4! MODULE m_vdwxc
5! Implements the nonlocal correlation energy part of the van der Waals density
6! functional of M.Dion et al, PRL 92, 246401 (2004):
7!   Enlc = (1/2) Int Int dr1 dr2 rho(r1) phi(q1*r12,q2*r12) rho(r2)
8! with r12=|r2-r1|, q1=q0(rho(r1),grad_rho(r1)), q2=q0(rho(r2),grad_rho(r2)),
9! where rho(r) is the electron density at point r, grad_rho(r) its gradient,
10! and q0(rho,grad_rho) and phi(d1,d2) are universal functions defined in
11! Eqs.(11-12) and (14-16) of Dion et al.
12! Using separate module m_vv_vdwxc, it implements also the similar functional
13! of Vydrov and Van Voorhis. See that module for more information.
14! Refs: M.Dion et al, PRL 92, 246401 (2004)
15!       J.Klimes et al, JPCM 22, 022201 (2009)
16!       V.R.Cooper, PRB 81, 161104(R) (2010)
17!       K.Lee et al, PRB 82, 081101 (2010)
18!       O.A.Vydrov and T.VanVoorhis, JCP 133, 244103 (2010)
19!       G.Roman-Perez and J.M.Soler, PRL 103, 096102 (2009)
20! Written by J.M.Soler. July 2007 - April 2010 and July 2012.
22! Used module procedures:
23!  use sys,         only: die               ! termination routine
24!  use mesh1D,      only: derivative        ! Derivative of a function in a mesh
25!  use m_ggaxc      only: ggaxc             ! General GGA XC routine
26!  use m_ldaxc,     only: ldaxc             ! General LDA XC routine
27!  use mesh1D,      only: integral          ! Integral of a function in a mesh
28!  use mesh1D,      only: get_mesh          ! Returns the mesh points
29!  use mesh1D,      only: get_n             ! Returns the number of mesh points
30!  use m_radfft,    only: radfft            ! Radial fast Fourier transform
31!  use mesh1D,      only: set_interpolation ! Sets interpolation method
32!  use mesh1D,      only: set_mesh          ! Sets a 1D mesh
33!  use interpolation, only: spline            ! Sets spline interpolation
34!  use interpolation, only: splint            ! Calculates spline interpolation
35!  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_beta       ! Parameter beta of VV2010 functionl
36!  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_theta      ! Func. theta of VV2010 functional
37!  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_get_kmesh  ! Size and values of (kf,kg) mesh
38!  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_phi        ! Interpolate rho1*rho2*phi(k1,k2,k)
39!  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_set_kcut   ! Sets the planewave cutoff kc
41! Used module parameters:
42!   use precision,  only: dp                ! Real double precision type
44! Public procedures available from this module:
45!   vdw_decusp    : Energy due to the softening of the VdW kernel cusp
46!   vdw_get_qmesh : Returns size and values of q-mesh
47!   vdw_localxc   : LDA/GGA xc part apropriate for the used vdW flavour
48!   vdw_phi       : Finds and interpolates phi(q1,q2,k)
49!   vdw_set_author: Sets the vdW functional flavour (author initials)
50!   vdw_set_kcut  : Sets the planewave cutoff kc of the integration grid
51!   vdw_theta     : Finds function theta_q(rho,grad_rho)
53! Public types, parameters, variables, and arrays:
54!   None
56! Units:
57!   All lengths and energies in atomic units (Bohr, Hartree)
59! subroutine vdw_decusp( nspin, rhos, grhos, eps, dedrho, dedgrho )
60!   Finds the local energy correction due to the softening of the VdW kernel
61!   cusp, defined as eps(rho,grad_rho) =
62!   (1/2) * rho * Int 4*pi*r**2*dr * (phi(q1*r,q2*r) - phi_soft(q1*r,q2*r))
63!   where q1=q2=q0(rho,grad_rho). Notice that grad_rho is included in the value
64!   of q0 at the origin but not in the change of rho(r) in the integrand.
65!   phi_soft(d1,d2) is a softened version of the nonlocal VdW kernel phi(d1,d2)
66!   (Eq.(14) of Dion et al) in which the logarithmic divergence at d1=d2=0 is
67!   substituted by a smooth analytic function of the form defined in vdw_phi
68! Arguments:
69!   integer, intent(in) :: nspin            ! Number of spin components
70!   real(dp),intent(in) :: rhos(nspin)      ! Electron spin density
71!   real(dp),intent(in) :: grhos(3,nspin)   ! Spin density gradient
72!   real(dp),intent(out):: eps              ! Energy correction per electron
73!   real(dp),intent(out):: dedrho(nspin)    ! d(rho*eps)/d(rho)
74!   real(dp),intent(out):: dedgrho(3,nspin) ! d(rho*eps)/d(grad_rho)
75! Notes:
76! - Requires a previous call to vdw_set_kcut. Otherwise stops with an error msg.
78! subroutine vdw_exchng( iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsX, dEXdD, dEXdGD )
79!   Finds the exchange energy density and its derivatives, using the GGA
80!   functional apropriate for the previously-set vdW functional flavour
81! Arguments:
82!   integer, intent(in) :: iRel            ! Relativistic exchange? 0=no, 1=yes
83!   integer, intent(in) :: nSpin           ! Number of spin components
84!   real(dp),intent(in) :: D(nSpin)        ! Local electron (spin) density
85!   real(dp),intent(in) :: GD(3,nSpin)     ! Gradient of electron density
86!   real(dp),intent(out):: epsX            ! Exchange energy per electron
87!   real(dp),intent(out):: dEXdD(nSpin)    ! dEx/dDens, Ex=Int(dens*epsX)
88!   real(dp),intent(out):: dEXdGD(3,nSpin) ! dEx/dGrad(Dens)
89! Sample usage:
90!   integer,parameter:: iRel=0, nSpin=2
91!   real(dp):: D(nSpin), dEXdD(nSpin), dEXdGD(3,nSpin), epsX, GD(3,nSpin)
92!   call vdw_set_author('DRSLL')
93!   do r points
94!     Find D and GD at r
95!     call vdw_exchng( iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsX, dEXdD, dEXdGD )
96!     Ex = Ex + dVolume*sum(D)*epsX
97!   end do
99! subroutine vdw_get_qmesh( n, q )
100!   Returns size and values of q-mesh
101! Arguments:
102!   integer,          intent(out) :: n      ! Number of q mesh points
103!   real(dp),optional,intent(out) :: q(:)   ! Values of q mesh points
104! Sample usage:
105!   integer :: nq
106!   real(dp):: kcut
107!   real(dp),allocatable:: qmesh(:)
108!   kcut = 10._dp ! 10 Bohr^-1 => 100 Ry (this should be adapted to your mesh)
109!   call vdw_set_kcut( kcut )
110!   call vdw_get_qmesh( nq )
111!   allocate( qmesh(nq) )
112!   call vdw_get_qmesh( nq, qmesh )
113! Notes:
114! - Requires a previous call to vdw_set_kcut. Otherwise stops with an error msg.
115! - If the size of array q is smaller than that of the stored qmesh, it is
116!   filled with the first size(q) values of qmesh
117! - The size and values of the logarithmic q mesh are set by internal
118!   parameters that can be changed only by editing them in this module:
119!     nq             : Number of q mesh points
120!     qcut=qmesh(nq) : Max. value of q mesh
121!     dqmaxdqmin     : (qmesh(nq) - qmesh(nq-1)) / (qmesh(2) - qmesh(1))
122!   Although the presently-set values have been found to yield good accuracy
123!   in preliminary calculations, more tests may be required to guarantee
124!   convergence in other systems. The value of nq is particularly important:
125!   larger nq increases accuracy but CPU time increases between nq and nq**2.
127! subroutine vdw_phi( k, phi, dphidk )
128!   Finds phi_soft(q1,q2,k) (Fourier transform of phi_soft(q1,q2,r)) for all
129!   values of q1 and q2 in qmesh. The q's are local wavevectors defined in
130!   eqs.(11-12), and phi_soft is a smoothed version of Eq.(14) of Dion et al,
131!   defined as phi_soft(d1,d2) = phi_soft(d,a) = phi0 + phi2*d**2 + phi4*d**4,
132!   where phi0 is a parameter, d=sqrt(d1**2+d2**2), a=atan(d2/d1), and phi2,
133!   phi4 are chosen so that phi_soft(d,a) matches phi(d,a) in value and slope
134!   at d=dsoft (another parameter).
135! Arguments:
136!   real(dp),intent(in) :: k            ! Modulus of actual k vector
137!   real(dp),intent(out):: phi(:,:)     ! phi(q1,q2,k) at given k
138!                                       ! for all q1,q2 in qmesh
139!   real(dp),intent(out):: dphidk(:,:)  ! dphi(q1,q2,k)/dk at given k
140! Sample usage:
141!   integer :: nq
142!   real(dp):: k, kcut
143!   real(dp),allocatable:: phi(:,:), dphidk(:,:)
144!   kcut = 10._dp ! 10 Bohr^-1 => 100 Ry (this should be adapted to your mesh)
145!   call vdw_set_kcut( kcut )
146!   call vdw_get_qmesh( nq )
147!   allocate( phi(nq,nq), dphidk(nq,nq) )
148!   do k points
149!     call vdw_phi( k, phi, dphidk )
150! Notes:
151! - Requires a previous call to vdw_set_kcut. Otherwise stops with an error msg.
152! - Stops with an error message if size of array phi is smaller than nq*nq.
154! subroutine vdw_set_author( author )
155!   Sets the functional flavour (author initials) and subsequent parameters
156! Arguments:
157!   character(len=*),intent(in):: author ! Functnl flavour
158!                                     ('DRSLL'|'LMKLL'|'KBM'|'C09'|'BH'|'VV')
159! Notes:
160! - If vdw_set_author is not called, author='DRSLL' is set by default
161! - Stops with an error message if author has not an allowed value
163! subroutine vdw_set_kcut( kc )
164!   Sets the reciprocal planewave cutoff kc of the integration grid, and finds
165!   the interpolation table to be used by vdw_phi to obtain the vdW kernel phi
166!   at the reciprocal mesh wavevectors.
167! Arguments:
168!   real(dp),intent(in):: kc  ! Planewave cutoff: k>kcut => phi=0
169! Notes:
170! - An interpolation table to calculate the VdW kernel phi is read from file
171!   'vdw_kernel.table'. If the file does not exist, the table is calculated
172!   and the file written when vdw_set_kcut is called.
174! subroutine vdw_theta( nspin, rhos, grhos, theta, dtdrho, dtdgrho )
175!   Finds the value and derivatives of theta_i(rho,grad_rho) = rho*p_i(q0),
176!   where q0(rho,grad_rho) is the local wavevector defined in eqs.(11-12)
177!   of Dion et al, PRL 92, 246401 (2004).
178!   p_i(q0) are the cubic polynomials such that
179!     y(q0) = Sum_i p_i(q0) * y_i
180!   is the cubic spline interpolation at q0 of (any) function y(q) with
181!   values y_i at mesh points qmesh_i
182! Arguments:
183!   integer, intent(in) :: nspin               ! Number of spin components
184!   real(dp),intent(in) :: rhos(nspin)         ! Electron spin density
185!   real(dp),intent(in) :: grhos(3,nspin)      ! Spin density gradient
186!   real(dp),intent(out):: theta(nq)           ! Expansion of rho*q in qmesh
187!   real(dp),intent(out):: dtdrho(nq,nspin)    ! dtheta(iq)/drhos
188!   real(dp),intent(out):: dtdgrho(3,nq,nspin) ! dtheta(iq)/dgrhos(ix)
189! Notes:
190! - Requires a previous call to vdw_set_kcut
191! - The value of q0(rho,grad_rho) is saturated at qmesh(nq)=qcut (a parameter)
192!   to avoid incorrect 'interpolation' of phi(q1,q2,r12) from qmesh points.
194! Algorithms:
195!   Although Eqs.(14-16) of Dion et al provide a straightforward definition of
196! the nonlocal VdW kernel phi(d1,d2), its direct evaluation with the required
197! accuracy turns out to be too time consuming. In addition, the kernel has a
198! logarithmic divergence at d1=d2=0, which prevents its direct numerical
199! Fourier transform. Therefore, an elaborate layered procedure is followed:
200!   A smoothed version of phi(d1,d2) is defined as
201!     phi_soft(d1,d2) = phi_soft(d,a) = phi0 + phi2*d**2 + phi4*d**4,
202! where phi0 is a parameter, d=sqrt(d1**2+d2**2), a=atan(d2/d1), and phi2,
203! phi4 are chosen so that phi_soft(d,a) matches phi(d,a) in value and slope
204! at d=dsoft (another parameter).
205!   The difference in energy between phi_soft and the right phi (called DEcusp)
206! is approximated in a local-density approximation as eps(rho,grad_rho) =
207!   (1/2) * rho * Int 4*pi*r**2*dr * (phi(q1*r,q2*r) - phi_soft(q1*r,q2*r))
208! where q1=q2=q0(rho,grad_rho). Notice that grad_rho is included in the value
209! of q0 at the origin but not in the change of rho(r) in the integrand. This
210! could be improved in the future, although preliminary tests suggest that
211! the corrections would be quite small.
212!   A one-dimensional table of phi(d,d) is first calculated and stored as a
213! function of d. Then, phi(d1,d2) is calculated as phi(dmax,dmax)+dphi(d1,d2),
214! with dmax=max(d1,d2). The reason is that dphi converges better for large d,
215! and therefore it requires smaller integration limits in Eq.(14) of Dion et al,
216! while phi(dmax,dmax) is interpolated from the stored table.
217!   Using the above methods, a two-dimensional table of phi_soft(d1,d2) is
218! calculated and stored for all values of d1 and d2 in a logarithmic dmesh
219! of size nd with a cutoff dcut (two internal parameters). This table is
220! written on disk file 'vdw_kernel.table' for reuse in subsequent runs.
221! If the file exists already, the table is simply read and stored in memory.
222!   Once we set the cutoff kcut (expressed as a wavevector), of the integration
223! mesh to be used in evaluating the VdW nonlocal energy Enlc, we calculate and
224! store (in memory) another interpolation table of phi_soft(q1,q2,k) for all
225! values of q1 and q2 in qmesh, and of k in a fine radial grid of nk=nr points.
226! This is done by first calculating phi_soft(q1,q2,r)=phi_soft(q1*r,q2*r) in a
227! radial grid in real space and then Fourier-transforming it to k space.
228! This table is then used to interpolate phi_soft(q1,q2,k) for any desired k.
229!   In order to ensure that values of q are within the interpolation range,
230! they are 'saturated' smoothly to a cutoff qcut=qmesh(nq). This implies an
231! approximation when either rho is very large (i.e. near the nucleus) or when
232! (grad_rho/rho)**2/kF -> infinity, what tipically occurs in the tails of
233! the electron density. In the first case, Enlc is neglegible compared with
234! Ex and the local part of Ec. In the second case, it is neglegible because of
235! the factor rho in the integrand. Thus, the preliminary tests suggest that the
236! presently-set value of qcut gives sufficiently accurate values.
239MODULE m_vdwxc
241! Used module procedures
242  use sys,         only: die               ! termination routine
243  use mesh1D,      only: derivative        ! Derivative of a function in a mesh
244  use mesh1D,      only: integral          ! Integral of a function in a mesh
245  use mesh1D,      only: get_mesh          ! Returns the mesh points
246  use mesh1D,      only: get_n             ! Returns the number of mesh points
247  use m_ggaxc,     only: ggaxc             ! General GGA XC routine
248  use m_ldaxc,     only: ldaxc             ! General LDA XC routine
249  use m_radfft,    only: radfft            ! Radial fast Fourier transform
250  use alloc,       only: re_alloc          ! Re-allocation routine
251  use mesh1D,      only: set_interpolation ! Sets interpolation method
252  use mesh1D,      only: set_mesh          ! Sets a 1D mesh
253  use interpolation,only: spline           ! Sets spline interpolation
254  use interpolation,only: splint           ! Calculates spline interpolation
255  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_beta       ! Parameter beta of VV2010 functional
256  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_theta      ! Func. theta of VV2010 functional
257  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_get_kmesh  ! Size and values of (kf,kg) mesh
258  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_phi        ! Interpolates rho1*rho2*phi(k1,k2,k)
259  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_set_kcut   ! Sets the planewave cutoff kc
261! Used module parameters
262  use precision,   only: dp                ! Real double precision type
264#ifdef DEBUG_XC
265  use m_vv_vdwxc,  only: vv_vdw_phiofr     ! Interpolates rho1*rho2*phi(k1,k2,r)
266  use debugXC,     only: udebug     ! File unit for debug output
267!  use plot_module, only: plot
268#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
270  implicit none
272! Called by xc routines
273PUBLIC ::         &
274  vdw_decusp,     &! Energy due to the softening of the VdW kernel cusp
275  vdw_get_qmesh,  &! Returns size and values of q-mesh
276  vdw_localxc,    &! LDA/GGA exchange-corr apropriate for the used vdW flavour
277  vdw_phi,        &! Finds and interpolates phi(q1,q2,k)
278  vdw_set_author, &! Sets the vdW functional flavour (author initials)
279  vdw_set_kcut,   &! Sets the planewave cutoff kc of the integration grid
280  vdw_theta        ! Finds function theta_q(rho,grad_rho)
282#ifdef DEBUG_XC
283! Called by debugging test programs
284PUBLIC ::     &
285  phiofr,     &! Finds the kernel phi(q1,q2,r) at tabulated q-mesh values
286  phi_interp, &! Finds soft phi(d1,d2) kernel by interpolation of phi_table
287  phi_soft,   &! Finds phi(d1,d2) softened near d1=d2=0
288  phi_val,    &! Finds kernel phi(d1,d2) by direct integration
289  pofq,       &! Finds polynomials p(q) from cubic spline interpolation
290  qofrho       ! Finds the local wavevector parameter q(rho,grad_rho)
291#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
293PRIVATE  ! Nothing is declared public beyond this point
295!  integer, parameter:: dp = kind(1.d0)
297  ! Precision parameters for the integral defining phi in routine phi_val
298  real(dp),parameter:: acutmin = 10.0_dp   ! Upper integration limit
299  real(dp),parameter:: acutbyd  = 30.0_dp  ! Upper integration limit / d
300  real(dp),parameter:: damax = 0.5_dp      ! Max. integration interval
301  real(dp),parameter:: damin = 1.e-2_dp    ! Min. integration interval
302  real(dp),parameter:: dabyd = 0.1_dp      ! Min. integration interval / d
304  ! Precision parameter for the integral in routine dphi
305  real(dp),parameter:: ashortbyd = 2.5_dp  ! Shorter integration limit / d
307  ! Parameters for phi_soft. Some recommended pairs of values are
308  ! (dsoft,phi0_soft)=(0.5,0.8)|(0.7|0.6)|(1.0|0.4)|(1.5,0.22)|(2.0,0.12)
309  real(dp),parameter:: dsoft = 1.0_dp       ! Softening matching radius
310  real(dp),parameter:: phi0_soft = 0.40_dp  ! phi_soft(0,0) (depends on dsoft)
311  real(dp),parameter:: dd = 0.01_dp         ! Delta(d) for derivatives
313  ! Mesh parameters for table phi(d1,d2)
314  integer, parameter:: nd = 20               ! Number of d mesh points
315  real(dp),parameter:: dcut = 30.0_dp        ! Max. value of d mesh
316  real(dp),parameter:: ddmaxddmin = 20.0_dp  ! Last d mesh interval / first one
318  ! Use routine dphi for better efficiency in setting phi table?
319  logical,parameter:: use_dphi =.true. !(.true.=>efficiency|.false.=>accuracy)
321  ! Set derivation methods to use for interpolation table
322  character(len=*),parameter:: deriv_method = 'numeric'  !('numeric'|'interp')
323  character(len=*),parameter:: interp_method= 'Spline' !('Lagrange'|'Spline')
325  ! Parameters to find numerical derivatives of phi, to set interpolation
326  real(dp),parameter:: ddbyd = 0.01_dp       ! Delta to find phi derivs / d
327  real(dp),parameter:: ddmin = 0.001_dp      ! Min. delta to find phi derivs
329  ! Mesh parameters for table of phi(q1,q2,r) and its Fourier transform
330  integer, parameter:: nr = 2048             ! Radial mesh points (power of 2)
331  integer, parameter:: mq = 30               ! Total number of q mesh points
332!  integer, parameter:: nq = mq-1             ! Effective number of q mesh points
333  real(dp),parameter:: qcut = 5.0_dp         ! Max. value of q mesh
334  real(dp),parameter:: dqmaxdqmin = 20.0_dp  ! Last q mesh interval / first one
335  real(dp),parameter:: rcut = 100._dp        ! Radial cutoff: r>rcut => phi=0
336  real(dp),parameter:: rmin = 1.e-6_dp       ! Min. radius as denominator
337  real(dp),parameter:: rsoft = 0.0_dp        ! Soften kernel in r<rsoft
339  ! Parameters for cutoff function, used in radial Fourier transforms of phi
340  integer, parameter:: ncut1 =  8      ! cutoff(x)=(1-x**ncut1)**ncut2
341  integer, parameter:: ncut2 =  4
343  ! Parameters for saturate function, used to enforce that q<qcut
344  integer, parameter:: nsat  = 12      ! xsat(x)=1-exp(-sum_n=1:nsat x**n/n)
346  ! Parameters for saturate_inverse function
347  real(dp),parameter:: xmaxbyxc = 1.5_dp   ! qmax/qcut
348  real(dp),parameter:: ytol = 1.e-15_dp     ! Tol. for saturated q
350  ! Private module variables and arrays
351  character(len=5),save:: vdw_author='DRSLL' ! Functional 'flavour' name
352  real(dp),save:: dmesh(nd)                ! Mesh points for phi(d1,d2) table
353  real(dp),save:: qmesh(mq)                ! Mesh points for phi(q1,q2,r)
354  real(dp),save:: phi_table(0:3,0:3,nd,nd) ! Coefs. for bicubic interpolation
355  logical, save:: phi_table_set=.false.    ! Has phi_table been set?
356  logical, save:: qmesh_set=.false.        ! Has qmesh been set?
357  logical, save:: kcut_set=.false.         ! Has kcut been set?
358  real(dp),save:: dr                       ! r-mesh interval
359  real(dp),save:: dk                       ! k-mesh interval
360  real(dp),save:: kcut                     ! Planewave cutoff: k>kcut => phi=0
361  integer, save:: nk                       ! # k points within kcut
362  real(dp),save:: zab=-0.8491_dp           ! Parameter of the vdW functional
363  real(dp),pointer,save:: &
364                  phir(:,:,:)=>null(),    &! Table of phi(r)
365                  phik(:,:,:)=>null(),    &! Table of phi(k)
366                  d2phidr2(:,:,:)=>null(),&! Table of d^2(phi)/dr^2
367                  d2phidk2(:,:,:)=>null()  ! Table of d^2(phi)/dk^2
369!  real(dp),save:: dqmaxdqmin, qcut
373! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
375SUBROUTINE bcucof( n1, n2, x1, x2, y, dydx1, dydx2, d2ydx1dx2, c )
376! Finds coefficients for bicubic interpolation
377! Adapted from Numerical recipes
379  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n1, n2
380  REAL(dp),INTENT(IN) :: x1(n1)
381  REAL(dp),INTENT(IN) :: x2(n2)
382  REAL(dp),INTENT(IN) :: y(n1,n2)
383  REAL(dp),INTENT(IN) :: dydx1(n1,n2)
384  REAL(dp),INTENT(IN) :: dydx2(n1,n2)
385  REAL(dp),INTENT(IN) :: d2ydx1dx2(n1,n2)
386  REAL(dp),INTENT(OUT):: c(0:3,0:3,n1,n2)
388  INTEGER  :: i1, i11, i12, i13, i14, i2, i21, i22, i23, i24
389  REAL(dp) :: dx1, dx2, wt(16,16), z(16)
390  DATA wt /1,0,-3,2,4*0,-3,0,9,-6,2,0,-6,4,&
391    8*0,3,0,-9,6,-2,0,6,-4,10*0,9,-6,2*0,-6,4,2*0,3,-2,6*0,-9,6,&
392    2*0,6,-4,4*0,1,0,-3,2,-2,0,6,-4,1,0,-3,2,8*0,-1,0,3,-2,1,0,-3,&
393    2,10*0,-3,2,2*0,3,-2,6*0,3,-2,2*0,-6,4,2*0,3,-2,0,1,-2,1,5*0,&
394    -3,6,-3,0,2,-4,2,9*0,3,-6,3,0,-2,4,-2,10*0,-3,3,2*0,2,-2,2*0,&
395    -1,1,6*0,3,-3,2*0,-2,2,5*0,1,-2,1,0,-2,4,-2,0,1,-2,1,9*0,-1,2,&
396    -1,0,1,-2,1,10*0,1,-1,2*0,-1,1,6*0,-1,1,2*0,2,-2,2*0,-1,1/
398! Set coefs. for i1<n1 and i2<n2
399  do i2 = 1,n2-1
400    do i1 = 1,n1-1
401      dx1 = x1(i1+1) - x1(i1)
402      dx2 = x2(i2+1) - x2(i2)
403      i11 = i1
404      i12 = i1+1
405      i13 = i1+1
406      i14 = i1
407      i21 = i2
408      i22 = i2
409      i23 = i2+1
410      i24 = i2+1
411      z( 1) = y(i11,i21)
412      z( 2) = y(i12,i22)
413      z( 3) = y(i13,i23)
414      z( 4) = y(i14,i24)
415      z( 5) = dydx1(i11,i21) * dx1
416      z( 6) = dydx1(i12,i22) * dx1
417      z( 7) = dydx1(i13,i23) * dx1
418      z( 8) = dydx1(i14,i24) * dx1
419      z( 9) = dydx2(i11,i21) * dx2
420      z(10) = dydx2(i12,i22) * dx2
421      z(11) = dydx2(i13,i23) * dx2
422      z(12) = dydx2(i14,i24) * dx2
423      z(13) = d2ydx1dx2(i11,i21) * dx1 * dx2
424      z(14) = d2ydx1dx2(i12,i22) * dx1 * dx2
425      z(15) = d2ydx1dx2(i13,i23) * dx1 * dx2
426      z(16) = d2ydx1dx2(i14,i24) * dx1 * dx2
427      z = matmul(wt,z)
428      c(0:3,0:3,i1,i2) = reshape(z,(/4,4/),order=(/2,1/))
429    end do ! i1
430  end do ! i2
432! Set c for i1=n1 and i2=n2 (valid only at the very border) using
433! sum_i,j c(i,j,n1,i2) * 0**i * x2**j = sum_i,j c(i,j,n1-1,i2) * 1**i * x2**j
434! sum_i,j c(i,j,i1,n2) * x1**i * 0**j = sum_i,j c(i,j,i1,n2-1) * x1**i * 1**j
435! sum_i,j c(i,j,n1,n2) * 0**i * 0**j = sum_i,j c(i,j,n1-1,n2-1) * 1**i * 1**j
436  c(:,:,n1,:) = 0
437  c(:,:,:,n2) = 0
438  c(0,:,n1,1:n2-1) = sum(c(:,:,n1-1,1:n2-1),dim=1)
439  c(:,0,1:n1-1,n2) = sum(c(:,:,1:n1-1,n2-1),dim=2)
440  c(0,0,n1,n2) = sum(c(:,:,n1-1,n2-1))
444! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
446function cutoff( x )
448  implicit none
449  real(dp),intent(in):: x
450  real(dp)           :: cutoff
452  if (x<=0._dp) then
453    cutoff = 1
454  else if (x>=1._dp) then
455    cutoff = 0
456  else
457    cutoff = (1-x**ncut1)**ncut2
458  end if
460end function cutoff
464real(dp) function dphi( d1, d2 )
466! Finds phi(d1,d2) - phi(dmax,dmax), with dmax=max(d1,d2)
468  real(dp),intent(in) :: d1, d2
470  integer  :: ia, ib, n, nmesh, nshort
471  real(dp) :: a, acut, b, da1, dan, deff, dmax, dmin, gamma, &
472              pi, t, t0, w
473  real(dp),allocatable :: amesh(:), c(:), dphida(:), dphidb(:), &
474                          s(:), nu0(:), nu1(:), nu2(:)
476! Find integration mesh
477  dmax = max( abs(d1), abs(d2) )
478  dmin = min( abs(d1), abs(d2) )
479  deff = dmax
480!  deff = sqrt(d1**2+d2**2)
481  acut = max( acutmin, acutbyd * deff )
482  da1 = min( damax, dabyd * deff )
483  da1 = max( da1, damin )
484  dan = damax
485  n = get_n( 0._dp, acut, da1, dan )
486  allocate( amesh(n), c(n), dphida(n), dphidb(n), s(n), &
487            nu0(n), nu1(n), nu2(n) )
488  call set_mesh( n, xmax=acut, dxndx1=dan/da1 )
489  call get_mesh( n, nmesh, amesh )
491! Find limit of shorter mesh
492  nshort = n
493  do ia = n-1,1,-1
494    if (amesh(ia) > ashortbyd*deff) nshort = ia
495  end do
497! Find cos(a), sin(a), nu1(a), and nu2(a)
498  pi = acos(-1._dp)
499  gamma = 4*pi/9
500  do ia = 1,n
501    a = amesh(ia)
502    c(ia) = cos(a)
503    s(ia) = sin(a)
504    if (a==0._dp) then
505      nu0(ia) = dmax**2 / 2 / gamma
506      nu1(ia) = d1**2 / 2 / gamma
507      nu2(ia) = d2**2 / 2 / gamma
508    else ! (a/=0)
509      if (d1==0._dp) then
510        nu1(ia) = a*a / 2
511      else
512        nu1(ia) = a*a / 2 / (1-exp(-gamma*(a/d1)**2))
513      end if
514      if (d2==0._dp) then
515        nu2(ia) = a*a / 2
516      else
517        nu2(ia) = a*a / 2 / (1-exp(-gamma*(a/d2)**2))
518      end if
519      if (dmax<=0._dp) then
520        nu0(ia) = a*a / 2
521      else
522        nu0(ia) = a*a / 2 / (1-exp(-gamma*(a/dmax)**2))
523      end if
524    end if ! (a==0)
525  end do
527! Make integral on variable a
528  dphida(1) = 0
529  do ia = 2,nshort
530    a = amesh(ia)
532    ! Make integral on variable b
533    dphidb(1) = 0
534    do ib = 2,n
535      b = amesh(ib)
537      w = 2*( (3-a*a)*b*c(ib)*s(ia) + (3-b*b)*a*c(ia)*s(ib) &
538            + (a*a+b*b-3)*s(ia)*s(ib) - 3*a*b*c(ia)*c(ib) )/(a*b)**3
540      t = 0.5_dp * ( 1/(nu1(ia)+nu1(ib)) + 1/(nu2(ia)+nu2(ib)) ) &
541                 * ( 1/(nu1(ia)+nu2(ia))/(nu1(ib)+nu2(ib)) &
542                   + 1/(nu1(ia)+nu2(ib))/(nu2(ia)+nu1(ib)) )
544      t0 = 0.5_dp * ( 1/(nu0(ia)+nu0(ib)) + 1/(nu0(ia)+nu0(ib)) ) &
545                  * ( 1/(nu0(ia)+nu0(ia))/(nu0(ib)+nu0(ib)) &
546                    + 1/(nu0(ia)+nu0(ib))/(nu0(ia)+nu0(ib)) )
548      dphidb(ib) = a*a * b*b * w * (t-t0)
550    end do ! ib
551    dphida(ia) = integral( n, dphidb ) - integral( ia, dphidb )
553  end do ! ia
554  dphi = 2/pi**2 * 2*integral( nshort, dphida )
556  deallocate( amesh, c, dphida, dphidb, s, nu0, nu1, nu2 )
558#ifdef DEBUG_XC
559!  print'(a,2f12.6,i8,f12.6)', 'dphi: d1,d2, na, phi =', d1, d2, n, dphi
560#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
562end function dphi
564! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
566function dphi_fast( d1, d2 )
568! Finds phi(d1,d2)-phi(dmax,dmax), with dmax=max(d1,d2), by
569!  - Direct integration if d < dsoft, where d=sqrt(d1**2+d2**2)
570!  - Interpolation of phi_table if d > dsoft
572  implicit none
573  real(dp),intent(in) :: d1, d2
574  real(dp)            :: dphi_fast
576  real(dp):: d, dmax
578  if (.not.phi_table_set) call set_phi_table()
580  d = sqrt( d1**2 + d2**2 )
581  dmax = max( d1, d2 )
583  if (d < dsoft) then
584    dphi_fast = dphi( d1, d2 )
585  else
586    dphi_fast = phi_interp( d1, d2 ) - phi_interp( dmax, dmax )
587  end if
589end function dphi_fast
591! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
593function dphi_soft( d1, d2 )
595! Finds phi_soft(d1,d2)-phi_soft(dmax,dmax), with dmax=max(d1,d2)
597  implicit none
598  real(dp),intent(in) :: d1, d2
599  real(dp)            :: dphi_soft
601  real(dp):: d, dmax
603  d = sqrt( d1**2 + d2**2 )
604  dmax = max( d1, d2 )
606  if (d < dsoft) then
607    dphi_soft = phi_soft( d1, d2 ) - phi_soft( dmax, dmax )
608  else
609    dphi_soft = dphi( d1, d2 )
610  end if
612end function dphi_soft
616integer function iofd( d )
618! Finds index i such that dmesh(i) <= d < dmesh(i+1)
620  implicit none
621  real(dp), intent(in) :: d
623  real(dp),parameter :: amin = 1.e-12_dp
624  real(dp),save:: a, b
625  logical, save:: first_call = .true.
627  if (first_call) then
628    a = log( (dmesh(nd)-dmesh(nd-1)) / (dmesh(2)-dmesh(1)) ) / (nd-2)
629    a = max( a, amin )
630    b = (dmesh(2) - dmesh(1)) / (exp(a) - 1)
631    first_call = .false.
632  end if
634  iofd = 1 + log( 1 + (d-dmesh(1))/b ) / a
635  iofd = max( 1, iofd )
636  iofd = min( nd-1, iofd )
638end function iofd
642integer function iofq( q )
644! Finds index i such that qmesh(i) <= q < qmesh(i+1)
646  implicit none
647  real(dp), intent(in) :: q
649  real(dp),parameter :: amin = 1.e-12_dp
650  real(dp),save:: a, b
651  logical, save:: first_call = .true.
653  if (first_call) then
654    a = log( (qmesh(mq)-qmesh(mq-1)) / (qmesh(2)-qmesh(1)) ) / (mq-2)
655    a = max( a, amin )
656    b = (qmesh(2) - qmesh(1)) / (exp(a) - 1)
657    first_call = .false.
658  end if
660  iofq = 1 + log( 1 + (q-qmesh(1))/b ) / a
661  iofq = max( 1, iofq )
662  iofq = min( mq-1, iofq )
664end function iofq
666! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
668function phi_fast( d1, d2 )
670! Finds hard phi(d1,d2) kernel by
671!  - Direct integration if d < dsoft, where d=sqrt(d1**2+d2**2)
672!  - Interpolation of phi_table if d > dsoft
674  implicit none
675  real(dp),intent(in) :: d1, d2
676  real(dp)            :: phi_fast
678  real(dp):: d
680  if (.not.phi_table_set) call set_phi_table()
682  d = sqrt( d1**2 + d2**2 )
684  if (d < dsoft) then
685    phi_fast = phi_val( d1, d2 )
686  else
687    phi_fast = phi_interp( d1, d2 )
688  end if
690end function phi_fast
692! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
694function phi_interp( d1, d2 )
696! Finds soft phi(d1,d2) kernel by interpolation of phi_table
698  implicit none
699  real(dp),intent(in) :: d1, d2
700  real(dp)            :: phi_interp
702  integer :: i1, i2, id1, id2
703  real(dp):: dd1(0:3), dd2(0:3)
705  if (.not.phi_table_set) call set_phi_table()
707  if (d1>=dcut .or. d2>=dcut) then
708    phi_interp = 0
709    return
710  end if
712  id1 = iofd( d1 )
713  id2 = iofd( d2 )
715  dd1(0) = 1
716  dd2(0) = 1
717  dd1(1) = (d1 - dmesh(id1)) / (dmesh(id1+1) - dmesh(id1))
718  dd2(1) = (d2 - dmesh(id2)) / (dmesh(id2+1) - dmesh(id2))
719  dd1(2) = dd1(1)**2
720  dd2(2) = dd2(1)**2
721  dd1(3) = dd1(1)**3
722  dd2(3) = dd2(1)**3
724  phi_interp = 0
725  do i2 = 0,3
726    do i1 = 0,3
727      phi_interp = phi_interp + phi_table(i1,i2,id1,id2) * dd1(i1) * dd2(i2)
728    end do
729  end do
731end function phi_interp
733! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
735subroutine phiofr( r, phi )
737! Finds phi(q1,q2,r) = phi(q1*r,q2*r) with q1=qmesh(iq1), q2=qmesh(iq2),
738! by interpolation from phi_table
739! Notice that q is a density parameter, related to the Fermi wavevector
741  implicit none
742  real(dp),intent(in) :: r
743  real(dp),intent(out):: phi(:,:)
745  integer :: iq1, iq2
746  real(dp):: dphidr
748  ! Trap VV-version exception
749#ifdef DEBUG_XC
750  if (vdw_author=='VV') then
751    call vv_vdw_phiofr( r, phi )
752    return
753  end if
754#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
756  if (size(phi,1)<mq .or. size(phi,2)<mq) &
757    stop 'phiofr: ERROR: size(phi) too small'
758  if (.not.qmesh_set) call set_qmesh()
760  if (r >= rcut) then
761    phi(:,:) = 0
762  else
763    do iq2 = 1,mq
764      do iq1 = 1,iq2
765        ! Use unfiltered kernel
766!        phi(iq1,iq2) = phi_interp( qmesh(iq1)*r, qmesh(iq2)*r )
767        ! Use filtered kernel
768        call splint( dr, phir(:,iq1,iq2), d2phidr2(:,iq1,iq2), nr+1, r, &
769                     phi(iq1,iq2), dphidr )
770        phi(iq2,iq1) = phi(iq1,iq2)
771      end do ! iq1
772    end do ! iq2
773  end if ! (r>=rcut)
775end subroutine phiofr
779function phi_soft( d1, d2 )
781! Finds phi(d1,d2) softened near d1=d2=0
783  implicit none
784  real(dp),intent(in) :: d1, d2
785  real(dp)            :: phi_soft
787  real(dp):: d, d1m, d1p, d2m, d2p, dphidd, &
788             phi, phi0, phi2, phi4, phim, phip
790  d = sqrt( d1**2 + d2**2 )
792  if (d<=0._dp) then
793    phi_soft = phi0_soft
794  else if (d > dsoft) then
795    phi_soft = phi_val( d1, d2 )
796  else ! (0<d<dsoft)
798    d1p = d1/d * (dsoft+dd)
799    d2p = d2/d * (dsoft+dd)
800    d1m = d1/d * (dsoft-dd)
801    d2m = d2/d * (dsoft-dd)
802    phip = phi_val( d1p, d2p )
803    phim = phi_val( d1m, d2m )
804    phi = (phip + phim) / 2
805    dphidd = (phip - phim) / (2*dd)
806!    phi0 = phi - dphidd*dsoft/2
807    phi0 = phi0_soft
808    phi2 = (4*(phi-phi0) - dphidd*dsoft) / (2*dsoft**2)
809    phi4 = (2*(phi0-phi) + dphidd*dsoft) / (2*dsoft**4)
810    phi_soft = phi0 + phi2*d**2 + phi4*d**4
811#ifdef DEBUG_XC
812!    print'(a,5f8.3)', 'phi_soft: d,delta,phi0,phi2,phi4=', &
813!      d, (d1-d2)/(d1+d2), phi0, phi2, phi4
814#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
816  end if ! (d<=0)
818end function phi_soft
820! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
822real(dp) function phi_val( d1, d2 )
824! Finds kernel phi by direct integration of Eq.(14) of
825! Dion et al, PRL 92, 246401 (2004)
827  real(dp),intent(in) :: d1, d2
829  integer  :: ia, ib, n, nmesh
830  real(dp) :: a, acut, b, da1, dan, deff, dmax, dmin, gamma, &
831              pi, t, w
832  real(dp),allocatable :: amesh(:), c(:), dphida(:), dphidb(:), &
833                          s(:), nu1(:), nu2(:)
835! Find integration mesh
836  dmax = max( abs(d1), abs(d2) )
837  dmin = min( abs(d1), abs(d2) )
838!  deff = dmax
839  deff = sqrt(d1**2+d2**2)
840  acut = max( acutmin, acutbyd * deff )
841  da1 = min( damax, dabyd * deff )
842  da1 = max( da1, damin )
843  dan = damax
844  n = get_n( 0._dp, acut, da1, dan )
845  allocate( amesh(n), c(n), dphida(n), dphidb(n), s(n), nu1(n), nu2(n) )
846  call set_mesh( n, xmax=acut, dxndx1=dan/da1 )
847  call get_mesh( n, nmesh, amesh )
849#ifdef DEBUG_XC
850!  print'(a,i6,/,(10f8.3))', 'phi_val: size, amesh =', n, amesh
851#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
853! Find cos(a), sin(a), nu1(a), and nu2(a)
854  pi = acos(-1._dp)
855  gamma = 4*pi/9
856  do ia = 1,n
857    a = amesh(ia)
858    c(ia) = cos(a)
859    s(ia) = sin(a)
860    if (a==0._dp) then
861      nu1(ia) = d1**2 / 2 / gamma
862      nu2(ia) = d2**2 / 2 / gamma
863    else ! (a/=0)
864      if (d1==0._dp) then
865        nu1(ia) = a*a / 2
866      else
867        nu1(ia) = a*a / 2 / (1-exp(-gamma*(a/d1)**2))
868      end if
869      if (d2==0._dp) then
870        nu2(ia) = a*a / 2
871      else
872        nu2(ia) = a*a / 2 / (1-exp(-gamma*(a/d2)**2))
873      end if
874    end if ! (a==0)
875  end do
877! Make integral on variable a
878  dphida(1) = 0
879  do ia = 2,n
880    a = amesh(ia)
882    ! Make integral on variable b
883    dphidb(1) = 0
884    do ib = 2,n
885      b = amesh(ib)
887      w = 2*( (3-a*a)*b*c(ib)*s(ia) + (3-b*b)*a*c(ia)*s(ib) &
888            + (a*a+b*b-3)*s(ia)*s(ib) - 3*a*b*c(ia)*c(ib) )/(a*b)**3
890      t = 0.5_dp * ( 1/(nu1(ia)+nu1(ib)) + 1/(nu2(ia)+nu2(ib)) ) &
891                 * ( 1/(nu1(ia)+nu2(ia))/(nu1(ib)+nu2(ib)) &
892                   + 1/(nu1(ia)+nu2(ib))/(nu2(ia)+nu1(ib)) )
894      dphidb(ib) = a*a * b*b * w * t
896    end do ! ib
897    dphida(ia) = integral( n, dphidb )
899  end do ! ia
900  phi_val = 2/pi**2 * integral( n, dphida )
902  deallocate( amesh, c, dphida, dphidb, s, nu1, nu2 )
904#ifdef DEBUG_XC
905!  print'(a,2f12.6,i8,f12.6)', 'phi_val: d1,d2, na, phi =', d1, d2, n, phi_val
906#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
908end function phi_val
910! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
912subroutine pofq( q0, p0, dp0dq0 )
914! Finds the values and derivatives, at q0, of the cubic polynomials
915! p_i(q0) such that
916!    y(q0) = Sum_i p_i(q0) * y_i
917! is the cubic spline interpolation at q0 of (any) function y(q) with
918! values y_i at mesh points qmesh_i
920  implicit none
921  real(dp),intent(in) :: q0
922  real(dp),intent(out):: p0(mq)
923  real(dp),intent(out):: dp0dq0(mq)
925  integer :: iq, iq0
926  real(dp):: a, b, dq
927  logical, save :: first_call=.true.
928  real(dp),save :: p(mq,mq), d2pdq2(mq,mq)
930! Set up spline polynomial basis
931  if (first_call) then
932    p = 0
933    do iq = 1,mq
934      p(iq,iq) = 1
935      call spline( qmesh, p(:,iq), mq, 1.e30_dp, 1.e30_dp, d2pdq2(:,iq) )
936!      call spline( qmesh, p(:,iq), mq, 0._dp, 0._dp, d2pdq2(:,iq) )
937    end do
938    first_call = .false.
939  end if
941! Find interval of qmesh in which q0 is included
942  if (q0>qmesh(mq)) then   ! q0 out of range
943    p0 = 0
944    dp0dq0 = 0
945    return
946  end if
947  iq0 = iofq( q0 )
949! Evaluate polynomials of spline basis
950  dq = qmesh(iq0+1) - qmesh(iq0)
951  a = (qmesh(iq0+1) - q0) / dq   ! dadq0 = -1/dq
952  b = (q0 - qmesh(iq0)) / dq     ! dbdq0 = +1/dq
953  do iq = 1,mq
954    p0(iq) = a*p(iq0,iq) + b*p(iq0+1,iq) &
955      + ((a**3-a)*d2pdq2(iq0,iq) + (b**3-b)*d2pdq2(iq0+1,iq)) * dq**2/6
956    dp0dq0(iq) = - (p(iq0,iq) - p(iq0+1,iq)) / dq &
957      - ((3*a**2-1)*d2pdq2(iq0,iq) - (3*b**2-1)*d2pdq2(iq0+1,iq)) * dq/6
958  end do
960end subroutine pofq
964subroutine qofrho( rho, grho, q, dqdrho, dqdgrho )
966! Finds the local wavevector parameter q0 defined in eqs.(11-12) of
967! M.Dion et al, PRL 92, 246401 (2004)
969  implicit none
970  real(dp), intent(in) :: rho        ! Electron density
971  real(dp), intent(in) :: grho(3)    ! Density gradient
972  real(dp), intent(out):: q          ! Local wave vector parameter q0
973  real(dp), intent(out):: dqdrho     ! d_q/d_rho
974  real(dp), intent(out):: dqdgrho(3) ! d_q/d_grho
976  character(len=*),parameter :: author = 'PW92'  ! Perdew-Wang'92 for LDA
977  integer,         parameter :: irel   = 0       ! Non-relativistic exchange
978  integer,         parameter :: nspin  = 1       ! Unpolarized electron gas
979  real(dp):: decdrho, dexdrho, dkfdrho, dq0dgrho(3), dq0dgrho2, dq0drho, &
980             dqdq0, dvxdrho(nspin), dvcdrho(nspin), ex, ec, grho2, &
981             kf, pi, q0, rhos(nspin), vx(nspin), vc(nspin)
983! Trap exception for zero density
984  if (rho <= 1.e-15_dp) then
985    q = qcut
986    dqdrho = 0
987    dqdgrho = 0
988    return
989  end if
991  pi = acos(-1._dp)
992  kf = (3*pi**2 * rho)**(1._dp/3)
994! Find exchange and correlation energy densities
995  rhos(1) = rho
996  call ldaxc( author, irel, nspin, rhos, ex, ec, vx, vc, dvxdrho, dvcdrho )
998! Find q
999  grho2 = sum(grho**2)
1000  q0 = ( 1 + ec/ex - zab/9 * grho2 / (2*kf*rho)**2 ) * kf
1002! Find derivatives
1003  dkfdrho = kf / (3*rho)
1004  dexdrho = (vx(1) - ex) / rho  ! Since vx = d(rho*ex)/d_rho = ex + rho*dexdrho
1005  decdrho = (vc(1) - ec) / rho
1006  dq0drho = ( decdrho/ex - ec/ex**2*dexdrho + 2 * zab/9 * grho2 / &
1007              (2*kf*rho)**3 * (2*dkfdrho*rho + 2*kf) ) * kf &
1008            + q0/kf * dkfdrho
1009  dq0dgrho2 = -(zab/9) / (2*kf*rho)**2 * kf
1010  dq0dgrho(:) = dq0dgrho2 * 2*grho(:)  ! Since d(vector**2)/d_vector = 2*vector
1012! Saturate q to qcut smoothly
1013  call saturate( q0, qcut, q, dqdq0 )
1014  dqdrho = dqdq0 * dq0drho
1015  dqdgrho = dqdq0 * dq0dgrho
1017end subroutine qofrho
1021subroutine saturate( x, xc, y, dydx )
1023  ! Defines a function y(x) = xc * (1 - exp(-Sum_n=1:nsat (x/xc)**n/n))
1024  ! It is approx. equal to x for x<xc and it saturates to xc when x->infinity
1026  implicit none
1027  real(dp),intent(in) :: x     ! Independent variable
1028  real(dp),intent(in) :: xc    ! Saturation value
1029  real(dp),intent(out):: y     ! Function value
1030  real(dp),intent(out):: dydx  ! Derivative dy/dx
1032  integer :: n
1033  real(dp):: dpdx, p
1035  if (nsat >= 100) then
1036    if (x < xc) then
1037      y = x
1038      dydx = 1
1039    else ! (x >= xc)
1040      y = xc
1041      dydx = 0
1042    end if ! (x < xc)
1043  else ! (nsat < 100)
1044!    This is the straightforward polynomial evaluation
1045!    p = x/xc
1046!    dpdx = 1/xc
1047!    do n = 2,nsat
1048!      p = p + (x/xc)**n / n
1049!      dpdx = dpdx + (x/xc)**(n-1) / xc
1050!    end do
1051!   And this is a more accurate way to evaluate it
1052    p = (x/xc)/nsat
1053    dpdx = 1._dp/xc
1054    do n = nsat-1,1,-1
1055      p = (p + 1._dp/n) * x/xc
1056      dpdx = (dpdx*x + 1) / xc
1057    end do
1058    y = xc * (1 - exp(-p))
1059    dydx = xc * dpdx * exp(-p)
1060  end if ! (nsat >= 100)
1062end subroutine saturate
1066subroutine saturate_inverse( y, xc, x, dydx )
1068! Finds the inverse of the function defined in saturate subroutine
1070  implicit none
1071  real(dp),intent(in) :: y     ! Independent variable
1072  real(dp),intent(in) :: xc    ! Saturation value
1073  real(dp),intent(out):: x     ! Inverse function value
1074  real(dp),intent(out):: dydx  ! Derivative dy/dx
1076  real(dp):: x1, x2, yx
1078  if (y<0._dp .or. y>xc) stop 'vdw:saturate_inverse: y out of range'
1079  x1 = 0
1080  x2 = xmaxbyxc * xc
1081  do
1082    x = (x1+x2)/2
1083    call saturate( x, xc, yx, dydx )
1084    if (abs(y-yx)<ytol) then
1085      return
1086    else if (yx < y) then
1087      x1 = x
1088    else
1089      x2 = x
1090    end if
1091  end do
1093end subroutine saturate_inverse
1097subroutine set_phi_table()
1099! Finds and writes in disk the interpolation table (mesh points and function
1100! values) for the kernel phi(d1,d2). If the table file already exists, it is
1101! simply read and stored in memory.
1103  implicit none
1105  logical :: file_found
1106  integer :: id, id1, id2, nmesh
1107  real(dp):: d, d1, d1m, d1p, d2, d2m, d2p, dd, &
1108             dphidd1(nd,nd), dphidd2(nd,nd), d2phidd1dd2(nd,nd), &
1109             phi(nd,nd), phi1, phim, phip, phimm, phimp, phipm, phipp
1111! Read file with table, if present
1112  inquire( file='vdw_kernel.table', exist=file_found )
1113  if (file_found) then
1114    open( unit=1, file='vdw_kernel.table', form='unformatted' )
1115    read(1,end=1) nmesh
1116    if (nmesh==nd) then
1117      read(1,end=1) dmesh
1118      read(1,end=1) phi_table
1119    end if
1120    close( unit=1 )
1121    phi_table_set = .true.
1122    return
1123  end if
11241 continue ! Come here if end-of-file found
1126! Set d-mesh points
1127  call set_mesh( nd, xmax=dcut, dxndx1=ddmaxddmin )
1128  call get_mesh( nd, nmesh, dmesh )
1129#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1130  write(udebug,'(a,/,(10f8.4))') 'set_phi_table: dmesh =', dmesh
1131#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1133! Find function at mesh points
1134  do id1 = 1,nd
1135    d1 = dmesh(id1)
1136    phi1 = phi_soft( d1, d1 )
1137    phi(id1,id1) = phi1
1138    do id2 = 1,id1-1
1139      d2 = dmesh(id2)
1140      d = sqrt( d1**2 + d2**2 )
1141      if (d < dsoft) then
1142        phi(id1,id2) = phi_soft( d1, d2 )
1143      else
1144        if (use_dphi) then ! Use dphi for better efficiency
1145          phi(id1,id2) = phi1 + dphi( d1, d2 )
1146        else ! Use only phi_val, to eliminate uncertainties
1147          phi(id1,id2) = phi_val( d1, d2 )
1148        end if
1149      end if
1150      phi(id2,id1) = phi(id1,id2)
1151    end do ! id2
1152  end do ! id1
1154#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1155!  open( unit=44, file='phi.out' )
1156!  do id2 = 1,nd
1157!    write(44,'(/,(f12.6))') phi(:,id2)
1158!  end do
1159!  close( unit=44 )
1160#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1162  if (deriv_method == 'numeric') then
1163!    print*, 'set_phi_table: Using numerical derivatives'
1165    ! Find derivatives at mesh points
1166     do id1 = 1,nd
1167      d1 = dmesh(id1)
1168      dd = ddbyd * d1
1169      dd = max( dd, ddmin )
1170!      d1 = max( d1, dd )
1171      d1m = d1 - dd
1172      d1p = d1 + dd
1173      phim = phi_soft( d1m, d1m )
1174      phip = phi_soft( d1p, d1p )
1175      do id2 = 1,id1
1176        d2  = dmesh(id2)
1177!        d2 = max( d2, dd )
1178        d = sqrt( d1**2 + d2**2 )
1179        d1m = d1 - dd
1180        d1p = d1 + dd
1181        d2m = d2 - dd
1182        d2p = d2 + dd
1184        if (d < dsoft) then
1185          phimm = phi_soft( d1m, d2m )
1186          phipm = phi_soft( d1p, d2m )
1187          phipp = phi_soft( d1p, d2p )
1188          phimp = phi_soft( d1m, d2p )
1189        else ! (d>dsoft)
1190          if (use_dphi) then
1191            phimm = phim + dphi( d1m, d2m )
1192            phipm = phip + dphi( d1p, d2m )
1193            phipp = phip + dphi( d1p, d2p )
1194            if (id1==id2) then
1195              phimp = phip + dphi( d1m, d2p )
1196            else
1197              phimp = phim + dphi( d1m, d2p )
1198            end if
1199          else ! (.not.use_dphi)
1200            phimm = phi_val( d1m, d2m )
1201            phipm = phi_val( d1p, d2m )
1202            phipp = phi_val( d1p, d2p )
1203            phimp = phi_val( d1m, d2p )
1204          end if ! (use_dphi)
1205        end if ! (d<dsoft)
1207        dphidd1(id1,id2)     = (phipp+phipm-phimp-phimm) / (4*dd)
1208        dphidd2(id1,id2)     = (phipp-phipm+phimp-phimm) / (4*dd)
1209        d2phidd1dd2(id1,id2) = (phipp-phipm-phimp+phimm) / (2*dd)**2
1210        dphidd1(id2,id1)     = dphidd2(id1,id2)
1211        dphidd2(id2,id1)     = dphidd1(id1,id2)
1212        d2phidd1dd2(id2,id1) = d2phidd1dd2(id1,id2)
1214      end do ! id2
1215    end do ! id1
1217  else if (deriv_method == 'interp') then
1218!    print*, 'set_phi_table: Using interpolation for derivatives'
1220    ! Reset mesh, which has been changed by phi_val
1221    call set_mesh( nd, xmax=dcut, dxndx1=ddmaxddmin )
1223    ! Set interpolation method
1224    if (interp_method=='Lagrange') then
1225      call set_interpolation( 'Lagrange' )
1226    else if (interp_method=='Spline') then
1227!      call set_interpolation( 'Spline', huge(phi), huge(phi) )
1228      call set_interpolation( 'Spline', 0._dp, 0._dp )
1229    else
1230      stop 'set_phi_val: ERROR: Unknown interp_method'
1231    end if
1233    ! Find first partial derivative d_phi/d_d1
1234    do id = 1,nd
1235      dphidd1(:,id) = derivative( nd, phi(:,id) )
1236      dphidd2(id,:) = dphidd1(:,id)
1237    end do
1239    ! Find second cross partial derivative d_phi/d_d1/d_d2
1240    do id = 1,nd
1241      d2phidd1dd2(id,:) = derivative( nd, dphidd1(id,:) )
1242    end do
1244    ! Symmetrize d_phi/d_d1/d_d2
1245    do id2 = 2,nd
1246      do id1 = 1,id2-1
1247        d2phidd1dd2(id1,id2) = (d2phidd1dd2(id1,id2) + &
1248                                d2phidd1dd2(id2,id1)) / 2
1249        d2phidd1dd2(id2,id1) = d2phidd1dd2(id1,id2)
1250      end do
1251    end do
1253  else
1254    stop 'set_phi_table: ERROR: Unknown deriv_method'
1255  end if ! (deriv_method)
1257! Make values and derivatives strictly zero when d1=dmax or d2=dmax
1258  phi(:,nd) = 0
1259  phi(nd,:) = 0
1260  dphidd1(:,nd) = 0
1261  dphidd1(nd,:) = 0
1262  dphidd2(:,nd) = 0
1263  dphidd2(nd,:) = 0
1264  d2phidd1dd2(:,nd) = 0
1265  d2phidd1dd2(nd,:) = 0
1267! Make dphi(d1,d2)/dd1=0 for d1=0 and dphi(d1,d2)/dd2=0 for d2=0
1268  dphidd1(1,:) = 0
1269  dphidd2(:,1) = 0
1270  d2phidd1dd2(:,1) = 0
1271  d2phidd1dd2(1,:) = 0
1273#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1274! Print values and derivatives for debugging
1275!  print'(a,/,2a10,4a15)', &
1276!   'set_phi_table:', 'd1', 'd2', 'phi', 'dphi/dd1', 'dphi/dd2', 'd2phi/dd1dd2'
1277!  do id1 = 1,nd
1278!    do id2 = id1,nd
1279!      d1 = dmesh(id1)
1280!      d2 = dmesh(id2)
1281!      print'(2f10.6,4e15.6)', d1, d2, phi(id1,id2), &
1282!        dphidd1(id1,id2), dphidd2(id1,id2), d2phidd1dd2(id1,id2)
1283!    end do
1284!  end do
1285#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1287! Set up bicubic interpolation coefficients
1288  call bcucof( nd, nd, dmesh, dmesh, phi, dphidd1, dphidd2, d2phidd1dd2, &
1289               phi_table )
1291! Save phi_table in file
1292  open( unit=1, file='vdw_kernel.table', form='unformatted' )
1293  write(1) nd
1294  write(1) dmesh
1295  write(1) phi_table
1296  close( unit=1 )
1298#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1299! Save phi_table also in formatted file
1300  open( unit=1, file='vdw_kernel.table.formatted', form='formatted' )
1301  write(1,*) nd
1302  write(1,*) dmesh
1303  do id2 = 1,nd
1304    do id1 = 1,nd
1305      write(1,*) phi_table(:,:,id1,id2)
1306    end do
1307  end do
1308  close( unit=1 )
1309#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1311! Mark table as set
1312  phi_table_set = .true.
1314end subroutine set_phi_table
1316! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1318subroutine set_qmesh()
1320! Sets mesh of q values
1322  implicit none
1323  integer :: nmesh
1325  call set_mesh( mq, xmax=qcut, dxndx1=dqmaxdqmin )
1326  call get_mesh( mq, nmesh, qmesh )
1327  qmesh_set = .true.
1329#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1330  write(udebug,'(/,a,/,(10f8.4))') 'vdw:set_qmesh: qmesh =', qmesh
1331#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1333end subroutine set_qmesh
1335! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1337subroutine vdw_decusp( nspin, rhos, grhos, eps, dedrho, dedgrho )
1339! Finds the local energy correction due to the softening of the VdW kernel
1340! cusp, defined as DEcusp(rho,grad_rho) =
1341!   (1/2) * rho**2 * Int 4*pi*r**2*dr * (phi(q1*r,q2*r) - phi_soft(q1*r,q2*r))
1342! where q1=q2=q0(rho,grad_rho). Notice that grad_rho is included in the value
1343! of q0 at the origin but not in the change of rho(r) in the integrand.
1345  implicit none
1346  integer, intent(in) :: nspin            ! Number of spin components
1347  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhos(nspin)      ! Electron spin density
1348  real(dp),intent(in) :: grhos(3,nspin)   ! Spin density gradient
1349  real(dp),intent(out):: eps              ! Energy correction per electron
1350  real(dp),intent(out):: dedrho(nspin)    ! d(rho*eps)/d(rho)
1351  real(dp),intent(out):: dedgrho(3,nspin) ! d(rho*eps)/d(grad_rho)
1353  logical, save:: initialized=.false.
1354  real(dp),save:: table(mq,mq)
1355  integer :: iq1, iq2, ir, is, ix, ns
1356  real(dp):: dptpdq, dpdq(mq), dqdrho, dqdgrho(3), grho(3), p(mq), &
1357             ptp, phi22, phi(mq,mq), pi, pt(mq), q, r, rho
1359  ! Trap VV-version exception
1360  if (vdw_author=='VV') then
1361    eps = vv_vdw_beta()
1362    dedrho = eps
1363    dedgrho = 0
1364    return
1365  end if
1367  if (.not.initialized) then
1369    if (.not.phi_table_set) call set_phi_table()
1370    if (.not.kcut_set) stop 'vdw_decusp: ERROR: kcut has not been set'
1372    pi = acos(-1._dp)
1373    table = 0
1374    do ir = 1,nr
1375      r = ir * dr
1376      call phiofr( r, phi )
1377      do iq2 = 1,mq
1378        do iq1 = 1,iq2
1379          table(iq1,iq2) = table(iq1,iq2) - 2*pi*dr * r**2 * phi(iq1,iq2)
1380        end do ! iq1
1381      end do ! iq2
1382    end do
1384    do iq2 = 2,mq
1385      do iq1 = 1,iq2-1
1386        table(iq2,iq1) = table(iq1,iq2)
1387      end do
1388    end do
1390    initialized = .true.
1392  end if ! (.not.initialized)
1394  ns = min(nspin,2)
1395  rho = sum(rhos(1:ns))
1396  do ix = 1,3
1397    grho(ix) = sum(grhos(ix,1:ns))
1398  end do
1400  call qofrho( rho, grho, q, dqdrho, dqdgrho )
1401  call pofq( q, p, dpdq )
1403  pt = matmul(p,table)
1404  ptp = sum( pt * p )
1405  dptpdq = 2 * sum( pt * dpdq )
1406  eps = rho * ptp
1407  dedrho(:) = 2 * rho * ptp + rho**2 * dptpdq * dqdrho
1408  do ix = 1,3
1409    dedgrho(ix,:) = rho**2 * dptpdq * dqdgrho(ix)
1410  end do
1412end subroutine vdw_decusp
1416subroutine vdw_get_qmesh( n, q )
1418! Returns size and values of q-mesh
1420  implicit none
1421  integer,          intent(out) :: n     ! Number of qmesh points
1422  real(dp),optional,intent(out) :: q(:)  ! Values of qmesh points
1423  integer:: nmax, nkf, nkg
1425  ! Trap VV-version exception
1426  if (vdw_author=='VV') then
1427    call vv_vdw_get_kmesh( nkf, nkg )
1428    n = nkf*nkg
1429    if (present(q)) &
1430      call die('vdw_get_qmesh: ERROR q-mesh not available for author=VV')
1431    return
1432  end if
1434  if (.not.qmesh_set) call set_qmesh()
1435  n = mq
1436  if (present(q)) then
1437    nmax = max( mq, size(q) )
1438    q(1:nmax) = qmesh(1:nmax)
1439  end if
1440end subroutine vdw_get_qmesh
1442! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1444subroutine vdw_localxc( iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsX, epsC, &
1445                        dEXdD, dECdD, dEXdGD, dECdGD )
1447! Finds the (semi)local part of the correlation energy density and its
1448! derivatives, using the GGA functional apropriate for the previously-set
1449! vdW functional flavour
1451  implicit none
1452  integer, intent(in) :: iRel            ! Relativistic exchange? 0=no, 1=yes
1453  integer, intent(in) :: nSpin           ! Number of spin components
1454  real(dp),intent(in) :: D(nSpin)        ! Local electron (spin) density
1455  real(dp),intent(in) :: GD(3,nSpin)     ! Gradient of electron density
1456  real(dp),intent(out):: epsX            ! Local exchange energy per electron
1457  real(dp),intent(out):: epsC            ! Local correlation energy per electron
1458  real(dp),intent(out):: dEXdD(nSpin)    ! dEx/dDens, Ex=Int(dens*epsX)
1459  real(dp),intent(out):: dECdD(nSpin)    ! dEc/dDens, Ec=Int(dens*epsC)
1460  real(dp),intent(out):: dEXdGD(3,nSpin) ! dEx/dGrad(Dens)
1461  real(dp),intent(out):: dECdGD(3,nSpin) ! dEc/dGrad(Dens)
1463! Internal variables and arrays
1464  real(dp):: epsAux, dEdDaux(nSpin), dEdGDaux(3,nSpin)
1465  real(dp):: dVXdD(nSpin,nSpin), dVCdD(nSpin,nSpin)
1467! Initialize output
1468  epsX = 0
1469  epsC = 0
1470  dEXdD = 0
1471  dECdD = 0
1472  dEXdGD = 0
1473  dECdGD = 0
1475! Call the appropriate GGA functional.
1476! Use aux arrays to avoid overwritting the wrong ones
1477  if (vdw_author=='DRSLL' .or. vdw_author=='drsll' .or. &
1478      vdw_author=='DF1' .or. vdw_author=='df1') then
1479    ! Dion et al, PRL 92, 246401 (2004)
1480    ! GGA exchange and LDA correlation (we choose PW92 for the later)
1481    call GGAxc( 'revPBE', iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsX, epsAux, &
1482                 dEXdD, dEdDaux, dEXdGD, dEdGDaux )
1483    call LDAxc( 'PW92', iRel, nSpin, D, epsAux, epsC,  &
1484                dEdDaux, dECdD, dVXdD, dVCdD )
1485  else if (vdw_author=='LMKLL' .or. vdw_author=='lmkll' .or. &
1486           vdw_author=='DF2' .or. vdw_author=='df2') then
1487    ! Lee et al, PRB 82, 081101 (2010)
1488    call GGAxc( 'PW86R', iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsX, epsAux, &
1489                 dEXdD, dEdDaux, dEXdGD, dEdGDaux )
1490    call LDAxc( 'PW92', iRel, nSpin, D, epsAux, epsC,  &
1491                dEdDaux, dECdD, dVXdD, dVCdD )
1492  else if (vdw_author=='KBM' .or. vdw_author=='kbm') then
1493    ! optB88-vdW of Klimes et al, JPCM 22, 022201 (2009)
1494    call GGAxc( 'B88KBM', iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsX, epsAux, &
1495                 dEXdD, dEdDaux, dEXdGD, dEdGDaux )
1496    call LDAxc( 'PW92', iRel, nSpin, D, epsAux, epsC,  &
1497                dEdDaux, dECdD, dVXdD, dVCdD )
1498  else if (vdw_author=='C09' .or. vdw_author=='c09') then
1499    ! C09x-vdWc of Cooper, PRB 81, 161104(R) (2010)
1500    call GGAxc( 'C09', iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsX, epsAux, &
1501                 dEXdD, dEdDaux, dEXdGD, dEdGDaux )
1502    call LDAxc( 'PW92', iRel, nSpin, D, epsAux, epsC,  &
1503                dEdDaux, dECdD, dVXdD, dVCdD )
1504  else if (vdw_author=='BH' .or. vdw_author=='bh') then
1505    ! Berland and Hyldgaard, PRB 89, 035412 (2014)
1506    call GGAxc( 'BH', iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsX, epsAux, &
1507                dEXdD, dEdDaux, dEXdGD, dEdGDaux )
1508    call LDAxc( 'PW92', iRel, nSpin, D, epsAux, epsC,  &
1509                dEdDaux, dECdD, dVXdD, dVCdD )
1510  else if (vdw_author=='VV' .or. vdw_author=='vv') then
1511    ! Vydrov and VanVoorhis, JCP 133, 244103 (2010)
1512    ! GGA for both exchange and correlation, but with different flavours
1513    call GGAxc( 'PW86R', iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsX, epsAux, &
1514                dEXdD, dEdDaux, dEXdGD, dEdGDaux )
1515    call GGAxc( 'PBE', iRel, nSpin, D, GD, epsAux, epsC, &
1516                dEdDaux, dECdD, dEdGDaux, dECdGD )
1517  else
1518    stop 'vdw_exchng ERROR: unknown author'
1519  end if
1521end subroutine vdw_localxc
1525subroutine vdw_phi( k, phi, dphidk )
1527! Finds by interpolation phi(q1,q2,k) (Fourier transform of phi(q1,q2,r))
1528! for all values of q1 and q2 in qmesh. If the interpolation table does not
1529! exist, it is calculated in the first call to vdw_phi. It requires a
1530! previous call to vdw_set_kc to set qmesh.
1532  implicit none
1533  real(dp),intent(in) :: k            ! Modulus of actual k vector
1534  real(dp),intent(out):: phi(:,:)     ! phi(q1,q2,k) at given k
1535                                      ! for all q1,q2 in qmesh
1536  real(dp),intent(out):: dphidk(:,:)  ! dphi(q1,q2,k)/dk at given k
1538  integer :: ik, iq1, iq2
1539  real(dp):: a, a2, a3, b, b2, b3
1541  ! Trap VV-version exception
1542  if (vdw_author=='VV') then
1543    call vv_vdw_phi( k, phi, dphidk )
1544    return
1545  end if
1547  if (.not.kcut_set) stop 'vdw_phi: ERROR: kcut must be previously set'
1549! Check argument sizes
1550  if (size(phi,1)<mq .or. size(phi,2)<mq) &
1551    stop 'vdw_phi: ERROR: size(phi) too small'
1553! Find phi values at point k
1554  if (k >= kcut) then
1555    phi(:,:) = 0
1556  else
1557    ! Expand interpolation inline since this is the hottest point in VdW
1558    ik = k/dk
1559    a = ((ik+1)*dk-k)/dk
1560    b = 1 - a
1561    a2 = (3*a**2 -1) * dk / 6
1562    b2 = (3*b**2 -1) * dk / 6
1563    a3 = (a**3 - a) * dk**2 / 6
1564    b3 = (b**3 - b) * dk**2 / 6
1565    do iq2 = 1,mq
1566      do iq1 = 1,iq2
1567!        call splint( dk, phik(:,iq1,iq2), d2phidk2(:,iq1,iq2), nk+1, k, &
1568!                     phi(iq1,iq2), dphidk(iq1,iq2), pr )
1569        phi(iq1,iq2) = a*phik(ik,iq1,iq2) + b*phik(ik+1,iq1,iq2) &
1570                + a3*d2phidk2(ik,iq1,iq2) + b3*d2phidk2(ik+1,iq1,iq2)
1571        dphidk(iq1,iq2) = (-phik(ik,iq1,iq2) + phik(ik+1,iq1,iq2)) / dk &
1572                   - a2*d2phidk2(ik,iq1,iq2) + b2*d2phidk2(ik+1,iq1,iq2)
1573        phi(iq2,iq1) = phi(iq1,iq2)
1574        dphidk(iq2,iq1) = dphidk(iq1,iq2)
1575      end do
1576    end do
1577  end if
1579end subroutine vdw_phi
1583subroutine vdw_set_author( author )
1585! Sets the functional flavour (author initials) and subsequent parameters
1587  implicit none
1588  character(len=*),intent(in):: author ! Functional flavour
1589                                   ! ('DRSLL'|'LMKLL'|'KBM'|'C09'|'BH'|'VV')
1591  if (author=='DRSLL') then
1592    ! Dion et al, PRL 92, 246401 (2004)
1593    zab = -0.8491_dp
1594  else if (author=='LMKLL') then
1595    ! Lee et al, PRB 82, 081101 (2010)
1596    zab = -1.887_dp
1597  else if (author=='KBM') then
1598    ! optB88-vdW of Klimes et al, JPCM 22, 022201 (2009)
1599    zab = -0.8491_dp
1600  else if (author=='C09') then
1601    ! Cooper, PRB 81, 161104(R) (2010)
1602    zab = -0.8491_dp
1603  else if (author=='BH') then
1604    ! Berland and Hyldgaard, PRB 89, 035412 (2014)
1605    zab = -0.8491_dp
1606  else if (author=='VV') then
1607    ! Vydrov and Van Voorhis, JCP 133, 244103 (2010)
1608  else
1609    stop 'vdw_set_author: ERROR: author not known'
1610  end if
1611  vdw_author = author
1613end subroutine vdw_set_author
1617subroutine vdw_set_kcut( kc )
1619! Sets the reciprocal planewave cutoff kc of the integration grid, and finds
1620! the interpolation table to be used by vdw_phi to obtain the vdW kernel phi
1621! at the reciprocal mesh wavevectors.
1623  implicit none
1624  real(dp),intent(in):: kc  ! Planewave cutoff: k>kcut => phi=0
1626  character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'vdw_set_kcut '
1627  integer :: ik, iq1, iq2, ir, nrs
1628  real(dp):: dphids, dphidk0, dphidkmax, dphidr0, dphidrmax, dqdq0, &
1629             k, kmax, phi(0:nr), phi0, phi2, phis, pi, q1, q2, r(0:nr), rs
1631  ! Trap VV-version exception
1632  if (vdw_author=='VV') then
1633    call vv_vdw_set_kcut( kc )
1634    return
1635  end if
1637  if (kc == kcut) return   ! Work alredy done
1638  if (.not.qmesh_set) call set_qmesh()
1640  ! Allocate arrays
1641  call re_alloc( phir,     0,nr, 1,mq, 1,mq, myName//'phir' )
1642  call re_alloc( phik,     0,nr, 1,mq, 1,mq, myName//'phik' )
1643  call re_alloc( d2phidr2, 0,nr, 1,mq, 1,mq, myName//'d2phidr2' )
1644  call re_alloc( d2phidk2, 0,nr, 1,mq, 1,mq, myName//'d2phidk2' )
1646  pi = acos(-1._dp)
1647  dr = rcut / nr
1648  dk = pi / rcut
1649  kmax = pi / dr
1650  nk = int(kc/dk) + 1
1651  nrs = nint(rsoft/dr)
1652  rs = nrs * dr
1653  if (nk>nr) stop 'vdw_set_kcut: ERROR: nk>nr'
1655#ifdef DEBUG_XC
1656  write(udebug,'(a,5f8.3)') 'vdw_set_kcut: dcut,qcut,rcut,kcut,kmax=', &
1657    dcut, qcut, rcut, kc, kmax
1658#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
1660  ! For each pair of values q1 and q2
1661  do iq2 = 1,mq
1662    do iq1 = 1,iq2
1663!      print*, 'vdw_set_kcut: iq1,iq2=', iq1, iq2
1665!     Saturated q values
1666!      q1 = qmesh(iq1)
1667!      q2 = qmesh(iq2)
1669!     Find original (unsaturated) q values
1670      call saturate_inverse( qmesh(iq1), qcut, q1, dqdq0 )
1671      call saturate_inverse( qmesh(iq2), qcut, q2, dqdq0 )
1673      ! Find kernel in real space
1674      do ir = 0,nr
1675        r(ir) = ir * dr
1676        phir(ir,iq1,iq2) = phi_interp( q1*r(ir), q2*r(ir) )
1677      end do
1678      phi(:) = phir(:,iq1,iq2)
1680      ! Change kernel near origin to a parabola matching at rs
1681      if (nrs>0) then
1682        phis = phi(nrs)
1683        dphids = (phi(nrs+1) - phi(nrs-1)) / (2*dr)
1684        phi0 = phis - dphids * rs/2
1685        phi2 = dphids / (2*rs)
1686        do ir = 0,nrs
1687          phir(ir,iq1,iq2) = phi0 + phi2 * r(ir)**2
1688        end do
1689      end if ! (nrs>0)
1691      ! Kill kernel smoothly at r=rcut
1692      do ir = 0,nr
1693        phir(ir,iq1,iq2) = phir(ir,iq1,iq2) * cutoff( r(ir)/rcut )
1694      end do
1696      ! Optimized filter (warning: inaccurate for very large kcut*rcut)
1697!      call filter( 0, nr+1, r(:), phir(:,iq1,iq2), kc, 0 )
1699      ! Find kernel in reciprocal space
1700      call radfft( 0, nr, rcut, phir(:,iq1,iq2), phik(:,iq1,iq2) )
1701      phik(:,iq1,iq2) = phik(:,iq1,iq2) * (2*pi)**1.5_dp
1703      ! Filter out above kcut
1704      phik(nk:nr,iq1,iq2) = 0
1706      ! Soft filter below kcut
1707      do ik = 1,nk
1708        k = ik * dk
1709        phik(ik,iq1,iq2) = phik(ik,iq1,iq2) * cutoff(k/kc)
1710      end do
1712      ! Find filtered kernel in real space
1713      call radfft( 0, nr, kmax, phik(:,iq1,iq2), phir(:,iq1,iq2) )
1714      phir(:,iq1,iq2) = phir(:,iq1,iq2) / (2*pi)**1.5_dp
1716      ! Set up spline interpolation tables
1717      dphidr0 = 0
1718      dphidrmax = 0
1719      dphidk0 = 0
1720      dphidkmax = 0
1721      call spline( dr, phir(:,iq1,iq2), nr+1, dphidr0, dphidrmax, &
1722                   d2phidr2(:,iq1,iq2) )
1723      call spline( dk, phik(:,iq1,iq2), nk+1, dphidk0, dphidkmax, &
1724                   d2phidk2(:,iq1,iq2) )
1726      ! Fill symmetric elements
1727      phir(:,iq2,iq1) = phir(:,iq1,iq2)
1728      phik(:,iq2,iq1) = phik(:,iq1,iq2)
1729      d2phidr2(:,iq2,iq1) = d2phidr2(:,iq1,iq2)
1730      d2phidk2(:,iq2,iq1) = d2phidk2(:,iq1,iq2)
1732!      if (.false. .and. iq1==iq2) then
1733!        print*, 'vdw_set_kcut: iq1,iq2=', iq1, iq2
1734!        call window( 0._dp, 5._dp, -1._dp, 4._dp, 0 )
1735!        call axes( 0._dp, 1._dp, 0._dp, 1._dp )
1736!        call plot( nr+1, r, phi, phir(:,iq1,iq2) )
1737!        call window( 0._dp, 10._dp, -0.05_dp, 0.15_dp, 0 )
1738!        call axes( 0._dp, 1._dp, 0._dp, 0.05_dp )
1739!        call plot( nr+1, r, q1*q2*r**2*phi, q1*q2*r**2*phir(:,iq1,iq2) )
1740!        call show()
1741!      end if
1743    end do ! iq1
1744  end do ! iq2
1746!  print'(a,/,(2i6,f12.6))', 'vdw_set_kcut: iq1, iq2, phir(0,iq1,iq2) =', &
1747!    ((iq1,iq2,phir(0,iq1,iq2),iq1=2,iq2),iq2=2,mq)
1749  kcut = kc
1750  kcut_set = .true.
1752end subroutine vdw_set_kcut
1756subroutine vdw_theta( nspin, rhos, grhos, theta, dtdrho, dtdgrho )
1758! Finds the value and derivatives of theta_i(rho,grad_rho) = rho*p_i(q0),
1759! where q0(rho,grad_rho) is the local wavevector defined in eqs.(11-12)
1760! of Dion et al. p_i(q0) are the cubic polynomials such that
1761!     y(q0) = Sum_i p_i(q0) * y_i
1762! is the cubic spline interpolation at q0 of (any) function y(q) with
1763! values y_i at mesh points qmesh_i
1765  implicit none
1766  integer, intent(in) :: nspin               ! Number of spin components
1767  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhos(nspin)         ! Electron spin density
1768  real(dp),intent(in) :: grhos(3,nspin)      ! Spin density gradient
1769  real(dp),intent(out):: theta(:)            ! Expansion of rho*q in qmesh
1770  real(dp),intent(out):: dtdrho(:,:)         ! dtheta(iq)/drhos
1771  real(dp),intent(out):: dtdgrho(:,:,:)      ! dtheta(iq)/dgrhos(ix)
1772!  real(dp),intent(out):: theta(mq)           ! Expansion of rho*q in qmesh
1773!  real(dp),intent(out):: dtdrho(mq,nspin)    ! dtheta(iq)/drhos
1774!  real(dp),intent(out):: dtdgrho(3,mq,nspin) ! dtheta(iq)/dgrhos(ix)
1776  integer :: is, ix, ns
1777  real(dp):: rho, grho(3), dpdq(mq), dqdrho, dqdgrho(3), p(mq), q
1779  ! Trap VV-version exception
1780  if (vdw_author=='VV') then
1781    call vv_vdw_theta( nspin, rhos, grhos, theta, dtdrho, dtdgrho )
1782    return
1783  end if
1785  ns = min(nspin,2)
1786  rho = sum(rhos(1:ns))
1787  do ix = 1,3
1788    grho(ix) = sum(grhos(ix,1:ns))
1789  end do
1791  call qofrho( rho, grho, q, dqdrho, dqdgrho )
1792  call pofq( q, p, dpdq )
1794  theta(1:mq) = rho * p(1:mq)
1795  dtdrho(:,:) = 0
1796  dtdgrho(:,:,:) = 0
1797  do is = 1,ns
1798    dtdrho(1:mq,is) = p(1:mq) + rho * dpdq(1:mq) * dqdrho
1799    do ix = 1,3
1800      dtdgrho(ix,1:mq,is) = rho * dpdq(1:mq) * dqdgrho(ix)
1801    end do
1802  end do
1804end subroutine vdw_theta
1806END MODULE m_vdwxc