1 /*!
2  * \file OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface.cxx
3  * \brief
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \date 06 mai 2008
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include<sstream>
15 #include<stdexcept>
16 #include<vector>
17 #include<string>
18 #include<iterator>
19 #include<algorithm>
20 #include<cstdlib>
22 #include"TFEL/Raise.hxx"
23 #include"TFEL/System/System.hxx"
24 #include"MFront/MFrontHeader.hxx"
25 #include"MFront/DSLUtilities.hxx"
26 #include"MFront/FileDescription.hxx"
27 #include"MFront/TargetsDescription.hxx"
28 #include"MFront/MaterialPropertyDescription.hxx"
29 #include"MFront/MaterialPropertyParametersHandler.hxx"
30 #include"MFront/CMaterialPropertyInterfaceBase.hxx"
31 #include"MFront/OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface.hxx"
33 namespace mfront
34 {
36   static std::vector<std::string>
tokenize(const std::string & s,const char c)37   tokenize(const std::string& s,
38 	   const char c)
39   {
40     using namespace std;
41     vector<string> res;
42     string::size_type b = 0u;
43     string::size_type e = s.find_first_of(c, b);
44     while (string::npos != e || string::npos != b){
45       // Found a token, add it to the vector.
46       res.push_back(s.substr(b, e - b));
47       b = s.find_first_not_of(c, e);
48       e = s.find_first_of(c, b);
49     }
50     return res;
51   } // end of tokenize
53   std::string
toString(const unsigned short src)54   OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::toString(const unsigned short src)
55   {
56     std::ostringstream os;
57     os << src;
58     return os.str();
59   }
61   std::string
getName()62   OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::getName()
63   {
64     return "octave";
65   }
67   OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface() = default;
69   std::pair<bool,OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::tokens_iterator>
treatKeyword(const std::string & k,const std::vector<std::string> & i,tokens_iterator current,const tokens_iterator)70   OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::treatKeyword(const std::string& k,
71 						const std::vector<std::string>& i,
72 						tokens_iterator current,
73 						const tokens_iterator)
74   {
75     tfel::raise_if(std::find(i.begin(),i.end(),"octave")!=i.end(),
76 		   "OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::treatKeyword: "
77 		   "unsupported key '"+k+"'");
78     return {false,current};
79   } // end of treatKeyword
81   void
getTargetsDescription(TargetsDescription & td,const MaterialPropertyDescription & mpd) const82   OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::getTargetsDescription(TargetsDescription& td,
83 							 const MaterialPropertyDescription& mpd) const
84   {
85     const char * mkoctfile = ::getenv("MKOCTFILE");
86     const auto name = (mpd.material.empty()) ? mpd.className : mpd.material+"_"+mpd.className;
87     const auto target="../octave/"+name+".oct";
88     std::string cmd = "@cd ../octave/ && CXXFLAGS=\"$(CXXFLAGS) -std=c++11\" ";
89     if(mkoctfile==nullptr){
90       cmd += "mkoctfile";
91     } else {
92       cmd += mkoctfile;
93     }
94     cmd += " $(INCLUDES) -L../src/";
95     cmd += " "+name+".cpp";
96     auto& res = td.specific_targets;
97     res[target].first.push_back("../octave/"+name+".cpp");
98     res[target].second.push_back(cmd);
99     res["all"].first.push_back("../octave/"+name+".oct");
100   } // end of OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::getSpecificTargets
writeOutputFiles(const MaterialPropertyDescription & mpd,const FileDescription & fd) const102   void OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::writeOutputFiles(const MaterialPropertyDescription& mpd,
103 							 const FileDescription& fd) const
104   {
105     using namespace std;
106     tfel::system::systemCall::mkdir("octave");
107     const auto name = (mpd.material.empty()) ? mpd.className : mpd.material+"_"+mpd.className;
108     const auto fn   = "octave/"+ name+".cpp";
109     std::ofstream out{fn};
110     tfel::raise_if(!out,"OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::writeOutputFiles: "
111 		   "unable to open file '"+fn+"'");
112     out.exceptions(std::ios::badbit|std::ios::failbit);
113     out << "/*!\n"
114 	<< "* \\file   " << fn  << '\n'
115 	<< "* \\brief  " << "this file implements the "
116 	<< name << " MaterialLaw.\n"
117 	<< "*         File generated by "
118 	<< MFrontHeader::getVersionName() << " "
119 	<< "version " << MFrontHeader::getVersionNumber()
120 	<< '\n';
121     if(!fd.authorName.empty()){
122       out << "* \\author " << fd.authorName << '\n';
123     }
124     if(!fd.date.empty()){
125       out << "* \\date   " << fd.date   << '\n';
126     }
127     if(!fd.description.empty()){
128       out << fd.description << '\n';
129     }
130     out << " */\n\n"
131 	<< "#include<algorithm>\n"
132 	<< "#include<iostream>\n"
133 	<< "#include<iterator>\n"
134 	<< "#include<sstream>\n"
135 	<< "#include<fstream>\n"
136 	<< "#include<cstring>\n"
137 	<< "#include<cstdlib>\n"
138 	<< "#include<string>\n"
139       	<< "#include<vector>\n"
140 	<< "#include<cmath>\n"
141 	<< "#include<octave/oct.h>\n\n";
142     if(!mpd.includes.empty()){
143       out << mpd.includes << "\n\n";
144     }
145     writeMaterialPropertyParametersHandler(out,mpd,name,"double","octave");
146     writeExportDirectives(out);
147     out << "#ifdef __cplusplus\n"
148 	<< "extern \"C\"{\n"
149 	<< "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n\n";
150     // mfront metadata
151     writeEntryPointSymbol(out,name);
152     writeTFELVersionSymbol(out,name);
153     writeInterfaceSymbol(out,name,"Octave");
154     writeMaterialSymbol(out,name,mpd.material);
155     writeMaterialKnowledgeTypeSymbol(out,name,MATERIALPROPERTY);
157     if(mpd.inputs.size()>1){
158       out << "static double\n"
159 	  << "get_scalar_value(const octave_value& value,const octave_idx_type,const octave_idx_type){\n"
160 	  << "return value.scalar_value();\n"
161 	  << "} // end of get_scalar_value\n\n"
162 	  << "static double\n"
163 	  << "get_matrix_value(const octave_value& value,const octave_idx_type i,const octave_idx_type j){\n"
164 	  << "return (value.matrix_value())(i,j);\n"
165 	  << "} // end of get_matrix_value\n\n"
166 	  << "static double\n"
167 	  << "get_range_value(const octave_value& value,const octave_idx_type,const octave_idx_type j){\n"
168 	  << "return value.range_value().elem(j);\n"
169 	  << "} // end of get_range_value\n\n";
170     }
171     out << "static double " << name <<"_compute(";
172     if(!mpd.inputs.empty()){
173       for(auto p3=mpd.inputs.begin();p3!=mpd.inputs.end();){
174 	out << "const double " << p3->name;
175 	if((++p3)!=mpd.inputs.end()){
176 	  out << ",";
177 	}
178       }
179     } else {
180       out << "void";
181     }
182     out << ")\n{\n"
183 	<< "using namespace std;\n"
184 	<< "using real = double;\n";
185     // material laws
186     writeMaterialLaws(out,mpd.materialLaws);
187     // static variables
188     writeStaticVariables(out,mpd.staticVars,fd.fileName);
189     // parameters
190     if(!mpd.parameters.empty()){
191       writeAssignMaterialPropertyParameters(out,mpd,name,
192 					    "double","octave");
193     }
194     out << "real " << mpd.output.name << ";\n"
195 	<< mpd.f.body
196 	<< "return " << mpd.output.name << ";\n"
197 	<< "} // end of " << name << "_compute\n\n";
198     if((hasBounds(mpd.inputs))||(hasPhysicalBounds(mpd.inputs))){
199       out << "static double " << name <<"_checkBounds(";
200       for(auto p3=mpd.inputs.begin();p3!=mpd.inputs.end();){
201 	out << "const double " << p3->name;
202 	if((++p3)!=mpd.inputs.end()){
203 	  out << ",";
204 	}
205       }
206       out << ")\n{\n";
207       out << "using namespace std;\n";
208       if(hasPhysicalBounds(mpd.inputs)){
209 	out << "// treating physical bounds\n";
210 	for(const auto& i : mpd.inputs){
211 	  if(!i.hasPhysicalBounds()){
212 	    continue;
213 	  }
214 	  const auto& b = i.getPhysicalBounds();
215 	  const auto nbr = CMaterialPropertyInterfaceBase::getVariableNumber(mpd,i.name);
216 	  if(b.boundsType==VariableBoundsDescription::LOWER){
217 	    out << "if(" << i.name<< " < "<< b.lowerBound << "){\n";
218 	    out << "error(\"" << name << " :"  << i.name
219 			  << " is below its physical lower bound.\");\n";
220 	    out << "return -" << nbr << ";\n";
221 	    out << "}\n";
222 	  } else if(b.boundsType==VariableBoundsDescription::UPPER){
223 	    out << "if(" << i.name<< " > "<< b.upperBound << "){\n";
224 	    out << "error(\"" << name << " : " << i.name
225 			  << " is over its physical upper bound.\");\n";
226 	    out << "return -" << nbr << ";\n";
227 	    out << "}\n";
228 	  } else {
229 	    out << "if((" << i.name<< " < "<< b.lowerBound << ")||"
230 			   << "(" << i.name<< " > "<< b.upperBound << ")){\n";
231 	    out << "if(" << i.name<< " < "<< b.lowerBound << "){\n";
232 	    out << "error(\"" << name << " : " << i.name
233 			  << " is below its physical lower bound.\");\n";
234 	    out << "}\n";
235 	    out << "if(" << i.name<< " > "<< b.upperBound << "){\n";
236 	    out << "error(\"" << name << " : " << i.name
237 			  << " is over its physical upper bound.\");\n";
238 	    out << "}\n";
239 	    out << "return -" << nbr << ";\n";
240 	    out << "}\n";
241 	  }
242 	}
243       }
244       if(hasBounds(mpd.inputs)){
245 	out << "// treating standard bounds\n";
246 	for(const auto& i: mpd.inputs){
247 	  if(!i.hasBounds()){
248 	    continue;
249 	  }
250 	  const auto& b = i.getBounds();
251 	  const auto nbr = CMaterialPropertyInterfaceBase::getVariableNumber(mpd,i.name);
252 	  if(b.boundsType==VariableBoundsDescription::LOWER){
253 	    out << "if(" << i.name<< " < "<< b.lowerBound << "){\n";
254 	    out << "const octave_value policy = get_global_value("
255 			  << "\"OCTAVE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_POLICY\", true);\n";
256 	    out << "if(policy.is_defined()){\n";
257 	    out << "if(policy.is_string()){\n";
258 	    out << "string msg(\"" << name << " : " << i.name
259 			  << " is below its physical lower bound.\");\n";
260 	    out << "if(policy.string_value()==\"STRICT\"){\n";
261 	    out << "error(msg.c_str());\n";
262 	    out << "return -" << nbr << ";\n";
263 	    out << "} if(policy.string_value()==\"WARNING\"){\n";
264 	    out << "octave_stdout << msg << \"\\n\";\n";
265 	    out << "} else {\n";
266 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
267 	    out << "}\n";
268 	    out << "} else {\n";
269 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
270 	    out << "}\n";
271 	    out << "} else {\n";
272 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
273 	    out << "}\n";
274 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
275 	    out << "}\n";
276 	  } else if(b.boundsType==VariableBoundsDescription::UPPER){
277 	    out << "if(" << i.name<< " < "<< b.lowerBound << "){\n";
278 	    out << "const octave_value policy = get_global_value("
279 			  << "\"OCTAVE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_POLICY\", true);\n";
280 	    out << "if(policy.is_defined()){\n";
281 	    out << "if(policy.is_string()){\n";
282 	    out << "string msg(\"" << i.name
283 			  << " is over its physical upper bound.\");\n";
284 	    out << "if(policy.string_value()==\"STRICT\"){\n";
285 	    out << "error(msg.c_str());\n";
286 	    out << "return -" << nbr << ";\n";
287 	    out << "} if(policy.string_value()==\"WARNING\"){\n";
288 	    out << "octave_stdout << msg << \"\\n\";\n";
289 	    out << "} else {\n";
290 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
291 	    out << "}\n";
292 	    out << "} else {\n";
293 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
294 	    out << "}\n";
295 	    out << "} else {\n";
296 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
297 	    out << "}\n";
298 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
299 	    out << "}\n";
300 	  } else {
301 	    out << "if((" << i.name<< " < "<< b.lowerBound << ")||"
302 			  << "(" << i.name<< " > "<< b.upperBound << ")){\n";
303 	    out << "const octave_value policy = get_global_value("
304 			  << "\"OCTAVE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_POLICY\", true);\n";
305 	    out << "if(policy.is_defined()){\n";
306 	    out << "if(policy.is_string()){\n";
307 	    out << "string msg(\"" << i.name
308 			  << " is out of its bounds.\");\n";
309 	    out << "if(policy.string_value()==\"STRICT\"){\n";
310 	    out << "error(msg.c_str());\n";
311 	    out << "return -" << nbr << ";\n";
312 	    out << "} if(policy.string_value()==\"WARNING\"){\n";
313 	    out << "octave_stdout << msg << \"\\n\";\n";
314 	    out << "} else {\n";
315 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
316 	    out << "}\n";
317 	    out << "} else {\n";
318 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
319 	    out << "}\n";
320 	    out << "} else {\n";
321 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
322 	    out << "}\n";
323 	    out << "return " << nbr << ";\n";
324 	    out << "}\n";
325 	  }
326 	}
327       }
328       out << "return 0;\n} // end of " << name << "_checkBounds\n\n";
329     }
331     out << "DEFUN_DLD(" << name << ",args,nargout,\n"
332 		  << "\"this function implements the " << name << " material law.\\n\"\n";
333     if(!fd.description.empty()){
334       const auto desc = tokenize(fd.description,'\n');
335       for(auto p=desc.begin();p!=desc.end();){
336 	out << "\"" << this->treatDescriptionString(*p) << "\\n\"";
337 	if(++p!=desc.end()){
338 	  out << "\n";
339 	}
340       }
341     }
342     out << ")\n";
343     out << "{\n";
344     if(mpd.inputs.size()>1){
345       //*      out << name << "OctaveVarType varTypes["
346       //*      << mpd.inputs.size() << "];\n";
347       out << "typedef double (*PtrGetFunction)(const octave_value&,const octave_idx_type,const octave_idx_type);\n";
348       out << "PtrGetFunction getfunction[" << mpd.inputs.size() << "];\n";
349     }
350     if(mpd.inputs.size()>=1){
351       out << "// local variables used to convert ranges to matrices\n";
352       out << "octave_idx_type i,j;\n";
353       out << "octave_idx_type row = -1;\n";
354       out << "octave_idx_type col = -1;\n";
355       out << "bool areAllVariablesMatrices = true;\n";
356       out << "bool areAllVariablesScalars  = true;\n";
357     }
358     out << "octave_value retval;\n";
359     if(!mpd.parameters.empty()){
360       const auto hn = getMaterialPropertyParametersHandlerClassName(name);
361       out << "if(!octave::" <<  hn << "::get" << hn << "().ok){\n"
362 	  << "error(octave::"<< name << "MaterialPropertyHandler::get"
363 	  << name << "MaterialPropertyHandler().msg.c_str());\n"
364 	  << "return retval;\n"
365 	  << "}\n";
366     }
367     out << "if(args.length()!=" << mpd.inputs.size() << "){\n";
368     if(mpd.inputs.size()==0){
369       out << "error(\"" << name << " : no argument required\");\n";
370     } else if(mpd.inputs.size()==1){
371       out << "error(\"" << name << " : one argument and only one required\");\n";
372     } else {
373       out << "error(\"" << name << " : " << mpd.inputs.size()
374 		    << " arguments and only " << mpd.inputs.size() << " arguments required\");\n";
375     }
376     out << "return retval;\n";
377     out << "}\n";
378     if(mpd.inputs.size()==0){
379       out << "retval = " << name << "_compute();\n";
380     } else if(mpd.inputs.size()==1){
381       out << "if(args(0).is_real_scalar()){\n";
382       if((hasBounds(mpd.inputs))||
383 	 (hasPhysicalBounds(mpd.inputs))){
384 	out << "if("<< name << "_checkBounds(";
385 	out << "args(0).scalar_value())<0){\n";
386 	out << "return retval;\n";
387 	out << "}\n";
388       }
389       out << "retval = " << name << "_compute(";
390       out << "args(0).scalar_value());\n";
391       out << "} else if(args(0).is_real_matrix()||args(0).is_range()){\n";
392       out << "Matrix xin0(args(0).is_range() ? args(0).range_value().matrix_value() : args(0).matrix_value());\n";
393       out << "Matrix xout(xin0.rows(),xin0.cols());\n";
394       out << "for(i=0;i!=xin0.rows();++i){\n";
395       out << "for(j=0;j!=xin0.cols();++j){\n";
396       if((hasBounds(mpd.inputs))||
397 	 (hasPhysicalBounds(mpd.inputs))){
398 	out << "if("<< name << "_checkBounds(";
399 	out << "xin0(i,j))<0){\n";
400 	out << "return retval;\n";
401 	out << "}\n";
402       }
403       out << "xout(i,j) = " << name << "_compute(";
404       out << "xin0(i,j));\n";
405       out << "}\n";
406       out << "}\n";
407       out << "retval = xout;\n";
408       out << "} else {";
409       out << "error(\"" << name << " : argument must be either a matrix or scalar\");\n";
410       out << "return retval;\n";
411       out << "}\n";
412     } else {
413       // scalars
414       out << "for(i=0;i!=" << mpd.inputs.size() << ";++i){\n"
415 		    << "if(args(i).is_real_scalar()){\n"
416 		    << "areAllVariablesMatrices = false;\n"
417 		    << "getfunction[i] = &get_scalar_value;\n";
418 	// matrices
419       out << "} else if(args(i).is_real_matrix()){\n"
420 		    << "areAllVariablesScalars  = false;\n"
421 		    << "getfunction[i] = &get_matrix_value;\n"
422 		    << "if(row==-1){\n"
423 		    << "row = args(i).matrix_value().rows();\n"
424 		    << "col = args(i).matrix_value().cols();\n"
425 		    << "} else {\n"
426 		    << "if((row!=args(i).matrix_value().rows())||\n"
427 		    << "(col!=args(i).matrix_value().cols())){\n"
428 		    << "error(\"" << name << " : all arguments shall have the same size\");\n"
429 		    << "return retval;\n"
430 		    << "}\n"
431 		    << "}\n";
432       //ranges
433       out << "} else if(args(i).is_range()){\n"
434 		    << "areAllVariablesScalars   = false;\n"
435 		    << "areAllVariablesMatrices = false;\n"
436 		    << "getfunction[i] = &get_range_value;\n"
437 		    << "if(row==-1){\n"
438 		    << "row = 1;\n"
439 		    << "col = args(i).range_value().nelem();\n"
440 		    << "} else {\n"
441 		    << "if((row!=1)||(col!=args(i).range_value().nelem())){\n"
442 		    << "error(\"" << name << " : all arguments shall have the same size\");\n"
443 		    << "return retval;\n"
444 		    << "}\n"
445 		    << "}\n";
446       // unsupported type
447       out << "} else {\n"
448 		    << "error(\"" << name << " : arguments must be either a matrix or scalar\");\n"
449 		    << "return retval;\n"
450 		    << "}\n"
451 		    << "}\n";
452       // all scalar case
453       out << "if(areAllVariablesScalars){\n";
454       decltype(mpd.inputs.size()) i;
455       if((hasBounds(mpd.inputs))||
456 	 (hasPhysicalBounds(mpd.inputs))){
457 	out << "if("<< name << "_checkBounds(";
458 	for(i=0;i!=mpd.inputs.size()-1;++i){
459 	  out << "args(" << i << ").scalar_value(),";
460 	}
461 	out << "args(" << i << ").scalar_value())<0){\n";
462 	out << "return retval;\n";
463 	out << "}\n";
464       }
465       out << "retval = " << name << "_compute(";
466       for(i=0;i!=mpd.inputs.size()-1;++i){
467 	out << "args(" << i << ").scalar_value(),";
468       }
469       out << "args(" << i << ").scalar_value());\n";
470       // all matrices case
471       out << "} else if(areAllVariablesMatrices){\n";
472       for(i=0;i!=mpd.inputs.size();++i){
473 	out << "Matrix xin" << i<< "(args(" << i << ").matrix_value());\n";
474       }
475       out << "Matrix xout(row,col);\n";
476       out << "for(i=0;i!=row;++i){\n";
477       out << "for(j=0;j!=col;++j){\n";
478       if((hasBounds(mpd.inputs))||
479 	 (hasPhysicalBounds(mpd.inputs))){
480 	out << "if("<< name << "_checkBounds(";
481 	for(i=0;i!=mpd.inputs.size()-1;++i){
482 	  out << "xin" << i << "(i,j),";
483 	}
484 	out << "xin" << i << "(i,j))<0){\n";
485 	out << "return retval;\n";
486 	out << "}\n";
487       }
488       out << "xout(i,j) = " << name << "_compute(";
489       for(i=0;i!=mpd.inputs.size()-1;++i){
490 	out << "xin" << i << "(i,j),";
491       }
492       out << "xin" << i << "(i,j));\n";
493       out << "}\n";
494       out << "}\n";
495       out << "retval = xout;\n";
496       // general case
497       out << "} else {\n";
498       out << "Matrix xout(row,col);\n";
499       out << "for(i=0;i!=row;++i){\n";
500       out << "for(j=0;j!=col;++j){\n";
501       if((hasBounds(mpd.inputs))||(hasPhysicalBounds(mpd.inputs))){
502 	out << "if("<< name << "_checkBounds(";
503 	for(i=0;i!=mpd.inputs.size()-1;++i){
504 	  out << "(*(getfunction[" << i << "]))(args(" << i << "),i,j),\n";
505 	}
506 	out << "(*(getfunction["  << i << "]))(args(" << i << "),i,j))<0){\n";
507 	out << "return retval;\n";
508 	out << "}\n";
509       }
510       out << "xout(i,j) = " << name << "_compute(";
511       for(i=0;i!=mpd.inputs.size()-1;++i){
512 	out << "(*(getfunction[" << i << "]))(args(" << i << "),i,j),\n";
513       }
514       out << "(*(getfunction[" << i << "]))(args(" << i << "),i,j));\n";
515       out << "}\n";
516       out << "}\n";
517       out << "retval = xout;\n";
518       out << "}\n";
519     }
520     out << "return retval;\n";
521     out << "} // end of " << name << "\n\n";
522     out << "#ifdef __cplusplus\n";
523     out << "} // end of extern \"C\"\n";
524     out << "#endif /* __cplusplus */\n\n";
525     out.close();
526   } // end of OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::writeOutputFiles
528   void
replace(std::string & s,const std::string::value_type a,const std::string::value_type b)529   OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::replace(std::string& s,
530 					   const std::string::value_type a,
531 					   const std::string::value_type b)
532   {
533     std::string::size_type p = 0;
534     while((p=s.find(a))!=std::string::npos){
535       s[p]=b;
536     }
537   } // end of MFrontCLawInterfaceBase::replace
539   std::string
treatDescriptionString(const std::string & s) const540   OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::treatDescriptionString(const std::string& s) const
541   {
542     std::string res(s);
543     OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::replace(res,'"',' ');
544     return res;
545   } // end of OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::treatDescriptionString
547   OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface::~OctaveMaterialPropertyInterface() = default;
549 } // end of namespace mfront