1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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16# Author: Tianyu Zhu <zhutianyu1991@gmail.com>
20Spin-unrestricted G0W0 approximation with analytic continuation
22This implementation has N^4 scaling, and is faster than GW-CD (N^4)
23and analytic GW (N^6) methods.
24GW-AC is recommended for valence states only, and is inaccuarate for core states.
27    See T. Zhu and G.K.-L. Chan, arxiv:2007.03148 (2020) for details
28    Compute Sigma on imaginary frequency with density fitting,
29    then analytically continued to real frequency
31Useful References:
32    J. Chem. Theory Comput. 12, 3623-3635 (2016)
33    New J. Phys. 14, 053020 (2012)
36from functools import reduce
37import numpy
38import numpy as np
39import h5py
40from scipy.optimize import newton, least_squares
42from pyscf import lib
43from pyscf.lib import logger
44from pyscf.ao2mo import _ao2mo
45from pyscf import df, scf
46from pyscf.mp.ump2 import get_nocc, get_nmo, get_frozen_mask
47from pyscf import __config__
49einsum = lib.einsum
51def kernel(gw, mo_energy, mo_coeff, Lpq=None, orbs=None,
52           nw=None, vhf_df=False, verbose=logger.NOTE):
53    '''
54    GW-corrected quasiparticle orbital energies
55    Returns:
56        A list :  converged, mo_energy, mo_coeff
57    '''
58    mf = gw._scf
59    mol = gw.mol
60    if gw.frozen is None:
61        frozen = 0
62    else:
63        frozen = gw.frozen
65    assert (isinstance(frozen, int))
67    nocca, noccb = gw.nocc
68    nmoa, nmob = gw.nmo
69    # only support frozen core
70    assert (frozen < nocca and frozen < noccb)
72    if Lpq is None:
73        Lpq = gw.ao2mo(mo_coeff)
74    if orbs is None:
75        orbs = range(nmoa)
76    else:
77        orbs = [x - frozen for x in orbs]
78        if orbs[0] < 0:
79            logger.warn(gw, 'GW orbs must be larger than frozen core!')
80            raise RuntimeError
82    # v_xc
83    v_mf = mf.get_veff()
84    vj = mf.get_j()
85    v_mf[0] = v_mf[0] - (vj[0] + vj[1])
86    v_mf[1] = v_mf[1] - (vj[0] + vj[1])
87    v_mf_frz = np.zeros((2, nmoa-frozen, nmob-frozen))
88    for s in range(2):
89        v_mf_frz[s] = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff[s].T, v_mf[s], mo_coeff[s]))
90    v_mf = v_mf_frz
92    # v_hf from DFT/HF density
93    if vhf_df and frozen == 0:
94        # density fitting vk
95        vk = np.zeros_like(v_mf)
96        vk[0] = -einsum('Lni,Lim->nm',Lpq[0,:,:,:nocca],Lpq[0,:,:nocca,:])
97        vk[1] = -einsum('Lni,Lim->nm',Lpq[1,:,:,:noccb],Lpq[1,:,:noccb,:])
98    else:
99        # exact vk without density fitting
100        dm = mf.make_rdm1()
101        uhf = scf.UHF(mol)
102        vk = uhf.get_veff(mol, dm)
103        vj = uhf.get_j(mol, dm)
104        vk[0] = vk[0] - (vj[0] + vj[1])
105        vk[1] = vk[1] - (vj[0] + vj[1])
106        vk_frz = np.zeros((2, nmoa-frozen, nmob-frozen))
107        for s in range(2):
108            vk_frz[s] = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff[s].T, vk[s], mo_coeff[s]))
109        vk = vk_frz
111    # Grids for integration on imaginary axis
112    freqs,wts = _get_scaled_legendre_roots(nw)
114    # Compute self-energy on imaginary axis i*[0,iw_cutoff]
115    sigmaI,omega = get_sigma_diag(gw, orbs, Lpq, freqs, wts, iw_cutoff=5.)
117    # Analytic continuation
118    if gw.ac == 'twopole':
119        coeff_a = AC_twopole_diag(sigmaI[0], omega[0], orbs, nocca)
120        coeff_b = AC_twopole_diag(sigmaI[1], omega[1], orbs, noccb)
121    elif gw.ac == 'pade':
122        coeff_a, omega_fit_a = AC_pade_thiele_diag(sigmaI[0], omega[0])
123        coeff_b, omega_fit_b = AC_pade_thiele_diag(sigmaI[1], omega[1])
124        omega_fit = np.asarray((omega_fit_a,omega_fit_b))
125    coeff = np.asarray((coeff_a,coeff_b))
127    conv = True
128    homo = max(mo_energy[0][nocca-1], mo_energy[1][noccb-1])
129    lumo = min(mo_energy[0][nocca], mo_energy[1][noccb])
130    ef = (homo+lumo)/2.
131    mf_mo_energy = mo_energy.copy()
132    mo_energy = np.zeros_like(np.asarray(gw._scf.mo_energy))
133    for s in range(2):
134        for p in orbs:
135            if gw.linearized:
136                # linearized G0W0
137                de = 1e-6
138                ep = mf_mo_energy[s][p]
139                #TODO: analytic sigma derivative
140                if gw.ac == 'twopole':
141                    sigmaR = two_pole(ep-ef, coeff[s,:,p-orbs[0]]).real
142                    dsigma = two_pole(ep-ef+de, coeff[s,:,p-orbs[0]]).real - sigmaR.real
143                elif gw.ac == 'pade':
144                    sigmaR = pade_thiele(ep-ef, omega_fit[s,p-orbs[0]], coeff[s,:,p-orbs[0]]).real
145                    dsigma = pade_thiele(ep-ef+de, omega_fit[s,p-orbs[0]], coeff[s,:,p-orbs[0]]).real - sigmaR.real
146                zn = 1.0/(1.0-dsigma/de)
147                e = ep + zn*(sigmaR.real + vk[s,p,p] - v_mf[s,p,p])
148                mo_energy[s,p+frozen] = e
149            else:
150                # self-consistently solve QP equation
151                def quasiparticle(omega):
152                    if gw.ac == 'twopole':
153                        sigmaR = two_pole(omega-ef, coeff[s,:,p-orbs[0]]).real
154                    elif gw.ac == 'pade':
155                        sigmaR = pade_thiele(omega-ef, omega_fit[s,p-orbs[0]], coeff[s,:,p-orbs[0]]).real
156                    return omega - mf_mo_energy[s][p] - (sigmaR.real + vk[s,p,p] - v_mf[s,p,p])
157                try:
158                    e = newton(quasiparticle, mf_mo_energy[s][p], tol=1e-6, maxiter=100)
159                    mo_energy[s,p+frozen] = e
160                except RuntimeError:
161                    conv = False
162    mo_coeff = gw._scf.mo_coeff
164    if gw.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
165        numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=nmoa)
166        logger.debug(gw, '  GW mo_energy spin-up =\n%s', mo_energy[0])
167        logger.debug(gw, '  GW mo_energy spin-down =\n%s', mo_energy[1])
168        numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=1000)
170    return conv, mo_energy, mo_coeff
172def get_rho_response(omega, mo_energy, Lpqa, Lpqb):
173    '''
174    Compute density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
175    '''
176    naux, nocca, nvira = Lpqa.shape
177    naux, noccb, nvirb = Lpqb.shape
178    eia_a = mo_energy[0,:nocca,None] - mo_energy[0,None,nocca:]
179    eia_b = mo_energy[1,:noccb,None] - mo_energy[1,None,noccb:]
180    eia_a = eia_a/(omega**2+eia_a*eia_a)
181    eia_b = eia_b/(omega**2+eia_b*eia_b)
182    Pia_a = einsum('Pia,ia->Pia',Lpqa,eia_a)
183    Pia_b = einsum('Pia,ia->Pia',Lpqb,eia_b)
184    # Response from both spin-up and spin-down density
185    Pi = 2.* (einsum('Pia,Qia->PQ',Pia_a,Lpqa) + einsum('Pia,Qia->PQ',Pia_b,Lpqb))
187    return Pi
189def get_sigma_diag(gw, orbs, Lpq, freqs, wts, iw_cutoff=None):
190    '''
191    Compute GW correlation self-energy (diagonal elements)
192    in MO basis on imaginary axis
193    '''
194    mo_energy = _mo_energy_without_core(gw, gw._scf.mo_energy)
195    nocca, noccb = gw.nocc
196    nmoa, nmob = gw.nmo
197    nw = len(freqs)
198    naux = Lpq[0].shape[0]
199    norbs = len(orbs)
201    # TODO: Treatment of degeneracy
202    homo = max(mo_energy[0][nocca-1], mo_energy[1][noccb-1])
203    lumo = min(mo_energy[0][nocca], mo_energy[1][noccb])
204    if (lumo-homo) < 1e-3:
205        logger.warn(gw, 'GW not well-defined for degeneracy!')
206    ef = (homo+lumo)/2.
208    # Integration on numerical grids
209    if iw_cutoff is not None:
210        nw_sigma = sum(iw < iw_cutoff for iw in freqs) + 1
211    else:
212        nw_sigma = nw + 1
214    # Compute occ for -iw and vir for iw separately
215    # to avoid branch cuts in analytic continuation
216    omega_occ = np.zeros((nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
217    omega_vir = np.zeros((nw_sigma), dtype=np.complex128)
218    omega_occ[0] = 0.j
219    omega_vir[0] = 0.j
220    omega_occ[1:] = -1j*freqs[:(nw_sigma-1)]
221    omega_vir[1:] = 1j*freqs[:(nw_sigma-1)]
222    orbs_occ_a = [i for i in orbs if i < nocca]
223    orbs_occ_b = [i for i in orbs if i < noccb]
224    norbs_occ_a = len(orbs_occ_a)
225    norbs_occ_b = len(orbs_occ_b)
227    emo_occ_a = omega_occ[None,:] + ef - mo_energy[0,:,None]
228    emo_occ_b = omega_occ[None,:] + ef - mo_energy[1,:,None]
229    emo_vir_a = omega_vir[None,:] + ef - mo_energy[0,:,None]
230    emo_vir_b = omega_vir[None,:] + ef - mo_energy[1,:,None]
232    sigma = np.zeros((2,norbs,nw_sigma),dtype=np.complex128)
233    omega = np.zeros((2,norbs,nw_sigma),dtype=np.complex128)
234    for s in range(2):
235        for p in range(norbs):
236            orbp = orbs[p]
237            if orbp < gw.nocc[s]:
238                omega[s,p] = omega_occ.copy()
239            else:
240                omega[s,p] = omega_vir.copy()
242    for w in range(nw):
243        Pi = get_rho_response(freqs[w], mo_energy, Lpq[0,:,:nocca,nocca:], Lpq[1,:,:noccb,noccb:])
244        Pi_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(naux)-Pi)-np.eye(naux)
245        g0_occ_a = wts[w] * emo_occ_a / (emo_occ_a**2+freqs[w]**2)
246        g0_vir_a = wts[w] * emo_vir_a / (emo_vir_a**2+freqs[w]**2)
247        g0_occ_b = wts[w] * emo_occ_b / (emo_occ_b**2+freqs[w]**2)
248        g0_vir_b = wts[w] * emo_vir_b / (emo_vir_b**2+freqs[w]**2)
250        Qnm_a = einsum('Pnm,PQ->Qnm',Lpq[0][:,orbs,:],Pi_inv)
251        Qnm_b = einsum('Pnm,PQ->Qnm',Lpq[1][:,orbs,:],Pi_inv)
252        Wmn_a = einsum('Qnm,Qmn->mn',Qnm_a,Lpq[0][:,:,orbs])
253        Wmn_b = einsum('Qnm,Qmn->mn',Qnm_b,Lpq[1][:,:,orbs])
255        sigma[0,:norbs_occ_a] += -einsum('mn,mw->nw',Wmn_a[:,:norbs_occ_a],g0_occ_a)/np.pi
256        sigma[0,norbs_occ_a:] += -einsum('mn,mw->nw',Wmn_a[:,norbs_occ_a:],g0_vir_a)/np.pi
257        sigma[1,:norbs_occ_b] += -einsum('mn,mw->nw',Wmn_b[:,:norbs_occ_b],g0_occ_b)/np.pi
258        sigma[1,norbs_occ_b:] += -einsum('mn,mw->nw',Wmn_b[:,norbs_occ_b:],g0_vir_b)/np.pi
260    return sigma, omega
262def _get_scaled_legendre_roots(nw):
263    """
264    Scale nw Legendre roots, which lie in the
265    interval [-1, 1], so that they lie in [0, inf)
266    Ref: www.cond-mat.de/events/correl19/manuscripts/ren.pdf
268    Returns:
269        freqs : 1D ndarray
270        wts : 1D ndarray
271    """
272    freqs, wts = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(nw)
273    x0 = 0.5
274    freqs_new = x0*(1.+freqs)/(1.-freqs)
275    wts = wts*2.*x0/(1.-freqs)**2
276    return freqs_new, wts
278def _get_clenshaw_curtis_roots(nw):
279    """
280    Clenshaw-Curtis qaudrature on [0,inf)
281    Ref: J. Chem. Phys. 132, 234114 (2010)
282    Returns:
283        freqs : 1D ndarray
284        wts : 1D ndarray
285    """
286    freqs = np.zeros(nw)
287    wts = np.zeros(nw)
288    a = 0.2
289    for w in range(nw):
290        t = (w+1.0)/nw * np.pi/2.
291        freqs[w] = a / np.tan(t)
292        if w != nw-1:
293            wts[w] = a*np.pi/2./nw/(np.sin(t)**2)
294        else:
295            wts[w] = a*np.pi/4./nw/(np.sin(t)**2)
296    return freqs[::-1], wts[::-1]
298def two_pole_fit(coeff, omega, sigma):
299    cf = coeff[:5] + 1j*coeff[5:]
300    f = cf[0] + cf[1]/(omega+cf[3]) + cf[2]/(omega+cf[4]) - sigma
301    f[0] = f[0]/0.01
302    return np.array([f.real,f.imag]).reshape(-1)
304def two_pole(freqs, coeff):
305    cf = coeff[:5] + 1j*coeff[5:]
306    return cf[0] + cf[1]/(freqs+cf[3]) + cf[2]/(freqs+cf[4])
308def AC_twopole_diag(sigma, omega, orbs, nocc):
309    """
310    Analytic continuation to real axis using a two-pole model
311    Returns:
312        coeff: 2D array (ncoeff, norbs)
313    """
314    norbs, nw = sigma.shape
315    coeff = np.zeros((10,norbs))
316    for p in range(norbs):
317        # target = np.array([sigma[p].real,sigma[p].imag]).reshape(-1)
318        if orbs[p] < nocc:
319            x0 = np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -0.5])
320        else:
321            x0 = np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.5])
322        #TODO: analytic gradient
323        xopt = least_squares(two_pole_fit, x0, jac='3-point', method='trf', xtol=1e-10,
324                             gtol = 1e-10, max_nfev=1000, verbose=0, args=(omega[p], sigma[p]))
325        if xopt.success is False:
326            print('WARN: 2P-Fit Orb %d not converged, cost function %e'%(p,xopt.cost))
327        coeff[:,p] = xopt.x.copy()
328    return coeff
330def thiele(fn,zn):
331    nfit = len(zn)
332    g = np.zeros((nfit,nfit),dtype=np.complex128)
333    g[:,0] = fn.copy()
334    for i in range(1,nfit):
335        g[i:,i] = (g[i-1,i-1]-g[i:,i-1])/((zn[i:]-zn[i-1])*g[i:,i-1])
336    a = g.diagonal()
337    return a
339def pade_thiele(freqs,zn,coeff):
340    nfit = len(coeff)
341    X = coeff[-1]*(freqs-zn[-2])
342    for i in range(nfit-1):
343        idx = nfit-i-1
344        X = coeff[idx]*(freqs-zn[idx-1])/(1.+X)
345    X = coeff[0]/(1.+X)
346    return X
348def AC_pade_thiele_diag(sigma, omega):
349    """
350    Analytic continuation to real axis using a Pade approximation
351    from Thiele's reciprocal difference method
352    Reference: J. Low Temp. Phys. 29, 179 (1977)
353    Returns:
354        coeff: 2D array (ncoeff, norbs)
355        omega: 2D array (norbs, npade)
356    """
357    idx = range(1,40,6)
358    sigma1 = sigma[:,idx].copy()
359    sigma2 = sigma[:,(idx[-1]+4)::4].copy()
360    sigma = np.hstack((sigma1,sigma2))
361    omega1 = omega[:,idx].copy()
362    omega2 = omega[:,(idx[-1]+4)::4].copy()
363    omega = np.hstack((omega1,omega2))
364    norbs, nw = sigma.shape
365    npade = nw // 2
366    coeff = np.zeros((npade*2,norbs),dtype=np.complex128)
367    for p in range(norbs):
368        coeff[:,p] = thiele(sigma[p,:npade*2], omega[p,:npade*2])
370    return coeff, omega[:,:npade*2]
372def _mo_energy_without_core(gw, mo_energy):
373    moidx = get_frozen_mask(gw)
374    mo_energy = (mo_energy[0][moidx[0]], mo_energy[1][moidx[1]])
375    return np.asarray(mo_energy)
377def _mo_without_core(gw, mo):
378    moidx = get_frozen_mask(gw)
379    mo = (mo[0][:,moidx[0]], mo[1][:,moidx[1]])
380    return np.asarray(mo)
382class UGWAC(lib.StreamObject):
384    linearized = getattr(__config__, 'gw_ugw_UGW_linearized', False)
385    # Analytic continuation: pade or twopole
386    ac = getattr(__config__, 'gw_ugw_UGW_ac', 'pade')
388    def __init__(self, mf, frozen=None):
389        self.mol = mf.mol
390        self._scf = mf
391        self.verbose = self.mol.verbose
392        self.stdout = self.mol.stdout
393        self.max_memory = mf.max_memory
395        self.frozen = frozen
397        # DF-GW must use density fitting integrals
398        if getattr(mf, 'with_df', None):
399            self.with_df = mf.with_df
400        else:
401            self.with_df = df.DF(mf.mol)
402            self.with_df.auxbasis = df.make_auxbasis(mf.mol, mp2fit=True)
403        self._keys.update(['with_df'])
406# don't modify the following attributes, they are not input options
407        self._nocc = None
408        self._nmo = None
409        # self.mo_energy: GW quasiparticle energy, not scf mo_energy
410        self.mo_energy = None
411        self.mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
412        self.mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
413        self.sigma = None
415        keys = set(('linearized','ac'))
416        self._keys = set(self.__dict__.keys()).union(keys)
418    def dump_flags(self):
419        log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
420        log.info('')
421        log.info('******** %s ********', self.__class__)
422        log.info('method = %s', self.__class__.__name__)
423        nocca, noccb = self.nocc
424        nmoa, nmob = self.nmo
425        nvira = nmoa - nocca
426        nvirb = nmob - noccb
427        log.info('GW (nocca, noccb) = (%d, %d), (nvira, nvirb) = (%d, %d)',
428                 nocca, noccb, nvira, nvirb)
429        if self.frozen is not None:
430            log.info('frozen orbitals %s', str(self.frozen))
431        logger.info(self, 'use perturbative linearized QP eqn = %s', self.linearized)
432        logger.info(self, 'analytic continuation method = %s', self.ac)
433        return self
435    @property
436    def nocc(self):
437        return self.get_nocc()
438    @nocc.setter
439    def nocc(self, n):
440        self._nocc = n
442    @property
443    def nmo(self):
444        return self.get_nmo()
445    @nmo.setter
446    def nmo(self, n):
447        self._nmo = n
449    get_nocc = get_nocc
450    get_nmo = get_nmo
451    get_frozen_mask = get_frozen_mask
453    def kernel(self, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, Lpq=None, orbs=None, nw=100, vhf_df=False):
454        """
455        Input:
456            orbs: self-energy orbs
457            nw: grid number
458            vhf_df: whether using density fitting for HF exchange
459        Output:
460            mo_energy: GW quasiparticle energy
461        """
462        if mo_coeff is None:
463            mo_coeff = _mo_without_core(self, self._scf.mo_coeff)
464        if mo_energy is None:
465            mo_energy = _mo_energy_without_core(self, self._scf.mo_energy)
467        cput0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
468        self.dump_flags()
469        self.converged, self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff = \
470                kernel(self, mo_energy, mo_coeff,
471                       Lpq=Lpq, orbs=orbs, nw=nw, vhf_df=vhf_df, verbose=self.verbose)
473        logger.warn(self, 'GW QP energies may not be sorted from min to max')
474        logger.timer(self, 'GW', *cput0)
475        return self.mo_energy
477    def ao2mo(self, mo_coeff=None):
478        nmoa, nmob = self.nmo
479        nao = self.mo_coeff[0].shape[0]
480        naux = self.with_df.get_naoaux()
481        mem_incore = (nmoa**2*naux + nmob**2*naux + nao**2*naux) * 8/1e6
482        mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
484        moa = numpy.asarray(mo_coeff[0], order='F')
485        mob = numpy.asarray(mo_coeff[1], order='F')
486        ijslicea = (0, nmoa, 0, nmoa)
487        ijsliceb = (0, nmob, 0, nmob)
488        Lpqa = None
489        Lpqb = None
490        if (mem_incore + mem_now < 0.99*self.max_memory) or self.mol.incore_anyway:
491            Lpqa = _ao2mo.nr_e2(self.with_df._cderi, moa, ijslicea, aosym='s2', out=Lpqa)
492            Lpqb = _ao2mo.nr_e2(self.with_df._cderi, mob, ijsliceb, aosym='s2', out=Lpqb)
493            return np.asarray((Lpqa.reshape(naux,nmoa,nmoa),Lpqb.reshape(naux,nmob,nmob)))
494        else:
495            logger.warn(self, 'Memory may not be enough!')
496            raise NotImplementedError
499if __name__ == '__main__':
500    from pyscf import gto, dft
501    mol = gto.Mole()
502    mol.verbose = 4
503    mol.atom = 'O 0 0 0'
504    mol.basis = 'aug-cc-pvdz'
505    mol.spin = 2
506    mol.build()
508    mf = dft.UKS(mol)
509    mf.xc = 'pbe0'
510    mf.kernel()
512    nocca = (mol.nelectron + mol.spin)//2
513    noccb = mol.nelectron - nocca
514    nmo = len(mf.mo_energy[0])
515    nvira = nmo - nocca
516    nvirb = nmo - noccb
518    gw = UGWAC(mf)
519    gw.frozen = 0
520    gw.linearized = False
521    gw.ac = 'pade'
522    gw.kernel(orbs=range(nocca-3,nocca+3))
523    assert (abs(gw.mo_energy[0][nocca-1]- -0.521932084529) < 1e-5)
524    assert (abs(gw.mo_energy[0][nocca] -0.167547592784) < 1e-5)
525    assert (abs(gw.mo_energy[1][noccb-1]- -0.464605523684) < 1e-5)
526    assert (abs(gw.mo_energy[1][noccb]- -0.0133557793765) < 1e-5)