1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2020 QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //                    Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9 //                    Mark A. Berrill, berrillma@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
10 //
11 // File created by: Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
15 /** @file LRHandlerTemp.h
16  * @brief Define a LRHandler with two template parameters
17  */
21 #include "LongRange/LRHandlerBase.h"
22 #include "LongRange/LPQHIBasis.h"
23 #include "LongRange/LRBreakup.h"
25 namespace qmcplusplus
26 {
27 /* Templated LRHandler class
28  *
29  * LRHandlerTemp<Func,BreakupBasis> is a modification of LRHandler
30  * and a derived class from LRHanlderBase.
31  * The first template parameter Func is a generic functor, e.g., CoulombFunctor.
32  * The second template parameter is a BreakupBasis and the default is set to LPQHIBasis.
33  * LRHandlerBase is introduced to enable run-time options. See RPAContstraints.h
34  */
35 template<class Func, class BreakupBasis = LPQHIBasis>
36 struct LRRPAHandlerTemp : public LRHandlerBase
37 {
40   //Typedef for the lattice-type.
41   typedef ParticleSet::ParticleLayout_t ParticleLayout_t;
42   typedef BreakupBasis BreakupBasisType;
44   bool FirstTime;
45   mRealType rs;
46   mRealType kc;
47   BreakupBasisType Basis; //This needs a Lattice for the constructor...
48   Func myFunc;
50   //Constructor
LRHandlerBaseLRRPAHandlerTemp51   LRRPAHandlerTemp(ParticleSet& ref, mRealType kc_in = -1.0) : LRHandlerBase(kc_in), FirstTime(true), Basis(ref.Lattice)
52   {
53     LRHandlerBase::ClassName = "LRRPAHandlerTemp";
54     myFunc.reset(ref);
55   }
57   //LRHandlerTemp(ParticleSet& ref, mRealType rs, mRealType kc=-1.0): LRHandlerBase(kc), Basis(ref.Lattice)
58   //{
59   //  myFunc.reset(ref,rs);
60   //}
62   /** "copy" constructor
63        * @param aLR LRHandlerTemp
64        * @param ref Particleset
65        *
66        * Copy the content of aLR
67        * References to ParticleSet or ParticleLayoutout_t are not copied.
68    */
LRRPAHandlerTempLRRPAHandlerTemp69   LRRPAHandlerTemp(const LRRPAHandlerTemp& aLR, ParticleSet& ref)
70       : LRHandlerBase(aLR), FirstTime(true), Basis(aLR.Basis, ref.Lattice)
71   {
72     myFunc.reset(ref);
73     fillFk(ref.SK->KLists);
74   }
makeCloneLRRPAHandlerTemp76   LRHandlerBase* makeClone(ParticleSet& ref) override { return new LRRPAHandlerTemp<Func, BreakupBasis>(*this, ref); }
initBreakupLRRPAHandlerTemp78   void initBreakup(ParticleSet& ref) override
79   {
80     InitBreakup(ref.Lattice, 1);
81     fillFk(ref.SK->KLists);
82     LR_rc = Basis.get_rc();
83   }
BreakupLRRPAHandlerTemp85   void Breakup(ParticleSet& ref, mRealType rs_ext) override
86   {
87     //ref.Lattice.Volume=ref.getTotalNum()*4.0*M_PI/3.0*rs*rs*rs;
88     if (rs_ext > 0)
89       rs = rs_ext;
90     else
91       rs = std::pow(3.0 / 4.0 / M_PI * ref.Lattice.Volume / static_cast<mRealType>(ref.getTotalNum()), 1.0 / 3.0);
92     myFunc.reset(ref, rs);
93     InitBreakup(ref.Lattice, 1);
94     fillFk(ref.SK->KLists);
95     LR_rc = Basis.get_rc();
96   }
resetTargetParticleSetLRRPAHandlerTemp98   void resetTargetParticleSet(ParticleSet& ref) override { myFunc.reset(ref); }
resetTargetParticleSetLRRPAHandlerTemp100   void resetTargetParticleSet(ParticleSet& ref, mRealType rs) { myFunc.reset(ref, rs); }
evaluateLRRPAHandlerTemp102   inline mRealType evaluate(mRealType r, mRealType rinv) override
103   {
104     mRealType v = 0.0;
105     for (int n = 0; n < coefs.size(); n++)
106       v += coefs[n] * Basis.h(n, r);
107     return v;
108   }
110   /**  evaluate the first derivative of the short range part at r
111    *
112    * @param r  radius
113    * @param rinv 1/r
114    */
srDfLRRPAHandlerTemp115   inline mRealType srDf(mRealType r, mRealType rinv) override
116   {
117     mRealType df = 0.0;
118     //mRealType df = myFunc.df(r, rinv);
119     for (int n = 0; n < coefs.size(); n++)
120       df += coefs[n] * Basis.dh_dr(n, r);
121     return df;
122   }
124   /** evaluate the contribution from the long-range part for for spline
125    */
evaluateLRLRRPAHandlerTemp126   inline mRealType evaluateLR(mRealType r) override
127   {
128     mRealType vk = 0.0;
129     return vk;
130     //       for(int n=0; n<coefs.size(); n++) v -= coefs[n]*Basis.h(n,r);
131   }
133   /** evaluate \f$\sum_k F_{k} \rho^1_{-{\bf k} \rho^2_{\bf k}\f$
134    * @param kshell degeneracies of the vectors
135    * @param rk1 starting address of \f$\rho^1_{{\bf k}\f$
136    * @param rk2 starting address of \f$\rho^2_{{\bf k}\f$
137    *
138    * Valid for the strictly ordered k and \f$F_{k}\f$.
139    */
evaluateLRRPAHandlerTemp140   inline mRealType evaluate(const std::vector<int>& kshell,
141                             const pComplexType* restrict rk1,
142                             const pComplexType* restrict rk2)
143   {
144     mRealType vk = 0.0;
145     for (int ks = 0, ki = 0; ks < MaxKshell; ks++)
146     {
147       mRealType u = 0;
148       for (; ki < kshell[ks + 1]; ki++, rk1++, rk2++)
149         u += ((*rk1).real() * (*rk2).real() + (*rk1).imag() * (*rk2).imag());
150       vk += Fk_symm[ks] * u;
151     }
152     //for(int ki=0; ki<Fk.size(); ki++) {
153     //  //vk += (rk1[ki]*rk2[minusk[ki]]).real()*Fk[ki];
154     //  vk += (rk1[ki].real()*rk2[ki].real()+rk1[ki].imag()*rk2[ki].imag())*Fk[ki];
155     //} //ki
156     return vk;
157   }
159   // use what is put in fillFk. Multiplies evalFk by -1
evaluate_vlr_kLRRPAHandlerTemp160   inline mRealType evaluate_vlr_k(mRealType k) override { return -1.0 * evalFk(k); }
162 private:
evalFkLRRPAHandlerTemp163   inline mRealType evalFk(mRealType k)
164   {
165     //FatK = 4.0*M_PI/(Basis.get_CellVolume()*k*k)* std::cos(k*Basis.get_rc());
166     mRealType FatK = myFunc.Fk(k, Basis.get_rc());
167     for (int n = 0; n < Basis.NumBasisElem(); n++)
168       FatK += coefs[n] * Basis.c(n, k);
169     return FatK;
170   }
evalXkLRRPAHandlerTemp172   inline mRealType evalXk(mRealType k)
173   {
174     //mRealType FatK;
175     //FatK = -4.0*M_PI/(Basis.get_CellVolume()*k*k)* std::cos(k*Basis.get_rc());
176     //return (FatK);
177     return myFunc.Xk(k, Basis.get_rc());
178   }
180   /** Initialise the basis and coefficients for the long-range beakup.
181    *
182    * We loocally create a breakup handler and pass in the basis
183    * that has been initialised here. We then discard the handler, leaving
184    * basis and coefs in a usable state.
185    * This method can be re-called later if lattice changes shape.
186    */
InitBreakupLRRPAHandlerTemp187   void InitBreakup(ParticleLayout_t& ref, int NumFunctions)
188   {
189     //First we send the new Lattice to the Basis, in case it has been updated.
190     Basis.set_Lattice(ref);
191     //Compute RC from box-size - in constructor?
192     //No here...need update if box changes
193     int NumKnots(15);
194     Basis.set_NumKnots(NumKnots);
195     Basis.set_rc(ref.LR_rc);
196     //Initialise the breakup - pass in basis.
197     LRBreakup<BreakupBasis> breakuphandler(Basis);
198     //       std::cout<<" finding kc:  "<<ref.LR_kc<<" , "<<LR_kc<< std::endl;
199     //Find size of basis from cutoffs
200     kc = (LR_kc < 0) ? ref.LR_kc : LR_kc;
201     //mRealType kc(ref.LR_kc); //User cutoff parameter...
202     //kcut is the cutoff for switching to approximate k-point degeneracies for
203     //better performance in making the breakup. A good bet is 30*K-spacing so that
204     //there are 30 "boxes" in each direction that are treated with exact degeneracies.
205     //Assume orthorhombic cell just for deriving this cutoff - should be insensitive.
206     //K-Spacing = (kpt_vol)**1/3 = 2*pi/(cellvol**1/3)
207     mRealType kcut = (30.0) * 2 * M_PI * std::pow(Basis.get_CellVolume(), -1.0 / 3.0);
208     //Use 3000/LMax here...==6000/rc for non-ortho cells
209     mRealType kmax(6000.0 / ref.LR_rc);
210     //       std::cout<<"K_STATS !!!  "<<kcut<<"  "<<kmax<<std::endl;
211     MaxKshell = static_cast<int>(breakuphandler.SetupKVecs(kc, kcut, kmax));
212     if (FirstTime)
213     {
214       app_log() << " finding kc:  " << ref.LR_kc << " , " << LR_kc << std::endl;
215       app_log() << "  LRBreakp parameter Kc =" << kc << std::endl;
216       app_log() << "    Continuum approximation in k = [" << kcut << "," << kmax << ")" << std::endl;
217       FirstTime = false;
218     }
219     //Set up x_k
220     //This is the FT of -V(r) from r_c to infinity.
221     //This is the only data that the breakup handler needs to do the breakup.
222     //We temporarily store it in Fk, which is replaced with the full FT (0->inf)
223     //of V_l(r) after the breakup has been done.
224     fillXk(breakuphandler.KList);
225     //Allocate the space for the coefficients.
226     coefs.resize(Basis.NumBasisElem());                //This must be after SetupKVecs.
227     breakuphandler.DoBreakup(Fk.data(), coefs.data()); //Fill array of coefficients.
228   }
fillXkLRRPAHandlerTemp230   void fillXk(std::vector<TinyVector<mRealType, 2>>& KList)
231   {
232     Fk.resize(KList.size());
233     for (int ki = 0; ki < KList.size(); ki++)
234     {
235       mRealType k = KList[ki][0];
236       Fk[ki]      = evalXk(k); //Call derived fn.
237     }
238   }
fillFkLRRPAHandlerTemp240   void fillFk(KContainer& KList)
241   {
242     Fk.resize(KList.kpts_cart.size());
243     const std::vector<int>& kshell(KList.kshell);
244     if (MaxKshell >= kshell.size())
245       MaxKshell = kshell.size() - 1;
246     Fk_symm.resize(MaxKshell);
247     //       std::cout<<"Filling FK :"<<std::endl;
248     for (int ks = 0, ki = 0; ks < Fk_symm.size(); ks++)
249     {
250       mRealType k  = std::pow(KList.ksq[ki], 0.5);
251       mRealType uk = -1.0 * evalFk(k);
252       Fk_symm[ks]  = uk;
253       //         std::cout<<uk<<std::endl;
254       while (ki < KList.kshell[ks + 1] && ki < Fk.size())
255         Fk[ki++] = uk;
256     }
257     //for(int ki=0; ki<KList.kpts_cart.size(); ki++){
258     //  mRealType k=dot(KList.kpts_cart[ki],KList.kpts_cart[ki]);
259     //  k=std::sqrt(k);
260     //  Fk[ki] = evalFk(k); //Call derived fn.
261     //}
262   }
263 };
264 } // namespace qmcplusplus
265 #endif