2             +---------------------------------------------------+
3             |                                                   |
4             |                   WANNIER90                       |
5             |                                                   |
6             +---------------------------------------------------+
7             |                                                   |
8             |        Welcome to the Maximally-Localized         |
9             |        Generalized Wannier Functions code         |
10             |            http://www.wannier.org                 |
11             |                                                   |
12             |  Wannier90 v2.x Authors:                          |
13             |    Arash A. Mostofi  (Imperial College London)    |
14             |    Giovanni Pizzi    (EPFL)                       |
15             |    Ivo Souza         (Universidad del Pais Vasco) |
16             |    Jonathan R. Yates (University of Oxford)       |
17             |                                                   |
18             |  Wannier90 Contributors:                          |
19             |    Young-Su Lee       (KIST, S. Korea)            |
20             |    Matthew Shelley    (Imperial College London)   |
21             |    Nicolas Poilvert   (Penn State University)     |
22             |    Raffaello Bianco   (Paris 6 and CNRS)          |
23             |    Gabriele Sclauzero (ETH Zurich)                |
24             |    David Strubbe (MIT, USA)                       |
25             |    Rei Sakuma (Lund University, Sweden)           |
26             |    Yusuke Nomura (U. Tokyo, Japan)                |
27             |    Takashi Koretsune (Riken, Japan)               |
28             |    Yoshiro Nohara (ASMS Co. Ltd., Japan)          |
29             |    Ryotaro Arita (Riken, Japan)                   |
30             |    Lorenzo Paulatto (UPMC Paris)                  |
31             |    Florian Thole (ETH Zurich)                     |
32             |    Pablo Garcia Fernandez (Unican, Spain)         |
33             |    Dominik Gresch (ETH Zurich)                    |
34             |    Samuel Ponce (University of Oxford)            |
35             |    Marco Gibertini (EPFL)                         |
36             |    Christian Stieger (ETHZ, CH)                   |
37             |    Stepan Tsirkin (Universidad del Pais Vasco)    |
38             |                                                   |
39             |  Wannier77 Authors:                               |
40             |    Nicola Marzari    (EPFL)                       |
41             |    Ivo Souza         (Universidad del Pais Vasco) |
42             |    David Vanderbilt  (Rutgers University)         |
43             |                                                   |
44             |  Please cite                                      |
45             |                                                   |
46             |  [ref] "An updated version of Wannier90:          |
47             |        A Tool for Obtaining Maximally Localised   |
48             |        Wannier Functions", A. A. Mostofi,         |
49             |        J. R. Yates, G. Pizzi, Y. S. Lee,          |
50             |        I. Souza, D. Vanderbilt and N. Marzari,    |
51             |        Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 2309 (2014)     |
52             |        http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2014.05.003|
53             |                                                   |
54             |  in any publications arising from the use of      |
55             |  this code. For the method please cite            |
56             |                                                   |
57             |  [ref] "Maximally Localized Generalised Wannier   |
58             |         Functions for Composite Energy Bands"     |
59             |         N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt              |
60             |         Phys. Rev. B 56 12847 (1997)              |
61             |                                                   |
62             |  [ref] "Maximally Localized Wannier Functions     |
63             |         for Entangled Energy Bands"               |
64             |         I. Souza, N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt    |
65             |         Phys. Rev. B 65 035109 (2001)             |
66             |                                                   |
67             |                                                   |
68             | Copyright (c) 1996-2017                           |
69             |        Arash A. Mostofi, Jonathan R. Yates,       |
70             |        Young-Su Lee, Giovanni Pizzi, Ivo Souza,   |
71             |        David Vanderbilt and Nicola Marzari        |
72             |                                                   |
73             |        Release: 2.1.0   13th January 2017         |
74             |                                                   |
75             | This program is free software; you can            |
76             | redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms  |
77             | of the GNU General Public License as published by |
78             | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of |
79             | the License, or (at your option) any later version|
80             |                                                   |
81             | This program is distributed in the hope that it   |
82             | will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without |
83             | even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or   |
84             | FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU     |
85             | General Public License for more details.          |
86             |                                                   |
87             | You should have received a copy of the GNU General|
88             | Public License along with this program; if not,   |
89             | write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,      |
90             | 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.           |
91             |                                                   |
92             +---------------------------------------------------+
93             |    Execution started on 10Nov2017 at 16:13:06     |
94             +---------------------------------------------------+
96 ******************************************************************************
97 * -> Using CODATA 2006 constant values                                       *
98 *    (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/index.html)                      *
99 * -> Using Bohr value from CODATA                                            *
100 ******************************************************************************
103 Running in parallel on  12 CPUs
106                                    ------
107                                    SYSTEM
108                                    ------
110                              Lattice Vectors (Ang)
111                    a_1     4.457000   0.000000   0.000000
112                    a_2    -2.228500   3.859875   0.000000
113                    a_3     0.000000   0.000000   5.958118
115                   Unit Cell Volume:     102.50026  (Ang^3)
117                        Reciprocal-Space Vectors (Ang^-1)
118                    b_1     1.409734   0.813910   0.000000
119                    b_2     0.000000   1.627821   0.000000
120                    b_3     0.000000   0.000000   1.054559
122 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
123 |   Site       Fractional Coordinate          Cartesian Coordinate (Ang)     |
124 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
125 | Te   1   0.27404   0.27404   0.00000   |    0.61069   1.05774   0.00000    |
126 | Te   2  -0.27404   0.00000   0.33333   |   -1.22138   0.00000   1.98604    |
127 | Te   3   0.00000  -0.27404   0.66667   |    0.61069  -1.05774   3.97208    |
128 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
131 *-------------------------------- POSTW90 -----------------------------------*
132 |  Number of Wannier Functions               :                 9             |
133 |  Number of electrons per state             :                 2             |
134 |  Scissor shift applied to conduction bands :             0.000             |
135 |  Number of valence bands                   :       not defined             |
136 |  Fermi energy (eV)                         :             5.950             |
137 |  Output verbosity (1=low, 5=high)          :                 1             |
138 |  Timing Level (1=low, 5=high)              :                 1             |
139 |  Optimisation (0=memory, 3=speed)          :                 3             |
140 |  Length Unit                               :               Ang             |
141 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
142 *------------------------ Global Smearing Parameters ------------------------*
143 |  Adaptive width smearing                   :                 T             |
144 |  Adaptive smearing factor                  :             1.414             |
145 |  Maximum allowed smearing width (eV)       :             1.000             |
146 |  Smearing Function                                             Gaussian    |
147 |  Global interpolation k-points defined     :                 F             |
148 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
149 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
150 *--------------------------------- GYROTROPIC   ------------------------------
151 | Compute Gyrotropic properties              :                 T             |
152 | gyrotropic_task                            :          -noa                 |
153 | calculate the D tensor                     :                 F             |
154 | calculate the tildeD tensor                :                 F             |
155 | calculate the C tensor                     :                 F             |
156 | calculate the K tensor                     :                 F             |
157 | calculate the interbad natural optical act :                 T             |
158 | calculate the density of states            :                 F             |
159 |  Lower frequency for tildeD,NOA            :             0.000             |
160 |  Upper frequency                           :             0.300             |
161 |  Step size for frequency                   :             0.003             |
162 |  Upper eigenvalue                          :             8.667             |
163 |  Using local  smearing parameters                                          |
164 |  Fixed width smearing                      :                 T             |
165 |  Smearing width                            :             0.010             |
166 |  Smearing Function                                             Gaussian    |
167 |  degen_thresh                              :             0.000             |
168 |  Grid size                                 :   100 x 100 x 100             |
169 |  Adaptive refinement                       :              not              |
170 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
171 Time to read parameters        0.008 (sec)
173 *---------------------------------- K-MESH ----------------------------------*
174 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
175 |                    Distance to Nearest-Neighbour Shells                    |
176 |                    ------------------------------------                    |
177 |          Shell             Distance (Ang^-1)          Multiplicity         |
178 |          -----             -----------------          ------------         |
179 |             1                   0.263640                      2            |
180 |             2                   0.527279                      2            |
181 |             3                   0.542607                      6            |
182 |             4                   0.603265                     12            |
183 |             5                   0.756602                     12            |
184 |             6                   0.790919                      2            |
185 |             7                   0.939823                      6            |
186 |             8                   0.959153                     12            |
187 |             9                   0.976101                     12            |
188 |            10                   1.054559                      2            |
189 |            11                   1.077632                     12            |
190 |            12                   1.085214                      6            |
191 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
192 | The b-vectors are chosen automatically                                     |
193 | The following shells are used:   1,  3                                     |
194 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
195 |                        Shell   # Nearest-Neighbours                        |
196 |                        -----   --------------------                        |
197 |                          1               2                                 |
198 |                          3               6                                 |
199 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
200 | Completeness relation is fully satisfied [Eq. (B1), PRB 56, 12847 (1997)]  |
201 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
202 |                  b_k Vectors (Ang^-1) and Weights (Ang^2)                  |
203 |                  ----------------------------------------                  |
204 |            No.         b_k(x)      b_k(y)      b_k(z)        w_b           |
205 |            ---        --------------------------------     --------        |
206 |             1         0.000000    0.000000    0.263640     7.193635        |
207 |             2         0.000000    0.000000   -0.263640     7.193635        |
208 |             3         0.000000    0.542607    0.000000     1.132161        |
209 |             4         0.469911    0.271303    0.000000     1.132161        |
210 |             5         0.000000   -0.542607    0.000000     1.132161        |
211 |             6         0.469911   -0.271303    0.000000     1.132161        |
212 |             7        -0.469911   -0.271303    0.000000     1.132161        |
213 |             8        -0.469911    0.271303    0.000000     1.132161        |
214 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
215 |                           b_k Directions (Ang^-1)                          |
216 |                           -----------------------                          |
217 |            No.           x           y           z                         |
218 |            ---        --------------------------------                     |
219 |             1         0.000000    0.000000    0.263640                     |
220 |             2         0.000000    0.542607    0.000000                     |
221 |             3         0.469911    0.271303    0.000000                     |
222 |             4         0.469911   -0.271303    0.000000                     |
223 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
225 Time to get kmesh              0.008 (sec)
226 Reading restart information from file Te.chk :
227 written on 10Nov2017 at 16:12:34 ... done
230 Time to read and process       0.004 (sec)
232 Reading overlaps from Te.mmn in get_AA_R   :  Created on 10Nov2017 at 16:12: 9
235 Properties calculated in module  g y r o t r o p i c
236 ------------------------------------------
238   * gamma-tensor of NOA --- Eq.C12 of TAS17
239       * excluding spin component
240 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
241  0.310000000000000       0.350000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
242           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
243 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
244  0.320000000000000       0.340000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
245           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
246 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
247  0.330000000000000       0.330000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
248           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
249 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
250  0.340000000000000       0.320000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
251           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
252 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
253  0.340000000000000       0.350000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
254           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
255 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
256  0.350000000000000       0.310000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
257           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
258 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
259  0.350000000000000       0.340000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
260           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
261 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
262  0.650000000000000       0.670000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
263           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
264 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
265  0.660000000000000       0.660000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
266           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
267 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
268  0.660000000000000       0.690000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
269           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
270 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
271  0.670000000000000       0.650000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
272           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
273 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
274  0.670000000000000       0.680000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
275           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
276 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
277  0.680000000000000       0.670000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
278           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
279 WARNING no unoccupied bands included in the calculation for kpt=
280  0.690000000000000       0.660000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000 , EF[
281           1 ]=   5.95000000000000      eV
283 Interpolation grid: 100 100 100
285   * Te-gyrotropic-NOA_orb.dat
287 Total Execution Time          11.389 (sec)
289 *===========================================================================*
290 |                             TIMING INFORMATION                            |
291 *===========================================================================*
292 |    Tag                                                Ncalls      Time (s)|
293 |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
294 |kmesh: get                                        :         1         0.008|
295 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
298 All done: postw90 exiting