1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source
3 // License.  See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by:
8 // Miguel A. Morales, moralessilva2@llnl.gov
9 //    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
10 //
11 // File created by:
12 // Miguel A. Morales, moralessilva2@llnl.gov
13 //    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
14 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 #include <fstream>
21 #include "hdf/hdf_multi.h"
22 #include "hdf/hdf_archive.h"
24 #include "AFQMC/config.h"
26 #include "AFQMC/HamiltonianOperations/HamiltonianOperations.hpp"
27 #include "AFQMC/HamiltonianOperations/SparseTensorIO.hpp"
28 #include "AFQMC/HamiltonianOperations/THCOpsIO.hpp"
29 //#ifdef QMC_COMPLEX
30 //#include "AFQMC/HamiltonianOperations/KP3IndexFactorizationIO.hpp"
31 //#endif
33 namespace qmcplusplus
34 {
35 namespace afqmc
36 {
loadHamOps(hdf_archive & dump,WALKER_TYPES type,int NMO,int NAEA,int NAEB,std::vector<PsiT_Matrix> & PsiT,TaskGroup_ & TGprop,TaskGroup_ & TGwfn,RealType cutvn,RealType cutv2)37 HamiltonianOperations loadHamOps(hdf_archive& dump,
38                                  WALKER_TYPES type,
39                                  int NMO,
40                                  int NAEA,
41                                  int NAEB,
42                                  std::vector<PsiT_Matrix>& PsiT,
43                                  TaskGroup_& TGprop,
44                                  TaskGroup_& TGwfn,
45                                  RealType cutvn,
46                                  RealType cutv2)
47 {
48   int hops_type = -1;
49   if (TGwfn.Global().root())
50   {
51     if (!dump.push("HamiltonianOperations", false))
52     {
53       app_error() << " Error in loadHamOps: Group HamiltonianOperations not found. \n";
54       APP_ABORT("");
55     }
56     if (dump.is_group(std::string("THCOps")))
57       hops_type = 1;
58     else if (dump.is_group(std::string("KP3IndexFactorization")))
59       hops_type = 3;
60     else if (dump.is_group(std::string("SparseTensor")))
61     {
62       dump.push("SparseTensor", false);
63       std::vector<int> type;
64       if (!dump.readEntry(type, "type"))
65       {
66         app_error() << " Error in loadHamOps: Problems reading type dataset. \n";
67         APP_ABORT("");
68       }
69       if (type[0] == 11)
70         hops_type = 211;
71       else if (type[0] == 12)
72         hops_type = 212;
73       else if (type[0] == 21)
74         hops_type = 221;
75       else if (type[0] == 22)
76         hops_type = 222;
77       else
78       {
79         app_error() << " Unknown SparseTensor/type: " << type[0] << std::endl;
80         APP_ABORT("");
81       }
82       dump.pop();
83     }
84     else
85     {
86       app_error() << " Error in loadHamOps: Unknown hdf5 format. \n";
87       APP_ABORT("");
88     }
89     dump.pop();
90   }
91   TGwfn.Global().broadcast_value(hops_type);
93   if (hops_type == 1)
94     return HamiltonianOperations(loadTHCOps(dump, type, NMO, NAEA, NAEB, PsiT, TGprop, TGwfn, cutvn, cutv2));
95   else if (hops_type == 211)
96     return HamiltonianOperations(
97         loadSparseTensor<ValueType, ValueType>(dump, type, NMO, NAEA, NAEB, PsiT, TGprop, TGwfn, cutvn, cutv2));
98   else if (hops_type == 212)
99     return HamiltonianOperations(
100         loadSparseTensor<ValueType, ComplexType>(dump, type, NMO, NAEA, NAEB, PsiT, TGprop, TGwfn, cutvn, cutv2));
101   else if (hops_type == 221)
102     return HamiltonianOperations(
103         loadSparseTensor<ComplexType, ValueType>(dump, type, NMO, NAEA, NAEB, PsiT, TGprop, TGwfn, cutvn, cutv2));
104   else if (hops_type == 222)
105     return HamiltonianOperations(
106         loadSparseTensor<ComplexType, ComplexType>(dump, type, NMO, NAEA, NAEB, PsiT, TGprop, TGwfn, cutvn, cutv2));
107   //  else if(hops_type == 3)
108   //    return  HamiltonianOperations(loadKP3IndexFactorization(dump,type,NMO,NAEA,NAEB,PsiT,TGprop,TGwfn,cutvn,cutv2));
110   app_error() << " Error in loadHamOps: Unknown HOps type: " << hops_type << std::endl;
111   ;
112   APP_ABORT("");
113   return HamiltonianOperations{};
114 }
116 } // namespace afqmc
117 } // namespace qmcplusplus
119 #endif