2import logging
3import numpy as np
4import os.path
5from ast import literal_eval
6from warnings import warn
8import nibabel as nib
10from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table
11from dipy.data import default_sphere
12from dipy.io.gradients import read_bvals_bvecs
13from dipy.io.peaks import save_peaks, peaks_to_niftis
14from dipy.io.image import load_nifti, save_nifti, load_nifti_data
15from dipy.io.utils import nifti1_symmat
16from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import (ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel,
17                                   auto_response_ssst)
18from dipy.reconst.dti import (TensorModel, color_fa, fractional_anisotropy,
19                              geodesic_anisotropy, mean_diffusivity,
20                              axial_diffusivity, radial_diffusivity,
21                              lower_triangular, mode as get_mode)
22from dipy.direction.peaks import peaks_from_model
23from dipy.reconst.shm import CsaOdfModel
24from dipy.workflows.workflow import Workflow
25from dipy.reconst.dki import DiffusionKurtosisModel, split_dki_param
26from dipy.reconst.ivim import IvimModel
28from dipy.reconst import mapmri
30from dipy.utils.deprecator import deprecated_params
33class ReconstMAPMRIFlow(Workflow):
34    @classmethod
35    def get_short_name(cls):
36        return 'mapmri'
38    def run(self, data_files, bvals_files, bvecs_files, small_delta, big_delta,
39            b0_threshold=50.0, laplacian=True, positivity=True,
40            bval_threshold=2000, save_metrics=[],
41            laplacian_weighting=0.05, radial_order=6, out_dir='',
42            out_rtop='rtop.nii.gz', out_lapnorm='lapnorm.nii.gz',
43            out_msd='msd.nii.gz', out_qiv='qiv.nii.gz',
44            out_rtap='rtap.nii.gz',
45            out_rtpp='rtpp.nii.gz', out_ng='ng.nii.gz',
46            out_perng='perng.nii.gz',
47            out_parng='parng.nii.gz'):
48        """Workflow for fitting the MAPMRI model (with optional Laplacian
49        regularization). Generates rtop, lapnorm, msd, qiv, rtap, rtpp,
50        non-gaussian (ng), parallel ng, perpendicular ng saved in a nifti
51        format in input files provided by `data_files` and saves the nifti
52        files to an output directory specified by `out_dir`.
54        In order for the MAPMRI workflow to work in the way
55        intended either the Laplacian or positivity or both must
56        be set to True.
58        Parameters
59        ----------
60        data_files : string
61            Path to the input volume.
62        bvals_files : string
63            Path to the bval files.
64        bvecs_files : string
65            Path to the bvec files.
66        small_delta : float
67            Small delta value used in generation of gradient table of provided
68            bval and bvec.
69        big_delta : float
70            Big delta value used in generation of gradient table of provided
71            bval and bvec.
72        b0_threshold : float, optional
73            Threshold used to find b0 volumes.
74        laplacian : bool, optional
75            Regularize using the Laplacian of the MAP-MRI basis.
76        positivity : bool, optional
77            Constrain the propagator to be positive.
78        bval_threshold : float, optional
79            Sets the b-value threshold to be used in the scale factor
80            estimation. In order for the estimated non-Gaussianity to have
81            meaning this value should set to a lower value (b<2000 s/mm^2)
82            such that the scale factors are estimated on signal points that
83            reasonably represent the spins at Gaussian diffusion.
84        save_metrics : variable string, optional
85            List of metrics to save.
86            Possible values: rtop, laplacian_signal, msd, qiv, rtap, rtpp,
87            ng, perng, parng
88        laplacian_weighting : float, optional
89            Weighting value used in fitting the MAPMRI model in the Laplacian
90            and both model types.
91        radial_order : unsigned int, optional
92            Even value used to set the order of the basis.
93        out_dir : string, optional
94            Output directory. (default: current directory)
95        out_rtop : string, optional
96            Name of the rtop to be saved.
97        out_lapnorm : string, optional
98            Name of the norm of Laplacian signal to be saved.
99        out_msd : string, optional
100            Name of the msd to be saved.
101        out_qiv : string, optional
102            Name of the qiv to be saved.
103        out_rtap : string, optional
104            Name of the rtap to be saved.
105        out_rtpp : string, optional
106            Name of the rtpp to be saved.
107        out_ng : string, optional
108            Name of the Non-Gaussianity to be saved.
109        out_perng :  string, optional
110            Name of the Non-Gaussianity perpendicular to be saved.
111        out_parng : string, optional
112            Name of the Non-Gaussianity parallel to be saved.
113        """
114        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()
115        for (dwi, bval, bvec, out_rtop, out_lapnorm, out_msd, out_qiv,
116             out_rtap, out_rtpp, out_ng, out_perng, out_parng) in io_it:
118            logging.info('Computing MAPMRI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))
119            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)
121            bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval, bvec)
122            if b0_threshold < bvals.min():
123                warn("b0_threshold (value: {0}) is too low, increase your "
124                     "b0_threshold. It should be higher than the first b0 "
125                     "value({1}).".format(b0_threshold, bvals.min()))
126            gtab = gradient_table(bvals=bvals, bvecs=bvecs,
127                                  small_delta=small_delta,
128                                  big_delta=big_delta,
129                                  b0_threshold=b0_threshold)
131            if not save_metrics:
132                save_metrics = ['rtop', 'laplacian_signal', 'msd',
133                                'qiv', 'rtap', 'rtpp',
134                                'ng', 'perng', 'parng']
136            if laplacian and positivity:
137                map_model_aniso = mapmri.MapmriModel(
138                            gtab,
139                            radial_order=radial_order,
140                            laplacian_regularization=True,
141                            laplacian_weighting=laplacian_weighting,
142                            positivity_constraint=True,
143                            bval_threshold=bval_threshold)
145                mapfit_aniso = map_model_aniso.fit(data)
147            elif positivity:
148                map_model_aniso = mapmri.MapmriModel(
149                            gtab,
150                            radial_order=radial_order,
151                            laplacian_regularization=False,
152                            positivity_constraint=True,
153                            bval_threshold=bval_threshold)
154                mapfit_aniso = map_model_aniso.fit(data)
156            elif laplacian:
157                map_model_aniso = mapmri.MapmriModel(
158                            gtab,
159                            radial_order=radial_order,
160                            laplacian_regularization=True,
161                            laplacian_weighting=laplacian_weighting,
162                            bval_threshold=bval_threshold)
163                mapfit_aniso = map_model_aniso.fit(data)
165            else:
166                map_model_aniso = mapmri.MapmriModel(
167                            gtab,
168                            radial_order=radial_order,
169                            laplacian_regularization=False,
170                            positivity_constraint=False,
171                            bval_threshold=bval_threshold)
172                mapfit_aniso = map_model_aniso.fit(data)
174            # for name, fname, func in [('rtop', out_rtop, mapfit_aniso.rtop),
175            #                           ]:
176            #     if name in save_metrics:
177            #         r = func()
178            #         save_nifti(fname, r.astype(np.float32), affine)
180            if 'rtop' in save_metrics:
181                r = mapfit_aniso.rtop()
182                save_nifti(out_rtop, r.astype(np.float32), affine)
184            if 'laplacian_signal' in save_metrics:
185                ll = mapfit_aniso.norm_of_laplacian_signal()
186                save_nifti(out_lapnorm, ll.astype(np.float32), affine)
188            if 'msd' in save_metrics:
189                m = mapfit_aniso.msd()
190                save_nifti(out_msd, m.astype(np.float32), affine)
192            if 'qiv' in save_metrics:
193                q = mapfit_aniso.qiv()
194                save_nifti(out_qiv, q.astype(np.float32), affine)
196            if 'rtap' in save_metrics:
197                r = mapfit_aniso.rtap()
198                save_nifti(out_rtap, r.astype(np.float32), affine)
200            if 'rtpp' in save_metrics:
201                r = mapfit_aniso.rtpp()
202                save_nifti(out_rtpp, r.astype(np.float32), affine)
204            if 'ng' in save_metrics:
205                n = mapfit_aniso.ng()
206                save_nifti(out_ng, n.astype(np.float32), affine)
208            if 'perng' in save_metrics:
209                n = mapfit_aniso.ng_perpendicular()
210                save_nifti(out_perng, n.astype(np.float32), affine)
212            if 'parng' in save_metrics:
213                n = mapfit_aniso.ng_parallel()
214                save_nifti(out_parng, n.astype(np.float32), affine)
216            logging.info('MAPMRI saved in {0}'.
217                         format(os.path.dirname(out_dir)))
220class ReconstDtiFlow(Workflow):
221    @classmethod
222    def get_short_name(cls):
223        return 'dti'
225    def run(self, input_files, bvalues_files, bvectors_files, mask_files,
226            b0_threshold=50, bvecs_tol=0.01, save_metrics=[],
227            out_dir='', out_tensor='tensors.nii.gz', out_fa='fa.nii.gz',
228            out_ga='ga.nii.gz', out_rgb='rgb.nii.gz', out_md='md.nii.gz',
229            out_ad='ad.nii.gz', out_rd='rd.nii.gz', out_mode='mode.nii.gz',
230            out_evec='evecs.nii.gz', out_eval='evals.nii.gz', nifti_tensor=True):
231        """ Workflow for tensor reconstruction and for computing DTI metrics.
232        using Weighted Least-Squares.
233        Performs a tensor reconstruction on the files by 'globing'
234        ``input_files`` and saves the DTI metrics in a directory specified by
235        ``out_dir``.
237        Parameters
238        ----------
239        input_files : string
240            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
241            process multiple inputs at once.
242        bvalues_files : string
243            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
244            multiple bvalues files at once.
245        bvectors_files : string
246            Path to the bvectors files. This path may contain wildcards to use
247            multiple bvectors files at once.
248        mask_files : string
249            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
250            multiple masks at once.
251        b0_threshold : float, optional
252            Threshold used to find b0 volumes.
253        bvecs_tol : float, optional
254            Threshold used to check that norm(bvec) = 1 +/- bvecs_tol
255            b-vectors are unit vectors.
256        save_metrics : variable string, optional
257            List of metrics to save.
258            Possible values: fa, ga, rgb, md, ad, rd, mode, tensor, evec, eval
259        out_dir : string, optional
260            Output directory. (default current directory)
261        out_tensor : string, optional
262            Name of the tensors volume to be saved.
263            Per default, this will be saved following the nifti standard:
264            with the tensor elements as Dxx, Dxy, Dyy, Dxz, Dyz, Dzz on the
265            last (5th) dimension of the volume (shape: (i, j, k, 1, 6)). If
266            `nifti_tensor` is False, this will be saved in an alternate format
267            that is used by other software (e.g., FSL): a
268            4-dimensional volume (shape (i, j, k, 6)) with Dxx, Dxy, Dxz, Dyy,
269            Dyz, Dzz on the last dimension.
270        out_fa : string, optional
271            Name of the fractional anisotropy volume to be saved.
272        out_ga : string, optional
273            Name of the geodesic anisotropy volume to be saved.
274        out_rgb : string, optional
275            Name of the color fa volume to be saved.
276        out_md : string, optional
277            Name of the mean diffusivity volume to be saved.
278        out_ad : string, optional
279            Name of the axial diffusivity volume to be saved.
280        out_rd : string, optional
281            Name of the radial diffusivity volume to be saved.
282        out_mode : string, optional
283            Name of the mode volume to be saved.
284        out_evec : string, optional
285            Name of the eigenvectors volume to be saved.
286        out_eval : string, optional
287            Name of the eigenvalues to be saved.
288        nifti_tensor : bool, optional
289            Whether the tensor is saved in the standard Nifti format or in an
290            alternate format
291            that is used by other software (e.g., FSL): a
292            4-dimensional volume (shape (i, j, k, 6)) with
293            Dxx, Dxy, Dxz, Dyy, Dyz, Dzz on the last dimension.
295        References
296        ----------
297        .. [1] Basser, P.J., Mattiello, J., LeBihan, D., 1994. Estimation of
298           the effective self-diffusion tensor from the NMR spin echo. J Magn
299           Reson B 103, 247-254.
301        .. [2] Basser, P., Pierpaoli, C., 1996. Microstructural and
302           physiological features of tissues elucidated by quantitative
303           diffusion-tensor MRI.  Journal of Magnetic Resonance 111, 209-219.
305        .. [3] Lin-Ching C., Jones D.K., Pierpaoli, C. 2005. RESTORE: Robust
306           estimation of tensors by outlier rejection. MRM 53: 1088-1095
308        .. [4] hung, SW., Lu, Y., Henry, R.G., 2006. Comparison of bootstrap
309           approaches for estimation of uncertainties of DTI parameters.
310           NeuroImage 33, 531-541.
312        """
313        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()
315        for dwi, bval, bvec, mask, otensor, ofa, oga, orgb, omd, oad, orad, \
316                omode, oevecs, oevals in io_it:
318            logging.info('Computing DTI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))
319            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)
321            if mask is not None:
322                mask = load_nifti_data(mask).astype(bool)
324            tenfit, _ = self.get_fitted_tensor(data, mask, bval, bvec,
325                                               b0_threshold, bvecs_tol)
327            if not save_metrics:
328                save_metrics = ['fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'ga', 'rgb', 'mode',
329                                'evec', 'eval', 'tensor']
331            FA = fractional_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
332            FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
333            FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)
335            if 'tensor' in save_metrics:
336                tensor_vals = lower_triangular(tenfit.quadratic_form)
338                if nifti_tensor:
339                    ten_img = nifti1_symmat(tensor_vals, affine=affine)
340                else:
341                    alt_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
342                    ten_img = nib.Nifti1Image(
343                            tensor_vals[..., alt_order].astype(np.float32),
344                            affine)
346                nib.save(ten_img, otensor)
348            if 'fa' in save_metrics:
349                save_nifti(ofa, FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
351            if 'ga' in save_metrics:
352                GA = geodesic_anisotropy(tenfit.evals)
353                save_nifti(oga, GA.astype(np.float32), affine)
355            if 'rgb' in save_metrics:
356                RGB = color_fa(FA, tenfit.evecs)
357                save_nifti(orgb, np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)
359            if 'md' in save_metrics:
360                MD = mean_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
361                save_nifti(omd, MD.astype(np.float32), affine)
363            if 'ad' in save_metrics:
364                AD = axial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
365                save_nifti(oad, AD.astype(np.float32), affine)
367            if 'rd' in save_metrics:
368                RD = radial_diffusivity(tenfit.evals)
369                save_nifti(orad, RD.astype(np.float32), affine)
371            if 'mode' in save_metrics:
372                MODE = get_mode(tenfit.quadratic_form)
373                save_nifti(omode, MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)
375            if 'evec' in save_metrics:
376                save_nifti(oevecs, tenfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)
378            if 'eval' in save_metrics:
379                save_nifti(oevals, tenfit.evals.astype(np.float32), affine)
381            dname_ = os.path.dirname(oevals)
382            if dname_ == '':
383                logging.info('DTI metrics saved in current directory')
384            else:
385                logging.info(
386                        'DTI metrics saved in {0}'.format(dname_))
388    def get_tensor_model(self, gtab):
389        return TensorModel(gtab, fit_method="WLS")
391    def get_fitted_tensor(self, data, mask, bval, bvec,
392                          b0_threshold=50, bvecs_tol=0.01):
394        logging.info('Tensor estimation...')
395        bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval, bvec)
396        gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs, b0_threshold=b0_threshold,
397                              atol=bvecs_tol)
399        tenmodel = self.get_tensor_model(gtab)
400        tenfit = tenmodel.fit(data, mask)
402        return tenfit, gtab
405class ReconstCSDFlow(Workflow):
406    @classmethod
407    def get_short_name(cls):
408        return 'csd'
410    @deprecated_params('nbr_processes', 'num_processes', since='1.4',
411                       until='1.5')
412    def run(self, input_files, bvalues_files, bvectors_files, mask_files,
413            b0_threshold=50.0, bvecs_tol=0.01, roi_center=None, roi_radii=10,
414            fa_thr=0.7, frf=None, extract_pam_values=False, sh_order=8,
415            odf_to_sh_order=8, parallel=False, num_processes=None,
416            out_dir='',
417            out_pam='peaks.pam5', out_shm='shm.nii.gz',
418            out_peaks_dir='peaks_dirs.nii.gz',
419            out_peaks_values='peaks_values.nii.gz',
420            out_peaks_indices='peaks_indices.nii.gz', out_gfa='gfa.nii.gz'):
421        """ Constrained spherical deconvolution
423        Parameters
424        ----------
425        input_files : string
426            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
427            process multiple inputs at once.
428        bvalues_files : string
429            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
430            multiple bvalues files at once.
431        bvectors_files : string
432            Path to the bvectors files. This path may contain wildcards to use
433            multiple bvectors files at once.
434        mask_files : string
435            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
436            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
437        b0_threshold : float, optional
438            Threshold used to find b0 volumes.
439        bvecs_tol : float, optional
440            Bvecs should be unit vectors.
441        roi_center : variable int, optional
442            Center of ROI in data. If center is None, it is assumed that it is
443            the center of the volume with shape `data.shape[:3]`.
444        roi_radii : int or array-like, optional
445            radii of cuboid ROI in voxels.
446        fa_thr : float, optional
447            FA threshold for calculating the response function.
448        frf : variable float, optional
449            Fiber response function can be for example inputed as 15 4 4
450            (from the command line) or [15, 4, 4] from a Python script to be
451            converted to float and multiplied by 10**-4 . If None
452            the fiber response function will be computed automatically.
453        extract_pam_values : bool, optional
454            Save or not to save pam volumes as single nifti files.
455        sh_order : int, optional
456            Spherical harmonics order used in the CSA fit.
457        odf_to_sh_order : int, optional
458            Spherical harmonics order used for peak_from_model to compress
459            the ODF to spherical harmonics coefficients.
460        parallel : bool, optional
461            Whether to use parallelization in peak-finding during the
462            calibration procedure.
463        num_processes : int, optional
464            If `parallel` is True, the number of subprocesses to use
465            (default multiprocessing.cpu_count()). If < 0 the maximal number
466            of cores minus |num_processes + 1| is used (enter -1 to use as
467            many cores as possible). 0 raises an error.
468        out_dir : string, optional
469            Output directory. (default current directory)
470        out_pam : string, optional
471            Name of the peaks volume to be saved.
472        out_shm : string, optional
473            Name of the spherical harmonics volume to be saved.
474        out_peaks_dir : string, optional
475            Name of the peaks directions volume to be saved.
476        out_peaks_values : string, optional
477            Name of the peaks values volume to be saved.
478        out_peaks_indices : string, optional
479            Name of the peaks indices volume to be saved.
480        out_gfa : string, optional
481            Name of the generalized FA volume to be saved.
484        References
485        ----------
486        .. [1] Tournier, J.D., et al. NeuroImage 2007. Robust determination of
487           the fibre orientation distribution in diffusion MRI: Non-negativity
488           constrained super-resolved spherical deconvolution.
489        """
490        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()
492        for (dwi, bval, bvec, maskfile, opam, oshm, opeaks_dir, opeaks_values,
493             opeaks_indices, ogfa) in io_it:
495            logging.info('Loading {0}'.format(dwi))
496            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)
498            bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval, bvec)
499            print(b0_threshold, bvals.min())
500            if b0_threshold < bvals.min():
501                warn("b0_threshold (value: {0}) is too low, increase your "
502                     "b0_threshold. It should be higher than the first b0 value "
503                     "({1}).".format(b0_threshold, bvals.min()))
504            gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs, b0_threshold=b0_threshold,
505                                  atol=bvecs_tol)
506            mask_vol = load_nifti_data(maskfile).astype(bool)
508            n_params = ((sh_order + 1) * (sh_order + 2)) / 2
509            if data.shape[-1] < n_params:
510                raise ValueError(
511                    'You need at least {0} unique DWI volumes to '
512                    'compute fiber odfs. You currently have: {1}'
513                    ' DWI volumes.'.format(n_params, data.shape[-1]))
515            if frf is None:
516                logging.info('Computing response function')
517                if roi_center is not None:
518                    logging.info('Response ROI center:\n{0}'
519                                 .format(roi_center))
520                    logging.info('Response ROI radii:\n{0}'
521                                 .format(roi_radii))
522                response, ratio = auto_response_ssst(
523                        gtab, data,
524                        roi_center=roi_center,
525                        roi_radii=roi_radii,
526                        fa_thr=fa_thr)
527                response = list(response)
529            else:
530                logging.info('Using response function')
531                if isinstance(frf, str):
532                    l01 = np.array(literal_eval(frf), dtype=np.float64)
533                else:
534                    l01 = np.array(frf, dtype=np.float64)
536                l01 *= 10 ** -4
537                response = np.array([l01[0], l01[1], l01[1]])
538                ratio = l01[1] / l01[0]
539                response = (response, ratio)
541            logging.info("Eigenvalues for the frf of the input"
542                         " data are :{0}".format(response[0]))
543            logging.info('Ratio for smallest to largest eigen value is {0}'
544                         .format(ratio))
546            peaks_sphere = default_sphere
548            logging.info('CSD computation started.')
549            csd_model = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(gtab, response,
550                                                        sh_order=sh_order)
552            peaks_csd = peaks_from_model(model=csd_model,
553                                         data=data,
554                                         sphere=peaks_sphere,
555                                         relative_peak_threshold=.5,
556                                         min_separation_angle=25,
557                                         mask=mask_vol,
558                                         return_sh=True,
559                                         sh_order=sh_order,
560                                         normalize_peaks=True,
561                                         parallel=parallel,
562                                         num_processes=num_processes)
563            peaks_csd.affine = affine
565            save_peaks(opam, peaks_csd)
567            logging.info('CSD computation completed.')
569            if extract_pam_values:
570                peaks_to_niftis(peaks_csd, oshm, opeaks_dir, opeaks_values,
571                                opeaks_indices, ogfa, reshape_dirs=True)
573            dname_ = os.path.dirname(opam)
574            if dname_ == '':
575                logging.info('Pam5 file saved in current directory')
576            else:
577                logging.info(
578                        'Pam5 file saved in {0}'.format(dname_))
580            return io_it
583class ReconstCSAFlow(Workflow):
584    @classmethod
585    def get_short_name(cls):
586        return 'csa'
588    @deprecated_params('nbr_processes', 'num_processes', since='1.4',
589                       until='1.5')
590    def run(self, input_files, bvalues_files, bvectors_files, mask_files,
591            sh_order=6, odf_to_sh_order=8, b0_threshold=50.0, bvecs_tol=0.01,
592            extract_pam_values=False, parallel=False, num_processes=None,
593            out_dir='',
594            out_pam='peaks.pam5', out_shm='shm.nii.gz',
595            out_peaks_dir='peaks_dirs.nii.gz',
596            out_peaks_values='peaks_values.nii.gz',
597            out_peaks_indices='peaks_indices.nii.gz',
598            out_gfa='gfa.nii.gz'):
599        """ Constant Solid Angle.
601        Parameters
602        ----------
603        input_files : string
604            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
605            process multiple inputs at once.
606        bvalues_files : string
607            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
608            multiple bvalues files at once.
609        bvectors_files : string
610            Path to the bvectors files. This path may contain wildcards to use
611            multiple bvectors files at once.
612        mask_files : string
613            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
614            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
615        sh_order : int, optional
616            Spherical harmonics order used in the CSA fit.
617        odf_to_sh_order : int, optional
618            Spherical harmonics order used for peak_from_model to compress
619            the ODF to spherical harmonics coefficients.
620        b0_threshold : float, optional
621            Threshold used to find b0 volumes.
622        bvecs_tol : float, optional
623            Threshold used so that norm(bvec)=1.
624        extract_pam_values : bool, optional
625            Whether or not to save pam volumes as single nifti files.
626        parallel : bool, optional
627            Whether to use parallelization in peak-finding during the
628            calibration procedure.
629        num_processes : int, optional
630            If `parallel` is True, the number of subprocesses to use
631            (default multiprocessing.cpu_count()). If < 0 the maximal number
632            of cores minus |num_processes + 1| is used (enter -1 to use as
633            many cores as possible). 0 raises an error.
634        out_dir : string, optional
635            Output directory. (default current directory)
636        out_pam : string, optional
637            Name of the peaks volume to be saved.
638        out_shm : string, optional
639            Name of the spherical harmonics volume to be saved.
640        out_peaks_dir : string, optional
641            Name of the peaks directions volume to be saved.
642        out_peaks_values : string, optional
643            Name of the peaks values volume to be saved.
644        out_peaks_indices : string, optional
645            Name of the peaks indices volume to be saved.
646        out_gfa : string, optional
647            Name of the generalized FA volume to be saved.
649        References
650        ----------
651        .. [1] Aganj, I., et al. 2009. ODF Reconstruction in Q-Ball Imaging
652           with Solid Angle Consideration.
653        """
654        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()
656        for (dwi, bval, bvec, maskfile, opam, oshm, opeaks_dir,
657             opeaks_values, opeaks_indices, ogfa) in io_it:
659            logging.info('Loading {0}'.format(dwi))
660            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)
662            bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval, bvec)
663            if b0_threshold < bvals.min():
664                warn("b0_threshold (value: {0}) is too low, increase your "
665                     "b0_threshold. It should be higher than the first b0 value "
666                     "({1}).".format(b0_threshold, bvals.min()))
667            gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs,
668                                  b0_threshold=b0_threshold, atol=bvecs_tol)
669            mask_vol = load_nifti_data(maskfile).astype(bool)
671            peaks_sphere = default_sphere
673            logging.info('Starting CSA computations {0}'.format(dwi))
675            csa_model = CsaOdfModel(gtab, sh_order)
677            peaks_csa = peaks_from_model(model=csa_model,
678                                         data=data,
679                                         sphere=peaks_sphere,
680                                         relative_peak_threshold=.5,
681                                         min_separation_angle=25,
682                                         mask=mask_vol,
683                                         return_sh=True,
684                                         sh_order=odf_to_sh_order,
685                                         normalize_peaks=True,
686                                         parallel=parallel,
687                                         num_processes=num_processes)
688            peaks_csa.affine = affine
690            save_peaks(opam, peaks_csa)
692            logging.info('Finished CSA {0}'.format(dwi))
694            if extract_pam_values:
695                peaks_to_niftis(peaks_csa, oshm, opeaks_dir,
696                                opeaks_values,
697                                opeaks_indices, ogfa, reshape_dirs=True)
699            dname_ = os.path.dirname(opam)
700            if dname_ == '':
701                logging.info('Pam5 file saved in current directory')
702            else:
703                logging.info(
704                        'Pam5 file saved in {0}'.format(dname_))
706            return io_it
709class ReconstDkiFlow(Workflow):
710    @classmethod
711    def get_short_name(cls):
712        return 'dki'
714    def run(self, input_files, bvalues_files, bvectors_files, mask_files,
715            b0_threshold=50.0, save_metrics=[],
716            out_dir='', out_dt_tensor='dti_tensors.nii.gz', out_fa='fa.nii.gz',
717            out_ga='ga.nii.gz', out_rgb='rgb.nii.gz', out_md='md.nii.gz',
718            out_ad='ad.nii.gz', out_rd='rd.nii.gz', out_mode='mode.nii.gz',
719            out_evec='evecs.nii.gz', out_eval='evals.nii.gz',
720            out_dk_tensor="dki_tensors.nii.gz",
721            out_mk="mk.nii.gz", out_ak="ak.nii.gz", out_rk="rk.nii.gz"):
722        """ Workflow for Diffusion Kurtosis reconstruction and for computing
723        DKI metrics. Performs a DKI reconstruction on the files by 'globing'
724        ``input_files`` and saves the DKI metrics in a directory specified by
725        ``out_dir``.
727        Parameters
728        ----------
729        input_files : string
730            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
731            process multiple inputs at once.
732        bvalues_files : string
733            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
734            multiple bvalues files at once.
735        bvectors_files : string
736            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
737            multiple bvalues files at once.
738        mask_files : string
739            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
740            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
741        b0_threshold : float, optional
742            Threshold used to find b0 volumes.
743        save_metrics : variable string, optional
744            List of metrics to save.
745            Possible values: fa, ga, rgb, md, ad, rd, mode, tensor, evec, eval
746        out_dir : string, optional
747            Output directory. (default current directory)
748        out_dt_tensor : string, optional
749            Name of the tensors volume to be saved.
750        out_dk_tensor : string, optional
751            Name of the tensors volume to be saved.
752        out_fa : string, optional
753            Name of the fractional anisotropy volume to be saved.
754        out_ga : string, optional
755            Name of the geodesic anisotropy volume to be saved.
756        out_rgb : string, optional
757            Name of the color fa volume to be saved.
758        out_md : string, optional
759            Name of the mean diffusivity volume to be saved.
760        out_ad : string, optional
761            Name of the axial diffusivity volume to be saved.
762        out_rd : string, optional
763            Name of the radial diffusivity volume to be saved.
764        out_mode : string, optional
765            Name of the mode volume to be saved.
766        out_evec : string, optional
767            Name of the eigenvectors volume to be saved.
768        out_eval : string, optional
769            Name of the eigenvalues to be saved.
770        out_mk : string, optional
771            Name of the mean kurtosis to be saved.
772        out_ak : string, optional
773            Name of the axial kurtosis to be saved.
774        out_rk : string, optional
775            Name of the radial kurtosis to be saved.
777        References
778        ----------
780        .. [1] Tabesh, A., Jensen, J.H., Ardekani, B.A., Helpern, J.A., 2011.
781           Estimation of tensors and tensor-derived measures in diffusional
782           kurtosis imaging. Magn Reson Med. 65(3), 823-836
784        .. [2] Jensen, Jens H., Joseph A. Helpern, Anita Ramani, Hanzhang Lu,
785           and Kyle Kaczynski. 2005. Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging: The
786           Quantification of Non-Gaussian Water Diffusion by Means of Magnetic
787           Resonance Imaging. MRM 53 (6):1432-40.
788        """
789        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()
791        for (dwi, bval, bvec, mask, otensor, ofa, oga, orgb, omd, oad, orad,
792             omode, oevecs, oevals, odk_tensor, omk, oak, ork) in io_it:
794            logging.info('Computing DKI metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))
795            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)
797            if mask is not None:
798                mask = load_nifti_data(mask).astype(bool)
800            dkfit, _ = self.get_fitted_tensor(data, mask, bval, bvec,
801                                              b0_threshold)
803            if not save_metrics:
804                save_metrics = ['mk', 'rk', 'ak', 'fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'ga',
805                                'rgb', 'mode', 'evec', 'eval', 'dt_tensor',
806                                'dk_tensor']
808            evals, evecs, kt = split_dki_param(dkfit.model_params)
809            FA = fractional_anisotropy(evals)
810            FA[np.isnan(FA)] = 0
811            FA = np.clip(FA, 0, 1)
813            if 'dt_tensor' in save_metrics:
814                tensor_vals = lower_triangular(dkfit.quadratic_form)
815                correct_order = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]
816                tensor_vals_reordered = tensor_vals[..., correct_order]
817                save_nifti(otensor, tensor_vals_reordered.astype(np.float32),
818                           affine)
820            if 'dk_tensor' in save_metrics:
821                save_nifti(odk_tensor, dkfit.kt.astype(np.float32), affine)
823            if 'fa' in save_metrics:
824                save_nifti(ofa, FA.astype(np.float32), affine)
826            if 'ga' in save_metrics:
827                GA = geodesic_anisotropy(dkfit.evals)
828                save_nifti(oga, GA.astype(np.float32), affine)
830            if 'rgb' in save_metrics:
831                RGB = color_fa(FA, dkfit.evecs)
832                save_nifti(orgb, np.array(255 * RGB, 'uint8'), affine)
834            if 'md' in save_metrics:
835                MD = mean_diffusivity(dkfit.evals)
836                save_nifti(omd, MD.astype(np.float32), affine)
838            if 'ad' in save_metrics:
839                AD = axial_diffusivity(dkfit.evals)
840                save_nifti(oad, AD.astype(np.float32), affine)
842            if 'rd' in save_metrics:
843                RD = radial_diffusivity(dkfit.evals)
844                save_nifti(orad, RD.astype(np.float32), affine)
846            if 'mode' in save_metrics:
847                MODE = get_mode(dkfit.quadratic_form)
848                save_nifti(omode, MODE.astype(np.float32), affine)
850            if 'evec' in save_metrics:
851                save_nifti(oevecs, dkfit.evecs.astype(np.float32), affine)
853            if 'eval' in save_metrics:
854                save_nifti(oevals, dkfit.evals.astype(np.float32), affine)
856            if 'mk' in save_metrics:
857                save_nifti(omk, dkfit.mk().astype(np.float32), affine)
859            if 'ak' in save_metrics:
860                save_nifti(oak, dkfit.ak().astype(np.float32), affine)
862            if 'rk' in save_metrics:
863                save_nifti(ork, dkfit.rk().astype(np.float32), affine)
865            logging.info('DKI metrics saved in {0}'.
866                         format(os.path.dirname(oevals)))
868    def get_dki_model(self, gtab):
869        return DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab)
871    def get_fitted_tensor(self, data, mask, bval, bvec, b0_threshold=50):
872        logging.info('Diffusion kurtosis estimation...')
873        bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval, bvec)
874        if b0_threshold < bvals.min():
875            warn("b0_threshold (value: {0}) is too low, increase your "
876                 "b0_threshold. It should be higher than the first b0 value "
877                 "({1}).".format(b0_threshold, bvals.min()))
879        gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs, b0_threshold=b0_threshold)
880        dkmodel = self.get_dki_model(gtab)
881        dkfit = dkmodel.fit(data, mask)
883        return dkfit, gtab
886class ReconstIvimFlow(Workflow):
887    @classmethod
888    def get_short_name(cls):
889        return 'ivim'
891    def run(self, input_files, bvalues_files, bvectors_files, mask_files,
892            split_b_D=400, split_b_S0=200, b0_threshold=0, save_metrics=[],
893            out_dir='', out_S0_predicted='S0_predicted.nii.gz',
894            out_perfusion_fraction='perfusion_fraction.nii.gz',
895            out_D_star='D_star.nii.gz', out_D='D.nii.gz'):
896        """ Workflow for Intra-voxel Incoherent Motion reconstruction and for
897        computing IVIM metrics. Performs a IVIM reconstruction on the files
898        by 'globing' ``input_files`` and saves the IVIM metrics in a directory
899        specified by ``out_dir``.
901        Parameters
902        ----------
903        input_files : string
904            Path to the input volumes. This path may contain wildcards to
905            process multiple inputs at once.
906        bvalues_files : string
907            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
908            multiple bvalues files at once.
909        bvectors_files : string
910            Path to the bvalues files. This path may contain wildcards to use
911            multiple bvalues files at once.
912        mask_files : string
913            Path to the input masks. This path may contain wildcards to use
914            multiple masks at once. (default: No mask used)
915        split_b_D : int, optional
916            Value to split the bvals to estimate D for the two-stage process of
917            fitting.
918        split_b_S0 : int, optional
919            Value to split the bvals to estimate S0 for the two-stage process
920            of fitting.
921        b0_threshold : int, optional
922            Threshold value for the b0 bval.
923        save_metrics : variable string, optional
924            List of metrics to save.
925            Possible values: S0_predicted, perfusion_fraction, D_star, D
926        out_dir : string, optional
927            Output directory. (default current directory)
928        out_S0_predicted : string, optional
929            Name of the S0 signal estimated to be saved.
930        out_perfusion_fraction : string, optional
931            Name of the estimated volume fractions to be saved.
932        out_D_star : string, optional
933            Name of the estimated pseudo-diffusion parameter to be saved.
934        out_D : string, optional
935            Name of the estimated diffusion parameter to be saved.
937        References
938        ----------
940        .. [Stejskal65] Stejskal, E. O.; Tanner, J. E. (1 January 1965).
941                        "Spin Diffusion Measurements: Spin Echoes in the
942                        Presence of a Time-Dependent Field Gradient". The
943                        Journal of Chemical Physics 42 (1): 288.
944                        Bibcode: 1965JChPh..42..288S. doi:10.1063/1.1695690.
946        .. [LeBihan84] Le Bihan, Denis, et al. "Separation of diffusion
947                       and perfusion in intravoxel incoherent motion MR
948                       imaging." Radiology 168.2 (1988): 497-505.
949        """
951        io_it = self.get_io_iterator()
953        for (dwi, bval, bvec, mask, oS0_predicted, operfusion_fraction,
954             oD_star, oD) in io_it:
956            logging.info('Computing IVIM metrics for {0}'.format(dwi))
957            data, affine = load_nifti(dwi)
959            if mask is not None:
960                mask = load_nifti_data(mask).astype(bool)
962            ivimfit, _ = self.get_fitted_ivim(data, mask, bval, bvec,
963                                              b0_threshold)
965            if not save_metrics:
966                save_metrics = ['S0_predicted', 'perfusion_fraction', 'D_star',
967                                'D']
969            if 'S0_predicted' in save_metrics:
970                save_nifti(oS0_predicted,
971                           ivimfit.S0_predicted.astype(np.float32), affine)
973            if 'perfusion_fraction' in save_metrics:
974                save_nifti(operfusion_fraction,
975                           ivimfit.perfusion_fraction.astype(np.float32),
976                           affine)
978            if 'D_star' in save_metrics:
979                save_nifti(oD_star, ivimfit.D_star.astype(np.float32), affine)
981            if 'D' in save_metrics:
982                save_nifti(oD, ivimfit.D.astype(np.float32), affine)
984            logging.info('IVIM metrics saved in {0}'.
985                         format(os.path.dirname(oD)))
987    def get_fitted_ivim(self, data, mask, bval, bvec, b0_threshold=50):
988        logging.info('Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion Estimation...')
989        bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(bval, bvec)
990        if b0_threshold < bvals.min():
991            warn("b0_threshold (value: {0}) is too low, increase your "
992                 "b0_threshold. It should be higher than the first b0 value "
993                 "({1}).".format(b0_threshold, bvals.min()))
995        gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs, b0_threshold=b0_threshold)
996        ivimmodel = IvimModel(gtab)
997        ivimfit = ivimmodel.fit(data, mask)
999        return ivimfit, gtab