1#cython: wraparound=False
2#cython: boundscheck=False
3#cython: nonecheck=False
5"""Utility functions for finding peaks in signals."""
7import warnings
9import numpy as np
11cimport numpy as np
12from libc.math cimport ceil
15__all__ = ['_local_maxima_1d', '_select_by_peak_distance', '_peak_prominences',
16           '_peak_widths']
19def _local_maxima_1d(np.float64_t[::1] x not None):
20    """
21    Find local maxima in a 1D array.
23    This function finds all local maxima in a 1D array and returns the indices
24    for their edges and midpoints (rounded down for even plateau sizes).
26    Parameters
27    ----------
28    x : ndarray
29        The array to search for local maxima.
31    Returns
32    -------
33    midpoints : ndarray
34        Indices of midpoints of local maxima in `x`.
35    left_edges : ndarray
36        Indices of edges to the left of local maxima in `x`.
37    right_edges : ndarray
38        Indices of edges to the right of local maxima in `x`.
40    Notes
41    -----
42    - Compared to `argrelmax` this function is significantly faster and can
43      detect maxima that are more than one sample wide. However this comes at
44      the cost of being only applicable to 1D arrays.
45    - A maxima is defined as one or more samples of equal value that are
46      surrounded on both sides by at least one smaller sample.
48    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
49    """
50    cdef:
51        np.intp_t[::1] midpoints, left_edges, right_edges
52        np.intp_t m, i, i_ahead, i_max
54    # Preallocate, there can't be more maxima than half the size of `x`
55    midpoints = np.empty(x.shape[0] // 2, dtype=np.intp)
56    left_edges = np.empty(x.shape[0] // 2, dtype=np.intp)
57    right_edges = np.empty(x.shape[0] // 2, dtype=np.intp)
58    m = 0  # Pointer to the end of valid area in allocated arrays
60    with nogil:
61        i = 1  # Pointer to current sample, first one can't be maxima
62        i_max = x.shape[0] - 1  # Last sample can't be maxima
63        while i < i_max:
64            # Test if previous sample is smaller
65            if x[i - 1] < x[i]:
66                i_ahead = i + 1  # Index to look ahead of current sample
68                # Find next sample that is unequal to x[i]
69                while i_ahead < i_max and x[i_ahead] == x[i]:
70                    i_ahead += 1
72                # Maxima is found if next unequal sample is smaller than x[i]
73                if x[i_ahead] < x[i]:
74                    left_edges[m] = i
75                    right_edges[m] = i_ahead - 1
76                    midpoints[m] = (left_edges[m] + right_edges[m]) // 2
77                    m += 1
78                    # Skip samples that can't be maximum
79                    i = i_ahead
80            i += 1
82    # Keep only valid part of array memory.
83    midpoints.base.resize(m, refcheck=False)
84    left_edges.base.resize(m, refcheck=False)
85    right_edges.base.resize(m, refcheck=False)
87    return midpoints.base, left_edges.base, right_edges.base
90def _select_by_peak_distance(np.intp_t[::1] peaks not None,
91                             np.float64_t[::1] priority not None,
92                             np.float64_t distance):
93    """
94    Evaluate which peaks fulfill the distance condition.
96    Parameters
97    ----------
98    peaks : ndarray
99        Indices of peaks in `vector`.
100    priority : ndarray
101        An array matching `peaks` used to determine priority of each peak. A
102        peak with a higher priority value is kept over one with a lower one.
103    distance : np.float64
104        Minimal distance that peaks must be spaced.
106    Returns
107    -------
108    keep : ndarray[bool]
109        A boolean mask evaluating to true where `peaks` fulfill the distance
110        condition.
112    Notes
113    -----
114    Declaring the input arrays as C-contiguous doesn't seem to have performance
115    advantages.
117    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
118    """
119    cdef:
120        np.uint8_t[::1] keep
121        np.intp_t[::1] priority_to_position
122        np.intp_t i, j, k, peaks_size, distance_
124    peaks_size = peaks.shape[0]
125    # Round up because actual peak distance can only be natural number
126    distance_ = <np.intp_t>ceil(distance)
127    keep = np.ones(peaks_size, dtype=np.uint8)  # Prepare array of flags
129    # Create map from `i` (index for `peaks` sorted by `priority`) to `j` (index
130    # for `peaks` sorted by position). This allows to iterate `peaks` and `keep`
131    # with `j` by order of `priority` while still maintaining the ability to
132    # step to neighbouring peaks with (`j` + 1) or (`j` - 1).
133    priority_to_position = np.argsort(priority)
135    with nogil:
136        # Highest priority first -> iterate in reverse order (decreasing)
137        for i in range(peaks_size - 1, -1, -1):
138            # "Translate" `i` to `j` which points to current peak whose
139            # neighbours are to be evaluated
140            j = priority_to_position[i]
141            if keep[j] == 0:
142                # Skip evaluation for peak already marked as "don't keep"
143                continue
145            k = j - 1
146            # Flag "earlier" peaks for removal until minimal distance is exceeded
147            while 0 <= k and peaks[j] - peaks[k] < distance_:
148                keep[k] = 0
149                k -= 1
151            k = j + 1
152            # Flag "later" peaks for removal until minimal distance is exceeded
153            while k < peaks_size and peaks[k] - peaks[j] < distance_:
154                keep[k] = 0
155                k += 1
157    return keep.base.view(dtype=np.bool_)  # Return as boolean array
160class PeakPropertyWarning(RuntimeWarning):
161    """Calculated property of a peak has unexpected value."""
162    pass
165def _peak_prominences(np.float64_t[::1] x not None,
166                      np.intp_t[::1] peaks not None,
167                      np.intp_t wlen):
168    """
169    Calculate the prominence of each peak in a signal.
171    Parameters
172    ----------
173    x : ndarray
174        A signal with peaks.
175    peaks : ndarray
176        Indices of peaks in `x`.
177    wlen : np.intp
178        A window length in samples (see `peak_prominences`) which is rounded up
179        to the nearest odd integer. If smaller than 2 the entire signal `x` is
180        used.
182    Returns
183    -------
184    prominences : ndarray
185        The calculated prominences for each peak in `peaks`.
186    left_bases, right_bases : ndarray
187        The peaks' bases as indices in `x` to the left and right of each peak.
189    Raises
190    ------
191    ValueError
192        If a value in `peaks` is an invalid index for `x`.
194    Warns
195    -----
196    PeakPropertyWarning
197        If a prominence of 0 was calculated for any peak.
199    Notes
200    -----
201    This is the inner function to `peak_prominences`.
203    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
204    """
205    cdef:
206        np.float64_t[::1] prominences
207        np.intp_t[::1] left_bases, right_bases
208        np.float64_t left_min, right_min
209        np.intp_t peak_nr, peak, i_min, i_max, i
210        np.uint8_t show_warning
212    show_warning = False
213    prominences = np.empty(peaks.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
214    left_bases = np.empty(peaks.shape[0], dtype=np.intp)
215    right_bases = np.empty(peaks.shape[0], dtype=np.intp)
217    with nogil:
218        for peak_nr in range(peaks.shape[0]):
219            peak = peaks[peak_nr]
220            i_min = 0
221            i_max = x.shape[0] - 1
222            if not i_min <= peak <= i_max:
223                with gil:
224                    raise ValueError("peak {} is not a valid index for `x`"
225                                     .format(peak))
227            if 2 <= wlen:
228                # Adjust window around the evaluated peak (within bounds);
229                # if wlen is even the resulting window length is is implicitly
230                # rounded to next odd integer
231                i_min = max(peak - wlen // 2, i_min)
232                i_max = min(peak + wlen // 2, i_max)
234            # Find the left base in interval [i_min, peak]
235            i = left_bases[peak_nr] = peak
236            left_min = x[peak]
237            while i_min <= i and x[i] <= x[peak]:
238                if x[i] < left_min:
239                    left_min = x[i]
240                    left_bases[peak_nr] = i
241                i -= 1
243            # Find the right base in interval [peak, i_max]
244            i = right_bases[peak_nr] = peak
245            right_min = x[peak]
246            while i <= i_max and x[i] <= x[peak]:
247                if x[i] < right_min:
248                    right_min = x[i]
249                    right_bases[peak_nr] = i
250                i += 1
252            prominences[peak_nr] = x[peak] - max(left_min, right_min)
253            if prominences[peak_nr] == 0:
254                show_warning = True
256    if show_warning:
257        warnings.warn("some peaks have a prominence of 0",
258                      PeakPropertyWarning, stacklevel=2)
259    # Return memoryviews as ndarrays
260    return prominences.base, left_bases.base, right_bases.base
263def _peak_widths(np.float64_t[::1] x not None,
264                 np.intp_t[::1] peaks not None,
265                 np.float64_t rel_height,
266                 np.float64_t[::1] prominences not None,
267                 np.intp_t[::1] left_bases not None,
268                 np.intp_t[::1] right_bases not None):
269    """
270    Calculate the width of each each peak in a signal.
272    Parameters
273    ----------
274    x : ndarray
275        A signal with peaks.
276    peaks : ndarray
277        Indices of peaks in `x`.
278    rel_height : np.float64
279        Chooses the relative height at which the peak width is measured as a
280        percentage of its prominence (see `peak_widths`).
281    prominences : ndarray
282        Prominences of each peak in `peaks` as returned by `peak_prominences`.
283    left_bases, right_bases : ndarray
284        Left and right bases of each peak in `peaks` as returned by
285        `peak_prominences`.
287    Returns
288    -------
289    widths : ndarray
290        The widths for each peak in samples.
291    width_heights : ndarray
292        The height of the contour lines at which the `widths` where evaluated.
293    left_ips, right_ips : ndarray
294        Interpolated positions of left and right intersection points of a
295        horizontal line at the respective evaluation height.
297    Raises
298    ------
299    ValueError
300        If the supplied prominence data doesn't satisfy the condition
301        ``0 <= left_base <= peak <= right_base < x.shape[0]`` for each peak or
302        if `peaks`, `left_bases` and `right_bases` don't share the same shape.
303        Or if `rel_height` is not at least 0.
305    Warnings
306    --------
307    PeakPropertyWarning
308        If a width of 0 was calculated for any peak.
310    Notes
311    -----
312    This is the inner function to `peak_widths`.
314    .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
315    """
316    cdef:
317        np.float64_t[::1] widths, width_heights, left_ips, right_ips
318        np.float64_t height, left_ip, right_ip
319        np.intp_t p, peak, i, i_max, i_min
320        np.uint8_t show_warning
322    if rel_height < 0:
323        raise ValueError('`rel_height` must be greater or equal to 0.0')
324    if not (peaks.shape[0] == prominences.shape[0] == left_bases.shape[0]
325            == right_bases.shape[0]):
326        raise ValueError("arrays in `prominence_data` must have the same shape "
327                         "as `peaks`")
329    show_warning = False
330    widths = np.empty(peaks.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
331    width_heights = np.empty(peaks.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
332    left_ips = np.empty(peaks.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
333    right_ips = np.empty(peaks.shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
335    with nogil:
336        for p in range(peaks.shape[0]):
337            i_min = left_bases[p]
338            i_max = right_bases[p]
339            peak = peaks[p]
340            # Validate bounds and order
341            if not 0 <= i_min <= peak <= i_max < x.shape[0]:
342                with gil:
343                    raise ValueError("prominence data is invalid for peak {}"
344                                     .format(peak))
345            height = width_heights[p] = x[peak] - prominences[p] * rel_height
347            # Find intersection point on left side
348            i = peak
349            while i_min < i and height < x[i]:
350                i -= 1
351            left_ip = <np.float64_t>i
352            if x[i] < height:
353                # Interpolate if true intersection height is between samples
354                left_ip += (height - x[i]) / (x[i + 1] - x[i])
356            # Find intersection point on right side
357            i = peak
358            while i < i_max and height < x[i]:
359                i += 1
360            right_ip = <np.float64_t>i
361            if  x[i] < height:
362                # Interpolate if true intersection height is between samples
363                right_ip -= (height - x[i]) / (x[i - 1] - x[i])
365            widths[p] = right_ip - left_ip
366            if widths[p] == 0:
367                show_warning = True
368            left_ips[p] = left_ip
369            right_ips[p] = right_ip
371    if show_warning:
372        warnings.warn("some peaks have a width of 0",
373                      PeakPropertyWarning, stacklevel=2)
374    return widths.base, width_heights.base, left_ips.base, right_ips.base