2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
10!  The old dhscf has been split in two parts: an initialization routine
11!  (dhscf_init), which is called after every geometry change but before
12!  the main scf loop, and a dhscf proper, which is called at every step
13!  of the scf loop
15!  NOTE that the mesh initialization part is now done *unconditionally*
16!  in dhscf_init, i.e, after *every* geometry change, even if the
17!  change does not involve a cell change. The reason is to avoid
18!  complexity, since now the mesh parallel distributions will depend on
19!  the detailed atomic positions even if the cell does not change.
21!  Besides, the relative cost of a "mesh only" initialization is negligible.
22!  The only real observable effect would be a printout of "initmesh" data
23!  at every geometry iteration.
25      module m_dhscf
28!     To facilitate the communication among dhscf_init and dhscf,
29!     some arrays that hold data which do not change during the SCF loop
30!     have been made into module variables
32!     Some others are scratch, such as nmpl, ntpl, etc
34      use precision,      only : dp, grid_p
35      use m_dfscf,        only : dfscf
36      implicit none
38      real(grid_p),   pointer :: rhopcc(:), rhoatm(:), Vna(:)
39      real(dp)                :: Uharrs     ! Harris energy
40      logical                 :: IsDiag
41      integer                 :: nml(3), ntml(3), npcc, nmpl, ntpl
42      integer                 :: nbcell
43      real(dp)                :: bcell(3,3), cell(3,3),
44     &                           dvol, field(3), rmax, scell(3,3)
45      real(dp)                :: G2mesh =  0.0_dp
46      logical :: debug_dhscf = .false.
47      logical :: use_bsc_cellxc
49      character(len=*), parameter :: debug_fmt =
50     &     '('' -- dhscf : Node '',i3,tr1,a,4(tr1,e20.7))'
52      public :: dhscf_init, dhscf
54      CONTAINS
56      subroutine dhscf_init(nspin, norb, iaorb, iphorb,
57     &                      nuo, nuotot, nua, na,
58     &                      isa, xa, indxua, ucell,
59     &                      mscell, G2max, ntm,
60     &                      maxnd, numd, listdptr, listd, datm,
61     &                      Fal, stressl)
63      use precision,      only : dp, grid_p
64      use parallel,       only : Node, Nodes
65      use atmfuncs,       only : rcut, rcore
66      use fdf
67      use sys,            only : die
68      use mesh,           only : xdsp, nsm, nsp, meshLim
69      use parsing
71      use alloc,          only : re_alloc, de_alloc
72      use siesta_options, only : harrisfun
73      use meshsubs,       only : PartialCoreOnMesh
74      use meshsubs,       only : NeutralAtomOnMesh
75      use meshsubs,       only : PhiOnMesh
76      use meshsubs,       only : InitMesh
77      use meshsubs,       only : InitAtomMesh
78      use meshsubs,       only : setupExtMesh
79      use meshsubs,       only : distriPhiOnMesh
81      use moreMeshSubs,   only : setMeshDistr, distMeshData
82      use moreMeshSubs,   only : UNIFORM, QUADRATIC, LINEAR
83      use moreMeshSubs,   only : TO_SEQUENTIAL, TO_CLUSTER, KEEP
85      use meshdscf,       only : createLocalDscfPointers
87      use iogrid_netcdf, only: set_box_limits
88#ifdef NCDF_4
89      use files,         only  : slabel
90      use m_ncdf_siesta, only : cdf_init_grid
91      use m_ncdf_io, only : cdf_init_mesh
93      use m_efield,       only : initialize_efield, acting_efield
94      use m_efield,       only : user_specified_field
95      use dipole_m,       only : init_dipole_correction
97      use m_doping_uniform,       only: initialize_doping_uniform
98      use m_doping_uniform,       only: compute_doping_structs_uniform,
99     $                                  doping_active
100      use m_rhog,                 only: rhog, rhog_in
101      use m_rhog,                 only: order_rhog
102      use siesta_options,         only: mix_charge
103#ifdef NCDF_4
104      use siesta_options,         only: write_cdf
106#ifdef MPI
107      use mpi_siesta
110      use m_mesh_node,   only: init_mesh_node
111      use m_charge_add,  only: init_charge_add
112      use m_hartree_add, only: init_hartree_add
114      use m_ts_global_vars,only: TSmode
115      use m_ts_options,   only : IsVolt, N_Elec, Elecs
116      use m_ts_electype,  only : Elec_ortho2semi_inf
117      use m_ts_voltage,   only : ts_init_voltage
119      implicit none
120      integer, intent(in)     :: nspin, norb, iaorb(norb), iphorb(norb),
121     &                           nuo, nuotot, nua, na, isa(na),
122     &                           indxua(na), mscell(3,3), maxnd,
123     &                           numd(nuo), listdptr(nuo), listd(maxnd)
124      real(dp), intent(in)    :: xa(3,na), ucell(3,3), datm(norb)
125      real(dp), intent(inout) :: g2max
126      integer, intent(inout)  :: ntm(3)
127      real(dp), intent(inout) :: Fal(3,nua), stressl(3,3)
129      real(dp), parameter     :: tiny  = 1.e-12_dp
130      integer                 :: io, ia, iphi, is, n, i, j
131      integer                 :: nsc(3), nsd
132      real(dp)                :: DStres(3,3), volume
133      real(dp), external      :: volcel, ddot
134      real(grid_p)            :: dummy_Drho(1,1), dummy_Vaux(1),
135     &                           dummy_Vscf(1)
136      logical, save           :: frstme = .true.   ! Keeps state
137      real(grid_p),   pointer :: Vscf(:,:), rhoatm_par(:)
138      integer,        pointer :: numphi(:), numphi_par(:)
139      character(len=10)       :: shape
141      integer                 :: nm(3)   ! For call to initMesh
142      logical                 :: need_gradients_in_xc, is_vdw
144      ! Transport direction (unit-cell aligned)
145      integer                 :: iE
146      logical :: is_ortho
147!--------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
148#ifdef DEBUG
149      call write_debug( '    PRE dhscf_init' )
151C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
152C     General initialisation
153C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
154C     Start time counter
155      call timer( 'DHSCF_Init', 1 )
157      nsd = min(nspin,2)
158      nullify(Vscf,rhoatm_par)
160      if (frstme) then
161        debug_dhscf = fdf_get('Debug.DHSCF', .false.)
163        nullify( xdsp, rhopcc, Vna, rhoatm )
164C       nsm lives in module m_dhscf now    !! AG**
165        nsm = fdf_integer( 'MeshSubDivisions', 2 )
166        nsm = max( nsm, 1 )
168C       Set mesh sub-division variables & perform one off allocation
169        nsp = nsm*nsm*nsm
170        call re_alloc( xdsp, 1, 3, 1, nsp, 'xdsp', 'dhscf_init' )
172      endif   ! First time
175C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
176C     Orbital initialisation : part 1
177C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
179C     Find the maximum orbital radius
180      rmax = 0.0_dp
181      do io = 1, norb
182        ia   = iaorb(io)    ! Atomic index of each orbital
183        iphi = iphorb(io)   ! Orbital index of each  orbital in its atom
184        is   = isa(ia)      ! Species index of each atom
185        rmax = max( rmax, rcut(is,iphi) )
186      enddo
188C     Start time counter for mesh initialization
189      call timer( 'DHSCF1', 1 )
191C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
192C     Unit cell handling
193C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
194C     Find diagonal unit cell and supercell
195      call digcel( ucell, mscell, cell, scell, nsc, IsDiag )
196      if (.not.IsDiag) then
197        if (Node.eq.0) then
198          write(6,'(/,a,3(/,a,3f12.6,a,i6))')
199     &      'DHSCF: WARNING: New shape of unit cell and supercell:',
200     &      ('DHSCF:',(cell(i,j),i=1,3),'   x',nsc(j),j=1,3)
201        endif
202      endif
204C     Find the system shape
205      call shaper( cell, nua, isa, xa, shape, nbcell, bcell )
207C     Find system volume
208      volume = volcel( cell )
210C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
211C     Mesh initialization
212C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
213      call InitMesh( na, cell, norb, iaorb, iphorb, isa, rmax,
214     &               G2max, G2mesh, nsc, nmpl, nm,
215     &               nml, ntm, ntml, ntpl, dvol )
217!     Setup box descriptors for each processor,
218!     held in module iogrid_netcdf
219      call set_box_limits( ntm, nsm )
221      ! Initialize information on local mesh for each node
222      call init_mesh_node( cell, ntm , meshLim , nsm )
224      ! Setup charge additions in the mesh
225      call init_charge_add(cell, ntm)
227      ! Setup Hartree additions in the mesh
228      call init_hartree_add(cell, ntm)
230#ifdef NCDF_4
231      ! Initialize the box for each node...
232      call cdf_init_mesh( ntm, nsm )
233      if ( write_cdf ) then
234        call cdf_init_grid( trim(slabel)//'.nc', ntm)
235      end if
238C     Stop time counter for mesh initialization
239      call timer( 'DHSCF1', 2 )
240C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
241C     End of mesh initialization
242C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
244C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
245C     Initialize atomic orbitals, density and potential
246C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
247C     Start time counter for atomic initializations
248      call timer( 'DHSCF2', 1 )
250      if (nodes.gt.1) then
251        call setMeshDistr( UNIFORM, nsm, nsp,
252     &                     nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
253      endif
255C     Initialise quantities relating to the atom-mesh positioning
256      call InitAtomMesh( UNIFORM, na, xa )
258!     Check if we need stencils in cellxc, and detect incompatibility
259!     with Harris forces
260      call xc_setup(need_gradients_in_xc, is_vdw)
262      if (need_gradients_in_xc .and. harrisfun) then
263         call die("** Harris forces not implemented for non-LDA XC")
264      endif
266      ! Give the opportunity to use BSC's version,
267      ! unless we have a vdw functional
268      use_bsc_cellxc = fdf_get("XC.Use.BSC.CellXC", .false.)
269      if (is_vdw .and. use_bsc_cellxc) then
270         call message("INFO",
271     $        "BSC's cellxc cannot be used with vdW functionals")
272         use_bsc_cellxc = .false.
273      endif
275C     Compute the number of orbitals on the mesh and recompute the
276C     partions for every processor in order to have a similar load
277C     in each of them.
278      nullify( numphi )
279      call re_alloc( numphi, 1, nmpl, 'numphi', 'dhscf_init' )
280!$OMP parallel do default(shared), private(i)
281      do i= 1, nmpl
282        numphi(i) = 0
283      enddo
284!$OMP end parallel do
286      call distriPhiOnMesh( nm, nmpl, norb, iaorb, iphorb,
287     &                      isa, numphi, need_gradients_in_xc )
289C     Find if there are partial-core-corrections for any atom
290      npcc = 0
291      do ia = 1,na
292        if (rcore(isa(ia)) .gt. tiny) npcc = 1
293      enddo
295C     Find partial-core-correction energy density
296C     Vscf and Vaux are not used here
297      call re_alloc( rhopcc, 1, ntpl*npcc+1, 'rhopcc', 'dhscf_init' )
298      if (npcc .eq. 1) then
299        call PartialCoreOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl, rhopcc, indxua,
300     &    nsd, dvol, volume, dummy_Vscf, dummy_Vaux, Fal, stressl,
301     &    .false., .false. )
302        call reord( rhopcc, rhopcc, nml, nsm, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
303        if ( debug_dhscf ) then
304           write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'rhopcc',sum(rhopcc)*dvol
305        end if
306      endif
308C     Find neutral-atom potential
309C     Drho is not used here
310      call re_alloc( Vna, 1, ntpl, 'Vna', 'dhscf_init' )
311      call NeutralAtomOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl, Vna, indxua, dvol,
312     &                        volume, dummy_DRho, Fal, stressl,
313     &                        .false., .false. )
314      call reord( Vna, Vna, nml, nsm, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
315      if ( debug_dhscf ) then
316         write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'Vna',sqrt(sum(Vna**2))
317      end if
319      if (nodes.gt.1) then
320        if (node .eq. 0) then
321           write(6,"(a)") "Setting up quadratic distribution..."
322        endif
323        call setMeshDistr( QUADRATIC, nsm, nsp,
324     &                     nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
326C       Create extended mesh arrays for the second data distribution
327        call setupExtMesh( QUADRATIC, rmax )
329C       Compute atom positions for the second data distribution
330        call InitAtomMesh( QUADRATIC, na, xa )
331      endif
333C     Calculate orbital values on mesh
334!     numphi has already been computed in distriPhiOnMesh
335!     in the UNIFORM distribution
336      if (nodes.eq.1) then
337        numphi_par => numphi
338      else
339        nullify(numphi_par)
340        call re_alloc( numphi_par, 1, nmpl, 'numphi_par',
341     &                 'dhscf_init' )
342        call distMeshData( UNIFORM, numphi, QUADRATIC,
343     &                     numphi_par, KEEP )
344      endif
346      call PhiOnMesh( nmpl, norb, iaorb, iphorb, isa, numphi_par )
348      if (nodes.gt.1) then
349        call de_alloc( numphi_par, 'numphi_par', 'dhscf_init' )
350      endif
351      call de_alloc( numphi, 'numphi', 'dhscf_init' )
353C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
354C       Create sparse indexing for Dscf as needed for local mesh
355C       Note that this is done in the QUADRATIC distribution
356C       since 'endpht' (computed finally in PhiOnMesh and stored in
357C       meshphi module) is in that distribution.
358C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
359      if (Nodes.gt.1) then
360        call CreateLocalDscfPointers( nmpl, nuotot, numd, listdptr,
361     &                                listd )
362      endif
364C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
365C     Calculate terms relating to the neutral atoms on the mesh
366C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
367C     Find Harris (sum of atomic) electron density
368      call re_alloc( rhoatm_par, 1, ntpl, 'rhoatm_par', 'dhscf_init' )
369      call rhooda( norb, nmpl, datm, rhoatm_par, iaorb, iphorb, isa )
370!     rhoatm_par comes out of here in clustered form in QUADRATIC dist
372C     Routine Poison should use the uniform data distribution
373      if (nodes.gt.1) then
374         call setMeshDistr( UNIFORM, nsm, nsp,
375     &                      nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
376      endif
378C     Create Rhoatm using UNIFORM distr, in sequential form
379      call re_alloc( rhoatm, 1, ntpl, 'rhoatm', 'dhscf_init' )
380      call distMeshData( QUADRATIC, rhoatm_par,
381     &     UNIFORM, rhoatm, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
383      if ( debug_dhscf ) then
384         write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'rhoatm', sum(rhoatm)*dvol
385      end if
388!  AG: The initialization of doping structs could be done here now,
389!      in the uniform distribution, and with a simple loop over
390!      rhoatm.
392        if (frstme) call initialize_doping_uniform()
393        if (doping_active) then
394           call compute_doping_structs_uniform(ntpl,rhoatm,nsd)
395           ! Will get the global number of hit points
396           ! Then, the doping density to be added can be simply computed
397        endif
399C     Allocate Temporal array
400      call re_alloc( Vscf, 1, ntpl, 1, 1, 'Vscf', 'dhscf_init' )
402C     Vscf is filled here but not used later
403C     Uharrs is computed (and saved)
404C     DStres is computed but not used later
405      call poison( cell, ntml(1), ntml(2), ntml(3), ntm, rhoatm,
406     &             Uharrs, Vscf, DStres, nsm )
407      call de_alloc( Vscf, 'Vscf', 'dhscf_init' )
409!     Always deallocate rhoatm_par, as it was used even if nodes=1
410      call de_alloc( rhoatm_par, 'rhoatm_par', 'dhscf_init' )
412      if (mix_charge) then
413         call re_alloc( rhog, 1, 2, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin,
414     $                 'Rhog', 'dhscf_init' )
415         call re_alloc( rhog_in, 1, 2, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin,
416     $                 'Rhog_in', 'dhscf_init' )
417         call order_rhog(cell, ntml(1), ntml(2), ntml(3), ntm, nsm)
418      endif
420C     Stop time counter for atomic initializations
421      call timer( 'DHSCF2', 2 )
423C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
424C     At the end of initializations:
425!     We are in the UNIFORM distribution
426!     Rhoatm, Rhopcc and Vna are in UNIFORM dist, sequential form
427!     The index array endpht is in the QUADRATIC distribution
428C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
429      if (frstme) then
430        call initialize_efield()
431        call init_dipole_correction(nbcell, bcell, acting_efield)
432      end if
434      ! Check if we need to add the potential
435      ! corresponding to the voltage-drop.
436      if ( TSmode ) then
437        ! These routines are important if there are cell-changes
438        if ( IsVolt ) then
439           call ts_init_voltage( cell, nua, xa, ntm)
440        end if
442        if ( acting_efield ) then
443         ! We do not allow the electric field for
444         ! transiesta runs with V = 0, either.
445         ! It does not make sense, only for fields perpendicular
446         ! to the applied bias.
448         ! We need to check that the e-field is perpendicular
449         ! to the transport direction, and that the system is
450         ! either a chain, or a slab.
451         ! However, due to the allowance of a dipole correction
452         ! along the transport direction for buffer calculations
453         ! we have to allow all shapes. (atom is not transiesta
454         ! compatible anyway)
456         ! check that we do not violate the periodicity
457         if ( Node .eq. 0 ) then
458            write(*,'(/,2(2a,/))') 'ts-WARNING: ',
459     &           'E-field/dipole-correction! ',
460     &           'ts-WARNING: ',
461     &           'I hope you know what you are doing!'
462         end if
464         ! This is either dipole or user, or both
465         is_ortho = .true.
466         if ( N_Elec == 1 ) then
467           ! When using a single electrode
468           ! one may always have an electric field.
469           ! For fields along the semi-infinite direction
470           ! it corresponds to a capacitor setup
471           ! For other fields it is simply a gate-like field.
472           ! However, when the electrode uses real space self-energies
473           ! then we do not allow *any* fields along the semi-inf
474           ! directions since that would mean an infinite field.
475           select case ( Elecs(1)%t_dir )
476           case ( 4 , 5 , 6, 7 )
477             is_ortho = Elec_ortho2semi_inf(Elecs(1),
478     &           user_specified_field)
479           end select
480         else
481           ! For more than 1 electrode we do not allow any electric
482           ! fields along the semi-infinite directions.
483           do iE = 1 , N_Elec
484             is_ortho = is_ortho .and.
485     &           Elec_ortho2semi_inf(Elecs(iE), user_specified_field)
486           end do
487         end if
488         if ( .not. is_ortho ) then
489           call die('User defined E-field must be
490     &perpendicular to semi-infinite directions.')
491         end if
492        end if ! acting_efield
494        ! We know that we currently allow people to do more than
495        ! they probably should be allowed. However, there are many
496        ! corner cases that may require dipole corrections, or
497        ! electric fields to "correct" an intrinsic dipole.
498        ! For instance, what should we do with a dipole in a transiesta
499        ! calculation?
500        ! Should we apply a field to counter act it in a device
501        ! calculation?
503      end if
505      frstme = .false.
507      call timer( 'DHSCF_Init', 2 )
508#ifdef DEBUG
509      call write_debug( '    POS dhscf_init' )
511!------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
512      end subroutine dhscf_init
514      subroutine dhscf( nspin, norb, iaorb, iphorb, nuo,
515     &                  nuotot, nua, na, isa, xa, indxua,
516     &                  ntm, ifa, istr, iHmat,
517     &                  filesOut, maxnd, numd,
518     &                  listdptr, listd, Dscf, datm, maxnh, Hmat,
519     &                  Enaatm, Enascf, Uatm, Uscf, DUscf, DUext,
520     &                  Exc, Dxc, dipol, stress, Fal, stressl,
521     &                  use_rhog_in, charge_density_only )
524C Calculates the self-consistent field contributions to Hamiltonian
525C matrix elements, total energy and atomic forces.
526C Coded by J.M. Soler, August 1996. July 1997.
527C Modified by J.D. Gale, February 2000.
529C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
530C Input :
531C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
532C integer nspin         : Number of different spin polarisations
533C                         nspin=1 => Unpolarized, nspin=2 => polarized
534C                         nspin=4 => Noncollinear spin or spin-orbit
535C integer norb          : Total number of basis orbitals in supercell
536C integer iaorb(norb)   : Atom to which each orbital belongs
537C integer iphorb(norb)  : Orbital index (within atom) of each orbital
538C integer nuo           : Number of orbitals in a unit cell in this node
539C integer nuotot        : Number of orbitals in a unit cell
540C integer nua           : Number of atoms in unit cell
541C integer na            : Number of atoms in supercell
542C integer isa(na)       : Species index of all atoms in supercell
543C real*8  xa(3,na)      : Atomic positions of all atoms in supercell
544C integer indxua        : Index of equivalent atom in unit cell
545C integer ifa           : Switch which fixes whether the SCF contrib.
546C                         to atomic forces is calculated and added to fa
547C integer istr          : Switch which fixes whether the SCF contrib.
548C                         to stress is calculated and added to stress
549C integer iHmat         : Switch which fixes whether the Hmat matrix
550C                         elements are calculated or not.
551C type(filesOut_t) filesOut : output file names (If blank => not saved)
552C integer maxnd             : First dimension of listd and Dscf
553C integer numd(nuo)         : Number of nonzero density-matrix
554C                             elements for each matrix row
555C integer listdptr(nuo)     : Pointer to start of rows of density-matrix
556C integer listd(maxnd)      : Nonzero-density-matrix-element column
557C                             indexes for each matrix row
558C real*8  Dscf(maxnd,h_spin_dim): SCF density-matrix elements
559C real*8  datm(norb)        : Harris density-matrix diagonal elements
560C                             (atomic occupation charges of orbitals)
561C integer maxnh             : First dimension of listh and Hmat
562C real*8  Hmat(maxnh,h_spin_dim) : Hamiltonian matrix in sparse form,
563C                             to which are added the matrix elements
564C                                 <ORB_I | DeltaV | ORB_J>, where
565C                             DeltaV = Vna + Vxc(SCF) +
566C                                      Vhartree(RhoSCF-RhoHarris)
567C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
568C Input/output :
569C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
570C integer ntm(3) : Number of mesh divisions of each cell
571C                  vector, including subgrid.
572C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
573C Output :
574C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
575C real*8  Enaatm : Integral of Vna * rhoatm
576C real*8  Enascf : Integral of Vna * rhoscf
577C real*8  Uatm   : Harris hartree electron-interaction energy
578C real*8  Uscf   : SCF hartree electron-interaction energy
579C real*8  DUscf  : Electrostatic (Hartree) energy of
580C                    (rhoscf - rhoatm) density
581C real*8  DUext  : Interaction energy with external electric field
582C real*8  Exc    : SCF exchange-correlation energy
583C real*8  Dxc    : SCF double-counting correction to Exc
584C                    Dxc = integral of ( (epsxc - Vxc) * Rho )
585C                    All energies in Rydbergs
586C real*8  dipol(3): Electric dipole (in a.u.)
587C                   only when the system is a molecule/slab
588C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
589C Input/output :
590C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
591C real*8  Fal(3,nua) : Atomic forces, to which the SCF contribution
592C                        is added by this routine when ifa=1.
593C                        the SCF contribution is minus the derivative
594C                        of ( Enascf - Enaatm + DUscf + Exc ) with
595C                        respect to atomic positions, in  Ry/Bohr.
596C                        contributions local to this node
597C real*8 stressl(3,3): Stress tensor, to which the SCF contribution
598C                      is added by this routine when ifa=1.
599C                      the SCF contribution is minus the derivative of
600C                         ( Enascf - Enaatm + DUscf + Exc ) / volume
601C                      with respect to the strain tensor, in Ry.
602C                        contributions local to this node
603C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
604C Units :
605C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
606C Energies in Rydbergs
607C Distances in Bohr
608C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
609C     Modules
610      use precision,     only  : dp, grid_p
612      use parallel,      only  : Node, Nodes
613      use atmfuncs,      only  : rcut, rcore
614      use units,         only  : Debye, eV, Ang
615      use fdf
616      use sys,           only  : die, bye
617      use mesh,          only  : nsm, nsp, meshLim
618      use parsing
619      use m_iorho,       only  : write_rho
620      use m_forhar,      only  : forhar
621      use alloc,         only  : re_alloc, de_alloc
622      use files,         only  : slabel
623      use files,         only  : filesOut_t ! derived type for output file names
624      use siesta_options, only : harrisfun, save_initial_charge_density
625      use siesta_options, only : analyze_charge_density_only
626      use meshsubs,       only : LocalChargeOnMesh
627      use meshsubs,       only : PartialCoreOnMesh
628      use meshsubs,       only : NeutralAtomOnMesh
630      use moreMeshSubs,   only : setMeshDistr, distMeshData
631      use moreMeshSubs,   only : UNIFORM, QUADRATIC, LINEAR
632      use moreMeshSubs,   only : TO_SEQUENTIAL, TO_CLUSTER, KEEP
633      use m_partial_charges, only: compute_partial_charges
634      use m_partial_charges, only: want_partial_charges
636      use siestaXC, only : cellXC ! Finds xc energy and potential
637      use siestaXC, only : myMeshBox    ! Returns my processor mesh box
638      use siestaXC, only : jms_setMeshDistr => setMeshDistr
639                                        ! Sets a distribution of mesh
640                                        ! points over parallel processors
641      use m_vmat, only: vmat
642      use m_vmatsp, only: vmatsp
643      use m_rhoofd, only: rhoofd
644      use m_rhoofdsp, only: rhoofdsp
645#ifdef MPI
646      use mpi_siesta
648      use iogrid_netcdf, only: write_grid_netcdf
649      use iogrid_netcdf, only: read_grid_netcdf
650      use siesta_options, only: read_charge_cdf
651      use siesta_options, only: savebader
652      use siesta_options, only: read_deformation_charge_cdf
653      use siesta_options, only: mix_charge
655      use m_efield,       only: add_potential_from_field
656      use m_efield,       only: user_specified_field, acting_efield
657      use dipole_m, only: get_dipole_origin
658      use dipole_m, only: get_field_from_dipole
659      use dipole_m, only: dipole_charge, dipole_potential
660      use dipole_m, only: dip_vacuum
661      use dipole_m, only: SLABDIPOLECORR
662      use dipole_m, only: SLABDIPOLECORR_NONE
665      use m_doping_uniform, only: doping_active, doping_uniform
667      use m_charge_add,   only: charge_add
668      use m_hartree_add,  only: hartree_add
670#ifdef NCDF_4
671      use siesta_options, only: write_cdf
672      use m_ncdf_siesta, only: cdf_save_grid
674      use m_rhofft,       only: rhofft, FORWARD, BACKWARD
675      use m_rhog,         only: rhog_in, rhog
676      use m_spin,         only: spin
677      use m_spin,         only: Spiral, qSpiral
679      use m_ts_global_vars,only: TSmode, TSrun
680      use m_ts_options, only: IsVolt, Elecs, N_elec
681      use m_ts_voltage, only: ts_voltage
682      use m_ts_hartree, only: ts_hartree_fix
684      implicit none
686      integer
687     &  maxnd, maxnh, nua, na, norb, nspin, nuo, nuotot,
688     &  iaorb(norb), ifa, iHmat,
689     &  indxua(na), iphorb(norb), isa(na),
690     &  istr, listd(*), listdptr(nuo), ntm(3), numd(nuo)
692      real(dp)
693     &  datm(norb), dipol(3), Dscf(:,:),
694     &  DUext, DUscf, Dxc, Enaatm, Enascf, Exc,
695     &  Hmat(:,:), Uatm, Uscf, xa(3,na),
696     &  stress(3,3), Fal(3,nua), stressl(3,3)
698      type(filesOut_t) filesOut
700      logical, intent(in), optional :: use_rhog_in
701      logical, intent(in), optional :: charge_density_only
703C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
704C Routines called internally:
705C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
706C        cellxc(...)    : Finds total exch-corr energy and potential
707C        cross(a,b,c)   : Finds the cross product of two vectors
708C        dfscf(...)     : Finds SCF contribution to atomic forces
709C        dipole_charge  : Finds electric dipole moment using the charges
710C        doping(...)    : Adds a background charge for doped systems
711C        write_rho(...)     : Saves electron density on a file
712C        poison(...)    : Solves Poisson equation
713C        reord(...)     : Reorders electron density and potential arrays
714C        rhooda(...)    : Finds Harris electron density in the mesh
715C        rhoofd(...)    : Finds SCF electron density in the mesh
716C        rhoofdsp(...)  : Finds SCF electron density in the mesh for
717C                         spiral arrangement of spins
718C        timer(...)     : Finds CPU times
719C        vmat(...)      : Finds matrix elements of SCF potential
720C        vmatsp(...)    : Finds matrix elements of SCF potential for
721C                         spiral arrangement of spins
722C        delk(...)      : Finds matrix elements of exp(i \vec{k} \cdot \vec{r})
723C real*8 volcel( cell ) : Returns volume of unit cell
724C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
725C Internal variables and arrays:
726C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
727C integer nbcell        : Number of bulk lattice vectors
728C real*8  bcell(3,3)    : Bulk lattice vectors
729C real*8  cell(3,3)     : Auxiliary lattice vectors (same as ucell)
730C real*8  const         : Auxiliary variable (constant within a loop)
731C real*8  DEc           : Auxiliary variable to call cellxc
732C real*8  DEx           : Auxiliary variable to call cellxc
733C real*8  dvol          : Mesh-cell volume
734C real*8  Ec            : Correlation energy
735C real*8  Ex            : Exchange energy
736C real*8  field(3)      : External electric field
737C integer i             : General-purpose index
738C integer ia            : Atom index
739C integer io            : Orbital index
740C integer ip            : Point index
741C integer is            : Species index
742C logical IsDiag        : Is supercell diagonal?
743C integer ispin         : Spin index
744C integer j             : General-purpose index
746C integer myBox(2,3)    : My processor's mesh box
748C integer nbcell        : Number of independent bulk lattice vectors
749C integer npcc          : Partial core corrections? (0=no, 1=yes)
750C integer nsd           : Number of diagonal spin values (1 or 2)
751C integer ntpl          : Number of mesh Total Points in unit cell
752C                         (including subpoints) locally
753C real*4  rhoatm(ntpl)  : Harris electron density
754C real*4  rhopcc(ntpl)  : Partial-core-correction density for xc
755C real*4  DRho(ntpl)    : Selfconsistent electron density difference
756C real*8  rhotot        : Total density at one point
757C real*8  rmax          : Maximum orbital radius
758C real*8  scell(3,3)    : Supercell vectors
759C real*4  Vaux(ntpl)    : Auxiliary potential array
760C real*4  Vna(ntpl)     : Sum of neutral-atom potentials
761C real*8  volume        : Unit cell volume
762C real*4  Vscf(ntpl)    : Hartree potential of selfconsistent density
763C real*8  x0(3)         : Center of molecule
764C logical harrisfun     : Harris functional or Kohn-Sham?
765C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
767C     Local variables
768      integer  :: i, ia, ip, ispin, nsd, np_vac
769      real(dp) :: b1Xb2(3), const, DEc, DEx, DStres(3,3),
770     &            Ec, Ex, rhotot, x0(3), volume, Vmax_vac, Vmean_vac
772      logical :: use_rhog
774      real(dp), external :: volcel, ddot
776      external
777     &  cross,
778     &  poison,
779     &  reord, rhooda,
780     &  timer
782!     Dummy arrays for bsc_cellxc call
783      real(grid_p) :: aux3(3,1)
784      real(grid_p) :: dummy_DVxcdn(1,1,1)
785      real(grid_p), pointer :: Vscf_gga(:,:), DRho_gga(:,:)
786      external bsc_cellxc
788!     Interface to JMS's SiestaXC
789      integer       :: myBox(2,3)
790      real(dp) :: stressXC(3,3)
792C     Work arrays
793      real(grid_p), pointer :: Vscf(:,:), Vscf_par(:,:),
794     &                         DRho(:,:), DRho_par(:,:),
795     &                         Vaux(:), Vaux_par(:), Chlocal(:),
796     &                         Totchar(:), fsrc(:), fdst(:),
797     &                         rhoatm_quad(:) => null(),
798     &                         DRho_quad(:,:) => null()
799      ! Temporary reciprocal spin quantity
800      real(grid_p) :: rnsd
802#ifdef MPI
803      integer  :: MPIerror
804      real(dp) :: sbuffer(7), rbuffer(7)
807#ifdef DEBUG
808      call write_debug( '    PRE DHSCF' )
811      if ( spin%H /= size(Dscf,dim=2) ) then
812         call die('Spin components is not equal to options.')
813      end if
815      if ( debug_dhscf ) then
816         write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'DM',
817     &        (sqrt(sum(Dscf(:,ispin)**2)),ispin=1,spin%H)
818         write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'H',
819     &        (sqrt(sum(Hmat(:,ispin)**2)),ispin=1,spin%H)
820      end if
822!-------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
823C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
824C Start of SCF iteration part
825C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
827C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
828C     At the end of DHSCF_INIT, and also at the end of any previous
829!     call to dhscf, we were in the UNIFORM distribution
830!     Rhoatm, Rhopcc and Vna were in UNIFORM dist, sequential form
831!     The index array endpht was in the QUADRATIC distribution
832C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
834#ifdef _TRACE_
835      call MPI_Barrier( MPI_Comm_World, MPIerror )
836      call MPItrace_restart( )
838      call timer( 'DHSCF', 1 )
839      call timer( 'DHSCF3', 1 )
841      nullify( Vscf, Vscf_par, DRho, DRho_par,
842     &         Vaux, Vaux_par, Chlocal, Totchar )
843      nullify( Vscf_gga, DRho_gga)
845      volume = volcel(cell)
849      if (analyze_charge_density_only) then
850         !! Use the functionality in the first block
851         !! of the routine to get charge files and partial charges
852         call setup_analysis_options()
853      endif
855      if (filesOut%vna .ne. ' ') then
856        ! Uniform dist, sequential form
857#ifdef NCDF_4
858        if ( write_cdf ) then
859           call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','Vna',1,ntml,Vna)
860        else
861           call write_rho( filesOut%vna,
862     &          cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, 1, Vna)
863           call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl, Vna, "Vna")
864        end if
866        call write_rho( filesOut%vna,
867     &       cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, 1, Vna )
868        call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl, Vna, "Vna")
870      endif
872C     Allocate memory for DRho using the UNIFORM data distribution
873      call re_alloc( DRho, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin, 'DRho','dhscf' )
875C Find number of diagonal spin values
876      nsd  = min( nspin, 2 )
877      if ( nsd == 1 ) then
878         rnsd = 1._grid_p
879      else
880         rnsd = 1._grid_p / nsd
881      end if
883C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
884C Find SCF electron density at mesh points. Store it in array DRho
885C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
887!     The reading routine works in the uniform distribution, in
888!     sequential form
890      if (present(use_rhog_in)) then
891            use_rhog = use_rhog_in
892         else
893            use_rhog = .false.
894      endif
895      if (use_rhog) then
896         ! fourier transform back into drho
897         call rhofft(cell, ntml(1), ntml(2), ntml(3), ntm, nspin,
898     $                  DRho,rhog_in,BACKWARD)
900      else if (read_charge_cdf) then
901         call read_grid_netcdf(ntm(1:3),nspin,ntpl,DRho,"Rho")
902         read_charge_cdf = .false.
903      else if (read_deformation_charge_cdf) then
904         call read_grid_netcdf(ntm(1:3),nspin,ntpl,DRho,"DeltaRho")
905         ! Add to diagonal components only
906         do ispin = 1,nsd
907            do ip= 1, ntpl
908C             rhoatm and Drho are in sequential mode
909              DRho(ip,ispin) = DRho(ip,ispin) + rhoatm(ip) * rnsd
910            enddo
911         enddo
912         read_deformation_charge_cdf = .false.
913      else
914        ! Set the QUADRATIC distribution and allocate memory for DRho_par
915        ! since the construction of the density from the DM and orbital
916        ! data needs that distribution
917        if (nodes.gt.1) then
918           call setMeshDistr( QUADRATIC, nsm, nsp,
919     &                        nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
920        endif
921        call re_alloc( DRho_par, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin,
922     &                 'DRho_par','dhscf' )
923        if (Spiral) then
924          call rhoofdsp( norb, nml, nmpl, maxnd, numd, listdptr, listd,
925     &                   nspin, Dscf, DRho_par, nuo, nuotot, iaorb,
926     &                   iphorb, isa, qspiral )
927        else
928          call rhoofd( norb, nmpl, maxnd, numd, listdptr, listd,
929     &                 nspin, Dscf, DRho_par,
930     &                 nuo, nuotot, iaorb, iphorb, isa )
931        endif
932        ! DRHO_par is here in QUADRATIC, clustered form
934C       Set the UNIFORM distribution again and copy DRho to it
935        if (nodes.gt.1) then
936           call setMeshDistr( UNIFORM, nsm, nsp, nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
937        endif
939        do ispin = 1, nspin
940          fsrc => DRho_par(:,ispin)
941          fdst => DRho(:,ispin)
942         ! Sequential to be able to write it out
943         ! if nodes==1, this call will just reorder
944          call distMeshData( QUADRATIC, fsrc,
945     &                       UNIFORM, fdst, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
946        enddo
947        call de_alloc( DRho_par, 'DRho_par','dhscf' )
949        if ( debug_dhscf ) then
950           write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'Rho',
951     &          (sum(DRho(:,ispin))*dvol,ispin=1,nspin)
952        end if
954        if (save_initial_charge_density) then
955           ! This section is to be deprecated in favor
956           ! of "analyze_charge_density_only"
957           ! (except for the special name for the .nc file)
958#ifdef NCDF_4
959          if ( write_cdf ) then
960             call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','RhoInit',nspin,
961     &            ntml,DRho)
962          else
963             call write_rho( "RHO_INIT", cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl,
964     $            nspin, DRho)
965             call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl, DRho,
966     $            "RhoInit")
967          end if
969          call write_rho( "RHO_INIT", cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl,
970     $         nspin, DRho)
971          call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl, DRho,
972     $         "RhoInit")
974          call timer('DHSCF3',2)
975          call timer('DHSCF',2)
976          call bye("STOP after producing RHO_INIT from input DM")
977        endif
979      endif
981      if (mix_charge) then
982         ! Save fourier transform of charge density
983         call rhofft(cell, ntml(1), ntml(2), ntml(3), ntm, nspin,
984     $        DRho,rhog,FORWARD)
985      endif
987!     Proper place to integrate Hirshfeld and Voronoi code,
988!     since we have just computed rhoatm and Rho.
990      if (want_partial_charges) then
991        ! The endpht array is in the quadratic distribution, so
992        ! we need to use it for this...
993        if (nodes.gt.1) then
994           call setMeshDistr( QUADRATIC, nsm, nsp,
995     &                        nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
996        endif
997        call re_alloc( DRho_quad, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin,
998     &                 'DRho_quad','dhscf' )
999        call re_alloc( rhoatm_quad, 1, ntpl,
1000     &                 'rhoatm_quad','dhscf' )
1001        ! Redistribute grid-density
1002        do ispin = 1, nspin
1003          fsrc => DRho(:,ispin)
1004          fdst => DRho_quad(:,ispin)
1005         ! if nodes==1, this call will just reorder
1006          call distMeshData( UNIFORM, fsrc,
1007     &                       QUADRATIC, fdst, TO_CLUSTER )
1008        enddo
1009        call distMeshData( UNIFORM, rhoatm,
1010     &                     QUADRATIC, rhoatm_quad, TO_CLUSTER )
1012        call compute_partial_charges(DRho_quad,rhoatm_quad,
1013     .                  nspin, iaorb, iphorb,
1014     .                  isa, nmpl,dvol)
1016        call de_alloc(rhoatm_quad,'rhoatm_quad','dhscf')
1017        call de_alloc(Drho_quad,'DRho_quad','dhscf')
1018        if (nodes.gt.1) then
1019           call setMeshDistr( UNIFORM, nsm, nsp,
1020     &                        nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
1021        endif
1022      endif
1024C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1025C Save electron density
1026C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1027      if (filesOut%rho .ne. ' ') then
1028        !  DRho is already using a uniform, sequential form
1029#ifdef NCDF_4
1030        if ( write_cdf ) then
1031           call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','Rho',nspin,ntml,
1032     &          DRho)
1033        else
1034           call write_rho( filesOut%rho, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, nspin,
1035     &          DRho )
1036           call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl, DRho, "Rho")
1037        end if
1039        call write_rho( filesOut%rho, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, nspin,
1040     &       DRho )
1041        call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl, DRho, "Rho")
1043      endif
1044C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1045C Save the diffuse ionic charge and/or the total (ionic+electronic) charge
1046C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1047      if (filesOut%psch .ne. ' ' .or. filesOut%toch .ne. ' ') then
1048C       Find diffuse ionic charge on mesh
1049        ! Note that the *OnMesh routines, except PhiOnMesh,
1050        ! work with any distribution, thanks to the fact that
1051        ! the ipa, idop, and indexp arrays are distro-specific
1052        call re_alloc( Chlocal, 1, ntpl, 'Chlocal', 'dhscf' )
1053        call LocalChargeOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl, Chlocal, indxua )
1054        ! Chlocal comes out in clustered form, so we convert it
1055        call reord( Chlocal, Chlocal, nml, nsm, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
1057        if ( debug_dhscf ) then
1058           write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'Chlocal',sum(Chlocal)*dvol
1059        end if
1061C       Save diffuse ionic charge
1062        if (filesOut%psch .ne. ' ') then
1063#ifdef NCDF_4
1064          if ( write_cdf ) then
1065             call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','Chlocal',1,ntml,
1066     &            Chlocal)
1067          else
1068             call write_rho( filesOut%psch, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, 1,
1069     &            Chlocal)
1070             call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl, Chlocal,
1071     &            'Chlocal' )
1072          end if
1074          call write_rho( filesOut%psch, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, 1,
1075     &         Chlocal)
1076          call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl,
1077     &         Chlocal, 'Chlocal' )
1079        endif
1081C       Save total (ionic+electronic) charge
1082        if ( filesOut%toch .ne. ' ') then
1083           ! *****************
1084           ! **  IMPORTANT  **
1085           ! The Chlocal array is re-used to minimize memory
1086           ! usage. In the this small snippet the Chlocal
1087           ! array will contain the total charge, and
1088           ! if the logic should change, (i.e. should Chlocal
1089           ! be retained) is the Totchar needed to be re-instantiated.
1090           ! *****************
1092!$OMP parallel default(shared), private(ispin,ip)
1093           do ispin = 1, nsd
1094!$OMP do
1095           do ip = 1, ntpl
1096              Chlocal(ip) = Chlocal(ip) + DRho(ip,ispin)
1097           end do
1098!$OMP end do
1099           end do
1100!$OMP end parallel
1102          ! See note above
1103#ifdef NCDF_4
1104           if ( write_cdf ) then
1105              call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','RhoTot',1,ntml,
1106     &             Chlocal)
1107           else
1108              call write_rho(filesOut%toch,cell,ntm,nsm,ntpl,1,Chlocal)
1109              call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl, Chlocal,
1110     &             "TotalCharge")
1111           end if
1113           call write_rho( filesOut%toch, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, 1,
1114     &          Chlocal )
1115           call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl,
1116     &          Chlocal, "TotalCharge")
1118        end if
1119        call de_alloc( Chlocal, 'Chlocal', 'dhscf' )
1120      endif
1122C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1123C Save the total charge (model core + valence) for Bader analysis
1124C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1126      ! The test for toch guarantees that we are in "analysis mode"
1127      if (filesOut%toch .ne. ' ' .and. savebader) then
1128        call save_bader_charge()
1129      endif
1131C Find difference between selfconsistent and atomic densities
1133      !Both DRho and rhoatm are using a UNIFORM, sequential form
1134!$OMP parallel default(shared), private(ispin,ip)
1135      do ispin = 1,nsd
1136!$OMP do
1137        do ip = 1,ntpl
1138          DRho(ip,ispin) = DRho(ip,ispin) - rhoatm(ip) * rnsd
1139        enddo
1140!$OMP end do nowait
1141      enddo
1142!$OMP end parallel
1144C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1145C Save electron density difference
1146C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1147      if (filesOut%drho .ne. ' ') then
1148#ifdef NCDF_4
1149        if ( write_cdf ) then
1150           call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','RhoDelta',nspin,ntml,
1151     &          DRho)
1152        else
1153           call write_rho( filesOut%drho, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, nspin,
1154     &          DRho )
1155           call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl, DRho,
1156     &          "DeltaRho")
1157        end if
1159        call write_rho( filesOut%drho, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, nspin,
1160     &       DRho )
1161        call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl,
1162     &       DRho, "DeltaRho")
1164      endif
1166      if (present(charge_density_only)) then
1167         if (charge_density_only) then
1168            call timer('DHSCF3',2)
1169            call timer('DHSCF',2)
1170            call de_alloc( DRho, 'DRho', 'dhscf' )
1171            RETURN
1172         endif
1173      endif
1175! End of analysis section
1176! Can exit now, if requested
1178        if (analyze_charge_density_only) then
1179            call timer('DHSCF3',2)
1180            call timer('DHSCF',2)
1181           call bye("STOP after analyzing charge from input DM")
1182        endif
1185C     Transform spin density into sum and difference
1187      ! TODO Check for NC/SO:
1188      ! Should we diagonalize locally at every point first?
1189      if (nsd .eq. 2) then
1190!$OMP parallel do default(shared), private(rhotot,ip)
1191        do ip = 1,ntpl
1192          rhotot     = DRho(ip,1) + DRho(ip,2)
1193          DRho(ip,2) = DRho(ip,2) - DRho(ip,1)
1194          DRho(ip,1) = rhotot
1195        enddo
1196!$OMP end parallel do
1197      endif
1199      if ( debug_dhscf ) then
1200        write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'DRho-clean',
1201     &      (sum(DRho(:,ispin))*dvol,ispin=1,nspin)
1202      end if
1204C Add a background charge to neutralize the net charge, to
1205C model doped systems. It only adds the charge at points
1206C where there are atoms (i.e., not in vacuum).
1207C First, call with 'task=0' to add background charge
1208      if (doping_active) call doping_uniform(cell,ntpl,0,
1209     $     DRho(:,1),rhoatm)
1211      ! Add doping in cell (from ChargeGeometries/Geometry.Charge)
1212      ! Note that this routine will return immediately if no dopant is present
1213      call charge_add('+',cell, ntpl, DRho(:,1) )
1215      if ( debug_dhscf ) then
1216        write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'DRho-doped',
1217     &      (sum(DRho(:,ispin))*dvol,ispin=1,nspin)
1218      end if
1220C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1221C Calculate the dipole moment
1222C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1223      dipol(1:3) = 0.0_dp
1224      if ( nbcell /= 3 ) then
1225        ! Find dipole in system
1227        select case ( SLABDIPOLECORR )
1228        case ( SLABDIPOLECORR_VACUUM )
1229          ! we should not calculate the dipole here
1230          ! User requests the vacuum dipole calculation
1231        case default
1232          ! Regardless of whether the user requests a
1233          ! dipole correction or not, then we will calculate the dipole
1234          ! using the charge method.
1236          ! Get dipole origin
1237          call get_dipole_origin(cell, nua, xa, x0)
1239          ! This routine is distribution-blind
1240          ! and will reduce over all processors.
1241          call dipole_charge(cell, dvol, ntm, ntml, nsm, DRho,
1242     &        x0, dipol)
1244          ! Orthogonalize dipole to bulk directions
1245          if ( nbcell == 1 ) then ! chain
1246            const = ddot(3,dipol,1,bcell,1) / ddot(3,bcell,1,bcell,1)
1247            dipol(1:3) = dipol(1:3) - const * bcell(1:3,1)
1248          else if ( nbcell == 2 ) then ! slab
1249            call cross( bcell(1,1), bcell(1,2), b1Xb2 )
1250            const = ddot(3,dipol,1,b1Xb2,1) / ddot(3,b1Xb2,1,b1Xb2,1)
1251            dipol(1:3) = const * b1Xb2(1:3)
1252          end if
1254        end select
1256      endif
1258C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1259C     Find Hartree potential of DRho = rhoscf-rhoatm. Store it in Vaux
1260C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1261!     Solve Poisson's equation
1262      call re_alloc( Vaux, 1, ntpl, 'Vaux', 'dhscf' )
1264      call poison( cell, ntml(1), ntml(2), ntml(3), ntm, DRho,
1265     &             DUscf, Vaux, DStres, nsm )
1267      if ( debug_dhscf ) then
1268         write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'Poisson',sqrt(sum(Vaux(:)**2))
1269      end if
1271      ! Vscf is in the UNIFORM, sequential form, and only using
1272      ! the first spin index
1274      ! We require that even the SIESTA potential is "fixed"
1275      ! NOTE, this will only do something if
1276      !   TS.Hartree.Fix is set
1277      call ts_hartree_fix( ntm, ntml, Vaux)
1279C Add contribution to stress from electrostatic energy of rhoscf-rhoatm
1280      if (istr .eq. 1) then
1281        stressl(1:3,1:3) = stressl(1:3,1:3) + DStres(1:3,1:3)
1282      endif
1284C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1285C     Find electrostatic (Hartree) energy of full SCF electron density
1286C     using the original data distribution
1287C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1288      Uatm = Uharrs
1289      Uscf = 0._dp
1290!$OMP parallel do default(shared), private(ip),
1292      do ip = 1, ntpl
1293        Uscf = Uscf + Vaux(ip) * rhoatm(ip)
1294      enddo
1295!$OMP end parallel do
1296      Uscf = Uscf * dVol + Uatm + DUscf
1298C Call doping with 'task=1' to remove background charge added previously
1299C The extra charge thus only affects the Hartree energy and potential,
1300C but not the contribution to Enascf ( = \Int_{Vna*\rho})
1301      if (doping_active) call doping_uniform(cell,ntpl,1,
1302     $     DRho(:,1),rhoatm)
1304      ! Remove doping in cell (from ChargeGeometries/Geometry.Charge)
1305      ! Note that this routine will return immediately if no dopant is present
1306      call charge_add('-',cell, ntpl, DRho(:,1) )
1308C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1309C Add neutral-atom potential to Vaux
1310C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1311      Enaatm = 0.0_dp
1312      Enascf = 0.0_dp
1313!$OMP parallel do default(shared), private(ip),
1315      do ip = 1, ntpl
1316        Enaatm   = Enaatm + Vna(ip) * rhoatm(ip)
1317        Enascf   = Enascf + Vna(ip) * DRho(ip,1)
1318        Vaux(ip) = Vaux(ip) + Vna(ip)
1319      enddo
1320!$OMP end parallel do
1321      Enaatm = Enaatm * dVol
1322      Enascf = Enaatm + Enascf * dVol
1326        ! In case the user requested a vacuum dipole, calculate it here
1327        ! REMARK
1328        ! This method will only ever work for 3D-FFT poisson solved
1329        ! potential
1330        ! Note we do this on the potential which will be written
1331        ! to ElectrostaticPotential
1332        call dipole_potential(cell, nua, isa, xa, ntm, ntml, nsm,
1333     &      dip_vacuum, Vaux, dipol)
1335        ! Orthogonalize dipole to bulk directions
1336        if ( nbcell == 1 ) then ! chain
1337          const = ddot(3,dipol,1,bcell,1) / ddot(3,bcell,1,bcell,1)
1338          dipol(1:3) = dipol(1:3) - const * bcell(1:3,1)
1339        else if ( nbcell == 2 ) then ! slab
1340          call cross( bcell(1,1), bcell(1,2), b1Xb2 )
1341          const = ddot(3,dipol,1,b1Xb2,1) / ddot(3,b1Xb2,1,b1Xb2,1)
1342          dipol(1:3) = const * b1Xb2(1:3)
1343        end if
1345      end if
1347C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1348C Add potential from external electric field (if present)
1349C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1350      if ( acting_efield ) then
1351        select case ( SLABDIPOLECORR )
1352        case ( SLABDIPOLECORR_NONE )
1353          ! No dipole correction
1354          field(:) = 0._dp
1355          DUext = 0._dp
1357        case default
1358          ! some kind of dipole correction
1359          field(:) = get_field_from_dipole(dipol, cell)
1361          if ( Node == 0 ) then
1362            write(6,'(a,3(tr1,f12.4),a)')
1363     $          'Dipole moment in unit cell =', dipol/Debye, ' D'
1364            write(6,'(a,3(tr1,f12.6),a)')
1365     $          'Electric field for dipole correction =',
1366     $          field/eV*Ang, ' eV/Ang/e'
1367          end if
1369          ! The dipole correction energy has an extra factor
1370          ! of one half because the field involved is internal.
1371          ! See the paper by Bengtsson DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.59.12301
1372          ! Hence we compute this part separately
1373          DUext = -0.5_dp * ddot(3,field,1,dipol,1)
1374        end select
1376        ! Add the external electric field
1377        field(:) = field(:) + user_specified_field(:)
1379        ! This routine expects a sequential array,
1380        ! but it is distribution-blind
1381        ! Note that we do not need to specify a center
1382        ! Since we *just* need the saw-tooth to be located
1383        ! in the vacuum region (beyond orbitals)
1384        call add_potential_from_field( field, cell, nua, isa, xa,
1385     &      ntm, ntml, nsm, Vaux )
1387        ! Add energy of external electric field
1388        DUext = DUext - ddot(3,user_specified_field,1,dipol,1)
1390      end if
1392! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1393!     Transiesta:
1394!     add the potential corresponding to the (possible) voltage-drop.
1395!     note that ts_voltage is not sharing the reord wih efield since
1396!     we should not encounter both at the same time.
1397! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1398      if (TSmode.and.IsVolt.and.TSrun) then
1399         ! This routine expects a sequential array,
1400         ! in whatever distribution
1401         call ts_voltage(cell, ntm, ntml, Vaux)
1402      endif
1404! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1405! Add potential from user defined geometries (if present)
1406! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1407      call hartree_add( cell, ntpl, Vaux )
1409C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1410C     Save electrostatic potential
1411C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1412      if (filesOut%vh .ne. ' ') then
1413        ! Note that only the first spin component is used
1414#ifdef NCDF_4
1415        if ( write_cdf ) then
1416           call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','Vh',1,ntml,
1417     &          Vaux)
1418        else
1419           call write_rho( filesOut%vh, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, 1, Vaux )
1420           call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl, Vaux,
1421     &          "ElectrostaticPotential")
1422        end if
1424        call write_rho( filesOut%vh, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, 1, Vaux )
1425        call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl,
1426     &       Vaux, "ElectrostaticPotential")
1428      endif
1430C     Get back spin density from sum and difference
1431      ! TODO Check for NC/SO:
1432      ! Should we diagonalize locally at every point first?
1433      if (nsd .eq. 2) then
1434!$OMP parallel do default(shared), private(ip,rhotot)
1435        do ip = 1, ntpl
1436          rhotot     = DRho(ip,1)
1437          DRho(ip,1) = 0.5_dp * (rhotot - DRho(ip,2))
1438          DRho(ip,2) = 0.5_dp * (rhotot + DRho(ip,2))
1439        enddo
1440!$OMP end parallel do
1441      endif
1443C Exchange-correlation energy
1444C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1445      call re_alloc( Vscf, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin, 'Vscf', 'dhscf' )
1447      if (npcc .eq. 1) then
1449!$OMP parallel default(shared), private(ip,ispin)
1450       do ispin = 1,nsd
1451!$OMP do
1452          do ip= 1, ntpl
1453             DRho(ip,ispin) = DRho(ip,ispin) +
1454     &            (rhopcc(ip)+rhoatm(ip)) * rnsd
1455          enddo
1456!$OMP end do nowait
1457       enddo
1458!$OMP end parallel
1460      else
1462!$OMP parallel default(shared), private(ip,ispin)
1463       do ispin = 1,nsd
1464!$OMP do
1465          do ip= 1, ntpl
1466             DRho(ip,ispin) = DRho(ip,ispin) +
1467     &            rhoatm(ip) * rnsd
1468          enddo
1469!$OMP end do nowait
1470       enddo
1471!$OMP end parallel
1473      end if
1475      ! Write the electron density used by cellxc
1476      if (filesOut%rhoxc .ne. ' ') then
1477#ifdef NCDF_4
1478        if ( write_cdf ) then
1479           call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','RhoXC',nspin,ntml,
1480     &          DRho )
1481        else
1482           call write_rho( filesOut%rhoxc, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, nspin,
1483     &          DRho )
1484           call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl, DRho,
1485     &          "RhoXC")
1486        end if
1488        call write_rho( filesOut%rhoxc, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, nspin,
1489     &       DRho )
1490        call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl, DRho,
1491     &       "RhoXC")
1493      endif
1495!     Everything now is in UNIFORM, sequential form
1497         call timer("XC",1)
1499         ! Switch to "zero/not-zero rho" distribution (miscalled 'LINEAR')
1500         if (nodes.gt.1) then
1501            call setMeshDistr( LINEAR, nsm, nsp, nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
1502         endif
1504         call re_alloc( Vscf_gga, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin, 'Vscf_gga','dhscf')
1505         call re_alloc( DRho_gga, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin, 'DRho_gga','dhscf')
1507         ! Redistribute all spin densities
1508         do ispin = 1, nspin
1509            fsrc => DRho(:,ispin)
1510            fdst => DRho_gga(:,ispin)
1511            call distMeshData( UNIFORM, fsrc, LINEAR, fdst, KEEP )
1512         enddo
1514      if (use_bsc_cellxc) then
1516         call timer("BSC-CellXC",1)
1517         call bsc_cellxc( 0, 0, cell, ntml, ntml, ntpl, 0, aux3, nspin,
1518     &                    DRho_gga, Ex, Ec, DEx, DEc, Vscf_gga,
1519     &                    dummy_DVxcdn, stressl )
1521         call timer("BSC-CellXC",2)
1523      else
1525         call timer("GXC-CellXC",1)
1527         ! Note that RG's meshLim is in blocks of nsm points, and 1-based
1528         ! Example.
1529         ! 1:16 17:32  (base 1)
1530         ! 0:15 16:31  (base 0)
1531         ! Times nsm=2:
1532         ! 0:30 32:62
1533         ! Add 1 to lb, and nsm to ub:
1534         ! 1:32 33:64  (base 1, in units of small-points)
1536         myBox(1,:) = (meshLim(1,:)-1)*nsm + 1
1537         myBox(2,:) = (meshLim(2,:)-1)*nsm + nsm
1539         call cellXC( 0, cell, ntm, myBox(1,1), myBox(2,1),
1540     &                myBox(1,2), myBox(2,2),
1541     &                myBox(1,3), myBox(2,3), nspin,
1542     &                DRho_gga, Ex, Ec, DEx, DEc, stressXC, Vscf_gga,
1543     &                keep_input_distribution = .true. )
1544   !     Vscf is still sequential after the call to JMS's cellxc
1545         stress = stress + stressXC
1546         call timer("GXC-CellXC",2)
1548      endif  ! use_bsc_cellxc
1550         ! Go back to uniform distribution
1551         if (nodes.gt.1) then
1552            call setMeshDistr( UNIFORM, nsm, nsp, nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl)
1553         endif
1555         ! Redistribute to the Vxc array
1556         do ispin = 1,nspin
1557            fsrc => Vscf_gga(:,ispin)
1558            fdst => Vscf(:,ispin)
1559            call distMeshData( LINEAR, fsrc, UNIFORM, fdst, KEEP )
1560         enddo
1561         call de_alloc( DRho_gga, 'DRho_gga', 'dhscf' )
1562         call de_alloc( Vscf_gga, 'Vscf_gga', 'dhscf' )
1564         call timer("XC",2)
1566      if ( debug_dhscf ) then
1567         write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'XC',
1568     &        (sqrt(sum(Vscf(:,ispin)**2)),ispin=1,nspin)
1569      end if
1571      Exc =  Ex +  Ec
1572      Dxc = DEx + DEc
1574!     Vscf contains only Vxc, and is UNIFORM and sequential
1575!     Now we add up the other contributions to it, at
1576!     the same time that we get DRho back to true DeltaRho form
1577!$OMP parallel default(shared), private(ip,ispin)
1579      ! Hartree potential only has diagonal components
1580      do ispin = 1,nsd
1581        if (npcc .eq. 1) then
1582!$OMP do
1583           do ip = 1,ntpl
1584              DRho(ip,ispin) = DRho(ip,ispin) -
1585     &             (rhoatm(ip)+rhopcc(ip)) * rnsd
1586              Vscf(ip,ispin) = Vscf(ip,ispin) + Vaux(ip)
1587           enddo
1588!$OMP end do
1589        else
1590!$OMP do
1591           do ip = 1,ntpl
1592              DRho(ip,ispin) = DRho(ip,ispin) - rhoatm(ip) * rnsd
1593              Vscf(ip,ispin) = Vscf(ip,ispin) + Vaux(ip)
1594           enddo
1595!$OMP end do
1596        endif
1597      enddo
1598!$OMP end parallel
1600C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1601C     Save total potential
1602C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1603      if (filesOut%vt .ne. ' ') then
1604#ifdef NCDF_4
1605        if ( write_cdf ) then
1606           call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','Vt',nspin,ntml,
1607     &          Vscf)
1608        else
1609           call write_rho( filesOut%vt, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, nspin,
1610     &          Vscf )
1611           call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl, Vscf,
1612     &          "TotalPotential")
1613        end if
1615        call write_rho( filesOut%vt, cell, ntm, nsm, ntpl, nspin, Vscf)
1616        call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, nspin, ntpl,
1617     &       Vscf, "TotalPotential")
1619      endif
1621C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1622C Print vacuum level
1623C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1625      if (filesOut%vt/=' ' .or. filesOut%vh/=' ') then
1626        forall(ispin=1:nsd)
1627     .    DRho(:,ispin) = DRho(:,ispin) + rhoatm(:) * rnsd
1628        call vacuum_level( ntpl, nspin, DRho, Vscf,
1629     .                     np_vac, Vmax_vac, Vmean_vac )
1630        forall(ispin=1:nsd)
1631     .    DRho(:,ispin) = DRho(:,ispin) - rhoatm(:) * rnsd
1632        if (np_vac>0 .and. Node==0) print'(/,a,2f12.6,a)',
1633     .    'dhscf: Vacuum level (max, mean) =',
1634     .    Vmax_vac/eV, Vmean_vac/eV, ' eV'
1635      endif
1637C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1638C     Find SCF contribution to hamiltonian matrix elements
1639C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1640      if (iHmat .eq. 1) then
1641         if (nodes.gt.1) then
1642            call setMeshDistr( QUADRATIC, nsm, nsp,
1643     &                         nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
1644         endif
1646!        This is a work array, to which we copy Vscf
1647         call re_alloc( Vscf_par, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin,
1648     &                 'Vscf_par', 'dhscf' )
1650         do ispin = 1, nspin
1651           fsrc => Vscf(:,ispin)
1652           fdst => Vscf_par(:,ispin)
1653           call distMeshData( UNIFORM, fsrc,
1654     &                        QUADRATIC, fdst, TO_CLUSTER )
1655         enddo
1657         if (Spiral) then
1658            call vmatsp( norb, nml, nmpl, dvol, nspin, Vscf_par, maxnd,
1659     &           numd, listdptr, listd, Hmat, nuo,
1660     &           nuotot, iaorb, iphorb, isa, qspiral )
1661         else
1662            call vmat( norb, nmpl, dvol, spin, Vscf_par, maxnd,
1663     &           numd, listdptr, listd, Hmat, nuo,
1664     &           nuotot, iaorb, iphorb, isa )
1665         endif
1667         call de_alloc( Vscf_par,  'Vscf_par', 'dhscf' )
1668         if (nodes.gt.1) then
1669!          Everything back to UNIFORM, sequential
1670           call setMeshDistr( UNIFORM, nsm, nsp,
1671     &                         nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
1672         endif
1673      endif
1676#ifdef MPI
1677C     Global reduction of Uscf/DUscf/Uatm/Enaatm/Enascf
1678      sbuffer(1) = Uscf
1679      sbuffer(2) = DUscf
1680      sbuffer(3) = Uatm
1681      sbuffer(4) = Enaatm
1682      sbuffer(5) = Enascf
1683      if (use_bsc_cellxc) then
1684         sbuffer(6) = Exc
1685         sbuffer(7) = Dxc
1686      endif
1688      call MPI_AllReduce( sbuffer, rbuffer, 7, MPI_double_precision,
1689     &                     MPI_Sum, MPI_Comm_World, MPIerror )
1690      Uscf   = rbuffer(1)
1691      DUscf  = rbuffer(2)
1692      Uatm   = rbuffer(3)
1693      Enaatm = rbuffer(4)
1694      Enascf = rbuffer(5)
1695      if (use_bsc_cellxc) then
1696         Exc    = rbuffer(6)
1697         Dxc    = rbuffer(7)
1698      endif
1699#endif /* MPI */
1701C     Add contribution to stress from the derivative of the Jacobian of ---
1702C     r->r' (strained r) in the integral of Vna*(rhoscf-rhoatm)
1703      if (istr .eq. 1) then
1704        do i = 1,3
1705          stress(i,i) = stress(i,i) + ( Enascf - Enaatm ) / volume
1706        enddo
1707      endif
1709C     Stop time counter for SCF iteration part
1710      call timer( 'DHSCF3', 2 )
1712C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1713C     End of SCF iteration part
1714C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1716      if (ifa.eq.1 .or. istr.eq.1) then
1717C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1718C Forces and stress : SCF contribution
1719C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1720C       Start time counter for force calculation part
1721        call timer( 'DHSCF4', 1 )
1723C       Find contribution of partial-core-correction
1724        if (npcc .eq. 1) then
1725          call reord( rhopcc, rhopcc, nml, nsm, TO_CLUSTER )
1726          call reord( Vaux, Vaux, nml, nsm, TO_CLUSTER )
1727          ! The partial core calculation only acts on
1728          ! the diagonal spin-components (no need to
1729          ! redistribute un-used elements)
1730          do ispin = 1, nsd
1731            call reord( Vscf(:,ispin), Vscf(:,ispin),
1732     &                  nml, nsm, TO_CLUSTER )
1733          enddo
1735          call PartialCoreOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl, rhopcc, indxua, nsd,
1736     &                            dvol, volume, Vscf, Vaux, Fal,
1737     &                            stressl, ifa.ne.0, istr.ne.0 )
1739          call reord( rhopcc, rhopcc, nml, nsm, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
1740          call reord( Vaux, Vaux, nml, nsm, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
1741          ! ** see above
1742          do ispin = 1, nsd
1743            call reord( Vscf(:,ispin), Vscf(:,ispin),
1744     &                  nml, nsm, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
1745          enddo
1747          if ( debug_dhscf ) then
1748             write(*,debug_fmt) Node,'PartialCore',
1749     &            (sqrt(sum(Vscf(:,ispin)**2)),ispin=1,nsd)
1750          end if
1751        endif
1753        if ( harrisfun) then
1754!         Forhar deals internally with its own needs
1755!         for distribution changes
1756!         Upon entry, everything is UNIFORM, sequential form
1757          call forhar( ntpl, nspin, nml, ntml, ntm, npcc, cell,
1758     &                 rhoatm, rhopcc, Vna, DRho, Vscf, Vaux )
1759!         Upon return, everything is UNIFORM, sequential form
1760        endif
1762C     Transform spin density into sum and difference
1763        ! TODO NC/SO
1764        ! Should we perform local diagonalization?
1765        if (nsd .eq. 2) then
1766!$OMP parallel do default(shared), private(rhotot,ip)
1767          do ip = 1,ntpl
1768            rhotot     = DRho(ip,1) + DRho(ip,2)
1769            DRho(ip,2) = DRho(ip,2) - DRho(ip,1)
1770            DRho(ip,1) = rhotot
1771          enddo
1772!$OMP end parallel do
1773        endif
1775C       Find contribution of neutral-atom potential
1776        call reord( Vna, Vna, nml, nsm, TO_CLUSTER )
1777        call reord( DRho, DRho, nml, nsm, TO_CLUSTER )
1778        call NeutralAtomOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl, Vna, indxua, dvol,
1779     &                          volume, DRho, Fal, stressl,
1780     &                          ifa.ne.0, istr.ne.0 )
1781        call reord( DRho, DRho, nml, nsm, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
1782        call reord( Vna, Vna, nml, nsm, TO_SEQUENTIAL )
1784        if (nodes.gt.1) then
1785           call setMeshDistr( QUADRATIC, nsm, nsp,
1786     &                       nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
1787        endif
1789        call re_alloc( Vscf_par, 1, ntpl, 1, nspin,
1790     &                 'Vscf_par', 'dhscf' )
1791        do ispin = 1, nspin
1792          fsrc => Vscf(:,ispin)
1793          fdst => Vscf_par(:,ispin)
1794          call distMeshData( UNIFORM, fsrc,
1795     &                       QUADRATIC, fdst, TO_CLUSTER )
1796        enddo
1798!       Remember that Vaux contains everything except Vxc
1799        call re_alloc( Vaux_par, 1, ntpl, 'Vaux_par', 'dhscf' )
1800        call distMeshData( UNIFORM, Vaux,
1801     &                     QUADRATIC, Vaux_par, TO_CLUSTER )
1803        call dfscf( ifa, istr, na, norb, nuo, nuotot, nmpl, nspin,
1804     &              indxua, isa, iaorb, iphorb,
1805     &              maxnd, numd, listdptr, listd, Dscf, datm,
1806     &              Vscf_par, Vaux_par, dvol, volume, Fal, stressl )
1808        call de_alloc( Vaux_par, 'Vaux_par', 'dhscf' )
1809        call de_alloc( Vscf_par, 'Vscf_par', 'dhscf' )
1811        if (nodes.gt.1) then
1812          call setMeshDistr( UNIFORM, nsm, nsp, nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
1813        endif
1816C       Stop time counter for force calculation part
1817        call timer( 'DHSCF4', 2 )
1818C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1819C       End of force and stress calculation
1820C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1821      endif
1823!     We are in the UNIFORM distribution
1824!     Rhoatm, Rhopcc and Vna are in UNIFORM dist, sequential form
1825!     The index array endpht is in the QUADRATIC distribution
1827C     Stop time counter
1828      call timer( 'DHSCF', 2 )
1830C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1831C     Free locally allocated memory
1832C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1833      call de_alloc( Vaux, 'Vaux', 'dhscf' )
1834      call de_alloc( Vscf, 'Vscf', 'dhscf' )
1835      call de_alloc( DRho, 'DRho', 'dhscf' )
1837#ifdef DEBUG
1838      call write_debug( '    POS DHSCF' )
1840!------------------------------------------------------------------------ END
1841      CONTAINS
1843      subroutine save_bader_charge()
1844      use meshsubs, only: ModelCoreChargeOnMesh
1845#ifdef NCDF_4
1846      use siesta_options, only: write_cdf
1847      use m_ncdf_siesta, only: cdf_save_grid
1849      ! Auxiliary routine to output the Bader Charge
1850      !
1851      real(grid_p), pointer :: BaderCharge(:) => null()
1853      call re_alloc( BaderCharge, 1, ntpl, name='BaderCharge',
1854     &                 routine='dhscf' )
1856      ! Find a model core charge by re-scaling the local charge
1857      call ModelCoreChargeOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl, BaderCharge, indxua )
1858      ! It comes out in clustered form, so we convert it
1859      call reord( BaderCharge, BaderCharge, nml, nsm, TO_SEQUENTIAL)
1860      do ispin = 1,nsd
1861         BaderCharge(1:ntpl) = BaderCharge(1:ntpl) + DRho(1:ntpl,ispin)
1862      enddo
1863#ifdef NCDF_4
1864      if ( write_cdf ) then
1865         call cdf_save_grid(trim(slabel)//'.nc','RhoBader',1,ntml,
1866     &        BaderCharge)
1867      else
1868         call write_rho( trim(slabel)// ".BADER", cell,
1869     $        ntm, nsm, ntpl, 1, BaderCharge )
1870         call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl,
1871     $        BaderCharge, "BaderCharge")
1872      end if
1874      call write_rho( trim(slabel)// ".BADER", cell,
1875     $     ntm, nsm, ntpl, 1, BaderCharge )
1876      call write_grid_netcdf( cell, ntm, 1, ntpl,
1877     $     BaderCharge, "BaderCharge")
1880      call de_alloc( BaderCharge, name='BaderCharge' )
1881      end subroutine save_bader_charge
1883      subroutine setup_analysis_options()
1884      !! For the analyze-charge-density-only case,
1885      !! avoiding any diagonalization
1887      use siesta_options, only: hirshpop, voropop
1888      use siesta_options, only: saverho, savedrho, saverhoxc
1889      use siesta_options, only: savevh, savevt, savevna
1890      use siesta_options, only: savepsch, savetoch
1892      want_partial_charges = (hirshpop .or. voropop)
1894      if (saverho)   filesOut%rho   = trim(slabel)//'.RHO'
1895      if (savedrho)  filesOut%drho  = trim(slabel)//'.DRHO'
1896      if (saverhoxc) filesOut%rhoxc = trim(slabel)//'.RHOXC'
1897      if (savevh)    filesOut%vh    = trim(slabel)//'.VH'
1898      if (savevt)    filesOut%vt    = trim(slabel)//'.VT'
1899      if (savevna)   filesOut%vna   = trim(slabel)//'.VNA'
1900      if (savepsch)  filesOut%psch  = trim(slabel)//'.IOCH'
1901      if (savetoch)  filesOut%toch  = trim(slabel)//'.TOCH'
1903      end subroutine setup_analysis_options
1905      end subroutine dhscf
1907      subroutine delk_wrapper(isigneikr, norb, maxnd,
1908     &                        numd, listdptr, listd,
1909     &                        nuo,  nuotot, iaorb, iphorb, isa )
1911      use m_delk,  only  : delk  ! The real workhorse, similar to vmat
1913      use moreMeshSubs,   only : setMeshDistr
1914      use moreMeshSubs,   only : UNIFORM, QUADRATIC
1915      use parallel,       only : Nodes
1916      use mesh,           only : nsm, nsp
1919!     This is a wrapper to call delk, using some of the module
1920!     variables of m_dhscf, but from outside dhscf itself.
1922      integer                  :: isigneikr,
1923     &                            norb, nuo, nuotot, maxnd,
1924     &                            iaorb(*), iphorb(*), isa(*),
1925     &                            numd(nuo),
1926     &                            listdptr(nuo), listd(maxnd)
1928! The dhscf module variables used are:
1929! nmpl
1930! dvol
1931! nml
1932! nmpl
1933! ntml
1934! ntpl
1936! Some of them might be put somewhere else (mesh?) to allow some
1937! of the kitchen-sink functionality of dhscf to be made more modular.
1938! For example, this wrapper might live independently if enough mesh
1939! information is made available to it.
1941C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1942C Calculate matrix elements of exp(i \vec{k} \cdot \vec{r})
1943C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1944        if (isigneikr .eq. 1 .or. isigneikr .eq. -1) then
1946          if (nodes.gt.1) then
1947            call setMeshDistr( QUADRATIC, nsm, nsp,
1948     &                         nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
1949          endif
1951          call delk( isigneikr, norb, nmpl, dvol, maxnd,
1952     &               numd, listdptr, listd,
1953     &               nuo,  nuotot, iaorb, iphorb, isa )
1955          if (nodes.gt.1) then
1956!           Everything back to UNIFORM, sequential
1957            call setMeshDistr( UNIFORM, nsm, nsp,
1958     &                         nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
1959          endif
1961        endif
1962      end subroutine delk_wrapper
1964      !> Chech whether we need to initialize stencils for
1965      !> BSC's version of cellxc, and whether we have a vdw
1966      !> functional
1967      subroutine xc_setup(need_grads,is_vdw)
1968      use siestaxc, only: getxc
1970      logical, intent(out) :: need_grads
1971      logical, intent(out) :: is_vdw
1973      integer         :: nf, nXCfunc
1974      character(len=20):: XCauth(10), XCfunc(10)
1976      need_grads = .false.
1977      is_vdw = .false.
1978      call getXC( nXCfunc, XCfunc, XCauth )
1979      do nf = 1,nXCfunc
1980        if ( XCfunc(nf).eq.'GGA' .or. XCfunc(nf).eq.'gga') then
1981           need_grads = .true.
1982        endif
1983        if ( XCfunc(nf).eq.'VDW' .or. XCfunc(nf).eq.'vdw') then
1984           need_grads = .true.
1985           is_vdw = .true.
1986        endif
1987      enddo
1988      end subroutine xc_setup
1990      end module m_dhscf