1 /*! \file
2 Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California, through
3 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required
4 approvals from U.S. Dept. of Energy)
6 All rights reserved.
8 The source code is distributed under BSD license, see the file License.txt
9 at the top-level directory.
10 */
12 /*! @file cdiagonal.c
13  * \brief Auxiliary routines to work with diagonal elements
14  *
15  * <pre>
16  * -- SuperLU routine (version 4.0) --
17  * Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
18  * June 30, 2009
19  * </pre>
20  */
22 #include "slu_cdefs.h"
cfill_diag(int n,NCformat * Astore)24 int cfill_diag(int n, NCformat *Astore)
25 /* fill explicit zeros on the diagonal entries, so that the matrix is not
26    structurally singular. */
27 {
28     complex *nzval = (complex *)Astore->nzval;
29     int *rowind = Astore->rowind;
30     int *colptr = Astore->colptr;
31     int nnz = colptr[n];
32     int fill = 0;
33     complex *nzval_new;
34     complex zero = {0.0, 0.0};
35     int *rowind_new;
36     int i, j, diag;
38     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
39     {
40 	diag = -1;
41 	for (j = colptr[i]; j < colptr[i + 1]; j++)
42 	    if (rowind[j] == i) diag = j;
43 	if (diag < 0) fill++;
44     }
45     if (fill)
46     {
47 	nzval_new = complexMalloc(nnz + fill);
48 	rowind_new = intMalloc(nnz + fill);
49 	fill = 0;
50 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
51 	{
52 	    diag = -1;
53 	    for (j = colptr[i] - fill; j < colptr[i + 1]; j++)
54 	    {
55 		if ((rowind_new[j + fill] = rowind[j]) == i) diag = j;
56 		nzval_new[j + fill] = nzval[j];
57 	    }
58 	    if (diag < 0)
59 	    {
60 		rowind_new[colptr[i + 1] + fill] = i;
61 		nzval_new[colptr[i + 1] + fill] = zero;
62 		fill++;
63 	    }
64 	    colptr[i + 1] += fill;
65 	}
66 	Astore->nzval = nzval_new;
67 	Astore->rowind = rowind_new;
68 	SUPERLU_FREE(nzval);
69 	SUPERLU_FREE(rowind);
70     }
71     Astore->nnz += fill;
72     return fill;
73 }
cdominate(int n,NCformat * Astore)75 int cdominate(int n, NCformat *Astore)
76 /* make the matrix diagonally dominant */
77 {
78     complex *nzval = (complex *)Astore->nzval;
79     int *rowind = Astore->rowind;
80     int *colptr = Astore->colptr;
81     int nnz = colptr[n];
82     int fill = 0;
83     complex *nzval_new;
84     int *rowind_new;
85     int i, j, diag;
86     double s;
88     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
89     {
90 	diag = -1;
91 	for (j = colptr[i]; j < colptr[i + 1]; j++)
92 	    if (rowind[j] == i) diag = j;
93 	if (diag < 0) fill++;
94     }
95     if (fill)
96     {
97 	nzval_new = complexMalloc(nnz + fill);
98 	rowind_new = intMalloc(nnz+ fill);
99 	fill = 0;
100 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
101 	{
102 	    s = 1e-6;
103 	    diag = -1;
104 	    for (j = colptr[i] - fill; j < colptr[i + 1]; j++)
105 	    {
106 		if ((rowind_new[j + fill] = rowind[j]) == i) diag = j;
107                 nzval_new[j + fill] = nzval[j];
108 		s += c_abs1(&nzval_new[j + fill]);
109 	    }
110 	    if (diag >= 0) {
111 		nzval_new[diag+fill].r = s * 3.0;
112 		nzval_new[diag+fill].i = 0.0;
113 	    } else {
114 		rowind_new[colptr[i + 1] + fill] = i;
115 		nzval_new[colptr[i + 1] + fill].r = s * 3.0;
116 		nzval_new[colptr[i + 1] + fill].i = 0.0;
117 		fill++;
118 	    }
119 	    colptr[i + 1] += fill;
120 	}
121 	Astore->nzval = nzval_new;
122 	Astore->rowind = rowind_new;
123 	SUPERLU_FREE(nzval);
124 	SUPERLU_FREE(rowind);
125     }
126     else
127     {
128 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
129 	{
130 	    s = 1e-6;
131 	    diag = -1;
132 	    for (j = colptr[i]; j < colptr[i + 1]; j++)
133 	    {
134 		if (rowind[j] == i) diag = j;
135 		s += c_abs1(&nzval[j]);
136 	    }
137 	    nzval[diag].r = s * 3.0;
138 	    nzval[diag].i = 0.0;
139 	}
140     }
141     Astore->nnz += fill;
142     return fill;
143 }