1 //
2 //  Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Susan H. Leung and Greg Landrum
3 //
4 //   @@ All Rights Reserved @@
5 //  This file is part of the RDKit.
6 //  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
7 //  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
8 //  of the RDKit source tree.
9 //
10 #include "Tautomer.h"
11 #include "Fragment.h"
12 #include <GraphMol/MolStandardize/FragmentCatalog/FragmentCatalogUtils.h>
13 #include <GraphMol/SmilesParse/SmilesParse.h>
14 #include <GraphMol/SmilesParse/SmilesWrite.h>
15 #include <GraphMol/Substruct/SubstructMatch.h>
16 #include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <limits>
20 #include <boost/flyweight.hpp>
21 #include <boost/flyweight/key_value.hpp>
22 #include <boost/flyweight/no_tracking.hpp>
23 #include <utility>
28 #include <GraphMol/SmilesParse/SmartsWrite.h>
29 #endif
31 using namespace RDKit;
33 namespace RDKit {
35 namespace MolStandardize {
37 namespace TautomerScoringFunctions {
scoreRings(const ROMol & mol)38 int scoreRings(const ROMol &mol) {
39   int score = 0;
40   auto ringInfo = mol.getRingInfo();
41   std::unique_ptr<ROMol> cp;
42   if (!ringInfo->isInitialized()) {
43     cp.reset(new ROMol(mol));
44     MolOps::symmetrizeSSSR(*cp);
45     ringInfo = cp->getRingInfo();
46   }
47   boost::dynamic_bitset<> isArom(mol.getNumBonds());
48   boost::dynamic_bitset<> bothCarbon(mol.getNumBonds());
49   for (const auto &bnd : mol.bonds()) {
50     if (bnd->getIsAromatic()) {
51       isArom.set(bnd->getIdx());
52       if (bnd->getBeginAtom()->getAtomicNum() == 6 &&
53           bnd->getEndAtom()->getAtomicNum() == 6) {
54         bothCarbon.set(bnd->getIdx());
55       }
56     }
57   }
58   for (const auto &bring : ringInfo->bondRings()) {
59     bool allC = true;
60     bool allAromatic = true;
61     for (const auto bidx : bring) {
62       if (!isArom[bidx]) {
63         allAromatic = false;
64         break;
65       }
66       if (!bothCarbon[bidx]) {
67         allC = false;
68       }
69     }
70     if (allAromatic) {
71       score += 100;
72       if (allC) {
73         score += 150;
74       }
75     }
76   }
77   return score;
78 };
80 struct smarts_mol_holder {
81   std::string d_smarts;
82   ROMOL_SPTR dp_mol;
smarts_mol_holderRDKit::MolStandardize::TautomerScoringFunctions::smarts_mol_holder83   smarts_mol_holder(const std::string &smarts) : d_smarts(smarts) {
84     dp_mol.reset(SmartsToMol(smarts));
85   }
86 };
88 typedef boost::flyweight<
89     boost::flyweights::key_value<std::string, smarts_mol_holder>,
90     boost::flyweights::no_tracking>
91     smarts_mol_flyweight;
93 struct SubstructTerm {
94   std::string name;
95   std::string smarts;
96   int score;
97   ROMOL_SPTR matcher;
SubstructTermRDKit::MolStandardize::TautomerScoringFunctions::SubstructTerm98   SubstructTerm(std::string aname, std::string asmarts, int ascore)
99       : name(std::move(aname)), smarts(std::move(asmarts)), score(ascore) {
100     matcher = smarts_mol_flyweight(smarts).get().dp_mol;
101   };
102 };
scoreSubstructs(const ROMol & mol)104 int scoreSubstructs(const ROMol &mol) {
105   // a note on efficiency here: we'll construct the SubstructTerm objects here
106   // repeatedly, but the SMARTS parsing for each entry will only be done once
107   // since we're using the boost::flyweights above to cache them
108   const std::vector<SubstructTerm> substructureTerms{
109       {"benzoquinone", "[#6]1([#6]=[#6][#6]([#6]=[#6]1)=,:[N,S,O])=,:[N,S,O]",
110        25},
111       {"oxim", "[#6]=[N][OH]", 4},
112       {"C=O", "[#6]=,:[#8]", 2},
113       {"N=O", "[#7]=,:[#8]", 2},
114       {"P=O", "[#15]=,:[#8]", 2},
115       {"C=hetero", "[C]=[!#1;!#6]", 1},
116       {"C(=hetero)-hetero", "[C](=[!#1;!#6])[!#1;!#6]", 2},
117       {"aromatic C = exocyclic N", "[c]=!@[N]", -1},
118       {"methyl", "[CX4H3]", 1},
119       {"guanidine terminal=N", "[#7]C(=[NR0])[#7H0]", 1},
120       {"guanidine endocyclic=N", "[#7;R][#6;R]([N])=[#7;R]", 2},
121       {"aci-nitro", "[#6]=[N+]([O-])[OH]", -4}};
122   int score = 0;
123   for (const auto &term : substructureTerms) {
124     if (!term.matcher) {
125       BOOST_LOG(rdErrorLog) << " matcher for term " << term.name
126                             << " is invalid, ignoring it." << std::endl;
127       continue;
128     }
129     SubstructMatchParameters params;
130     const auto matches = SubstructMatch(mol, *term.matcher, params);
131     // if (!matches.empty()) {
132     //   std::cerr << " " << matches.size() << " matches to " << term.name
133     //             << std::endl;
134     // }
135     score += static_cast<int>(matches.size()) * term.score;
136   }
137   return score;
138 }
scoreHeteroHs(const ROMol & mol)140 int scoreHeteroHs(const ROMol &mol) {
141   int score = 0;
142   for (const auto &at : mol.atoms()) {
143     int anum = at->getAtomicNum();
144     if (anum == 15 || anum == 16 || anum == 34 || anum == 52) {
145       score -= at->getTotalNumHs();
146     }
147   }
148   return score;
149 }
150 }  // namespace TautomerScoringFunctions
TautomerEnumerator(const CleanupParameters & params)152 TautomerEnumerator::TautomerEnumerator(const CleanupParameters &params)
153     : d_maxTautomers(params.maxTautomers),
154       d_maxTransforms(params.maxTransforms),
155       d_removeSp3Stereo(params.tautomerRemoveSp3Stereo),
156       d_removeBondStereo(params.tautomerRemoveBondStereo),
157       d_removeIsotopicHs(params.tautomerRemoveIsotopicHs),
158       d_reassignStereo(params.tautomerReassignStereo) {
159   TautomerCatalogParams tautParams(params.tautomerTransforms);
160   dp_catalog.reset(new TautomerCatalog(&tautParams));
161 }
setTautomerStereoAndIsoHs(const ROMol & mol,ROMol & taut,const TautomerEnumeratorResult & res) const163 bool TautomerEnumerator::setTautomerStereoAndIsoHs(
164     const ROMol &mol, ROMol &taut, const TautomerEnumeratorResult &res) const {
165   bool modified = false;
166   for (auto atom : mol.atoms()) {
167     auto atomIdx = atom->getIdx();
168     if (!res.d_modifiedAtoms.test(atomIdx)) {
169       continue;
170     }
171     auto tautAtom = taut.getAtomWithIdx(atomIdx);
172     // clear chiral tag on sp2 atoms (also sp3 if d_removeSp3Stereo is true)
173     if (tautAtom->getHybridization() == Atom::SP2 || d_removeSp3Stereo) {
174       modified |= (tautAtom->getChiralTag() != Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED);
175       tautAtom->setChiralTag(Atom::CHI_UNSPECIFIED);
176       if (tautAtom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode)) {
177         tautAtom->clearProp(common_properties::_CIPCode);
178       }
179     } else {
180       modified |= (tautAtom->getChiralTag() != atom->getChiralTag());
181       tautAtom->setChiralTag(atom->getChiralTag());
182       if (atom->hasProp(common_properties::_CIPCode)) {
183         tautAtom->setProp(
184             common_properties::_CIPCode,
185             atom->getProp<std::string>(common_properties::_CIPCode));
186       }
187     }
188     // remove isotopic Hs if present (and if d_removeIsotopicHs is true)
189     if (tautAtom->hasProp(common_properties::_isotopicHs) &&
190         (d_removeIsotopicHs || !tautAtom->getTotalNumHs())) {
191       tautAtom->clearProp(common_properties::_isotopicHs);
192     }
193   }
194   // remove stereochemistry on bonds that are part of a tautomeric path
195   for (auto bond : mol.bonds()) {
196     auto bondIdx = bond->getIdx();
197     if (!res.d_modifiedBonds.test(bondIdx)) {
198       continue;
199     }
200     std::vector<unsigned int> bondsToClearDirs;
201     if (bond->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE &&
202         bond->getStereo() > Bond::STEREOANY) {
203       // look around the beginning and end atoms and check for bonds with
204       // direction set
205       for (auto atom : {bond->getBeginAtom(), bond->getEndAtom()}) {
206         for (const auto &nbri :
207              boost::make_iterator_range(mol.getAtomBonds(atom))) {
208           const auto &obnd = mol[nbri];
209           if (obnd->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDDOWNRIGHT ||
210               obnd->getBondDir() == Bond::ENDUPRIGHT) {
211             bondsToClearDirs.push_back(obnd->getIdx());
212           }
213         }
214       }
215     }
216     auto tautBond = taut.getBondWithIdx(bondIdx);
217     if (tautBond->getBondType() != Bond::DOUBLE || d_removeBondStereo) {
218       modified |= (tautBond->getStereo() != Bond::STEREONONE);
219       tautBond->setStereo(Bond::STEREONONE);
220       tautBond->getStereoAtoms().clear();
221       for (auto bi : bondsToClearDirs) {
222         taut.getBondWithIdx(bi)->setBondDir(Bond::NONE);
223       }
224     } else {
225       const INT_VECT &sa = bond->getStereoAtoms();
226       modified |= (tautBond->getStereo() != bond->getStereo() ||
227                    sa.size() != tautBond->getStereoAtoms().size());
228       if (sa.size() == 2) {
229         tautBond->setStereoAtoms(sa.front(), sa.back());
230       }
231       tautBond->setStereo(bond->getStereo());
232       for (auto bi : bondsToClearDirs) {
233         taut.getBondWithIdx(bi)->setBondDir(
234             mol.getBondWithIdx(bi)->getBondDir());
235       }
236     }
237   }
238   if (d_reassignStereo) {
239     static const bool cleanIt = true;
240     static const bool force = true;
241     MolOps::assignStereochemistry(taut, cleanIt, force);
242   } else {
243     taut.setProp(common_properties::_StereochemDone, 1);
244   }
245   return modified;
246 }
enumerate(const ROMol & mol,boost::dynamic_bitset<> * modifiedAtoms,boost::dynamic_bitset<> * modifiedBonds) const248 std::vector<ROMOL_SPTR> TautomerEnumerator::enumerate(
249     const ROMol &mol, boost::dynamic_bitset<> *modifiedAtoms,
250     boost::dynamic_bitset<> *modifiedBonds) const {
251   TautomerEnumeratorResult tresult = enumerate(mol);
252   if (modifiedAtoms) {
253     *modifiedAtoms = tresult.modifiedAtoms();
254   }
255   if (modifiedBonds) {
256     *modifiedBonds = tresult.modifiedBonds();
257   }
258   return tresult.tautomers();
259 }
enumerate(const ROMol & mol) const261 TautomerEnumeratorResult TautomerEnumerator::enumerate(const ROMol &mol) const {
263   std::cout << "**********************************" << std::endl;
264 #endif
265   PRECONDITION(dp_catalog, "no catalog!");
266   const TautomerCatalogParams *tautparams = dp_catalog->getCatalogParams();
267   PRECONDITION(tautparams, "");
269   TautomerEnumeratorResult res;
271   const std::vector<TautomerTransform> &transforms =
272       tautparams->getTransforms();
274   // Enumerate all possible tautomers and return them as a vector.
275   // smi is the input molecule SMILES
276   std::string smi = MolToSmiles(mol, true);
277   // taut is a copy of the input molecule
278   ROMOL_SPTR taut(new ROMol(mol));
279   // Create a kekulized form of the molecule to match the SMARTS against
280   RWMOL_SPTR kekulized(new RWMol(mol));
281   MolOps::Kekulize(*kekulized, false);
282   res.d_tautomers = {{smi, Tautomer(taut, kekulized, 0, 0)}};
283   res.d_modifiedAtoms.resize(mol.getNumAtoms());
284   res.d_modifiedBonds.resize(mol.getNumBonds());
285   bool completed = false;
286   bool bailOut = false;
287   unsigned int nTransforms = 0;
288   static const std::array<const char *, 4> statusMsg{
289       "completed", "max tautomers reached", "max transforms reached",
290       "canceled"};
292   while (!completed && !bailOut) {
293     // std::map automatically sorts res.d_tautomers into alphabetical order
294     // (SMILES)
295     for (auto &smilesTautomerPair : res.d_tautomers) {
297       std::cout << "Current tautomers: " << std::endl;
298       for (const auto &smilesTautomerPair : res.d_tautomers) {
299         std::cout << smilesTautomerPair.first << " done "
300                   << smilesTautomerPair.second.d_done << std::endl;
301       }
302 #endif
303       std::string tsmiles;
304       if (smilesTautomerPair.second.d_done) {
306         std::cout << "Skipping " << smilesTautomerPair.first << " as already done" << std::endl;
307 #endif
308         continue;
309       }
311       std::cout << "Looking at tautomer: " << smilesTautomerPair.first
312                 << std::endl;
313 #endif
314       // tautomer not yet done
315       for (const auto &transform : transforms) {
316         if (bailOut) {
317           break;
318         }
319         // kmol is the kekulized version of the tautomer
320         const auto &kmol = smilesTautomerPair.second.kekulized;
321         std::vector<MatchVectType> matches;
322         unsigned int matched =
323             SubstructMatch(*kmol, *(transform.Mol), matches);
325         if (!matched) {
326           continue;
327         }
328         ++nTransforms;
330         std::string name;
331         (transform.Mol)->getProp(common_properties::_Name, name);
332         std::cout << "kmol for " << smilesTautomerPair.first << " : " << MolToSmiles(*kmol) << std::endl;
333         std::cout << "transform mol: " << MolToSmarts(*(transform.Mol))
334                   << std::endl;
336         std::cout << "Matched: " << name << std::endl;
337 #endif
338         // loop over transform matches
339         for (const auto &match : matches) {
340           if (nTransforms >= d_maxTransforms) {
341             res.d_status = TautomerEnumeratorStatus::MaxTransformsReached;
342             bailOut = true;
343           } else if (res.d_tautomers.size() >= d_maxTautomers) {
344             res.d_status = TautomerEnumeratorStatus::MaxTautomersReached;
345             bailOut = true;
346           } else if (d_callback.get() && !(*d_callback)(mol, res)) {
347             res.d_status = TautomerEnumeratorStatus::Canceled;
348             bailOut = true;
349           }
350           if (bailOut) {
351             break;
352           }
353           // Create a copy of in the input molecule so we can modify it
354           // Use kekule form so bonds are explicitly single/double instead of
355           // aromatic
356           RWMOL_SPTR product(new RWMol(*kmol));
357           // Remove a hydrogen from the first matched atom and add one to the
358           // last
359           int firstIdx = match.front().second;
360           int lastIdx = match.back().second;
361           Atom *first = product->getAtomWithIdx(firstIdx);
362           Atom *last = product->getAtomWithIdx(lastIdx);
363           res.d_modifiedAtoms.set(firstIdx);
364           res.d_modifiedAtoms.set(lastIdx);
365           first->setNumExplicitHs(
366               std::max(0, static_cast<int>(first->getTotalNumHs()) - 1));
367           last->setNumExplicitHs(last->getTotalNumHs() + 1);
368           // Remove any implicit hydrogens from the first and last atoms
369           // now we have set the count explicitly
370           first->setNoImplicit(true);
371           last->setNoImplicit(true);
372           // Adjust bond orders
373           unsigned int bi = 0;
374           for (size_t i = 0; i < match.size() - 1; ++i) {
375             Bond *bond = product->getBondBetweenAtoms(match[i].second,
376                                                       match[i + 1].second);
377             ASSERT_INVARIANT(bond, "required bond not found");
378             // check if bonds is specified in tautomer.in file
379             if (!transform.BondTypes.empty()) {
380               bond->setBondType(transform.BondTypes[bi]);
381               ++bi;
382             } else {
383               Bond::BondType bondtype = bond->getBondType();
385               std::cout << "Bond as double: " << bond->getBondTypeAsDouble()
386                         << std::endl;
387               std::cout << bondtype << std::endl;
388 #endif
389               if (bondtype == Bond::SINGLE) {
390                 bond->setBondType(Bond::DOUBLE);
392                 std::cout << "Set bond to double" << std::endl;
393 #endif
394               }
395               if (bondtype == Bond::DOUBLE) {
396                 bond->setBondType(Bond::SINGLE);
398                 std::cout << "Set bond to single" << std::endl;
399 #endif
400               }
401             }
402             res.d_modifiedBonds.set(bond->getIdx());
403           }
404           // TODO adjust charges
405           if (!transform.Charges.empty()) {
406             unsigned int ci = 0;
407             for (const auto &pair : match) {
408               Atom *atom = product->getAtomWithIdx(pair.second);
409               atom->setFormalCharge(atom->getFormalCharge() +
410                                     transform.Charges[ci++]);
411             }
412           }
414           unsigned int failedOp;
415           MolOps::sanitizeMol(*product, failedOp,
416                               MolOps::SANITIZE_KEKULIZE |
417                                   MolOps::SANITIZE_SETAROMATICITY |
418                                   MolOps::SANITIZE_SETCONJUGATION |
419                                   MolOps::SANITIZE_SETHYBRIDIZATION |
420                                   MolOps::SANITIZE_ADJUSTHS);
422           std::cout << "pre-setTautomerStereo: " << MolToSmiles(*product, true)
423                     << std::endl;
424 #endif
425           setTautomerStereoAndIsoHs(mol, *product, res);
426           tsmiles = MolToSmiles(*product, true);
428           (transform.Mol)->getProp(common_properties::_Name, name);
429           std::cout << "Applied rule: " << name << " to " << smilesTautomerPair.first
430                     << std::endl;
431 #endif
432           if (res.d_tautomers.find(tsmiles) != res.d_tautomers.end()) {
434             std::cout << "Previous tautomer produced again: " << tsmiles
435                       << std::endl;
436 #endif
437             continue;
438           }
439           // in addition to the above transformations, sanitization may modify
440           // bonds, e.g. Cc1nc2ccccc2[nH]1
441           for (size_t i = 0; i < mol.getNumBonds(); i++) {
442             auto molBondType = mol.getBondWithIdx(i)->getBondType();
443             auto tautBondType = product->getBondWithIdx(i)->getBondType();
444             if (molBondType != tautBondType && !res.d_modifiedBonds.test(i)) {
446               std::cout << "Sanitization has modified bond " << i
447                         << std::endl;
448 #endif
449               res.d_modifiedBonds.set(i);
450             }
451           }
452           RWMOL_SPTR kekulized_product(new RWMol(*product));
453           MolOps::Kekulize(*kekulized_product, false);
455           auto it = res.d_tautomers.find(tsmiles);
456           if (it == res.d_tautomers.end()) {
457             std::cout << "New tautomer added as ";
458           } else {
459             std::cout << "New tautomer replaced for ";
460           }
461           std::cout << tsmiles << ", taut: " << MolToSmiles(*product)
462                     << ", kek: " << MolToSmiles(*kekulized_product, true, true)
463                     << std::endl;
464 #endif
465           res.d_tautomers[tsmiles] = Tautomer(
466               std::move(product), std::move(kekulized_product),
467               res.d_modifiedAtoms.count(), res.d_modifiedBonds.count());
468         }
469       }
470       smilesTautomerPair.second.d_done = true;
471     }
472     completed = true;
473     size_t maxNumModifiedAtoms = res.d_modifiedAtoms.count();
474     size_t maxNumModifiedBonds = res.d_modifiedBonds.count();
475     for (auto it = res.d_tautomers.begin(); it != res.d_tautomers.end();) {
476       auto &taut = it->second;
477       if (!taut.d_done) {
478         completed = false;
479       }
480       if ((taut.d_numModifiedAtoms < maxNumModifiedAtoms ||
481            taut.d_numModifiedBonds < maxNumModifiedBonds) &&
482           setTautomerStereoAndIsoHs(mol, *taut.tautomer, res)) {
483         Tautomer tautStored = std::move(taut);
484         it = res.d_tautomers.erase(it);
485         tautStored.d_numModifiedAtoms = maxNumModifiedAtoms;
486         tautStored.d_numModifiedBonds = maxNumModifiedBonds;
487         auto insertRes = res.d_tautomers.insert(std::make_pair(
488             MolToSmiles(*tautStored.tautomer), std::move(tautStored)));
489         if (insertRes.second) {
490           it = insertRes.first;
491         }
492       } else {
493         ++it;
494       }
495     }
496     if (bailOut && res.d_tautomers.size() < d_maxTautomers &&
497         res.d_status == TautomerEnumeratorStatus::MaxTautomersReached) {
498       res.d_status = TautomerEnumeratorStatus::Completed;
499       bailOut = false;
500     }
501   }  // while
502   res.fillTautomersItVec();
503   if (!completed) {
504     BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog)
505         << "Tautomer enumeration stopped at " << res.d_tautomers.size()
506         << " tautomers: " << statusMsg.at(static_cast<size_t>(res.d_status))
507         << std::endl;
508   }
510   return res;
511 }
513 // pickCanonical non-templated overload that avoids recomputing SMILES
pickCanonical(const TautomerEnumeratorResult & tautRes,boost::function<int (const ROMol & mol)> scoreFunc) const514 ROMol *TautomerEnumerator::pickCanonical(
515     const TautomerEnumeratorResult &tautRes,
516     boost::function<int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc) const {
517   ROMOL_SPTR bestMol;
518   if (tautRes.d_tautomers.size() == 1) {
519     bestMol = tautRes.d_tautomers.begin()->second.tautomer;
520   } else {
521     // Calculate score for each tautomer
522     int bestScore = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
523     std::string bestSmiles = "";
524     for (const auto &t : tautRes.d_tautomers) {
525       auto score = scoreFunc(*t.second.tautomer);
527       std::cerr << "  " << t.first << " " << score << std::endl;
528 #endif
529       if (score > bestScore) {
530         bestScore = score;
531         bestSmiles = t.first;
532         bestMol = t.second.tautomer;
533       } else if (score == bestScore) {
534         if (t.first < bestSmiles) {
535           bestSmiles = t.first;
536           bestMol = t.second.tautomer;
537         }
538       }
539     }
540   }
541   ROMol *res = new ROMol(*bestMol);
542   static const bool cleanIt = true;
543   static const bool force = true;
544   MolOps::assignStereochemistry(*res, cleanIt, force);
546   return res;
547 }
canonicalize(const ROMol & mol,boost::function<int (const ROMol & mol)> scoreFunc) const549 ROMol *TautomerEnumerator::canonicalize(
550     const ROMol &mol, boost::function<int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc) const {
551   auto thisCopy = TautomerEnumerator(*this);
552   thisCopy.setReassignStereo(false);
553   auto res = thisCopy.enumerate(mol);
554   if (res.empty()) {
555     BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog)
556         << "no tautomers found, returning input molecule" << std::endl;
557     return new ROMol(mol);
558   }
559   return pickCanonical(res, scoreFunc);
560 }
562 }  // namespace MolStandardize
563 }  // namespace RDKit