2! Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
10SUBROUTINE hp_summary
11  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12  !
13  ! This routine writes on output a summary of the variables which do not
14  ! depend on the q point.
15  !
16  USE constants,     ONLY : rytoev
17  USE ions_base,     ONLY : nat, ityp, atm, tau, ntyp => nsp, amass
18  USE io_global,     ONLY : stdout
19  USE cell_base,     ONLY : at, bg, ibrav, alat, omega, celldm
20  USE gvecs,         ONLY : dual
21  USE gvecw,         ONLY : ecutwfc
22  USE funct,         ONLY : write_dft_name
23  USE control_lr,    ONLY : ethr_nscf
24  USE ldaU,          ONLY : is_hubbard, Hubbard_U, lda_plus_u_kind, &
25                            Hubbard_V, num_uc
26  USE ldaU_hp,       ONLY : conv_thr_chi, skip_atom, skip_type,  &
27                            todo_atom, find_atpert, nath_pert
30  !
31  INTEGER :: i, ipol, apol, na, nb, nt, isymq, isym, ik, nsymtot, dimn
32  ! generic counter
33  ! counter on polarizations
34  ! counter on polarizations
35  ! counter on atoms
36  ! counter on atomic types
37  ! counter on symmetries
38  ! counter on symmetries
39  ! counter on k points
40  !
41  WRITE( stdout, * )
42  !
43  WRITE( stdout, 100) ibrav, alat, omega, nat, ntyp, &
44                      ecutwfc, ecutwfc * dual, ethr_nscf, conv_thr_chi
45100 FORMAT (/5x, 'bravais-lattice index     =  ',i12,/,5x, &
46               & 'lattice parameter (alat)  =  ',f12.4,' (a.u.)',/,5x, &
47               & 'unit-cell volume          =  ',f12.4,' (a.u.)^3',/,5x, &
48               & 'number of atoms/cell      =  ',i12,/,5x, &
49               & 'number of atomic types    =  ',i12,/,5x, &
50               & 'kinetic-energy cut-off    =  ',f12.2,' (Ry)',/,5x, &
51               & 'charge density cut-off    =  ',f12.2,' (Ry)',/,5x, &
52               & 'conv. thresh. for NSCF    =  ',3x,1pe9.1,/,5x, &
53               & 'conv. thresh. for chi     =  ',3x,1pe9.1)
54  !
55  ! Info about Hubbard parameters
56  !
57  WRITE (stdout,'(5x,a)') 'Input Hubbard parameters (in eV):'
58  IF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.0) THEN
59     DO nt = 1, ntyp
60        IF (is_hubbard(nt)) THEN
61           WRITE (stdout,'(7x,a,i2,a,21x,a,1x,1pe12.5)') &
62                  & 'U (',nt,')','= ', Hubbard_U(nt)*rytoev
63        ENDIF
64     ENDDO
65  ELSEIF (lda_plus_u_kind.EQ.2) THEN
66     ! Number of atoms in the 3x3x3 supercell
67     dimn = num_uc * nat
68     DO na = 1, nat
69        DO nb = 1, dimn
70           IF ( ABS(Hubbard_V(na,nb,1)).GE.1.d-15 .OR. nb==na) THEN
71               WRITE (stdout,'(7x,a,i3,a,i4,a,2x,a,1x,f7.4)') &
72                  & 'V (',na,',',nb,')','= ', Hubbard_V(na,nb,1)*rytoev
73           ENDIF
74        ENDDO
75     ENDDO
77  !
78  ! Description of the unit cell
79  !
80  WRITE( stdout, '(/,2(3x,3(2x,"celldm(",i1,") =",f9.5),/))') (i, celldm(i), i=1,6)
81  !
82  ! Description of the direct and reciprocal lattice vectors
83  !
84  WRITE( stdout, '(5x, "crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)",/, &
85                  & 3(15x,"a(",i1,") = (",3f8.4," )  ",/ ) )')  &
86                  & (apol, (at(ipol,apol),ipol=1,3), apol=1,3)
87  WRITE( stdout, '(5x, "reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/alat)",/, &
88                  & 3(15x,"b(",i1,") = (",3f8.4," )  ",/ ) )')  &
89                  & (apol, (bg(ipol,apol),ipol=1,3), apol=1,3)
90  !
91  ! Description of the atoms inside the unit cell
92  !
93  WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"Atoms inside the unit cell (Cartesian axes):")')
94  WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"site n.  atom      mass ", "          positions (alat units)")')
95  WRITE( stdout, '(6x,i3,3x,a6,3x,f8.4,"   tau(",i3, ") = (",3f9.5,"  )")')  &
96         & (na, atm(ityp(na)), amass(ityp(na)), na, (tau(ipol,na), ipol=1,3), na=1,nat)
97  !
98  ! Print info about atoms which will not be perterbed (if requested from the input file)
99  !
100  IF ( find_atpert.NE.1 .AND. ANY(skip_atom(:)) ) THEN
101     WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"WARNING: Skipping perturbation of the following atom(s):")')
102     DO na = 1, nat
103        nt = ityp(na)
104        IF (skip_atom(na)) THEN
105           WRITE( stdout, '(7x,i2,3x,a6,3x,f8.4,"   tau(",i2, ") = (",3f9.5,"  )")')  &
106             & na, atm(nt), amass(nt), na, (tau(ipol,na), ipol=1,3)
107        ENDIF
108     ENDDO
109  ENDIF
110  !
111  IF (ANY(skip_type(:))) WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"WARNING: Skipping perturbation of atoms with the following type:")')
112  DO nt = 1, ntyp
113     IF (skip_type(nt)) WRITE( stdout, '(8x,"Atomic type : ", a4)') atm(nt)
114  ENDDO
115  !
116  IF ( nath_pert > 1 ) THEN
117     WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"List of",i3,1x,"atoms which will be " &
118                             & "perturbed (one at a time):",/)') nath_pert
119  ELSE
120     WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Atom which will be perturbed:",/)')
121  ENDIF
122  !
123  DO na = 1, nat
124     IF (todo_atom(na)) THEN
125        WRITE( stdout, '(7x,i2,3x,a6,3x,f8.4,"   tau(",i2, ") = (",3f9.5,"  )")')  &
126         & na, atm(ityp(na)), amass(ityp(na)), na, (tau(ipol,na), ipol=1,3)
127     ENDIF
128  ENDDO
129  !
131  !
132END SUBROUTINE hp_summary