1# emacs: -*- mode: python-mode; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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3### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
5#   See COPYING file distributed along with the NiBabel package for the
6#   copyright and license terms.
8### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
9""" Read / write access to NIfTI1 image format
11NIfTI1 format defined at http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/nifti-1/
13import warnings
14from io import BytesIO
16import numpy as np
17import numpy.linalg as npl
18from numpy.compat.py3k import asstr
20from .filebasedimages import SerializableImage
21from .volumeutils import Recoder, make_dt_codes, endian_codes
22from .spatialimages import HeaderDataError, ImageFileError
23from .batteryrunners import Report
24from .quaternions import fillpositive, quat2mat, mat2quat
25from . import analyze  # module import
26from .spm99analyze import SpmAnalyzeHeader
27from .casting import have_binary128
28from .pydicom_compat import have_dicom, pydicom as pdcm
30# nifti1 flat header definition for Analyze-like first 348 bytes
31# first number in comments indicates offset in file header in bytes
32header_dtd = [
33    ('sizeof_hdr', 'i4'),      # 0; must be 348
34    ('data_type', 'S10'),      # 4; unused
35    ('db_name', 'S18'),        # 14; unused
36    ('extents', 'i4'),         # 32; unused
37    ('session_error', 'i2'),   # 36; unused
38    ('regular', 'S1'),         # 38; unused
39    ('dim_info', 'u1'),        # 39; MRI slice ordering code
40    ('dim', 'i2', (8,)),       # 40; data array dimensions
41    ('intent_p1', 'f4'),       # 56; first intent parameter
42    ('intent_p2', 'f4'),       # 60; second intent parameter
43    ('intent_p3', 'f4'),       # 64; third intent parameter
44    ('intent_code', 'i2'),     # 68; NIFTI intent code
45    ('datatype', 'i2'),        # 70; it's the datatype
46    ('bitpix', 'i2'),          # 72; number of bits per voxel
47    ('slice_start', 'i2'),     # 74; first slice index
48    ('pixdim', 'f4', (8,)),    # 76; grid spacings (units below)
49    ('vox_offset', 'f4'),      # 108; offset to data in image file
50    ('scl_slope', 'f4'),       # 112; data scaling slope
51    ('scl_inter', 'f4'),       # 116; data scaling intercept
52    ('slice_end', 'i2'),       # 120; last slice index
53    ('slice_code', 'u1'),      # 122; slice timing order
54    ('xyzt_units', 'u1'),      # 123; units of pixdim[1..4]
55    ('cal_max', 'f4'),         # 124; max display intensity
56    ('cal_min', 'f4'),         # 128; min display intensity
57    ('slice_duration', 'f4'),  # 132; time for 1 slice
58    ('toffset', 'f4'),         # 136; time axis shift
59    ('glmax', 'i4'),           # 140; unused
60    ('glmin', 'i4'),           # 144; unused
61    ('descrip', 'S80'),        # 148; any text
62    ('aux_file', 'S24'),       # 228; auxiliary filename
63    ('qform_code', 'i2'),      # 252; xform code
64    ('sform_code', 'i2'),      # 254; xform code
65    ('quatern_b', 'f4'),       # 256; quaternion b param
66    ('quatern_c', 'f4'),       # 260; quaternion c param
67    ('quatern_d', 'f4'),       # 264; quaternion d param
68    ('qoffset_x', 'f4'),       # 268; quaternion x shift
69    ('qoffset_y', 'f4'),       # 272; quaternion y shift
70    ('qoffset_z', 'f4'),       # 276; quaternion z shift
71    ('srow_x', 'f4', (4,)),    # 280; 1st row affine transform
72    ('srow_y', 'f4', (4,)),    # 296; 2nd row affine transform
73    ('srow_z', 'f4', (4,)),    # 312; 3rd row affine transform
74    ('intent_name', 'S16'),    # 328; name or meaning of data
75    ('magic', 'S4')            # 344; must be 'ni1\0' or 'n+1\0'
78# Full header numpy dtype
79header_dtype = np.dtype(header_dtd)
81# datatypes not in analyze format, with codes
82if have_binary128():
83    # Only enable 128 bit floats if we really have IEEE binary 128 longdoubles
84    _float128t = np.longdouble
85    _complex256t = np.longcomplex
87    _float128t = np.void
88    _complex256t = np.void
90_dtdefs = (  # code, label, dtype definition, niistring
91    (0, 'none', np.void, ""),
92    (1, 'binary', np.void, ""),
93    (2, 'uint8', np.uint8, "NIFTI_TYPE_UINT8"),
94    (4, 'int16', np.int16, "NIFTI_TYPE_INT16"),
95    (8, 'int32', np.int32, "NIFTI_TYPE_INT32"),
96    (16, 'float32', np.float32, "NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32"),
97    (32, 'complex64', np.complex64, "NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX64"),
98    (64, 'float64', np.float64, "NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT64"),
99    (128, 'RGB', np.dtype([('R', 'u1'),
100                           ('G', 'u1'),
101                           ('B', 'u1')]), "NIFTI_TYPE_RGB24"),
102    (255, 'all', np.void, ''),
103    (256, 'int8', np.int8, "NIFTI_TYPE_INT8"),
104    (512, 'uint16', np.uint16, "NIFTI_TYPE_UINT16"),
105    (768, 'uint32', np.uint32, "NIFTI_TYPE_UINT32"),
106    (1024, 'int64', np.int64, "NIFTI_TYPE_INT64"),
107    (1280, 'uint64', np.uint64, "NIFTI_TYPE_UINT64"),
108    (1536, 'float128', _float128t, "NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT128"),
109    (1792, 'complex128', np.complex128, "NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX128"),
110    (2048, 'complex256', _complex256t, "NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX256"),
111    (2304, 'RGBA', np.dtype([('R', 'u1'),
112                             ('G', 'u1'),
113                             ('B', 'u1'),
114                             ('A', 'u1')]), "NIFTI_TYPE_RGBA32"),
117# Make full code alias bank, including dtype column
118data_type_codes = make_dt_codes(_dtdefs)
120# Transform (qform, sform) codes
121xform_codes = Recoder((  # code, label, niistring
122    (0, 'unknown', "NIFTI_XFORM_UNKNOWN"),
123    (1, 'scanner', "NIFTI_XFORM_SCANNER_ANAT"),
124    (2, 'aligned', "NIFTI_XFORM_ALIGNED_ANAT"),
125    (3, 'talairach', "NIFTI_XFORM_TALAIRACH"),
126    (4, 'mni', "NIFTI_XFORM_MNI_152"),
127    (5, 'template', "NIFTI_XFORM_TEMPLATE_OTHER"),
128    ), fields=('code', 'label', 'niistring'))
130# unit codes
131unit_codes = Recoder((  # code, label
132    (0, 'unknown'),
133    (1, 'meter'),
134    (2, 'mm'),
135    (3, 'micron'),
136    (8, 'sec'),
137    (16, 'msec'),
138    (24, 'usec'),
139    (32, 'hz'),
140    (40, 'ppm'),
141    (48, 'rads')), fields=('code', 'label'))
143slice_order_codes = Recoder((  # code, label
144    (0, 'unknown'),
145    (1, 'sequential increasing', 'seq inc'),
146    (2, 'sequential decreasing', 'seq dec'),
147    (3, 'alternating increasing', 'alt inc'),
148    (4, 'alternating decreasing', 'alt dec'),
149    (5, 'alternating increasing 2', 'alt inc 2'),
150    (6, 'alternating decreasing 2', 'alt dec 2')), fields=('code', 'label'))
152intent_codes = Recoder((
153    # code, label, parameters description tuple
154    (0, 'none', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_NONE"),
155    (2, 'correlation', ('p1 = DOF',), "NIFTI_INTENT_CORREL"),
156    (3, 't test', ('p1 = DOF',), "NIFTI_INTENT_TTEST"),
157    (4, 'f test', ('p1 = numerator DOF', 'p2 = denominator DOF'),
159    (5, 'z score', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_ZSCORE"),
160    (6, 'chi2', ('p1 = DOF',), "NIFTI_INTENT_CHISQ"),
161    # two parameter beta distribution
162    (7, 'beta',
163     ('p1=a', 'p2=b'),
165    # Prob(x) = (p1 choose x) * p2^x * (1-p2)^(p1-x), for x=0,1,...,p1
166    (8, 'binomial',
167     ('p1 = number of trials', 'p2 = probability per trial'),
169    # 2 parameter gamma
170    # Density(x) proportional to  # x^(p1-1) * exp(-p2*x)
171    (9, 'gamma',
172     ('p1 = shape, p2 = scale', 2),
174    (10, 'poisson',
175     ('p1 = mean',),
177    (11, 'normal',
178     ('p1 = mean', 'p2 = standard deviation',),
180    (12, 'non central f test',
181     ('p1 = numerator DOF',
182      'p2 = denominator DOF',
183      'p3 = numerator noncentrality parameter',),
185    (13, 'non central chi2',
186     ('p1 = DOF', 'p2 = noncentrality parameter',),
188    (14, 'logistic',
189     ('p1 = location', 'p2 = scale',),
191    (15, 'laplace',
192     ('p1 = location', 'p2 = scale'),
194    (16, 'uniform',
195     ('p1 = lower end', 'p2 = upper end'),
197    (17, 'non central t test',
198     ('p1 = DOF', 'p2 = noncentrality parameter'),
200    (18, 'weibull',
201     ('p1 = location', 'p2 = scale, p3 = power'),
203    # p1 = 1 = 'half normal' distribution
204    # p1 = 2 = Rayleigh distribution
205    # p1 = 3 = Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
206    (19, 'chi', ('p1 = DOF',), "NIFTI_INTENT_CHI"),
207    (20, 'inverse gaussian',
208     ('pi = mu', 'p2 = lambda'),
210    (21, 'extreme value 1',
211     ('p1 = location', 'p2 = scale'),
213    (22, 'p value', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_PVAL"),
214    (23, 'log p value', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_LOGPVAL"),
215    (24, 'log10 p value', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_LOG10PVAL"),
216    (1001, 'estimate', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_ESTIMATE"),
217    (1002, 'label', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL"),
218    (1003, 'neuroname', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_NEURONAME"),
219    (1004, 'general matrix',
220     ('p1 = M', 'p2 = N'),
222    (1005, 'symmetric matrix', ('p1 = M',), "NIFTI_INTENT_SYMMATRIX"),
223    (1006, 'displacement vector', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_DISPVECT"),
224    (1007, 'vector', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_VECTOR"),
225    (1008, 'pointset', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET"),
226    (1009, 'triangle', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE"),
227    (1010, 'quaternion', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_QUATERNION"),
228    (1011, 'dimensionless', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_DIMLESS"),
229    (2001, 'time series',
230     (),
232     "NIFTI_INTENT_TIMESERIES"),  # this mis-spell occurs in the wild
233    (2002, 'node index', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_NODE_INDEX"),
234    (2003, 'rgb vector', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_RGB_VECTOR"),
235    (2004, 'rgba vector', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_RGBA_VECTOR"),
236    (2005, 'shape', (), "NIFTI_INTENT_SHAPE"),
237    # FSL-specific intent codes - codes used by FNIRT
238    # ($FSLDIR/warpfns/fnirt_file_reader.h:104)
239    (2006, 'fnirt disp field', (), 'FSL_FNIRT_DISPLACEMENT_FIELD'),
240    (2007, 'fnirt cubic spline coef', (), 'FSL_CUBIC_SPLINE_COEFFICIENTS'),
241    (2008, 'fnirt dct coef', (), 'FSL_DCT_COEFFICIENTS'),
242    (2009, 'fnirt quad spline coef', (), 'FSL_QUADRATIC_SPLINE_COEFFICIENTS'),
243    # FSL-specific intent codes - codes used by TOPUP
244    # ($FSLDIR/topup/topup_file_io.h:104)
245    (2016, 'topup cubic spline coef ', (),
247    (2017, 'topup quad spline coef', (),
249    (2018, 'topup field', (), 'FSL_TOPUP_FIELD'),
250), fields=('code', 'label', 'parameters', 'niistring'))
253class Nifti1Extension(object):
254    """Baseclass for NIfTI1 header extensions.
256    This class is sufficient to handle very simple text-based extensions, such
257    as `comment`. More sophisticated extensions should/will be supported by
258    dedicated subclasses.
259    """
261    def __init__(self, code, content):
262        """
263        Parameters
264        ----------
265        code : int or str
266          Canonical extension code as defined in the NIfTI standard, given
267          either as integer or corresponding label
268          (see :data:`~nibabel.nifti1.extension_codes`)
269        content : str
270          Extension content as read from the NIfTI file header. This content is
271          converted into a runtime representation.
272        """
273        try:
274            self._code = extension_codes.code[code]
275        except KeyError:
276            # XXX or fail or at least complain?
277            self._code = code
278        self._content = self._unmangle(content)
280    def _unmangle(self, value):
281        """Convert the extension content into its runtime representation.
283        The default implementation does nothing at all.
285        Parameters
286        ----------
287        value : str
288          Extension content as read from file.
290        Returns
291        -------
292        The same object that was passed as `value`.
294        Notes
295        -----
296        Subclasses should reimplement this method to provide the desired
297        unmangling procedure and may return any type of object.
298        """
299        return value
301    def _mangle(self, value):
302        """Convert the extension content into NIfTI file header representation.
304        The default implementation does nothing at all.
306        Parameters
307        ----------
308        value : str
309          Extension content in runtime form.
311        Returns
312        -------
313        str
315        Notes
316        -----
317        Subclasses should reimplement this method to provide the desired
318        mangling procedure.
319        """
320        return value
322    def get_code(self):
323        """Return the canonical extension type code."""
324        return self._code
326    def get_content(self):
327        """Return the extension content in its runtime representation."""
328        return self._content
330    def get_sizeondisk(self):
331        """Return the size of the extension in the NIfTI file.
332        """
333        # need raw value size plus 8 bytes for esize and ecode
334        size = len(self._mangle(self._content))
335        size += 8
336        # extensions size has to be a multiple of 16 bytes
337        if size % 16 != 0:
338            size += 16 - (size % 16)
339        return size
341    def __repr__(self):
342        try:
343            code = extension_codes.label[self._code]
344        except KeyError:
345            # deal with unknown codes
346            code = self._code
348        s = f"Nifti1Extension('{code}', '{self._content}')"
349        return s
351    def __eq__(self, other):
352        return (self._code, self._content) == (other._code, other._content)
354    def __ne__(self, other):
355        return not self == other
357    def write_to(self, fileobj, byteswap):
358        """ Write header extensions to fileobj
360        Write starts at fileobj current file position.
362        Parameters
363        ----------
364        fileobj : file-like object
365           Should implement ``write`` method
366        byteswap : boolean
367          Flag if byteswapping the data is required.
369        Returns
370        -------
371        None
372        """
373        extstart = fileobj.tell()
374        rawsize = self.get_sizeondisk()
375        # write esize and ecode first
376        extinfo = np.array((rawsize, self._code), dtype=np.int32)
377        if byteswap:
378            extinfo = extinfo.byteswap()
379        fileobj.write(extinfo.tobytes())
380        # followed by the actual extension content
381        # XXX if mangling upon load is implemented, it should be reverted here
382        fileobj.write(self._mangle(self._content))
383        # be nice and zero out remaining part of the extension till the
384        # next 16 byte border
385        fileobj.write(b'\x00' * (extstart + rawsize - fileobj.tell()))
388class Nifti1DicomExtension(Nifti1Extension):
389    """NIfTI1 DICOM header extension
391    This class is a thin wrapper around pydicom to read a binary DICOM
392    byte string. If pydicom is available, content is exposed as a Dicom Dataset.
393    Otherwise, this silently falls back to the standard NiftiExtension class
394    and content is the raw bytestring loaded directly from the nifti file
395    header.
396    """
397    def __init__(self, code, content, parent_hdr=None):
398        """
399        Parameters
400        ----------
401        code : int or str
402          Canonical extension code as defined in the NIfTI standard, given
403          either as integer or corresponding label
404          (see :data:`~nibabel.nifti1.extension_codes`)
405        content : bytes or pydicom Dataset or None
406          Extension content - either a bytestring as read from the NIfTI file
407          header or an existing pydicom Dataset. If a bystestring, the content
408          is converted into a Dataset on initialization. If None, a new empty
409          Dataset is created.
410        parent_hdr : :class:`~nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header`, optional
411          If a dicom extension belongs to an existing
412          :class:`~nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Header`, it may be provided here to
413          ensure that the DICOM dataset is written with correctly corresponding
414          endianness; otherwise it is assumed the dataset is little endian.
416        Notes
417        -----
419        code should always be 2 for DICOM.
420        """
422        self._code = code
423        if parent_hdr:
424            self._is_little_endian = parent_hdr.endianness == '<'
425        else:
426            self._is_little_endian = True
427        if isinstance(content, pdcm.dataset.Dataset):
428            self._is_implicit_VR = False
429            self._raw_content = self._mangle(content)
430            self._content = content
431        elif isinstance(content, bytes):  # Got a byte string - unmangle it
432            self._raw_content = content
433            self._is_implicit_VR = self._guess_implicit_VR()
434            ds = self._unmangle(content, self._is_implicit_VR,
435                                self._is_little_endian)
436            self._content = ds
437        elif content is None:  # initialize a new dicom dataset
438            self._is_implicit_VR = False
439            self._content = pdcm.dataset.Dataset()
440        else:
441            raise TypeError(f"content must be either a bytestring or a pydicom Dataset. "
442                            f"Got {content.__class__}")
444    def _guess_implicit_VR(self):
445        """Try to guess DICOM syntax by checking for valid VRs.
447        Without a DICOM Transfer Syntax, it's difficult to tell if Value
448        Representations (VRs) are included in the DICOM encoding or not.
449        This reads where the first VR would be and checks it against a list of
450        valid VRs
451        """
452        potential_vr = self._raw_content[4:6].decode()
453        if potential_vr in pdcm.values.converters.keys():
454            implicit_VR = False
455        else:
456            implicit_VR = True
457        return implicit_VR
459    def _unmangle(self, value, is_implicit_VR=False, is_little_endian=True):
460        bio = BytesIO(value)
461        ds = pdcm.filereader.read_dataset(bio,
462                                          is_implicit_VR,
463                                          is_little_endian)
464        return ds
466    def _mangle(self, dataset):
467        bio = BytesIO()
468        dio = pdcm.filebase.DicomFileLike(bio)
469        dio.is_implicit_VR = self._is_implicit_VR
470        dio.is_little_endian = self._is_little_endian
471        ds_len = pdcm.filewriter.write_dataset(dio, dataset)
472        dio.seek(0)
473        return dio.read(ds_len)
476# NIfTI header extension type codes (ECODE)
477# see nifti1_io.h for a complete list of all known extensions and
478# references to their description or contacts of the respective
479# initiators
480extension_codes = Recoder((
481    (0, "ignore", Nifti1Extension),
482    (2, "dicom", Nifti1DicomExtension if have_dicom else Nifti1Extension),
483    (4, "afni", Nifti1Extension),
484    (6, "comment", Nifti1Extension),
485    (8, "xcede", Nifti1Extension),
486    (10, "jimdiminfo", Nifti1Extension),
487    (12, "workflow_fwds", Nifti1Extension),
488    (14, "freesurfer", Nifti1Extension),
489    (16, "pypickle", Nifti1Extension),
490), fields=('code', 'label', 'handler'))
493class Nifti1Extensions(list):
494    """Simple extension collection, implemented as a list-subclass.
495    """
497    def count(self, ecode):
498        """Returns the number of extensions matching a given *ecode*.
500        Parameters
501        ----------
502        code : int | str
503            The ecode can be specified either literal or as numerical value.
504        """
505        count = 0
506        code = extension_codes.code[ecode]
507        for e in self:
508            if e.get_code() == code:
509                count += 1
510        return count
512    def get_codes(self):
513        """Return a list of the extension code of all available extensions"""
514        return [e.get_code() for e in self]
516    def get_sizeondisk(self):
517        """Return the size of the complete header extensions in the NIfTI file.
518        """
519        return np.sum([e.get_sizeondisk() for e in self])
521    def __repr__(self):
522        return "Nifti1Extensions(%s)" % ', '.join(str(e) for e in self)
524    def __cmp__(self, other):
525        return cmp(list(self), list(other))
527    def write_to(self, fileobj, byteswap):
528        """ Write header extensions to fileobj
530        Write starts at fileobj current file position.
532        Parameters
533        ----------
534        fileobj : file-like object
535           Should implement ``write`` method
536        byteswap : boolean
537          Flag if byteswapping the data is required.
539        Returns
540        -------
541        None
542        """
543        for e in self:
544            e.write_to(fileobj, byteswap)
546    @classmethod
547    def from_fileobj(klass, fileobj, size, byteswap):
548        """Read header extensions from a fileobj
550        Parameters
551        ----------
552        fileobj : file-like object
553            We begin reading the extensions at the current file position
554        size : int
555            Number of bytes to read. If negative, fileobj will be read till its
556            end.
557        byteswap : boolean
558            Flag if byteswapping the read data is required.
560        Returns
561        -------
562        An extension list. This list might be empty in case not extensions
563        were present in fileobj.
564        """
565        # make empty extension list
566        extensions = klass()
567        # assume the file pointer is at the beginning of any extensions.
568        # read until the whole header is parsed (each extension is a multiple
569        # of 16 bytes) or in case of a separate header file till the end
570        # (break inside the body)
571        while size >= 16 or size < 0:
572            # the next 8 bytes should have esize and ecode
573            ext_def = fileobj.read(8)
574            # nothing was read and instructed to read till the end
575            # -> assume all extensions where parsed and break
576            if not len(ext_def) and size < 0:
577                break
578            # otherwise there should be a full extension header
579            if not len(ext_def) == 8:
580                raise HeaderDataError('failed to read extension header')
581            ext_def = np.frombuffer(ext_def, dtype=np.int32)
582            if byteswap:
583                ext_def = ext_def.byteswap()
584            # be extra verbose
585            ecode = ext_def[1]
586            esize = ext_def[0]
587            if esize % 16:
588                warnings.warn(
589                    'Extension size is not a multiple of 16 bytes; '
590                    'Assuming size is correct and hoping for the best',
591                    UserWarning)
592            # read extension itself; esize includes the 8 bytes already read
593            evalue = fileobj.read(int(esize - 8))
594            if not len(evalue) == esize - 8:
595                raise HeaderDataError('failed to read extension content')
596            # note that we read a full extension
597            size -= esize
598            # store raw extension content, but strip trailing NULL chars
599            evalue = evalue.rstrip(b'\x00')
600            # 'extension_codes' also knows the best implementation to handle
601            # a particular extension type
602            try:
603                ext = extension_codes.handler[ecode](ecode, evalue)
604            except KeyError:
605                # unknown extension type
606                # XXX complain or fail or go with a generic extension
607                ext = Nifti1Extension(ecode, evalue)
608            extensions.append(ext)
609        return extensions
612class Nifti1Header(SpmAnalyzeHeader):
613    """ Class for NIfTI1 header
615    The NIfTI1 header has many more coded fields than the simpler Analyze
616    variants.  NIfTI1 headers also have extensions.
618    Nifti allows the header to be a separate file, as part of a nifti image /
619    header pair, or to precede the data in a single file.  The object needs to
620    know which type it is, in order to manage the voxel offset pointing to the
621    data, extension reading, and writing the correct magic string.
623    This class handles the header-preceding-data case.
624    """
625    # Copies of module level definitions
626    template_dtype = header_dtype
627    _data_type_codes = data_type_codes
629    # fields with recoders for their values
630    _field_recoders = {'datatype': data_type_codes,
631                       'qform_code': xform_codes,
632                       'sform_code': xform_codes,
633                       'intent_code': intent_codes,
634                       'slice_code': slice_order_codes}
636    # data scaling capabilities
637    has_data_slope = True
638    has_data_intercept = True
640    # Extension class; should implement __call__ for construction, and
641    # ``from_fileobj`` for reading from file
642    exts_klass = Nifti1Extensions
644    # Signal whether this is single (header + data) file
645    is_single = True
647    # Default voxel data offsets for single and pair
648    pair_vox_offset = 0
649    single_vox_offset = 352
651    # Magics for single and pair
652    pair_magic = b'ni1'
653    single_magic = b'n+1'
655    # Quaternion threshold near 0, based on float32 precision
656    quaternion_threshold = -np.finfo(np.float32).eps * 3
658    def __init__(self,
659                 binaryblock=None,
660                 endianness=None,
661                 check=True,
662                 extensions=()):
663        """ Initialize header from binary data block and extensions
664        """
665        super(Nifti1Header, self).__init__(binaryblock,
666                                           endianness,
667                                           check)
668        self.extensions = self.exts_klass(extensions)
670    def copy(self):
671        """ Return copy of header
673        Take reference to extensions as well as copy of header contents
674        """
675        return self.__class__(
676            self.binaryblock,
677            self.endianness,
678            False,
679            self.extensions)
681    @classmethod
682    def from_fileobj(klass, fileobj, endianness=None, check=True):
683        raw_str = fileobj.read(klass.template_dtype.itemsize)
684        hdr = klass(raw_str, endianness, check)
685        # Read next 4 bytes to see if we have extensions.  The nifti standard
686        # has this as a 4 byte string; if the first value is not zero, then we
687        # have extensions.
688        extension_status = fileobj.read(4)
689        # Need to test *slice* of extension_status to preserve byte string type
690        # on Python 3
691        if len(extension_status) < 4 or extension_status[0:1] == b'\x00':
692            return hdr
693        # If this is a detached header file read to end
694        if not klass.is_single:
695            extsize = -1
696        else:  # otherwise read until the beginning of the data
697            extsize = hdr._structarr['vox_offset'] - fileobj.tell()
698        byteswap = endian_codes['native'] != hdr.endianness
699        hdr.extensions = klass.exts_klass.from_fileobj(fileobj, extsize,
700                                                       byteswap)
701        return hdr
703    def write_to(self, fileobj):
704        # First check that vox offset is large enough; set if necessary
705        if self.is_single:
706            vox_offset = self._structarr['vox_offset']
707            min_vox_offset = (self.single_vox_offset +
708                              self.extensions.get_sizeondisk())
709            if vox_offset == 0:  # vox offset unset; set as necessary
710                self._structarr['vox_offset'] = min_vox_offset
711            elif vox_offset < min_vox_offset:
712                raise HeaderDataError(
713                    f'vox offset set to {vox_offset}, but need at least {min_vox_offset}')
714        super(Nifti1Header, self).write_to(fileobj)
715        # Write extensions
716        if len(self.extensions) == 0:
717            # If single file, write required 0 stream to signal no extensions
718            if self.is_single:
719                fileobj.write(b'\x00' * 4)
720            return
721        # Signal there are extensions that follow
722        fileobj.write(b'\x01\x00\x00\x00')
723        byteswap = endian_codes['native'] != self.endianness
724        self.extensions.write_to(fileobj, byteswap)
726    def get_best_affine(self):
727        """ Select best of available transforms """
728        hdr = self._structarr
729        if hdr['sform_code'] != 0:
730            return self.get_sform()
731        if hdr['qform_code'] != 0:
732            return self.get_qform()
733        return self.get_base_affine()
735    @classmethod
736    def default_structarr(klass, endianness=None):
737        """ Create empty header binary block with given endianness """
738        hdr_data = super(Nifti1Header, klass).default_structarr(endianness)
739        if klass.is_single:
740            hdr_data['magic'] = klass.single_magic
741        else:
742            hdr_data['magic'] = klass.pair_magic
743        return hdr_data
745    @classmethod
746    def from_header(klass, header=None, check=True):
747        """ Class method to create header from another header
749        Extend Analyze header copy by copying extensions from other Nifti
750        types.
752        Parameters
753        ----------
754        header : ``Header`` instance or mapping
755           a header of this class, or another class of header for
756           conversion to this type
757        check : {True, False}
758           whether to check header for integrity
760        Returns
761        -------
762        hdr : header instance
763           fresh header instance of our own class
764        """
765        new_hdr = super(Nifti1Header, klass).from_header(header, check)
766        if isinstance(header, Nifti1Header):
767            new_hdr.extensions[:] = header.extensions[:]
768        return new_hdr
770    def get_data_shape(self):
771        """ Get shape of data
773        Examples
774        --------
775        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
776        >>> hdr.get_data_shape()
777        (0,)
778        >>> hdr.set_data_shape((1,2,3))
779        >>> hdr.get_data_shape()
780        (1, 2, 3)
782        Expanding number of dimensions gets default zooms
784        >>> hdr.get_zooms()
785        (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
787        Notes
788        -----
789        Applies freesurfer hack for large vectors described in `issue 100`_ and
790        `save_nifti.m <save77_>`_.
792        Allows for freesurfer hack for 7th order icosahedron surface described
793        in `issue 309`_, load_nifti.m_, and `save_nifti.m <save50_>`_.
794        """
795        shape = super(Nifti1Header, self).get_data_shape()
796        # Apply freesurfer hack for large vectors
797        if shape[:3] == (-1, 1, 1):
798            vec_len = int(self._structarr['glmin'])
799            if vec_len == 0:
800                raise HeaderDataError('-1 in dim[1] but 0 in glmin; '
801                                      'inconsistent freesurfer type header?')
802            return (vec_len, 1, 1) + shape[3:]
803        # Apply freesurfer hack for ico7 surface
804        elif shape[:3] == (27307, 1, 6):
805            return (163842, 1, 1) + shape[3:]
806        else:  # Normal case
807            return shape
809    def set_data_shape(self, shape):
810        """ Set shape of data  # noqa
812        If ``ndims == len(shape)`` then we set zooms for dimensions higher than
813        ``ndims`` to 1.0
815        Nifti1 images can have up to seven dimensions. For FreeSurfer-variant
816        Nifti surface files, the first dimension is assumed to correspond to
817        vertices/nodes on a surface, and dimensions two and three are
818        constrained to have depth of 1. Dimensions 4-7 are constrained only by
819        type bounds.
821        Parameters
822        ----------
823        shape : sequence
824           sequence of integers specifying data array shape
826        Notes
827        -----
828        Applies freesurfer hack for large vectors described in `issue 100`_ and
829        `save_nifti.m <save77_>`_.
831        Allows for freesurfer hack for 7th order icosahedron surface described
832        in `issue 309`_, load_nifti.m_, and `save_nifti.m <save50_>`_.
834        The Nifti1 `standard header`_ allows for the following "point set"
835        definition of a surface, not currently implemented in nibabel.
837        ::
839          To signify that the vector value at each voxel is really a
840          spatial coordinate (e.g., the vertices or nodes of a surface mesh):
841            - dataset must have a 5th dimension
842            - intent_code must be NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET
843            - dim[0] = 5
844            - dim[1] = number of points
845            - dim[2] = dim[3] = dim[4] = 1
846            - dim[5] must be the dimensionality of space (e.g., 3 => 3D space).
847            - intent_name may describe the object these points come from
848              (e.g., "pial", "gray/white" , "EEG", "MEG").
850        .. _issue 100: https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/issues/100
851        .. _issue 309: https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/issues/309
852        .. _save77:
853            https://github.com/fieldtrip/fieldtrip/blob/428798b/external/freesurfer/save_nifti.m#L77-L82
854        .. _save50:
855            https://github.com/fieldtrip/fieldtrip/blob/428798b/external/freesurfer/save_nifti.m#L50-L56
856        .. _load_nifti.m:
857            https://github.com/fieldtrip/fieldtrip/blob/428798b/external/freesurfer/load_nifti.m#L86-L89
858        .. _standard header: http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/src/niftilib/nifti1.h
859        """
860        hdr = self._structarr
861        shape = tuple(shape)
863        # Apply freesurfer hack for ico7 surface
864        if shape[:3] == (163842, 1, 1):
865            shape = (27307, 1, 6) + shape[3:]
866        # Apply freesurfer hack for large vectors
867        elif (len(shape) >= 3 and shape[1:3] == (1, 1) and
868                shape[0] > np.iinfo(hdr['dim'].dtype.base).max):
869            try:
870                hdr['glmin'] = shape[0]
871            except OverflowError:
872                overflow = True
873            else:
874                overflow = hdr['glmin'] != shape[0]
875            if overflow:
876                raise HeaderDataError(f'shape[0] {shape[0]} does not fit in glmax datatype')
877            warnings.warn('Using large vector Freesurfer hack; header will '
878                          'not be compatible with SPM or FSL', stacklevel=2)
879            shape = (-1, 1, 1) + shape[3:]
880        super(Nifti1Header, self).set_data_shape(shape)
882    def get_qform_quaternion(self):
883        """ Compute quaternion from b, c, d of quaternion
885        Fills a value by assuming this is a unit quaternion
886        """
887        hdr = self._structarr
888        bcd = [hdr['quatern_b'], hdr['quatern_c'], hdr['quatern_d']]
889        # Adjust threshold to precision of stored values in header
890        return fillpositive(bcd, self.quaternion_threshold)
892    def get_qform(self, coded=False):
893        """ Return 4x4 affine matrix from qform parameters in header
895        Parameters
896        ----------
897        coded : bool, optional
898            If True, return {affine or None}, and qform code.  If False, just
899            return affine.  {affine or None} means, return None if qform code
900            == 0, and affine otherwise.
902        Returns
903        -------
904        affine : None or (4,4) ndarray
905            If `coded` is False, always return affine reconstructed from qform
906            quaternion.  If `coded` is True, return None if qform code is 0,
907            else return the affine.
908        code : int
909            Qform code. Only returned if `coded` is True.
910        """
911        hdr = self._structarr
912        code = int(hdr['qform_code'])
913        if code == 0 and coded:
914            return None, 0
915        quat = self.get_qform_quaternion()
916        R = quat2mat(quat)
917        vox = hdr['pixdim'][1:4].copy()
918        if np.any(vox < 0):
919            raise HeaderDataError('pixdims[1,2,3] should be positive')
920        qfac = hdr['pixdim'][0]
921        if qfac not in (-1, 1):
922            raise HeaderDataError('qfac (pixdim[0]) should be 1 or -1')
923        vox[-1] *= qfac
924        S = np.diag(vox)
925        M = np.dot(R, S)
926        out = np.eye(4)
927        out[0:3, 0:3] = M
928        out[0:3, 3] = [hdr['qoffset_x'], hdr['qoffset_y'], hdr['qoffset_z']]
929        if coded:
930            return out, code
931        return out
933    def set_qform(self, affine, code=None, strip_shears=True):
934        """ Set qform header values from 4x4 affine
936        Parameters
937        ----------
938        affine : None or 4x4 array
939            affine transform to write into sform. If None, only set code.
940        code : None, string or integer, optional
941            String or integer giving meaning of transform in *affine*.
942            The default is None.  If code is None, then:
944            * If affine is None, `code`-> 0
945            * If affine not None and existing qform code in header == 0,
946              `code`-> 2 (aligned)
947            * If affine not None and existing qform code in header != 0,
948              `code`-> existing qform code in header
950        strip_shears : bool, optional
951            Whether to strip shears in `affine`.  If True, shears will be
952            silently stripped. If False, the presence of shears will raise a
953            ``HeaderDataError``
955        Notes
956        -----
957        The qform transform only encodes translations, rotations and
958        zooms. If there are shear components to the `affine` transform, and
959        `strip_shears` is True (the default), the written qform gives the
960        closest approximation where the rotation matrix is orthogonal. This is
961        to allow quaternion representation. The orthogonal representation
962        enforces orthogonal axes.
964        Examples
965        --------
966        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
967        >>> int(hdr['qform_code'])  # gives 0 - unknown
968        0
969        >>> affine = np.diag([1,2,3,1])
970        >>> np.all(hdr.get_qform() == affine)
971        False
972        >>> hdr.set_qform(affine)
973        >>> np.all(hdr.get_qform() == affine)
974        True
975        >>> int(hdr['qform_code'])  # gives 2 - aligned
976        2
977        >>> hdr.set_qform(affine, code='talairach')
978        >>> int(hdr['qform_code'])
979        3
980        >>> hdr.set_qform(affine, code=None)
981        >>> int(hdr['qform_code'])
982        3
983        >>> hdr.set_qform(affine, code='scanner')
984        >>> int(hdr['qform_code'])
985        1
986        >>> hdr.set_qform(None)
987        >>> int(hdr['qform_code'])
988        0
989        """
990        hdr = self._structarr
991        old_code = hdr['qform_code']
992        if code is None:
993            if affine is None:
994                code = 0
995            elif old_code == 0:
996                code = 2  # aligned
997            else:
998                code = old_code
999        else:  # code set
1000            code = self._field_recoders['qform_code'][code]
1001        hdr['qform_code'] = code
1002        if affine is None:
1003            return
1004        affine = np.asarray(affine)
1005        if not affine.shape == (4, 4):
1006            raise TypeError('Need 4x4 affine as input')
1007        trans = affine[:3, 3]
1008        RZS = affine[:3, :3]
1009        zooms = np.sqrt(np.sum(RZS * RZS, axis=0))
1010        R = RZS / zooms
1011        # Set qfac to make R determinant positive
1012        if npl.det(R) > 0:
1013            qfac = 1
1014        else:
1015            qfac = -1
1016            R[:, -1] *= -1
1017        # Make R orthogonal (to allow quaternion representation)
1018        # The orthogonal representation enforces orthogonal axes
1019        # (a subtle requirement of the NIFTI format qform transform)
1020        # Transform below is polar decomposition, returning the closest
1021        # orthogonal matrix PR, to input R
1022        P, S, Qs = npl.svd(R)
1023        PR = np.dot(P, Qs)
1024        if not strip_shears and not np.allclose(PR, R):
1025            raise HeaderDataError("Shears in affine and `strip_shears` is "
1026                                  "False")
1027        # Convert to quaternion
1028        quat = mat2quat(PR)
1029        # Set into header
1030        hdr['qoffset_x'], hdr['qoffset_y'], hdr['qoffset_z'] = trans
1031        hdr['pixdim'][0] = qfac
1032        hdr['pixdim'][1:4] = zooms
1033        hdr['quatern_b'], hdr['quatern_c'], hdr['quatern_d'] = quat[1:]
1035    def get_sform(self, coded=False):
1036        """ Return 4x4 affine matrix from sform parameters in header
1038        Parameters
1039        ----------
1040        coded : bool, optional
1041            If True, return {affine or None}, and sform code.  If False, just
1042            return affine.  {affine or None} means, return None if sform code
1043            == 0, and affine otherwise.
1045        Returns
1046        -------
1047        affine : None or (4,4) ndarray
1048            If `coded` is False, always return affine from sform fields. If
1049            `coded` is True, return None if sform code is 0, else return the
1050            affine.
1051        code : int
1052            Sform code. Only returned if `coded` is True.
1053        """
1054        hdr = self._structarr
1055        code = int(hdr['sform_code'])
1056        if code == 0 and coded:
1057            return None, 0
1058        out = np.eye(4)
1059        out[0, :] = hdr['srow_x'][:]
1060        out[1, :] = hdr['srow_y'][:]
1061        out[2, :] = hdr['srow_z'][:]
1062        if coded:
1063            return out, code
1064        return out
1066    def set_sform(self, affine, code=None):
1067        """ Set sform transform from 4x4 affine
1069        Parameters
1070        ----------
1071        affine : None or 4x4 array
1072            affine transform to write into sform.  If None, only set `code`
1073        code : None, string or integer, optional
1074            String or integer giving meaning of transform in *affine*.
1075            The default is None.  If code is None, then:
1077            * If affine is None, `code`-> 0
1078            * If affine not None and existing sform code in header == 0,
1079              `code`-> 2 (aligned)
1080            * If affine not None and existing sform code in header != 0,
1081              `code`-> existing sform code in header
1083        Examples
1084        --------
1085        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
1086        >>> int(hdr['sform_code'])  # gives 0 - unknown
1087        0
1088        >>> affine = np.diag([1,2,3,1])
1089        >>> np.all(hdr.get_sform() == affine)
1090        False
1091        >>> hdr.set_sform(affine)
1092        >>> np.all(hdr.get_sform() == affine)
1093        True
1094        >>> int(hdr['sform_code'])  # gives 2 - aligned
1095        2
1096        >>> hdr.set_sform(affine, code='talairach')
1097        >>> int(hdr['sform_code'])
1098        3
1099        >>> hdr.set_sform(affine, code=None)
1100        >>> int(hdr['sform_code'])
1101        3
1102        >>> hdr.set_sform(affine, code='scanner')
1103        >>> int(hdr['sform_code'])
1104        1
1105        >>> hdr.set_sform(None)
1106        >>> int(hdr['sform_code'])
1107        0
1108        """
1109        hdr = self._structarr
1110        old_code = hdr['sform_code']
1111        if code is None:
1112            if affine is None:
1113                code = 0
1114            elif old_code == 0:
1115                code = 2  # aligned
1116            else:
1117                code = old_code
1118        else:  # code set
1119            code = self._field_recoders['sform_code'][code]
1120        hdr['sform_code'] = code
1121        if affine is None:
1122            return
1123        affine = np.asarray(affine)
1124        hdr['srow_x'][:] = affine[0, :]
1125        hdr['srow_y'][:] = affine[1, :]
1126        hdr['srow_z'][:] = affine[2, :]
1128    def get_slope_inter(self):
1129        """ Get data scaling (slope) and DC offset (intercept) from header data
1131        Returns
1132        -------
1133        slope : None or float
1134           scaling (slope).  None if there is no valid scaling from these
1135           fields
1136        inter : None or float
1137           offset (intercept). None if there is no valid scaling or if offset
1138           is not finite.
1140        Examples
1141        --------
1142        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
1143        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
1144        (1.0, 0.0)
1145        >>> hdr['scl_slope'] = 0
1146        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
1147        (None, None)
1148        >>> hdr['scl_slope'] = np.nan
1149        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
1150        (None, None)
1151        >>> hdr['scl_slope'] = 1
1152        >>> hdr['scl_inter'] = 1
1153        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter()
1154        (1.0, 1.0)
1155        >>> hdr['scl_inter'] = np.inf
1156        >>> hdr.get_slope_inter() #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
1157        Traceback (most recent call last):
1158            ...
1159        HeaderDataError: Valid slope but invalid intercept inf
1160        """
1161        # Note that we are returning float (float64) scalefactors and
1162        # intercepts, although they are stored as in nifti1 as float32.
1163        slope = float(self['scl_slope'])
1164        inter = float(self['scl_inter'])
1165        if slope == 0 or not np.isfinite(slope):
1166            return None, None
1167        if not np.isfinite(inter):
1168            raise HeaderDataError(f'Valid slope but invalid intercept {inter}')
1169        return slope, inter
1171    def set_slope_inter(self, slope, inter=None):
1172        """ Set slope and / or intercept into header
1174        Set slope and intercept for image data, such that, if the image
1175        data is ``arr``, then the scaled image data will be ``(arr *
1176        slope) + inter``
1178        (`slope`, `inter`) of (NaN, NaN) is a signal to a containing image to
1179        set `slope`, `inter` automatically on write.
1181        Parameters
1182        ----------
1183        slope : None or float
1184           If None, implies `slope`  of NaN. If `slope` is None or NaN then
1185           `inter` should be None or NaN.  Values of 0, Inf or -Inf raise
1186           HeaderDataError
1187        inter : None or float, optional
1188           Intercept. If None, implies `inter` of NaN. If `slope` is None or
1189           NaN then `inter` should be None or NaN.  Values of Inf or -Inf raise
1190           HeaderDataError
1191        """
1192        if slope is None:
1193            slope = np.nan
1194        if inter is None:
1195            inter = np.nan
1196        if slope in (0, np.inf, -np.inf):
1197            raise HeaderDataError('Slope cannot be 0 or infinite')
1198        if inter in (np.inf, -np.inf):
1199            raise HeaderDataError('Intercept cannot be infinite')
1200        if np.isnan(slope) ^ np.isnan(inter):
1201            raise HeaderDataError('None or both of slope, inter should be nan')
1202        self._structarr['scl_slope'] = slope
1203        self._structarr['scl_inter'] = inter
1205    def get_dim_info(self):
1206        """ Gets NIfTI MRI slice etc dimension information
1208        Returns
1209        -------
1210        freq : {None,0,1,2}
1211           Which data array axis is frequency encode direction
1212        phase : {None,0,1,2}
1213           Which data array axis is phase encode direction
1214        slice : {None,0,1,2}
1215           Which data array axis is slice encode direction
1217        where ``data array`` is the array returned by ``get_data``
1219        Because NIfTI1 files are natively Fortran indexed:
1220          0 is fastest changing in file
1221          1 is medium changing in file
1222          2 is slowest changing in file
1224        ``None`` means the axis appears not to be specified.
1226        Examples
1227        --------
1228        See set_dim_info function
1230        """
1231        hdr = self._structarr
1232        info = int(hdr['dim_info'])
1233        freq = info & 3
1234        phase = (info >> 2) & 3
1235        slice = (info >> 4) & 3
1236        return (freq - 1 if freq else None,
1237                phase - 1 if phase else None,
1238                slice - 1 if slice else None)
1240    def set_dim_info(self, freq=None, phase=None, slice=None):
1241        """ Sets nifti MRI slice etc dimension information
1243        Parameters
1244        ----------
1245        freq : {None, 0, 1, 2}
1246            axis of data array referring to frequency encoding
1247        phase : {None, 0, 1, 2}
1248            axis of data array referring to phase encoding
1249        slice : {None, 0, 1, 2}
1250            axis of data array referring to slice encoding
1252        ``None`` means the axis is not specified.
1254        Examples
1255        --------
1256        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
1257        >>> hdr.set_dim_info(1, 2, 0)
1258        >>> hdr.get_dim_info()
1259        (1, 2, 0)
1260        >>> hdr.set_dim_info(freq=1, phase=2, slice=0)
1261        >>> hdr.get_dim_info()
1262        (1, 2, 0)
1263        >>> hdr.set_dim_info()
1264        >>> hdr.get_dim_info()
1265        (None, None, None)
1266        >>> hdr.set_dim_info(freq=1, phase=None, slice=0)
1267        >>> hdr.get_dim_info()
1268        (1, None, 0)
1270        Notes
1271        -----
1272        This is stored in one byte in the header
1273        """
1274        for inp in (freq, phase, slice):
1275            # Don't use == on None to avoid a FutureWarning in python3
1276            if inp is not None and inp not in (0, 1, 2):
1277                raise HeaderDataError('Inputs must be in [None, 0, 1, 2]')
1278        info = 0
1279        if freq is not None:
1280            info = info | ((freq + 1) & 3)
1281        if phase is not None:
1282            info = info | (((phase + 1) & 3) << 2)
1283        if slice is not None:
1284            info = info | (((slice + 1) & 3) << 4)
1285        self._structarr['dim_info'] = info
1287    def get_intent(self, code_repr='label'):
1288        """ Get intent code, parameters and name
1290        Parameters
1291        ----------
1292        code_repr : string
1293           string giving output form of intent code representation.
1294           Default is 'label'; use 'code' for integer representation.
1296        Returns
1297        -------
1298        code : string or integer
1299            intent code, or string describing code
1300        parameters : tuple
1301            parameters for the intent
1302        name : string
1303            intent name
1305        Examples
1306        --------
1307        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
1308        >>> hdr.set_intent('t test', (10,), name='some score')
1309        >>> hdr.get_intent()
1310        ('t test', (10.0,), 'some score')
1311        >>> hdr.get_intent('code')
1312        (3, (10.0,), 'some score')
1313        """
1314        hdr = self._structarr
1315        recoder = self._field_recoders['intent_code']
1316        code = int(hdr['intent_code'])
1317        known_intent = code in recoder
1318        if code_repr == 'code':
1319            label = code
1320        elif code_repr == 'label':
1321            if known_intent:
1322                label = recoder.label[code]
1323            else:
1324                label = 'unknown code ' + str(code)
1325        else:
1326            raise TypeError('repr can be "label" or "code"')
1327        n_params = len(recoder.parameters[code]) if known_intent else 0
1328        params = (float(hdr['intent_p%d' % (i + 1)]) for i in range(n_params))
1329        name = asstr(hdr['intent_name'].item())
1330        return label, tuple(params), name
1332    def set_intent(self, code, params=(), name='', allow_unknown=False):
1333        """ Set the intent code, parameters and name
1335        If parameters are not specified, assumed to be all zero. Each
1336        intent code has a set number of parameters associated. If you
1337        specify any parameters, then it will need to be the correct number
1338        (e.g the "f test" intent requires 2).  However, parameters can
1339        also be set in the file data, so we also allow not setting any
1340        parameters (empty parameter tuple).
1342        Parameters
1343        ----------
1344        code : integer or string
1345            code specifying nifti intent
1346        params : list, tuple of scalars
1347            parameters relating to intent (see intent_codes)
1348            defaults to ().  Unspecified parameters are set to 0.0
1349        name : string
1350            intent name (description). Defaults to ''
1351        allow_unknown : {False, True}, optional
1352            Allow unknown integer intent codes. If False (the default),
1353            a KeyError is raised on attempts to set the intent
1354            to an unknown code.
1356        Returns
1357        -------
1358        None
1360        Examples
1361        --------
1362        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
1363        >>> hdr.set_intent(0)  # no intent
1364        >>> hdr.set_intent('z score')
1365        >>> hdr.get_intent()
1366        ('z score', (), '')
1367        >>> hdr.get_intent('code')
1368        (5, (), '')
1369        >>> hdr.set_intent('t test', (10,), name='some score')
1370        >>> hdr.get_intent()
1371        ('t test', (10.0,), 'some score')
1372        >>> hdr.set_intent('f test', (2, 10), name='another score')
1373        >>> hdr.get_intent()
1374        ('f test', (2.0, 10.0), 'another score')
1375        >>> hdr.set_intent('f test')
1376        >>> hdr.get_intent()
1377        ('f test', (0.0, 0.0), '')
1378        >>> hdr.set_intent(9999, allow_unknown=True) # unknown code
1379        >>> hdr.get_intent()
1380        ('unknown code 9999', (), '')
1381        """
1382        hdr = self._structarr
1383        known_intent = code in intent_codes
1384        if not known_intent:
1385            # We can set intent via an unknown integer code, but can't via an
1386            # unknown string label
1387            if not allow_unknown or isinstance(code, str):
1388                raise KeyError('Unknown intent code: ' + str(code))
1389        if known_intent:
1390            icode = intent_codes.code[code]
1391            p_descr = intent_codes.parameters[code]
1392        else:
1393            icode = code
1394            p_descr = ('p1', 'p2', 'p3')
1395        if len(params) and len(params) != len(p_descr):
1396            raise HeaderDataError(f'Need params of form {p_descr}, or empty')
1397        hdr['intent_code'] = icode
1398        hdr['intent_name'] = name
1399        all_params = [0] * 3
1400        all_params[:len(params)] = params[:]
1401        for i, param in enumerate(all_params):
1402            hdr['intent_p%d' % (i + 1)] = param
1404    def get_slice_duration(self):
1405        """ Get slice duration
1407        Returns
1408        -------
1409        slice_duration : float
1410            time to acquire one slice
1412        Examples
1413        --------
1414        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
1415        >>> hdr.set_dim_info(slice=2)
1416        >>> hdr.set_slice_duration(0.3)
1417        >>> print("%0.1f" % hdr.get_slice_duration())
1418        0.3
1420        Notes
1421        -----
1422        The NIfTI1 spec appears to require the slice dimension to be
1423        defined for slice_duration to have meaning.
1424        """
1425        _, _, slice_dim = self.get_dim_info()
1426        if slice_dim is None:
1427            raise HeaderDataError('Slice dimension must be set '
1428                                  'for duration to be valid')
1429        return float(self._structarr['slice_duration'])
1431    def set_slice_duration(self, duration):
1432        """ Set slice duration
1434        Parameters
1435        ----------
1436        duration : scalar
1437            time to acquire one slice
1439        Examples
1440        --------
1441        See ``get_slice_duration``
1442        """
1443        _, _, slice_dim = self.get_dim_info()
1444        if slice_dim is None:
1445            raise HeaderDataError('Slice dimension must be set '
1446                                  'for duration to be valid')
1447        self._structarr['slice_duration'] = duration
1449    def get_n_slices(self):
1450        """ Return the number of slices
1451        """
1452        _, _, slice_dim = self.get_dim_info()
1453        if slice_dim is None:
1454            raise HeaderDataError('Slice dimension not set in header '
1455                                  'dim_info')
1456        shape = self.get_data_shape()
1457        try:
1458            slice_len = shape[slice_dim]
1459        except IndexError:
1460            raise HeaderDataError(f'Slice dimension index ({slice_dim}) '
1461                                  f'outside shape tuple ({shape})')
1462        return slice_len
1464    def get_slice_times(self):
1465        """ Get slice times from slice timing information
1467        Returns
1468        -------
1469        slice_times : tuple
1470            Times of acquisition of slices, where 0 is the beginning of
1471            the acquisition, ordered by position in file.  nifti allows
1472            slices at the top and bottom of the volume to be excluded from
1473            the standard slice timing specification, and calls these
1474            "padding slices".  We give padding slices ``None`` as a time
1475            of acquisition
1477        Examples
1478        --------
1479        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
1480        >>> hdr.set_dim_info(slice=2)
1481        >>> hdr.set_data_shape((1, 1, 7))
1482        >>> hdr.set_slice_duration(0.1)
1483        >>> hdr['slice_code'] = slice_order_codes['sequential increasing']
1484        >>> slice_times = hdr.get_slice_times()
1485        >>> np.allclose(slice_times, [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6])
1486        True
1487        """
1488        hdr = self._structarr
1489        slice_len = self.get_n_slices()
1490        duration = self.get_slice_duration()
1491        slabel = self.get_value_label('slice_code')
1492        if slabel == 'unknown':
1493            raise HeaderDataError('Cannot get slice times when '
1494                                  'Slice code is "unknown"')
1495        slice_start, slice_end = (int(hdr['slice_start']),
1496                                  int(hdr['slice_end']))
1497        if slice_start < 0:
1498            raise HeaderDataError('slice_start should be >= 0')
1499        if slice_end == 0:
1500            slice_end = slice_len - 1
1501        n_timed = slice_end - slice_start + 1
1502        if n_timed < 1:
1503            raise HeaderDataError('slice_end should be > slice_start')
1504        st_order = self._slice_time_order(slabel, n_timed)
1505        times = st_order * duration
1506        return ((None,) * slice_start +
1507                tuple(times) +
1508                (None,) * (slice_len - slice_end - 1))
1510    def set_slice_times(self, slice_times):
1511        """ Set slice times into *hdr*
1513        Parameters
1514        ----------
1515        slice_times : tuple
1516            tuple of slice times, one value per slice
1517            tuple can include None to indicate no slice time for that slice
1519        Examples
1520        --------
1521        >>> hdr = Nifti1Header()
1522        >>> hdr.set_dim_info(slice=2)
1523        >>> hdr.set_data_shape([1, 1, 7])
1524        >>> hdr.set_slice_duration(0.1)
1525        >>> times = [None, 0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3, 0.0, None]
1526        >>> hdr.set_slice_times(times)
1527        >>> hdr.get_value_label('slice_code')
1528        'alternating decreasing'
1529        >>> int(hdr['slice_start'])
1530        1
1531        >>> int(hdr['slice_end'])
1532        5
1533        """
1534        # Check if number of slices matches header
1535        hdr = self._structarr
1536        slice_len = self.get_n_slices()
1537        if slice_len != len(slice_times):
1538            raise HeaderDataError('Number of slice times does not '
1539                                  'match number of slices')
1540        # Extract Nones at beginning and end.  Check for others
1541        for ind, time in enumerate(slice_times):
1542            if time is not None:
1543                slice_start = ind
1544                break
1545        else:
1546            raise HeaderDataError('Not all slice times can be None')
1547        for ind, time in enumerate(slice_times[::-1]):
1548            if time is not None:
1549                slice_end = slice_len - ind - 1
1550                break
1551        timed = slice_times[slice_start:slice_end + 1]
1552        for time in timed:
1553            if time is None:
1554                raise HeaderDataError('Cannot have None in middle '
1555                                      'of slice time vector')
1556        # Find slice duration, check times are compatible with single
1557        # duration
1558        tdiffs = np.diff(np.sort(timed))
1559        if not np.allclose(np.diff(tdiffs), 0):
1560            raise HeaderDataError('Slice times not compatible with '
1561                                  'single slice duration')
1562        duration = np.mean(tdiffs)
1563        # To slice time order
1564        st_order = np.round(np.array(timed) / duration)
1565        # Check if slice times fit known schemes
1566        n_timed = len(timed)
1567        so_recoder = self._field_recoders['slice_code']
1568        labels = so_recoder.value_set('label')
1569        labels.remove('unknown')
1571        matching_labels = []
1572        for label in labels:
1573            if np.all(st_order == self._slice_time_order(
1574                    label,
1575                    n_timed)):
1576                matching_labels.append(label)
1578        if not matching_labels:
1579            raise HeaderDataError(f'slice ordering of {st_order} fits with no known scheme')
1580        if len(matching_labels) > 1:
1581            warnings.warn(
1582                f"Multiple slice orders satisfy: {', '.join(matching_labels)}. "
1583                "Choosing the first one")
1584        label = matching_labels[0]
1585        # Set values into header
1586        hdr['slice_start'] = slice_start
1587        hdr['slice_end'] = slice_end
1588        hdr['slice_duration'] = duration
1589        hdr['slice_code'] = slice_order_codes.code[label]
1591    def _slice_time_order(self, slabel, n_slices):
1592        """ Supporting function to give time order of slices from label """
1593        if slabel == 'sequential increasing':
1594            sp_ind_time_order = list(range(n_slices))
1595        elif slabel == 'sequential decreasing':
1596            sp_ind_time_order = list(range(n_slices)[::-1])
1597        elif slabel == 'alternating increasing':
1598            sp_ind_time_order = (list(range(0, n_slices, 2)) +
1599                                 list(range(1, n_slices, 2)))
1600        elif slabel == 'alternating decreasing':
1601            sp_ind_time_order = (list(range(n_slices - 1, -1, -2)) +
1602                                 list(range(n_slices - 2, -1, -2)))
1603        elif slabel == 'alternating increasing 2':
1604            sp_ind_time_order = (list(range(1, n_slices, 2)) +
1605                                 list(range(0, n_slices, 2)))
1606        elif slabel == 'alternating decreasing 2':
1607            sp_ind_time_order = (list(range(n_slices - 2, -1, -2)) +
1608                                 list(range(n_slices - 1, -1, -2)))
1609        else:
1610            raise HeaderDataError(f'We do not handle slice ordering "{slabel}"')
1611        return np.argsort(sp_ind_time_order)
1613    def get_xyzt_units(self):
1614        xyz_code = self.structarr['xyzt_units'] % 8
1615        t_code = self.structarr['xyzt_units'] - xyz_code
1616        return (unit_codes.label[xyz_code],
1617                unit_codes.label[t_code])
1619    def set_xyzt_units(self, xyz=None, t=None):
1620        if xyz is None:
1621            xyz = 0
1622        if t is None:
1623            t = 0
1624        xyz_code = self.structarr['xyzt_units'] % 8
1625        t_code = self.structarr['xyzt_units'] - xyz_code
1626        xyz_code = unit_codes[xyz]
1627        t_code = unit_codes[t]
1628        self.structarr['xyzt_units'] = xyz_code + t_code
1630    def _clean_after_mapping(self):
1631        """ Set format-specific stuff after converting header from mapping
1633        Clean up header after it has been initialized from an
1634        ``as_analyze_map`` method of another header type
1636        See :meth:`nibabel.analyze.AnalyzeHeader._clean_after_mapping` for a
1637        more detailed description.
1638        """
1639        self._structarr['magic'] = (self.single_magic if self.is_single
1640                                    else self.pair_magic)
1642    """ Checks only below here """
1644    @classmethod
1645    def _get_checks(klass):
1646        # We need to return our own versions of - e.g. chk_datatype, to
1647        # pick up the Nifti datatypes from our class
1648        return (klass._chk_sizeof_hdr,
1649                klass._chk_datatype,
1650                klass._chk_bitpix,
1651                klass._chk_pixdims,
1652                klass._chk_qfac,
1653                klass._chk_magic,
1654                klass._chk_offset,
1655                klass._chk_qform_code,
1656                klass._chk_sform_code)
1658    @staticmethod
1659    def _chk_qfac(hdr, fix=False):
1660        rep = Report(HeaderDataError)
1661        if hdr['pixdim'][0] in (-1, 1):
1662            return hdr, rep
1663        rep.problem_level = 20
1664        rep.problem_msg = 'pixdim[0] (qfac) should be 1 (default) or -1'
1665        if fix:
1666            hdr['pixdim'][0] = 1
1667            rep.fix_msg = 'setting qfac to 1'
1668        return hdr, rep
1670    @staticmethod
1671    def _chk_magic(hdr, fix=False):
1672        rep = Report(HeaderDataError)
1673        magic = hdr['magic'].item()
1674        if magic in (hdr.pair_magic, hdr.single_magic):
1675            return hdr, rep
1676        rep.problem_msg = f'magic string "{asstr(magic)}" is not valid'
1677        rep.problem_level = 45
1678        if fix:
1679            rep.fix_msg = 'leaving as is, but future errors are likely'
1680        return hdr, rep
1682    @staticmethod
1683    def _chk_offset(hdr, fix=False):
1684        rep = Report(HeaderDataError)
1685        # for ease of later string formatting, use scalar of byte string
1686        magic = hdr['magic'].item()
1687        offset = hdr['vox_offset'].item()
1688        if offset == 0:
1689            return hdr, rep
1690        if magic == hdr.single_magic and offset < hdr.single_vox_offset:
1691            rep.problem_level = 40
1692            rep.problem_msg = ('vox offset %d too low for '
1693                               'single file nifti1' % offset)
1694            if fix:
1695                hdr['vox_offset'] = hdr.single_vox_offset
1696                rep.fix_msg = f'setting to minimum value of {hdr.single_vox_offset}'
1697            return hdr, rep
1698        if not offset % 16:
1699            return hdr, rep
1700        # SPM uses memory mapping to read the data, and
1701        # apparently this has to start on 16 byte boundaries
1702        rep.problem_msg = f'vox offset (={offset:g}) not divisible by 16, not SPM compatible'
1703        rep.problem_level = 30
1704        if fix:
1705            rep.fix_msg = 'leaving at current value'
1706        return hdr, rep
1708    @classmethod
1709    def _chk_qform_code(klass, hdr, fix=False):
1710        return klass._chk_xform_code('qform_code', hdr, fix)
1712    @classmethod
1713    def _chk_sform_code(klass, hdr, fix=False):
1714        return klass._chk_xform_code('sform_code', hdr, fix)
1716    @classmethod
1717    def _chk_xform_code(klass, code_type, hdr, fix):
1718        # utility method for sform and qform codes
1719        rep = Report(HeaderDataError)
1720        code = int(hdr[code_type])
1721        recoder = klass._field_recoders[code_type]
1722        if code in recoder.value_set():
1723            return hdr, rep
1724        rep.problem_level = 30
1725        rep.problem_msg = '%s %d not valid' % (code_type, code)
1726        if fix:
1727            hdr[code_type] = 0
1728            rep.fix_msg = 'setting to 0'
1729        return hdr, rep
1731    @classmethod
1732    def may_contain_header(klass, binaryblock):
1733        if len(binaryblock) < klass.sizeof_hdr:
1734            return False
1736        hdr_struct = np.ndarray(shape=(), dtype=header_dtype,
1737                                buffer=binaryblock[:klass.sizeof_hdr])
1738        return hdr_struct['magic'] in (b'ni1', b'n+1')
1741class Nifti1PairHeader(Nifti1Header):
1742    """ Class for NIfTI1 pair header """
1743    # Signal whether this is single (header + data) file
1744    is_single = False
1747class Nifti1Pair(analyze.AnalyzeImage):
1748    """ Class for NIfTI1 format image, header pair
1749    """
1750    header_class = Nifti1PairHeader
1751    _meta_sniff_len = header_class.sizeof_hdr
1752    rw = True
1754    def __init__(self, dataobj, affine, header=None,
1755                 extra=None, file_map=None):
1756        super(Nifti1Pair, self).__init__(dataobj,
1757                                         affine,
1758                                         header,
1759                                         extra,
1760                                         file_map)
1761        # Force set of s/q form when header is None unless affine is also None
1762        if header is None and affine is not None:
1763            self._affine2header()
1764    # Copy docstring
1765    __init__.__doc__ = analyze.AnalyzeImage.__init__.__doc__ + """
1766        Notes
1767        -----
1769        If both a `header` and an `affine` are specified, and the `affine` does
1770        not match the affine that is in the `header`, the `affine` will be used,
1771        but the ``sform_code`` and ``qform_code`` fields in the header will be
1772        re-initialised to their default values. This is performed on the basis
1773        that, if you are changing the affine, you are likely to be changing the
1774        space to which the affine is pointing.  The :meth:`set_sform` and
1775        :meth:`set_qform` methods can be used to update the codes after an image
1776        has been created - see those methods, and the :ref:`manual
1777        <default-sform-qform-codes>` for more details.  """
1779    def update_header(self):
1780        """ Harmonize header with image data and affine
1782        See AnalyzeImage.update_header for more examples
1784        Examples
1785        --------
1786        >>> data = np.zeros((2,3,4))
1787        >>> affine = np.diag([1.0,2.0,3.0,1.0])
1788        >>> img = Nifti1Image(data, affine)
1789        >>> hdr = img.header
1790        >>> np.all(hdr.get_qform() == affine)
1791        True
1792        >>> np.all(hdr.get_sform() == affine)
1793        True
1794        """
1795        super(Nifti1Pair, self).update_header()
1796        hdr = self._header
1797        hdr['magic'] = hdr.pair_magic
1799    def _affine2header(self):
1800        """ Unconditionally set affine into the header """
1801        hdr = self._header
1802        # Set affine into sform with default code
1803        hdr.set_sform(self._affine, code='aligned')
1804        # Make qform 'unknown'
1805        hdr.set_qform(self._affine, code='unknown')
1807    def get_qform(self, coded=False):
1808        """ Return 4x4 affine matrix from qform parameters in header
1810        Parameters
1811        ----------
1812        coded : bool, optional
1813            If True, return {affine or None}, and qform code.  If False, just
1814            return affine.  {affine or None} means, return None if qform code
1815            == 0, and affine otherwise.
1817        Returns
1818        -------
1819        affine : None or (4,4) ndarray
1820            If `coded` is False, always return affine reconstructed from qform
1821            quaternion.  If `coded` is True, return None if qform code is 0,
1822            else return the affine.
1823        code : int
1824            Qform code. Only returned if `coded` is True.
1826        See also
1827        --------
1828        set_qform
1829        get_sform
1830        """
1831        return self._header.get_qform(coded)
1833    def set_qform(self, affine, code=None, strip_shears=True, **kwargs):
1834        """ Set qform header values from 4x4 affine
1836        Parameters
1837        ----------
1838        affine : None or 4x4 array
1839            affine transform to write into sform. If None, only set code.
1840        code : None, string or integer
1841            String or integer giving meaning of transform in *affine*.
1842            The default is None.  If code is None, then:
1844            * If affine is None, `code`-> 0
1845            * If affine not None and existing qform code in header == 0,
1846              `code`-> 2 (aligned)
1847            * If affine not None and existing qform code in header != 0,
1848              `code`-> existing qform code in header
1850        strip_shears : bool, optional
1851            Whether to strip shears in `affine`.  If True, shears will be
1852            silently stripped. If False, the presence of shears will raise a
1853            ``HeaderDataError``
1854        update_affine : bool, optional
1855            Whether to update the image affine from the header best affine
1856            after setting the qform. Must be keyword argument (because of
1857            different position in `set_qform`). Default is True
1859        See also
1860        --------
1861        get_qform
1862        set_sform
1864        Examples
1865        --------
1866        >>> data = np.arange(24).reshape((2,3,4))
1867        >>> aff = np.diag([2, 3, 4, 1])
1868        >>> img = Nifti1Pair(data, aff)
1869        >>> img.get_qform()
1870        array([[2., 0., 0., 0.],
1871               [0., 3., 0., 0.],
1872               [0., 0., 4., 0.],
1873               [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
1874        >>> img.get_qform(coded=True)
1875        (None, 0)
1876        >>> aff2 = np.diag([3, 4, 5, 1])
1877        >>> img.set_qform(aff2, 'talairach')
1878        >>> qaff, code = img.get_qform(coded=True)
1879        >>> np.all(qaff == aff2)
1880        True
1881        >>> int(code)
1882        3
1883        """
1884        update_affine = kwargs.pop('update_affine', True)
1885        if kwargs:
1886            raise TypeError(f'Unexpected keyword argument(s) {kwargs}')
1887        self._header.set_qform(affine, code, strip_shears)
1888        if update_affine:
1889            if self._affine is None:
1890                self._affine = self._header.get_best_affine()
1891            else:
1892                self._affine[:] = self._header.get_best_affine()
1894    def get_sform(self, coded=False):
1895        """ Return 4x4 affine matrix from sform parameters in header
1897        Parameters
1898        ----------
1899        coded : bool, optional
1900            If True, return {affine or None}, and sform code.  If False, just
1901            return affine.  {affine or None} means, return None if sform code
1902            == 0, and affine otherwise.
1904        Returns
1905        -------
1906        affine : None or (4,4) ndarray
1907            If `coded` is False, always return affine from sform fields. If
1908            `coded` is True, return None if sform code is 0, else return the
1909            affine.
1910        code : int
1911            Sform code. Only returned if `coded` is True.
1913        See also
1914        --------
1915        set_sform
1916        get_qform
1917        """
1918        return self._header.get_sform(coded)
1920    def set_sform(self, affine, code=None, **kwargs):
1921        """ Set sform transform from 4x4 affine
1923        Parameters
1924        ----------
1925        affine : None or 4x4 array
1926            affine transform to write into sform.  If None, only set `code`
1927        code : None, string or integer
1928            String or integer giving meaning of transform in *affine*.
1929            The default is None.  If code is None, then:
1931            * If affine is None, `code`-> 0
1932            * If affine not None and existing sform code in header == 0,
1933              `code`-> 2 (aligned)
1934            * If affine not None and existing sform code in header != 0,
1935              `code`-> existing sform code in header
1937        update_affine : bool, optional
1938            Whether to update the image affine from the header best affine
1939            after setting the qform.  Must be keyword argument (because of
1940            different position in `set_qform`). Default is True
1942        See also
1943        --------
1944        get_sform
1945        set_qform
1947        Examples
1948        --------
1949        >>> data = np.arange(24).reshape((2,3,4))
1950        >>> aff = np.diag([2, 3, 4, 1])
1951        >>> img = Nifti1Pair(data, aff)
1952        >>> img.get_sform()
1953        array([[2., 0., 0., 0.],
1954               [0., 3., 0., 0.],
1955               [0., 0., 4., 0.],
1956               [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
1957        >>> saff, code = img.get_sform(coded=True)
1958        >>> saff
1959        array([[2., 0., 0., 0.],
1960               [0., 3., 0., 0.],
1961               [0., 0., 4., 0.],
1962               [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
1963        >>> int(code)
1964        2
1965        >>> aff2 = np.diag([3, 4, 5, 1])
1966        >>> img.set_sform(aff2, 'talairach')
1967        >>> saff, code = img.get_sform(coded=True)
1968        >>> np.all(saff == aff2)
1969        True
1970        >>> int(code)
1971        3
1972        """
1973        update_affine = kwargs.pop('update_affine', True)
1974        if kwargs:
1975            raise TypeError(f'Unexpected keyword argument(s) {kwargs}')
1976        self._header.set_sform(affine, code)
1977        if update_affine:
1978            if self._affine is None:
1979                self._affine = self._header.get_best_affine()
1980            else:
1981                self._affine[:] = self._header.get_best_affine()
1983    def as_reoriented(self, ornt):
1984        """Apply an orientation change and return a new image
1986        If ornt is identity transform, return the original image, unchanged
1988        Parameters
1989        ----------
1990        ornt : (n,2) orientation array
1991           orientation transform. ``ornt[N,1]` is flip of axis N of the
1992           array implied by `shape`, where 1 means no flip and -1 means
1993           flip.  For example, if ``N==0`` and ``ornt[0,1] == -1``, and
1994           there's an array ``arr`` of shape `shape`, the flip would
1995           correspond to the effect of ``np.flipud(arr)``.  ``ornt[:,0]`` is
1996           the transpose that needs to be done to the implied array, as in
1997           ``arr.transpose(ornt[:,0])``
1998        """
1999        img = super(Nifti1Pair, self).as_reoriented(ornt)
2001        if img is self:
2002            return img
2004        # Also apply the transform to the dim_info fields
2005        new_dim = [
2006            None if orig_dim is None else int(ornt[orig_dim, 0])
2007            for orig_dim in img.header.get_dim_info()]
2009        img.header.set_dim_info(*new_dim)
2011        return img
2014class Nifti1Image(Nifti1Pair, SerializableImage):
2015    """ Class for single file NIfTI1 format image
2016    """
2017    header_class = Nifti1Header
2018    valid_exts = ('.nii',)
2019    files_types = (('image', '.nii'),)
2021    @staticmethod
2022    def _get_fileholders(file_map):
2023        """ Return fileholder for header and image
2025        For single-file niftis, the fileholder for the header and the image
2026        will be the same
2027        """
2028        return file_map['image'], file_map['image']
2030    def update_header(self):
2031        """ Harmonize header with image data and affine """
2032        super(Nifti1Image, self).update_header()
2033        hdr = self._header
2034        hdr['magic'] = hdr.single_magic
2037def load(filename):
2038    """ Load NIfTI1 single or pair from `filename`
2040    Parameters
2041    ----------
2042    filename : str
2043        filename of image to be loaded
2045    Returns
2046    -------
2047    img : Nifti1Image or Nifti1Pair
2048        NIfTI1 single or pair image instance
2050    Raises
2051    ------
2052    ImageFileError
2053        if `filename` doesn't look like NIfTI1;
2054    IOError
2055        if `filename` does not exist.
2056    """
2057    try:
2058        img = Nifti1Image.load(filename)
2059    except ImageFileError:
2060        return Nifti1Pair.load(filename)
2061    return img
2064def save(img, filename):
2065    """ Save NIfTI1 single or pair to `filename`
2067    Parameters
2068    ----------
2069    filename : str
2070        filename to which to save image
2071    """
2072    try:
2073        Nifti1Image.instance_to_filename(img, filename)
2074    except ImageFileError:
2075        Nifti1Pair.instance_to_filename(img, filename)