1// Copyright 2016-2020 The Libsacloud Authors
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15// Package ostype is define OS type of SakuraCloud public archive
16package ostype
18//go:generate stringer -type=ArchiveOSTypes
20// ArchiveOSTypes パブリックアーカイブOS種別
21type ArchiveOSTypes int
23const (
24	// CentOS OS種別:CentOS
25	CentOS ArchiveOSTypes = iota
26	// CentOS8 OS種別:CentOS8
27	CentOS8
28	// CentOS7 OS種別:CentOS7
29	CentOS7
30	// CentOS6 OS種別:CentOS6
31	CentOS6
32	// Ubuntu OS種別:Ubuntu
33	Ubuntu
34	// Ubuntu1804 OS種別:Ubuntu(Bionic)
35	Ubuntu1804
36	// Ubuntu1604 OS種別:Ubuntu(Xenial)
37	Ubuntu1604
38	// Debian OS種別:Debian
39	Debian
40	// Debian10 OS種別:Debian10
41	Debian10
42	// Debian9 OS種別:Debian9
43	Debian9
44	// CoreOS OS種別:CoreOS
45	CoreOS
46	// RancherOS OS種別:RancherOS
47	RancherOS
48	// K3OS OS種別: k3OS
49	K3OS
50	// Kusanagi OS種別:Kusanagi(CentOS)
51	Kusanagi
52	// SophosUTM OS種別:Sophos UTM
53	SophosUTM
54	// FreeBSD OS種別:FreeBSD
55	FreeBSD
56	// Netwiser OS種別: Netwiser Virtual Edition
57	Netwiser
58	// OPNsense OS種別: OPNsense
59	OPNsense
60	// Windows2016 OS種別:Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Edition
61	Windows2016
62	// Windows2016RDS OS種別:Windows Server 2016 RDS
63	Windows2016RDS
64	// Windows2016RDSOffice OS種別:Windows Server 2016 RDS(Office)
65	Windows2016RDSOffice
66	// Windows2016SQLServerWeb OS種別:Windows Server 2016 SQLServer(Web)
67	Windows2016SQLServerWeb
68	// Windows2016SQLServerStandard OS種別:Windows Server 2016 SQLServer 2016(Standard)
69	Windows2016SQLServerStandard
70	// Windows2016SQLServer2017Standard OS種別:Windows Server 2016 SQLServer 2017(Standard)
71	Windows2016SQLServer2017Standard
72	// Windows2016SQLServerStandardAll OS種別:Windows Server 2016 SQLServer(Standard) + RDS + Office
73	Windows2016SQLServerStandardAll
74	// Windows2016SQLServer2017StandardAll OS種別:Windows Server 2016 SQLServer 2017(Standard) + RDS + Office
75	Windows2016SQLServer2017StandardAll
76	// Windows2019 OS種別:Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition
77	Windows2019
78	// Custom OS種別:カスタム
79	Custom
82// OSTypeShortNames OSTypeとして利用できる文字列のリスト
83var OSTypeShortNames = []string{
84	"centos", "centos8", "centos7", "centos6",
85	"ubuntu", "ubuntu1804", "ubuntu1604",
86	"debian", "debian10", "debian9",
87	"coreos", "rancheros", "k3os", "kusanagi", "sophos-utm", "freebsd",
88	"netwiser", "opnsense",
89	"windows2016", "windows2016-rds", "windows2016-rds-office",
90	"windows2016-sql-web", "windows2016-sql-standard", "windows2016-sql-standard-all",
91	"windows2016-sql2017-standard", "windows2016-sql2017-standard-all",
92	"windows2019",
95// IsWindows Windowsか
96func (o ArchiveOSTypes) IsWindows() bool {
97	switch o {
98	case Windows2016, Windows2016RDS, Windows2016RDSOffice,
99		Windows2016SQLServerWeb, Windows2016SQLServerStandard, Windows2016SQLServerStandardAll,
100		Windows2016SQLServer2017Standard, Windows2016SQLServer2017StandardAll,
101		Windows2019:
102		return true
103	default:
104		return false
105	}
108// IsSupportDiskEdit ディスクの修正機能をフルサポートしているか(Windowsは一部サポートのためfalseを返す)
109func (o ArchiveOSTypes) IsSupportDiskEdit() bool {
110	switch o {
111	case CentOS, CentOS8, CentOS7, CentOS6,
112		Ubuntu, Ubuntu1804, Ubuntu1604,
113		Debian, Debian10, Debian9,
114		CoreOS, RancherOS, K3OS, Kusanagi, FreeBSD:
115		return true
116	default:
117		return false
118	}
121// StrToOSType 文字列からArchiveOSTypesへの変換
122func StrToOSType(osType string) ArchiveOSTypes {
123	switch osType {
124	case "centos":
125		return CentOS
126	case "centos8":
127		return CentOS8
128	case "centos7":
129		return CentOS7
130	case "centos6":
131		return CentOS6
132	case "ubuntu":
133		return Ubuntu
134	case "ubuntu1804":
135		return Ubuntu1804
136	case "ubuntu1604":
137		return Ubuntu1604
138	case "debian":
139		return Debian
140	case "debian10":
141		return Debian10
142	case "debian9":
143		return Debian9
144	case "coreos":
145		return CoreOS
146	case "rancheros":
147		return RancherOS
148	case "k3os":
149		return K3OS
150	case "kusanagi":
151		return Kusanagi
152	case "sophos-utm":
153		return SophosUTM
154	case "freebsd":
155		return FreeBSD
156	case "netwiser":
157		return Netwiser
158	case "opnsense":
159		return OPNsense
160	case "windows2016":
161		return Windows2016
162	case "windows2016-rds":
163		return Windows2016RDS
164	case "windows2016-rds-office":
165		return Windows2016RDSOffice
166	case "windows2016-sql-web":
167		return Windows2016SQLServerWeb
168	case "windows2016-sql-standard":
169		return Windows2016SQLServerStandard
170	case "windows2016-sql2017-standard":
171		return Windows2016SQLServer2017Standard
172	case "windows2016-sql-standard-all":
173		return Windows2016SQLServerStandardAll
174	case "windows2016-sql2017-standard-all":
175		return Windows2016SQLServer2017StandardAll
176	case "windows2019":
177		return Windows2019
178	default:
179		return Custom
180	}