5A framework for regression testing numerical programs.
7:copyright: (c) 2012 James Spencer.
8:license: modified BSD; see LICENSE for more details.
11import glob
12import os
13import pipes
14import shutil
15import subprocess
16import sys
17import warnings
20    import yaml
21    _HAVE_YAML = True
22except ImportError:
23    _HAVE_YAML = False
26    import importlib
27    _HAVE_IMPORTLIB_ = True
28except ImportError:
29    _HAVE_IMPORTLIB_ = False
31import testcode2.dir_lock as dir_lock
32import testcode2.exceptions as exceptions
33import testcode2.queues  as queues
34import testcode2.compatibility as compat
35import testcode2.util as util
36import testcode2.validation as validation
38DIR_LOCK = dir_lock.DirLock()
40# Do not change!  Bad things will happen...
42                    ('test', 'test.out'),
43                    ('error', 'test.err'),
44                    ('benchmark', 'benchmark.out'),
45                  )
47# We can change FILESTEM if needed.
48# However, this should only be done to compare two sets of test output or two
49# sets of benchmarks.
50# Bad things will happen if tests are run without the default FILESTEM!
53class TestProgram:
54    '''Store and access information about the program being tested.'''
55    def __init__(self, name, exe, test_id, benchmark, **kwargs):
57        # Set sane defaults (mostly null) for keyword arguments.
59        self.name = name
61        # Running
62        self.exe = exe
63        self.test_id = test_id
64        self.run_cmd_template = ('tc.program tc.args tc.input > '
65                                                    'tc.output 2> tc.error')
66        self.launch_parallel = 'mpirun -np tc.nprocs'
67        self.submit_pattern = 'testcode.run_cmd'
69        # dummy job with default settings (e.g tolerance)
70        self.default_test_settings = None
72        # Analysis
73        self.benchmark = benchmark
74        self.ignore_fields = []
75        self.data_tag = None
76        self.extract_cmd_template = 'tc.extract tc.args tc.file'
77        self.extract_program = None
78        self.extract_args = ''
79        self.extract_fmt = 'table'
80        self.skip_cmd_template = 'tc.skip tc.args tc.test'
81        self.skip_program = None
82        self.skip_args = ''
83        self.verify = False
84        self.extract_fn = None
85        # By default, the job is expected to exit with error code 0.
86        # Setting it to True will discard the exit status/error code.
87        self.can_fail = False
89        # Info
90        self.vcs = None
92        # Set values passed in as keyword options.
93        for (attr, val) in kwargs.items():
94            setattr(self, attr, val)
96        # If using an external verification program, then set the default
97        # extract command template.
98        if self.verify and 'extract_cmd_template' not in kwargs:
99            self.extract_cmd_template = 'tc.extract tc.args tc.test tc.bench'
101        if self.extract_fn:
102            if _HAVE_IMPORTLIB_:
103                self.extract_fn = self.extract_fn.split()
104                if len(self.extract_fn) == 2:
105                    sys.path.append(self.extract_fn[0])
106                (mod, fn) = self.extract_fn[-1].rsplit('.', 1)
107                mod = importlib.import_module(mod)
108                self.extract_fn = mod.__getattribute__(fn)
109            elif self.extract_program:
110                warnings.warn('importlib not available.  Will attempt to '
111                              'analyse data via an external script.')
112                self.extract_fn = None
113            else:
114                raise exceptions.TestCodeError('importlib not available and '
115                              'no data extraction program supplied.')
117        # Can we actually extract the data?
118        if self.extract_fmt == 'yaml' and not _HAVE_YAML:
119            err = 'YAML data format cannot be used: PyYAML is not installed.'
120            raise exceptions.TestCodeError(err)
122    def run_cmd(self, input_file, args, nprocs=0):
123        '''Create run command.'''
124        output_file = util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['test'], self.test_id,
125                input_file, args)
126        error_file = util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['error'], self.test_id,
127                input_file, args)
129        # Need to escape filenames for passing them to the shell.
130        exe = pipes.quote(self.exe)
131        output_file = pipes.quote(output_file)
132        error_file = pipes.quote(error_file)
134        cmd = self.run_cmd_template.replace('tc.program', exe)
135        if type(input_file) is str:
136            input_file = pipes.quote(input_file)
137            cmd = cmd.replace('tc.input', input_file)
138        else:
139            cmd = cmd.replace('tc.input', '')
140        if type(args) is str:
141            cmd = cmd.replace('tc.args', args)
142        else:
143            cmd = cmd.replace('tc.args', '')
144        cmd = cmd.replace('tc.output', output_file)
145        cmd = cmd.replace('tc.error', error_file)
146        if nprocs > 0 and self.launch_parallel:
147            cmd = '%s %s' % (self.launch_parallel, cmd)
148        cmd = cmd.replace('tc.nprocs', str(nprocs))
149        return cmd
151    def extract_cmd(self, path, input_file, args):
152        '''Create extraction command(s).'''
153        test_file = util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['test'], self.test_id,
154                input_file, args)
155        bench_file = self.select_benchmark_file(path, input_file, args)
156        cmd = self.extract_cmd_template
157        cmd = cmd.replace('tc.extract', pipes.quote(self.extract_program))
158        cmd = cmd.replace('tc.args', self.extract_args)
159        if self.verify:
160            # Single command to compare benchmark and test outputs.
161            cmd = cmd.replace('tc.test', pipes.quote(test_file))
162            cmd = cmd.replace('tc.bench', pipes.quote(bench_file))
163            return (cmd,)
164        else:
165            # Need to return commands to extract data from the test and
166            # benchmark outputs.
167            test_cmd = cmd.replace('tc.file', pipes.quote(test_file))
168            bench_cmd = cmd.replace('tc.file', pipes.quote(bench_file))
169            return (bench_cmd, test_cmd)
171    def skip_cmd(self, input_file, args):
172        '''Create skip command.'''
173        test_file = util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['test'], self.test_id,
174                input_file, args)
175        error_file = util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['error'], self.test_id,
176                input_file, args)
177        cmd = self.skip_cmd_template
178        cmd = cmd.replace('tc.skip', pipes.quote(self.skip_program))
179        cmd = cmd.replace('tc.args', self.skip_args)
180        cmd = cmd.replace('tc.test', pipes.quote(test_file))
181        cmd = cmd.replace('tc.error', pipes.quote(error_file))
182        return cmd
184    def select_benchmark_file(self, path, input_file, args):
185        '''Find the first benchmark file out of all benchmark IDs which exists.'''
187        benchmark = None
188        benchmarks = []
189        for bench_id in self.benchmark:
190            benchfile = util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['benchmark'], bench_id,
191                    input_file, args)
192            benchmarks.append(benchfile)
193            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, benchfile)):
194                benchmark = benchfile
195                break
196        if not benchmark:
197            err = 'No benchmark found in %s.  Checked for: %s.'
198            raise exceptions.TestCodeError(err % (path, ', '.join(benchmarks)))
199        return benchmark
201class Test:
202    '''Store and execute a test.'''
203    def __init__(self, name, test_program, path, **kwargs):
205        self.name = name
207        # program
208        self.test_program = test_program
210        # running
211        self.path = path
212        self.inputs_args = None
213        self.output = None
214        self.nprocs = 0
215        self.min_nprocs = 0
216        self.max_nprocs = compat.maxint
217        self.submit_template = None
218        # Run jobs in this concurrently rather than consecutively?
219        # Only used when setting tests up in testcode2.config: if true then
220        # each pair of input file and arguments are assigned to a different
221        # Test object rather than a single Test object.
222        self.run_concurrent = False
224        # Analysis
225        self.default_tolerance = None
226        self.tolerances = {}
228        # Set values passed in as keyword options.
229        for (attr, val) in kwargs.items():
230            setattr(self, attr, val)
232        if not self.inputs_args:
233            self.inputs_args = [('', '')]
235        self.status = dict( (inp_arg, None) for inp_arg in self.inputs_args )
237        # 'Decorate' functions which require a directory lock in order for file
238        # access to be thread-safe.
239        # As we use the in_dir decorator, which requires knowledge of the test
240        # directory (a per-instance property), we cannot use the @decorator
241        # syntactic sugar.  Fortunately we can still modify them at
242        # initialisation time.  Thank you python for closures!
243        self.start_job = DIR_LOCK.in_dir(self.path)(self._start_job)
244        self.move_output_to_test_output = DIR_LOCK.in_dir(self.path)(
245                                               self._move_output_to_test_output)
246        self.move_old_output_files = DIR_LOCK.in_dir(self.path)(
247                                               self._move_old_output_files)
248        self.verify_job = DIR_LOCK.in_dir(self.path)(self._verify_job)
249        self.skip_job = DIR_LOCK.in_dir(self.path)(self._skip_job)
251    def __hash__(self):
252        return hash(self.path)
254    def __eq__(self, other):
255        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
256            return False
257        else:
258            # Compare values we care about...
259            cmp_vals = ['test_program', 'path', 'inputs_args', 'output',
260                        'nprocs', 'min_nprocs', 'max_nprocs', 'submit_template',
261                        'default_tolerance', 'tolerances', 'status']
262            comparison = tuple(getattr(other, cmp_val) == getattr(self, cmp_val) for cmp_val in cmp_vals)
263            return compat.compat_all(comparison)
265    def run_test(self, verbose=1, cluster_queue=None, rundir=None):
266        '''Run all jobs in test.'''
268        try:
269            # Construct tests.
270            test_cmds = []
271            test_files = []
272            for (test_input, test_arg) in self.inputs_args:
273                if (test_input and
274                        not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path,test_input))):
275                    err = 'Input file does not exist: %s' % (test_input,)
276                    raise exceptions.RunError(err)
277                test_cmds.append(self.test_program.run_cmd(test_input, test_arg,
278                                                           self.nprocs))
279                test_files.append(util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['test'],
280                        self.test_program.test_id, test_input, test_arg))
282            # Move files matching output pattern out of the way.
283            self.move_old_output_files(verbose)
285            # Run tests one-at-a-time locally or submit job in single submit
286            # file to a queueing system.
287            if cluster_queue:
288                if self.output:
289                    for (ind, test) in enumerate(test_cmds):
290                        # Don't quote self.output if it contains any wildcards
291                        # (assume the user set it up correctly!)
292                        out = self.output
293                        if not compat.compat_any(wild in self.output for wild in
294                                ['*', '?', '[', '{']):
295                            out = pipes.quote(self.output)
296                        test_cmds[ind] = '%s; mv %s %s' % (test_cmds[ind],
297                                out, pipes.quote(test_files[ind]))
298                test_cmds = ['\n'.join(test_cmds)]
299            for (ind, test) in enumerate(test_cmds):
300                job = self.start_job(test, cluster_queue, verbose)
301                job.wait()
302                # Analyse tests as they finish.
303                if cluster_queue:
304                    # Did all of them at once.
305                    for (test_input, test_arg) in self.inputs_args:
306                        self.verify_job(test_input, test_arg, verbose, rundir)
307                else:
308                    # Did one job at a time.
309                    (test_input, test_arg) = self.inputs_args[ind]
310                    err = []
311                    if self.output:
312                        try:
313                            self.move_output_to_test_output(test_files[ind])
314                        except exceptions.RunError:
315                            err.append(sys.exc_info()[1])
316                    status = validation.Status()
317                    if job.returncode != 0:
318                        if not self.test_program.can_fail:
319                            err.insert(0, 'Error running job.  Return code: %i'
320                                            % job.returncode)
321                            (status, msg) = self.skip_job(test_input, test_arg,
322                                                          verbose)
323                    if status.skipped():
324                        self._update_status(status, (test_input, test_arg))
325                        if verbose > 0 and verbose < 3:
326                            sys.stdout.write(
327                                    util.info_line(self.path,
328                                                   test_input, test_arg, rundir)
329                                            )
330                        status.print_status(msg, verbose)
331                    elif err:
332                        # re-raise first error we hit.
333                        raise exceptions.RunError(err[0])
334                    else:
335                        self.verify_job(test_input, test_arg, verbose, rundir)
336                sys.stdout.flush()
337        except exceptions.RunError:
338            err = sys.exc_info()[1]
339            if verbose > 2:
340                err = 'Test(s) in %s failed.\n%s' % (self.path, err)
341            status = validation.Status([False])
342            self._update_status(status, (test_input, test_arg))
343            if verbose > 0 and verbose < 3:
344                info_line = util.info_line(self.path, test_input, test_arg, rundir)
345                sys.stdout.write(info_line)
346            status.print_status(err, verbose)
347            # Shouldn't run remaining tests after such a catastrophic failure.
348            # Mark all remaining tests as skipped so the user knows that they
349            # weren't run.
350            err = 'Previous test in %s caused a system failure.' % (self.path)
351            status = validation.Status(name='skipped')
352            for ((test_input, test_arg), stat) in self.status.items():
353                if not self.status[(test_input,test_arg)]:
354                    self._update_status(status, (test_input, test_arg))
355                    if verbose > 2:
356                        cmd = self.test_program.run_cmd(test_input, test_arg,
357                                                        self.nprocs)
358                        print('Test using %s in %s' % (cmd, self.path))
359                    elif verbose > 0:
360                        info_line = util.info_line(self.path, test_input,
361                                                   test_arg, rundir)
362                        sys.stdout.write(info_line)
363                    status.print_status(err, verbose)
364                sys.stdout.flush()
366    def _start_job(self, cmd, cluster_queue=None, verbose=1):
367        '''Start test running.  Requires directory lock.
369IMPORTANT: use self.start_job rather than self._start_job if using multiple
372Decorated to start_job, which acquires directory lock and enters self.path
373first, during initialisation.'''
375        if cluster_queue:
376            tp_ptr = self.test_program
377            submit_file = '%s.%s' % (os.path.basename(self.submit_template),
378                                                                tp_ptr.test_id)
379            job = queues.ClusterQueueJob(submit_file, system=cluster_queue)
380            job.create_submit_file(tp_ptr.submit_pattern, cmd,
381                                   self.submit_template)
382            if verbose > 2:
383                print('Submitting tests using %s (template submit file) in %s'
384                           % (self.submit_template, self.path))
385            job.start_job()
386        else:
387            # Run locally via subprocess.
388            if verbose > 2:
389                print('Running test using %s in %s\n' % (cmd, self.path))
390            try:
391                job = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
392            except OSError:
393                # slightly odd syntax in order to be compatible with python 2.5
394                # and python 2.6/3
395                err = 'Execution of test failed: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[1],)
396                raise exceptions.RunError(err)
398        # Return either Popen object or ClusterQueueJob object.  Both have
399        # a wait method which returns only once job has finished.
400        return job
402    def _move_output_to_test_output(self, test_files_out):
403        '''Move output to the testcode output file.  Requires directory lock.
405This is used when a program writes to standard output rather than to STDOUT.
407IMPORTANT: use self.move_output_to_test_output rather than
408self._move_output_to_test_output if using multiple threads.
410Decorated to move_output_to_test_output, which acquires the directory lock and
411enters self.path.
413        # self.output might be a glob which works with e.g.
414        #   mv self.output test_files[ind]
415        # if self.output matches only one file.  Reproduce that
416        # here so that running tests through the queueing system
417        # and running tests locally have the same behaviour.
418        out_files = glob.glob(self.output)
419        if len(out_files) == 1:
420            shutil.move(out_files[0], test_files_out)
421        else:
422            err = ('Output pattern (%s) matches %s files (%s).'
423                     % (self.output, len(out_files), out_files))
424            raise exceptions.RunError(err)
426    def _move_old_output_files(self, verbose=1):
427        '''Move output to the testcode output file.  Requires directory lock.
429This is used when a program writes to standard output rather than to STDOUT.
431IMPORTANT: use self.move_oold_output_files rather than
432self._move_old_output_files if using multiple threads.
434Decorated to move_old_output_files, which acquires the directory lock and
435enters self.path.
437        if self.output:
438            old_out_files = glob.glob(self.output)
439            if old_out_files:
440                out_dir = 'test.prev.output.%s' % (self.test_program.test_id)
441                if verbose > 2:
442                    print('WARNING: found existing files matching output '
443                          'pattern: %s.' % self.output)
444                    print('WARNING: moving existing output files (%s) to %s.\n'
445                          % (', '.join(old_out_files), out_dir))
446                if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
447                    os.mkdir(out_dir)
448                for out_file in old_out_files:
449                    shutil.move(out_file, out_dir)
451    def _verify_job(self, input_file, args, verbose=1, rundir=None):
452        '''Check job against benchmark.
454Assume function is executed in self.path.
456IMPORTANT: use self.verify_job rather than self._verify_job if using multiple
459Decorated to verify_job, which acquires directory lock and enters self.path
460first, during initialisation.'''
461        # We already have DIR_LOCK, so use _skip_job instead of skip_job.
462        (status, msg) = self._skip_job(input_file, args, verbose)
463        try:
464            if self.test_program.verify and not status.skipped():
465                (status, msg) = self.verify_job_external(input_file, args,
466                                                         verbose)
467            elif not status.skipped():
468                (bench_out, test_out) = self.extract_data(input_file, args,
469                                                          verbose)
470                (comparable, status, msg) = validation.compare_data(bench_out,
471                        test_out, self.default_tolerance, self.tolerances,
472                        self.test_program.ignore_fields)
473                if verbose > 2:
474                    # Include data tables in output.
475                    if comparable:
476                        # Combine test and benchmark dictionaries.
477                        data_table = util.pretty_print_table(
478                                ['benchmark', 'test'],
479                                [bench_out, test_out])
480                    else:
481                        # Print dictionaries separately--couldn't even compare
482                        # them!
483                        data_table = '\n'.join((
484                            util.pretty_print_table(['benchmark'], [bench_out]),
485                            util.pretty_print_table(['test     '], [test_out])))
486                    if msg.strip():
487                        # join data table with error message from
488                        # validation.compare_data.
489                        msg = '\n'.join((msg, data_table))
490                    else:
491                        msg = data_table
492        except (exceptions.AnalysisError, exceptions.TestCodeError):
493            if msg.strip():
494                msg = '%s\n%s' % (msg, sys.exc_info()[1])
495            else:
496                msg = sys.exc_info()[1]
497            status = validation.Status([False])
499        self._update_status(status, (input_file, args))
500        if verbose > 0 and verbose < 3:
501            info_line = util.info_line(self.path, input_file, args, rundir)
502            sys.stdout.write(info_line)
503        status.print_status(msg, verbose)
505        return (status, msg)
507    def _skip_job(self, input_file, args, verbose=1):
508        '''Run user-supplied command to check if test should be skipped.
510IMPORTANT: use self.skip_job rather than self._skip_job if using multiple
513Decorated to skip_job, which acquires directory lock and enters self.path
514first, during initialisation.'''
515        status = validation.Status()
516        if self.test_program.skip_program:
517            cmd = self.test_program.skip_cmd(input_file, args)
518            try:
519                if verbose > 2:
520                    print('Testing whether to skip test using %s in %s.' %
521                            (cmd, self.path))
522                skip_popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
523                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
524                skip_popen.wait()
525                if skip_popen.returncode == 0:
526                    # skip this test
527                    status = validation.Status(name='skipped')
528            except OSError:
529                # slightly odd syntax in order to be compatible with python
530                # 2.5 and python 2.6/3
531                if verbose > 2:
532                    print('Test to skip test: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[1],))
533        return (status, '')
535    def verify_job_external(self, input_file, args, verbose=1):
536        '''Run user-supplied verifier script.
538Assume function is executed in self.path.'''
539        verify_cmd, = self.test_program.extract_cmd(self.path, input_file, args)
540        try:
541            if verbose > 2:
542                print('Analysing test using %s in %s.' %
543                        (verify_cmd, self.path))
544            verify_popen = subprocess.Popen(verify_cmd, shell=True,
545                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
546            verify_popen.wait()
547        except OSError:
548            # slightly odd syntax in order to be compatible with python 2.5
549            # and python 2.6/3
550            err = 'Analysis of test failed: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[1],)
551            raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
552        output = verify_popen.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8')
553        if verbose < 2:
554            # Suppress output.  (hackhack)
555            output = ''
556        if verify_popen.returncode == 0:
557            return (validation.Status([True]), output)
558        else:
559            return (validation.Status([False]), output)
561    def extract_data(self, input_file, args, verbose=1):
562        '''Extract data from output file.
564Assume function is executed in self.path.'''
565        tp_ptr = self.test_program
566        data_files = [
567                      tp_ptr.select_benchmark_file(self.path, input_file, args),
568                      util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['test'],
569                      tp_ptr.test_id, input_file, args),
570                     ]
571        if tp_ptr.data_tag:
572            # Using internal data extraction function.
573            if verbose > 2:
574                print('Analysing output using data_tag %s in %s on files %s.' %
575                        (tp_ptr.data_tag, self.path, ' and '.join(data_files)))
576            outputs = [util.extract_tagged_data(tp_ptr.data_tag, dfile)
577                    for dfile in data_files]
578        elif tp_ptr.extract_fn:
579            if verbose > 2:
580                print('Analysing output using function %s in %s on files %s.' %
581                        (tp_ptr.extract_fn.__name__, self.path,
582                         ' and '.join(data_files)))
583            outputs = [tp_ptr.extract_fn(dfile) for dfile in data_files]
584        else:
585            # Using external data extraction script.
586            # Get extraction commands.
587            extract_cmds = tp_ptr.extract_cmd(self.path, input_file, args)
589            # Extract data.
590            outputs = []
591            for cmd in extract_cmds:
592                try:
593                    if verbose > 2:
594                        print('Analysing output using %s in %s.' %
595                                (cmd, self.path))
596                    extract_popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
597                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
598                    extract_popen.wait()
599                except OSError:
600                    # slightly odd syntax in order to be compatible with python
601                    # 2.5 and python 2.6/3
602                    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[1],)
603                    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
604                # Convert data string from extract command to dictionary format.
605                if extract_popen.returncode != 0:
606                    err = extract_popen.communicate()[1].decode('utf-8')
607                    err = 'Analysing output failed: %s' % (err)
608                    raise exceptions.AnalysisError(err)
609                data_string = extract_popen.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8')
610                if self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'table':
611                    outputs.append(util.dict_table_string(data_string))
612                elif self.test_program.extract_fmt == 'yaml':
613                    outputs.append({})
614                    # convert values to be in a tuple so the format matches
615                    # that from dict_table_string.
616                    # ensure all keys are strings so they can be sorted
617                    # (different data types cause problems!)
618                    for (key, val) in yaml.safe_load(data_string).items():
619                        if isinstance(val, list):
620                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple(val)
621                        else:
622                            outputs[-1][str(key)] = tuple((val,))
624        return tuple(outputs)
626    def create_new_benchmarks(self, benchmark, copy_files_since=None,
627            copy_files_path='testcode_data'):
628        '''Copy the test files to benchmark files.'''
630        oldcwd = os.getcwd()
631        os.chdir(self.path)
633        test_files = []
634        for (inp, arg) in self.inputs_args:
635            test_file = util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['test'],
636                    self.test_program.test_id, inp, arg)
637            err_file = util.testcode_filename(FILESTEM['error'],
638                    self.test_program.test_id, inp, arg)
639            bench_file = util.testcode_filename(_FILESTEM_DICT['benchmark'],
640                    benchmark, inp, arg)
641            test_files.extend((test_file, err_file, bench_file))
642            shutil.copy(test_file, bench_file)
644        if copy_files_since:
645            if not os.path.isdir(copy_files_path):
646                os.mkdir(copy_files_path)
647            if os.path.isdir(copy_files_path):
648                for data_file in glob.glob('*'):
649                    if (os.path.isfile(data_file) and
650                            os.stat(data_file)[-2] >= copy_files_since and
651                            data_file not in test_files):
652                        bench_data_file = os.path.join(copy_files_path,
653                                data_file)
654                        # shutil.copy can't overwrite files so remove old ones
655                        # with the same name.
656                        if os.path.exists(bench_data_file):
657                            os.unlink(bench_data_file)
658                        shutil.copy(data_file, bench_data_file)
660        os.chdir(oldcwd)
662    def _update_status(self, status, inp_arg):
663        '''Update self.status with success of a test.'''
664        if status:
665            self.status[inp_arg] = status
666        else:
667            # Something went wrong.  Store a Status failed object.
668            self.status[inp_arg] = validation.Status([False])
670    def get_status(self):
671        '''Get number of passed and number of ran tasks.'''
672        # If there's an object (other than None/False) in the corresponding
673        # dict entry in self.status, then that test must have ran (albeit not
674        # necessarily successfuly!).
675        status = {}
676        status['passed'] = sum(True for stat in self.status.values()
677                        if stat and stat.passed())
678        status['warning'] = sum(True for stat in self.status.values()
679                        if stat and stat.warning())
680        status['skipped'] = sum(True for stat in self.status.values()
681                        if stat and stat.skipped())
682        status['failed'] = sum(True for stat in self.status.values()
683                        if stat and stat.failed())
684        status['unknown'] = sum(True for stat in self.status.values()
685                        if stat and stat.unknown())
686        status['ran'] = sum(True for stat in self.status.values() if stat)
687        return status