1 /* boost random/detail/seed.hpp header file
2  *
3  * Copyright Steven Watanabe 2009
4  * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
5  * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
6  * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7  *
8  * See http://www.boost.org for most recent version including documentation.
9  *
10  * $Id$
11  */
16 #include <stdexcept>
17 #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
18 #include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
19 #include <boost/config/no_tr1/cmath.hpp>
20 #include <boost/integer/integer_mask.hpp>
21 #include <boost/integer/static_log2.hpp>
22 #include <boost/random/traits.hpp>
23 #include <boost/random/detail/const_mod.hpp>
24 #include <boost/random/detail/integer_log2.hpp>
25 #include <boost/random/detail/signed_unsigned_tools.hpp>
26 #include <boost/random/detail/generator_bits.hpp>
27 #include <boost/type_traits/conditional.hpp>
28 #include <boost/type_traits/integral_constant.hpp>
30 #include <boost/random/detail/disable_warnings.hpp>
32 namespace boost {
33 namespace random {
34 namespace detail {
36 // finds the seed type of an engine, given its
37 // result_type.  If the result_type is integral
38 // the seed type is the same.  If the result_type
39 // is floating point, the seed type is uint32_t
40 template<class T>
41 struct seed_type
42 {
43     typedef typename boost::conditional<boost::is_integral<T>::value,
44         T,
45         boost::uint32_t
46     >::type type;
47 };
49 template<int N>
50 struct const_pow_impl
51 {
52     template<class T>
53     static T call(T arg, int n, T result)
54     {
55         return const_pow_impl<N / 2>::call(T(arg * arg), n / 2,
56             n%2 == 0? result : T(result * arg));
57     }
58 };
60 template<>
61 struct const_pow_impl<0>
62 {
63     template<class T>
64     static T call(T, int, T result)
65     {
66         return result;
67     }
68 };
70 // requires N is an upper bound on n
71 template<int N, class T>
72 inline T const_pow(T arg, int n) { return const_pow_impl<N>::call(arg, n, T(1)); }
74 template<class T>
75 inline T pow2(int n)
76 {
77     typedef unsigned int_type;
78     const int max_bits = std::numeric_limits<int_type>::digits;
79     T multiplier = T(int_type(1) << (max_bits - 1)) * 2;
80     return (int_type(1) << (n % max_bits)) *
81         const_pow<std::numeric_limits<T>::digits / max_bits>(multiplier, n / max_bits);
82 }
84 template<class Engine, class Iter>
85 void generate_from_real(Engine& eng, Iter begin, Iter end)
86 {
87     using std::fmod;
88     typedef typename Engine::result_type RealType;
89     const int Bits = detail::generator_bits<Engine>::value();
90     int remaining_bits = 0;
91     boost::uint_least32_t saved_bits = 0;
92     RealType multiplier = pow2<RealType>( Bits);
93     RealType mult32 = RealType(4294967296.0); // 2^32
94     while(true) {
95         RealType val = eng() * multiplier;
96         int available_bits = Bits;
97         // Make sure the compiler can optimize this out
98         // if it isn't possible.
99         if(Bits < 32 && available_bits < 32 - remaining_bits) {
100             saved_bits |= boost::uint_least32_t(val) << remaining_bits;
101             remaining_bits += Bits;
102         } else {
103             // If Bits < 32, then remaining_bits != 0, since
104             // if remaining_bits == 0, available_bits < 32 - 0,
105             // and we won't get here to begin with.
106             if(Bits < 32 || remaining_bits != 0) {
107                 boost::uint_least32_t divisor =
108                     (boost::uint_least32_t(1) << (32 - remaining_bits));
109                 boost::uint_least32_t extra_bits = boost::uint_least32_t(fmod(val, mult32)) & (divisor - 1);
110                 val = val / divisor;
111                 *begin++ = saved_bits | (extra_bits << remaining_bits);
112                 if(begin == end) return;
113                 available_bits -= 32 - remaining_bits;
114                 remaining_bits = 0;
115             }
116             // If Bits < 32 we should never enter this loop
117             if(Bits >= 32) {
118                 for(; available_bits >= 32; available_bits -= 32) {
119                     boost::uint_least32_t word = boost::uint_least32_t(fmod(val, mult32));
120                     val /= mult32;
121                     *begin++ = word;
122                     if(begin == end) return;
123                 }
124             }
125             remaining_bits = available_bits;
126             saved_bits = static_cast<boost::uint_least32_t>(val);
127         }
128     }
129 }
131 template<class Engine, class Iter>
132 void generate_from_int(Engine& eng, Iter begin, Iter end)
133 {
134     typedef typename Engine::result_type IntType;
135     typedef typename boost::random::traits::make_unsigned<IntType>::type unsigned_type;
136     int remaining_bits = 0;
137     boost::uint_least32_t saved_bits = 0;
138     unsigned_type range = boost::random::detail::subtract<IntType>()((eng.max)(), (eng.min)());
140     int bits =
141         (range == (std::numeric_limits<unsigned_type>::max)()) ?
142             std::numeric_limits<unsigned_type>::digits :
143             detail::integer_log2(range + 1);
145     {
146         int discarded_bits = detail::integer_log2(bits);
147         unsigned_type excess = (range + 1) >> (bits - discarded_bits);
148         if(excess != 0) {
149             int extra_bits = detail::integer_log2((excess - 1) ^ excess);
150             bits = bits - discarded_bits + extra_bits;
151         }
152     }
154     unsigned_type mask = (static_cast<unsigned_type>(2) << (bits - 1)) - 1;
155     unsigned_type limit = ((range + 1) & ~mask) - 1;
157     while(true) {
158         unsigned_type val;
159         do {
160             val = boost::random::detail::subtract<IntType>()(eng(), (eng.min)());
161         } while(limit != range && val > limit);
162         val &= mask;
163         int available_bits = bits;
164         if(available_bits == 32) {
165             *begin++ = static_cast<boost::uint_least32_t>(val) & 0xFFFFFFFFu;
166             if(begin == end) return;
167         } else if(available_bits % 32 == 0) {
168             for(int i = 0; i < available_bits / 32; ++i) {
169                 boost::uint_least32_t word = boost::uint_least32_t(val) & 0xFFFFFFFFu;
170                 int suppress_warning = (bits >= 32);
171                 BOOST_ASSERT(suppress_warning == 1);
172                 val >>= (32 * suppress_warning);
173                 *begin++ = word;
174                 if(begin == end) return;
175             }
176         } else if(bits < 32 && available_bits < 32 - remaining_bits) {
177             saved_bits |= boost::uint_least32_t(val) << remaining_bits;
178             remaining_bits += bits;
179         } else {
180             if(bits < 32 || remaining_bits != 0) {
181                 boost::uint_least32_t extra_bits = boost::uint_least32_t(val) & ((boost::uint_least32_t(1) << (32 - remaining_bits)) - 1);
182                 val >>= 32 - remaining_bits;
183                 *begin++ = saved_bits | (extra_bits << remaining_bits);
184                 if(begin == end) return;
185                 available_bits -= 32 - remaining_bits;
186                 remaining_bits = 0;
187             }
188             if(bits >= 32) {
189                 for(; available_bits >= 32; available_bits -= 32) {
190                     boost::uint_least32_t word = boost::uint_least32_t(val) & 0xFFFFFFFFu;
191                     int suppress_warning = (bits >= 32);
192                     BOOST_ASSERT(suppress_warning == 1);
193                     val >>= (32 * suppress_warning);
194                     *begin++ = word;
195                     if(begin == end) return;
196                 }
197             }
198             remaining_bits = available_bits;
199             saved_bits = static_cast<boost::uint_least32_t>(val);
200         }
201     }
202 }
204 template<class Engine, class Iter>
205 void generate_impl(Engine& eng, Iter first, Iter last, boost::true_type)
206 {
207     return detail::generate_from_int(eng, first, last);
208 }
210 template<class Engine, class Iter>
211 void generate_impl(Engine& eng, Iter first, Iter last, boost::false_type)
212 {
213     return detail::generate_from_real(eng, first, last);
214 }
216 template<class Engine, class Iter>
217 void generate(Engine& eng, Iter first, Iter last)
218 {
219     return detail::generate_impl(eng, first, last, boost::random::traits::is_integral<typename Engine::result_type>());
220 }
224 template<class IntType, IntType m, class SeedSeq>
225 IntType seed_one_int(SeedSeq& seq)
226 {
227     static const int log = ::boost::conditional<(m == 0),
228         ::boost::integral_constant<int, (::std::numeric_limits<IntType>::digits)>,
229         ::boost::static_log2<m> >::type::value;
230     static const int k =
231         (log + ((~(static_cast<IntType>(2) << (log - 1)) & m)? 32 : 31)) / 32;
232     ::boost::uint_least32_t array[log / 32 + 4];
233     seq.generate(&array[0], &array[0] + k + 3);
234     IntType s = 0;
235     for(int j = 0; j < k; ++j) {
236         IntType digit = const_mod<IntType, m>::apply(IntType(array[j+3]));
237         IntType mult = IntType(1) << 32*j;
238         s = const_mod<IntType, m>::mult_add(mult, digit, s);
239     }
240     return s;
241 }
243 template<class IntType, IntType m, class Iter>
244 IntType get_one_int(Iter& first, Iter last)
245 {
246     static const int log = ::boost::conditional<(m == 0),
247         ::boost::integral_constant<int, (::std::numeric_limits<IntType>::digits)>,
248         ::boost::static_log2<m> >::type::value;
249     static const int k =
250         (log + ((~(static_cast<IntType>(2) << (log - 1)) & m)? 32 : 31)) / 32;
251     IntType s = 0;
252     for(int j = 0; j < k; ++j) {
253         if(first == last) {
254             boost::throw_exception(::std::invalid_argument("Not enough elements in call to seed."));
255         }
256         IntType digit = const_mod<IntType, m>::apply(IntType(*first++));
257         IntType mult = IntType(1) << 32*j;
258         s = const_mod<IntType, m>::mult_add(mult, digit, s);
259     }
260     return s;
261 }
263 // TODO: work in-place whenever possible
264 template<int w, std::size_t n, class SeedSeq, class UIntType>
265 void seed_array_int_impl(SeedSeq& seq, UIntType (&x)[n])
266 {
267     boost::uint_least32_t storage[((w+31)/32) * n];
268     seq.generate(&storage[0], &storage[0] + ((w+31)/32) * n);
269     for(std::size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) {
270         UIntType val = 0;
271         for(std::size_t k = 0; k < (w+31)/32; ++k) {
272             val += static_cast<UIntType>(storage[(w+31)/32*j + k]) << 32*k;
273         }
274         x[j] = val & ::boost::low_bits_mask_t<w>::sig_bits;
275     }
276 }
278 template<int w, std::size_t n, class SeedSeq, class IntType>
279 inline void seed_array_int_impl(SeedSeq& seq, IntType (&x)[n], boost::true_type)
280 {
281     BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(boost::is_integral<IntType>::value, "Sorry but this routine has not been ported to non built-in integers as it relies on a reinterpret_cast.");
282     typedef typename boost::make_unsigned<IntType>::type unsigned_array[n];
283     seed_array_int_impl<w>(seq, reinterpret_cast<unsigned_array&>(x));
284 }
286 template<int w, std::size_t n, class SeedSeq, class IntType>
287 inline void seed_array_int_impl(SeedSeq& seq, IntType (&x)[n], boost::false_type)
288 {
289     seed_array_int_impl<w>(seq, x);
290 }
292 template<int w, std::size_t n, class SeedSeq, class IntType>
293 inline void seed_array_int(SeedSeq& seq, IntType (&x)[n])
294 {
295     seed_array_int_impl<w>(seq, x, boost::random::traits::is_signed<IntType>());
296 }
298 template<int w, std::size_t n, class Iter, class UIntType>
299 void fill_array_int_impl(Iter& first, Iter last, UIntType (&x)[n])
300 {
301     for(std::size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) {
302         UIntType val = 0;
303         for(std::size_t k = 0; k < (w+31)/32; ++k) {
304             if(first == last) {
305                 boost::throw_exception(std::invalid_argument("Not enough elements in call to seed."));
306             }
307             val += static_cast<UIntType>(*first++) << 32*k;
308         }
309         x[j] = val & ::boost::low_bits_mask_t<w>::sig_bits;
310     }
311 }
313 template<int w, std::size_t n, class Iter, class IntType>
314 inline void fill_array_int_impl(Iter& first, Iter last, IntType (&x)[n], boost::true_type)
315 {
316     BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(boost::is_integral<IntType>::value, "Sorry but this routine has not been ported to non built-in integers as it relies on a reinterpret_cast.");
317     typedef typename boost::make_unsigned<IntType>::type unsigned_array[n];
318     fill_array_int_impl<w>(first, last, reinterpret_cast<unsigned_array&>(x));
319 }
321 template<int w, std::size_t n, class Iter, class IntType>
322 inline void fill_array_int_impl(Iter& first, Iter last, IntType (&x)[n], boost::false_type)
323 {
324     fill_array_int_impl<w>(first, last, x);
325 }
327 template<int w, std::size_t n, class Iter, class IntType>
328 inline void fill_array_int(Iter& first, Iter last, IntType (&x)[n])
329 {
330     fill_array_int_impl<w>(first, last, x, boost::random::traits::is_signed<IntType>());
331 }
333 template<int w, std::size_t n, class RealType>
334 void seed_array_real_impl(const boost::uint_least32_t* storage, RealType (&x)[n])
335 {
336     boost::uint_least32_t mask = ~((~boost::uint_least32_t(0)) << (w%32));
337     RealType two32 = 4294967296.0;
338     const RealType divisor = RealType(1)/detail::pow2<RealType>(w);
339     unsigned int j;
340     for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
341         RealType val = RealType(0);
342         RealType mult = divisor;
343         for(int k = 0; k < w/32; ++k) {
344             val += *storage++ * mult;
345             mult *= two32;
346         }
347         if(mask != 0) {
348             val += (*storage++ & mask) * mult;
349         }
350         BOOST_ASSERT(val >= 0);
351         BOOST_ASSERT(val < 1);
352         x[j] = val;
353     }
354 }
356 template<int w, std::size_t n, class SeedSeq, class RealType>
357 void seed_array_real(SeedSeq& seq, RealType (&x)[n])
358 {
359     using std::pow;
360     boost::uint_least32_t storage[((w+31)/32) * n];
361     seq.generate(&storage[0], &storage[0] + ((w+31)/32) * n);
362     seed_array_real_impl<w>(storage, x);
363 }
365 template<int w, std::size_t n, class Iter, class RealType>
366 void fill_array_real(Iter& first, Iter last, RealType (&x)[n])
367 {
368     boost::uint_least32_t mask = ~((~boost::uint_least32_t(0)) << (w%32));
369     RealType two32 = 4294967296.0;
370     const RealType divisor = RealType(1)/detail::pow2<RealType>(w);
371     unsigned int j;
372     for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
373         RealType val = RealType(0);
374         RealType mult = divisor;
375         for(int k = 0; k < w/32; ++k, ++first) {
376             if(first == last) boost::throw_exception(std::invalid_argument("Not enough elements in call to seed."));
377             val += *first * mult;
378             mult *= two32;
379         }
380         if(mask != 0) {
381             if(first == last) boost::throw_exception(std::invalid_argument("Not enough elements in call to seed."));
382             val += (*first & mask) * mult;
383             ++first;
384         }
385         BOOST_ASSERT(val >= 0);
386         BOOST_ASSERT(val < 1);
387         x[j] = val;
388     }
389 }
391 }
392 }
393 }
395 #include <boost/random/detail/enable_warnings.hpp>
397 #endif