binding_energy'] = e
535            # Create Compton profile for each electron shell
536            profiles = []
537            for k in range(n_shell):
538                # Get number of momentum values and interpolation scheme
539                loca = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[9] + k])
540                jj = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[10] + loca - 1])
541                m = int(ace.xss[ace.jxs[10] + loca])
543                # Read momentum and PDF
544                idx = ace.jxs[10] + loca + 1
545                pz = ace.xss[idx : idx+m]
546                pdf = ace.xss[idx+m : idx+2*m]
548                # Create proflie function
549                J_k = Tabulated1D(pz, pdf, [m], [jj])
550                profiles.append(J_k)
551            data.compton_profiles['J'] = profiles
553        # Subshell photoelectric xs and atomic relaxation data
554        if ace.nxs[7] > 0:
555            data.atomic_relaxation = AtomicRelaxation.from_ace(ace)
557            # Get subshell designators
558            n_subshells = ace.nxs[7]
559            idx = ace.jxs[11]
560            designators = [int(i) for i in ace.xss[idx : idx+n_subshells]]
562            # Get energy grid for subshell photoionization
563            n_energy = ace.nxs[3]
564            idx = ace.jxs[1]
565            energy = np.exp(ace.xss[idx : idx+n_energy])*EV_PER_MEV
567            # Get cross section for each subshell
568            idx = ace.jxs[16]
569            for d in designators:
570                # Create photon reaction
571                mt = 533 + d
572                rx = PhotonReaction(mt)
573                data.reactions[mt] = rx
575                # Store cross section, determining threshold
576                xs = ace.xss[idx : idx+n_energy].copy()
577                nonzero = (xs != 0.0)
578                xs[nonzero] = np.exp(xs[nonzero])
579                threshold = np.where(xs > 0.0)[0][0]
580                rx.xs = Tabulated1D(energy[threshold:], xs[threshold:],
581                                    [n_energy - threshold], [5])
582                idx += n_energy
584                # Copy binding energy
585                shell = _SUBSHELLS[d]
586                e = data.atomic_relaxation.binding_energy[shell]
587                rx.subshell_binding_energy = e
588        else:
589            raise ValueError("ACE table {} does not have subshell data. Only "
590                             "newer ACE photoatomic libraries are supported "
591                             "(e.g., eprdata14).".format(ace.name))
593        # Add bremsstrahlung DCS data
594        data._add_bremsstrahlung()
596        return data
598    @classmethod
599    def from_endf(cls, photoatomic, relaxation=None):
600        """Generate incident photon data from an ENDF evaluation
602        Parameters
603        ----------
604        photoatomic : str or openmc.data.endf.Evaluation
605            ENDF photoatomic data evaluation to read from. If given as a string,
606            it is assumed to be the filename for the ENDF file.
607        relaxation : str or openmc.data.endf.Evaluation, optional
608            ENDF atomic relaxation data evaluation to read from. If given as a
609            string, it is assumed to be the filename for the ENDF file.
611        Returns
612        -------
613        openmc.data.IncidentPhoton
614            Photon interaction data
616        """
617        if isinstance(photoatomic, Evaluation):
618            ev = photoatomic
619        else:
620            ev = Evaluation(photoatomic)
622        Z = ev.target['atomic_number']
623        data = cls(Z)
625        # Read each reaction
626        for mf, mt, nc, mod in ev.reaction_list:
627            if mf == 23:
628                data.reactions[mt] = PhotonReaction.from_endf(ev, mt)
630        # Add atomic relaxation data if it hasn't been added already
631        if relaxation is not None:
632            data.atomic_relaxation = AtomicRelaxation.from_endf(relaxation)
634        # If Compton profile data hasn't been loaded, do so
635        if not _COMPTON_PROFILES:
636            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'compton_profiles.h5')
637            with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f:
638                _COMPTON_PROFILES['pz'] = f['pz'][()]
639                for i in range(1, 101):
640                    group = f['{:03}'.format(i)]
641                    num_electrons = group['num_electrons'][()]
642                    binding_energy = group['binding_energy'][()]*EV_PER_MEV
643                    J = group['J'][()]
644                    _COMPTON_PROFILES[i] = {'num_electrons': num_electrons,
645                                            'binding_energy': binding_energy,
646                                            'J': J}
648        # Add Compton profile data
649        pz = _COMPTON_PROFILES['pz']
650        profile = _COMPTON_PROFILES[Z]
651        data.compton_profiles['num_electrons'] = profile['num_electrons']
652        data.compton_profiles['binding_energy'] = profile['binding_energy']
653        data.compton_profiles['J'] = [Tabulated1D(pz, J_k) for J_k in profile['J']]
655        # Add bremsstrahlung DCS data
656        data._add_bremsstrahlung()
658        return data
660    @classmethod
661    def from_hdf5(cls, group_or_filename):
662        """Generate photon reaction from an HDF5 group
664        Parameters
665        ----------
666        group_or_filename : h5py.Group or str
667            HDF5 group containing interaction data. If given as a string, it is
668            assumed to be the filename for the HDF5 file, and the first group is
669            used to read from.
671        Returns
672        -------
673        openmc.data.IncidentPhoton
674            Photon interaction data
676        """
677        if isinstance(group_or_filename, h5py.Group):
678            group = group_or_filename
679            need_to_close = False
680        else:
681            h5file = h5py.File(str(group_or_filename), 'r')
682            need_to_close = True
684            # Make sure version matches
685            if 'version' in h5file.attrs:
686                major, minor = h5file.attrs['version']
687                # For now all versions of HDF5 data can be read
688            else:
689                raise IOError(
690                    'HDF5 data does not indicate a version. Your installation '
691                    'of the OpenMC Python API expects version {}.x data.'
692                    .format(HDF5_VERSION_MAJOR))
694            group = list(h5file.values())[0]
696        Z = group.attrs['Z']
697        data = cls(Z)
699        # Read energy grid
700        energy = group['energy'][()]
702        # Read cross section data
703        for mt, (name, key) in _REACTION_NAME.items():
704            if key in group:
705                rgroup = group[key]
706            elif key in group['subshells']:
707                rgroup = group['subshells'][key]
708            else:
709                continue
711            data.reactions[mt] = PhotonReaction.from_hdf5(rgroup, mt, energy)
713        # Check for necessary reactions
714        for mt in (502, 504, 522):
715            assert mt in data, "Reaction {} not found".format(mt)
717        # Read atomic relaxation
718        data.atomic_relaxation = AtomicRelaxation.from_hdf5(group['subshells'])
720        # Read Compton profiles
721        if 'compton_profiles' in group:
722            rgroup = group['compton_profiles']
723            profile = data.compton_profiles
724            profile['num_electrons'] = rgroup['num_electrons'][()]
725            profile['binding_energy'] = rgroup['binding_energy'][()]
727            # Get electron momentum values
728            pz = rgroup['pz'][()]
729            J = rgroup['J'][()]
730            if pz.size != J.shape[1]:
731                raise ValueError("'J' array shape is not consistent with the "
732                                 "'pz' array shape")
733            profile['J'] = [Tabulated1D(pz, Jk) for Jk in J]
735        # Read bremsstrahlung
736        if 'bremsstrahlung' in group:
737            rgroup = group['bremsstrahlung']
738            data.bremsstrahlung['I'] = rgroup.attrs['I']
739            for key in ('dcs', 'electron_energy', 'ionization_energy',
740                        'num_electrons', 'photon_energy'):
741                data.bremsstrahlung[key] = rgroup[key][()]
743        # If HDF5 file was opened here, make sure it gets closed
744        if need_to_close:
745            h5file.close()
747        return data
749    def export_to_hdf5(self, path, mode='a', libver='earliest'):
750        """Export incident photon data to an HDF5 file.
752        Parameters
753        ----------
754        path : str
755            Path to write HDF5 file to
756        mode : {'r+', 'w', 'x', 'a'}
757            Mode that is used to open the HDF5 file. This is the second argument
758            to the :class:`h5py.File` constructor.
759        libver : {'earliest', 'latest'}
760            Compatibility mode for the HDF5 file. 'latest' will produce files
761            that are less backwards compatible but have performance benefits.
763        """
764        with h5py.File(str(path), mode, libver=libver) as f:
765            # Write filetype and version
766            f.attrs['filetype'] = np.string_('data_photon')
767            if 'version' not in f.attrs:
768                f.attrs['version'] = np.array(HDF5_VERSION)
770            group = f.create_group(self.name)
771            group.attrs['Z'] = Z = self.atomic_number
773            # Determine union energy grid
774            union_grid = np.array([])
775            for rx in self:
776                union_grid = np.union1d(union_grid, rx.xs.x)
777            group.create_dataset('energy', data=union_grid)
779            # Write cross sections
780            shell_group = group.create_group('subshells')
781            designators = []
782            for mt, rx in self.reactions.items():
783                name, key = _REACTION_NAME[mt]
784                if mt in (502, 504, 515, 517, 522, 525):
785                    sub_group = group.create_group(key)
786                elif mt >= 534 and mt <= 572:
787                    # Subshell
788                    designators.append(key)
789                    sub_group = shell_group.create_group(key)
791                    # Write atomic relaxation
792                    if self.atomic_relaxation is not None:
793                        if key in self.atomic_relaxation.subshells:
794                            self.atomic_relaxation.to_hdf5(sub_group, key)
795                else:
796                    continue
798                rx.to_hdf5(sub_group, union_grid, Z)
800            shell_group.attrs['designators'] = np.array(designators, dtype='S')
802            # Write Compton profiles
803            if self.compton_profiles:
804                compton_group = group.create_group('compton_profiles')
806                profile = self.compton_profiles
807                compton_group.create_dataset('num_electrons',
808                                            data=profile['num_electrons'])
809                compton_group.create_dataset('binding_energy',
810                                            data=profile['binding_energy'])
812                # Get electron momentum values
813                compton_group.create_dataset('pz', data=profile['J'][0].x)
815                # Create/write 2D array of profiles
816                J = np.array([Jk.y for Jk in profile['J']])
817                compton_group.create_dataset('J', data=J)
819            # Write bremsstrahlung
820            if self.bremsstrahlung:
821                brem_group = group.create_group('bremsstrahlung')
822                for key, value in self.bremsstrahlung.items():
823                    if key == 'I':
824                        brem_group.attrs[key] = value
825                    else:
826                        brem_group.create_dataset(key, data=value)
828    def _add_bremsstrahlung(self):
829        """Add the data used in the thick-target bremsstrahlung approximation
831        """
832        # Load bremsstrahlung data if it has not yet been loaded
833        if not _BREMSSTRAHLUNG:
834            # Add data used for density effect correction
835            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'density_effect.h5')
836            with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f:
837                for i in range(1, 101):
838                    group = f['{:03}'.format(i)]
839                    _BREMSSTRAHLUNG[i] = {
840                        'I': group.attrs['I'],
841                        'num_electrons': group['num_electrons'][()],
842                        'ionization_energy': group['ionization_energy'][()]
843                    }
845            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'BREMX.DAT')
846            with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
847                brem = fh.read().split()
849            # Incident electron kinetic energy grid in eV
850            _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['electron_energy'] = np.logspace(3, 9, 200)
851            log_energy = np.log(_BREMSSTRAHLUNG['electron_energy'])
853            # Get number of tabulated electron and photon energy values
854            n = int(brem[37])
855            k = int(brem[38])
857            # Index in data
858            p = 39
860            # Get log of incident electron kinetic energy values, used for
861            # cubic spline interpolation in log energy. Units are in MeV, so
862            # convert to eV.
863            logx = np.log(np.fromiter(brem[p:p+n], float, n)*EV_PER_MEV)
864            p += n
866            # Get reduced photon energy values
867            _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['photon_energy'] = np.fromiter(brem[p:p+k], float, k)
868            p += k
870            for i in range(1, 101):
871                dcs = np.empty([len(log_energy), k])
873                # Get the scaled cross section values for each electron energy
874                # and reduced photon energy for this Z. Units are in mb, so
875                # convert to b.
876                y = np.reshape(np.fromiter(brem[p:p+n*k], float, n*k), (n, k))*1.0e-3
877                p += k*n
879                for j in range(k):
880                    # Cubic spline interpolation in log energy and linear DCS
881                    cs = CubicSpline(logx, y[:, j])
883                    # Get scaled DCS values (barns) on new energy grid
884                    dcs[:, j] = cs(log_energy)
886                _BREMSSTRAHLUNG[i]['dcs'] = dcs
888        # Add bremsstrahlung DCS data
889        self.bremsstrahlung['electron_energy'] = _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['electron_energy']
890        self.bremsstrahlung['photon_energy'] = _BREMSSTRAHLUNG['photon_energy']
891        self.bremsstrahlung.update(_BREMSSTRAHLUNG[self.atomic_number])
894class PhotonReaction(EqualityMixin):
895    """Photon-induced reaction
897    Parameters
898    ----------
899    mt : int
900        The ENDF MT number for this reaction.
902    Attributes
903    ----------
904    anomalous_real : openmc.data.Tabulated1D
905        Real part of the anomalous scattering factor
906    anomlaous_imag : openmc.data.Tabulated1D
907        Imaginary part of the anomalous scatttering factor
908    mt : int
909        The ENDF MT number for this reaction.
910    scattering_factor : openmc.data.Tabulated1D
911        Coherent or incoherent form factor.
912    xs : Callable
913        Cross section as a function of incident photon energy
915    """
917    def __init__(self, mt):
918        self.mt = mt
919        self._xs = None
920        self._scattering_factor = None
921        self._anomalous_real = None
922        self._anomalous_imag = None
924    def __repr__(self):
925        if self.mt in _REACTION_NAME:
926            return "<Photon Reaction: MT={} {}>".format(
927                self.mt, _REACTION_NAME[self.mt][0])
928        else:
929            return "<Photon Reaction: MT={}>".format(self.mt)
931    @property
932    def anomalous_real(self):
933        return self._anomalous_real
935    @property
936    def anomalous_imag(self):
937        return self._anomalous_imag
939    @property
940    def scattering_factor(self):
941        return self._scattering_factor
943    @property
944    def xs(self):
945        return self._xs
947    @anomalous_real.setter
948    def anomalous_real(self, anomalous_real):
949        cv.check_type('real part of anomalous scattering factor',
950                      anomalous_real, Callable)
951        self._anomalous_real = anomalous_real
953    @anomalous_imag.setter
954    def anomalous_imag(self, anomalous_imag):
955        cv.check_type('imaginary part of anomalous scattering factor',
956                      anomalous_imag, Callable)
957        self._anomalous_imag = anomalous_imag
959    @scattering_factor.setter
960    def scattering_factor(self, scattering_factor):
961        cv.check_type('scattering factor', scattering_factor, Callable)
962        self._scattering_factor = scattering_factor
964    @xs.setter
965    def xs(self, xs):
966        cv.check_type('reaction cross section', xs, Callable)
967        self._xs = xs
969    @classmethod
970    def from_ace(cls, ace, mt):
971        """Generate photon reaction from an ACE table
973        Parameters
974        ----------
975        ace : openmc.data.ace.Table
976            ACE table to read from
977        mt : int
978            The MT value of the reaction to get data for
980        Returns
981        -------
982        openmc.data.PhotonReaction
983            Photon reaction data
985        """
986        # Create instance
987        rx = cls(mt)
989        # Get energy grid (stored as logarithms)
990        n = ace.nxs[3]
991        idx = ace.jxs[1]
992        energy = np.exp(ace.xss[idx : idx+n])*EV_PER_MEV
994        # Get index for appropriate reaction
995        if mt == 502:
996            # Coherent scattering
997            idx = ace.jxs[1] + 2*n
998        elif mt == 504:
999            # Incoherent scattering
1000            idx = ace.jxs[1] + n
1001        elif mt == 515:
1002            # Pair production
1003            idx = ace.jxs[1] + 4*n
1004        elif mt == 522:
1005            # Photoelectric
1006            idx = ace.jxs[1] + 3*n
1007        elif mt == 525:
1008            # Heating
1009            idx = ace.jxs[5]
1010        else:
1011            raise ValueError('ACE photoatomic cross sections do not have '
1012                             'data for MT={}.'.format(mt))
1014        # Store cross section
1015        xs = ace.xss[idx : idx+n].copy()
1016        if mt == 525:
1017            # Get heating factors in [eV per collision]
1018            xs *= EV_PER_MEV
1019        else:
1020            nonzero = (xs != 0.0)
1021            xs[nonzero] = np.exp(xs[nonzero])
1022        rx.xs = Tabulated1D(energy, xs, [n], [5])
1024        # Get form factors for incoherent/coherent scattering
1025        new_format = (ace.nxs[6] > 0)
1026        if mt == 502:
1027            idx = ace.jxs[3]
1028            if new_format:
1029                n = (ace.jxs[4] - ace.jxs[3]) // 3
1030                x = ace.xss[idx : idx+n]
1031                idx += n
1032            else:
1033                x = np.array([
1034                    0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12,
1035                    0.15, 0.18, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55,
1036                    0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6,
1037                    1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0, 3.2, 3.4,
1038                    3.6, 3.8, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 5.0, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6,
1039                    5.8, 6.0])
1040                n = x.size
1041            ff = ace.xss[idx+n : idx+2*n]
1042            rx.scattering_factor = Tabulated1D(x, ff)
1044        elif mt == 504:
1045            idx = ace.jxs[2]
1046            if new_format:
1047                n = (ace.jxs[3] - ace.jxs[2]) // 2
1048                x = ace.xss[idx : idx+n]
1049                idx += n
1050            else:
1051                x = np.array([
1052                    0.0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6,
1053                    0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0
1054                ])
1055                n = x.size
1056            ff = ace.xss[idx : idx+n]
1057            rx.scattering_factor = Tabulated1D(x, ff)
1059        return rx
1061    @classmethod
1062    def from_endf(cls, ev, mt):
1063        """Generate photon reaction from an ENDF evaluation
1065        Parameters
1066        ----------
1067        ev : openmc.data.endf.Evaluation
1068            ENDF photo-atomic interaction data evaluation
1069        mt : int
1070            The MT value of the reaction to get data for
1072        Returns
1073        -------
1074        openmc.data.PhotonReaction
1075            Photon reaction data
1077        """
1078        rx = cls(mt)
1080        # Read photon cross section
1081        if (23, mt) in ev.section:
1082            file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[23, mt])
1083            get_head_record(file_obj)
1084            params, rx.xs = get_tab1_record(file_obj)
1086            # Set subshell binding energy and/or fluorescence yield
1087            if mt >= 534 and mt <= 599:
1088                rx.subshell_binding_energy = params[0]
1089            if mt >= 534 and mt <= 572:
1090                rx.fluorescence_yield = params[1]
1092        # Read form factors / scattering functions
1093        if (27, mt) in ev.section:
1094            file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[27, mt])
1095            get_head_record(file_obj)
1096            params, rx.scattering_factor = get_tab1_record(file_obj)
1098        # Check for anomalous scattering factor
1099        if mt == 502:
1100            if (27, 506) in ev.section:
1101                file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[27, 506])
1102                get_head_record(file_obj)
1103                params, rx.anomalous_real = get_tab1_record(file_obj)
1105            if (27, 505) in ev.section:
1106                file_obj = StringIO(ev.section[27, 505])
1107                get_head_record(file_obj)
1108                params, rx.anomalous_imag = get_tab1_record(file_obj)
1110        return rx
1112    @classmethod
1113    def from_hdf5(cls, group, mt, energy):
1114        """Generate photon reaction from an HDF5 group
1116        Parameters
1117        ----------
1118        group : h5py.Group
1119            HDF5 group to read from
1120        mt : int
1121            The MT value of the reaction to get data for
1122        energy : Iterable of float
1123            arrays of energies at which cross sections are tabulated at
1125        Returns
1126        -------
1127        openmc.data.PhotonReaction
1128            Photon reaction data
1130        """
1131        # Create instance
1132        rx = cls(mt)
1134        # Cross sections
1135        xs = group['xs'][()]
1136        # Replace zero elements to small non-zero to enable log-log
1137        xs[xs == 0.0] = np.exp(-500.0)
1139        # Threshold
1140        threshold_idx = 0
1141        if 'threshold_idx' in group['xs'].attrs:
1142            threshold_idx = group['xs'].attrs['threshold_idx']
1144        # Store cross section
1145        rx.xs = Tabulated1D(energy[threshold_idx:], xs, [len(xs)], [5])
1147        # Check for anomalous scattering factor
1148        if 'anomalous_real' in group:
1149            rx.anomalous_real = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['anomalous_real'])
1150        if 'anomalous_imag' in group:
1151            rx.anomalous_imag = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['anomalous_imag'])
1153        # Check for factors / scattering functions
1154        if 'scattering_factor' in group:
1155            rx.scattering_factor = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['scattering_factor'])
1157        return rx
1159    def to_hdf5(self, group, energy, Z):
1160        """Write photon reaction to an HDF5 group
1162        Parameters
1163        ----------
1164        group : h5py.Group
1165            HDF5 group to write to
1166        energy : Iterable of float
1167            arrays of energies at which cross sections are tabulated at
1168        Z : int
1169            atomic number
1171        """
1173        # Write cross sections
1174        if self.mt >= 534 and self.mt <= 572:
1175            # Determine threshold
1176            threshold = self.xs.x[0]
1177            idx = np.searchsorted(energy, threshold, side='right') - 1
1179            # Interpolate cross section onto union grid and write
1180            photoionization = self.xs(energy[idx:])
1181            group.create_dataset('xs', data=photoionization)
1182            assert len(energy) == len(photoionization) + idx
1183            group['xs'].attrs['threshold_idx'] = idx
1184        else:
1185            group.create_dataset('xs', data=self.xs(energy))
1187        # Write scattering factor
1188        if self.scattering_factor is not None:
1189            if self.mt == 502:
1190                # Create integrated form factor
1191                ff = deepcopy(self.scattering_factor)
1192                ff.x *= ff.x
1193                ff.y *= ff.y/Z**2
1194                int_ff = Tabulated1D(ff.x, ff.integral())
1195                int_ff.to_hdf5(group, 'integrated_scattering_factor')
1196            self.scattering_factor.to_hdf5(group, 'scattering_factor')
1197        if self.anomalous_real is not None:
1198            self.anomalous_real.to_hdf5(group, 'anomalous_real')
1199        if self.anomalous_imag is not None:
1200            self.anomalous_imag.to_hdf5(group, 'anomalous_imag')