2Contains relevant physical constants
5import collections
6from decimal import Decimal
7from functools import lru_cache
8from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union
10from ..datum import Datum, print_variables
11from .ureg import build_units_registry
14    from pint import UnitRegistry, quantity  # lgtm: [py/unused-import]
17class PhysicalConstantsContext:
18    r"""CODATA physical constants set from NIST.
20    Parameters
21    ----------
22    context : str
23        {'CODATA2014', 'CODATA2018'}
24        Origin of loaded data.
26    Attributes
27    ----------
28    doi : str
29        The DOI of the current context.
30    name : str
31        The name of the context ('CODATA2014')
32    pc : Dict[str, Datum]
33        Each physical constant is an entry in `pc`, where key is the
34        lowercased string of the NIST name (or any alias) and the
35        value is a Datum object with `lbl` the exact NIST name string,
36        `units`, `data` value as Decimal object, and any uncertainty
37        in the `comment` field.
38    raw_codata : Dict[str, Any]
39        A dictionary representation of the raw context data.
40    year : int
41        The year the context was created.
42    """
44    _transtable = str.maketrans(" -/{", "__p_", ".,()}")
46    # Alias Typing
47    h: float
48    c: float
49    kb: float
50    R: float
51    bohr2angstroms: float
52    bohr2cm: float
53    amu2g: float
54    amu2kg: float
55    hartree2J: float
56    hartree2aJ: float
57    cal2J: float
58    dipmom_au2si: float
59    dipmom_au2debye: float
60    c_au: float
61    hartree2ev: float
62    hartree2wavenumbers: float
63    hartree2kcalmol: float
64    hartree2kJmol: float
65    hartree2MHz: float
66    kcalmol2wavenumbers: float
67    e0: float
68    na: float
69    me: float
71    def __init__(self, context="CODATA2014"):
72        self.pc = collections.OrderedDict()
74        if context == "CODATA2014":
75            from ..data import nist_2014_codata
77            self.doi = nist_2014_codata["doi"]
78            self.raw_codata = nist_2014_codata["constants"]
79        elif context == "CODATA2018":
80            from ..data import nist_2018_codata
82            self.doi = nist_2018_codata["doi"]
83            self.raw_codata = nist_2018_codata["constants"]
85        else:
86            raise KeyError("Context set as '{}', only contexts {'CODATA2014', 'CODATA2018', } are currently supported")
88        # physical constant loop
89        for k, v in self.raw_codata.items():
90            self.pc[k] = Datum(
91                v["quantity"],
92                v["unit"],
93                Decimal(v["value"]),
94                comment="uncertainty={}".format(v["uncertainty"]),
95                doi=self.doi,
96            )
98        self.name = context
99        self.year = int(context.replace("CODATA", ""))
100        self._ureg = None
102        # Extra relationships
103        self.pc["calorie-joule relationship"] = Datum(
104            "calorie-joule relationship", "J", Decimal("4.184"), comment="uncertainty=(exact)"
105        )
107        rename_2018_from_2014 = {
108            "atomic unit of momentum": "atomic unit of mom.um",
109            "reduced Planck constant": "Planck constant over 2 pi",
110            "reduced Planck constant in eV s": "Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s",
111            "reduced Planck constant times c in MeV fm": "Planck constant over 2 pi times c in MeV fm",
112            "natural unit of momentum": "natural unit of mom.um",
113            "natural unit of momentum in MeV/c": "natural unit of mom.um in MeV/c",
114            "electron gyromag. ratio in MHz/T": "electron gyromag. ratio over 2 pi",
115            "vacuum mag. permeability": "mag. constant",
116            "lattice spacing of ideal Si (220)": "{220} lattice spacing of silicon",
117            "Planck constant in eV/Hz": "Planck constant in eV s",
118            "Bohr magneton in inverse meter per tesla": "Bohr magneton in inverse meters per tesla",
119            "Boltzmann constant in inverse meter per kelvin": "Boltzmann constant in inverse meters per kelvin",
120            "Copper x unit": "Cu x unit",
121            "Molybdenum x unit": "Mo x unit",
122            "proton gyromag. ratio in MHz/T": "proton gyromag. ratio over 2 pi",
123            "shielded proton gyromag. ratio in MHz/T": "shielded proton gyromag. ratio over 2 pi",
124            "reduced proton Compton wavelength": "proton Compton wavelength over 2 pi",
125            "reduced tau Compton wavelength": "tau Compton wavelength over 2 pi",
126            "tau energy equivalent": "tau mass energy equivalent in mev",
127            "reduced neutron Compton wavelength": "neutron Compton wavelength over 2 pi",
128            "neutron gyromag. ratio in MHz/T": "neutron gyromag. ratio over 2 pi",
129            "nuclear magneton in inverse meter per tesla": "nuclear magneton in inverse meters per tesla",
130            "shielded helion gyromag. ratio in MHz/T": "shielded helion gyromag. ratio over 2 pi",
131            "reduced Compton wavelength": "Compton wavelength over 2 pi",
132            "vacuum electric permittivity": "electric constant",
133            "reduced muon Compton wavelength": "muon Compton wavelength over 2 pi",
134        }
136        # fmt: off
137        if context == "CODATA2014":
138            aliases = []
140        elif context == "CODATA2018":
141            for new_name, old_name in rename_2018_from_2014.items():
142                dm = self.pc[new_name.lower()]
143                self.pc[old_name.lower()] = Datum(old_name, dm.units, dm.data, comment=dm.comment, doi=dm.doi)
145            aliases = [
146                ("molar Planck constant times c",                      "J m mol^{-1}", self.pc["molar planck constant"].data * self.pc["speed of light in vacuum"].data,     ""),
147                ("Faraday constant for conventional electric current", "C_{90} mol^{-1}", self.pc["faraday constant"].data / self.pc["conventional value of coulomb-90"].data, ""),
148                ("elementary charge over h",                           "A J^{-1}", self.pc["elementary charge over h-bar"].data / (2 * _get_pi(from_scratch=False)),    ""),
149            ]
151        aliases.extend([
152            ('h',                    'J s',            self.pc['hertz-joule relationship'].data,                             'The Planck constant (Js)'),
153            ('hbar',                 'J s',            self.pc['planck constant over 2 pi'].data,                            'Reduced Planck constant (Js)'),
154            ('c',                    'm s^-1',         self.pc['inverse meter-hertz relationship'].data,                     'Speed of light (ms$^{-1}$)'),
155            ('kb',                   'J K^-1',         self.pc['kelvin-joule relationship'].data,                            'The Boltzmann constant (JK$^{-1}$)'),
156            ('R',                    'J mol^-1 K^-1',  self.pc['molar gas constant'].data,                                   'Universal gas constant (JK$^{-1}$mol$^{-1}$)'),
157            ('bohr2angstroms',       'AA',             self.pc['bohr radius'].data * Decimal('1.E10'),                       'Bohr to Angstroms conversion factor'),
158            ('bohr2m',               'm',              self.pc['bohr radius'].data,                                          'Bohr to meters conversion factor'),
159            ('bohr2cm',              'cm',             self.pc['bohr radius'].data * Decimal('100'),                         'Bohr to centimeters conversion factor'),
160            ('amu2g',                'g',              self.pc['atomic mass constant'].data * Decimal('1000'),               'Atomic mass units to grams conversion factor'),
161            ('amu2kg',               'kg',             self.pc['atomic mass constant'].data,                                 'Atomic mass units to kg conversion factor' ),
162            ('au2amu',               'u',              self.pc['electron mass in u'].data,                                   'Atomic units (m$@@e$) to atomic mass units conversion factor'),
163            ('hartree2J',            'J',              self.pc['hartree energy'].data,                                       'Hartree to joule conversion factor'),
164            ('hartree2aJ',           'aJ',             self.pc['hartree energy'].data * Decimal('1.E18'),                    'Hartree to attojoule (10$^{-18}$J) conversion factor'),
165            ('cal2J',                'J',              self.pc['calorie-joule relationship'].data,                           'Calorie to joule conversion factor'),
166            ('dipmom_au2si',         'C m',            self.pc['atomic unit of electric dipole mom.'].data,                  'Atomic units to SI units (Cm) conversion factor for dipoles'),
167            ('dipmom_au2debye',      '???',            self.pc['atomic unit of electric dipole mom.'].data * Decimal('1.E21') / self.pc['hertz-inverse meter relationship'].data,
168                                                                                                                             'Atomic units to Debye conversion factor for dipoles'),
169            ('dipmom_debye2si',      'C m',            self.pc['hertz-inverse meter relationship'].data * Decimal('1.E-21'), 'Debye to SI units (Cm) conversion factor for dipoles'),
170            ('c_au',                 '',               self.pc['inverse fine-structure constant'].data,                      'Speed of light in atomic units'),
171            ('hartree2ev',           'eV',             self.pc['hartree energy in ev'].data,                                 'Hartree to eV conversion factor'),
172            ('hartree2wavenumbers',  'cm^-1',          self.pc['hartree-inverse meter relationship'].data * Decimal('0.01'), 'Hartree to cm$^{-1}$ conversion factor'),
173            ('hartree2kcalmol',      'kcal mol^-1',    self.pc['hartree energy'].data * self.pc['avogadro constant'].data * Decimal('0.001') / self.pc['calorie-joule relationship'].data,
174                                                                                                                             'Hartree to kcal mol$^{-1}$ conversion factor'),
175            ('hartree2kJmol',        'kJ mol^-1',      self.pc['hartree energy'].data * self.pc['avogadro constant'].data * Decimal('0.001'), 'Hartree to kilojoule mol$^{-1}$ conversion factor'),
176            ('hartree2MHz',          'MHz',            self.pc['hartree-hertz relationship'].data * Decimal('1.E-6'),        'Hartree to MHz conversion factor'),
177            ('na',                   'mol^-1',         self.pc['avogadro constant'].data,                                    "Avogadro's number"),
178            ('me',                   'kg',             self.pc['electron mass'].data,                                        'Electron rest mass (in kg)'),
179        ])
181        if context == "CODATA2014":
182            aliases.extend([
183            ('kcalmol2wavenumbers',  'kcal cm mol^-1', Decimal('10') * self.pc['calorie-joule relationship'].data / self.pc['molar planck constant times c'].data,
184                                                                                                                             'kcal mol$^{-1}$ to cm$^{-1}$ conversion factor',),
185            ('e0',                   'F m^-1',         self.pc['electric constant'].data,                                    'Vacuum permittivity (Fm$^{-1}$)'),
186            ])
187        elif context == "CODATA2018":
188            aliases.extend([
189            ("kcalmol2wavenumbers",  "kcal cm mol^-1", Decimal("10") * self.pc["calorie-joule relationship"].data / (self.pc["molar planck constant"].data *
190                                                       self.pc["speed of light in vacuum"].data),                            "kcal mol$^{-1}$ to cm$^{-1}$ conversion factor",),
191            ("e0",                   "F m^-1",         self.pc["vacuum electric permittivity"].data,                         "Vacuum permittivity (Fm$^{-1}$)"),
192            ])
193        # fmt: on
195        # add alternate names for constants or derived values to help QC programs
196        for alias in aliases:
197            ident, units, value, comment = alias
198            self.pc[ident.lower()] = Datum(ident, units, value, comment=comment)
200        # add constants as directly callable member data
201        for qca in self.pc.values():
202            callname = qca.label.translate(self._transtable)
203            setattr(self, callname, float(qca.data))
205    def __str__(self) -> str:
206        return "PhysicalConstantsContext(context='{}')".format(self.name)
208    @property
209    def ureg(self) -> "UnitRegistry":
210        r"""Returns the internal Pint units registry.
212        Returns
213        -------
214        UnitRegistry
215            The pint context
216        """
217        if self._ureg is None:
218            self._ureg = build_units_registry(self)
220        return self._ureg
222    def get(self, physical_constant: str, return_tuple: bool = False) -> Union[float, Datum]:
223        r"""Access a physical constant, `physical_constant`.
225        Parameters
226        ----------
227        physical_constant
228            Case-insensitive string of physical constant with NIST name.
229        return_tuple
230            See below.
232        Returns
233        -------
234        Union[float, Datum]
235            When ``return_tuple=False``, value of physical constant.
236            When ``return_tuple=True``, Datum with units, description, uncertainty, and value of physical constant as Decimal.
238        """
239        qca = self.pc[physical_constant.lower()]
241        if return_tuple:
242            return qca
243        else:
244            return float(qca.data)
246    #       h                         'hertz-joule relationship'                  = 6.62606896E-34       # The Planck constant (Js)
247    #       c                         'inverse meter-hertz relationship'          = 2.99792458E8         # Speed of light (ms$^{-1}$)
248    #       kb                        'kelvin-joule relationship'                 = 1.3806504E-23        # The Boltzmann constant (JK$^{-1}$)
249    #       R                         'molar gas constant'                        = 8.314472             # Universal gas constant (JK$^{-1}$mol$^{-1}$)
250    #       bohr2angstroms            'Bohr radius' * 1.E10                       = 0.52917720859        # Bohr to Angstroms conversion factor
251    #       bohr2m                    'Bohr radius'                               = 0.52917720859E-10    # Bohr to meters conversion factor
252    #       bohr2cm                   'Bohr radius' * 100                         = 0.52917720859E-8     # Bohr to centimeters conversion factor
253    #       amu2kg                    'atomic mass constant'                      = 1.660538782E-27      # Atomic mass units to kg conversion factor
254    #       au2amu                    'electron mass in u'                        = 5.485799097E-4       # Atomic units (m$@@e$) to atomic mass units conversion factor
255    #       hartree2J                 'Hartree energy'                            = 4.359744E-18         # Hartree to joule conversion factor
256    #       hartree2aJ                'Hartree energy' * 1.E18                    = 4.359744             # Hartree to attojoule (10$^{-18}$J) conversion factor
257    #       cal2J                     = 4.184                # Calorie to joule conversion factor
258    #       dipmom_au2si              'atomic unit of electric dipole mom.'       = 8.47835281E-30       # Atomic units to SI units (Cm) conversion factor for dipoles
259    #       dipmom_au2debye           'atomic unit of electric dipole mom.' / ('hertz-inverse meter relationship' * 1.E-21)     = 2.54174623           # Atomic units to Debye conversion factor for dipoles
260    #       dipmom_debye2si           'hertz-inverse meter relationship' * 1.E-21 = 3.335640952E-30      # Debye to SI units (Cm) conversion factor for dipoles
261    #       c_au                      'inverse fine-structure constant'           = 137.035999679        # Speed of light in atomic units
262    #       hartree2ev                'Hartree energy in eV'                      = 27.21138             # Hartree to eV conversion factor
263    #       hartree2wavenumbers       'hartree-inverse meter relationship' * 0.01 = 219474.6             # Hartree to cm$^{-1}$ conversion factor
264    #       hartree2kcalmol           hartree2kJmol / cal2J                       = 627.5095             # Hartree to kcal mol$^{-1}$ conversion factor
265    #       hartree2kJmol             'Hartree energy'*'Avogadro constant'*0.001  = 2625.500             # Hartree to kilojoule mol$^{-1}$ conversion factor
266    #       hartree2MHz               'hartree-hertz relationship'                = 6.579684E9           # Hartree to MHz conversion factor
267    #       kcalmol2wavenumbers       10. / 'molar Planck constant times c'*4.184 = 349.7551             # kcal mol$^{-1}$ to cm$^{-1}$ conversion factor
268    #       e0                        'electric constant'                         = 8.854187817E-12      # Vacuum permittivity (Fm$^{-1}$)
269    #       na                        'Avogadro constant'                         = 6.02214179E23        # Avogadro's number
270    #       me                        'electron mass'                             = 9.10938215E-31       # Electron rest mass (in kg)
272    def Quantity(self, data: str) -> "quantity._Quantity":
273        """Returns a Pint Quantity."""
275        return self.ureg.Quantity(data)
277    @lru_cache()
278    def conversion_factor(
279        self, base_unit: Union[str, "quantity._Quantity"], conv_unit: Union[str, "quantity._Quantity"]
280    ) -> float:
281        r"""Provides the conversion factor from one unit to another.
283        The conversion factor is based on the current contexts CODATA.
285        Parameters
286        ----------
287        base_unit
288            The original units
289        conv_unit
290            The units to convert to
292        Examples
293        --------
295        >>> conversion_factor("meter", "picometer")
296        1e-12
298        >>> conversion_factor("feet", "meter")
299        0.30479999999999996
301        >>> conversion_factor(10 * ureg.feet, "meter")
302        3.0479999999999996
304        Returns
305        -------
306        float
307            The requested conversion factor
308        """
310        # Add a little magic in case the incoming values have scalars
312        from pint import quantity
314        factor = 1.0
316        # First make sure we either have Units or Quantities
317        if isinstance(base_unit, str):
318            base_unit = self.ureg.parse_expression(base_unit)
320        if isinstance(conv_unit, str):
321            conv_unit = self.ureg.parse_expression(conv_unit)
323        # Need to play with prevector if we have Quantities
324        if isinstance(base_unit, quantity._Quantity):
325            factor *= base_unit.magnitude
326            base_unit = base_unit.units
328        if isinstance(conv_unit, quantity._Quantity):
329            factor /= conv_unit.magnitude
330            conv_unit = conv_unit.units
332        return self.ureg.convert(factor, base_unit, conv_unit)
334    def string_representation(self) -> str:
335        """Print name, value, and units of all physical constants."""
337        return print_variables(self.pc)
340def run_comparison(context: str) -> None:
341    """Compare the existing physical constant information for Psi4 (in checkup_data folder) to object instantiation from
342    `context`. Specialized use."""
344    self = PhysicalConstantsContext(context)
346    try:
347        from .. import checkup_data
348    except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
349        print("Info for comparison (directory checkup_data) not installed. Run from source.")
350        raise
352    class bcolors:
353        HEADER = "\033[95m"
354        OKBLUE = "\033[94m"
355        OKGREEN = "\033[92m"
356        WARNING = "\033[93m"
357        FAIL = "\033[91m"
358        ENDC = "\033[0m"
359        BOLD = "\033[1m"
360        UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"
362    tol = 1.0e-8
363    print(bcolors.OKBLUE + "\nChecking ({}) physconst vs. Psi4 ...".format(tol) + bcolors.ENDC)
364    for pc in dir(checkup_data.physconst):
365        if not pc.startswith("__"):
366            ref = self.get(pc)
367            val = getattr(checkup_data.physconst, pc)
368            assert isinstance(ref, (int, float))
369            rat = abs(1.0 - float(ref) / val)
370            if rat > 1.0e-4:
371                print(
372                    bcolors.FAIL
373                    + "Physical Constant {} ratio differs by {:12.8f}: {} (this) vs {} (psi)".format(pc, rat, ref, val)
374                    + bcolors.ENDC
375                )
376            if rat > tol:
377                print("Physical Constant {} ratio differs by {:12.8f}: {} (this) vs {} (psi)".format(pc, rat, ref, val))
380def run_internal_comparison(old_context: str, new_context: str) -> None:
381    """Compare two physical constant versions. Useful when adding new version."""
383    self = PhysicalConstantsContext(old_context)
384    other = PhysicalConstantsContext(new_context)
386    class bcolors:
387        HEADER = "\033[95m"
388        OKBLUE = "\033[94m"
389        OKGREEN = "\033[92m"
390        WARNING = "\033[93m"
391        FAIL = "\033[91m"
392        ENDC = "\033[0m"
393        BOLD = "\033[1m"
394        UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"
396    both = set(self.pc.keys()).intersection(other.pc.keys())
398    self_only = set(self.pc.keys()).difference(both)
399    print(bcolors.WARNING + f"\nPhysConst in old {self.name} missing in new {other.name} ..." + bcolors.ENDC)
400    for pc in sorted(self_only):
401        print(pc, self.get(pc))
403    other_only = set(other.pc.keys()).difference(both)
404    print(bcolors.WARNING + f"\nPhysConst in new {other.name} missing in old {self.name} ..." + bcolors.ENDC)
405    for pc in sorted(other_only):
406        print(pc, other.get(pc))
408    tol = 1.0e-8
409    print(bcolors.OKBLUE + f"\nChecking ({tol}) physconst {self.name} vs. {other.name} ..." + bcolors.ENDC)
410    for pc in sorted(both):
411        if not pc.startswith("__"):
412            ref = self.get(pc)
413            val = other.get(pc)
414            assert isinstance(ref, (int, float))
415            rat = abs(1.0 - float(ref) / val)
416            if rat > 1.0e-4:
417                print(
418                    bcolors.FAIL
419                    + f"Physical Constant {pc} ratio differs by {rat:12.8f}: {ref} (this, {self.name}) vs {val} ({other.name})"
420                    + bcolors.ENDC
421                )
422            if rat > tol:
423                print(
424                    f"Physical Constant {pc} ratio differs by {rat:12.8f}: {ref} (this, {self.name}) vs {val} ({other.name})"
425                )
427            refu = self.pc[pc].units
428            valu = other.pc[pc].units
429            if refu != valu:
430                print(
431                    bcolors.BOLD
432                    + f"Physical Constant {pc} units differs: {refu} (this, {self.name}) vs {valu} ({other.name})"
433                    + bcolors.ENDC
434                )
437def _get_pi(from_scratch: bool = False) -> "Decimal":
438    r"""Get pi to 36 digits (or more with mpmath).
440    Parameters
441    ----------
442    from_scratch
443        If True, recomputes Pi from mpmath.
445    Returns
446    -------
447    Decimal
448        A representation of Pi
449    """
451    if from_scratch:  # pragma: no cover
452        from mpmath import mp
454        mp.dps = 36
455        return mp.pi
456    else:
457        return Decimal("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288")
460def write_c_header(context, filename="physconst.h", prefix="pc_"):
461    """Write C header file defining physical constants and pi, constants names are prefixed."""
463    self = PhysicalConstantsContext(context)
465    pi = _get_pi(from_scratch=False)
466    tau = 2 * pi
468    text = [
469        "#ifndef _qcelemental_physconst_h_",
470        "#define _qcelemental_physconst_h_",
471        "",
472        f"/* This file is autogenerated from the QCElemental python module from {self.name} */",
473        "",
474        "/* clang-format off */",
475        f"#define {prefix}pi {pi}",
476        f"#define {prefix}twopi {tau}",
477    ]
479    for pc, qca in sorted(self.pc.items()):
480        callname = qca.label.translate(self._transtable)
481        noncomment = "#define {}{} {}".format(prefix, callname, qca.data)
482        text.append("{:80}  /*- {} [{}] {} -*/".format(noncomment, qca.label, qca.units, qca.comment))
483    text.append("/* clang-format on */")
485    text.append("")
486    text.append("/* For Cray X1 compilers */")
487    text.append("#ifndef M_PI")
488    text.append("#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846")
489    text.append("#endif")
490    text.append("")
492    text.append("#endif /* header guard */")
493    text.append("")
495    with open(filename, "w") as handle:
496        handle.write("\n".join(text))
497    print("File written ({}). Remember to add license and clang-format it.".format(filename))
500def write_fortran_header(context, filename="physconst.fh", prefix="pc_", kind=None):
501    """Write Fortran include file defining physical constants and pi, constants names are prefixed.
502    The name of the kind parameter can be passed as well."""
504    self = PhysicalConstantsContext(context)
506    text = [
507        f"! This file is autogenerated from the QCElemental python module from {self.name}",
508    ]
510    pi = _get_pi(from_scratch=False)
511    tau = 2 * pi
512    if kind is None:
513        declare = f"real, parameter ::"
514        text.append(f"{declare} {prefix}pi = {pi}")
515        text.append(f"{declare} {prefix}twopi = {tau}")
516    else:
517        declare = f"real({kind}), parameter ::"
518        text.append(f"{declare} {prefix}pi = {pi}_{kind}")
519        text.append(f"{declare} {prefix}twopi = {tau}_{kind}")
521    for pc, qca in sorted(self.pc.items()):
522        callname = qca.label.translate(self._transtable)
523        if kind is None:
524            noncomment = "{} {}{} = {}".format(declare, prefix, callname, qca.data)
525        else:
526            noncomment = "{} {}{} = {}_{}".format(declare, prefix, callname, qca.data, kind)
527        text.append("{:80}  !! {} [{}] {}".format(noncomment, qca.label, qca.units, qca.comment))
529    with open(filename, "w") as handle:
530        handle.write("\n".join(text))
531    print("File written ({}). Remember to add license header.".format(filename))
534# singleton
535constants = PhysicalConstantsContext("CODATA2014")