2! Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9SUBROUTINE lr_readin
10  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
11  !
12  !    This routine reads the control variables from standard input (unit 5).
13  !    A second routine read_file reads the variables saved to file
14  !    by PW scf (and PW nscf for EELS).
15  !
16  USE lr_variables
17  USE lr_dav_variables
18  USE kinds,               ONLY : DP
19  USE io_files,            ONLY : tmp_dir, prefix, wfc_dir, create_directory
20  USE lsda_mod,            ONLY : current_spin, nspin, isk, lsda
21  USE control_flags,       ONLY : use_para_diag, tqr, gamma_only,&
22                                  & do_makov_payne
23  USE scf,                 ONLY : vltot, v, vrs, vnew, &
24                                  & destroy_scf_type, rho
25  USE fft_base,            ONLY : dfftp, dffts
26  USE gvecs,               ONLY : doublegrid
27  USE wvfct,               ONLY : nbnd, et, wg, current_k
28  USE lsda_mod,            ONLY : isk
29  USE ener,                ONLY : ef
30  USE io_global,           ONLY : ionode, ionode_id, stdout, meta_ionode, meta_ionode_id
31  USE klist,               ONLY : nks, wk, nelec, lgauss, ltetra
32  USE fixed_occ,           ONLY : tfixed_occ
33  USE symm_base,           ONLY : nosym
34  USE check_stop,          ONLY : max_seconds
35  USE realus,              ONLY : real_space, init_realspace_vars, generate_qpointlist, &
36                                  betapointlist
37  USE funct,               ONLY : dft_is_meta
38  USE charg_resp,          ONLY : w_T_prefix, omeg, w_T_npol, epsil
39  USE mp,                  ONLY : mp_bcast
40  USE mp_global,           ONLY : my_pool_id, intra_image_comm, &
41                                  & intra_bgrp_comm, nproc_image, &
42                                  & nproc_pool, nproc_pool_file, &
43                                  & nproc_image_file, nproc_bgrp, &
44                                  & nproc_bgrp_file, my_image_id
45  USE DFUNCT,              ONLY : newd
46  USE vlocal,              ONLY : strf
47  USE martyna_tuckerman,   ONLY : do_comp_mt
48  USE esm,                 ONLY : do_comp_esm
49  USE qpoint,              ONLY : xq
50  USE io_rho_xml,          ONLY : write_scf
51  USE mp_bands,            ONLY : ntask_groups
52  USE constants,           ONLY : eps4, rytoev
53  USE control_lr,          ONLY : lrpa, alpha_mix
54  USE mp_world,            ONLY : world_comm
57  !
58  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: wfcdir = 'undefined', outdir
59  CHARACTER(LEN=256), EXTERNAL :: trimcheck
60  !
61  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: beta_gamma_z_prefix
62  ! Fine control of beta_gamma_z file
63  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: disk_io
64  ! Specify the amount of I/O activities
65  CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: int_to_char
66  INTEGER :: ios, iunout, ierr, ipol
67  LOGICAL, EXTERNAL  :: check_para_diag
68  !
69  CHARACTER(LEN=80)          :: card
70  INTEGER :: i
71  !
72  NAMELIST / lr_input /   restart, restart_step ,lr_verbosity, prefix, outdir, &
73                        & test_case_no, wfcdir, disk_io, max_seconds
74  NAMELIST / lr_control / itermax, ipol, ltammd, lrpa,   &
75                        & charge_response, no_hxc, n_ipol, project,      &
76                        & scissor, pseudo_hermitian, d0psi_rs, lshift_d0psi, &
77                        & q1, q2, q3, approximation, calculator, alpha_mix, start, &
78                        & end, increment, epsil, units
79  NAMELIST / lr_post /    omeg, beta_gamma_z_prefix, w_T_npol, plot_type, epsil, itermax_int,sum_rule
80  namelist / lr_dav /     num_eign, num_init, num_basis_max, residue_conv_thr, precondition,         &
81                        & dav_debug, reference,single_pole, sort_contr, diag_of_h, close_pre,        &
82                        & broadening,print_spectrum,start,finish,step,if_check_orth, if_random_init, &
83                        & if_check_her,p_nbnd_occ,p_nbnd_virt,poor_of_ram,poor_of_ram2,max_iter,     &
84                        & conv_assistant,if_dft_spectrum,no_hxc,d0psi_rs,lshift_d0psi,               &
85                        & lplot_drho, vccouple_shift, ltammd
86  !
87#if defined(__MPI)
88  IF (ionode) THEN
90     !
91     ! Checking for the path to the output directory.
92     !
93     CALL get_environment_variable( 'ESPRESSO_TMPDIR', outdir )
94     IF ( trim( outdir ) == ' ' ) outdir = './'
95     !
96     ! Set default values for variables in namelist.
97     !
98     itermax = 500
99     restart = .FALSE.
100     restart_step = itermax+1
101     lr_verbosity = 1
102     prefix = 'pwscf'
103     disk_io = 'default'
104     ltammd = .FALSE.
105     d0psi_rs=.false.
106     lshift_d0psi = .true.
107     pseudo_hermitian=.true.
108     ipol = 1
109     n_ipol = 1
110     no_hxc = .FALSE.
111     lrpa = .false.
112     charge_response = 0
113     sum_rule = -99
114     test_case_no = 0
115     beta_gamma_z_prefix = 'undefined'
116     omeg= 0.0_DP
117     w_T_npol = 1
118     plot_type = 1
119     project = .FALSE.
120     max_seconds = 1.0E+7_DP
121     scissor = 0.d0
122     !
123     ! For EELS
124     !
125     q1 = 1.0d0
126     q2 = 1.0d0
127     q3 = 1.0d0
128     approximation = 'TDDFT'
129     calculator = 'lanczos'
130     !
131     ! Sternheimer
132     !
133     start_freq=1
134     last_freq=0
135     alpha_mix(:) = 0.0D0
136     alpha_mix(1) = 0.7D0
137     units = 0
138     end = 2.5D0
139     epsil = 0.02D0
140     increment = 0.001D0
141     !
142     ! For lr_dav (Davidson program)
143     !
144     num_eign=1
145     num_init=2
146     num_basis_max=20
147     broadening=0.005d0
148     residue_conv_thr=1.0E-4
149     close_pre=1.0E-5
150     turn2planb=1.0E-3
151     precondition=.true.
152     dav_debug=.false.
153     reference=0.0d0
154     vccouple_shift=0.0d0
155     single_pole=.false.
156     sort_contr=.true.
157     print_spectrum=.true.
158     start=0.0d0
159     finish=1.0d0
160     step=0.001d0
161     if_check_orth=.false.
162     if_check_her=.false.
163     if_random_init=.false.
164     p_nbnd_occ=10
165     p_nbnd_virt=10
166     poor_of_ram=.false.
167     poor_of_ram2=.false.
168     max_iter=100
169     conv_assistant=.false.
170     if_dft_spectrum=.false.
171     lplot_drho=.false.
172     !
173     !   Reading possible plugin arguments
174     !
175     CALL plugin_arguments()
176     !
177     !   Reading the namelist lr_input
178     !
179     CALL input_from_file( )
180     !
181     READ (5, lr_input, err = 200, iostat = ios)
182200  CALL errore ('lr_readin', 'reading lr_input namelist', ABS (ios) )
183     !
184     !   Reading the namelist lr_dav or lr_control
185     !
186     IF (davidson) THEN
187        READ (5, lr_dav, err = 201, iostat = ios)
188201     CALL errore ('lr_readin', 'reading lr_dav namelist', ABS (ios) )
189     ELSE
190        READ (5, lr_control, err = 202, iostat = ios)
191202     CALL errore ('lr_readin', 'reading lr_control namelist', ABS (ios) )
192     ENDIF
193     !
194     !   Reading the namelist lr_post (only for optical case)
195     !
196     IF (charge_response == 1 .AND. .NOT.eels) THEN
197        !
198        READ (5, lr_post, err = 203, iostat = ios)
199203     CALL errore ('lr_readin', 'reading lr_post namelist', ABS (ios) )
200        !
201        bgz_suffix = TRIM ( "-stage2.beta_gamma_z." )
202        WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"Prefix of current run is appended by -stage2")')
203        !
204        IF ( beta_gamma_z_prefix  == 'undefined' ) THEN
205             beta_gamma_z_prefix = TRIM(prefix)
206        ENDIF
207        !
208     ELSE
209        bgz_suffix = TRIM ( ".beta_gamma_z." )
210     ENDIF
211     !
212     ! The status of the real space flags should be read manually
213     !
214     ! Set-up all the dir and suffix variables.
215     !
216     outdir = trimcheck(outdir)
217     tmp_dir = outdir
218     !
219     !IF ( .NOT. TRIM( wfcdir ) == 'undefined' ) THEN
220     !   wfc_dir = trimcheck ( wfcdir )
221     !ENDIF
222     !
223     IF (.NOT.eels) THEN
224        w_T_prefix = TRIM( tmp_dir ) // &
225                   & TRIM( beta_gamma_z_prefix ) // ".beta_gamma_z."
226     ENDIF
227     !
228     ierr = 0
229     !
230     IF (eels) THEN
231        !
232        IF (n_ipol /= 1) THEN
233           WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"n_ipol /= 1 is not allowed for EELS.")')
234           WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Setting n_ipol = 1 ...")')
235           n_ipol = 1
236        ENDIF
237        IF (ipol /= 1) THEN
238           WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"ipol /= 1 is not allowed for EELS.")')
239           WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Setting ipol = 1 ...")')
240           ipol = 1
241        ENDIF
242        LR_polarization = 1
243        !
244     ELSE
245        !
246        ! Optics: set up polarization direction(s)
247        !
248        IF ( ipol==4 ) THEN
249           !
250           n_ipol = 3
251           LR_polarization = 1
252           !
253        ELSE
254           !
255           LR_polarization = ipol
256           !
257       ENDIF
258       !
259     ENDIF
260     !
261     IF (itermax_int < itermax) itermax_int = itermax
262     !
263     ! Limited disk_io support: currently only one setting is supported
264     !
265     SELECT CASE( TRIM( disk_io ) )
266     !
267     CASE ( 'reduced' )
268        !
269        lr_io_level = -1
270        restart  = .FALSE.
271        !
273        !
274        lr_io_level = 1
275        !
276     END SELECT
277     !
278     IF (eels) THEN
279        !
280        ! Level of approximation in turboEELS.
281        !
282        SELECT CASE( trim(approximation) )
283         !
284         CASE ( 'TDDFT' )
285           !
286           no_hxc = .FALSE.
287           lrpa   = .FALSE.
288           !
289         CASE ( 'IPA' )
290           !
291           no_hxc = .TRUE.
292           lrpa   = .TRUE.
293           !
294         CASE ( 'RPA_with_CLFE' )
295           !
296           no_hxc = .FALSE.
297           lrpa   = .TRUE.
298           !
299         CASE DEFAULT
300           !
301           CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'Approximation ' // &
302                & trim( approximation ) // ' not implemented', 1 )
303           !
304        END SELECT
305        !
306        ! We do this trick because xq is used in LR_Modules/dv_of_drho.f90
307        ! in the Hartree term ~1/|xq+k|^2
308        !
309        xq(1) = q1
310        xq(2) = q2
311        xq(3) = q3
312        !
313        IF ( (q1.lt.eps4) .AND. (q2.lt.eps4) .AND. (q3.lt.eps4) ) &
314           CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'The transferred momentum |q| is too small, the limit is not implemented.', 1 )
315        !
316     ENDIF
317     !
318#if defined(__MPI)
319  ENDIF
320  !
321  CALL bcast_lr_input
322  !
324  !
325  IF ( trim(calculator)=='sternheimer' ) THEN
326     nfs=0
327     nfs = ((end-start) / increment) + 1
328     if (nfs < 1) call errore('lr_readin','Too few frequencies',1)
329     ALLOCATE(fiu(nfs))
330     ALLOCATE(fru(nfs))
331     ALLOCATE(comp_f(nfs))
332     comp_f=.TRUE.
333     IF (units == 0) THEN
334        fru(1) =start
335        fru(nfs) = end
336        deltaf = increment
337     ELSEIF (units == 1) THEN
338        fru(1) =start/rytoev
339        fru(nfs) = end/rytoev
340        deltaf = increment/rytoev
341     ENDIF
342     fiu(:) = epsil
343     DO i=2,nfs-1
344        fru(i)=fru(1) + (i-1) * deltaf
345     ENDDO
346     IF (start_freq<=0) start_freq=1
347     IF (last_freq<=0.OR.last_freq>nfs) last_freq=nfs
348  ELSE
349     nfs=1
350     ALLOCATE(fru(1))
351     ALLOCATE(fiu(1))
352     ALLOCATE(comp_f(1))
353     fru=0.0_DP
354     fiu=0.0_DP
355     comp_f=.TRUE.
356  END IF
357  !
358  ! Required for restart runs as this never gets initialized.
359  !
360  current_k = 1
361  !
362  outdir = TRIM( tmp_dir ) // TRIM( prefix ) // '.save'
363  !
364  ! EELS: Create a temporary directory for nscf files, and for
365  ! writing of the turboEELS restart files.
366  !
367  IF (eels) THEN
368     tmp_dir_lr = TRIM (tmp_dir) // 'tmp_eels/'
369     CALL create_directory(tmp_dir_lr)
370  ENDIF
371  !
372  ! Now PWSCF XML file will be read, and various initialisations will be done.
373  ! Allocate space for PW scf variables, read and check them.
374  ! Optical case: the variables igk_k and ngk are set up through this path:
375  ! read_file -> init_igk.
376  ! EELS: the variables igk_k and ngk will be re-set up later (because there
377  ! will be not only poins k but also points k+q) through the path:
378  ! lr_run_nscf -> init_run -> allocate_wfc_k -> init_igk
379  !
380  CALL read_file()
381  !
382  IF (.NOT.eels .AND. (tqr .OR. real_space)) &
383     WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"Status of real space flags: TQR=", L5 , &
384                      & "  REAL_SPACE=", L5)') tqr, real_space
385  !
386  !   Set wfc_dir - this is done here because read_file sets wfc_dir = tmp_dir
387  !   FIXME:,if wfcdir is not present in input, wfc_dir is set to "undefined"
388  !   instead of tmp_dir, because of the logic used in the rest of TDDFPT
389  !
390  wfc_dir = trimcheck ( wfcdir )
391  !
392  IF (eels) THEN
393     !
394     ! Specify the temporary directory.
395     !
396     tmp_dir = tmp_dir_lr
397     !
398     ! Copy the scf-charge-density to the tmp_dir (PH/check_initial_status.f90).
399     ! Needed for the nscf calculation.
400     !
401     IF (.NOT.restart) CALL write_scf( rho, nspin )
402     !
403  ENDIF
404  !
405  ! Make sure all the features used in the PWscf calculation
406  ! are actually supported by TDDFPT.
407  !
408  CALL input_sanity()
409  !
410  ! Compute and add plugin contributions to SCF potential
411  !
412  CALL plugin_read_input("TD")
413  !
414  CALL plugin_initbase()
415  !
416  CALL plugin_init_ions()
417  !
418  CALL plugin_init_cell()
419  !
420  CALL plugin_init_potential( v%of_r(:,1) )
421  !
422  CALL plugin_scf_potential( rho, .FALSE., -1.D0, v%of_r(:,1) )
423  !
424  CALL plugin_clean( 'TD', .FALSE. )
425  !
426  !  Deallocate some variables created with read_file but not used in TDDFPT
427  !
428  DEALLOCATE( strf )
429  CALL destroy_scf_type(vnew)
430  !
431  ! Re-initialize all needed quantities from the scf run
432  ! I. Timrov: this was already done in read_file.
433  current_spin = 1
434  !
435  ! Now put the potential calculated in read_file into the correct place
436  ! and deallocate the redundant associated variables.
437  ! Set the total local potential vrs on the smooth mesh
438  ! adding the scf (Hartree + XC) part and the sum of
439  ! all the local pseudopotential contributions.
440  ! vrs = vltot + v%of_r
441  !
442  CALL set_vrs ( vrs, vltot, v%of_r, 0, 0, dfftp%nnr, nspin, doublegrid )
443  !
444  DEALLOCATE( vltot )
445  CALL destroy_scf_type(v)
446  !
447  ! Recalculate the weights of the Kohn-Sham orbitals.
448  ! (Should this not be a call to weights() to make this
449  ! less insulator specific?)
450  !
451  IF (.NOT.eels) CALL iweights( nks, wk, nbnd, nelec, et, ef, wg, 0, isk)
452  !
453  IF ( charge_response == 2 .AND. .NOT.eels) CALL lr_set_boxes_density()
454  !
455  ! Scalapack related stuff.
456  !
457  use_para_diag = check_para_diag( nbnd )
458  !
460  !
462  !
463  SUBROUTINE input_sanity()
464    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
465    !
466    ! This subroutine aims to gather all of the input sanity checks
467    ! (features enabled in PWscf which are unsupported in TDDFPT).
468    ! Written by Simone Binnie 2011
469    ! Modified by Iurii Timrov 2015
470    !
471    USE paw_variables,    ONLY : okpaw
472    USE uspp,             ONLY : okvan
473    USE funct,            ONLY : dft_is_hybrid
474    USE ldaU,             ONLY : lda_plus_u
477    !
478    !  Charge response mode 1 is the "do Lanczos chains twice, conserve memory" scheme.
479    !
480    IF (.NOT.eels) THEN
481       !
482       IF (charge_response == 1 .AND. ( omeg == 0.D0 .AND. sum_rule == -99 ) ) &
483           & CALL errore ('lr_readin', &
484           & 'omeg must be defined for charge response mode 1', 1 )
485       !
486       IF ( project .AND. charge_response /= 1) &
487           & CALL errore ('lr_readin', &
488           & 'projection is possible only in charge response mode 1', 1 )
489       !
490       IF (gamma_only) THEN
491          nosym=.true.
492          WRITE(stdout,*) "Symmetries are disabled for the gamma_only case"
493       ENDIF
494       !
495    ENDIF
496    !
497    !  Meta-DFT currently not supported by TDDFPT
498    !
499    IF (dft_is_meta()) CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'Meta DFT is not implemented yet', 1 )
500    !
501    ! Hubbard U is not supported
502    !
503    IF (lda_plus_u) CALL errore('lr_readin', 'TDDFPT with Hubbard U is not implemented',1)
504    !
505    !  Tetrahedron method and fixed occupations are not implemented.
506    !
507    IF (ltetra)                 CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'ltetra is not implemented', 1 )
508    IF (tfixed_occ)             CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'tfixed_occ is not implemented', 1 )
509    !
510    ! Some limitations of turboTDDFT (and not of turboEELS).
511    !
512    IF (.NOT. eels) THEN
513       !
514       !  Non-insulating systems currently not supported by turboTDDFPT, but
515       !  supported by turboEELS.
516       !
517       IF (lgauss) CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'turboTDDFT is not extended to metals', 1 )
518       !
519       ! Symmetry is not supported.
520       !
521       IF (.NOT.nosym ) CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'Linear response calculation' // &
522                                    & 'is not implemented with symmetry', 1 )
523       !
524       ! K-points are implemented but still unsupported (use at your own risk!)
525       !
526       IF (.NOT. gamma_only ) CALL errore('lr_readin', 'k-point algorithm is not tested yet',1)
527       !
528    ENDIF
529    !
530    ! No taskgroups and EXX.
531    !
532    IF (dffts%has_task_groups .AND. dft_is_hybrid()) &
533         & CALL errore( 'lr_readin', ' Linear response calculation ' // &
534         & 'not implemented for EXX+Task groups', 1 )
535    !
536    ! Experimental task groups warning.
537    !
538    IF (dffts%has_task_groups) &
539         & CALL infomsg( 'lr_readin','Usage of task &
540         & groups with TDDFPT is still experimental. Use at your own risk.' )
541    !      & CALL errore( 'lr_readin', ' Linear response calculation ' // &
542    !      & 'not implemented for task groups', 1 )
543    !
544    ! No PAW support.
545    !
546    IF (okpaw) &
547         & CALL errore( 'lr_readin', ' Linear response calculation ' // &
548         & 'not implemented for PAW', 1 )
549    !
550    ! No USPP+EXX support.
551    !
552    IF (okvan .AND. dft_is_hybrid()) &
553         & CALL errore( 'lr_readin', ' Linear response calculation ' // &
554         & 'not implemented for EXX+Ultrasoft', 1 )
555    !
556    ! Spin-polarised case is not implemented, but partially accounted in
557    ! some routines.
558    !
559    IF (lsda) CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'LSDA is not implemented', 1 )
560    !
561    IF (real_space)  THEN
562       IF (eels) THEN
563          CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'Option real_space=.true. is not implemented', 1 )
564       ELSE
565          CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'Option real_space=.true. is not tested', 1 )
566       ENDIF
567    ENDIF
568    !
569    ! EELS-related restrictions
570    !
571    IF (eels) THEN
572       !
573       IF (gamma_only)  CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'gamma_only is not supported', 1 )
574       !
575       ! Tamm-Dancoff approximation is not recommended to be used with EELS, and
576       ! thus it was not implemented.
577       !
578       IF (ltammd)      CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'EELS + Tamm-Dancoff approximation is not supported', 1 )
579       !
580       IF (project)     CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'project is not allowed', 1 )
581       IF (tqr)         CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'tqr is not supported', 1 )
582       IF (charge_response /= 0) CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'charge_response /= 0 is not allowed', 1 )
583       IF (dft_is_hybrid())    CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'EXX is not supported', 1 )
584       IF (do_comp_mt)  CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'Martyna-Tuckerman PBC is not supported.', 1 )
585       IF (d0psi_rs)    CALL errore( 'lr_readin', 'd0psi_rs is not allowed', 1 )
586       !
587       ! Note, all variables of the turboDavidson code cannot be used by turboEELS.
588       !
589       ! EELS + plugins is not supported.
590       !
591       CALL plugin_check('lr_readin')
592       !
593    ENDIF
594    !
595    RETURN
596    !
597  END SUBROUTINE input_sanity
598  !
599END SUBROUTINE lr_readin