1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // Copyright (c) 2008 The Regents of the University of California
4 //
5 // This file is part of Qbox
6 //
7 // Qbox is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
9 // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 // See the file COPYING in the root directory of this distribution
11 // or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
12 //
13 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 //
15 // SDAIonicStepper.cpp
16 //
17 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 #include "MPIdata.h"
20 #include "SDAIonicStepper.h"
21 using namespace std;
23 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
compute_r(double e0,const vector<vector<double>> & f0)24 void SDAIonicStepper::compute_r(double e0, const vector<vector< double> >& f0)
25 {
26   double fp0;
27   bool wolfe1, wolfe2;
29   // check if the largest component of the force f0 is larger than max_force
30   const double max_force = 0.1;
31   double largest_force = 0.0;
32   for ( int is = 0; is < r0_.size(); is++ )
33   {
34     for ( int i = 0; i < r0_[is].size(); i++ )
35     {
36       largest_force = max(largest_force,fabs(f0[is][i]));
37     }
38   }
40   if ( largest_force > max_force )
41   {
42     if ( MPIdata::onpe0() )
43       cout << "  SDAIonicStepper: force exceeds limit, taking SD step " << endl;
44     // take a steepest descent step with limited displacement and exit
45     const double alpha_sd = max_force/largest_force;
46     // SD step
47     for ( int is = 0; is < r0_.size(); is++ )
48     {
49       for ( int i = 0; i < r0_[is].size(); i++ )
50       {
51         rp_[is][i] = r0_[is][i] + alpha_sd * f0[is][i];
52       }
53     }
54     constraints_.enforce_r(r0_,rp_);
55     rm_ = r0_;
56     r0_ = rp_;
57     atoms_.set_positions(r0_);
58     // reset the SDA algorithm
59     first_step_ = true;
60     return;
61   }
63   // SDA algorithm
65   if ( !first_step_ )
66   {
67     wolfe1 = e0 < ec_ + fpc_ * sigma1_ * alpha_;
68     // fp0 = -proj(f0,pc)
69     fp0 = 0.0;
70     for ( int is = 0; is < r0_.size(); is++ )
71     {
72       for ( int i = 0; i < r0_[is].size(); i++ )
73       {
74         fp0 -= f0[is][i] * pc_[is][i];
75       }
76     }
77     wolfe2 = fabs(fp0) < sigma2_ * fabs(fpc_);
78     if ( MPIdata::onpe0() )
79     {
80       cout << "  SDAIonicStepper: fpc = " << fpc_ << endl;
81       cout << "  SDAIonicStepper: fp0 = " << fp0 << endl;
82       cout << "  SDAIonicStepper: ec = " << ec_ << " e0 = " << e0 <<  endl;
83       cout << "  SDAIonicStepper: ec_ + fpc_ * sigma1_ * alpha_ ="
84            << ec_ + fpc_ * sigma1_ * alpha_ << endl;
85       cout << "  SDAIonicStepper: wolfe1/wolfe2 = "
86            << wolfe1 << "/" << wolfe2 << endl;
87     }
88   }
90   if ( first_step_ || (wolfe1 && wolfe2) || linmin_.done() )
91   {
92     // set new descent direction
93     // pc = f0
94     fc_ = f0;
95     pc_ = fc_;
96     // fpc = d_e / d_alpha in direction pc
97     fpc_ = 0.0;
98     for ( int is = 0; is < r0_.size(); is++ )
99     {
100       for ( int i = 0; i < r0_[is].size(); i++ )
101       {
102         fpc_ -= fc_[is][i] * pc_[is][i];
103       }
104     }
105     ec_ = e0;
106     rc_ = r0_;
107     fp0 = fpc_;
108     // reset line minimizer
109     linmin_.reset();
110   }
112   alpha_ = linmin_.next_alpha(alpha_,e0,fp0);
114   if ( MPIdata::onpe0() )
115     cout << "  SDAIonicStepper: alpha = " << alpha_ << endl;
117   // rp = rc + alpha * pc
118   for ( int is = 0; is < r0_.size(); is++ )
119   {
120     for ( int i = 0; i < r0_[is].size(); i++ )
121     {
122       rp_[is][i] = rc_[is][i] + alpha_ * pc_[is][i];
123     }
124   }
126   constraints_.enforce_r(r0_,rp_);
127   rm_ = r0_;
128   r0_ = rp_;
129   atoms_.set_positions(r0_);
131   first_step_ = false;
132 }