1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2    SPARTA - Stochastic PArallel Rarefied-gas Time-accurate Analyzer
3    http://sparta.sandia.gov
4    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov, Michael Gallis, magalli@sandia.gov
5    Sandia National Laboratories
7    Copyright (2014) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
8    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
9    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
10    the GNU General Public License.
12    See the README file in the top-level SPARTA directory.
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 #include "geometry.h"
16 #include "math_extra.h"
18 #define MIN(A,B) ((A) < (B)) ? (A) : (B)
19 #define MAX(A,B) ((A) > (B)) ? (A) : (B)
21 #define EPSSQ 1.0e-16
22 #define EPSSQNEG -1.0e-16
23 #define EPSSELF 1.0e-6
25 enum{OUTSIDE,INSIDE,ONSURF2OUT,ONSURF2IN};    // same as Update
27 namespace Geometry {
29 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
30    compute whether line intersects an orthogonal 2d quad cell
31    intersection is defined as
32      any line pt (interior, vertex) in common with
33      any quad pt (interior, edge, vertex)
34    v0,v1 and norm = 2 vertices of line and unit normal vec
35    lo,hi = opposite corner pts of quad
36    return 1 if intersection, else 0
37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
line_quad_intersect(double * v0,double * v1,double * norm,double * lo,double * hi)39 int line_quad_intersect(double *v0, double *v1, double *norm,
40 			double *lo, double *hi)
41 {
42   int sum,side;
43   double xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,param;
44   double b[3],e[3],point[3];
46   xlo = lo[0];
47   xhi = hi[0];
48   ylo = lo[1];
49   yhi = hi[1];
51   // if either of line vertices are inside quad, intersection
52   // use <= and >= so touching quad surface is same as inside it
53   // important to do this test first, b/c whichside test can be epsilon off
55   if (v0[0] >= xlo && v0[0] <= xhi && v0[1] >= ylo && v0[1] <= yhi) return 1;
56   if (v1[0] >= xlo && v1[0] <= xhi && v1[1] >= ylo && v1[1] <= yhi) return 1;
58   // if all 4 quad pts are on same side of line, no intersection
60   sum = whichside(v0,norm,xlo,ylo,0.0);
61   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xhi,ylo,0.0);
62   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xlo,yhi,0.0);
63   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xhi,yhi,0.0);
65   if (sum == 4 || sum == -4) return 0;
67   // test 4 quad edges for intersection with line
68   // b,e = begin/end of quad edge line segment
70   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = 0.0;
71   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = 0.0;
72   if (line_line_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
74   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = 0.0;
75   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = 0.0;
76   if (line_line_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
78   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = 0.0;
79   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = 0.0;
80   if (line_line_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
82   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = 0.0;
83   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = 0.0;
84   if (line_line_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
86   return 0;
87 }
89 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
90    compute any intersection of edges of orthogonal 2d quad cell with a line
91    line interior to quad cell has no intersection
92    v0,v1 and norm = 2 vertices of line and unit normal vec
93    lo,hi = opposite corner pts of quad
94    return 1 if intersection, else 0
95    return xc = intersection point if there is one
96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
quad_line_intersect_point(double * v0,double * v1,double * norm,double * lo,double * hi,double * xc)98 int quad_line_intersect_point(double *v0, double *v1, double *norm,
99 			      double *lo, double *hi, double *xc)
100 {
101   int side;
102   double xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,param;
103   double b[3],e[3];
105   xlo = lo[0];
106   xhi = hi[0];
107   ylo = lo[1];
108   yhi = hi[1];
110   // test 4 quad edges for intersection with line
111   // b,e = begin/end of quad edge line segment
113   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = 0.0;
114   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = 0.0;
115   if (line_line_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
117   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = 0.0;
118   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = 0.0;
119   if (line_line_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
121   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = 0.0;
122   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = 0.0;
123   if (line_line_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
125   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = 0.0;
126   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = 0.0;
127   if (line_line_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
129   return 0;
130 }
132 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
133    compute whether line touches iface of orthogonal 2d quad cell
134    touch is defined as
135      line end pt = any face pt (edge, vertex)
136    v0,v1 = 2 vertices of line
137    iface = 0 to 3 = XLO,XHI,YLO,YHI
138    lo,hi = opposite corner pts of quad
139    return 1 if touches, else 0
140 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
line_touch_quad_face(double * v0,double * v1,int iface,double * lo,double * hi)142 int line_touch_quad_face(double *v0, double *v1, int iface,
143 			 double *lo, double *hi)
144 {
145   // value = position of face
147   int dim = iface / 2;
148   int other = dim ? 0 : 1;
149   double value = iface % 2 ? hi[dim] : lo[dim];
151   // check if either line vertex is within face
153   if (v0[dim] == value) {
154     if (v0[other] >= lo[other] && v0[other] <= hi[other]) return 1;
155   }
156   if (v1[dim] == value) {
157     if (v1[other] >= lo[other] && v1[other] <= hi[other]) return 1;
158   }
160   return 0;
161 }
163 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
164    compute whether triangle intersects an orthogonal 3d hex cell
165    intersection is defined as
166      any triangle pt (interior, edge, vertex) in common with
167      any hex pt (interior, face, edge, vertex)
168    v0,v1,v2 and norm = 3 vertices of triangle and unit normal vec
169    lo,hi = opposite corner pts of hex
170    return 1 if intersection, else 0
171 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
tri_hex_intersect(double * v0,double * v1,double * v2,double * norm,double * lo,double * hi)173 int tri_hex_intersect(double *v0, double *v1, double *v2, double *norm,
174 		      double *lo, double *hi)
175 {
176   int sum,side;
177   double xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,zlo,zhi,param;
178   double b[3],e[3],h0[3],h1[3],h2[3],h3[3],n[3],point[3];
180   xlo = lo[0];
181   xhi = hi[0];
182   ylo = lo[1];
183   yhi = hi[1];
184   zlo = lo[2];
185   zhi = hi[2];
187   // if any of 3 tri vertices are inside hex, intersection
188   // use <= and >= so touching hex surface is same as inside it
189   // important to do this test first, b/c whichside test can be epsilon off
191   if (v0[0] >= xlo && v0[0] <= xhi && v0[1] >= ylo && v0[1] <= yhi &&
192       v0[2] >= zlo && v0[2] <= zhi) return 1;
194   if (v1[0] >= xlo && v1[0] <= xhi && v1[1] >= ylo && v1[1] <= yhi &&
195       v1[2] >= zlo && v1[2] <= zhi) return 1;
197   if (v2[0] >= xlo && v2[0] <= xhi && v2[1] >= ylo && v2[1] <= yhi &&
198       v2[2] >= zlo && v2[2] <= zhi) return 1;
200   // if all 8 hex pts are on same side of tri plane, no intersection
202   sum = whichside(v0,norm,xlo,ylo,zlo);
203   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xhi,ylo,zlo);
204   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xlo,yhi,zlo);
205   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xhi,yhi,zlo);
206   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xlo,ylo,zhi);
207   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xhi,ylo,zhi);
208   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xlo,yhi,zhi);
209   sum += whichside(v0,norm,xhi,yhi,zhi);
210   if (sum == 8 || sum == -8) return 0;
212   // test 12 hex edges for intersection with tri
213   // b,e = begin/end of hex edge line segment
215   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
216   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = zlo;
217   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
219   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = zlo;
220   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zlo;
221   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
223   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zhi;
224   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = zhi;
225   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
227   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = zhi;
228   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
229   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
231   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
232   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zlo;
233   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
235   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
236   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zlo;
237   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
239   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zhi;
240   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
241   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
243   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zhi;
244   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
245   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
247   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
248   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = zhi;
249   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
251   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
252   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = zhi;
253   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
255   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = zlo;
256   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
257   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
259   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = zlo;
260   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
261   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,point,param,side)) return 1;
263   // test 3 tri edges for intersection with 6 faces of hex
264   // h0,h1,h2,h3 = 4 corner pts of hex face
265   // n = normal to xyz faces, depends on vertex ordering
266   // each face is treated as 2 triangles -> 6 tests per face
268   h0[0] = xlo;  h0[1] = ylo;  h0[2] = zlo;
269   h1[0] = xlo;  h1[1] = yhi;  h1[2] = zlo;
270   h2[0] = xlo;  h2[1] = yhi;  h2[2] = zhi;
271   h3[0] = xlo;  h3[1] = ylo;  h3[2] = zhi;
272   n[0]  = 1.0;  n[1]  = 0.0;  n[2]  = 0.0;
274   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
275       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
276       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
277       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
278       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
279       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side)) return 1;
281   h0[0] = h1[0] = h2[0] = h3[0] = xhi;
283   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
284       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
285       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
286       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
287       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
288       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side)) return 1;
290   h0[0] = xlo;  h0[1] = ylo;  h0[2] = zlo;
291   h1[0] = xhi;  h1[1] = ylo;  h1[2] = zlo;
292   h2[0] = xhi;  h2[1] = ylo;  h2[2] = zhi;
293   h3[0] = xlo;  h3[1] = ylo;  h3[2] = zhi;
294   n[0]  = 0.0;  n[1]  = -1.0;  n[2]  = 0.0;
296   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
297       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
298       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
299       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
300       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
301       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side)) return 1;
303   h0[1] = h1[1] = h2[1] = h3[1] = yhi;
305   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
306       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
307       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
308       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
309       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
310       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side)) return 1;
312   h0[0] = xlo;  h0[1] = ylo;  h0[2] = zlo;
313   h1[0] = xhi;  h1[1] = ylo;  h1[2] = zlo;
314   h2[0] = xhi;  h2[1] = yhi;  h2[2] = zlo;
315   h3[0] = xlo;  h3[1] = yhi;  h3[2] = zlo;
316   n[0]  = 0.0;  n[1]  = 0.0;  n[2]  = 1.0;
318   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
319       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
320       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
321       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
322       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
323       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side)) return 1;
325   h0[2] = h1[2] = h2[2] = h3[2] = zhi;
327   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
328       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
329       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,point,param,side) ||
330       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
331       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side) ||
332       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,point,param,side)) return 1;
334   return 0;
335 }
337 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
338    compute any intersection of edges/faces of orthogonal 3d hex cell with a tri
339    tri interior to quad cell has no intersection
340    v0,v1,v2 and norm = 3 vertices of triangle and unit normal vec
341    lo,hi = opposite corner pts of hex
342    return 1 if intersection, else 0
343    return xc = intersection point if there is one
344 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hex_tri_intersect_point(double * v0,double * v1,double * v2,double * norm,double * lo,double * hi,double * xc)346 int hex_tri_intersect_point(double *v0, double *v1, double *v2, double *norm,
347 			    double *lo, double *hi, double *xc)
348 {
349   int side;
350   double xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,zlo,zhi,param;
351   double b[3],e[3],h0[3],h1[3],h2[3],h3[3],n[3];
353   xlo = lo[0];
354   xhi = hi[0];
355   ylo = lo[1];
356   yhi = hi[1];
357   zlo = lo[2];
358   zhi = hi[2];
360   // test 12 hex edges for intersection with tri
361   // b,e = begin/end of hex edge line segment
363   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
364   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = zlo;
365   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
367   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = zlo;
368   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zlo;
369   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
371   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zhi;
372   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = zhi;
373   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
375   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = zhi;
376   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
377   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
379   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
380   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zlo;
381   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
383   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
384   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zlo;
385   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
387   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zhi;
388   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
389   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
391   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zhi;
392   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
393   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
395   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
396   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = zhi;
397   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
399   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = ylo;   b[2] = zlo;
400   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = ylo;   e[2] = zhi;
401   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
403   b[0] = xlo;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = zlo;
404   e[0] = xlo;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
405   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
407   b[0] = xhi;   b[1] = yhi;   b[2] = zlo;
408   e[0] = xhi;   e[1] = yhi;   e[2] = zhi;
409   if (line_tri_intersect(b,e,v0,v1,v2,norm,xc,param,side)) return 1;
411   // test 3 tri edges for intersection with 6 faces of hex
412   // h0,h1,h2,h3 = 4 corner pts of hex face
413   // n = normal to xyz faces, depends on vertex ordering
414   // each face is treated as 2 triangles -> 6 tests per face
416   h0[0] = xlo;  h0[1] = ylo;  h0[2] = zlo;
417   h1[0] = xlo;  h1[1] = yhi;  h1[2] = zlo;
418   h2[0] = xlo;  h2[1] = yhi;  h2[2] = zhi;
419   h3[0] = xlo;  h3[1] = ylo;  h3[2] = zhi;
420   n[0]  = 1.0;  n[1]  = 0.0;  n[2]  = 0.0;
422   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
423       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
424       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
425       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
426       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
427       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side)) return 1;
429   h0[0] = h1[0] = h2[0] = h3[0] = xhi;
431   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
432       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
433       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
434       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
435       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
436       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side)) return 1;
438   h0[0] = xlo;  h0[1] = ylo;  h0[2] = zlo;
439   h1[0] = xhi;  h1[1] = ylo;  h1[2] = zlo;
440   h2[0] = xhi;  h2[1] = ylo;  h2[2] = zhi;
441   h3[0] = xlo;  h3[1] = ylo;  h3[2] = zhi;
442   n[0]  = 0.0;  n[1]  = -1.0;  n[2]  = 0.0;
444   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
445       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
446       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
447       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
448       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
449       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side)) return 1;
451   h0[1] = h1[1] = h2[1] = h3[1] = yhi;
453   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
454       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
455       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
456       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
457       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
458       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side)) return 1;
460   h0[0] = xlo;  h0[1] = ylo;  h0[2] = zlo;
461   h1[0] = xhi;  h1[1] = ylo;  h1[2] = zlo;
462   h2[0] = xhi;  h2[1] = yhi;  h2[2] = zlo;
463   h3[0] = xlo;  h3[1] = yhi;  h3[2] = zlo;
464   n[0]  = 0.0;  n[1]  = 0.0;  n[2]  = 1.0;
466   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
467       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
468       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
469       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
470       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
471       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side)) return 1;
473   h0[2] = h1[2] = h2[2] = h3[2] = zhi;
475   if (line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
476       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
477       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h1,h2,n,xc,param,side) ||
478       line_tri_intersect(v0,v1,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
479       line_tri_intersect(v1,v2,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side) ||
480       line_tri_intersect(v2,v0,h0,h2,h3,n,xc,param,side)) return 1;
482   return 0;
483 }
485 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
486    compute whether triangle touches iface of orthogonal 3d hex cell
487    touch is defined as
488      triangle corner pt = any face pt (interior, edge, vertex)
489    v0,v1,v2 = 3 vertices of triangle
490    iface = 0 to 5 = XLO,XHI,YLO,YHI,ZLO,ZHI
491    lo,hi = opposite corner pts of quad
492    return 1 if touches, else 0
493 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
tri_touch_hex_face(double * v0,double * v1,double * v2,int iface,double * lo,double * hi)495 int tri_touch_hex_face(double *v0, double *v1, double *v2, int iface,
496 		       double *lo, double *hi)
497 {
498   // value = position of face
500   int dim = iface / 2;
501   int other1,other2;
502   if (dim == 0) {
503     other1 = 1; other2 = 2;
504   } else if (dim == 1) {
505     other1 = 0; other2 = 2;
506   } else if (dim == 2) {
507     other1 = 0; other2 = 1;
508   }
509   double value = iface % 2 ? hi[dim] : lo[dim];
511   // check if any triangle vertex is within face
513   if (v0[dim] == value) {
514     if (v0[other1] >= lo[other1] && v0[other1] <= hi[other1] &&
515 	v0[other2] >= lo[other2] && v0[other2] <= hi[other2]) return 1;
516   }
517   if (v1[dim] == value) {
518     if (v1[other1] >= lo[other1] && v1[other1] <= hi[other1] &&
519 	v1[other2] >= lo[other2] && v1[other2] <= hi[other2]) return 1;
520   }
521   if (v2[dim] == value) {
522     if (v2[other1] >= lo[other1] && v2[other1] <= hi[other1] &&
523 	v2[other2] >= lo[other2] && v2[other2] <= hi[other2]) return 1;
524   }
526   return 0;
527 }
529 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
530    compute whether triangle sits on any face of orthogonal 3d hex cell
531    return 0 to 5 = XLO,XHI,YLO,YHI,ZLO,ZHI face
532    else return -1
533 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
tri_on_hex_face(double * v0,double * v1,double * v2,double * lo,double * hi)535 int tri_on_hex_face(double *v0, double *v1, double *v2, double *lo, double *hi)
536 {
537   double vmin[3],vmax[3];
539   vmin[0] = MIN(v0[0],v1[0]);
540   vmin[0] = MIN(v2[0],vmin[0]);
541   vmin[1] = MIN(v0[1],v1[1]);
542   vmin[1] = MIN(v2[1],vmin[1]);
543   vmin[2] = MIN(v0[2],v1[2]);
544   vmin[2] = MIN(v2[2],vmin[2]);
546   vmax[0] = MAX(v0[0],v1[0]);
547   vmax[0] = MAX(v2[0],vmax[0]);
548   vmax[1] = MAX(v0[1],v1[1]);
549   vmax[1] = MAX(v2[1],vmax[1]);
550   vmax[2] = MAX(v0[2],v1[2]);
551   vmax[2] = MAX(v2[2],vmax[2]);
553   if (vmin[0] == vmax[0]) {
554     if (vmin[0] == lo[0]) return 0;
555     if (vmin[0] == hi[0]) return 1;
556   }
558   if (vmin[1] == vmax[1]) {
559     if (vmin[1] == lo[1]) return 2;
560     if (vmin[1] == hi[1]) return 3;
561   }
563   if (vmin[2] == vmax[2]) {
564     if (vmin[2] == lo[2]) return 4;
565     if (vmin[2] == hi[2]) return 5;
566   }
568   return -1;
569 }
571 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
572    compute whether triangle edge sits on any face of orthogonal 3d hex cell
573    return 0 to 5 = XLO,XHI,YLO,YHI,ZLO,ZHI face
574    else return -1
575 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
edge_on_hex_face(double * v0,double * v1,double * lo,double * hi)577 int edge_on_hex_face(double *v0, double *v1, double *lo, double *hi)
578 {
579   double vmin[3],vmax[3];
581   vmin[0] = MIN(v0[0],v1[0]);
582   vmin[1] = MIN(v0[1],v1[1]);
583   vmin[2] = MIN(v0[2],v1[2]);
585   vmax[0] = MAX(v0[0],v1[0]);
586   vmax[1] = MAX(v0[1],v1[1]);
587   vmax[2] = MAX(v0[2],v1[2]);
589   if (vmin[0] == vmax[0]) {
590     if (vmin[0] == lo[0]) return 0;
591     if (vmin[0] == hi[0]) return 1;
592   }
594   if (vmin[1] == vmax[1]) {
595     if (vmin[1] == lo[1]) return 2;
596     if (vmin[1] == hi[1]) return 3;
597   }
599   if (vmin[2] == vmax[2]) {
600     if (vmin[2] == lo[2]) return 4;
601     if (vmin[2] == hi[2]) return 5;
602   }
604   return -1;
605 }
607 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
608    detect intersection between a directed line segment A and line segment B
609    intersection is defined as any A pt (including end pts)
610      in common with any B pt (interior,vertex)
611    one exception is if both A end pts are on infinite line B,
612      then is NOT an intersection
613    start,stop = end points of directed line segment A
614      A must have non-zero length
615    v0,v1 = 2 vertices of line segment B
616    norm = unit vector normal to line segment B
617      pointing OUTSIDE via right-hand rule
618    return TRUE if there is an intersection, else FALSE
619    if TRUE also return:
620      point = pt of intersection
621      param = intersection pt is this fraction along line A (0-1 inclusive)
622      side = side of B that was hit = OUTSIDE,INSIDE,ONSURF2OUT,ONSURF2IN
623 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
line_line_intersect(double * start,double * stop,double * v0,double * v1,double * norm,double * point,double & param,int & side,int)625 bool line_line_intersect(double *start, double *stop,
626 			 double *v0, double *v1, double *norm,
627 			 double *point, double &param, int &side, int)
628 {
629   double vec[3],start2stop[3],edge[3],pvec[3];
631   // if start,stop are on same side of line B, no intersection
632   // if start,stop are both on infinite line B, no intersection
634   MathExtra::sub3(start,v0,vec);
635   double dotstart = MathExtra::dot3(norm,vec);
636   MathExtra::sub3(stop,v0,vec);
637   double dotstop = MathExtra::dot3(norm,vec);
639   if (dotstart < 0.0 && dotstop < 0.0) return false;
640   if (dotstart > 0.0 && dotstop > 0.0) return false;
641   if (dotstart == 0.0 && dotstop == 0.0) return false;
643   // param = parametric distance from start to stop
644   //   at which line B is intersected
645   // param = must be 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive, else no intersection
647   MathExtra::sub3(v0,start,vec);
648   MathExtra::sub3(stop,start,start2stop);
649   param = MathExtra::dot3(norm,vec) / MathExtra::dot3(norm,start2stop);
651   if (param < 0.0 || param > 1.0) return false;
653   // point = intersection pt with line B
655   point[0] = start[0] + param * start2stop[0];
656   point[1] = start[1] + param * start2stop[1];
657   point[2] = 0.0;
659   // test if intersection pt is inside line B
660   // edge = line B vector from v0 to v1
661   // pvec = vector from either line B vertex to intersection point
662   // if dot product of edge with pvec < or > 0.0 for each pvec,
663   //   intersection point is outside line B
664   // use EPSSQ and EPSSQNEG instead of 0.0 for following case:
665   //   intersection pt is on line end pt where 2 lines come together
666   //   want it to detect collision with at least one of lines
667   //   point can be epsilon away from end pt
668   //   this leads to pvec being epsilon vec in opposite dirs for 2 lines
669   //   this can lead to dot3() being negative espilon^2 for both lines,
670   //     depending on direction of 2 lines
671   //   thus this can lead to no collision with either line
672   //   typical observed dot values were 1.0e-18, so use EPSSQ = 1.0e-16
674   MathExtra::sub3(v1,v0,edge);
675   MathExtra::sub3(point,v0,pvec);
676   if (MathExtra::dot3(edge,pvec) < EPSSQNEG) return false;
677   MathExtra::sub3(point,v1,pvec);
678   if (MathExtra::dot3(edge,pvec) > EPSSQ) return false;
680   // there is a valid intersection with line B
681   // set side to ONSURF, OUTSIDE, or INSIDE
682   // if start point is inside or outside then side = same
683   // if particle started on line B, side = ONSURF OUT/IN based on dotstop
685   if (dotstart < 0.0) side = INSIDE;
686   else if (dotstart > 0.0) side = OUTSIDE;
687   else if (dotstop > 0.0) side = ONSURF2OUT;
688   else side = ONSURF2IN;
690   return true;
691 }
693 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
694    check for axisymmetric move crossing line segment in (x,r) space
695    line segment from v1 to v2 in axisymmetry plane
696    3d move starting at x with v for tdelta
697    outface = exit face if particle hits no surface
698      used for special case test if vertical/horiz line segment is on exit face
699    solve quadratic eq to determine if curved trajectory intersects line seg
700      equivalent to straight trajectory intersecting cylindrical surf
701    can intersect infinite line 0,1,2 times
702      true intersection is at earliest positive time within line segment,
703      if all 3 conditions do not hold for 1st collision, can be 2nd collision
704    return 1 if yes, 0 if no
705    if yes, also return:
706      param = fraction of tdelta at collision pt
707      xc = x,y position of collision pt in axisymmetry plane
708      vc = vy,vz velocity at collision pt in axisymmetry plane
709      side = side of line that was hit = OUTSIDE,INSIDE,ONSURF2OUT,ONSURF2IN
710 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
axi_line_intersect(double tdelta,double * x,double * v,int outface,double * lo,double * hi,double * v1,double * v2,double * norm,int selfflag,double * xc,double * vc,double & param,int & side)712 bool axi_line_intersect(double tdelta, double *x, double *v,
713                         int outface, double *lo, double *hi,
714                         double *v1, double *v2, double *norm, int selfflag,
715                         double *xc, double *vc, double &param, int &side)
716 {
717   // compute nc = # of collisions with infinite line
718   // if 0, return false
719   // if 1, set t1
720   // if 2, set t1 and t2 with t1 < t2
722   int nc;
723   double t1,t2;
725   // vertical line segment
726   // no collision if starting on surface
728   if (v1[0] == v2[0]) {
729     nc = 1;
730     if (outface == 0 && v1[0] == lo[0]) t1 = tdelta;
731     else if (outface == 1 && v1[0] == hi[0]) t1 = tdelta;
732     else {
733       if (v[0] == 0.0) return false;
734       t1 = (v1[0] - x[0]) / v[0];
735       if (selfflag && t1 == 0.0) return false;
736     }
738   // horizontal line segment
739   // axi_horizontal_line() discards selfflag crossing
741   } else if (v1[1] == v2[1]) {
742     if (outface == 2 && v1[1] == lo[1]) {
743       nc = 1;
744       t1 = tdelta;
745     } else if (outface == 3 && v1[1] == hi[1]) {
746       nc = 1;
747       t1 = tdelta;
748     } else {
749       if (!axi_horizontal_line(tdelta,x,v,v1[1],nc,t1,t2)) return false;
750     }
752   // general line segment
754   } else {
755     double x21 = v2[0] - v1[0];
756     double y21 = v2[1] - v1[1];
757     double x21sq = x21*x21;
758     double y21sq = y21*y21;
759     double dconst = x21*v1[1] - y21*v1[0];
761     double a = x21sq*(v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]) - y21sq*v[0]*v[0];
762     if (a == 0.0) return false;
763     double b = x21sq*x[1]*v[1] - y21sq*x[0]*v[0] - y21*v[0]*dconst;
764     double c = x21sq*x[1]*x[1] - y21sq*x[0]*x[0] -
765       2.0*y21*x[0]*dconst - dconst*dconst;
767     double arg = b*b - a*c;
768     if (arg < 0.0) return false;
769     double sarg = sqrt(arg);
771     nc = 2;
772     double tone = (-b - sarg) / a;
773     double ttwo = (-b + sarg) / a;
774     t1 = MIN(tone,ttwo);
775     t2 = MAX(tone,ttwo);
776   }
778   // if selfflag, particle starts on surf line segment
779   // discard crossing at time = 0.0 or +/- epsilon (due to round-off)
780   // nc=2 test b/c horizontal line has already discarded this collision pt
782   if (selfflag && nc == 2) {
783     if (fabs(t1) < fabs(t2)) t1 = t2;
784     nc = 1;
785   }
787   // loop over 1 or 2 possible collision times
789   while (1) {
791     // test for collision time >= 0.0 and <= tdelta
793     if (t1 > tdelta) return false;
794     if (t1 < 0.0) {
795       if (nc == 1) return false;
796       t1 = t2;
797       nc--;
798       continue;
799     }
801     // NOTE: now doing this test above while loop, to avoid use of EPSSELF
802     // if selfflag, discard a collision near time = 0.0
803     // since is just a collision due to start on same surf just collided with
804     // reset selfflag = 0, so only do this for at most one of two collisions
805     // EPSSELF = 1.0e-6 seems to work, or 1.0e-4 and 1.0e-2
806     //           1.0e-8 does not unless push collision point to surf (below)
808     /*
809     if (selfflag && t1/tdelta < EPSSELF) {
810       if (nc == 1) return false;
811       selfflag = 0;
812       t1 = t2;
813       nc--;
814       continue;
815     }
816     */
818     // set xc[0,1] and vc[1,2] to values in axisymmetric plane
819     // if vertical or horizontal surf, insure xc is on it
821     xc[0] = x[0] + t1*v[0];
822     if (v1[0] == v2[0]) xc[0] = v1[0];
823     double ynew = x[1] + t1*v[1];
824     double znew = x[2] + t1*v[2];
825     xc[1] = sqrt(ynew*ynew + znew*znew);
826     if (v1[1] == v2[1]) xc[1] = v1[1];
827     xc[2] = 0.0;
829     double rn = ynew / xc[1];
830     double wn = znew / xc[1];
831     vc[0] = v[0];
832     vc[1] = v[1]*rn + v[2]*wn;
833     vc[2] = -v[1]*wn + v[2]*rn;
835     // test that xc is within line segment bounds
836     // y-test for vertical line, else x-test
838     bool within = true;
839     if (v1[0] == v2[0]) {
840       if (v1[1] < v2[1]) {
841         if (xc[1] < v1[1] || xc[1] > v2[1]) within = false;
842       } else {
843         if (xc[1] < v2[1] || xc[1] > v1[1]) within = false;
844       }
845     } else if (v1[0] < v2[0]) {
846       if (xc[0] < v1[0] || xc[0] > v2[0]) within = false;
847     } else {
848       if (xc[0] < v2[0] || xc[0] > v1[0]) within = false;
849     }
851     if (within) break;
852     if (nc == 1) return false;
853     t1 = t2;
854     nc--;
855   }
857   // could push collision point onto line segment
858   // so that selfflag test above could use smaller EPS
859   // could do this with projection operation instead
861   /*
862   double vec[3];
863   MathExtra::sub3(v2,v1,vec);
864   double lenbig = MathExtra::len3(vec);
865   MathExtra::sub3(xc,v1,vec);
866   double lensmall = MathExtra::len3(vec);
867   double ratio = lensmall/lenbig;
868   xc[0] = v1[0] + ratio*(v2[0]-v1[0]);
869   xc[1] = v1[1] + ratio*(v2[1]-v1[1]);
870   */
872   // there is a valid intersection with line segment
873   // set side to OUTSIDE or INSIDE
874   // no ONSURF case b/c surface is curved
875   //   starting on surf is handled above by selfflag
876   // in axisymmetric plane, particle path is also curved
877   // regardless of where particle starts, it can hit front or back of surf
878   // use velocity vector at collision pt to determine side
880   double dot = MathExtra::dot3(norm,vc);
881   if (dot < 0.0) side = OUTSIDE;
882   else side = INSIDE;
884   param = t1/tdelta;
885   return true;
886 }
888 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
889    check for axisymmetric move crossing horizontal line in (x,r) space
890      not line segment but infinite horizontal line
891    called from Update for cell boundary
892      just uses first collision, must be within tdelta
893      can be called when particle is moving into cell from boundary
894      is not called when particle is moving out of cell from boundary (PEXIT)
895    called from axi_line_intersect() for special case of horizontal surf
896      uses one or two collisions, it will discard collisions outside segment
897    horizontal line is at yhoriz
898    move starting at x with v for tdelta
899    equations: solve for intersetion of line with circle in y,z plane
900      line: y = y0 + t*vy; z = t*vz since z0 = 0
901      circle: y^2 + z^2 = ylo^2
902      solve for t = time or intersection, via quadractic equation
903      special case in caller and here when y0 = ylo
904      otherwise 0 or 2 intersections of line with circle
905      first intersection has to happen within tdelta to be relevant
906    return 1 if crosses with 0.0 <= t <= tdelta
907    if crosses, also return nc, t1, t2 (can be two collisions)
908 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
axi_horizontal_line(double tdelta,double * x,double * v,double yhoriz,int & nc,double & t1,double & t2)910 bool axi_horizontal_line(double tdelta, double *x, double *v,
911                          double yhoriz, int &nc, double &t1, double &t2)
912 {
913   double a = v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2];
914   if (a == 0.0) return false;
915   double b = -v[1]*x[1];
916   double arg = yhoriz*yhoriz*a - v[2]*v[2]*x[1]*x[1];
917   if (arg < 0.0) return false;
918   double sarg = sqrt(arg);
920   nc = 2;
921   double tone = (b - sarg) / a;
922   double ttwo = (b + sarg) / a;
923   t1 = MIN(tone,ttwo);
924   t2 = MAX(tone,ttwo);
926   // if particle starts on line,
927   // discard crossing at time = 0.0 or +/- epsilon (due to round-off)
928   // due to cell crossing or selfflag in axi_line_intersect() caller
930   if (x[1] == yhoriz) {
931     if (fabs(t1) < fabs(t2)) t1 = t2;
932     nc = 1;
933   }
935   // require first collision time >= 0.0 and <= tdelta
937   if (t1 < 0.0 || t1 > tdelta) {
938     if (nc == 1) return false;
939     t1 = t2;
940     if (t1 < 0.0 || t1 > tdelta) return false;
941     nc = 1;
942   }
944   return true;
945 }
947 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
948    detect intersection between a directed line segment and a triangle
949    intersection is defined as any line segment pt (including end pts)
950      in common with any triangle pt (interior, edge, vertex)
951    one exception is if both line end pts are in plane of triangle,
952      then is NOT an intersection
953    start,stop = end points of directed line segment, can have zero length
954    v0,v1,v2 = 3 vertices of triangle
955    norm = unit vector normal to triangle plane
956      pointing OUTSIDE via right-hand rule
957    return TRUE if there is an intersection, else FALSE
958    if TRUE also return:
959      point = pt of intersection
960      param = intersection pt is this fraction along line (0-1 inclusive)
961      side = side of B that was hit = OUTSIDE,INSIDE,ONSURF2OUT,ONSURF2IN
962 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
line_tri_intersect(double * start,double * stop,double * v0,double * v1,double * v2,double * norm,double * point,double & param,int & side)964 bool line_tri_intersect(double *start, double *stop,
965 			double *v0, double *v1, double *v2, double *norm,
966 			double *point, double &param, int &side)
967 {
968   double vec[3],start2stop[3],edge[3],pvec[3],xproduct[3];
970   // if start,stop are on same side of triangle, no intersection
971   // if start,stop are both in plane of triangle, no intersection
973   MathExtra::sub3(start,v0,vec);
974   double dotstart = MathExtra::dot3(norm,vec);
975   MathExtra::sub3(stop,v0,vec);
976   double dotstop = MathExtra::dot3(norm,vec);
978   if (dotstart < 0.0 && dotstop < 0.0) return false;
979   if (dotstart > 0.0 && dotstop > 0.0) return false;
980   if (dotstart == 0.0 && dotstop == 0.0) return false;
982   // param = parametric distance from start to stop
983   //   at which tri plane is intersected
984   // force param to be 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive
986   MathExtra::sub3(v0,start,vec);
987   MathExtra::sub3(stop,start,start2stop);
988   param = MathExtra::dot3(norm,vec) / MathExtra::dot3(norm,start2stop);
989   param = MAX(param,0.0);
990   param = MIN(param,1.0);
992   // point = intersection pt with plane of triangle
994   point[0] = start[0] + param * start2stop[0];
995   point[1] = start[1] + param * start2stop[1];
996   point[2] = start[2] + param * start2stop[2];
998   // test if intersection pt is inside triangle
999   // edge = edge vector of triangle
1000   // pvec = vector from triangle vertex to intersection point
1001   // xproduct = cross product of edge with pvec
1002   // if dot product of xproduct with norm < 0.0 for any of 3 edges,
1003   //   intersection point is outside tri
1004   // use EPSSQNEG instead of 0.0 for following case:
1005   //   intersection pt is on tri edge where 2 tris come together
1006   //   want it to detect collision with at least one of tris
1007   //   point can be epsilon away from edge
1008   //   this leads to xproduct being epsilon vec in opposite dirs for 2 tris
1009   //   this can lead to dot3() being negative espilon^2 for both tris,
1010   //     depending on direction of 2 tri norms
1011   //   thus this can lead to no collision with either tri
1012   //   typical observed dot values were -1.0e-18, so use EPSSQNEG = -1.0e-16
1014   MathExtra::sub3(v1,v0,edge);
1015   MathExtra::sub3(point,v0,pvec);
1016   MathExtra::cross3(edge,pvec,xproduct);
1017   if (MathExtra::dot3(xproduct,norm) < EPSSQNEG) return false;
1019   MathExtra::sub3(v2,v1,edge);
1020   MathExtra::sub3(point,v1,pvec);
1021   MathExtra::cross3(edge,pvec,xproduct);
1022   if (MathExtra::dot3(xproduct,norm) < EPSSQNEG) return false;
1024   MathExtra::sub3(v0,v2,edge);
1025   MathExtra::sub3(point,v2,pvec);
1026   MathExtra::cross3(edge,pvec,xproduct);
1027   if (MathExtra::dot3(xproduct,norm) < EPSSQNEG) return false;
1029   // there is a valid intersection with triangle
1030   // set side to ONSUFR, OUTSIDE, or INSIDE
1031   // if start point is inside or outside then side = same
1032   // if particle started on triangle, side = ONSURF OUT/IN based on dotstop
1034   if (dotstart < 0.0) side = INSIDE;
1035   else if (dotstart > 0.0) side = OUTSIDE;
1036   else if (dotstop > 0.0) side = ONSURF2OUT;
1037   else side = ONSURF2IN;
1039   return true;
1040 }
1042 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1043    determine which side of plane the point x,y,z is on
1044    plane is defined by vertex pt v and unit normal vec
1045    return -1,0,1 for below,on,above plane
1046 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
whichside(double * v,double * norm,double x,double y,double z)1048 int whichside(double *v, double *norm, double x, double y, double z)
1049 {
1050   double vec[3];
1051   vec[0] = x - v[0];
1052   vec[1] = y - v[1];
1053   vec[2] = z - v[2];
1055   double dotproduct = MathExtra::dot3(norm,vec);
1056   if (dotproduct < 0.0) return -1;
1057   else if (dotproduct > 0.0) return 1;
1058   else return 0;
1059 }
1061 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1062    determine if point x lies on surface of hex defined by lo and hi
1063    return 1 if it does, 0 if not
1064 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
point_on_hex(double * x,double * lo,double * hi)1066 int point_on_hex(double *x, double *lo, double *hi)
1067 {
1068   if ((x[0] == lo[0] || x[0] == hi[0]) &&
1069       x[1] >= lo[1] && x[1] <= hi[1] && x[2] >= lo[2] && x[2] <= hi[2])
1070     return 1;
1071   if ((x[1] == lo[1] || x[1] == hi[1]) &&
1072       x[0] >= lo[0] && x[0] <= hi[0] && x[2] >= lo[2] && x[2] <= hi[2])
1073     return 1;
1074   if ((x[2] == lo[2] || x[2] == hi[2]) &&
1075       x[0] >= lo[0] && x[0] <= hi[0] && x[1] >= lo[1] && x[1] <= hi[1])
1076     return 1;
1077   return 0;
1078 }
1080 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1081    determine if point x lies inside or on surface of hex defined by lo and hi
1082    return 1 if it does, 0 if not
1083 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
point_in_hex(double * x,double * lo,double * hi)1085 int point_in_hex(double *x, double *lo, double *hi)
1086 {
1087   if (x[0] >= lo[0] && x[0] <= hi[0] &&
1088       x[1] >= lo[1] && x[1] <= hi[1] &&
1089       x[2] >= lo[2] && x[2] <= hi[2]) return 1;
1090   return 0;
1091 }
1094 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1095    determine if point x lies on edge or inside of tri defined by p1,p2,p3
1096    return 1 if it does, 0 if not
1097 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
point_in_tri(double * x,double * p1,double * p2,double * p3,double * norm)1099 int point_in_tri(double *x, double *p1, double *p2, double *p3, double *norm)
1100 {
1101   // if not in plane of tri, then not inside tri
1103   if (whichside(p1,norm,x[0],x[1],x[2])) return 0;
1105   // enorm123 = 3 vecs normal to each edge of tri
1106   // are in plane of tri, pointing towards center of tri
1107   // enorms are NOT unit vectors
1109   double enorm1[3],enorm2[3],enorm3[3];
1111   double diff[3];
1112   MathExtra::sub3(p2,p1,diff);
1113   MathExtra::cross3(norm,diff,enorm1);
1114   MathExtra::sub3(p3,p2,diff);
1115   MathExtra::cross3(norm,diff,enorm2);
1116   MathExtra::sub3(p1,p3,diff);
1117   MathExtra::cross3(norm,diff,enorm3);
1119   // if (pt - vertex) dotted into tri edge normal < 0, then outside tri
1121   MathExtra::sub3(p1,x,diff);
1122   if (MathExtra::dot3(diff,enorm1) < 0.0) return 0;
1123   MathExtra::sub3(p2,x,diff);
1124   if (MathExtra::dot3(diff,enorm2) < 0.0) return 0;
1125   MathExtra::sub3(p3,x,diff);
1126   if (MathExtra::dot3(diff,enorm3) < 0.0) return 0;
1127   return 1;
1128 }
1130 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1131    compute distance bewteen a point X and line segment (P1,P2)
1132    distance = nearest distance to any point on line segment
1133 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
distsq_point_line(double * x,double * p1,double * p2)1135 double distsq_point_line(double *x, double *p1, double *p2)
1136 {
1137   // A = vector from P1 to X
1138   // B = vector from P1 to P2
1140   double a[3],b[3],c[3];
1141   MathExtra::sub3(x,p1,a);
1142   MathExtra::sub3(p2,p1,b);
1144   // let P = projected point on infinite P1 to P2 line that is closest to X
1145   // alpha = fraction of distance from P1 to P2 that P is at
1146   // alpha can be < 0, or between 0 to 1, or > 1
1148   double alpha = MathExtra::dot3(a,b)/MathExtra::lensq3(b);
1150   // C = vector from point on P1P2 line to X
1151   // if alpha < 0.0, point on line is P1
1152   // if alpha > 1.0, point on line is P2
1153   // else point on line is P1 + alpha*(P2-P1)
1155   if (alpha >= 1.0) MathExtra::sub3(x,p2,c);
1156   else if (alpha > 0.0) {
1157     a[0] = p1[0] + alpha*b[0];
1158     a[1] = p1[1] + alpha*b[1];
1159     a[2] = p1[2] + alpha*b[2];
1160     MathExtra::sub3(x,a,c);
1161   } else MathExtra::sub3(x,p1,c);
1163   // return length of C
1165   return MathExtra::lensq3(c);
1166 }
1168 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1169    compute distance bewteen a point X and triangle (P1,P2,P3) with NORM
1170    distance = nearest distance to any point within 2d triangle surface
1171 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
distsq_point_tri(double * x,double * p1,double * p2,double * p3,double * norm)1173 double distsq_point_tri(double *x, double *p1, double *p2, double *p3,
1174                         double *norm)
1175 {
1176   double a[3],point[3],edge[3],pvec[3],xproduct[3];
1178   // A = vector from P1 to X
1180   MathExtra::sub3(x,p1,a);
1182   // point = projected point on infinite triangle plane
1183   // pdistsq = projected distance to plane
1185   double alpha = MathExtra::dot3(a,norm);
1186   point[0] = x[0] - alpha*norm[0];
1187   point[1] = x[1] - alpha*norm[1];
1188   point[2] = x[2] - alpha*norm[2];
1190   MathExtra::sub3(x,point,a);
1191   double pdistsq = MathExtra::lensq3(a);
1193   // test if projected point is inside triangle
1194   // edge = edge vector of triangle
1195   // pvec = vector from triangle vertex to projected point
1196   // xproduct = cross product of edge with pvec
1197   // if dot product of xproduct with norm < 0.0 for any of 3 edges,
1198   //   projected point is outside tri
1199   // if inside, return projected distance to plane
1201   int inside = 1;
1203   MathExtra::sub3(p2,p1,edge);
1204   MathExtra::sub3(point,p1,pvec);
1205   MathExtra::cross3(edge,pvec,xproduct);
1206   if (MathExtra::dot3(xproduct,norm) < 0.0) inside = 0;
1208   MathExtra::sub3(p3,p2,edge);
1209   MathExtra::sub3(point,p2,pvec);
1210   MathExtra::cross3(edge,pvec,xproduct);
1211   if (MathExtra::dot3(xproduct,norm) < 0.0) inside = 0;
1213   MathExtra::sub3(p1,p3,edge);
1214   MathExtra::sub3(point,p3,pvec);
1215   MathExtra::cross3(edge,pvec,xproduct);
1216   if (MathExtra::dot3(xproduct,norm) < 0.0) inside = 0;
1218   if (inside) return pdistsq;
1220   // projected point is outside triangle
1221   // compute minimum distance to any of 3 triangle edges
1222   // return sum of min distance and projected distance
1224   double rsq = distsq_point_line(point,p1,p2);
1225   rsq = MIN(rsq,distsq_point_line(point,p2,p3));
1226   rsq = MIN(rsq,distsq_point_line(point,p3,p1));
1227   return rsq + pdistsq;
1228 }
1230 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1231    compute distance bewteen a line segmeht XY and 2d quad lo/hi
1232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
dist_line_quad(double * x,double * y,double * lo,double * hi)1234 double dist_line_quad(double *x, double *y, double *lo, double *hi)
1235 {
1236   double distsq;
1237   double pt[3],e1[3],e2[3];
1239   pt[2] = e1[2] = e2[2] = 0.0;
1241   // distance between 4 corner pts of quad and line segment
1243   pt[0] = lo[0]; pt[1] = lo[1];
1244   distsq = distsq_point_line(pt,x,y);
1245   pt[0] = hi[0]; pt[1] = lo[1];
1246   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(pt,x,y));
1247   pt[0] = lo[0]; pt[1] = hi[1];
1248   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(pt,x,y));
1249   pt[0] = hi[0]; pt[1] = hi[1];
1250   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(pt,x,y));
1252   // distance between line segment end pts and 4 quad edges
1254   e1[0] = lo[0]; e1[1] = lo[1]; e2[0] = lo[0]; e2[1] = hi[1];
1255   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(x,e1,e2));
1256   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(y,e1,e2));
1258   e1[0] = lo[0]; e1[1] = hi[1]; e2[0] = hi[0]; e2[1] = hi[1];
1259   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(x,e1,e2));
1260   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(y,e1,e2));
1262   e1[0] = hi[0]; e1[1] = hi[1]; e2[0] = hi[0]; e2[1] = lo[1];
1263   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(x,e1,e2));
1264   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(y,e1,e2));
1266   e1[0] = hi[0]; e1[1] = lo[1]; e2[0] = lo[0]; e2[1] = lo[1];
1267   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(x,e1,e2));
1268   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_line(y,e1,e2));
1270   return sqrt(distsq);
1271 }
1273 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1274    compute distance bewteen a triangle XYZ with norm and 3d hex lo/hi
1275 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
dist_tri_hex(double * x,double * y,double * z,double * norm,double * lo,double * hi)1277 double dist_tri_hex(double *x, double *y, double *z, double *norm,
1278                     double *lo, double *hi)
1279 {
1280   double distsq;
1281   double pt[8][3],face[3];
1283   // convert lo/hi to 8 corner pts
1285   pt[0][0] = lo[0]; pt[0][1] = lo[1]; pt[0][2] = lo[2];
1286   pt[1][0] = hi[0]; pt[1][1] = lo[1]; pt[1][2] = lo[2];
1287   pt[2][0] = lo[0]; pt[2][1] = hi[1]; pt[2][2] = lo[2];
1288   pt[3][0] = hi[0]; pt[3][1] = hi[1]; pt[3][2] = lo[2];
1289   pt[4][0] = lo[0]; pt[4][1] = lo[1]; pt[4][2] = hi[2];
1290   pt[5][0] = hi[0]; pt[5][1] = lo[1]; pt[5][2] = hi[2];
1291   pt[6][0] = lo[0]; pt[6][1] = hi[1]; pt[6][2] = hi[2];
1292   pt[7][0] = hi[0]; pt[7][1] = hi[1]; pt[7][2] = hi[2];
1294   // distance between 8 corner pts of hex and tri
1296   distsq = distsq_point_tri(pt[0],x,y,z,norm);
1297   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(pt[1],x,y,z,norm));
1298   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(pt[2],x,y,z,norm));
1299   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(pt[3],x,y,z,norm));
1300   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(pt[4],x,y,z,norm));
1301   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(pt[5],x,y,z,norm));
1302   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(pt[6],x,y,z,norm));
1303   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(pt[7],x,y,z,norm));
1305   // distance between tri corner pts and 6 hex faces (2 tris per face)
1307   face[0] = -1.0; face[1] = 0.0; face[2] = 0.0;
1308   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[0],pt[4],pt[6],face));
1309   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[0],pt[4],pt[6],face));
1310   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[0],pt[4],pt[6],face));
1311   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[0],pt[6],pt[2],face));
1312   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[0],pt[6],pt[2],face));
1313   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[0],pt[6],pt[2],face));
1315   face[0] = 1.0; face[1] = 0.0; face[2] = 0.0;
1316   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[1],pt[3],pt[7],face));
1317   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[1],pt[3],pt[7],face));
1318   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[1],pt[3],pt[7],face));
1319   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[1],pt[7],pt[5],face));
1320   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[1],pt[7],pt[5],face));
1321   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[1],pt[7],pt[5],face));
1323   face[0] = 0.0; face[1] = -1.0; face[2] = 0.0;
1324   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[0],pt[1],pt[5],face));
1325   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[0],pt[1],pt[5],face));
1326   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[0],pt[1],pt[5],face));
1327   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[0],pt[5],pt[4],face));
1328   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[0],pt[5],pt[4],face));
1329   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[0],pt[5],pt[4],face));
1331   face[0] = 0.0; face[1] = 1.0; face[2] = 0.0;
1332   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[2],pt[6],pt[7],face));
1333   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[2],pt[6],pt[7],face));
1334   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[2],pt[6],pt[7],face));
1335   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[2],pt[7],pt[3],face));
1336   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[2],pt[7],pt[3],face));
1337   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[2],pt[7],pt[3],face));
1339   face[0] = 0.0; face[1] = 0.0; face[2] = -1.0;
1340   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[0],pt[2],pt[3],face));
1341   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[0],pt[2],pt[3],face));
1342   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[0],pt[2],pt[3],face));
1343   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[0],pt[3],pt[1],face));
1344   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[0],pt[3],pt[1],face));
1345   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[0],pt[3],pt[1],face));
1347   face[0] = 0.0; face[1] = 0.0; face[2] = 1.0;
1348   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[4],pt[5],pt[7],face));
1349   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[4],pt[5],pt[7],face));
1350   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[4],pt[5],pt[7],face));
1351   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(x,pt[4],pt[7],pt[6],face));
1352   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(y,pt[4],pt[7],pt[6],face));
1353   distsq = MIN(distsq,distsq_point_tri(z,pt[4],pt[7],pt[6],face));
1355   return sqrt(distsq);
1356 }
1358 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1359    return minimum fractional distance that X is from line pts V0 or V1
1360    lensq = length of line
1361    frac = (length of X-V0 or X-V1) / lensq
1362    return fracsq = square of frac
1363 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
line_fraction(double * x,double * v0,double * v1)1365 double line_fraction(double *x, double *v0, double *v1)
1366 {
1367   double segment[3];
1369   MathExtra::sub3(v0,v1,segment);
1370   double lensq = MathExtra::lensq3(segment);
1372   MathExtra::sub3(x,v0,segment);
1373   double fracsq = MathExtra::lensq3(segment)/lensq;
1374   MathExtra::sub3(x,v1,segment);
1375   fracsq = MIN(fracsq,MathExtra::lensq3(segment)/lensq);
1377   return fracsq;
1378 }
1380 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1381    return minimum fractional distance that X is from triangle pts V0, V1, V2
1382    lensq = min length of any of 3 triangle edges
1383    frac = (length of X-V0 or X-V1 or X-V2) / lensq
1384    return fracsq = square of frac
1385 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
tri_fraction(double * x,double * v0,double * v1,double * v2)1387 double tri_fraction(double *x, double *v0, double *v1, double *v2)
1388 {
1389   double segment[3];
1391   MathExtra::sub3(v0,v1,segment);
1392   double lensq = MathExtra::lensq3(segment);
1393   MathExtra::sub3(v1,v2,segment);
1394   lensq = MIN(lensq,MathExtra::lensq3(segment));
1395   MathExtra::sub3(v0,v2,segment);
1396   lensq = MIN(lensq,MathExtra::lensq3(segment));
1398   MathExtra::sub3(x,v0,segment);
1399   double fracsq = MathExtra::lensq3(segment)/lensq;
1400   MathExtra::sub3(x,v1,segment);
1401   fracsq = MIN(fracsq,MathExtra::lensq3(segment)/lensq);
1402   MathExtra::sub3(x,v2,segment);
1403   fracsq = MIN(fracsq,MathExtra::lensq3(segment)/lensq);
1405   return fracsq;
1406 }
1408 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1410 }