1 /*!
2  * \file   mfront/src/CastemInterfaceExceptions.cxx
3  * \brief  This file implements the CastemInterfaceExceptions class.
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \date   12/12/2011
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include <cstring>
15 #include <cstdlib>
16 #include <sstream>
17 #include <iostream>
19 #include "TFEL/Raise.hxx"
20 #include "MFront/Castem/CastemInterfaceExceptions.hxx"
22 // fixing a bug on current glibc++ cygwin versions (19/08/2015)
23 #if defined __CYGWIN__ && (!defined _GLIBCXX_USE_C99)
24 #include <sstream>
25 namespace std {
26   template <typename T>
to_string(const T & v)27   std::string to_string(const T& v) {
28     std::ostringstream s;
29     s << v;
30     return s.str();
31   }
32 }
33 #endif /* defined __CYGWIN__ &&  (!defined _GLIBCXX_USE_C99) */
getDisplayErrorMessageFlag()35 static bool getDisplayErrorMessageFlag(){
36   const auto* e = ::getenv("CASTEM_DISPLAY_ERROR_MESSAGE");
37   if (e == nullptr) {
38     return true;
39   }
40   return ::strcmp(e, "true") == 0;
41 }
displayErrorMessage()43 static bool displayErrorMessage() {
44   static bool b = getDisplayErrorMessageFlag();
45   return b;
46 }  // end of displayErrorMessage
48 namespace castem {
throwUnMatchedNumberOfMaterialProperties(const std::string & b,const unsigned short n1,const CastemInt n2)51   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwUnMatchedNumberOfMaterialProperties(
52       const std::string& b, const unsigned short n1, const CastemInt n2) {
53     std::ostringstream msg;
54     msg << "CastemInterfaceExceptions::"
55            "throwUnMatchedNumberOfMaterialProperties : "
56         << "the number of material properties does not match. The behaviour '"
57         << b << "' requires " << n1 << " material properties, and " << n2
58         << " material properties were declared";
59     tfel::raise<CastemException>(msg.str());
60   }  // end of throwUnMatchedNumberOfMaterialProperties
throwUnMatchedNumberOfStateVariables(const std::string & b,const unsigned short n1,const CastemInt n2)62   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwUnMatchedNumberOfStateVariables(
63       const std::string& b, const unsigned short n1, const CastemInt n2) {
64     std::ostringstream msg;
65     msg << "CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwUnMatchedNumberOfStateVariables : "
66         << "the number of internal state variables does not match. The "
67            "behaviour '"
68         << b << "' requires " << n1 << " state variables, and " << n2
69         << " state variables were declared";
70     tfel::raise<CastemException>(msg.str());
71   }  // end of throwUnMatchedNumberOfStateVariables
treatCastemException(const std::string & b,const CastemException & e)73   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::treatCastemException(
74       const std::string& b, const CastemException& e) {
75     if (displayErrorMessage()) {
76       std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b
77                 << "' has thrown an CastemException : " << e.what()
78                 << std::endl;
79     }
80   }  // end of treatCastemException
treatMaterialException(const std::string & b,const tfel::material::MaterialException & e)82   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::treatMaterialException(
83       const std::string& b, const tfel::material::MaterialException& e) {
84     if (displayErrorMessage()) {
85       std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b
86                 << "' has thrown an MaterialException : " << e.what()
87                 << std::endl;
88     }
89   }  // end of treatMaterialException
treatTFELException(const std::string & b,const tfel::exception::TFELException & e)91   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::treatTFELException(
92       const std::string& b, const tfel::exception::TFELException& e) {
93     if (displayErrorMessage()) {
94       std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b
95                 << "' has thrown a generic tfel exception : " << e.what()
96                 << std::endl;
97     }
98   }  // end of treatTFELException
treatStandardException(const std::string & b,const std::exception & e)100   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::treatStandardException(
101       const std::string& b, const std::exception& e) {
102     if (displayErrorMessage()) {
103       std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b
104                 << "' has thrown a generic standard exception : " << e.what()
105                 << std::endl;
106     }
107   }  // end of treatStandardException
treatUnknownException(const std::string & b)109   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::treatUnknownException(const std::string& b) {
110     if (displayErrorMessage()) {
111       std::cout << "The behaviour '" << b << "' has thrown an unknown exception"
112                 << std::endl;
113     }
114   }  // end of treatUnknownException
throwNegativeTimeStepException(const std::string & b)116   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwNegativeTimeStepException(
117       const std::string& b) {
118     tfel::raise(
119         "CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwNegativeTimeStepException: "
120         "negative time step detected for behaviour '" +
121         b + "'");
122   }  // end of CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwNegativeTimeStepException
throwBehaviourIntegrationFailedException(const std::string & b)124   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwBehaviourIntegrationFailedException(
125       const std::string& b) {
126     tfel::raise<CastemIntegrationFailed>("integration failed for behaviour '" +
127                                          b + "'");
128   }  // end of
129      // CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwBehaviourIntegrationFailedException
131   void
throwMaximumNumberOfSubSteppingReachedException(const std::string & b)132   CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwMaximumNumberOfSubSteppingReachedException(
133       const std::string& b) {
134     tfel::raise<CastemIntegrationFailed>(
135         "maximum number of sub stepping reached failed for behaviour '" + b +
136         "'");
137   }  // end of
138      // CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwMaximumNumberOfSubSteppingReachedException
140   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::
throwPlaneStressMaximumNumberOfIterationsReachedException(const std::string & b)141       throwPlaneStressMaximumNumberOfIterationsReachedException(
142           const std::string& b) {
143     tfel::raise<CastemIntegrationFailed>(
144         "maximum number of iterations of the plane stress algorithm "
145         "reached failed for behaviour '" +
146         b + "'");
147   }  // end of
148      // CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwPlaneStressMaximumNumberOfIterationsReachedException
checkNTENSValue(const CastemInt NTENS,const unsigned short s)150   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::checkNTENSValue(const CastemInt NTENS,
151                                                   const unsigned short s) {
152     if (NTENS != s) {
153       tfel::raise(
154           "CastemInterfaceExceptions::checkNTENSValue : "
155           "invalid value for the NTENS parameter "
156           "(got '" +
157           std::to_string(NTENS) +
158           "', "
159           "expected '" +
160           std::to_string(static_cast<unsigned int>(s)) + "')");
161     }
162   }  // end of CastemInterfaceExceptions::checkNTENSValue
164   void
displayInvalidModellingHypothesisErrorMessage()165   CastemInterfaceExceptions::displayInvalidModellingHypothesisErrorMessage() {
166       if (displayErrorMessage()) {
167         std::cout << "CastemInterfaceExceptions::"
168                      "displayInvalidModellingHypothesisErrorMessage : "
169                   << "invalid value for the NDI parameter" << std::endl;
170       }
171   }
173   void
throwInvalidBehaviourTypeAndModellingHypothesis(const CastemBehaviourType,const std::string & h)174   CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwInvalidBehaviourTypeAndModellingHypothesis(
175       const CastemBehaviourType, const std::string& h) {
176     tfel::raise(
177         "CastemInterfaceExceptions::"
178         "throwInvalidBehaviourTypeAndModellingHypothesis: "
179         "behaviour can't be used in '" +
180         h + "'");
181   }  // end of
182      // CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwInvalidBehaviourTypeAndModellingHypothesis
throwPredictionComputationFailedException(const std::string & b)184   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwPredictionComputationFailedException(
185       const std::string& b) {
186     tfel::raise(
187         "CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwPredictionComputationFailedException: "
188         "prediction computation failed for behaviour '" +
189         b + "'");
190   }
throwPredictionOperatorIsNotAvalaible(const std::string & b)192   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwPredictionOperatorIsNotAvalaible(
193       const std::string& b) {
194     tfel::raise(
195         "CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwPredictionOperatorIsNotAvalaible: "
196         "behaviour '" +
197         b + "' can't compute a prediction operator");
198   }  // end of
199      // CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwBehaviourIntegrationFailedException
throwConsistentTangentOperatorIsNotAvalaible(const std::string & b)201   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwConsistentTangentOperatorIsNotAvalaible(
202       const std::string& b) {
203     tfel::raise(
204         "CastemInterfaceExceptions::"
205         "throwConsistentTangentOperatorIsNotAvalaible: "
206         "behaviour '" +
207         b + "' can't compute a consistent tangent operator");
208   }  // end of
209      // CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwBehaviourIntegrationFailedException
throwUnsupportedStressFreeExpansionException(const std::string & b)211   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwUnsupportedStressFreeExpansionException(
212       const std::string& b) {
213     tfel::raise(
214         "CastemInterfaceExceptions::"
215         "throwUnsupportedStressFreeExpansionException: "
216         "behaviour '" +
217         b +
218         "' can handle stress-free expansion "
219         "but the Castem interface can't");
220   }  // end of
221      // CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwUnsupportedStressFreeExpansionException
throwThermalExpansionCoefficientShallBeNull(const std::string & b)223   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwThermalExpansionCoefficientShallBeNull(
224       const std::string& b) {
225     tfel::raise(
226         "CastemInterfaceExceptions::"
227         "throwThermalExpansionCoefficientShallBeNull: "
228         "behaviour '" +
229         b +
230         "' handle thermal expansion, so "
231         "the thermal expansion declared in Castem must be null.");
232   }
234   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::
throwTangentOperatorNotAvailableThroughGenericPlaneStressHandler(const std::string &)235       throwTangentOperatorNotAvailableThroughGenericPlaneStressHandler(
236           const std::string&) {
237     tfel::raise(
238         "tangent operator is not available in the "
239         "generic plane stress handler");
240   }
throwInvalidDDSDDEException(const std::string & b,const CastemReal v)242   void CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwInvalidDDSDDEException(
243       const std::string& b, const CastemReal v) {
244     tfel::raise(
245         "CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwInvalidDDSDDEException : "
246         "an invalid value for the DDSDDE parameter has been given "
247         "('" +
248         std::to_string(v) +
249         "')"
250         " to the behaviour '" +
251         b +
252         "'.\n"
253         "The following values are accepted:\n"
254         "-3 : compute the prediction tangent operator, no behaviour "
255         "integration\n"
256         "-2 : compute the prediction secant  operator, no behaviour "
257         "integration\n"
258         "-1 : compute the prediction elastic operator, no behaviour "
259         "integration\n"
260         " 0 : integrate the behaviour over the time step, no stiffness "
261         "requested\n"
262         " 1 : integrate the behaviour over the time step, elastic stiffness "
263         "requested\n"
264         " 2 : integrate the behaviour over the time step, secant  operator  "
265         "requested\n"
266         " 3 : integrate the behaviour over the time step, tagent  operator  "
267         "requested\n"
268         " 4 : integrate the behaviour over the time step, consistent tagent "
269         "operator requested");
270   }  // end of CastemInterfaceExceptions::throwInvalidDDSDDEException
exe(const CastemReal * const,const CastemReal * const,CastemReal * const,const CastemReal * const,const CastemReal * const,const CastemReal * const,const CastemReal * const,const CastemReal * const,const CastemInt * const,const CastemReal * const,const CastemReal * const,CastemReal * const,const CastemInt * const,CastemReal * const,const StressFreeExpansionHandler &)272   void CastemUnSupportedCaseHandler::exe(const CastemReal* const,
273                                          const CastemReal* const,
274                                          CastemReal* const,
275                                          const CastemReal* const,
276                                          const CastemReal* const,
277                                          const CastemReal* const,
278                                          const CastemReal* const,
279                                          const CastemReal* const,
280                                          const CastemInt* const,
281                                          const CastemReal* const,
282                                          const CastemReal* const,
283                                          CastemReal* const,
284                                          const CastemInt* const,
285                                          CastemReal* const,
286                                          const StressFreeExpansionHandler&) {
287     tfel::raise(
288         "CastemUnSupportedCaseHandler::exe : "
289         "we fall in a case that the castem interface "
290         "is not able to handle.");
291   }  // end of exe
293 }  // end of namespace castem