2-- |
3-- Module    : Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib2
4-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
5-- License   : BSD3
6-- Maintainer: erkokl@gmail.com
7-- Stability : experimental
9-- Conversion of symbolic programs to SMTLib format, Using v2 of the standard
12{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards       #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns        #-}
16{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}
18module Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib2(cvt, cvtInc) where
20import Data.Bits  (bit)
21import Data.List  (intercalate, partition, nub, sort)
22import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe, catMaybes)
24import qualified Data.Foldable as F (toList)
25import qualified Data.Map.Strict      as M
26import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict   as IM
27import           Data.Set             (Set)
28import qualified Data.Set             as Set
30import Data.SBV.Core.Data
31import Data.SBV.Core.Symbolic (QueryContext(..), SetOp(..), OvOp(..), CnstMap, getUserName', getSV, regExpToSMTString)
32import Data.SBV.Core.Kind (smtType, needsFlattening)
33import Data.SBV.SMT.Utils
34import Data.SBV.Control.Types
36import Data.SBV.Utils.PrettyNum (smtRoundingMode, cvToSMTLib)
38import qualified Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data as G
40tbd :: String -> a
41tbd e = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Not-yet-supported: " ++ e
43-- | Translate a problem into an SMTLib2 script
44cvt :: SMTLibConverter [String]
45cvt ctx kindInfo isSat comments (inputs, trackerVars) skolemInps (allConsts, consts) tbls arrs uis axs (SBVPgm asgnsSeq) cstrs out cfg = pgm
46  where hasInteger     = KUnbounded `Set.member` kindInfo
47        hasReal        = KReal      `Set.member` kindInfo
48        hasFP          =  not (null [() | KFP{} <- Set.toList kindInfo])
49                       || KFloat     `Set.member` kindInfo
50                       || KDouble    `Set.member` kindInfo
51        hasString      = KString    `Set.member` kindInfo
52        hasChar        = KChar      `Set.member` kindInfo
53        hasRounding    = not $ null [s | (s, _) <- usorts, s == "RoundingMode"]
54        hasBVs         = not (null [() | KBounded{} <- Set.toList kindInfo])
55        usorts         = [(s, dt) | KUserSort s dt <- Set.toList kindInfo]
56        trueUSorts     = [s | (s, _) <- usorts, s /= "RoundingMode"]
57        tupleArities   = findTupleArities kindInfo
58        hasNonBVArrays = (not . null) [() | (_, (_, (k1, k2), _)) <- arrs, not (isBounded k1 && isBounded k2)]
59        hasArrayInits  = (not . null) [() | (_, (_, _, ArrayFree (Just _))) <- arrs]
60        hasOverflows   = (not . null) [() | (_ :: OvOp) <- G.universeBi asgnsSeq]
61        hasList        = any isList kindInfo
62        hasSets        = any isSet kindInfo
63        hasTuples      = not . null $ tupleArities
64        hasEither      = any isEither kindInfo
65        hasMaybe       = any isMaybe  kindInfo
66        rm             = roundingMode cfg
67        solverCaps     = capabilities (solver cfg)
69        -- Is there a reason why we can't handle this problem?
70        -- NB. There's probably a lot more checking we can do here, but this is a start:
71        doesntHandle = listToMaybe [nope w | (w, have, need) <- checks, need && not have]
72           where checks = [ ("data types",     supportsDataTypes  solverCaps, hasTuples || hasEither || hasMaybe)
73                          , ("set operations", supportsSets       solverCaps, hasSets)
74                          , ("bit vectors",    supportsBitVectors solverCaps, hasBVs)
75                          ]
77                 nope w = [ "***     Given problem requires support for " ++ w
78                          , "***     But the chosen solver (" ++ show (name (solver cfg)) ++ ") doesn't support this feature."
79                          ]
81        setAll reason = ["(set-logic ALL) ; "  ++ reason ++ ", using catch-all."]
83        -- Determining the logic is surprisingly tricky!
84        logic
85           -- user told us what to do: so just take it:
86           | Just l <- case [l | SetLogic l <- solverSetOptions cfg] of
87                         []  -> Nothing
88                         [l] -> Just l
89                         ls  -> error $ unlines [ ""
90                                                , "*** Only one setOption call to 'setLogic' is allowed, found: " ++ show (length ls)
91                                                , "***  " ++ unwords (map show ls)
92                                                ]
93           = case l of
94               Logic_NONE -> ["; NB. Not setting the logic per user request of Logic_NONE"]
95               _          -> ["(set-logic " ++ show l ++ ") ; NB. User specified."]
97           -- There's a reason why we can't handle this problem:
98           | Just cantDo <- doesntHandle
99           = error $ unlines $   [ ""
100                                 , "*** SBV is unable to choose a proper solver configuration:"
101                                 , "***"
102                                 ]
103                             ++ cantDo
104                             ++ [ "***"
105                                , "*** Please report this as a feature request, either for SBV or the backend solver."
106                                ]
108           -- Otherwise, we try to determine the most suitable logic.
109           -- NB. This isn't really fool proof!
111           -- we never set QF_S (ALL seems to work better in all cases)
113           -- Things that require ALL
114           | hasInteger            = setAll "has unbounded values"
115           | hasReal               = setAll "has algebraic reals"
116           | not (null trueUSorts) = setAll "has user-defined sorts"
117           | hasNonBVArrays        = setAll "has non-bitvector arrays"
118           | hasTuples             = setAll "has tuples"
119           | hasEither             = setAll "has either type"
120           | hasMaybe              = setAll "has maybe type"
121           | hasSets               = setAll "has sets"
122           | hasList               = setAll "has lists"
123           | hasChar               = setAll "has chars"
124           | hasString             = setAll "has strings"
125           | hasArrayInits         = setAll "has array initializers"
126           | hasOverflows          = setAll "has overflow checks"
128           | hasFP || hasRounding
129           = if not (null foralls)
130             then ["(set-logic ALL)"]
131             else if hasBVs
132                  then ["(set-logic QF_FPBV)"]
133                  else ["(set-logic QF_FP)"]
135           -- If we're in a user query context, we'll pick ALL, otherwise
136           -- we'll stick to some bit-vector logic based on what we see in the problem.
137           -- This is controversial, but seems to work well in practice.
138           | True
139           = case ctx of
140               QueryExternal -> ["(set-logic ALL) ; external query, using all logics."]
141               QueryInternal -> if supportsBitVectors solverCaps
142                                then ["(set-logic " ++ qs ++ as ++ ufs ++ "BV)"]
143                                else ["(set-logic ALL)"] -- fall-thru
144          where qs  | null foralls && null axs = "QF_"  -- axioms are likely to contain quantifiers
145                    | True                     = ""
146                as  | null arrs                = ""
147                    | True                     = "A"
148                ufs | null uis && null tbls    = ""     -- we represent tables as UFs
149                    | True                     = "UF"
151        -- SBV always requires the production of models!
152        getModels   = "(set-option :produce-models true)"
153                    : concat [flattenConfig | any needsFlattening kindInfo, Just flattenConfig <- [supportsFlattenedModels solverCaps]]
155        -- process all other settings we're given. If an option cannot be repeated, we only take the last one.
156        userSettings = map setSMTOption $ filter (not . isLogic) $ foldr comb [] $ solverSetOptions cfg
157           where -- Logic is already processed, so drop it:
158                 isLogic SetLogic{} = True
159                 isLogic _          = False
161                 -- SBV sets diagnostic-output channel on some solvers. If the user also gives it, let's just
162                 -- take it by only taking the last one
163                 isDiagOutput DiagnosticOutputChannel{} = True
164                 isDiagOutput _                         = False
166                 comb o rest
167                   | isDiagOutput o && any isDiagOutput rest =     rest
168                   | True                                    = o : rest
170        settings =  userSettings        -- NB. Make sure this comes first!
171                 ++ getModels
172                 ++ logic
174        pgm  =  map ("; " ++) comments
175             ++ settings
176             ++ [ "; --- uninterpreted sorts ---" ]
177             ++ concatMap declSort usorts
178             ++ [ "; --- tuples ---" ]
179             ++ concatMap declTuple tupleArities
180             ++ [ "; --- sums ---" ]
181             ++ (if containsSum   kindInfo then declSum   else [])
182             ++ (if containsMaybe kindInfo then declMaybe else [])
183             ++ [ "; --- literal constants ---" ]
184             ++ concatMap (declConst cfg) consts
185             ++ [ "; --- skolem constants ---" ]
186             ++ concat [declareFun s (SBVType (map kindOf (ss ++ [s]))) (userName s) | Right (s, ss) <- skolemInps]
187             ++ [ "; --- optimization tracker variables ---" | not (null trackerVars) ]
188             ++ concat [declareFun s (SBVType [kindOf s]) (Just ("tracks " <> nm)) | var <- trackerVars, let s = getSV var, let nm = getUserName' var]
189             ++ [ "; --- constant tables ---" ]
190             ++ concatMap (uncurry (:) . constTable) constTables
191             ++ [ "; --- skolemized tables ---" ]
192             ++ map (skolemTable (unwords (map svType foralls))) skolemTables
193             ++ [ "; --- arrays ---" ]
194             ++ concat arrayConstants
195             ++ [ "; --- uninterpreted constants ---" ]
196             ++ concatMap declUI uis
197             ++ [ "; --- user given axioms ---" ]
198             ++ map declAx axs
199             ++ [ "; --- formula ---" ]
201             ++ concatMap (declDef cfg skolemMap tableMap) preQuantifierAssigns
202             ++ ["(assert (forall (" ++ intercalate "\n                 "
203                                        ["(" ++ show s ++ " " ++ svType s ++ ")" | s <- foralls] ++ ")"
204                | not (null foralls)
205                ]
206             ++ concatMap mkAssign postQuantifierAssigns
208             ++ concat arrayDelayeds
210             ++ concat arraySetups
212             ++ delayedAsserts delayedEqualities
214             ++ finalAssert
216        -- identify the assignments that can come before the first quantifier
217        (preQuantifierAssigns, postQuantifierAssigns)
218           | null foralls
219           = ([], asgns)  -- the apparent "switch" here is OK; rest of the code works correctly if there are no foralls.
220           | True
221           = span pre asgns
222           where first      = nodeId (minimum foralls)
223                 pre (s, _) = nodeId s < first
225                 nodeId (SV _ n) = n
227        noOfCloseParens
228          | null foralls = 0
229          | True         = length postQuantifierAssigns + 2 + (if null delayedEqualities then 0 else 1)
231        foralls    = [s | Left s <- skolemInps]
232        forallArgs = concatMap ((" " ++) . show) foralls
234        (constTables, skolemTables) = ([(t, d) | (t, Left d) <- allTables], [(t, d) | (t, Right d) <- allTables])
235        allTables = [(t, genTableData rm skolemMap (not (null foralls), forallArgs) (map fst consts) t) | t <- tbls]
236        (arrayConstants, arrayDelayeds, arraySetups) = unzip3 $ map (declArray cfg (not (null foralls)) allConsts skolemMap) arrs
237        delayedEqualities = concatMap snd skolemTables
239        delayedAsserts []              = []
240        delayedAsserts ds@(deH : deTs)
241          | null foralls = map (\s -> "(assert " ++ s ++ ")") ds
242          | True         = map letShift (("(and " ++ deH) : map (align 5) deTs)
244        letShift = align 12
246        finalAssert
247          | null foralls && noConstraints
248          = []
249          | null foralls
250          =    map (\(attr, v) -> "(assert "      ++ addAnnotations attr (mkLiteral v) ++ ")") hardAsserts
251            ++ map (\(attr, v) -> "(assert-soft " ++ addAnnotations attr (mkLiteral v) ++ ")") softAsserts
252          | not (null namedAsserts)
253          = error $ intercalate "\n" [ "SBV: Constraints with attributes and quantifiers cannot be mixed!"
254                                     , "   Quantified variables: " ++ unwords (map show foralls)
255                                     , "   Named constraints   : " ++ intercalate ", " (map show namedAsserts)
256                                     ]
257          | not (null softAsserts)
258          = error $ intercalate "\n" [ "SBV: Soft constraints and quantifiers cannot be mixed!"
259                                     , "   Quantified variables: " ++ unwords (map show foralls)
260                                     , "   Soft constraints    : " ++ intercalate ", " (map show softAsserts)
261                                     ]
262          | True
263          = [impAlign (letShift combined) ++ replicate noOfCloseParens ')']
264          where mkLiteral (Left  v) =            cvtSV skolemMap v
265                mkLiteral (Right v) = "(not " ++ cvtSV skolemMap v ++ ")"
267                (noConstraints, assertions) = finalAssertions
269                namedAsserts = [findName attrs | (_, attrs, _) <- assertions, not (null attrs)]
270                 where findName attrs = fromMaybe "<anonymous>" (listToMaybe [nm | (":named", nm) <- attrs])
272                hardAsserts, softAsserts :: [([(String, String)], Either SV SV)]
273                hardAsserts = [(attr, v) | (False, attr, v) <- assertions]
274                softAsserts = [(attr, v) | (True,  attr, v) <- assertions]
276                combined = case lits of
277                             []               -> "true"
278                             [x]              -> mkLiteral x
279                             xs  | any bad xs -> "false"
280                                 | True       -> "(and " ++ unwords (map mkLiteral xs) ++ ")"
281                  where lits = filter (not . redundant) $ nub (sort (map snd hardAsserts))
282                        redundant (Left v)  = v == trueSV
283                        redundant (Right v) = v == falseSV
284                        bad (Left  v) = v == falseSV
285                        bad (Right v) = v == trueSV
287        impAlign s
288          | null delayedEqualities = s
289          | True                   = "     " ++ s
291        align n s = replicate n ' ' ++ s
293        finalAssertions :: (Bool, [(Bool, [(String, String)], Either SV SV)])  -- If Left: positive, Right: negative
294        finalAssertions
295           | null finals = (True,  [(False, [], Left trueSV)])
296           | True        = (False, finals)
298           where finals  = cstrs' ++ maybe [] (\r -> [(False, [], r)]) mbO
300                 cstrs' =  [(isSoft, attrs, c') | (isSoft, attrs, c) <- F.toList cstrs, Just c' <- [pos c]]
302                 mbO | isSat = pos out
303                     | True  = neg out
305                 neg s
306                  | s == falseSV = Nothing
307                  | s == trueSV  = Just $ Left falseSV
308                  | True         = Just $ Right s
310                 pos s
311                  | s == trueSV  = Nothing
312                  | s == falseSV = Just $ Left falseSV
313                  | True         = Just $ Left s
315        skolemMap = M.fromList [(s, ss) | Right (s, ss) <- skolemInps, not (null ss)]
316        tableMap  = IM.fromList $ map mkConstTable constTables ++ map mkSkTable skolemTables
317          where mkConstTable (((t, _, _), _), _) = (t, "table" ++ show t)
318                mkSkTable    (((t, _, _), _), _) = (t, "table" ++ show t ++ forallArgs)
319        asgns = F.toList asgnsSeq
321        mkAssign a
322          | null foralls = declDef cfg skolemMap tableMap a
323          | True         = [letShift (mkLet a)]
325        mkLet (s, SBVApp (Label m) [e]) = "(let ((" ++ show s ++ " " ++ cvtSV                skolemMap          e ++ ")) ; " ++ m
326        mkLet (s, e)                    = "(let ((" ++ show s ++ " " ++ cvtExp solverCaps rm skolemMap tableMap e ++ "))"
328        userNameMap = M.fromList $ map ((\nSymVar -> (getSV nSymVar, getUserName' nSymVar)) . snd) inputs
329        userName s = case M.lookup s userNameMap of
330                        Just u  | show s /= u -> Just $ "tracks user variable " ++ show u
331                        _ -> Nothing
333-- | Declare new sorts
334declSort :: (String, Maybe [String]) -> [String]
335declSort (s, _)
336  | s == "RoundingMode" -- built-in-sort; so don't declare.
337  = []
338declSort (s, Nothing) = ["(declare-sort " ++ s ++ " 0)  ; N.B. Uninterpreted sort." ]
339declSort (s, Just fs) = [ "(declare-datatypes ((" ++ s ++ " 0)) ((" ++ unwords (map (\c -> "(" ++ c ++ ")") fs) ++ ")))"
340                        , "(define-fun " ++ s ++ "_constrIndex ((x " ++ s ++ ")) Int"
341                        ] ++ ["   " ++ body fs (0::Int)] ++ [")"]
342        where body []     _ = ""
343              body [_]    i = show i
344              body (c:cs) i = "(ite (= x " ++ c ++ ") " ++ show i ++ " " ++ body cs (i+1) ++ ")"
346-- | Declare tuple datatypes
348-- eg:
350-- @
351-- (declare-datatypes ((SBVTuple2 2)) ((par (T1 T2)
352--                                     ((mkSBVTuple2 (proj_1_SBVTuple2 T1)
353--                                                   (proj_2_SBVTuple2 T2))))))
354-- @
355declTuple :: Int -> [String]
356declTuple arity
357  | arity == 0 = ["(declare-datatypes ((SBVTuple0 0)) (((mkSBVTuple0))))"]
358  | arity == 1 = error "Data.SBV.declTuple: Unexpected one-tuple"
359  | True       =    (l1 ++ "(par (" ++ unwords [param i | i <- [1..arity]] ++ ")")
360                 :  [pre i ++ proj i ++ post i    | i <- [1..arity]]
361  where l1     = "(declare-datatypes ((SBVTuple" ++ show arity ++ " " ++ show arity ++ ")) ("
362        l2     = replicate (length l1) ' ' ++ "((mkSBVTuple" ++ show arity ++ " "
363        tab    = replicate (length l2) ' '
365        pre 1  = l2
366        pre _  = tab
368        proj i = "(proj_" ++ show i ++ "_SBVTuple" ++ show arity ++ " " ++ param i ++ ")"
370        post i = if i == arity then ")))))" else ""
372        param i = "T" ++ show i
374-- | Find the set of tuple sizes to declare, eg (2-tuple, 5-tuple).
375-- NB. We do *not* need to recursively go into list/tuple kinds here,
376-- because register-kind function automatically registers all subcomponent
377-- kinds, thus everything we need is available at the top-level.
378findTupleArities :: Set Kind -> [Int]
379findTupleArities ks = Set.toAscList
380                    $ Set.map length
381                    $ Set.fromList [ tupKs | KTuple tupKs <- Set.toList ks ]
383-- | Is @Either@ being used?
384containsSum :: Set Kind -> Bool
385containsSum = not . Set.null . Set.filter isEither
387-- | Is @Maybe@ being used?
388containsMaybe :: Set Kind -> Bool
389containsMaybe = not . Set.null . Set.filter isMaybe
391declSum :: [String]
392declSum = [ "(declare-datatypes ((SBVEither 2)) ((par (T1 T2)"
393          , "                                    ((left_SBVEither  (get_left_SBVEither  T1))"
394          , "                                     (right_SBVEither (get_right_SBVEither T2))))))"
395          ]
397declMaybe :: [String]
398declMaybe = [ "(declare-datatypes ((SBVMaybe 1)) ((par (T)"
399            , "                                    ((nothing_SBVMaybe)"
400            , "                                     (just_SBVMaybe (get_just_SBVMaybe T))))))"
401            ]
403-- | Convert in a query context.
404-- NB. We do not store everything in @newKs@ below, but only what we need
405-- to do as an extra in the incremental context. See `Data.SBV.Core.Symbolic.registerKind`
406-- for a list of what we include, in case something doesn't show up
407-- and you need it!
408cvtInc :: SMTLibIncConverter [String]
409cvtInc inps newKs (allConsts, consts) arrs tbls uis (SBVPgm asgnsSeq) cstrs cfg =
410            -- any new settings?
411               settings
412            -- sorts
413            ++ concatMap declSort [(s, dt) | KUserSort s dt <- newKinds]
414            -- tuples. NB. Only declare the new sizes, old sizes persist.
415            ++ concatMap declTuple (findTupleArities newKs)
416            -- sums
417            ++ (if containsSum   newKs then declSum   else [])
418            ++ (if containsMaybe newKs then declMaybe else [])
419            -- constants
420            ++ concatMap (declConst cfg) consts
421            -- inputs
422            ++ concatMap declInp inps
423            -- arrays
424            ++ concat arrayConstants
425            -- uninterpreteds
426            ++ concatMap declUI uis
427            -- table declarations
428            ++ tableDecls
429            -- expressions
430            ++ concatMap (declDef cfg skolemMap tableMap) (F.toList asgnsSeq)
431            -- delayed equalities
432            ++ concat arrayDelayeds
433            -- table setups
434            ++ concat tableAssigns
435            -- array setups
436            ++ concat arraySetups
437            -- extra constraints
438            ++ map (\(isSoft, attr, v) -> "(assert" ++ (if isSoft then "-soft " else " ") ++ addAnnotations attr (cvtSV skolemMap v) ++ ")") (F.toList cstrs)
439  where -- NB. The below setting of skolemMap to empty is OK, since we do
440        -- not support queries in the context of skolemized variables
441        skolemMap = M.empty
443        rm = roundingMode cfg
445        newKinds = Set.toList newKs
447        declInp (getSV -> s) = declareFun s (SBVType [kindOf s]) Nothing
449        (arrayConstants, arrayDelayeds, arraySetups) = unzip3 $ map (declArray cfg False allConsts skolemMap) arrs
451        allTables = [(t, either id id (genTableData rm skolemMap (False, []) (map fst consts) t)) | t <- tbls]
452        (tableDecls, tableAssigns) = unzip $ map constTable allTables
454        tableMap  = IM.fromList $ map mkTable allTables
455          where mkTable (((t, _, _), _), _) = (t, "table" ++ show t)
457        -- If we need flattening in models, do emit the required lines if preset
458        settings
459          | any needsFlattening newKinds
460          = concat (catMaybes [supportsFlattenedModels solverCaps])
461          | True
462          = []
463          where solverCaps = capabilities (solver cfg)
465declDef :: SMTConfig -> SkolemMap -> TableMap -> (SV, SBVExpr) -> [String]
466declDef cfg skolemMap tableMap (s, expr) =
467        case expr of
468          SBVApp  (Label m) [e] -> defineFun cfg (s, cvtSV          skolemMap          e) (Just m)
469          e                     -> defineFun cfg (s, cvtExp caps rm skolemMap tableMap e) Nothing
470  where caps = capabilities (solver cfg)
471        rm   = roundingMode cfg
473defineFun :: SMTConfig -> (SV, String) -> Maybe String -> [String]
474defineFun cfg (s, def) mbComment
475   | hasDefFun = ["(define-fun "  ++ varT ++ " " ++ def ++ ")" ++ cmnt]
476   | True      = [ "(declare-fun " ++ varT ++ ")" ++ cmnt
477                 , "(assert (= " ++ var ++ " " ++ def ++ "))"
478                 ]
479  where var  = show s
480        varT = var ++ " " ++ svFunType [] s
481        cmnt = maybe "" (" ; " ++) mbComment
483        hasDefFun = supportsDefineFun $ capabilities (solver cfg)
485-- Declare constants. NB. We don't declare true/false; but just inline those as necessary
486declConst :: SMTConfig -> (SV, CV) -> [String]
487declConst cfg (s, c)
488  | s == falseSV || s == trueSV
489  = []
490  | True
491  = defineFun cfg (s, cvtCV (roundingMode cfg) c) Nothing
493declUI :: (String, SBVType) -> [String]
494declUI (i, t) = declareName i t Nothing
496-- NB. We perform no check to as to whether the axiom is meaningful in any way.
497declAx :: (String, [String]) -> String
498declAx (nm, ls) = (";; -- user given axiom: " ++ nm ++ "\n") ++ intercalate "\n" ls
500constTable :: (((Int, Kind, Kind), [SV]), [String]) -> (String, [String])
501constTable (((i, ak, rk), _elts), is) = (decl, zipWith wrap [(0::Int)..] is ++ setup)
502  where t       = "table" ++ show i
503        decl    = "(declare-fun " ++ t ++ " (" ++ smtType ak ++ ") " ++ smtType rk ++ ")"
505        -- Arrange for initializers
506        mkInit idx   = "table" ++ show i ++ "_initializer_" ++ show (idx :: Int)
507        initializer  = "table" ++ show i ++ "_initializer"
509        wrap index s = "(define-fun " ++ mkInit index ++ " () Bool " ++ s ++ ")"
511        lis  = length is
513        setup
514          | lis == 0       = [ "(define-fun " ++ initializer ++ " () Bool true) ; no initializiation needed"
515                             ]
516          | lis == 1       = [ "(define-fun " ++ initializer ++ " () Bool " ++ mkInit 0 ++ ")"
517                             , "(assert " ++ initializer ++ ")"
518                             ]
519          | True           = [ "(define-fun " ++ initializer ++ " () Bool (and " ++ unwords (map mkInit [0..lis - 1]) ++ "))"
520                             , "(assert " ++ initializer ++ ")"
521                             ]
523skolemTable :: String -> (((Int, Kind, Kind), [SV]), [String]) -> String
524skolemTable qsIn (((i, ak, rk), _elts), _) = decl
525  where qs   = if null qsIn then "" else qsIn ++ " "
526        t    = "table" ++ show i
527        decl = "(declare-fun " ++ t ++ " (" ++ qs ++ smtType ak ++ ") " ++ smtType rk ++ ")"
529-- Left if all constants, Right if otherwise
530genTableData :: RoundingMode -> SkolemMap -> (Bool, String) -> [SV] -> ((Int, Kind, Kind), [SV]) -> Either [String] [String]
531genTableData rm skolemMap (_quantified, args) consts ((i, aknd, _), elts)
532  | null post = Left  (map (topLevel . snd) pre)
533  | True      = Right (map (nested   . snd) (pre ++ post))
534  where ssv = cvtSV skolemMap
535        (pre, post) = partition fst (zipWith mkElt elts [(0::Int)..])
536        t           = "table" ++ show i
538        mkElt x k   = (isReady, (idx, ssv x))
539          where idx = cvtCV rm (mkConstCV aknd k)
540                isReady = x `Set.member` constsSet
542        topLevel (idx, v) = "(= (" ++ t ++ " " ++ idx ++ ") " ++ v ++ ")"
543        nested   (idx, v) = "(= (" ++ t ++ args ++ " " ++ idx ++ ") " ++ v ++ ")"
545        constsSet = Set.fromList consts
547-- TODO: We currently do not support non-constant arrays when quantifiers are present, as
548-- we might have to skolemize those. Implement this properly.
549-- The difficulty is with the Mutate/Merge: We have to postpone an init if
550-- the components are themselves postponed, so this cannot be implemented as a simple map.
551declArray :: SMTConfig -> Bool -> CnstMap -> SkolemMap -> (Int, ArrayInfo) -> ([String], [String], [String])
552declArray cfg quantified consts skolemMap (i, (_, (aKnd, bKnd), ctx)) = (adecl : zipWith wrap [(0::Int)..] (map snd pre), zipWith wrap [lpre..] (map snd post), setup)
553  where constMapping = M.fromList [(s, c) | (c, s) <- M.assocs consts]
554        constNames   = M.keys constMapping
556        topLevel = not quantified || case ctx of
557                                       ArrayFree mbi      -> maybe True (`elem` constNames) mbi
558                                       ArrayMutate _ a b  -> all (`elem` constNames) [a, b]
559                                       ArrayMerge c _ _   -> c `elem` constNames
560        (pre, post) = partition fst ctxInfo
561        nm = "array_" ++ show i
563        ssv sv
564         | topLevel || sv `elem` constNames
565         = cvtSV skolemMap sv
566         | True
567         = tbd "Non-constant array initializer in a quantified context"
569        atyp  = "(Array " ++ smtType aKnd ++ " " ++ smtType bKnd ++ ")"
571        adecl = case ctx of
572                  ArrayFree (Just v) -> "(define-fun "  ++ nm ++ " () " ++ atyp ++ " ((as const " ++ atyp ++ ") " ++ constInit v ++ "))"
573                  ArrayFree Nothing
574                    | bKnd == KChar  ->  -- Can't support yet, because we need to make sure all the elements are length-1 strings. So, punt for now.
575                                         tbd "Free array declarations containing SChars"
576                  _                  -> "(declare-fun " ++ nm ++ " () " ++ atyp ++                                                  ")"
578        -- CVC4 chokes if the initializer is not a constant. (Z3 is ok with it.) So, print it as
579        -- a constant if we have it in the constants; otherwise, we merely print it and hope for the best.
580        constInit v = case v `M.lookup` constMapping of
581                        Nothing -> ssv v                      -- Z3 will work, CVC4 will choke. Others don't even support this.
582                        Just c  -> cvtCV (roundingMode cfg) c -- Z3 and CVC4 will work. Other's don't support this.
584        ctxInfo = case ctx of
585                    ArrayFree _       -> []
586                    ArrayMutate j a b -> [(all (`elem` constNames) [a, b], "(= " ++ nm ++ " (store array_" ++ show j ++ " " ++ ssv a ++ " " ++ ssv b ++ "))")]
587                    ArrayMerge  t j k -> [(t `elem` constNames,            "(= " ++ nm ++ " (ite " ++ ssv t ++ " array_" ++ show j ++ " array_" ++ show k ++ "))")]
589        -- Arrange for initializers
590        mkInit idx    = "array_" ++ show i ++ "_initializer_" ++ show (idx :: Int)
591        initializer   = "array_" ++ show i ++ "_initializer"
593        wrap index s = "(define-fun " ++ mkInit index ++ " () Bool " ++ s ++ ")"
595        lpre          = length pre
596        lAll          = lpre + length post
598        setup
599          | lAll == 0      = [ "(define-fun " ++ initializer ++ " () Bool true) ; no initializiation needed" | not quantified]
600          | lAll == 1      = [ "(define-fun " ++ initializer ++ " () Bool " ++ mkInit 0 ++ ")"
601                             , "(assert " ++ initializer ++ ")"
602                             ]
603          | True           = [ "(define-fun " ++ initializer ++ " () Bool (and " ++ unwords (map mkInit [0..lAll - 1]) ++ "))"
604                             , "(assert " ++ initializer ++ ")"
605                             ]
607svType :: SV -> String
608svType s = smtType (kindOf s)
610svFunType :: [SV] -> SV -> String
611svFunType ss s = "(" ++ unwords (map svType ss) ++ ") " ++ svType s
613cvtType :: SBVType -> String
614cvtType (SBVType []) = error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtType: internal: received an empty type!"
615cvtType (SBVType xs) = "(" ++ unwords (map smtType body) ++ ") " ++ smtType ret
616  where (body, ret) = (init xs, last xs)
618type SkolemMap = M.Map SV [SV]
619type TableMap  = IM.IntMap String
621-- Present an SV; inline true/false as needed
622cvtSV :: SkolemMap -> SV -> String
623cvtSV skolemMap s@(SV _ (NodeId n))
624  | Just ss <- s `M.lookup` skolemMap
625  = "(" ++ show s ++ concatMap ((" " ++) . show) ss ++ ")"
626  | s == trueSV
627  = "true"
628  | s == falseSV
629  = "false"
630  | True
631  = 's' : show n
633cvtCV :: RoundingMode -> CV -> String
634cvtCV = cvToSMTLib
636getTable :: TableMap -> Int -> String
637getTable m i
638  | Just tn <- i `IM.lookup` m = tn
639  | True                       = "table" ++ show i  -- constant tables are always named this way
641cvtExp :: SolverCapabilities -> RoundingMode -> SkolemMap -> TableMap -> SBVExpr -> String
642cvtExp caps rm skolemMap tableMap expr@(SBVApp _ arguments) = sh expr
643  where ssv = cvtSV skolemMap
645        hasPB       = supportsPseudoBooleans caps
646        hasInt2bv   = supportsInt2bv caps
647        hasDistinct = supportsDistinct caps
649        bvOp     = all isBounded   arguments
650        intOp    = any isUnbounded arguments
651        realOp   = any isReal      arguments
652        fpOp     = any (\a -> isDouble a || isFloat a || isFP a) arguments
653        boolOp   = all isBoolean   arguments
654        charOp   = any isChar      arguments
655        stringOp = any isString    arguments
656        listOp   = any isList      arguments
658        bad | intOp = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unsupported operation on unbounded integers: " ++ show expr
659            | True  = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unsupported operation on real values: " ++ show expr
661        ensureBVOrBool = bvOp || boolOp || bad
662        ensureBV       = bvOp || bad
664        addRM s = s ++ " " ++ smtRoundingMode rm
666        -- lift a binary op
667        lift2  o _ [x, y] = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ x ++ " " ++ y ++ ")"
668        lift2  o _ sbvs   = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2.sh.lift2: Unexpected arguments: "   ++ show (o, sbvs)
670        -- lift an arbitrary arity operator
671        liftN o _ xs = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ unwords xs ++ ")"
673        -- lift a binary operation with rounding-mode added; used for floating-point arithmetic
674        lift2WM o fo | fpOp = lift2 (addRM fo)
675                     | True = lift2 o
677        lift1FP o fo | fpOp = lift1 fo
678                     | True = lift1 o
680        liftAbs sgned args | fpOp        = lift1 "fp.abs" sgned args
681                           | intOp       = lift1 "abs"    sgned args
682                           | bvOp, sgned = mkAbs (head args) "bvslt" "bvneg"
683                           | bvOp        = head args
684                           | True        = mkAbs (head args) "<"     "-"
685          where mkAbs x cmp neg = "(ite " ++ ltz ++ " " ++ nx ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
686                  where ltz = "(" ++ cmp ++ " " ++ x ++ " " ++ z ++ ")"
687                        nx  = "(" ++ neg ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
688                        z   = cvtCV rm (mkConstCV (kindOf (head arguments)) (0::Integer))
690        lift2B bOp vOp
691          | boolOp = lift2 bOp
692          | True   = lift2 vOp
694        lift1B bOp vOp
695          | boolOp = lift1 bOp
696          | True   = lift1 vOp
698        eqBV  = lift2 "="
699        neqBV = liftN "distinct"
701        equal sgn sbvs
702          | fpOp = lift2 "fp.eq" sgn sbvs
703          | True = lift2 "="     sgn sbvs
705        notEqual sgn sbvs
706          | fpOp || not hasDistinct = liftP sbvs
707          | True                    = liftN "distinct" sgn sbvs
708          where liftP [_, _] = "(not " ++ equal sgn sbvs ++ ")"
709                liftP args   = "(and " ++ unwords (walk args) ++ ")"
711                walk []     = []
712                walk (e:es) = map (\e' -> liftP [e, e']) es ++ walk es
714        lift2S oU oS sgn = lift2 (if sgn then oS else oU) sgn
715        liftNS oU oS sgn = liftN (if sgn then oS else oU) sgn
717        lift2Cmp o fo | fpOp = lift2 fo
718                      | True = lift2 o
720        unintComp o [a, b]
721          | KUserSort s (Just _) <- kindOf (head arguments)
722          = let idx v = "(" ++ s ++ "_constrIndex " ++ v ++ ")" in "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ idx a ++ " " ++ idx b ++ ")"
723        unintComp o sbvs = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.sh.unintComp: Unexpected arguments: "   ++ show (o, sbvs, map kindOf arguments)
725        stringOrChar KString = True
726        stringOrChar KChar   = True
727        stringOrChar _       = False
728        stringCmp swap o [a, b]
729          | stringOrChar (kindOf (head arguments))
730          = let [a1, a2] | swap = [b, a]
731                         | True = [a, b]
732            in "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ a1 ++ " " ++ a2 ++ ")"
733        stringCmp _ o sbvs = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.sh.stringCmp: Unexpected arguments: " ++ show (o, sbvs)
735        -- NB. Likewise for sequences
736        seqCmp swap o [a, b]
737          | KList{} <- kindOf (head arguments)
738          = let [a1, a2] | swap = [b, a]
739                         | True = [a, b]
740            in "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ a1 ++ " " ++ a2 ++ ")"
741        seqCmp _ o sbvs = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.sh.seqCmp: Unexpected arguments: " ++ show (o, sbvs)
743        lift1  o _ [x]    = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
744        lift1  o _ sbvs   = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.sh.lift1: Unexpected arguments: "   ++ show (o, sbvs)
746        -- We fully qualify the constructor with their types to work around type checking issues
747        -- Note that this is rather bizarre, as we're tagging the constructor with its *result* type,
748        -- not its full function type as one would expect. But this is per the spec: Pg. 27 of SMTLib 2.6 spec
749        -- says:
750        --
751        --    To simplify sort checking, a function symbol in a term can be annotated with one of its result sorts sigma.
752        --
753        -- I wish it was the full type here not just the result, but we go with the spec. Also see: <http://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/issues/2135>
754        -- and in particular <http://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/issues/2135#issuecomment-477636435>
755        dtConstructor fld args res = "((as " ++ fld ++ " " ++ smtType res ++ ") " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
757        -- Similarly, we fully qualify the accessors with their types to work around type checking issues
758        -- Unfortunately, z3 and CVC4 are behaving differently, so we tie this ascription to a solver capability.
759        dtAccessor fld params res
760           | supportsDirectAccessors caps = dResult
761           | True                         = aResult
762          where dResult = "(_ is " ++ fld ++ ")"
763                ps      = " (" ++ unwords (map smtType params) ++ ") "
764                aResult = "(_ is (" ++ fld ++ ps ++ smtType res ++ "))"
766        sh (SBVApp Ite [a, b, c]) = "(ite " ++ ssv a ++ " " ++ ssv b ++ " " ++ ssv c ++ ")"
768        sh (SBVApp (LkUp (t, aKnd, _, l) i e) [])
769          | needsCheck = "(ite " ++ cond ++ ssv e ++ " " ++ lkUp ++ ")"
770          | True       = lkUp
771          where needsCheck = case aKnd of
772                              KBool         -> (2::Integer) > fromIntegral l
773                              KBounded _ n  -> (2::Integer)^n > fromIntegral l
774                              KUnbounded    -> True
775                              KReal         -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected real valued index"
776                              KFloat        -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected float valued index"
777                              KDouble       -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected double valued index"
778                              KFP{}         -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected arbitrary float valued index"
779                              KChar         -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected char valued index"
780                              KString       -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected string valued index"
781                              KList k       -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected list valued: " ++ show k
782                              KSet  k       -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected set valued: " ++ show k
783                              KTuple k      -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected tuple valued: " ++ show k
784                              KMaybe k      -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected maybe valued: " ++ show k
785                              KEither k1 k2 -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected sum valued: " ++ show (k1, k2)
786                              KUserSort s _ -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected uninterpreted valued index: " ++ s
788                lkUp = "(" ++ getTable tableMap t ++ " " ++ ssv i ++ ")"
790                cond
791                 | hasSign i = "(or " ++ le0 ++ " " ++ gtl ++ ") "
792                 | True      = gtl ++ " "
794                (less, leq) = case aKnd of
795                                KBool         -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected boolean valued index"
796                                KBounded{}    -> if hasSign i then ("bvslt", "bvsle") else ("bvult", "bvule")
797                                KUnbounded    -> ("<", "<=")
798                                KReal         -> ("<", "<=")
799                                KFloat        -> ("fp.lt", "fp.leq")
800                                KDouble       -> ("fp.lt", "fp.geq")
801                                KFP{}         -> ("fp.lt", "fp.geq")
802                                KChar         -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected string valued index"
803                                KString       -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected string valued index"
804                                KList k       -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected sequence valued index: " ++ show k
805                                KSet  k       -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected set valued index: " ++ show k
806                                KTuple k      -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected tuple valued index: " ++ show k
807                                KMaybe k      -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected maybe valued index: " ++ show k
808                                KEither k1 k2 -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected sum valued index: " ++ show (k1, k2)
809                                KUserSort s _ -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected uninterpreted valued index: " ++ s
811                mkCnst = cvtCV rm . mkConstCV (kindOf i)
812                le0  = "(" ++ less ++ " " ++ ssv i ++ " " ++ mkCnst 0 ++ ")"
813                gtl  = "(" ++ leq  ++ " " ++ mkCnst l ++ " " ++ ssv i ++ ")"
815        sh (SBVApp (KindCast f t) [a]) = handleKindCast hasInt2bv f t (ssv a)
817        sh (SBVApp (ArrEq i j) [])  = "(= array_" ++ show i ++ " array_" ++ show j ++")"
818        sh (SBVApp (ArrRead i) [a]) = "(select array_" ++ show i ++ " " ++ ssv a ++ ")"
820        sh (SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [])   = nm
821        sh (SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) args) = "(" ++ nm ++ " " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
823        sh (SBVApp (Extract i j) [a]) | ensureBV = "((_ extract " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show j ++ ") " ++ ssv a ++ ")"
825        sh (SBVApp (Rol i) [a])
826           | bvOp  = rot ssv "rotate_left"  i a
827           | True  = bad
829        sh (SBVApp (Ror i) [a])
830           | bvOp  = rot  ssv "rotate_right" i a
831           | True  = bad
833        sh (SBVApp Shl [a, i])
834           | bvOp   = shft ssv "bvshl"  "bvshl" a i
835           | True   = bad
837        sh (SBVApp Shr [a, i])
838           | bvOp  = shft ssv "bvlshr" "bvashr" a i
839           | True  = bad
841        sh (SBVApp op args)
842          | Just f <- lookup op smtBVOpTable, ensureBVOrBool
843          = f (any hasSign args) (map ssv args)
844          where -- The first 4 operators below do make sense for Integer's in Haskell, but there's
845                -- no obvious counterpart for them in the SMTLib translation.
846                -- TODO: provide support for these.
847                smtBVOpTable = [ (And,  lift2B "and" "bvand")
848                               , (Or,   lift2B "or"  "bvor")
849                               , (XOr,  lift2B "xor" "bvxor")
850                               , (Not,  lift1B "not" "bvnot")
851                               , (Join, lift2 "concat")
852                               ]
854        sh (SBVApp (Label _) [a]) = cvtSV skolemMap a  -- This won't be reached; but just in case!
856        sh (SBVApp (IEEEFP (FP_Cast kFrom kTo m)) args) = handleFPCast kFrom kTo (ssv m) (unwords (map ssv args))
857        sh (SBVApp (IEEEFP w                    ) args) = "(" ++ show w ++ " " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
859        sh (SBVApp (NonLinear w) args) = "(" ++ show w ++ " " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
861        sh (SBVApp (PseudoBoolean pb) args)
862          | hasPB = handlePB pb args'
863          | True  = reducePB pb args'
864          where args' = map ssv args
866        -- NB: Z3 semantics have the predicates reversed: i.e., it returns true if overflow isn't possible. Hence the not.
867        sh (SBVApp (OverflowOp op) args) = "(not (" ++ show op ++ " " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ "))"
869        -- Note the unfortunate reversal in StrInRe..
870        sh (SBVApp (StrOp (StrInRe r)) args) = "(str.in.re " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ " " ++ regExpToSMTString r ++ ")"
871        -- StrUnit is no-op, since a character in SMTLib is the same as a string
872        sh (SBVApp (StrOp StrUnit)     [a])  = ssv a
873        sh (SBVApp (StrOp op)          args) = "(" ++ show op ++ " " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
875        sh (SBVApp (SeqOp op) args) = "(" ++ show op ++ " " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
877        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetEqual)      args)   = "(= "      ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
878        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetMember)     [e, s]) = "(select " ++ ssv s ++ " " ++ ssv e ++ ")"
879        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetInsert)     [e, s]) = "(store "  ++ ssv s ++ " " ++ ssv e ++ " true)"
880        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetDelete)     [e, s]) = "(store "  ++ ssv s ++ " " ++ ssv e ++ " false)"
881        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetIntersect)  args)   = "(intersection " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
882        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetUnion)      args)   = "(union "        ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
883        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetSubset)     args)   = "(subset "       ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
884        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetDifference) args)   = "(setminus "     ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
885        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetComplement) args)   = "(complement "   ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
886        sh (SBVApp (SetOp SetHasSize)    args)   = "(set-has-size " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
888        sh (SBVApp (TupleConstructor 0)   [])    = "mkSBVTuple0"
889        sh (SBVApp (TupleConstructor n)   args)  = "(mkSBVTuple" ++ show n ++ " " ++ unwords (map ssv args) ++ ")"
890        sh (SBVApp (TupleAccess      i n) [tup]) = "(proj_" ++ show i ++ "_SBVTuple" ++ show n ++ " " ++ ssv tup ++ ")"
892        sh (SBVApp (EitherConstructor k1 k2 False) [arg]) =       dtConstructor "left_SBVEither"  [arg] (KEither k1 k2)
893        sh (SBVApp (EitherConstructor k1 k2 True ) [arg]) =       dtConstructor "right_SBVEither" [arg] (KEither k1 k2)
894        sh (SBVApp (EitherIs          k1 k2 False) [arg]) = '(' : dtAccessor    "left_SBVEither"  [k1]  (KEither k1 k2) ++ " " ++ ssv arg ++ ")"
895        sh (SBVApp (EitherIs          k1 k2 True ) [arg]) = '(' : dtAccessor    "right_SBVEither" [k2]  (KEither k1 k2) ++ " " ++ ssv arg ++ ")"
896        sh (SBVApp (EitherAccess            False) [arg]) = "(get_left_SBVEither "  ++ ssv arg ++ ")"
897        sh (SBVApp (EitherAccess            True ) [arg]) = "(get_right_SBVEither " ++ ssv arg ++ ")"
899        sh (SBVApp (MaybeConstructor k False) [])    =       dtConstructor "nothing_SBVMaybe" []    (KMaybe k)
900        sh (SBVApp (MaybeConstructor k True)  [arg]) =       dtConstructor "just_SBVMaybe"    [arg] (KMaybe k)
901        sh (SBVApp (MaybeIs          k False) [arg]) = '(' : dtAccessor    "nothing_SBVMaybe" []    (KMaybe k) ++ " " ++ ssv arg ++ ")"
902        sh (SBVApp (MaybeIs          k True ) [arg]) = '(' : dtAccessor    "just_SBVMaybe"    [k]   (KMaybe k) ++ " " ++ ssv arg ++ ")"
903        sh (SBVApp MaybeAccess                [arg]) = "(get_just_SBVMaybe " ++ ssv arg ++ ")"
905        sh inp@(SBVApp op args)
906          | intOp, Just f <- lookup op smtOpIntTable
907          = f True (map ssv args)
908          | boolOp, Just f <- lookup op boolComps
909          = f (map ssv args)
910          | bvOp, Just f <- lookup op smtOpBVTable
911          = f (any hasSign args) (map ssv args)
912          | realOp, Just f <- lookup op smtOpRealTable
913          = f (any hasSign args) (map ssv args)
914          | fpOp, Just f <- lookup op smtOpFloatDoubleTable
915          = f (any hasSign args) (map ssv args)
916          | charOp || stringOp, Just f <- lookup op smtStringTable
917          = f (map ssv args)
918          | listOp, Just f <- lookup op smtListTable
919          = f (map ssv args)
920          | Just f <- lookup op uninterpretedTable
921          = f (map ssv args)
922          | True
923          = if not (null args) && isUserSort (head args)
924            then error $ unlines [ ""
925                                 , "*** Cannot translate operator        : " ++ show op
926                                 , "*** When applied to arguments of kind: " ++ intercalate ", " (nub (map (show . kindOf) args))
927                                 , "*** Found as part of the expression  : " ++ show inp
928                                 , "***"
929                                 , "*** Note that uninterpreted kinds only support equality."
930                                 , "*** If you believe this is in error, please report!"
931                                 ]
932            else error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp.sh: impossible happened; can't translate: " ++ show inp
933          where smtOpBVTable  = [ (Plus,          lift2   "bvadd")
934                                , (Minus,         lift2   "bvsub")
935                                , (Times,         lift2   "bvmul")
936                                , (UNeg,          lift1B  "not"    "bvneg")
937                                , (Abs,           liftAbs)
938                                , (Quot,          lift2S  "bvudiv" "bvsdiv")
939                                , (Rem,           lift2S  "bvurem" "bvsrem")
940                                , (Equal,         eqBV)
941                                , (NotEqual,      neqBV)
942                                , (LessThan,      lift2S  "bvult" "bvslt")
943                                , (GreaterThan,   lift2S  "bvugt" "bvsgt")
944                                , (LessEq,        lift2S  "bvule" "bvsle")
945                                , (GreaterEq,     lift2S  "bvuge" "bvsge")
946                                ]
948                -- Boolean comparisons.. SMTLib's bool type doesn't do comparisons, but Haskell does.. Sigh
949                boolComps      = [ (LessThan,      blt)
950                                 , (GreaterThan,   blt . swp)
951                                 , (LessEq,        blq)
952                                 , (GreaterEq,     blq . swp)
953                                 ]
954                               where blt [x, y] = "(and (not " ++ x ++ ") " ++ y ++ ")"
955                                     blt xs     = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.boolComps.blt: Impossible happened, incorrect arity (expected 2): " ++ show xs
956                                     blq [x, y] = "(or (not " ++ x ++ ") " ++ y ++ ")"
957                                     blq xs     = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.boolComps.blq: Impossible happened, incorrect arity (expected 2): " ++ show xs
958                                     swp [x, y] = [y, x]
959                                     swp xs     = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.boolComps.swp: Impossible happened, incorrect arity (expected 2): " ++ show xs
961                smtOpRealTable =  smtIntRealShared
962                               ++ [ (Quot,        lift2WM "/" "fp.div")
963                                  ]
965                smtOpIntTable  = smtIntRealShared
966                               ++ [ (Quot,        lift2   "div")
967                                  , (Rem,         lift2   "mod")
968                                  ]
970                smtOpFloatDoubleTable = smtIntRealShared
971                                  ++ [(Quot, lift2WM "/" "fp.div")]
973                smtIntRealShared  = [ (Plus,          lift2WM "+" "fp.add")
974                                    , (Minus,         lift2WM "-" "fp.sub")
975                                    , (Times,         lift2WM "*" "fp.mul")
976                                    , (UNeg,          lift1FP "-" "fp.neg")
977                                    , (Abs,           liftAbs)
978                                    , (Equal,         equal)
979                                    , (NotEqual,      notEqual)
980                                    , (LessThan,      lift2Cmp  "<"  "fp.lt")
981                                    , (GreaterThan,   lift2Cmp  ">"  "fp.gt")
982                                    , (LessEq,        lift2Cmp  "<=" "fp.leq")
983                                    , (GreaterEq,     lift2Cmp  ">=" "fp.geq")
984                                    ]
986                -- equality and comparisons are the only thing that works on uninterpreted sorts and pretty much everything else
987                uninterpretedTable = [ (Equal,       lift2S "="        "="        True)
988                                     , (NotEqual,    liftNS "distinct" "distinct" True)
989                                     , (LessThan,    unintComp "<")
990                                     , (GreaterThan, unintComp ">")
991                                     , (LessEq,      unintComp "<=")
992                                     , (GreaterEq,   unintComp ">=")
993                                     ]
995                -- For strings, equality and comparisons are the only operators
996                -- TODO: The string comparison operators will most likely change with the new theory!
997                smtStringTable = [ (Equal,       lift2S "="        "="        True)
998                                 , (NotEqual,    liftNS "distinct" "distinct" True)
999                                 , (LessThan,    stringCmp False "str.<")
1000                                 , (GreaterThan, stringCmp True  "str.<")
1001                                 , (LessEq,      stringCmp False "str.<=")
1002                                 , (GreaterEq,   stringCmp True  "str.<=")
1003                                 ]
1005                -- For lists, equality is really the only operator
1006                -- Likewise here, things might change for comparisons
1007                smtListTable = [ (Equal,       lift2S "="        "="        True)
1008                               , (NotEqual,    liftNS "distinct" "distinct" True)
1009                               , (LessThan,    seqCmp False "seq.<")
1010                               , (GreaterThan, seqCmp True  "seq.<")
1011                               , (LessEq,      seqCmp False "seq.<=")
1012                               , (GreaterEq,   seqCmp True  "seq.<=")
1013                               ]
1015declareFun :: SV -> SBVType -> Maybe String -> [String]
1016declareFun = declareName . show
1018declareName :: String -> SBVType -> Maybe String -> [String]
1019declareName s t@(SBVType inputKS) mbCmnt = decl : restrict
1020  where decl        = "(declare-fun " ++ s ++ " " ++ cvtType t ++ ")" ++ maybe "" (" ; " ++) mbCmnt
1022        (args, result) = case inputKS of
1023                          [] -> error $ "SBV.declareName: Unexpected empty type for: " ++ show s
1024                          _  -> (init inputKS, last inputKS)
1026        -- Does the kind KChar *not* occur in the kind anywhere?
1027        charFree k = null [() | KChar <- G.universe k]
1028        noChars    = charFree result
1029        needsQuant = not $ null args
1031        resultVar | needsQuant = "result"
1032                  | True       = s
1034        argList   = ["a" ++ show i | (i, _) <- zip [1::Int ..] args]
1035        argTList  = ["(" ++ a ++ " " ++ smtType k ++ ")" | (a, k) <- zip argList args]
1036        resultExp = "(" ++ s ++ " " ++ unwords argList ++ ")"
1038        restrict | noChars    = []
1039                 | needsQuant =    [               "(assert (forall (" ++ unwords argTList ++ ")"
1040                                   ,               "                (let ((" ++ resultVar ++ " " ++ resultExp ++ "))"
1041                                   ]
1042                                ++ (case constraints of
1043                                      []     ->  [ "                     true"]
1044                                      [x]    ->  [ "                     " ++ x]
1045                                      (x:xs) ->  ( "                     (and " ++ x)
1046                                              :  [ "                          " ++ c | c <- xs]
1047                                              ++ [ "                     )"])
1048                                ++ [        "                )))"]
1049                 | True       = case constraints of
1050                                 []     -> []
1051                                 [x]    -> ["(assert " ++ x ++ ")"]
1052                                 (x:xs) -> ( "(assert (and " ++ x)
1053                                        :  [ "             " ++ c | c <- xs]
1054                                        ++ [ "        ))"]
1056        constraints = walk 0 resultVar (\nm -> "(= 1 (str.len " ++ nm ++ "))") result
1058        mkAnd []  = "true"
1059        mkAnd [c] = c
1060        mkAnd cs  = "(and " ++ unwords cs ++ ")"
1062        walk :: Int -> String -> (String -> String) -> Kind -> [String]
1063        walk _d _nm _f KBool     {}       = []
1064        walk _d _nm _f KBounded  {}       = []
1065        walk _d _nm _f KUnbounded{}       = []
1066        walk _d _nm _f KReal     {}       = []
1067        walk _d _nm _f KUserSort {}       = []
1068        walk _d _nm _f KFloat    {}       = []
1069        walk _d _nm _f KDouble   {}       = []
1070        walk _d _nm _f KFP       {}       = []
1071        walk _d  nm  f KChar     {}       = [f nm]
1072        walk _d _nm _f KString   {}       = []
1073        walk  d  nm _f  (KList k)
1074          | charFree k                    = []
1075          | True                          = let fnm   = "seq" ++ show d
1076                                                cstrs = walk (d+1) ("(seq.nth " ++ nm ++ " " ++ fnm ++ ")")
1077                                                             (\snm -> "(= 1 (str.len " ++ snm ++ "))") k
1078                                            in ["(forall ((" ++ fnm ++ " " ++ smtType KUnbounded ++ ")) " ++ "(=> (and (>= " ++ fnm ++ " 0) (< " ++ fnm ++ " (seq.len " ++ nm ++ "))) " ++ mkAnd cstrs ++ "))"]
1079        walk  d  nm  _f (KSet k)
1080          | charFree k                    = []
1081          | True                          = let fnm    = "set" ++ show d
1082                                                cstrs  = walk (d+1) nm (\snm -> "(=> (select " ++ snm ++ " " ++ fnm ++ ") (= 1 (str.len " ++ fnm ++ ")))") k
1083                                            in ["(forall ((" ++ fnm ++ " " ++ smtType k ++ ")) " ++ mkAnd cstrs ++ ")"]
1084        walk  d  nm  f (KTuple ks)        = let tt        = "SBVTuple" ++ show (length ks)
1085                                                project i = "(proj_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ tt ++ " " ++ nm ++ ")"
1086                                                nmks      = [(project i, k) | (i, k) <- zip [1::Int ..] ks]
1087                                            in concatMap (\(n, k) -> walk (d+1) n f k) nmks
1088        walk  d  nm  f km@(KMaybe k)      = let n = "(get_just_SBVMaybe " ++ nm ++ ")"
1089                                            in  ["(=> " ++ "((_ is (just_SBVMaybe (" ++ smtType k ++ ") " ++ smtType km ++ ")) " ++ nm ++ ") " ++ c ++ ")" | c <- walk (d+1) n f k]
1090        walk  d  nm  f ke@(KEither k1 k2) = let n1 = "(get_left_SBVEither "  ++ nm ++ ")"
1091                                                n2 = "(get_right_SBVEither " ++ nm ++ ")"
1092                                                c1 = ["(=> " ++ "((_ is (left_SBVEither ("  ++ smtType k1 ++ ") " ++ smtType ke ++ ")) " ++ nm ++ ") " ++ c ++ ")" | c <- walk (d+1) n1 f k1]
1093                                                c2 = ["(=> " ++ "((_ is (right_SBVEither (" ++ smtType k2 ++ ") " ++ smtType ke ++ ")) " ++ nm ++ ") " ++ c ++ ")" | c <- walk (d+1) n2 f k2]
1094                                            in c1 ++ c2
1097-- Casts supported by SMTLib. (From: <http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/theories-FloatingPoint.shtml>)
1098--   ; from another floating point sort
1099--   ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint mb nb) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
1101--   ; from real
1102--   ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode Real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
1104--   ; from signed machine integer, represented as a 2's complement bit vector
1105--   ((_ to_fp eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
1107--   ; from unsigned machine integer, represented as bit vector
1108--   ((_ to_fp_unsigned eb sb) RoundingMode (_ BitVec m) (_ FloatingPoint eb sb))
1110--   ; to unsigned machine integer, represented as a bit vector
1111--   ((_ fp.to_ubv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m))
1113--   ; to signed machine integer, represented as a 2's complement bit vector
1114--   ((_ fp.to_sbv m) RoundingMode (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) (_ BitVec m))
1116--   ; to real
1117--   (fp.to_real (_ FloatingPoint eb sb) Real)
1120handleFPCast :: Kind -> Kind -> String -> String -> String
1121handleFPCast kFromIn kToIn rm input
1122  | kFrom == kTo
1123  = input
1124  | True
1125  = "(" ++ cast kFrom kTo input ++ ")"
1126  where addRM a s = s ++ " " ++ rm ++ " " ++ a
1128        kFrom = simplify kFromIn
1129        kTo   = simplify kToIn
1131        simplify KFloat  = KFP   8 24
1132        simplify KDouble = KFP  11 53
1133        simplify k       = k
1135        size (eb, sb) = show eb ++ " " ++ show sb
1137        -- To go and back from Ints, we detour through reals
1138        cast KUnbounded (KFP eb sb) a = "(_ to_fp " ++ size (eb, sb) ++ ") "  ++ rm ++ " (to_real " ++ a ++ ")"
1139        cast KFP{}      KUnbounded  a = "to_int (fp.to_real " ++ a ++ ")"
1141        -- To floats
1142        cast (KBounded False _) (KFP eb sb) a = addRM a $ "(_ to_fp_unsigned " ++ size (eb, sb) ++ ")"
1143        cast (KBounded True  _) (KFP eb sb) a = addRM a $ "(_ to_fp "          ++ size (eb, sb) ++ ")"
1144        cast KReal              (KFP eb sb) a = addRM a $ "(_ to_fp "          ++ size (eb, sb) ++ ")"
1145        cast KFP{}              (KFP eb sb) a = addRM a $ "(_ to_fp "          ++ size (eb, sb) ++ ")"
1147        -- From float/double
1148        cast KFP{} (KBounded False m) a = addRM a $ "(_ fp.to_ubv " ++ show m ++ ")"
1149        cast KFP{} (KBounded True  m) a = addRM a $ "(_ fp.to_sbv " ++ show m ++ ")"
1151        -- To real
1152        cast KFP{} KReal a = "fp.to_real" ++ " " ++ a
1154        -- Nothing else should come up:
1155        cast f  d  _ = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unexpected FPCast from: " ++ show f ++ " to " ++ show d
1157rot :: (SV -> String) -> String -> Int -> SV -> String
1158rot ssv o c x = "((_ " ++ o ++ " " ++ show c ++ ") " ++ ssv x ++ ")"
1160shft :: (SV -> String) -> String -> String -> SV -> SV -> String
1161shft ssv oW oS x c = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ ssv x ++ " " ++ ssv c ++ ")"
1162   where o = if hasSign x then oS else oW
1164-- Various casts
1165handleKindCast :: Bool -> Kind -> Kind -> String -> String
1166handleKindCast hasInt2bv kFrom kTo a
1167  | kFrom == kTo
1168  = a
1169  | True
1170  = case kFrom of
1171      KBounded s m -> case kTo of
1172                        KBounded _ n -> fromBV (if s then signExtend else zeroExtend) m n
1173                        KUnbounded   -> b2i s m
1174                        _            -> tryFPCast
1176      KUnbounded   -> case kTo of
1177                        KReal        -> "(to_real " ++ a ++ ")"
1178                        KBounded _ n -> i2b n
1179                        _            -> tryFPCast
1181      KReal        -> case kTo of
1182                        KUnbounded   -> "(to_int " ++ a ++ ")"
1183                        _            -> tryFPCast
1185      _            -> tryFPCast
1187  where -- See if we can push this down to a float-cast, using sRNE. This happens if one of the kinds is a float/double.
1188        -- Otherwise complain
1189        tryFPCast
1190          | any (\k -> isFloat k || isDouble k) [kFrom, kTo]
1191          = handleFPCast kFrom kTo (smtRoundingMode RoundNearestTiesToEven) a
1192          | True
1193          = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unexpected cast from: " ++ show kFrom ++ " to " ++ show kTo
1195        fromBV upConv m n
1196         | n > m  = upConv  (n - m)
1197         | m == n = a
1198         | True   = extract (n - 1)
1200        b2i False _ = "(bv2nat " ++ a ++ ")"
1201        b2i True  1 = "(ite (= " ++ a ++ " #b0) 0 (- 1))"
1202        b2i True  m = "(ite (= " ++ msb ++ " #b0" ++ ") " ++ ifPos ++ " " ++ ifNeg ++ ")"
1203          where offset :: Integer
1204                offset = 2^(m-1)
1205                rest   = extract (m - 2)
1207                msb    = let top = show (m-1) in "((_ extract " ++ top ++ " " ++ top ++ ") " ++ a ++ ")"
1208                ifPos  = "(bv2nat " ++ rest ++")"
1209                ifNeg  = "(- " ++ ifPos ++ " " ++ show offset ++ ")"
1211        signExtend i = "((_ sign_extend " ++ show i ++  ") "  ++ a ++ ")"
1212        zeroExtend i = "((_ zero_extend " ++ show i ++  ") "  ++ a ++ ")"
1213        extract    i = "((_ extract "     ++ show i ++ " 0) " ++ a ++ ")"
1215        -- Some solvers support int2bv, but not all. So, we use a capability to determine.
1216        --
1217        -- NB. The "manual" implementation works regardless n < 0 or not, because the first thing we
1218        -- do is to compute "reduced" to bring it down to the correct range. It also works
1219        -- regardless were mapping to signed or unsigned bit-vector; because the representation
1220        -- is the same.
1221        i2b n
1222          | hasInt2bv
1223          = "((_ int2bv " ++ show n ++ ") " ++ a ++ ")"
1224          | True
1225          = "(let (" ++ reduced ++ ") (let (" ++ defs ++ ") " ++ body ++ "))"
1226          where b i      = show (bit i :: Integer)
1227                reduced  = "(__a (mod " ++ a ++ " " ++ b n ++ "))"
1228                mkBit 0  = "(__a0 (ite (= (mod __a 2) 0) #b0 #b1))"
1229                mkBit i  = "(__a" ++ show i ++ " (ite (= (mod (div __a " ++ b i ++ ") 2) 0) #b0 #b1))"
1230                defs     = unwords (map mkBit [0 .. n - 1])
1231                body     = foldr1 (\c r -> "(concat " ++ c ++ " " ++ r ++ ")") ["__a" ++ show i | i <- [n-1, n-2 .. 0]]
1233-- Translation of pseudo-booleans, in case the solver supports them
1234handlePB :: PBOp -> [String] -> String
1235handlePB (PB_AtMost  k) args = "((_ at-most "  ++ show k                                             ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
1236handlePB (PB_AtLeast k) args = "((_ at-least " ++ show k                                             ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
1237handlePB (PB_Exactly k) args = "((_ pbeq "     ++ unwords (map show (k : replicate (length args) 1)) ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
1238handlePB (PB_Eq cs   k) args = "((_ pbeq "     ++ unwords (map show (k : cs))                        ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
1239handlePB (PB_Le cs   k) args = "((_ pble "     ++ unwords (map show (k : cs))                        ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
1240handlePB (PB_Ge cs   k) args = "((_ pbge "     ++ unwords (map show (k : cs))                        ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
1242-- Translation of pseudo-booleans, in case the solver does *not* support them
1243reducePB :: PBOp -> [String] -> String
1244reducePB op args = case op of
1245                     PB_AtMost  k -> "(<= " ++ addIf (repeat 1) ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
1246                     PB_AtLeast k -> "(>= " ++ addIf (repeat 1) ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
1247                     PB_Exactly k -> "(=  " ++ addIf (repeat 1) ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
1248                     PB_Le cs   k -> "(<= " ++ addIf cs         ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
1249                     PB_Ge cs   k -> "(>= " ++ addIf cs         ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
1250                     PB_Eq cs   k -> "(=  " ++ addIf cs         ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
1252  where addIf :: [Int] -> String
1253        addIf cs = "(+ " ++ unwords ["(ite " ++ a ++ " " ++ show c ++ " 0)" | (a, c) <- zip args cs] ++ ")"