1 // cz - p��li� �lu�ou�k� k�� �p�l ��belsk� �dy
2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 // fuzzy.h
4 //
5 // SIMLIB version: 2.16.4
6 // Date: 2001-04-04
7 // Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Dr. Ing. Petr Peringer, David Martinek
8 //
9 // This library is licensed under GNU Library GPL. See the file COPYING.
10 //
11 // Warning: this is EXPERIMENTAL code, interfaces can be changed
12 //
13 // Fuzzy subsystem for SIMLIB
14 // version 0.6 --- We apr 4 10:33:52 CEST 2001
15 //
16 // subsystem interfaces:
17 //  - membership functions
18 //  - fuzzy variable
19 //  - fuzzification and defuzzification methods
20 //  - fuzzy block
21 //  - sampled fuzzy block
22 //  - interfaces for typing inference rules in
23 //
26 #ifndef FUZZY_H
27 #define FUZZY_H
29 #if 0
30  #include <stdio.h>
31  #define TRACE(x) do{ if(1) x; } while(0)
32 #else
33  #define TRACE(x)
34 #endif
36 #include "simlib.h"
37 #include <vector>
39 namespace simlib3 {
41 /**
42  * @mainpage FuzzySIMLIB
43  * @version 1.0
44  * @author David Martinek
45  * @author Dr. Ing. Petr Peringer
46  *
47  * FuzzySIMLIB is part of SIMulation LIBrary including the fuzzy and xml module.
48  *
49  * FuzzySIMLIB je ��st� simula�n� knihovny SIMLIB a obsahuje fuzzy a xml modul.
50  */
52 /**
53  * @defgroup fuzzy Fuzzy modul
54  * This module contains number of classes which is needed for fuzzy controllers modeling.
55  *
56  * Tento modul obsahuje soubor t��d pot�ebn�ch pro modelov�n� fuzzy regul�tor�.
57  */
59 /**
60  * @defgroup xml XML modul
61  * General interface for loading of external data. Now only interface for reding fuzzy models
62  * from XML is implemented here.
63  *
64  * Obecn� rozhran� pro na��t�n� extern� ulo�en�ch dat. Prozat�m je zde implementov�no
65  * konkr�tn� rozhran� pro na��t�n� fuzzy model� z XML soubor�.
66  */
69 /**
70  * @example auta.cc
71  * This is complete general interface example for typing inference rules in. Time for start
72  * is a little slower but the run is quite fast. This interface is quite uncomfortable.
73  * You can use rather interface which is described in FuzzyExpr and FuzzyGeneralRules classes.
74  *
75  * Toto je kompletn� p��klad pou�it� obecn�ho rozhran� pro zad�v�n� inferen�n�ch
76  * pravidel. Start tohoto programu je trochu del��, ale samotn� b�h modelu je
77  * pom�rn� rychl�. Toto rozhran� je celkem nepohodln�. Rad�ji pou��vejte rozhran� popsan�
78  * ve t��d�ch FuzzyExpr a FuzzyGeneralRules.
79  */
80 /**
81  * @example auta2.cc
82  * This is comfortable general interface example for typing inference rules in. This is the
83  * slowest but the  most general solution.
84  *
85  * P��klad komfortn�ho obecn�ho rozhran� pro z�pis inferen�n�ch pravidel. Toto je nejpomalej��
86  * ale nejobecn�j�� �e�en�.
87  */
88 /**
89  * @example autanottree.cc
90  * This is complete specialized interface example for typing infrence rules in. This is the most
91  * faster solution from all these examples.
92  *
93  * Toto je kompletn� p��klad pou�it� specializovan�ho rozhran� pro zad�v�n� inferen�n�ch
94  * pravidel. Pou�it�m tohoto rozhran� je inicializace modelu nejrychlej�� ze v�ech
95  * t�chto p��klad�.
96  */
97 /**
98  * @example xml.cc
99  * This is complete example of use XML for model specification. The analyzis takes a quite
100  * muxh time, but it has no influence on time for run. This solution is most flexible.
101  *
102  * Toto je kompletn� p��klad pou�it� XML p�i specifikaci modelu. Anal�za xml zp�sobuje
103  * pom�rn� dlouhou inicialializaci, ale na b�h modelu nem� ��dn� vliv. Toto �e�en�
104  * je nejv�ce flexibiln�.
105  */
106 /**
107  * @example ftycka.cc
108  * Next complete example of use XML for model specification.  The analyzis takes a quite
109  * muxh time, but it has no influence on time for run. This solution is most flexible.
110  *
111  * Dal�� kompletn� p��klad pou�it� XML p�i specifikaci modelu. Anal�za xml zp�sobuje
112  * pom�rn� dlouhou inicialializaci, ale na b�h modelu nem� ��dn� vliv. Toto �e�en�
113  * je nejv�ce flexibiln�.
114  */
117 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
118 // general membership function
119 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
120 /**
121  * Abstract baze class for membership functions.<br>
122  * Abstraktn� b�zov� t��da pro funkce p��slu�nosti.
123  * @ingroup fuzzy
124  */
125 class FuzzyMembershipFunction
126 {
127     char *Name;		/**< Word value.  */  // TODO: std::string
128   protected:
129     int defValues;      /**< Number of definition values. */
130   public:
131     /**
132      * It assigns word value to the membership function. This does not copy poiner of parameter
133      * name, but it cretes copy of memory.<br>
134      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti. Nekop�ruje ukazatel parametru name, ale vytv���
135      * kopii pam�ti.
136      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
137      */
138     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
139     FuzzyMembershipFunction(const char *name);
140     /**
141      * Copy constructor. It creates copy of all member variables. For poiners creates copy of
142      * memory block.<br>
143      * Kopy konstruktor. Vytv��� kopii v�ech �lensk�ch prom�nn�ch. Pro ukazatele vytvo�� kopii
144      * pam�ti.
145      * @param duplicate Object that will be duplicated.<br>Objekt, kter� bude duplikov�n.
146      */
147     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
148     FuzzyMembershipFunction(const FuzzyMembershipFunction &duplicate);
149     /** Destructor */
150     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
151     virtual ~FuzzyMembershipFunction();
152     /** Gets word value of this function.<br>Vrac� slovn� hodnotu t�to funkce. */
wordValue()153     const char *wordValue() const { return Name; }
154     /** It duplicates object.<br>Duplikuje objekt. */
155     virtual FuzzyMembershipFunction *clone() const = 0;
156     /** It computes function value (membership).<br>Vypo�te funk�n� hodnotu (p��slu�nost). */
157     virtual double Membership(double x) const = 0;
158     /** Center of this function.<br>St�ed t�to funkce. */
159     virtual double center() const = 0;
160     /** First occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Prvn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
161     virtual double min1() const = 0;
162     /** Last occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Posledn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
163     virtual double max1() const = 0;
164     /** Print of membership table.<br>Tisk tabulky p��slu�nosti. */
165     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
166     void Print(double a, double b) const;
167     /** Test if is definition of function complete.<br>Test jestli je definice funkce kompletn�. */
isComplete()168     bool isComplete() { return defValues == getNumValues(); }
169     /** This adds next definition value.<br>P�id� dal�� defini�n� hodnotu. */
170     virtual void addDefValue(double value) = 0;
171     /** It retuns number of definition values.<br>Vr�t� po�et defini�n�ch hodnot. */
172     virtual int getNumValues() = 0;
173 };//FuzzyMembershipFunction
175 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
176 // special membership functions:
177 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
178 /**
179  * Membership function of type impulse.<br>
180  * Funkce p��slu�nosti typu impuls.
181  * @ingroup fuzzy
182  */
183 class FuzzySingleton: public FuzzyMembershipFunction
184 {
185     double x0;
186   public:
187     /**
188      * It assigns word value to the membership function and sets definition value.<br>
189      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti a nastav� defini�n� hodnotu.
190      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
191      * @param a A definition value.<br>Defini�n� hodnota.
192      */
193     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
194     FuzzySingleton(const char *name, double a);
195     /**
196      * It assigns word value to the membership function.<br>
197      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti.
198      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
199      */
200     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
201     FuzzySingleton(const char *name);
202     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
~FuzzySingleton()204     virtual ~FuzzySingleton() { TRACE(printf("~FuzzySingleton()\n")); }
205     /** It duplicates object.<br>Duplikuje objekt. */
206     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
207     virtual FuzzySingleton *clone() const;
208     /** It computes function value (membership).<br>Vypo�te funk�n� hodnotu (p��slu�nost). */
209     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
210     virtual double Membership(double x) const;
211     /** Center of this function.<br>St�ed t�to funkce. */
center()212     virtual double center() const { return x0; }
213     /** First occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Prvn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
min1()214     virtual double min1() const { return x0; }
215     /** Last occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Posledn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
max1()216     virtual double max1() const { return x0; }
217     /** This adds next definition value.<br>P�id� dal�� defini�n� hodnotu. */
218     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
219     virtual void addDefValue(double value);
220     /** It retuns number of definition values.<br>Vr�t� po�et defini�n�ch hodnot. */
getNumValues()221     virtual int getNumValues() { return 1; }
222 };//FuzzySingleton
224 /**
225  * Triangulal membership function.<br>Troj�heln�kov� funkce p��slu�nosti.
226  * @ingroup fuzzy
227  */
228 class FuzzyTriangle: public FuzzyMembershipFunction
229 {
230     double x0, x1, x2;
231   public:
232     /**
233      * It assigns word value to the membership function and sets definition values.<br>
234      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti a nastav� defini�n� hodnotu.
235      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
236      * @param a A left vertex.<br>Lev� vrchol.
237      * @param b A center vertex.<br>Prost�edn� vrchol.
238      * @param c A right vertex.<br>Prav� vrchol.
239      */
240     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
241     FuzzyTriangle(const char *name, double a, double b, double c);
242     /**
243      * It assigns word value to the membership function.<br>
244      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti.
245      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
246      */
247     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
248     FuzzyTriangle(const char* name);
249     /** Destructor. */
~FuzzyTriangle()250     virtual ~FuzzyTriangle() { TRACE(printf("~FuzzyTriangle\n")); }
251     /** It duplicates object.<br>Duplikuje objekt. */
252     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
253     virtual FuzzyTriangle *clone() const;
254     /** It computes function value (membership).<br>Vypo�te funk�n� hodnotu (p��slu�nost). */
255     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
256     virtual double Membership(double x) const;
257     /** Center of this function.<br>St�ed t�to funkce. */
center()258     virtual double center() const { return (x0+x1+x2)/3; }
259     /** First occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Prvn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
min1()260     virtual double min1() const { return x1; }
261     /** Last occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Posledn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
max1()262     virtual double max1() const { return x1; }
263     /** It retuns number of definition values.<br>Vr�t� po�et defini�n�ch hodnot. */
getNumValues()264     virtual int getNumValues() { return 3; }
265     /** This adds next definition value.<br>P�id� dal�� defini�n� hodnotu. */
266     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
267     virtual void addDefValue(double value);
268 };//FuzzyTriangle
270 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
271 // FuzzyTrapez ---
272 /**
273  * Trapezoidal membership function.<br>
274  * Lichob�n�kov� funkce p��slu�nosti.
275  * @ingroup fuzzy
276  */
277 class FuzzyTrapez: public FuzzyMembershipFunction
278 {
279     double x0, x1, x2, x3;
280   public:
281     /**
282      * It assigns word value to the membership function and sets definition values.<br>
283      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti a nastav� defini�n� hodnotu.
284      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
285      * @param a A left down vertex.<br>Lev� spodn� vrchol.
286      * @param b A left top vertex.<br>Lev� horn� vrchol.
287      * @param c A right top vertex.<br>Prav� horn� vrchol.
288      * @param d A right down vertex.<br>Prav� spodn� vrchol.
289      */
290     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
291     FuzzyTrapez(const char *name, double a, double b, double c, double d);
292     /**
293      * It assigns word value to the membership function.<br>
294      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti.
295      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
296      */
297     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
298     FuzzyTrapez(const char* name);
299     /** Destructor. */
~FuzzyTrapez()300     virtual ~FuzzyTrapez() { TRACE(printf("~FuzzyTrapez()\n")); }
301     /** It duplicates object.<br>Duplikuje objekt. */
302     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
303     virtual FuzzyTrapez *clone() const;
304     /** It computes function value (membership).<br>Vypo�te funk�n� hodnotu (p��slu�nost). */
305     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
306     virtual double Membership(double x) const;
307 //    virtual double center() const { return (x1+x2)/2; } // bad###
308     /** Center of this function.<br>St�ed t�to funkce. */
center()309     virtual double center() const { return (x0+2*x1+2*x2+x3)/6; }
310     /** First occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Prvn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
min1()311     virtual double min1() const { return x1; }
312     /** Last occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Posledn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
max1()313     virtual double max1() const { return x2; }
314     /** It retuns number of definition values.<br>Vr�t� po�et defini�n�ch hodnot. */
getNumValues()315     virtual int getNumValues() { return 4; }
316     /** This adds next definition value.<br>P�id� dal�� defini�n� hodnotu. */
317     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
318     virtual void addDefValue(double value);
319 };// FuzzyTrapez
321 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
322 // FuzzyGauss ---
323 /**
324  * Gaussian membership function.<br>
325  * Gaussovsk� funkce p��slu�nosti.
326  * @ingroup fuzzy
327  */
328 class FuzzyGauss: public FuzzyMembershipFunction
329 {
330     double sigma, c, twoSqrSigma;
331   public:
332     /**
333      * It assigns word value to the membership function and sets definition values.<br>
334      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti a nastav� defini�n� hodnoty.
335      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
336      * @param center A center of function.(mi) <br>St�ed funkce. (mi)
337      * @param radius A radius of function. (3*sigma)<br>Polom�r funkce. (3*sigma)
338      */
339     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
340     FuzzyGauss(const char *name, double center, double radius);
341     /**
342      * It assigns word value to the membership function.<br>
343      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti.
344      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
345      */
346     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
347     FuzzyGauss(const char* name);
348     /** Destructor. */
~FuzzyGauss()349     virtual ~FuzzyGauss() { TRACE(printf("~FuzzyGauss()\n")); }
350     /** It duplicates object.<br>Duplikuje objekt. */
351     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
352     virtual FuzzyGauss *clone() const;
353     /** It computes function value (membership).<br>Vypo�te funk�n� hodnotu (p��slu�nost). */
354     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
355     virtual double Membership(double x) const;
356     /** Center of this function.<br>St�ed t�to funkce. */
center()357     virtual double center() const { return c; }
358     /** First occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Prvn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
min1()359     virtual double min1() const { return c; }
360     /** Last occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Posledn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
max1()361     virtual double max1() const { return c; }
362     /** It retuns number of definition values.<br>Vr�t� po�et defini�n�ch hodnot. */
getNumValues()363     int getNumValues() { return 2; }
364     /** This adds next definition value.<br>P�id� dal�� defini�n� hodnotu. */
365     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
366     virtual void addDefValue(double value);
367 };// FuzzyGauss
369 /**
370  * Nonsymetric Gaussian membership function.<br>
371  * Nesymetrick� Gaussovsk� funkce p��slu�nosti.
372  * @ingroup fuzzy
373  */
374 class FuzzyGauss2 : public FuzzyMembershipFunction
375 {
376   public:
377     /**
378      * It assigns word value to the membership function and sets definition values.<br>
379      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti a nastav� defini�n� hodnoty.
380      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
381      * @param leftCenter A center of the left function.(mi) <br>St�ed lev� funkce. (mi)
382      * @param leftRadius A radius of the left function. (3*sigma)<br>Polom�r lev� funkce. (3*sigma)
383      * @param rightCenter A center of the right function.(mi) <br>St�ed prav� funkce. (mi)
384      * @param rightRadius A radius of the right function. (3*sigma)<br>Polom�r prav� funkce. (3*sigma)
385      */
386     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
387     FuzzyGauss2(const char* name,
388                 double leftCenter, double leftRadius,
389                 double rightCenter, double rightRadius);
390     /**
391      * It assigns word value to the membership function.<br>
392      * P�i�ad� slovn� hodnotu funkci p��slu�nosti.
393      * @param name Word value for this function.<br>Slovn� hodnota pro tuto funkci
394      */
395     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
396     FuzzyGauss2(const char* name);
397     /** Destructor. */
~FuzzyGauss2()398     virtual ~FuzzyGauss2() { TRACE(printf("~FuzzyGauss2()\n")); }
399     /** It duplicates object.<br>Duplikuje objekt. */
400     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
401     virtual FuzzyGauss2 *clone() const;
402     /** It computes function value (membership).<br>Vypo�te funk�n� hodnotu (p��slu�nost). */
403     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
404     virtual double Membership(double x) const;
405     /** Center of this function.<br>St�ed t�to funkce. */
406     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
407     virtual double center() const;
408     /** First occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Prvn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
409     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
410     virtual double min1() const;
411     /** Last occurence of maximum in this function.<br>Posledn� v�skyt maxima v t�to funkci. */
412     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
413     virtual double max1() const;
414     /** It retuns number of definition values.<br>Vr�t� po�et defini�n�ch hodnot. */
getNumValues()415     int getNumValues() { return 4; }
416     /** This adds next definition value.<br>P�id� dal�� defini�n� hodnotu. */
417     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
418     virtual void addDefValue(double value);
419   protected:
420     double leftSigma;     /**< A radius of the left function. */
421     double leftCenter;    /**< A center of the left function. */
422     double rightSigma;    /**< A radius of the right function. */
423     double rightCenter;   /**< A center of the right function. */
424     /** Position of vertex when leftCenter > rightCenter.<br>Pozice vrcholu, kdy� leftCenter > rightCenter. */
425     // implemented in fuzzymf.cc
426     double vertexPosition() const;
427   private:
428     double twoSqrSigmaL;  /**< 2*leftSigma*leftSigma */
429     double twoSqrSigmaR;  /**< 2*rightSigma*rightSigma */
430 };
432 // TODO: add other mf
434 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
435 // FuzzySet --- definition of all membership functions for fuzzy set
436 //
437 // TODO: make INTERNAL to fuzzy set, use reference counting???
438 //       add load/store
439 //       dynamic change of parameters
440 //
441 /**
442  * Implementation of a fuzzy set.<br>
443  * Implementace fuzzy mno�iny.
444  * @ingroup fuzzy
445  */
446 class FuzzySet
447 {
448   protected:
449     unsigned n;         /**< actual number of elements */
450     enum { MAX=10 };    /**< implementation limit */
451     const FuzzyMembershipFunction *array[MAX]; /**< is owner of objects on pointers */
452     double xmin, xmax;  /**< limits */
453     char * Name;        /**< name of this set */
454   public:
455     /**
456      * Creates fuzzy set.
457      * @param min Minimal value of universum.<br>Spodn� mez univerza.
458      * @param max Maximal value of universum.<br>Horn� mez univerza.
459      */
460     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
461     FuzzySet(const char * name, double min, double max,
462      const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m1);
463     /**
464      * Creates fuzzy set.
465      * @param min Minimal value of universum.<br>Spodn� mez univerza.
466      * @param max Maximal value of universum.<br>Horn� mez univerza.
467      */
468     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
469     FuzzySet(const char * name, double min, double max,
470      const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m1,
471 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m2);
472     /**
473      * Creates fuzzy set.
474      * @param min Minimal value of universum.<br>Spodn� mez univerza.
475      * @param max Maximal value of universum.<br>Horn� mez univerza.
476      */
477     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
478     FuzzySet(const char * name, double min, double max,
479      const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m1,
480 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m2,
481 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m3);
482     /**
483      * Creates fuzzy set.
484      * @param min Minimal value of universum.<br>Spodn� mez univerza.
485      * @param max Maximal value of universum.<br>Horn� mez univerza.
486      */
487     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
488     FuzzySet(const char * name, double min, double max,
489      const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m1,
490 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m2,
491 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m3,
492 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m4);
493     /**
494      * Creates fuzzy set.
495      * @param min Minimal value of universum.<br>Spodn� mez univerza.
496      * @param max Maximal value of universum.<br>Horn� mez univerza.
497      */
498     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
499     FuzzySet(const char * name, double min, double max,
500      const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m1,
501 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m2,
502 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m3,
503 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m4,
504 		 const FuzzyMembershipFunction &m5);
505     /**
506      * Creates fuzzy set.
507      * @param min Minimal value of universum.<br>Spodn� mez univerza.
508      * @param max Maximal value of universum.<br>Horn� mez univerza.
509      */
510     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
511     FuzzySet(const char * name, double min, double max);
512     /** Destructor removes all membership functions.<br>Destruktor uvoln� v�echny funkce p��slu�nosti. */
513     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
514     virtual ~FuzzySet();
515     /** It duplicates object.<br>Duplikuje objekt. */
516     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
517     virtual FuzzySet *clone() const;
518     /**
519      * It adds next word value into the universum.<br>P�id� dal�� slovn� hodnotu do univerza.
520      * @param x Membership function representing word value.<br>Funkce p��slu�nosti reprezentuj�c� slovn� hodnotu.
521      */
522     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
523     void add(const FuzzyMembershipFunction &x);
524     /** Number of membership functions.<br>Po�et funkc� p��slu�nosti. */
count()525     int count() const { return n; }
526     /** It selects i-th member function.<br>Vybere i-tou funkci p��slu�nosti. */
527     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
528     virtual const FuzzyMembershipFunction *operator[] (int i) const;
529     /** It computes i-th function value (membership).<br>Vypo�te i-tou funk�n� hodnotu (p��slu�nost). */
530     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
531     double Membership(int i, double x) const;
532     /** Minimal value of universum.<br>Spodn� mez univerza. */
min()533     double min() { return xmin; }
534     /** Maximal value of universum.<br>Horn� mez univerza. */
max()535     double max() { return xmax; }
536     /** Name of this fuzzy set.<br>Jm�no t�to fuzzy mno�iny. */
name()537     const char * name() const { return Name; }
538     /** Word value of i-th membership function.<br>Slovn� hodnota i-t� funkce p��slu�nosti. */
wordValue(int i)539     const char * wordValue(int i) const { return array[i]->wordValue(); }
540     /** Minimum of maxims.<br>Minimum z maxim. */
541     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
542     double min1(); // min of 1
543     /** Maximum of maxims.<br>Maximum z maxim. */
544     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
545     double max1(); // max of 1
547 }; // FuzzySet
550 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
551 // FuzzyVariable --- fuzzy set
552 //
553 //TODO: dynamic change of variable type
554 //
555 class FuzzyBlock; // forward
556 /**
557  * General fuzzy variable. Baze class for FuzzyInput and FuzzyOutput.<br>
558  * Obecn� fuzzy prom�nn�. B�zov� t��da pro FuzzyInput a FuzzyOutput.
559  * @ingroup fuzzy
560  */
561 class FuzzyVariable : public aContiBlock
562 {
563     FuzzyBlock *where;  /**< location */
564 //    const FuzzySet *m;	/**< pattern: n membership functions, parameters */
565     FuzzySet *m;        /**< pattern: n membership functions, parameters */
566     const unsigned n;   /**< number of values */
567     double *mval;	      /**< membership values, dynamically, size given by m */
568   public:
569     /**
570      * It connects fuzzy set with variable. If it is created inside FuzzyBlock then it is not need
571      * to call registerOwner. Object FuzzySet is cloned and stored inside. Therefore you must release
572      * memory allocated by t in your way.<br>
573      * Spoj� fuzzy mno�inu s fuzzy prom�nnou. Pokud je prom�nn� vytv��ena
574      * uvnit� t��dy FuzzyBlock, nen� t�eba volat metodu registerOwner. Objekt FuzzySet je p�i p�ed�n�
575      * klonov�n a ulo�en uvnit� objektu. Proto mus�te uvolnit pam� alokovanou pro t vy sami.
576      * @param t Fuzzy set.<br>Fuzzy mno�ina.
577      */
578     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
579     FuzzyVariable(const FuzzySet &t);
580     /** It releases memory allocated by FuzzySet.<br>Uvoln� pam� alokovanou pro FuzzySet. */
~FuzzyVariable()581     virtual ~FuzzyVariable()
582     {
583        TRACE(printf("~FuzzyVariable()\n"));
584        delete m;
585        delete [] mval;
586     }
588     /**
589      * It registers owner of this variable.<br>Zaregistruje vlastn�ka t�to prom�nn�.
590      * @param owner Owner of this variable.<br>Vlastn�k t�to prom�nn�.
591      */
592     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
593     void registerOwner(FuzzyBlock *owner);  // registration inside owner
594     /** Number of members.<br>Po�et �len�. */
count()595     unsigned count() const { return n; }
596     /** I-th member function.<br>I-t� funkce p��slu�nosti. */
597     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
598     const FuzzyMembershipFunction *mf(int i) const;
599     /** It gets center of i-th member function.<br>Vrac� st�ed i-t� funkce p��slu�nosti. */
600     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
601     double center(int i) const;
602     /** It gets i-th word value.<br>Vrac� i-tou slovn� hondotu. */
603     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
604     const char *wordValue(int i) const; // name of i-th membership function
605     /** Get/set fuzzy value.<br>Vra�/nastav fuzzy hodnotu. */
606     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
607     double &operator[] (int i) const;
608     /** Get/set fuzzy value.<br>Vra�/nastav fuzzy hodnotu. */
609     double &operator[] (const char *s) const { return mval[search(s)]; }
610     /** Search by member name.<br>Hled� podle jm�na. */
611     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
612     unsigned search(const char *s) const;
614     /** Fuzzify all membership functions.<br>Fuzzifikuje v�echny funkce p��slu�nosti.*/
615     // implemented in fuzzyio.cc
616     void Fuzzify(double x);
617     /**
618      * Initializes all values for membership functions or fuzzify all value<br>
619      * Inicializuje v�echny hodnoty funkc� p��slu�nosti nebo provede fuzzifikaci.
620      */
Init()621     virtual void Init() { for(unsigned i=0; i!=n; i++) mval[i]=0.0F; }
Done()622     virtual void Done() {}
623     /** It gets owner.<br>Vrac� vlastn�ka. */
Where()624     FuzzyBlock *Where()           // location
625     {
626 //      if(where==0) SIMLIB_error("Fuzzy set should be used inside FuzzyBlock only");
627       return where;
628     }
629     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
630     void Print(); // print contents
631   private:
632     // implemented in fuzzy.cc
633     double SetMembership(int i, double x);
634 }; // FuzzyVariable
636 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
637 // FuzzyInput --- continuous input fuzzy variable
638 //
639 /**
640  * Input varible. It fuzzifies inputs. I.e. it gets Input value and transforms this
641  * sharp value into fuzzy reprezentation.<br>
642  * Vstupn� prom�nn�. Fuzzifikuje vstup. To znamen�, �e vezme ostrou vstupn� hodnotu
643  * (Input) a transformuje ji do fuzzy reprezentace.
644  * @ingroup fuzzy
645  */
646 class FuzzyInput : public FuzzyVariable {
647     Input in; /**< continuous input */
648   public:
649     /**
650      * It assignes continuous input and fuzzy set into this object.<br>
651      * P�i�ad� spojit� vstup a fuzzy mno�inu do tohoto objektu.
652      * @param i Continuous input.<br>Spojit� vstup.
653      * @param t Fuzzy set.<br>Fuzzy mno�ina.
654      */
FuzzyInput(Input i,const FuzzySet & t)655     FuzzyInput(Input i, const FuzzySet &t) : FuzzyVariable(t), in(i) {}
656     /**
657      * It assignes only fuzzy set into this object. Continuous input must be
658      * added by setInput method. <br>
659      * P�i�ad� tomuto objektu pouze fuzzy mno�inu. Spojit� vstup mus� b�t
660      * p�id�n pomoc� metody setInput.
661      * @param t Fuzzy set.<br>Fuzzy mno�ina.
662      */
FuzzyInput(const FuzzySet & t)663     FuzzyInput(const FuzzySet &t) : FuzzyVariable(t), in(0.0) {}
664     /** Destructor. */
~FuzzyInput()665     virtual ~FuzzyInput() { TRACE(printf("~FuzzyInput()\n")); }
666     /**
667      * It adds continuous input into this object.<br>
668      * P�id� spojit� vstup do tohoto objektu.
669      * @param i Continuous input.<br>Spojit� vstup.
670      */
setInput(Input i)671     void setInput(Input i) { in = i; }
672     /**
673      * It returns sharp input value.<br>Vrac� ostrou vstupn� hodnotu.
674      * @return It returns sharp input value.<br>Vrac� ostrou vstupn� hodnotu.
675      */
Value()676     virtual double Value() { return in.Value(); }
677     /**
678      * It fuzzifies continuous input. This method is called every time before call
679      * to FuzzyBlock::Behavior().<br>
680      * Fuzzifikuje spojit� vstup. Tato metoda je vol�na v�dy p�ed vol�n�m
681      * FuzzyBlock::Behavior().
682      */
Init()683     virtual void Init() { Fuzzify(in.Value()); }
684 //    virtual void Done() {}
685 };// FuzzyInput
688 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
689 // FuzzyOutput --- continuous output (aggregation, defuzzification)
690 //
691 /**
692  * Output variable. It defuzzifies fuzzy values, which is obtained by processing
693  * inference rules.<br>
694  * V�stupn� prom�nn�. Defuzzifikuje fuzzy hodnoty, kter� jsou z�sk�ny zpracov�n�m
695  * inferen�n�ch pravidel.
696  * @ingroup fuzzy
697  */
698 class FuzzyOutput: public FuzzyVariable {
699     double value; /**? value after defuzzification */
700     double (*defuzzify)(const FuzzyVariable&); /**< defuzzification function */  // remove!!!!!!!####
701   public:
702     /**
703      * It adds fuzzy set and defuzzification function.<br>
704      * P�id� fuzzy mno�inu a defuzzifika�n� funkci.
705      * @param t   Fuzzy set.<br>Fuzzy mno�ina.
706      * @param def Defuzzification function.<br>Defuzzifika�n� funkce.
707      */
708     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
709     FuzzyOutput(const FuzzySet &t, double (*def)(const FuzzyVariable&)=0);
710     /**
711      * It assignes fuzzy value by word value.<br>P�i�ad� fuzzy hodnotu pomoc� slovn� hodnoty.
712      */
713     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
714     const char *operator = (const char *val);
715     /**
716      * It defuzzifies itself.<br> Defuzzifikuje se.
717      * @return It returns sharp value.<br>Vr�t� osrou hodnotu.
718      */
719     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
720     double Defuzzify();
721     /** It adds defuzzification function.<br>P�id� defuzzifika�n� funkci. */
722     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
723     void SetDefuzzifyMethod(double (*f)(const FuzzyVariable&));
724     /**
725      * Evaluates FuzzyBlock (variable where) and after defuzzification returns sharp value.<br>
726      * Vyhodnot� FuzzyBlock (prom�nnou whera) a po defuzzifikaci vr�t� ostrou hodnotu.
727      * @return Sharp value after defuzzification.<br>Ostr� hodnota po defuzzifikaci.
728      */
729     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
730     double Value();
731 //inherited:  virtual void Init() { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) mval[i]=0.0F; }
732     /**
733      * It defuzzifies itself.<br> Defuzzifikuje se.
734      */
Done()735     virtual void Done() { Defuzzify(); }
736     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
737     virtual ~FuzzyOutput();
738 }; // FuzzyOutput
740 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
741 // defuzzification methods
742 //
744 // TODO: function objects   X x(params)      a=x(fset)
745 // indexed-centre-of-gravity
746 //double i_g_centre(const FuzzyVariable &fs, double lim=0.0F);
747 //double centroid(const FuzzyVariable &fs);
748 // implemented in fuzzyio.cc
749 /**
750  * @ingroup fuzzy
751  * Defuzzification method "mean-of-maximum".<br>Defuzifika�n� metoda "st�ed maxim".
752  */
753 double defuzMeanOfMax(const FuzzyVariable &fs);
754 /**
755  * @ingroup fuzzy
756  * Defuzzification method "min-of-maximum".<br>Defuzifika�n� metoda "minim�ln� maximum".
757  */
758 // implemented in fuzzyio.cc
759 double defuzMinOfMax(const FuzzyVariable &fs);
760 /**
761  * @ingroup fuzzy
762  * Defuzzification method "max-of-maximum".<br>Defuzifika�n� metoda "maxim�ln� maximum".
763  */
764 // implemented in fuzzyio.cc
765 double defuzMaxOfMax(const FuzzyVariable &fs);
766 /**
767  * @ingroup fuzzy
768  * Defuzzification method "discrete-center-of-gravity".<br>Defuzifika�n� metoda "diskr�tn� t�i�t�".
769  */
770 // implemented in fuzzyio.cc
771 double defuzDCOG(const FuzzyVariable &fs);
773 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
774 // FuzzyBlock --- base class for inference blocks
775 //
776 /**
777  * Base class for inference blocks. Representation of fuzzy regulator. <br>
778  * B�zov� t��da pro inferen�n� bloky. Reprezentace fuzzy regul�toru.
779  * @ingroup fuzzy
780  */
781 class FuzzyBlock
782 {
783   protected:
784     FuzzyBlock *where;            /**< position in hierarchical structure */
785     double lastTime;              /**< time of last evaluation */
786     virtual void Behavior() = 0;  /**< user defined fuzzy rules */
787     dlist<FuzzyVariable*> vlist;  /**< all fuzzy variables in the block */
788   public:
789     /**
790      * If inference rules are specified by FuzzyExpr way then you must call
791      * EndConstructor method on the end of constructor.<br>
792      * Jestli�e jsou inferen�n� pravidla specifikov�na pomoc� FuzzyExpr, pak mus�te
793      * zavolat metodu EndConstructor na konci konstruktoru.
794      */
795     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
796     FuzzyBlock();
797     /**
798      * It evaluates whole block. It calls method Behavior.<br>
799      * Vyhodnot� cel� blok. Vol� metodu Behavior.
800      */
801     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
802     virtual void Evaluate();              // calls Behavior()
803     /**
804      * If inference rules are specified by FuzzyExpr way then you must call this
805      * method on the end of constructor.<br>
806      * Jestli�e jsou inferen�n� pravidla specifikov�na pomoc� FuzzyExpr, pak mus�te
807      * zavolat tuto metodu na konci konstruktoru.
808      */
809     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
810     void EndConstructor();        // ### marks end, should be called in constructor
811     /**
812      * It registers fuzzy variable inside this object. If inference rules are NOT specified
813      * by FuzzyExpr way then you must call this method inside the constructor for all FuzzyInput
814      * and FuzzyOutput variables.<br>
815      * Registruje fuzzy prom�nnou v tomto objektu. Jestli�e NEjsou inferen�n� pravidla
816      * specifikov�na pomoc� FuzzyExpr, pak mus�te zavolat tuto metodu v konstruktoru pro v�echny
817      * prom�nn� typu FuzzyInput a FuzzyOutput.
818      */
819     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
820     void Register(FuzzyVariable *obj); // register variable in vlist
~FuzzyBlock()821     virtual ~FuzzyBlock() { TRACE(printf("~FuzzyBlock()\n")); }
822 }; // FuzzyBlock
825 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
826 // Author: David Martniek
827 /**
828  * Base class for inference blocks with sampled input.<br>
829  * B�zov� t��da pro inferen�n� bloky se vzorkovan�m vstupem
830  * @ingroup fuzzy
831  */
832 class FuzzySampledBlock
833 : public FuzzyBlock
834 {
835     /**
836      * Inner class for sampling
837      * Vnit�n� t��da pro vzorkov�n�
838      * @ingroup fuzzy
839      */
840     class FSampler
841     : public Event
842     {
844       double timeStep;
845       FuzzySampledBlock *parent;
846       public:
847         /**
848          * Creates sampler<br>Vytvo�� vzorkova�.
849          * @param parent owner of this class<br>vlastn�k t�to t��dy
850          */
FSampler(FuzzySampledBlock * parent)851         FSampler(FuzzySampledBlock *parent)
852         {
853           this->parent = parent;
854           timeStep = 0;
855         }
~FSampler()856         ~FSampler() { TRACE(printf("~FSampler()\n"));  parent = 0; }
857         /** It sets the time step for sampling.<br> Nastav� �asov� krok pro vzorkov�n�. */
setTimeStep(double timeStep)858         void setTimeStep(double timeStep) { this->timeStep = timeStep; }
859         /** It gets time step.<br>Vr�t� �asov� krok. */
getTimeStep()860         double getTimeStep() { return timeStep; }
861         /**
862          * Sampling - it evaluates the parent object and shedules next activacion.<br>
863          * Vzorkov�n� - vyhodnot� rodi�ovsk� objekt a napl�nuje dal�� spu�t�n�.
864          */
Behavior()865         void Behavior()
866         {
867           parent->Evaluate();
868           Activate(Time+timeStep);
869         }
870     };
872     FSampler *sampler;
874     /**
875      * Will contain user defined inference rules.<br>
876      * Bude obsahovat u�ivatelem definovan� inferen�n� pravidla.
877      */
878     virtual void Behavior() = 0;
879   public:
880     /**
881      * It creates and initializes the sampler object.
882      * If inference rules are specified by FuzzyExpr way then you must call
883      * EndConstructor method on the end of constructor.<br>
884      * Vytvo�� a inicalizuje vzorkova�.
885      * Jestli�e jsou inferen�n� pravidla specifikov�na pomoc� FuzzyExpr, pak mus�te
886      * zavolat metodu EndConstructor na konci konstruktoru.
887      */
FuzzySampledBlock()888     FuzzySampledBlock() { sampler = new FSampler(this); }
~FuzzySampledBlock()889     virtual ~FuzzySampledBlock() { TRACE(printf("~FuzzySampledBlock")); }
890     /**
891      * It sets the time step for sampling.<br>
892      * Nastav� �asov� krok pro vzorkov�n�.
893      */
setTimeStep(double timeStep)894     void setTimeStep(double timeStep) { sampler->setTimeStep(timeStep); }
895     /** It gets time step.<br> Vr�t� �asov� krok. */
getTimeStep()896     double getTimeStep() { return sampler->getTimeStep(); }
897     /** It starts sampling.<br> Nastartuje vzorkov�n�. */
Start()898     void Start() { sampler->Activate(); }
899     /**
900      * It evaluates fuzzy inference rules but only in sampled time steps.<br>
901      * Vyhodnot� fuzzy inferen�n� pravidla, ale jenom ve vzorkovan�ch �asov�ch okam�ic�ch.
902      */
903     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
904     virtual void Evaluate();
905 }; // FuzzySampledBlock
907 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
908 // rules
909 //
910 class FuzzyRule;
911 class FuzzyRuleFactory;
913 /**
914  * Abstract class for representation and evaluation of inference rules.
915  * It defines interface for generaly inputs, outputs and inference rules insertion.
916  * It does not implement particular format form storing inference rules.<br>
917  *
918  * Abstraktn� t��da pro reprezentaci a vyhodnocen� inferen�n�ch pravidel.
919  * Definuje rozhran� pro obecn� vkl�d�n� vstup�, v�stup� a inferen�n�ch pravidel.
920  * Neimplementuje konkr�tn� form�t ulo�en� pravidel.
921  *
922  * @author David Martinek <a href="mailto://DavidMartinek@seznam.cz">DavidMartinek@seznam.cz</a>
923  * @version 1.0
924  * @ingroup fuzzy
925  */
926 class FuzzyInferenceRules
927 {
928   friend class FuzzyRuleFactory;
929   public:
930     /**
931      * Operations for use inside inference rules.<br>
932      * Operace, kter� je mo�no pou��t uvnit� inferen�n�ch pravidel.
933      */
934     enum Operations { opAND, opOR, opNOT, opNAND, opNOR };
936     /**
937      * Destructor - does NOT free memory allocated by FuzzyInput and FuzzyOutput!<br>
938      *
939      * Destruktor - NEuvol�uje pam� zabranou prom�nn�mi FuzzyInput a FuzzyOutput!
940      * Uvoln�n� t�to pam�ti se mus� prov�st JINDE!
941      */
~FuzzyInferenceRules()942     virtual ~FuzzyInferenceRules()
943     {
944       TRACE(printf("~FuzzyInferenceRules"));
945       in.erase(in.begin(), in.end());
946       out.erase(out.begin(), out.end());
947     }
949     /**
950      * It adds next input variable. Before calling this method is recommended to call
951      * isComplete.<br>
952      *
953      * Vlo�� dal�� vstupn� prom�nnou. P�ed vol�n�m je vhodn� pou��t funkci isComplete.
954      * @param in Ipnut fuzzy variable. It has not to be registered inside FuzzyBlock yet.
955      *           Vstupn� fuzzy prom�nn�. Zde je�t� nemus� b�t registrovan� uvnit� FuzzyBlock.
956      *
957      * @see isComplete()
958      */
addFuzzyInput(FuzzyInput * in)959     virtual void addFuzzyInput(FuzzyInput *in)
960     { this->in.push_back(in); }
962     /**
963      * It adds next output variable. Before calling this method is recommended to call
964      * isComplete. <br>
965      *
966      * Vlo�� v�stupn� prom�nnou. P�ed vol�n�m je vhodn� pou��t funkci isComplete.
967      * @param out Output fuzzy variable. It has not to be registered inside FuzzyBlock yet.
968      *            V�stupn� fuzzy prom�nn�. Zde je�t� nemus� b�t registrovan� uvnit� FuzzyBlock.
969      * @see isComplete()
970      */
addFuzzyOutput(FuzzyOutput * out)971     virtual void addFuzzyOutput(FuzzyOutput *out)
972     { this->out.push_back(out); }
974     /**
975      * It safely creates FuzzyRuleFactory.<br>
976      * Bezpe�n�m zp�sobem vytvo�� FuzzyRuleFactory.
977      */
978     //implemented in rules.cc
979     virtual FuzzyRuleFactory * createRuleFactory();
981     /**
982      * It returns true when all variables are assigned.<br>
983      * Testuje, jestli u� jsou p�i�azeny v�echny prom�nn�.
984      * @see addFuzzyInput(FuzzyInput *in)
985      * @see addFuzzyOutput(FuzzyOutput *out)
986      */
987     virtual bool isComplete() = 0;
989     /**
990      * It adds next rule into list. When it is too much rules here, error is indicated.<br>
991      *
992      * P�id� dal�� pravidlo do seznamu. Pokud u� je definov�no p��li� pravidel, nastane chyba.
993      * @param rule Inference rule who is represented by tree structure.
994      *             Inferen�n� pravidlo reprezentovan� stromovou strukturou.
995      * @param release ��k�, �e se po vlo�en� uvoln� pam�. Implicitn� nastaveno true.
996      *                Memory will be released after rule storing. Default it is true.
997      */
998     virtual void add(FuzzyRule *rule, bool release=true) = 0;
1000     /**
1001      * It evaluates all rules. This method is defaultly called from a method Behavior in class
1002      * FuzzyRSBlock.<br>
1003      * Vyhodnot� pravidla. Tato funkce je standardn� vol�na z funkce Behavior t��dy
1004      * FuzzyRSBlock.
1005      */
1006      virtual void evaluate() = 0;
1007   protected:
1008     /** Vector of input variables. <br> Vektor vstupn�ch prom�nn�ch. */
1009     std::vector<FuzzyInput *>in;
1011     /** Vector of output variables. <br> Vektor v�stupn�ch prom�nn�ch. */
1012     std::vector<FuzzyOutput *>out;
1013   private:
1014 }; // FuzzyInferenceRules
1016 /**
1017  * This class is representing inference rules for classic fuzzy regulator with two inputs and
1018  * one output. It is possible to adds rules by new defined methods add(). These methods are
1019  * suitable for use during XML analysis.<br>
1020  *
1021  * T��da reprezentuj�c� inferen�n� pravidla pro klasick� fuzzy regul�tor se dv�ma vstupy a
1022  * jedn�m v�stupem. Pravidla je mo�n� vkl�dat pomoc� nov�ch funkc� add, kter� jsou vhodn�
1023  * pro pou�it� b�hem anal�zy dat z XML souboru. Krom� toho je mo�no pou��t zd�d�n� rozhran�
1024  * FuzzyInferenceRules
1025  *
1026  * @author David Martinek <a href="mailto://DavidMartinek@seznam.cz">DavidMartinek@seznam.cz</a>
1027  * @version 1.0
1028  * @ingroup fuzzy
1029  */
1030 class FuzzyIIORules
1031 : public FuzzyInferenceRules
1032 {
1033   public:
1034 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1035 // rozhran� FuzzyInferenceRules -- interface FuzzyInferenceRules
1036 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1037     /**
1038      * Parameterless constructor. Fuzzy variables must be added explicitly.<br>
1039      * Konstruktor bez parametru. Fuzzy prom�nn� je nutno p�i�adit pomoc� dal��ch funkc� explicitn�.
1040      */
1041     FuzzyIIORules();
1043     /**
1044      * It initializes all input and output variables.<br>
1045      * Inicializuje v�echny vstupn� a v�stupn� prom�nn�.
1046      */
1047     //implemented in rules.cc
1048     FuzzyIIORules(FuzzyInput *in1, FuzzyInput *in2, FuzzyOutput *out);
1050     /**
1051      * Destructor - does NOT free memory allocated by FuzzyInput and FuzzyOutput!<br>
1052      * Destruktor - NEuvol�uje pam� zabranou prom�nn�mi FuzzyInput a FuzzyOutput!
1053      * Uvoln�n� t�to pam�ti se mus� prov�st JINDE!
1054      */
1055     //implemented in rules.cc
1056     virtual ~FuzzyIIORules();
1058     /** It initializes all member variables. <br> Inicializuje vnit�n� prom�nn� */
1059     //implemented in rules.cc
1060     void init();
1062     /** It adds next input variable.<br> Vlo�� dal�� vstupn� prom�nnou. */
1063     //implemented in rules.cc
1064     virtual void addFuzzyInput(FuzzyInput *in);
1066     /** It adds output variable.<br> Vlo�� v�stupn� prom�nnou. */
1067     //implemented in rules.cc
1068     virtual void addFuzzyOutput(FuzzyOutput *out);
1070     /**
1071      * It tests if all variables are assigned.<br>
1072      * Testuje, jestli u� jsou p�i�azeny v�echny prom�nn�.
1073      * @see addFuzzyInput(FuzzyInput *in)
1074      * @see addFuzzyOutput(FuzzyOutput *out)
1075      */
1076      //implemented in rules.cc
1077     virtual bool isComplete();
1079     /**
1080      * It evaluates the rules.<br>
1081      * Vyhodnot� pravidla.
1082      */
1083      //implemented in rules.cc
1084     virtual void evaluate();
1086     /**
1087      * It adds next rule into list. If there is too much rules, an error is indicated.<br>
1088      * P�id� dal�� pravidlo do seznamu. Pokud u� je definov�no p��li� pravidel, nastane chyba.
1089      * @param rule Inference rule with tree structure.<br>Inferen�n� pravidlo reprezentovan� stromovou strukturou.
1090      * @param release Memory will be released after rule storing. Default it is true.
1091      *                ��k�, �e se po vlo�en� uvoln� pam�. Implicitn� nastaveno true.
1092      */
1093      //implemented in rules.cc
1094     virtual void add(FuzzyRule *rule, bool release=true);
1096 //////////////////////////////////////
1097 // nov� funkce -- new functions
1098 //////////////////////////////////////
1099     /**
1100      * Adds a rule into the list.<br>
1101      * P��d� inferen�n� pravidlo do seznamu.
1102      * @param operation     operation which is used in rule<br>operace, kter� se pou�ije v pravidle
1103      * @param in1WordValue  word value of first fuzzy input variable<br>slovn� hodnota prvn� vstupn� fuzzy prom�nn�
1104      * @param in2WordValue  word value of second fuzzy input variable<br>slovn� hodnota druh� vstupn� fuzzy prom�nn�
1105      * @param outWordValue  word value of output fuzzy variable<br>slovn� hodnota v�stupn� fuzzy prom�nn�
1106      */
1107      //implemented in rules.cc
1108     void add (const Operations operation,
1109               const char *in1WordValue,
1110               const char *in2WordValue,
1111               const char *outWordValue);
1113     /**
1114      * Adds a rule into the list.<br>
1115      * P��d� inferen�n� pravidlo do seznamu.
1116      * @param operation   operation which is used in rule<br>operace, kter� se pou�ije v pravidle
1117      * @param in1WVIndex  index of first fuzzy input variable<br>index slovn� hodnoty prvn� vstupn� prom�nn�
1118      * @param in2WVIndex  index of second fuzzy input variable<br>index slovn� hodnoty druh� vstupn� prom�nn�
1119      * @param outWVIndex  index of output fuzzy variable<br>index slovn� hodnoty v�stupn� prom�nn�
1120      */
1121      //implemented in rules.cc
1122     void add (const Operations operation,
1123               int in1WVIndex,
1124               int in2WVIndex,
1125               int outWVIndex);
1126     /**
1127      * Adds a rule into the list.<br>
1128      * P��d� inferen�n� pravidlo do seznamu.
1129      * @param operation     operation which is used in rule<br>operace, kter� se pou�ije v pravidle
1130      * @param in1WVIndex    index of first fuzzy input variable<br>index slovn� hodnoty prvn� vstupn� prom�nn�
1131      * @param in2WVIndex    index of second fuzzy input variable<br>index slovn� hodnoty druh� vstupn� prom�nn�
1132      * @param outWordValue  word value of output fuzzy variable<br>slovn� hodnota v�stupn� fuzzy prom�nn�
1133      */
1134      //implemented in rules.cc
1135     void add (const Operations operation,
1136               int in1WVIndex,
1137               int in2WVIndex,
1138               const char *outWordValue);
1140   protected:
1141     /** Array of indexes into FuzzyOutput variable.<br> Pole index� do prom�nn� FuzzyOutput. */
1142     int *outWV;
1143     /**
1144      * Array of corresponding operations between input variables.<br> Pole odpov�daj�c�ch
1145      * operac� mezi vstupn�mi prom�nn�mi.
1146      */
1147     Operations *operation;
1148     /** Number of variables and rules in object.<br> Po�et prom�nn�ch a pravidel v objektu */
1149     int inputs, outputs, rules;
1150     /** Maximum number of variables.<br> Maxim�ln� po�et prom�nn�ch. */
1151     static const int MAX_INPUTS = 2;
1152     static const int MAX_OUTPUTS = 1;
1154     /** It tests if all arrays are allocated.<br>Testuje, jestli u� jsou alokov�na pole. */
1155     //implemented in rules.cc
1156     bool isAllCreated();
1157   private:
1158     /**
1159      * It alocates a memory space for operation and outWV arrays. A alocated array size is
1160      * a product of numbers of word values of all input variables.<br>
1161      * Alokuje prostor pro pole operation a outWV. Velikost alokovan�ho pole je sou�inem
1162      * po�t� slovn�ch hodnot v�ech jednotliv�ch vstupn�ch prom�nn�ch.
1163      */
1164      //implemented in rules.cc
1165     void createVectors();
1166 }; // FuzzyIIORules
1168 /**
1169  * General form of inference rules.<br>Obecn� tvar inferen�n�ch pravidel.
1170  *
1171  * General representation of inference rules, which allows to create more complex fuzzy regulators.
1172  * Usualy is this class used indirectly over overloaded operators. For more details see the example
1173  * for class FuzzyExpr and documentation for class Rules.
1174  *
1175  * Obecn� reprezentace inferen�n�ch pravidel, kter� dovoluje vytv��et slo�it�j�� fuzzy regul�tory.
1176  * Obvykle je tato t��da pou��van� nep��mo p�es p�et�en� oper�tory. Dal�� detaily viz p��klad
1177  * u t��dy FuzzyExpr a dokumentace pro t��du Rules.
1178  */
1179 class FuzzyGeneralRules
1180 : public FuzzyInferenceRules
1181 {
1182   public:
1183     /**
1184      * It destroys vector of rules
1185      */
~FuzzyGeneralRules()1186     ~FuzzyGeneralRules()
1187     {
1188       TRACE(printf("~FuzzyGeneralRules\n"));
1189       rules.erase(rules.begin(), rules.end());
1190     }
1191     /**
1192      * It returns true when all variables are assigned.<br>
1193      * Testuje, jestli u� jsou p�i�azeny v�echny prom�nn�.
1194      * @see addFuzzyInput(FuzzyInput *in)
1195      * @see addFuzzyOutput(FuzzyOutput *out)
1196      */
1197      //implemented in rules.cc
1198     virtual bool isComplete();
1200     /**
1201      * It adds next rule into list. When it is too much rules here, error is indicated.<br>
1202      *
1203      * P�id� dal�� pravidlo do seznamu. Pokud u� je definov�no p��li� pravidel, nastane chyba.
1204      * @param rule Inference rule who is represented by tree structure.<br>
1205      *             Inferen�n� pravidlo reprezentovan� stromovou strukturou.
1206      * @param release It has no meaning here.<br>Zde nem� v�znam.
1207      */
1208     //implemented in rules.cc
1209     virtual void add(FuzzyRule *rule, bool release=true);
1211     /**
1212      * It evaluates all rules. This method is defaultly called from a method Behavior in class
1213      * FuzzyRSBlock.<br>
1214      * Vyhodnot� pravidla. Tato funkce je standardn� vol�na z funkce Behavior t��dy
1215      * FuzzyRSBlock.
1216      */
1217     //implemented in rules.cc
1218     virtual void evaluate();
1219   protected:
1220     /** Vector of rules. */
1221     std::vector<FuzzyRule *> rules;
1222   private:
1223 }; // FuzzyGeneralRules
1225 /**
1226  * FuzzyRSBlock is base class for inference blocks with sampled input and explicitly defined
1227  * inference rules.<br>
1228  * FuzzyRSBlock je b�zov� t��da pro inferen�n� bloky se vzorkovan�xm vstupem a  explicitn�
1229  * definovan�mi inferen�n�mi pravidly.
1230  * @ingroup fuzzy
1231  */
1232 class FuzzyRSBlock
1233 : public FuzzySampledBlock
1234 {
1235   public:
1236     /**
1237      * Constructor - sets object with inference rules.<br>
1238      * Konstruktor - nastav� objekt s inferen�n�mi pravidly.
1239      */
FuzzyRSBlock(FuzzyInferenceRules & r)1240     FuzzyRSBlock(FuzzyInferenceRules &r) :rules(r) { }
1242     /** Destructor - destruktor. */
~FuzzyRSBlock()1243     virtual ~FuzzyRSBlock()
1244     { TRACE(printf("~FuzzyRuledSampledBlock()\n")); }
1246     /**
1247      * It specifies behavior of this block. It evaluates all inference rules. <br>
1248      * Specifikuje chov�n� tohoto bloku. Vyhodnot� v�echna inferen�n� pravidla.
1249      */
Behavior()1250     virtual void Behavior()
1251     { rules.evaluate(); }
1253   protected:
1254     FuzzyInferenceRules &rules;
1255 }; // FuzzyRSBlock
1257 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1258 // FuzzyRule
1259 // Reprezentace pravidla pomoc� stromu objekt�. Tento zp�sob realizace pravidla nen� p��li�
1260 // efektivn�. Na druhou stranu je dostate�n� obecn� na to, aby se s t�m dalo pracovat. Tento
1261 // p��stup je zam��len sp�e tak, �e vytv��en� pravidel pomoc� stromu je vn�j�� rozhran�, kter�
1262 // je v r�mci mo�nost� u�ivatelsky p��jemn�. Pravidlo reprezentovan� t�mto stromem se v ka�d�m
1263 // z potomk� t��dy FuzzyInferenceRules p�ekonvertuje na n�jak� efektivn�j�� form�t.
1264 //
1265 // Pokud by se ov�em vyskytla pot�eba opravdu obecn�ho z�pisu pravidel, je mo�n� tento strom
1266 // pou��t p��mo. Ve�ker� vyhodnocov�n� stromu se ale mus� d�lat zven��, proto�e t��dy tak, jak
1267 // jsou nyn� navr�eny mohou slou�it POUZE pro reprezentaci stromu. S p�ihl�dnut�m k tomu, aby
1268 // byla manipulace s objekty co nejjednodu���, maj� v�echny t��dy v�echny sv� datov� prvky
1269 // ve�ejn�.
1270 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1272 /**
1273  * Virtual knot in tree. From descendants is created a tree, who represents inference rule.<br>
1274  * Virtu�ln� uzel ve stromu. Z potomk� se vytv��� strom, kter� reprezentuje inferen�n� pravidlo.
1275  * @ingroup fuzzy
1276  */
1277 class FONode
1278 {
1279   public:
1280     /**
1281      * It does nothing. It is here only to make this class abstract one.<br>
1282      * Pr�zdn� �ist� virtu�ln� funkce, kter� d�l� z t�to t��dy abstraktn� t��du.
1283      */
1284     /**
1285      * Destruktor
1286      */
~FONode()1287     virtual ~FONode() { TRACE(printf("~FONode\n")); };
1289     /**
1290      * It returns value of node - for evaluation of rule.<br>Vrac� hodnotu uzlu - pro
1291      * vyhodnocov�n� pravidel
1292      */
1293     virtual double getValue() = 0;
1294 }; // FONode
1296 /**
1297  * Knot in a tree, who represents inference rule. This knot represents an operation.<br>
1298  * Uzel ve stromu, kter� reprezentuje inferen�n� pravidlo. Tento uzel reprezentuje operaci.
1299  * @ingroup fuzzy
1300  */
1301 class FOperation : public FONode
1302 {
1303   public:
1304     /** Operator. */
1305     FuzzyInferenceRules::Operations op;
1307     /** Left operand. <br> Lev� operand. */
1308     FONode *L;
1310     /** Right operand. <br> Prav� operand. */
1311     FONode *R;
1313     /**
1314      * Constructor for a binary operator. <br> Konstruktor pro bin�rn� oper�tor.
1315      */
FOperation(FONode * left,FONode * right,FuzzyInferenceRules::Operations operation)1316     FOperation(FONode *left, FONode *right, FuzzyInferenceRules::Operations operation)
1317     : //FONode(FONode::ntOperation),
1318       op(operation), L(left), R(right){}
1320     /**
1321      * Constructor for an unary operator. <br> Konstruktor pro un�rn� oper�tor.
1322      */
1323     // implemented in ruletree.cc
1324     FOperation(FONode *operand, FuzzyInferenceRules::Operations operation);
1326     /**
1327      * Destructor releases all subtrees. <br> Destruktor uvoln� oba podstromy.
1328      */
~FOperation()1329     virtual ~FOperation()
1330     {
1331       if (R != NULL) delete R;
1332       if (L != NULL) delete L;
1333       TRACE(printf("~FOperation\n"));
1334     }
1336     /**
1337      * It returns value after doing operation op.<br>Vrac� hodnotu po proveden� operace op.
1338      */
1339     // implemented in ruletree.cc
1340     virtual double getValue();
1343   protected:
1344   private:
1345 }; // FOperation
1347 /**
1348  * Leaf of tree. It represents comparing (in == "low") or (in != "too"). If var is
1349  * FuzzyOutput, this object can represents assigning (out = "reduce").<br>
1350  * List stromu. Reprezentuje porovn�n� typu (in == "malo") pripadne (in != "hodne"). Pokud
1351  * se do prom�nn� var p�i�ad� FuzzyOutput, m��e tento objekt reprezentovat p�i�azen� typu
1352  * (out = "uber".)
1353  * @ingroup fuzzy
1354  */
1355 class FPair : public FONode
1356 {
1357   public:
1358     /** Equal or not equal. <br> Rovno nebo nerovno. */
1359     bool eq;
1360     /** Fuzzy variable. <br> Fuzzy prom�nn�. */
1361     FuzzyVariable *var;
1362     /** Word value. <br> Slovn� hodnota. */
1363     const char * wordValue;
1364     /** Index of word value in FuzzyVariable.<br> Index slovn� hodnoty ve FuzzyVariable. */
1365     int indexWV;
1367     /**
1368      * Constructor.
1369      */
1370     FPair(FuzzyVariable *variable, const char * wordvalue, bool equal=true)
1371     : //FONode(FONode::ntPair),
eq(equal)1372       eq(equal), var(variable), wordValue(wordvalue)
1373     {
1374       indexWV = var->search(wordvalue);
1375     }
1377      /**
1378       * Destructor does not release memory alocated by var and wordValue.<br>
1379       * Destruktor neuvol�uje pam� alokovanou prom�nn�mi var a wordValue.
1380       */
~FPair()1381     virtual ~FPair()
1382     {
1383       var = NULL;
1384       wordValue = NULL;
1385       TRACE(printf("~FPair\n"));
1386     }
1388     /**
1389      * If var is the FuzzyInput then this method returns fuzzified value of input.
1390      * In other words - value of membership function with name wordValue. Do not use if var is
1391      * a class FuzzyOutput.
1392      *
1393      * Jestli�e parametr var je FuzzyInput, tato metoda vrac� fuzzifikovanou hodnotu vstupu.
1394      * Jin�mi slovy - hodnotu funkce p��slu�nosti se jm�nem wordValue. Nepou��vejte jestli�e je
1395      * var t��dy FuzzyOutput.
1396      */
1397     // implemented in ruletree.cc
1398     virtual double getValue();
1399   protected:
1400   private:
1401 };  // FPair
1403 /**
1404  * Class for representing one inference rule in tree.<br>
1405  * T��da reprezentuj�c� jedno inferen�n� pravidlo ve form� stromov� struktury.
1406  * @ingroup fuzzy
1407  */
1408 class FuzzyRule
1409 {
1410   public:
1411     /** Constructor. */
1412      //implemented in ruletree.cc
1413     FuzzyRule();
1415     /**
1416      * Destructor releases memory alocated by tree. <br> Destruktor uvoln� pam� alokovanou stromem.
1417      */
1418      //implemented in ruletree.cc
1419     virtual ~FuzzyRule();
1421     /** It adds the lvalue of rule. <br> P�id� levou stranu pravidla. */
1422     //implemented in ruletree.cc
1423     void addLeft(FOperation *left);
1425     /** It adds one command into list. <br> P�id� dal�� p��kaz do seznamu. */
1426     //implemented in ruletree.cc
1427     void addRight(FPair *right);
1429     /**
1430      * It evaluates one inference rule according to fuzzy model Mamdani.<br>
1431      * Vyhodnot� jedno inferen�n� pravidlo podle fuzzy modelu Mamdani.
1432      */
1433     //implemented in ruletree.cc
1434     virtual void evaluate();
1436     /** Lvalue. <br> Lev� strana. */
1437     FOperation * left;
1439     /** Rvalue. <br> Prav� strana. */
1440     std::vector<FPair *> right;
1441   protected:
1442   private:
1443 }; // FuzzyRule
1445 /**
1446  * Class for user friendly creating of inference rules.<br>
1447  * T��da pro u�ivatelsky p��jemn�j�� vytv��en� inferen�n�ch pravidel.
1448  * @ingroup fuzzy
1449  */
1450 class FuzzyRuleFactory
1451 {
1452   public:
1453     /**
1454      * It safely creates fuzzy inference rule.<br>
1455      * Vrac� bezpe�n�m zp�sobem vytvo�en� pravidlo.
1456      */
1457     // implemented in ruletree.cc
1458     FuzzyRule * createRule();
1460     /**
1461      * It adds condition of rule.<br>
1462      * P�id� podm�nkovou ��st do pravidla.
1463      */
1464      //implemented in ruletree.cc
1465     void addCondition(FOperation * operation);
1467     /**
1468      * It adds next assign command into rule.<br>
1469      * P�id� dal�� p�i�azovac� p��kaz do p��kazov� ��sti pravidla (konsekvent).
1470      */
1471      //implemented in ruletree.cc
1472     void addConsequent(FPair * consequent);
1474     /**
1475      * It creates a leaf knot of rule. <br>
1476      * Vytvo�� listov� uzel pravidla.
1477      * @param equal true for == and not for !=
1478      */
1479      //implemented in ruletree.cc
1480     FPair * createNode(FuzzyVariable *var, const char * wordvalue, bool equal=true);
1482     /**
1483      * It creates a nonleaf knot of rule representing binary operator.<br>
1484      * Vytvo�� nelistov� uzel pravidla reprezentuj�c� bin�rn� oper�tor.
1485      */
1486      //implemented in ruletree.cc
1487     FOperation * createNode(FONode *left, FONode *right, FuzzyInferenceRules::Operations operation);
1489     /**
1490      * It creates a nonleaf knot of rule representing unary operator.<br>
1491      * Vytvo�� nelistov� uzel pravidla reprezentuj�c� un�rn� oper�tor.
1492      */
1493      //implemented in ruletree.cc
1494     FOperation * createNode(FONode *operand, FuzzyInferenceRules::Operations operation);
1496     /** Destructor */
~FuzzyRuleFactory()1497     virtual ~FuzzyRuleFactory()
1498     {
1499       if (rule != NULL) delete rule;
1500       TRACE(printf("~FuzzyRuleFactory\n"));
1501     }
1502   protected:
1503     /**
1504      * Constructor is protected against user. Object of this class can create only
1505      * object of class FuzzyInferenceRules.<br>
1506      * Konstruktor je chr�n�n p�ed u�ivatelem. Objekt t�to t��dy m��e vytvo�it
1507      * pouze objekt t��dy FuzzyInferenceRules.
1508      */
1509     friend class FuzzyInferenceRules;
1510     // implemented in ruletree.cc
1511     FuzzyRuleFactory(FuzzyInferenceRules * owner);
1512     FuzzyInferenceRules * owner; /**< Vlastn�k tohoto objektu */
1513     FuzzyRule * rule;            /**< Pr�v� vytv��en� pravidlo */
1514   private:
1515 }; // FuzzyRuleFactory
1519 /**
1520  * A static class for creating general inference rules. See the class FuzzyExpr and FuzzyGeneralRules.
1521  *
1522  * Statick� t��da pro vytv��en� obecn�ch inferen�n�ch pravidel. Pod�vejte se na t��du FuzzyExpr a
1523  * FuzzyGeneralRules.
1524  */
1525 class Rules
1526 {
1527   public:
1529     /**
1530      * It adds next input into the list. This is needed because of error checking.<br>
1531      * P�id� dal�� vstup do seznamu. Tato metoda je pot�eba kv�li o�et�en� chyb.
1532      */
1533     static void addFuzzyInput(FuzzyInput * input);
1535     /**
1536      * It adds next output into the list. This is needed because of error checking.<br>
1537      * P�id� dal�� v�stup do seznamu. Tato metoda je pot�eba kv�li o�et�en� chyb.
1538      */
1539     static void addFuzzyOutput(FuzzyOutput * output);
1541     /**
1542      * It returns complete definition of inference rules. See at class FuzzyExpr to see how to
1543      * create inference rules.<br>
1544      * Vrac� kompletn� definici inferen�n�ch pravidel. Pod�vejte se na t��du FuzzyExpr jak se
1545      * vytv��� inferen�n� pravidla.
1546      */
1547     static FuzzyGeneralRules * getRules();
1549     /**
1550      * It produces error if there is not enough inputs and outputs or it returns FuzzyRuleFactory.<br>
1551      * Zp�sob� chybu, jestli�e nen� definov�no dostate�n� mno�stv� vstup� a v�stup� nebo vr�t�
1552      * FuzzyRuleFactory.
1553      */
1554     static FuzzyRuleFactory * Factory();
1556     /**
1557      * It adds new rule into rules.<br>P�id� nov� pravidlo do rules.
1558      */
1559     static void addNewRule();
1561     static bool addRule;                  /**< Create new rule in operator ==  */
1562   private:
1563     /** This class can not be instanciated. */
Rules()1564     Rules() {}
1565     /** It initializes data members. */
1566     static void init();
1567     static bool addedInput;               /**< Is here any input? */
1568     static bool addedOutput;              /**< Is here any output? */
1569     static FuzzyGeneralRules * rules;     /**< Rules to return. */
1570     static FuzzyRuleFactory * factory;    /**< Rule factory. */
1571 };//class Rules
1573 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1574 // FuzzyExpr --- fuzzy expression value class
1575 /**
1576  * "User friendly" writing of inference rules.<br>"U�ivatelsky p��telsk� z�pis" inferen�n�ch pravidel.
1577  *
1578  * Implementation of "user friendly" writing of inference rules. This way can not be use
1579  * inside threads because of using global variables!
1580  *
1581  * Implementace "u�ivatelsky p��telsk�ho" z�pisu inferen�n�ch pravidel. Tento zp�sob nem��e
1582  * b�t pou�it uvnit� vl�ken kv�li pou��v�n� glob�ln�ch prom�nn�ch.
1583  *
1584  * Example/P��klad:
1585  * @code
1586  * FuzzyInferenceRules * createRules(FuzzyInput *speed,
1587  *                                   FuzzyInput *distance,
1588  *                                   FuzzyInput *wet,
1589  *                                   FuzzyOutput *acceleration,
1590  *                                   FuzzyOutput *brake)
1591  * {
1592  *   Rules::addFuzzyInput(speed);
1593  *   Rules::addFuzzyInput(distance);
1594  *   Rules::addFuzzyInput(wet);
1595  *   Rules::addFuzzyOutput(acceleration);
1596  *   Rules::addFuzzyOutput(brake);
1597  *
1598  *   if (speed=="high" && (distance=="middle" || wet != "damp"))
1599  *   {
1600  *     acceleration = "zero";
1601  *     brake = "middle";
1602  *   }
1603  *     ...
1604  *
1605  *   return Rules::getRules();
1606  * }
1607  * @endcode
1608  * @ingroup fuzzy
1609  */
1610 class FuzzyExpr
1611 {
1612     FONode * value;
1613   public:
1614     /**
1615      * Objects of this class are usualy created inside if command.<br>
1616      * Objekty t�to t��dy jsou obvykle vytv��eny uvnit� p��kazu if.
1617      */
1618     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
1619     explicit FuzzyExpr(FONode * value);
1620     /** It returns value of expression.<br>Vrac� hodnotu v�razu. */
Value()1621     FONode * Value()
1622     {
1623       FONode * node = value;
1624       value = NULL;
1625       return node;
1626     }
1627     /**
1628      * It creates object tree.<br>Vytvo�� strom objekt�.
1629      */
1630     // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
1631     operator bool(); // if(bool(expr)) actions; --- store alpha
1633 };// FuzzyExpr
1635 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1636 // Fuzzy operators --- used in FuzzyBlock::Behavior()
1637 //
1638 // implemented in fuzzyrul.cc
1639 /**
1640  * @ingroup fuzzy
1641  * if ((FuzzyExpr) && (FuzzyExpr))
1642  */
1643 FuzzyExpr operator && (FuzzyExpr o1, FuzzyExpr o2);        // AND
1644 /**
1645  * @ingroup fuzzy
1646  * if ((FuzzyExpr) || (FuzzyExpr))
1647  */
1648 FuzzyExpr operator || (FuzzyExpr o1, FuzzyExpr o2);        // OR
1649 /**
1650  * @ingroup fuzzy
1651  * if (!(FuzzyExpr))
1652  */
1653 FuzzyExpr operator ! (FuzzyExpr o1);                       // NOT
1654 /**
1655  * @ingroup fuzzy
1656  * if ((input == "wordvalue")...)
1657  */
1658 FuzzyExpr operator == (FuzzyInput &s, const char *value);  // is
1661 } // namespace
1663 #endif