1 /*
2   Teem: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images             .
3   Copyright (C) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009  University of Chicago
4   Copyright (C) 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005  Gordon Kindlmann
5   Copyright (C) 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998  University of Utah
7   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9   (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11   The terms of redistributing and/or modifying this software also
12   include exceptions to the LGPL that facilitate static linking.
14   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   Lesser General Public License for more details.
19   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20   along with this library; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22 */
25 #include "pull.h"
26 #include "privatePull.h"
28 #define PRAYING 0
30 /*
31 typedef struct {
32   double val, absval, grad[3];
33 } stateIso;
35 static int
36 probeIso(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point, unsigned int iter, int cond,
37          double pos[3],
38          stateIso *state) {
39   static const char me[]="probeIso";
41   ELL_3V_COPY(point->pos, pos);  / * NB: not touching point->pos[3] * /
42   _pullPointHistAdd(point, cond);
43   if (pullProbe(task, point)) {
44     biffAddf(PULL, "%s: on iter %u", me, iter);
45     return 1;
46   }
47   state->val = pullPointScalar(task->pctx, point,
48                                pullInfoIsovalue,
49                                state->grad, NULL);
50   state->absval = AIR_ABS(state->val);
51   return 0;
52 }
53 */
55 /* NOTE: this assumes variables "iter" (uint) and "me" (char*) */
56 #define NORMALIZE_ERR(dir, grad, len)                                    \
57   ELL_3V_NORM((dir), (grad), (len));                                     \
58   if (!(len)) {                                                          \
59     biffAddf(PULL, "%s: got zero grad at (%g,%g,%g,%g) on iter %u\n", me,\
60              point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2],                \
61              point->pos[3], iter);                                       \
62     return 1;                                                            \
63   }
65 #define NORMALIZE(dir, grad, len)                                        \
66   ELL_3V_NORM((dir), (grad), (len));                                     \
67   if (!(len)) {                                                          \
68     ELL_3V_SET((dir), 0, 0, 0) ;                                         \
69   }
72 /* ------------------------------- isosurface */
76 #define PROBE(v, av, g)  if (pullProbe(task, point)) {         \
77       biffAddf(PULL, "%s: on iter %u", me, iter);              \
78       return 1;                                                \
79     }                                                          \
80     (v) = pullPointScalar(task->pctx, point,                   \
81                           pullInfoIsovalue, (g), NULL);        \
82     (av) = AIR_ABS(v)
83 #define SAVE(state, aval, val, grad, pos)      \
84   state[0] = aval;                             \
85   state[1] = val;                              \
86   ELL_3V_COPY(state + 1 + 1, grad);            \
87   ELL_3V_COPY(state + 1 + 1 + 3, pos)
88 #define RESTORE(aval, val, grad, pos, state)   \
89   aval = state[0];                             \
90   val = state[1];                              \
91   ELL_3V_COPY(grad, state + 1 + 1);            \
92   ELL_3V_COPY(pos, state + 1 + 1 + 3)
94 static int
constraintSatIso(pullTask * task,pullPoint * point,double stepMax,unsigned int iterMax,int * constrFailP)95 constraintSatIso(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point,
96                  double stepMax, unsigned int iterMax,
97                  /* output */
98                  int *constrFailP) {
99   static const char me[]="constraintSatIso";
100   double
101     step,         /* current step size */
102     val, aval,    /* last and current function values */
103     hack,         /* how to control re-tries in the context of a single
104                      for-loop, instead of a nested do-while loop */
105     grad[4], dir[3], len, state[1 + 1 + 3 + 3];
106   unsigned int iter = 0;  /* 0: initial probe, 1..iterMax: probes in loop */
108   PROBE(val, aval, grad);
109   SAVE(state, aval, val, grad, point->pos);
110   hack = 1;
111   for (iter=1; iter<=iterMax; iter++) {
112     /* consider? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halley%27s_method */
113     NORMALIZE(dir, grad, len);
114     if (!len) {
115       /* no gradient; back off */
116       hack *= task->pctx->sysParm.backStepScale;
117       RESTORE(aval, val, grad, point->pos, state);
118       continue;
119     }
120     step = -val/len; /* the newton-raphson step */
121     step = step > 0 ? AIR_MIN(stepMax, step) : AIR_MAX(-stepMax, step);
122     ELL_3V_SCALE_INCR(point->pos, hack*step, dir);
123     _pullPointHistAdd(point, pullCondConstraintSatA);
124     PROBE(val, aval, grad);
125     if (aval <= state[0]) {  /* we're no further from the root */
126       if (AIR_ABS(step) < stepMax*task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin) {
127         /* we have converged! */
128         break;
129       }
130       SAVE(state, aval, val, grad, point->pos);
131       hack = 1;
132     } else { /* oops, try again, don't update dir or len, reset val */
133       hack *= task->pctx->sysParm.backStepScale;
134       RESTORE(aval, val, grad, point->pos, state);
135     }
136   }
137   if (iter > iterMax) {
138     *constrFailP = pullConstraintFailIterMaxed;
139   } else {
140     *constrFailP = AIR_FALSE;
141   }
142   return 0;
143 }
145 #undef PROBE
146 #undef SAVE
147 #undef RESTORE
151 /* ------------------------------- laplacian */
155 #define PROBE(l)  if (pullProbe(task, point)) {                    \
156       biffAddf(PULL, "%s: on iter %u", me, iter);                  \
157       return 1;                                                    \
158     }                                                              \
159     (l) = pullPointScalar(task->pctx, point,                       \
160                           pullInfoHeightLaplacian, NULL, NULL);
161 #define PROBEG(l, g) \
162     PROBE(l);                                                      \
163     pullPointScalar(task->pctx, point, pullInfoHeight, (g), NULL);
165 static int
constraintSatLapl(pullTask * task,pullPoint * point,double stepMax,unsigned int iterMax,int * constrFailP)166 constraintSatLapl(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point,
167                   double stepMax, unsigned int iterMax,
168                   /* output */
169                   int *constrFailP) {
170   static const char me[]="constraintSatLapl";
171   double
172     step,         /* current step size */
173     valLast, val, /* last and current function values */
174     grad[4], dir[3], len,
175     posOld[3], posNew[3], tmpv[3];
176   double a=0, b=1, s, fa, fb, fs, tmp, diff;
177   int side = 0;
178   unsigned int iter = 0;  /* 0: initial probe, 1..iterMax: probes in loop */
180   step = stepMax/2;
181   PROBEG(val, grad);
182   if (0 == val) {
183     /* already exactly at the zero, we're done. This actually happens! */
184     /* printf("!%s: a lapl == 0!\n", me); */
185     return 0;
186   }
187   valLast = val;
188   NORMALIZE(dir, grad, len);
189   /* first phase: follow normalized gradient until laplacian sign change */
190   for (iter=1; iter<=iterMax; iter++) {
191     double sgn;
192     ELL_3V_COPY(posOld, point->pos);
193     sgn = airSgn(val); /* lapl < 0 => downhill; lapl > 0 => uphill */
194     ELL_3V_SCALE_INCR(point->pos, sgn*step, dir);
195     _pullPointHistAdd(point, pullCondConstraintSatA);
196     PROBEG(val, grad);
197     if (val*valLast < 0) {
198       /* laplacian has changed sign; stop looking */
199       break;
200     }
201     valLast = val;
202     NORMALIZE(dir, grad, len);
203   }
204   if (iter > iterMax) {
205     *constrFailP = pullConstraintFailIterMaxed;
206     return 0;
207   }
208   /* second phase: find the zero-crossing, looking between
209      f(posOld)=valLast and f(posNew)=val */
210   ELL_3V_COPY(posNew, point->pos);
211   ELL_3V_SUB(tmpv, posNew, posOld);
212   len = ELL_3V_LEN(tmpv);
213   fa = valLast;
214   fb = val;
215   if (AIR_ABS(fa) < AIR_ABS(fb)) {
216     ELL_SWAP2(a, b, tmp); ELL_SWAP2(fa, fb, tmp);
217   }
218   for (iter=1; iter<=iterMax; iter++) {
219     s = AIR_AFFINE(fa, 0, fb, a, b);
220     ELL_3V_LERP(point->pos, s, posOld, posNew);
221     _pullPointHistAdd(point, pullCondConstraintSatB);
222     PROBE(fs);
223     if (0 == fs) {
224       /* exactly nailed the zero, we're done. This actually happens! */
225       printf("!%s: b lapl == 0!\n", me);
226       break;
227     }
228     /* "Illinois" false-position. Dumb, but it works. */
229     if (fs*fb > 0) { /* not between s and b */
230       b = s;
231       fb = fs;
232       if (+1 == side) {
233         fa /= 2;
234       }
235       side = +1;
236     } else { /* not between a and s */
237       a = s;
238       fa = fs;
239       if (-1 == side) {
240         fb /= 2;
241       }
242       side = -1;
243     }
244     diff = (b - a)*len;
245     if (AIR_ABS(diff) < stepMax*task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin) {
246       /* converged! */
247       break;
248     }
249   }
250   if (iter > iterMax) {
251     *constrFailP = pullConstraintFailIterMaxed;
252   } else {
253     *constrFailP = AIR_FALSE;
254   }
255   return 0;
256 }
257 #undef PROBE
258 #undef PROBEG
261 /* ------------------------------------------- height (line xor surf) */
263 static int
probeHeight(pullTask * task,pullPoint * point,double * heightP,double grad[3],double hess[9])264 probeHeight(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point,
265             /* output */
266             double *heightP, double grad[3], double hess[9]) {
267   static const char me[]="probeHeight";
269   if (pullProbe(task, point)) {
270     biffAddf(PULL, "%s: trouble", me);
271     return 1;
272   }
273   *heightP = pullPointScalar(task->pctx, point, pullInfoHeight, grad, hess);
274   return 0;
275 }
277 /*
278 ** creaseProj
279 **
280 ** eigenvectors (with non-zero eigenvalues) of output posproj are
281 ** tangents to the directions along which particle is allowed to move
282 ** *downward* (in height) for constraint satisfaction (according to
283 ** tangent 1 or tangents 1&2)
284 **
285 ** negproj is the same, but for points moving upwards (according to
286 ** negativetangent1 or negativetangent 1&2)
287 */
288 static void
creaseProj(pullTask * task,pullPoint * point,int tang1Use,int tang2Use,int negtang1Use,int negtang2Use,double posproj[9],double negproj[9])289 creaseProj(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point,
290            int tang1Use, int tang2Use,
291            int negtang1Use, int negtang2Use,
292            /* output */
293            double posproj[9], double negproj[9]) {
294 #if PRAYING
295   static const char me[]="creaseProj";
296 #endif
297   double pp[9];
298   double *tng;
300   ELL_3M_ZERO_SET(posproj);
301   if (tang1Use) {
302     tng = point->info + task->pctx->infoIdx[pullInfoTangent1];
303 #if PRAYING
304     fprintf(stderr, "!%s: tng1 = %g %g %g\n", me, tng[0], tng[1], tng[2]);
305 #endif
306     ELL_3MV_OUTER(pp, tng, tng);
307     ELL_3M_ADD2(posproj, posproj, pp);
308   }
309   if (tang2Use) {
310     tng = point->info + task->pctx->infoIdx[pullInfoTangent2];
311     ELL_3MV_OUTER(pp, tng, tng);
312     ELL_3M_ADD2(posproj, posproj, pp);
313   }
315   ELL_3M_ZERO_SET(negproj);
316   if (negtang1Use) {
317     tng = point->info + task->pctx->infoIdx[pullInfoNegativeTangent1];
318     ELL_3MV_OUTER(pp, tng, tng);
319     ELL_3M_ADD2(negproj, negproj, pp);
320   }
321   if (negtang2Use) {
322     tng = point->info + task->pctx->infoIdx[pullInfoNegativeTangent2];
323     ELL_3MV_OUTER(pp, tng, tng);
324     ELL_3M_ADD2(negproj, negproj, pp);
325   }
327   if (!tang1Use && !tang2Use && !negtang1Use && !negtang2Use) {
328     /* we must be after points, and so need freedom to go after them */
329     /* for now we do this via posproj not negproj; see haveNada below */
330     ELL_3M_IDENTITY_SET(posproj);
331   }
333   return;
334 }
336 /* HEY: body of probeHeight could really be expanded in here */
337 #define PROBE(height, grad, hess, posproj, negproj)             \
338   if (probeHeight(task, point,                                  \
339                   &(height), (grad), (hess))) {                 \
340     biffAddf(PULL, "%s: trouble on iter %u", me, iter);         \
341     return 1;                                                   \
342   }                                                             \
343   creaseProj(task, point, tang1Use, tang2Use,                   \
344              negtang1Use, negtang2Use, posproj, negproj)
345 #define SAVE(state, height, grad, hess, posproj, negproj, pos)   \
346   state[0] = height;                                             \
347   ELL_3V_COPY(state + 1, grad);                                  \
348   ELL_3M_COPY(state + 1 + 3, hess);                              \
349   ELL_3M_COPY(state + 1 + 3 + 9, posproj);                       \
350   ELL_3M_COPY(state + 1 + 3 + 9 + 9, negproj);                   \
351   ELL_3V_COPY(state + 1 + 3 + 9 + 9 + 9, pos)
352 #define RESTORE(height, grad, hess, posproj, negproj, pos, state)   \
353   height = state[0];                                                \
354   ELL_3V_COPY(grad,    state + 1);                                  \
355   ELL_3M_COPY(hess,    state + 1 + 3);                              \
356   ELL_3M_COPY(posproj, state + 1 + 3 + 9);                          \
357   ELL_3M_COPY(negproj, state + 1 + 3 + 9 + 9);                      \
358   ELL_3V_COPY(pos,     state + 1 + 3 + 9 + 9 + 9)
359 #define POSNORM(d1, d2, pdir, plen, pgrad, grad, hess, posproj)       \
360   ELL_3MV_MUL(pgrad, posproj, grad);                                  \
361   ELL_3V_NORM(pdir, pgrad, plen);                                     \
362   d1 = ELL_3V_DOT(grad, pdir);                                        \
363   d2 = ELL_3MV_CONTR(hess, pdir)
364 #define NEGNORM(d1, d2, pdir, plen, pgrad, grad, hess, negproj)       \
365   ELL_3MV_MUL(pgrad, negproj, grad);                                  \
366   ELL_3V_NORM(pdir, pgrad, plen);                                     \
367   d1 = -ELL_3V_DOT(grad, pdir);                                       \
368   d2 = -ELL_3MV_CONTR(hess, pdir)
369 #define PRINT(prefix)                                                   \
370   fprintf(stderr, "-------------- probe results %s:\n-- val = %g\n",    \
371           prefix, val);                                                 \
372   fprintf(stderr, "-- grad = %g %g %g\n", grad[0], grad[1], grad[2]);   \
373   fprintf(stderr,"-- hess = %g %g %g;  %g %g %g;  %g %g %g\n",          \
374           hess[0], hess[1], hess[2],                                    \
375           hess[3], hess[4], hess[5],                                    \
376           hess[6], hess[7], hess[8]);                                   \
377   fprintf(stderr, "-- posproj = %g %g %g;  %g %g %g;  %g %g %g\n",      \
378           posproj[0], posproj[1], posproj[2],                           \
379           posproj[3], posproj[4], posproj[5],                           \
380           posproj[6], posproj[7], posproj[8]);                          \
381   fprintf(stderr, "-- negproj = %g %g %g;  %g %g %g;  %g %g %g\n",      \
382           negproj[0], negproj[1], negproj[2],                           \
383           negproj[3], negproj[4], negproj[5],                           \
384           negproj[6], negproj[7], negproj[8])
386 static int
constraintSatHght(pullTask * task,pullPoint * point,int tang1Use,int tang2Use,int negtang1Use,int negtang2Use,double stepMax,unsigned int iterMax,int * constrFailP)387 constraintSatHght(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point,
388                   int tang1Use, int tang2Use,
389                   int negtang1Use, int negtang2Use,
390                   double stepMax, unsigned int iterMax,
391                   int *constrFailP) {
392   static const char me[]="constraintSatHght";
393   double val, grad[3], hess[9], posproj[9], negproj[9],
394     state[1+3+9+9+9+3], hack, step,
395     d1, d2, pdir[3], plen, pgrad[3];
396 #if PRAYING
397   double _tmpv[3]={0,0,0};
398 #endif
399   int havePos, haveNeg, haveNada;
400   unsigned int iter = 0;  /* 0: initial probe, 1..iterMax: probes in loop */
401   /* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_method_in_optimization */
403   havePos = tang1Use || tang2Use;
404   haveNeg = negtang1Use || negtang2Use;
405   haveNada = !havePos && !haveNeg;
406 #if PRAYING
407   {
408     double stpmin;
409     /* HEY: shouldn't stpmin also be used later in this function? */
410     stpmin = task->pctx->voxelSizeSpace*task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin;
411     fprintf(stderr, "!%s(%u): starting at %g %g %g %g\n", me, point->idtag,
412             point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3]);
413     fprintf(stderr, "!%s: pt %d %d nt %d %d (nada %d) "
414             "stepMax %g, iterMax %u\n", me,
415             tang1Use, tang2Use, negtang1Use, negtang2Use, haveNada,
416             stepMax, iterMax);
417     fprintf(stderr, "!%s: stpmin = %g = voxsize %g * parm.stepmin %g\n", me,
418             stpmin, task->pctx->voxelSizeSpace,
419             task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin);
420   }
421 #endif
422   _pullPointHistAdd(point, pullCondOld);
423   PROBE(val, grad, hess, posproj, negproj);
424 #if PRAYING
425   PRINT("initial probe");
426 #endif
427   SAVE(state, val, grad, hess, posproj, negproj, point->pos);
428   hack = 1;
429   for (iter=1; iter<=iterMax; iter++) {
430 #if PRAYING
431     fprintf(stderr, "!%s: =============== begin iter %u\n", me, iter);
432 #endif
433     /* HEY: no opportunistic increase of hack? */
434     if (havePos || haveNada) {
435       POSNORM(d1, d2, pdir, plen, pgrad, grad, hess, posproj);
436       if (!plen) {
437         /* this use to be a biff error, which got to be annoying */
438         *constrFailP = pullConstraintFailProjGradZeroA;
439         return 0;
440       }
441       step = (d2 <= 0 ? -plen : -d1/d2);
442 #if PRAYING
443       fprintf(stderr, "!%s: (+) iter %u step = (%g <= 0 ? %g : %g) --> %g\n",
444               me, iter, d2, -plen, -d1/d2, step);
445 #endif
446       step = step > 0 ? AIR_MIN(stepMax, step) : AIR_MAX(-stepMax, step);
447       if (AIR_ABS(step) < stepMax*task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin) {
448         /* no further iteration needed; we're converged */
449 #if PRAYING
450         fprintf(stderr, "     |step| %g < %g*%g = %g ==> converged!\n",
451                 AIR_ABS(step),
452                 stepMax, task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin,
453                 stepMax*task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin);
454 #endif
455         if (!haveNeg) {
456           break;
457         } else {
458           goto nextstep;
459         }
460       }
461       /* else we have to take a significant step */
462 #if PRAYING
463       fprintf(stderr, "       -> step %g, |pdir| = %g\n",
464               step, ELL_3V_LEN(pdir));
465       ELL_3V_COPY(_tmpv, point->pos);
466       fprintf(stderr, "       ->  pos (%g,%g,%g,%g) += %g * %g * (%g,%g,%g)\n",
467               point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3],
468               hack, step, pdir[0], pdir[1], pdir[2]);
469 #endif
470       ELL_3V_SCALE_INCR(point->pos, hack*step, pdir);
471 #if PRAYING
472       ELL_3V_SUB(_tmpv, _tmpv, point->pos);
473       fprintf(stderr, "       -> moved to %g %g %g %g\n",
474               point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3]);
475       fprintf(stderr, "       (moved %g)\n", ELL_3V_LEN(_tmpv));
476 #endif
477       _pullPointHistAdd(point, pullCondConstraintSatA);
478       PROBE(val, grad, hess, posproj, negproj);
479 #if PRAYING
480       fprintf(stderr, "  (+) probed at (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n",
481               point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3]);
482       PRINT("after move");
483       fprintf(stderr, "  val(%g,%g,%g,%g)=%g %s state[0]=%g\n",
484               point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3],
485               val, val <= state[0] ? "<=" : ">", state[0]);
486 #endif
487       if (val <= state[0]) {
488         /* we made progress */
489 #if PRAYING
490         fprintf(stderr, "  (+) progress!\n");
491 #endif
492         SAVE(state, val, grad, hess, posproj, negproj, point->pos);
493         hack = 1;
494       } else {
495         /* oops, we went uphill instead of down; try again */
496 #if PRAYING
497         fprintf(stderr, "  val *increased*; backing hack from %g to %g\n",
498                 hack, hack*task->pctx->sysParm.backStepScale);
499 #endif
500         hack *= task->pctx->sysParm.backStepScale;
501         RESTORE(val, grad, hess, posproj, negproj, point->pos, state);
502 #if PRAYING
503         fprintf(stderr, "  restored to pos (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n",
504                 point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3]);
505 #endif
506       }
507     }
508   nextstep:
509     if (haveNeg) {
510       /* HEY: copy and paste from above, minus fluff */
511       NEGNORM(d1, d2, pdir, plen, pgrad, grad, hess, negproj);
512       if (!plen && !haveNeg) {
513         /* this use to be a biff error, which got to be annoying */
514         *constrFailP = pullConstraintFailProjGradZeroA;
515         return 0;
516       }
517       step = (d2 <= 0 ? -plen : -d1/d2);
518 #if PRAYING
519       fprintf(stderr, "!%s: -+) iter %u step = (%g <= 0 ? %g : %g) --> %g\n",
520               me, iter, d2, -plen, -d1/d2, step);
521 #endif
522       step = step > 0 ? AIR_MIN(stepMax, step) : AIR_MAX(-stepMax, step);
523       if (AIR_ABS(step) < stepMax*task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin) {
524 #if PRAYING
525         fprintf(stderr, "     |step| %g < %g*%g = %g ==> converged!\n",
526                 AIR_ABS(step),
527                 stepMax, task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin,
528                 stepMax*task->pctx->sysParm.constraintStepMin);
529 #endif
530         /* no further iteration needed; we're converged */
531         break;
532       }
533       /* else we have to take a significant step */
534 #if PRAYING
535       fprintf(stderr, "       -> step %g, |pdir| = %g\n",
536               step, ELL_3V_LEN(pdir));
537       ELL_3V_COPY(_tmpv, point->pos);
538       fprintf(stderr, "       ->  pos (%g,%g,%g,%g) += %g * %g * (%g,%g,%g)\n",
539               point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3],
540               hack, step, pdir[0], pdir[1], pdir[2]);
541 #endif
542       ELL_3V_SCALE_INCR(point->pos, hack*step, pdir);
543 #if PRAYING
544       ELL_3V_SUB(_tmpv, _tmpv, point->pos);
545       fprintf(stderr, "       -> moved to %g %g %g %g\n",
546               point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3]);
547       fprintf(stderr, "       (moved %g)\n", ELL_3V_LEN(_tmpv));
548 #endif
549       _pullPointHistAdd(point, pullCondConstraintSatA);
550       PROBE(val, grad, hess, posproj, negproj);
551 #if PRAYING
552       fprintf(stderr, "  (-) probed at (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n",
553               point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3]);
554       PRINT("after move");
555       fprintf(stderr, "  val(%g,%g,%g,%g)=%g %s state[0]=%g\n",
556               point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3],
557               val, val >= state[0] ? ">=" : "<", state[0]);
558 #endif
559       if (val >= state[0]) {
560         /* we made progress */
561 #if PRAYING
562         fprintf(stderr, "  (-) progress!\n");
563 #endif
564         SAVE(state, val, grad, hess, posproj, negproj, point->pos);
565         hack = 1;
566       } else {
567         /* oops, we went uphill instead of down; try again */
568 #if PRAYING
569         fprintf(stderr, "  val *increased*; backing hack from %g to %g\n",
570                 hack, hack*task->pctx->sysParm.backStepScale);
571 #endif
572         hack *= task->pctx->sysParm.backStepScale;
573         RESTORE(val, grad, hess, posproj, negproj, point->pos, state);
574 #if PRAYING
575         fprintf(stderr, "  restored to pos (%g,%g,%g,%g)\n",
576                 point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2], point->pos[3]);
577 #endif
578       }
579     }
580   }
581   if (iter > iterMax) {
582     *constrFailP = pullConstraintFailIterMaxed;
583   } else {
584     *constrFailP = AIR_FALSE;
585   }
586   /*
587   printf("!%s: %d %s\n", me, *constrFailP,
588          *constrFailP ? "FAILED!" : "ok");
589           */
590   return 0;
591 }
592 #undef PROBE
593 #undef POSNORM
594 #undef NEGNORM
595 #undef SAVE
596 #undef RESTORE
598 /* ------------------------------------------- */
600 /* HEY: have to make sure that scale position point->pos[3]
601 ** is not modified anywhere in here: constraints are ONLY spatial
602 **
603 ** This uses biff, but only for showstopper problems
604 */
605 int
_pullConstraintSatisfy(pullTask * task,pullPoint * point,double travelMax,int * constrFailP)606 _pullConstraintSatisfy(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point,
607                        double travelMax,
608                        /* output */
609                        int *constrFailP) {
610   static const char me[]="_pullConstraintSatisfy";
611   double stepMax;
612   unsigned int iterMax;
613   double pos3Orig[3], pos3Diff[3], travel;
615   ELL_3V_COPY(pos3Orig, point->pos);
616   stepMax = task->pctx->voxelSizeSpace;
617   iterMax = task->pctx->iterParm.constraintMax;
618   /*
619   dlim = _pullDistLimit(task, point);
620   if (iterMax*stepMax > dlim) {
621     stepMax = dlim/iterMax;
622   }
623   */
624   /*
625   fprintf(stderr, "!%s(%d): hi ==== %g %g %g, stepMax = %g, iterMax = %u\n",
626           me, point->idtag, point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2],
627           stepMax, iterMax);
628   */
629   task->pctx->count[pullCountConstraintSatisfy] += 1;
630   switch (task->pctx->constraint) {
631   case pullInfoHeightLaplacian: /* zero-crossing edges */
632     if (constraintSatLapl(task, point, stepMax/4, 4*iterMax, constrFailP)) {
633       biffAddf(PULL, "%s: trouble", me);
634       return 1;
635     }
636     break;
637   case pullInfoIsovalue:
638     if (constraintSatIso(task, point, stepMax, iterMax, constrFailP)) {
639       biffAddf(PULL, "%s: trouble", me);
640       return 1;
641     }
642     break;
643   case pullInfoHeight:
644     if (constraintSatHght(task, point,
645                           !!task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoTangent1],
646                           !!task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoTangent2],
647                           !!task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoNegativeTangent1],
648                           !!task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoNegativeTangent2],
649                           stepMax, iterMax, constrFailP)) {
650       biffAddf(PULL, "%s: trouble", me);
651       return 1;
652     }
653     break;
654   default:
655     fprintf(stderr, "%s: constraint on %s (%d) unimplemented!!\n", me,
656             airEnumStr(pullInfo, task->pctx->constraint),
657             task->pctx->constraint);
658   }
659   ELL_3V_SUB(pos3Diff, pos3Orig, point->pos);
660   travel = ELL_3V_LEN(pos3Diff)/task->pctx->voxelSizeSpace;
661   if (travel > travelMax) {
662     *constrFailP = pullConstraintFailTravel;
663   }
664   /*
665   fprintf(stderr, "!%s(%u) %s @ (%g,%g,%g) = (%g,%g,%g) + (%g,%g,%g)\n", me,
666           point->idtag,
667           (*constrFailP
668            ? airEnumStr(pullConstraintFail, *constrFailP)
669            : "#GOOD#"),
670           point->pos[0], point->pos[1], point->pos[2],
671           pos3Diff[0], pos3Diff[1], pos3Diff[2],
672           pos3Orig[0], pos3Orig[1], pos3Orig[2]);
673   */
674   return 0;
675 }
677 #undef NORMALIZE
679 /*
680 ** _pullConstraintTangent
681 **
682 ** eigenvectors (with non-zero eigenvalues) of output proj are
683 ** (hopefully) approximate tangents to the manifold to which particles
684 ** are constrained.  It is *not* the local tangent of the directions
685 ** along which particles are allowed to move during constraint
686 ** satisfaction (that is given by creaseProj for creases)
687 **
688 ** this can assume that probe() has just been called
689 */
690 void
_pullConstraintTangent(pullTask * task,pullPoint * point,double proj[9])691 _pullConstraintTangent(pullTask *task, pullPoint *point,
692                        /* output */
693                        double proj[9]) {
694   double vec[4], nvec[3], outer[9], len, posproj[9], negproj[9];
696   ELL_3M_IDENTITY_SET(proj); /* NOTE: we are starting with identity . . . */
697   switch (task->pctx->constraint) {
698   case pullInfoHeight:
699     creaseProj(task, point,
700                !!task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoTangent1],
701                !!task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoTangent2],
702                !!task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoNegativeTangent1],
703                !!task->pctx->ispec[pullInfoNegativeTangent2],
704                posproj, negproj);
705     /* .. and subracting out output from creaseProj */
706     ELL_3M_SUB(proj, proj, posproj);
707     ELL_3M_SUB(proj, proj, negproj);
708     break;
709   case pullInfoHeightLaplacian:
710   case pullInfoIsovalue:
711     if (pullInfoHeightLaplacian == task->pctx->constraint) {
712       /* using gradient of height as approx normal to laplacian 0-crossing */
713       pullPointScalar(task->pctx, point, pullInfoHeight, vec, NULL);
714     } else {
715       pullPointScalar(task->pctx, point, pullInfoIsovalue, vec, NULL);
716     }
717     ELL_3V_NORM(nvec, vec, len);
718     if (len) {
719       /* .. or and subracting out tensor product of normal with itself */
720       ELL_3MV_OUTER(outer, nvec, nvec);
721       ELL_3M_SUB(proj, proj, outer);
722     }
723     break;
724   }
725   return;
726 }
728 /*
729 ** returns the *dimension* (not codimension) of the constraint manifold:
730 ** 0 for points
731 ** 1 for lines
732 ** 2 for surfaces
733 **
734 ** a -1 return value represents a biff-able error
735 */
736 int
_pullConstraintDim(const pullContext * pctx)737 _pullConstraintDim(const pullContext *pctx) {
738   static const char me[]="_pullConstraintDim";
739   int ret, t1, t2, nt1, nt2;
741   switch (pctx->constraint) {
742   case pullInfoHeightLaplacian: /* zero-crossing edges */
743     ret = 2;
744     break;
745   case pullInfoIsovalue:
746     ret = 2;
747     break;
748   case pullInfoHeight:
749     t1 = !!pctx->ispec[pullInfoTangent1];
750     t2 = !!pctx->ispec[pullInfoTangent2];
751     nt1 = !!pctx->ispec[pullInfoNegativeTangent1];
752     nt2 = !!pctx->ispec[pullInfoNegativeTangent2];
753     switch (t1 + t2 + nt1 + nt2) {
754     case 0:
755     case 3:
756       ret = 0;
757       break;
758     case 1:
759       ret = 2;
760       break;
761     case 2:
762       ret = 1;
763       break;
764     default:
765       biffAddf(PULL, "%s: can't simultaneously use all tangents "
766                "(%s,%s,%s,%s) as this implies co-dimension of -1", me,
767                airEnumStr(pullInfo, pullInfoTangent1),
768                airEnumStr(pullInfo, pullInfoTangent2),
769                airEnumStr(pullInfo, pullInfoNegativeTangent1),
770                airEnumStr(pullInfo, pullInfoNegativeTangent2));
771       return -1;
772     }
773     break;
774   default:
775     biffAddf(PULL, "%s: constraint on %s (%d) unimplemented", me,
776              airEnumStr(pullInfo, pctx->constraint), pctx->constraint);
777     return -1;
778   }
779   return ret;
780 }