1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3WIN/DATAMARK format bindings to ObsPy.
5from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
6                        unicode_literals)
7from future.builtins import *  # NOQA
8from future.utils import native_str
10import warnings
12import numpy as np
14from obspy import Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
15from obspy.core.compatibility import from_buffer
18def _is_win(filename, century="20"):  # @UnusedVariable
19    """
20    Checks whether a file is WIN or not.
22    :type filename: str
23    :param filename: WIN file to be checked.
24    :rtype: bool
25    :return: ``True`` if a WIN file.
26    """
27    # as long we don't have full format description we just try to read the
28    # file like _read_win and check for errors
29    century = "20"  # hardcoded ;(
30    try:
31        with open(filename, "rb") as fpin:
32            fpin.read(4)
33            buff = fpin.read(6)
34            yy = "%s%02x" % (century, ord(buff[0:1]))
35            mm = "%x" % ord(buff[1:2])
36            dd = "%x" % ord(buff[2:3])
37            hh = "%x" % ord(buff[3:4])
38            mi = "%x" % ord(buff[4:5])
39            sec = "%x" % ord(buff[5:6])
41            # This will raise for invalid dates.
42            UTCDateTime(int(yy), int(mm), int(dd), int(hh), int(mi),
43                        int(sec))
44            buff = fpin.read(4)
45            '%02x' % ord(buff[0:1])
46            '%02x' % ord(buff[1:2])
47            int('%x' % (ord(buff[2:3]) >> 4))
48            ord(buff[3:4])
49            idata00 = fpin.read(4)
50            from_buffer(idata00, native_str('>i'))[0]
51    except Exception:
52        return False
53    return True
56def _read_win(filename, century="20", **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
57    """
58    Reads a WIN file and returns a Stream object.
60    .. warning::
61        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
62        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.stream.read` function, call this instead.
64    :type filename: str
65    :param filename: WIN file to be read.
66    :param century: WIN stores year as 2 numbers, need century to
67        construct proper datetime.
68    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
69    :returns: Stream object containing header and data.
70    """
71    output = {}
72    srates = {}
74    # read win file
75    with open(filename, "rb") as fpin:
76        fpin.seek(0, 2)
77        sz = fpin.tell()
78        fpin.seek(0)
79        leng = 0
80        status0 = 0
81        start = 0
82        while leng < sz:
83            pklen = fpin.read(4)
84            if len(pklen) < 4:
85                break
86            leng = 4
87            truelen = from_buffer(pklen, native_str('>i'))[0]
88            if truelen == 0:
89                break
90            buff = fpin.read(6)
91            leng += 6
93            yy = "%s%02x" % (century, ord(buff[0:1]))
94            mm = "%x" % ord(buff[1:2])
95            dd = "%x" % ord(buff[2:3])
96            hh = "%x" % ord(buff[3:4])
97            mi = "%x" % ord(buff[4:5])
98            sec = "%x" % ord(buff[5:6])
100            date = UTCDateTime(int(yy), int(mm), int(dd), int(hh), int(mi),
101                               int(sec))
102            if start == 0:
103                start = date
104            if status0 == 0:
105                sdata = None
106            while leng < truelen:
107                buff = fpin.read(4)
108                leng += 4
109                flag = '%02x' % ord(buff[0:1])
110                chanum = '%02x' % ord(buff[1:2])
111                chanum = "%02s%02s" % (flag, chanum)
112                datawide = int('%x' % (ord(buff[2:3]) >> 4))
113                srate = ord(buff[3:4])
114                xlen = (srate - 1) * datawide
115                if datawide == 0:
116                    xlen = srate // 2
117                    datawide = 0.5
119                idata00 = fpin.read(4)
120                leng += 4
121                idata22 = from_buffer(idata00, native_str('>i'))[0]
123                if chanum in output:
124                    output[chanum].append(idata22)
125                else:
126                    output[chanum] = [idata22, ]
127                    srates[chanum] = srate
128                sdata = fpin.read(xlen)
129                leng += xlen
131                if len(sdata) < xlen:
132                    fpin.seek(-(xlen - len(sdata)), 1)
133                    sdata += fpin.read(xlen - len(sdata))
134                    msg = "This shouldn't happen, it's weird..."
135                    warnings.warn(msg)
137                if datawide == 0.5:
138                    for i in range(xlen):
139                        idata2 = output[chanum][-1] + \
140                            from_buffer(sdata[i:i + 1], np.int8)[0] >> 4
141                        output[chanum].append(idata2)
142                        idata2 = idata2 +\
143                            (from_buffer(sdata[i:i + 1],
144                                         np.int8)[0] << 4) >> 4
145                        output[chanum].append(idata2)
146                elif datawide == 1:
147                    for i in range((xlen // datawide)):
148                        idata2 = output[chanum][-1] +\
149                            from_buffer(sdata[i:i + 1], np.int8)[0]
150                        output[chanum].append(idata2)
151                elif datawide == 2:
152                    for i in range((xlen // datawide)):
153                        idata2 = output[chanum][-1] +\
154                            from_buffer(sdata[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)],
155                                        native_str('>h'))[0]
156                        output[chanum].append(idata2)
157                elif datawide == 3:
158                    for i in range((xlen // datawide)):
159                        idata2 = output[chanum][-1] +\
160                            from_buffer(sdata[3 * i:3 * (i + 1)] + b' ',
161                                        native_str('>i'))[0] >> 8
162                        output[chanum].append(idata2)
163                elif datawide == 4:
164                    for i in range((xlen // datawide)):
165                        idata2 = output[chanum][-1] +\
166                            from_buffer(sdata[4 * i:4 * (i + 1)],
167                                        native_str('>i'))[0]
168                        output[chanum].append(idata2)
169                else:
170                    msg = "DATAWIDE is %s " % datawide + \
171                          "but only values of 0.5, 1, 2, 3 or 4 are supported."
172                    raise NotImplementedError(msg)
174    traces = []
175    for i in output.keys():
176        t = Trace(data=np.array(output[i]))
177        t.stats.channel = str(i)
178        t.stats.sampling_rate = float(srates[i])
179        t.stats.starttime = start
180        traces.append(t)
181    return Stream(traces=traces)