1 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2  *                               Simbody(tm)                                  *
3  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
5  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
6  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
7  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
8  *                                                                            *
9  * Portions copyright (c) 2010-13 Stanford University and the Authors.        *
10  * Authors: Michael Sherman                                                   *
11  * Contributors:                                                              *
12  *                                                                            *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
14  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
15  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
16  *                                                                            *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
21  * limitations under the License.                                             *
22  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
24 #include "SimTKcommon.h"
26 #include "simbody/internal/common.h"
27 #include "simbody/internal/MobilizedBody.h"
28 #include "simbody/internal/SimbodyMatterSubsystem.h"
29 #include "simbody/internal/Force_Gravity.h"
31 #include "ForceImpl.h"
33 namespace SimTK {
35 //==============================================================================
36 //                          FORCE :: GRAVITY IMPL
37 //==============================================================================
38 // This is the hidden implementation class for Force::Gravity.
39 class Force::GravityImpl : public ForceImpl {
40 friend class Force::Gravity;
42     // These are settable parameters including gravity vector, zero height,
43     // and which if any mobilized bodies are immune to gravity. Modifying this
44     // variable invalidates Dynamics stage automatically, but every modification
45     // must explicitly invalidate the force cache because that can be filled in
46     // as early as Position stage.
47     struct Parameters {
ParametersSimTK::Force::GravityImpl::Parameters48         Parameters(const UnitVec3& defDirection,
49                      Real defMagnitude, Real defZeroHeight,
50                      const Array_<bool,MobilizedBodyIndex>& defMobodIsImmune)
51         :   d(defDirection), g(defMagnitude), z(defZeroHeight),
52             mobodIsImmune(defMobodIsImmune) {}
54         Parameters() = default;
56         UnitVec3    d;
57         Real        g{NaN}, z{NaN};
58         Array_<bool,MobilizedBodyIndex> mobodIsImmune; // [nb]
59     };
61     // The cache has a SpatialVec for each mobilized body, a Vec3 for each
62     // particle [not used], and a scalar for potential energy. The SpatialVec
63     // corresponding to Ground is initialized to zero and stays that way.
64     // This is a lazy-evaluated cache entry that can be calculated any time
65     // after Position stage. It is automatically invalidated if a Position
66     // stage variable changes. But, it is also dependent on the parameter
67     // values in the discrete Parameters variable and must be invalidated
68     // explicitly if any of those change.
69     struct ForceCache {
ForceCacheSimTK::Force::GravityImpl::ForceCache70         ForceCache() {}
allocateSimTK::Force::GravityImpl::ForceCache71         void allocate(int nb, int np, bool initToZero)
72         {   F_GB.resize(nb); f_GP.resize(np);
73             if (initToZero) setToZero(); else setToNaN(); }
setToZeroSimTK::Force::GravityImpl::ForceCache74         void setToZero() {F_GB.setToZero(); f_GP.setToZero(); pe=0;}
setToNaNSimTK::Force::GravityImpl::ForceCache75         void setToNaN()
76         {   F_GB.setToNaN(); F_GB[0]=SpatialVec(Vec3(0)); // Ground
77             f_GP.setToNaN(); pe=NaN;}
78         Vector_<SpatialVec> F_GB; // rigid body forces
79         Vector_<Vec3>       f_GP; // particle forces
80         Real                pe;   // total potential energy
81     };
83     // Constructor from a direction and magnitude.
GravityImpl(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem & matter,const UnitVec3 & direction,Real magnitude,Real zeroHeight)84     GravityImpl(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter,
85                 const UnitVec3&                 direction,
86                 Real                            magnitude,
87                 Real                            zeroHeight)
88     :   matter(matter), defDirection(direction), defMagnitude(magnitude),
89         defZeroHeight(zeroHeight),
90         defMobodIsImmune(matter.getNumBodies(), false),
91         numEvaluations(0)
92     {   defMobodIsImmune.front() = true; } // Ground is always immune
94     // Constructor from a gravity vector, which might have zero magnitude.
95     // In that case we'll negate the default up direction in the System as the
96     // default direction. That would only be noticeable if the magnitude were
97     // later increased without giving a new direction.
GravityImpl(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem & matter,const Vec3 & gravityVec,Real zeroHeight)98     GravityImpl(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter,
99                 const Vec3&                     gravityVec,
100                 Real                            zeroHeight)
101     :   matter(matter)
102     {   // Invoke the general constructor using system up direction.
103         new (this) GravityImpl(matter, -matter.getSystem().getUpDirection(),
104                                gravityVec.norm(), zeroHeight);
105         if (defMagnitude > 0)
106             defDirection=UnitVec3(gravityVec/defMagnitude,true);
107     }
109     // Constructor from just gravity magnitude; use negative of System "up"
110     // direction as the down direction here.
GravityImpl(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem & matter,Real magnitude,Real zeroHeight)111     GravityImpl(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter,
112                 Real                            magnitude,
113                 Real                            zeroHeight)
114     :   matter(matter)
115     {   // Invoke the general constructor using system up direction.
116         new (this) GravityImpl(matter, -matter.getSystem().getUpDirection(),
117                                magnitude, zeroHeight);
118     }
setMobodIsImmuneByDefault(MobilizedBodyIndex mbx,bool isImmune)120     void setMobodIsImmuneByDefault(MobilizedBodyIndex mbx, bool isImmune) {
121         if (mbx == 0) return; // can't change Ground's innate immunity
122         invalidateTopologyCache();
123         if (defMobodIsImmune.size() < mbx+1)
124             defMobodIsImmune.resize(mbx+1, false);
125         defMobodIsImmune[mbx] = isImmune;
126     }
getMobodIsImmuneByDefault(MobilizedBodyIndex mbx) const128     bool getMobodIsImmuneByDefault(MobilizedBodyIndex mbx) const {
129         if (defMobodIsImmune.size() < mbx+1)
130             return false;
131         return defMobodIsImmune[mbx];
132     }
setMobodIsImmune(State & state,MobilizedBodyIndex mbx,bool isImmune) const134     void setMobodIsImmune(State& state, MobilizedBodyIndex mbx,
135                           bool isImmune) const {
136         if (mbx == 0) return; // no messing with Ground
137         invalidateForceCache(state);
138         Parameters& p = updParameters(state);
139         p.mobodIsImmune[mbx] = isImmune;
140     }
getMobodIsImmune(const State & state,MobilizedBodyIndex mbx) const142     bool getMobodIsImmune(const State& state, MobilizedBodyIndex mbx) const {
143         const Parameters& p = getParameters(state);
144         return p.mobodIsImmune[mbx];
145     }
clone() const147     GravityImpl* clone() const override {
148         return new GravityImpl(*this);
149     }
151     // We are doing our own caching here, so don't override the
152     // dependsOnlyOnPositions() method which would cause the base class also
153     // to cache the results.
155     void calcForce(const State& state, Vector_<SpatialVec>& bodyForces,
156                    Vector_<Vec3>& particleForces, Vector& mobilityForces) const
157                    override;
158     Real calcPotentialEnergy(const State& state) const override;
160     // Allocate the state variables and cache entries.
161     void realizeTopology(State& s) const override;
getParameters(const State & s) const163     const Parameters& getParameters(const State& s) const
164     {   return Value<Parameters>::downcast
165            (getForceSubsystem().getDiscreteVariable(s,parametersIx)); }
updParameters(State & s) const166     Parameters& updParameters(State& s) const
167     {   return Value<Parameters>::updDowncast
168            (getForceSubsystem().updDiscreteVariable(s,parametersIx)); }
getForceCache(const State & s) const170     const ForceCache& getForceCache(const State& s) const
171     {   return Value<ForceCache>::downcast
172             (getForceSubsystem().getCacheEntry(s,forceCacheIx)); }
updForceCache(const State & s) const173     ForceCache& updForceCache(const State& s) const
174     {   return Value<ForceCache>::updDowncast
175             (getForceSubsystem().updCacheEntry(s,forceCacheIx)); }
isForceCacheValid(const State & s) const177     bool isForceCacheValid(const State& s) const
178     {   return getForceSubsystem().isCacheValueRealized(s,forceCacheIx); }
markForceCacheValid(const State & s) const179     void markForceCacheValid(const State& s) const
180     {   getForceSubsystem().markCacheValueRealized(s,forceCacheIx); }
invalidateForceCache(const State & s) const181     void invalidateForceCache(const State& s) const
182     {   getForceSubsystem().markCacheValueNotRealized(s,forceCacheIx); }
184     // This method calculates gravity forces if needed, and bumps the
185     // numEvaluations counter if it has to do any work.
186     void ensureForceCacheValid(const State&) const;
189     const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter;
190     UnitVec3                        defDirection;
191     Real                            defMagnitude;
192     Real                            defZeroHeight;
193     Array_<bool,MobilizedBodyIndex> defMobodIsImmune;
196     DiscreteVariableIndex           parametersIx;
197     CacheEntryIndex                 forceCacheIx;
199     mutable long long               numEvaluations;
200 };
203 //==============================================================================
204 //                             FORCE :: GRAVITY
205 //==============================================================================
208                                         Force::GravityImpl, Force);
Gravity(GeneralForceSubsystem & forces,const SimbodyMatterSubsystem & matter,const UnitVec3 & defDirection,Real defMagnitude,Real defZeroHeight)210 Force::Gravity::Gravity
211    (GeneralForceSubsystem&          forces,
212     const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter,
213     const UnitVec3&                 defDirection,
214     Real                            defMagnitude,
215     Real                            defZeroHeight)
216 :   Force(new GravityImpl(matter,defDirection,defMagnitude,defZeroHeight))
217 {
218     SimTK_ERRCHK1_ALWAYS(defMagnitude >= 0,
219         "Force::Gravity::Gravity(downDirection,magnitude)",
220         "The gravity magnitude g must be nonnegative but was specified as %g.",
221         defMagnitude);
222     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(defDirection.isFinite(),
223         "Force::Gravity::Gravity(downDirection,magnitude)",
224         "A non-finite 'down' direction was received; did you specify a zero-"
225         "length Vec3? The direction must be non-zero.");
226     updImpl().setForceSubsystem(forces, forces.adoptForce(*this));
227 }
Gravity(GeneralForceSubsystem & forces,const SimbodyMatterSubsystem & matter,const Vec3 & defGravity)229 Force::Gravity::Gravity
230    (GeneralForceSubsystem&          forces,
231     const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter,
232     const Vec3&                     defGravity)
233 :   Force(new GravityImpl(matter,defGravity,0))
234 {
235     updImpl().setForceSubsystem(forces, forces.adoptForce(*this));
236 }
Gravity(GeneralForceSubsystem & forces,const SimbodyMatterSubsystem & matter,Real defMagnitude)238 Force::Gravity::Gravity
239    (GeneralForceSubsystem&          forces,
240     const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter,
241     Real                            defMagnitude)
242 :   Force(new GravityImpl(matter,defMagnitude,0))
243 {
244     SimTK_ERRCHK1_ALWAYS(defMagnitude >= 0,
245         "Force::Gravity::Gravity(magnitude)",
246         "The gravity magnitude g must be nonnegative but was specified as %g.",
247         defMagnitude);
248     updImpl().setForceSubsystem(forces, forces.adoptForce(*this));
249 }
251 // Each of the setDefault methods must invalidate the topology cache.
253 Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setDefaultBodyIsExcluded(MobilizedBodyIndex mobod,bool isExcluded)254 setDefaultBodyIsExcluded(MobilizedBodyIndex mobod, bool isExcluded) {
255     // Invalidates topology cache.
256     updImpl().setMobodIsImmuneByDefault(mobod, isExcluded);
257     return *this;
258 }
260 Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setDefaultGravityVector(const Vec3 & gravity)261 setDefaultGravityVector(const Vec3& gravity) {
262     const Real g = gravity.norm();
263     getImpl().invalidateTopologyCache();
264     updImpl().defMagnitude = g;
265     // Don't change the direction if the magnitude is zero.
266     if (g > 0)
267         updImpl().defDirection = UnitVec3(gravity/g, true);
268     return *this;
269 }
271 Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setDefaultDownDirection(const UnitVec3 & down)272 setDefaultDownDirection(const UnitVec3& down) {
273     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(down.isFinite(),
274         "Force::Gravity::setDefaultDownDirection()",
275         "A non-finite 'down' direction was received; did you specify a zero-"
276         "length Vec3? The direction must be non-zero.");
278     getImpl().invalidateTopologyCache();
279     updImpl().defDirection = down;
280     return *this;
281 }
283 Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setDefaultMagnitude(Real g)284 setDefaultMagnitude(Real g) {
285     SimTK_ERRCHK1_ALWAYS(g >= 0,
286         "Force::Gravity::setDefaultMagnitude()",
287         "The gravity magnitude g must be nonnegative but was specified as %g.",
288         g);
290     getImpl().invalidateTopologyCache();
291     updImpl().defMagnitude = g;
292     return *this;
293 }
295 Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setDefaultZeroHeight(Real zeroHeight)296 setDefaultZeroHeight(Real zeroHeight) {
297     getImpl().invalidateTopologyCache();
298     updImpl().defZeroHeight = zeroHeight;
299     return *this;
300 }
302 bool Force::Gravity::
getDefaultBodyIsExcluded(MobilizedBodyIndex mobod) const303 getDefaultBodyIsExcluded(MobilizedBodyIndex mobod) const
304 {   return getImpl().getMobodIsImmuneByDefault(mobod); }
305 Vec3 Force::Gravity::
getDefaultGravityVector() const306 getDefaultGravityVector() const
307 {   return getImpl().defDirection * getImpl().defMagnitude;}
308 const UnitVec3& Force::Gravity::
getDefaultDownDirection() const309 getDefaultDownDirection() const {return getImpl().defDirection;}
310 Real Force::Gravity::
getDefaultMagnitude() const311 getDefaultMagnitude() const {return getImpl().defMagnitude;}
312 Real Force::Gravity::
getDefaultZeroHeight() const313 getDefaultZeroHeight() const {return getImpl().defZeroHeight;}
316 // These set routines must explicitly invalidate the force cache since only
317 // Dynamics stage is invalidated automatically by this state variable. Try
318 // not to do anything if the new value is the same as the old one.
320 const Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setBodyIsExcluded(State & state,MobilizedBodyIndex mobod,bool isExcluded) const321 setBodyIsExcluded(State& state, MobilizedBodyIndex mobod,
322                   bool isExcluded) const
323 {
324     const GravityImpl& impl = getImpl();
325     SimTK_ERRCHK2_ALWAYS(mobod < impl.matter.getNumBodies(),
326         "Force::Gravity::setBodyIsExcluded()",
327         "Attempted to exclude mobilized body with index %d but only mobilized"
328         " bodies with indices between 0 and %d exist in this System.",
329         (int)mobod, impl.matter.getNumBodies()-1);
331     if (getBodyIsExcluded(state, mobod) != isExcluded) {
332         // Invalidates force cache.
333         impl.setMobodIsImmune(state, mobod, isExcluded);
334         // The zero must be precalculated if the body is immune to gravity.
335         SpatialVec& F = impl.updForceCache(state).F_GB[mobod];
336         if (isExcluded || getMagnitude(state) == 0)
337           F.setToZero();
338         else
339           F.setToNaN();
340     }
341     return *this;
342 }
344 const Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setGravityVector(State & state,const Vec3 & gravity) const345 setGravityVector(State& state, const Vec3& gravity) const {
346     const Real     newg = gravity.norm();
347     const UnitVec3 newd = newg > 0 ? UnitVec3(gravity/newg, true)
348                                    : getDownDirection(state);
349     if (getMagnitude(state) != newg || getDownDirection(state) != newd) {
350         getImpl().invalidateForceCache(state);
351         getImpl().updParameters(state).g = newg;
352         getImpl().updParameters(state).d = newd;
354         if (newg == 0)
355             getImpl().updForceCache(state).setToZero(); // must precalculate
356     }
357     return *this;
358 }
360 const Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setDownDirection(State & state,const UnitVec3 & down) const361 setDownDirection(State& state, const UnitVec3& down) const {
362     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(down.isFinite(),
363         "Force::Gravity::setDownDirection()",
364         "A non-finite 'down' direction was received; did you specify a zero-"
365         "length Vec3? The direction must be non-zero.");
367     if (getDownDirection(state) != down) {
368         getImpl().invalidateForceCache(state);
369         getImpl().updParameters(state).d = down;
370     }
371     return *this;
372 }
374 const Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setMagnitude(State & state,Real g) const375 setMagnitude(State& state, Real g) const {
376     SimTK_ERRCHK1_ALWAYS(g >= 0,
377         "Force::Gravity::setMagnitude()",
378         "The gravity magnitude g must be nonnegative but was specified as %g.",
379         g);
381     if (getMagnitude(state) != g) {
382         getImpl().invalidateForceCache(state);
383         getImpl().updParameters(state).g = g;
385         if (g == 0)
386             getImpl().updForceCache(state).setToZero(); // must precalculate
387     }
388     return *this;
389 }
391 const Force::Gravity& Force::Gravity::
setZeroHeight(State & state,Real zeroHeight) const392 setZeroHeight(State& state, Real zeroHeight) const {
393     if (getZeroHeight(state) != zeroHeight) {
394         getImpl().invalidateForceCache(state);
395         getImpl().updParameters(state).z = zeroHeight;
396     }
397     return *this;
398 }
400 bool Force::Gravity::
getBodyIsExcluded(const State & state,MobilizedBodyIndex mobod) const401 getBodyIsExcluded(const State& state, MobilizedBodyIndex mobod) const
402 {   return getImpl().getMobodIsImmune(state, mobod); }
405 Vec3 Force::Gravity::
getGravityVector(const State & state) const406 getGravityVector(const State& state) const
407 {   const GravityImpl::Parameters& p = getImpl().getParameters(state);
408     return p.g*p.d; }
410 const UnitVec3& Force::Gravity::
getDownDirection(const State & state) const411 getDownDirection(const State& state) const
412 {   return getImpl().getParameters(state).d; }
getMagnitude(const State & state) const415 Real Force::Gravity::getMagnitude(const State& state) const
416 {   return getImpl().getParameters(state).g; }
getZeroHeight(const State & state) const418 Real Force::Gravity::getZeroHeight(const State& state) const
419 {   return getImpl().getParameters(state).z; }
421 Real Force::Gravity::
getPotentialEnergy(const State & s) const422 getPotentialEnergy(const State& s) const
423 {   getImpl().ensureForceCacheValid(s);
424     return getImpl().getForceCache(s).pe; }
426 const Vector_<SpatialVec>& Force::Gravity::
getBodyForces(const State & s) const427 getBodyForces(const State& s) const
428 {   getImpl().ensureForceCacheValid(s);
429     const GravityImpl::ForceCache& fc = getImpl().getForceCache(s);
430     return fc.F_GB; }
432 const Vector_<Vec3>& Force::Gravity::
getParticleForces(const State & s) const433 getParticleForces(const State& s) const
434 {   getImpl().ensureForceCacheValid(s);
435     const GravityImpl::ForceCache& fc = getImpl().getForceCache(s);
436     return fc.f_GP; }
438 long long Force::Gravity::
getNumEvaluations() const439 getNumEvaluations() const
440 {   return getImpl().numEvaluations; }
442 bool Force::Gravity::
isForceCacheValid(const State & state) const443 isForceCacheValid(const State& state) const
444 {   return getImpl().isForceCacheValid(state); }
446 void Force::Gravity::
invalidateForceCache(const State & state) const447 invalidateForceCache(const State& state) const
448 {   getImpl().invalidateForceCache(state); }
451 //==============================================================================
452 //                            FORCE :: GRAVITY IMPL
453 //==============================================================================
455 //----------------------------- REALIZE TOPOLOGY -------------------------------
456 // Allocate the state variables and cache entries. The force cache is a lazy-
457 // evaluation entry - although it can be calculated any time after
458 // Stage::Position, it won't be unless someone asks for it. And if it is
459 // evaluated early, it should not be re-evaluated when used as a force during
460 // Stage::Dynamics (via the calcForce() call).
461 //
462 // In addition, the force cache has a dependency on the parameter values that
463 // are stored in a discrete state variable. Changes to that variable
464 // automatically invalidate Dynamics stage, but must be carefully managed also
465 // to invalidate the force cache here since it is only Position-dependent.
466 void Force::GravityImpl::
realizeTopology(State & s) const467 realizeTopology(State& s) const {
468     GravityImpl* mThis = const_cast<GravityImpl*>(this);
469     const int nb=matter.getNumBodies(), np=matter.getNumParticles();
471     // In case more mobilized bodies were added after this Gravity element
472     // was constructed, make room for the rest now. Earlier default immunity
473     // settings are preserved.
474     if (defMobodIsImmune.size() != nb)
475         mThis->defMobodIsImmune.resize(nb, false);
477     // Allocate a discrete state variable to hold parameters; see above comment.
478     const Parameters p(defDirection,defMagnitude,defZeroHeight,
479                        defMobodIsImmune); // initial value
480     mThis->parametersIx = getForceSubsystem()
481         .allocateDiscreteVariable(s, Stage::Dynamics, new Value<Parameters>(p));
483     // Don't allocate force cache space yet since we would have to copy it.
484     // Caution -- dependence on Parameters requires manual invalidation.
485     mThis->forceCacheIx = getForceSubsystem().allocateLazyCacheEntry(s,
486         Stage::Position, new Value<ForceCache>());
488     // Now allocate the appropriate amount of space, and set to zero now
489     // any forces that we know will end up zero so we don't have to calculate
490     // them at run time. Precalculated zeroes must be provided for any
491     // immune elements, or for all elements if g==0, and this must be kept
492     // up to date if there are runtime changes to the parameters.
494     ForceCache& fc = updForceCache(s);
495     if (defMagnitude == 0) {
496         fc.allocate(nb, np, true); // initially zero since no gravity
497     } else {
498         fc.allocate(nb, np, false); // initially NaN except for Ground
499         for (MobilizedBodyIndex mbx(1); mbx < nb; ++mbx)
500             if (defMobodIsImmune[mbx])
501                 fc.F_GB[mbx] = SpatialVec(Vec3(0),Vec3(0));
502         // This doesn't mean the ForceCache is valid yet.
503     }
504 }
507 //------------------------- ENSURE FORCE CACHE VALID ---------------------------
508 // This will also calculate potential energy since we can do it on the cheap
509 // simultaneously with the force. Note that if the strength of gravity was set
510 // to zero then we already zeroed out the forces and pe during realizeInstance()
511 // so all we have to do in that case is mark the cache valid now. Also, any
512 // immune bodies have their force set to zero in realizeInstance() so we don't
513 // have to do it again here.
514 void Force::GravityImpl::
ensureForceCacheValid(const State & state) const515 ensureForceCacheValid(const State& state) const {
516     if (isForceCacheValid(state)) return;
518     SimTK_STAGECHECK_GE_ALWAYS(state.getSystemStage(), Stage::Position,
519         "Force::GravityImpl::ensureForceCacheValid()");
521     const Parameters& p = getParameters(state);
522     if (p.g == 0) { // no gravity
523         markForceCacheValid(state); // zeroes must have been precalculated
524         return;
525     }
527     // Gravity is non-zero and gravity forces are not up to date, so this counts
528     // as an evaluation.
529     ++numEvaluations;
531     const Vec3 gravity      = p.g * p.d;
532     const Real zeroPEOffset = p.g * p.z;
533     ForceCache& fc = updForceCache(state);
534     fc.pe = 0;
536     const int nb = matter.getNumBodies();
537     // Skip Ground since we know it is immune.
538     for (MobilizedBodyIndex mbx(1); mbx < nb; ++mbx) {
539         if (p.mobodIsImmune[mbx])
540             continue; // don't apply gravity to this body; F already zero
542         const MobilizedBody&     mobod  = matter.getMobilizedBody(mbx);
543         const MassProperties&    mprops = mobod.getBodyMassProperties(state);
544         const Transform&         X_GB   = mobod.getBodyTransform(state);
546         Real        m       = mprops.getMass();
547         const Vec3& p_CB    = mprops.getMassCenter(); // in B
548         const Vec3  p_CB_G  = X_GB.R()*p_CB;          // exp. in G; 15 flops
549         const Vec3  p_G_CB  = X_GB.p() + p_CB_G;      // meas. in G; 3 flops
551         const Vec3  F_CB_G  = m*gravity; // force at mass center; 3 flops
552         fc.F_GB[mbx] = SpatialVec(p_CB_G % F_CB_G, F_CB_G); // body frc; 9 flops
554         // odd signs here because height is in -gravity direction.
555         fc.pe -= m*(~gravity*p_G_CB + zeroPEOffset); // 8 flops
556     }
558     const int np = matter.getNumParticles();
559     if (np) {
560         const Vector&        m    = matter.getAllParticleMasses(state);
561         const Vector_<Vec3>& p_GP = matter.getAllParticleLocations(state);
562         for (ParticleIndex px(0); px < np; ++px) {
563             fc.f_GP[px] = m[px] * gravity;                     // 3 flops
564             fc.pe -= m[px]*(~gravity*p_GP[px] + zeroPEOffset); // 8 flops
565         }
566     }
568     markForceCacheValid(state);
569 }
571 //------------------------------- CALC FORCE -----------------------------------
572 void Force::GravityImpl::
calcForce(const State & state,Vector_<SpatialVec> & bodyForces,Vector_<Vec3> & particleForces,Vector & mobilityForces) const573 calcForce(const State& state, Vector_<SpatialVec>& bodyForces,
574           Vector_<Vec3>& particleForces, Vector& mobilityForces) const
575 {   ensureForceCacheValid(state);
576     const ForceCache& fc = getForceCache(state);
577     bodyForces     += fc.F_GB;
578     particleForces += fc.f_GP; }
581 //-------------------------- CALC POTENTIAL ENERGY -----------------------------
582 // If the force was calculated, then the potential energy will already
583 // be valid. Otherwise we'll have to calculate it.
584 Real Force::GravityImpl::
calcPotentialEnergy(const State & state) const585 calcPotentialEnergy(const State& state) const
586 {   ensureForceCacheValid(state);
587     const ForceCache& fc = getForceCache(state);
588     return fc.pe; }
591 } // namespace SimTK