1# distutils: language = c
2# cython: wraparound=False, cdivision=True, boundscheck=False
4import cython
5import numpy as np
6from libc.math cimport sqrt
7from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
9cimport numpy as cnp
11from dipy.tracking import Streamlines
14cdef extern from "dpy_math.h" nogil:
15    bint dpy_isnan(double x)
18cdef double c_length(Streamline streamline) nogil:
19    cdef:
20        cnp.npy_intp i
21        double out = 0.0
22        double dn, sum_dn_sqr
24    for i in range(1, streamline.shape[0]):
25        sum_dn_sqr = 0.0
26        for j in range(streamline.shape[1]):
27            dn = streamline[i, j] - streamline[i-1, j]
28            sum_dn_sqr += dn*dn
30        out += sqrt(sum_dn_sqr)
32    return out
35cdef void c_arclengths_from_arraysequence(Streamline points,
36                                          cnp.npy_intp[:] offsets,
37                                          cnp.npy_intp[:] lengths,
38                                          double[:] arclengths) nogil:
39    cdef:
40        cnp.npy_intp i, j, k
41        cnp.npy_intp offset
42        double dn, sum_dn_sqr
44    for i in range(offsets.shape[0]):
45        offset = offsets[i]
47        arclengths[i] = 0
48        for j in range(1, lengths[i]):
49            sum_dn_sqr = 0.0
50            for k in range(points.shape[1]):
51                dn = points[offset+j, k] - points[offset+j-1, k]
52                sum_dn_sqr += dn*dn
54            arclengths[i] += sqrt(sum_dn_sqr)
57def length(streamlines):
58    """ Euclidean length of streamlines
60    Length is in mm only if streamlines are expressed in world coordinates.
62    Parameters
63    ------------
64    streamlines : ndarray or a list or :class:`dipy.tracking.Streamlines`
65        If ndarray, must have shape (N,3) where N is the number of points
66        of the streamline.
67        If list, each item must be ndarray shape (Ni,3) where Ni is the number
68        of points of streamline i.
69        If :class:`dipy.tracking.Streamlines`, its `common_shape` must be 3.
71    Returns
72    ---------
73    lengths : scalar or ndarray shape (N,)
74       If there is only one streamline, a scalar representing the length of the
75       streamline.
76       If there are several streamlines, ndarray containing the length of every
77       streamline.
79    Examples
80    ----------
81    >>> from dipy.tracking.streamline import length
82    >>> import numpy as np
83    >>> streamline = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [2, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0]])
84    >>> expected_length = np.sqrt([1+2**2+3**2, 2**2+3**2+4**2]).sum()
85    >>> length(streamline) == expected_length
86    True
87    >>> streamlines = [streamline, np.vstack([streamline, streamline[::-1]])]
88    >>> expected_lengths = [expected_length, 2*expected_length]
89    >>> lengths = [length(streamlines[0]), length(streamlines[1])]
90    >>> np.allclose(lengths, expected_lengths)
91    True
92    >>> length([])
93    0.0
94    >>> length(np.array([[1, 2, 3]]))
95    0.0
97    """
98    if isinstance(streamlines, Streamlines):
99        if len(streamlines) == 0:
100            return 0.0
102        arclengths = np.zeros(len(streamlines), dtype=np.float64)
104        if streamlines._data.dtype == np.float32:
105            c_arclengths_from_arraysequence[float2d](
106                                    streamlines._data,
107                                    streamlines._offsets.astype(np.intp),
108                                    streamlines._lengths.astype(np.intp),
109                                    arclengths)
110        else:
111            c_arclengths_from_arraysequence[double2d](
112                                      streamlines._data,
113                                      streamlines._offsets.astype(np.intp),
114                                      streamlines._lengths.astype(np.intp),
115                                      arclengths)
117        return arclengths
119    only_one_streamlines = False
120    if type(streamlines) is cnp.ndarray:
121        only_one_streamlines = True
122        streamlines = [streamlines]
124    if len(streamlines) == 0:
125        return 0.0
127    dtype = streamlines[0].dtype
128    for streamline in streamlines:
129        if streamline.dtype != dtype:
130            dtype = None
131            break
133    # Allocate memory for each streamline length.
134    streamlines_length = np.empty(len(streamlines), dtype=np.float64)
135    cdef cnp.npy_intp i
137    if dtype is None:
138        # List of streamlines having different dtypes
139        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
140            dtype = streamlines[i].dtype
141            # HACK: To avoid memleaks we have to recast with astype(dtype).
142            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(dtype)
143            if dtype != np.float32 and dtype != np.float64:
144                is_integer = dtype == np.int64 or dtype == np.uint64
145                dtype = np.float64 if is_integer else np.float32
146                streamline = streamlines[i].astype(dtype)
148            if dtype == np.float32:
149                streamlines_length[i] = c_length[float2d](streamline)
150            else:
151                streamlines_length[i] = c_length[double2d](streamline)
153    elif dtype == np.float32:
154        # All streamlines have composed of float32 points
155        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
156            # HACK: To avoid memleaks we have to recast with astype(dtype).
157            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(dtype)
158            streamlines_length[i] = c_length[float2d](streamline)
159    elif dtype == np.float64:
160        # All streamlines are composed of float64 points
161        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
162            # HACK: To avoid memleaks we have to recast with astype(dtype).
163            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(dtype)
164            streamlines_length[i] = c_length[double2d](streamline)
165    elif dtype == np.int64 or dtype == np.uint64:
166        # All streamlines are composed of int64 or uint64 points so convert
167        # them in float64 one at the time.
168        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
169            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(np.float64)
170            streamlines_length[i] = c_length[double2d](streamline)
171    else:
172        # All streamlines are composed of points with a dtype fitting in
173        # 32 bits so convert them in float32 one at the time.
174        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
175            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(np.float32)
176            streamlines_length[i] = c_length[float2d](streamline)
178    if only_one_streamlines:
179        return streamlines_length[0]
180    else:
181        return streamlines_length
184cdef void c_arclengths(Streamline streamline, double* out) nogil:
185    cdef cnp.npy_intp i = 0
186    cdef double dn
188    out[0] = 0.0
189    for i in range(1, streamline.shape[0]):
190        out[i] = 0.0
191        for j in range(streamline.shape[1]):
192            dn = streamline[i, j] - streamline[i-1, j]
193            out[i] += dn*dn
195        out[i] = out[i-1] + sqrt(out[i])
198cdef void c_set_number_of_points(Streamline streamline, Streamline out) nogil:
199    cdef:
200        cnp.npy_intp N = streamline.shape[0]
201        cnp.npy_intp D = streamline.shape[1]
202        cnp.npy_intp new_N = out.shape[0]
203        double ratio, step, next_point, delta
204        cnp.npy_intp i, j, k, dim
206    # Get arclength at each point.
207    arclengths = <double*> malloc(streamline.shape[0] * sizeof(double))
208    c_arclengths(streamline, arclengths)
210    step = arclengths[N-1] / (new_N-1)
212    next_point = 0.0
213    i = 0
214    j = 0
215    k = 0
217    while next_point < arclengths[N-1]:
218        if next_point == arclengths[k]:
219            for dim in range(D):
220                out[i, dim] = streamline[j, dim]
222            next_point += step
223            i += 1
224            j += 1
225            k += 1
226        elif next_point < arclengths[k]:
227            ratio = 1 - ((arclengths[k]-next_point) /
228                         (arclengths[k]-arclengths[k-1]))
230            for dim in range(D):
231                delta = streamline[j, dim] - streamline[j-1, dim]
232                out[i, dim] = streamline[j-1, dim] + ratio * delta
234            next_point += step
235            i += 1
236        else:
237            j += 1
238            k += 1
240    # Last resampled point always the one from original streamline.
241    for dim in range(D):
242        out[new_N-1, dim] = streamline[N-1, dim]
244    free(arclengths)
247cdef void c_set_number_of_points_from_arraysequence(Streamline points,
248                                                    cnp.npy_intp[:] offsets,
249                                                    cnp.npy_intp[:] lengths,
250                                                    long nb_points,
251                                                    Streamline out) nogil:
252    cdef:
253        cnp.npy_intp i, j, k
254        cnp.npy_intp offset, length
255        cnp.npy_intp offset_out = 0
256        double dn, sum_dn_sqr
258    for i in range(offsets.shape[0]):
259        offset = offsets[i]
260        length = lengths[i]
262        c_set_number_of_points(points[offset:offset+length, :],
263                               out[offset_out:offset_out+nb_points, :])
265        offset_out += nb_points
268def set_number_of_points(streamlines, nb_points=3):
269    """ Change the number of points of streamlines
270        (either by downsampling or upsampling)
272    Change the number of points of streamlines in order to obtain
273    `nb_points`-1 segments of equal length. Points of streamlines will be
274    modified along the curve.
276    Parameters
277    ----------
278    streamlines : ndarray or a list or :class:`dipy.tracking.Streamlines`
279        If ndarray, must have shape (N,3) where N is the number of points
280        of the streamline.
281        If list, each item must be ndarray shape (Ni,3) where Ni is the number
282        of points of streamline i.
283        If :class:`dipy.tracking.Streamlines`, its `common_shape` must be 3.
285    nb_points : int
286        integer representing number of points wanted along the curve.
288    Returns
289    -------
290    new_streamlines : ndarray or a list or :class:`dipy.tracking.Streamlines`
291        Results of the downsampling or upsampling process.
293    Examples
294    --------
295    >>> from dipy.tracking.streamline import set_number_of_points
296    >>> import numpy as np
298    One streamline, a semi-circle:
300    >>> theta = np.pi*np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
301    >>> x = np.cos(theta)
302    >>> y = np.sin(theta)
303    >>> z = 0 * x
304    >>> streamline = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T
305    >>> modified_streamline = set_number_of_points(streamline, 3)
306    >>> len(modified_streamline)
307    3
309    Multiple streamlines:
311    >>> streamlines = [streamline, streamline[::2]]
312    >>> new_streamlines = set_number_of_points(streamlines, 10)
313    >>> [len(s) for s in streamlines]
314    [100, 50]
315    >>> [len(s) for s in new_streamlines]
316    [10, 10]
318    """
319    if isinstance(streamlines, Streamlines):
320        if len(streamlines) == 0:
321            return Streamlines()
323        nb_streamlines = len(streamlines)
324        dtype = streamlines._data.dtype
325        new_streamlines = Streamlines()
326        new_streamlines._data = np.zeros((nb_streamlines * nb_points, 3),
327                                         dtype=dtype)
328        new_streamlines._offsets = nb_points * np.arange(nb_streamlines,
329                                                         dtype=np.intp)
330        new_streamlines._lengths = nb_points * np.ones(nb_streamlines,
331                                                       dtype=np.intp)
333        if dtype == np.float32:
334            c_set_number_of_points_from_arraysequence[float2d](
335                streamlines._data, streamlines._offsets.astype(np.intp),
336                streamlines._lengths.astype(np.intp), nb_points,
337                new_streamlines._data)
338        else:
339            c_set_number_of_points_from_arraysequence[double2d](
340                streamlines._data, streamlines._offsets.astype(np.intp),
341                streamlines._lengths.astype(np.intp), nb_points,
342                new_streamlines._data)
344        return new_streamlines
346    only_one_streamlines = False
347    if type(streamlines) is cnp.ndarray:
348        only_one_streamlines = True
349        streamlines = [streamlines]
351    if len(streamlines) == 0:
352        return []
354    if nb_points < 2:
355        raise ValueError("nb_points must be at least 2")
357    dtype = streamlines[0].dtype
358    for streamline in streamlines:
359        if streamline.dtype != dtype:
360            dtype = None
362        if len(streamline) < 2:
363            raise ValueError("All streamlines must have at least 2 points.")
365    # Allocate memory for each modified streamline
366    new_streamlines = []
367    cdef cnp.npy_intp i
369    if dtype is None:
370        # List of streamlines having different dtypes
371        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
372            dtype = streamlines[i].dtype
373            # HACK: To avoid memleaks we have to recast with astype(dtype).
374            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(dtype)
375            if dtype != np.float32 and dtype != np.float64:
376                dtype = np.float32
377                if dtype == np.int64 or dtype == np.uint64:
378                    dtype = np.float64
380                streamline = streamline.astype(dtype)
382            new_streamline = np.empty((nb_points, streamline.shape[1]),
383                                      dtype=dtype)
384            if dtype == np.float32:
385                c_set_number_of_points[float2d](streamline, new_streamline)
386            else:
387                c_set_number_of_points[double2d](streamline, new_streamline)
389            # HACK: To avoid memleaks we have to recast with astype(dtype).
390            new_streamlines.append(new_streamline.astype(dtype))
392    elif dtype == np.float32:
393        # All streamlines have composed of float32 points
394        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
395            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(dtype)
396            modified_streamline = np.empty((nb_points, streamline.shape[1]),
397                                           dtype=streamline.dtype)
398            c_set_number_of_points[float2d](streamline, modified_streamline)
399            # HACK: To avoid memleaks we have to recast with astype(dtype).
400            new_streamlines.append(modified_streamline.astype(dtype))
401    elif dtype == np.float64:
402        # All streamlines are composed of float64 points
403        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
404            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(dtype)
405            modified_streamline = np.empty((nb_points, streamline.shape[1]),
406                                           dtype=streamline.dtype)
407            c_set_number_of_points[double2d](streamline, modified_streamline)
408            # HACK: To avoid memleaks we have to recast with astype(dtype).
409            new_streamlines.append(modified_streamline.astype(dtype))
410    elif dtype == np.int64 or dtype == np.uint64:
411        # All streamlines are composed of int64 or uint64 points so convert
412        # them in float64 one at the time
413        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
414            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(np.float64)
415            modified_streamline = np.empty((nb_points, streamline.shape[1]),
416                                           dtype=streamline.dtype)
417            c_set_number_of_points[double2d](streamline, modified_streamline)
418            # HACK: To avoid memleaks we've to recast with astype(np.float64).
419            new_streamlines.append(modified_streamline.astype(np.float64))
420    else:
421        # All streamlines are composed of points with a dtype fitting in
422        # 32bits so convert them in float32 one at the time
423        for i in range(len(streamlines)):
424            streamline = streamlines[i].astype(np.float32)
425            modified_streamline = np.empty((nb_points, streamline.shape[1]),
426                                           dtype=streamline.dtype)
427            c_set_number_of_points[float2d](streamline, modified_streamline)
428            # HACK: To avoid memleaks we've to recast with astype(np.float32).
429            new_streamlines.append(modified_streamline.astype(np.float32))
431    if only_one_streamlines:
432        return new_streamlines[0]
433    else:
434        return new_streamlines
437cdef double c_norm_of_cross_product(double bx, double by, double bz,
438                                    double cx, double cy, double cz) nogil:
439    """ Computes the norm of the cross-product in 3D. """
440    cdef double ax, ay, az
441    ax = by*cz - bz*cy
442    ay = bz*cx - bx*cz
443    az = bx*cy - by*cx
444    return sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az)
447cdef double c_dist_to_line(Streamline streamline, cnp.npy_intp prev,
448                           cnp.npy_intp next, cnp.npy_intp curr) nogil:
449    """ Computes the shortest Euclidean distance between a point `curr` and
450        the line passing through `prev` and `next`. """
452    cdef:
453        double dn, norm1, norm2
454        cnp.npy_intp D = streamline.shape[1]
456    # Compute cross product of next-prev and curr-next
457    norm1 = c_norm_of_cross_product(streamline[next, 0]-streamline[prev, 0],
458                                    streamline[next, 1]-streamline[prev, 1],
459                                    streamline[next, 2]-streamline[prev, 2],
460                                    streamline[curr, 0]-streamline[next, 0],
461                                    streamline[curr, 1]-streamline[next, 1],
462                                    streamline[curr, 2]-streamline[next, 2])
464    # Norm of next-prev
465    norm2 = 0.0
466    for d in range(D):
467        dn = streamline[next, d]-streamline[prev, d]
468        norm2 += dn*dn
469    norm2 = sqrt(norm2)
471    return norm1 / norm2
474cdef double c_segment_length(Streamline streamline,
475                             cnp.npy_intp start, cnp.npy_intp end) nogil:
476    """ Computes the length of the segment going from `start` to `end`. """
477    cdef:
478        cnp.npy_intp D = streamline.shape[1]
479        cnp.npy_intp d
480        double segment_length = 0.0
481        double dn
483    for d in range(D):
484        dn = streamline[end, d] - streamline[start, d]
485        segment_length += dn*dn
487    return sqrt(segment_length)
490cdef cnp.npy_intp c_compress_streamline(Streamline streamline, Streamline out,
491                                       double tol_error, double max_segment_length) nogil:
492    """ Compresses a streamline (see function `compress_streamlines`)."""
493    cdef:
494        cnp.npy_intp N = streamline.shape[0]
495        cnp.npy_intp D = streamline.shape[1]
496        cnp.npy_intp nb_points = 0
497        cnp.npy_intp d, prev, next, curr
498        double segment_length
500    # Copy first point since it is always kept.
501    for d in range(D):
502        out[0, d] = streamline[0, d]
504    nb_points = 1
505    prev = 0
507    # Loop through the points of the streamline checking if we can use the
508    # linearized segment: next-prev. We start with next=2 (third points) since
509    # we already added point 0 and segment between the two firsts is linear.
510    for next in range(2, N):
511        # Euclidean distance between last added point and current point.
512        if c_segment_length(streamline, prev, next) > max_segment_length:
513            for d in range(D):
514                out[nb_points, d] = streamline[next-1, d]
516            nb_points += 1
517            prev = next-1
518            continue
520        # Check that each point is not offset by more than `tol_error` mm.
521        for curr in range(prev+1, next):
522            dist = c_dist_to_line(streamline, prev, next, curr)
524            if dpy_isnan(dist) or dist > tol_error:
525                for d in range(D):
526                    out[nb_points, d] = streamline[next-1, d]
528                nb_points += 1
529                prev = next-1
530                break
532    # Copy last point since it is always kept.
533    for d in range(D):
534        out[nb_points, d] = streamline[N-1, d]
536    nb_points += 1
537    return nb_points
540def compress_streamlines(streamlines, tol_error=0.01, max_segment_length=10):
541    """ Compress streamlines by linearization as in [Presseau15]_.
543    The compression consists in merging consecutive segments that are
544    nearly collinear. The merging is achieved by removing the point the two
545    segments have in common.
547    The linearization process [Presseau15]_ ensures that every point being
548    removed are within a certain margin (in mm) of the resulting streamline.
549    Recommendations for setting this margin can be found in [Presseau15]_
550    (in which they called it tolerance error).
552    The compression also ensures that two consecutive points won't be too far
553    from each other (precisely less or equal than `max_segment_length`mm).
554    This is a tradeoff to speed up the linearization process [Rheault15]_. A low
555    value will result in a faster linearization but low compression, whereas
556    a high value will result in a slower linearization but high compression.
558    Parameters
559    ----------
560    streamlines : one or a list of array-like of shape (N,3)
561        Array representing x,y,z of N points in a streamline.
562    tol_error : float (optional)
563        Tolerance error in mm (default: 0.01). A rule of thumb is to set it
564        to 0.01mm for deterministic streamlines and 0.1mm for probabilitic
565        streamlines.
566    max_segment_length : float (optional)
567        Maximum length in mm of any given segment produced by the compression.
568        The default is 10mm. (In [Presseau15]_, they used a value of `np.inf`).
570    Returns
571    -------
572    compressed_streamlines : one or a list of array-like
573        Results of the linearization process.
575    Examples
576    --------
577    >>> from dipy.tracking.streamline import compress_streamlines
578    >>> import numpy as np
579    >>> # One streamline: a wiggling line
580    >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
581    >>> streamline = np.linspace(0, 10, 100*3).reshape((100, 3))
582    >>> streamline += 0.2 * rng.rand(100, 3)
583    >>> c_streamline = compress_streamlines(streamline, tol_error=0.2)
584    >>> len(streamline)
585    100
586    >>> len(c_streamline)
587    10
588    >>> # Multiple streamlines
589    >>> streamlines = [streamline, streamline[::2]]
590    >>> c_streamlines = compress_streamlines(streamlines, tol_error=0.2)
591    >>> [len(s) for s in streamlines]
592    [100, 50]
593    >>> [len(s) for s in c_streamlines]
594    [10, 7]
597    Notes
598    -----
599    Be aware that compressed streamlines have variable step sizes. One needs to
600    be careful when computing streamlines-based metrics [Houde15]_.
602    References
603    ----------
604    .. [Presseau15] Presseau C. et al., A new compression format for fiber
605                    tracking datasets, NeuroImage, no 109, 73-83, 2015.
606    .. [Rheault15] Rheault F. et al., Real Time Interaction with Millions of
607                   Streamlines, ISMRM, 2015.
608    .. [Houde15] Houde J.-C. et al. How to Avoid Biased Streamlines-Based
609                 Metrics for Streamlines with Variable Step Sizes, ISMRM, 2015.
610    """
611    only_one_streamlines = False
612    if type(streamlines) is cnp.ndarray:
613        only_one_streamlines = True
614        streamlines = [streamlines]
616    if len(streamlines) == 0:
617        return []
619    compressed_streamlines = []
620    cdef cnp.npy_intp i
621    for i in range(len(streamlines)):
622        dtype = streamlines[i].dtype
623        # HACK: To avoid memleaks we have to recast with astype(dtype).
624        streamline = streamlines[i].astype(dtype)
625        shape = streamline.shape
627        if dtype != np.float32 and dtype != np.float64:
628            dtype = np.float64 if dtype == np.int64 or dtype == np.uint64 else np.float32
629            streamline = streamline.astype(dtype)
631        if shape[0] <= 2:
632            compressed_streamlines.append(streamline.copy())
633            continue
635        compressed_streamline = np.empty(shape, dtype)
637        if dtype == np.float32:
638            nb_points = c_compress_streamline[float2d](streamline, compressed_streamline,
639                                                       tol_error, max_segment_length)
640        else:
641            nb_points = c_compress_streamline[double2d](streamline, compressed_streamline,
642                                                        tol_error, max_segment_length)
644        compressed_streamline.resize((nb_points, streamline.shape[1]))
645        # HACK: To avoid memleaks we have to recast with astype(dtype).
646        compressed_streamlines.append(compressed_streamline.astype(dtype))
648    if only_one_streamlines:
649        return compressed_streamlines[0]
650    else:
651        return compressed_streamlines