1 /*!
2  * \file   OrthotropicPlasticityTest.cxx
3  * \brief
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \date   14/01/2018
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #ifdef NDEBUG
15 #undef NDEBUG
16 #endif
18 #include<iostream>
19 #include<cstdlib>
20 #include<cmath>
22 #include<cassert>
24 #include"TFEL/Tests/TestCase.hxx"
25 #include"TFEL/Tests/TestProxy.hxx"
26 #include"TFEL/Tests/TestManager.hxx"
28 #include"TFEL/Material/OrthotropicPlasticity.hxx"
30 template<unsigned short N,typename real>
31 static tfel::math::stensor<N,real>
getNumericalApproximation(const tfel::math::stensor<N,real> & sig,const tfel::math::tvector<11,real> & c,const real e)32 getNumericalApproximation(const tfel::math::stensor<N,real>& sig,
33 			  const tfel::math::tvector<11,real>& c,
34 			  const real e){
35   tfel::math::stensor<N,real> r;
36   for(unsigned short j=0;j!=sig.size();++j){
37     auto sigp = sig;
38     auto sigm = sig;
39     sigp(j)+=e;
40     sigm(j)-=e;
41     const auto Jp = tfel::material::computeJ3O(sigp,c);
42     const auto Jm = tfel::material::computeJ3O(sigm,c);
43     const auto dJ = (Jp-Jm)/(2*e);
44     r(j)=dJ;
45   }
46   return r;
47 } // end of getNumericalApproximation
49 struct OrthotropicPlasticityTest final
50   : public tfel::tests::TestCase
51 {
OrthotropicPlasticityTestOrthotropicPlasticityTest52    OrthotropicPlasticityTest()
53     : tfel::tests::TestCase("TFEL/Material",
54 			    "OrthotropicPlasticityTest")
55   {} // end of OrthotropicPlasticityTest
executeOrthotropicPlasticityTest56   tfel::tests::TestResult execute() override
57   {
58     const double sqrt2 = std::sqrt(2.);
59     const double v1[6] = {8.2e-2,-4.5e-2,7.2e-2,2.3e-2*sqrt2,0,0.};
60     const double v2[6] = {-8.2e-2,4.5e-2,7.2e-2,0e-2,2.3e-2*sqrt2,0.};
61     const double v3[6] = {8.2e-2,4.5e-2,-7.2e-2,0e-2,0.e-2,2.3e-2*sqrt2};
62     const double v4[6] = {8.2e-2,4.5e-2,-7.2e-2,3.14e-2*sqrt2,-6.42e-2*sqrt2,2.3e-2*sqrt2};
63     for(const auto v : {v1,v2,v3,v4}){
64       this->check(tfel::math::stensor<1u,double>(v));
65       this->check(tfel::math::stensor<2u,double>(v));
66       this->check(tfel::math::stensor<3u,double>(v));
67     }
68     return this->result;
69   } // end of execute
70 private:
71   template<unsigned short N>
checkOrthotropicPlasticityTest72   void check(const tfel::math::stensor<N,double>& s){
73     this->test0(s);
74     this->test1(s);
75     this->test2(s);
76     // this->test3(s);
77   }
78   template<unsigned short N>
test0OrthotropicPlasticityTest79   void test0(const tfel::math::stensor<N,double>& s){
80     constexpr const auto prec = 1e-14;
81     constexpr const auto one  = double(1);
82     const auto J3  = det(deviator(s));
83     const auto J3O = tfel::material::computeJ3O(s,one,one,one,
84 						one,one,one,
85 						one,one,one,
86 						one,one);
87     TFEL_TESTS_ASSERT(std::abs(J3-J3O)<prec);
88   }
89   template<unsigned short N>
test1OrthotropicPlasticityTest90   void test1(const tfel::math::stensor<N,double>& s){
91     constexpr const auto eps  = 1e-6;
92     constexpr const auto prec = 2e-13;
93     constexpr const auto one  = double(1);
94     const auto c = tfel::math::tvector<11,double>{one,one,one,
95 						  one,one,one,
96 						  one,one,one,
97 						  one,one};
98     const auto ndJ = getNumericalApproximation(s,c,eps);
99     const auto dJ  = tfel::material::computeJ3ODerivative(s,c);
100     for(unsigned short i=0;i!=s.size();++i){
101       if(std::abs(dJ(i)-ndJ(i))>prec){
102   	std::cout << "dJ : " << i << " " << dJ(i) << " " << ndJ(i)
103   		  << " " << std::abs(dJ(i)-ndJ(i)) << std::endl;
104       }
105       TFEL_TESTS_ASSERT(std::abs(dJ(i)-ndJ(i))<prec);
106     }
107   }
108   template<unsigned short N>
test2OrthotropicPlasticityTest109   void test2(const tfel::math::stensor<N,double>& s){
110     using namespace tfel::math;
111     using namespace tfel::material;
112     using size_type = typename stensor<N,double>::size_type;
113     constexpr const auto one  = double(1);
114     const auto c = tfel::math::tvector<11,double>{one,one,one,
115 						  one,one,one,
116 						  one,one,one,
117 						  one,one};
118     const double eps  = 1.e-5;
119     const double prec = 1.e-10;
120     const auto d2J3O = computeJ3OSecondDerivative(s,c);
121     st2tost2<N,double> nd2J3O;
122     for(size_type i=0;i!=s.size();++i){
123       stensor<N> s_e(s);
124       s_e[i] += eps;
125       const stensor<N> dJ3Op = computeJ3ODerivative(s_e,c);
126       s_e[i] -= 2*eps;
127       const stensor<N> dJ3Om = computeJ3ODerivative(s_e,c);
128       for(size_type j=0;j!=s.size();++j){
129     	nd2J3O(j,i) = (dJ3Op(j)-dJ3Om(j))/(2*eps);
130       }
131     }
132     for(size_type i=0;i!=s.size();++i){
133       for(size_type j=0;j!=s.size();++j){
134     	TFEL_TESTS_ASSERT(std::abs(nd2J3O(i,j)-d2J3O(i,j))<prec);
135     	if(std::abs(nd2J3O(i,j)-d2J3O(i,j))>prec){
136     	  std::cout << "Error " << N << " (" << i << ", " << j << ") "
137     		    << "[" << i*StensorDimeToSize<N>::value+j << "]: "
138     		    << nd2J3O(i,j) << " vs " << d2J3O(i,j) << " "
139     		    << std::abs(nd2J3O(i,j)-d2J3O(i,j)) << std::endl;
140     	}
141       }
142     }
143   }
144   // template<unsigned short N>
145   // void test3(const tfel::math::stensor<N,double> s){
146   //   using namespace tfel::math;
147   //   using Stensor  = stensor<N,double>;
148   //   using Stensor4 = st2tost2<N,double>;
149   //   using size_type = typename stensor<N,double>::size_type;
150   //   const auto id = Stensor::Id();
151   //   const double prec = 1.e-10;
152   //   const auto i1 = trace(s);
153   //   const auto di2  = i1*id-s;
154   //   const auto d2i2 = (id^id)-Stensor4::Id();
155   //   const auto d2i3 = computeDeterminantSecondDerivative(s);
156   //   const auto dJ3  = tfel::material::computeJ3SecondDerivative(s);
157   //   const st2tost2<N,double> dJ3_2 =
158   //     (4*i1/9)*(id^id)-((id^di2)+(di2^id)+i1*d2i2)/3+d2i3;
159   //   for(size_type i=0;i!=s.size();++i){
160   //     for(size_type j=0;j!=s.size();++j){
161   //   	TFEL_TESTS_ASSERT(std::abs(dJ3_2(i,j)-dJ3(i,j))<prec);
162   //   	if(std::abs(dJ3_2(i,j)-dJ3(i,j))>prec){
163   //   	  std::cout << "Error " << N << " (" << i << ", " << j << ") "
164   //   		    << "[" << i*StensorDimeToSize<N>::value+j << "]: "
165   //   		    << dJ3_2(i,j) << " vs " << dJ3(i,j) << " "
166   //   		    << std::abs(dJ3_2(i,j)-dJ3(i,j)) << std::endl;
167   //   	}
168   //     }
169   //   }
170   // }
171 };
173 TFEL_TESTS_GENERATE_PROXY(OrthotropicPlasticityTest,
174 			  "OrthotropicPlasticityTest");
176 /* coverity [UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT]*/
main()177 int main()
178 {
179   auto& m = tfel::tests::TestManager::getTestManager();
180   m.addTestOutput(std::cout);
181   m.addXMLTestOutput("OrthotropicPlasticityTest.xml");
182   return m.execute().success() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
183 }