2! Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
10SUBROUTINE phq_readin()
11  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12  !
13  !    This routine reads the control variables for the program phononq.
14  !    from standard input (unit 5).
15  !    A second routine readfile reads the variables saved on a file
16  !    by the self-consistent program.
17  !
18  !
19  USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
20  USE ions_base,     ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp
21  USE mp,            ONLY : mp_bcast
22  USE mp_world,      ONLY : world_comm
23  USE ions_base,     ONLY : amass, atm
24  USE check_stop,    ONLY : max_seconds
25  USE start_k,       ONLY : reset_grid
26  USE klist,         ONLY : xk, nks, nkstot, lgauss, two_fermi_energies, ltetra
27  USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only, tqr, restart, io_level, &
28                            ts_vdw, ldftd3, lxdm, isolve
29  USE funct,         ONLY : dft_is_meta, dft_is_hybrid
30  USE uspp,          ONLY : okvan
31  USE fixed_occ,     ONLY : tfixed_occ
32  USE lsda_mod,      ONLY : lsda, nspin
33  USE fft_base,      ONLY : dffts
34  USE spin_orb,      ONLY : domag
35  USE cellmd,        ONLY : lmovecell
36  USE run_info,      ONLY : title
37  USE control_ph,    ONLY : maxter, alpha_mix, lgamma_gamma, epsil, &
38                            zue, zeu, xmldyn, newgrid,                      &
39                            trans, reduce_io, tr2_ph, niter_ph,       &
40                            nmix_ph, ldisp, recover, lnoloc, start_irr, &
41                            last_irr, start_q, last_q, current_iq, tmp_dir_ph, &
42                            ext_recover, ext_restart, u_from_file, ldiag, &
43                            search_sym, lqdir, electron_phonon, tmp_dir_phq, &
44                            rec_code_read, qplot, only_init, only_wfc, &
45                            low_directory_check, nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3
46  USE save_ph,       ONLY : tmp_dir_save, save_ph_input_variables
47  USE gamma_gamma,   ONLY : asr
48  USE partial,       ONLY : atomo, nat_todo, nat_todo_input
49  USE output,        ONLY : fildyn, fildvscf, fildrho
50  USE disp,          ONLY : nq1, nq2, nq3, x_q, wq, nqs, lgamma_iq
51  USE io_files,      ONLY : tmp_dir, prefix, postfix, create_directory, &
52                            check_tempdir, xmlpun_schema
53  USE noncollin_module, ONLY : i_cons, noncolin
54  USE control_flags, ONLY : iverbosity, modenum
55  USE io_global,     ONLY : meta_ionode, meta_ionode_id, ionode, ionode_id, stdout
56  USE mp_images,     ONLY : nimage, my_image_id, intra_image_comm,   &
57                            me_image, nproc_image
58  USE mp_pools,      ONLY : npool
59  USE paw_variables, ONLY : okpaw
60  USE ramanm,        ONLY : eth_rps, eth_ns, lraman, elop, dek
61  USE freq_ph,       ONLY : fpol, fiu, nfs
62  USE cryst_ph,      ONLY : magnetic_sym
63  USE ph_restart,    ONLY : ph_readfile
64  USE el_phon,       ONLY : elph,elph_mat,elph_simple,elph_epa,elph_nbnd_min, elph_nbnd_max, &
65                            el_ph_sigma, el_ph_nsigma, el_ph_ngauss,auxdvscf
66  USE dfile_star,    ONLY : drho_star, dvscf_star
68  USE qpoint,        ONLY : nksq, xq
69  USE control_lr,    ONLY : lgamma, lrpa
70  ! YAMBO >
71  USE YAMBO,         ONLY : elph_yambo,dvscf_yambo
72  ! YAMBO <
73  USE elph_tetra_mod,ONLY : elph_tetra, lshift_q, in_alpha2f
74  USE ktetra,        ONLY : tetra_type
75  USE ldaU,          ONLY : lda_plus_u, U_projection, lda_plus_u_kind
76  USE ldaU_ph,       ONLY : read_dns_bare, d2ns_type
77  USE dvscf_interpolate, ONLY : ldvscf_interpolate, do_long_range, &
78      do_charge_neutral, wpot_dir
79  USE ahc,           ONLY : elph_ahc, ahc_dir, ahc_nbnd, ahc_nbndskip, &
80      skip_upperfan
81  USE wannier_gw,    ONLY : l_head, omega_gauss, n_gauss, grid_type, nsteps_lanczos,second_grid_n,second_grid_i,&
82  &l_scissor,scissor, len_head_block_freq, len_head_block_wfc
83  !
85  !
86  CHARACTER(LEN=256), EXTERNAL :: trimcheck
87  !
88  INTEGER :: ios, ipol, iter, na, it, ierr, ierr1
89    ! integer variable for I/O control
90    ! counter on polarizations
91    ! counter on iterations
92    ! counter on atoms
93    ! counter on types
94  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: amass_input(:)
95    ! save masses read from input here
96  CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: outdir, filename
97  CHARACTER (LEN=8)   :: verbosity
98  CHARACTER(LEN=80)          :: card
99  CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: int_to_char
100  INTEGER                    :: i
101  LOGICAL                    :: nogg
102  LOGICAL      :: q2d, q_in_band_form
103  INTEGER, EXTERNAL  :: atomic_number
104  REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: atom_weight
105  LOGICAL, EXTERNAL  :: imatches
106  LOGICAL, EXTERNAL  :: has_xml
107  LOGICAL :: exst, parallelfs
108  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xqaux(:,:)
109  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: wqaux(:)
110  INTEGER :: nqaux, iq
111  CHARACTER(len=80) :: diagonalization='david'
112  !
113  NAMELIST / INPUTPH / tr2_ph, amass, alpha_mix, niter_ph, nmix_ph,  &
114                       nat_todo, verbosity, iverbosity, outdir, epsil,  &
115                       trans,  zue, zeu, max_seconds, reduce_io, &
116                       modenum, prefix, fildyn, fildvscf, fildrho, &
117                       ldisp, nq1, nq2, nq3, &
118                       eth_rps, eth_ns, lraman, elop, dek, recover,  &
119                       fpol, asr, lrpa, lnoloc, start_irr, last_irr, &
120                       start_q, last_q, nogg, ldiag, search_sym, lqdir, &
121                       nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, &
122                       drho_star, dvscf_star, only_init, only_wfc, &
123                       elph_nbnd_min, elph_nbnd_max, el_ph_ngauss, &
124                       el_ph_nsigma, el_ph_sigma,  electron_phonon, &
125                       q_in_band_form, q2d, qplot, low_directory_check, &
126                       lshift_q, read_dns_bare, d2ns_type, diagonalization, &
127                       ldvscf_interpolate, do_long_range, do_charge_neutral, &
128                       wpot_dir, ahc_dir, ahc_nbnd, ahc_nbndskip, &
129                       skip_upperfan, &
130                       l_head, omega_gauss, n_gauss, grid_type,nsteps_lanczos,l_scissor,scissor,&
131                       second_grid_n,second_grid_i,len_head_block_wfc,len_head_block_freq
133  ! tr2_ph       : convergence threshold
134  ! amass        : atomic masses
135  ! alpha_mix    : the mixing parameter
136  ! niter_ph     : maximum number of iterations
137  ! nmix_ph      : number of previous iterations used in mixing
138  ! nat_todo     : number of atom to be displaced
139  ! verbosity    : verbosity control (iverbosity is obsolete)
140  ! outdir       : directory where input, output, temporary files reside
141  ! epsil        : if true calculate dielectric constant
142  ! trans        : if true calculate phonon
143  ! electron-phonon : select the kind of electron-phonon calculation
144  ! elph         : if true calculate electron-phonon coefficients
145  ! elph_mat     : if true eph coefficients for wannier
146  ! zue          : if .true. calculate effective charges ( d force / dE )
147  ! zeu          : if .true. calculate effective charges ( d P / du )
148  ! lraman       : if true calculate raman tensor
149  ! elop         : if true calculate electro-optic tensor
150  ! max_seconds  : maximum cputime for this run
151  ! reduce_io    : reduce I/O to the strict minimum
152  ! modenum      : single mode calculation
153  ! prefix       : the prefix of files produced by pwscf
154  ! fildyn       : output file for the dynamical matrix
155  ! fildvscf     : output file containing deltavsc
156  ! fildrho      : output file containing deltarho
157  ! fildrho_dir  : directory where fildrho files will be stored (default: outdir or ESPRESSO_FILDRHO_DIR variable)
158  ! eth_rps      : threshold for calculation of  Pc R |psi> (Raman)
159  ! eth_ns       : threshold for non-scf wavefunction calculation (Raman)
160  ! dek          : delta_xk used for wavefunctions derivation (Raman)
161  ! recover      : recover=.true. to restart from an interrupted run
162  ! asr          : in the gamma_gamma case apply acoustic sum rule
163  ! start_q      : in q list does the q points from start_q to last_q
164  ! last_q       :
165  ! start_irr    : does the irred. representation from start_irr to last_irr
166  ! last_irr     :
167  ! nogg         : if .true. lgamma_gamma tricks are not used
168  ! ldiag        : if .true. force diagonalization of the dyn mat
169  ! lqdir        : if .true. each q writes in its own directory
170  ! search_sym   : if .true. analyze symmetry if possible
171  ! nk1,nk2,nk3, k1,k2,k3 :
172  !              when specified in input, the phonon run uses a different
173  !              k-point mesh from that used for the charge density.
174  !
175  ! dvscf_star%open : if .true. write in dvscf_star%dir the dvscf_q
176  !                   'for all q' in the star of q with suffix dvscf_star%ext.
177  !                   The dvscf_q' is written in the basis dvscf_star%basis;
178  !                   if dvscf_star%pat is .true. also save a pattern file.
179  ! dvscf_star%dir, dvscf_star%ext, dvscf_star%basis : see dvscf_star%open
180  ! drho_star%open  : like dvscf_star%open but for drho_q
181  ! drho_star%dir, drho_star%ext, drho_star%basis : see drho_star%open
182   !
183  ! elph_nbnd_min,
184  ! elph_nbnd_max: if (elph_mat=.true.) it dumps the eph matrix element from elph_nbnd_min
185  !                  to elph_nbnd_max
186  ! el_ph_ngauss,
187  ! el_ph_nsigma,
188  ! el_ph_sigma  :  if (elph_mat=.true.) it defines the kind and the val-ue of the
189  !                 smearing to be used in the eph coupling calculation.
190  ! qplot, : if true a list of q points is given in input
191  ! q_in_band_form: if true the input list of q points defines paths
192  ! q2d, : if .true. the q list define a mesh in a square.
193  ! low_directory_check : if .true. only the requested representations
194  !                       are searched on file
195  !
196  ! read_dns_bare : If .true. the code tries to read three files in DFPT+U calculations:
197  !                 dnsorth, dnsbare, d2nsbare
198  ! d2ns_type     : DFPT+U - the 2nd bare derivative of occupation matrices ns
199  !                 (d2ns_bare matrix). Experimental! This is why it is not documented in Doc.
200  !                 d2ns_type='full': matrix calculated with no approximation.
201  !                 d2ns_type='fmmp': assume a m <=> m' symmetry.
202  !                 d2ns_type='diag': if okvan=.true. the matrix is calculated retaining only
203  !                                     for <\beta_J|\phi_I> products where for J==I.
204  !                 d2ns_type='dmmp': same as 'diag', but also assuming a m <=> m'.
205  ! diagonalization : diagonalization method used in the nscf calc
206  ! ldvscf_interpolate: if .true., use Fourier interpolation of phonon potential
207  ! do_long_range: if .true., add the long-range part of the potential to dvscf
208  ! do_charge_neutral: if .true., impose the neutrality condition on Born effective charges
209  ! wpot_dir: folder where w_pot binary files are located
210  ! ahc_dir: Directory where the output binary files for AHC e-ph coupling are written
211  ! ahc_nbnd: Number of bands where the electron self-energy is to be computed.
212  ! ahc_nbndskip: Number of bands to exclude when computing the self-energy.
213  ! skip_upperfan: If .true., skip the calculation of upper Fan self-energy.
214  !
215  ! Note: meta_ionode is a single processor that reads the input
216  !       (ionode is also a single processor but per image)
217  !       Data read from input is subsequently broadcast to all processors
218  !       from ionode_id (using the default communicator world_comm)
219  !
220  ! l_head       : if true calculates the head of the symmetrized dielectric matrix -1
221  ! n_gauss      : number of frequency steps for head calculation
222  ! omega_gauss  : period for frequency calculation
223  ! grid_type    : 0 GL -T,T 2 GL 0 T
225  IF (meta_ionode) THEN
226  !
227  ! ... Input from file ?
228  !
229     CALL input_from_file ( )
230  !
231  ! ... Read the first line of the input file
232  !
233     READ( 5, '(A)', IOSTAT = ios ) title
234  !
235  ENDIF
236  !
237  CALL mp_bcast(ios, meta_ionode_id, world_comm )
238  CALL errore( 'phq_readin', 'reading title ', ABS( ios ) )
239  CALL mp_bcast(title, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
240  !
241  ! Rewind the input if the title is actually the beginning of inputph namelist
242  !
243  IF( imatches("&inputph", title) ) THEN
244    WRITE(stdout,'(6x,a)') "Title line not specified: using 'default'."
245    title='default'
246    IF (meta_ionode) REWIND(5, iostat=ios)
247    CALL mp_bcast(ios, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
248    CALL errore('phq_readin', 'Title line missing from input.', abs(ios))
249  ENDIF
250  !
251  ! ... set default values for variables in namelist
252  !
253  tr2_ph       = 1.D-12
254  eth_rps      = 1.D-9
255  eth_ns       = 1.D-12
256  amass(:)     = 0.D0
257  alpha_mix(:) = 0.D0
258  alpha_mix(1) = 0.7D0
259  niter_ph     = maxter
260  nmix_ph      = 4
261  nat_todo     = 0
262  modenum      = 0
263  iverbosity   = 1234567
264  verbosity    = 'default'
265  trans        = .TRUE.
266  lrpa         = .FALSE.
267  lnoloc       = .FALSE.
268  epsil        = .FALSE.
269  zeu          = .TRUE.
270  zue          = .FALSE.
271  fpol         = .FALSE.
272  electron_phonon=' '
273  elph_nbnd_min = 1
274  elph_nbnd_max = 0
275  el_ph_sigma  = 0.02
276  el_ph_nsigma = 10
277  el_ph_ngauss = 1
278  lraman       = .FALSE.
279  elop         = .FALSE.
280  max_seconds  =  1.E+7_DP
281  reduce_io    = .FALSE.
282  CALL get_environment_variable( 'ESPRESSO_TMPDIR', outdir )
283  IF ( TRIM( outdir ) == ' ' ) outdir = './'
284  prefix       = 'pwscf'
285  fildyn       = 'matdyn'
286  fildrho      = ' '
287  fildvscf     = ' '
288  ldisp        = .FALSE.
289  nq1          = 0
290  nq2          = 0
291  nq3          = 0
292  dek          = 1.0d-3
293  nogg         = .FALSE.
294  recover      = .FALSE.
295  asr          = .FALSE.
296  start_irr    = 0
297  last_irr     = -1000
298  start_q      = 1
299  last_q       =-1000
300  ldiag        =.FALSE.
301  lqdir        =.FALSE.
302  qplot        =.FALSE.
303  q_in_band_form=.FALSE.
304  q2d         = .FALSE.
305  only_init  = .FALSE.
306  only_wfc    = .FALSE.
307  low_directory_check=.FALSE.
308  search_sym   =.TRUE.
309  nk1       = 0
310  nk2       = 0
311  nk3       = 0
312  k1       = 0
313  k2       = 0
314  k3       = 0
315  !
316  ! dvscf_interpolate
317  ldvscf_interpolate = .FALSE.
318  do_charge_neutral = .FALSE.
319  do_long_range = .FALSE.
320  wpot_dir = ' '
321  !
322  ! electron_phonon == 'ahc'
323  ahc_dir = ' '
324  ahc_nbnd = 0
325  ahc_nbndskip = 0
326  skip_upperfan = .FALSE.
327  elph_ahc = .FALSE.
328  !
329  drho_star%open = .FALSE.
330  drho_star%basis = 'modes'
331  drho_star%pat  = .TRUE.
332  drho_star%ext = 'drho'
334  CALL get_environment_variable( 'ESPRESSO_FILDRHO_DIR', drho_star%dir)
335  IF ( TRIM( drho_star%dir ) == ' ' ) &
336      drho_star%dir = TRIM(outdir)//"/Rotated_DRHO/"
337  !
338  dvscf_star%open = .FALSE.
339  dvscf_star%basis = 'modes'
340  dvscf_star%pat  = .FALSE.
341  dvscf_star%ext = 'dvscf'
342  CALL get_environment_variable( 'ESPRESSO_FILDVSCF_DIR', dvscf_star%dir)
343  IF ( TRIM( dvscf_star%dir ) == ' ' ) &
344      dvscf_star%dir = TRIM(outdir)//"/Rotated_DVSCF/"
345  !
346  lshift_q = .false.
347  read_dns_bare =.false.
348  d2ns_type = 'full'
349  len_head_block_freq=0
350  len_head_block_wfc=0
351  !
352  ! ...  reading the namelist inputph
353  !
354  IF (meta_ionode) THEN
355     READ( 5, INPUTPH, ERR=30, IOSTAT = ios )
356     !
357     ! ...  iverbosity/verbosity hack
358     !
359     IF ( iverbosity == 1234567 ) THEN
360        SELECT CASE( trim( verbosity ) )
361           CASE( 'debug', 'high', 'medium' )
362              iverbosity = 1
363           CASE( 'low', 'default', 'minimal' )
364              iverbosity = 0
365           CASE DEFAULT
366              iverbosity = 0
367         END SELECT
368     ELSE
369        ios = 1234567
370     END IF
371  END IF
373  CALL mp_bcast(ios, meta_ionode_id, world_comm )
374  IF ( ios == 1234567 ) THEN
375     CALL infomsg( 'phq_readin' , &
376                 'iverbosity is obsolete, use "verbosity" instead' )
377  ELSE IF ( ABS(ios) /= 0 ) THEN
378     CALL errore( 'phq_readin', 'reading inputph namelist', ABS( ios ) )
379  END IF
380  ! diagonalization option
381  SELECT CASE(TRIM(diagonalization))
382  CASE ('david','davidson')
383     isolve = 0
384  CASE ('cg')
385     isolve = 1
387     CALL errore('phq_readin','diagonalization '//trim(diagonalization)//' not implemented',1)
390  !
391  ! ...  broadcast all input variables
392  !
393  tmp_dir = trimcheck (outdir)
394  CALL bcast_ph_input ( )
395  CALL mp_bcast(nogg, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
396  CALL mp_bcast(q2d, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
397  CALL mp_bcast(q_in_band_form, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
398  !
399  drho_star%dir=trimcheck(drho_star%dir)
400  dvscf_star%dir=trimcheck(dvscf_star%dir)
401  ! filename for the star must always be automatically generated:
402  IF(drho_star%ext(1:5)/='auto:')  drho_star%ext  = 'auto:'//drho_star%ext
403  IF(dvscf_star%ext(1:5)/='auto:') dvscf_star%ext = 'auto:'//dvscf_star%ext
404  !
405  ! ... Check all namelist variables
406  !
407  IF (tr2_ph <= 0.D0) CALL errore (' phq_readin', ' Wrong tr2_ph ', 1)
408  IF (eth_rps<= 0.D0) CALL errore ( 'phq_readin', ' Wrong eth_rps', 1)
409  IF (eth_ns <= 0.D0) CALL errore ( 'phq_readin', ' Wrong eth_ns ', 1)
411  DO iter = 1, maxter
412     IF (alpha_mix (iter) .LT.0.D0.OR.alpha_mix (iter) .GT.1.D0) CALL &
413          errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong alpha_mix ', iter)
414  ENDDO
415  IF (niter_ph.LT.1.OR.niter_ph.GT.maxter) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
416       ' Wrong niter_ph ', 1)
417  IF (nmix_ph.LT.1.OR.nmix_ph.GT.5) CALL errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong &
418       &nmix_ph ', 1)
419  IF (iverbosity.NE.0.AND.iverbosity.NE.1) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
420       &' Wrong  iverbosity ', 1)
421  IF (fildyn.EQ.' ') CALL errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong fildyn ', 1)
422  IF (max_seconds.LT.0.1D0) CALL errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong max_seconds', 1)
424  IF (only_init.AND.only_wfc) CALL errore('phq_readin', &
425                        'only_init or only_wfc can be .true.', 1)
427  IF (modenum < 0) CALL errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong modenum ', 1)
428  IF (dek <= 0.d0) CALL errore ( 'phq_readin', ' Wrong dek ', 1)
429  !
430  !
431  elph_tetra = 0
432  SELECT CASE( trim( electron_phonon ) )
433  CASE( 'simple'  )
434     elph=.true.
435     elph_mat=.false.
436     elph_simple=.true.
437     elph_epa=.false.
438  CASE( 'epa' )
439     elph=.true.
440     elph_mat=.false.
441     elph_simple=.false.
442     elph_epa=.true.
443  CASE( 'Wannier' )
444     elph=.true.
445     elph_mat=.true.
446     elph_simple=.false.
447     elph_epa=.false.
448     auxdvscf=trim(fildvscf)
449  CASE( 'interpolated' )
450     elph=.true.
451     elph_mat=.false.
452     elph_simple=.false.
453     elph_epa=.false.
454  ! YAMBO >
455  CASE( 'yambo' )
456     elph=.true.
457     elph_mat=.false.
458     elph_simple=.false.
459     elph_epa=.false.
460     elph_yambo=.true.
461     nogg=.true.
462     auxdvscf=trim(fildvscf)
463  CASE( 'dvscf' )
464     elph=.false.
465     elph_mat=.false.
466     elph_simple=.false.
467     elph_epa=.false.
468     elph_yambo=.false.
469     dvscf_yambo=.true.
470     nogg=.true.
471     auxdvscf=trim(fildvscf)
472  ! YAMBO <
473  CASE( 'lambda_tetra'  )
474     elph=.true.
475     elph_mat=.false.
476     elph_simple=.false.
477     trans = .false.
478     elph_tetra = 1
479  CASE( 'gamma_tetra'  )
480     elph=.true.
481     elph_mat=.false.
482     elph_simple=.false.
483     trans = .false.
484     elph_tetra = 2
485  CASE( 'scdft_input'  )
486     elph=.true.
487     elph_mat=.false.
488     elph_simple=.false.
489     trans = .false.
490     elph_tetra = 3
491  CASE( 'ahc' )
492     elph = .true.
493     elph_ahc = .true.
494     elph_mat = .false.
495     elph_simple = .false.
496     elph_epa = .false.
497     trans = .false.
498     nogg = .true.
500     elph=.false.
501     elph_mat=.false.
502     elph_simple=.false.
503     elph_epa=.false.
506  ! YAMBO >
507  IF (.not.elph_yambo.and..not.dvscf_yambo) then
508    ! YAMBO <
509    IF (qplot.AND..NOT.ldisp) CALL errore('phq_readin','qplot requires ldisp=.true.',1)
510    !
511  ENDIF
513  IF (ldisp.AND.only_init.AND.(.NOT.lqdir)) &
514     CALL errore('phq_readin', &
515                 'only_init=.TRUE. requires lqdir=.TRUE. or data are lost',1)
517  epsil = epsil .OR. lraman .OR. elop
519  IF (modenum /= 0) search_sym=.FALSE.
521  IF (elph_mat .OR. elph_ahc) THEN
522     trans = .FALSE.
523  ELSEIF (.NOT. elph) THEN
524     trans = trans .OR. ldisp
525  ENDIF
526  !
527  ! Set default value for fildrho and fildvscf if they are required
528  IF ( (lraman.OR.elop.OR.drho_star%open) .AND. fildrho == ' ') fildrho = 'drho'
529  IF ( (elph_mat.OR.dvscf_star%open) .AND. fildvscf == ' ') fildvscf = 'dvscf'
530  !
531  !  We can calculate  dielectric, raman or elop tensors and no Born effective
532  !  charges dF/dE, but we cannot calculate Born effective charges dF/dE
533  !  without epsil.
534  !
535  IF (zeu) zeu = epsil
536  !
537  !    reads the q point (just if ldisp = .false.)
538  !
539  IF (meta_ionode) THEN
540     ios = 0
541     IF (qplot) THEN
542        READ (5, *, iostat = ios) nqaux
543     ELSE
544        IF (.NOT. ldisp) READ (5, *, iostat = ios) (xq (ipol), ipol = 1, 3)
545     ENDIF
546  END IF
547  CALL mp_bcast(ios, meta_ionode_id, world_comm )
548  CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'reading xq', ABS (ios) )
549  IF (qplot) THEN
550     CALL mp_bcast(nqaux, meta_ionode_id, world_comm )
551     ALLOCATE(xqaux(3,nqaux))
552     ALLOCATE(wqaux(nqaux))
553     IF (meta_ionode) THEN
554        DO iq=1, nqaux
555           READ (5, *, iostat = ios) (xqaux (ipol,iq), ipol = 1, 3), wqaux(iq)
556        ENDDO
557     ENDIF
558     CALL mp_bcast(ios, meta_ionode_id, world_comm )
559     CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'reading xq', ABS (ios) )
560     CALL mp_bcast(xqaux, meta_ionode_id, world_comm )
561     CALL mp_bcast(wqaux, meta_ionode_id, world_comm )
562  ELSE
563     CALL mp_bcast(xq, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
564  ENDIF
566  IF (.NOT.ldisp) THEN
567     lgamma = xq (1) .EQ.0.D0.AND.xq (2) .EQ.0.D0.AND.xq (3) .EQ.0.D0
568     IF ( (epsil.OR.zue.or.lraman.or.elop) .AND..NOT.lgamma) &
569                CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'gamma is needed for elec.field', 1)
570  ENDIF
571  IF (zue.AND..NOT.trans) CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'trans must be &
572       &.t. for Zue calc.', 1)
574  IF (trans.AND.(lrpa.OR.lnoloc)) CALL errore('phq_readin', &
575                    'only dielectric constant with lrpa or lnoloc',1)
576  IF (lrpa.or.lnoloc) THEN
577     zeu=.FALSE.
578     lraman=.FALSE.
579     elop = .FALSE.
580  ENDIF
581  !
582  ! dvscf_interpolate
583  !
584  IF (ldvscf_interpolate) THEN
585    !
586    IF (wpot_dir == ' ') wpot_dir = TRIM(tmp_dir) // "w_pot/"
587    wpot_dir = trimcheck(wpot_dir)
588    !
589    IF (do_charge_neutral .AND. (.NOT. do_long_range)) THEN
590      WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') 'charge neutrality for dvscf_interpolate is &
591        & meaningful only if do_long_range is true.'
592      WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') 'Set do_charge_neutral = .false.'
593      do_charge_neutral = .FALSE.
594    ENDIF
595    !
596  ENDIF
597  !
598  IF (trans .AND. ldvscf_interpolate) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
599    'ldvscf_interpolate should be used only when trans = .false.', 1)
600  IF (domag .AND. ldvscf_interpolate) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
601    'ldvscf_interpolate and magnetism not implemented', 1)
602  IF (okpaw .AND. ldvscf_interpolate) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
603    'PAW and ldvscf_interpolate not tested.', 1)
604  !
605  ! AHC e-ph coupling
606  !
607  IF (elph_ahc) THEN
608    !
609    IF (ahc_nbnd <= 0) CALL errore('phq_readin', &
610      'ahc_nbnd must be specified as a positive integer')
611    IF (ahc_nbndskip < 0) CALL errore('phq_readin', &
612      'ahc_nbndskip cannot be negative')
613    !
614    IF (ahc_dir == ' ') ahc_dir = TRIM(tmp_dir) // "ahc_dir/"
615    ahc_dir = trimcheck(ahc_dir)
616    !
617  ENDIF ! elph_ahc
618  !
619  IF (elph_ahc .AND. trans) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
620    'elph_ahc can be used only when trans = .false.', 1)
621  !
622  ! reads the frequencies ( just if fpol = .true. )
623  !
624  IF ( fpol ) THEN
625     IF ( .NOT. epsil) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
626                                    'fpol=.TRUE. needs epsil=.TRUE.', 1 )
627     nfs=0
628     IF (meta_ionode) THEN
629        READ (5, *, iostat = ios) card
630        IF ( TRIM(card)=='FREQUENCIES'.OR. &
631             TRIM(card)=='frequencies'.OR. &
632             TRIM(card)=='Frequencies') THEN
633           READ (5, *, iostat = ios) nfs
634        ENDIF
635     ENDIF
636     CALL mp_bcast(ios, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
637     CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'reading number of FREQUENCIES', ABS(ios) )
638     CALL mp_bcast(nfs, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
639     if (nfs < 1) call errore('phq_readin','Too few frequencies',1)
640     ALLOCATE(fiu(nfs))
641     IF (meta_ionode) THEN
642        IF ( TRIM(card) == 'FREQUENCIES' .OR. &
643             TRIM(card) == 'frequencies' .OR. &
644             TRIM(card) == 'Frequencies' ) THEN
645           DO i = 1, nfs
646              READ (5, *, iostat = ios) fiu(i)
647           END DO
648        END IF
649     END IF
650     CALL mp_bcast(ios, meta_ionode_id, world_comm )
651     CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'reading FREQUENCIES card', ABS(ios) )
652     CALL mp_bcast(fiu, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
653  ELSE
654     nfs=1
655     ALLOCATE(fiu(1))
656     fiu=0.0_DP
657  END IF
658  !
659  !
660  !   Here we finished the reading of the input file.
661  !   Now allocate space for pwscf variables, read and check them.
662  !
663  !   amass will be read again from file:
664  !   save its content in auxiliary variables
665  !
666  ALLOCATE ( amass_input( SIZE(amass) ) )
667  amass_input(:)= amass(:)
668  !
669  tmp_dir_save=tmp_dir
670  tmp_dir_ph= trimcheck( TRIM (tmp_dir) // '_ph' // int_to_char(my_image_id) )
671  CALL check_tempdir ( tmp_dir_ph, exst, parallelfs )
672  tmp_dir_phq=tmp_dir_ph
674  ext_restart=.FALSE.
675  ext_recover=.FALSE.
676  rec_code_read=-1000
677  IF (recover) THEN
679!    With a recover run we read here the mesh of q points, the current iq,
680!    and the current frequency
682     CALL ph_readfile('init', 0, 0, ierr)
683     CALL ph_readfile('status_ph', 0, 0, ierr1)
685!   If some error occured here, we cannot recover the run
687     IF (ierr /= 0 .OR. ierr1 /= 0 ) THEN
688        write(stdout,'(5x,"Run is not recoverable starting from scratch")')
689        recover=.FALSE.
690        goto 1001
691     ENDIF
693!   We check if the bands and the information on the pw run are in the directory
694!   written by the phonon code for the current q point. If the file exists
695!   we read from there, otherwise use the information in tmp_dir.
697     IF (lqdir) THEN
698        tmp_dir_phq= trimcheck ( TRIM(tmp_dir_ph) // TRIM(prefix) // &
699                                & '.q_' // int_to_char(current_iq) )
700        CALL check_restart_recover(ext_recover, ext_restart)
701        IF (.NOT.ext_recover.AND..NOT.ext_restart) tmp_dir_phq=tmp_dir_ph
702     ENDIF
703     !
704     filename=TRIM(tmp_dir_phq)//TRIM(prefix)//postfix//xmlpun_schema
705     IF (ionode) inquire (file =TRIM(filename), exist = exst)
706     !
707     CALL mp_bcast( exst, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
708     !
709     !  If this file exist we use it to recover the pw.x informations
710     !
711     IF (exst) tmp_dir=tmp_dir_phq
712     u_from_file=.true.
713  ENDIF
7141001 CONTINUE
716  IF (qplot.AND..NOT.recover) THEN
717     IF (q2d) THEN
718        nqs=wqaux(2)*wqaux(3)
719        ALLOCATE(x_q(3,nqs))
720        ALLOCATE(wq(nqs))
721        CALL generate_k_in_plane(nqaux, xqaux, wqaux, x_q, wq, nqs)
722     ELSEIF (q_in_band_form) THEN
723        nqs=SUM(wqaux(1:nqaux-1))+1
724        DO i=1,nqaux-1
725           IF (wqaux(i)==0) nqs=nqs+1
726        ENDDO
727        ALLOCATE(x_q(3,nqs))
728        ALLOCATE(wq(nqs))
729        CALL generate_k_along_lines(nqaux, xqaux, wqaux, x_q, wq, nqs)
730     ELSE
731        nqs=nqaux
732        ALLOCATE(x_q(3,nqs))
733        ALLOCATE(wq(nqs))
734        wq(:)=wqaux(:)
735        x_q(:,1:nqs)=xqaux(:,1:nqs)
736     ENDIF
737     DEALLOCATE(xqaux)
738     DEALLOCATE(wqaux)
739     ALLOCATE(lgamma_iq(nqs))
740     DO iq=1, nqs
741        lgamma_iq(iq)= ( ABS(x_q(1,iq)) .LT. 1.0e-10_dp ) .AND. &
742                       ( ABS(x_q(2,iq)) .LT. 1.0e-10_dp ) .AND. &
743                       ( ABS(x_q(3,iq)) .LT. 1.0e-10_dp )
744     ENDDO
745     WRITE(stdout, '(//5x,"Dynamical matrices for q-points given in input")')
746     WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"(",i4,"q-points):")') nqs
747     WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"  N         xq(1)         xq(2)         xq(3) " )')
748     DO iq = 1, nqs
749        WRITE(stdout, '(5x,i3, 3f14.9)') iq, x_q(1,iq), x_q(2,iq), x_q(3,iq)
750     END DO
751  ENDIF
752  !
753  ! DFPT+U: the occupation matrix ns is read via read_file
754  !
755  CALL read_file ( )
756  !
757  magnetic_sym=noncolin .AND. domag
758  !
759  ! init_start_grid returns .true. if a new k-point grid is set from values
760  ! read from input (this happens if nk1*nk2*nk3 > 0; otherwise reset_grid
761  ! returns .false., leaves the current values, read in read_file, unchanged)
762  !
763  newgrid = reset_grid (nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3)
764  !
765  tmp_dir=tmp_dir_save
766  !
767  IF (modenum > 3*nat) CALL errore ('phq_readin', ' Wrong modenum ', 2)
769  IF (gamma_only) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
770     'cannot start from pw.x data file using Gamma-point tricks',1)
772  IF (lda_plus_u) THEN
773     !
774     WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') "Phonon calculation with DFPT+U; please cite"
775     WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')  "A. Floris et al., Phys. Rev. B 84, 161102(R) (2011)"
776     WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')  "A. Floris et al., Phys. Rev. B 101, 064305 (2020)"
777     WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')  "in publications or presentations arising from this work."
778     !
779     IF (U_projection.NE."atomic") CALL errore("phq_readin", &
780          " The phonon code for this U_projection_type is not implemented",1)
781     IF (lda_plus_u_kind.NE.0) CALL errore("phq_readin", &
782          " The phonon code for this lda_plus_u_kind is not implemented",1)
783     IF (elph) CALL errore("phq_readin", &
784          " Electron-phonon with Hubbard U is not supported",1)
785     IF (lraman) CALL errore("phq_readin", &
786          " The phonon code with Raman and Hubbard U is not implemented",1)
787     !
788  ENDIF
789  ! checks
790  IF (elph_ahc .AND. domag) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
791    'elph_ahc and magnetism not implemented', 1)
792  IF (elph_ahc .AND. okpaw) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
793    'elph_ahc and PAW not tested.', 1)
794  IF (elph_ahc .AND. okvan) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
795    'elph_ahc and PAW not tested.', 1)
796  IF (elph_ahc .AND. lda_plus_u) CALL errore ('phq_readin', &
797    'elph_ahc and lda_plus_u not tested.', 1)
799  IF (ts_vdw) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
800     'The phonon code with TS-VdW is not yet available',1)
802  IF (ldftd3) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
803     'The phonon code with Grimme''s DFT-D3 is not yet available',1)
805  IF ( dft_is_meta() ) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
806     'The phonon code with meta-GGA functionals is not yet available',1)
808  IF ( dft_is_hybrid() ) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
809     'The phonon code with hybrid functionals is not yet available',1)
811  IF (okpaw.and.(lraman.or.elop)) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
812     'The phonon code with paw and raman or elop is not yet available',1)
814  IF (magnetic_sym) THEN
816     WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,a)') "Phonon calculation in the non-collinear magnetic case;"
817     WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')  "please cite A. Urru and A. Dal Corso, Phys. Rev. B 100,"
818     WRITE(stdout,'(5x,a)')  "045115 (2019) for the theoretical background."
820     IF (epsil) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
821          'The calculation of Born effective charges in the non collinear &
822           magnetic case does not work yet and is temporarily disabled',1)
824     IF (okpaw) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
825          'The phonon code with paw and domag is not available yet',1)
826  ENDIF
828  IF (okvan.and.(lraman.or.elop)) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
829     'The phonon code with US-PP and raman or elop not yet available',1)
831  IF (noncolin.and.(lraman.or.elop)) CALL errore('phq_readin', &
832      'lraman, elop, and noncolin not programed',1)
834  IF (lmovecell) CALL errore('phq_readin', &
835      'The phonon code is not working after vc-relax',1)
837  IF (reduce_io) io_level=1
839  if(elph_mat.and.fildvscf.eq.' ') call errore('phq_readin',&
840       'el-ph with wannier requires fildvscf',1)
842  IF(elph_mat.and.npool.ne.1) call errore('phq_readin',&
843       'el-ph with wannier : pools not implemented',1)
845  IF(elph.and.nimage>1) call errore('phq_readin',&
846       'el-ph with images not implemented',1)
848  IF (elph.OR.fildvscf /= ' ') lqdir=.TRUE.
850  IF(dvscf_star%open.and.nimage>1) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
851       'dvscf_star with image parallelization is not yet available',1)
852  IF(drho_star%open.and.nimage>1) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
853       'drho_star with image parallelization is not yet available',1)
855  IF (lda_plus_u .AND. read_dns_bare .AND. ldisp) lqdir=.TRUE.
857  IF (.NOT.ldisp) lqdir=.FALSE.
859  IF (i_cons /= 0) &
860     CALL errore('phq_readin',&
861     'The phonon code with constrained magnetization is not yet available',1)
863  IF (two_fermi_energies .AND. (ltetra .OR. lgauss)) &
864     CALL errore('phq_readin',&
865     'The phonon code with two fermi energies is not available for metals',1)
867  IF (tqr) CALL errore('phq_readin',&
868     'The phonon code with Q in real space not available',1)
870  IF (start_irr < 0 ) CALL errore('phq_readin', 'wrong start_irr',1)
871  !
872  IF (start_q <= 0 ) CALL errore('phq_readin', 'wrong start_q',1)
873  !
874  !  the dynamical matrix is written in xml format if fildyn ends in
875  !  .xml or in the noncollinear case.
876  !
877  xmldyn=has_xml(fildyn)
878  !IF (noncolin) xmldyn=.TRUE.
879  !
880  ! If a band structure calculation needs to be done do not open a file
881  ! for k point
882  !
883  restart = recover
884  !
885  !  set masses to values read from input, if available;
886  !  leave values read from file otherwise
887  !
888  DO it = 1, ntyp
889     IF (amass_input(it) < 0.0_DP) amass_input(it)= &
890              atom_weight(atomic_number(TRIM(atm(it))))
891     IF (amass_input(it) > 0.D0) amass(it) = amass_input(it)
892     IF (amass(it) <= 0.D0) CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'Wrong masses', it)
893  ENDDO
894  DEALLOCATE (amass_input)
895  lgamma_gamma=.FALSE.
896  IF (.NOT.ldisp) THEN
897     IF (nkstot==1.OR.(nkstot==2.AND.nspin==2)) THEN
898        lgamma_gamma=(lgamma.AND.(ABS(xk(1,1))<1.D-12) &
899                            .AND.(ABS(xk(2,1))<1.D-12) &
900                            .AND.(ABS(xk(3,1))<1.D-12) )
901     ENDIF
902     IF (nogg) lgamma_gamma=.FALSE.
903     IF ((nat_todo /= 0) .and. lgamma_gamma) CALL errore( &
904        'phq_readin', 'gamma_gamma tricks with nat_todo &
905       & not available. Use nogg=.true.', 1)
906     !
907     IF (nimage > 1 .AND. lgamma_gamma) CALL errore( &
908        'phq_readin','gamma_gamma tricks with images not implemented',1)
909     IF (lgamma) THEN
910        nksq = nks
911     ELSE
912        nksq = nks / 2
913     ENDIF
914  ENDIF
915  IF (lgamma_gamma.AND.ldiag) CALL errore('phq_readin','incompatible flags',1)
916  IF (lgamma_gamma.AND.elph ) CALL errore('phq_readin','lgamma_gamma and electron-phonon are incompatible',1)
917  !
918  IF (tfixed_occ) &
919     CALL errore('phq_readin','phonon with arbitrary occupations not tested',1)
920  !
921  !YAMBO >
922  IF (elph .AND. .NOT.(lgauss .OR. ltetra) &
923      .AND. .NOT. (elph_yambo .OR. elph_ahc)) &
924          CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'Electron-phonon only for metals', 1)
925  !YAMBO <
926  IF (elph .AND. fildvscf.EQ.' ' .AND. .NOT. ldvscf_interpolate) &
927      CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'El-ph needs a DeltaVscf file', 1)
928  !   There might be other variables in the input file which describe
929  !   partial computation of the dynamical matrix. Read them here
930  !
931  CALL allocate_part ( nat )
932  !
933  IF ( nat_todo < 0 .OR. nat_todo > nat ) &
934     CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'nat_todo is wrong', 1)
935  IF (nat_todo.NE.0) THEN
936     IF (meta_ionode) READ (5, *, iostat = ios) (atomo (na), na = 1, nat_todo)
937     CALL mp_bcast(ios, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
938     CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'reading atoms', ABS (ios) )
939     CALL mp_bcast(atomo, meta_ionode_id, world_comm  )
940  ENDIF
941  nat_todo_input=nat_todo
943  IF (epsil.AND.(lgauss .OR. ltetra)) &
944        CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'no elec. field with metals', 1)
945  IF (modenum > 0) THEN
946     IF ( ldisp ) &
947          CALL errore('phq_readin','Dispersion calculation and &
948          & single mode calculation not possibile !',1)
949     nat_todo = 0
950  ENDIF
951  !
952  ! Tetrahedron method for DFPT and El-Ph
953  !
954  IF(ltetra .AND. tetra_type == 0) &
955  &  CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'DFPT with the Blochl correction is not implemented', 1)
956  !
957  IF(.NOT. ltetra .AND. elph_tetra /= 0) &
958  &  CALL errore ('phq_readin', '"electron_phonon" and "occupation" are inconsistent.', 1)
959  !
960  IF (modenum > 0 .OR. lraman ) lgamma_gamma=.FALSE.
961  IF (.NOT.lgamma_gamma) asr=.FALSE.
962  !
963  IF ((ldisp.AND..NOT.qplot) .AND. &
964                  (nq1 .LE. 0 .OR. nq2 .LE. 0 .OR. nq3 .LE. 0)) &
965       CALL errore('phq_readin','nq1, nq2, and nq3 must be greater than 0',1)
967  CALL save_ph_input_variables()
968  !
970  !
971END SUBROUTINE phq_readin