1 /* Copyright (C) 2012-2020 IBM Corp.
2  * This program is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
3  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
4  * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
5  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
6  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
7  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
8  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
9  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
10  * limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.
11  */
15 /**
16  * @file keySwitching.h
17  * @brief - Declaration of key switching matrices
18  * @brief - Other key switching-related free functions
19  *
20  * Copyright IBM Corporation 2019 All rights reserved.
21  */
23 #include <climits>
24 #include <helib/DoubleCRT.h>
25 #include <helib/Context.h>
26 #include <helib/Ctxt.h>
28 namespace helib {
30 /**
31  * @class KeySwitch
32  * @brief Key-switching matrices
33  *
34  * There are basically two approaches for how to do key-switching: either
35  * decompose the mod-q ciphertext into bits (or digits) to make it low-norm,
36  * or perform the key-switching operation mod Q>>q. The tradeoff is that when
37  * decomposing the (coefficients of the) ciphertext into t digits, we need to
38  * increase the size of the key-switching matrix by a factor of t (and the
39  * running time similarly grows). On the other hand if we do not decompose at
40  * all then we need to work modulo Q>q^2, which means that the bitsize of our
41  * largest modulus q0 more than doubles (and hence also the parameter m more
42  * than doubles). In general if we decompose into digits of size B then we
43  * need to work with Q>q*B.)
44  *
45  * The part of the spectrum where we expect to find the sweet spot is when
46  * we decompose the ciphertext into digits of size B=q0^{1/t} for some small
47  * constant t (maybe t=2,3 or so). This means that our largest modulus
48  * has to be Q>q0^{1+1/t}, which increases also the parameter m by a factor
49  * (1+1/t). It also means that for key-switching in the top levels we would
50  * break the ciphertext to t digits, hence the key-switching matrix will have
51  * t columns.
52  *
53  * A key-switch matrix W[s'->s] converts a ciphertext-part with respect to
54  * secret-key polynomial s' into a canonical ciphertext (i.e. a two-part
55  * ciphertext with respect to (1,s)). The matrix W is a 2-by-t matrix of
56  * DoubleCRT objects. The bottom row are just (pseudo)random elements. Then
57  * for column j, if the bottom element is aj then the top element is set as
58  *     bj = P*Bj*s' + p*ej - s * aj mod P*q0,
59  * where p is the plaintext space (i.e. 2 or 2^r, or 1 for CKKS) and Bj
60  * is the product of the digits-sizes corresponding to columns 0...i-1.
61  * (For example if we have digit sizes 3,5,7 then B0=1, B1=3, B2=15 and
62  * B3=105.) Also, q0 is the product of all the "ciphertext primes" and
63  * P is roughly the product of all the special primes. (Actually, for BGV,
64  * if Q is the product of all the special primes then P=Q*(Q^{-1} mod p).)
65  *
66  * In this implementation we save some space, by keeping only a PRG seed for
67  * generating the pseudo-random elements, rather than the elements themselves.
68  *
69  * To convert a ciphertext part R, we break R into digits R = sum_j Bj Rj,
70  * then set (q0,q1)^T = sum_j Rj * column-j. Note that we have
71  * <(1,s),(q0,q1)> = sum_j Rj*(s*aj - s*aj + p*ej +P*Bj*s')
72  *       = P * sum_j Bj*Rj * s' + p sum_j Rj*ej
73  *       = P * R * s' + p*a-small-element (mod P*q0)
74  * where the last element is small since the ej's are small and |Rj|<B.
75  * Note that if the ciphertext is encrypted relative to plaintext space p'
76  * and then key-switched with matrices W relative to plaintext space p,
77  * then we get a mew ciphertext with noise p'*small+p*small, so it is valid
78  * relative to plaintext space GCD(p',p).
79  *
80  * The matrix W is defined modulo Q>t*B*sigma*q0 (with sigma a bound on the
81  * size of the ej's), and Q is the product of all the small primes in our
82  * moduli chain. However, if p is much smaller than B then is is enough to
83  * use W mod Qi with Qi a smaller modulus, Q>p*sigma*q0. Also note that if
84  * p<Br then we will be using only first r columns of the matrix W.
85  ********************************************************************/
86 class KeySwitch
87 {
88 public:
89   SKHandle fromKey; // A handle for the key s'
90   long toKeyID;     // Index of the key s that we are switching into
91   long ptxtSpace;   // either p or p^r
93   std::vector<DoubleCRT> b; // The top row, consisting of the bi's
94   NTL::ZZ prgSeed; // a seed to generate the random ai's in the bottom row
95   NTL::xdouble noiseBound; // high probability bound on noise magnitude
96   // in each column
98   explicit KeySwitch(long sPow = 0,
99                      long xPow = 0,
100                      long fromID = 0,
101                      long toID = 0,
102                      long p = 0);
103   explicit KeySwitch(const SKHandle& _fromKey,
104                      long fromID = 0,
105                      long toID = 0,
106                      long p = 0);
108   bool operator==(const KeySwitch& other) const;
109   bool operator!=(const KeySwitch& other) const;
111   unsigned long NumCols() const;
113   //! @brief returns a dummy static matrix with toKeyId == -1
114   static const KeySwitch& dummy();
115   bool isDummy() const;
117   //! A debugging method
118   void verify(SecKey& sk);
120   //! @brief Read a key-switching matrix from input
121   void readMatrix(std::istream& str, const Context& context);
123   //! Raw IO
124   void read(std::istream& str, const Context& context);
125   void write(std::ostream& str) const;
126 };
127 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const KeySwitch& matrix);
128 // We DO NOT have std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& str, KeySwitch&
129 // matrix); instead must use the readMatrix method above, where you can specify
130 // context
132 //! @name Strategies for generating key-switching matrices
133 //! These functions are implemented in KeySwitching.cpp
135 //! @brief Constant defining threshold above which a baby-set/giant-step
136 //! strategy is used
139 //! @brief Constant defining threshold above which a single
140 //! giant step matrix is added even in HELIB_KSS_MIN mode.
141 //! This helps in the matmul routines.
144 //! @brief Function that returns number of baby steps.  Used to keep
145 //! this and matmul routines "in sync".
146 long KSGiantStepSize(long D);
148 //! @brief Maximalistic approach:
149 //! generate matrices s(X^e)->s(X) for all e in Zm*
150 void addAllMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID = 0);
152 //! @brief Generate matrices so every s(X^e) can be reLinearized
153 //! in at most two steps
154 void addFewMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID = 0);
156 //! @brief Generate some matrices of the form s(X^{g^i})->s(X), but not all.
157 //! For a generator g whose order is larger than bound, generate only enough
158 //! matrices for the giant-step/baby-step procedures (2*sqrt(ord(g))of them).
159 void addSome1DMatrices(SecKey& sKey,
160                        long bound = HELIB_KEYSWITCH_THRESH,
161                        long keyID = 0);
163 //! @brief Generate all matrices s(X^{g^i})->s(X) for generators g of
164 //! Zm* /(p) and i<ord(g). If g has different orders in Zm* and Zm* /(p)
165 //! then generate also matrices of the form s(X^{g^{-i}})->s(X)
166 void add1DMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID = 0);
168 void addBSGS1DMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID = 0);
170 //! Generate all/some Frobenius matrices of the form s(X^{p^i})->s(X)
171 void addSomeFrbMatrices(SecKey& sKey,
172                         long bound = HELIB_KEYSWITCH_THRESH,
173                         long keyID = 0);
175 void addFrbMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID = 0);
177 void addBSGSFrbMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID = 0);
179 //! These routines just add a single matrix (or two, for bad dimensions)
180 void addMinimal1DMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID = 0);
181 void addMinimalFrbMatrices(SecKey& sKey, long keyID = 0);
183 //! Generate all key-switching matrices for a given permutation network
184 class PermNetwork;
185 void addMatrices4Network(SecKey& sKey, const PermNetwork& net, long keyID = 0);
187 //! Generate specific key-switching matrices, described by the given set
188 void addTheseMatrices(SecKey& sKey,
189                       const std::set<long>& automVals,
190                       long keyID = 0);
192 } // namespace helib