1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
6 #include "stubs.h"
7 #endif
9 #include "prerror.h"
10 #include "secerr.h"
12 #include "prtypes.h"
13 #include "prinit.h"
14 #include "blapi.h"
15 #include "blapii.h"
16 #include "nssilock.h"
17 #include "secitem.h"
18 #include "sha_fast.h"
19 #include "sha256.h"
20 #include "secrng.h" /* for RNG_SystemRNG() */
21 #include "secmpi.h"
23 /* PRNG_SEEDLEN defined in NIST SP 800-90 section 10.1
24  * for SHA-1, SHA-224, and SHA-256 it's 440 bits.
25  * for SHA-384 and SHA-512 it's 888 bits */
26 #define PRNG_SEEDLEN (440 / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE)
27 #define PRNG_MAX_ADDITIONAL_BYTES PR_INT64(0x100000000)
28 /* 2^35 bits or 2^32 bytes */
29 #define PRNG_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE 0x10000             /* 2^19 bits or 2^16 bytes */
30 #define PRNG_ADDITONAL_DATA_CACHE_SIZE (8 * 1024) /* must be less than          \
31                                                    *  PRNG_MAX_ADDITIONAL_BYTES \
32                                                    */
35 /* RESEED_COUNT is how many calls to the prng before we need to reseed
36  * under normal NIST rules, you must return an error. In the NSS case, we
37  * self-reseed with RNG_SystemRNG(). Count can be a large number. For code
38  * simplicity, we specify count with 2 components: RESEED_BYTE (which is
39  * the same as LOG256(RESEED_COUNT)) and RESEED_VALUE (which is the same as
40  * RESEED_COUNT / (256 ^ RESEED_BYTE)). Another way to look at this is
41  * RESEED_COUNT = RESEED_VALUE * (256 ^ RESEED_BYTE). For Hash based DRBG
42  * we use the maximum count value, 2^48, or RESEED_BYTE=6 and RESEED_VALUE=1
43  */
44 #define RESEED_BYTE 6
45 #define RESEED_VALUE 1
47 #define PRNG_RESET_RESEED_COUNT(rng)                                    \
48     PORT_Memset((rng)->reseed_counter, 0, sizeof(rng)->reseed_counter); \
49     (rng)->reseed_counter[RESEED_BYTE] = 1;
51 /*
52  * The actual values of this enum are specified in SP 800-90, 10.1.1.*
53  * The spec does not name the types, it only uses bare values
54  */
55 typedef enum {
56     prngCGenerateType = 0,      /* used when creating a new 'C' */
57     prngReseedType = 1,         /* used in reseeding */
58     prngAdditionalDataType = 2, /* used in mixing additional data */
59     prngGenerateByteType = 3    /* used when mixing internal state while
60                  * generating bytes */
61 } prngVTypes;
63 /*
64  * Global RNG context
65  */
66 struct RNGContextStr {
67     PZLock *lock; /* Lock to serialize access to global rng */
68     /*
69      * NOTE, a number of steps in the drbg algorithm need to hash
70      * V_type || V. The code, therefore, depends on the V array following
71      * immediately after V_type to avoid extra copies. To accomplish this
72      * in a way that compiliers can't perturb, we declare V_type and V
73      * as a V_Data array and reference them by macros */
74     PRUint8 V_Data[PRNG_SEEDLEN + 1]; /* internal state variables */
75 #define V_type V_Data[0]
76 #define V(rng) (((rng)->V_Data) + 1)
77 #define VSize(rng) ((sizeof(rng)->V_Data) - 1)
78     PRUint8 C[PRNG_SEEDLEN]; /* internal state variables */
79     /* If we get calls for the PRNG to return less than the length of our
80      * hash, we extend the request for a full hash (since we'll be doing
81      * the full hash anyway). Future requests for random numbers are fulfilled
82      * from the remainder of the bytes we generated. Requests for bytes longer
83      * than the hash size are fulfilled directly from the HashGen function
84      * of the random number generator. */
85     PRUint8 reseed_counter[RESEED_BYTE + 1]; /* number of requests since the
86                                               * last reseed. Need only be
87                                               * big enough to hold the whole
88                                               * reseed count */
89     PRUint8 data[SHA256_LENGTH];             /* when we request less than a block
90                                               * save the rest of the rng output for
91                                               * another partial block */
92     PRUint8 dataAvail;                       /* # bytes of output available in our cache,
93                                               * [0...SHA256_LENGTH] */
94     /* store additional data that has been shovelled off to us by
95      * RNG_RandomUpdate. */
96     PRUint8 additionalDataCache[PRNG_ADDITONAL_DATA_CACHE_SIZE];
97     PRUint32 additionalAvail;
98     PRBool isValid;   /* false if RNG reaches an invalid state */
99     PRBool isKatTest; /* true if running NIST PRNG KAT tests */
100     /* for continuous entropy check */
101     PRUint8 previousEntropyHash[SHA256_LENGTH];
102 };
104 typedef struct RNGContextStr RNGContext;
105 static RNGContext *globalrng = NULL;
106 static RNGContext theGlobalRng;
108 /*
109  * The next several functions are derived from the NIST SP 800-90
110  * spec. In these functions, an attempt was made to use names consistent
111  * with the names in the spec, even if they differ from normal NSS usage.
112  */
114 /*
115  * Hash Derive function defined in NISP SP 800-90 Section 10.4.1.
116  * This function is used in the Instantiate and Reseed functions.
117  *
118  * NOTE: requested_bytes cannot overlap with input_string_1 or input_string_2.
119  * input_string_1 and input_string_2 are logically concatentated.
120  * input_string_1 must be supplied.
121  * if input_string_2 is not supplied, NULL should be passed for this parameter.
122  */
123 static SECStatus
prng_Hash_df(PRUint8 * requested_bytes,unsigned int no_of_bytes_to_return,const PRUint8 * input_string_1,unsigned int input_string_1_len,const PRUint8 * input_string_2,unsigned int input_string_2_len)124 prng_Hash_df(PRUint8 *requested_bytes, unsigned int no_of_bytes_to_return,
125              const PRUint8 *input_string_1, unsigned int input_string_1_len,
126              const PRUint8 *input_string_2, unsigned int input_string_2_len)
127 {
128     SHA256Context ctx;
129     PRUint32 tmp;
130     PRUint8 counter;
132     tmp = SHA_HTONL(no_of_bytes_to_return * 8);
134     for (counter = 1; no_of_bytes_to_return > 0; counter++) {
135         unsigned int hash_return_len;
136         SHA256_Begin(&ctx);
137         SHA256_Update(&ctx, &counter, 1);
138         SHA256_Update(&ctx, (unsigned char *)&tmp, sizeof tmp);
139         SHA256_Update(&ctx, input_string_1, input_string_1_len);
140         if (input_string_2) {
141             SHA256_Update(&ctx, input_string_2, input_string_2_len);
142         }
143         SHA256_End(&ctx, requested_bytes, &hash_return_len,
144                    no_of_bytes_to_return);
145         requested_bytes += hash_return_len;
146         no_of_bytes_to_return -= hash_return_len;
147     }
148     SHA256_DestroyContext(&ctx, PR_FALSE);
149     return SECSuccess;
150 }
152 /*
153  * Hash_DRBG Instantiate NIST SP 800-90
154  *
155  * NOTE: bytes & len are entropy || nonce || personalization_string. In
156  * normal operation, NSS calculates them all together in a single call.
157  */
158 static SECStatus
prng_instantiate(RNGContext * rng,const PRUint8 * bytes,unsigned int len)159 prng_instantiate(RNGContext *rng, const PRUint8 *bytes, unsigned int len)
160 {
161     if (!rng->isKatTest && len < PRNG_SEEDLEN) {
162         /* If the seedlen is too small, it's probably because we failed to get
163          * enough random data.
164          * This is stricter than NIST SP800-90A requires. Don't enforce it for
165          * tests. */
166         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM);
167         return SECFailure;
168     }
169     prng_Hash_df(V(rng), VSize(rng), bytes, len, NULL, 0);
170     rng->V_type = prngCGenerateType;
171     prng_Hash_df(rng->C, sizeof rng->C, rng->V_Data, sizeof rng->V_Data, NULL, 0);
173     return SECSuccess;
174 }
176 static PRCallOnceType coRNGInitEntropy;
178 static PRStatus
prng_initEntropy(void)179 prng_initEntropy(void)
180 {
181     size_t length;
182     PRUint8 block[PRNG_ENTROPY_BLOCK_SIZE];
183     SHA256Context ctx;
185     /* For FIPS 140-2 4.9.2 continuous random number generator test,
186      * fetch the initial entropy from the system RNG and keep it for
187      * later comparison. */
188     length = RNG_SystemRNG(block, sizeof(block));
189     if (length == 0) {
190         return PR_FAILURE; /* error is already set */
191     }
192     PORT_Assert(length == sizeof(block));
194     /* Store the hash of the entropy block rather than the block
195      * itself for backward secrecy. */
196     SHA256_Begin(&ctx);
197     SHA256_Update(&ctx, block, sizeof(block));
198     SHA256_End(&ctx, globalrng->previousEntropyHash, NULL,
199                sizeof(globalrng->previousEntropyHash));
200     PORT_Memset(block, 0, sizeof(block));
201     SHA256_DestroyContext(&ctx, PR_FALSE);
202     return PR_SUCCESS;
203 }
205 static SECStatus
prng_getEntropy(PRUint8 * buffer,size_t requestLength)206 prng_getEntropy(PRUint8 *buffer, size_t requestLength)
207 {
208     size_t total = 0;
209     PRUint8 block[PRNG_ENTROPY_BLOCK_SIZE];
210     PRUint8 hash[SHA256_LENGTH];
211     SHA256Context ctx;
212     SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
214     if (PR_CallOnce(&coRNGInitEntropy, prng_initEntropy) != PR_SUCCESS) {
216         return SECFailure;
217     }
219     /* For FIPS 140-2 4.9.2 continuous random generator test,
220      * iteratively fetch fixed sized blocks from the system and
221      * compare consecutive blocks. */
222     while (total < requestLength) {
223         size_t length = RNG_SystemRNG(block, sizeof(block));
224         if (length == 0) {
225             rv = SECFailure; /* error is already set */
226             goto out;
227         }
228         PORT_Assert(length == sizeof(block));
230         /* Store the hash of the entropy block rather than the block
231          * itself for backward secrecy. */
232         SHA256_Begin(&ctx);
233         SHA256_Update(&ctx, block, sizeof(block));
234         SHA256_End(&ctx, hash, NULL, sizeof(hash));
236         if (PORT_Memcmp(globalrng->previousEntropyHash, hash, sizeof(hash)) == 0) {
237             PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE);
238             rv = SECFailure;
239             goto out;
240         }
241         PORT_Memcpy(globalrng->previousEntropyHash, hash, sizeof(hash));
242         length = PR_MIN(requestLength - total, sizeof(block));
243         PORT_Memcpy(buffer, block, length);
244         total += length;
245         buffer += length;
246     }
248 out:
249     PORT_Memset(hash, 0, sizeof hash);
250     PORT_Memset(block, 0, sizeof block);
251     return rv;
252 }
254 /*
255  * Update the global random number generator with more seeding
256  * material. Use the Hash_DRBG reseed algorithm from NIST SP-800-90
257  * section
258  *
259  * If entropy is NULL, it is fetched from the noise generator.
260  */
261 static SECStatus
prng_reseed(RNGContext * rng,const PRUint8 * entropy,unsigned int entropy_len,const PRUint8 * additional_input,unsigned int additional_input_len)262 prng_reseed(RNGContext *rng, const PRUint8 *entropy, unsigned int entropy_len,
263             const PRUint8 *additional_input, unsigned int additional_input_len)
264 {
265     PRUint8 noiseData[(sizeof rng->V_Data) + PRNG_SEEDLEN];
266     PRUint8 *noise = &noiseData[0];
267     SECStatus rv;
269     /* if entropy wasn't supplied, fetch it. (normal operation case) */
270     if (entropy == NULL) {
271         entropy_len = PRNG_SEEDLEN;
272         rv = prng_getEntropy(&noiseData[sizeof rng->V_Data], entropy_len);
273         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
274             return SECFailure; /* error is already set */
275         }
276     } else {
277         /* NOTE: this code is only available for testing, not to applications */
278         /* if entropy was too big for the stack variable, get it from malloc */
279         if (entropy_len > PRNG_SEEDLEN) {
280             noise = PORT_Alloc(entropy_len + (sizeof rng->V_Data));
281             if (noise == NULL) {
282                 return SECFailure;
283             }
284         }
285         PORT_Memcpy(&noise[sizeof rng->V_Data], entropy, entropy_len);
286     }
288     if (entropy_len < 256 / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE) {
289         /* noise == &noiseData[0] at this point, so nothing to free */
290         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM);
291         return SECFailure;
292     }
294     rng->V_type = prngReseedType;
295     PORT_Memcpy(noise, rng->V_Data, sizeof rng->V_Data);
296     prng_Hash_df(V(rng), VSize(rng), noise, (sizeof rng->V_Data) + entropy_len,
297                  additional_input, additional_input_len);
298     /* clear potential CSP */
299     PORT_Memset(noise, 0, (sizeof rng->V_Data) + entropy_len);
300     rng->V_type = prngCGenerateType;
301     prng_Hash_df(rng->C, sizeof rng->C, rng->V_Data, sizeof rng->V_Data, NULL, 0);
304     if (noise != &noiseData[0]) {
305         PORT_Free(noise);
306     }
307     return SECSuccess;
308 }
310 /*
311  * SP 800-90 requires we rerun our health tests on reseed
312  */
313 static SECStatus
prng_reseed_test(RNGContext * rng,const PRUint8 * entropy,unsigned int entropy_len,const PRUint8 * additional_input,unsigned int additional_input_len)314 prng_reseed_test(RNGContext *rng, const PRUint8 *entropy,
315                  unsigned int entropy_len, const PRUint8 *additional_input,
316                  unsigned int additional_input_len)
317 {
318     SECStatus rv;
320     /* do health checks in FIPS mode */
321     rv = PRNGTEST_RunHealthTests();
322     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
323         /* error set by PRNGTEST_RunHealTests() */
324         rng->isValid = PR_FALSE;
325         return SECFailure;
326     }
327     return prng_reseed(rng, entropy, entropy_len,
328                        additional_input, additional_input_len);
329 }
331 /*
332  * build some fast inline functions for adding.
333  */
334 #define PRNG_ADD_CARRY_ONLY(dest, start, carry)    \
335     {                                              \
336         int k1;                                    \
337         for (k1 = start; carry && k1 >= 0; k1--) { \
338             carry = !(++dest[k1]);                 \
339         }                                          \
340     }
342 /*
343  * NOTE: dest must be an array for the following to work.
344  */
345 #define PRNG_ADD_BITS(dest, dest_len, add, len, carry)               \
346     carry = 0;                                                       \
347     PORT_Assert((dest_len) >= (len));                                \
348     {                                                                \
349         int k1, k2;                                                  \
350         for (k1 = dest_len - 1, k2 = len - 1; k2 >= 0; --k1, --k2) { \
351             carry += dest[k1] + add[k2];                             \
352             dest[k1] = (PRUint8)carry;                               \
353             carry >>= 8;                                             \
354         }                                                            \
355     }
357 #define PRNG_ADD_BITS_AND_CARRY(dest, dest_len, add, len, carry) \
358     PRNG_ADD_BITS(dest, dest_len, add, len, carry)               \
359     PRNG_ADD_CARRY_ONLY(dest, dest_len - len - 1, carry)
361 /*
362  * This function expands the internal state of the prng to fulfill any number
363  * of bytes we need for this request. We only use this call if we need more
364  * than can be supplied by a single call to SHA256_HashBuf.
365  *
366  * This function is specified in NIST SP 800-90 section, Hashgen
367  */
368 static void
prng_Hashgen(RNGContext * rng,PRUint8 * returned_bytes,unsigned int no_of_returned_bytes)369 prng_Hashgen(RNGContext *rng, PRUint8 *returned_bytes,
370              unsigned int no_of_returned_bytes)
371 {
372     PRUint8 data[VSize(rng)];
373     PRUint8 thisHash[SHA256_LENGTH];
375     PORT_Memcpy(data, V(rng), VSize(rng));
376     while (no_of_returned_bytes) {
377         SHA256Context ctx;
378         unsigned int len;
379         unsigned int carry;
381         SHA256_Begin(&ctx);
382         SHA256_Update(&ctx, data, sizeof data);
383         SHA256_End(&ctx, thisHash, &len, SHA256_LENGTH);
384         if (no_of_returned_bytes < SHA256_LENGTH) {
385             len = no_of_returned_bytes;
386         }
387         PORT_Memcpy(returned_bytes, thisHash, len);
388         returned_bytes += len;
389         no_of_returned_bytes -= len;
390         /* The carry parameter is a bool (increment or not).
391      * This increments data if no_of_returned_bytes is not zero */
392         carry = no_of_returned_bytes;
393         PRNG_ADD_CARRY_ONLY(data, (sizeof data) - 1, carry);
394         SHA256_DestroyContext(&ctx, PR_FALSE);
395     }
396     PORT_Memset(data, 0, sizeof data);
397     PORT_Memset(thisHash, 0, sizeof thisHash);
398 }
400 /*
401  * Generates new random bytes and advances the internal prng state.
402  * additional bytes are only used in algorithm testing.
403  *
404  * This function is specified in NIST SP 800-90 section
405  */
406 static SECStatus
prng_generateNewBytes(RNGContext * rng,PRUint8 * returned_bytes,unsigned int no_of_returned_bytes,const PRUint8 * additional_input,unsigned int additional_input_len)407 prng_generateNewBytes(RNGContext *rng,
408                       PRUint8 *returned_bytes, unsigned int no_of_returned_bytes,
409                       const PRUint8 *additional_input,
410                       unsigned int additional_input_len)
411 {
412     PRUint8 H[SHA256_LENGTH]; /* both H and w since they
413                    * aren't used concurrently */
414     unsigned int carry;
416     if (!rng->isValid) {
418         return SECFailure;
419     }
420     /* This code only triggers during tests, normal
421      * prng operation does not use additional_input */
422     if (additional_input) {
423         SHA256Context ctx;
424 /* NIST SP 800-90 defines two temporaries in their calculations,
425      * w and H. These temporaries are the same lengths, and used
426      * at different times, so we use the following macro to collapse
427      * them to the same variable, but keeping their unique names for
428      * easy comparison to the spec */
429 #define w H
430         rng->V_type = prngAdditionalDataType;
431         SHA256_Begin(&ctx);
432         SHA256_Update(&ctx, rng->V_Data, sizeof rng->V_Data);
433         SHA256_Update(&ctx, additional_input, additional_input_len);
434         SHA256_End(&ctx, w, NULL, sizeof w);
435         PRNG_ADD_BITS_AND_CARRY(V(rng), VSize(rng), w, sizeof w, carry)
436         PORT_Memset(w, 0, sizeof w);
437         SHA256_DestroyContext(&ctx, PR_FALSE);
438 #undef w
439     }
441     if (no_of_returned_bytes == SHA256_LENGTH) {
442         /* short_cut to hashbuf and a couple of copies and clears */
443         SHA256_HashBuf(returned_bytes, V(rng), VSize(rng));
444     } else {
445         prng_Hashgen(rng, returned_bytes, no_of_returned_bytes);
446     }
447     /* advance our internal state... */
448     rng->V_type = prngGenerateByteType;
449     SHA256_HashBuf(H, rng->V_Data, sizeof rng->V_Data);
450     PRNG_ADD_BITS_AND_CARRY(V(rng), VSize(rng), H, sizeof H, carry)
451     PRNG_ADD_BITS(V(rng), VSize(rng), rng->C, sizeof rng->C, carry);
452     PRNG_ADD_BITS_AND_CARRY(V(rng), VSize(rng), rng->reseed_counter,
453                             sizeof rng->reseed_counter, carry)
454     carry = 1;
455     PRNG_ADD_CARRY_ONLY(rng->reseed_counter, (sizeof rng->reseed_counter) - 1, carry);
457     /* if the prng failed, don't return any output, signal softoken */
458     PORT_Memset(H, 0, sizeof H);
459     if (!rng->isValid) {
460         PORT_Memset(returned_bytes, 0, no_of_returned_bytes);
462         return SECFailure;
463     }
464     return SECSuccess;
465 }
467 /* Use NSPR to prevent RNG_RNGInit from being called from separate
468  * threads, creating a race condition.
469  */
470 static const PRCallOnceType pristineCallOnce;
471 static PRCallOnceType coRNGInit;
472 static PRStatus
rng_init(void)473 rng_init(void)
474 {
475     PRUint8 bytes[PRNG_SEEDLEN * 2]; /* entropy + nonce */
476     SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
478     if (globalrng == NULL) {
479         /* bytes needs to have enough space to hold
480      * a SHA256 hash value. Blow up at compile time if this isn't true */
481         PR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(bytes) >= SHA256_LENGTH);
482         /* create a new global RNG context */
483         globalrng = &theGlobalRng;
484         PORT_Assert(NULL == globalrng->lock);
485         /* create a lock for it */
486         globalrng->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockOther);
487         if (globalrng->lock == NULL) {
488             globalrng = NULL;
489             PORT_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR);
490             return PR_FAILURE;
491         }
493         /* Try to get some seed data for the RNG */
494         rv = prng_getEntropy(bytes, sizeof bytes);
495         if (rv == SECSuccess) {
496             /* if this is our first call,  instantiate, otherwise reseed
497              * prng_instantiate gets a new clean state, we want to mix
498              * any previous entropy we may have collected */
499             if (V(globalrng)[0] == 0) {
500                 rv = prng_instantiate(globalrng, bytes, sizeof bytes);
501             } else {
502                 rv = prng_reseed_test(globalrng, bytes, sizeof bytes, NULL, 0);
503             }
504             memset(bytes, 0, sizeof bytes);
505         } else {
506             PZ_DestroyLock(globalrng->lock);
507             globalrng->lock = NULL;
508             globalrng = NULL;
509             return PR_FAILURE;
510         }
511         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
512             return PR_FAILURE;
513         }
515         /* the RNG is in a valid state */
516         globalrng->isValid = PR_TRUE;
517         globalrng->isKatTest = PR_FALSE;
519         /* fetch one random value so that we can populate rng->oldV for our
520          * continous random number test. */
521         prng_generateNewBytes(globalrng, bytes, SHA256_LENGTH, NULL, 0);
523         /* Fetch more entropy into the PRNG */
524         RNG_SystemInfoForRNG();
525     }
526     return PR_SUCCESS;
527 }
529 /*
530  * Clean up the global RNG context
531  */
532 static void
prng_freeRNGContext(RNGContext * rng)533 prng_freeRNGContext(RNGContext *rng)
534 {
535     PRUint8 inputhash[VSize(rng) + (sizeof rng->C)];
537     /* destroy context lock */
538     SKIP_AFTER_FORK(PZ_DestroyLock(globalrng->lock));
540     /* zero global RNG context except for C & V to preserve entropy */
541     prng_Hash_df(inputhash, sizeof rng->C, rng->C, sizeof rng->C, NULL, 0);
542     prng_Hash_df(&inputhash[sizeof rng->C], VSize(rng), V(rng), VSize(rng),
543                  NULL, 0);
544     memset(rng, 0, sizeof *rng);
545     memcpy(rng->C, inputhash, sizeof rng->C);
546     memcpy(V(rng), &inputhash[sizeof rng->C], VSize(rng));
548     memset(inputhash, 0, sizeof inputhash);
549 }
551 /*
552  * Public functions
553  */
555 /*
556  * Initialize the global RNG context and give it some seed input taken
557  * from the system.  This function is thread-safe and will only allow
558  * the global context to be initialized once.  The seed input is likely
559  * small, so it is imperative that RNG_RandomUpdate() be called with
560  * additional seed data before the generator is used.  A good way to
561  * provide the generator with additional entropy is to call
562  * RNG_SystemInfoForRNG().  Note that C_Initialize() does exactly that.
563  */
564 SECStatus
RNG_RNGInit(void)565 RNG_RNGInit(void)
566 {
567     /* Allow only one call to initialize the context */
568     PR_CallOnce(&coRNGInit, rng_init);
569     /* Make sure there is a context */
570     return (globalrng != NULL) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
571 }
573 /*
574 ** Update the global random number generator with more seeding
575 ** material.
576 */
577 SECStatus
RNG_RandomUpdate(const void * data,size_t bytes)578 RNG_RandomUpdate(const void *data, size_t bytes)
579 {
580     SECStatus rv;
582     /* Make sure our assumption that size_t is unsigned is true */
583     PR_STATIC_ASSERT(((size_t)-1) > (size_t)1);
585 #if defined(NS_PTR_GT_32) || (defined(NSS_USE_64) && !defined(NS_PTR_LE_32))
586     /*
587      * NIST 800-90 requires us to verify our inputs. This value can
588      * come from the application, so we need to make sure it's within the
589      * spec. The spec says it must be less than 2^32 bytes (2^35 bits).
590      * This can only happen if size_t is greater than 32 bits (i.e. on
591      * most 64 bit platforms). The 90% case (perhaps 100% case), size_t
592      * is less than or equal to 32 bits if the platform is not 64 bits, and
593      * greater than 32 bits if it is a 64 bit platform. The corner
594      * cases are handled with explicit defines NS_PTR_GT_32 and NS_PTR_LE_32.
595      *
596      * In general, neither NS_PTR_GT_32 nor NS_PTR_LE_32 will need to be
597      * defined. If you trip over the next two size ASSERTS at compile time,
598      * you will need to define them for your platform.
599      *
600      * if 'sizeof(size_t) > 4' is triggered it means that we were expecting
601      *   sizeof(size_t) to be greater than 4, but it wasn't. Setting
602      *   NS_PTR_LE_32 will correct that mistake.
603      *
604      * if 'sizeof(size_t) <= 4' is triggered, it means that we were expecting
605      *   sizeof(size_t) to be less than or equal to 4, but it wasn't. Setting
606      *   NS_PTR_GT_32 will correct that mistake.
607      */
609     PR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(size_t) > 4);
611     if (bytes > (size_t)PRNG_MAX_ADDITIONAL_BYTES) {
612         bytes = PRNG_MAX_ADDITIONAL_BYTES;
613     }
614 #else
615     PR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(size_t) <= 4);
616 #endif
618     PZ_Lock(globalrng->lock);
619     /* if we're passed more than our additionalDataCache, simply
620      * call reseed with that data */
621     if (bytes > sizeof(globalrng->additionalDataCache)) {
622         rv = prng_reseed_test(globalrng, NULL, 0, data, (unsigned int)bytes);
623         /* if we aren't going to fill or overflow the buffer, just cache it */
624     } else if (bytes < ((sizeof globalrng->additionalDataCache) - globalrng->additionalAvail)) {
625         PORT_Memcpy(globalrng->additionalDataCache + globalrng->additionalAvail,
626                     data, bytes);
627         globalrng->additionalAvail += (PRUint32)bytes;
628         rv = SECSuccess;
629     } else {
630         /* we are going to fill or overflow the buffer. In this case we will
631          * fill the entropy buffer, reseed with it, start a new buffer with the
632          * remainder. We know the remainder will fit in the buffer because
633          * we already handled the case where bytes > the size of the buffer.
634          */
635         size_t bufRemain = (sizeof globalrng->additionalDataCache) - globalrng->additionalAvail;
636         /* fill the rest of the buffer */
637         if (bufRemain) {
638             PORT_Memcpy(globalrng->additionalDataCache + globalrng->additionalAvail,
639                         data, bufRemain);
640             data = ((unsigned char *)data) + bufRemain;
641             bytes -= bufRemain;
642         }
643         /* reseed from buffer */
644         rv = prng_reseed_test(globalrng, NULL, 0,
645                               globalrng->additionalDataCache,
646                               sizeof globalrng->additionalDataCache);
648         /* copy the rest into the cache */
649         PORT_Memcpy(globalrng->additionalDataCache, data, bytes);
650         globalrng->additionalAvail = (PRUint32)bytes;
651     }
653     PZ_Unlock(globalrng->lock);
654     return rv;
655 }
657 /*
658 ** Generate some random bytes, using the global random number generator
659 ** object.
660 */
661 static SECStatus
prng_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(RNGContext * rng,void * dest,size_t len)662 prng_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(RNGContext *rng,
663                                void *dest, size_t len)
664 {
665     SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
666     PRUint8 *output = dest;
667     /* check for a valid global RNG context */
668     PORT_Assert(rng != NULL);
669     if (rng == NULL) {
670         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
671         return SECFailure;
672     }
673     /* FIPS limits the amount of entropy available in a single request */
674     if (len > PRNG_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE) {
675         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
676         return SECFailure;
677     }
678     /* --- LOCKED --- */
679     PZ_Lock(rng->lock);
680     /* Check the amount of seed data in the generator.  If not enough,
681      * don't produce any data.
682      */
683     if (rng->reseed_counter[0] >= RESEED_VALUE) {
684         rv = prng_reseed_test(rng, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
685         PZ_Unlock(rng->lock);
686         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
687             return rv;
688         }
689         RNG_SystemInfoForRNG();
690         PZ_Lock(rng->lock);
691     }
692     /*
693      * see if we have enough bytes to fulfill the request.
694      */
695     if (len <= rng->dataAvail) {
696         memcpy(output, rng->data + ((sizeof rng->data) - rng->dataAvail), len);
697         memset(rng->data + ((sizeof rng->data) - rng->dataAvail), 0, len);
698         rng->dataAvail -= len;
699         rv = SECSuccess;
700         /* if we are asking for a small number of bytes, cache the rest of
701      * the bytes */
702     } else if (len < sizeof rng->data) {
703         rv = prng_generateNewBytes(rng, rng->data, sizeof rng->data,
704                                    rng->additionalAvail ? rng->additionalDataCache : NULL,
705                                    rng->additionalAvail);
706         rng->additionalAvail = 0;
707         if (rv == SECSuccess) {
708             memcpy(output, rng->data, len);
709             memset(rng->data, 0, len);
710             rng->dataAvail = (sizeof rng->data) - len;
711         }
712         /* we are asking for lots of bytes, just ask the generator to pass them */
713     } else {
714         rv = prng_generateNewBytes(rng, output, len,
715                                    rng->additionalAvail ? rng->additionalDataCache : NULL,
716                                    rng->additionalAvail);
717         rng->additionalAvail = 0;
718     }
719     PZ_Unlock(rng->lock);
720     /* --- UNLOCKED --- */
721     return rv;
722 }
724 /*
725 ** Generate some random bytes, using the global random number generator
726 ** object.
727 */
728 SECStatus
RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(void * dest,size_t len)729 RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(void *dest, size_t len)
730 {
731     return prng_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(globalrng, dest, len);
732 }
734 void
RNG_RNGShutdown(void)735 RNG_RNGShutdown(void)
736 {
737     /* check for a valid global RNG context */
738     PORT_Assert(globalrng != NULL);
739     if (globalrng == NULL) {
740         /* Should set a "not initialized" error code. */
741         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
742         return;
743     }
744     /* clear */
745     prng_freeRNGContext(globalrng);
746     globalrng = NULL;
747     /* reset the callonce struct to allow a new call to RNG_RNGInit() */
748     coRNGInit = pristineCallOnce;
749 }
751 /*
752  * Test case interface. used by fips testing and power on self test
753  */
754 /* make sure the test context is separate from the global context, This
755   * allows us to test the internal random number generator without losing
756   * entropy we may have previously collected. */
757 RNGContext testContext;
759 SECStatus
PRNGTEST_Instantiate_Kat(const PRUint8 * entropy,unsigned int entropy_len,const PRUint8 * nonce,unsigned int nonce_len,const PRUint8 * personal_string,unsigned int ps_len)760 PRNGTEST_Instantiate_Kat(const PRUint8 *entropy, unsigned int entropy_len,
761                          const PRUint8 *nonce, unsigned int nonce_len,
762                          const PRUint8 *personal_string, unsigned int ps_len)
763 {
764     testContext.isKatTest = PR_TRUE;
765     return PRNGTEST_Instantiate(entropy, entropy_len,
766                                 nonce, nonce_len,
767                                 personal_string, ps_len);
768 }
770 /*
771  * Test vector API. Use NIST SP 800-90 general interface so one of the
772  * other NIST SP 800-90 algorithms may be used in the future.
773  */
774 SECStatus
PRNGTEST_Instantiate(const PRUint8 * entropy,unsigned int entropy_len,const PRUint8 * nonce,unsigned int nonce_len,const PRUint8 * personal_string,unsigned int ps_len)775 PRNGTEST_Instantiate(const PRUint8 *entropy, unsigned int entropy_len,
776                      const PRUint8 *nonce, unsigned int nonce_len,
777                      const PRUint8 *personal_string, unsigned int ps_len)
778 {
779     int bytes_len = entropy_len + nonce_len + ps_len;
780     PRUint8 *bytes = NULL;
781     SECStatus rv;
783     if (entropy_len < 256 / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE) {
784         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM);
785         return SECFailure;
786     }
788     bytes = PORT_Alloc(bytes_len);
789     if (bytes == NULL) {
790         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
791         return SECFailure;
792     }
793     /* concatenate the various inputs, internally NSS only instantiates with
794     * a single long string */
795     PORT_Memcpy(bytes, entropy, entropy_len);
796     if (nonce) {
797         PORT_Memcpy(&bytes[entropy_len], nonce, nonce_len);
798     } else {
799         PORT_Assert(nonce_len == 0);
800     }
801     if (personal_string) {
802         PORT_Memcpy(&bytes[entropy_len + nonce_len], personal_string, ps_len);
803     } else {
804         PORT_Assert(ps_len == 0);
805     }
806     rv = prng_instantiate(&testContext, bytes, bytes_len);
807     PORT_ZFree(bytes, bytes_len);
808     if (rv == SECFailure) {
809         return SECFailure;
810     }
811     testContext.isValid = PR_TRUE;
812     return SECSuccess;
813 }
815 SECStatus
PRNGTEST_Reseed(const PRUint8 * entropy,unsigned int entropy_len,const PRUint8 * additional,unsigned int additional_len)816 PRNGTEST_Reseed(const PRUint8 *entropy, unsigned int entropy_len,
817                 const PRUint8 *additional, unsigned int additional_len)
818 {
819     if (!testContext.isValid) {
821         return SECFailure;
822     }
823     /* This magic input tells us to set the reseed count to it's max count,
824      * so we can simulate PRNGTEST_Generate reaching max reseed count */
825     if ((entropy == NULL) && (entropy_len == 0) &&
826         (additional == NULL) && (additional_len == 0)) {
827         testContext.reseed_counter[0] = RESEED_VALUE;
828         return SECSuccess;
829     }
830     return prng_reseed(&testContext, entropy, entropy_len, additional,
831                        additional_len);
832 }
834 SECStatus
PRNGTEST_Generate(PRUint8 * bytes,unsigned int bytes_len,const PRUint8 * additional,unsigned int additional_len)835 PRNGTEST_Generate(PRUint8 *bytes, unsigned int bytes_len,
836                   const PRUint8 *additional, unsigned int additional_len)
837 {
838     SECStatus rv;
839     if (!testContext.isValid) {
841         return SECFailure;
842     }
843     /* replicate reseed test from prng_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes */
844     if (testContext.reseed_counter[0] >= RESEED_VALUE) {
845         rv = prng_reseed(&testContext, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
846         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
847             return rv;
848         }
849     }
850     return prng_generateNewBytes(&testContext, bytes, bytes_len,
851                                  additional, additional_len);
852 }
854 SECStatus
PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate()855 PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate()
856 {
857     if (!testContext.isValid) {
859         return SECFailure;
860     }
861     PORT_Memset(&testContext, 0, sizeof testContext);
862     return SECSuccess;
863 }
865 SECStatus
PRNGTEST_RunHealthTests()866 PRNGTEST_RunHealthTests()
867 {
868     static const PRUint8 entropy[] = {
869         0x8e, 0x9c, 0x0d, 0x25, 0x75, 0x22, 0x04, 0xf9,
870         0xc5, 0x79, 0x10, 0x8b, 0x23, 0x79, 0x37, 0x14,
871         0x9f, 0x2c, 0xc7, 0x0b, 0x39, 0xf8, 0xee, 0xef,
872         0x95, 0x0c, 0x97, 0x59, 0xfc, 0x0a, 0x85, 0x41,
873         0x76, 0x9d, 0x6d, 0x67, 0x00, 0x4e, 0x19, 0x12,
874         0x02, 0x16, 0x53, 0xea, 0xf2, 0x73, 0xd7, 0xd6,
875         0x7f, 0x7e, 0xc8, 0xae, 0x9c, 0x09, 0x99, 0x7d,
876         0xbb, 0x9e, 0x48, 0x7f, 0xbb, 0x96, 0x46, 0xb3,
877         0x03, 0x75, 0xf8, 0xc8, 0x69, 0x45, 0x3f, 0x97,
878         0x5e, 0x2e, 0x48, 0xe1, 0x5d, 0x58, 0x97, 0x4c
879     };
880     static const PRUint8 rng_known_result[] = {
881         0x16, 0xe1, 0x8c, 0x57, 0x21, 0xd8, 0xf1, 0x7e,
882         0x5a, 0xa0, 0x16, 0x0b, 0x7e, 0xa6, 0x25, 0xb4,
883         0x24, 0x19, 0xdb, 0x54, 0xfa, 0x35, 0x13, 0x66,
884         0xbb, 0xaa, 0x2a, 0x1b, 0x22, 0x33, 0x2e, 0x4a,
885         0x14, 0x07, 0x9d, 0x52, 0xfc, 0x73, 0x61, 0x48,
886         0xac, 0xc1, 0x22, 0xfc, 0xa4, 0xfc, 0xac, 0xa4,
887         0xdb, 0xda, 0x5b, 0x27, 0x33, 0xc4, 0xb3
888     };
889     static const PRUint8 reseed_entropy[] = {
890         0xc6, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x30, 0x67, 0x07, 0xf4, 0xe2,
891         0x24, 0xa7, 0x51, 0x6f, 0x5f, 0x85, 0x3e, 0x5d,
892         0x67, 0x97, 0xb8, 0x3b, 0x30, 0x9c, 0x7a, 0xb1,
893         0x52, 0xc6, 0x1b, 0xc9, 0x46, 0xa8, 0x62, 0x79
894     };
895     static const PRUint8 additional_input[] = {
896         0x86, 0x82, 0x28, 0x98, 0xe7, 0xcb, 0x01, 0x14,
897         0xae, 0x87, 0x4b, 0x1d, 0x99, 0x1b, 0xc7, 0x41,
898         0x33, 0xff, 0x33, 0x66, 0x40, 0x95, 0x54, 0xc6,
899         0x67, 0x4d, 0x40, 0x2a, 0x1f, 0xf9, 0xeb, 0x65
900     };
901     static const PRUint8 rng_reseed_result[] = {
902         0x02, 0x0c, 0xc6, 0x17, 0x86, 0x49, 0xba, 0xc4,
903         0x7b, 0x71, 0x35, 0x05, 0xf0, 0xdb, 0x4a, 0xc2,
904         0x2c, 0x38, 0xc1, 0xa4, 0x42, 0xe5, 0x46, 0x4a,
905         0x7d, 0xf0, 0xbe, 0x47, 0x88, 0xb8, 0x0e, 0xc6,
906         0x25, 0x2b, 0x1d, 0x13, 0xef, 0xa6, 0x87, 0x96,
907         0xa3, 0x7d, 0x5b, 0x80, 0xc2, 0x38, 0x76, 0x61,
908         0xc7, 0x80, 0x5d, 0x0f, 0x05, 0x76, 0x85
909     };
910     static const PRUint8 rng_no_reseed_result[] = {
911         0xc4, 0x40, 0x41, 0x8c, 0xbf, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x23,
912         0x88, 0xf2, 0x7b, 0x30, 0xc3, 0xca, 0x1e, 0xf3,
913         0xef, 0x53, 0x81, 0x5d, 0x30, 0xed, 0x4c, 0xf1,
914         0xff, 0x89, 0xa5, 0xee, 0x92, 0xf8, 0xc0, 0x0f,
915         0x88, 0x53, 0xdf, 0xb6, 0x76, 0xf0, 0xaa, 0xd3,
916         0x2e, 0x1d, 0x64, 0x37, 0x3e, 0xe8, 0x4a, 0x02,
917         0xff, 0x0a, 0x7f, 0xe5, 0xe9, 0x2b, 0x6d
918     };
920     SECStatus rng_status = SECSuccess;
921     PR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(rng_known_result) >= sizeof(rng_reseed_result));
922     PRUint8 result[sizeof(rng_known_result)];
924     /********************************************/
925     /*   First test instantiate error path.     */
926     /*   In this case we supply enough entropy, */
927     /*   but not enough seed. This will trigger */
928     /*   the code that checks for a entropy     */
929     /*   source failure.                        */
930     /********************************************/
931     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Instantiate(entropy, 256 / PR_BITS_PER_BYTE,
932                                       NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
933     if (rng_status == SECSuccess) {
935         return SECFailure;
936     }
937     if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM) {
939         return SECFailure;
940     }
941     /* we failed with the proper error code, we can continue */
943     /********************************************/
944     /* Generate random bytes with a known seed. */
945     /********************************************/
946     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Instantiate(entropy, sizeof entropy,
947                                       NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
948     if (rng_status != SECSuccess) {
949         /* Error set by PRNGTEST_Instantiate */
950         return SECFailure;
951     }
952     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Generate(result, sizeof rng_known_result, NULL, 0);
953     if ((rng_status != SECSuccess) ||
954         (PORT_Memcmp(result, rng_known_result,
955                      sizeof rng_known_result) != 0)) {
956         PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
958         return SECFailure;
959     }
960     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Reseed(reseed_entropy, sizeof reseed_entropy,
961                                  additional_input, sizeof additional_input);
962     if (rng_status != SECSuccess) {
963         /* Error set by PRNG_Reseed */
964         PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
965         return SECFailure;
966     }
967     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Generate(result, sizeof rng_reseed_result, NULL, 0);
968     if ((rng_status != SECSuccess) ||
969         (PORT_Memcmp(result, rng_reseed_result,
970                      sizeof rng_reseed_result) != 0)) {
971         PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
973         return SECFailure;
974     }
975     /* This magic forces the reseed count to it's max count, so we can see if
976      * PRNGTEST_Generate will actually when it reaches it's count */
977     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Reseed(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
978     if (rng_status != SECSuccess) {
979         PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
980         /* Error set by PRNG_Reseed */
981         return SECFailure;
982     }
983     /* This generate should now reseed */
984     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Generate(result, sizeof rng_reseed_result, NULL, 0);
985     if ((rng_status != SECSuccess) ||
986         /* NOTE we fail if the result is equal to the no_reseed_result.
987          * no_reseed_result is the value we would have gotten if we didn't
988          * do an automatic reseed in PRNGTEST_Generate */
989         (PORT_Memcmp(result, rng_no_reseed_result,
990                      sizeof rng_no_reseed_result) == 0)) {
991         PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
993         return SECFailure;
994     }
995     /* make sure reseed fails when we don't supply enough entropy */
996     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Reseed(reseed_entropy, 4, NULL, 0);
997     if (rng_status == SECSuccess) {
998         PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
1000         return SECFailure;
1001     }
1002     if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_NEED_RANDOM) {
1003         PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
1005         return SECFailure;
1006     }
1007     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
1008     if (rng_status != SECSuccess) {
1009         /* Error set by PRNG_Uninstantiate */
1010         return rng_status;
1011     }
1012     /* make sure uninstantiate fails if the contest is not initiated (also tests
1013      * if the context was cleared in the previous Uninstantiate) */
1014     rng_status = PRNGTEST_Uninstantiate();
1015     if (rng_status == SECSuccess) {
1017         return SECFailure;
1018     }
1019     if (PORT_GetError() != SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE) {
1020         return rng_status;
1021     }
1023     return SECSuccess;
1024 }