1import os, sys, unittest, doctest
2import gzip
3from rdkit import RDConfig, rdBase
4from rdkit import Chem
5from rdkit import __version__
6import sys
8class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
9    def testMultiSmiMolSupplier(self):
10        fileN = os.path.join(RDConfig.RDBaseDir, 'Code', 'GraphMol',
11                             'FileParsers', 'test_data', 'first_200.tpsa.csv')
12        # fileN = "../FileParsers/test_data/first_200.tpsa.csv"
13        smiSup = Chem.MultithreadedSmilesMolSupplier(fileN, ",", 0, - 1)
14        i = 0
15        while not smiSup.atEnd():
16            mol = next(smiSup)
17            if(mol):
18                i += 1
19        self.assertTrue(i == 200)
20        fileN = os.path.join(RDConfig.RDBaseDir, 'Code', 'GraphMol',
21                             'FileParsers', 'test_data', 'fewSmi.csv')
22        # fileN = "../FileParsers/test_data/fewSmi.csv"
23        smiSup = Chem.MultithreadedSmilesMolSupplier(
24            fileN, delimiter=",", smilesColumn=1, nameColumn=0, titleLine=0)
25        names = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]
26        props = ["34.14", "25.78", "106.51", "82.78", "60.16",
27            "87.74", "37.38", "77.28", "65.18", "0.00"]
28        confusedNames = []
29        confusedProps = []
30        i = 0
31        for mol in smiSup:
32            if mol is not None:
33                self.assertTrue(mol.HasProp("_Name"))
34                self.assertTrue(mol.HasProp("Column_2"))
35                prop = mol.GetProp("Column_2")
36                name = mol.GetProp("_Name")
37                confusedProps.append(prop)
38                confusedNames.append(name)
39                i += 1
40        self.assertTrue(i == 10)
41        self.assertTrue(sorted(confusedNames) == sorted(names))
42        self.assertTrue(sorted(confusedProps) == sorted(props))
44        # context manager
45        confusedNames = []
46        confusedProps = []
47        i = 0
48        with Chem.MultithreadedSmilesMolSupplier(fileN,delimiter=",", smilesColumn=1,
49                  nameColumn=0, titleLine=0) as smiSup:
50            for mol in smiSup:
51                if mol is not None:
52                    self.assertTrue(mol.HasProp("_Name"))
53                    self.assertTrue(mol.HasProp("Column_2"))
54                    prop = mol.GetProp("Column_2")
55                    name = mol.GetProp("_Name")
56                    confusedProps.append(prop)
57                    confusedNames.append(name)
58                    i += 1
59            self.assertTrue(i == 10)
60            self.assertTrue(sorted(confusedNames) == sorted(names))
61            self.assertTrue(sorted(confusedProps) == sorted(props))
64    def testMultiSDMolSupplier(self):
65        fileN = os.path.join(RDConfig.RDBaseDir, 'Code', 'GraphMol',
66                             'FileParsers', 'test_data', 'NCI_aids_few.sdf')
67        # fileN = "../FileParsers/test_data/NCI_aids_few.sdf"
68        sdSup = Chem.MultithreadedSDMolSupplier(fileN)
69        molNames = ["48", "78", "128", "163", "164", "170", "180", "186",
70            "192", "203", "210", "211", "213", "220", "229", "256"]
71        confusedMolNames = []
72        i = 0
73        for mol in sdSup:
74            if mol is not None:
75                confusedMolNames.append(mol.GetProp("_Name"))
76                i += 1
77        self.assertTrue(len(molNames) == i)
78        self.assertTrue(sorted(confusedMolNames) == sorted(molNames))
80        # context manager
81        confusedMolNames = []
82        i = 0
83        with Chem.MultithreadedSDMolSupplier(fileN) as sdSup:
84            for mol in sdSup:
85                if mol is not None:
86                    confusedMolNames.append(mol.GetProp("_Name"))
87                    i += 1
88        self.assertTrue(len(molNames) == i)
89        self.assertTrue(sorted(confusedMolNames) == sorted(molNames))
95    # NOTE these are disabled until we rewrite the code to construct a
96    #      MultithreadedSDMolSupplier from a python stream
97    @unittest.skip("Skipping construction from stream")
98    def testMultiSDMolSupplierFromStream(self):
99        fileN = os.path.join(RDConfig.RDBaseDir, 'Code', 'GraphMol',
100                             'FileParsers', 'test_data', 'NCI_aids_few.sdf')
101        molNames = ["48", "78", "128", "163", "164", "170", "180", "186",
102            "192", "203", "210", "211", "213", "220", "229", "256"]
103        # try opening with streambuf
104        inf = open(fileN,'rb')
105        if(inf):
106          gSup = Chem.SDMolSupplierFromStream(inf)
107          confusedMolNames = []
108          i = 0
109          for mol in gSup:
110            # print("!!",i,file=sys.stderr);sys.stderr.flush()
111            if(mol):
112              confusedMolNames.append(mol.GetProp("_Name"))
113              i += 1
114          self.assertTrue(len(molNames) == i)
115          self.assertTrue(sorted(confusedMolNames) == sorted(molNames))
116        #   print("done!",file=sys.stderr);sys.stderr.flush()
117        # try opening with streambuf
118        fileN = os.path.join(RDConfig.RDBaseDir, 'Code', 'GraphMol', 'FileParsers', 'test_data',
119                         'NCI_aids_few.sdf.gz')
120        # try opening with gzip
121        inf = gzip.open(fileN)
122        if(inf):
123          gSup = Chem.SDMolSupplierFromStream(inf)
124          confusedMolNames = []
125          i = 0
126          for mol in gSup:
127            # print("!",i,file=sys.stderr);sys.stderr.flush()
128            if(mol):
129              confusedMolNames.append(mol.GetProp("_Name"))
130              i += 1
131          self.assertTrue(len(molNames) == i)
132          self.assertTrue(sorted(confusedMolNames) == sorted(molNames))
137if __name__ == '__main__':
138    print("Testing Smiles and SD MultithreadedMolSupplier")
139    unittest.main()