1package baas
3//Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4//you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5//You may obtain a copy of the License at
9//Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10//distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11//WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12//See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13//limitations under the License.
15// Code generated by Alibaba Cloud SDK Code Generator.
16// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
18// Result is a nested struct in baas response
19type Result struct {
20	Domain                   string                        `json:"Domain" xml:"Domain"`
21	Account                  string                        `json:"Account" xml:"Account"`
22	SenderBid                string                        `json:"SenderBid" xml:"SenderBid"`
23	SdkUrl                   string                        `json:"SdkUrl" xml:"SdkUrl"`
24	ProjectName              string                        `json:"ProjectName" xml:"ProjectName"`
25	ProjectId                string                        `json:"ProjectId" xml:"ProjectId"`
26	CaCrtUrl                 string                        `json:"CaCrtUrl" xml:"CaCrtUrl"`
27	TrustCaUrl               string                        `json:"TrustCaUrl" xml:"TrustCaUrl"`
28	OrganizationDescription  string                        `json:"OrganizationDescription" xml:"OrganizationDescription"`
29	CodeName                 string                        `json:"CodeName" xml:"CodeName"`
30	InvitationId             int                           `json:"InvitationId" xml:"InvitationId"`
31	OrganizationId           string                        `json:"OrganizationId" xml:"OrganizationId"`
32	RegionEndpoint           string                        `json:"RegionEndpoint" xml:"RegionEndpoint"`
33	Version                  int64                         `json:"Version" xml:"Version"`
34	Code                     string                        `json:"Code" xml:"Code"`
35	Email                    string                        `json:"Email" xml:"Email"`
36	UpdateTime               int64                         `json:"UpdateTime" xml:"UpdateTime"`
37	AccountRecoverPublicKey  string                        `json:"AccountRecoverPublicKey" xml:"AccountRecoverPublicKey"`
38	Data                     string                        `json:"Data" xml:"Data"`
39	PrivateKey               string                        `json:"PrivateKey" xml:"PrivateKey"`
40	IsExist                  bool                          `json:"IsExist" xml:"IsExist"`
41	BlockVersion             string                        `json:"BlockVersion" xml:"BlockVersion"`
42	PreviousHash             string                        `json:"PreviousHash" xml:"PreviousHash"`
43	AccessId                 string                        `json:"AccessId" xml:"AccessId"`
44	Result                   int64                         `json:"Result" xml:"Result"`
45	SenderName               string                        `json:"SenderName" xml:"SenderName"`
46	Host                     string                        `json:"Host" xml:"Host"`
47	ZoneId                   string                        `json:"ZoneId" xml:"ZoneId"`
48	InviterId                int64                         `json:"InviterId" xml:"InviterId"`
49	TransSummaryList         string                        `json:"TransSummaryList" xml:"TransSummaryList"`
50	Dir                      string                        `json:"Dir" xml:"Dir"`
51	TransactionSize          int                           `json:"TransactionSize" xml:"TransactionSize"`
52	SendTime                 string                        `json:"SendTime" xml:"SendTime"`
53	LocalName                string                        `json:"LocalName" xml:"LocalName"`
54	CreateTime               int64                         `json:"CreateTime" xml:"CreateTime"`
55	Deletable                bool                          `json:"Deletable" xml:"Deletable"`
56	ProjectVersion           string                        `json:"ProjectVersion" xml:"ProjectVersion"`
57	AccountRecoverPrivateKey string                        `json:"AccountRecoverPrivateKey" xml:"AccountRecoverPrivateKey"`
58	Expire                   int                           `json:"Expire" xml:"Expire"`
59	RegionId                 string                        `json:"RegionId" xml:"RegionId"`
60	Prompt                   string                        `json:"Prompt" xml:"Prompt"`
61	AccountPublicKey         string                        `json:"AccountPublicKey" xml:"AccountPublicKey"`
62	ExpireTime               string                        `json:"ExpireTime" xml:"ExpireTime"`
63	RootTxHash               string                        `json:"RootTxHash" xml:"RootTxHash"`
64	ClientCrtUrl             string                        `json:"ClientCrtUrl" xml:"ClientCrtUrl"`
65	Policy                   string                        `json:"Policy" xml:"Policy"`
66	Description              string                        `json:"Description" xml:"Description"`
67	AccountPrivateKey        string                        `json:"AccountPrivateKey" xml:"AccountPrivateKey"`
68	EthereumId               string                        `json:"EthereumId" xml:"EthereumId"`
69	AntChainId               string                        `json:"AntChainId" xml:"AntChainId"`
70	BlockHeight              int64                         `json:"BlockHeight" xml:"BlockHeight"`
71	Valid                    bool                          `json:"Valid" xml:"Valid"`
72	ConsortiumName           string                        `json:"ConsortiumName" xml:"ConsortiumName"`
73	OrganizationName         string                        `json:"OrganizationName" xml:"OrganizationName"`
74	Hash                     string                        `json:"Hash" xml:"Hash"`
75	Url                      string                        `json:"Url" xml:"Url"`
76	ConsortiumId             string                        `json:"ConsortiumId" xml:"ConsortiumId"`
77	Signature                string                        `json:"Signature" xml:"Signature"`
78	State                    string                        `json:"State" xml:"State"`
79	GasUsed                  string                        `json:"GasUsed" xml:"GasUsed"`
80	Accepted                 bool                          `json:"Accepted" xml:"Accepted"`
81	InviterName              string                        `json:"InviterName" xml:"InviterName"`
82	ProjectDescription       string                        `json:"ProjectDescription" xml:"ProjectDescription"`
83	Height                   int                           `json:"Height" xml:"Height"`
84	SenderId                 int64                         `json:"SenderId" xml:"SenderId"`
85	BlockHash                string                        `json:"BlockHash" xml:"BlockHash"`
86	OrdererType              []string                      `json:"OrdererType" xml:"OrdererType"`
87	Children                 []map[string]interface{}      `json:"Children" xml:"Children"`
88	Logs                     []string                      `json:"Logs" xml:"Logs"`
89	ChannelPolicy            []string                      `json:"ChannelPolicy" xml:"ChannelPolicy"`
90	Pagination               Pagination                    `json:"Pagination" xml:"Pagination"`
91	DownloadPath             DownloadPath                  `json:"DownloadPath" xml:"DownloadPath"`
92	Transaction              Transaction                   `json:"Transaction" xml:"Transaction"`
93	CertificateApplications  []CertificateApplicationsItem `json:"CertificateApplications" xml:"CertificateApplications"`
94	AntConsortiums           []AntConsortiumsItem          `json:"AntConsortiums" xml:"AntConsortiums"`
95	Members                  []MembersItem                 `json:"Members" xml:"Members"`
96	AntChains                []AntChainsItem               `json:"AntChains" xml:"AntChains"`
97	ContractProjects         []ContractProjectsItem        `json:"ContractProjects" xml:"ContractProjects"`
98	Accounts                 []AccountsItem                `json:"Accounts" xml:"Accounts"`