1 #ifdef COMPILATION// -*-indent-tabs-mode:t;c-basic-offset:4;tab-width:4;-*-
2 $CXX $0 -o $0x&&$0x&&rm $0x;exit
3 #endif
4 // © Alfredo Correa 2020
9 #include "array_ref.hpp"
11 #include<complex>
13 namespace boost{
14 namespace multi{
16 constexpr class adl_conj_fn__{
17 	template<class... As>          auto _(priority<1>,        As&&... as) const JUSTRETURN(              std::conj(std::forward<As>(as)...))
18 	template<class... As>          auto _(priority<2>,        As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(                   conj(std::forward<As>(as)...))
19 	template<class T, class... As> auto _(priority<3>, T&& t, As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(std::forward<T>(t).conj(std::forward<As>(as)...))
20 public:
21 	template<class... As> auto operator()(As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(_(priority<3>{}, std::forward<As>(as)...))
22 } adl_conj;
24 constexpr class adl_real_fn__{
25 	template<class... As>          auto _(priority<1>,        As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(              std::real(std::forward<As>(as)...))
26 	template<class... As>          auto _(priority<2>,        As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(                   real(std::forward<As>(as)...))
27 	template<class T, class... As> auto _(priority<3>, T&& t, As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(std::forward<T>(t).real(std::forward<As>(as)...))
28 public:
29 	template<class... As> auto operator()(As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(_(priority<3>{}, std::forward<As>(as)...))
30 } adl_real;
32 constexpr class adl_imag_fn__{
33 	template<class... As>          auto _(priority<1>,        As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(              std::imag(std::forward<As>(as)...))
34 	template<class... As>          auto _(priority<2>,        As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(                   imag(std::forward<As>(as)...))
35 	template<class T, class... As> auto _(priority<3>, T&& t, As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(std::forward<T>(t).imag(std::forward<As>(as)...))
36 public:
37 	template<class... As> auto operator()(As&&... as) const DECLRETURN(_(priority<3>{}, std::forward<As>(as)...))
38 } adl_imag;
40 struct real_t;
41 struct imag_t;
43 template<class ValueType = double>
44 struct complex{
45 	using value_type = ValueType;
46 	value_type re;
47 	value_type im;
48 	complex() = default;
49 	// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor ; a real is a special complex without loss
complexboost::multi::complex50 	constexpr complex(value_type real) : re{real}, im{value_type{0}}{}
complexboost::multi::complex51 	constexpr complex(value_type real, value_type imag) : re{real}, im{imag}{}
52 	// cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor ; can be copied from standard type
complexboost::multi::complex53 	constexpr complex(std::complex<ValueType> const& other) : re{other.real()}, im{other.imag()}{}
54 /*	friend value_type const& real(complex const& c){return c.real;}
55 	friend value_type      & real(complex      & c){return c.real;}
56 	friend value_type const& imag(complex const& c){return c.imag;}
57 	friend value_type      & imag(complex      & c){return c.imag;}*/
58 	template<
59 		class T,
60 		std::enable_if_t<
61 			sizeof(T)==2*sizeof(value_type) and
62 			std::is_assignable<typename T::value_type&, decltype(std::declval<T>().real())>{} and
63 			std::is_assignable<typename T::value_type&, decltype(std::declval<T>().imag())>{}, int
64 		> =0
65 	>
66 	constexpr operator T const&() const&{return reinterpret_cast<T const&>(*this);}
67 	template<
68 		class T,
69 		std::enable_if_t<
70 			sizeof(T)==2*sizeof(value_type) and
71 			std::is_assignable<typename T::value_type&, decltype(std::declval<T>().real())>{} and
72 			std::is_assignable<typename T::value_type&, decltype(std::declval<T>().imag())>{}, int
73 		> =0
74 	>
75 	constexpr operator T&()&{return reinterpret_cast<T const&>(*this);}
stdboost::multi::complex76 	constexpr std::complex<value_type> const& std() const&{return reinterpret_cast<std::complex<value_type> const&>(*this);}
stdboost::multi::complex77 	constexpr std::complex<value_type>      & std()      &{return reinterpret_cast<std::complex<value_type>      &>(*this);}
abs(complex const & self)78 	friend constexpr auto abs(complex const& self){return abs(self.std());}
operator -(complex const & self,complex const & other)79 	friend constexpr complex operator-(complex const& self, complex const& other){return self.std() - other.std();}
realboost::multi::complex80 	constexpr value_type& real()&{return re;}
realboost::multi::complex81 	constexpr value_type const& real() const&{return re;}
82 //	friend constexpr value_type& real(complex& self){return self.re;}
83 //	friend constexpr value_type const& real(complex const& self){return self.re;}
imagboost::multi::complex85 	constexpr value_type& imag()&{return im;}
imagboost::multi::complex86 	constexpr value_type const& imag() const&{return im;}
87 //	friend constexpr value_type& imag(complex& self){return self.im;}
88 //	friend constexpr value_type const& imag(complex const& self){return self.im;}
operator +=boost::multi::complex90 	template<class Real> constexpr auto operator+=(Real const& other)&->decltype(re += other, *this){return re += other, *this;}
operator -=boost::multi::complex91 	template<class Real> constexpr auto operator-=(Real const& other)&->decltype(re -= other, *this){return re -= other, *this;}
operator *=boost::multi::complex92 	template<class Real> constexpr auto operator*=(Real const& other)&->decltype(re *= other, im *= other, *this){return re *= other, im *= other, *this;}
operator /=boost::multi::complex93 	template<class Real> constexpr auto operator/=(Real const& other)&->decltype(re /= other, im /= other, *this){return re /= other, im /= other, *this;}
operator +=boost::multi::complex95 	template<class Complex> constexpr auto operator+=(Complex const& other)&->decltype(re += other.re, im += other.im, *this){return re += other.re, im += other.im, *this;}
operator -=boost::multi::complex96 	template<class Complex> constexpr auto operator-=(Complex const& other)&->decltype(re -= other.re, im -= other.im, *this){return re -= other.re, im -= other.im, *this;}
97 };
99 struct real_t{
100 	template<class Array, typename E = typename std::decay_t<Array>::element, typename ValueType = typename E::value_type>
operator ()boost::multi::real_t101 	auto operator()(Array&& a) const
102 	->decltype(std::forward<Array>(a).template reinterpret_array_cast<complex<ValueType>>().template member_cast<ValueType>(&complex<ValueType>::real)){
103 		return std::forward<Array>(a).template reinterpret_array_cast<complex<ValueType>>().template member_cast<ValueType>(&complex<ValueType>::real);}
104 	template<class T, typename ValueType = typename std::decay_t<T>::value_type,
105 		std::enable_if_t<
106 			sizeof(T)==2*sizeof(ValueType) and
107 			std::is_assignable<ValueType&, decltype(real(std::declval<T>()))>{} and
108 			std::is_assignable<ValueType&, decltype(imag(std::declval<T>()))>{}, int
109 		> =0
110 	>
111 	ValueType& operator()(T& t) const{return reinterpret_cast<multi::complex<ValueType>&>(t).real;}
112 	template<class T, typename ValueType = typename std::decay_t<T>::value_type,
113 		std::enable_if_t<
114 			sizeof(T)==2*sizeof(ValueType) and
115 			std::is_assignable<ValueType&, decltype(real(std::declval<T>()))>{} and
116 			std::is_assignable<ValueType&, decltype(imag(std::declval<T>()))>{}, int
117 		> =0
118 	>
119 	ValueType const& operator()(T const& t) const{return reinterpret_cast<multi::complex<ValueType> const&>(t).real;}
120 };
122 struct imag_t{
123 	template<class Array, typename E = typename std::decay_t<Array>::element, typename ValueType = typename E::value_type>
operator ()boost::multi::imag_t124 	auto operator()(Array&& a) const
125 	->decltype(std::forward<Array>(a).template reinterpret_array_cast<complex<ValueType>>().template member_cast<ValueType>(&complex<ValueType>::imag)){
126 		return std::forward<Array>(a).template reinterpret_array_cast<complex<ValueType>>().template member_cast<ValueType>(&complex<ValueType>::imag);}
127 	template<class T, typename ValueType = typename std::decay_t<T>::value_type,
128 		std::enable_if_t<
129 			sizeof(T)==2*sizeof(ValueType) and
130 			std::is_assignable<ValueType&, decltype(real(std::declval<T>()))>{} and
131 			std::is_assignable<ValueType&, decltype(imag(std::declval<T>()))>{}, int
132 		> =0
133 	>
134 	ValueType& operator()(T& t) const{return reinterpret_cast<multi::complex<ValueType>&>(t).imag;}
135 	template<class T, typename ValueType = typename std::decay_t<T>::value_type,
136 		std::enable_if_t<
137 			sizeof(T)==2*sizeof(ValueType) and
138 			std::is_assignable<ValueType&, decltype(real(std::declval<T>()))>{} and
139 			std::is_assignable<ValueType&, decltype(imag(std::declval<T>()))>{}, int
140 		> =0
141 	>
142 	ValueType const& operator()(T const& t) const{return reinterpret_cast<multi::complex<ValueType> const&>(t).imag;}
143 };
145 /*
146 template<class T2, class Array, class P2 = typename std::pointer_traits<typename std::decay<Array>::type::element_ptr>::template rebind<T2>,
147 typename E = typename std::decay_t<Array>::element,
148 typename R = decltype(real(E{})),
149 std::enable_if_t<sizeof(E)==2*sizeof(typename E::value_type), int> =0
150 >
151 decltype(auto) member_array_cast(Array&& a, real_t const*){
152 	struct Complex{double real; double imag;};
153 	return multi::member_array_cast<double>(multi::reinterpret_array_cast<Complex>(std::forward<Array>(a)), &Complex::real);
154 }
155 template<class T2, class Array, class P2 = typename std::pointer_traits<typename std::decay<Array>::type::element_ptr>::template rebind<T2>,
156 typename E = typename std::decay_t<Array>::element,
157 typename R = decltype(real(E{})),
158 std::enable_if_t<sizeof(E)==2*sizeof(typename E::value_type), int> =0
159 >
160 decltype(auto) member_array_cast(Array&& a, imag_t const*){
161 	struct Complex{double real; double imag;};
162 	return multi::member_array_cast<double>(multi::reinterpret_array_cast<Complex>(std::forward<Array>(a)), &Complex::imag);
163 }
164 */
166 static constexpr real_t real MAYBE_UNUSED;
167 static constexpr imag_t imag MAYBE_UNUSED;
169 }}
171 namespace std{
172 	template<class T>
173 	struct is_trivially_default_constructible<std::complex<T>> :
174 		is_trivially_default_constructible<T>{};
175 }
179 #include<cassert>
180 #include<complex>
181 #include "array.hpp"
183 namespace multi = boost::multi;
185 template<class T> void what(T&&)=delete;
main()187 int main(){
188 	static_assert( std::is_trivially_default_constructible<std::complex<double>>{}, "!");
189 	static_assert( std::is_trivially_copy_constructible<std::complex<double>>{}, "!");
190 	static_assert( std::is_trivially_assignable<std::complex<double>&, std::complex<double> const>{}, "!");
192 	using complex = multi::complex<double>;
194 	multi::array<complex, 2> A = {
195 		{ {1.,2.}, {3.,4.} },
196 		{ {22.,33.}, {5.,9.} }
197 	};
199 	{
200 		auto&& Areal = A.member_cast<double>(&multi::complex<double>::re);
201 		auto&& Aimag = A.member_cast<double>(&multi::complex<double>::im);
203 		assert( Areal[1][0] == 22. );
204 		assert( Aimag[1][0] == 33. );
205 	}
206 	{
207 		auto&& Areal = A.member_cast<double>(&multi::complex<double>::re);
208 		auto&& Aimag = A.member_cast<double>(&multi::complex<double>::im);
210 		assert( Areal[1][0] == 22. );
211 		assert( Aimag[1][0] == 33. );
212 	}
213 	{
214 //		auto&& Areal = multi::real(A); // multi::real(A);
215 //		auto&& Aimag = multi::imag(A); // multi::real(A);
217 //		assert( &Areal[1][0] == &multi::real(A[1][0]) );
218 //		assert( &Aimag[1][0] == &multi::imag(A[1][0]) );
219 	}
220 }
222 #endif
223 #endif