1 /*!
2  * \file   mfront/src/MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL.cxx
3  * \brief
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \date   31 jan 2008
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include<string>
15 #include<sstream>
16 #include<stdexcept>
17 #include"TFEL/Raise.hxx"
18 #include"MFront/DSLUtilities.hxx"
19 #include"MFront/MFrontDebugMode.hxx"
20 #include"MFront/DSLFactory.hxx"
21 #include"MFront/MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL.hxx"
23 namespace mfront{
25   MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::FlowHandler::~FlowHandler() noexcept = default;
MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL()27   MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL()
28   {
29     const auto h = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
30     this->mb.setDSLName("MultipleIsotropicMisesFlows");
31     // Default state vars
32     this->mb.addStateVariable(h,VariableDescription("StrainStensor","eel",1u,0u));
33     this->mb.addStateVariable(h,VariableDescription("strain","p",1u,0u));
34     this->mb.setGlossaryName(h,"eel","ElasticStrain");
35     this->mb.setGlossaryName(h,"p","EquivalentStrain");
36     // default local vars
37     this->reserveName("mu_3_theta");
38     this->reserveName("surf");
39     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("StressStensor","se",1u,0u));
40     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("stress","seq",1u,0u));
41     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("stress","seq_e",1u,0u));
42     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("StrainStensor","n",1u,0u));
43     this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("strain","p_",1u,0u));
44   }
getName()46   std::string MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::getName()
47   {
48     return "MultipleIsotropicMisesFlows";
49   }
getDescription()51   std::string MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::getDescription()
52   {
53     return "this parser is used to define behaviours combining several "
54       "isotropic flows. Supported flow type are 'Creep' (dp/dt=f(s)) "
55       "'StrainHardeningCreep' (dp/dt=f(s,p)) and 'Plasticity' (f(p,s)=0) "
56       "where p is the equivalent plastic strain and s the equivalent "
57       "mises stress";
58   } // end of MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::getDescription
writeBehaviourParserSpecificIncludes(std::ostream & os) const60   void MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::writeBehaviourParserSpecificIncludes(std::ostream& os) const
61   {
62     this->checkBehaviourFile(os);
63     os << "#include\"TFEL/Math/General/BaseCast.hxx\"\n"
64        << "#include\"TFEL/Math/TinyMatrixSolve.hxx\"\n\n";
65   }
67   void
writeBehaviourParserSpecificMembers(std::ostream & os,const Hypothesis) const68   MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::writeBehaviourParserSpecificMembers(std::ostream& os,
69 								      const Hypothesis) const
70   {
71     using namespace std;
72     vector<FlowHandler>::const_iterator p;
73     vector<FlowHandler>::const_iterator p2;
74     unsigned short n;
75     bool genericTheta;
76     this->checkBehaviourFile(os);
77     tfel::raise_if(this->flows.empty(),"MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::"
78 		   "writeBehaviourParserSpecificMembers : "
79 		   "no flow rule defined");
80     for(p=this->flows.begin(),n=0;p!=this->flows.end();++p,++n){
81       if(p->flow==FlowHandler::PlasticFlow){
82 	os << "void computeFlow" << n << "(stress& f,\n"
83 	   << "real& df_dseq,\n"
84 	   << "stress& df_dp){\n";
85       } else if(p->flow==FlowHandler::CreepFlow){
86 	os << "void computeFlow" << n << "(DstrainDt& f,\n"
87 	   << "DF_DSEQ_TYPE& df_dseq){\n";
88       } else if(p->flow==FlowHandler::StrainHardeningCreepFlow){
89 	os << "void computeFlow" << n << "(DstrainDt& f,\n"
90 	   << "DF_DSEQ_TYPE& df_dseq,\n"
91 	   << "DstrainDt& df_dp){\n";
92       }
93       os << "using namespace std;\n";
94       os << "using namespace tfel::math;\n";
95       os << "using namespace tfel::material;\n";
96       os << "using std::vector;\n";
97       writeMaterialLaws(os,this->mb.getMaterialLaws());
98       os << p->flowRule << endl;
99       os << "}\n\n";
100     }
101     os << "bool NewtonIntegration(){\n"
102        << "using namespace std;\n"
103        << "using namespace tfel::math;\n"
104        << "tvector<" << this->flows.size() << ",strain> vdp(strain(real(0.)));\n"
105        << "tvector<" << this->flows.size() << ",strain> newton_f;\n"
106        << "tmatrix<" << this->flows.size()
107        << ","  << this->flows.size() << ",strain> newton_df;\n";
109     genericTheta=false;
110     for(p=this->flows.begin(),n=0;p!=this->flows.end();++p,++n){
111       if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
112 	ostringstream otheta;
113 	otheta << "mu_3_theta" << n;
114 	os << "stress "+otheta.str()+" = 3*(real(";
115 	os << p->theta << "))*(this->mu);\n";
116       } else {
117 	genericTheta=true;
118       }
119     }
121     if(genericTheta){
122       os << "stress mu_3_theta = 3*(";
123       os << this->mb.getClassName() << "::theta)*(this->mu);\n";
124     }
125     bool found=false;
126     for(p=this->flows.begin();(p!=this->flows.end())&&!(found);++p){
127       if(p->flow==FlowHandler::PlasticFlow){
128 	os << "real surf;\n";
129 	os << "real newton_epsilon = 100*std::numeric_limits<real>::epsilon();\n";
130 	found = true;
131       }
132     }
133     os << "unsigned int iter=0u;\n"
134        << "bool converge=false;\n"
135        << "while((converge==false)&&\n"
136        << "(iter<(" << this->mb.getClassName() << "::iterMax))){\n";
137     for(p=this->flows.begin(),n=0;p!=this->flows.end();++p,++n){
138       os << "this->p_  = this->p" << n << " + (";
139       if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
140 	os << "real(" << p->theta << ")";
141       } else {
142 	os << this->mb.getClassName() << "::theta";
143       }
144       os << ")*(vdp(" << n << "));\n";
145       if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
146 	ostringstream otheta;
147 	os << "this->seq = std::max(this->seq_e" << n << "-";
148 	otheta << "mu_3_theta" << n << "*(";
149 	os << otheta.str();
150       } else {
151 	os << "this->seq = std::max(this->seq_e-";
152 	os << "mu_3_theta*(";
153       }
154       p2=this->flows.begin();
155       unsigned short n2 = 0u;
156       while(p2!=this->flows.end()){
157 	os << "vdp(" << n2 << ")";
158 	++p2;
159 	++n2;
160 	if(p2!=this->flows.end()){
161 	  os << "+";
162 	}
163       }
164       os << "),real(0.f));\n";
165       if(p->flow==FlowHandler::PlasticFlow){
166 	os << "this->computeFlow" << n << "("
167 	   << "this->f"       << n << ","
168 	   << "this->df_dseq" << n << ","
169 	   << "this->df_dp"   << n << ");\n";
170 	os << "surf = (this->f" << n << ")/(this->young);\n";
171 	os << "if(((surf>newton_epsilon)&&((vdp(" << n << "))>=0))||"
172 	   << "((vdp(" << n << "))>newton_epsilon)){";
173 	os << "newton_f(" << n << ")  = surf;\n";
174 	for(p2=this->flows.begin(),n2=0;p2!=this->flows.end();++p2,++n2){
175 	  if(p2==p){
176 	    os << "newton_df(" << n << "," << n << ")";
177 	    if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
178 	      os << " = ((real("<< p->theta << "))*(this->df_dp" << n << ")"
179 		 << "-mu_3_theta" << n << "*(this->df_dseq" << n <<"))/(this->young);\n";
180 	    } else {
181 	      os << " = (("<< this->mb.getClassName() << "::theta)*(this->df_dp" << n << ")"
182 		 << "-mu_3_theta*(this->df_dseq" << n <<"))/(this->young);\n";
183 	    }
184 	  } else {
185 	    os << "newton_df(" << n << "," << n2 << ")";
186 	    if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
187 	      os << " = -mu_3_theta" << n << "*(this->df_dseq" << n <<")/(this->young);\n";
188 	    } else {
189 	      os << " = -mu_3_theta*(this->df_dseq" << n <<")/(this->young);\n";
190 	    }
191 	  }
192 	}
193 	os << "} else {\n";
194 	os << "newton_f("  << n << ")  =(vdp(" << n << "));\n";
195 	os << "newton_df(" << n << "," << n << ") = real(1.);\n";
196 	for(p2=this->flows.begin(),n2=0;p2!=this->flows.end();++p2,++n2){
197 	  if(p2!=p){
198 	    os << "newton_df(" << n << "," << n2 << ") = real(0.);\n";
199 	  }
200 	}
201 	os << "}\n";
202       } else  if (p->flow==FlowHandler::CreepFlow){
203 	os << "this->computeFlow" << n << "("
204 	   << "this->f" << n << ","
205 	   << "this->df_dseq" << n << ""
206 	   << ");\n";
207 	os << "newton_f(" << n << ")  = vdp(" << n << ") - (this->f" << n << ")*(this->dt);\n";
208 	os << "newton_df(" << n << "," << n << ") = 1+";
209 	if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
210 	  os <<  "mu_3_theta" << n;
211 	} else {
212 	  os <<  "mu_3_theta";
213 	}
214 	os << "*(this->df_dseq" << n << ")*(this->dt);\n";
215 	for(p2=this->flows.begin(),n2=0;p2!=this->flows.end();++p2,++n2){
216 	  if(p2!=p){
217 	    os << "newton_df(" << n << "," << n2 << ") = ";
218 	    if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
219 	      os <<  "mu_3_theta" << n;
220 	    } else {
221 	      os <<  "mu_3_theta";
222 	    }
223 	    os << "*(this->df_dseq" << n << ")*(this->dt);\n";
224 	  }
225 	}
226       } else {
227 	os << "this->computeFlow" << n << "("
228 	   << "this->f" << n << ","
229 	   << "this->df_dseq" << n << ","
230 	   << "this->df_dp"   << n << ");\n";
231 	os << "newton_f(" << n << ")  = vdp(" << n << ") - (this->f" << n << ")*(this->dt);\n";
232 	os << "newton_df(" << n << "," << n << ") = 1-(this->dt)*(";
233 	if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
234 	  os <<  "(real(" << p->theta << "))";
235 	} else {
236 	  os <<  "(" << this->mb.getClassName() << "::theta)";
237 	}
238 	os << "*(this->df_dp" << n << ")-";
239 	if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
240 	  os <<  "mu_3_theta" << n;
241 	} else {
242 	  os <<  "mu_3_theta";
243 	}
244 	os << "*(this->df_dseq" << n << "));\n";
245 	for(p2=this->flows.begin(),n2=0;p2!=this->flows.end();++p2,++n2){
246 	  if(p2!=p){
247 	    os << "newton_df(" << n << "," << n2 << ") = ";
248 	    if(p->hasSpecificTheta){
249 	      os <<  "mu_3_theta" << n;
250 	    } else {
251 	      os <<  "mu_3_theta";
252 	    }
253 	    os << "*(this->df_dseq" << n << ")*(this->dt);\n";
254 	  }
255 	}
256       }
257     }
258     os << "real error=static_cast<real>(0.);\n";
259     for(p=this->flows.begin(),n=0;p!=this->flows.end();++p,++n){
260       os << "error+=std::abs(tfel::math::base_cast(newton_f(" << n << ")));\n";
261     }
262     os << "try{" << endl
263        << "TinyMatrixSolve<" << this->flows.size() << "," << "real>::exe(newton_df,newton_f);\n"
264        << "} catch(LUException&){" << endl
265        << "return false;" << endl
266        << "}" << endl
267        << "vdp -= newton_f;\n"
268        << "iter+=1;\n";
269     if(getDebugMode()){
270       os << "cout << \"" << this->mb.getClassName()
271 	 << "::NewtonIntegration() : iteration \" "
272 	 << "<< iter << \" : \" << (error/(real(" << this->flows.size() << "))) << endl;\n";
273     }
274     os << "converge = ((error)/(real(" << this->flows.size() << "))<"
275        << "(" << this->mb.getClassName() << "::epsilon));\n"
276        << "}\n\n"
277        << "if(iter==" << this->mb.getClassName() << "::iterMax){\n";
278     if(getDebugMode()){
279       os << "cout << \"" << this->mb.getClassName()
280 	 << "::NewtonIntegration() : no convergence after \" "
281 	 << "<< iter << \" iterations\"<< endl << endl;\n";
282       os << "cout << *this << endl;\n";
283     }
284     os << "return false;" << endl
285        << "}\n\n";
286     for(p=this->flows.begin(),n=0;p!=this->flows.end();++p,++n){
287       os << "this->dp"<< n << " = " << "vdp(" << n<< ");\n";
288     }
289     if(getDebugMode()){
290       os << "cout << \"" << this->mb.getClassName()
291 	 << "::NewtonIntegration() : convergence after \" "
292 	 << "<< iter << \" iterations\"<< endl << endl;\n";
293     }
294     os << "return true;" << endl
295        << "\n}\n\n";
296   } // end of writeBehaviourParserSpecificMembers
writeBehaviourIntegrator(std::ostream & os,const Hypothesis h) const298   void MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::writeBehaviourIntegrator(std::ostream& os,
299 								const Hypothesis h) const
300   {
301     const auto btype = this->mb.getBehaviourTypeFlag();
302     const auto& d = this->mb.getBehaviourData(h);
303     unsigned short n;
304     this->checkBehaviourFile(os);
305     os << "/*!\n"
306        << "* \\brief Integrate behaviour law over the time step\n"
307        << "*/\n"
308        << "IntegrationResult\n"
309        << "integrate(const SMFlag smflag,const SMType smt) override{\n"
310        << "using namespace std;\n";
311     if(this->mb.useQt()){
312       os << "if(smflag!=MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype
313 	 << ",hypothesis,Type,use_qt>::STANDARDTANGENTOPERATOR){\n"
314 	 << "throw(runtime_error(\"invalid tangent operator flag\"));\n"
315 	 << "}\n";
316     } else {
317       os << "if(smflag!=MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype
318 	 << ",hypothesis,Type,false>::STANDARDTANGENTOPERATOR){\n"
319 	 << "throw(runtime_error(\"invalid tangent operator flag\"));\n"
320 	 << "}\n";
321     }
322     os << "if(!this->NewtonIntegration()){\n";
323     if(this->mb.useQt()){
324       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,use_qt>::FAILURE;\n";
325     } else {
326       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,false>::FAILURE;\n";
327     }
328     os << "}\n"
329        << "this->dp = ";
330     auto p2=this->flows.begin();
331     n=0;
332     while(p2!=this->flows.end()){
333       os << "this->dp" << n << "";
334       ++n;
335       ++p2;
336       if(p2!=this->flows.end()){
337 	os << "+";
338       }
339     }
340     os << ";\n"
341        << "if(smt!=NOSTIFFNESSREQUESTED){\n"
342        << "if(!this->computeConsistentTangentOperator(smt)){\n";
343     if(this->mb.useQt()){
344       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,use_qt>::FAILURE;\n";
345     } else {
346       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,false>::FAILURE;\n";
347     }
348     os << "}\n"
349        << "}\n"
350        << "this->deel = this->deto-dp*(this->n);\n"
351        << "this->updateStateVariables();\n"
352        << "this->sig  = (this->lambda)*trace(this->eel)*StrainStensor::Id()+2*(this->mu)*(this->eel);\n"
353        << "this->updateAuxiliaryStateVariables();\n";
354     for(const auto& v : d.getPersistentVariables()){
355       this->writePhysicalBoundsChecks(os,v,false);
356     }
357     for(const auto& v : d.getPersistentVariables()){
358       this->writeBoundsChecks(os,v,false);
359     }
360     if(this->mb.useQt()){
361       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,use_qt>::SUCCESS;\n";
362     } else {
363       os << "return MechanicalBehaviour<" << btype << ",hypothesis,Type,false>::SUCCESS;\n";
364     }
365     os << "}\n\n";
366   }
treatFlowRule()368   void MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::treatFlowRule()
369   {
370     using namespace std;
371     const auto h = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
372     FlowHandler flow;
373     this->checkNotEndOfFile("MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::treatFlowRule",
374     			    "Expected flow rule name.");
375     if(this->current->value=="Plasticity"){
376       ostringstream p;
377       ostringstream f;
378       ostringstream df_dseq;
379       ostringstream df_dp;
380       p       << "p"       << this->flows.size();
381       f       << "f"       << this->flows.size();
382       df_dseq << "df_dseq" << this->flows.size();
383       df_dp   << "df_dp"   << this->flows.size();
384       this->mb.addStateVariable(h,VariableDescription("strain",p.str(),1u,0u),
385 				BehaviourData::FORCEREGISTRATION);
386       this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("stress",f.str(),1u,0u));
387       this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("real",df_dseq.str(),1u,0u));
388       this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("stress",df_dp.str(),1u,0u));
389       flow.flow = FlowHandler::PlasticFlow;
390     } else if(this->current->value=="Creep"){
391       ostringstream p;
392       ostringstream f;
393       ostringstream df_dseq;
394       p       << "p"       << this->flows.size();
395       f       << "f"       << this->flows.size();
396       df_dseq << "df_dseq" << this->flows.size();
397       this->mb.addStateVariable(h,VariableDescription("strain",p.str(),1u,0u),
398 				BehaviourData::FORCEREGISTRATION);
399       this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("DstrainDt",f.str(),1u,0u));
400       this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("DF_DSEQ_TYPE",df_dseq.str(),1u,0u));
401       flow.flow = FlowHandler::CreepFlow;
402     } else if(this->current->value=="StrainHardeningCreep"){
403       ostringstream p;
404       ostringstream f;
405       ostringstream df_dseq;
406       ostringstream df_dp;
407       p       << "p"       << this->flows.size();
408       f       << "f"       << this->flows.size();
409       df_dseq << "df_dseq" << this->flows.size();
410       df_dp   << "df_dp"   << this->flows.size();
411       this->mb.addStateVariable(h,VariableDescription("strain",p.str(),1u,0u),
412 				BehaviourData::FORCEREGISTRATION);
413       this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("DstrainDt",f.str(),1u,0u));
414       this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("DF_DSEQ_TYPE",df_dseq.str(),1u,0u));
415       this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("DstrainDt",df_dp.str(),1u,0u));
416       flow.flow = FlowHandler::StrainHardeningCreepFlow;
417     } else {
418       this->throwRuntimeError("MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::treatFlowRule",
419     			      "Unknown flow rule (read '"+this->current->value+
420     			      "').Valid flow rules are 'Plasticity', 'Creep' and 'StrainHardeningCreep'.");
421     }
422     ++(this->current);
423     this->checkNotEndOfFile("MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::treatFlowRule",
424     			    "Expected the beginning of a block or a specific theta value.");
425     if(this->current->value!="{"){
426       istringstream converter(this->current->value);
427       ostringstream otheta;
428       ostringstream ose;
429       ostringstream oseq_e;
430       flow.hasSpecificTheta = true;
431       converter >> flow.theta;
432       if(!converter||(!converter.eof())){
433     	this->throwRuntimeError("MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::treatFlowRule",
434     				"Could not read theta value (read '"+this->current->value+"').");
435       }
436       otheta << "mu_3_theta" << this->flows.size();
437       ose    << "se"         << this->flows.size();
438       oseq_e << "seq_e"      << this->flows.size();
439       this->reserveName(ose.str());
440       this->mb.addLocalVariable(h,VariableDescription("stress",oseq_e.str(),1u,0u));
441       ++(this->current);
442     } else {
443       flow.hasSpecificTheta = false;
444     }
445     ostringstream cname;
446     cname << BehaviourData::FlowRule << flows.size() << '\n';
447     this->readCodeBlock(*this,cname.str(),
448 			&MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::flowRuleVariableModifier,true,false);
449     flow.flowRule = this->mb.getCode(ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS,cname.str());
450     this->flows.push_back(flow);
451   } // end of MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::treatFlowRule
453   void
writeBehaviourParserSpecificInitializeMethodPart(std::ostream & os,const Hypothesis) const454   MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::writeBehaviourParserSpecificInitializeMethodPart(std::ostream& os,
455 										   const Hypothesis) const
456   {
457     this->checkBehaviourFile(os);
458     os << "this->se=2*(this->mu)*(tfel::math::deviator(this->eel+("
459        << this->mb.getClassName()
460        << "::theta)*(this->deto)));\n"
461        << "this->seq_e = sigmaeq(this->se);\n";
462     unsigned short n = 0;
463     for(const auto& f : this->flows){
464       if(f.hasSpecificTheta){
465 	os << "StressStensor se" << n << "=2*(this->mu)*(tfel::math::deviator(this->eel+(";
466 	os << f.theta << ")*(this->deto)));\n";
467 	os << "this->seq_e" << n << " = sigmaeq(se" << n << ");\n";
468       }
469       ++n;
470     }
471     os << "if(this->seq_e>100*std::numeric_limits<stress>::epsilon()){\n"
472        << "this->n = 1.5f*(this->se)/(this->seq_e);\n"
473        << "} else {\n"
474        << "this->n = StrainStensor(strain(0));\n"
475        << "}\n";
476   } // end of MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::writeBehaviourParserSpecificInitializeMethodPart
writeBehaviourComputeTangentOperator(std::ostream & os,const Hypothesis) const478   void MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::writeBehaviourComputeTangentOperator(std::ostream& os,
479 									    const Hypothesis) const
480   {
481     os << "bool computeConsistentTangentOperator(const SMType smt){\n"
482        << "using namespace std;\n"
483        << "using tfel::material::computeElasticStiffness;\n"
484        << "if((smt==ELASTIC)||(smt==SECANTOPERATOR)){\n"
485        << "computeElasticStiffness<N,Type>::exe(this->Dt,this->lambda,this->mu);\n"
486        << "return true;\n"
487        << "}\n"
488        << "return false;\n"
489        << "}\n\n";
490   }
492   MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL::~MultipleIsotropicMisesFlowsDSL() = default;
494 } // end of namespace mfront