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BiCG.cH A D07-Sep-20218.9 KiB346139

BiCGSTAB.cH A D07-Sep-20219 KiB352166

CG.cH A D07-Sep-20216.5 KiB273109

CGS.cH A D07-Sep-20218.5 KiB341149

Cheby.cH A D07-Sep-20216.4 KiB266105

GMRES.cH A D07-Sep-202111.3 KiB447205

Jacobi.cH A D07-Sep-20215.4 KiB22279

LICENSEH A D07-Sep-20211.3 KiB2823

MatGen.cH A D07-Sep-202121.7 KiB1,018483

MatVec.cH A D07-Sep-20211.5 KiB8332

PSolve.cH A D07-Sep-20218.9 KiB431194

QMR.cH A D07-Sep-202113.3 KiB506262

READMEH A D07-Sep-2021490 128

SOR.cH A D07-Sep-20216.9 KiB27099

Tester.cH A D07-Sep-202149.2 KiB1,8151,400

Utils.cH A D07-Sep-202111 KiB530319

dblas.cH A D07-Sep-202194.9 KiB4,3802,660

dlapack.cH A D07-Sep-2021213.3 KiB8,7244,347

dnsychk.cH A D07-Sep-202113.1 KiB510337

dspdchk.cH A D07-Sep-202115.6 KiB593402

f2c.hH A D07-Sep-20214.2 KiB227185

test.dataH A D07-Sep-20211.7 KiB5142

test.resultsH A D07-Sep-20218.9 KiB254204


1This code is from: http://www.netlib.no/netlib/templates/index.html
3Permission was granted via email by the author, Jack Dongarra, to
4incorporate into Siconos any other package under the terms of the
5Modified BSD license, found in the file LICENSE in this directory.
7Statement from Jack Dongarra via personal communication with Stephen
8Sinclair, April 5, 2018:
10"All the software is licensed under the Modified BSD license. So you
11are free to use it and incorporate it into any package."