1# coding: utf-8
2"""Factory functions for Abinit input files """
3import numpy as np
4import pymatgen.io.abinit.abiobjects as aobj
5import abipy.abio.input_tags as atags
7from enum import Enum
8from collections import namedtuple
9from monty.collections import AttrDict
10from monty.string import is_string
11from monty.json import jsanitize, MontyDecoder, MSONable
12from pymatgen.util.serialization import pmg_serialize
13from abipy.core.structure import Structure
14from abipy.abio.inputs import AbinitInput, MultiDataset
17__all__ = [
18    "gs_input",
19    "ebands_input",
20    "phonons_from_gsinput",
21    "g0w0_with_ppmodel_inputs",
22    "g0w0_convergence_inputs",
23    "bse_with_mdf_inputs",
24    "ion_ioncell_relax_input",
25    "ion_ioncell_relax_and_ebands_input",
26    "scf_phonons_inputs",
27    "piezo_elastic_inputs_from_gsinput",
28    "scf_piezo_elastic_inputs",
29    "scf_for_phonons",
30    "dte_from_gsinput",
31    "dfpt_from_gsinput",
32    "minimal_scf_input"
36# Name of the (default) tolerance used by the runlevels.
37_runl2tolname = {
38    "scf": 'tolvrs',
39    "nscf": 'tolwfr',
40    "dfpt": 'toldfe',        # ?
41    "screening": 'toldfe',   # dummy
42    "sigma": 'toldfe',       # dummy
43    "bse": 'toldfe',         # ?
44    "relax": 'tolrff',
47# Tolerances for the different levels of accuracy.
48T = namedtuple('Tolerance', "low normal high")
49_tolerances = {
50    "toldfe": T(1.e-7,  1.e-8,  1.e-9),
51    "tolvrs": T(1.e-7,  1.e-8,  1.e-9),
52    "tolwfr": T(1.e-15, 1.e-17, 1.e-19),
53    "tolrff": T(0.04,   0.02,   0.01)}
54del T
57# Default values used if user does not specify them
58_DEFAULTS = dict(
59    kppa=1000,
63class ShiftMode(Enum):
64    """
65    Class defining the mode to be used for the shifts.
66    G: Gamma centered
67    M: Monkhorst-Pack ((0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
68    S: Symmetric. Respects the chksymbreak with multiple shifts
69    O: OneSymmetric. Respects the chksymbreak with a single shift (as in 'S' if a single shift is given, gamma
70        centered otherwise.
71    """
72    GammaCentered = 'G'
73    MonkhorstPack = 'M'
74    Symmetric = 'S'
75    OneSymmetric = 'O'
77    @classmethod
78    def from_object(cls, obj):
79        """
80        Returns an instance of ShiftMode based on the type of object passed. Converts strings to ShiftMode depending
81        on the iniital letter of the string. G for GammaCenterd, M for MonkhorstPack, S for Symmetric, O for OneSymmetric.
82        Case insensitive.
83        """
84        if isinstance(obj, cls):
85            return obj
86        elif is_string(obj):
87            return cls(obj[0].upper())
88        else:
89            raise TypeError('The object provided is not handled: type %s' % type(obj))
92def _stopping_criterion(runlevel, accuracy):
93    """Return the stopping criterion for this runlevel with the given accuracy."""
94    tolname = _runl2tolname[runlevel]
95    return {tolname: getattr(_tolerances[tolname], accuracy)}
98def _find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, pseudos, accuracy):
99    """Return a |AttrDict| with the value of ``ecut`` and ``pawecutdg``."""
100    # Get ecut and pawecutdg from the pseudo hints.
101    if ecut is None or (pawecutdg is None and any(p.ispaw for p in pseudos)):
102        has_hints = all(p.has_hints for p in pseudos)
104    if ecut is None:
105        if has_hints:
106            ecut = max(p.hint_for_accuracy(accuracy).ecut for p in pseudos)
107        else:
108            raise AbinitInput.Error("ecut is None but pseudos do not provide hints for ecut")
110    if pawecutdg is None and any(p.ispaw for p in pseudos):
111        if has_hints:
112            pawecutdg = max(p.hint_for_accuracy(accuracy).pawecutdg for p in pseudos)
113        else:
114            raise RuntimeError("pawecutdg is None but pseudos do not provide hints")
116    return AttrDict(ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg)
119def _find_scf_nband(structure, pseudos, electrons, spinat=None):
120    """Find the value of ``nband``."""
121    if electrons.nband is not None: return electrons.nband
123    nsppol, smearing = electrons.nsppol, electrons.smearing
125    # Number of valence electrons including possible extra charge
126    nval = structure.num_valence_electrons(pseudos)
127    nval -= electrons.charge
129    # First guess (semiconductors)
130    nband = nval // 2
132    # TODO: Find better algorithm
133    # If nband is too small we may kill the job, increase nband and restart
134    # but this change could cause problems in the other steps of the calculation
135    # if the change is not propagated e.g. phonons in metals.
136    if smearing:
137        # metallic occupation
138        nband = max(np.ceil(nband * 1.2), nband + 10)
139    else:
140        nband = max(np.ceil(nband * 1.1), nband + 4)
142    # Increase number of bands based on the starting magnetization
143    if nsppol == 2 and spinat is not None:
144        nband += np.ceil(max(np.sum(spinat, axis=0)) / 2.)
146    # Force even nband (easier to divide among procs, mandatory if nspinor == 2)
147    nband += nband % 2
148    return int(nband)
151def _get_shifts(shift_mode, structure):
152    """
153    Gives the shifts based on the selected shift mode and on the symmetry of the structure.
154    G: Gamma centered
155    M: Monkhorst-Pack ((0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
156    S: Symmetric. Respects the chksymbreak with multiple shifts
157    O: OneSymmetric. Respects the chksymbreak with a single shift (as in 'S' if a single shift is given, gamma
158        centered otherwise.
160    Note: for some cases (e.g. body centered tetragonal), both the Symmetric and OneSymmetric may fail to satisfy the
161        ``chksymbreak`` condition (Abinit input variable).
162    """
163    if shift_mode == ShiftMode.GammaCentered:
164        return ((0, 0, 0))
165    elif shift_mode == ShiftMode.MonkhorstPack:
166        return ((0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
167    elif shift_mode == ShiftMode.Symmetric:
168        structure = Structure.from_sites(structure)
169        return structure.calc_shiftk()
170    elif shift_mode == ShiftMode.OneSymmetric:
171        structure = Structure.from_sites(structure)
172        shifts = structure.calc_shiftk()
173        if len(shifts) == 1:
174            return shifts
175        else:
176            return ((0, 0, 0))
177    else:
178        raise ValueError("invalid shift_mode: `%s`" % str(shift_mode))
181def gs_input(structure, pseudos,
182             kppa=None, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, scf_nband=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized",
183             smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None):
184    """
185    Returns a |AbinitInput| for ground-state calculation.
187    Args:
188        structure: |Structure| object.
189        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object.
190        kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run. Defaults to 1000 if not given.
191        ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy)
192        pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the pseudos
193            according to accuracy)
194        scf_nband: Number of bands for SCF run. If scf_nband is None, nband is automatically initialized
195            from the list of pseudos, the structure and the smearing option.
196        accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation.
197        spin_mode: Spin polarization.
198        smearing: Smearing technique.
199        charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell.
200        scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle.
201    """
202    multi = ebands_input(structure, pseudos,
203                 kppa=kppa, ndivsm=0,
204                 ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg, scf_nband=scf_nband, accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode,
205                 smearing=smearing, charge=charge, scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm)
207    return multi[0]
210def ebands_input(structure, pseudos,
211                 kppa=None, nscf_nband=None, ndivsm=15,
212                 ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, scf_nband=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized",
213                 smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, dos_kppa=None):
214    """
215    Returns a |MultiDataset| object for band structure calculations.
217    Args:
218        structure: |Structure| object.
219        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object.
220        kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run. Defaults to 1000 if not given.
221        nscf_nband: Number of bands included in the NSCF run. Set to scf_nband + 10 if None.
222        ndivsm: Number of divisions used to sample the smallest segment of the k-path.
223            if 0, only the GS input is returned in multi[0].
224        ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy)
225        pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the pseudos
226            according to accuracy)
227        scf_nband: Number of bands for SCF run. If scf_nband is None, nband is automatically initialized
228            from the list of pseudos, the structure and the smearing option.
229        accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation.
230        spin_mode: Spin polarization.
231        smearing: Smearing technique.
232        charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell.
233        scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle.
234        dos_kppa: Scalar or List of integers with the number of k-points per atom
235            to be used for the computation of the DOS (None if DOS is not wanted).
236    """
237    structure = Structure.as_structure(structure)
239    if dos_kppa is not None and not isinstance(dos_kppa, (list, tuple)):
240        dos_kppa = [dos_kppa]
242    multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=2 if dos_kppa is None else 2 + len(dos_kppa))
244    # Set the cutoff energies.
245    multi.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, multi.pseudos, accuracy))
247    # SCF calculation.
248    kppa = _DEFAULTS.get("kppa") if kppa is None else kppa
249    scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0)
250    scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm,
251                                   charge=charge, nband=scf_nband, fband=None)
253    if spin_mode == "polarized":
254        multi[0].set_autospinat()
256    if scf_electrons.nband is None:
257        scf_electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, multi.pseudos, scf_electrons, multi[0].get('spinat', None))
259    multi[0].set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars())
260    multi[0].set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars())
261    multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("scf", accuracy))
262    if ndivsm == 0: return multi
264    # Band structure calculation.
265    nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.path_from_structure(ndivsm, structure)
266    nscf_nband = scf_electrons.nband + 10 if nscf_nband is None else nscf_nband
267    nscf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2},
268                                    charge=charge, nband=nscf_nband, fband=None)
270    multi[1].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars())
271    multi[1].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars())
272    multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy))
274    # DOS calculation with different values of kppa.
275    if dos_kppa is not None:
276        for i, kppa in enumerate(dos_kppa):
277            dos_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0)
278            #dos_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.monkhorst(dos_ngkpt, shiftk=dos_shiftk, chksymbreak=0)
279            dos_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2},
280                                           charge=charge, nband=nscf_nband)
281            dt = 2 + i
282            multi[dt].set_vars(dos_ksampling.to_abivars())
283            multi[dt].set_vars(dos_electrons.to_abivars())
284            multi[dt].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy))
286    return multi
289def ion_ioncell_relax_input(structure, pseudos,
290                            kppa=None, nband=None,
291                            ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized",
292                            smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, shift_mode='Monkhorst-pack'):
293    """
294    Returns a |MultiDataset| for a structural relaxation. The first dataset optmizes the
295    atomic positions at fixed unit cell. The second datasets optimizes both ions and unit cell parameters.
297    Args:
298        structure: |Structure| object.
299        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object.
300        kppa: Defines the sampling used for the Brillouin zone.
301        nband: Number of bands included in the SCF run.
302        accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation.
303        spin_mode: Spin polarization.
304        smearing: Smearing technique.
305        charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell.
306        scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for the solution of the SCF cycle.
307    """
308    structure = Structure.as_structure(structure)
309    multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=2)
311    # Set the cutoff energies.
312    multi.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, multi.pseudos, accuracy))
314    kppa = _DEFAULTS.get("kppa") if kppa is None else kppa
316    shift_mode = ShiftMode.from_object(shift_mode)
317    shifts = _get_shifts(shift_mode, structure)
318    ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=shifts)
319    electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm,
320                               charge=charge, nband=nband, fband=None)
322    if spin_mode == "polarized":
323        spinat_dict = multi[0].set_autospinat()
324        multi[1].set_vars(spinat_dict)
326    if electrons.nband is None:
327        electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, multi.pseudos, electrons, multi[0].get('spinat', None))
329    ion_relax = aobj.RelaxationMethod.atoms_only(atoms_constraints=None)
330    ioncell_relax = aobj.RelaxationMethod.atoms_and_cell(atoms_constraints=None)
332    multi.set_vars(electrons.to_abivars())
333    multi.set_vars(ksampling.to_abivars())
335    multi[0].set_vars(ion_relax.to_abivars())
336    multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("relax", accuracy))
338    multi[1].set_vars(ioncell_relax.to_abivars())
339    multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("relax", accuracy))
341    return multi
344def ion_ioncell_relax_and_ebands_input(structure, pseudos,
345                                       kppa=None, nband=None,
346                                       ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized",
347                                       smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None):
348    """
349    Returns a |MultiDataset| for a structural relaxation followed by a band structure run.
350    The first dataset optimizes the atomic positions at fixed unit cell.
351    The second datasets optimizes both ions and unit cell parameters.
352    The other datasets perform a band structure calculation.
354    .. warning::
356        Client code is responsible for propagating the relaxed structure obtained with the
357        second dataset to the inputs used for the band structure calculation.
359    Args:
360        structure: |Structure| object.
361        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object.
362        kppa: Defines the sampling used for the Brillouin zone.
363        nband: Number of bands included in the SCF run.
364        accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation.
365        spin_mode: Spin polarization.
366        smearing: Smearing technique.
367        charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell.
368        scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle.
370    Returns: |MultiDataset| object
371    """
372    structure = Structure.as_structure(structure)
374    relax_multi = ion_ioncell_relax_input(structure, pseudos,
375                                          kppa=kppa, nband=nband,
376                                          ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg, accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode,
377                                          smearing=smearing, charge=charge, scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm)
379    ebands_multi = ebands_input(structure, pseudos,
380                                kppa=kppa, nscf_nband=None, ndivsm=15,
381                                ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg, scf_nband=None, accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode,
382                                smearing=smearing, charge=charge, scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm, dos_kppa=None)
384    return relax_multi + ebands_multi
387def g0w0_with_ppmodel_inputs(structure, pseudos,
388                             kppa, nscf_nband, ecuteps, ecutsigx,
389                             ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, shifts=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
390                             accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV",
391                             ppmodel="godby", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, inclvkb=2, scr_nband=None,
392                             sigma_nband=None, gw_qprange=1):
393    """
394    Returns a |MultiDataset| object that performs G0W0 calculations with the plasmon pole approximation.
396    Args:
397        structure: |Structure| object.
398        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object.
399        kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run.
400        nscf_nband: Number of bands included in the NSCF run.
401        ecuteps: Cutoff energy [Ha] for the screening matrix.
402        ecutsigx: Cutoff energy [Ha] for the exchange part of the self-energy.
403        ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy)
404        pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized
405            from the pseudos according to accuracy)
406        shifts: Shifts for k-mesh.
407        accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation.
408        spin_mode: Spin polarization.
409        smearing: Smearing technique.
410        ppmodel: Plasmonpole technique.
411        charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell.
412        scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle.
413        inclvkb: Treatment of the dipole matrix elements (see abinit variable).
414        scr_nband: Number of bands used to compute the screening (default is nscf_nband)
415        sigma_nband: Number of bands used to compute the self-energy (default is nscf_nband)
416        gw_qprange: Option for the automatic selection of k-points and bands for GW corrections.
417            See Abinit docs for more detail. The default value makes the code compute the
418            QP energies for all the point in the IBZ and one band above and one band below the Fermi level.
420    .. versionchanged: 0.3
422        The default value of ``shifts`` changed in v0.3 from (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
423    """
425    structure = Structure.as_structure(structure)
426    multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=4)
428    # Set the cutoff energies.
429    multi.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, multi.pseudos, accuracy))
431    scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=shifts)
432    scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm,
433                                   charge=charge, nband=None, fband=None)
435    if scf_electrons.nband is None:
436        scf_electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, multi.pseudos, scf_electrons)
438    multi[0].set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars())
439    multi[0].set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars())
440    multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("scf", accuracy))
442    nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=shifts)
443    nscf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2},
444                                    charge=charge, nband=nscf_nband, fband=None)
446    multi[1].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars())
447    multi[1].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars())
448    multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy))
449    # nbdbuf
451    # Screening.
452    if scr_nband is None: scr_nband = nscf_nband
453    screening = aobj.Screening(ecuteps, scr_nband, w_type="RPA", sc_mode="one_shot",
454                               hilbert=None, ecutwfn=None, inclvkb=inclvkb)
456    multi[2].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars())
457    multi[2].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars())
458    multi[2].set_vars(screening.to_abivars())
459    multi[2].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("screening", accuracy)) # Dummy
461    # Sigma.
462    if sigma_nband is None: sigma_nband = nscf_nband
463    self_energy = aobj.SelfEnergy("gw", "one_shot", sigma_nband, ecutsigx, screening,
464                                  gw_qprange=gw_qprange, ppmodel=ppmodel)
466    multi[3].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars())
467    multi[3].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars())
468    multi[3].set_vars(self_energy.to_abivars())
469    multi[3].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("sigma", accuracy)) # Dummy
471    # TODO: Cannot use istwfk != 1.
472    multi.set_vars(istwfk="*1")
474    return multi
477def g0w0_convergence_inputs(structure, pseudos, kppa, nscf_nband, ecuteps, ecutsigx, scf_nband, ecut,
478                            accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV",
479                            response_models=None, charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None, inclvkb=2,
480                            gw_qprange=1, gamma=True, nksmall=None, extra_abivars=None):
481    """
482    Returns a |MultiDataset| object to generate a G0W0 work for the given the material.
483    See also :cite:`Setten2017`.
485    Args:
486        structure: |Structure| object
487        pseudos: List of |Pseudo| objects.
488        kppa: k points per reciprocal atom.
489        scf_nband: number of scf bands
490        ecut: ecut for all calcs that that are not ecut convergence  cals at scf level
491        scf_ Defines the sampling used for the SCF run.
492        nscf_nband: a list of number of bands included in the screening and sigmaruns.
493            The NSCF run will be done with the maximum.
494        ecuteps: list of Cutoff energy [Ha] for the screening matrix.
495        ecutsigx: Cutoff energy [Ha] for the exchange part of the self-energy.
496        accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation.
497        spin_mode: Spin polarization.
498        smearing: Smearing technique.
499        charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell.
500        scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle.
501        inclvkb: Treatment of the dipole matrix elements (see abinit variable).
502        response_models: List of response models
503        gw_qprange: selectpr for the qpoint mesh
504        gamma: is true a gamma centered mesh is enforced
505        nksmall: Kpoint division for additional band and dos calculations
506        extra_abivars: Dictionary with extra variables passed to ABINIT for all tasks.
508    extra abivars that are provided with _s appended will be take as a list of values to be tested a scf level
509    """
510    if extra_abivars is None:
511        extra_abivars = {}
513    if response_models is None:
514        response_models = ["godby"]
516    scf_diffs = []
518    keys = list(extra_abivars.keys())
519    #for k in extra_abivars.keys():
520    for k in keys:
521        if k[-2:] == '_s':
522            var = k[:len(k)-2]
523            values = extra_abivars.pop(k)
524            # to_add.update({k: values[-1]})
525            for value in values:
526                diff_abivars = dict()
527                diff_abivars[var] = value
528                if pseudos.allpaw and var == 'ecut':
529                    diff_abivars['pawecutdg'] = diff_abivars['ecut'] * 2
530                scf_diffs.append(diff_abivars)
532    extra_abivars_all = dict(
533        ecut=ecut,
534        paral_kgb=1,
535        istwfk="*1",
536        timopt=-1,
537        nbdbuf=8,
538    )
540    extra_abivars_all.update(extra_abivars)
542    if pseudos.allpaw:
543        extra_abivars_all['pawecutdg'] = extra_abivars_all['ecut'] * 2
545    extra_abivars_gw = dict(
546        inclvkb=2,
547        symsigma=1,
548        gwpara=2,
549        gwmem='10',
550        prtsuscep=0
551    )
553    # all these too many options are for development only the current idea for the final version is
554    #if gamma:
555    #    scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure=structure, kppa=10000, chksymbreak=0, shifts=(0, 0, 0))
556    #    nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(2, 2, 2))
557    #    if kppa <= 13:
558    #        nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(scf_kppa, scf_kppa, scf_kppa))
559    #    else:
560    #        nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, scf_kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=(0, 0, 0))
561    #else:
562    #    scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, scf_kppa, chksymbreak=0)
563    #    nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, scf_kppa, chksymbreak=0)
565    if gamma:
566        if kppa == 1:
567            scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(1, 1, 1))
568            nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(1, 1, 1))
569        elif kppa == 2:
570            scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(2, 2, 2))
571            nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(2, 2, 2))
572        elif kppa < 0:
573            scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(-kppa, -kppa, -kppa))
574            nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(2, 2, 2))
575        elif kppa <= 13:
576            scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(kppa, kppa, kppa))
577            nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.gamma_centered(kpts=(kppa, kppa, kppa))
578        else:
579            scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=(0, 0, 0))
580            nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=(0, 0, 0))
581    else:
582        # this is the original behaviour before the development of the gwwrapper
583        scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0)
584        nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0)
586    scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm,
587                                   charge=charge, nband=scf_nband, fband=None)
588    nscf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2},
589                                    charge=charge, nband=max(nscf_nband), fband=None)
591    multi_scf = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=max(1, len(scf_diffs)))
593    multi_scf.set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars())
594    multi_scf.set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars())
595    multi_scf.set_vars(extra_abivars_all)
596    multi_scf.set_vars(_stopping_criterion(runlevel="scf", accuracy=accuracy))
597    multi_scf.set_vars(extra_abivars)
599    for variables, abinput in zip(scf_diffs, multi_scf):
600        abinput.set_vars(variables)
602    scf_inputs = multi_scf.split_datasets()
604    # create nscf inputs
605    ndtset = 3 if nksmall is not None else 1
606    nscf_multi = MultiDataset(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudos, ndtset=ndtset)
608    nscf_multi.set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars())
609    nscf_multi.set_vars(extra_abivars_all)
610    nscf_multi.set_vars(_stopping_criterion(runlevel="nscf", accuracy=accuracy))
612    nscf_multi[-1].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars())
614    if nksmall is not None:
615        # if nksmall add bandstructure and dos calculations as well
616        bands_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.path_from_structure(ndivsm=nksmall, structure=structure)
617        dos_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure=structure, kppa=2000)
618        nscf_multi[0].set_vars(bands_ksampling.to_abivars())
619        nscf_multi[0].set_vars({'chksymbreak': 0})
620        nscf_multi[1].set_vars(dos_ksampling.to_abivars())
621        nscf_multi[1].set_vars({'chksymbreak': 0})
623    nscf_inputs = nscf_multi.split_datasets()
625    # create screening and sigma inputs
627    #if scr_nband is None:
628    #   scr_nband = nscf_nband_nscf
629    #if sigma_nband is None:
630    #     sigma_nband = nscf_nband_nscf
632    if 'cd' in response_models:
633        hilbert = aobj.HilbertTransform(nomegasf=100, domegasf=None, spmeth=1, nfreqre=None, freqremax=None, nfreqim=None,
634                                        freqremin=None)
635    scr_inputs = []
636    sigma_inputs = []
637    #print("ecuteps", ecuteps, "nscf_nband", nscf_nband)
639    for response_model in response_models:
640        for ecuteps_v in ecuteps:
641            for nscf_nband_v in nscf_nband:
642                scr_nband = nscf_nband_v
643                sigma_nband = nscf_nband_v
644                multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=2)
645                multi.set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars())
646                multi.set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars())
647                multi.set_vars(extra_abivars_all)
648                multi.set_vars(extra_abivars_gw)
649                if response_model == 'cd':
650                    screening = aobj.Screening(ecuteps_v, scr_nband, w_type="RPA", sc_mode="one_shot", hilbert=hilbert,
651                                               ecutwfn=None, inclvkb=inclvkb)
652                    self_energy = aobj.SelfEnergy("gw", "one_shot", sigma_nband, ecutsigx, screening)
653                else:
654                    ppmodel = response_model
655                    screening = aobj.Screening(ecuteps_v, scr_nband, w_type="RPA", sc_mode="one_shot",
656                                               hilbert=None, ecutwfn=None, inclvkb=inclvkb)
657                    self_energy = aobj.SelfEnergy("gw", "one_shot", sigma_nband, ecutsigx, screening,
658                                                  gw_qprange=gw_qprange, ppmodel=ppmodel)
659                multi[0].set_vars(screening.to_abivars())
660                multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("screening", accuracy))  # Dummy
661                multi[1].set_vars(self_energy.to_abivars())
662                multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("sigma", accuracy))  # Dummy
664                scr_input, sigma_input = multi.split_datasets()
665                scr_inputs.append(scr_input)
666                sigma_inputs.append(sigma_input)
668    return scf_inputs, nscf_inputs, scr_inputs, sigma_inputs
671def bse_with_mdf_inputs(structure, pseudos,
672                        scf_kppa, nscf_nband, nscf_ngkpt, nscf_shiftk,
673                        ecuteps, bs_loband, bs_nband, mbpt_sciss, mdf_epsinf,
674                        ecut=None, pawecutdg=None,
675                        exc_type="TDA", bs_algo="haydock", accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized",
676                        smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None):
677    """
678    Returns a |MultiDataset| object that performs a GS + NSCF + Bethe-Salpeter calculation.
679    The self-energy corrections are approximated with the scissors operator.
680    The screening is modeled with the model dielectric function.
682    Args:
683        structure: |Structure| object.
684        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object.
685        scf_kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run.
686        nscf_nband: Number of bands included in the NSCF run.
687        nscf_ngkpt: Divisions of the k-mesh used for the NSCF and the BSE run.
688        nscf_shiftk: Shifts used for the NSCF and the BSE run.
689        ecuteps: Cutoff energy [Ha] for the screening matrix.
690        bs_loband: Index of the first occupied band included the e-h basis set
691            (ABINIT convention i.e. first band starts at 1).
692            Can be scalar or array of shape (nsppol,)
693        bs_nband: Highest band idex used for the construction of the e-h basis set.
694        mbpt_sciss: Scissor energy in Hartree.
695        mdf_epsinf: Value of the macroscopic dielectric function used in expression for the model dielectric function.
696        ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy)
697        pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the pseudos
698            according to accuracy)
699        exc_type: Approximation used for the BSE Hamiltonian (Tamm-Dancoff or coupling).
700        bs_algo: Algorith for the computatio of the macroscopic dielectric function.
701        accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation.
702        spin_mode: Spin polarization.
703        smearing: Smearing technique.
704        charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell.
705        scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving the SCF cycle.
706    """
707    structure = Structure.as_structure(structure)
708    multi = MultiDataset(structure, pseudos, ndtset=3)
710    # Set the cutoff energies.
711    d = _find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, multi.pseudos, accuracy)
712    multi.set_vars(ecut=d.ecut, ecutwfn=d.ecut, pawecutdg=d.pawecutdg)
714    # Ground-state
715    scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, scf_kppa, chksymbreak=0)
717    scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm,
718                                   charge=charge, nband=None, fband=None)
720    if scf_electrons.nband is None:
721        scf_electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, multi.pseudos, scf_electrons)
723    multi[0].set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars())
724    multi[0].set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars())
725    multi[0].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("scf", accuracy))
727    # NSCF calculation with the randomly-shifted k-mesh.
728    nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.monkhorst(nscf_ngkpt, shiftk=nscf_shiftk, chksymbreak=0)
730    nscf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm={"iscf": -2},
731                                    charge=charge, nband=nscf_nband, fband=None)
733    multi[1].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars())
734    multi[1].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars())
735    multi[1].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy))
737    # BSE calculation.
738    exc_ham = aobj.ExcHamiltonian(bs_loband, bs_nband, mbpt_sciss, coulomb_mode="model_df", ecuteps=ecuteps,
739                                  spin_mode=spin_mode, mdf_epsinf=mdf_epsinf, exc_type=exc_type, algo=bs_algo,
740                                  bs_freq_mesh=None, with_lf=True, zcut=None)
742    multi[2].set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars())
743    multi[2].set_vars(nscf_electrons.to_abivars())
744    multi[2].set_vars(exc_ham.to_abivars())
745    #multi[2].set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy))
747    # TODO: Cannot use istwfk != 1.
748    multi.set_vars(istwfk="*1")
750    return multi
753def scf_phonons_inputs(structure, pseudos, kppa,
754                       ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, scf_nband=None, accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized",
755                       smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None):
756    # TODO: Please check the unused variables in the function
757    """
758    Returns a list of input files for performing phonon calculations.
759    GS input + the input files for the phonon calculation.
761    Args:
762        structure: |Structure| object.
763        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object.
764        kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run.
765        ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy)
766        pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the
767            pseudos according to accuracy)
768        scf_nband: Number of bands for SCF run. If scf_nband is None, nband is automatically initialized from the list of
769            pseudos, the structure and the smearing option.
770        accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation.
771        spin_mode: Spin polarization.
772        smearing: Smearing technique.
773        charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell.
774        scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle.
775    """
776    # Build the input file for the GS run.
777    gs_inp = AbinitInput(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudos)
779    # Set the cutoff energies.
780    gs_inp.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, gs_inp.pseudos, accuracy))
782    ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(gs_inp.structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0)
783    gs_inp.set_vars(ksampling.to_abivars())
784    gs_inp.set_vars(tolvrs=1.0e-18)
786    # Get the qpoints in the IBZ. Note that here we use a q-mesh with ngkpt=(4,4,4) and shiftk=(0,0,0)
787    # i.e. the same parameters used for the k-mesh in gs_inp.
788    qpoints = gs_inp.abiget_ibz(ngkpt=(4, 4, 4), shiftk=(0, 0, 0), kptopt=1).points
789    #print("get_ibz qpoints:", qpoints)
791    # Build the input files for the q-points in the IBZ.
792    #ph_inputs = MultiDataset(gs_inp.structure, pseudos=gs_inp.pseudos, ndtset=len(qpoints))
794    ph_inputs = MultiDataset.replicate_input(gs_inp, ndtset=len(qpoints))
796    for ph_inp, qpt in zip(ph_inputs, qpoints):
797        # Response-function calculation for phonons.
798        ph_inp.set_vars(
799            rfphon=1,        # Will consider phonon-type perturbation
800            nqpt=1,          # One wavevector is to be considered
801            qpt=qpt,         # This wavevector is q=0 (Gamma)
802            tolwfr=1.0e-20,
803            kptopt=3,        # TODO: One could use symmetries for Gamma.
804        )
805            #rfatpol   1 1   # Only the first atom is displaced
806            #rfdir   1 0 0   # Along the first reduced coordinate axis
807            #kptopt   2      # Automatic generation of k points, taking
809        irred_perts = ph_inp.abiget_irred_phperts()
810        # TODO irred_perts is not used ??
812        #for pert in irred_perts:
813        #    #print(pert)
814        #    # TODO this will work for phonons, but not for the other types of perturbations.
815        #    ph_inp = q_inp.deepcopy()
816        #    rfdir = 3 * [0]
817        #    rfdir[pert.idir -1] = 1
818        #    ph_inp.set_vars(
819        #        rfdir=rfdir,
820        #        rfatpol=[pert.ipert, pert.ipert]
821        #    )
822        #    ph_inputs.append(ph_inp)
824    # Split input into gs_inp and ph_inputs
825    all_inps = [gs_inp]
826    all_inps.extend(ph_inputs.split_datasets())
828    return all_inps
831def phonons_from_gsinput(gs_inp, ph_ngqpt=None, qpoints=None, with_ddk=True, with_dde=True, with_bec=False,
832                         ph_tol=None, ddk_tol=None, dde_tol=None, wfq_tol=None, qpoints_to_skip=None, manager=None):
833    """
834    Returns a list of inputs in the form of a MultiDataset to perform phonon calculations, based on
835    a ground state |AbinitInput|.
836    It will determine if WFQ files should be calculated for some q points and add the NSCF AbinitInputs to the set.
837    The inputs have the following tags, according to their function: "ddk", "dde", "nscf", "ph_q_pert".
838    All of them have the tag "phonon".
840    Args:
841        gs_inp: an |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, likely the SCF performed to get the WFK.
842        ph_ngqpt: a list of three integers representing the gamma centered q-point grid used for the calculation.
843            If None and qpoint==None the ngkpt value present in the gs_input will be used.
844            Incompatible with qpoints.
845        qpoints: a list of coordinates of q points in reduced coordinates for which the phonon perturbations will
846            be calculated. Incompatible with ph_ngqpt.
847        with_ddk: If True, if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints it will add inputs for the calculations of
848            the DDK.
849        with_dde: If True, if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints it will add inputs for the calculations of
850            the DDE. Automatically sets with_ddk=True.
851        with_bec: If Truem if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints the DDE will be calculated in the same
852            input as the phonons. This will allow to determine the BECs.
853            Automatically sets with_ddk=True and with_dde=False.
854        ph_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the phonon calculations and
855            its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}.
856        ddk_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDK calculations and
857            its value. Default: {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}.
858        dde_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDE calculations and
859            its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}.
860        wfq_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the NSCF calculations of
861            the WFQ and its value. Default {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}.
862        qpoints_to_skip: a list of coordinates of q points in reduced coordinates that will be skipped.
863            Useful when calculating multiple grids for the same system to avoid duplicate calculations.
864            If a DDB needs to be extended with more q points use e.g. ddb.qpoints.to_array().
865        manager: |TaskManager| of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file.
866    """
867    gs_inp = gs_inp.deepcopy()
868    gs_inp.pop_irdvars()
870    if with_dde:
871        with_ddk = True
873    if with_bec:
874        with_ddk = True
875        with_dde = False
877    if ph_tol is None:
878        ph_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}
880    if ddk_tol is None:
881        ddk_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}
883    if dde_tol is None:
884        dde_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}
886    if wfq_tol is None:
887        wfq_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}
889    multi = []
891    if qpoints is not None and ph_ngqpt is not None:
892        raise ValueError("ph_ngqpt and qpoints can't be used together")
894    if qpoints is None:
895        if ph_ngqpt is None:
896            ph_ngqpt = np.array(gs_inp["ngkpt"])
897        else:
898            ph_ngqpt = np.array(ph_ngqpt)
900        qpoints = gs_inp.abiget_ibz(ngkpt=ph_ngqpt, shiftk=(0, 0, 0), kptopt=1, manager=manager).points
902    if qpoints_to_skip:
903        preserved_qpoints = []
904        for q in qpoints:
905            if not any(np.allclose(q, ddb_q) for ddb_q in qpoints_to_skip):
906                preserved_qpoints.append(q)
907        qpoints = np.array(preserved_qpoints)
909    if ph_ngqpt is None or any(gs_inp["ngkpt"] % ph_ngqpt != 0):
910        # find which q points are needed and build nscf inputs to calculate the WFQ
911        kpts = gs_inp.abiget_ibz(shiftk=(0, 0, 0), kptopt=3, manager=manager).points.tolist()
912        nscf_qpt = []
913        for q in qpoints:
914            if list(q) not in kpts:
915                nscf_qpt.append(q)
916        if nscf_qpt:
917            multi_nscf = MultiDataset.replicate_input(gs_inp, len(nscf_qpt))
918            multi_nscf.set_vars(kptopt=3, nqpt=1, iscf=-2)
919            if wfq_tol:
920                multi_nscf.set_vars(**wfq_tol)
921            else:
922                multi_nscf.set_vars(tolwfr=1e-22)
923            for q, nscf_inp in zip(nscf_qpt, multi_nscf):
924                nscf_inp.set_vars(qpt=q)
926            multi_nscf.add_tags(atags.NSCF)
928            multi.extend(multi_nscf)
930    # Build the input files for the q-points in the IBZ.
931    # Response-function calculation for phonons.
932    for qpt in qpoints:
933        if np.allclose(qpt, 0):
934            if with_ddk:
935                multi_ddk = gs_inp.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tol)
936                multi_ddk.add_tags(atags.DDK)
937                multi.extend(multi_ddk)
938            if with_dde:
939                multi_dde = gs_inp.make_dde_inputs(dde_tol, manager=manager)
940                multi_dde.add_tags(atags.DDE)
941                multi.extend(multi_dde)
942            elif with_bec:
943                multi_bec = gs_inp.make_bec_inputs(ph_tol, manager=manager)
944                multi_bec.add_tags(atags.BEC)
945                multi.extend(multi_bec)
946                continue
948        multi_ph_q = gs_inp.make_ph_inputs_qpoint(qpt, ph_tol)
949        multi_ph_q.add_tags(atags.PH_Q_PERT)
950        multi.extend(multi_ph_q)
952    multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs(multi)
953    multi.add_tags(atags.PHONON)
955    return multi
958def piezo_elastic_inputs_from_gsinput(gs_inp, ddk_tol=None, rf_tol=None, ddk_split=False, rf_split=False,
959                                      manager=None):
960    """
961    Returns a |MultiDataset| for performing elastic and piezoelectric constants calculations.
962    GS input + the input files for the elastic and piezoelectric constants calculation.
964    Args:
965        gs_inp: Ground State input to build piezo elastic inputs from.
966        ddk_tol: Tolerance for the DDK calculation (i.e. {"tolwfr": 1.0e-20}).
967        rf_tol: Tolerance for the Strain RF calculations (i.e. {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12}).
968        ddk_split: Whether to split the DDK calculations.
969        rf_split: whether to split the RF calculations.
970        manager: |TaskManager| of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file.
971    """
972    # Ddk input(s)
973    if ddk_split:
974        multi = gs_inp.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tol)
975    else:
976        ddk_inp = gs_inp.deepcopy()
978        ddk_inp.set_vars(
979                    rfelfd=2,             # Activate the calculation of the d/dk perturbation
980                    rfdir=(1,1,1),        # All directions
981                    nqpt=1,               # One wavevector is to be considered
982                    qpt=(0, 0, 0),        # q-wavevector.
983                    kptopt=3,             # Take into account time-reversal symmetry.
984                    iscf=-3,              # The d/dk perturbation must be treated in a non-self-consistent way
985                    paral_kgb=0
986                )
987        if ddk_tol is None:
988            ddk_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-20}
990        if len(ddk_tol) != 1 or any(k not in _tolerances for k in ddk_tol):
991            raise ValueError("Invalid tolerance: {}".format(ddk_tol))
992        ddk_inp.pop_tolerances()
993        ddk_inp.set_vars(ddk_tol)
994        # Adding buffer to help convergence ...
995        if 'nbdbuf' not in ddk_inp:
996            nbdbuf = max(int(0.1*ddk_inp['nband']), 4)
997            ddk_inp.set_vars(nband=ddk_inp['nband']+nbdbuf, nbdbuf=nbdbuf)
999        multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([ddk_inp])
1000    multi.add_tags(atags.DDK)
1002    # Response Function input(s)
1003    if rf_split:
1004        multi_rf = gs_inp.make_strain_perts_inputs(tolerance=rf_tol, manager=manager)
1005    else:
1006        rf_inp = gs_inp.deepcopy()
1008        rf_inp.set_vars(rfphon=1,                          # Atomic displacement perturbation
1009                        rfatpol=(1,len(gs_inp.structure)), # Perturbation of all atoms
1010                        rfstrs=3,                          # Do the strain perturbations
1011                        rfdir=(1,1,1),                     # All directions
1012                        nqpt=1,                            # One wavevector is to be considered
1013                        qpt=(0, 0, 0),                     # q-wavevector.
1014                        kptopt=3,                          # Take into account time-reversal symmetry.
1015                        iscf=7,                            # The rfstrs perturbation must be treated in a
1016                                                           #  self-consistent way
1017                        paral_kgb=0
1018                        )
1020        if rf_tol is None:
1021            rf_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12}
1023        if len(rf_tol) != 1 or any(k not in _tolerances for k in rf_tol):
1024            raise ValueError("Invalid tolerance: {}".format(rf_tol))
1025        rf_inp.pop_tolerances()
1026        rf_inp.set_vars(rf_tol)
1028        # Adding buffer to help convergence ...
1029        if 'nbdbuf' not in rf_inp:
1030            nbdbuf = max(int(0.1*rf_inp['nband']), 4)
1031            rf_inp.set_vars(nband=rf_inp['nband']+nbdbuf, nbdbuf=nbdbuf)
1033        multi_rf = MultiDataset.from_inputs([rf_inp])
1034    multi_rf.add_tags([atags.DFPT, atags.STRAIN])
1035    for inp in multi_rf:
1036        if inp.get('rfphon', 0) == 1:
1037            inp.add_tags(atags.PHONON)
1039    multi.extend(multi_rf)
1041    return multi
1044def scf_piezo_elastic_inputs(structure, pseudos, kppa, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, scf_nband=None,
1045                             accuracy="normal", spin_mode="polarized",
1046                             smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None,
1047                             ddk_tol=None, rf_tol=None, ddk_split=False, rf_split=False):
1049    """
1050    Returns a |MultiDataset| for performing elastic and piezoelectric constants calculations.
1051    GS input + the input files for the elastic and piezoelectric constants calculation.
1053    Args:
1054        structure: |Structure| object.
1055        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object.
1056        kppa: Defines the sampling used for the SCF run.
1057        ecut: cutoff energy in Ha (if None, ecut is initialized from the pseudos according to accuracy)
1058        pawecutdg: cutoff energy in Ha for PAW double-grid (if None, pawecutdg is initialized from the
1059            pseudos according to accuracy)
1060        scf_nband: Number of bands for SCF run. If scf_nband is None, nband is automatically initialized
1061            from the list of pseudos, the structure and the smearing option.
1062        accuracy: Accuracy of the calculation.
1063        spin_mode: Spin polarization.
1064        smearing: Smearing technique.
1065        charge: Electronic charge added to the unit cell.
1066        scf_algorithm: Algorithm used for solving of the SCF cycle.
1067        ddk_tol: Tolerance for the Ddk calculation (i.e. {"tolwfr": 1.0e-20}).
1068        rf_tol: Tolerance for the Strain RF calculations (i.e. {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12}).
1069        ddk_split: Whether to split the ddk calculations.
1070        rf_split: whether to split the RF calculations.
1071    """
1072    # Build the input file for the GS run.
1073    gs_inp = scf_input(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudos, kppa=kppa, ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg,
1074                       nband=scf_nband, accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, charge=charge,
1075                       scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm, shift_mode="Gamma-centered")
1077    # Adding buffer to help convergence ...
1078    nbdbuf = max(int(0.1*gs_inp['nband']), 4)
1079    gs_inp.set_vars(nband=gs_inp['nband']+nbdbuf, nbdbuf=nbdbuf)
1081    multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([gs_inp])
1083    piezo_elastic_inputs = piezo_elastic_inputs_from_gsinput(gs_inp=gs_inp, ddk_tol=ddk_tol, rf_tol=rf_tol)
1085    multi.extend(piezo_elastic_inputs)
1087    return multi
1090def scf_input(structure, pseudos, kppa=None, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, nband=None, accuracy="normal",
1091              spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None,
1092              shift_mode="Monkhorst-Pack"):
1093    """
1094    Returns an |AbinitInput| object for standard GS calculations.
1095    """
1096    structure = Structure.as_structure(structure)
1098    abinit_input = AbinitInput(structure, pseudos)
1100    # Set the cutoff energies.
1101    abinit_input.set_vars(_find_ecut_pawecutdg(ecut, pawecutdg, abinit_input.pseudos, accuracy))
1103    # SCF calculation.
1104    kppa = _DEFAULTS.get("kppa") if kppa is None else kppa
1105    shift_mode = ShiftMode.from_object(shift_mode)
1106    shifts = _get_shifts(shift_mode, structure)
1107    scf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(structure, kppa, chksymbreak=0, shifts=shifts)
1108    scf_electrons = aobj.Electrons(spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, algorithm=scf_algorithm,
1109                                   charge=charge, nband=nband, fband=None)
1111    if spin_mode == "polarized":
1112        abinit_input.set_autospinat()
1114    if scf_electrons.nband is None:
1115        scf_electrons.nband = _find_scf_nband(structure, abinit_input.pseudos, scf_electrons,
1116                                              abinit_input.get('spinat', None))
1118    abinit_input.set_vars(scf_ksampling.to_abivars())
1119    abinit_input.set_vars(scf_electrons.to_abivars())
1120    abinit_input.set_vars(_stopping_criterion("scf", accuracy))
1122    return abinit_input
1125def ebands_from_gsinput(gsinput, nband=None, ndivsm=15, accuracy="normal"):
1126    """
1127    Return an |AbinitInput| object to compute a band structure from a GS SCF input.
1129    Args:
1130        gsinput:
1131        nband:
1132        ndivsm:
1133        accuracy:
1135    Return: |AbinitInput|
1136    """
1137    # create a copy to avoid messing with the previous input
1138    bands_input = gsinput.deepcopy()
1140    bands_input.pop_irdvars()
1142    nscf_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.path_from_structure(ndivsm, gsinput.structure)
1143    if nband is None:
1144        nband = gsinput.get("nband", gsinput.structure.num_valence_electrons(gsinput.pseudos)) + 10
1146    bands_input.set_vars(nscf_ksampling.to_abivars())
1147    bands_input.set_vars(nband=nband, iscf=-2)
1148    bands_input.set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy))
1150    return bands_input
1153def dos_from_gsinput(gsinput, dos_kppa, nband=None, accuracy="normal", pdos=False):
1155    # create a copy to avoid messing with the previous input
1156    dos_input = gsinput.deepcopy()
1157    dos_input.pop_irdvars()
1159    dos_ksampling = aobj.KSampling.automatic_density(dos_input.structure, dos_kppa, chksymbreak=0)
1160    dos_input.set_vars(dos_ksampling.to_abivars())
1161    dos_input.set_vars(iscf=-2, ionmov=0)
1162    dos_input.set_vars(_stopping_criterion("nscf", accuracy))
1164    if pdos:
1165        # FIXME
1166        raise NotImplementedError()
1168    return dos_input
1171def ioncell_relax_from_gsinput(gsinput, accuracy="normal"):
1173    ioncell_input = gsinput.deepcopy()
1174    ioncell_input.pop_irdvars()
1176    ioncell_relax = aobj.RelaxationMethod.atoms_and_cell(atoms_constraints=None)
1177    ioncell_input.set_vars(ioncell_relax.to_abivars())
1178    ioncell_input.set_vars(_stopping_criterion("relax", accuracy))
1180    return ioncell_input
1183def hybrid_oneshot_input(gsinput, functional="hse06", ecutsigx=None, gw_qprange=1):
1185    hybrid_input = gsinput.deepcopy()
1186    hybrid_input.pop_irdvars()
1188    functional = functional.lower()
1189    if functional == 'hse06':
1190        gwcalctyp = 115
1191        icutcoul = 5
1192        rcut = 9.090909
1193    elif functional == 'pbe0':
1194        gwcalctyp = 215
1195        icutcoul = 6
1196        rcut = 0.
1197    elif functional == 'b3lyp':
1198        gwcalctyp = 315
1199        icutcoul = 6
1200        rcut = 0.
1201    else:
1202        raise ValueError("Unknow functional {0}.".format(functional))
1204    ecut = hybrid_input['ecut']
1205    ecutsigx = ecutsigx or 2*ecut
1207    hybrid_input.set_vars(optdriver=4, gwcalctyp=gwcalctyp, gw_nstep=1, gwpara=2, icutcoul=icutcoul, rcut=rcut,
1208                          gw_qprange=gw_qprange, ecutwfn=ecut*0.995, ecutsigx=ecutsigx)
1210    return hybrid_input
1213def hybrid_scf_input(gsinput, functional="hse06", ecutsigx=None, gw_qprange=1):
1215    hybrid_input = hybrid_oneshot_input(gsinput=gsinput, functional=functional, ecutsigx=ecutsigx, gw_qprange=gw_qprange)
1217    hybrid_input['gwcalctyp'] += 10
1219    return hybrid_input
1222def scf_for_phonons(structure, pseudos, kppa=None, ecut=None, pawecutdg=None, nband=None, accuracy="normal",
1223                    spin_mode="polarized", smearing="fermi_dirac:0.1 eV", charge=0.0, scf_algorithm=None,
1224                    shift_mode="Symmetric"):
1226    abiinput = scf_input(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudos, kppa=kppa, ecut=ecut, pawecutdg=pawecutdg, nband=nband,
1227                         accuracy=accuracy, spin_mode=spin_mode, smearing=smearing, charge=charge,
1228                         scf_algorithm=scf_algorithm, shift_mode=shift_mode)
1230    nbdbuf = 4
1231    # with no smearing set the minimum number of bands plus some nbdbuf
1232    if smearing is None:
1233        nval = structure.num_valence_electrons(pseudos)
1234        nval -= abiinput['charge']
1235        nband = int(round(nval / 2) + nbdbuf)
1236        abiinput.set_vars(nband=nband)
1238    # enforce symmetries and add a buffer of bands to ease convergence with tolwfr
1239    abiinput.set_vars(chksymbreak=1, nbdbuf=nbdbuf, tolwfr=1.e-22)
1241    return abiinput
1244def dte_from_gsinput(gs_inp, use_phonons=True, ph_tol=None, ddk_tol=None, dde_tol=None,
1245                     skip_dte_permutations=False, manager=None):
1246    """
1247    Returns a list of inputs in the form of a |MultiDataset| to perform calculations of non-linear properties, based on
1248    a ground state AbinitInput.
1250    The inputs have the following tags, according to their function: "ddk", "dde", "ph_q_pert" and "dte".
1251    All of them have the tag "dfpt".
1253    Args:
1254        gs_inp: an |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, likely the SCF performed to get the WFK.
1255        use_phonons: determine wether the phonon perturbations at gamma should be included or not
1256        ph_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the phonon calculations and
1257            its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-22}.
1258        ddk_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDK calculations and
1259            its value. Default: {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}.
1260        dde_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDE calculations and
1261            its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-22}.
1262        skip_dte_permutations: Since the current version of abinit always performs all the permutations of the
1263            perturbations, even if only one is asked, if True avoids the creation of inputs that will produce
1264            duplicated outputs.
1265        manager: |TaskManager| of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file.
1266    """
1267    gs_inp = gs_inp.deepcopy()
1268    gs_inp.pop_irdvars()
1270    if ph_tol is None:
1271        ph_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-22}
1273    if ddk_tol is None:
1274        ddk_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}
1276    if dde_tol is None:
1277        dde_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-22}
1279    multi = []
1281    multi_ddk = gs_inp.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tol)
1282    multi_ddk.add_tags(atags.DDK)
1283    multi.extend(multi_ddk)
1284    multi_dde = gs_inp.make_dde_inputs(dde_tol, use_symmetries=False, manager=manager)
1285    multi_dde.add_tags(atags.DDE)
1286    multi.extend(multi_dde)
1288    if use_phonons:
1289        multi_ph = gs_inp.make_ph_inputs_qpoint([0,0,0], ph_tol, manager=manager)
1290        multi_ph.add_tags(atags.PH_Q_PERT)
1291        multi.extend(multi_ph)
1293    # non-linear calculations do not accept more bands than those in the valence. Set the correct values.
1294    # Do this as last, so not to interfere with the the generation of the other steps.
1295    nval = gs_inp.structure.num_valence_electrons(gs_inp.pseudos)
1296    nval -= gs_inp['charge']
1297    nband = int(round(nval / 2))
1298    gs_inp.set_vars(nband=nband)
1299    gs_inp.pop('nbdbuf', None)
1300    multi_dte = gs_inp.make_dte_inputs(phonon_pert=use_phonons, skip_permutations=skip_dte_permutations,
1301                                       manager=manager)
1302    multi_dte.add_tags(atags.DTE)
1303    multi.extend(multi_dte)
1305    multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs(multi)
1306    multi.add_tags(atags.DFPT)
1308    return multi
1311def dfpt_from_gsinput(gs_inp, ph_ngqpt=None, qpoints=None, do_ddk=True, do_dde=True, do_strain=True,
1312                      do_dte=False, ph_tol=None, ddk_tol=None, dde_tol=None, wfq_tol=None, strain_tol=None,
1313                      skip_dte_permutations=False, manager=None):
1314    """
1315    Returns a list of inputs in the form of a MultiDataset to perform a set of calculations based on DFPT including
1316    phonons, elastic and non-linear properties. Requires a ground state |AbinitInput| as a starting point.
1318    It will determine if WFQ files should be calculated for some q points and add the NSCF AbinitInputs to the set.
1319    The original input is included and the inputs have the following tags, according to their function:
1320    "scf", "ddk", "dde", "nscf", "ph_q_pert", "strain", "dte", "dfpt".
1322    N.B. Currently (version 8.8.3) anaddb does not support a DDB containing both 2nd order derivatives with qpoints
1323    different from gamma AND  3rd oreder derivatives. The calculations could be run, but the global DDB will not
1324    be directly usable as is.
1326    Args:
1327        gs_inp: an |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, likely the SCF performed to get the WFK.
1328        ph_ngqpt: a list of three integers representing the gamma centered q-point grid used for the calculation.
1329            If None and qpoint==None the ngkpt value present in the gs_input will be used.
1330            Incompatible with qpoints.
1331        qpoints: a list of coordinates of q points in reduced coordinates for which the phonon perturbations will
1332            be calculated. Incompatible with ph_ngqpt.
1333        do_ddk: If True, if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints it will add inputs for the calculations of
1334            the DDK.
1335        do_dde: If True, if Gamma is included in the list of qpoints it will add inputs for the calculations of
1336            the DDE. Automatically sets with_ddk=True.
1337        do_strain: If True inputs for the strain perturbations will be included.
1338        do_dte: If True inputs for the non-linear perturbations will be included. The phonon non-linear perturbations
1339            will be included only if a phonon calculation at gamma is present. The caller is responsible for
1340            adding it. Automatically sets with_dde=True.
1341        ph_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the phonon calculations and
1342            its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}.
1343        ddk_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDK calculations and
1344            its value. Default: {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}.
1345        dde_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the DDE calculations and
1346            its value. Default: {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}.
1347        wfq_tol: a dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the NSCF calculations of
1348            the WFQ and its value. Default {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}.
1349        strain_tol:  dictionary with a single key defining the type of tolerance used for the strain calculations of
1350            and its value. Default {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12}.
1351        skip_dte_permutations: Since the current version of abinit always performs all the permutations of the
1352            perturbations, even if only one is asked, if True avoids the creation of inputs that will produce
1353            duplicated outputs.
1354        manager: |TaskManager| of the task. If None, the manager is initialized from the config file.
1355    """
1357    if ph_tol is None:
1358        ph_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}
1359    if ddk_tol is None:
1360        ddk_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}
1361    if dde_tol is None:
1362        dde_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-10}
1363    if wfq_tol is None:
1364        wfq_tol = {"tolwfr": 1.0e-22}
1365    if strain_tol is None:
1366        strain_tol = {"tolvrs": 1.0e-12}
1368    if do_dde:
1369        do_ddk = True
1371    if do_dte:
1372        do_dde = True
1374    multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([gs_inp])
1375    multi[0].add_tags(atags.SCF)
1377    do_phonons = ph_ngqpt is not None or qpoints is not None
1378    has_gamma = False
1379    if do_phonons:
1380        multi.extend(phonons_from_gsinput(gs_inp, ph_ngqpt=ph_ngqpt, qpoints=qpoints, with_ddk=False, with_dde=False,
1381                                          with_bec=False, ph_tol=ph_tol, ddk_tol=ddk_tol, dde_tol=dde_tol,
1382                                          wfq_tol=wfq_tol, qpoints_to_skip=None, manager=manager))
1383        has_gamma = ph_ngqpt is not None or any(np.allclose(q, [0, 0, 0]) for q in qpoints)
1385    if do_ddk:
1386        multi_ddk = gs_inp.make_ddk_inputs(tolerance=ddk_tol)
1387        multi_ddk.add_tags(atags.DDK)
1388        multi.extend(multi_ddk)
1389    if do_dde:
1390        multi_dde = gs_inp.make_dde_inputs(dde_tol, use_symmetries=not do_dte, manager=manager)
1391        multi_dde.add_tags(atags.DDE)
1392        multi.extend(multi_dde)
1394    if do_strain:
1395        multi_strain = gs_inp.make_strain_perts_inputs(tolerance=strain_tol, manager=manager, phonon_pert=False,
1396                                                       kptopt=2)
1397        multi_strain.add_tags([atags.DFPT, atags.STRAIN])
1398        multi.extend(multi_strain)
1400    if do_dte:
1401        # non-linear calculations do not accept more bands than those in the valence. Set the correct values.
1402        nval = gs_inp.structure.num_valence_electrons(gs_inp.pseudos)
1403        nval -= gs_inp['charge']
1404        nband = int(round(nval / 2))
1405        gs_inp_copy = gs_inp.deepcopy()
1406        gs_inp_copy.set_vars(nband=nband)
1407        gs_inp_copy.pop('nbdbuf', None)
1408        multi_dte = gs_inp_copy.make_dte_inputs(phonon_pert=do_phonons and has_gamma,
1409                                                skip_permutations=skip_dte_permutations, manager=manager)
1410        multi_dte.add_tags([atags.DTE, atags.DFPT])
1411        multi.extend(multi_dte)
1413    return multi
1416def conduc_from_inputs(scf_input, nscf_input, tmesh, ddb_ngqpt, eph_ngqpt_fine, sigma_erange, boxcutmin=1.1, mixprec=1):
1417    """
1418    Returns a list of inputs in the form of a MultiDataset to perform a set of calculations to determine conductivity.
1419    This part require a ground state |AbinitInput| and a non self-consistent |AbinitInput|. You will also need
1420    a work to get DDB and DVDB since |ConducWork| needs these files.
1422    Args:
1423        scf_input: |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, the SCF performed to get the WFK.
1424        nscf_input: |AbinitInput| representing a nscf ground state calculation, the NSCF performed to get the WFK.
1425            most parameters for subsequent tasks will be taken from this inputs.
1426        tmesh: The mesh of temperature (in Kelvin) where we calculate the conductivity.
1427        ddb_ngqpt: the coarse grid of q-points used to compute the DDB and DVDB files in the previous phonon_work.
1428        eph_ngqpt_fine: the fine grid of q-points used for the Fourier nterpolation.
1429        boxcutmin: For the last task only, 1.1 is often used to decrease memory and is faster over the Abinit default of 2.
1430        mixprec: For the last task only, 1 is often used to make the EPH calculation faster. Note that Abinit default is 0.
1431    """
1432    # Create a MultiDataset from scf input
1433    multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([scf_input])
1435    # Add 2 times the nscf input at the end of the MultiDataset
1436    extension = MultiDataset.replicate_input(nscf_input, 2)
1437    multi.extend(extension)
1439    # Modify the second nscf input to get a task that interpolate the DVDB
1440    #multi[2].pop_vars("iscf")
1441    #multi[2].set_vars(irdden=0, optdriver=7,
1442    #                  ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt,
1443    #                  eph_task=5,
1444    #                  eph_ngqpt_fine=eph_ngqpt_fine)
1446    # Modify the third nscf input to get a conductivity task
1447    multi[2].pop_vars("iscf")
1448    multi[2].set_vars(irdden=0,
1449                      optdriver=7,
1450                      ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt,
1451                      eph_ngqpt_fine=eph_ngqpt_fine,
1452                      eph_task=-4,
1453                      tmesh=tmesh,
1454                      sigma_erange=sigma_erange,
1455                      boxcutmin=boxcutmin,
1456                      mixprec=mixprec)
1458    return multi
1461def conduc_kerange_from_inputs(scf_input, nscf_input, tmesh, ddb_ngqpt, eph_ngqpt_fine,
1462                               sigma_ngkpt, sigma_erange, einterp=(1, 5, 0, 0), boxcutmin=1.1, mixprec=1):
1463    """
1464    Returns a list of inputs in the form of a MultiDataset to perform a set of calculations to determine the conductivity.
1465    This part require a ground state |AbinitInput| and a non self-consistent |AbinitInput|. You will also need
1466    a work to get DDB and DVDB since |ConducWork| needs these files.
1468    Args:
1469        scf_input: |AbinitInput| representing a ground state calculation, the SCF performed to get the WFK.
1470        nscf_input: |AbinitInput| representing a nscf ground state calculation, the NSCF performed to get the WFK.
1471            most parameters for subsequent tasks will be taken from this inputs.
1472        ddb_ngqpt: the coarse q-point grid used to get the DDB and DVDB files.
1473        eph_ngqpt_fine: the fine qpoints grid that will be interpolated.
1474        sigma_ngkpt: The fine grid of kpt inside the sigma interval
1475        sigma_erange: The energy range for Sigma_nk
1476        einterp: The interpolation used. By default it is a star-function interpolation.
1477        boxcutmin: For the last task only, 1.1 is often used to decrease memory and is faster over the Abinit default of 2.
1478        mixprec: For the last task only, 1 is often used to make the EPH calculation faster. Note that Abinit default is 0.
1479    """
1480    # Create a MultiDataset from scf input
1481    multi = MultiDataset.from_inputs([scf_input])
1483    # Add 4 times the nscf input at the end of the MultiDataset
1484    extension = MultiDataset.replicate_input(nscf_input, 4)
1485    multi.extend(extension)
1487    # Modify the second nscf input to get a task that calculate the kpt in the sigma interval (Kerange.nc file)
1488    multi[2].set_vars(optdriver=8, wfk_task='"wfk_kpts_erange"', kptopt=1,
1489                      sigma_ngkpt=sigma_ngkpt, einterp=einterp, sigma_erange=sigma_erange)
1491    # Modify the third nscf input to get a task that add the kpt of Kerange.nc to the WFK file
1492    multi[3].set_vars(optdriver=0, iscf=-2, kptopt=0, ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt)
1494    # Modify the fourth nscf input to get a task that interpolate the DVDB
1495    #multi[4].pop_vars("iscf")
1496    #multi[4].set_vars(irdden=0, optdriver=7,
1497    #                  ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt,
1498    #                  eph_task=5,
1499    #                  eph_ngqpt_fine=eph_ngqpt_fine)
1501    # Modify the third nscf input to get a conductivity task
1502    multi[4].pop_vars("iscf")
1503    multi[4].set_vars(irdden=0,
1504                      optdriver=7,
1505                      ddb_ngqpt=ddb_ngqpt,
1506                      eph_ngqpt_fine=eph_ngqpt_fine,
1507                      eph_task=-4,
1508                      tmesh=tmesh,
1509                      sigma_erange=sigma_erange,
1510                      ngkpt=sigma_ngkpt,
1511                      boxcutmin=boxcutmin,
1512                      mixprec=mixprec)
1514    return multi
1517def minimal_scf_input(structure, pseudos):
1518    """
1519    Provides an input for a calculation with the minimum possible requirements.
1520    Can be used to execute abinit with minimal requirements when needing files
1521    that are produced only after a full calculation completes.
1522    In general this will contain 1 kpt, 1 band, very low cutoff, no polarization,
1523    no smearing. Disables checks on primitive cell and symmetries.
1524    Even for large system it will require small memory allocations and few seconds
1525    to execute.
1527    Args:
1528        structure: |Structure| object.
1529        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object.
1530    """
1532    inp = scf_input(structure, pseudos, smearing=None, spin_mode="unpolarized")
1533    inp["ngkpt"] = [1, 1, 1]
1534    inp["nshiftk"] = 1
1535    inp["shiftk"] = [[0, 0, 0]]
1536    inp["nstep"] = 0
1537    inp["ecut"] = 3  # should be reasonable, otherwise abinit raises an error
1538    inp["nband"] = 1
1539    inp["chkprim"] = 0
1540    inp["chksymbreak"] = 0
1541    inp["charge"] = structure.num_valence_electrons(inp.pseudos) - 1
1542    inp["boxcutmin"] = 1.2
1543    return inp
1546#FIXME if the pseudos are passed as a PseudoTable the whole table will be serialized,
1547# it would be better to filter on the structure elements
1548class InputFactory(MSONable):
1549    factory_function = None
1550    input_required = True
1552    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1553        if self.factory_function is None:
1554            raise NotImplementedError('The factory function should be specified')
1556        self.args = args
1557        self.kwargs = kwargs
1559    def build_input(self, previous_input=None):
1560        # make a copy to pop additional parameteres
1561        kwargs = dict(self.kwargs)
1562        decorators = kwargs.pop('decorators', [])
1563        if not isinstance(decorators, (list, tuple)):
1564            decorators = [decorators]
1565        extra_abivars = kwargs.pop('extra_abivars', {})
1566        if self.input_required:
1567            if not previous_input:
1568                raise ValueError('An input is required for factory function {0}.'.format(self.factory_function.__name__))
1569            abiinput = self.factory_function(previous_input, *self.args, **kwargs)
1570        else:
1571            abiinput = self.factory_function(*self.args, **kwargs)
1573        for d in decorators:
1574            abiinput = d(abiinput)
1575        abiinput.set_vars(extra_abivars)
1577        return abiinput
1579    @pmg_serialize
1580    def as_dict(self):
1581        # sanitize to avoid numpy arrays and serialize MSONable objects
1582        return jsanitize(dict(args=self.args, kwargs=self.kwargs), strict=True)
1584    @classmethod
1585    def from_dict(cls, d):
1586        dec = MontyDecoder()
1587        return cls(*dec.process_decoded(d['args']), **dec.process_decoded(d['kwargs']))
1590class BandsFromGsFactory(InputFactory):
1591    factory_function = staticmethod(ebands_from_gsinput)
1594class IoncellRelaxFromGsFactory(InputFactory):
1595    factory_function = staticmethod(ioncell_relax_from_gsinput)
1598class HybridOneShotFromGsFactory(InputFactory):
1599    factory_function = staticmethod(hybrid_oneshot_input)
1602class HybridScfFromGsFactory(InputFactory):
1603    factory_function = staticmethod(hybrid_scf_input)
1606class ScfFactory(InputFactory):
1607    factory_function = staticmethod(scf_input)
1608    input_required = False
1611class ScfForPhononsFactory(InputFactory):
1612    factory_function = staticmethod(scf_for_phonons)
1613    input_required = False
1616class PhononsFromGsFactory(InputFactory):
1617    factory_function = staticmethod(phonons_from_gsinput)
1620class PiezoElasticFactory(InputFactory):
1621    factory_function = staticmethod(scf_piezo_elastic_inputs)
1622    input_required = False
1625class PiezoElasticFromGsFactory(InputFactory):
1626    factory_function = staticmethod(piezo_elastic_inputs_from_gsinput)