1# Copyright (C) 2011 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
2# All rights reserved.
4# Export of this software from the United States of America may
5#   require a specific license from the United States Government.
6#   It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
7#   export to obtain such a license before exporting.
9# WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
10# distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
11# without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
12# notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
13# this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
14# the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
15# to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
16# permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
17# your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
18# fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
19# M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
20# this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
21# or implied warranty.
23from k5test import *
25def test_kvno(r, princ, test, env=None):
26    r.run([kvno, princ], env=env, expected_msg=princ)
29def stop(*realms):
30    for r in realms:
31        r.stop()
34# Verify that the princs appear as the service principals in the klist
35# output for the realm r, in order.
36def check_klist(r, princs):
37    out = r.run([klist])
38    count = 0
39    seen_header = False
40    for l in out.split('\n'):
41        if l.startswith('Valid starting'):
42            seen_header = True
43            continue
44        if not seen_header or l == '':
45            continue
46        if count >= len(princs):
47            fail('too many entries in klist output')
48        svcprinc = l.split()[4]
49        if svcprinc != princs[count]:
50            fail('saw service princ %s in klist output, expected %s' %
51                 (svcprinc, princs[count]))
52        count += 1
53    if count != len(princs):
54        fail('not enough entries in klist output')
57def tgt(r1, r2):
58    return 'krbtgt/%s@%s' % (r1.realm, r2.realm)
61# Basic two-realm test with cross TGTs in both directions.
62mark('two realms')
63r1, r2 = cross_realms(2)
64test_kvno(r1, r2.host_princ, 'basic r1->r2')
65check_klist(r1, (tgt(r1, r1), tgt(r2, r1), r2.host_princ))
66test_kvno(r2, r1.host_princ, 'basic r2->r1')
67check_klist(r2, (tgt(r2, r2), tgt(r1, r2), r1.host_princ))
68stop(r1, r2)
70# Test the KDC domain walk for hierarchically arranged realms.  The
71# client in A.X will ask for a cross TGT to B.X, but A.X's KDC only
72# has a TGT for the intermediate realm X, so it will return that
73# instead.  The client will use that to get a TGT for B.X.
74mark('hierarchical realms')
75r1, r2, r3 = cross_realms(3, xtgts=((0,1), (1,2)),
76                          args=({'realm': 'A.X'}, {'realm': 'X'},
77                                {'realm': 'B.X'}))
78test_kvno(r1, r3.host_princ, 'KDC domain walk')
79check_klist(r1, (tgt(r1, r1), r3.host_princ))
81# Test start_realm in this setup.
82r1.run([kvno, '--out-cache', r1.ccache, r2.krbtgt_princ])
83r1.run([klist, '-C'], expected_msg='config: start_realm = X')
84msgs = ('Requesting TGT krbtgt/B.X@X using TGT krbtgt/X@X',
85        'Received TGT for service realm: krbtgt/B.X@X')
86r1.run([kvno, r3.host_princ], expected_trace=msgs)
88stop(r1, r2, r3)
90# Test client capaths.  The client in A will ask for a cross TGT to D,
91# but A's KDC won't have it and won't know an intermediate to return.
92# The client will walk its A->D capaths to get TGTs for B, then C,
93# then D.  The KDCs for C and D need capaths settings to avoid failing
94# transited checks, including a capaths for A->C.
95mark('client capaths')
96capaths = {'capaths': {'A': {'D': ['B', 'C'], 'C': 'B'}}}
97r1, r2, r3, r4 = cross_realms(4, xtgts=((0,1), (1,2), (2,3)),
98                              args=({'realm': 'A'},
99                                    {'realm': 'B'},
100                                    {'realm': 'C', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
101                                    {'realm': 'D', 'krb5_conf': capaths}))
102r1client = r1.special_env('client', False, krb5_conf=capaths)
103test_kvno(r1, r4.host_princ, 'client capaths', r1client)
104check_klist(r1, (tgt(r1, r1), tgt(r2, r1), tgt(r3, r2), tgt(r4, r3),
105                 r4.host_princ))
106stop(r1, r2, r3, r4)
108# Test KDC capaths.  The KDCs for A and B have appropriate capaths
109# settings to determine intermediate TGTs to return, but the client
110# has no idea.
111mark('kdc capaths')
112capaths = {'capaths': {'A': {'D': ['B', 'C'], 'C': 'B'}, 'B': {'D': 'C'}}}
113r1, r2, r3, r4 = cross_realms(4, xtgts=((0,1), (1,2), (2,3)),
114                              args=({'realm': 'A', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
115                                    {'realm': 'B', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
116                                    {'realm': 'C', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
117                                    {'realm': 'D', 'krb5_conf': capaths}))
118r1client = r1.special_env('client', False, krb5_conf={'capaths': None})
119test_kvno(r1, r4.host_princ, 'KDC capaths', r1client)
120check_klist(r1, (tgt(r1, r1), r4.host_princ))
121stop(r1, r2, r3, r4)
123# A capaths value of '.' should enforce direct cross-realm, with no
124# intermediate.
125mark('direct cross-realm enforcement')
126capaths = {'capaths': {'A.X': {'B.X': '.'}}}
127r1, r2, r3 = cross_realms(3, xtgts=((0,1), (1,2)),
128                          args=({'realm': 'A.X', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
129                                {'realm': 'X'}, {'realm': 'B.X'}))
130r1.run([kvno, r3.host_princ], expected_code=1,
131       expected_msg='Server krbtgt/B.X@A.X not found in Kerberos database')
132stop(r1, r2, r3)
134# Test transited error.  The KDC for C does not recognize B as an
135# intermediate realm for A->C, so it refuses to issue a service
136# ticket.
137mark('transited error (three realms)')
138capaths = {'capaths': {'A': {'C': 'B'}}}
139r1, r2, r3 = cross_realms(3, xtgts=((0,1), (1,2)),
140                          args=({'realm': 'A', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
141                                {'realm': 'B'}, {'realm': 'C'}))
142r1.run([kvno, r3.host_princ], expected_code=1,
143       expected_msg='KDC policy rejects request')
144check_klist(r1, (tgt(r1, r1), tgt(r3, r2)))
145stop(r1, r2, r3)
147# Test server transited checking.  The KDC for C recognizes B as an
148# intermediate realm for A->C, but the server environment does not.
149# The server should honor the ticket if the transited-policy-checked
150# flag is set, but not if it isn't.  (It is only possible for our KDC
151# to issue a ticket without the transited-policy-checked flag with
152# reject_bad_transit=false.)
153mark('server transited checking')
154capaths = {'capaths': {'A': {'C': 'B'}}}
155noreject = {'realms': {'$realm': {'reject_bad_transit': 'false'}}}
156r1, r2, r3 = cross_realms(3, xtgts=((0,1), (1,2)),
157                          args=({'realm': 'A', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
158                                {'realm': 'B'},
159                                {'realm': 'C', 'krb5_conf': capaths,
160                                 'kdc_conf': noreject}))
161r3server = r3.special_env('server', False, krb5_conf={'capaths': None})
162# Process a ticket with the transited-policy-checked flag set.
163shutil.copy(r1.ccache, r1.ccache + '.copy')
164r1.run(['./gcred', 'principal', r3.host_princ])
165os.rename(r1.ccache, r3.ccache)
166r3.run(['./rdreq', r3.host_princ], env=r3server, expected_msg='0 success')
167# Try again with the transited-policy-checked flag unset.
168os.rename(r1.ccache + '.copy', r1.ccache)
169r1.run(['./gcred', '-t', 'principal', r3.host_princ])
170os.rename(r1.ccache, r3.ccache)
171r3.run(['./rdreq', r3.host_princ], env=r3server,
172       expected_msg='43 Illegal cross-realm ticket')
173stop(r1, r2, r3)
175# Test a four-realm scenario.  This test used to result in an "Illegal
176# cross-realm ticket" error as the KDC for D would refuse to process
177# the cross-realm ticket from C.  Now that we honor the
178# transited-policy-checked flag in krb5_rd_req(), it instead issues a
179# policy error as in the three-realm scenario.
180mark('transited error (four realms)')
181capaths = {'capaths': {'A': {'D': ['B', 'C'], 'C': 'B'}, 'B': {'D': 'C'}}}
182r1, r2, r3, r4 = cross_realms(4, xtgts=((0,1), (1,2), (2,3)),
183                              args=({'realm': 'A', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
184                                    {'realm': 'B', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
185                                    {'realm': 'C', 'krb5_conf': capaths},
186                                    {'realm': 'D'}))
187r1.run([kvno, r4.host_princ], expected_code=1,
188       expected_msg='KDC policy rejects request')
189check_klist(r1, (tgt(r1, r1), tgt(r4, r3)))
190stop(r1, r2, r3, r4)
192success('Cross-realm tests')