2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8      subroutine cspa(ioptlwf,iopt,natoms,no_u,no_l,lasto,isa,
9     .                qa,rcoor,rh,cell,xa,nhmax,numh,listh,listhptr,
10     .                maxnc,ncmax,nctmax,nfmax,nftmax,nhijmax,nbands,
11     .                no_cl,nspin,Node)
12C ******************************************************************************
13C This subroutine builds the Localized Wave Functions, centered
14C on ATOMS (searching for atoms within a cutoff radius rcoor), and
15C assigns a RANDOM initial guess to start the CG minimization.
17C Criterion to build LWF's:
18C 1) Method of Kim et al: use more localized orbitals than
19C    occupied orbitals.
20C    We assign the minimum number of orbitals so that there
21C    is place for more electrons than those in the system;
22C    for instance:
23C      H:        1 LWF
24C      C,Si:     3 LWF's
25C      N:        3 LWF's
26C      O:        4 LWF's
27C      ...
28C 2) Method of Ordejon et al: number of localized orbitals
29C    equal to number of occupied orbitals.
30C    For the initial assignment of LWF centers to atoms, atoms
31C    with even number of electrons, n, get n/2 LWFs. Odd atoms
32C    get (n+1)/2 and (n-1)/2 in an alternating sequence, ir order
33C    of appearance (controlled by the input in the atomic coor block).
35C Written by P.Ordejon, 1993.
36C Re-written by P.Ordejon, November'96.
37C Corrected by P.Ordejon, April'97,  May'97
38C lmax, lmaxs and nzls erased from the input by DSP, Aug 1998.
39C Alternating sequence for odd species in Ordejon, by E.Artacho, Aug 2008.
40C ******************************* INPUT ***************************************
41C integer ioptlwf           : Build LWF's according to:
42C                             0 = Read blindly from disk
43C                             1 = Functional of Kim et al.
44C                             2 = Functional of Ordejon-Mauri
45C integer iopt              : 0 = Find structure of sparse C matrix and
46C                                  build initial guess
47C                             1 = Just find structure of C matrix
48C integer natoms            : Number of atoms
49C integer no_u            : Number of basis orbitals
50C integer lasto(0:natoms)   : Index of last orbital of each atom
51C integer isa(natoms)       : Species index of each atom
52C real*8 qa(natoms)         : Neutral atom charge
53C real*8 rcoor              : Cutoff radius of Localized Wave Functions
54C real*8 rh                 : Maximum cutoff radius of Hamiltonian matrix
55C real*8 cell(3,3)          : Supercell vectors
56C real*8 xa(3,natoms)       : Atomic coordinates
57C integer maxnc             : First dimension of C matrix, and maximum
58C                             number of nonzero elements of each row of C
59C integer nspin             : Number of spins
60C ****************************** OUTPUT **************************************
61C real*8 c(ncmax,no_u)    : Initial guess for sparse coefficients
62C                             of LWF's  (only if iopt = 0)
63C integer numc(no_u)      : Control vector of C matrix
64C integer listc(ncmax,no_u): Control vector of C matrix
65C integer ncmax             : True value for ncmax,
66C                             If ncmax it is too small, then
67C                             c, numc and listc are NOT initialized!!
68C integer nctmax            : Maximum number of nonzero elements
69C                             of eaxh column of C
70C integer nfmax             : Maximum number of nonzero elements
71C                             of each row of F
72C integer nftmax            : Maximum number of nonzero elements
73C                             of eaxh column of F
74C integer nhijmax           : Maximum number of nonzero elements
75C                             of each row of Hij
76C integer nbands            : Number of LWF's
77C ****************************************************************************
79      use precision, only: dp
80      use alloc,     only: re_alloc, de_alloc
81      use on_main,   only: numc, listc, c, cold, listcold
82      use on_main,   only: ncg2l, ncl2g, nct2p, ncp2t
83      use neighbour, only: jan, r2ij, xij, mneighb, maxnna,
84     &                     reset_neighbour_arrays
85      use sys,      only : die
86      use spatial,  only : nL2G
88      implicit none
90      integer, intent(in) ::
91     .  iopt,ioptlwf,natoms,no_u,nhmax,Node,no_l,nspin
93      integer, intent(inout) :: maxnc
95      integer, intent(out) ::
96     $     nbands,ncmax,nctmax, nfmax,nftmax,nhijmax,
97     $     no_cl
99      integer, intent(in) ::
100     .  isa(natoms),lasto(0:natoms),
101     .  numh(no_l),listh(nhmax),listhptr(no_l)
103      real(dp), intent(in) ::
104     .  cell(3,3),qa(natoms),rcoor,rh,xa(3,natoms)
106C  Internal variables .......................................................
108      integer, dimension(:), pointer ::  alist, ilist, numft
109      integer, pointer               ::  indexloc(:) => null()
111      integer
112     . i,ia,imu,in,index,indexa,indexb,indexi,indexj,iorb,is,j,ja,
113     . jj,k,mu,nct,nelectr,nf,nm,norb,nqtot,nu,numloc,nhij,indmu,
114     . mul, mull, ind, nelectr1, nelectr2
116      integer,                            save :: iseed = 17
117      integer,                            save :: nna = 200
119      logical, dimension(:), pointer ::  lneeded
121      real(dp) ::
122     .  cg,fact(2),qtot,r,rmax,rr(3),rrmod,
123     .  snor,tiny,randomg,cgval
125      external :: randomg
127      logical, save :: firstcall = .true., secondodd = .false.
129      if (firstcall) then
131C Initialise random number generator
132        cgval = randomg(-iseed)
134        firstcall = .false.
136      endif
138      tiny = 1.d-10
140C Check that iopt is correct ................................................
141      if (iopt .ne. 0 .and. iopt .ne. 1) then
142        call die('cspa: Wrong iopt in cspa')
143      endif
146C Allocate local arrays
147      nullify( alist, ilist, numft, lneeded )
148      call re_alloc( alist,   1, natoms, 'alist',   'cspa' )
149      call re_alloc( ilist, 1, no_u, name='ilist', routine='cspa' )
150      call re_alloc( numft, 1, no_u, name='numft', routine='cspa' )
151      call re_alloc( lneeded, 1, no_u, name='lneeded',
152     &               routine='cspa' )
154C Work out which basis functions are required in local C copy
155!     These will be those which interact with the local orbitals
157      lneeded(1:no_u) = .false.
158      do mul = 1,no_l
159        ind = listhptr(mul)
160        lneeded(nL2G(mul,Node+1)) = .true.
161        do i = 1,numh(mul)
162          mu = listh(ind+i)
163          lneeded(mu) = .true.
164        enddo
165      enddo
167!     Now build up the indexes ncG2L and ncL2G
169      no_cl = 0
170      ncG2L(1:no_u) = 0
171      ncT2P(1:no_u) = 0
172      ! First set of orbitals: those handled by
173      ! the local node
174      do mu = 1,no_l
175        no_cl = no_cl + 1  ! = mu
176        ncL2G(no_cl) = nL2G(mu,Node+1)
177        ncG2L(nL2G(mu,Node+1)) = no_cl  ! = mu
178      enddo
179      ! Second set of orbitals: those interacting
180      ! with the orbitals handled by the local node
181      ! (and not already counted)
182      do mu = 1,no_u
183        if (lneeded(mu).and.ncG2L(mu).eq.0) then
184          no_cl = no_cl + 1
185          ncL2G(no_cl) = mu
186          ncG2L(mu) = no_cl
187        endif
188      enddo
189      do mul = 1,no_l
190        ! These are just identity mappings,
191        ! since the first no_l entries are
192        ! the same in the no_l and the no_cl sets
194        ! nct2p is just a filter: if >0, its argument
195        ! belongs to the (partial) set of indexes
196        ! that go from 1 to no_l. It could really be
197        ! a logical mask. It is always used as
198        ! if (nct2p(i)>0) then...
200        ! ncp2t is just the identity over 1:no_l,
201        ! where it is used in the rest of the program
203        ! Both arrays are dimensioned to no_u, even though
204        ! only the first no_l entries are used for ncP2T.
206        ncP2T(mul) = ncG2L(nL2G(mul,Node+1)) ! ncP2T(mul) = mul
207        ! Note also that the range of ncG2L is 1:no_cl,
208        ncT2P(ncG2L(nL2G(mul,Node+1))) = mul ! ncT2P(mul) = mul
209      enddo
211C Resize arrays that depend on no_cl
212      call re_alloc(listc,1,maxnc,1,no_cl,
213     .              shrink=.false.,name='listc')
214      call re_alloc(listcold,1,maxnc,1,no_l,
215     .              shrink=.false.,name='listcold')
216      call re_alloc(c,1,maxnc,1,no_cl,1,nspin,
217     .              shrink=.false.,name='c')
218      call re_alloc(cold,1,maxnc,1,no_l,1,nspin,
219     .              shrink=.false.,name='cold')
221C Initialize some stuff
223      do ia = 1,natoms
224        alist(ia) = 0
225      enddo
227      do mul = 1,no_cl
228        numc(mul) = 0
229      enddo
231      do mu = 1,no_u
232        numft(mu) = 0
233      enddo
235      if (iopt .eq. 0) then
236        do is = 1,nspin
237          do mu = 1,no_cl
238            do i = 1,maxnc
239              c(i,mu,is) = 0.0d0
240            enddo
241          enddo
242        enddo
243      endif
245      ncmax   = 0
246      nctmax  = 0
247      nfmax   = 0
248      nftmax  = 0
249      nhijmax = 0
250C ........................
252C Calculate maximum length in unit cell ......................................
253C determine maximum cell length
254      !AG: Possible bug: cell vectors are given by the columns of cell!
255      rmax = 0.0d0
256      do i = -1,1
257        do j = -1,1
258          do k = -1,1
259            !AG It should be
260            ! rr(1) = i*cell(1,1) + j*cell(1,2) + k*cell(1,3)
261            rr(1) = i*cell(1,1) + j*cell(2,1) + k*cell(3,1)
262            rr(2) = i*cell(1,2) + j*cell(2,2) + k*cell(3,2)
263            rr(3) = i*cell(1,3) + j*cell(2,3) + k*cell(3,3)
264            rrmod = sqrt( rr(1)**2 + rr(2)**2 + rr(3)**2 )
265            if (rrmod .gt. rmax) rmax = rrmod
266          enddo
267        enddo
268      enddo
269C ........................
271C Check that there is an integer number of electrons
272      qtot = 0.0d0
273      do ia = 1,natoms
274        qtot = qtot + qa(ia)
275      enddo
276      qtot = qtot + tiny
277      nqtot = nint(qtot)
278      if (abs(nqtot-qtot+tiny) .gt. 1e-3) then
279        if (Node.eq.0) then
280          write(6,*) 'cspa: Wrong total charge; non integer:',qtot
281        endif
282        call die()
283      endif
284C ..................
286C Build control vectors of sparse LWF
287C loop over the localized wave funcions (centered at atoms)..................
289C Initialize routine for neighbour search
290      ! Note that this will not update nna!!
291      call mneighb(cell,rcoor,natoms,xa,0,0,nna)
293C Allocate local memory
294      call re_alloc(indexloc,1,max(maxnna,natoms),name='indexloc')
296      index = 0   ! Counter for total number of LWF
297      loop_ia: do ia = 1,natoms
299        if (2.0*rcoor .lt. rmax) then
300          ! Localization size smaller than max cell size
301          ! Look for neighbours of atom ia
302          call mneighb(cell,rcoor,natoms,xa,ia,0,nna)
303          ! Reallocate in case nna has increased  (Tight form)
304          call re_alloc( indexloc, 1, nna, 'indexloc', 'cspa' )
305        else
306          ! Localization size greater than max cell size
307          ! We can treat all atoms in the cell as neighbors
308          ! Make sure we have enough space
309          ! (Cleaner alternative to initial allocation with
310          ! max(maxnna,natoms)
311          !call sizeup_neighbour_arrays(natoms)
312          !call re_alloc( indexloc, 1, natoms, name='indexloc')
313          nna = natoms
314          do  jj = 1,natoms
315            jan(jj) = jj
316          enddo
317        endif
319        ! All procs have information about the number of LWFs
320        ! but they keep only the coefficients associated to
321        ! the orbitals they manage and to those that interact with
322        ! them
324        ! loop over LWF's centered on atom ia
325        call get_number_of_lwfs_on_atom()  ! gets indexi, nelectr
326        loop_lwfs_on_ia: do indexb = 1,indexi
327          index = index + 1  ! global counter for number of LWFs
329c clear list of atoms considered within loc. range
330          do indexa = 1,nna
331            indexloc(indexa) = 0
332          enddo
333          numloc = 0
335C initialize stuff...
336          nct = 0     ! total number of coeffs for this LWF in this node
337          snor = 0.0d0
338          nf = 0
339          do nu = 1,no_u
340            ilist(nu) = 0
341          enddo
343C loop over the neighbors of ia within rcoor
344          loop_neighbor_atoms: do  jj = 1,nna
345            ja = jan(jj)
347            ! Check if ja has already been included in current lwf
348            ! (an image atom, maybe?)
349            do indexa = 1,numloc
350              if (ja .eq. indexloc(indexa)) cycle loop_neighbor_atoms
351            enddo
352            numloc = numloc + 1
353            indexloc(numloc) = ja
355            !  Loop over orbitals of ja
356            norb = lasto(ja) - lasto(ja-1)
357            loop_orbs_on_neighbor: do iorb = 1,norb
358              mu = iorb + lasto(ja-1)
360              ! Get random number here for reproducibility over numbers of processors
361              get_random: do
362                 cgval = (randomg(iseed) - 0.5d0) * 2.0d0
363                 if (abs(cgval) .ge. 1d-5) exit get_random
364              enddo get_random
366              ! If this orbital (global index mu) is part of our
367              ! c-list, include it in the indexes
369              !! alternative:
370              !! if (ncG2L(mu) == 0) cycle loop_orbs_on_neighbor
372              if (ncG2L(mu).ne.0) then
373                mul = ncG2L(mu)
374                nm = numc(mul)
375                numc(mul) = nm + 1
376                if (numc(mul) .gt. maxnc) then
377                  ! Reallocate all arrays that depend on maxnc
378                  maxnc = maxnc + 50   ! this is not optimal
379                                       ! but the arrays could be shrunk
380                                       ! in routine ordern
381                  call re_alloc(listc,1,maxnc,1,no_cl,name='listc')
382                  call re_alloc(c,1,maxnc,1,no_cl,1,nspin,name='c')
383                endif
385                listc(nm+1,mul) = index  ! LWF index
386                nct = nct + 1            ! number of coefficients so far
388                ! Find out structure of F and Ft matrices
389                ! F = S*C
390                !   find orbitals (nu, global index) which interact with mu
392                if (ncT2P(mul).gt.0) then
393                  ! mul is one of 1:no_l
394                  mull = ncT2P(mul)
395                  indmu = listhptr(mull)
396                  do imu = 1,numh(mull)
397                    nu = listh(indmu+imu)
398                    if (ilist(nu) .eq. 0) then  ! Avoid overcounting
399                      ilist(nu) = 1
400                      numft(nu) = numft(nu) + 1
401                      nf = nf + 1
402                    endif
403                  enddo
404                endif
405                ! At the end of this process, numft(nu) will contain
406                ! the number of locally managed orbitals (indexes 1:no_l)
407                ! that interact with nu. nf will be the total number of such interactions.
408                ! It is somehow the "sparsity" of the transpose of the S and H matrices
409                ! But note that numft is deallocated here, and only nftmax = max(numft(:))
410                ! is retained.
412                ! Assign random guess for orbitals in atom ia if iopt = 0
413                ! Note: only those on atom ia, to avoid duplication of work
414                if (iopt .eq. 0) then
415                  if (ja .eq. ia) then
416                    call initguess(ia,iorb,isa(ia),nelectr,
417     .                cg,cgval,Node)
418                    do is = 1,nspin
419                      c(nm+1,mul,is) = cg
420                    enddo
421                    snor = snor + cg**2
422                  endif
423                endif
425              endif  ! if iorb is part of our c-list
427            enddo  loop_orbs_on_neighbor ! iorb
428          enddo     loop_neighbor_atoms ! ja
430          ! Normalize LWF's if iopt = 0  .............................................
431          !   (normalize to one if functions are expected to be occupied,
432          !   0.5 if half occupied
433          !   0.1 if empty)
434          !
435          if (iopt .eq. 0) then
436            fact(1:2) = 1.0d0
437            if (ioptlwf .eq. 1) then
438              if (indexb.eq.indexi) then
439                if (nspin.eq.1) then
440                  if (2*(nelectr/2) .eq. nelectr) fact(1:2) = sqrt(0.1)
441                  if (2*(nelectr/2) .ne. nelectr) fact(1:2) = sqrt(0.5)
442                else
443                  if (indexb.gt.nelectr1) fact(1) = sqrt(0.1)
444                  if (indexb.gt.nelectr2) fact(2) = sqrt(0.1)
445                endif
446              endif
447            endif
449            do is = 1,nspin
450              do mu = lasto(ia-1)+1, lasto(ia)
451                mul = ncG2L(mu)
452                if (mul.gt.0) then     ! mu is in our c-list
453                  do in = 1,numc(mul)
454                    if (listc(in,mul) .eq. index) then
455                      !AG: can put spin loop here
456                      c(in,mul,is) = c(in,mul,is) * fact(is)/sqrt(snor)
457                    endif
458                  enddo
459                endif
460              enddo
461            enddo
462          endif
464          nctmax = max ( nctmax , nct )
465          nfmax = max ( nfmax , nf )
467        enddo loop_lwfs_on_ia
468      enddo loop_ia
470      do mul = 1,no_cl
471        ncmax  = max ( ncmax  , numc(mul) )
472      enddo
474      do mu = 1,no_u
475        nftmax = max ( nftmax , numft(mu) )
476      enddo
478      nbands = index
480      if (index .gt. no_u) then
481        if (Node.eq.0) then
482          write(6,*) 'cspa: Number of LWFs larger than  basis set size'
483          write(6,*) '      Increase basis set, or use less LWFs'
484        endif
485        call die()
486      endif
488      if ((ioptlwf .eq. 2) .and. (nbands .ne. nqtot/2)) then
489        if (Node.eq.0) then
490          write(6,*) 'cspa: Number of LWFs incorrectly calculated'
491          write(6,*) '      Something went wrong in generating the'
492          write(6,*) '      LWFs for the Ordejon-Mauri functional'
493        endif
494        call die()
495      endif
498C Find out sparse dimensions of Hij
499C loop over the localized wave funcions (centered at atoms)..................
501C Maximum interacion range between LWF's
502      r = 2.0 * rcoor + rh
504      if (2*r .ge. rmax) then
505        nhijmax = nbands
506      else
507        call mneighb(cell,r,natoms,xa,0,0,nna)   !! ,nnmax)
509        index = 0
510        do ia = 1,natoms
512C Look for neighbours of atom ia within maximum interaction range
513          call mneighb(cell,r,natoms,xa,ia,0,nna) !! ,nnmax)
515          nhij = 0
516C Loop over the neighbors of ia within rcoor
517          do  jj = 1,nna
518            ja = jan(jj)
519            alist(ja) = 0
520          enddo
521          do  jj = 1,nna
522            ja = jan(jj)
523            if (alist(ja) .eq. 1) goto 20
524            alist(ja) = 1
526C  determine how many LWF's centered in ja, depending on the atomic species
527C  (or the number of electrons)
528            nelectr = qa (ja) + tiny
529            if (ioptlwf .eq. 1) then
530              indexj = ( ( nelectr + 2 ) / 2 )
531              nelectr2 = nelectr/2
532              nelectr1 = nelectr - nelectr2
533            else if (ioptlwf .eq. 2) then
534              !AG: Is this right?
535              if ( (nelectr/2)*2 .ne. nelectr) then
536                 call
537     $        die("Check Ordejon-Mauri Func. indexj assignment in cspa")
538              endif
539              indexj = ( ( nelectr / 2 ) )
540            else
541              call die('cspa: Wrong functional option in cspa')
542            endif
544            nhij = nhij + indexj
54520          continue
546          enddo
547          do  jj = 1,nna
548            ja = jan(jj)
549            alist(ja) = 0
550          enddo
551          nhijmax = max ( nhijmax , nhij )
552        enddo  ! ia
553      endif
555C Deallocate local memory
556      call reset_neighbour_arrays( )
557      call de_alloc( lneeded, name='lneeded' )
558      call de_alloc( numft, name='numft' )
559      call de_alloc( ilist, name='ilist' )
560      call de_alloc( alist, name='alist' )
561      call de_alloc( indexloc, name='indexloc' )
563      CONTAINS
565      !---------------------------------------------
566      subroutine get_number_of_lwfs_on_atom()
568      ! Determine how many LWF's depending on the atomic species
569      ! (or the number of electrons)
570        nelectr = qa(ia) + tiny
571        if (abs(nelectr - qa(ia) + tiny) .gt. 1e-3) then
572          if (Node.eq.0) then
573            write(6,*) 'cspa: Wrong atomic charge for atom ',ia
574            write(6,*) '      qa = ',qa(ia),' must be an integer'
575          endif
576          call die()
577        endif
578        if (ioptlwf .eq. 1) then
579          indexi = ( ( nelectr + 2 ) / 2 )
580          nelectr2 = nelectr/2
581          nelectr1 = nelectr - nelectr2
582        else if (ioptlwf .eq. 2) then
583          if ( (nelectr/2)*2 .ne. nelectr) then
584c EA: Instead of dying if there is any atom of odd species, use
585c an alternating scheme for assigning 1/2 more or 1/2 less, in
586c strict order of appearance. The user controls where the odd LWFs
587c go by defining the order of atoms in the AtomicSpeciesAndAtomicCoor... block
588c OLD------ if (Node.eq.0) then
589c             write(6,*) 'cspa: Wrong Order-N functional option in ',
590c    .                   'cspa.'
591c             write(6,*) '      You can only use the functional of'
592c             write(6,*) '      Ordejon-Mauri for atoms with an even'
593c             write(6,*) '      number of electrons.'
594c           endif
595c OLD------ call die()
596c give one-extra/one-less LWF to odd species in turn with flag secondodd
597            if (secondodd) then
598               indexi = ( ( nelectr - 1 ) / 2 )
599               secondodd = .false.
600            else
601               indexi = ( ( nelectr + 1 ) / 2 )
602               secondodd = .true.
603            endif
604          else
605            indexi = ( ( nelectr ) / 2 )
606          endif
607        else
608          call die('cspa: Wrong functional option in cspa')
609        endif
610      end subroutine get_number_of_lwfs_on_atom
612      end subroutine cspa
614      subroutine initguess(ia,iorb,is,ne,cg,cgval,Node)
615C *****************************************************************************
616C Routine to assign an initial guess for an atomic orbital iorb in a localized
617C wave function centered on atom ia.
618C Assigns a random guess if the orbital belongs to the first 'zeta' of the
619C atom (lowest energy shell of its angular momentum), and if the angular
620C momentum is populated in the free atom. Otherwise, sets coefficient to cero.
622C Written by P.Ordejon, November'96
623C lmax, lmaxs and nzls erased from the input by DSP, Aug. 1998.
624C ******************************* INPUT ***************************************
625C integer ia                   : Atom to which orbital belongs
626C integer mu                   : Orbital index within atom ia
627C integer is                   : Species index of atom ia
628C integer ne                   : Number of electrons of atom ia
629C real*8  cgval                : Random value to set to cg if needed
630C integer Node                 : Node number
631C ***************************** OUTPUT ****************************************
632C real*8 cg                    : Initial guess for WF coefficient
633C *****************************************************************************
634C The following functions must exist:
637C    Returns the maximum angular momentum of orbitals
638C Input:
639C     INTEGER IS : Species index
642C    Returns the number of different basis functions with the
643C    same angular momentum L.
644C Input:
645C     INTEGER IS : Species index
646C     INTEGER L  : Angular momentum
648C *****************************************************************************
650      use precision
652      use atmfuncs, only : lomaxfis, nztfl
653      use sys,      only : die
655      implicit none
657      integer
658     .  ia,iorb,is,ne,Node
660      real(dp) ::
661     .  cg, cgval
663C Internal variables .........................................................
664      integer
665     .  index,iz,l,lmaxp,m
667C Initialize cg to cero
668      cg = 0.0d0
670C Find out angular momentum of orbital iorb
672      index = 0
673      do l = 0,lomaxfis(is)
674        do iz = 1,nztfl(is,l)
675          do m = -l,l
676            index = index + 1
677          enddo
678        if (index .ge. iorb) goto 10
679        enddo
680      enddo
681      call die('cspa: Error in orbital indexing in initguess')
68210    continue
684C Return if orbital is not the first zeta of its shell
685      if (iz .ne. 1) return
687C Assign initial guess.
688C If 2 or less electrons, populate lowest s orbital
689C If 8 or less electrons, populate lowest s and p  orbitals
690C If 18 or less electrons, populate lowest s, p and d orbitals
691C If 32 or less electrons, populate lowest s, p, d and f orbitals
693      lmaxp = 0
694      if (ne .le. 32) lmaxp = 3
695      if (ne .le. 18) lmaxp = 2
696      if (ne .le. 8) lmaxp = 1
697      if (ne .le. 2) lmaxp = 0
698      if (ne .gt. 32) then
699        if (Node.eq.0) then
700          write(6,*) 'cspa: Cannot build initial guess in initguess.'
701          write(6,*) '      Reason: Too many electrons for this routine'
702        endif
703        call die()
704      endif
706      if (lmaxp .gt. lomaxfis(is)) then
707        if (Node.eq.0) then
708          write(6,*) 'cspa: Cannot build initial guess in initguess.'
709          write(6,*) '      Reason: Max. angular moment for atom ',ia,
710     .               '      is not large enough'
711        endif
712        call die()
713      endif
715      if (ne .gt. 32) then
716        if (Node.eq.0) then
717          write(6,*) 'cspa: Cannot build initial guess in initguess.'
718          write(6,*) '      Too many valence electrons in atom ',ia
719        endif
720        call die()
721      endif
723      if (l .le. lmaxp) then
724        cg = cgval
725      endif
727      end subroutine initguess